Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Forex Byond

Acerca de Forex y más allá

Usted navega por la red todos los días y todavía se reúnen los anuncios diciendo que usted "puede invertir $ 100 en el mercado de divisas, pero puede comerciar decenas de miles". En algún momento, también vas a entrar. ¡Este es el tiempo!

Estás en el metro y tomar café pensando que puedes arriesgar $ 100 y no es tanto. En el camino a casa comienza a pensar, "voy a comercio con 100 mil y hará fantásticos beneficios". En su imaginación, usted ya tiene una casa de playa y un automóvil deportivo comprado después de usar la máquina de dinero llamado FOREX.

Casi todo es verdad. Veamos:

1. Usted puede invertir $ 100 a los millares del comercio (dependiendo del margen del corredor), es verdad; 2. Usted realmente puede hacer ganancias fantásticas con poco dinero.

Sin embargo, usted perdió todo en los primeros 5 minutos. Frustrantemente, el primer pensamiento es que su corredor realmente robó el dinero. Piensa en dónde debe llamar, en qué autoridad debe presentar su reclamo, en qué tipo de abogado puede acudir. Tranquilízate y lee FAQ. Usted comienza a entender que de hecho usted puede negociar con $ 100 mil de los suyos, pero las pérdidas serán grandes en relación con la cantidad y se deducirá de su dinero.

Lo que usted necesita saber es que todo el mercado de divisas es quizás el mercado regulado más estrictamente regulado. Por supuesto, como en cualquier campo, hay muchos estafadores. Sin embargo, es muy difícil averiguar si un corredor está bien o no. No cuesta nada dar una búsqueda en la web y revisar foros especializados (hay muchos).

La mayoría de los corredores, sin embargo, son honestos y hacen su trabajo lo mejor que pueden.

Creo que ahora que ha aprendido algo sobre su piel, puede aprender algunas cosas importantes acerca de ganar dinero en el mercado de divisas:

1. Aprender a identificar la tendencia. Seguramente su corredor tiene cursos o seminarios para eso; 2. Posiciones establecidas a lo largo de la tendencia al alza (en la vida real, no es necesariamente mejor, pero se recomienda para el mercado) es la forma más segura de obtener beneficios; 3. Siempre establezca Stop Loss. Es como un seguro de muerte; 4. La relación entre el Beneficio de Toma y la Pérdida de Detención no debe ser superior a 1,5. 5. No invertir en una mejor posición que el 2% del valor de la cuenta. 6. Elegir corredor licenciado con spreads buenos y varios métodos de pago y rápido.

A través de seguir mis consejos y el uso de información de alta calidad, se llega a ganar dinero en Forex. Recuerde que, al trabajar con su cuenta de administrador, puede recibir información importante y útil sobre cómo operar en condiciones tan seguras y efectivas. El interés general del corredor es venderle tanto como para ganar tanto en porcentaje. La idea de que el corredor se alegra de que pierde su dinero no tiene sentido, el mercado de divisas no es un casino.

& # 65279; Advertencia de Riesgo & # 65279;

Los tipos de cambio de divisas ( "divisas") y los contratos de diferencias ( "CFDs") sobre el margen conllevan un alto nivel de riesgo y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Así que antes de decidir invertir en Forex o CFDs debe considerar sus objetivos de inversión, experiencia y apetito de riesgo

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preguntas frecuentes

Para cuáles monedas proporciona señales?

Negociamos sobre todo la divisa de GBP / NZD. A veces GBP / AUD. Estas son las monedas más sofisticadas que requieren un profundo conocimiento de que otros proveedores de señales no tienen

Nuestra diferencia es que usamos matemáticas más sofisticadas, incluyendo redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos, y tomamos en cuenta un mayor número de parámetros que otros proveedores de señales no podrían.

Está automatizado el sistema?

Sí. El sistema hace todos los oficios automáticamente por una "Copiadora comercial". Pero las decisiones principales sobre qué tipo de comercio debe realizar, todavía realizando por nuestros FX Masters. No requiere que el usuario piense si debe realizarse o no un comercio. Otra de las palabras, "Copiadora de comercio" copia nuestras transacciones de cuenta en vivo directamente a su cuenta.

Puedo cerrar un comercio si estoy obteniendo beneficios?

Mientras que el usuario puede cerrar un comercio en cualquier momento, se recomienda que el comercio en el momento de cierre indicado por la señal. El cierre anticipado de una posición puede llevar al usuario a perder mayores oportunidades de beneficios que ocurren después de que la posición haya sido cerrada.

No tengo una cuenta de PayPal. Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?

Sí. No es necesario registrarse con PayPal para realizar un pago. Cuando llegue al área de pagos tendrá la opción de iniciar sesión en PayPal o pagar con tarjeta de crédito o débito.

Más allá del dólar

USD: Los datos están detrás del continuo reflujo y flujo de sentimiento a raíz de las elecciones y por delante del acantilado fiscal (cualquiera que sea la forma que adopte). En general, Michigan ha tenido históricamente sólo la respuesta de FX en silencio.

EUR: No hay eventos programados para el resto del día, pero el foco está en el sentimiento de rescate con los ministros de Finanzas reunidos la próxima semana.

GBP: Los datos comerciales son más importantes, ya que el Banco de Inglaterra ha estado más preocupado por el impacto de una moneda más fuerte en la economía. Un número más débil golpearía la libra esterlina de un mejor tono.

No es todo sobre el dólar. EUR / GBP ilustra bien la debilidad del euro en los cruces y la ruptura por debajo de la línea de tendencia clave a mediados de semana marcó el cruce para un movimiento sostenido hacia el nivel 0.7924 visto a finales de septiembre. A pesar de ser acosado por sus propios problemas, la libra esterlina nuevamente parece estar ganando una prima de seguridad modesta como la moneda única se dobla bajo sus propios problemas. La falta de QE adicional del BoE de ayer fue naturalmente favorable para la libra esterlina.

USD: El debate sobre acantilados fiscales domina. Por lo que vale la pena, la agencia de calificación S & amp; P ofreció 15% de probabilidades de que Estados Unidos cayera por el borde del acantilado mientras los políticos no logran llegar a un compromiso.

EUR: La decisión sobre el próximo pago de la ayuda griega no se hará en la reunión de ministros de finanzas de la próxima semana, según el funcionario citado por Bloomberg, con una evaluación más completa esperada.

JPY: Los datos de confianza del consumidor cayeron a 39,7 (de 40,1). El yen se ha mantenido hasta ahora por debajo de la media móvil de 200d (actualmente en 79,66). Centrarse en los datos del PIB la próxima semana.

CNY: Inflación más baja de lo esperado (1,7%), Producción más firme (de 9,2% a 9,6% AaA) y Ventas Minoristas también más fuerte (14,2% a 14,5%). En general, modestamente positivo para los activos de riesgo.

AUD: El Banco de la Reserva de Australia cortó el pronóstico de crecimiento de 2013 debido a una inversión de recursos naturales más débil, manteniendo vivas las esperanzas de recortes de tasas, pero las noticias de China dominaron, permitiendo retroceder por encima de 1,04.

Obtenga los 5 pares de divisas más previsibles

sobre el autor

Forex Broker FxPro es un corredor de Forex internacional. FxPro es un corredor en línea galardonado, ofreciendo CFDs en forex, futuros, índices, acciones, metales y energías, sirviendo clientes en más de 150 países en todo el mundo. FxPro ofrece la ejecución con intervención de no-dealing-desk y mantiene un modelo de negocio centrado en el cliente que pone las necesidades del cliente en la vanguardia de nuestras operaciones. Nuestra adquisición del agregador FX líder en el mercado, Quotix, nos permite ofrecer acceso a un nutrido fondo de liquidez, así como la clasificación de pedidos de primera clase y algunos de los diferenciales más competitivos del mercado. FxPro es uno de los pocos corredores ofreciendo protección contra saldos negativos, asegurando que los clientes no pueden perder más que su inversión total. FxPro UK Limited está autorizado y regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (número de registro: 509956). FxPro Financial Services Limited está autorizado y regulado por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (número de licencia: 078/07) y por la Junta de Servicios Financieros de Sudáfrica (número de autorización 45052). Advertencia de Riesgo: Operar CFDs implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida.

Artículos Relacionados

Bienvenido a Yahoo Groups.

Forex Beyond Big Lights es un grupo restringido con 640 miembros.

Descripción del Grupo


4X Beyond Big Lights es una junta voluntaria de membresía para compartir e intercambiar ideas, métodos, estrategias y recursos relacionados con el mercado de divisas en un esfuerzo continuo para ayudar a mejorar las habilidades comerciales de nuestros miembros. Los miembros aceptan respetar un código de conducta basado en el respeto mutuo. Cualquier persona que haga comentarios personales sobre otro miembro o sea perjudicial tendrá su membresía revocada.

Las discusiones en este foro se limitan a los temas de divisas. Ningún comentario o recomendación dada por ningún miembro debe ser interpretado como dando asesoramiento financiero. Se advierte a los lectores que son responsables de sus propias decisiones financieras. Todo el mundo aquí se negocia a su propio riesgo y este grupo yahoo y sus moderadores no son responsables de ningún contenido. No se realizará ni se deducirá ninguna recomendación de compra, venta o retención.

NOTA: Tengo que añadir subgrupos adicionales debido a que nuestra sección de archivos tiene capacidad limitada. Las ubicaciones de estos subgrupos se enumeran en la sección "Enlaces & quot; A la izquierda.

Página del Grupo

Hasta el final. y más allá

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Fundamentos de Forex y más allá

Q) Hola Ed, como un ejercicio de Año Nuevo, estaba corriendo a través de algunos de los principales pares de divisas y me quedé un poco sorprendido cuando analizó el par AUD / USD. Un gran doble fondo parece haber establecido en las tablas diarias, y los precios están actualmente cerca de la línea de cuello @ 0.6950. Si recuerdo claramente, el EUR / USD hace sólo unas semanas formó un patrón similar y saltó a la parte superior rápidamente. Podría ser que AUD / USD se esté preparando para un destino similar siguiendo el mismo patrón, y podría ser un DEJA VU (con el dinero a ser hecho)?

Ed Ponsi) Hola Abs, gracias por su correo electrónico. Seguro parece que podría estar en algo aquí; La acción de precios en el gráfico diario muestra AUD / USD rompiendo a su punto más alto desde octubre del año pasado. La formación podría considerarse un doble fondo o tal vez incluso una taza y una manija (véase la figura 1).

Figura 1: AUD / USD forma un doble fondo potencial en el gráfico diario. Fuente: Saxo Bank

Por lo tanto, mientras que el análisis técnico se ve bien, qué pasa con los fundamentos? El dólar australiano es una moneda de la materia, y las materias primas han funcionado mal de tarde, para decirlo suavemente. Cualquier apuesta en Aussie en este momento es una apuesta de que las materias primas han tocado fondo - y creo que estamos más cerca de la parte inferior que la parte superior, pero aún así un posible inconveniente. Adicionalmente, existe el diferencial de tasas de interés; Mientras que la tasa actual del Banco de la Reserva de Australia (4,00%) se espera que caiga, seguirá siendo superior a la tasa de los fondos federales, siempre y cuando se mantenga por encima del 0,25%, y creo que es una buena apuesta que El RBA ganó & # 8217; t ir tan bajo. Hablando del banco central de Australia, ayudaron a poner en el fondo de la formación mediante la intervención en los mercados de divisas a finales del año pasado. El RBA entró en el mercado y compró dólares de Aussie, lo que ayudó a mantener el tipo de cambio AUD / USD por encima de .6000. Con esta confluencia de factores técnicos y fundamentales, usted podría tener una buena configuración aquí - todo depende del mercado de materias primas. ¡Buena suerte!

Q) Ed, estoy muy interesado en el comercio de Forex, pero carecen totalmente del conocimiento para incluso comprender el resultado. El lado de TA tengo frío debido a más de 20 años de actividad comercial. La pregunta & # 8211; Cuál es el valor de un comercio si sube sube dicen 1 pip? OK, compro un mini lote de 10k EUR / USD en decir 1.3999. Ahora si el precio se mueve a 1.4000 cuál es mi ganancia en el comercio? Comisiones de descuento o spread.

Ed Ponsi) ¡Gran pregunta! Para responder a esta y otras preocupaciones, permítanme explicar primero los diferentes tipos de cuentas. Los tipos de cuentas se diferencian por el tamaño de un lote en cada cuenta, con cada nivel superior al que está por debajo de un factor de diez:

Cuenta estándar = 100.000 unidades por lote

Mini Cuenta = 10.000 unidades por lote

Cuenta Micro = 1000 unidades por lote

Refiriéndose al escenario de su pregunta, el valor de un pip en el par de divisas EUR / USD sería:

Cuenta estándar = $ 10

Mini Cuenta = $ 1

Cuenta Micro = 10 centavos

La parte de su pregunta que se ocupa de las comisiones es un poco más difícil, ya que al igual que en el mercado de valores, cada corredor de Forex tiene su propia estructura de comisión. Muchos corredores de Forex cobrar sólo el spread, con su comisión y otros gastos incluidos dentro de esa propagación, pero algunos cobran una comisión, además de la propagación. Además, algunos corredores de Forex ofrecen plataformas de spread fijo, mientras que otros ofrecen diferenciales variables (y algunos ofrecen ambos). Mi recomendación sería abrir y operar una cuenta demo de Forex (que está libre) para acostumbrarse a los valores de los distintos pares de divisas y cómo se mueven. Todo lo que ya sabes sobre el análisis técnico se aplica al mercado de divisas, por lo que está por delante del juego en esa cuenta. El comercio de una cuenta de demostración le educará sobre estos otros temas sin el riesgo de pérdida. ¡Buena suerte!

Q) Hola Ed, soy un lector leal y encontrar sus artículos muy interesantes. Mi pregunta es acerca de la relación entre el dólar estadounidense y el mercado de valores de Estados Unidos. Estoy confundido porque leí un artículo tuyo señalando que la relación es inversa, tal vez no lo entiendo. Si el dólar sube, las acciones bajan. Mi confusión surge porque mi razonamiento es el siguiente: Si el mercado de valores es alcista, entonces la gente en todo el mundo querría entrar. Si es así, tendrían que comprar dólares para comprar acciones estadounidenses, creando demanda por el dólar y el stock Mercado y empujando hacia arriba. La inversa sería verdadera si la situación fuera invertida. Por lo tanto, bajo mi tren de pensamiento, la relación es positiva y no inversa. Le agradecería que pudiera aclarar mi confusión.

Ed Ponsi) ¡Gran pregunta! Lo que usted está diciendo tiene sentido ya menudo es el caso; Sin embargo estamos en una situación de mercado inusual y anormal por decir lo menos. Piénsalo de esta manera; Los mercados bursátiles de todo el mundo se desempeñaron mal en la última parte de 2008, y todos los tipos de comerciantes dumped las acciones en masa, con la intención de esconder ese efectivo en un lugar seguro. Pero, dónde van a ponerlo? Un refugio seguro es el mercado de tesorería de los Estados Unidos; El problema es que usted necesita dólares estadounidenses para comprar bonos del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. Esto significa que los inversionistas en todo el mundo han estado intercambiando sus monedas de origen por el dólar de los Estados Unidos, y poniendo los ingresos en los bonos del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. Esto a su vez ha impulsado el precio de los bonos del Tesoro a través del techo, con lo que los rendimientos a niveles increíblemente bajos (véase la figura 2).

Figura 2: Los rendimientos del Tesoro estadounidense se derrumbaron en 2008. Fuente: Bloomberg. com

A finales de 1990, un mercado alcista de acciones atraía inversionistas a los Estados Unidos para invertir en el NASDAQ. En consecuencia, el USD tuvo un buen rendimiento en ese momento. Hoy en día es el mercado de bonos que está atrayendo toda la atención, pero eventualmente también cambiará. Cuando los rendimientos de los bonos del Tesoro comienzan a subir, puede ser el primer signo de que este rally de bonos está llegando a su fin. ¡Buena suerte!

Tiene alguna pregunta sobre el comercio de divisas? Envíe un correo electrónico a eponsi@tradingacademy. com y podemos usar su pregunta en un próximo boletín. Hasta la próxima vez, la mejor de las suertes a usted en el comercio.

