Thursday, November 24, 2016

Opciones Binarias Aapl

Apple (AAPL)

Apple Inc. fue constituida el 3 de enero de 1977 y se especializa en el diseño, comercialización y fabricación de diversos dispositivos. Estos incluyen teléfonos móviles (iPod), dispositivos de medios (iPad, Apple TV), ordenadores (Mac), así como dispositivos de reproducción de música (iPod). La gama de productos de Apple no se limita sólo a la mercancía antes mencionada - la compañía también desarrolla y vende software, sistemas operativos y otros diversos accesorios.

Apple (AAPL)

La capitalización de mercado de capital de Apple Inc es de $ 589.086,38 (mil), el dividendo de la compañía para el último año ascendió a 0,47 centavos de dólar por acción, y el rendimiento ha ascendido a 1,91%. La capitalización bursátil se mide multiplicando el monto total de las acciones de la compañía por el precio de ejercicio actual de las acciones de Apple y el dividendo representa el beneficio real que los accionistas han cobrado el último año por acción a través de sus inversiones en acciones de Apple . El rendimiento representa los beneficios de los accionistas (en porcentajes) realizados en la parte superior de su inversión inicial de negociación de acciones en su cartera.

Negociar acciones de Apple en una plataforma de operaciones binarias de opciones es el mismo que cualquier otro tipo de operaciones de opciones. Los comerciantes que deseen realizar operaciones bursátiles simplemente necesitan seleccionar el stock que desean operar en la plataforma de opciones binarias, anotar su cantidad de inversión y tiempo de vencimiento y especular sobre la dirección en la que piensan que el activo expirará al final del período. Plazo predeterminado.

Por ejemplo, supongamos que el precio de mercado actual de AAPL (Apple Inc.) es 98.15. Un comerciante que cree que el precio de las acciones de Apple caerá después de 15 minutos pondrá una opción PUT en la plataforma de opciones binarias con una tasa de pago predeterminada en la eventualidad de una victoria. Si la tasa de mercado de las acciones de Apple es menor en 15 minutos que estaba en el precio de ejercicio, el comercio es en el dinero y el comerciante hace ganancias por encima de la cantidad de inversión inicial.

Esta página contiene gráficos detallados para este stock específico, a través del cual puede examinar sus tendencias recientes. Esto puede ayudarle a tomar decisiones más informadas antes de realizar cualquier oficio.

¡Cómo negociar opciones binarias de la acción de AAPL y de GOOG y hacer hasta $ 201.450 por mes!

Pruebe el sistema de opciones binarias STRIKER9 PRO que puede hacer hasta $ 201K por mes intercambiando opciones binarias de GOOG y AAPL. Mire estos 3 Portafolio Prophet GRATIS Presentaciones que muestran cómo operar ETFs en unos 10 minutos a la semana. Descubre una estrategia de negociación de acciones que puede convertir $ 2K en $ 1,7 millones en aproximadamente 1,9 años y descargar los secretos de los inversores de éxito Traders Informe GRATIS que se ha descargado más de 37.000 veces. Si ha estado negociando acciones antes de esto es una manera única de beneficiarse de la volatilidad en dos acciones GOOG y AAPL. GOOG es el símbolo de Google Stock que se está vendiendo ahora por $ 576.71 por acción. AAPL es el símbolo para el Apple Inc Stock que ahora está vendiendo por $ 351.99. Quiere beneficiarse diariamente de la volatilidad de estas dos acciones? Si es así, siga leyendo!

Chris Kunnundro ha desarrollado el sistema de opciones binarias STRIKER9 PRO que negocia las acciones de la AAPL y GOOG y se beneficia de la volatilidad diaria de estas dos acciones haciendo las apuestas correctas en sus precios. En promedio este sistema hace alrededor de $ 50K por mes pero basado en el rendimiento pasado del sistema, si usted aumenta su tamaño de la posición, usted puede hacer upto los $ 201.450 whopping por mes.

Las opciones binarias de las existencias son un nuevo fenómeno que muchos comerciantes del día se están familiarizando lentamente ahora. Supongamos que desea intercambiar GOOG. En este momento, tiene un precio de $ 576.71 por acción. Pero usted piensa que en la hora siguiente este precio puede ir a $ 585 por la parte. Usted hace una apuesta con el contrato de opciones binarias de GOOG con un premio de $ 20.

Ahora, si al expirar la siguiente hora, el precio de GOOG termina por encima de $ 585 por acción, digamos $ 586, obtendrá una recompensa de $ 100. Por otro lado, si el precio de GOOG termina por debajo de $ 585 dicen $ 580 por acción, obtendrá un beneficio de $ 0 además de que pierde su inversión inicial de $ 20. Por lo tanto, en caso de que usted gane, usted hace un BENEFICIO NETO de $ 80 y en caso de que pierda, usted hace una pérdida de $ 20.

Ahora, supongamos que usted había comprado 20 contratos de acciones de GOOG. En caso de que hubieras hecho la apuesta correcta, habrías ganado $ 1.600 en sólo una hora. Y en caso de que hubieras hecho la apuesta equivocada, habrías perdido $ 400.

