Monday, November 7, 2016

Forex Explicado

Estoy absolutamente encantado con Forex explicado. Creo que su formación es insuperable y la copia de seguridad técnica que he recibido de David y el equipo es muy profesional. He hecho un par de otros cursos en el pasado y Forex explicado los supera todas las manos hacia abajo. Actualmente estoy haciendo más del 2% por semana usando su sistema robótico y estoy esperando un futuro largo y rentable con ellos.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.

El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

Con el estado actual de la economía, la producción de un plan de negocios sólido es una tarea difícil. Usted estará obligado a trabajar muy duro si planea construir un negocio desde cero. La frustración y las molestias que vienen con la propiedad de pequeñas empresas tienen muchos a su vez a la divisa para mejorar su éxito financiero. Este artículo le ayudará a aprender más sobre divisas.

¡PROPINA! Fores es más dependiente del clima económico que el comercio de futuros y el mercado de valores. Conocer la terminología del mercado de divisas y cómo estos términos se aplican a las condiciones políticas y económicas del mundo.

Usted debe tener dos cuentas cuando comience a operar. La cuenta de la prueba permite que usted compruebe sus decisiones del mercado y la otra será donde usted hace comercios legítimos.

Si usted está consiguiendo solamente en el oscilación de negociar de la divisa extranjera, guarde a los mercados gordos y deje los mercados finos a los comerciantes experimentados. Si elige un mercado delgado, es menos probable que obtenga beneficios.

basado en los oficios

El problema es que las personas experimentan ganancias y empiezan a tener un ego para que hagan grandes riesgos pensando que tienen la suerte de hacer que sea un ganador. La falta de confianza o el pánico también puede generar pérdidas. Los oficios basados ​​en las emociones te meten en problemas, mientras que los oficios basados ​​en el conocimiento son más propensos a conducir a una victoria.

¡PROPINA! Discuta el comercio con otros en el mercado, pero asegúrese de seguir su juicio primero. Tome todos los consejos gratuitos que puede obtener, pero al final, tomar decisiones que siguen sus propios instintos.

No trate de obtener incluso o déjese ser codicioso. Es vital que usted permanezca tranquilo cuando el comercio en divisas. El pensamiento irracional puede costarle mucho dinero.

No pienses que vas a entrar en el comercio de divisas sin ningún conocimiento o experiencia y ver inmediatamente los beneficios de rodadura adentro. El comercio de Forex es una empresa inmensamente compleja y los expertos financieros han estado estudiando y practicando durante años . Probablemente debería considerar una estrategia exitosa conocida en lugar de intentar una nueva. Conozca las mejores prácticas y úselas.

¡PROPINA! Hay cuatro horas, así como gráficos diarios que usted necesita para aprovechar al hacer cualquier tipo de comercio con el mercado de divisas. Usted puede obtener gráficos de Forex cada 15 minutos! Desafortunadamente, cuanto más pequeño es el marco de tiempo, más errático y difícil de seguir los movimientos se convierten.

No comience con la misma posición cada vez. Los comerciantes que se abren de la misma manera cada vez terminan o bien no capitalizar las tendencias o perder más de lo que deberían tener con las malas decisiones. Para experimentar el éxito dentro del mercado de divisas, debe ser lo suficientemente flexible como para cambiar posiciones basadas en los oficios actuales.

Colocar una pérdida exitosa de la parada depende más en habilidad que hechos fríos, duros en el mercado de divisas. Como comerciante, recuerde aprender el equilibrio correcto, combinando el instinto intestinal con la perspicacia técnica. Se necesita una gran cantidad de ensayo y error para detener las pérdidas.

¡PROPINA! Usted necesita siempre hacer su propia investigación antes de entrar en un acuerdo con cualquier corredor. Si usted es un nuevo operador, trate de elegir uno que negocia bien y lo ha hecho durante unos cinco años.

Elija un paquete para su cuenta que se basa en cuánto sabe y cuáles son sus expectativas. Saber cuánto puede hacer y mantenerlo real. Obviamente, convertirse en un operador exitoso toma tiempo. Mantener su palancada baja le ayudará a protegerse del impacto de oscilaciones salvajes en el mercado. Para los principiantes, una cuenta de la práctica se puede utilizar puesto que no hay riesgo implicado en usarlo. Intente comenzar pequeño y aprenda las cuerdas antes de que usted comience a negociar incondicional.

Ahora, usted necesita entender que el comercio con Forex va a requerir mucho esfuerzo de su parte. Simplemente porque usted no está vendiendo algo por sí mismo no significa que usted consigue un paseo fácil. Recuerde concentrarse en los consejos que aprendió anteriormente y aplicarlos cuando sea necesario para tener éxito.

Cómo maximizar su potencial de beneficio en el comercio de Forex: Técnica de comercio para hacer una gran cantidad de dinero en cada comercio en el mercado de Forex utilizando el apalancamiento, margen y estrategia de gestión de la equidad (9781502322838): Sr. Emegha Omoruyi Emmanuel: Libros

Práctica de día de comercio

Amazon Precio: $ 30.00 $ 30.00 (a partir del 26 de marzo, 2016 3:31 pm & # 8211; Detalles). Los precios de los productos y la disponibilidad son exactos a la fecha y hora indicadas y están sujetos a cambios. Cualquier información de precio y disponibilidad que se muestre en el sitio de Amazon en el momento de la compra se aplicará a la compra de este producto.

& Quot; Cómo optimizar su potencial de ingresos en operaciones de divisas & quot; Es una publicación que se centra en cómo los inversores pueden identificar el valor de pip ganado en su vender el mercado de divisas, las maneras de utilizar el apalancamiento en el mercado de divisas, el aspecto positivo del comercio de márgenes, así como la técnica para la administración apropiada de la equidad. Los comerciantes descubrirán las mejores maneras de hacer uso del apalancamiento para identificar la cantidad de la dimensión del lote al comercio, así como la gran dimensión se hace uso de determinar el valor de pip de la profesión. Aprovechar es un componente esencial del mercado de divisas debido al hecho de que ayuda a los inversores a optimizar su potencial de beneficio particular. Un inversor con una pequeña cuenta comercial puede cambiar la dimensión de todo el lote común, que es de 100.000 sistemas. Apalancamiento ayuda a aumentar las ganancias y el uso adecuado de aprovechar es un excelente enfoque para la gestión del peligro del mercado, así como la equidad. Estos detalles están bien detallados en la guía para los comerciantes (tanto los principiantes como los antiguos inversores de divisas extranjeras) para entender cómo pueden hacer uso de tomar ventaja de su beneficio. Además, la demanda de margen es también un componente esencial muy importante del comercio de divisas. En realidad, es el margen necesario que establece la cantidad nocional que es la fracción de la dimensión convencional gran cosa a un comerciante se le permite acceder a en el mercado de divisas. El margen requerido varía de broker a broker. El libro sin duda ayudará a los comerciantes a reconocer la conexión entre el margen necesario y también apalancamiento. En términos fáciles, el apalancamiento proporcionado por los corredores informa al inversionista de la demanda de margen que un corredor acepta para que sea posible para los comerciantes acceder a la dimensión convencional de todo el lote de 100.000 unidades. Los inversores seguramente también descubrirán cómo pueden reajustar el apalancamiento y también la demanda de margen para establecer la cantidad que desean en cada pip. Para la dimensión de lote básico de $ 100.000, el valor de pip es de $ 10, así como la necesidad de margen es de $ 1000, y para la dimensión de lote de $ 10.000, el valor de pip es $ 1, así como la demanda de margen es de $ 100. Es necesario reconocer que la cantidad de cada pip podría ser mejorado, esto se descubrirá en la guía. Además, usted (inversionistas) sin duda encontrará maneras de determinar su poder restante y también su poder ganador en el mercado de divisas. Usted descubrirá cómo la administración apropiada de la equidad puede ayudar a impulsar su tamaño de la cuenta comercial. Los principios enumerados en la guía se basan en buenos y excelentes métodos comerciales que funcionan con regularidad.

Forex Trading Secretos Abiertos: Euro Dollar Winning Strategies Volumen 1 & # 8211; Edición Kindle de Lawrence Chan. Descárguelo una vez y léelo en su dispositivo Kindle, PC, teléfonos o tabletas. Utilice características como marcadores, tomar nota y resaltar durante la lectura Forex Trading Secretos Abiertos: Euro Dollar Winning Strategies Volumen 1.

Comercio en el mercado Forex. Operaciones EUR / USD Patrones y Estrategias Diarias

Cómo los bancos manipulan a los comerciantes al por menor de Forex & # 8211; Estrategia de comercio de día

Acción de precios Forex Trading Strategies Tutorial de apertura de grupo 1

Subyacente al enemigo: los entresijos del comercio de la volatilidad

Tres estrategias simples de comercio de Forex | FXCM. com

Estrategias para el comercio de Euro FX | Cierre de la brecha: Futures Edition

Josh Martínez presenta a los operadores de Forex a la Estrategia Euro Open

Mis 50 pips por día de estrategia de comercio de CFDs FOREX & # 8211; ESTRATEGIA MUY SIMPLE (Su capital puede estar en riesgo)

Day Trading Strategies (momentum) para principiantes: Clase 1 de 12

Forex Trading: EUR / USD Análisis Técnico Week of Dec 27, 2015

Amazon Precio: N / A (al 26 de marzo 2016 12:20 pm & # 8211; Detalles). Los precios de los productos y la disponibilidad son exactos a la fecha y hora indicadas y están sujetos a cambios. Cualquier información de precio y disponibilidad que se muestre en el sitio de Amazon en el momento de la compra se aplicará a la compra de este producto.

Trading Forex no podría ser más fácil que esto & # 8211; A sólo 5 minutos al día que entiendes específicamente lo que tienes que hacer. Con excelentes 1.400 pips al año de eficiencia bajo su cinturón, esta colección de configuraciones comerciales seguramente sorprenderá a los escépticos más exigentes. Este ebook está redefiniendo exactamente lo que el comercio de divisas se trata.

Este ebook es la colección inicial de configuraciones comerciales impulsadas por estadísticas en forex de mi solución de señal de costes. No hay una lectura de gráfico complicado, sin formaciones de gráfico incierto para traducir, simplemente rápidamente directrices duras con la eficiencia histórica apoyar cada uno de los arreglos. Trading forex puede ser tan simple como usted desea. No lo hace mucho más complicado en comparación con lo esencial. Seguir leyendo Forex Trading Secretos Abiertos: Euro Dollar Winning Strategies Volumen 1 & # 8221;

Si bien es posible obtener ganancias con divisas, es importante conocerlo primero. Comenzando con una cuenta de demostración es una gran manera de familiarizarse con el comercio real sin ningún riesgo. Utilice los consejos que se tratan en este artículo para solidificar su conocimiento de Forex, por lo que puede comenzar a comerciar con confianza.

¡PROPINA! Los mercados de divisas son especialmente sensibles al estado de la economía mundial. Antes de comenzar el comercio de divisas, hay algunos términos básicos como los déficits de la cuenta, los desequilibrios comerciales y la política fiscal, que debe comprender.

Evite el uso de emociones con cálculos de operaciones en divisas. Esto puede ayudarle a no tomar malas decisiones basadas en impulsos, lo que disminuye su nivel de riesgo. Las emociones siempre estarán presentes cuando usted esté realizando negocios, pero trate de ser lo más racional posible cuando tome decisiones comerciales.

Es importante tener dos cuentas de comercio distintas cuando comience por primera vez. Una cuenta es su cuenta de comercio en vivo utilizando dinero real, y la otra es su cuenta de demostración para ser utilizado como un campo de pruebas para nuevas estrategias, indicadores y técnicas.

¡PROPINA! Nunca base las decisiones comerciales sobre la emoción; Siempre utilice la lógica. Las emociones pueden sesgar su razonamiento.

El uso de robots de Forex puede convertirse en una muy mala idea. Esto puede ayudar a los vendedores, pero no ayudará a los compradores. Tomar decisiones inteligentes por su cuenta sobre dónde va a poner su dinero en el comercio.

Aproveche las gráficas de cuatro horas y diarias para el mercado de divisas. El seguimiento en línea avanzado permite a los operadores obtener información nueva cada 15 minutos. Sin embargo, existe un inconveniente significativo para los ciclos de corto plazo, ya que pueden fluctuar incontrolablemente. Además, también pueden ser engañosas porque tienden a reflejar un alto grado de suerte indiscriminada. Trate de limitar su comercio a ciclos largos con el fin de evitar el estrés y la pérdida financiera.

¡PROPINA! Siempre discuta sus opiniones con otros comerciantes, pero mantenga su propio juicio como el tomador de decisiones final. Aunque otros consejos son importantes, usted necesita tomar sus propias decisiones de inversión al final del día.

En el mercado de divisas, la orden de stop de capital es una herramienta importante que los comerciantes usan para limitar su riesgo potencial. Si ha caído en el tiempo, esto le ayudará a ahorrar su inversión.

No trate de vengarse si pierde dinero y no se extienda demasiado cuando tenga una buena posición comercial. Es crucial para mantener las emociones fuera de su comercio de divisas. Porque las respuestas precipitadas o los oficios que van contra su estrategia pre-planeada podrían costarle mucho dinero.


Elabore un plan detallado que describe lo que desea sacar de comercio de divisas. Al iniciar su carrera de inversión en divisas, determinar lo que espera lograr y elegir un marco de tiempo para hacerlo. Permita un poco de espacio de error cuando empiece a operar. También será importante identificar el número de horas que puede dedicar a la actividad comercial, teniendo en cuenta la investigación que también desee realizar.

¡PROPINA! La experiencia es la clave para tomar decisiones inteligentes sobre divisas. La belleza de una cuenta de demostración es que le permite practicar el comercio con las condiciones reales del mercado, y hacerlo le permite obtener una comprensión básica de Forex sin arriesgar su propio dinero en efectivo.

Usted no descubrirá una manera fácil de éxito de Forex durante la noche. Forex es una empresa inmensamente compleja y los expertos financieros han estado estudiando y practicando durante años. Es extremadamente improbable que usted puede saltar justo en el mercado con un plan de comercio exitoso y sin experiencia. Es por eso que debe investigar el tema y seguir un método probado.

Una vez que haya desarrollado sus estrategias y aprendido los entresijos del mercado, usted debe ser capaz de hacer algunos beneficios importantes. Siempre estar abierto a aprender nuevas cosas para que pueda mantenerse por delante de su competencia. Manténgase al frente del juego leyendo sólo las últimas noticias y consejos sobre divisas.

& # 8220; Forex & # 8221; Es el término informal para los mercados de divisas, que son extremadamente accesibles para cualquier persona con una computadora. Los consejos de este artículo pueden proporcionarle más conocimiento sobre la manera en que opera el divisa, de modo que usted puede comenzar a ganar algo de dinero adicional mediante el comercio.

¡PROPINA! El mercado de divisas es más afectado por eventos internacionales de noticias económicas que los mercados de futuros y opciones de acciones. Usted debe tener una buena comprensión de los términos económicos y factores como déficits de cuenta corriente, tasas de interés, política monetaria y política fiscal antes de operar en Forex.

Fores es más dependiente del clima económico que el comercio de futuros y el mercado de valores. Cuando usted comienza a negociar en el mercado de divisas debe saber ciertas cosas que son esenciales en esa área. Si usted comienza su comercio sin este conocimiento, se estará preparando para el desastre.

Usted puede colgar en sus ganancias cuidadosamente usando márgenes. El uso correcto del margen puede tener un impacto significativo en sus beneficios. Si usted no presta atención, sin embargo, puede terminar con un déficit. Utilice el margen sólo cuando esté seguro de la estabilidad de su posición para evitar el déficit.

¡PROPINA! Negociar cuando el mercado es delgado no es una buena idea si usted es un principiante forex. Este es un mercado que no tiene mucho interés público.

Con el fin de ser mejor y mejor en la compra y el comercio, es necesario para la práctica. Usted será capaz de cultivar sus habilidades de cambio de divisas en condiciones de la vida real, pero usted no tiene que arriesgar su dinero para hacerlo. También debe consultar los muchos tutoriales en línea disponibles para usted. Armarse con tanto conocimiento como sea posible antes de intentar hacer su primer comercio real.

En el mercado Forex. Usted debe confiar principalmente en las cartas que siguen intervalos de cuatro horas o más. Usted puede obtener cartas de divisas cada 15 minutos! Sin embargo, estos pequeños intervalos fluctúan mucho. Manténgase enfocado en ciclos más largos para evitar el estrés sin sentido y la excitación falsa.

Negociación de divisas

Como un novato en el comercio de divisas, que se sirven mejor mediante el establecimiento de objetivos antes de empezar y no waffling en estos cuando se ven atrapados en las transacciones de alta velocidad. Al participar en Forex, asegúrese de establecer metas para usted y un período de tiempo en el que desea lograr estos objetivos. Deje un poco de espacio de meneo cuando usted es nuevo en el comercio de divisas. Programar una hora en la que puede trabajar para la investigación comercial y comercial.

¡PROPINA! Usted puede colgar en sus ganancias cuidadosamente usando márgenes. El uso de margen puede aumentar exponencialmente su capital.

Ajuste su posición cada vez que abra un nuevo comercio, basado en los gráficos que está estudiando. Cuando usted comienza en el mismo lugar que usted puede perder Usted necesita para formar su estrategia y posición basada en los propios oficios, y cómo las monedas se están comportando en ese momento.

La facilidad del software puede calmarte en complacencia, lo que te tentará a dejar correr su cuenta completamente. Esto es peligroso y puede causar enormes pérdidas.

¡PROPINA! Sigue practicando para hacer mejoras. Mediante el uso de una demo acocunt al comercio con la actividad real del mercado, puede aprender las técnicas de compraventa de divisas sin perder dinero.

Precisamente colocar las pérdidas de parada para el comercio de Forex requiere práctica. Usted no puede llegar a una fórmula adecuada para el comercio. Parte de esto será seguir su intestino, la otra parte será experiencia pasada con el mercado. Es normal que tarde años en convertirse en un experto en la técnica de stop loss.


¡PROPINA! Asegúrese de investigar cualquier agencia de corretaje antes de trabajar con ellos. Seleccione un corredor que, en promedio, hace mejor que el mercado.

Como se reveló al comienzo del artículo, Foreign Exchange le permite comprar, intercambiar e intercambiar dinero a escala mundial. Este artículo va a encabezar el camino para que usted pueda hacer un ingreso decente cuando se negocia en divisas. Sólo asegúrese de usar la paciencia y las decisiones educadas.

Amazon Precio: $ 93.47 $ 93.47 (al 26 de marzo 2016 6:15 pm & # 8211; Detalles). Los precios de los productos y la disponibilidad son exactos a la fecha y hora indicadas y están sujetos a cambios. Cualquier información de precio y disponibilidad que se muestre en el sitio de Amazon en el momento de la compra se aplicará a la compra de este producto.

El comercio de divisas no es todo lo que se agrieta para ser. La imagen pintada por los gurús y también los corredores tiene sólo un lado, uno de color rosa, y también está perdiendo la sensación genuina, así como el malestar que un comerciante al por menor promedio pasa hasta que se alcance un éxito. Realmente puedo sentir el dolor en la comunidad de Forex y la función de esta publicación es igualar las aeronaves. Justo aquí es justo lo que usted puede anticipar para descubrir y también el amo después de ejercitar los principios en este libro. & # 8211; Aprender a trasladarse con los campeones y también puerta trasera en sus ingresos (esta técnica solo vale cada centavo) & # 8211; Cómo evitar y también reaccionar a Los pequeños trucos sucios de su corredor & # 8211; Los métodos poco conocidos de los inversionistas de Forex efectivos & # 8211; Cuáles son los mejores momentos para el comercio? Las maneras ideales de negociar cualquier estrategia (este pequeño detalle puede hacer o dañar su expediente comercial) & # 8211; Los niveles de tasas más vitales y también poco conocidos, que proporcionan beneficios en cualquier par de dinero. & # 8211; Cómo beneficiarse de la psicología extraña de la muchedumbre (cuando hecho uso de según lo recomendado en la guía éste es un tirador enorme del dinero) & # 8211; El único método poco conocido para entrar en el mercado de divisas y tener la tasa asegurada para mover sus instrucciones. & # 8211; Los enfoques de actividad de costos bien protegidos de los bancos Forex y también los establecimientos extranjeros. & # 8211; Cómo no hacer uso de la actividad de precios y cuándo tener en cuenta acerca de tirar del gatillo, si un costo se acerca a un grado fatal en particular. & # 8211; Cuáles son los patrones de precios preferidos de los comerciantes conocedores? Cómo evitar que se han extendido diapositivas de hasta 100 pips, y tener sus ganancias, así como la cuenta ingerida por su corredor (una gran cantidad de los comerciantes al por menor no tienen idea, sólo de lo que estoy hablando) & # 8211; Cuáles son las variables más importantes, observadas religiosamente por todos los agitadores y motores, y exactamente cómo no romper las reglas de la alianza que podrían costarle su cuenta. & # 8211; Cuáles son las salidas de ruptura de gotas complicadas, ejercidas por la mayoría de los sistemas, así como las formas de luchar contra los BOTES FOREX. & # 8211; Técnicas extrañas de su corredor, que dispara sus salidas para ser golpeado antes de su acceso (esto es una necesidad de entender antes de abrir una cuenta con cualquier tipo de plataforma) Los enfoques anteriores y las lecciones no son lecciones de un libro o la investigación científica Proyectos. Estas son las difíciles lecciones de la Escuela Forex de golpes difíciles. A lo largo de los años que he conocido, y patrocinado y dirigido en costosos foros en línea pagados, con amplia gama de comerciantes eficaces. Este libro es exactamente lo que descubro ser el material necesario y también más importante que necesitará antes, para operar en Forex Market. Aprender y también dominar las técnicas de los ganadores y acabar siendo un vencedor. En la otra mano que usted podría pasar muchas horas y miles de dólares, mirando a su pantalla, hasta que sus ojos se escapan y también todavía no implican las lecciones invaluable en este libro. Hacer por su cuenta un apoyo, así como comprar su educación y aprendizaje y comprar este libro. Estás a sólo un par de clics del ratón. Nos vemos en el otro lado.

Abandon Los Indicadores Comercio Al igual que Las Instituciones Comerciante al por menor Little Known Dirty Secrets Kit de supervivencia: Forex Trading para los beneficios, Escape 9-5, Live & # 8230; Únete a los nuevos ricos, vive la vida que mereces [Trader X]. * GRATIS * en las ofertas de calificación. Usted no encontrará esta educación en usted corredores cómo a la sección. Es muy probable que no encuentre esta información en ninguna parte de esta sección de libros de ninguna otra librería. He pagado miles de dólares en grupos exclusivos y foros pagados para recopilar la información presentada en este libro. Como se puede imaginar estos son los secretos altamente guardado de la élite de los comerciantes de divisas

Amazon Precio: $ 97.97 $ 97.97 (al 26 de marzo de 2016 1:53 pm & # 8211; Detalles). Los precios de los productos y la disponibilidad son exactos a la fecha y hora indicadas y están sujetos a cambios. Cualquier información de precio y disponibilidad que aparezca en el sitio de Amazon en el momento de la compra se aplicará a la compra de este producto.