Únase a nosotros & # 8211; Más allá de las señales de Forex

Aquí está en la sección Join Us & # 8211; Más allá de las señales de Forex. Nuestra página web pretende ofrecerle:

Información sobre el bono de clasificación que ofrecemos

Una descripción sucinta del producto

Un foro de debate para el debate del producto junto con diferentes clientes dentro del espacio de retroalimentación

Información sobre el lugar de compra

Información estadística sobre el producto para ayudarle como parte de sus compras para la determinación

Recuerde que debido a la verdad de que utilizamos estadísticas de terceros para crear nuestras evaluaciones de productos, son totalmente imparciales. Aun así, tenemos una relación de "afiliado" con el product writer. Esto significa que recibiremos una cuota de clickbank. com por aquellos que hagan clic en a través de su sitio web a través de nuestro hipervínculo y se encuentren comprando. Estos "hipervínculos de afiliados" están marcados dentro del informe por este icono:. Por favor, utilícelos cuando piensas en esta página web te ha beneficiado. Si lo hace, tendrá derecho a un bono de nosotros. De lo contrario, es necesario utilizar el hipervínculo sitio web tradicional que también se puede ofrecer.

Datos del producto:

Donde comprar:

Únase a nosotros & # 8211; Más allá de las señales de Forex se compra desde su sitio web, que usted podría retirar a través de este hipervínculo: http://beyondforexsignals. com/be una parte de nosotros /. El producto no se distribuye a través de diferentes minoristas, aunque usted podría Descubrir otros sitios web que el hipervínculo directamente a la página web del procesador de costos net. Sin embargo, es mejor hacer clic en a través del proveedor de servicios para buscar fuera probablemente el más actualizado valor. Si desea comprar sin utilizar un hipervínculo afiliado que son capaces de hacerlo haciendo clic aquí: http://beyondforexsignals. com/be una parte de nosotros /

Descripción del editor:

Un producto para duplicar su efectivo

Enseñarle cómo puede duplicar su financiación tantas veces como desee

Enseñándoles formas rápidas y sencillas puede ser duplicar su dinero en efectivo

Enseñando consejos sobre cómo estar en el camino de la libertad monetaria

Enseñarle una técnica para duplicar su dinero en efectivo

Enseñarle la obra de arte de doblar muy rápidamente

Estadísticas del producto y valoración:

Derecho - por lo que ahora debe estar en la parte superior de las cosas en lo que hace este producto. La siguiente pregunta es - es bueno? Para responder a esto, pasamos a las estadísticas. Todas las mercancías que evaluamos usan el mismo procesador de costos. Presentan estadísticas sobre todas las mercancías que listan.

Hay un poco de salsa secreta en cuestión, sin embargo, principalmente hacer una estimación del precio de reembolso de la mercancía. Esto es como resultado de todas las mercancías compradas a través de Clickbank tienen un programa de asociados, y el programa de asociados ofrece estadísticas sobre la cantidad estimada que se ganará por venta del producto. Si reconoce el valor del producto, podrá calcular el importe del reembolso. Podría ser falaz si las modificaciones vale la pena o si una serie de mercancías totalmente diferente se compran de la cuenta idéntica, sin embargo, es sin embargo uno de los mejores que tenemos.

Utilizamos las estadísticas para suministrar dos indicadores de alta calidad: el frenesí del comprador y la satisfacción del comprador.

Satisfacción del comprador:

Hemos dado a este producto un puntaje de satisfacción del comprador de 89.06 / cien que es bastante excesivo - significa que aproximadamente 9 en diez individuos se han alegrado con su compra.

Comprador frenesí:

Buyer Frenzy Rating es un signo de la curiosidad mucho que hay en un producto - un poco como el producto "rango de ventas bruto". Una puntuación frenética excesiva significa que los clientes se están volviendo locos por un producto, ir de compras en masa día tras día. Los productos con un frenesí excesivo son bastante a menudo mercancías de la alta calidad.

La puntuación global:

Ok, así que ahora es el momento para el veredicto final de Join Us & # 8211; Más allá de las señales de Forex. Esta calificación toma en consideración todas las cosas que hemos mencionado hasta ahora, y además los sitios web de calificación de creencias parecidos a http://beyondforexsignals. com/be una parte de nosotros / Es un indicador de la creencia que colocamos dentro del producto, Que la compra de lugares públicos dentro del producto y que el resto de las ubicaciones web dentro del producto. La calificación restante es 8.seventy two / 10. Esta clasificación es probablemente una de las más altas que tenemos ahora en la ubicación - sin duda debe pensar en comprar este producto. Sin embargo, a pesar de que es un producto impresionante no es el producto más alto en la ubicación de sus clases. Por lo tanto, es su decisión de echar un vistazo a cada clase y ver si hay un producto que puede ir bien con usted más alto.

Únase a nosotros & # 8211; Más allá de Forex Signals Bonos de compra:

Si usted compra el producto después de visitar su sitio web a través de nuestro hipervínculo, obtenemos una cuota del propietario del producto, no muchas personas saben esto, sin embargo, prácticamente todos los sitios web de evaluación obtener una cuota de los negocios a los que se vinculan. Todos los sitios web de comparabilidad no suelen ofrecer ese servicio sin gastar un centavo. En la vuelta, queremos agradecerle compartiendo el% 50 de nuestra tarifa + coste exclusivo de la prima Más mil dólares. Para obtener más información sobre cómo obtener una bonificación, por favor, desbloquea esto

Complete su nombre y correo electrónico para leer el contenido.

Estrategia de la divisa: NZD / USD puede extender gana más allá de 2013

NZD / USD Estrategia Técnica: Líneas Preferidas

Patrón engorroso bajista en el diario negado

La tendencia alcista sigue intacta advirtiendo contra los pantalones cortos

Como se señala en el informe de los candelabros de ayer, el Doji en el diario sugirió que los osos habían ido a esconderse y una carrera en la marca 0.8635 era posible. Las ganancias del Kiwi se pueden fijar para continuar con la modernidad que empuja ahora en sus altos 2013 y una señal bajista de la inversión que falta en los plazos diarios y semanales.

NZD / USD: Doji Cerca de 0.8500 Destacó el Potencial de Bounce

Diario gráfico - Creado con FXCM Marketscope 2.0

Según el gráfico de cuatro horas a continuación la presencia de un patrón Piercing Line cerca de apoyo notable en 0.8510 provocó un rebote para el NZD / USD. Con los comerciantes empujando los precios hacia la marca 0.8640 durante la sesión asiática, una ruptura al alza puede abrir un avance en 0.8830 (ver semanal).

NZD / USD: Bounces Post Piercing Line Pattern

Gráfico de cuatro horas - Creado con FXCM Marketscope 2.0

El Doji de la lápida mortuoria en la semana ha fallado en recibir la confirmación de un período descendente sucesivo. Con los precios en una tendencia alcista continuada una ruptura por encima de 0,8665 favorecería los largos con un objetivo cercano a la resistencia en 0,8830.

NZD / USD: Los comerciantes miran pasado Gravestone Doji

Gráfico semanal - Creado con FXCM Marketscope 2.0

Por David de Ferranti. Analista de Mercado, FXCM

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DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Corredores de Forex y más allá

En los últimos años, el mercado de divisas ha surgido como un vehículo de inversión popular para los inversores. Como la demanda ha florecido, los principales corredores de divisas, como FXCM y Oanda, han establecido plataformas para el comercio de divisas en línea.

Estos son algunos aspectos clave a tener en cuenta al seleccionar un corredor.

Los corredores bien establecidos y de buena reputación serán miembros o serán regulados por las organizaciones de la industria apropiadas. Por ejemplo, FXCM es un comerciante registrado de la Comisión de Futuros y miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros. Los corredores que son regulados ofrecen una mayor transparencia en sus transacciones y se mantienen a un mayor nivel de rendimiento.

Un beneficio clave del comercio de divisas es la disponibilidad de apalancamiento que permite a los inversores para el comercio con pequeñas cantidades de capital. En FXCM una nueva cuenta se puede abrir con $ 50 y los comerciantes pueden utilizar cantidades de apalancamiento de 100: 1 en su comercio.

La tecnología de la plataforma es el mecanismo que abre el comerciante al mercado forex global. La tecnología y la interfaz de cliente tienen un impacto significativo en la experiencia comercial e incluso en el rendimiento comercial. FXCM ofrece una variedad de plataformas (basadas en Web, móviles y de escritorio), así como más avanzadas plataformas de terceros como Metrader 4. Todas las plataformas ofrecen beneficios tales como la cartografía y un clic de comercio. Sin embargo, las plataformas más sofisticadas proporcionan características adicionales como el comercio automatizado, el uso de estrategias precargadas y el uso de indicadores personalizados.

Spreads y Comisiones

Los corredores hacen el dinero de la extensión entre la oferta y la pregunta. Los diferenciales varían según el par de divisas que se negocian, con los spreads siendo más bajos en pares más populares como EUR USD. En FXCM los spreads pueden ser tan bajos como 1,3 pips. FXCM ofrece a los comerciantes una opción de transacción con un escritorio de negociación o sin mesa de negociación (spreads variables). El desafío con esta última opción es que los diferenciales pueden ampliarse durante periodos de noticias o fluctuaciones elevadas en el mercado.

Otros factores a considerar incluyen características de servicio al cliente, la facilidad de retirar dinero y la disponibilidad de pares de divisas negociables. Los principales corredores de divisas buscan formas de diferenciarse. Por ejemplo, OANDA ofrece el comercio en monedas más exóticas como el peso, el yuan y la rupia. La limitación con un corredor como FXCM es que sólo ofrece el comercio de divisas.

Brainard de Fed discute tarifas más allá de Liftoff

Leal Brainard, miembro de la Junta de Gobernadores, cree que las tasas más bajas son la nueva norma para la política de la Fed

Brainard afirma que el progreso del mercado de trabajo es muy sustancial pero sigue siendo cauteloso sobre la inflación

Los futuros de los fondos federales están fijando los precios en un 75 por ciento de probabilidad de una subida de tarifas en la reunión del 16 de diciembre

Cuáles son los rasgos de los comerciantes exitosos? Vea lo que nuestros estudios han encontrado para ser las trampas más comunes de comerciantes al por menor de FX.

El dólar estadounidense no saltó en respuesta a los comentarios de la miembro de la Junta de Gobierno Lael Brainard, ya que miró más allá del enfoque del mercado de la inminente reunión del FOMC. El banquero central pronunció un discurso en Stanford, California, en el que discutió una nueva normalidad para las tasas de interés, que ve tasas limitadas a un nivel inferior al que se había visto antes del crédito de 2008-09. Brainard sostuvo la misma postura que sus colegas banqueros diciendo que la trayectoria de un alza de la tarifa será determinada por datos económicos. Señaló que los posibles efectos indirectos internacionales pueden limitar el grado en que la política del FOMC puede divergir con sus pares.

En cuanto a los comentarios relacionados con el doble mandato de la Reserva Federal de inflación estable y empleo completo, Brainard dijo que el banco central "debe protegerse contra la inflación por debajo de la meta". Ella cree que la inflación subyacente debe ser vigilada de cerca. En cuanto al tema del mercado de trabajo, señaló que ha habido "sustanciales" Progreso & ndash; Una evaluación reforzada sin duda por la tasa de desempleo de octubre de 5 por ciento y NFP impresión de 271k.

Tanto la retórica de la Fed como los datos clave atraerán un mayor y mayor escrutinio del mercado a medida que se aproxima la decisión del FOMC del 16 de diciembre. La probabilidad implícita actual de una subida de tarifas en la próxima reunión es del 75 por ciento. Si la Fed aumenta la tasa de préstamos base o no, los inversores deben esperar volatilidad en torno a este evento muy esperado. El dólar estadounidense ha seguido notablemente la probabilidad de aumento de la tasa de los Fondos Federales en los últimos tres meses.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Paridad USD / CHF y más allá

USD ha avanzado aún más frente a los suizos y desafía los niveles de resistencia a las importaciones. El par está en paridad y debería verse afectado por los reportes actuales de US ISM y PMI a las 15:00 GMT. El sesgo intradía es hacia la parte superior con objetivo de 1.0255 & amp; Desventaja de 0.9851. El apoyo es necesario para indicar la reversión a corto plazo. De lo contrario, la perspectiva permanecerá cautelosamente alcista en caso de retiro. Se necesita apoyo continuo para indicar la reversión a corto plazo. De lo contrario, la perspectiva se mantendrá cautelosamente alcista en caso de retiro.

Tendencia. Ligeramente alcista

Esperar algo de volatilidad en el par de hoy

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1 de marzo de 2016 a las 7:21 am

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1 de marzo de 2016 a las 15:32

Gracias Horacio por el análisis. Las sugerencias de Wayne son muy apreciadas. De hecho, me preguntaba cuál sería su plan en el escenario dado. El desafío a un nivel de resistencia muy importante que usted declara al principio implicaría un retroceso o el comienzo de una inversión, pero entonces usted dice que el apoyo continuo es necesario para indicar la reversión a corto plazo y # 8221; Y su perspectiva es alcista?

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Forex trading es una industria que se está convirtiendo en la opción para los hombres de negocios que quieren obtener beneficios de vuelta de una manera rápida. Aparte del indicador metatrader. Es desconocido para muchos que hay términos más básicos que uno debe aprender primero para tener éxito en esta empresa.

Es el precio dado por el mercado para comprar una moneda y es el precio de compra.

Es el precio que se puede vender una moneda que es aceptable para el mercado. Es generalmente más bajo que el precio de la pregunta y es también el precio de venta.

Se calcula como la diferencia entre el precio de venta y el precio de compra. Es la comisión que uno paga al corredor por los servicios.

Se define como cualquier forma de dinero emitido por el banco central de cualquier país. En Forex, la moneda se negocia en parejas como SGD / USD.

SGD / USD par de divisas se compone de dos monedas diferentes que son el dólar de Singapur y el dólar de EE. UU. SGD que es el primero en la cotización se llama como la moneda de la base que significa que su unidad equivalente es 1 en este emparejamiento particular. Dólar estadounidense, mientras tanto, siendo el último en la cotización se llama como moneda de contador y es igual a la tasa de cambio en un punto dado.

Es el precio de una moneda en términos de otra. Si el tipo de cambio de SGD / USD es igual a 0.79, esto significa que una unidad de SGD puede cambiarse por 0.79 USD.

La tasa a la que una moneda se cambia para otro varía en el tiempo y este es el evento que los comerciantes de Forex pueden aprovechar al abrir una posición de compra cuando el análisis indica que va a subir y luego cerrar la posición mediante la venta de nuevo al mercado en Para bloquear los beneficios.

Es un acrónimo para el término 'porcentaje en puntos' y conocido como el movimiento de intercambio de un punto a otro.

Si el tipo de cambio SGD / USD pasa de 0.7900 a 0.7902, significa que se obtienen 2 pips.

Es una potencia comercial proporcionada por el mercado a un comerciante y en forma de proporción como 100: 1. Cuando un apalancamiento de 100: 1 se da a un comerciante significa que por cada unidad del capital de un comerciante, el mercado proveyó 100 unidades adicionales para permitir más cantidades.

Es la cantidad que se requiere para depositar en una cuenta comercial.

Significa vender una moneda.

Significa comprar una moneda.

Es el registro de todas las transacciones realizadas, así como la cartera de inversión.

Entrar en el mundo del comercio de Forex es un movimiento de negocios tan bueno, pero para tener éxito aquí radica en la comprensión de otras palabras que los indicadores de metatrader y el beneficio.

Noticias Forex


USD / JPY se extiende más allá de 113.00 en USD GDP

El dólar está recuperando más ritmo frente a la moneda japonesa hoy, elevando USD / JPY a máximos diarios frescos más allá de 113.00 la cifra.

El par ha visto su alza acelerada después de que las cifras avanzadas del PIB estadounidense hayan sorprendido al alza hoy, mostrando que la economía se expandió a un ritmo anual del 1,0% durante el cuarto trimestre.

Otros datos mostraron que el déficit comercial de Estados Unidos aumentó más de lo esperado a 62.230 millones de dólares en enero, mientras que la inflación medida por el PCE aumentó un 0,4% inter trimestre durante los tres últimos meses de 2015.

Los niveles de USD / JPY a observar A partir de la escritura de la pareja está avanzando 0,37% a 113,36 con el siguiente obstáculo a 114,89 (alta Feb.16) por delante de 115,28 (alta Feb.10) y luego 114,72 (20 días sma). Por otro lado, un desglose de 110,98 (bajo 11 de febrero) expondría 105,88 (200 m sma) y finalmente 105,18 (mínimo mensual oct 2014).