Así es como vas a ganar dinero con opciones binarias. STRIKER9 PRO es un sistema de opciones binario profesional. Puede ver el rendimiento detallado del sistema por mes en el sitio de STRIKER9 PRO. Chris Kunnundro está comprometido a proporcionarle entrenamiento completo y tutoría sobre cómo negociar opciones binarias. Él le da 30 días garantía de devolución de dinero. Lo que esto significa es que puede realizar una prueba RIESGO GRATIS de este sistema durante 30 días en su cuenta de demostración. Si no funciona para que vaya a un reembolso.


Por: Adam Stone 31 de enero 2014 7:30 am GMT, Londres Reino Unido

Las buenas noticias ayudan a empujar los osos y enviar los mercados más altos. Esto apenas algunos días quitados de uno de los días más sombríos de negociar hasta ahora este año. Los mercados fueron estimulados por la liberación crucial de una cifra del PIB que cumplió con las expectativas en un 3,2%. Si bien esto no es una figura fantástica que normalmente sería capaz de impulsar mucho a los mercados. Pero la sensibilidad de los mercados permitió que esta liberación fuera una razón para celebrar y como resultado el S & # 038; P y Dow subieron ambos más del 1% en el día.

Para el día que viene, no hay mucha noticia será capaz de dictar los movimientos en los mercados como el único, pero de noticias de importancia es una publicación de última hora del Consumer Sentiment Index. Si bien es importante y seguido por la mayoría de todos los comerciantes, sólo llega a finales del día para hacer mucho de un impacto.

Como tal, los comerciantes de opciones binarias probablemente se mantendrá centrado en el EUR / USD, ya que ha alcanzado su nivel más bajo en más de un mes. El nivel de soporte en 1.3550 se rompió a mediodía ayer y no se ha retirado todavía. El nivel es ahora la resistencia y proporcionará amplias oportunidades para que los operadores de opciones binarias usen el nivel como un tipo de pivote para las estrategias de ruptura y reversión en el día siguiente. Tome nota, el nivel es probable que deje a muchos decepcionados con unas pausas falsas, ya que el mercado está exhibiendo ahora una postura indecisa en el territorio momentum neutral para el RSI y el MACD. En el análisis técnico, tales situaciones deben ser evitadas a menos que se vea una ruptura verdadera o por lo menos 3 pruebas de la resistencia antes de tomar un comercio.

Así que mientras los operadores de opciones binarias tienden a mantenerse alejados de las situaciones de alto riesgo y concentrarse en los escenarios de menor riesgo, las cosas deberían ir bastante bien.

Para aquellos que buscan otros motores rápidos, Facebook stock (FB) podría ser de gran interés. Después de todo, la acción ha subido por encima de 60 por primera vez. Se encontró con una brecha enorme formada ayer en la campana de apertura. El mercado tenderá a cerrar esta brecha, pero debido a la fuerte tendencia alcista, no esperamos que esta brecha se cierre en la próxima sesión. Como tal, los operadores de opciones binarias podrán tomar opciones en una ruptura por encima de la resistencia en 62,5.

Cualquier ruptura por encima de este nivel permitirá a los operadores de opciones binarias encontrarse en el tipo de transacciones de bajo riesgo que buscamos diariamente. Busque más para venir de otras poblaciones como Google (GOOG), así que ha tenido una semana muy fuerte después de vender su división de teléfonos móviles de Motorola, manteniendo la mayoría de sus patentes, que era el verdadero premio del acuerdo inicialmente retrocedido en Google & # 8217; s de la división de Motorola en 2012. El mercado fue muy positivo acerca de esta venta, ya que deja a Google más cerca de su núcleo de ADN, el software y el cobertizo del hardware que Google es ahora tan hábil en el desarrollo que es El problema de Lenovo ahora.

Como COO de GOptions, mi primer y principal objetivo es proporcionar a los comerciantes la información más actualizada de los mercados. He estado negociando los mercados desde 2004 y he estado involucrado con acciones, opciones binarias, y el comercio de divisas desde entonces. No he tenido educación formal del mercado y me enorgullezco de un enfoque autodidacta de todo lo relacionado con el comercio. Trato de centrarse tanto en los aspectos técnicos y fundamentales relacionados con cada día de negociación y presentar los aspectos más importantes de riesgo / recompensa en el mercado.

Últimos mensajes de Adam Stone (ver todos)

Comience a operar con la plataforma móvil más profesional de todos modos, en cualquier momento, siempre en la Tienda de aplicaciones de Google Play Store


La negociación de opciones binarias con GOptions es una experiencia que no se puede comparar con otros corredores. Tenemos una oferta sin igual para los comerciantes de todo tipo con una amplia gama de activos comerciales disponibles las 24 horas del día de domingo a viernes e incluso opciones disponibles los fines de semana.