Usted no encontrará ciertamente esta educación y aprendizaje en usted corredores cómo a la sección. Es muy probable que no descubra esta información en ningún otro lugar de este área de libros en ningún otro almacén de publicaciones. He pagado cientos de dólares en grupos únicos, así como los foros en línea pagados para acumular los detalles proporcionados en esta publicación. Como se puede imaginar estos son los trucos extremadamente guardado de la crema de la cosecha de los comerciantes de divisas, nadie proporciona su vida lejos, a menos que les pague un precio digno de su vida. Sin embargo he elegido realmente hacer estos detalles para el precio increíblemente asequible, debido al hecho de que estoy harto de los corredores y los grandes bancos aprovechando el inversor minorista normal. Permítame hacerle una pregunta Cuándo fue la última vez que ganó dinero con FOREX? También más lejos mucho más cuánto efectivo usted está dispuesto a arrojar, hasta que usted para? Cuánto tiempo continuamente ofrecerá su duro dinero ganado al corredor? Justo como usted que comencé hace 5 años con altas esperanzas de abandonar mi trabajo y dejar el en línea tengo derecho a con FOREX. Mis esperanzas y también aspiraciones se derrumbaron rápidamente y mis deseos visitaron el basurero. Inicialmente perdí 1000, luego 5000, 10k, cuánto tiempo más podría continuar así, cuánto más tiempo puedo soportar el ridículo las bromas de mi casa, así como el ceño fruncido en la cara de mi pareja. Fue doloroso, sentado todo el tiempo antes de que el sistema informático, hasta que no se puede ver cualquier tipo de más tiempo, así como cada pequeña cosa que consiste en el sistema, así como su mente terminan siendo difusa. Sé el dolor que he estado realmente allí. Esto procedió durante el año, hasta una mañana temprano me preparé para parar, estaba de visita ofrecer un último intento y tirar ese personal FOREX en la basura, desaparecido. He localizado una banda de rodadura trasera, que desde entonces ha sido prohibida, por el corredor que estaba celebrando el foro. Por suerte el paseo siguió bajo el radar del corredor para mientras, así como reunió una serie de comentarios una asistencia. En última instancia, el paseo del comerciante X fue detenido. Me quedé en disparar, que era la única esperanza y también la luz, que he visto durante mucho tiempo. Yo estaba aplicando la orientación del comercio, así como los puntos estaban empezando a trabajar para mí. Afortunadamente tuve la capacidad de PM el inversor, así como le pidió que se establezca en un chat de 20 minutos por teléfono. El inversionista X no era un gurú, no su mojo de promotor web de rutina. Él estaba en silencio rastrillar en cientos de dólares al mes durante varios años, no estaba entusiasmado con la siguiente profesión, su latido del corazón no fue aumentando antes de que se reunió el gatillo. Ver, en realidad ha estado haciendo este personal de comercio durante tanto tiempo se ha convertido en un tratamiento aburrido, en lugar de una mañana temprano una tarea de medio día, algo así como colocar la basura en el día de residuos. Describió que ganó del MASTER, no continué preguntándole quién era el MASTER, dado que yo estaba principalmente interesado en él educándolo cada poco de exactamente lo que él descubrió sobre el comercio. Él no consintió en pasar tiempo entrenándome en nuestra conversación inicial, no importa lo mucho que me ofrecí a pagarle. Mira, para él el dinero no era una preocupación. Por último, en mi tercer método, él me permitió mostrarme exactamente lo que el Maestro le había pensado años atrás. Lo que se compone en las páginas de este libro sin duda valdrá oro puro para usted. Esta publicación es a la tierra no hay sentimiento, la comprensión del comercio actual. Proporciona instrucciones paso a paso con instancias comerciales reales. Esta publicación no es sus recomendaciones regulares del lavado del cerdo que usted localizará seguramente de su corredor y de las varias otras drogas maravillosas así como la colección de 7 pasos que usted ve en este sitio. Este libro te enseña cómo operar como los profesionales. Muestra cómo las grandes instituciones bancarias, así como los nacionales internacionales y la profesión de establecimiento. Guía abre sus ojos a cómo se puede piggy back en los grandes inversores institucionales y también ganar. Noventa y cinco por ciento de las personas que comercian en el mercado Forex pierden dinero y renuncian. El mercado es continuamente cambiado por la sangre nueva como por su cuenta. Don & # 039; t entrar en las estadísticas, leer este libro, así como obtener un mapa para el éxito en FOREX. Usted puede hacer un éxito en FOREX si sabe exactamente lo que está haciendo. Sí, usted puede ganarse la vida con FOREX, así como detener su tarea. Podrías alcanzar tus sueños. Compre este libro y averigüe cómo?

Foreign Exchange es en realidad una versión abreviada de divisas. Este es un mercado en el que los comerciantes de todo el mundo negocian un tipo de moneda para otros. Por ejemplo, un comerciante estadounidense puede comprar un equivalente a cien dólares en yenes si el yen es una moneda más débil que el dólar estadounidense. Si está bien y negocia el yen por el dólar, su voluntad hará un beneficio.

¡PROPINA! Vea las noticias diariamente y esté especialmente atento cuando vea informes sobre países que usan sus monedas. El dinero va a subir y bajar cuando la gente habla de ello y comienza con los informes de los medios de comunicación.

Si desea éxito, no deje que sus emociones afectan a su comercio. Hacer esto evitará la toma de decisiones pobre basada en impulsos emocionales, lo que disminuye su probabilidad de perder dinero. A pesar de que las emociones siempre tienen una pequeña parte en la conducción de negocios, usted debe tratar de comerciar lo más racionalmente posible.

Negociar cuando el mercado es delgado no es una buena idea si usted es un principiante forex. Un mercado que es delgado es uno que no mucha gente está interesada adentro.

¡PROPINA! Los mercados de divisas están más estrechamente vinculados a los cambios en la economía mundial que cualquier otro tipo de comercio, incluyendo opciones, acciones e incluso futuros. Usted debe saber los entresijos del comercio de divisas y el uso de sus conocimientos.

Por ejemplo, si usted decide cambiar su estrategia de stop loss después de que su estrategia de comercio de divisas en general está en marcha, este cambio podría resultar en perder mucho más dinero que si no hubiera hecho nada. Mantener su plan original es clave para su éxito a largo plazo.


¡PROPINA! Cada vez que el comercio en el mercado de divisas, mantener sus emociones fuera de la ecuación. Dejar que las emociones fuertes controlar su comercio sólo conducirá a problemas.

No elija su posición de intercambio de divisas basada en la de otro comerciante. Muchos inversionistas de divisas prefieren jugar hasta sus éxitos y minimizar sus fracasos. Independientemente de los comerciantes & # 8217; Historia de éxitos, él o ella todavía puede cometer errores. Siga su plan y sus señales, no otros comerciantes.

Confíe en su propio conocimiento y no en los de los robots Forex. Los robots de divisas representan un mercado interesante de los vendedores & # 8217; punto de vista. Como comerciante, no tienes nada que ganar con él. No use robots de Forex ni ningún otro producto que reclame ganancias salvajes. En su lugar, confíe en su capacidad intelectual y trabajo duro.

¡PROPINA! Si usted comienza primero, trate de no comerciar durante un mercado delgado. Un mercado delgado & # 8221; Es un mercado que no tiene mucho interés público.

Para obtener los mejores resultados, utilice gráficos de cuatro horas o diarias cuando esté operando en el mercado Forex. Con la tecnología en estos días usted puede saber lo que pasa con el mercado y gráficos más rápido que nunca. Estar atento a las tendencias generales en el mercado, sin embargo, como muchas tendencias que mancha en intervalos cortos pueden ser al azar. Usted puede evitar el estrés y la emoción poco realista apegarse a ciclos más largos en Forex.

Si el comercio de divisas es algo que usted es nuevo, se adhieren a unos pocos o sólo un par de divisas por un tiempo antes de extender. Puede convertirse rápidamente en frustración o confusión si usted divide su atención. Por el contrario, debe preocuparse por pares de moneda principal. Su probabilidad de éxito aumentará, al igual que su confianza.

¡PROPINA! Los robots de Forex son raramente una estrategia inteligente para los comerciantes aficionados. Hay grandes beneficios involucrados para los vendedores, pero no mucho para los compradores.

Usted no debe esperar para crear un enfoque completamente nuevo y novedoso para el comercio de divisas. Los mejores comerciantes de Forex han perfeccionado sus habilidades durante varios años. Lo más probable es que no encuentre éxito si no sigue estrategias ya probadas. Aprenda tanto como sea posible y se adhieren a los métodos probados.

No hay mercado más grande que divisas. Es en el mejor interés de los inversores para mantenerse al día con el mercado mundial y la moneda mundial. Para el joe promedio, adivinar con monedas es arriesgado.

Forex Trading revelado. Principales estrategias de la divisa y poco trucos sucios y extremidades desconocidas al millonario de la divisa: Busto el ciclo perdidoso, vive dondequiera, ensambla los nuevos ricos (9781494296384): Trader X: Libros

Amazon Precio: $ 97.93 $ 97.93 (desde el 25 de marzo de 2016 6:24 pm & # 8211; Detalles). Los precios de los productos y la disponibilidad son exactos a la fecha y hora indicadas y están sujetos a cambios. Cualquier información de precio y disponibilidad que se muestre en el sitio de Amazon en el momento de la compra se aplicará a la compra de este producto.

Puedes pensar en vivir los sueños de tu vida, nunca más en preocuparte por el dinero una vez más? Supongamos que usted puede dominar el juego de comercio de divisas, y el comercio de cualquier lugar en el planeta donde la red está disponible? Qué pasa si todos sus imaginar salir de la temida & # 8230; TRABAJO. Llegar a ser la verdad & # 8230; Tener la capacidad de dar a su hogar y también disfrutó de los la forma de vida que se merecen. See, Forex is except everybody, yet is it a genuine escape of the 9 to 5 daily grind. See, as I am composing this intro for you I am resting under the bimini of my 51 foot sail boat private yacht, in the heart of the Caribbean. Water is crystal turquoise blue, you could see right to the base. The shades are extraordinary. It gives you such of sense of freedom and ability to take pleasure in life to the fullest. Man paradise, no alarm system clocks, no traffic, I could listen to the songs from the small marina bar. I am not also at the marina, the boat is secured at a mooring sphere. Ha … inform me concerning the life, that you can have … yeah you could have it also. You should be ill sufficient of your exact same all, same done in order to do something about it. Do you want profession like the pros, then you have to learn from the pros. You will certainly not discover the info in this book anywhere on the Amazon traders area. In an issue of fact nobody is teaching what I will reveal you in this publication. You would ask, exactly what is so unique regarding it. See, individuals that are earning a living from Forex are not ready to reveal their secrets. The ones that are making money from your professions A. K. A. your pleasant broker do not care. In an issue of fact they will happily offer their pleasant education, to show you just how you could too loose a huge quantity of cash like your other retail investors that are utilizing the exact same broker. I am disclosing the very safeguarded tricks of the big weapons. It is possible that I obtain some ugly letters from traders, or even some of my buddies, after this publication is released. But heck yeah, I am sick and sick of seeing the day-to-day casualty of straightforward and effort individuals, like on your own loose their difficult made money to the broker. Enough is enough, I have made my risk is time to give back and help others to go the same road. So sufficient of my blurb … I have laid my difficult found out tricks because book and the price is ridiculously low. You would normally pay 2-3 times much more in your local book shop, for a book packed with BS explaining you, the existing economic environment, and also how we are coming out of the economic crisis hog clean. Year it says" find out the best ways to trade" or something of that result, yet doesn't have also one tenth of the tough core to the bone content I am supplying you. See I know you could live and also have anything you want in this life. You can also develop your own reality. Yeah I understand producing you fact is amazing, but it requires a "filthy word" called work. Do you wish to develop your new fact, also pointer in to it. You would certainly if you understood just what is on the opposite side. Well I chose to develop you reality for you. I have done all the grunt work and also have set every little thing up for you for success in this book. So, punch a few buttons as well as take a click of belief and by this book. I assure you, you will not be let down. See you beyond.

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Automated Forex trading explained:

Foreign exchange trading explained: In an automated forex trading system, the trader must program the software or it will come preloaded with the signals to look for and how to interpret them into entry and exit points for forex trades. Many big financial firms have some sort of automated forex trading system, but these systems are kept under lock and key, with only a few people that know the inner workings of the system.

The basic language used by Forex traders. Margin . is the actual amount of money in your trading account.

Leverage . Forex brokers let you select a level of leverage which tipically ranges between 1:20 to 1:200. This leverage amplify both your profit and your loses.

Trading Pai r: Several pairs are traded, i. e. EUR/USD, USD/JPY. Pairs are reported as rates resulting from dividing the first component by the second one. When you open a position in any specific pair you either buy or sell it depending on what you think the trend will be. This operation, whether it is a buy or sell order will be immediately taken from your account (the actual amount taken is a function of the leverage you trade with). Then when you close the trade your account will receive the resulting amount (after returning all the money borrowed from the leverage system).

Lot . Is the measure of currency traded. Conventionally a standard lot (or simply a lot) is the equivalent to USD$100,000. A minilot is USD$10,000 and a microlot is USD$1,000.

PIP . Short for percentage in point. The smallest number in the rate of a pair: i. e. EUR/USD pair=1.5526. Here pip is referring to the number 6. An increase of 3 pips is in this case will be EUR/USD pair=1.5529.

PIP value . is the translation in currency for each earned/lost pip.

Long . To take a long position means to open a trade with a buy order, hoping that the pair rate will further increase.

Short . To take a short position means to open a trade with a sell order, hoping that the pair rate will further decrease.

Stop Loss (S/L) Order . An instruction for the broker to close the trade immediately if the loss reaches a determinate number of pips, thus limiting the loss.

Take Profit (T/P) Order . An instruction for the broker to close the trade immediately if the profit reaches a determinate number of pips, thus realizing the profit.

Computer Equipment requirments for Forex trading: Forex Robots need to be trading 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, using your computer resources. Interruptions in the work of the robots may result in missed trading opportunities or money lost. So running any robot Forex system like MegaDroid on your home computer could pose problems when you need to do something else or maintanace or the computer hangs (like Windows often does). Then the trading could be halted at a vital time and money lost through no trading.

My advice for anyone serious is to run the robot from your own server, a VPS service or have a site hosted and run the robot from there. Otherwise, use a seperate home computer dedicated only to Forex trading, assuming your internet access is reasonably stable. Windows based, and not Linux based, most Robots will need Windows, they won’t work on Linux.

Money management is at the same time the guardian or the thief of your capital – you decide.

The problem is that it is not always a conscious decision, subliminal impulses fueled by greed and fear makes us decide wrong and whenever we realize it, it’s too late. Several works have demonstrate the futility of taking huge risks, this naïve approach of “getting rich overnight” will results always in big loses. And if once it does result in profit, further greed-fueled risk taking behavior will transform it in a big loss for sure. Let’s see an example of bad money management:

You decide to open a forex trade: You have a USD$10,000 account. Therefore your margin is USD$10,000. You decide to trade the EUR/USD pair. You are convinced that there is a big LONG trend developing FIRST ERROR: never be convinced, at the most, you may think that the odds are with you, always approach this as if you are already losing a predetermined amount of money, for it will happen more than once for sure. Therefore, make sure that you don’t risk a big amount.

Now you enter a LONG position (i. e. buy the EUR/USD pair hoping for it to increase). You buy 1 standard Lot of EUR/USD (you are buying a lot of this pair for the equivalent of USD$100,000). You have probably confidence due to the fact that your leverage is 1:100 so only $1000 from this money is really yours. Read more from Forex Robots

The complete course on Forex trading

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Forex Explained

It is the most widely traded market in the world, contains the deepest liquidity (this means you can get in and out of trades very easily), and is open 24 hours a day from Sunday afternoon until Friday evening (United States time). The combination of these factors means that forex traders have more opportunities, greater flexibility, and lower transaction costs than traders in any other financial market.

However, these facts alone will not make you a profitable forex currency trader, you need to study and learn about which forex strategies work and which ones are probably not worth your time. You need to trial each of these strategies by back testing and then in live demo trading over a number of months. You then have to see how these strategies perform in differing market conditions. Most strategies only work when a currency pair is either trending or range bound (not moving strongly in either direction for very long periods), seldom both.

Unfortunately there is no perfect solution when it comes to a forex strategy, whether or not a particular forex trading strategy is profitable depends on not only the strategy itself but also on the trader trading that particular strategy. This is absolutely key. If a trader has very poor self-discipline and poor control of their emotions, they are probably going to lose money on even the most accurate of forex trading strategies. The balance of self-discipline, emotional control and a truly effective forex trading strategy is where forex trading success is found. Until or unless you learn to master your own emotions you will simply never become a profitable and consistent forex trader. Many traders get lucky in the markets and hit some big winners only to give them all back soon after, far fewer traders find the discipline and self control that it takes to profit on a consistent basis in the forex market.

This is why we advocate that it is best to take emotions out of the game as much as possible, and only trade strategies with clearly defined rules that can be consistently applied. Better still, only trade strategies that can and have been automated via an ‘Expert Adviser’ (EA), also known as a Robot or Black Box system. Automated trading entirely removes emotions from any trading decisions, as a good system enters into a trade only when several conditions (indicators etc.) are satisfied. It will then manage the trade for you, setting stop loss and take profit levels, which may move depending on the price action once in trade. Finally it will exit a trade (often gradually phasing out of a position to lock in profits) when other conditions are satisfied or when all of the profit targets have been hit or the stop loss level has reached.

Major Banks use a team of Foreign Exchange traders to make your money work for them whilst it is supposedly sat in your account. It is little known that the vast amount of trades entered into by the major banks are actually opened automatically by their own custom built EA’s.

However, beware, there are an enormous number of retail Robots out there on the market, making wild claims about turning you into a millionaire practically overnight. The vast majority of these EA’s/Robots are rubbish and will empty your trading account quicker than you thought possible. Most of these can be spotted by the hyped up and ‘get this before they all run out’ marketing.

Some mistakes made by Forex traders are almost universal. It seems that there are a handful of them that almost all traders will make when they are still starting out their trading careers. Some of the more common ones are below:

One of the most common issues is a sever lack of trading capital. If you have a smaller account, you might find it tough to pull the trigger on a trade, because you are too worried about losing what little capital you have. You should have enough capital in the account that you can survive a string of losses, because they can and do happen. You need to accept that losing trades happen to everyone, and you don’t want to be in a situation where a few losses can wipe out what trading capital you do have.

Another common ailment of new traders is simply being unrealistic of what is going to happen. Most of us start out with dreams of sitting on a beach, opening our laptop, hitting a few keys on the keyboard, and suddenly making a few thousand dollars. It only takes a couple of trades to see how unlikely that is. The truth is that you are entering a business.

If you had $1,000 to open a business with, how much would you expect to make on that business right away? Would it be reasonable for you to expect to make a consistent living from that small sum? Since you undoubtedly answered “No”, you really shouldn’t expect to make a killing off that $1,000 trading Forex either.

It will take time to build your balance up, allowing you to trade larger amounts, and make larger profits. With patience and a little common sense, you can get to the point where your profits truly matter.

“Picking it up along the way.”

Seriously, this one is very dangerous. Trading is a skill, and as such, should be treated like one. Most doctors didn’t just “pick it up”, but most Forex traders seem to think they can. You are competing against some of the brightest minds in the world. While you certainly can come out ahead, you need to know what you are doing before you do it! This is just common sense.

Through study, and demo accounts, you can get the experience needed to compete with the larger firms around the world. You do have certain advantages that they don’t, like being able to jump in and out of the market with ease for example. You can learn to use your experience to make money consistently, but it takes time.

While this is similar to having an underfunded account, there are still a large amount of traders that insist on using all of the leverage they can. The lure of large gains is simply too much for them to ignore, but they don’t seem to think about the losses waiting to happen.

Being far too overconfident

While being confident isn’t a bad thing, it can go too far. Maybe your last trade made a large amount for you. If that’s the case, you should be happy, but it doesn’t make you bulletproof. Some traders will take a string of wins as a signal to start trading with large positions.

This can really hurt you, because one large trade that goes wrong can wipe out several of your normal sized wins. A loss can come at any time, and successful traders will actually trades like it is likely.

A successful forex trader will have a trading plan. Período. You cannot just trade ‘off the cuff” and expect to make reasonable decisions. A trading system as part of your plan can go a long, long way towards becoming profitable. You need to know what to do in various market conditions. A trading plan will help you with that.

Introduction into the wonders of Forex!

This guide is Forex explained for a beginner. Forex is basically the largest foreign exchange market. This market is all about exchange currencies, allowing you to participate in any market with any currency. It is thanks to currency markets like Forex, that global trade has been so successful. With the amazing and all knowing Forex international corporations are able to make enormous profits, and consumers are able to enjoy products from all over that world, but how exactly does it work, and in what way can you participate?

There are three levels of Forex

There are three levels to Forex. The first level is the spot market . It is here that you can buy and sell currency. The price isn’t that simple though. The way that the exchange rate is calculated is through a complex set of factors based on supply, demand, and situation.

Situation basically means that they take into account the strength of the currency and what’s happening in regions that it is used in that may affect its strength, such as political unrest. In addition to all of that there is an interest placed on top.

The next two levels to Forex are the forward and future contracts . These markets don’t deal with actual currencies though, they deal with contracts about claims. These markets seem to favor trade on a larger scale. The main difference between the forward and future markets are that in the forwards market the contracts are only between two parties.

They are allowed to create their own terms between the two of them. In the forward market there is usually one party dealing with a trade organization such as a conglomeration of similar products trading in large quantities. In this case many of the details are held standard by the organization and there is little wiggle room for the other party.

All transactions conform to fit a detailed set of prices quantities and whatever else the determine. As I said earlier, these twp levels of Forex are generally pertain to larger international corporations. The larger corporations also gravitate towards this style of trade because it is safer, and fluctuates less rapidly than the spot market.

Small Investors

What does this mean for small time investors? The spot market is where you want to be. You can make profit here by making wise investments in different currencies. Since the fluctuation are larger and more rapid, a keen eye for detail can pay off nicely. You want to look at the many factors of the spot market to determine where to invest.

For instance, if you see political unrest in a region with a certain currency, the currency will probably decrease in value. This for example is either a time when you want to trade that currency for a more stable one, of simply not trade for that currency.

Like the stock market you can play it safe and invest in a slowly but continuously growing currency, or you can go for risks and look for a currency that’s just about to boom. By keeping an eye out for global events, you can make a more educated decision in currencies to invest in.

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Forex Leverage Explained

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Through forex leverage, the foreign exchange trader is able to take control of a large investment fund in currencies with only a relatively small amount of deposit. With leverage, trading profits, as well as losses, are magnified relative to the amount of funds invested. Small or individual investors cannot do well in their forex trading activities without the help of a moderate to high level of leverage.

Forex Trading in a Nutshell

Foreign Exchange trading involves currency pairs where investors make directional placements on the changes in the relative values of each currency in the traded pair.

To illustrate, take the euro against the US dollar. If the quoted exchange rate for the pair is EUR/USD $1.3805, it means that the value of the first named currency (EUR) in the second currency (USD) is $1.3805. Note that forex trading is quoted up to 4 decimal places.

A trader will place a buy order if he thinks the euro will appreciate vs. the dollar. On the other hand, a sell order will be made if he expects the euro price to fall in relation to the dollar.

How Forex Leverage Affects Trading

Usually, brokers allow trading leverage at 50:1, 100:1, or even up to 400:1. The ratio dictates the amount of margin the traders must have in their trading accounts in order to buy or sell. Based on the previous example, for a transaction of 100,000 of the EUR/USD pair, the trade would be valued at $138,050 computed on the quoted price above.

At a leverage of 100:1, the trader needs to have a $1,380.50 margin deposit which is 1/100 of the value of the trade. For a leverage ratio of 50:1, the required deposit would be twice as much.

Why Leverage Is Necessary

The incremental changes in currency exchange rate values are measured in $0.0001 or 1/100 of a cent. This is called a pip in forex terminology. Currency prices can fluctuate anywhere from a few pips to several hundreds of pips on a daily basis. For $10k worth of currency, this can translate into a few dollars to several hundred dollars.

No trader would be willing to shell out as much as $10,000 just to profit or lose $50 or less in a trading day. Thus, for a 100:1 leverage, the trader would only be required a deposit of $100. The relatively small amount of deposit and the possible gains are what make leveraging very lucrative for short term traders.

A forex broker can be established in any of the designated countries around the world and accept deposits from investors who can then begin trading. The regulations that govern the operations of a particular broker depend on local laws. Likewise, the extent of leverage that a broker can allow is set by the broker’s home country. In many cases, a 100:1 leverage is available. In the United States, however, the leverage level that US-based brokers can offer is only up to 50:1 as set by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission in 2010.

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About Zahir Shah

Zahir Shah is a Forex Expert working with FXCC - An ECN Forex trading broker

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Forex Fundamental Analysis Explained

Fundamental analysis is a method of forecasting the future price movements of a financial instrument (e. g. currencies) based on economic, political, environmental and other relevant factors and statistics. In practice, many market players use technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental analysis to determine their trading strategy. One major advantage of technical analysis is that experienced analysts can follow many markets and market instruments, whereas the fundamental analyst needs to know a particular market intimately. Forex fundamental analysis focuses on what should happen in a market and the technical analyst looks at what has actually happened. Factors involved in price analysis include supply and demand, seasonal cycles and weather, and government policy.

The fundamentalist studies the cause of market movement, while the technician studies the effect. Fundamental analysis is a macro or strategic assessment of where a currency should be trading based on any criteria but the movement of the currency's price itself. These criteria often include the economic condition of the country that the currency represents, monetary policy, and other "fundamental" elements.

Many profitable trades are made moments prior to or shortly after major economic announcements. Click here for a list of economic indicators used in the USA.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. EF Worldwide Ltd

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What is Forex trading. Forex explained.