A otras noticias

EUR / JPY terminó la semana con una ganancia de 75 pips. El par llegó al fondo el martes en 124.67, pero luego se recuperó y terminó

Los analistas de Scotiabank explicaron que los comentarios constructivos de los funcionarios de la Fed sobre la perspectiva económica estadounidense están ayudando a apuntalar el USD.

"Funcionarios aparecen

Los analistas de Brown Brothers Harriman explicaron que la libra esterlina es la más débil de las principales monedas.

"La combinación de los temores Brexit, la preocupación de que el Tory P

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Más allá de las mayores

El dólar ha estado en una recuperación lenta y medida en las últimas sesiones a raíz de la baja de cuatro meses y medio en el índice de dólar visto a finales de la semana pasada. Esto ha reducido las tendencias en varias de las principales, especialmente frente al euro y la libra esterlina. Por supuesto, los datos mejores de lo esperado de empleo en Estados Unidos la semana pasada tuvieron algo que ver con esto, pero los eventos en China continúan desempeñando un papel en la evolución del mercado de divisas. Durante la noche, hemos visto las acciones asiáticas más débiles, con el Nikkei abajo de más del 2,5% como China teme seguir impregnando los mercados. Lo más notable, esto ha visto el precio del colapso del cobre durante marzo por más del 8% de los máximos. Menos así, el oro también se ha beneficiado, haciendo otra alta para el año durante la noche sobre el nivel 1355.

Para FX, esto ha significado que las cruces han sido mucho más interesantes que las majors del dólar. Esto se puede ver en EURJPY (cerca de máximos para el año), EURGBP (otra vez cerca de máximos para el año) y AUDNZD (cerca de los puntos más bajos del año), en este último, note que la decisión RBNZ viene de la noche a la mañana, rate expected to reach 2.75%. A hawkish statement accompanying this would allow for a push towards the low for the year at 1.0493 on AUDNZD, but a push significantly lower from here could be difficult given that Australian data has perked up recently and the RBA has ditched its bearish rhetoric towards the currency.

sobre el autor

Forex Broker FxPro es un corredor de Forex internacional. FxPro es un corredor en línea galardonado, ofreciendo CFDs en forex, futuros, índices, acciones, metales y energías, sirviendo clientes en más de 150 países en todo el mundo. FxPro ofrece la ejecución con intervención de no-dealing-desk y mantiene un modelo de negocio centrado en el cliente que pone las necesidades del cliente en la vanguardia de nuestras operaciones. Nuestra adquisición del agregador FX líder en el mercado, Quotix, nos permite ofrecer acceso a un nutrido fondo de liquidez, así como la clasificación de pedidos de primera clase y algunos de los diferenciales más competitivos del mercado. FxPro es uno de los pocos corredores ofreciendo protección contra saldos negativos, asegurando que los clientes no pueden perder más que su inversión total. FxPro UK Limited está autorizado y regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (número de registro: 509956). FxPro Financial Services Limited está autorizado y regulado por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (número de licencia: 078/07) y por la Junta de Servicios Financieros de Sudáfrica (número de autorización 45052). Advertencia de Riesgo: Operar CFDs implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida.

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Q) Hi Ed, as a New Year exercise, I was running through some of the major currency pairs and I was kind of shocked when I analyzed the AUD/USD pair. A great double-bottom seems to have laid itself out on the daily charts, and prices are currently near the neck line @ 0.6950. If I recall clearly, the EUR/USD only a few weeks ago formed a similar pattern and sprung to the topside rapidly. It could be that AUD/USD is preparing for a similar fate by following the same pattern, and could be a DEJA VU (with money to be made)?

Ed Ponsi) Hi Abs, thank you for your email. Sure looks like you might be onto something here; the price action on the daily chart shows AUD/USD breaking to its highest point since October of last year. The formation could be considered a double-bottom or perhaps even a cup and handle (see figure 1).

Figure 1: AUD/USD forms a potential double-bottom on the daily chart. Source: Saxo Bank

So, while the technical analysis looks good, what about the fundamentals? The Aussie dollar is a commodity currency, and commodities have performed poorly of late, to put it mildly. Any bet on Aussie right now is a bet that commodities have bottomed – and I do think we are closer to the bottom than the top, but still some potential downside. Additionally, there is the interest rate differential; while the Reserve Bank of Australias current rate (4.00%) is expected to drop, it will remain higher than the Fed Funds rate as long as it stays above 0.25%, and I think its a good bet that the RBA wont go that low. Speaking of Australias central bank, they helped to put in the bottom of the formation by intervening in the currency markets late last year. The RBA stepped into the market and bought Aussie dollars, which helped to keep the AUD/USD exchange rate above .6000. With this confluence of technical and fundamental factors, you might have yourself a good setup here – it all depends on the commodities market. ¡Buena suerte!

Q) Ed, Im very interested in Forex trading but totally lack the knowledge to even comprehend the outcome. The TA side I have down cold due to 20-plus years of trading activity. The question what is the value of a trade if the underlying moves up say 1 pip? OK, I buy a mini lot of 10k EUR/USD at say 1.3999. Now if the price moves to 1.4000 what is my gain on the trade? Discount commissions or bid/ask spread.

Ed Ponsi) Great question! To answer this and other concerns, let me first explain the different types of accounts. The types of accounts are differentiated by the size of one lot in each account, with each level greater than the one beneath it by a factor of ten:

Standard Account = 100,000 units per lot

Mini Account = 10,000 units per lot

Micro Account = 1000 units per lot

Referring to the scenario in your question, the value of one pip on the EUR/USD currency pair would be:

Standard Account = $10

Mini Account = $1

Micro Account = 10 cents

The part of your question that deals with commissions is a bit more difficult, since just like in the stock market, every Forex broker has their own commission structure. Many Forex brokers charge only the spread, with their commission and other fees included within that spread, but some charge a commission in addition to the spread. Also, some Forex brokers offer fixed spread platforms, while others offer variable spreads (and some offer both). My recommendation would be to open and trade a Forex demo account (its free) to get used to the values of the various currency pairs and how they move. Everything that you already know about technical analysis applies to the currency market, so you are ahead of the game on that count. Trading a demo account will educate you on these other issues without the risk of loss. ¡Buena suerte!

Q) Hi Ed, Im a loyal reader and find your articles very interesting. My question is about the relationship between the U. S. Dollar and the U. S. stock market. Im confused because I read an article of yours pointing out that the relationship is inverse, maybe I didnt understand. If the dollar rises, stocks go down. My confusion arises because my reasoning is as follows: If the stock market is bullish, then people around the world would want to get in. If so, they would have to buy dollars to buy U. S. stocks, creating demand for the dollar and the stock market and pushing both up. The inverse would be true if the situation were reversed. So, under my train of thought, the relationship is positive and not inverse. I would appreciate if you can clear up my confusion.

Ed Ponsi) Great question! What you are saying makes sense and is often the case; however we are in an unusual and abnormal market situation to say the least. Think of it this way; stock markets all around the world performed poorly in the latter part of 2008, and all types of traders dumped equities en masse, with the intention of stashing that cash in a safe place. But where are they going to put it? One safe haven is the U. S. Treasury market; the problem is you need U. S. Dollars in order to buy U. S. Treasuries. This means that investors all around the world have been exchanging their home currencies for the U. S. Dollar, and putting the proceeds into U. S. Treasuries. This in turn has driven the price of Treasuries through the roof, bringing yields down to incredibly low levels (see figure 2).

Figure 2: U. S. Treasury yields collapsed in 2008. Source: Bloomberg. com

Back in the late 1990s, a bull market in stocks drew investors to the U. S. to invest in the NASDAQ. Consequently, the USD performed well at that time. Today it is the bond market that is attracting all of the attention, but eventually that will change, too. When yields on Treasuries begin to rise, it may be the first sign that this bond rally is coming to an end. ¡Buena suerte!

Have a question about Forex trading? Send an email to eponsi@tradingacademy. com and we may use your question in an upcoming newsletter. Until next time, best of luck to you in trading.

Noticias Forex


AUD/USD struggles to extend beyond 0.7050

FXStreet (Mumbai) - AUD/USD™s recovery from near 0.70 handle ran out of steam at the stiff resistance of 0.7050 levels and the prices recede gains as oil returned to the red.

AUD/USD: Bears guarding the 0.7050 fencing?

Currently, the AUD/USD pair trades 0.39% higher at 0.7033, having posted day™s high at 0.7051 and day™s low at 0.7007. Having peaked at 0.7050 in recent dealings, the Aussie drifted slightly lower, only to find fresh bids at 0.7020 region and climbed back higher, where it now wavers.

Despite the wobble seen in the oil price action so far this Wednesday, the AUD/USD pair remains resilient and keeps gains on the back of upbeat fundamentals, which squashed hopes of a RBA rate cut as early as next week. The CPI rose 0.4% over the October-December period, easing from the 0.5% in the September quarter but higher than forecasts of 0.3%.

Meanwhile, markets will continue to digest the better than expected Aus CPI report ahead of the FOMC decision due later today in the NY session.

AUD/USD Levels to watch

The pair heads higher and finds the immediate resistance at 0.7076 (Jan 8 High) above which gains could be extended to the next hurdle located at 0.7090/0.7100 (Daily R1/ psychological levels). On the flip side, the immediate support located at 0.6986/82 (1h 100-SMA/ Daily pivot) Selling pressure is likely to intensify below the last, dragging the Aussie to 0.6940/39 (Daily S1/ 1h 200-SMA)

A otras noticias

EUR/JPY finished the week with a gain of 75 pips. The pair bottomed on Tuesday at 124.67 but then recovered and finish

Analysts at Scotiabank explained that constructive comments from Fed officials on the US economic outlook are helping underpin the USD.

"Officials appear t

Analysts at Brown Brothers Harriman explained that sterling is the weakest of the major currencies.

"The combination of the Brexit fears, concern that the Tory P

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TenkoFX Limited 55 Southern Foreshore, Belize, C. A.

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Investors should look beyond distractions of forex crisis — Peterside

By Jonah Nwokpoku

Lagos — Investors looking to invest in Nigeria should look beyond the distractions from the current foreign exchange situation in the country in order to make better and profitable long term decisions, says the chairman of Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, Mr. Atedo Peterside

Peterside stated this while delivering a welcome address at the 2016 Standard Bank West Africa Investors’ Conference held in Lagos, yesterday.

The conference was themed: ‘Unlocking Nigeria’s Potential…growing through diversification’

He said: “By rising above the distractions and uncertainties surrounding the short-term foreign exchange situation and evaluating Nigeria’s long-term potential in key sectors of the economy, such as infrastructure, power and gas, consumer goods, agriculture, etc. investors will be better guided and positioned to take informed decisions on where the best long-term returns on investment will eventually emerge from.”

According to him, “Efforts at economic diversification are still at a relatively early stage of execution and are hampered by exchange rate uncertainties. This has created a very challenging backdrop for policy makers to operate against as the private sector is naturally pre-occupied at present with the short-term pursuit of scarce forex at official rates which guarantee huge windfall incomes for the lucky recipient.”

The Stanbic chairman said dollar shortages in Nigeria had reached levels where “most investors here are currently caught up in a frenzied pursuit of the cheapest available dollars. Everybody wants to take foreign exchange out and nobody really wants to bring it in,” he said, adding: “Without investment there will be no new jobs.”

He noted that, “The need for decisive diversification of the economy becomes even more apparent when we consider the yearning needs of the populace for new jobs and/or welfare packages that will help drag significant numbers of them up from below the poverty line.

He added, “Given the government’s plan to boost economic activity through extensive spending on infrastructure as well as on social projects, it potentially provides a platform through which the private sector can partner with government.”

Peterside said, “It is clear to most stakeholders that government cannot attempt to close the infrastructural gap alone without recklessly expanding Nigeria’s debt burden. This makes it imperative that the government clearly articulates a policy regime which enables both the private sector and the public sector to allocate scarce resources more efficiently.”

forex loans

A ruling on Monday by the Kuria, Hungary’s supreme court, that foreign-currency loans issued in the past decade by local banks were legal, triggered a jump in shares of OTP, Hungary’s largest bank, on the Budapest Stock Exchange. The stock – often seen as a proxy for the Hungarian economy – gained more than 5 per cent to Ft 4,420 in the early afternoon, before easing back to close at Ft 4,311, up 2.8 per cent.

Foreign-currency loans, predominantly in Swiss francs, became hugely popular in Hungary between 2001 and 2008 as borrowers rushed to take advantage of much lower interest rates than those on loans taken out in forint, the local currency. Lee mas

Guest post: Croatia’s FX loan hangover

A Zagreb court last week ruled that eight banks had mis-sold Swiss franc loans to retail clients. All foreign-owned, the banks make up more than 80 per cent of the Croatian banking industry.

The judgement – which is open to appeal – is fascinating in its many implications, not the least of which is the damages banks may have to pay. Lee mas

Poland: clamping down on forex loans

Polish borrowers are about to lose one of the last vestiges of the long-gone real estate boom – the ability to borrow lots of money in a foreign currency.

The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) is preparing to throttle what little remains of forex lending later this year, limiting such loans only to people actually earning euros or Swiss francs. Lee mas

Regulators extend forex investigation of banks into currencies beyond EURUSD

Was FX benchmark manipulation the exception or the norm?

Yesterday we bumped into a revealing article providing some more precise details about the foreign exchange manipulation investigations in the Financial Times called “ Biggest banks face forex probe questions”. As it turns out, according to the newspaper’s sources close to the forex probe, there are several forex pairs that are being closely scrutinized. Dealings in sterling, Australian dollar and some Scandinavian currencies are making the probe more widespread than initially assumed.

The Financial Times proceeds by stating that while concerns of financial regulators were continuously dispelled by senior traders and internal reviews by the banks, this year the FCA was approached by a whistleblower according to people who are familiar with the investigation.

Big banks are scrambling to provide information to the investigating authorities hoping for some mercy in the future, while EU commisioner Joaquin Almunia stated that the commission’s resources are still focused on settling with banks who participated in the Libor fixing scandal. He was quoted by the newspaper to say that “Perhaps manipulation is not the exception but the rule”.

Many institutional and soon enough retail traders might be asking themselves the same question. Reality might uncover that they have been competing against parties which are out of their league.

The article concludes with the notion implied by bankers that the FX market is too big to be manipulated are not very close to reality. A large asset manager executive has said that despite the size of the market an order of about $200 mln could be large enough to influence prices substantially depending on market conditions.

The allegations surrounding the 4pm fix manipulation have led financial regulators around the world to investigate some of the world’s leading financial institutions active in currency markets. It has also led to the leave / suspension of senior FX traders at a number of leading banks. And not surprisingly the lawsuits from supposedly wronged FX clients have begun.

The full FT article, which reveals more details is available here.

Para obtener más información sobre la industria global de Forex, consulte el informe LeapRate-Dow Jones de la industria Forex.

Reviews Cb Scam

by admin • March 12, 2016 • General • 0 comentarios

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Product or service Title:

Join Us – Beyond Forex Signals

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Reviews Cb Scam

by admin • March 14, 2016 • General • 0 comentarios

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Abdulsamad Rabiu: Fixing the Nigerian economy… beyond forex or naira devaluation

The Nigerian Dream, if there ever were such a notion, is facing its greatest challenge in recent times. With a less than one year old government in place with an enormous task to ensure a fair economic and social justice system which caters to all and a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources whilst combating corruption.

A huge drop in crude prices, dwindling FX reserves, continued import dependence, increased national and state debt amongst others has led to a state of economic anarchy. Despite these economic headwinds, I believe the Nigerian people and government have been presented with a unique opportunity for us to re-evaluate ourselves – from our consumption habits to rent seeking behavior in line with current realities.

Things may seem harsh at the moment but nothing good comes easy. Led by a determined President Buhari, eliminating corruption, reducing wastage and checking leakages in the system at the government level has become a frontburner issue. As a private investor, the current situation, whilst it presents huge challenges also comes with equally huge opportunities.

There are key areas looking for investment in agriculture, manufacturing and infrastructural development which I predict will be the key drivers of Nigeria’s revival. Arguments have been put for and against the notion of devaluing the currency but is that really the issue? Does devaluing the currency without first creating the necessary conditions to stimulate local production suit our import dependent country at this time?

Ultimately, private investors have to make a genuine, concerted effort to support the government’s effort, build capacity to develop local industries and give back to this economy rather than just looking for ways to exploit the system to the detriment of the many. These actions are not only crippling the economy but are also unpatriotic.

I am however hopeful because our government is conscious of the fact that Nigerians are expecting a lot. They are ready, willing and in a position to help realize our potential. We have the human capital, land, natural resources, so it is just the will that we need. With good leadership, everything else will fall into place.