Como un grupo muy apretado de los comerciantes profesionales de las opciones de la divisa y de la divisa, la compañía tiene un sentido agudo de eso que los clientes encuentran importante; calidad. Hoy no basta tener la mejor plataforma o los retiros más rápidos. Los clientes como ustedes buscan más de la correduría que el aspecto técnico de las cosas. Ahí es donde GOptions verdaderamente brilla como somos todos los comerciantes y como tal, cualquier problema que pueda tener, siempre se le proporcionará respuestas de un comerciante. Así GOptions, en muchos sentidos es una plataforma de comercio por los comerciantes para los comerciantes.

Todo lo que hemos hecho ha sido con el comerciante en mente. Así que cuando revise lo que tenemos disponible, verá una masiva 150 activos disponibles para el comercio de una serie de maneras. Usted puede operar una amplia gama de expiries que van desde 30 segundos a 300 segundos en nuestra plataforma TURBO Options. Esto permite que las necesidades comerciales rápidas se lleven a cabo con la ejecución rápida del relámpago.

Los comerciantes también pueden negociar las opciones tradicionales Alto / Bajo o Llamar / Poner con expiras que van desde 10, 20, 30, 60 minutos hasta las opciones de fin de día. Los pares que negocian y las opciones a largo plazo están hechos disponibles 24 horas al día también.

Opciones de Ladder: opciones binarias con transparencia, sólo en GOptions

Sin embargo, la mayoría de los operadores de opciones binarias seguramente se enamorarán de nuestras opciones de escalera. Qué opciones de escalera proporcionan es un medio de la transparencia ocultado de otra manera por la niebla de la tasación. Lo que queremos decir es que al revisar las opciones binarias de precios en GOptions en las opciones tradicionales de alto / bajo, es casi imposible medir el sesgo direccional real de los mercados basados ​​sólo en el precio. Bueno, eso es sólo cierto si pasas por el increíble uso de opciones de escalera. Usted ve, las opciones de la escala proporcionan la tasación en, por debajo y por encima del precio de mercado. Así que lo que usted puede ver es que GOptions ofrece a los operadores de opciones binarias un medio de medir la verdadera proclividad del mercado en cualquier momento.

A medida que el porcentaje de desembolso encabeza más alto para uno de los extremos en la escalera, puede estar seguro de que las fluctuaciones de precios son, por lo tanto, menos probable que la cabeza en esa dirección. En otras palabras, literalmente estamos diciéndole qué hacer a continuación. Al comprender mejor el comportamiento del mercado con métricas y herramientas reales, esperamos crear una mejor raza de comerciante. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con algunas de las ofertas de GOptions, tenga en cuenta las siguientes opciones binarias de exclusión binaria: opciones binarias de 30 segundos, opciones binarias de 60 segundos, opciones de escalera y comercio de divisas. Estos están exclusivamente disponibles en las opciones binarias GOptions plataforma de comercio y para los comerciantes, esto debería ser simplemente una bendición. Las opciones binarias de 30 segundos, así como las opciones restantes de Turbo, son simplemente los medios más rápidos e impresionantes de negociar opciones binarias hoy en día en el mundo. Al mirar los lugares de negociación de opciones binarias disponibles, es fácil ver por qué GOptions es un líder en todas las categorías como un corretaje y esto en general.

GOptions: La puerta de entrada al beneficio:

30 Las segundas opciones, cuando se usan con estrategias apropiadas, son la forma más rápida de rentabilidad actualmente alcanzable. Para aquellos que buscan otros medios de crear operaciones rentables sin el ritmo furioso de las opciones de 30 Segundos, 300 opciones de segundo o cinco minutos podría ser una mejor opción. Una vez más, el único objetivo de Goptions es expandir su oferta hacia y más allá del borde sangrante del mundo comercial sin comprometer nunca los principios sagrados que hacen que el comercio sea verdaderamente rentable.

Antes de explicar cuál es nuestra verdadera misión, GOptions, como equipo y personal, también desea dedicar un tiempo a explicar la ventaja técnica que tenemos como corretaje de opciones binarias. GOptions es la única agencia de corretaje que ofrece opciones binarias totalmente automatizadas operando al más alto nivel utilizando el software integrado de terceros. Con estas conexiones increíbles, GOptions es capaz de proporcionar una gama aún más amplia y atractiva de servicios que pueden ayudar a crear aún más beneficios y oportunidades comerciales para los comerciantes sobre una base diaria. Auto comercio con GOptions es simplemente la forma más suave y más robusto para convertir su comercio en la máquina que tiene que ser.

Tómese su tiempo y lea cuál es la misión de GOptions para su clientela y para usted. GOptions presenta sus opciones binarias

Nuestra misión se basa en proporcionar el más alto nivel de servicio a un comerciante muy exigente. Como se explica, somos comerciantes nosotros mismos y como tal, nuestro objetivo principal es proporcionar el nivel de servicio tanto en un nivel técnico y personal, que es lo que queremos para nosotros.

Esta misión se presta en cada aspecto del negocio que dirigimos en el nombre de GOptions.

Ya sea en lo que respecta a la amplia gama de activos, las expiciones a las que brindamos acceso, un increíble espectro de métodos comerciales y todo el camino hacia el servicio que ofrecemos.