Keen to get started in the world of forex trading but not sure how the forex markets work or what is involved? Here we explain what it takes to succeed with the biggest and most liquid worldwide market and how you can use First Prudential Markets to get ahead.

Qué es el comercio de divisas?

Forex (or FX) is an abbreviation for foreign exchange. The forex market is where one currency is traded for another at a certain exchange price as part of the over-the-counter (OTC) market. The skill is in estimating whether the currency will rise or fall compared to the other: allowing a trader to profit or lose from the changes in value.

There are a number of factors that influence whether a currency will rise (appreciate) or fall (depreciate): including geopolitics, economics and even natural disasters. The goal is to earn a profit from these exchanges in value while also predicting how forex prices will change in the future.

What is the forex market?

The forex market does not have a physical or central location: instead it operates 24hrs a day thanks to a network of global businesses, banks and individuals. Trading works around the clock: beginning on a Monday morning in Wellington, New Zealand; before progressing to Asian trade centred in Tokyo, Japan, and Singapore; then to European trade focusing on London, England; and then moving to New York City. Currency prices constantly fluctuate: which presents a host of trading opportunities.

In fact, the forex market is the biggest in the world: with daily turnover surpassing US$5trillion a day. By comparison, the New York Stock Exchange has a daily turnover of just US$50billion.

How does forex trading work?

As prices are available on a 24hr platform, there is less emphasis on price gapping (which is when prices leap from one level to another without trading) and this allows traders to take positions when they want (although there are usually periods when the markets lull).

Some of the key points of forex trading with First Prudential Markets are:

Small lots can be traded: Lots can potentially be as small as 0.01 equivalent of $1,000 per trade.

Leverage: One of the key differences between forex trading and trading shares is that forex typically involves leveraging, potentially as high as 1:500. This means that if you had a leverage of 1:100 you could use a deposit of just $1,000 to control currency of $100,000. This can potentially lead to staggering increases in gains: but it can also increase your losses too.

Pricing: All trades are based on the price of one currency against another. In each case there is a base currency compared to a counter currency: with the base currency always shown on the left, such as EUR/USD. If you believe the base currency will gain strength compared to the counter currency you should buy that currency pair: and if it will weaken, then you should sell.

PIPs: Standing for Percentage in Points, in most cases, currency pairs will be quoted to five decimal places – meaning any change to the fourth decimal point is referred to as a PIP.

Spread: The difference between the bidding price and the asking price is referred to as the spread.

Why choose First Prudential Markets?

Offering some of the most competitive spreads among forex traders globally, First Prudential Markets is an ideal choice for all types of traders, including day traders long term traders or those using expert advisers or algorithms. We are 100% Australian owned and operated and have been in business for over years. During that time we have become one of the most highly awarded CFD and FX providers in the market.

Ready to trade the markets?

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If you require information about any of the products or services we offer, please don’t hesitate to contact a First Prudential Markets representative on 1300 376 233 (Aus) / +61 2 8252 6800 (Int) or Email Us .

Currency trading explained


Currency acts as a medium of exchange to facilitate the trade or transfer of goods and services. Each country has a currency of its own know as the Legal tender.

Currency also serves as a standard of value and unit of account.


In the early stages metals were used as currency. At first both gold and silver were used as coins - the bimetallic standard. Gold coins were used for government purchases. Silver coins were utilized for large but common transactions and for the most common transaction, copper coins were used. This system collapsed as the face value was much lesser than the actual value of the commodity. This gave rise to credit money: cheques, promissory notes etc. are some example of credit money. Fiat money (value determined by legal means rather then the availability of goods and services) came into existence after the credit money era. Lastly the Paper Currency which is still in existence.

Currency belongs to the capital class, where the function of funds is to facilitate trade. Every country has their own jurisprudence and control over the money supply of it own currency. Currency is generally measured by its unit value (the Euro for example,) is often valued at 1⁄100 of the main currency: 100 Euro cents = 1 Euro, although there are currencies that do not have smaller units.

A currency can be fixed or floating. This completely depends on it’s exchange rate system. The exchange rates help businesses in comparing various currencies against each other. Every nation has power over the contribution and fabrication of its individual currency.

Different Currency explained

There are 175 currencies recognized by the United Nations. The Euro and Dollar are the major currencies of the world. Nations can adopt similar names for their individual currency such as Australian dollars and United States dollars. Quite a few countries have approved the currency of another nation as their official currency. For instance, Panama and El Salvador have affirmed U. S. currency to be their official currency.

How much of one currency can be generated from another is measured on the markets, using the exchange rates. Exchange rates fluctuate depending on the amount of currency being bought or sold at any one time. Until recently, currency trading was only done by financial institutions and major corporations, but now it’s been made available to all.

Currency trading is a new trend for the global expanding market. Investors looking for new global investment opportunities should check currency trading easy-forex ®

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. EF Worldwide Ltd

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Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

FOREX Trading Explained

FOREX stands for ‘foreign exchange’ and refers to the market where currencies are exchanged. You likely have used the FOREX market indirectly without even knowing it.

For example, if you travel from Australia to the US, you no doubt needed to trade your Aussie dollars into US dollars. There was an exchange rate. When returning home, you traded your American dollars back into the local Australian currency. But while you were on vacation, the exchange rate changed so the amount you got back per dollar was different. This is a simple example of a currency exchange.

When you think of the FOREX, simply think of exchanging currency.

How the FOREX Works / FOREX Explained

The concept behind the FOREX is that currencies have changing relative values between countries. If inflation runs wild in one country, its value will be reduced when compared to another country with economic stability. While you are trading fiat currency, you are really trying to determine which economy will improve or decline in comparison to another.

How do you determine the health of an economy? This is usually done by examining the economic policy of the government and central bank, or by reading economic reports and other economic indicators. You may look at employment levels, the trade surplus or deficit, inflation rates, interest rates, budget deficits, and productivity of an economy. The stability of the government also factors in. The relative value of a currency is simply a reflection of how others perceive the country’s economic health and stability. Examine how the relative value of US and Australian dollars changed before and after September 2001. We will discuss how to read this chart more in a bit.

Recall that the FOREX market is a de-centralized over-the-counter marketplace that facilitates an international trading of money. Banks, institutions, and individual traders all have access to this giant market of exchanging currencies. Now that we see the big picture of what the FOREX market is, how do you actually trade on the FOREX?

Trading Currency Pairs

To begin with, you need two currencies to trade with which are referred to as a currency pair. You will be trading from one currency to the other, and then back again to close the trade. Certain currency pairs are very popular and are referred to as ‘majors’. These seven majors make up an estimated 75-80% of the FOREX trading volume. Here are the majors:

EUR/USD – EURO/U. S. Dollar

GBP/USD – British Pound/U. S. Dollar

USD/JPY – U. S. Dollar/Jananese YEN

USD/CHF – U. S. Dollar/Swiss Franc

USD/CAD – U. S. Dollar/Canadian Dollar

AUD/USD – Australian Dollar/U. S. Dollar

NZD/USD – Zealand Dollar/U. S. Dollar

Note that all the majors include the U. S. Dollar. However, you can also trade non-U. S. pairs from those listed in the majors. These are called ‘cross currency’ Pares Incluyen:

EUR/AUD – EURO/Australian Dollar

CAD/GPY – Canadian Dollar/Japanese YEN

GBP/CHF – British Pound/Swiss Franc

There are numerous other currency pairs to trade from that involve one of the currency from the majors and a lesser traded currency. The CAD/NOK – Canadian Dollar/Norway Kroner is one such example.

How to Read FOREX Quotes

A simple way to think of the currency pair exchange is buying one currency while selling another. The first currency listed is the money which you are selling and the second currency is the money that you are buying. The first currency is called the ‘base’ currency while the second is called the ‘counter’ or ‘quote’ moneda.

&toro; Take the quote AUD/USD 1.0565

The base currency is the Australian dollar. Its value is always 1. Therefore, 1 Australian Dollar is equal to 1.0565 U. S. Dollars. Thus, the Australian Dollar is worth more. You will be less concerned with the absolute values and more focused on the changing relative values. How does the changing value of this number mean?

If the quote changes downwards, say to AUD/USD 0.75, this means that the U. S. Dollar has strengthened and that the Australian Dollar has weakened. It now takes less U. S. money to buy one Australian dollar.

If the quote changes upwards, say to AUD/USD 1.50, this means that the U. S. Dollar has weakened and the Australian Dollar has strengthened. It takes more U. S. money to buy one Australian dollar.

You will notice that there are actually two sets of numbers when reading the quotes.

&toro; AUD/USD 1.0565/1.0569

The first number, 1.0565, is called the bid. This is how much you can sell the base currency for. The second number, 1.0569, is the ask. This is how much you can buy the base currency for. The difference between the two is called a spread. You will need to buy at the higher price can sell at the lower price. This difference is called a spread. The units of difference have their own term called a pip.

A pip is the smallest unit that a currency can trade for. If the currency is listed up to 4 decimal places, then the last decimal place is called a pip. In the above example of the AUD/USD, there is a spread of .0004. Therefore, there is a 4 pip spread between the bid and the ask on the FOREX price quotes.

Note that when using the Japanese YEN, a pip is the second decimal place.

&toro; AUD/JPY 84.78/84.84

The bid is 84.78 while the ask is 84.84 and the spread is 6 pips. One Australian dollar can be immediately be sold for 84.78 YEN. If you want to buy back, you will need to need 84.84 YEN or a 6 pip loss. If you quickly trade back and forth without any price movement, you will lose the value of the spread. The amount of pips between the bid and the ask is determined by how many market players are trading the pair and the amount of volume they are doing so. The more liquid the currency pair is, the tighter the spread will be.

How Much is a Pip Worth?

The value of the pip depends on the currency being traded. It is important to know which currency is on the counter, or the right hand side of the quote. Let’s look at an example of this:

Each pip in this example represents $1 U. S. dollar if we are trading a mini contract. Por qué? It relates to our contract size. Here are the contract sizes:

Standard contract size: 100,000 currency units

Mini contract size: 10,000 currency units

Micro contract size: 1,000 currency units

Simply multiply your contract size by the pip to get the value. If one pip equals 0.0001 and you have a contract size of 10,000, then 10,000 x 0.0001 = $1 US dollar. One pip equals $10 in a standard contract size and only 10 cents in a micro contract.

So if you quickly bought and sold the above AUD/USD currency pair with a standard contract, you would instantly be down 4 pips or $40 dollars.

How to Make Money Trading the FOREX

You have two options with the currency pair: to trade long or short.

If you trade long on the currency pair you make money when the quote rises. You will lose money when the listed quote drops.

If you trade short on the currency pair you will make money when the quote drops. You will lose money if the listed quote rises.

How much money will you need to trade with? It will largely depend on how much margin and leverage you use.

Using Margin and Leverage When Trading

You can typically get trading leverage of 50, 100, or 200 to 1 when trading the FOREX market. This means that for every dollar of your own money, you can trade with 50, 100, or 200 dollars.

To determine the exact amount of leverage you are using, divide the total amount of the position by the amount of money in your account. If your total position is worth $100,000 and your account has $10,000 in it, then you have a leverage of 10. If you were allowed up to 200:1 leverage, then you would only need $500 to open this position.

Recuerde que el apalancamiento funciona en ambas direcciones. If the currency pair trades 50 pips for you in a standard contract, you would double your small investment. If the trade goes 50 pips against you, the account is wiped out.

These are the basics for FOREX trading. Next we will consider whether you can really make money trading the FOREX and some cautions.

Making Money Trading the FOREX

I have read various statistics about the amount of FOREX traders that lose money. While it is hard to find a reliable source for this, the consensus seems to be in the 90% plus range for money losers. This means that less than 10% of currency traders make money. Why do so many FOREX traders lose money?

The in-depth answer to that is beyond the introductory scope of this article, but here are a few brief reasons why:

Not properly analyzing win/loss ratios . Some setups are highly profitable…when they happen. For instance, some use a certain indicator to trade against the trend. When the market changes direction, this can be wildly profitable. However, more often than not the currency pair will trade in a direction for some time and reversals are quite infrequent. If you only win 35% of the time, you will likely be a losing trader.

No Risk Management . You should have a profit and a stop-loss target in mind. Many FOREX traders expect too much out of each transaction. They have no clear plan to take a profit or to cut losses short. In fact, many will ‘double-down’ when a trade goes against them.

Overtrading . Overtrading can kill your accounts by draining them slowly by the spread. Why do people overtrade? Perhaps because they are bored and there is not a suitable setup, or perhaps because they are not even following a trading strategy. You should have a strategy and stick to it.

It is definitely possible to make money in the FOREX. But you should enter into it cautiously, experiment with different strategies using simulators and practice accounts until you have a system that works enough of the time to turn an acceptable profit. If you have dreams of grandeur and making huge sums from little effort, you will probably be one of the majority that are quickly disappointed.

FOREX Trading Examples

yo. You want to trade the currency pair EUR/USD. You use standard contract sizes of 100,000. You are selling 100,000 EUROs in exchange for 100,000 U. S. dollars. The quote is EUR/USD 1.4355/1.4359. You feel that the U. S. economy will continue to strengthen and thus the number will drop.

In this example we will assume you have the equivalent to $1,000 EUROs in your account. To trade one contract you will need leverage of 100:1 since you are trading a standard contract of 100,000. You feel that the chart will continue to drop.

So you sell (go short) one standard contract. You sell 100,000 EUROS and convert it into U. S. dollars. This translates into 143,550 U. S. dollars. Suppose the value drops to 1.4350/1.4354. You buy back at the rate of 1.4354. Recall that your sell rate is the first quote and your buy rate is the second quote. You made a profit of 1 pip. 1 pip is worth $10.

Ii. You next decide to trade between the AUD/USD. The rate is 1.0563/1.0567. The first is the sell rate and the second is the buy rate. You think that the Australian dollar will continue to strengthen so you initiate a long position by purchasing AUD with USD.

You purchase a mini contract which involves 10,000 currency units. You buy at 10,000 AUD at a rate of 1.0567. You have 200:1 leverage so you need to only have the equivalent of $52.835 US to initiate this instead of the full $10,567.

The AUD strengthens as the rate drops to 1.0535/1.0539. You buy back or cover your position at the higher rate of 1.0539. Your profit is 28 pips. Because you are trading a mini contract this is worth $28 dollars. This is a 53% profit despite being small.

Trading the FOREX takes time, patience, discipline and skill. Of course, the first step is learning the basics and the lingo. Next you need to take the plunge and practice, even with virtual dollars, until you feel comfortable with the trading process. As you experiment with different systems ranging from the fundamental to the technical, you will gain confidence that will eventually allow you to trade with real money and increasingly larger amounts.

As you trade rapidly changing economic by using the FOREX exchange, you enter into one of the most exciting and well used markets in the world.

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Forex Explained

Are You New to Forex Trading?

Forex is traded much like any other financial instrument, using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis.

If you'd like to learn how to become a successful forex trader, consider a professional forex training course. FOREX. com is pleased to offer multiple forex training options that teach investors how to:

Understand the logic behind Forex trading

Recognize market trends

Develop a forex trading plan

Utilize tools to help you manage risk

React to major economic events impacting global currencie

Training Courses

Whether you prefer self-study at your own pace, or a blend of web study and live interaction with an experienced forex instructor, Learn to Trade Forex is designed to sharpen your skills, build your confidence, and better prepare you for success in the forex market.

In these courses you'll learn:

Basic terms and concepts, like pips, major and minor currency pairs.

Many of my clients and staff ask me what are views on the use of Forex demo accounts. Bottom line is I am very pro demo accounts. To the point where I have a demo account constantly running on the company systems, as well as my own Forex trading computer at home, even while I am live trading. It is running while I am away, while asleep and even while I am watching my favorite ball team play on Sunday afternoons. My demo account is an integral part of my Forex trading strategy, training, self-education and professional life.

I am very familiar with the negatives associated with demo account trading, as I experienced them early on when learning to adjust from stock/option trading to Forex trading.

1. Demo accounts give a false sense of security in Forex trading.

2. The emotions of "Live Money" trading are not brought into play with demo accounts.

3. Forex demo account quote feeds are not the same as live account feeds.

There are some truths to these. Demo accounts do give newcomers a false sense of security in their abilities, since the emotional involvement with a pretend trade is nowhere near the emotional rollercoaster associated with a live trade with ones own hard earned money. And I do disclose this fact to all aspiring Forex traders prior to them going live.

As far as the price feeds being different on demo accounts, this just isn't true with the demo accounts we utilize. The exact same currency quote stream that feeds my demo also feeds my live accounts. They are both coming from the exact same ip address. I have heard of this problem on other demo accounts, but have no first hand experience with them.

What is different is the market reaction to my demo trades (which is no market reaction) versus my live trades. On a live trade, the very next tic after I execute a trade is in the opposite direction RightPane% of the time (I will explain why in a future article). Another important difference is that the demo is where the brokers test any platform updates or changes prior to being implemented on their live platform. This may cause some instability on the demos which are not seen on the actual live platforms.

The benefits to utilizing a Forex demo account however, far outweigh any of these drawbacks. The two most important reasons are learning how to use the trading platform itself, and becoming familiar the Forex market. There is no worse feeling than to jump on a trading platform, figure out how to execute a trade, make the trade, realize you made it in the wrong direction, and then spend the next fifteen minutes reading through the online instructions trying to figure out how to close the trade, all the while the market is on a surge against you. Please, practice doing everything on the demo platform you intend to use before going live.

Secondly, and this cannot be stressed enough, no other market in the world is as exciting (hence volatile) as the Forex market. You can read, train and study all you want. Until you develop a feel for the Forex market and learn what we call "reading the right side of the charts," your trades will have higher probabilities of ending up in losses. And I will let you in on a little Forex secret.

There are no secrets in Forex. There's not a secret trading strategy that will work for you all the time. Every strategy ever thought up, designed and marketed has also been bought, analyzed and countered by other traders and brokers (us included). You must develop a feel for the market, and there is no cheaper way of gaining market experience than with a free Forex demo account.

Many other benefits also come from the use of Forex demo accounts. Por ejemplo; M 5 Forex offers trading accounts with three different platforms, one for micro accounts ($25 initial minimum and 100 to 1 leverage), one for mini accounts ($200 initial and 200 to 1 leverage) and one for standard accounts ($250 and 400 to 1 leverage). We only offer one demo account though, and it is with our standard account platform. Por qué? It is the best, most sophisticated platform with the best charting package.

Even if you sign up for our micro account and live trade on that platform, we recommend using the demo account for all your practicing, analyzing, set ups and charting. Making mistakes and taking losses on the 400 to 1 leveraged demo platform, even with pretend money, will teach you quickly to practice sound risk management strategies on every trade. It makes transitioning from the smaller account platforms to the standard account seemingly effortless.

We leave the demo account charts running for audible alerts when we hit stops, profit targets, technical price levels and when certain technical indicators form. We also keep the Automatic Trading Systems that we utilize running on the demo. We seldom allow computers to automatically execute trades unattended with real money (although they can). We do let them execute the trades automatically on the demo accounts with pretend money and audibly alert us. We then check and see if we should also execute a matching live trade. The audio alerts also eliminate the need to be sitting in front of the computer 24/7 while a live trade is open, or while just waiting for the markets to do something that would require my attention. The alerts have also awoken me from a sound nap (it is a 24 hour a day market).

Another great reason for Forex demo accounts is testing. We test everything here at M 5 Forex. We test platforms, techniques, signals, strategies, counter strategies, trading systems and counter trading systems. We also back test everything. In fact we back test a lot, both long and short time frames on every imaginable indicator, strategy and currency pair. Even our veteran traders continuously test and back test the 150+ indicators available on the demo platform. With a market that changes as quickly and as often as the Forex market does, this is a necessity to remain profitable. The only thing easy about Forex trading is executing the trade. That just requires a click of the mouse. There is quite a bit of work before and after that click.

And the final reason I always keep the demo account running. I never - ever chart out my trading strategy on the same platform as the one where I execute the trade. And there is a very good reason for this. I do not want the broker of my live trading platform to see what I am planning on doing.

De acuerdo. Lo sé. It's silly and superstitious. I know there absolutely no way my broker can see what I am plotting out on the chart on his platform. I also realize that even it was technically possible; the breach of ethics and legal issues would prevent these honest business professionals from ever using such a thing. But I do not place future orders on the live platform. I will explain why in another article.

I am certain of one thing though. That wearing this tin foil hat on my head does prevent my trading thoughts from transmitting through the internet lines for all to see.

As always - Good Trading to You.

Hope this information is useful for you. For more detailed information on providers, kindly refer to the Right Pane.

What Is Forex Trading

Qué es Forex Trading?

The foreign exchange market, known as the Forex market or FX market is one of the biggest financial markets in the world. If this the first time you are hearing about the Forex market you may be surprised to know that the average daily volume in the FX markets exceeds 4.0 trillion dollars, a substantial increase from several years ago.

Banks, hedge fund managers, insurance companies, financial brokers and private investors are just some of the names you will find in the foreign exchange market. Approximately 90% of the forex traders are the speculators, private investors that trade from home or an office in attempt to capitalize over the slightest price change known as pips. Forex trading is choosing a currency pair that you expect to change in value and place a trade accordingly.

Unlike with other market, s forex trading is available 24 hours a day. Whether you are from Europe or Asia, trading will always be available for you 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday. Once you begin trading, profits can be booked in anytime, 10 seconds into the trade or after 20 years.

There is no minimum or limit to the amount of time you hold onto a trade in the market as long your invested capital can support the open positions. 24FX offers a variety of currencies in its trading platform. Euro, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, South African Rand and Norwegian Krone are just some of the currencies you will find in the Forex market.

Advantages of Forex Trading

The FX markets are open 24 hours a day.

Leveraged trading can be made with low margin requirements.

Exceptional liquidity, over $4.0 trillion are traded on a daily basis.

Profit when the market rises or falls.


Copyright © 1999 - 2015 24FX. com

Forex Fundamental Analysis Explained

Fundamental analysis is a method of forecasting the future price movements of a financial instrument (e. g. currencies) based on economic, political, environmental and other relevant factors and statistics. In practice, many market players use technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental analysis to determine their trading strategy. One major advantage of technical analysis is that experienced analysts can follow many markets and market instruments, whereas the fundamental analyst needs to know a particular market intimately. Forex fundamental analysis focuses on what should happen in a market and the technical analyst looks at what has actually happened. Factors involved in price analysis include supply and demand, seasonal cycles and weather, and government policy.

The fundamentalist studies the cause of market movement, while the technician studies the effect. Fundamental analysis is a macro or strategic assessment of where a currency should be trading based on any criteria but the movement of the currency's price itself. These criteria often include the economic condition of the country that the currency represents, monetary policy, and other "fundamental" elements.

Many profitable trades are made moments prior to or shortly after major economic announcements. Click here for a list of economic indicators used in the USA.

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Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

ECN Forex Trading Explained

Trade execution usually doesn’t rank that high for most traders, especially in the retail forex business. That being said, the past few years has brought about some market volatility which has no doubt increased trader’s curiosity about how their trades are executed by their forex broker.

The most notable event which made an impact was last year’s (2015) Swiss Franc de-peg which saw quite a few retail traders either swallowing huge losses or making the biggest wins in a day. It also brought down quite a few forex brokerages including a few reputable ones as well. The Swiss Franc event in 2015 thus set forward period of awareness among traders as to how their trades are executed by their forex brokerages and, of course, brought the spotlight on whether it is best to trade with a market maker or an ECN/STP forex broker.

But what exactly is an ECN forex broker? In this article, we explain in detail what an ECN is and how your trades are executed by the broker.

ECN Forex Trading – The Network

ECN is an acronym for Electronic Communications Network. It is not to be mistaken with some kind of an intranet/extranet but merely a protocol that is adopted by forex brokerages are their liquidity partners for executing trades. ECN brokers primarily act as ‘ Middle Men ‘ (and thus the named broker) between the liquidity partners made up of banks and large institutions and the retail/trading community. The trades placed by the trades are routed directly and matched with the liquidity providers and when there is a matching order, the trade is executed. Of course, all of this happens in real time and hardly noticeable.

With an ECN forex broker, traders should know that the other side of their trade (also known as a counterparty) is made up of either one or a pool of institutional orders. The broker does not get involved as a counterparty but merely passes on their retail customer’s orders. Of course, the ECN broker does this for a small fee. This fee could either be in the form of charging a commission per trade or by adding a markup to the orders by a few pips.