We also have a president that is very anxious to ensure Nigerians get value for money without corruption and with the highest level of integrity. That one person makes all the difference. I am quite hopeful, confident, and optimistic that things definitely will improve for this country. We deserve that.

The Foreign Exchange dragon rears its ugly head – again…

It is disheartening to know that despite all the money that accrued to the government during the oil price boom in recent years, we find ourselves yet again in this position.

To be quite frank, the current FX situation is bad. Even the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria and other organised private sector operators have raised alarm over the unfavourable forex situation. There are lot of issues from regulatory to rent-seeking behavior that need to be dealt with decisively.

Whilst the Federal Government is doing everything to protect the Naira, there are Nigerians – corporates and individuals alike who are grossly undermining the government’s position – sometimes with the aid of regulators – knowingly or unknowingly.

On one hand, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) claims to be safeguarding the currency in line with the Federal Government’s resolve to protect the Naira but on the other hand, the lack of a transparent exchange rate policy and inequitable distribution of foreign exchange to all players in key sectors meant to boost local production only worsens an already bad situation.

Whilst some manufacturers are experiencing extreme difficulty sourcing foreign exchange for legitimate business operations within Nigeria, others are getting FX to set up operations in other countries. For instance, last year we opened our ultra-modern Obu Cement factory which is by far the most technologically advanced in the country at the moment and are already in the process of doubling our total production capacity across all our cement plants in Nigeria.

We have so far expended money raised from our offshore sources to the tune of over USD300million for CCNN expansion and our 2nd line at Obu with little or no allocation forthcoming from the Central Bank.

It is rather ironic that a similar competitor in the same industry, who incidentally is the market leader, is allocated huge amounts of Nigeria’s hard earned and scarce FX from the official market for its operations in Congo.

I do not know if there is an official policy to that effect but I was baffled, as were numerous Nigerians, to learn through a publication of FX allocation returns by First Bank of Nigeria in ThisDay Newspaper of Tuesday, February 16, 2016 (page 11) of that allocation whilst other operators in the same industry have received far less or nothing at all during the same period for verifiable and viable investments within Nigeria.

It begs the question, “Were other plants by that operator across Africa built with Nigeria’s money?” How has that impacted the country’s economy in return? If this is true, then it needs to be checked as we cannot have a situation where Nigerian industries are being shut down, workers are losing jobs daily and resources badly needed to develop our economy are being taken out of the country to grow other economies to the detriment of ours.

If this transaction was done through a “Form A” like the publication suggested, then it is just money that has gone out from the country which can be rerouted into the country for other purposes.

More alarming is the fact that over 50% of Nigeria’s FX allocations through the banks are going to less than 50 companies going by the figures published by the banks on Foreign exchange allocations.

Are manufacturers expected to continue developing local industries when some regulators are unwittingly encouraging anti-competition activities by giving unfair advantages to a single operator or are key institutions now in the firm grip of a cabal made up of a few who can strong-arm the Central Bank and Federal Government to do their bidding because they have become ‘too powerful’?

I understand that President Buhari directed, through the CBN, that the returns of FX allocations be published periodically despite significant push-backs from vested interests. We now know he means well.

Without doubt, there are many persons and corporate entities who are aware of the goings-on in the Nigerian FX market but are afraid to speak out because of the perception that those involved are too powerful but if no one brings these issues to the fore, there is absolutely no way we can progress.

From recently released data, the disparities and inequalities in allocation have only become too obvious. Does the CBN have different criteria for operators in the same industries or are we seeking to firmly entrench an Orwellian system in the country? Maybe they need to explain this to Nigerians.

The system needs fixing and corporatized money laundering activities under a legal umbrella of any sort must be checked or else it would lead to grave systemic issues for the economy.

I have heard some analysts say Nigeria may be faced with a “Zimbabwe situation” sooner than later but there is no basis for comparison. The differences are very clear – Nigeria still has the capacity to earn Foreign exchange from non-crude exports. There are still private investors like BUA Group who are willing to invest within Nigeria and boost local capacity and industry.

It may take a while to get there but with the programmes being put in place by the current government coupled with proposed investments in infrastructure, we will surmount these challenges. The silver lining is the opportunity presented to start looking at other areas to grow the economy and stimulate national development.

The government also needs to urgently step up its communication with all stakeholders on its projects and plans for the economy. It has never been a question of to devalue or not to devalue but on what basis a devaluation may occur. If we do not put our house in order and set up frameworks and policies to enable the common man feel the positive effects of a devaluation programme, then we may be in for another ‘SAP’ period.

Recently, I was asked where I saw the BUA Group in the light of the current economic situation. My answer was simple; “We are confident in the current government’s ability to turn things around and we will continue to invest in Nigeria.”

Our business strategy has been hugely successful despite the difficulties in the operating environment. Over the past 3 years, we have gradually divested from business areas that were largely dependent on foreign exchange and importation of raw materials in favour of businesses that we could source at least 90% of the raw materials needed for production locally whether in infrastructure, manufacturing or the agribusiness and foods sectors.

We are fully concentrating on our core businesses including agriculture, mining and manufacturing that are less FX dependent, require mostly locally sourced raw materials and have potential for export and have made huge investments in other areas including sugar and cement totaling over 1.5bilion dollars within the past 3 years alone. As for new businesses, we are looking to open an integrated steel complex as well as explore opportunities in petrochemicals.

We however remain confident that we are well poised to take advantages of new opportunities that may arise in the current business climate.

I also wish to use this opportunity to call on well-meaning Nigerian individuals and corporate citizens to come together and join hands in protecting what we’ve got and making this country better. Nobody will do that for us – not the international financial organisations and not the rent seekers looking for opportunities to milk the country of her resources.

Together, we can succeed and change our nation’s fortunes so that future generations will have a country to be proud of – one in which a Nigerian dream can finally be realized.

Op–ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija

Alh. Abdulsamad Rabiu, (CON), the Chairman, of BUA Group, writes on the state of the Nigerian economy and the FX issues currently bedeviling the country.

FX al por menor

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Looking Beyond Established Regulatory Jurisdictions

As we begin 2016, I want to present readers with two seemingly unconnected facts.

First, the U. S. government is not giving a cost of living adjustment to Social Security recipients for the third time since 2010.

Second, the S&P 500 Index closed at 2,052 on November 18, 2014. Since then, the broad market has done nothing and is basically sitting in the same spot.

As disparate as they seem, these facts have one crucial implication: Now, more than ever, we need to invest wisely for retirement.

With that in mind, here are five rules for investing wisely in 2016 and beyond.

Rule #1: Begin investing yesterday.

The earlier you start, the longer your money gets to work for you. Every dollar invested at age 25 is worth anywhere from three to five times more than a dollar invested at age 45.

Remember – you can replace lost capital. But you can never replace lost time.

Rule #2: Don’t chase the hot stocks.

That’s just gambling. The old Wall Street adage is that “trees don’t grow to the sky.” Just ask anyone invested in energy MLPs.

2015 was the year of FANG, which changed to FANA. Red-hot Facebook Inc. (FB ), Amazon. com Inc. (AMZN ), Netflix Inc. (NFLX ) and Google, which changed its name to Alphabet Inc. (GOOG ), soared while most stocks drifted.

It’s unlikely they’ll repeat their performance in 2016. Want proof? Just look at what these stocks did in 2014. It’s nothing to write home about.

Rule #3: Do not invest in index funds.

As Sir John Templeton said, if you own the market you can’t beat the market. And you’re going to want to beat the market.

Historically, when the U. S. stock market is richly valued (as it is now), poor performance follows. I know Wall Street prefers not to talk about it, but there have been periods of 10 years or more where real returns in the overall market have been lousy.

And we’re certainly richly valued.

The Buffett indicator, which compares the value of stocks and gross domestic product, is at its second-highest level ever. Yale Professor Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio (CAPE) shows that the market has only been more expensive twice – in 1929 and 2000.

Active management and stock selection will be key going ahead. So keep reading Wall Street Daily. We always strive to keep investors ahead of the curve.

The richly valued market is one key reason why I continue telling people to avoid robo-advisors. Your money will just be put into a number of index funds, which will be guaranteed to fall if the broad market falls.

Rule #4: Diversify.

As I’ve been fond of saying in these personal finance articles, don’t limit your “shopping” to just one aisle. You wouldn’t do it in the grocery store, so don’t do it when building a portfolio for your future.

I also like to point out to people that there’s always good value somewhere in the global market. For example, emerging market stock valuations on a P/E basis are at an all-time low .

And the price-to-book (P/B) ratio is at a mere 1.28 times, which is where it was in the midst of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. For comparison, the current S&P 500 (P/B) ratio is 2.82.

Rule #5: Set a financial plan and be patient.

The goal is to be a winner in the long term. You don’t have to win in the stock market every day.

Along those lines, here’s my favorite Warren Buffett quote: “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

Plant your tree today so that you can be sitting in the shade – and enjoying life – during your retirement.

Corredores Noticias

Beyond Forex: Japan's Monex Supports Scientific Lab

In the spirit of today's holiday, I decided to present you with a bit of news that is not directly linked to the world of money and trading, as it is an ultimate belief of mine that the world of science and intellectual endeavor goes beyond the shallowness of blunt financial matters. On Friday, Japan's securities giant Monex announced that it had become a sponsor of one of the most famous scientific research laboratories in the world – that at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

This means that the broker is now a part of the handful of corporations that sponsor the MIT Media Lab in getting its $45 million annual budget. I said “handful” of sponsors, as for the MIT the number of 70 is not that big: actually, there is a line of people and organizations willing to become sponsors of the Lab but that's not easy at all. So, Monex must have earned that title with something more than money. Perhaps it's the famous Japanese accuracy, but most likely it is Japan's long tradition of supporting and loving science. For that matter, you should know that the fastest supercomputer in the world is in Japan's city of Kobe.

I know what's on your mind – since Monex is sponsoring the MIT Media Lab, the sponsorship should be about Forex. I have to disappoint you, fellow traders. The Lab is engaged with numerous projects securing the better future of mankind but that does not involve making us easily rich. Of course, I doubt that any scholar at the MIT would have a problem if its project has an application that would do good to the Forex realm but that's not the aim of it. Currently, the work at the Lab is focused on “human adaptability”― ways to find cure for problems like Alzheimer’s disease and depression, or to develop robots that can communicate and take care of children or old people.

And although the MIT Media Lab is not directly involved with developing solutions for Forex trading, we can safely call its work Forex friendly. It suffices to say that one of the founders of Lab is Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence. And that's the field that gave us rule-based systems, neural networks (the mirror trading concept actually has to do with mirror neurons) and dynamic systems – all of them are the basis of the expert advisors and other automated trading systems that we use in Forex.

Monex's support of the MIT Media Lab underlines the broker's commitment to disruptive technologies. Let's remind you that in about a week Monex will conduct a Hackaton in Tokyo, where you can develop your own app for tradable. the open API platform.

About Monex Group Inc.

Monex Group Inc is an online securities brokerage providing advanced financial services to individuals and investors. The company is considered a pioneer among Japanese online securities brokers, and its services cover M&A advisory, debt & equity underwriting, asset management focusing on alternative investments, investment education, and other investment banking functions. Monex Group has offices throughout Asia, and the recent acquirement of brokers TradeStation and IBFX opened its way to the US market as well.

More news about Monex

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Los últimos corredores de la divisa

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Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

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US Dollar extends the rally beyond 96.00

US Dollar daily gains capped near 96.40 The index is posting its fifth consecutive session with gains today, prolonging the bounce off last week’s multi-month lows in the proximity of 94.50. Mixed results from the US docket today have prompted investors to take some profits, driving the dollar off daily highs near 96.40.

In addition, St. Louis Fed’s James Bullard has joined fellow members on the hawkish side, arguing that the current pace of hikes could be very slowly.

Next on tap for USD will be tomorrow’s Q4 GDP figures, expected to show the economy has expanded at an annual rate of 1.0%.

US Dollar relevant levels The index is up 0.17% at 96.20 and a breakout of 96.69 (20-day sma) would target 97.13 (200-day sma) en route to 97.47 (55-day sma). On the other hand, the immediate support aligns at 95.87 (23.6% Fibo of 99.95-94.61) ahead of 94.61 (2016 low Mar.18) and finally 94.19 (monthly low Sep.18 2015).

The US Dollar Index, which gauges the greenback vs. its main rivals, is extending the upside momentum beyond the 96.00 handle on Thursday.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)



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AUDUSD & NZDUSD still bearish into end of January (and beyond)

A rebound effort for both the Australian and New Zealand Dollars at the end of last week versus the US$, but we view these as corrective in nature.

The significant erosion suffered by AUDUSD and NZDUSD thus far in January leaves bias for a renewal of downside risks into month-end and on into early February.

Despite a solid rebound week late last week, a gravestone doji type candlestick pattern on Friday back from ahead of resistance we have flagged at .7049, we see a setback bias for Monday.

We see a downside bias for .6985/75; break here aims for .6875.

But above .7049 opens risk up to .7077/94, which we would look to try to cap..

The break through .7014 in early January set a bigger picture bear bias, reinforced below .6894, for January and into February.

Short/ Intermediate-term Outlook - Downside Risks :

We see a negative tone with the bearish threat to .6645.

Below here targets .6500. 6281. 6124 and .6009/00.

What Changes This? Above .7225 signals a neutral tone, only shifting positive above .7327.

Daily AUDUSD Chart

A negative consolidation tone Friday (as expected), after a firm rally on Thursday, which sets a bear bias into Monday.

We see a downside bias for .6440 and .6411; break here aims for .6343.

But above .6550/57 aims for .6590 and opens risk up to .6613.

The sell off from late December 2015 to breach .6427 saw a switch to a bear theme for January.

Short/ Intermediate-term Outlook - Downside Risks :

We see a negative tone with the bearish threat to .6232.

Below here targets .6154 and .6000.

What Changes This? Above .6678 signals a neutral tone, only shifting positive above .6897.

Daily NZDUSD Chart

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In a nutshell, Forex Market is the largest financial market in the world with daily turnover above 5 trillion, according to the latest data from Reuters. Yes, Forex is a giant financial market.

Why trading Forex?

Por qué no? To make money or professionally speaking, to become rich. Forex is all about money, the currencies, and the only purpose is to make money, to profit. There is no other place that you can exclusively and professionally become occupied with making money.

I’ve heard a large percentage of traders end up being losers, how true is that?

Trading Forex is beyond the notion of just making money, far beyond. it’s about accomplishment and ambition for success. Most traders are only concerned about the money, losses and profits, this and that strategy or guru and whatnot. On a deeper level, most traders deal with psychological barriers that are their enemies. Forex is not for everyone, only the most healthy, happy, disciplined and determined traders are ready for it.

What’s all the fuss about brokers? How good are Forex bonuses?

As a serious trader, you should be careful when choosing your personal broker, because it’s your money that you want to take care of, no one wants to lose money or be badly behaved by a company in financial operations. Regulations are not everything when it comes to Forex brokers, but it is crucial that your broker must be well - regulated in the very first place. Then it comes to broker’s solid history, presence and reputability on the web. Do not fall for new and unregulated Forex brokers or their promotions. Take whatever you see and read on various Forex related websites with a grain of salt and use your own judgement.

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Gold Tests Ability To Consolidate Beyond 1,170

'If the Fed holds off raising rates, then the USD will be weaker and gold should outperform.' - UBS (based on CNBC)

We are observing some selling pressure for the first time in seven trading days. XAU/USD surged above and closed beyond the August high of the previous year, while surpassing the second monthly resistance at the same time. A downward correction should be capped by the weekly pivot point and Sep 2015 high at 1,156/54. In case of a riskier bearish trade, another demand is offered by the monthly R1 at 1,143. Meanwhile, in case gold consolidates above 1,170 on Monday, our attention will immediately turn to both Oct 2015 high and weekly R1 at 1,191/93.

The bulls have eroded their sluggish advantage they had been maintaining for the last three months. At the moment the aggregate bullish-bearish distribution of open positions is neutral.

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This overview can be used only for informational purposes. Dukascopy SA is not responsible for any losses arising from any investment based on any recommendation, forecast or other information herein contained.

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Fibonacci Trading is so popular and used by so many traders that most every charting program includes Fibonacci drawing tools.

Yet most traders don't know how to use the tools effectively (meaning "profitably").

Fibonacci numbers are shrouded in mystery and intrigue. and a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation.

This course bring clarity and removes the mystery of why Fibonacci trading works so well and exactly HOW to use it to reap big rewards.