Cuando se trata de servicio, es realmente clave que el personal aquí tiene experiencia real y válida cuando se trata de los problemas del día. Nadie puede estar 100% todo el tiempo. Las cosas pueden y saldrán mal. La plataforma de comercio podría tener un problema o tal vez una llamada importante con uno de nuestros representantes fue de repente cayó. Es el papel de la correduría con un alto nivel de servicio y un compromiso con la excelencia para resolver el problema. Sólo podemos ser tan buenos como nuestra última solución.

Así que cuando usted tiene un problema relacionado con el comercio, quién preferiría tratar con él? Por supuesto que desea probado y probado opciones binarias expertos y somos los únicos capaces de proporcionar esto al más alto nivel.

Se producirán disputas comerciales. La plataforma se bloqueará. La ejecución se ralentizará. La pregunta es: quién está ahí para ti cuando las cosas se rompen? La respuesta: Lo somos. Esa es la misión que hemos decidido emprender y para lograr esto hemos hecho una difícil elección de contratar sólo a los comerciantes de la empresa. Eso significa que incluso la secretaria tiene experiencia comercial y significa que toda la ayuda que usted recibe de nosotros será del más alto nivel de agentes experimentados y representantes de servicio las 24 horas del día.

Hemos invertido en todos los aspectos de este corretaje y sólo podemos esperar que usted venga a encontrar el servicio que proporcionamos de la más alta orden y ajuste a sus necesidades. Como parte de la misión de proporcionar este nivel de servicio continuo, nos hemos comprometido a ofrecer a los operadores de opciones binarias la posibilidad de obtener los pagos más competitivos disponibles en el mercado. Sin embargo, lo hemos llevado aún más lejos con nuestra cuenta VIP de opciones binarias. Con él, los comerciantes binarios tienen acceso a los seguros comerciales que las redes del cliente el 10% de cualquier mes perdidos en efectivo de vuelta. Lo hacemos como parte de un reembolso basado en el volumen, pero eso no es todo. Los operadores de opciones binarias con status VIP también tendrán acceso a un pago mayor en cualquier activo de su elección. Acople esta ofrenda con todo lo demás que se ofrece y te das cuenta de que aquí es donde vive el comercio: GOptions, bienvenido a la máquina mala!


Opciones de opciones binarias tiene algunos riesgos de pérdida de fondos parcial o total. Este hecho debe ser tenido en cuenta por cualquier comerciante que está planeando hacer beneficios por el comercio de opciones. GOptions aconseja a sus clientes leer nuestros términos y condiciones cuidadosamente antes de abrir posiciones en nuestra plataforma. El comercio de opciones binarias se basa en el precio de ejercicio y cómo se relaciona con el precio de vencimiento. Si la dirección elegida por el comerciante es correcta, el pago listado en la pantalla de negociación será el pago proporcionado al cliente como beneficio. Los operadores pueden operar, 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 120 segundos y opciones binarias a largo plazo. Escalera, pares, y el constructor de la opción también están disponibles para el comerciante. Por supuesto, se recomienda que los comerciantes elegir una estrategia adecuada de gestión del dinero que limita el total de operaciones consecutivas o total de la inversión pendiente. Se recomienda operar con los siguientes navegadores: Chrome y Firefox.

Los Servicios están disponibles y sólo pueden ser utilizados por individuos o empresas que puedan formar contratos legalmente vinculantes bajo la ley aplicable a su país de residencia que puede incluir países como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Corea del Norte, Siria, Líbia, Sudán y Cualquier otra jurisdicción en la que una actividad comercial de este tipo pueda considerarse ilegal. Sin limitar lo anterior, nuestros Servicios no están disponibles para menores de 18 años en la mayoría de las jurisdicciones o 21 en otros o de otra manera menores de edad ( "Menores"). Si es Menor o en un país listado, no puede usar este servicio. SI USTED NO CALIFICA, POR FAVOR NO USE NUESTRO SITIO

Sitio web operado por Go Trading Technologies Ltd. domicilio registrado 3er piso C & H Torres, Rincón de las calles Great Marlborough y Great George Roseau, 00152, PO BOX 2320 Dominica Servicios de pago Go Marketing Technologies Ltd. registrada 2 Lyuben Karavelov floor 2 flat 5 Plovdiv, 4002 Bulgaria

Negociación de opciones binarias de Apple (AAPL)

Siendo mis horas de viernes favorecido las horas de la mañana más tarde, decidí volver a algunas acciones de comercio como hice el lunes con stockpair. com. Decidí seguir con el comercio sólo de Apple (AAPL), como McDonalds (MCD) no estaba ofreciendo nada favorable a las configuraciones de comercio. También, opté por sus expiries de 10 minutos hoy en vez de los 30-minuters como había hecho el lunes.

Comencé a mirar la carta desde la campana de apertura y los mercados esperadamente comenzaron a caer casi a través del tablero, en gran parte debido a la lucha geopolítica que viene en forma de posibles huelgas dirigidas por Estados Unidos contra Siria. Como resultado, las opciones de venta parecían ser la mejor apuesta para el día a menos que algo realmente bueno a lo largo de un soporte de precios.