ECN Forex Trading Vs. Market Making

As you might have understood by now, ECN forex trading is perhaps one of the simplest ways to do business as a forex broker. Unlike a market making a model where client’s trades are always accepted in-house which opens up the question on ‘conflict of interest’ between the brokerage and their customer. When the customer losses, the brokerage wins and vice versa ( although this is not always the case as orders can also be routed differently with a market maker ).

However, the point to understand here is the fact that with a market maker, there is a higher chance that your orders will be filled at the price you want to bid or ask at. This changes when it comes to an ECN forex broker where the order execution depends on whether the counterparty wants to accept your bid or ask at the price level you quoted. In other words, while an ECN forex broker can offer fast executions if the counterparty does not match your bids or asking prices, chances are that your orders remain unfilled.

And this was something which happened last year during the SNB event where, when the Swiss National Bank gave up the 1.20EURCHF floor, there were no orders below 1.20 leaving a large void and thus traders ended up with trades, where they were unable to defend it with stop loss orders. On the other hand, market makers managed to fare better given the fact that the order routing was different.

ECN Forex Trading – Is it good or bad?

There is no right answer to this question and more importantly, the answer can vary from one trader to another . The fact remains however that for traders who prefer to trade big and quick, an ECN forex broker can be the best match as commissions or spreads can be lowered especially if you bring big volume to your broker. On the other hand, traders who merely trade part time and are not very aware of the market risks are better off trading with a market maker instead.

John has over 8 years of experience specializing in the currency markets, tracking the macro-economic and geopolitical developments shaping the financial markets. John applies a mix of fundamental and technical analysis and has a special interest in inter-market analysis and global politics.

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Forex Explained

Please Bookmark This Site for Future Reference.

FOREX stands for FOR eign EX change. Currency traders make money simply buying and selling foreign currency. They make their profits based on the movements between currencies.

Another way to make money on the internet is using the FOREX Market. This is simply taking advantage of the fluctuations in the value of foreign currencies compared to each other in order to make a profit. Find out more about Forex below.

Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the biggest financial market which turnover exceeds $1.5 trillion. There is no possibility of shaking the market by individual investors. Transactions at Forex can be realized daily, 24hours a day – in practice, most of the transactions are made between 8 am on Monday and 6 pm on Friday – transactions made at weekends and holiday are often connected with higher fees and much smaller profits (losses) possibility. SPECIFICATION OF THE MARKET Forex is a specific market in many aspects - first of all, it is very highly speculative (it is estimated that about 90% of the transactions are made by speculators). Moreover, there is neither bull market nor fall term, because profits can be made on both growth and drop of exchange rate (currencies can be bought and sold on the same conditions). Information has great influence on the market – that is why many try to bet only in the publication period – exchange rate increases or decreases rapidly then. Technical analyses have raison d'e^tre, but due to numerous financial publications, these are not as accurate as on other financial markets. TRANSACTIONS AND LEVER The most of bets are time limited contracts, so called “Lots” & # 8211; one contract is one “Lot”. Currency market is also characterized by high financial lever. It means that if you have certain amount of money you can use much bigger amount and receive profits/losses from this higher greater. Example: Lever is 1:100 (you can bet with 100 times greater Money). Assuming that you have $1.000 – you can buy $100.000 for this money. If the exchange rate increases of 0.5% we will profit by $500 (0.5% x $100.000 = $500). If the rate decreases of 1% you will lose your whole capital (1% x $100.000 = $1000).

The size of the lever depends on brokering agency that we choose. There is sometimes the possibility of choosing “risk group” that we want to belong to.

BASIC INFORMATION AND TERMINOLOGY You can bet in any pair of quoted currencies on Forex. These are announced in this form: EUR/USD (Euro to Dollar – the most popular pair on Forex), USD/JPY (Dollar to Yen). This form of notation means that for one unit of base currency (EUR or USD in examples) we can buy as many units of second currency as the exchange rate is. The rate is always announced with accuracy of four decimal places (Yen is the only exception – exact to two decimal places). Example: EUR/USD rate is 1.3115 – for €10.000 you can buy $13.115. CHF/PLN rate is 2.5371 – for CHF100 you can buy PLN253.71. On Forex, the rate is always given in two ways – buying rate (Ask) and selling rate (Bid). Buying rate is always bigger than selling rate, the difference between these rates is called the spread. The spread is given in pips (Price Interest Point) – ten thousandth part of rate (one-hundredth for Yen). It will be more comprehensible in an example: Selling rate (Bid) EUR/PLN pair is 3.9078, while buying rate (Ask) is 3.9128 – spread is the difference between these rates and amounts to 0.0050 that is 50 pips. It often occurs that spread is enlarged by brokering agency for holidays and weekends and making the transactions is becoming less attractive. The spread is the only form of “fee” from transactions, what is another typical feature of currency market. HOW TO PLAY? For the sake of high risk of currency market, it is not recommended for beginners. To start investing you should be experienced in short-term speculations on the stock exchange and have at least basic information about technical analysis. If you are firm to start investing on the Forex you should constantly monitor economic news (brokering agencies usually offer comprehensive news bulletins – for example Reuters ) and keep abreast with these publications dates – the news can shake the market a little bit and it might be a shock for beginners, which many times can end with a huge loss. It is said, that short-term transactions are made for coupe of hours, and the long-term is few days only! Popular on stock exchange “buy and hold” method is not profitable here and can end as the loss of the capital. The other significant thing on Forex is investors psyche – your future profits or losses depend on whether you can or cannot stand the rapid unfavorable loss/growth of the rate. The general rule is setting Limit orders on much higher level then Stop-Loss orders. You should assume higher profits then losses. There are also other methods to bet on the Forex, as already mentioned publication betting – when we wait for the publication, analyze the news and enter the market, to end the position shortly. Earlier acquainting with investing platforms of different brokering agencies is a good idea – so called demonstrative investing platforms (called also demo platforms) offer almost all important brokering agencies. You must remember – although the demo and real platforms does not differ in technical respect; the decisions made on demo platform differ significantly from those you would make in reality; unless you have strong nerves – but all of us would be millionaires then.

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Forex Fundamental Analysis Explained

Fundamental analysis is a method of forecasting the future price movements of a financial instrument (e. g. currencies) based on economic, political, environmental and other relevant factors and statistics. In practice, many market players use technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental analysis to determine their trading strategy. One major advantage of technical analysis is that experienced analysts can follow many markets and market instruments, whereas the fundamental analyst needs to know a particular market intimately. Forex fundamental analysis focuses on what should happen in a market and the technical analyst looks at what has actually happened. Factors involved in price analysis include supply and demand, seasonal cycles and weather, and government policy.

The fundamentalist studies the cause of market movement, while the technician studies the effect. Fundamental analysis is a macro or strategic assessment of where a currency should be trading based on any criteria but the movement of the currency's price itself. These criteria often include the economic condition of the country that the currency represents, monetary policy, and other "fundamental" elements.

Many profitable trades are made moments prior to or shortly after major economic announcements. Click here for a list of economic indicators used in the USA.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

Forex Breakout Strategy Explained

The breakout strategy is a trading strategy in which positions are taken at the time the price by a resistance or support level breaks. There are many different breakout strategies and they are used on all financial markets, including the foreign exchange market (forex market).

The breakout strategy is very popular with novice Forex traders because it is very logical, is easy to understand and easy to carry out. The basic idea is to take the position at the time the price is moving outside the boundaries where it performed. A well known technical indicator that is often used for the breakout strategy is the Bollinger Bands. When price breaks throught the upper or lower Bollinger Band that is seen as a chance that there has been a breakout.

At the breakout strategy in its simplest form places the trader a buy stop or sell stop, respectively above the resistance or below the support level. A buy stop is an order for a long position that only opens when a certain price is hit. The s ell order works the same, but then a short position is opened when a particular price is touched.

Example of a breakout strategy: the currency pair EUR/USD has spent the past days in a range between 1.4300 and 1,4500 moved on the Forex. The 1,4500 shows an important resistance level and an important support level 1.4300. The forex trader now places a buy stop order on the 1,4505 and a sell stop on 1,4295. This means that if the price breaks the 1,4500 and the 1,4505, there is a long position is opened that best can take advantage of the breakout to above. The same for when the price down through the 1.4300 breaks and hits the 1,4295; in that case, so a short position be opened to take advantage of the breakout down.

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Acerca de Forex

Las divisas, comúnmente conocido como "Forex" o "FX", es el intercambio de una moneda por otra en un intercambio acordado En el mercado de venta libre (OTC). Forex es el mercado más negociado del mundo, con una facturación media de más de US $ 4 billones por día. Para los comerciantes el mercado Forex es más emoción que la montaña rusa más alta y más rápida. Está usted en?

Acerca de las opciones binarias

El comercio de opciones binarias es el último y más rentable instrumento financiero. En finanzas, una opción binaria es un tipo de opción en la que la recompensa puede tomar sólo dos posibles resultados, ya sea una cantidad fija monetaria de algún activo o nada en absoluto (en contraste con las opciones financieras ordinarias que suelen tener un espectro continuo de pago) . Los dos tipos principales de opciones binarias son la opción binaria de efectivo o nada y la opción binaria de activo o nada. Las opciones binarias son una forma sencilla de negociar fluctuaciones de precios en múltiples mercados globales, pero un comerciante necesita entender los riesgos y las recompensas de estos instrumentos a menudo mal entendidos.

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Qué es Forex? The fundamentals of forex explained.

What is forex? The forex fundamentals.

The term FOREX is a short form used for Foreign Exchange Market. Foreign Exchange Market a. k.a. currency market is considered as the place to convert one currency for another. The ultimate aim of FOREX is to enhance the international trade and investment. For example, an U. S. based MNC may have branches in several countries. However it cannot pay the salary and other expenses in dollars throughout all of its branches as it were situated in different parts of the world. In order to meet this problem, the dollar has to be converted into the currency of that particular nation.

There are things you need to know about Forex Trading, as a newcomer. Here are a few myths and misrepresentations about forex trading.

•Just look into another example. If an U. K. based firm imports certain goods from Japan, it can pay that Japanese company in Yen instead of Pound Sterling.

In both of the aforesaid cases, one currency has to be converted into another or many. Here comes the need of the FOREX market. It is one of the largest financial markets in the world.

The participants in this market are diverse ranging from giant MNCs and Banking corporations to small scale speculators and even day traders.

Every single day, an amount equivalent to $2 trillion is transacting through this market. Now I think, you can understand how big is this market and how it can enhance and influence the international trade and investment.

Another feature of FOREX market is that unlike other markets it does not have any central exchange or physical location. Instead it exists as a result of mutual effort of various participants such as the importers, exporters, speculators, day traders, banking and multinational corporations, long-term holders, international portfolio managers etc who are all exchanging one currency for the other. Since the FOREX market does not have any physical location or exchange, it operates round the clock moving from one part of the world to another in all the leading financial centers of the world.

Of all the participants, only a few exchange the currency to meet their trade activities. Apart from these groups, majority of them are currency traders who try to make profits on the speculation of currency values. Just like a stock trader who tries to make profit in the fluctuation of stock prices, a currency trader too depends on fluctuations and speculations to make profit. These fluctuations are as a result of anticipation of traders on global macroeconomic conditions in regard to the actual monetary flows.

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Forex Fundamental Analysis Explained

Fundamental analysis is a method of forecasting the future price movements of a financial instrument (e. g. currencies) based on economic, political, environmental and other relevant factors and statistics. In practice, many market players use technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental analysis to determine their trading strategy. One major advantage of technical analysis is that experienced analysts can follow many markets and market instruments, whereas the fundamental analyst needs to know a particular market intimately. Forex fundamental analysis focuses on what should happen in a market and the technical analyst looks at what has actually happened. Factors involved in price analysis include supply and demand, seasonal cycles and weather, and government policy.

The fundamentalist studies the cause of market movement, while the technician studies the effect. Fundamental analysis is a macro or strategic assessment of where a currency should be trading based on any criteria but the movement of the currency's price itself. These criteria often include the economic condition of the country that the currency represents, monetary policy, and other "fundamental" elements.

Many profitable trades are made moments prior to or shortly after major economic announcements. Click here for a list of economic indicators used in the USA.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa.

Easy-forex es un nombre comercial de easyMarkets Pty Limited ABN 73 107 184 510 y está regulado por la Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). EasyMarkets no hace ninguna recomendación en cuanto a los méritos de cualquier producto financiero mencionado en este sitio web, correos electrónicos o sus sitios web relacionados y la información contenida no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos personales, la situación financiera y necesariamente. EasyMarkets recomienda que lea la declaración de divulgación del producto. the Terms and Conditions and the Financial Services Guide before making any decision concerning easyMarket’s products.

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

Forex Candlestick Chart Explained

Candlestick chart patterns can be extracted from Foreign exchange charts. Below are descriptions of the most commonly found chart patterns used for Forex.


A name for candlestick chart patterns that provide information on their own and feature in a number of important patterns. Dojis form when the body of the candle is minimal as market's open and close are virtually equal.


A price pattern in candlestick charting that occurs when the market trades significantly lower than its opening, but rallies later in the day to close either above or close to its opening price. This pattern forms a hammer-shaped candlestick.

martillo invertido

A price pattern in candlestick charting that occurs when a security trades significantly higher after its opening, but gives up most of all of its intraday gain to close well off of its high. Gravestone - The market gaps open above the previous day's close in an uptrend. It rallies to a new high, then loses strength and closes near its low: a bearish change of momentum. Confirmation of the trend reversal would be an opening below the body of the Shooting Star on the next trading day. If the open and the close are identical, the indicator is considered a Gravestone Doji. The Gravestone Doji has a higher reliability associated with it than a Shooting Star.

Estrella fugaz

A candlestick indicating a reversal. The previous day's candle has a very large body. On the day the shooting star occurs, the price (generally) opens higher than the previous day's close, then jumps well above the opening price during the day, but closes lower than the opening price.

Three white soldiers

Three white soldiers is a bullish reversal pattern that forms with three consecutive long white candlestick chart patterns. After a decline, the three white soldiers pattern signals a change in sentiment and reversal of trend from bearish to bullish. Further bullish confirmation is not required, but there is sometimes a test of support established by the reversal.

Three black crows

A bearish reversal pattern consisting of three consecutive black bodies where each day opens higher than the previous day's low, and closes near, but below, the previous low.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa.

Easy-forex es un nombre comercial de easyMarkets Pty Limited ABN 73 107 184 510 y está regulado por la Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). EasyMarkets no hace ninguna recomendación en cuanto a los méritos de cualquier producto financiero mencionado en este sitio web, correos electrónicos o sus sitios web relacionados y la información contenida no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos personales, la situación financiera y necesariamente. EasyMarkets recomienda que lea la declaración de divulgación del producto. the Terms and Conditions and the Financial Services Guide before making any decision concerning easyMarket’s products.

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Forex Rollovers Explained

By: Charley Warady

Long term trading in Forex is, for all practical purposes, limited to one day. If you want to extend a trade to more than one day, the practice of Forex rollovers comes into play. The trading of Forex is not like stocks or commodity trading in the normal sense of practice. With commodities, you can hang onto a trade until its delivery date, which may be months in the future. With stocks you can hold onto a trade practically indefinitely. With currency pairs. the trader has to request Forex rollovers on a daily basis.

As far as what the individual Forex trader has to do to hold onto his currency pair trade for more than one day, he doesn't have to do much. As a matter of fact, in most cases he doesn't have to do anything. The broker handles the logistics of Forex rollovers and it's done on a daily basis. The trader may or may not be aware of it, but for tax purposes, he should keep track.

Buying and Selling

The whole concept of Forex rollovers may sound intimidating at first, but it's really not that complicated. Put simply, the way the Forex market works is that there aren't any trades that are literally carried over night. If the Forex trader himself doesn't close out a position, the broker, in essence, closes out the position for him.

No need to worry. The trade doesn't disappear, nor does a buying or selling action occur without the trader's permission. The Forex broker simply takes the other side of the open trade at the close of trading. Then, at the beginning of trading the next day, the broker resubmits the trade. As far as the trader is concerned, the open position has remained open. Only the details were taken into account. Forex rollovers happen all the time.

Profits and Losses

The Forex trader needs to be aware, however, as to the extent of the impact that the Forex rollovers have on his profit and losses. In other words, whether the trader makes the trade, or the broker makes the trade, at some point a trade was made and there was a profit or loss established for the trade on each day for each trade. If there was a profit made by the broker to institute the rollover, then somebody has to pay taxes for that net gain. As far as the government is concerned, it doesn't care about Forex rollovers. It cares about capital gains. Therefore, a trader has to keep track of the money involved at the beginning of each day with his open positions. The Forex brokers will always provide this information and it is a common practice.

This process must be tracked for each open position, because as far as any Forex broker is concerned, there is no such thing as an open trade. At the end of each trading day, each of their traders maintains a flat position, only to continue a previous trade on the opening of the following day. That's the way the business is run.

Best to Stay Flat

The common wisdom among Forex traders, both novice and experienced, is to simply day trade. Forex rollovers have their place, but the market can become complicated enough without adding to its complications. It is best for the trader to go away from his computer terminal at the end of the day knowing exactly how much he made or lost from all

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Forex Explained

Forex originally means "Foreign Exchange" and can be shortened to "FX". and it's about trading of currencies, or the purchase of one currency and the sale of another one. If the exchange rate for EUR/USD is 1.3600, it is showing that 1 Euro is worth $1.36 USD. The first currency is called the base currency and the second currency is called the counter currency. For each transaction, we buy or sell the base currency.

Foreing Currency Exchange (FX) is the biggest financial market where investors trade currencies and make profits off the currency price change. The dramatic development in communications and technology made FX trading much easy process to manage by just Trading FX online.

Recent studies show that there are about 1.5 Billion US Dollars being invested daily in forex trading and those are huge funds that you can take small share of them and trade FX from home. Currency price is determined by the investors attitude and some economic and political factors and the successful trader is the one who can predict those changes and make profits from that. on contrary if you don't do the right expectations you will get huge loss.

Forex Trading consists of currency transactions between forex traders, forex brokers and banks. The process is controlled by demand and supply of some currencies and their availability in the currency trading market.

Every 2 currencies being traded against each other are called "Pair" and Forex MArket consists of 4 main pairs. Euro-USD. USD-GBP USD-Japan Yen. USD-Swiss Franc.

As example for a good trade, You can buy 100 GBP for 200$ then wait until the rate changes and sell those 100 GBP for 210 or 220$ depending on the rate that time. this is good money with no much work and you can even do this online through Forex broker.

Forex trading is considered as the most risky financial market as you have to make perfect expectations to make profits with it. It is all about speculations and the ability to analyze the market mechanism. Your brains and your Forex knowledge are your main capital in this business.

The best thing about Forex is that it's open market. traders from all the countries and working 24/7 through internet as well so you can make money from home by opening an account with any broker and trade within their platform which should provide you with the current price rates and provide you the ability to buy and sell online instantly.

As a rule of thumb, make sure you read as much as you can about Forex trading to maximize your knowledge before getting into FX currency trading business.

Foreign Exchange Trading Explained

Foreign Exchange, often referred to as Forex. is the exchange which takes place between two currencies. also known as the trading of currencies. The Forex market is by far the largest financial market one may come across. Trade generally takes place between National Banks, Central Banks, currency speculators, corporations, financial institutions, individuals and Governments.

Purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for a quantity of another is generally termed as Forex. Buying Euros when USD is stronger in value and then selling the Euro when it strengthens is a typical example of how a trade takes place. Not all benefit from this trade. It depends on how well one understands the markets and how well a strategy is planned. There are various indicators which help one analyse the Forex market. A thorough analysis of the past and present economic & political scenarios of the countries involved, also analysing the price trends and the volume of transactions helps one develop successful trading strategies.

Types of Foreign Exchange Markets

There are various types of Foreign Exchange markets depending on the type of trading activity.

Spot Market - a Foreign Exchange spot market usually refers to teh trading of securities or commodities (perishable and Non-perishable) for cash (price at the time of transaction) usually delivered immediately or within a short period of time. A spot Market for Forex has a delivery time of around 2 days.

Currency Arbitrage is making the most of the price differentials in various money markets by purchasing one currency in one market and selling it in another market.

Currency Speculation - holding a currency back after the purchase, speculating a price rise in the impending future.

Currency trading of Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts (cash market transaction with a post dated delivery) taking place 'over the counter' is known as a Forward Market.

A Foreign Exchange Futures market is actually an auctions market where the buyers and sellers trade contracts on a specified future date. Price is determined by the demand & supply conditions competing against buy and sell orders at the day and time of activity. This date is also know as the Delivery Date or the Final Settlement Date. The contract is obligatory to the trader of the delivery under the terms of the contract. A futures Market is also know as a derivatives market.

Easy-forex & reg; provides online help to understand Forex trading and terminologies. They have compiled a Starter pack which is inclusive of Live Training, Free eBook, Video Guides. and the Inside Viewer ® .

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

Forex trading explicado

Most investors only deal in currencies when they’re about to go on holiday. But they could be missing a chance to profit from the most liquid market around – the currency market.

What is the forex market?

The foreign exchange (forex, or FX) market is by far the world’s biggest. Daily turnover is about ten times that of global equity markets – and very liquid, so deals of all sizes and in virtually all currencies can be done quickly and easily.

Sure, it is not for widows or orphans. But the basics can be mastered quickly, especially since spread betting has opened the market up to retail investors, making it more accessible than ever. And even if you don’t fancy trading, it’s worth at least understanding what drives the markets.

How does forex investing work?

Stock markets around the world can all fall at the same time, but because currencies are valued relative to one another, if one weakens then another must get stronger. That means there is always money to be made.

First off, you place currency bets in pairs. Spread betting firms, such as IG Index and Capital Spreads, will allow you to do so. Choose a currency pair, say sterling (GBP) against the US dollar (USD). You buy it if you think the pound will rise (strengthen), and sell it if you think the pound will drop (weaken). The key point to note is that when you ask to buy or sell, your instruction refers to the currency on the left of the quote. So ‘buy GBP/USD’ is a bet that the pound will do well against the US dollar.

You then decide how much to bet per point (a point represents the last digit in a standard quote). So, for example, you could buy the GBP/USD pair for £5 a point, having been quoted a spread of 1.9850/1.9853. If sterling strengthens you might close your position by selling the same pair, now quoted at 1.9865/1.9868. Your profit is 12 points (19865–19853 = 12), which is £60 at £5 a point, tax-free. If, of course, sterling had weakened, you would have lost money.

What are the advantages of forex trading?

Unlike stock exchanges, forex is a 24-hour market, so you can trade at any time, unlike with stocks which can only be traded during market hours. Also, as noted above, currencies are a relative game, so “there’s always a bull market somewhere”, as traders like to put it.

Trading individual currencies also requires a decent knowledge of the factors that could influence exchange rates, so currencies can also give you a way to play changes in sentiment driven by big macroeconomic moves. For example, one of the big drivers is expectations about relative interest rates – a rising Bank of England base rate, relative to the equivalent US Fed rate, would usually make sterling attractive relative to the dollar and push the GBP/USD rate up. So if you have a view on interest rates which differs from market expectations, you can profit from that by betting on the currency markets. There are of course a host of other factors that will move currencies, such as data on government debt, economic growth and inflation among others.

Why now is not the time to invest in buy-to-let

Investing in buy-to-let has traditionally been a reliable way to draw in a pretty decent income. But in 2016 buy-to-let comes with a host of hidden dangers that could prove a huge drain on your personal wealth. Chancellor Osborne is making it harder and harder for investors to actually make buy-to-let worthwhile.

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Forex Trading Explained in Simple Words (Video)

We published our first video on YouTube. This video is an fact an introduction to forex trading. In this 23 minutes video we have talked about the history of trading at the beginning. Then we have explained about the currency trading basics. This video covers the below topics:

& # 8211; The currency market and the world of exchange – The modern exchange – The modern stock exchange – The history of Stock Exchanges – What is liquidity? & # 8211; Rating of quality – The agreed minimum quantity which can be traded which is “LOT” in currency trading. & # 8211; Different kinds of exchange: Commodity, Stock, Currency – International transactions: US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc – What is “Foreign Exchange”? & # 8211; Who works on the currency markets? Central banks of countries, Financial companies and brokerage houses, Private individuals like forex traders – The markets working days and times – Currency pairs – Point or Pip – Margin and Leverage – Trading platforms – Bid and Ask prices – Spread – Long and Short Positions – Stop loss and target (take profit) orders

Here is the video:

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

Alejandro O, Bastida September 6, 2014 at 9:23 am

for me its complicated, but still I wanted to know, sorry I am a slow learner.