Go beyond the theory (and the hype) to the practical reality of what actually works in the real world of professional trading.

In this course you will learn:

How to use Fibonacci for setting profit targets.

How to use Fibonacci for:

Day Trading

Swing Trading


What exactly are the best Fibonacci levels (ratios).

Which highs and lows to use for drawing Fibonacci retracements.

Whether to use the real bodies or the wicks of candlesticks for drawing Fibonacci levels.

How to customize your Fibonacci drawing tools for best results.

How to find Fibonacci levels beyond the range of the retracements.

An objective method for automatically finding the right highs and lows to use for drawing all Fibonacci levels.

How to use Fibonacci levels on:




The best chart time intervals for using Fibonacci levels.

How to use Fibonacci levels to enter and exit trades.

How to use Fibonacci in trending markets and in choppy markets (yes, it works for both!).

Which Fibonacci levels work better than others for retraces and reversals.

Who is this course for?

Pretty much everyone (Fibonacci levels are universal in their application once you learn how to use them correctly).

Day Traders

Swing Traders.


Forex Traders.

Futures Traders.

Stock Traders.

Commodities Traders.

Beginning Traders.

If you are an Intermediate or Advanced Trader, I recommend you get the Advanced Fibonacci Course BELOW.

This course will benefit you whether you have taken my other courses or not.

This course is not a complete trading methodology, but will teach you how to incorporate Fibonacci techniques into your current trading method (whether you use mine or your own).

Tener preguntas? I have answers!

Go through the entire course, including the FAQ section. Then if you have any questions on the material that isn't covered in the course, please send me an email and I'll personally answer your questions!

You will have instant access to the entire course because you can access it all online from the Members Section of our web site. Please note that no hard version of the course will be sent through the mail and the course is not downloadable.


Enjoy my 90 day no-questions-asked 100% money-back guarantee.


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If you want to learn more than the simple Fibonacci retracement and extension levels, and you want to gain access to the higher level, more advanced techniques. this course is for you.

The markets have a tendency to move according to a certain rhythm, and that rhythm has a math to it - a geometry.

While some present this as complicated and even mystical - the rhythm of the market is not mysterious at all:

The markets move according to the geometry of the human mind. After all, it's humans who make the markets move!

This geometry is not complicated or mysterious. However it can be manifest in various ways and it does have a fluidity to it - and this is where the Advanced Fibonacci Trading techniques come to play.

The "Advanced Fibonacci Course" will teach you how to use the various types of Fibonacci Tools (beyond just the Fibonacci Retrace tool) and how to use them in combination with each other, on multiple time frames, and in conjunction with other trading techniques.

In this course you will learn:

Everything in the "Fibonacci Made Simple" course above.

How to use Fibonacci levels with chart indicators (Stochastics, MACD, moving averages, etc.).

How to use Fibonacci levels with the "5 energies" of the market.

How to use Fibonacci TIME extensions.

How to find and use Fibonacci CLUSTERS.

How to use PRICE PATTERNS with Fibonacci levels.

How to use CANDLESTICKS with Fibonacci.

How to use many Fibonacci drawing tools beyond Fibonacci retracements.

How to trade Fibonacci levels on the hard right edge of a live trading screen.

Who is this course for?

Pretty much everyone (Fibonacci levels are universal in their application once you learn how to use them correctly).

Day Traders

Swing Traders.


Forex Traders.

Futures Traders.

Stock Traders.

Commodities Traders.

Intermediate Traders.

Advanced Traders.

If you are a Beginning Trader, I recommend you get the "Fibonacci Made Simple" course ABOVE.

This course will benefit you whether you have taken my other courses or not.

This course is not a complete trading methodology, but will teach you how to incorporate Fibonacci techniques into your current trading method (whether you use mine or your own).

Tener preguntas? I have answers!

Go through the entire course, including the FAQ section. Then if you have any questions on the material that isn't covered in the course, please send me an email and I'll personally answer your questions!


Immediately after your order is placed, you'll be able to register for the Members Section of our web site where you can access the course materials any time day or night.

After you order, check your email for the confirmation letter and you'll get instant access!

The ENTIRE "Fibonacci Made Simple" course above:

Introduction to Fibonacci - 3 videos.

How Fibonacci numbers are most often used in trading.

What are Fibonacci numbers and where do they come from?

Why Fibonacci numbers work in trading.

Customizing your Fibonacci Charts for maximum effectiveness - 3 videos (watching these videos will help you customize your Fib Tools even if you don't have one of the charting programs listed below) .

How to customize your Fib Tools in Tradestation.

How to customize your Fib Tools in MetaTrader.

How to customize your Fib Tools in NinjaTrader.

How to draw Fibonacci levels correctly - 2 videos.

Which highs and lows to use in drawing Fibonacci levels.

An automated objective method for finding the highs and lows to use in drawing Fibonacci levels.

Fibonacci Extensions for profit targets - 1 video.

Fibonacci Extended Retracements - 1 video.

FAQ section to answer your questions.

PLUS you'll get the following ADVANCED material:

3-Point Fibonacci Extensions - 1 video.

Finding profit targets that amateur traders never see.

Fibonacci Time Extensions - 2 videos.

How to find projected cycle highs and lows in the future.

How to time your entries with precision.

Fibonacci Arcs - 1 video.

This one tool combines Fibonacci Time and Price.

How to project angles of ascent for market climbs.

Find major energy shifts in the market.

Fibonacci Fans - 1 video.

This one tool combines Fibonacci Time and Price.

Find "diagonal" support/resistance that are "invisible" to amateurs.

Fibonacci Boxes - 1 video.

This one tool combines Fibonacci Time and Price.

Seeing the "structure" and "rhythm" of the market.

See projected major turning points in the market BEFORE they are reached.

Fibonacci Clusters - 5 videos.

Multiple time frame clusters.

Clusters from different levels.

Clusters from different types of Fibonacci tools.

Clusters from Fibonacci levels in combination with other types of support/resistance.

Fibonacci and Price action - 2 videos.

Using Fibonacci with Candlestick patterns.

How to read price bars at Fibonacci levels.

Fibonacci combining with Multiple "Energies" - 3 videos.

Using Fibonacci with the energy of Cycles.

Using Fibonacci with the energy of Trend.

Using Fibonacci with the energy of Momentum.

Live Trading on the "hard right edge" of the chart - 4 videos.

Live trading Forex.

Live trading futures.

Live trading stocks.

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Investors should look beyond distractions of forex crisis – Peterside

Investors who want to invest in Nigeria should look beyond the distractions from the current foreign exchange situation in the country in order to make better and profitable long-term decisions, the Chairman of Cadbury Plc, Mr. Atedo Peterside, has said.

Peterside stated this while delivering a welcome address at the 2016 Standard Bank West Africa Investors’ Conference held in Lagos, yesterday.

The conference was themed: ‘Unlocking Nigeria’s Potential…growing through diversification’

He said: “By rising above the distractions and uncertainties surrounding the short-term foreign exchange situation and evaluating Nigeria’s long-term potential in key sectors of the economy, such as infrastructure, power and gas, consumer goods, agriculture, etc. investors will be better guided and positioned to take informed decisions on where the best long-term returns on investment will eventually emerge from.”

According to him, “Efforts at economic diversification are still at a relatively early stage of execution and are hampered by exchange rate uncertainties. This has created a very challenging backdrop for policy makers to operate against as the private sector is naturally pre-occupied at present with the short-term pursuit of scarce forex at official rates which guarantee huge windfall incomes for the lucky recipient.”

The Stanbic chairman said dollar shortages in Nigeria had reached levels where “most investors here are currently caught up in a frenzied pursuit of the cheapest available dollars. Everybody wants to take foreign exchange out and nobody really wants to bring it in,” he said, adding: “Without investment there will be no new jobs.”

He noted that, “The need for decisive diversification of the economy becomes even more apparent when we consider the yearning needs of the populace for new jobs and/or welfare packages that will help drag significant numbers of them up from below the poverty line.

He added, “Given the government’s plan to boost economic activity through extensive spending on infrastructure as well as on social projects, it potentially provides a platform through which the private sector can partner with government.”

Peterside said, “It is clear to most stakeholders that government cannot attempt to close the infrastructural gap alone without recklessly expanding Nigeria’s debt burden. This makes it imperative that the government clearly articulates a policy regime which enables both the private sector and the public sector to allocate scarce resources more efficiently.” Vanguard

Tag Archives: olmstead options for beginner beyond

To begin with, Options for the Beginner and Beyond: Unlock the Opportunities and Minimize the Risks book is extremely gentle about the Ancient greek. Actually, equations do not seem before finish from the guide. It is also really well-paced, very read-able, as well as says in advance that components tend to be for novices as well as that components tend to be for that more knowledgeable. The very first area, comprising 9 chapters, offers the beginner along with sufficient info to obtain within more than the woman’s mind. The 2nd area, comprising 16 chapters, offers the readers along with terse fundamentals upon a few of the popular choices methods. The 3rd area, entitled Unique Subjects, offers the heightened visitors along with pretty complicated methods including a little bit of mathematics; it’s right here in which the equations (and skyrocket science) lastly seem. Options for the Beginner and Beyond: Unlock the Opportunities and Minimize the Risks .

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

offers 2 significant weak points. For just one, it will possess invoked the actual causes example. In most cases, within the existence of the choice, you will find 2 primary causes, time pressure and also the cost pressure. Time pressure functions to lessen the worthiness from the choice, whatever the kind of choice (put or even call) or even choice technique (naked or even protected, solitary or even multiple) chosen. As soon as a choice expires, it’s useless, therefore within the existence from the choice, time pressure techniques the worthiness in the direction of absolutely no. The cost pressure can function within 1 of 2 methods. It may boost the worth from the choice, or even it may additional worsen the result of times pressure. The actual second option, and a insufficient equity graphs, graphs as well as schematics within the very first portion of the actual guide, truly undermined the actual book - particularly within Section 4 whenever this launched The actual Greeks (delta, gamma, vega as well as rho)- the actual numerical icons which define the way in which which choices act. Possibly the most known weak point from the guide is actually the possible lack of details upon the price of operating a good choices plan (generally talking, integrating choices could possibly end up being very costly, each on the minimal along with a (percentage) complete come back basis). Choices applications could be operate within 1 of 2 really common methods. The actual traditional method of operating a good choices plan is really as the hedging - or even a good insurance - plan. With this technique, the actual buyer offers purchased the share, as well as your woman really wants to possibly safeguard which placement through cost diminishes utilizing places or even highlight the actual anticipated obtain utilizing requires instance. The greater contemporary method of operating a good choices plan is extremely similar to day-trading as well as usually is actually, for those useful reasons, the buying and selling system (usually including nude calls - that’s, choices not really backed through fundamental share position). Newbies are specifically as well as highly recommended in order to prevent the second option.

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The New Technical Trader: Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators (Wiley Finance) can be a good guide. Nevertheless, We really don’t observe exactly what excellent benefit StochRSI as well as VHF may existing the actual potential readers. These two indications are extremely jumpy, which means you perform obtain a headstart however from exactly what price? Reduced indications however enable you to get within later on generally for the center or even the finish of the proceed. Every offers it is personal benefit as well as drawback. Although you should keep in mind that regularity is actually exactly what functions over time. I’ll state which Mr. Chande appears like a decent author.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

This really is a lot more compared to I will state with regard to most writers available. 1 very last thing, buying and selling isn’t regarding getting the most recent indications. Buying and selling includes 3 similarly essential components; strategy, pyschology as well as danger management. If you’re lacking 1 you’ll certainly fall short more than the future. The New Technical Trader: Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators (Wiley Finance) is made up mainly associated with strategy however it’s not as well not the same as the majority of the materials currently available.

There are several brand new suggestions regarding indications with this guide. We have not check whether or not they may defeat the actual aged indications. The actual writers additionally couldn’t provide this type of check. However if you’re an innovative specialist, you are able to learn to produce brand new indications your self. Used to do this. It had been a fascinating procedure however is probably not lucrative! It might be much better in the event that this particular guide might have the CDROM which has all of the method within Metastock, Stand out or even Tradestation platforms.

Gold Tests Ability To Consolidate Beyond 1,170

'If the Fed holds off raising rates, then the USD will be weaker and gold should outperform.' - UBS (based on CNBC)

We are observing some selling pressure for the first time in seven trading days. XAU/USD surged above and closed beyond the August high of the previous year, while surpassing the second monthly resistance at the same time. A downward correction should be capped by the weekly pivot point and Sep 2015 high at 1,156/54. In case of a riskier bearish trade, another demand is offered by the monthly R1 at 1,143. Meanwhile, in case gold consolidates above 1,170 on Monday, our attention will immediately turn to both Oct 2015 high and weekly R1 at 1,191/93.

The bulls have eroded their sluggish advantage they had been maintaining for the last three months. At the moment the aggregate bullish-bearish distribution of open positions is neutral.

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This overview can be used only for informational purposes. Dukascopy SA is not responsible for any losses arising from any investment based on any recommendation, forecast or other information herein contained.

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If you are looking to make money in the Forex business, but do not really understand how to get the ball rolling, then you have landed on the right website. This article is brimming with great tips that are designed to help you get a better understanding of how to make money through Forex.

Prudent forex traders never stray beyond their depth. To get the most out of forex trading it is important to limit one’s trading to deals one thoroughly understands. Following inscrutable tips or mysterious recommendations is a sure recipe for getting stranded in unfriendly waters. The trader who executes deals he or she does not understand is asking to get taken advantage of.

Make sure that you keep all of your transactions private, as you should not share with friends and family. Try not to get anyone else involved, as you may be dealing with a lot of money, which could cause tension in any relationship. Analyze forex trades individually and keep this hobby under the radar.

If you are just starting out in forex trading, avoid overextending yourself by trading in multiple markets at once. You will likely only end up confused. Instead, pick a few major currency pairs that you feel comfortable with, and learn everything you can about their trends. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you can extend your trading to other currencies.

You can always stand out of a trade, you have that personal right. If you are doubtful about your position of a trade, it is best to stay out of it. If you do not have enough information to make an informed decision, it’s better to sit out of the trade than to make risky uninformed decisions.

A volatility stop can protect your Forex investment from freak market upsets. Volatility stops are technically a form of chart stop, that is, stops dictated by market behavior. In the case of the volatility stop, when a currency pair starts trading rapidly and violently, the stop order automatically sells off the trader’s holdings in that pair.

A great forex trading tip is to try and learn what factors drive a certain currency. There are a number of things that can have a major influence on currency, such as, policy decisions and even political changes. Getting to know these factors will improve your chances of making smart decisions.

Set a reasonable long term goal as well as short term goals for yourself. Set weekly goals followed by monthly goals for yourself and track your progress accordingly. When you set short term goals you can see how far along you’re coming along in your progress for your long term goals, and if you feel you need to make adjustments you can.

If money is getting tight and you are trying to make money on Forex, these tips were designed with you in mind. Hopefully, you have taken something from these tips and now understand how Forex works. Apply these tips and you will be on your way to making money through Forex trading.



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finanzas. FinanzasForex. Forex news .

An international Ponzi/Pyramid scheme has been operated by Evolution Market Group – doing business as - Finanzas Forex, DWB Holding Company, Superior International Investments Corporation, German Cardona, Daniel Rojo Filho, Pedro Benevides and others in which investors were defrauded out of millions of dollars. The United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida entered orders of forfeiture for over $138 million in assets which were seized by Federal Authorities for their involvement in a fraud perpetrated by Evolution…

Forex‬ ‪‎Trading‬ generally involves a substantial risk of loss, as well as high potential returns. As a result, if any company you are considering investing with claims to be able to offer you guaranteed high profits by trading forex, then you would be wise to be suspicious of a potential forex frauds. Forex ‪‎frauds‬ is a growing problem. It can be found everywhere from boiler room scam artist's, to some guy you met at the coffee shop the other day,…

Forex Trading scams. Forex is an over-the-counter market where buyers and sellers conduct foreign exchange transactions, also called foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange are instruments employed in making payments between countries – paper currency, notes, checks, bills of exchange, and electronic notifications of international debits and credits. There has been a significant rise in fraudulent activities in Forex scams over the past few years. Financial markets have witnessed a steady upswing and investors are lured by the promise of significant…

Calogero Boccadutri


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Corredores de Forex. inversión. losses .