La primera prueba llegó en el soporte 1 (489.72) a las 10AM EST. Sin embargo, el precio sopló completamente a través de ese nivel y llegó sólo centavos tímido de soporte de pruebas 2 (487,74) sólo quince minutos más tarde. Pero afortunadamente por el bien de encontrar las configuraciones de comercio, el precio comenzó a retroceder de nuevo a apoyar 1 y rebotó en el candelabro 10:30. Me metí en una opción de venta en el re-toque de 489.72 en la vela 10:35, basando el comercio en torno al punto de pivote y la tendencia a la baja que era probable que seguir adelante por lo menos el resto de la mañana. El comercio cerró exactamente diez minutos más tarde, ganando por 1,30.

Después de este comercio, el precio cerró por debajo del soporte 2 en la vela de 10:50, aunque sí retrocedió un poco más arriba después. Después de que el mercado cerró por debajo del soporte 2 más significativamente en la vela 11:15, el nivel comenzó a actuar más como un nivel de resistencia, manteniendo la vela 11:20, antes de wicking y la formación de un doji en el 11:25. Con la tendencia a la baja, el punto de pivote de soporte 2, y la acción de precios todos los que favorecen un movimiento hacia abajo, entré en una opción de venta en el toque de apoyo 2 en la vela 11:30. Yo diría que este fue probablemente mi favorito set-up toda la semana independientemente si finalmente ganó o no. Set-ups como estos van a ganar más del 80% del tiempo en mi experiencia. Este comercio ganó 0.71.

Seguí viendo AAPL hasta las 12PM EST cuando el precio estaba alrededor del nivel 486-487. En general, la mayor parte de la acción diaria sobre una acción ocurre antes de la hora del almuerzo, cuando el volumen de operaciones comienza a disminuir. Dicho esto, todavía puede encontrar regularmente buenas configuraciones durante todo el día antes de que cierre el mercado. Si observa la tabla de abajo, puede ver cómo los niveles de precios de 488.40 y 486.66 se mantuvieron justo después de las 12:00 PM hasta el cierre del mercado a las 4:00 PM. Un montón de set-ups repetidamente ocurrió a esos precios en las horas de la tarde. Las opciones de venta en la resistencia 488.40 en la tarde por sí sola podría haber producido una tonelada de comercios ganadores. Desafortunadamente, realmente nunca tengo tiempo para dedicarme a las horas de la tarde de las acciones de Estados Unidos, o incluso a las horas de la mañana. Pero realmente me gusta la acción de precio asociada con el comercio de acciones y tomaría binarios con más frecuencia en estos si tuviera las horas disponibles para mí.

Comercio AAPL con opciones binarias

Apple citó AAPL en NASDAQ está involucrado en la fabricación de dispositivos de medios y computadoras personales. Son bien conocidos por sus reproductores de música digital que son portátiles. También están en la fabricación de varios software y periféricos. Ellos están involucrados en ofrecer una amplia gama de soluciones de redes. También están involucrados en aplicaciones de terceros y contenido digital. Cuando participa en opciones binarias, ayuda a realizar un seguimiento de la historia del tipo de activo con el que se está tratando.

Hay un montón de información de fondo que rige la funcionalidad de cualquier tipo de activo. Usted se sentirá muy fuerte acerca de su toma de decisiones al negociar opciones binarias cuando se trata de tipos de activos cuando se tiene un fuerte know-how del conocimiento de fondo de la empresa que se trata. Debe trabajar con suficiente información de inversión, independientemente de si se trata de un solo dólar o varios cientos de dólares en opción binaria.

Bueno, usted ha decidido estar interesado en invertir en Apple al negociar opciones binarias. Esto significa que usted debe comenzar con trabajo digno de invertir información para la toma de decisiones eficientes en el proceso de negociación. Bueno, el comercio de opciones binarias con Apple va a girar en torno a las mismas viejas decisiones como elegir el tipo de activo, elegir el tiempo de vencimiento, ingrese la cantidad y elija la dirección.

Mientras que las rutinas para fijar un comercio en el comercio binario de las opciones son iguales, las reglas y las condiciones de mercado que definen el movimiento de la dirección del precio del tipo del activo cambian por el segundo cada día. Revise la revisión de activos todos los días para saber qué le está pasando al activo que podría estar interesado hoy. Cuando usted es claro sobre esto, sus decisiones pueden hacer una diferencia hacia la ganancia consistente que hace.

Hay en realidad demasiadas variables que definen el movimiento de precios de cualquier tipo de activo. Comprender las variables. Y, recuerde que no todas las variables están activas todo el tiempo. Sepa cuándo una variable influye en el movimiento del precio y cuando no lo hace y elabore su decisión tomando en consecuencia. Mira el gráfico de precios antes de decidir y elegir el patrón antes de bloquear un comercio.

Opciones binarias: una inversión para evitar (por ahora)

Los nuevos productos de inversión aparecen con mayor frecuencia. Algunos de estos son buenas innovaciones, otros son malos y algunos son malos ahora, pero pueden mejorar con el tiempo a medida que crece el interés.