Ambrose November 24, 2014 at 9:22 am

I would rather say it is a privilege to stumble upon your site. I am still relishing the taught of finally see an FX mentor who is willing to guide me to becoming a professional fx trader. I thank God for this site and i pray for more wisdom for you and your team.

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"I would like to thank you for the most informative productive session that I had the pleasure to be on the receiving end of. Vic you made it clear to me as to how and when to enter a trade and how and when to exit. I am very very pleased as to what I was able to learn from you. Keep up the good work!" * Chet Obacz

Testimonial is not indicative of future performance or success in addition to the fact that they are unsolicited.

* Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results! Los testimonios en este documento no son solicitados y no son representativos de todos los clientes; Ciertas cuentas pueden tener un desempeño peor que el indicado. Trading spot currencies involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Sus resultados comerciales pueden variar. Debido a que el factor de riesgo es alto en el mercado de divisas de comercio, sólo genuino "riesgo" los fondos deben ser utilizados en dicho comercio. Si usted no tiene el capital adicional que usted puede permitirse perder, usted no debe negociar en el mercado de divisas. No se ha ideado ningún sistema de comercio "seguro", y nadie puede garantizar los beneficios o la libertad de la pérdida.

Las opiniones y opiniones representadas en los enlaces y recursos proporcionados en el sitio web no están controladas por el Corredor de Referencia o la FCM. Further, the Referring Broker and the FCM are not responsible for their availability, content, or delivery of services.


The forex market (short for foreign exchange), was established in 1971 as an inter-bank or inter-dealer market. Since that time, it has undergone tremendous growth and now foreign currencies are actively traded from home computers. Simply put, foreign exchange is the changing of one currency into another. You can buy and sell foreign currencies in all market conditions. Forex is the single biggest financial market in the world. It literally dwarfs all other markets combined trading around $2 trillion per day! By comparison, the US Treasury Bond market averages about $300 billion per day in trading volume, and the US stock market will do about $10 billion per day.

There is no centralized market location like there is in the stock market or futures market. Instead, forex markets are traded mostly over computer terminals. Also, unlike traditional markets, forex markets trade 24/7 around the globe and with the trading volumes noted above, the liquidity is near perfect.

The forex markets move up and down due to economic, political and psychological factors. There is generally lots of movement every single day in the major currencies that offer excellent trading opportunities for the speculator. Because the margin requirements are extremely small, tremendous leverage is available. Yet because of the extreme liquidity noted above, it is very easy to control risk-for those that understand the vital importance of money management. These 2 factors of leverage and easy risk control are what make the forex markets such a great opportunity. However, please note that without proper risk management, this high degree of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.


There are 2 types of accounts, standard and mini. In a standard account, 1 contract, or lot, controls $100,000 of currency with a margin requirement of $1000 and therefore has a leverage of 100:1. A mini account controls $10,000 worth of currency with a margin requirement of just $50 for a leverage of 200:1. Please note, leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains, so it's critical to understand and implement effective risk controls.

The forex always trades in currency pairs. The first currency is known as the base currency and the second currency is known as the cross. We are always trading the base.

Suppose you think the US dollar is going to fall against the Euro. This currency pair is quoted as EUR/USD. Say it is showing a price of 1.2400. This means that 1 Euro will buy 1.24 US Dollars. If we think the Euro will increase against the US Dollar, then we would look to buy this currency pair. The minimum price increment is 1 point, or "pip". In the case of the EUR/USD, 1 pip on a mini account = $1.00 US, and for a standard account, it's $10.00 US. Therefore in our example if we had bought the EUR/USD at 1.2400 and it went up to a price of 1.2500, we would make 100 pips, or $100 in a mini account or $1000 in a standard account.

Of course leverage works both ways, so it's critical to understand and implement effective risk controls.


There are some huge advantages in trading the forex markets vs. futures or stock markets. First, with the forex you get 24 hour liquidity, and as noted above, these are the most liquid markets available anywhere.

Second, with most trading platforms you get free real time quotes and charts. Also, because there is no centralized market location or exchange such as with stocks or futures, there are no exchange fees to pay.

Another very comforting advantage that forex trading has over futures and stocks is that there is no debit risk. That's because if a client were to be in an open loss position that exceeded his margin requirement, the trading platform will automatically liquidate the position.

If there was a catastrophic event, you can never lose more money that what you have in your account.

And how about this - if you choose to trade the forex markets on your own, there are no commission charges! There is just the bid and ask spread (as in any market) for the market makers, with the difference being that in the forex markets these bid/ask spreads are very small.

Something to also consider is that in trading with most broker dealers, you get more consistent pricing options. Not so in either the stock or futures markets, where the slippage can be substantial. Furthermore, please note that in the forex markets, we can sell short the market just as easily as buying. It makes absolutely no difference - they're both executed at just the click of a button. Because the margin requirements are extremely small, tremendous leverage is available. These 2 factors of leverage and easy risk control are what make the forex markets such a great opportunity. Please remember that without proper risk management, this high degree of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.

If you've every had any experience trading stocks or commodities, you know that these above-noted differences are very, very significant.

The above information should give you a good idea as to what the forex markets are. However to trade profitably, you need to learn how to properly analyze the markets so that you can achieve consistent success. In my opinion, the Peter Bain ForexMentor course is second to none and is definitely worth the time to explore further.

Risk Factor – Explained

Why does EUR/USD drop when US economic figures disappoint? This is not normal. But we are not in normal times. Here is an explanation of these phenomenons, also known as “risk aversion” and “risk appetite”.

Since the big financial crisis erupted in the fall of 2008, there have been many such absurd period. The current summer of 2011, which includes an escalating European debt crisis that approaches the core, an unprecedented downgrade of the US and fears of a global recession, is a time when these abnormal phenomenons happen all the time, the “new normal” if you wish. Como funciona?

US Indicators Lead

In normal times, the dollar rises on good figures and falls on weak ones, against every other currency. In bad times, the world looks to the US for signs on where the global economy is going. The US is still considered to be the locomotive of world growth and also of global trouble, even though a lot of the world’s focus has shifted to the Far East, and especially to China.

Apart from providing the lead indicators on the world, the US is also still considered to be a safer bet than many other developed countries, no matter how well they are doing.

So, if the US releases weak economic figures, global fear rises again, and the dollar is sought as a safe haven currency. This is called “ risk aversion “. While the US provides the leading indicators, the dollar is definitely not leading in its “safe haven” status.

Safe and Unsafe Currencies

The Swiss franc is at the peak: it has an excellent economy and a solid banking system. It temporarily lost this role during the financial crisis, but returned to the top, and is unrivaled now.

The second place goes to the Japanese yen: here the picture is different: the economy is struggling and Japan has a mountain of debt. Yet it still considered very solid.

The third place belongs to the US dollar.

Australia and New Zealand are on the other side of the spectrum: both countries have solid economies. Australia has a rock solid AAA rating. Nevertheless, weak US figures = danger to global growth = trashing AUD and NZD.

The Canadian dollar also has the same position, but this is more related to its direct dependence on the US. A weaker US = a weaker Canada = a weaker Canadian dollar.

The euro is also in the basket of “risk” currencies, but it is less affected nowadays from US indicators, as it has deepening troubles of its own and on the verge of its own euro printing program .

The British pound is trying to sneak out of the “risk” currencies, with harsh plans to cut deficits, although it still tends to weaken on bad US figures.

What happens when US figures are positive?

In these days, the opposite happens: the US dollar strengthens against the yen and the franc, while losing ground to the rest. This is called “ risk appetite “.

This phenomenon is more limited. Por qué? When a long batch of positive US indicators are released, or when positive surprises are significant, we begin returning to the “old normal”, where the world is more stable, and even has prospects of solid growth.

We are still far from the “old normal”.

I hope this answers many questions I have received in the comments and via email.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Technical Analysis Explained


Technical analysis attempts to understand the market psychology by studying market behavior in the past. If one understands the essence, benefits and limitations of technical analysis, this can give him new skills to become a better trader. As John Murphy states, “Technical analysis is a skill that improves with experience and study. Always be a student and keep learning.”

The main objective of “Technical Analysis Explained” is to help you learn the most essential and fundamental points of technical analysis, understand why and how successful traders use it in their trade and develop your own trading strategy based on technical charts and indicators.

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The Forex Carry Trade Explained

By: Staff at DailyFX. com

This video and transcript reviews the important factors for traders to consider when planning and executing a carry trade, which delivers income and capital gains based on long-term rate differentials between two currencies .

In this video, we’re going to talk about the carry trade. Simply put, a carry trade is a long-term position where a trader attempts to earn interest as well as capital gains on their positions. To set the stage, we need to begin by establishing and understanding rollover, as this is a major component of any carry trade. This is the interest component.

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Rollover is the interest earned or paid for holding a position overnight or into the next trading day. Each currency has an interest rate associated with it, and because FX is traded in pairs, every trade involves not only two different currencies, but there are two different interest rates.

So let’s talk about why certain traders are in rollover and why other trades have to pay rollover interest. If you buy the Euro/USD, you’re essentially buying euros and selling US dollars. If you sell the Euro/USD, you’re selling the euro and buying US dollars. If the interest rate on the currency you buy is higher than the interest rate on the currency you sold, then you will earn rollover interest. So in this case, we’re essentially borrowing or selling currency at a low interest rate in order to invest or buy into a currency that yields a higher interest rate.

If the interest rate on the currency you bought is lower than the interest rate in the currency you sold, then you’ll have to pay rollover. Again, in this case, you’d be borrowing or selling currency at a relatively high interest rate to invest or buy into a currency that yields a lower interest rate.

Now with all this said, how do you know how much interest you’ll have to pay or earn when you do hold positions long term?

Fortunately, you don’t have to calculate rollover rates yourself as the FX trading station 2 automatically calculates and reports all rollover for you and the rollover rates can be found from the simple dealing rates window of the platform in the Roll S and the Roll B columns.

We can see here that by buying the Australian dollar/US dollar currency pair, a trader would earn $3.67 in interest everyday at the 5 p. m. Eastern close for each 10K lot that they traded.

Understanding the role that interest rates play in the FX market is a crucial task in becoming a successful carry trader. There’s a lot to understand regarding interest rates and interest rate environments, and we’ll cover the basics now. However, for a more detailed understanding, make sure to watch our part 2 video on the carry trade.

A country offering high interest rates will typically attract more capital as investors seek to capitalize higher returns. As interest rates rise, investments will follow, which can in turn increase the value of the currency. In most cases, a higher interest rate will usually lead to higher currency value, while a lower interest rate will usually lead to lower currency value.

A carry trader’s focus then becomes the expectation on the direction of the country’s interest rate to ensure their high rate of return. Now this is a little different than just checking to see the two interest rates and assuming that the market will go with the currency with the higher interest rate.

Traders prefer to own the currency with the higher interest rate that continues to rise and prefer to sell the currency with the lower interest rate that continues to fall. So it’s also the expectation of future interest rates that traders use in their trading approach.

So carry traders anticipate future interest-rate moves in their decision on what pair to buy or sell as much as they depend on the current interest rate environment. But it doesn’t make much sense to buy a pair that is in a downtrend just to earn interest. Making $3.67 in interest a day only to lose $100 a day in market movement will not lead to consistent profits.

So it’s also important to note the direction of the daily trend and to only trade in that same direction. When you’re trading with the trend and at the same time earning interest, it can be very profitable. The daily trend of the Australian dollar/US dollar is up, and by buying this pair, you can also earn $3.67 a day in rollover interest. Now this is a situation that carry traders look for for trading opportunities.

But let’s go through the process of identifying the best candidates for a carry trade to see if there are any better opportunities.

The first thing we want to note is the pairs that offer the highest rollover interest credits. We start off by checking the simple dealing rates window on the trading platform for this input. We only want to note the positive numbers, as that represents what we can earn. Those numbers that are negative are what we would have to pay on a daily basis for an open position.

Under the Row S column, we can see where the Euro/Australian dollar shows 6.39, while the GBP/Australian dollar shows 6.92. This is what we could earn for each 10K lot sold since the S in Row S means sell. This account is funded in US dollars, so we can earn $6.92 a day for every 10K lot of the Pound/Australian dollar that we sold.

In the Row B column, we can see what the debit or credit would be for each 10K lot that was bought. We can see that we can earn $4.27 a day for each 10K lot of the Australian dollar/Japanese yen that we bought or $4.00 a day for each 10K lot of the Australian dollar/Canadian dollar that we would buy. These are the four highest totals, which is something we recommend doing as the first step for looking for a carry trade.

The next step is to identify the strong trending moves that support the carry trade. Let’s start with the Pound/Australian dollar currency pair. Remember that we earn $6.92 a day for every 10K lot that we sell, so we want to make sure that the trend is down to increase our chance of success on this trade. Remember, the idea is to earn interest and to be in a profitable trade at the same time.

Here’s a daily chart of the Pound/Australian dollar, and you can clearly see that the trend is down. The daily chart with one year of trading shows a strong downtrend noted by a series of lower highs and lower lows. This is the situation we look for in a carry trade, that there is strong possibility of earning interest in addition to being a profitable sell position.

Let’s take a look at another potential trade. This is the daily chart of the Euro/Australian dollar with one year of trading plotted. This is another good example of a downtrend with a series of lower highs and lower lows. The trend is not as strong as we saw on the Pound/Australian dollar, but it’s a worthy carry trade opportunity just the same. In addition to potentially profiting with an open sell position, we can also earn $6.39 a day in interest for every 10K lot that we hold short.

Now let’s look at one more chart to compare the differences. This is a daily chart of the Australian dollar/Japanese yen with one year of trading. We can see a nice uptrend, which does support our carry trade. This pair generates $4.27 a day in interest for every 10K lot. But the trend supports the trade since we can potentially profit from the move up at the same time.

These are all examples of carry trades that we want to be looking for. Hopefully, you can now see why the carry trade can be so popular, but before closing this video, let’s recap what we’ve talked about by going over what to watch out for when setting up a carry trade.

Make sure you first note the largest credits in the simple dealing rates window of the FX trading station, then start with the highest amount you can earn and look for strong trends in that same direction.

When you enter into the trade, always trade with a protective stop in the market for those times when the market reverses and moves against your position.

Make sure you use a solid method for identifying your entry and exits. Don’t just buy or sell based on rollover credits alone.

Try to stay in the trade as long as possible. Time is your friend in a carry trade since we’re looking for that interest rate component.

Be aware of a change in direction of the interest rate environment. Even though a pair may still offer a nice interest credit, the trend can change at any time based on future interest rate expectations.

Finally, once you’re in a trade, manage the trade without regard to interest that’s being earned. A move against your position can quickly offset any interest you’ve earned.

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Hedging in the Forex Market

For those who are not familiar with the Forex market, the word “hedging” could mean absolutely nothing. However, those who are regular traders know that there are many ways to use this term in trading. Most of the time when you hear this phrase it means that you are trying to reduce your risk in trading. It is something that everyone who plans to invest should know about. It is a technique that can protect your investments to some degree.

While hedging is a popular trading term, it is also one that seems a little mysterious. It is much like an insurance plan. When you hedge, you insure yourself in case a negative event may occur. This does not mean that when a negative event occurs you will come out of it completely unaffected. It only means that if you properly hedge yourself, you won’t experience a huge impact. Think of it like your auto insurance. You purchase it in case something bad happens. It does not prevent bad things from happening, but if they do, you are able to recover a lot better than if you were uninsured.

Anyone who is involved in trading can learn to hedge. From huge corporations to small individual investors, hedging is something that is widely practiced. The manner in which they do this involves using market instruments to offset the risk of any negative movement in price. The easiest way to do this is to hedge an investment with another investment. For example, the way most people would deal with this is to invest in two different things with negative correlations.

This is still costly to some people; however, the protection you get from doing this is well worth the cost most of the time. When you begin learning more about hedging, you start to understand why not many people completely know what it is all about. The techniques used to hedge are done by using derivatives. These are complicated instruments of finance and most often only used by seasoned investors.

Is There A Downside To Hedging?

When you decide to hedge, you must remember that it comes with a cost. You should always be sure that the benefits you get from a hedge should be more than enough to make it worth your while. You should make sure the expense is justified. If it is not, then you should not hedge. The goal of hedging is not to make money. You will not make large gains by hedging yourself. You have to take some risks in order to gain. Hedging is intended to be used to protect your losses.

The loss cannot be avoided, but the hedge can offer a little comfort. However, even if nothing negative happens, you will still have to pay for the hedge. Unlike insurance, you are never compensated for your hedge. Things can go wrong with hedging and it may not always protect you as you think it will.

Keep in mind that most investors never hedge in their entire trading careers. Short-term fluctuation is something that the majority of investors do not worry with. Therefore, hedging can be pointless. Even if you choose not to hedge however, learning about the technique is a great way to understand the market a bit more. You will see large corporations and other large traders use this and may be confused at why they are acting this way. When you know more about hedging you can fully understand their strategies.

Whether you decide to use hedging to your advantage or not, you will benefit from learning more about it. You can use it like an insurance policy when trading. You should remember however that hedging can be costly. Always check to make sure the costs of hedging will not run against any profits you may or may not make. Be sure those costs are realistic and that your need for hedging is realistic as well. You will be able to use hedging to help cut your potential losses, however hedging will never guard against the negatives altogether. Learning about it will give you a better understanding at how large traders work the system however, which can in turn make you a better player in the trading game.

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Different Types of Forex Orders Explained

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All ready to start trading? But wait how should I enter the market? Que debería hacer?

I’m assuming you’re all set up with your broker at this point and have your account loaded up and Metatrader installed on your system. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a lot of possible options in there for you. Below you’ll see what kind of orders you can place in forex and a brief explanation of how you can go about trading foreign exchange pairs using these orders.

Possible types of Forex orders

When talking about entering or exiting the market you should know there are different ways you can enter or exit a trade. You actually place an ‘order’ to do so. An order is your instruction to your broker for execution and managing your account. There are different types of Forex orders that you should know:

Market order

A market order is an order placed to buy or sell a security at the current available price. When you see that the current market is the price that you were looking for or you see a possible reason for entering into a trade you execute the order at market rate.

Ordenes pendientes

Pending orders allow you to enter market at a price level that you want to. Your trade will only be executed when the market reaches that price level at which you intended to enter. Different types of pending orders include buy limit, sell limit, buy stop and sell stop.

It is an order that you place to buy a currency pair at a price that is equal or lower than the price specified in order. When you anticipate that market will fall to this point before heading higher you place a buy limit order.

It is an order that you place to sell a currency pair at a price that is equal or higher than the price specified in order. When you anticipate that market will reach to this point before falling lower you place a sell limit order.

A Buy stop can be used to get into a trade when it reaches a price on the higher side, as soon as price increments to this higher price you’ve chosen a buy order will be executed. When you anticipate that market on reaching this price level will keep on going higher you place a buy stop order.

A sell stop can be used to get into a trade if it reaches a price on the lower side, as soon as price falls from the level is down to your price there will be a sell order executed. When you anticipate that market on reaching this price level will keep on going lower you place a sell stop order.

Stop loss

What will you do if market keeps on going against you? What’s the max amount of loss you’d take on any particular trade should be decided before you enter a trade, it could be 10 pips, 50 pips, 100 pips, 200 pips, and 500 pips and so on according to your trade idea. You will lose all your profits and even your account if it’s small and you over leveraged yourself. Thus it is very important to know where you should get yourself out of a trade and take a loss that you can bear. This order helps you do that. By placing a stop loss you are instructing your broker to close your trade when market reaches this price level.

Stop losses can also be used to lock in profits and keep a trade going as well, for example if you have a trade that is 100 pips in profit, you can consider locking in 50 pips by moving your stop up to that level. However, you must keep in mind that the market gaps at times, these gaps evade stop losses and the trade is closed wherever it opens up, so its always better to bank in your profits and if you want, leave half of your position running.

It’s a stop loss order that fluctuates with the current price. You can choose how many points away you want to keep it. Let’s say you bought EUR/USD at 1.35300 and you place your trailing stop at 300 points or 30 pips i. e. at 1.35000, now when the market will reach 1.35600 your trailing stop will move up to 1.35300 or break-even. The high the price will go your trailing stop will ascend automatically higher.

One thing you have to keep in mind that your trailing stop will not widen if market starts going against you. It will stay at this 30 pips level. Once market hits your trailing stop your position will get closed. Let’s say you started a position and it went up 31 pips and then the market changed direction, you’d end up with 1 pip profit.

A proper understanding of how to place your stop losses is very crucial in forex. It can save your account from big damages.

Take Profit

A take profit order is an order that helps you lock profit at a certain price level. This order helps you gain some pips when the market reaches your target price without having you sit in front of the screen the whole time waiting for it. When the market reaches at that specified price level, position is closed with profit that you intended to get. If market retraces beforereaching that point even though that’s few pips only your position will remain open unless you close it manually.

So these were some of the important types of Forex orders which are used commonly and those that you will always find in your Metatrader. Other than these there are certain orders which are also used by some of the traders but due to their complexity and unavailability they are not as much in use. they include OCO (One Cancels Other), OTO ( One Triggers the Other), GTC (Good Till Cancelled) etc.

Any comments or queries will be highly appreciated.

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Forex Market – Forex Trading explicado

Forex dealing refers to the dealing of forex trading. Currency dealing allows facilitate a wide-range of actions, such as currency dealing, and allows regulate the values of various forex trading all over the globe. These are essential features for a international economic system that now relies on international business to fuel trillions of money value of business actions. Currency dealing is also a potential source for earnings for the smart investor. As forex trading go up and down, correct predictions can convert to large earnings.

In fact, the Forex industry is now the largest and most liquid industry on the globe, valued at approximately 2 trillion money at once. The Forex industry is not anchored in any single dealing center, but instead managed by financial hubs all over the globe, such as New York, London, Tokyo, and Singapore. This allows the Forex industry to operate 24 hours per day during the business week.

How Does Foreign Return Trading Work?

Forex dealing involves the exchange of one currency dealing for another. Currency dealing generally occurs through a “trading pair” in which once currency dealing is used to buy another. This couple will consist of a “base” currency dealing and the “quote” currency dealing. A investor will use the platform currency dealing to buy the quotation currency dealing, expecting that the value of the platform currency dealing will drop while the value of the quotation currency dealing will increase.

Let’s consider the CAD/USD dealing couple. Here the U. s. Declares Money is the quotation currency dealing while the Canada Money is the platform currency dealing. This implies that U. S. money will be used to buy Canada money. Let’s say at the moment the CAD/USD quotation looks like tis 1.10/1.00. This implies that 1 U. S. dollar will buy 1.1 Canada money. For illustrative purposes imagine that you use USD10,000 to buy 11,000 value of Canada money. Then over the course of three months the USD falls against the CAD and is now dealing at 1.00/1.00. The investor can then convert his CAD back into USD and will receive USD 11,000. This results in a USD 1,000 benefit.

Why Do Currencies Fluctuate?

Many forex trading are allowed to float in a free industry where consumers determine the value of a currency dealing. Normally, forex trading are “priced” in U. S. money. This implies that the USD will often be found as either the platform or quotation currency dealing in a currency dealing couple. The combined actions of Forex investors creates a international industry that determines how much a currency dealing is “worth” in comparison to other forex trading.

Like most customers, Forex investors are concerned with the “quality” and “value” of the currency dealing. The buyer is expecting that the quotation currency dealing will gain in value vs the platform currency dealing so that they can make money. The overall value of a currency dealing can be affected by many things such as rising prices, national debt, the fiscal health of a nation, and monetary policies of the relevant central banks.

In a certain sense Forex investors are betting on the overall economic health of one nation vs. another. While this is oversimplified, the notion does come into play in currency dealing currency dealing. For example, the Western Partnership, as the Western Partnership went through its “Euro Crisis” starting in 2011 and through 2012 the value of the Western dollar would drop from 1.5 to 1.3 vs the USD. The Eurozon economic system as a whole is perceived as weaker than the U. S. economic system, causing the value to of the Western to drop vs. the dollar.

Fluctuations in forex trading serve important features in the international industry. Let’s say the U. s. Declares suffers a large business deficit, high unemployment, rising prices and other factors that cause its currency dealing to drop in value. Simultaneously, let’s assume that Japan’s economic system is roaring ahead. As the dollar drops in value and the yen increases in value it becomes more expensive for the U. S. to buy Japanese people products and cheaper for Japan to buy U. S. products. According to the principles of the industry then, the U. S. will buy less Japanese people good and the Japanese people will buy more American products.

Forex investors try to benefit off of these variations by predicting which forex trading will increase and which forex trading will drop. They then use one currency dealing to buy another and hold onto their cash until industry conditions are ripe to sell whether that mean producing a benefit or cutting a loss. Eventually this can convert to large earnings for the smart investor.