Points to avoid losses with your forex brokers. All Forex traders know that the market is the biggest financial market in the world. There are many who know what they are doing and who are in a position to pick the most reputable forex brokers. However, there are many more forex traders who are new to the market and inexperienced at knowing what to look out for to avoid being burnt by the many forex scams and unscrupulous brokers out…

PipJet Forex EA - beyond any trader's expectations

Pip Jet Forex Trading Robot Download. PipJet from The Forex Megadroid Developer Team. Pip Jet is an EA that has been in development for over 2 years now.

Its performance is probably amoungst best you have seen on the marketplace and is supported by 5 ( FIVE! ) real-money, live account statements.

The beauty of its performance proof is that, unlike other robots out there, PipJet has been trading for almost TWO years with only 3 losing trades and a VERY low drawdown.

In fact, one of our accounts will show the robot trading $1,000 into close to $ 40,000 since August 2010!

But, strange as it may seem to you now (and we will keep it as a surprise for the time being), the HUGE performance of the robot is NOT its #1 highlight. Yes, strange, but you will soon understand what we mean.

It's been over 3 years since launched our first FX robot, Forex Megadroid.

The robot has been purchased by over 44,000 traders around the globe since then and STILL continues to be the #1 solution for automated FX trading.

Many people have asked us WHY we waited so long to bring the industry a new robot.

The answer is quite simple: because we care about our BRAND . so bringing a new robot to the market means NEVER sacrificing quality and profitability.

We have worked very hard to maintain the quality of what we do and what we deliver.

and that means that if we can't find a strategy that would be resilient, profitable and consistent enough. something that would be BEYOND any trader’s expectations, then there is no point introducing a new robot to the marketplace.

In early 2010 we managed to find a “ weird ” occurrence in a certain currency pair that aroused a lot of curiosity (the term “a lot” is actually an understatement!).

That curiosity lead to extensive research . and that extensive research led to a discovery that stopped us cold in our tracks!

This discovery was so big that, for the very first time since launching our first robot, we felt that we had something to contribute to the FX industry – something that would truly raise the standard.

The PipJet robot was developed around every aspect of this discovery and, soon, we will be sharing it with the FX community.

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Technical Analysis In Forex

Currency trading is gaining more and more popularity and most of the traders are finding their way to succeed in the forex market. Technical analysis in forex is an instrument which will help you to become a successful trader in the world of forex. It is one such tool which predicts future price movements by analyzing market data like, historical price trends, volumes, open interest, and so on.

If you want to know more about technical analysis you have come to the right place. This site will let you know an insight of the technical analysis. Knowing the basic of technical analysis will be very helpful to start trading in the forex market. The history and principles behind technical analysis shared here will let you get more familiar with the term.

It is important for every trader to know about the indicators of technical analysis. Every trader should follow the concepts of technical analysis to make profit while trading in forex. You should be aware of the different technical analysis charts used in the forex market. Moreover, one should know the pros and cons of technical analysis so that they can profit from their trading and minimize their losses.

Browse through this site to get a wealth of information on technical analysis in forex.



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Cash Interbank Foreign Currency Exchange is the largest business in the world, period. The New York Institute of Finance estimates that somewhere around $1.6 Trillion will change hands every 24 hours. That is bigger than the New York Stock Exchange dollar volume over weeks or months. Until recently, Interbank F/X has been the exclusive domain of International Banks, Business, Governments, and Institutions. Usually individuals have been excluded from this trading environment because the size of transactions, with the resulting financial responsibilities involved, were beyond what most individuals could realistically handle. In other words, they aren't "big enough" to be involved profitably. Our program solves this problem.

It's our opinion that Cash F/X represents one of the finest cutting edge opportunities for investors today. With the recent advances in technology and the growth of the industry as a whole the benefits that have not been available for the smaller investor now can be exploited on almost any level. A few of the more visible benefits include:

Global Opportunity Base

No matter where or why an economic change is occurring anywhere in the world we can participate instantly. Eventually all economic events will manifest themselves in the value of a Country's Currency. Instead of selecting stocks or rating bonds, or any other various means available to participate in Global growth (or decline); it is simpler and more cost effective to trade the currency involved. Because the Interbank Cash F/X market is electronic and central for all participants a profit opportunity can be exploited immediately without delay. This opens the door for more profit potential more often.

Size and Flexibility of the Marketplace

We trade 17 currency pairs at anytime 24 hours a day 6 days a week. No matter which direction our home currency is moving (up or down) there will be literally hundreds of daily possibilities that result from this. Also, we are not limited to our home currency; we can do true cross-rate trades. This means if any currency is moving against any other (for whatever reason) we can position ourselves for a profit regardless of what our home currency might be doing at that time. The Cash F/X market is the only place where you can profit easily from such movement. Because the market is so large and well traded (liquid) we do not have to pay a premium to enter or exit a position. Unlike stocks, bonds, metals, or futures, there is no commissions charged for the privilege of being a participant. Because the market is populated with highly professional people and is so well capitalized we can leverage large transactions with very small performance bonds (margin). This gives tremendous profit potential when positioned well. Better than any other leveraged vehicle. The end result is better, lower cost execution; no trade gaps in price movement, and better profits with a definable risk.

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Helpful advice on money making through Forex trading

Created page with "In order to work on something efficiently, There's nothing more wonderful than having all the resources that you'll require. This is what occurs with Forex trading and the spe. ") Latest revision as of 15:10, 3 March 2014 In order to work on something efficiently, There's nothing more wonderful than having all the resources. From:https://wiki. mozilla. org/index. php? title=Helpful_advice_on_money_making_through_Forex_trading&diff=945429&oldid=0

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Forex Essentials | Pound Trading | FX Charts

Essentials in Forex There are quite a few basic essentials which a trader should learn well, when it comes to trading Forex . These are some of the tools. From:http://www. marketforex. net/essentials-forex. html

The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading: The Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit

ListPrice: $39.00 LowestNewPrice: $13.50

Forex Essentials in 15 Trades: The Global-View. com Guide to Successful Currency Trading (Wiley Trading)

ListPrice: $65.00 LowestNewPrice: $14.99

Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading

ListPrice: $41.95 LowestNewPrice: $13.44

Foreign Exchange: The Complete Deal: A comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of the Forex market (Applied Essentials)

ListPrice: $56.99 LowestNewPrice: $21.24

How to Trade Beyond Your Comfort Zone

A reoccurring theme that we will often see is that Forex traders tend to be too one-dimensional. This is probably because of the fact that they are often sold a bill of goods when it comes to trading currencies. They would hear advertisements that suggest that Forex markets are the best market to trade, and while this is probably true, the fact is that they are not the only markets trade. There are times where it makes more sense to be involved in other markets than the Forex market, but it used in conjunction with currency trading can be quite powerful as opposed to using these markets exclusively.

For example, you may find that you are bullish of gold. We certainly are for the long term, and as such want to be exposed to gold as often and as long as possible. However, it is difficult to hold onto a leveraged currency position in the South African rand or the Australian dollar in times of economic uncertainty. Quite often, these positions will get absolutely annihilated because of a run back to the US dollar for safety. It is certainly difficult to hang onto these positions for several years.

Knowing this, there are some alternatives. For example, you may find that buying the GLD ETF a reasonable alternative. This exchange traded fund focuses on physical ownership of gold. In other words, the GLD owns a specific amount of gold. If you are a shareholder in this particular ETF, you actually own a specific amount of gold. The beauty of this though is that it isn't leveraged. It's traded as a simple stock essentially, and as such fluctuations in price aren't as damaging. Because of this, you can hold onto this investment for a long time and essentially have a "core position" in gold over the long term and then go in and out of the currency and futures market to add to your winnings when the markets are trending upwards.

Another tool that traders have in their arsenal is the CFD market. CFD stands for contract for difference, which is essentially betting on whether or not a specific market will go up or down. You don't necessarily own that particular contract, but what you do is have an interest in the underlying financial instrument.

For example, natural gas had been in a wicked bear market for some time until the middle of 2012. If you were to try and sell or go short natural gas contracts on a futures exchange, you might find that it's a bit expensive. After all, the margin required to several thousand dollars, and the markets are very volatile. However, if you are a small trader you can get into the CFD markets and place a trade for whatever size you wish to. This allows you to essentially trade for pennies per tank if you need to, and allows the smaller trader to be involved in markets that typically are out of their reach.

Another advantage to having the ability to trade such small positions is that you can take a longer-term outlook on a particular market. Much like using the ETF above, you can simply have a small position for the long term in various markets. In fact, you can even trade stocks this way, and those particular CFDs have the advantage of operating 24 hours a day. This way, you don't have wicked spikes at the open if you are trading a stock like you can on one of the exchanges.

As you can see, there are various ways to trade the world's markets. Locking yourself into currencies only is a huge disservice to yourself, as there are plenty of trading opportunities in various markets on any given day. You have to understand that although your heart may lie with currencies, the reality is that it all ends up in your base currency at the end of the day. It really doesn't matter what you’re trading, rather that you are trading well and are taking advantage of all the opportunities that you can.

Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

The New Technical Trader: Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators (Wiley Finance) can be a good guide. Nevertheless, We really don’t observe exactly what excellent benefit StochRSI as well as VHF may existing the actual potential readers. These two indications are extremely jumpy, which means you perform obtain a headstart however from exactly what price? Reduced indications however enable you to get within later on generally for the center or even the finish of the proceed. Every offers it is personal benefit as well as drawback. Although you should keep in mind that regularity is actually exactly what functions over time. I’ll state which Mr. Chande appears like a decent author.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

This really is a lot more compared to I will state with regard to most writers available. 1 very last thing, buying and selling isn’t regarding getting the most recent indications. Buying and selling includes 3 similarly essential components; strategy, pyschology as well as danger management. If you’re lacking 1 you’ll certainly fall short more than the future. The New Technical Trader: Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators (Wiley Finance) is made up mainly associated with strategy however it’s not as well not the same as the majority of the materials currently available.

There are several brand new suggestions regarding indications with this guide. We have not check whether or not they may defeat the actual aged indications. The actual writers additionally couldn’t provide this type of check. However if you’re an innovative specialist, you are able to learn to produce brand new indications your self. Used to do this. It had been a fascinating procedure however is probably not lucrative! It might be much better in the event that this particular guide might have the CDROM which has all of the method within Metastock, Stand out or even Tradestation platforms.

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (14-19): Forex Focus: Going Beyond 70 And 30 In Forex by Jamie Sattele

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Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (14-19): Forex Focus: Going Beyond 70 And 30 In Forex by Jamie Sattele

Access to foreign exchange trading has opened up exciting trading options for the retail trader. Ahora puede comerciar junto a corporaciones e instituciones en un mercado altamente líquido que es global, se negocia las veinticuatro horas del día, y altamente apalancado. Antes de saltar a este mercado, sin embargo, debemos entender los factores que afectan el mercado de divisas. With that in mind, STOCKS & COMMODITIES has introduced Forex Focus to better prepare the retail trader to participate in the currency market.

Here’s a look at the performance of a foreign exchange strategy that was applied to the EUR/USD. The relative strength index (RSI), developed by J. Welles Wilder, is one of the most widely used indicators in technical analysis. But by the same token, it is also one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly applied indicators in technical analysis. Too often, a trader attempts to pick a top or a bottom and then watches in frustration as the market fails to top out or bottom out and continues to move in the same direction. Most traders realize that RSI is an oscillator and that its value can range anywhere from zero to 100. Extreme readings are said to be over the 70 level and below the 30 mark, with the former considered overbought† and the latter oversold.


This is where most mistakes are made. Novice and experienced traders alike jump at the opportunity to sell a cross below 70 or buy a cross above 30, trying to pick a top or a bottom. Some of the trades will surely work out, but it is the one or two losses that occur when the trader finds him - or herself on the wrong side of a strong trending market that will wreak havoc. It is not necessary to sell tops and buy bottoms. Instead, it’s more effective to try to catch portions of large moves with higher-probability entry points.

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The full DVD Workshop gives you more than 6 hours of action-packed information designed to help you trade with more confidence and success!

2 Manual: Steve Nison-The Candlestick Course-WILEY. pdf

3 Manual: Steve Nison Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques. pdf

4 Manual: Steve Nison-Beyond Candlesticks. pdf

DVD #1: Essentials of Nison Candles and Single Candle Lines

This DVD begins building the solid, and correct, foundation for the rest of your Forex candlestick education.

See why candles are used by the most successful FX traders and analysts and how candles can help you overcome your trading challenges.

After detailing the basic construction of the candlestick line, Steve focuses on one of the most common and misunderstood candle signals - the Doji. Want to know if a breakout is likely to be false? Then pay special attention to the section on Spinning Tops and Doji.

Do you think candles are complicated? This is just one of the misunderstandings that are blown apart here. By the end of this DVD, you’ll be starting down the path to accurately read the markets’ message better and faster than ever before.

Here's what you'll learn:

Why is Steve Nison the source for your candle education

Anatomy of the candle line

Why candles give twice the information as a bar chart

Using real bodies to gauge force of current move

Spinning tops

Essentials of Doji

Basic Criteria

Market Implication

How doji are different in FX compared to non FX

Using doji as a protective stop

How to help avoid buying on false breakouts

Avoiding a common misuse of the doji


Why shadows must be part of your candle analysis

Using long lower shadows

Using long upper shadows

Hammer Essentials


Basic criteria

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern

Hammer as support

Retest of hammer’s lower shadow

Shooting Star Essentials


Basic criteria

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern

As resistance

Basic Criteria

Market implication

Psychology behind the pattern


Reading the market’s message using single candle lines

High Wave Candles

The Checkmate Principle

DVD #2: Double and Triple Candle Lines

Do you think there are too many candlestick patterns?

Then you’ll appreciate how Steve zooms in on some his favorite double and triple candle line patterns - from both the bull and bear side.

With the help of this DVD, you’ll develop the confidence to quickly find and correctly use, these most important double candle line patterns to set up a trade.

In this section, you’ll see how to answer the common question of “How do I know when a candle patter is false.” Then discover Steve’s Blueprint for FX trading success.

Here's what you'll learn:

Bullish Engulfing Pattern Essentials


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern

Importance of short term trend – forgetting this can lead to costly mistakes

Bearish Engulfing Pattern Essentials


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern


How, and why, this pattern is different in FX

Market implications

Psychology behind the pattern

Steve’s all time most important trading rule

The If… Then Principle

How and why you must use protective stops

Dark Cloud Cover Essentials

Piercing Pattern Essentials

Bull Harami Essentials

Bear Harami Essentials

Morning Star Essentials

Evening Star Essentials

Evening Star Essentials

Steve’s Rules for FX Trading Success including:

DVD #3: Essentials of Western Technicals and Trade Management. Plus Intraday Candles

Your one - two punch for FX trading success is merging Western techncials with Nison candlesticks. We call this the Best of the East and West.

Using the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid) Steve will show you some his favorite Western indicators for FX and how to most profitably merge them with candlesticks. Then Steve will show you how to improve your trading results with secret intraday candle charting strategies, no matter if you are a day trader or swing trader

Steve’s Best of the East and West including:

Candles and Trendlines

The Nison Candlestick Screener ™ - Steve’s favorite trading strategy

How, and why, old resistance becomes new support

How, and why, old support becomes new resistance

Making money with false breakouts

Candles and Oscillators

Candles and Fibonacci retracements

Candles in Context

Record Session highs

Adapting to the Market

Secrets to using Intra-day candles for day and swing traders

Discover why and how candle patterns should be traded differently on intraday charts

How to combine intraday signals with longer term support and resistance

How to get earlier reversal signals than you can with daily charts

Using intraday charts to confirm support or resistance

Using intraday candle charts to find “hidden” support/resistance

Using multiple time trading time frame

Bringing it all together


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Forex can be extremely profitable. Many individuals trade in a way that's extremely tedious. They study news events; review charts of each and every currency pairs add a bunch of technical indicators on their charts and a lot more. Getting the appropriate Forex trading guide info will help you reduce all of these complexities, help you to buy currency and show you how to trade in a straightforward way.

Some will want to stick to the old manual way of trading. Why they do is beyond me. Technology has allowed extraordinary advancements in the trading planet. You need to take benefit of them.

Having one easy-to-use trading approach should be the purpose of all Forex traders. If you have this, you can trade with ease and do it over and over once again. Trading does not and must not be a nail biting event.

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The greatest way to come up with a trading strategy is to practice it in a demo account. You don't have to risk your broker account deposit to prove a method performs. Just take your time and use pretend cash and trade it with genuine industry data.