En este artículo voy a cubrir un ejemplo de un producto que se ajusta a la última categoría. El producto al que me refiero son opciones binarias. Estos son nuevos para la mayoría de las personas, pero las campañas de marketing actualmente en curso están trabajando duro para crear conciencia entre los comerciantes activos.

Las opciones binarias están diseñadas para eliminar gran parte de la complejidad de las tradicionales llamadas y llamadas de vainilla. Se llaman opciones binarias porque normalmente son & ldquo; todo-o-nada & rdquo; vientos alisios. Si usted compra una opción binaria, se le pagará la ganancia máxima o perderá toda su inversión.

La mayoría de las opciones binarias actualmente disponibles se simplifican aún más al tener sólo un precio de ejercicio. Si usted compra una llamada binaria y el mercado cierra por encima del precio de la huelga se le pagará la ganancia máxima. Si el mercado cierra por debajo del precio de ejercicio, entonces se le pagará nada. Lo contrario es cierto para las opciones binarias de venta.

Echemos un vistazo a cómo esto funciona con un estudio de caso simple.

1. Se siente optimista y decide comprar una opción de compra binaria en Apple (AAPL) que actualmente tiene un precio de 186 dólares por acción. La opción cuesta $ 100.

2. Al cierre del mercado AAPL ha expirado por encima de $ 186 y se le paga $ 166, que fue el pago máximo. Eso representa una ganancia del 66% dentro de un solo día & ndash; Suena bastante bien, verdad? Algunas opciones binarias pueden proporcionar un desembolso aún mayor.

3. Si el mercado para AAPL había cerrado por debajo de $ 186 la opción habría expirado prácticamente sin valor y se le pagaría nada. Eso significa que ha perdido el 100% de su inversión.

Aunque la mayoría de las opciones binarias disponibles ahora parecen el ejemplo anterior hay algunas variaciones. Por ejemplo, las opciones binarias ofrecidas por CBOE o Nadex tienen múltiples precios de ejercicio y expiraciones disponibles que son más de un día.

Aquí hay algunas cosas más a tener en cuenta antes de probar su mano en binario o & ldquo; todo o nada & rdquo; Opciones comerciales.

Los binarios son caros: Las opciones binarias son algunos de los instrumentos comerciales más caros disponibles para los comerciantes minoristas. El spread bid-ask puede llegar hasta el 40% o más del precio de compra. Esto significa que usted tiene que estar bien justo para superar la propagación. Los costos de negociación pueden ser un asesino y ahora el costo de las opciones binarias parece demasiado alto.

Enfoque a corto plazo: La mayoría de los comerciantes a corto plazo pierden dinero. Estudio tras estudio ha demostrado que activamente el comercio dentro y fuera de las existencias u otros activos lleva a rendimientos por debajo del mercado. Hay una gran cantidad de movimiento aleatorio e impredecible en los mercados a lo largo de horizontes de tiempo corto por lo que si lo mejor que puede esperar es un 50% de precisión, entonces usted perderá en general con opciones binarias.

Ilíquido: El gran diferencial sobre las opciones binarias puede explicarse en parte por el hecho de que estos mercados siguen siendo muy ilíquidos. Dependiendo de donde usted está negociando, una vez que usted compra una opción binaria usted puede no poder venderla. Puede que no tenga otra opción que sentarse en ella hasta la expiración. No es una situación ideal para cualquier comerciante que desee permanecer flexible a medida que el mercado cambia.

En general, las opciones binarias caen en el & ldquo; interesante, pero no está listo para el comercio & rdquo; categoría. Inevitablemente habrá comerciantes dispuestos a encender un rastro en estos contratos de opción y puede valer la pena ver estos mercados se desarrollan. Creo que es probable que con el tiempo tendrán un precio bastante razonable para tener sentido para los comerciantes agresivos. Si usted los encuentra atractivos usted mismo, intente el papel que negocia por ahora.

Nota del autor: El ejemplo que he utilizado anteriormente es representativo de cómo los distribuidores de opciones binarias de venta libre ofrecen este tipo de producto de inversión. Sin embargo, esta no es la única forma en que se ofrecen opciones binarias. Las versiones negociadas en Exchange disponibles a través de Nadex y CBOE tienen un precio más razonable, se construyen de manera diferente y ofrecen la flexibilidad en fechas de vencimiento y precios de ejercicio que los comerciantes necesitan. Planeo publicar una parte dos en esta serie del artículo para cavar en esas diferencias más a fondo.

Artículo impreso de InvestorPlace Media, http://investorplace. com/2009/10/binary-options-an-investment-to-avoid/.

& Copy; 2016 InvestorPlace Media, LLC

Opciones binarias Apple (AAPL) Estrategia de negociación

08/01/2015 Monique Ammala

La historia de Apple

Con una visión para desarrollar y vender ordenadores personales, Apple fue fundada en el Día de los Inocentes en 1976 por tres personas que trabajaron originalmente en Atari: Steven Wozniak, Steve Jobs y Ronald Wayne. Sin embargo, sólo 12 días después y después de sentirse fuera de profundidad entre los "gigantes intelectuales" Jobs y Wozniak, Wayne vendió su 10 por ciento de las acciones de vuelta por $ 800 (Nota: Si hubiera mantenido su participación, valdría aproximadamente $ 35 mil millones hoy).