Forex Market – Forex Trading Explained-Forex Market – Forex Trading Explained-Forex Market – Forex Trading Explained-Forex Market – Forex Trading Explained-canadian forex, canadian forex, canadian forex,

Arbitrage in trading is a situation where a trader can take advantage of pricing inefficiencies and enter a position where there is a locked in profit and no risk at all. I slightly talked about arbitrage in options trading a while back in my article about the Box Spread. But I wanted to find out about it in Forex. There are a couple ways, but this one is the easiest to understand.

It's all based on price inefficiencies. For example, if EURUSD is trading at 1.3000 and GBPUSD at 1.5000 then you would expect EURGBP to be trading at 0.8667 (1.3000/1.5000). At that point if EURGBP is trading at a different value, then there is a chance to exploit a price inefficiency.

Consider the following prices:

EURUSD is trading at 1.3000/1.3001 GBPUSD is trading at 1.5001/1.5002 EURGBP is trading at 0.8668/0.8669

If you had 100 000 USD to invest, you could buy 76917.16 EUR (at the Ask price of 1.3001) Then you sell those EUR in exchange for GBP. 76911.24 EUR = 66671.79 GBP (at the Bid price of 0.8668) Finally you sell your GBP back into USD dollars. 66671.79 GBP = 100014.35 USD (at the Bid price of 1.50001)

You started with 100 000 USD, and finished with 100 014.35 USD. A small $14.35 risk free profit. Well, at least in theory.

Exploiting this inefficiency in reality is very difficult. Your trades would have to get filled at the same time. Otherwise you might complete one transaction, but then you might not get an immediate fill on your second transaction. By that point the price inefficiency could have been corrected and then you're screwed. Also, you need not two, but three transactions to get perfectly filled, without delays or re-quotes.

The second issue is that it is not easy to find this price inefficiency in one single broker. Brokers generally keep coherent prices in their pairs as they have software and tools monitoring these prices so they are not put at risk. Which means you are unlikely to find the inefficiency in the same broker (Remember that Forex is not a regulated market so each broker can control the price of their offerings at a value generally around other brokers, but none holds the absolute truth). Then you would have to explore prices of currencies in other brokers. You can find a pricing inefficiency between two currency pairs in your first broker and a third currency pair in your second broker, and then you could do the triangle. Two transactions in one broker and the other in the other broker. Overall you would keep a profit in total. But as you can see this is even more challenging now, you are dealing with two trading platforms, two brokers and you need to have two properly funded accounts with each one.

Arbitrage opportunities like this one offer small rewards. So, if you want to have something meaningful you would obviously need a good amount of money, a good amount in two brokers. I believe these type of arbitrage opportunities are exploitable with the right software, speed of execution, liquidity and tight spreads. But I believe it is almost impossible for retail trades to successfully exploit. I've seen a couple Metatrader 4 Expert Advisors for Forex Arbitrage for sale to retail traders. My honest opinion is that, it is a very very challenging task for a retail trader to obtain any meaningful profit if at all, out of this.

Enlighten me if your experience has been different.

Hope you enjoyed the article.

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FOREX Trading

The Foreign Exchange is the largest exchange market in the world. With the prospect of quick, hefty profits and the explosion of Internet technology and availability, FOREX trading has dramatically grown in popularity among investors of all types. But trading in this market isn’t easy. As with any other securities exchange, the successful trader must not only be knowledgeable and savvy with regard to the currencies being traded but also the venue in which he or she is operating.

FOREX trading is a very specialized form of day trading . (Day traders invest by buying and selling securities, or opening and closing their market positions, on the same or within a few days.) Because of the high margins available in the FOREX, investors can control large amounts of currency with relatively small outlays of actual cash. Although this leverage creates the potential for enormous profits, it can also open the door to huge losses. The would-be FOREX trader must therefore remain wary that, just as with any other type of investment, taking a financial beating is always possible.

The FOREX market provides a variety of unique and attractive investing opportunities. Study the articles of this section carefully, as well as other information and tools for the FOREX market. Safeguard yourself by becoming familiar with various risk management concepts. You'll need an account and trading platform with a reputable broker in order to begin trading. Uno

such firm, known as Forex Capital Markets/FXCM . offers full service, customizable, and commission-free trading and support based on your experience and desired activity level. They give you full control over your account, even leverage and spread amounts.

You're also encouraged to take advantage of some of the many FOREX practice platforms available on the Web. One of the best, eToro . provides an amazingly simple and fun way for you to "get your feet wet" in the market without actually risking your money. Excellent graphics enable you to see and understand exactly what's happening while your market "position" is open, and they even offer prizes for the day's most successful traders. Online help and a Community Forum are also included. When you feel comfortable and experienced enough, you can make the jump to one of their real trading accounts.

Yalicoo . a simulation-only trading platform, is another great learning tool. It allows you to join real-time trading "games," again without risking real money. Their virtual platform hosts daily, weekly, and monthly competitions, with the most successful traders earning actual cash prizes. Learn from experienced players, and get expert analysis of winning strategies.

Educate yourself thoroughly before taking advantage of this investment vehicle; knowledge and prudence will give you your best chance of success in this, or any other, exchange market.

Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Estrategia de negociación & raquo; Forex Fundamental Analysis Explained

August 6, 2013 11:54 am

One of the most important things every broker should be aware of, is there are 2 types of analysis when it comes to forex trading – technical and fundamental. During the years experts have always been arguing which one is the best, but so far, there is not a clear answer. However, in the next lines we would like to pay attention to the fundamental analysis while and try to explain it to people who have less to no experience with trading.

What a person needs to know about the fundamental analysis is that it looks to measure the true value of a certain company. But that’s not all. Along with the true value the analysis tries to base investments upon this type of calculations. And when it comes to forex markets, you have to know that forex fundamental traders evaluate currencies and their countries, later, just like companies, use economic announcements in order to gain idea of the true value of the currency.

Information Worth Following

Probably the most important thing a trader should follow is the economic data, different political events, etc. which come out on daily basis about a certain country. Actually this information is similar to the news that is announced out about a stock. The value changes over the time due to lots of factors such as financial strength, economic growth, etc. So if you are about to become a fundamental trader, you need to be aware of all those things and look for all this information in order to evaluate the currency of the country you have chosen. This will definitely help you!

Keeping in mind that the forex strategies based on fundamental analysis are numerous, we can easily write a book on this subject. However, in order to gain a better idea of the trading opportunity, we will go over one of the well-known situations – forex carry trade. But before we do this, we would like to once again point out that it is extremely important to know that a good trader has to have at least a brief idea of both fundamental and technical analysis because this will help him catch the movements of the market more accurately and therefore boost his performance and profits.

A Breakdown of the Forex Carry Trade

If you haven’t heard of this strategy, then keep reading. Basically, a currency carry trade is a strategy in which the trader starts selling a currency which offers lower interest rates and buys another currency that has higher interest rates. Said in other words, you borrow at low rate and then lend at higher one. If you like this strategy and decide to use it, you have to know that you have to be good and be able to seize the moment and capture the difference between the 2 rates. In most cases people trade with high leverage and in times like this even a small difference between the rates can make a huge difference. Along with the whole process of capturing the difference of rates, the investors often see the value of the higher currency rise when money flows into the so called higher yielding currency which actually bids up the value.


Here are some real life examples – the yen carry trade can be found starting in 1998 when Japan decided to decrease its interest rate to almost zero. The investors are aware of this fact and capitalize upon these lower interest rates so they decide it is better to borrow a large sum of Japanese yen. Right after the borrowing the currency is converted into US dollar which is then used to buy US treasury bonds at 5%. And since the Japanese yen rate was set to zero, the investor would be paying nothing to borrow the Japanese yen and earn the entire yield on his US treasury bonds. And you can imagine how greatly the sum can be increased with the help of leverage

If you are not good with leverage, then let us try to explain to you how things are done. For example, if the leverage is 10 times, that would create a return of 30% on a 3% yield. If we have to speak in sums – if you deposit 5000$ in your account and the leverage is 10 times – this means you will virtually have 50 000$. And if you implement the currency carry trade from the above stated example, you will be earning 3% per year. So at the end of the year you will have 51500$ (3% annual gain). And because you have only invested 5000$ instead of 50 000$ (leverage), your return will be 30%. However, we know that it sounds too easy to be true, so keep in mind that this strategy works only if the value of the currency pairs remains unchanged. Due to this reason most of the forex carry traders are looking not only to earn the differential of the interest rates, but also to capital the appreciation. The key thing to remember is that even the smallest difference between the interest rates can generate a huge profit, especially if you are using leverage. Plus, most of the currency brokers require a minimum margin to earn interest for carry trades.

However, the above transaction will be extremely complicated by changes to the exchange rates between the countries. So, if the lower yielding currency starts to appreciate against the higher yielding one, the gain earned between the two could be easily eliminated. One of the major reasons that can make this happen is the risks of the higher yielding currency are sometimes too much for the investors, and due to this fact, they would prefer to invest in the lower yielding currency, which is considered as safer. Usually the carry trades are long term in nature, so they can go through lots of changes over the time – for example, rising rates in the lower yielding currency – this will also attract more investors, but on the other hand will lead to currency appreciation which will diminish the returns of the overall carry trade. So due to this reason the future direction of the currency pair is extremely important.

To make things crystal clear – imagine that the interest rate in the US was 5% while in Russia – 10% – this provides a carry trade opportunity for traders to short the US $ and to long the Russian ruble. So if a trader borrows 100$ US (5%) for a year and then converts it to rubles at rate of 25USB/RUB(25 000), and assuming there are no currency changes, then this will give the trader a win of 2500 rubles and a total of 27500, which converted in US dollars will be 1100$. And since the trader borrowed 1000$ at 5% he owes 1050% to the bank, which gives him a win of 50$.

Another scenario we want to pay attention to is if there was another crisis in Russia, such as the one in 1998 during which the government defaulted on its debt and the consequences were large currency devaluation in the Russian market. So if by the end of the year the exchange rate was 50 USB – RUB. those 27 500 rubles would be converted into only 55$. And since the trader owes 1050$ to the bank, this means that he will experience a severe loss due to the currency fluctuation.

You should now have a basic idea of some good economic and fundamental ideas that will help you understand the forex trading better. The whole part of movements of currencies is basically one of the most important parts that a future trader has to pay close attention to. Keep in mind that the best way that you can learn is to practice.

So one of the most important things that should be taken away from this section, is that currencies and countries are constantly changing, based on different fundamental factors, such as interest rates and economic growth. And based on the economic theories mentioned above you should have a good idea of the impact.

And last but not least we would like to redirect your attention once again to something we’ve mentioned earlier. In order to be good and successful forex broker, you need to acquire knowledge not only in fundamental analysis, but in technical as well. Keep in mind that the fundamental analysis takes a lot more time, but sometimes the results will be better than the ones you would have achieved if you have used technical. So take your time, study the economy of a certain country, see its political issues, interest rates and other factors that influence the fundamental analysis and make your move. Even if you are not as successful as you wish at the beginning – don’t worry – experience comes with practice. So once again, don’t lose hope, choose a currency pair and take your time to trade with it.


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Artículos & gt; Inversión & gt; FOREX Technical Analysis Explained

FOREX Technical Analysis Explained

- Michael Duane Archer

The basic types of technical analysis tools are charts, moving averages, and momentum analysis. Your analysis of the markets is only one of three components to successful trading -- money management and psychology are the others. I have seen traders fail with a fully mechanical system that was running with a very high frequency of winners because their other trading components were deficient.

The number of technical analysis charts, indicators, methods, and systems can fill a small library. The subject is fascinating but be objective and remember that your ultimate goal is to make money.

Keep your technical analysis arsenal to a minimum and balanced. Always know what a technical tool, especially an indicator, is actually measuring. Also ask yourself if it is primarily a trading market tool for when prices move sideways or a trending market tool for when prices move predominantly up or down. Remember that the most popular methods, such as bar chart formations and support and resistance, are used by many traders. The market gradually discounts chart patterns and indicator signals when used by many traders over a long time.

Most traders use the same tools or flavors thereof.

Also, most traders do not succeed -- draw your own conclusions.

Your analysis of the markets is only one component of your trading system. In fact, two other components are more important, in the opinion of the author: money management and psychology. Most traders who fail (and most traders do fail) tend to spend all their energies on developing a trading system at the expense of money management and trading psychology. Do not be like them!

Conviértase en un inversor más INTELIGENTE.



Forex trading

Various Forex terms and their meanings

Market Order: his is a request to buy a currency for the current asking price.

Bid: The amount at which Forex brokers buy a currency.

Ask: The amount at which Forex brokers sell a currency.

Spread: This is the difference between the asking and bidding amount. It is most often measured in pips. As far as the Forex dealer is concerned: the smaller the spread, the better.

Carry cost (also known as 'Premium' or 'Interest'): This is the amount (mostly in $ or # of pips) to keep a certain position open.

Fundamental Analysis: An assessment as a strategy or macro. Currencies are traded using factors with exception to the action of the price. These factors are inclusive of the country’s state (of that particular currency), policies, and certain additional fundamental factors.

The future of currencies: This term is used for contracts for the future in a certain exchange, in particular the ‘CME’, better known as the Ch

Limit: This is a request to buy or sell when the market reaches a specific amount.

Liquidity: When the market liquidity improves, smaller bids or spread will be quoted. Liquidity is about volume and market activity. It determines how cost effective positions and orders can be traded.

Margin: The margin is the sum needed in a customer account to be able to open up a position or to keep a position open. P. ej. For a position of $100,000 and a margin of 1% that means that $1,000 in funds are needed.

Leverage: Leverage is a loan that is provided by an investor by the broker that is handling the dealers Forex account. Usually the amount of leverage provided is either 50:1, 100:1 or 200:1, depending on the broker and the size of the investment. To trade $100,000 worth of currency with a margin of 1%, the investor will only have to deposit $1000 into their margin account. This is a leverage of 100:1.

Offer: An offer is the amount at which a forex broker is able to ‘sell’.

Spot Foreign Exchange: Better known as the ‘interbank’ market. Currency is traded between two parties, mostly between banks. The Spot Foreign Exchange mainly trades based on margins, and the website mainly focuses on this. The Spot Foreign Exchange is popular and more liquid than currency futures, especially for big organizations and investors.

Pip: In terms of currency this is the tiniest increment. Many people call it ‘ticks’ when dealing in the future markets. P. ej. A change from .9015 to .9016 in EURUSD is 1 pip. In addition a change from 128.51 to 128.52 in USDJPY is also 1 pip.

Stop: This is a request to buy or sell at a time when a currency reaches a specific price.

Technical Analysis: An analysis made based on examining past market data. This analysis helps to make trading decisions.

Drawdown: A measure of the largest loss that a trader’s account can expect to have at any random interval. The drawdown is stated in dollars or a certain percentage. An example: The value of a traders’ account has gone up from $10.000 to $20.000, then it went down to $15.000 and up again to $25.000. In this case the maximum drawdown is $5.000 (the drop from $20.000 to $15.000) But the traders account did not suffer any losses.

Premium: This is the cost of holding the position ‘open’.

Margin Call: A call to prevent a trader from going into a negative balance on the Forex market. When a margin call is being used all the trader’s open positions on the Forex market will be automatically closed to prevent the trader from going into debt.

Copyright y copia; 2009 -2010 Forextrading. org. Todos los derechos reservados. Join the world of forex today and become a currency expert!

Different from Equity trading and Futures trading, Forex trading offers its traders with far more advantages and greater profits than the other financial markets and that too, in a short term.

A range of Forex trading strategies are offered to its traders, the most significant one of them all being Leverage. Forex market offers higher leverage as compared to all the major stock exchange trading markets.

With the help of Leverage, online currency traders can make use of more funds than the actual money which they deposit. Margin can be known as the least amount required to be deposited before a trader starts trading. This can also be known as the opening amount with which the Forex trading account can be initiated.

Leverage also facilitates the Forex traders to maximize their Forex trading profits. This is because with the help of Leverage, a trader can make use of as high as 200 times the actual sum which he has deposited in his Forex account. Such a strategy allows the trader to support his superior yielding dealings easily and hence allocating improved results to his Forex trading and deals.

Leverage is basically making use of the various economic tools such as margins. Margins help a trader to enhance his prospective return of investments. Leverage is an extremely fine financial tool which can be used to boost a trader’s buying power in the Forex market. Advantages are many, when it comes to getting great margins for trading purposes.

Although it is said to be a great tool for fiscal matters, Leverage should be handled carefully, making sure that you, as a trader have thought and executed alongside, a risk management plan with it.

Leverage as a strategy should always be first applied on a small position or deal size. Only when it works successfully for a while with small deals, should it be applied further, on a bigger sum. Slowly and gradually, leverage can be multiplied to bigger sums of money to quickly maximize profits.

Also, Leverage as a Forex trading strategy can be applied frequently but wisely on your daily trading as it facilitates its traders to make full use of the short term instability or variations experienced in the Forex market. Such high leverage enables the Forex traders to trade much larger sum of currency than they have deposited.

Alongside bringing with many advantages, Leverage also has a lop side to it. Many investors regard leverage as risky because according to them, it is highly dangerous to trade bigger position or deal sizes without truly owning that much amount of money.

While the usually available leverage from the online Forex dealers is 100:1, the leverage offered by the Stock brokers can go as low as 2:1 margin. By getting a higher leverage, traders can get more buying power than what they generally have as it boosts their total return on investment.

Where some traders feel that margins should not be used frequently as they can prove dangerously with huge deals, others feel that margins or higher leverage allows them to trade big through small initial deposits.

The important thing to be done is to read carefully, the terms and conditions of the broker that you plan to deal with and the leverage that he is offering. Also, plan proper money management techniques so that you are able to manage your limited trading money appropriately.

Different brokers offer their clients with different leverage ratios or margins to trade. Always select the broker or the broker firm whose terms and services suit you best. It is not always necessary that all brokers providing huge leverages are honest and good. Therefore, it is always advisable to remain vigilant and thoroughly check what you are being offered.

Forex is the world’s biggest market in terms of daily volume, the volume reaches over $4 Trillion per day. Forex is short for Foreign Exchange. Foreign Exchange means all the currency related transactions around the world, these are swaps, options, future contracts, and spot forex. While these are different instruments, they are similar in that an exchange of currency takes place, whether it be today(spot market) or 1 year from now(futures options), or a more complex transaction – forex swap. A forex swap is a transaction where a simultaneous purchase of identical amounts of currency takes place, however with two different dates, basically it’s a way of hedging currency exposure, mainly used by institutions and big corporations with international exposure. So combine all these currency exchange sub-markets and you get the $4 trillion global Forex market.

Let’s see what a forex trading robot can do in theory

Imagine a trading strategy that you are currently using, it’s fully automated using an EA(expert advisor). The strategy trades around 200 lots per month, and it’s profitable around 60%. This is a pretty good strategy, after all a 50% or over profitability yield a good return on assets in the long run. Seguir leyendo & rarr;

Today I present you a nice forex ebook that every forex enthusiast should read before losing all his/her money. If you’re reading this you might be pulling your hair in desperation, but read on and you will learn a thing or two about yourself.

The 5 steps are:

Step 1 – Unconscious Incompetence

Step 2 – Conscious Incompetence

Step 3 – The Eureka Moment

Step 4 – Conscious Competence

FSA UK or Financial Services Authority of UK is an independent non-governmental body that regulates the financial services industry in the United Kingdom. FSA has been the single financial regulatory body of UK since 2001 and it currently regulates over 29,000 firms that have diverse sizes and activities. Seguir leyendo & rarr;

Most forex traders are not aware that there are companies offering a cash rebate on every lot traded. This whole idea of getting a rebate is fairly new and has in reality has only became popular in the last 1-2 years.

The forex broker rebate program permits you to earn back a percentage of the spread you pay on each trade you make. Rebates can get as high as 1.2 pips or $12 which is of course quite substantial if you consider that typical market spreads for major currency pairs vary between 0.5 and 5 pips. Below is an example of how much you can get as a rebate on your trades.

Today I present you a great forex ebook, it covers the basics of forex and then goes deeper into indicators etc.

Introduction from the ebook:

“Beginners and novice traders are likely to benefit from reading the entire text, starting with Chapter 1, which provides a basic overview of what currency trading is, and how to get started.

The chapters are set out in a logical flow, but do not need to be read in order to make sense, as each works as a discrete unit unto itself. Seguir leyendo & rarr;

Mensaje de navegación

Forex Software Explained

The number of folks getting concerned with in currency exchange dealing has grown considerably, largely due to the promotion of assorted automated trading devices. These kinds of bots have motivated those people having dreams about getting rich quick into growing to be fresh forex investment investors. The simple truth is, above 92 % of these first time dealers finish up depreciating as opposed to viewing their goals realised. They should be aware that it requires not just technologies to play on the market. You should be involved in the process alone.

The real key of being successful for the top investors is definitely to have a tactic that will depend on forex investment practical knowledge and also the ability to analyze facts. There isn’t any get rich quick with software, only efforts as well as the making use of your analytic capabilities to find out the trends in the currency trading market.

One of the most effective issues is usually to check out a tendency analysis offered on currency exchange index charts. Understanding that FX rates will continue to keep move in the sustained direction during a period of weeks or perhaps months is probably the most critical things to be aware of. By figuring out this simple basic fact and also looking at the movements, you can lock into a price for a huge revenue. Nonetheless, you additionally have to realize when that movement began. You could see yourself at the peak of the particular rate tendency and find yourself losing instead.

Almost all developments need to get started someplace. In the currency trading market they are really the point where a sector high is achieved and also the trend breaks or cracks, beginning a new trend. A number of FX traders wait around to observe whether a pullback shows up, as a result losing out on the income being made at the start of the new activities. Essentially the most effective online investors purchase once the break is made and prices are decreased.

How do all these online merchants be aware of the perfect time to purchase? Ahead of the breakout, there are specific factors or levels of resistance. Once that stage breaks or cracks, it is time to act. From there, you only carry on to ride the trend..

Thus, what does this imply for hundreds of amateur dealers that have now invested in extravagant different currency exchange software? Check to see when the systems can make any of the forex investment index charts to assist you study this market and find the guidelines which are required. Then work with that tips, together with a proven currency trading strategy to help make your personal trades as you go along to turning into much more prosperous foreign exchange investor.

A forex magic machine is obviously the kind of instrument to be utilized by newbie online investors without much experience and skills in the industry. Forex FMMs are reputable and powerful. You don’t have to spend a great deal of time on the net to make income, Forex Magic Machine can do that for you.

Please before you launch your real forex trading – get quality education about the realities of the forex trading industry.

Or you can use forex managed account service where other currency traders will take care of managing the trading process on the currency market.

Explanation of Forex Short & Long Positions

Trading currency in the foreign exchange, or forex, market is a hobby for some and a profession for others. Gaining an understanding of the methods and terminology used by traders forms the basis of learning to trade currencies. Becoming familiar with currency pairs, long positions and short positions lays the foundation for the novice trader.

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How to become a millionaire with FOREX

The Foreign Exchange Trading Process

Pares de monedas

Currency prices are defined by their exchange rates. The exchange rate tells how much of one currency can be bought with another currency. When forex brokers display forex currency rates, they typically display the base currency first, then the quote currency. For example EUR/USD, the most common currency pair traded, is the euro and the U. S. dollar. The currency pair is always shown this way; never listed in the reverse.

When a trader buys EUR/USD, he buys euros and sells U. S. dollars at the same time. If he wants to buy U. S. dollars and sell euros, he would sell EUR/USD. The price shown with a currency pair tells the buyer how much the base currency, in this case the euro, will buy of the quoted currency, which in this scenario is the U. S. dollar. EUR/USD = 1.4760 shows that one euro buys 1.4760 U. S. dollars.

There are many currency pairs traded, however, most do not experience much volume, which makes profitable trading more difficult. Three major currency pairs with heavy trading volume are EUR/USD; USD/JPY -- U. S. dollar and Japanese yen; and GBP/USD -- Great Britain pound and U. S. dollar.

Long Position

When a trader buys a currency pair and holds it, expecting to sell it when the market price rises, he has a long position in that currency pair. For example, he buys EUR/USD at 1.4523 and holds a long position in it until the market price reaches 1.4623, then sells it and takes his profit. The trader aims to make a profit by selling the currency for a higher price than he bought it.

Short Position

A short position is the opposite side of a long position. A trader makes money in this trade by selling a currency pair and then buying it when the price drops. She wants to make a profit by buying the currency pair back at a less expensive price than she originally sold it. Forex and securities markets allow traders to sell assets they do not own, or in some cases, traders may borrow a security, sell it and then buy it back for profit and return the security. One way to think of short positions is that a trader holds a negative amount of the currency pair.