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Beyond Candlesticks by Steve Nison

14th May 2009, 12:06 pm

Beyond Candlesticks — New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed is trading book by Steve Nison that follows his previous works Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques and The Candlestick Course and goes deeply into the candlestick patterns and supporting methods and techniques. In this book author continues to view the Japanese candlestick charts as the best map of the market situation a trader can use, but it proposes not to limit oneself with the basic patterns and move on to applying other price charts techniques to the usual trading. The book features the basics on candlesticks, the patterns, the summarization of the candlestick patterns and charts, moving averages and the candlesticks, three-line break charts, Renko charts and Kagi charts. Recommended if you are fan of the Japanese candlestick charts and want to learn new ways of interpreting.

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Below you can read the reviews of the book and also submit your own review about Beyond Candlesticks by Steve Nison.

5 Review


Nison describes various real trading strategies in his new work (this useful knowledge is found in the foremost portion of the volume), which his first book was indeed lacking, though this second text is a great follow up to his prior one. Nison also describes varying new viable trading patterns in this second manuscript that are based off ones in the first.

I don’t think some of the information provided in the second portion of the book will prove useful to me: such as Three Line, Renko, and Kagi charts. I agree that I may not ever sketch any diagrams out with pen and paper, but it was interesting and innovative to learn. Without regarding any time limit, these three charts track the flow of the options – needing a powerful trend to suddenly drop before a different line will appear, thus the now low stock needs to split a trio of fresh highs starting low in array to ever show up on the chart. When a specific rise or fall in the value of the stock has been met (of either a certain percent, or nominal), under the Renko chart, a fresh line is marked.

Although there is a bit of uninformative knowledge presented within his book, Japanese expressions for merges between long and short MA’s – also presenting the preferred numbers Japanese business people like to use for their MA’s.

I don’t know how good this book will do for me as a personal investor, but to be honest, it is a great piece to read – Nison delivers the goods, and the knowledge he imparts is precious.


A top notch piece of work, this book is – Nison is a wonderful instructor, and if you want to glean more info about candlesticks, then checking out “Beyond Candlesticks”, and Nison’s prior book as well, named “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques.”


Buying this work as an easy choice, being a fan of candlesticks and what sources had said made “Beyond Candlesticks” appear to be better than the first work of Nison’s. I thought he would be the absolute go-to spot for all of my information on candlesticks, him being the leading mind in the subject. Even though a person might be called the father of something, I have found a better book about candlesticks by Stephen Bigalow, and frankly, I find it Bigalow’s work better than Nison’s. There is a bit of humorous speculation about Nison’s work, as he acknowledges his children as inspiration – maybe they edited his book, as it contains many grammatical and syntax errors; also there are a few spelling errors that just should not have made it to publication. This book looks like it was thrown quickly together in a word processor and just let out there; it contains that little actual information. The writing is hard to follow, graphs that follow text…don’t do so until the next page, making it extremely hard to follow. Honestly, Wiley Publishing – notable for their notoriously shoddy practices, probably published this manuscript.


Candlesticks and are a large part of the force that drives the market today. If you read Steve Nison’s first work “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques”, you can learn the basics of candlesticks, their patterns, and how to use them daily. Another of Nison’s books “Beyond Candlesticks” will show you how to make your way around the market and how to make money, not lose it. These books can give you what you need to corner the market. Merging these systems with more westernized traditions, you may find the best way for you to trade, the absolute trading method you’ve been looking for.


The foremost part of this work describes some of the central points from his best selling book from the early 1990’s, the work being on candlesticks – though there are new thoughts building on the olds ones in this new book. Known best in Japan, the second half of this book describes these techniques – I’ve found that they work well with candlesticks but are definitely nothing exceptional; candlestick charting is still one of the best trading instruments.

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Trading Forex (como cualquier otra actividad comercial financiera) puede ser muy arriesgado. El comercio con margen es incluso más arriesgado. Para estar preparado para las posibles pérdidas y otros peligros del mercado, se recomienda leer los libros de Forex escritos por profesionales y recomendados por los comerciantes exitosos. Los libros de Forex presentados en este sitio pueden mejorar en gran medida sus posibilidades de prosperar de la negociación de divisas y evitar los errores comunes que han volado miles de cuentas. No se olvide de leer las revisiones del libro de Forex antes de comprarlos y, por favor, deje su propia revisión después de leer el libro. Lea primero, el comercio siguiente!


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Forex World For Traders

Board of Governors member Leal Brainard believes lower rates are the new normal for Fed policy

Brainard states the labor market’s progress is very substantial but remains cautious about inflation

Fed Funds futures are pricing in a 75 percent chance of a rate hike at the December 16 th meeting

What are the Traits of Successful Traders? See what our studies have found to be the most common pitfalls of retail FX traders.

The US Dollar did not jump in response to comments from Board of Governors member Lael Brainard as she looked beyond the market’s focus of the impending FOMC gathering. The central banker gave a speech in Stanford, CA in which she discussed a new normal for interest rates which sees rates capped at a lower level than that seen before the 2008-09 credit. Brainard held the same stance as her fellow bankers by saying the path of a rate hike will be determined by economic data. She noted that possible international spillovers may constrain the degree to which FOMC policy can divergence with its peers.

In regards to comments relating to the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate of stable inflation and full - employment, Brainard said that the central bank “must guard against extended below-goal inflation”. She believes core inflation needs to be watched closely. On the topic of the labor market, she noted there has been “very substantial” progress – an evaluation bolstered no doubt by October’s unemployment rate of 5 percent and NFP print of 271k.

Both Fed rhetoric and key data will draw greater and greater scrutiny from the market as the FOMC’s December 16 th rate decision approaches. The current implied probability of a rate hike at the forthcoming meeting is 75 percent. Whether the Fed increases the base lending rate or not, investors should expect volatility surrounding this heavily-anticipated event. The greenback has notably tracked the Federal Funds rate hike probability over the previous three months.

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Forex Nitty Gritty: Review Examining Bill Poulos’ Trading Program Released

Forex Nitty Gritty Review

Houston, TX (PRWEB) January 30, 2014

Forex Nitty Gritty, a training program that not only claims to teach people the knack of trading Forex successfully, but also help them discover Bill’s powerful ‘Exit Strategy’, one that prevents so many potential winning trades losing out at the last possible moment, has caught the attention of ForexVestor. com’s Stan Stevenson, prompting an investigative review.

“Our Forex Nitty Gritty review shows that this training program is actually quite unique in the way that it turns conventional trading techniques on their head, and gives you a brand new way of utilizing even the most tried and trusted of methods,” reports Stevenson. “By following the course, you easily learn the techniques and strategies necessary to make your own decisions that will see you fast track on the road to Forex success.”

Bill Poulos' Forex Nitty Gritty includes step-by-step tutorials, easy explanations of the various techniques and concepts necessary to begin trading, risk management strategies, taking full control of one’s own trading, learning the full trading methods that maximise one’s success, and much more.

“One of the best things about Forex Nitty Gritty is that it’s suitable for a person at any level of their Forex trading journey. It’s a training program not only for those who are at a novice level of Forex trading, because nothing could be further from the truth,” says Stevenson. “Easy to understand for traders of any level, you begin to see results in the fastest amount of time possible.”

“Forex Nitty Gritty is a training program that could change your fortunes beyond your wildest dreams even if you’ve been trading for years, or if you feel that your success levels are nowhere near high enough to what you should be achieving. It’s definitely one of the top Forex training courses that we’ve seen in a long time. The program is definitely worth spending some of your hard earned dollars on, because the chances are that you’ll make a lot more cash than you ever would’ve thought possible once you put the strategies into action. In a nutshell, we think Forex Nitty Gritty rocks!”

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About Chartology

With "Chartology", you'll be sitting in the front row as I discuss price action analysis, market cycles, chart pattern setups, optimal trading time and volatility analysis, as well as the psychology behind price action. Put these tools together and you're looking at how to begin mastering the charts. In fact, be sure to watch the "Your Forex Questions Answered" video here.

Every day, occasionally more often, I'll additionally discuss order entry, U. S. Dollar Index, crude oil, gold, and the Dow. Forex trading allows and requires a viewpoint that goes beyond simply analyzing the pairs. I'll explain in detail how I scan for trades — I call it "triage" — how I set up trades proactively, and how I manage entries and risk. Trading isn't all that diffcult but the process of finding your tools and approach and trusting them is. So here's your front row in my trading office, thanks for reading, let's get going!

Who is Queen Cleopiptra?

Raghee Horner is a private trader, founder of EZ2Trade Software, entrepreneur, and author. She has been trading forex, as well as futures and stocks for almost twenty years. She is a regular contributor at a number of sites including FXStreet, Trading Markets, Autochartist, eSignal and a featured speaker at the Forex and Traders Expos. Her commentary and analysis is seen daily by thousands of traders at her personal blog ragheehorner. com. She has written articles for Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, Currency Trader, Your Trading Edge, and Traders Journal magazine.

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Is This Forex Trade Worth It?

Posted 6 months ago | 4:08 PM | 2 October 2015 No Comments

How much money can I make off this forex trade? What kind of returns can I expect?

Isn’t that what we do think at some point as we build a trade? It’s a perfectly natural question. We’re forex traders and we trade money for money.

There is a way to make some calculations that go beyond wishful thinking or optimistic guess work. I call it “MVP”: Margin, Volatility, and Price.

With some simple arithmetic, I can take some basic information like margin and pip value, crunch that with some daily pip movement ranges and get a realistic ROI. In tonight’s video I take a recent trade and contrast it to other pairs to show you how you can do the same before you take a trade.

Preguntas? Comments. Leave them here at the blog!

Follow Raghee Horner (aka Queen Cleopiptra) into her kingdom of forex and futures. Get the best techniques and tactics for trading currencies, futures, and options.

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You are here: Home / How to trade / Using stop-losses in forex trading

Using stop-losses in forex trading

Stop losses are an essential tool for all forex traders. Not only do they prevent traders accruing large losses when markets move quickly against a position, but they also allow trading to be more objective and therefore profitable. Sharp and sudden market moves, or simply those trends which occur when a trader is unable to close a trade, can quickly create larger losses and even result in a negative overall account value. Stop losses will go a long way to ensuring that only a certain degree of risk is incurred on any one trade and there are two main ways to utilise this essential tool.

Maximum loss and money stop-losses

Stop losses can be applied to any forex trade on a maximum loss basis, where a trader decides in advance the value of risk that they are willing to apply to a single position. This is known as a money stop and is normally based the maximum percentage loss that a trade can incur. These stop losses are the most helpful in removing the traders emotions form the decision-making during a trade. The temptation to incur greater losses in the hope that a position will recover is something that is experienced by all new traders and the ability to cut these losses early, with the help of a money stop will allow future winning trades to outweigh the losing trades.

Technical stop-losses

Technical stops are used by more experienced traders in order to exit a trade when the chart evidence is that the trade has failed. These stops are therefore placed a strategic points in the market which will prove that the original rationale for the trade is no longer valid and the trading signal has not resulted in the expected outcome. These stop losses are particularly useful for technical traders who use areas of support and resistance alongside technical analysis to pinpoint high probability trading opportunities. Again, by placing a stop loss beyond an area of support or resistance, pivot point or technical chart patter, the trader removers the possibility of a subjective decision dominating their trading decisions. It is worth remembering, however, that technical stops are often placed further from the entry price in order to both allow the trade space to ‘breathe’ and also in order to ensure that the trade setup has failed. The losses with technical stops may therefore be higher than if a money stop were to be employed.

Guaranteed stop-losses

Guaranteed stop losses are offered by many forex brokers as a way to ensure that, even in very fast moving markets or when price spikes occur, a stop loss will be executed at the correct price. This therefore prevents negative slippage when stops are triggered but the losses are higher due to the fact that the price moved beyond this level too fast to complete the stop loss order at the desired price. Guaranteed stop losses, however, do come at a premium which if usually in the form of a wider entry spread which makes the entry price for the trade less attractive as a non-guaranteed stop loss.

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The majority of the publications I have continue reading buying and selling tend to be possibly as well complex or even, whenever truly distilled lower, tend to be small greater than a obtain wealthy fast plan. I discovered Trading with Candlesticks completely well balanced along with info, particulars as well as answers how in order to industry sensibly — utilizing Candlestick charts. In some way the writer could obviously clarify as well as demonstrate Candlestick technical analysis with no specialized lingo which rapidly overwhelms the actual beginner investor.

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The actual Candlestick technique places a massive quantity of information in to 1 visible indicator — motion, marketplace emotion, ideals as well as overall performance. This really is just helpful knowing exactly what the actual graphs imply as well as how you can utilize the information for your profile. Which happens to be the large slope in order to ascend personally, a minimum of prior to this particular guide. This particular guide allowed me personally to comprehend the marketplace — and also the timing from the marketplace — far better. Superb source, specifically for the actual non-expert individual within the stock exchange.

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To begin with, Options for the Beginner and Beyond: Unlock the Opportunities and Minimize the Risks book is extremely gentle about the Ancient greek. Actually, equations do not seem before finish from the guide. It is also really well-paced, very read-able, as well as says in advance that components tend to be for novices as well as that components tend to be for that more knowledgeable. The very first area, comprising 9 chapters, offers the beginner along with sufficient info to obtain within more than the woman’s mind. The 2nd area, comprising 16 chapters, offers the readers along with terse fundamentals upon a few of the popular choices methods. The 3rd area, entitled Unique Subjects, offers the heightened visitors along with pretty complicated methods including a little bit of mathematics; it’s right here in which the equations (and skyrocket science) lastly seem. Options for the Beginner and Beyond: Unlock the Opportunities and Minimize the Risks .

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offers 2 significant weak points. For just one, it will possess invoked the actual causes example. In most cases, within the existence of the choice, you will find 2 primary causes, time pressure and also the cost pressure. Time pressure functions to lessen the worthiness from the choice, whatever the kind of choice (put or even call) or even choice technique (naked or even protected, solitary or even multiple) chosen. As soon as a choice expires, it’s useless, therefore within the existence from the choice, time pressure techniques the worthiness in the direction of absolutely no. The cost pressure can function within 1 of 2 methods. It may boost the worth from the choice, or even it may additional worsen the result of times pressure. The actual second option, and a insufficient equity graphs, graphs as well as schematics within the very first portion of the actual guide, truly undermined the actual book - particularly within Section 4 whenever this launched The actual Greeks (delta, gamma, vega as well as rho)- the actual numerical icons which define the way in which which choices act. Possibly the most known weak point from the guide is actually the possible lack of details upon the price of operating a good choices plan (generally talking, integrating choices could possibly end up being very costly, each on the minimal along with a (percentage) complete come back basis). Choices applications could be operate within 1 of 2 really common methods. The actual traditional method of operating a good choices plan is really as the hedging - or even a good insurance - plan. With this technique, the actual buyer offers purchased the share, as well as your woman really wants to possibly safeguard which placement through cost diminishes utilizing places or even highlight the actual anticipated obtain utilizing requires instance. The greater contemporary method of operating a good choices plan is extremely similar to day-trading as well as usually is actually, for those useful reasons, the buying and selling system (usually including nude calls - that’s, choices not really backed through fundamental share position). Newbies are specifically as well as highly recommended in order to prevent the second option.

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Measures of Volatility. Going Beyond the ATR

Those of you who are familiarized with my work will know that the Average True Range (ATR) indicator developed by Welles Wilder plays a very important role in my development of automated trading strategies as it is an extremely good tool to measure overall market volatility. The advantages of the ATR are many in that it is able to measure volatility taking into account market gaps and their relationship to high/low candle values. However it is true that the ATR is not the only indicator available to measure volatility and some other approaches with their own advantages/disadvantages against the ATR also exist. On today’s post I will take you on a journey to explore other alternatives to measure volatility beyond the analysis of the true range. Later on – within the indicator series of posts – we will most likely explore all the intricate aspects and possibilities within each one of these methods to measure volatility.

The first question we need to answer is. What is volatility. Volatility is simply a characteristic of the market which is directly proportional to the amount of movement within a given instrument. There is no “standard measure” of volatility or “units of volatility” and the notion of how volatility is measured and interpreted is almost entirely up to the trader. We can understand measured volatility as any measurement taken of the total “walk” of the market, a measure of how much price moves within an instrument within a given period of time.

The most primitive form of volatility measurements takes into account only the range of a given instrument on a chart. The daily range indicator achieves this by informing us about high/low differences within any chart. By knowing the daily range of X candles and determining an average we can know how volatility varies within a given period. The only problem of the daily range approach is that many times instruments have gaps which also imply volatility are are not taken into account as they do not play a part in the high/low values of candles. This is where the ATR becomes better than the true range since it can take into account gaps effectively. A calculation of averaging based on this daily ranges is also known as Chaiking Volatility.