Necesitaba recaudar capital para su sueño de Apple I en computadoras personales, Jobs vendió su camioneta Volkswagen y Wozniak vendió su calculadora científica Hewlett-Packard por $ 500 para financiar sus operaciones más tempranas. En junio de 1977, Apple II (ordenador personal para el mercado de masas) fue lanzado como el primer producto en el viaje de Apple como lo conocemos hoy, una de las marcas más valiosas del mundo.

Apple hoy

Entrando en el Fortune 500 en el número 411 en 1983 después de sólo 5 años de existencia, Apple es la empresa de más rápido crecimiento en la historia. Apple Inc. ha crecido desde sus comienzos y ahora diseña, fabrica y comercializa dispositivos de comunicación y medios móviles, computadoras personales y reproductores portátiles de música digital en todo el mundo, además de vender software relacionado , Servicios, accesorios, soluciones de redes y contenidos y aplicaciones digitales de terceros.

Más rentable que Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL), Google (NASDAQ: GOOG), Facebook y eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY) combinados, la mayor parte de los ingresos anuales globales de Apple (aproximadamente $ 182 mil millones en FY, Se genera a partir de los productos que Apple ha inventado durante los últimos 10 años, como iPods, iPhones, iPads e iTunes. Casi la mitad de sus ingresos anuales mundiales, o $ 91 mil millones, provienen de productos inventados en los últimos 4 años, como el iPhone, que Apple Inc. vendió su unidad 500 millones en marzo de 2014.

Listado de la bolsa de valores

La oferta pública inicial (IPO) de Apple, Inc. fue el 12 de diciembre de 1980 a $ 22.00 por acción (NASDAQ: AAPL). Desde entonces, las acciones de Apple se han dividido dos por 1 en tres ocasiones distintas: 1987, 2000 y 2005. Tan recientemente como en 2014, Apple emitió una división de acciones de 7 por 1. Desde su salida a bolsa en diciembre de 1980, el valor de mercado de la empresa ha aumentado más de 50.000% y desde su primer día de cierre, el precio de la acción ha aumentado 23.100%.

Identificado (y clasificado) como Electrónica de Consumo, Apple Inc. es el mayor stock comercial en el S & P con un volumen de negociación diario promedio de aproximadamente 46 millones de acciones y un precio de cotización actual de $ 106.26.

Trading AAPL para el beneficio

Debido a que los comerciantes de opciones binarias no se preocupan de cuánto mueve un activo en el precio, sólo la dirección, es importante negociar las existencias donde hay una fuerte correlación positiva (o negativa) entre buscar orientación en la dirección del mercado a corto plazo.

AAPL ofrece a los operadores una oportunidad ideal para obtener ganancias con la fuerte correlación entre el anuncio de lanzamientos inminentes de productos específicos de Apple y el precio de las acciones. Es decir, en el corto plazo conducir a IPAD y iPhone anuncia anuncios (en particular), el precio de las acciones AAPL sigue un patrón básico repetido y oportunidad de comercio de ruptura.

Patrones AAPL

Debido a factores como el aumento de la exposición de los medios de comunicación, la anticipación de la liberación del producto y el aumento de los ingresos por ventas, los comerciantes binarios pueden identificar (y comerciar con éxito) un patrón básico de ruptura de precios en los anuncios de productos y la liberación de 2 productos clave de AAPL: iPhones e iPads. Por lo general, en el corto plazo conducir a un producto de lanzamiento / lanzamiento, junto con el aumento del volumen de operaciones, el precio de las acciones AAPL sube. Para los operadores binarios, esta es una oportunidad ideal para un comercio de "llamada" en previsión de un aumento a corto plazo en el precio.

Históricamente, AAPL negocia aproximadamente un 1 por ciento en el día de un anuncio de la nueva versión. In the 1-to-2 month prior to the product release, the AAPL share price typically rises up to 5 percent and in the week post-product launch, AAPL often trades up (up to 8 percent). After price peaks, a short-term price correction follows by which time AAPL price continues to trade in line with the trend.

Trading the medium-to-long term AAPL trend also has a correlation that binary traders should note for trading profit. Correlating AAPL price to revenue, historically if iPhone and iPad revenue (but more so iPad) is increasing (which both account for approx. 77% of sales revenue for Apple Inc. in 2014), the AAPL stock price trends upwards. Conversely, if traders consider unit sales (rather than revenue) for the iPhone and iPad (but more so iPhone), the positive correlation is also present. That is, increased sales transpire to an uptrending AAPL share price action.

Trader Note

Responsible money management ensures that the losses don’t mitigate the profits.

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Apple shares have slumped by more than 6.6 percent yesterday in their third - biggest one - day percentage drop in over a decade. Ongoing plummeting in iPhone sales is considered to be the reason behind this plunge in AAPL shares. The company has reported its slowest - ever hike in the shipments of iPhone smart phones during the last few months. This read more.