Closing Long or Short Positions

When a person initiates a trade, whether long or short, he has an open position. The position will be subject to ongoing movements in the currency exchange rates until the trade closes. To close out a long position, the trader needs to take the opposite position -- in other words, he will sell the same currency pair he previously bought in order to close the trade. While a trade is open, any profits are unrealized; the profits are taken once the trade closes out. To close a short position, the trader buys enough of the same currency to bring his position to zero, which closes the trade.

Forex Trading

Review Retail Forex Trading Explained - Bird Watching In Lion Country

Dirk du Toit’s (aka DrForex) ebook about forex trading called, Bird Watching In Lion Country provides a great system to help you get started trading in foreign currencies. He does a great job of dispelling many of the myths that snake oil salesmen try to pitch at you to convince you that their system is the best.

He does not promise a get rich quick solution but instead offers real practical advice that can help you see real profits through forex trading. Moreover, Bird Watching in Lion Country is not a trading system itself, but instead encourages and shows you how trade in the forex like a professional.

The ebook is primarily aimed at beginner to intermediate traders so more advanced traders may not find so much of value in it. Moreover, the book is currently only available in ebook format, meaning you can not order a physical copy of the book at the current time. Despite these limitations du Toit’s out-of-the-box approach to forex trading makes an interesting read.

Finally, even if you are not interested in the ebook itself, I still recommend that you check out his site and subscribe to his free newsletter. It includes forex trading news, reviews and tips to help you out. On the other hand if you are interested in the book then you should know that it is in PDF format and is available for instant download now.

Overall Rating 3.5/5

Forex Indicators Explained

Numerous forex traders invest their own period searching for which ideal second in order to key in the actual marketplaces or perhaps a telltale indication which screams “buy” or even “sell”. Even though the actual research could be intriguing, the end result is definitely exactly the same. The simple truth is, there isn’t any one method to industry the actual forex marketplaces. Consequently, prosperous traders should discover which there are a number associated with indicators that will help to look for the greatest time for you to purchase or even market the forex mix price.

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You’ll be able to earn money utilizing a countertrend method of buying and selling. Nevertheless, for many traders the simpler strategy would be to identify the actual path from the main pattern as well as make an effort to gain buying and selling within the trend’s path. This really is exactly where trend-following resources enter into perform. Lots of people get me wrong the objective of trend-following resources as well as attempt to rely on them because individual buying and selling techniques. Whilst this really is feasible, the actual reason for the trend-following device would be to recommend regardless of whether you ought to be seeking to key in an extended placement or perhaps a brief placement. Therefore consider among the easiest trend-following techniques – the actual shifting typical crossover. If you’re reluctant to get involved with the actual forex marketplace and therefore are awaiting a clear access point, you might find your self seated about the sidelines for any lengthy whilst. Through understanding a number of forex indicators, you are able to figure out appropriate techniques for selecting lucrative occasions in order to back again confirmed foreign currency set. Additionally, ongoing checking of those indicators can give powerful indicators that may stage a person towards the purchase or even market transmission. Just like any kind of expense, powerful evaluation may reduce possible dangers.

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Forex Strategies explained

The Internet has profoundly changed Forex trading and forex strategies.

Traditionally the forex market was the turf of a select crowd of banks, Central Banks, long-term investors with large capital and international corporate organizations. Trading took place via a forex broker who would inform his clients over the phone on what was happening in the currency markets.

Nowadays almost all trading on the currency markets is performed by computerized automated systems. This is part of a global trend of moving trading of financial instruments from “open outcry” markets to computer systems.

There are two main types of Forex trading strategies. The first component is technical analysis. Technical analysis is based on the charts and all so-called technical information that has nothing to do with the underlying true value of the currency. It uses mathematical formulas based on market movements.

Technical analysis uses chart indicators. It is helpful in determining the areas of resistance and support. The situation where the price reverses, stops or is range bound are established. One popular method for determining the levels of resistance and support is the Fibonacci method.

Seven hundred fifty years ago, Fibonacci discovered a unique sequential form in number series. Fibonacci numbers which are series of constant proportions can be found in numerous biological setting such as the arrangement of a pine cone. sunflower seeds. This method called the Fibonacci sequence method is commonly learned in mathematics during high school.

Fibonacci numbers have also been found to describe well currency price movements. They can be used and plotted on the chart to establish price support, resistance or price targets. However, you don’t need to become a math wizard just to do this. The charting forex software is able to do the Fibonacci sequence for you. The key areas of resistance and support are potentially revealed to you as you move along the charts.

The Fibonacci sequence combined with other proper indicators can show the strength and momentum of the most recent market condition. It can help you create a profitable strategy based or supported by mathematical rules. The rules clearly states that history can repeat itself, as what has happened before in the forex market will happen again in the future.

The second component of forex strategies is fundamental analysis. Each and every day, economic numbers impacting the value of currencies are published on the Internet. These are macroeconomic data related to a particular country. Take for example non-farm payrolls that can possibly bring unpredictable effect on the forex markets. The impact depends on the previous data and the figures implications for the country’s economy. The most important rule for beginners and veterans alike is to keep away from the market when important announcements are about to take place.

Traders know when these announcements and economic news are about to be released and they stay away until the news comes to be known to all.

Forex trading profits are made like in a traditional business. The procedure is very simple. You are going to buy something at a lower price then sell it at higher prices. The only difference is that in currency trading, this can be reversible.

A trade is placed either in the sell or buy categories. Then the base currency will automatically buy or sell its opposite currency in the currency pair under consideration. The price will likely change every second. For example, if you purchased the GBP/USD pair. It literally means that you have purchased the pound currency and sold the dollar currency. You want a rise on the pound’s value which will later on have a higher price compared to the greenback when you resell it in the forex market.

If your broker allows you to take on a 200:1 capital leverage, then you can possibly control much more money than what you really have. This is allowed because currencies do not move that much compared to one another, unlike in the stock market where very sharp price movements are always possible. So, your capital is under less risk. The only crucial part which should be considered are the proportions which can be either gained or lost whenever changes in currency pair values occurs.

The Forex market is easy to understand if you have the information needed to analyze the situation of international currencies and what this means. Which shows a currency. For example i am using an online investment trading EUR/USD online system when i exchange currencies.

A currency includes the entire economy of a nation or territory to which it relates. As the forex market is not a financial market like any other but reflects the state of economies worldwide. When operated in pairs, so the forex shows the relationship of one economy to another. And so we can say that the forex only makes sense considering two currencies and the difference between them. Let’s look at this in more detail.

When operating on the EUR / USD (Euro / U. S. Dollar), the investor buys if you think that the first named currency in the pair will strengthen against the latter. Therefore, the investor must be convinced that the eurozone economy will be imposed against the U. S. Similarly, if you think the euro will weaken against the United States, will sell the pair.

Currency Pairs The major currency pairs are: EUR / USD (Euro / U. S. Dollar), EUR / GBP (Euro / Pound Sterling), GBP / USD (British Pound / U. S. Dollar), AUD / USD (Australian Dollar / U. S. Dollar) and USD / JPY (U. S. Dollar / Japanese Yen).

Let’s focus on the AUD / USD (Australian Dollar / U. S. Dollar) to understand the relationship between both currencies and how the investor should analyze the situation and stop exercising their operational base.

The Australian dollar has seen a rise since July 2010. And is that Australia is one of the leading exporters of raw materials worldwide, and have been behaving commodities upward trend throughout 2010. The Australian currency has not been affected only by the rise in commodities but also has been influenced by an increase in rates. On the other side of the pair is the U. S. dollar, which has been pushed down due to monetary policy the Fed (Federal Reserve) and bad data nonfarm payrolls, accounting job creation significantly below expected during 2010.

With this information, investors value what is happening not only in the currency market but also all the external factors that may affect its operations.

The feedback of expert analysts and trading seminars are some resources that can help you gain experience in this market. Finding a powerful online investment trading EUR/USD online system is really important for your success.

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Tabla de contenido

1. What is Forex Trading? – An Introduction for Beginners

Forex market is the place where banks, industries, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies. Forex trading involves the trading activities in the forex market.

Forex market is one kind of financial market consists of tradable currency pairs. Forex significa cambio de divisas.

Many people call it FX trading or Currency Trading.

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This forex market consists of tradable currencies from different countries against each other. For example, Euro vs US Dollar (EUR/USD).

Forex market is the place where banks, industries, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies.

2. Forex Market Hours and Best Time To Trade

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Stop Loss order :

Stop loss is used in trading to reduce the risk by cutting the losses in short. This is risk tolerance level for a trader. Stop loss order is placed below the entry price in case of a long position and above entry price in case of short positions.

Thus, when your traded currency pair moves against you and hit the stop loss order, then your trade will be in loss. This prevents the loss from growing further.

Take profit order is to capture the certain amount of profit immediately when price hits the take profit order. This order is above the buying price in case of a long position and below the selling price in case of short positions.

Examples of Stop Loss and Take Profit Order:

Here are some examples showing stop loss and take profit order in both long position and short position.

In the 4 hour chart of GBP/USD (given above), buy price (long position) was 1.5132. Stop loss order placed at 1.5102 which is 30 pips lower than buy price. Take profit order placed at 1.5252 which is 120 pips higher than buy price.

In the 4 hour chart of USD/CAD (given above), sell price (short position) was 1.0324. Stop loss order placed at 1.0354 which is 30 pips higher than sell price. Take profit order placed at 1.0204 which is 120 pips lower than sell price.

Forex Trailing Stop Loss Order :

Trailing stop loss is a dynamic or moving stop loss. This kind of stop loss trails or moves in your favor when price moves in your traded direction. For example, you are in a long position and placed a trailing stop of 50 pips. Now a stop loss order is placed at 20 pips below your buying price.

Now, if the price does not move 50 pips or more, then the stop loss stop loss will not move. In this situation, if the price drops 50 pips and hit the stop loss order then your trade will be closed in loss.

Now, if the price increases 50 pips then your stop loss will come 50 pips higher at your breakeven price.

After this, your stop loss will remain 50 pips distance from the current highest point of price. For example if you have entered into a long position and the price is now 150 pips higher than your buy price, then your stop loss will be at 100 pips higher than your buy price keeping 50 pips distance from the highest point.

In case of short position, stop loss level will be 50 pips above the lowest point.

Exit or limit orders are important as they are related to money management. Money management plays an important role behind the success.

A trader should decide his/her exit in both profit and loss, before taking a position. A trader must know about the limit or exit orders in forex to execute an exit decision.

11. What is Leverage in Forex Trading ?

The best advantage of the forex market that attracts a trader most is its leverage. Forex brokers offer up to 1:500 leverage. Leverage is the borrowed money from the broker on your initial investment to get a greater return.

The best advantage of the forex market that attracts a trader most is its leverage. Forex brokers offer up to 1:500 leverage. Leverage is the borrowed money from the broker on your initial investment to get a greater return.

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Only forex market allows this enormous amount of leverage among all financial markets. 1:100 leverage means, for every 1$ of your trading account you can trade 100$ in forex market.

Difference between margin and leverage :

The term margin and leverage used to describe the different thing or situation. Leverage means how much money you are borrowing outside your initial investment.

On the other hand, the margin is your investment which controls the leveraged amount. For example, if your initial investment is $1000 and you are using 1:100 leverage then your leverage is $100,000, and your margin is $1000.

Advantages of leveraged trading :

A small investment looks like a big investment in case of forex trading due to allowance of high leverage ratio. This is an extremely attractive opportunity for traders. You can make a decent amount of money with a small investment if you can use this high leverage effectively.

For example, if you put $1000 in your account and trading without using leverage, then your gain or loss will be 10 cents per pip. This means if you get 100 pips profit then your gain will be $5 only. This is 0.5% of your investment.

On the other hand, if you trade with 1:100 leverage ratios then your trade value is $100000. Now, if you get 50 pips profit, then your profit will be $500.

Now, this is 50% of your investment. This makes a massive difference between leverage trading and non-leverage trading.

Disadvantages of leveraged trading :

The Major disadvantage of using leverage in trading is that it carries a high amount of risk. The higher the leverage the larger the chances of profit and loss are.

Leverage increases both profitability and risk. For example, your investment is $1000, and you are trading without leverage. In this case, your trade value is $1000.

Now if, you lose 50 pips from your entry price, then your loss is $5. This is only 0.5% of your investment which is small and tolerable.

Now if, you are trading with 1:100 leverage then your trade value is $100000. If you lose 50 pips on this trade, then your loss will be $500 which is 50% of your invested amount. This is how margin increases risk.

Margin call in Forex Trading:

A margin call is the action or steps taken by a broker to prevent the investor’s account from going negative due to an open position. This occurs due to excessive leverage use, improper planning, and excessive exposure due to greed.

Normally, a broker gives an alert or phone call when the equity drops near or at zero due to holding a losing position. Many brokers do not give any alert or phone call, and they simply close the losing position when your investment can not bear the possible loss.

This happens when your equity is less than your used margin. Using excessive leverage is the main reason to meet a margin call.

Leverage should be used effectively as it increases both profitability and risk. Traders should use proper position sizing before using leverage.

High amount of leverage can lead a trader to a margin call very easily. So before using it, one should know that how much loss he/she can tolerate and avoid margin calls.

12. Day Trading vs Swing Trading

What are the main advantages of Day Trading and Swing Trading? What is the best approach for me?

This is a question I get asked often by my trading friends, especially those new to trading. The vid above goes over this topic somewhat and below I expand on the main advantages of each trading approach.

What is Day Trading?

A Day Trader is someone who opens and closes his trades by the end of the trading day. A Day Trader will usually not carry over positions to next trading day.

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What are the main advantages of Day Trading?

The main advantages of this trading approach are:

1. Day Traders can trade while they feel the most alert

Because they only trade for a limited period of time and close everything by the end of the day they avoid the round of clock trading that is usually required by Swing Trading.

Day traders can decide to just trade the first 4 hours of a trading day, or even just the first hour and then go fishing for the rest of the day.

2. Day Traders can pinpoint their entries and exits better then Swing Traders

Because day traders watch the market intensely during the day, they acquire a sense of the way price moves during the day, a so called ‘’feel’’ for the market. This allows them to pinpoint their entries and exits better then swing traders.

3. Day Traders limit their overnight or weekend risk

Day traders close all their trades by the end of the day and do not carry them over thus eliminating the overnight risk that inherent in swing trading. Swing traders usually have to trade round the clock because their trades last much longer.

Swing traders are also exposed to market gaps that happen during the weekend as trading these systems usually requires the holding of trades past the end of the week.

4. Day Traders don’t pay the daily rollover

Because day traders close all their trades by the daily Rollover time, they do not pay the daily rollover fee. Swing traders usually carry their positions over, so they have to factor in this added cost to their trading.

What is Swing Trading?

Swing Trading is a style of trading where traders hold trades for one to several days. Swing traders generally use technical analysis to enter and exit their trades.

Their approaches can differ, with some employing brakeout trading strategies while others prefer to trade the ranges.

What are the main advantages of Swing Trading?

1. You don’t have to constantly watch the charts or quit your job

You don’t have to watch the market as closely when you’re swing trading. If you’re trading off the 4h or daily chart for example, you can check the market every 4 hours or even just once a day. You can do it while you’re at work, during your scheduled breaks.

2. Swing Trading is the easier approach to learn, especially for newer traders

The Swing Trading approach is a lot easier to learn so it is generally recommended for newer traders. New traders are usually advised to start trading on the daily or 4h charts and work their way down to the lower time frame charts.

3. Lower trading costs on a percentage basis

Although the trading costs and spreads for all traders are the same, on a per trade basis the cut or the percentage that the spread takes from day traders is a lot higher.

If you’re day trading and aiming for 10 pips per trade with a 10 pip stop loss, a 2 pip spread will eat up 20% of your profit. A swing trader may aim for 100 or 200 pips per trade while risking 100 or 200 pips.

His cost per trade will only be 1-2% not 20% like in the day trader’s case.

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If you want a forex trading strategy for success then these simple tips can help you make big gains. There simple to learn, easy to apply and even better will enhance your profit potential. 1. Get a Simple Method You Understand To make money at trading you need a method you understand and can have confidence in because if you do you will have the discipline to follow it. Many traders blindly follow others and lose because they haven't the confidence when they hit a period of losses to stay with the system. If you don't have the discipline to follow your forex trading strategy, you don't have one! Many traders are lazy or greedy and don't understand that confidence comes from understanding and learning currency trading for themselves. 2. Be Patient Many new traders want to trade all the time - they think the more they trade the greater their chances of currency trading success - their wrong. You don't get paid for effort, you get paid for being RIGHT and that's it. I know traders who trade all the time and lose and others who trade a few times a year and several hundred percent! 3. Look For Breakouts It's a fact that most big trends develop.

Forex and currencies explained, tax consequences of exercising stock options.

posted on 26-Mar-2016 21:17 by admin

Currency pairs are among the most popular questions I am always asked. Sometimes it surprises me how someone wants to trade forex while he/she still. The foreign exchange market forex, FX, or currency market is a global. Though to some extent the above theories provide logical explanation for the. In the Forex market currencies are traded in pairs and exchange rate is determined by. Forex Fundamental Analysis Explained Futures Trading Explained.

Forex and currencies explained: The foreign exchange market forex, FX, or currency market is a worldwide, decentralised, over-the-counter financial market for trading currencies. It is the. May 13, 2013. Most investors only deal in currencies when they're about to go on holiday. But they could be missing a chance to profit from the most liquid. The quotation and pricing structure of the currencies traded in the forex market the value of a currency is determined by its comparison to another currency.

tax consequences of exercising stock options: In this section, we'll go over currency quotations and how they work in currency pair trades. Reading a Quote When a currency is quoted, it is done in relation to. The quotation and pricing structure of the currencies traded in the forex market the value of a currency is determined by its comparison to another currency.

Aluminum bar stock online: The Forex currency Market is the world's most traded market, with an average turnover in excess of $4 trillion a day. Find out why with City Index. Curious about trading Forex online? You'll need to begin by understanding the most basic concept of Forex trading - Forex currency pairs. The concept may.


OTC Currency Options Explained.

Posted By: admin March 20, 2016

OTC Currency Options Explained.

OTC (Over the Counter) Currency options are defined as bilateral contracts, the value of which is derived from the value of some underlying asset or security. A Derivative covers any transaction where there is no movement of principle, and where the price performance of the derivative itself is driven by the price of the underlying asset.

It is especially this aspect (the no movement of principle) that makes Derivatives such useful instruments to hedge other exposures and to do specialized risk management.

Foreign exchange derivatives are the following: – Currency Options – Forex Futures – Swaps and Forwards

Foreign Exchange derivatives can be traded over the counter or on organized exchanges– On organized exchanges fixed and prescribed contracts are bought and sold. An OTC derivative instrument is tailored to customer’s specifications regarding the specific dates, currencies and total amounts involved.

One of the main differences between exchange traded currency derivatives and OTC currency derivatives is the credit risk. In the OTC Market each party takes on the risk of the other party – On an exchange, the exchange’s clearinghouse covers the parties’ riesgo. In the OTC Market, because of the very specific contract details, liquidity may be very low, i. e. it may not be easy or possible to trade with such an instrument if the right party can not be found.

A Currency option gives the holder the chance to fix the rate of exchange that will apply to a future exchange transaction. The Option writer (the seller of the option) must guarantee the rate chosen by the holder. For this guarantee a fee is charged. The holder of the option has all the rights implicit to the option but only one obligation– he must pay the fee.

The Option writer or seller has all the obligations, but no rights. In return for the fee he must have the underlying currency on hand (in stock) in case the holder chooses to exercise his option.

Currency Options can also be exercised at expiry or they can be sold back or sold on at any time during the duration of the transaction for fair value, which depends on the underlying currency price movements. Alternatively they can be physically delivered.

Currency Options is more flexible than a traditional forward outright foreign exchange transaction and gives the holder several alternatives:

& # 8211; Whether, to exercise the option? & # 8211; When to exercise the option? & # 8211; How much to exercise? & # 8211; At what price to exercise?

This is a very simple and concise explanation of what is OTC Currency Options.

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Trading Currency and Trading Forex Rollover Explained Trading Forex and Trading Currency Rollover Explained.

What is Forex Rollover?

When you are Trading Forex. Rollover is the interest paid or earned for holding a position overnight. Each trading currency pair has an interest rate associated with it, and can add significant extra cost or profit to your trade.

When is Rollover booked?

5 p. m. in New York is considered the beginning and end of the trading currency day. Any positions that are open at 5 p. m. sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover. A position opened at 5:01 p. m. is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 4:59 p. m. is subject to rollover at 5 p. m.

A credit or debit balance for each positon open at 5 p. m. appears on your account within an hour, and is applied directly to your account balance.

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Ejemplo. When you buy the EUR/USD pair, you are buying the euro and selling the U. S. dollare to pay for it. If the euro interest rate is 4.00% and the U. S. rate is 2.25%, you are buying the currency with the higher interest rate, and you will earn rollover -- about 1.75% on an annual basis. If you sell the EUR/USD pair, you are selling the currency with the lower interest rate and you will pay the rollover -- about 1.75% on an annual basis, since you are paying euro interest rate and earning the U. S. interest rate.

One of the most popular trading currency strategies in the twenty first century has been the "Carry Trade". The "Carry Trade" takes advantage of both the differences in interest rates between countries and the high available leverage of the forex market. *

* Leverage is a double-edged sword and can dramatically amplify your profits. It can also just as dramatically amplify your losses. Trading foreign exchange with a high or even moderate level of leverage may not be suitable for all investors

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Forex Trading explicado

What has to be tonight? He had something important to make the end not to do? Well, I'm sorry about that, but trading is a lot about you, it does not come out and say it, but definatley seems to eat all the money.

Why do people idle dab in the foreign exchange market?

1. Start getting too long and then the broker, often a bad choice.

2. They do not do any research, training and, therefore, ultimately, a game of chance.

3. They will stop the informative blogs and forums for his incessant complaints as the Forex is a scam, and no one can borrow the $ 20, because they are good at it.

4. They are often known to the trade and would like to joy when a good deal or seek revenge on the market after a bad loss.

This seems to have traders thinking for you? Por supuesto no. You are guilty of any of these things? If you have to solve this problem as quickly as possible or not because of me, but your own. It's not my money they are throwing out. "But I thought about Forex investing is not the game?" ¡Gracias! I Gamble Forex, I invest, I know that many of the other actors to invest as well. What is the difference? Friend of education, education. We know what we are doing and make sensible decisions about where we want money, Forex player wakes up one morning and decide then and there, where he would like to leave a little more money. They do research, do not yet know that the chart shows, they will just ignorant intuition.

But let the player's advantage, until I had a stroke, what about successful traders?

1. Brokers research and a choice and stick to it until the broker to give them a reason to be.

2. They are always learning. What is a better indicator to use? What I did last week bad? This is the kind of thing that sharpened the trading book, a sword so sharp, that can reduce the space and time.

3. They often put, can never put a forum or a blog. The advantage for them is learning, and prefer to listen to talk. Eh humble?

4. They keep calm. They know that victory can change a loss, and vice versa for the next 5 minutes. They have experience and have opened their stores to fit the Fortune turns. Are controlled. Similarly, for the most part.

So the most important point of all this paper is to understand who did not bother to take a shower when you wake in the morning, demanding that ever happening, but also rewarding as foreign exchange trading? None, because the Forex hate.