Chaiking Volatility = (EMA (H-L (i), 10) – EMA (H-L (i – 10), 10)) / EMA (H-L (i – 10), 10) * 100

Another interesting concept based on the “true range” is the volatility ratio which is simply a measure of the current “true range” divided by the ATR over the past X periods. This gives us a notion of when the market achieves breakouts as we get a very good idea of how volatility is changing relative to the past X periods. Although the volatility ratio indicator is merely a variant of the ATR it does provide more insight into volatility as we get a clearer view of “breakouts” as volatility surges get easily pin pointed. This concept was initially introduced by Jack Schwager on one of his books on technical analysis.

There are also other ways in which we can measure volatility which have absolutely nothing to do with “ranges” but with other statistical aspects of candlestick charts. Indicators that measure the distance between the Bollinger Bands can serve as volatility indicators as they show us how the standard deviation of a given currency pair changes over time. Using a mere standard deviation indicator will also have similar results. Standard deviation is a valid way to measure volatility because the standard deviation of an instrument increases as volatility rises due to the fact that price tends to deviate more strongly from its average value.

As you can see there are many ways in which volatility can be effectively measured. The ATR is the one I like the most due to its wide use and its ability to take into account gaps. However other criteria based on exponential or simple averaging of daily ranges or the use of the standard deviation can also be used as weapons within our trading arsenal. Without a doubt successful adaptive systems can be developed with any of these different criteria and some may have advantages over the true range depening on the strategy being evaluated. So next time you consider an adaptive criteria for your systems (or a volatility indicator to trigger a certain entry/exit mechanism) please remember that volatility can be measured in many ways, besides the commonly used ATR.

If you would like to learn more about my work in automated trading and how you too can develop your own adaptive trading strategies based on volatility criteria please consider joining Asirikuy. com, a website filled with educational videos, trading systems, development and a sound, honest and transparent approach to automated trading in general. I hope you enjoyed this article. o)

Structure of the Forex market

The forex is unique among financial markets in a number of ways. One of these is that it was not traditionally used as an investment vehicle. It had, and still maintains to some extent, a somewhat more utilitarian purpose. In today’s globalized economy, most businesses have some international exposure, creating the need to exchange one currency for another in order to complete transactions.

How Forex Brokers Work

Like any other business in the history of business, your broker’s raison d’etre, is to make as big a profit as possible. There are about as many ways to go about this as there are brokers. For those who are in it for the long haul, however, it is generally best to adopt a set of practices which are deemed fair by their clients: certain boundaries are set, and operating beyond them can cost a brokerage its reputation, and along with it its clients.

ECN vs Market Maker

This article assumes some knowledge of the way the forex market and forex brokers work. If you are not familiar with this, we recommend that you first read our "Structure of the Forex Market" and "How Forex Brokers Work" articles. Contrary to popular belief, ECN's are not superior to Market Makers in every way. There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides.

How to Choose a Forex Broker

Choosing a good forex broker is one of the most important decisions you need to make at the beginning (or at any point) of your forex trading career. Do not take this decision lightly, but at the same time don’t stress over it – the process does not need to be complicated – just like in your trading decisions, once you do your homework, things tend to fall into place. Chance favors the prepared trader and everything you need to make an informed decision is listed right here.

Forex Price Dynamics

In order to gain an understanding of what actually moves the prices, or exchange rates in the interbank market, we must first understand that for any transaction to take place, there must be a buyer and there must be a seller – there must be a counter party for every trade.


The concept of leverage is really quite simple, but its true meaning often becomes lost in the mountain of marketing-speak most forex brokers dish out at us traders. The misconceptions always arise as a result of the interchangeable usage of the words “ margin ” and “ leverage ”. These two concepts are related, but are in fact not interchangeable except in the most extreme (and suicidal) case where a trader decides to use the maximum leverage available to him under the broker’s house rules.

Mechanics of a Trade

For those who are thinking about entering the forex market for the first time, there is some very basic information that is often overlooked. For example, what exactly is happening when you enter a trade? Well it’s simple really, but important to understand. Say, for example, that you have a shiny new $10,000 account. You find a great entry on EUR/USD that you want to take. You enter a 1 mini lot long position with a 100 pip stop loss and a 200 pip take profit target at a price of 1.2500. What just happened?

Forex Position Sizing

For many new forex traders, the promise of quick riches is difficult to resist. That is the main reason why every day, so many people from all walks of life begin trading the forex market. While some element of this “keep your eyes on the prize” mentality is necessary to get traders through the tough times, on any given trading day one should really focus on other things first.

Forex Hedging

There are a number of forex dealers, dare I say even the majority, who allow clients to practice what is commonly referred to as “hedging” in the forex. What this means is that they allow clients to open both long and short positions in the same currency pair, at the same time. Other dealers, on the other hand, automatically close your positions when you enter orders that are exactly opposite to your open positions. There is an ongoing debate among retail traders about whether the practice of “hedging” is useful or not.

Currency Correlation

Correlation between sets of data refers to the statistical relationship that exists between them. In forex trading, if we take two currency pairs, for example, we can calculate how closely their price is correlated, giving us insight that we may be able to exploit for future profit. This can result in improvements to our trade expectancy by refining our entry and exit strategy through analysis of highly correlated pairs, by optimization of exposure to uncorrelated currency pairs, or by several other means. If you are not sure what that means, it's ok, once you become familiar with the concept of correlation, its usefulness will be very clear. In this article, we will focus on how to calculate the "correlation coefficient", a number between -1 and +1, which indicates how closely related two currency pairs (or any other data sets) are. Follow-up articles will provide a broader study of its possible uses in extracting profit from the forex market.

Investing in Recession

It has been known for many moons, and over many business cycles, that during every economic downturn, or recession, things follow a similar path. One of the first things we see is a bear market in equities. Short-selling in the stock markets is a bit tricky, however, particularly with regulators around the globe deliberately trying to curtail it, so this is not the equivalent of going long in a bull market. So it came to be known that during recessions, cash is king.

Fundamental vs Technical Analysis in Forex

The forex market has experienced enormous popularity in the past few years, thanks to technology and the flexibility offered by the genre for the average retail forex trader. You can trade anytime and from anywhere, but success still depends on knowledge, experience, and emotional control, factors that impatient newcomers to this investment medium are loath to admit before they crash and burn. Yes, casualty rates are high due to high risks, and specialized training is a must have from the get go.

What is Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics, as its name suggests, is the study of economics on a large scale, such as on a national level. It was developed as a separate theory from Microeconomics, mainly as a result of the work of legendary economist John Maynard Keynes who postulated among other things, that short-run fluctuations in economic activity can be mitigated by appropriate use of monetary policy.

Ten Principles of Economics

Economics is the study of the mechanism by which a society allocates its resources. In order to start studying macroeconomics, we must first understand the ten basic principles of economics, as set out by Gregory Mankiw, a well known macroeconomist, and professor at Harvard University. They are further separated into 3 main sections: how people make decisions, how people interact, and how a national economy works as a whole.

Gains from Trade

As mentioned in the previous article, "Ten Principles of Economics" (the 5 th principle, to be precise), trade between people tends to make all the parties involved better off than if trade is restricted or forbidden. We mentioned also that the main reason behind this is the concept of comparative advantage .

Market Forces of Supply and Demand

The most important concept in economics, without a doubt, is the concept of supply and demand. Most people understand this intuitively: if something is in demand, buyers are willing to pay higher prices for it in order to out-compete others who may be vying for the same item. Sellers are, of course, more than happy to oblige with higher prices. In this, and the next two articles, we will mathematically formalize the concept of these forces of supply and demand, so that we may study their effects and implications from a scientific perspective.


IronFx Withdrawal problem

We have many clients who have experienced IronFX withdrawal problem.

In November, the problem began deteriorating when many people had their withdrawals denied altogether without a specific explanation.

Such claims of Ironfx withdrawal problem appear to have widened beyond just Chinese customers, with other customers reporting to Forex Magnates and on trading forums that they are experiencing problems with their withdrawal requests being processed. If you experienced the same IronFX withdrawal problem do not hesitate to contact me.

The friction between IronFX and the company’s Chinese customers and introducing brokers (IBs) has culminated in a legal case brought against the broker.

We have a dedicated team of specialist foreign exchange ( forex ) litigation lawyers assisting clients across the globe and is at the cutting edge of litigation involving benchmark fixing and manipulation and has significant experience of developing and bringing forex litigation claims against banks, forex brokers and financial institutions.

Forex Magnates has learned that about 160 complaints against IronFX (withdrawal problem) were filed on January 22nd with the District Court of Limassol.

According to the allegations, IronFX has been denying withdrawal requests to over 150 accounts which the IBs brought onboard with the firm. The total amount of client funds mentioned in the claim is close to $1.25 million.

In addition, the broker was the subject of an investigative report by the Chinese media in relation to inappropriate marketing of their financial trading services. Other brokers shared similar fates, as SFX and IFX were featured in a segment on China Central Television, and FXTM faced a filmed protest in a local exhibition.

In the current claim against IronFX, introducing brokers have alleged in court that since the beginning of October their clients first experienced withdrawal delays. In November, t he problem began deteriorating when about 150 customers had their withdrawals denied altogether without a specific explanation.

Such claims of IronFX withdrawal problem appear to have widened beyond just Chinese customers, with other customers reporting to Forex Magnates and on trading forums that they are experiencing problems with their withdrawal requests being processed.

Specifically, many clients have received messages stating, “We would like to inform you that your account is under investigation for potential irregular trading activities.”

In the past, IronFX attributed withdrawal problem from China to the presence of abusive traders who the broker believed was taking advantage of their bonus offerings.

If you have experienced IronFX withdrawal problem and you need any further information in order to file a claim against IronFx do not hesitate to contact me at c. boccadutri@forex-lawyer. com

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Learning how to navigate the choppy waters of the forex market means having access to plenty of tricks and tips to improve your trades. These tips and tricks will come from a wide variety of sources, some you trust and others you’re willing to risk if it’ll improve your daily forex trades.

Since the foreign exchange market is growing larger by the day, the plethora of available information can be daunting for new traders. The key is to focus only on forex tradingtips that are important to you now. Don’t worry about information that you don’t understand yet, because it won’t help your trades today.

Look for tips regarding forex basics until you become a more skilled trader.

Don’t let yourself get bogged down with complicated forex trading strategies that have no meaning to you as this will only confuse you. Focus on trading strategies that are important for beginner forex traders. There are plenty of complicated trading systems out there intended for those well versed in the foreign exchange market, but implementing trade strategies that are beyond your current skill level can spell disaster.

Your best bet is to find forex trading strategy courses and videos to help you understand the basics of forex trading. Once you have these tips safely stored in your brain, you can begin to focus on advanced trading strategies. I've only found a handful that work well, and you can find them on the Profitable Trading Strategies page when you're ready.

Any tips to forex trading that help you identify significant economic indicators is worth exploring as these tips have the best chance of helping you make successful trades. Many new forex traders have no idea what factors are important to a trade, but tips that encourage you to learn more about the economies of your currency pairs are worth following.

Whether you choose to get regular alerts or you simply want to research the information for yourself, any trading tips that help you identify important economic data can improve your trades. Trading the News is also a great way to make money in this market. Economic news moves the market, and when the markets move, that's when the real money is made.

When it comes to implementing forex trading tips the most important piece of advice for you to follow is practice first! Never implement a potentially profitable forex trading strategy into a real money account without first testing it out on a demo account.

The internet is full of free forex demo accounts that will allow you to test out any forex trading tip, strategy or technique before risking real money on a whim. This is the best way to see if a strategy tip is legitimate or another scam looking to part you from your money.

Additionally, demo forex accounts will let you know how well you understand certain trade strategies. Some forex trading strategies are difficult to comprehend and practicing following the trends is your best bet at trading profitably each day on the foreign exchange market.

With a little patience and plenty of research you can be making profitable forex trades in no time at all!

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Forex Day Trading

By on October 2, 2015

If you really want to understand the way to day trade the forex market (or any marketplace) . you need to understand “trading beyond the hard right edge.” Most people look at what has happened on their chart, show up with one trade notion, and pray it works out. Since we can not see what happens next (beyond the hard right edge of our chart) . we think of scenarios we want to occur, and then begin to both hope, worry, or both. People often hope they’ll enter a trade. see the cost go flying in the direction they want for a simple gain, followed by high fives all around from buddies. Alternatively, they’ll worry about entering a trade only to see the cost plummeting against them, stopping them out. Either of those scenarios are possible (but so are a host of other possibilities) and which one is more prevalent in your brain will bias trading.

If you’re quite confident, you can miss clues that the market is turning against you. If you are very cynical, you may avert a great trade, or jump out of it too early. What’s missing? Your strategy accounts for getting you in trade, and setting an initial profit target and stop loss. When you’re in the trade though, everything changes… it’s all in your head. All sorts of things could happen, very few of which were considered. What will happen if the cost moves in your favor, only to suddenly begin moving against you? Imagine if the price moves to within 0.1 pips of your target and then reverses, fast (or slow)? How would you react to that?

As a day trader, things change very quickly. As Mike Tyson says “Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.” Regrettably, most day traders don’t even have a plan, and they just let themselves get punched in the mouth. Letting the cost hit target or your stop is fine. I’ve designed the strategies I publish to be prosperous (you still have to practice when to execute the strategy) with this “hands off ” enfoque. That is never (or rarely) how I really trade through. Active commerce management, when correctly implemented, is a lot more rewarding and a lot more consistent! There’s one downside: you have to constantly track the market while trading (which is fine for day trading).

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Introduction to Forex Currency Trading

Introduction to Forex Currency Trading

System Analysis of Forex Trading

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Reply Piper Stewart December 5, 2015 at 9:52 pm

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Forex Fundamental Analysis

As we mentioned before, prices do not cause prices. The reasons that lie behind price movements in the forex market are the subject of fundamental analysis, and those familiar with trading stocks should have little trouble in becoming familiar with fundamental analysis of currencies. Just as stock traders measure the health of a publicly-traded company by examining its balance sheet, indebtedness and cash flow statistics, the forex trader decides on the soundness of a nation’s economy by considering such things as central bank interest rate differentials (which is the difference between the borrowing costs as decided by the central banks of different countries), trade surplus or deficits, along with employment trends, productivity, and a number of other factors.

Fundamental analysis states the causes of major price movements in a straightforward and clear manner. For instance, because of the ease of borrowing and the resultant abundance of global liquidity in recent years, the interest rate differential between two nations’ central banks has been the most important indicator in determining price trends in the forex market. While this is unlikely to remain so in today’s difficult environment, interest rates will remain one of the most important drivers of currency market trends for as long as financial actors are free to move capital across national borders.

Fundamental analysis attempts to discover and predict the causes of forex trends, and in doing so it uses a number of indicators to present a comprehensive picture of global finance. But beyond the indicators themselves, what really causes a currency pair to move in a particular direction? Are currency movements really decided by statistics and news flow only?

This question brings us to another definition of fundamental analysis: Fundamental analysis attempts to predict money flows into and out of a particular currency. Statistics are significant only as far as the markets regard them as a basis for directing cross-border money flows. A nation can have very low unemployment, a high current account surplus, excellent productivity rates, and very good statistics in general, and its currency can still do poorly against others — if, despite all those advantages, there’s a greater supply of it with respect to total demand. In other words, no indicator, no statistic or standard is enough to magically appreciate a currency versus another, if the general economic environment (i. e. the financial markets in general), is unwilling to make use of the advantages that a sound and healthy economy provides.

Later we will return and take a deeper look at fundamental analysis.

The strength of fundamental analysis lies in its ties with economic events at the root level. It is relatively straightforward about its descriptions, and its rules and principles are often simple and easy to understand. And, the fact that fundamental causes decide the major trends in forex markets is indisputable. The trader possesses a very reliable tool in this kind of analysis. The problem with fundamental analysis, on the other hand, is twofold: it’s very poor as a timing indicator; and markets do not always react to its dictates in a rational manner. What must be remembered when the market value of a currency is a lot different from its fundamental value, is that the market would not have tolerated an irrational quote if some people somewhere were not making a great profit from that irrationality. It is therefore imperative that the analyst identify the abnormality, examine the causes of it, and formulate a strategy to exploit the discrepancy.

If fundamental analysis is a poor method for deciding on the timing of a trade, what will you, the trader, use to define your entry and exit points? Which method will allow you to decide when to take a profit or accept a loss? This question leads us to introduce the subject of technical analysis. Read more about fundamental analysis .

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