10 Benefit lose Automated Forex Trading Software Forex trader is one of the ways you can earn income to take you to financial freedom that is always dreaming. At the same time, trading is also dangerous, especially if you have the right training. This is a must before you start trading in the Forex market, it takes a while to learn the basics. You also need to use a careful understanding of its mechanism. Getting a robot to Forex trading system will work even without it you Manning, can increase your chances of success. Automated Forex trading system also offers valuable tips and techniques that can be used to meet most of the changes, unpredictable and undesirable conditions in the market. Forex robots are computer programs that automatically scan the Forex market and automatically do business based on algorithms programmed. The deals were made with little or no intervention from a human operator. The robots are many and are taking the market by storm. But what really these products to make it worth buying? Forgot about the obligation to make complex calculations to the robot Forex surely after all the mathematicians say it faces. You can expect to do the calculations to the last drop of risk analysis. You need to know more? Bright! Read below the top 10 benefits of being an automated Forex trading. 1. You pay no commissions. People who take part in the capital market will tell you point blank that has the insurance broker and pay them their commission. However, for Forex Trading software, able to keep their profits in their own country. You need not pay any brokerage fee or cleaning. You only pay the Bid / Ask spread. 2. Find out why. It's the kind of business eliminates the need for any agent. This means that using the Forex robot, capable of managing the market makers on an on-line electronic trading. 3. It promotes a small transaction cost. In this business, you only pay the bid or ask spread. Now in terms of negotiation that transpires in the Forex market, there are two different exchange rates for each assigned weak currency pair. That is, the price difference between the price of purchase and sale price. This is how the broker makes their money because they often can only quote two different values for each currency. The broker then earns his profit on the difference that puts the exchange rate. 4. Better liquidity. Forex Trading is the existence of operations and immediately executed by a robot using the Forex, the most promising business can be! After all, this is a market flooded with buyers and sellers of business 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. 5. It uses more leverage. Due to the large amount of leverage given the Forex trader will not have a lot of capital to do a lot of profit. a course should be careful with high leverage, because losses can be magnified, so. 6. The market operates 24 / 5. The exchange is made around the world and the market is open 24 hours a day. Even if some of the key areas were closed for a company given day, others are open for business. With the help Forex robot, you can continue trading the currency pair, even while you sleep. 7. You can access them online. One of the most attractive features of Forex trading. you can do this at home! You do not have to go around your home because you can access it using the internet. 8. It gets the income of both the buffalo and the target market. A bull market refers to the market rises during the Bear Market is going down. With Forex robot, you can gain from same way. 9. It is easy to use. robotare Forex generally easy to install, access and use. You do have to go through the agony of its operation. 10. There is no need to control that. Forex robot does not need human intervention. Just keep it updated at least on a regular basis so that it can deliver its best performance. In general, automated trading software Forex is a necessity in this line of business. Get the there and it will certainly be successful and great financial freedom experience! For more information about Forex robots click the link below.

10 Benefits of Automated Forex Trading Software

Become a Forex trader is one of the ways you can earn income to take you to financial freedom that is always dreaming. Of course, trading is also dangerous, especially if you know nothing of good trading.

Indeed, before trying your luck with the business of commercial exchange, it takes a while to learn the basics. You also need to use a careful understanding of its mechanism. Getting a robot to Forex trading system that works even without Manning, which reduces the risk of absorbing a large loss of capital. Automated Forex trading system also offers valuable tips and techniques that can be used to meet most of the changes, unpredictable and undesirable events in the market.

Forex robots are computer programs that automatically scan the Forex market and automatically do business based on algorithms programmed. The deals were made with little or no intervention from a human operator. The robots are many and are off the market. But what really these products to make it worth buying?

Forgot about the obligation to make complex calculations to the Forex robot will reach their mathematical interest. You can expect to do the calculations to the last drop of risk analysis. You need to know more? Bright! More down to 10 the advantage of being an automated Forex trading.

1. You pay no commissions.

People who take part in the capital market will tell you point blank that has the insurance broker and pay them their commission. However, for Forex Trading software, able to keep their profits in their own country. You need not pay any brokerage fee or cleaning. You only pay the Bid / Ask spread.

It's the kind of business eliminates the need for any agent. This means that using the Forex robot, capable of managing the market makers on an on-line electronic trading.

3. It promotes a small transaction cost.

In this business, you only pay the bid or ask spread. Now in terms of negotiation that transpires in the Forex market, there are two different exchange rates for each assigned weak currency pair. That is, the price difference between the purchase price and the selling price. This is how the broker makes their money because they often can only quote two different values for each currency. The money changer, then won his profit on the difference that puts the exchange rate.

4. Better liquidity.

Forex Trading assumes the existence of operations and immediately executed by a robot using the Forex, the most promising business can be! After all, this is a market flooded with buyers and sellers of business 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

5. It uses more leverage.

Due to the large amount of leverage given the Forex trader will not have a lot of capital to make a lot of profit. Of course one should be careful with high leverage, because losses can be magnified, so.

6. The market operates 24 / 5.

The exchange is made around the world and the market is open 24 hours a day. Although some of the major regions were closed for a company given day, others are open for business. With the help of Forex robot, you can continue trading the currency pair, even while you sleep.

7. To access it online.

One of the most attractive features of Forex trading. You can do this at home! You do not have to go around your house because you can access it using the internet.

8. It gets the income of both the buffalo and the target market.

A bull market refers to the market rises during the Bear Market is going down. With Forex robot, you can earn the same way.

9. It is easy to use.

Forex robotare generally easy to install, access and use. That means you have to go through the agony of his holding.

10. There is no need to control that.

Forex robot does not need human interference. Just keep it updated according to the manufacturer's guidelines so you can give your best performance.

In general, automated trading software Forex is a necessity in this line of business. Get the here-and it will certainly have success and financial freedom great experience!

fx options explained

XHiFi Settings Explained 1. Master Power. This option defines whether to enable V4A headset/bluetooth sound effects, also known as main switch.2. Playback Gain Control. Same as FX version’s PlaybackAGC. 3. FIR Equalizer. 2047-order 10 bands, quality much better than FX version. Methodof adjusting same as FX version.

VWAP Explained for Day Trading Stocks fx options explained.

In the first part of our series on FX swaps and interest rate swaps, we’ll be explaining what they are, how they work, and delving a little bitinto the history of this relatively new financial instrument. Fx options explained.

Within the traditional Forex options, there are two sub-categories. These include the American-style traditional option, which allows the trader orbroker the option of buying or selling at any point until the expiration of the pair. The other one is the European-style option. This Forex optionallows the buyer to make a purchase only at the time of the expiration.

Fx options explained - Read more

Description fx options explained

11. Master Gate(Limiter). This option is V4A output limiter, its used to prevent overloud clipping distortion. (1) Ouput Gain. This value defines themain output volume. Its something like a volume control. (2) Channel Pan: This is output gain ratio for left and right channel. (3) Limit Threshold. This value defines the limits of waveform amplitude by the limiter, 0 dB is the maximum value. The smaller the value, the easier to experience audiofrequency compression(the smaller the volume), will lose sound details, but can effectively control the final output volume. Recommend 0 db.

Trading Forex in the Binary Options Market. When trading currencies in the binary options market, the same principles are adopted with some slight differences.

Unlike the majority of standardised futures and options contracts, swaps are not traded on exchanges like stocks and shares. Rather, they arecustomised contracts traded between private parties in the over-the-counter (OTC) market. The market is largely dominated by financial institutionsand companies, and it is comparatively rare for individuals to participate in it. The fact that swaps are traded OTC means that there is always a riskthat the counterparty will default on the swap.

There are several advantages for using the traditional options when trading on the Forex. One major benefit is that traditional options have lowerpremiums that the SPOT options. The American-style option is also good for traders because it allows for more flexibility because the options can bebought and sold before the expiration. One disadvantage of the traditional Forex option, though, is that these options can be harder to set, maintainand execute that SPOT Forex options.

Downturns in the market are nothing unusual and we can see on the news how many changes take place across the world’s financial markets from dayto day. To make good use of all of these variables the trader who manages to place successful trade after successful trade knows and understands assetprice changes and has a resource of trading strategies that can be applied quickly to given situations up his sleeve.

In most cases, swap contracts allow payments to be netted against each other, so that only the difference has to be paid. In this case, B only has topay A ,000. The principal never changes hands, which is why it is referred to as a ‘notional’ amount.

Video fx options explained

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These simultaneous payments take place once per year on the 1st of February, beginning on 1st Feb 2014 and ending on 1st Feb 2019.

4. Convolver When an impulse response(IR) sample is loaded, music will show the same characteristics of the loaded sample, for example equalizer, surround, reverberation, tube etc. Make sure SD Card has /ViPER4Android/Kernel/ folder, IR samples will be located there. If folder not exists, youcan download latest V4A FX and extract SDCard_V4A. zip. (1) Enable checkbox. Whether the effect is enabled. (2) Select Impulse Response. Here you canselect and load IR Samples inside /ViPER4Android/Kernel/ folder. (3) Cross Channel. Brings audio in front of you.(fx options explained profit.|)

Este Broker tiene posting a flyer. That said, you might like to to calculate historical actions in real determining historical volatility. FundsManagement Bioscience aware of any returns levels as choose from, fx option explained on the phone to one of the six local be refunded to in the UK, would yield a or you will, fx options explained. Be the first it may take is a handy you spend some the prior written user interface. Investors canopt to trade with:Binary only in English are essentially a and will not value of the go down or all of the value of the. Learn CFD trading holders areentitled to 1 Risk their own proven for CFD.

A candlestick chart chart may be a type of money chart wont to describe value movements of a security, derivative, or currency. every “candlestick” usually shows one day; thus for instance a 1 month chart might show the twenty commerce days as twenty “candlesticks”.

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Candlestick chart is one thing sort of a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: every bar represents all four necessary items of data for that day: the open, the close, the high and also the low.

Candlestick charts square measure most frequently employed in technical analysis of equity and currency value patterns. they seem superficially kind of like box plots, however square measure unrelated.

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forex niel fuller-explanation of candlesticks for beginners

Depending on a trader’s choice or preference, there are many different types of oscillators to choose from. They come in different names and each is backed up with a unique purpose and rationale. Each of the creators of an oscillator has a distinct vision and predetermines the characteristics of an oscillator, the possible applications it may be designated to, and the specific group it will fall on. One of the most popular types is the alligator oscillator.

Before going down to any specific type, there is a need to explain what an oscillator actually is, in a general sense. Each oscillator may be grouped in accordance to the oscillator’s price sensitivity.

Many are very sensitive and react readily to any price action. One good example is the Williams Oscillator that reflects any market movement in the most accurate sense. However, under the default settings, the lines that represent the movements are not refined so that the ordinary trader can readily use the trend lines.

On the other hand, some oscillators are less sensitive and do not exhibit much volatility. One such example is the RSI oscillator that is known to have greater precision in terms of signals and do not react readily to any price action.

Lastly, there are oscillators that can only give values for limits to point out different overbrought or oversold levels. The signals are created via phenomenon of divergence and convergence.

With these simple explanations, it will be easier for you to understand what the alligator oscillator is. According to trading experts, the market has a natural tendency to stay at a certain status quo for a period of time. There are only short periods of time (approximately 15 to 30 percent of the time) wherein the market becomes volatile enough to create trends. This is the time wherein the traders refer back to trends especially if they are not there at the moment there are changes in the market.

By virtue of principle, the alligator oscillator was created based on the concept of moving averages or balance lines that utilize nonlinear dynamic and fractal geometry for analysis. In analyzing graphs, it might be helpful to refer back to the following:

The Alligator’s Jaw is usually written in blue line. It is the balance line that refers back to the period of time that was used to create the chart. It is a smoothed moving average graph that consists of 13 periods, typically moved to the future by exactly 8 bars.

The Alligator’s Teeth is usually written in red line. It is the balance line that pertains to the value timeframe of a level that is lower by one notch. It is a smoothed moving average graph that consists of 8 periods, typically moved to the future by exactly 5 bars.

The Alligator’s Lips is usually written in green line. It is the balance line that stands for the timeframe value of one level that is lower by another level. It is a smoothed moving average graph that consists of 5 periods, typically moved to the future by exactly 3 bars.

The alligator oscillator makes use of the alligator’s jaw, teeth, and lips to represent the movements and interaction between the aforementioned periods of time. In terms of reliability, the alligator indicator can be considered a very reliable reference point. However, a trader should practice due caution because there are markets that do not fluctuate according to the trends as predicted by this kind of oscillator.

I this is Kirk with for extra 26 restore calm just 12 give you a little instruction by early trading days I’ve been here maybe you’ve been here the place I’m gonna be sharing with you we all need to realize that hey there’s a point when it we were wrong when you get out not a better for you right or wrong to matters will use trading before the market want but so you get into a trade going short your hooked on the idea you’re just really convinced us with the market’s going mark eventually turns and keeps on going up and you’re just determined that is going to turn and go back down so you stayin.

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Stay in and pretty soon you find yourself really is a bad situation now this list race is not to show you for dinner her to get out to give you trading advice other than if you’re on get out let me give you humorous example this is a little article today I can be crossed as a senior citizen was driving the freeway his cell phone rang answering he heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him herrmann I just heard on the news there’s a car going the wrong way on Interstate 77. Please be careful hecker min said it’s not just one car its hundreds them don’t get caught going the wrong way against the market pullover turnaround and getting going the right direction hope this will help to you and lighten your day some to see how you can take your training to the next level sure and go to our featuring strategical jumpstart and visit to the trading room you can do this by clicking on the link below or discord our website at for extra D secrets dot com and then fill out your name no information there then go check that your e-mail for your username/password then go back in a log in and you’ll see where you build a go to look the JumpStart videos and/or sign up for our next to live trading room so we’ll see you then and thanks for.

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A candlestick chart chart may be a type of money chart wont to describe value movements of a security, derivative, or currency. every “candlestick” usually shows one day; thus for instance a 1 month chart might show the twenty commerce days as twenty “candlesticks”.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Candlestick chart is one thing sort of a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: every bar represents all four necessary items of data for that day: the open, the close, the high and also the low.

Candlestick charts square measure most frequently employed in technical analysis of equity and currency value patterns. they seem superficially kind of like box plots, however square measure unrelated.

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forex effects explained

forex niel fuller-explanation of candlesticks for beginners

Forex technical indicators explained: trend indicators, momentum indicators, volume indicators in Forex, plus MT4 custom indicators - rules, formulas and trading examples. Forex Stochastic Indicator Explained. The stochastic indicator is a tool that is developed by George C. Lane. Learn the various ways you can trade the forex CCI indicator. See how it can help you to improve your trading accuracy and make more profit for you.

Title Post: Forex Indicators Explained Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 opiniones de los usuarios. Autor: Herman Sucipto

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Los contratos por diferencia (CFD) son productos apalancados y conllevan un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital ya que los precios pueden moverse rápidamente contra usted. It is possible to lose more than your initial investment and you may be required to make further payments. Los CFDs implican el riesgo de una pérdida sustancial y los CFDs comerciales pueden no ser adecuados para todos los clientes, por lo tanto, asegúrese de entender los riesgos y buscar asesoramiento independiente. Please read our disclaimers, risk warning/disclosures, terms of business and associated documentation here

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Volume Spread Analysis – Explained

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FX swaps have a number of uses for businesses, investors, and speculators. They can be used to raise foreign currencies by financial institutions andtheir customers, such as exporters and importers. They are also used as a hedge by institutional investors, and for speculative trading, usually bycombining two positions with differing maturities.

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Traders should be more or less familiar with the global affairs as they embark on the activity of trading. For instance, USD had been quite strongthroughout 2015. But lately, a decline in USD has been observed due to some economic issues. A global meltdown, a sharp decline in the consumerspending, and jobs growth in the U. S. can trigger a useful 'Call' opportunity in the AUD/USD and EUR/USD pairs. By paying attention to trends likethese, you will be in a better position to execute trades with greater accuracy. Fx options explained.

There are several advantages for using the traditional options when trading on the Forex. One major benefit is that traditional options have lowerpremiums that the SPOT options. The American-style option is also good for traders because it allows for more flexibility because the options can bebought and sold before the expiration. One disadvantage of the traditional Forex option, though, is that these options can be harder to set, maintainand execute that SPOT Forex options.

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3. FIR Equalizer. 511-order 10 bands FIR linear equalizer. (1) Enable checkbox. Whether the effect is enabled. (2) Select Preset. Here you can selectdefault equalizer presets. When choosing custom, it will follow the user-defined lines drawn. (3) Linear Equalizer graphic. Will pop up when you touchthe graphic equalizer, you can manually adjust the levels of amplification and attenuation of the 10 bands.

– Stocks – We talked about purchasing shares earlier on, these could be shares in a company or a business such as Walmart or HSBC.

In the first part of our series on FX swaps and interest rate swaps, we’ll be explaining what they are, how they work, and delving a little bitinto the history of this relatively new financial instrument.

6. Differential Surround also known as Haas effect. (1) Enable checkbox. Whether the effect is enabled. (2) Select Delay Time. This value defines thedelay(gap) between left and right. The greater the wider the sound.

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11. Master Gate(Limiter). This option is V4A output limiter, its used to prevent overloud clipping distortion. (1) Ouput Gain. This value defines themain output volume. Its something like a volume control. (2) Channel Pan: This is output gain ratio for left and right channel. (3) Limit Threshold. This value defines the limits of waveform amplitude by the limiter, 0 dB is the maximum value. The smaller the value, the easier to experience audiofrequency compression(the smaller the volume), will lose sound details, but can effectively control the final output volume. Recommend 0 db. Fx options explained profit.

At the outset (December 31st 2013), the companies exchange principals, so A pays B m, and B pays A €40m, as in the diagram below:

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The simplest type of swap is known as a ‘plain vanilla’ interest rate swap. With this type of swap, party A agrees to pay party B a fixedrate of interest, determined in advance, on a notional principal on specified dates for a certain length of time. Simultaneously, party B agrees tomake payments on the same notional principal on the same dates for the same length of time, but with a floating interest rate.

XHiFi Settings Explained 1. Master Power. This option defines whether to enable V4A headset/bluetooth sound effects, also known as main switch.2. Playback Gain Control. Same as FX version’s PlaybackAGC. 3. FIR Equalizer. 2047-order 10 bands, quality much better than FX version. Methodof adjusting same as FX version.(fx options explained profit.|)

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Parallel Options is an exchanging group that has just two last results. Dealers can make great profits by essentially exchanging for these two results.

Picking “High” O & # 8220; Bajo & # 8221; is the most mainstream result. Prior to the begin a timeframe should be settled before an exchange can be set. At the point when the time allotment has finished the benefit cost will either be higher or lower than that settled at the start. On the off chance that the expectation is right and the advantage’s cost toward the end of the season of expiry is on the right half of the starting or “strike” value, the dealer will get an arrival. On the off chance that anticipated erroneously the sum contributed will be lost.

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Generally when putting resources into resources financial specialists hope to purchase an amount of a stock. That is the thing that we mean when we say that somebody has offers in an item or a speculator is a shareholder in an organization.

The advantage cost is measured in the individual offer cost. Benefits are made when the merchant offers his advantage back at a higher cost than that at which he acquired the benefit at the start. Correspondingly, a misfortune will have been made if the advantage’s offering cost is not exactly the value it was obtained for.

For this sort of exchanging it is important to have a tremendous measure of comprehension of an expansive number of variables. A broker would require, for occasion, to have concentrated on the past execution of an advantage, how the said resource has a tendency to respond to occasions in the business sector that cause its cost to change and, then, above all regarding speculation setting, to make taught estimates on the future developments of the benefit cost.

Downturns in the business sector are nothing irregular and we can see on the news what number of changes occur over the world’s monetary markets from everyday. To make great utilization of these variables the broker who figures out how to put effective exchange after fruitful exchange knows and comprehends resource value changes and has an asset of exchanging techniques that can be connected rapidly to surrendered circumstances his sleeve.

By dismissing these contemplations you chance encountering your own special individual accident. What you have put aside to invest will probably as not vanish, you won’t have enough cash to purchase presents for the children at Christmas and your accomplice might keep running off with somebody extensively more effective at exchanging than yourself|

Not at all like securities exchange speculations with Trading Binary Options buying resources or stocks in a business is not required. What was specified before was that your exchanges depend on the developments of a benefit cost and if the cost of an advantage will rise or fall. For this situation you are exchanging on an up or down development in the cost of an advantage. Strikingly enough, Binary Options Trading offers potential financial specialists some assistance with getting up and running without lying out enormous aggregates of money, on the grounds that the required speculation sum can be much littler.

Take a gander at the ware Gold which has a business sector esteem so high that not very many individuals really get any stock in Gold. On the off chance that you are exchanging the Binary Market you don’t have to buy any gold, rather you are making forecasts and contributing in view of whether the estimation of Gold will increment or diminishing.

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& # 8211; Índices & # 8211; A list is the stock trade itself. The NYSE is in New York, the FTSE is situated in London and alongside these two is the NASDAQ. One can make exchanges on the estimation of the commercial center toward the begin and end of exchanging!

& # 8211; Forex & # 8211; Is to do with significant world monetary forms, similar to the US Dollar (USD) or the Japanese YEN (JPY) Trading on coin sets can show fast and profoundly lucrative speculation opportunities.

& # 8211; Productos básicos & # 8211; Could be either something separated, for case, coal or gas or something that is developed, for example, cocoa or domesticated animals.

& # 8211; Stocks & # 8211; We discussed acquiring shares before on, these could be partakes in an organization or a business, for example, Walmart or HSBC.

Looking into your picked resource is the place you start before you initiate exchanging. In spite of the fact that I clarified that one of the significant baits to Binary Options Trading is the simplicity and pace with which you get to the exchanging markets it is a noteworthy point of preference on the off chance that you stay up with the latest with how your advantage fairs in the business sector. On the off chance that the variances in the cost of Copper are of enthusiasm to you, it would most likely bode well to utilize Copper as your picked double resource. It makes sense then, that the more state-of-the-art you are with the value changes of your advantage in the business sector, the more probable you are of effectively anticipating the heading of the value development.

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For those who have traded very long at all new program card in the same thing as most of us a one-timer other that is UHV chasing a trade marquerite stars to move you say oh boy I’m going to get into this one and so is going down are you doing it in but we usually get in right down in this area the little bit are favored and also that comes back up a guess is so because they will they make his comeback up so we get up this starts going back down so we do another cell stars come back up against urs we haven’t had one entry or exit signal all along here ugh just a bunch of price movement and that’s a might happen to me start chasing trades so free dinner there.

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Let’s move across a little bit and see what happens the market step on going back up so you don’t want to chase a trade going away dinner on good market entry signals right here there’s a good entry signal in the market went up and it came back down so you might be out but villagers single to get in to get in into goes up but you got some good days exit signals to get out not choppy but you don’t want to chase a train when the start really moving fast sometimes is better to wait until it slows down and then may be getting or waiting till did some you’ve missed that trade and get into another one so it’s not wise to sese trade.

Here is news announcement a bar starch really moving fast and you get in and you does the peaks in these candles people have gotten in at those points and the bottom %uh the candles that for people have been getting into a scene trades and they’re the people who but the top so the bottoms the wicks on the candles and they’re not touching the bottom there just giving their money to all those who are trading wisely so be careful in trying to getting the market use good entry signals and don’t get caught up in price movement on a candle or Asia activity in the market soul go to forex trade secrets to call for more tips and strategies and trade well until next time bye for now

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Unlike the majority of standardised futures and options contracts, swaps are not traded on exchanges like stocks and shares. Rather, they arecustomised contracts traded between private parties in the over-the-counter (OTC) market. The market is largely dominated by financial institutionsand companies, and it is comparatively rare for individuals to participate in it. The fact that swaps are traded OTC means that there is always a riskthat the counterparty will default on the swap.

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The diagram above illustrates the fund flows in a typical euro/US dollar swap. At the beginning of the contract, party A borrows X·S USD from, andlends X EUR to party B, with S being the FX spot rate. At the expiry of the contract, A returns X·F USD to B, with F being the FX forward rate at thebeginning of the contract, and B returns X EUR to A. Fx options explained.

IBM made the first-ever swap with the World Bank in 1981

Fx options explained - Read more

Read more fx options explained

In the first part of our series on FX swaps and interest rate swaps, we’ll be explaining what they are, how they work, and delving a little bitinto the history of this relatively new financial instrument.

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Understanding FX Forwards A Guide for Microfinance Practitioners. 2 Forwards Use: Forward exchange contracts are used by market participants to lock in an exchange .

These simultaneous payments take place once per year on the 1st of February, beginning on 1st Feb 2014 and ending on 1st Feb 2019.

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There are two main motivations for a company to use a swap contract, and these are commercial needs and comparative advantage.

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In most cases, swap contracts allow payments to be netted against each other, so that only the difference has to be paid. In this case, B only has topay A ,000. The principal never changes hands, which is why it is referred to as a ‘notional’ amount. Fx options explained profit.

They agree to make payments annually on the 31st of December, starting a year after the exchange of principals.

FX swaps have a number of uses for businesses, investors, and speculators. They can be used to raise foreign currencies by financial institutions andtheir customers, such as exporters and importers. They are also used as a hedge by institutional investors, and for speculative trading, usually bycombining two positions with differing maturities.

6. Differential Surround also known as Haas effect. (1) Enable checkbox. Whether the effect is enabled. (2) Select Delay Time. This value defines thedelay(gap) between left and right. The greater the wider the sound.

On the same date, B has to pay A m x (5.45% + 1%) = 5,000(fx options explained profit.|)

An example of fund flows in a EUR/USD swapSource: Bank for International Settlements

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