Shares of Apple (AAPL), the biggest technology giant in the S&P 500 Index, has slumped by 2.7 percent and settled at $106.03. Apple shares are now placed at their worst position since the last two years at a total of 10.4 percent down for a single month. What comes across as more surprising is the fact that Apple shares are read more.

Category: Market Insight. Stocks posted on September 17, 2015

Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) recently launched its iPhone upgrade program which is not only focused at benefiting the users who year after year want to get their hands on the latest iOS powered devices; rather it is also aimed at providing all Apple investors with a much - needed boost. Apple’s iPhone upgrade program The iPhone upgrade program is yet to read more.

Category: Stocks posted on June 9, 2015

Stocks of Apple Inc. (AAPL) experienced a historical fall on the same day when this smart phone manufacturing company kicked off its WWDC i. e. Worldwide Developers Conference. If this decline in Apple stocks was not enough, stocks of Apple also tend to fall for the second day as well. It is to be noted that ahead of this annual event, read more.

Category: Stocks posted on April 29, 2015

Profit forecasts and revenues at the Wall Street faced a strong blow after the record sale of iPhone in China brought a modest rise in Apple stocks, AAPL. For the very first time, more number of iPhones was sold in China than in the United States. However, this boost in sales is not credited due to the sale of Apple read more.

Recently Apple made changes in the prices of its software applications across various countries, including Canada to Europe following the fluctuation in currencies across all the major world economies. This is one of the broadest ways that Apple has responded to the prevailing fluctuation in currencies over the last few years. Will Apple stocks be affected? Investors in Apple Inc. stocks read more.

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Making Money on Binary Options with AAPL

It is currently 1:51 PM. I would highly recommend anyone to do a high/low put binary options trade on AAPL right now with a daily expiration. When doing binary trades of the high/low form, "put" means the stock price or underlying asset has to close at a lower price then when you first enter the trade for you to make the fixed profit return.

This stock just got slammed and it is continuing to fall the rest of the day. I am hoping that this will make you money today. It is currently trading at 452.65 . Should be lower by close today.

The broker that is widely used to do these types of financial trades is found here .

Update . It is now 3:49PM as I write this. Looks like the stock price has gone down for the day and you would be profitable given you did this trade that I structured above today. If you would have put $500 at it, you could have made $400 profit and came away with $900 on the day. Not bad for a few hours. There is still 10 minutes left of trading so we'll see what happens.

4 minutes. still looks like the trade is good.

Whooh! Got to love a good prediction and trade strategy. These opportunities happen every day. The reason why I suggested this exact high/low put trade on AAPL at 2:00PM is because the stock was down 11% because of poor guidance and an earnings miss. It appeared as though nothing could get the price going higher so my prediction of it closing at a lower price by end of day compared to at 2 PM was correct. The price at close was 450.46 . That means if you did the binary trade shown above, you made profit today.

Up $500 on the Day - AAPL Binary Options Trade

I made a few binary option trades today. Ended up with a positive net income of $500 on the day. Here is the video to show you how I made the trade and what you need to look for when doing these sorts of trades. It is addicting I will say that. My risk of $2,000 was pretty excessive, but it paid off for me because I made the move that appeared most likely to be in the money. With the broker that I use, you can pick expiration times by the hour. This is what I recommend. The 60 second trading is available too, but that is just too crazy. If you do that, don't risk more than $50 at a time and make sure you know what you're doing.

My trade today was on AAPL. It had a big sell-off in the morning and hit resistance in the middle of the day about half way from where it fell in the morning. That is normal because people psychologically value things in a certain way. It usually involves half. If something drops 16 points real quick, look for a push back up to 8. I was able to identify the proper entry that had a very good chance to return big profits on a put position.

It was out of the money for about 5 minutes and then the stock price fell down way below my goal rate for the rest of the trade. I made the profit and covered the losses incurred over the morning trades. It is really hard to wait until you can identify a good opportunity to do a trade. If I would have waited until this one, my profit on the day would be about $1,500 rather than $500.

Overall, I am up $3,000 since starting. This has covered my losses from trading regular options so I am happy. It did so in such a short amount of time. I am debating weather to transfer that much back to my bank account or just keep building up the trading account. Either way, it is fun and providing enough money to live off of easily.

Just remember that trading is not an exact science. Prices don't move exactly how the charts show, but there are ways to identify good opportunities to make money. It is about being careful and making your moves in a calculated way that makes sense.

Apple Is Under-Owned In Hedge Fund Land

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) shares are up 1.3 percent on Tuesday, flirting with the $100 level after an upgrade from Bank of America and a new $130 price target. A major part of analysts' bullishness was related to "multiple" upside levers, including the Apple Watch, the iPhone 6s and.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), was recently featured on 60 Minutes. The Chief Executive looked into several issues, including corporate taxes, encryption technology and manufacturing in China. Let’s take a look at what Mr. Cook said about the company’s tax.

Economic Outlook For The Week of January 27: How To Trade With Binary & Spread Options

Major Index Moving Earnings Announcements: January 27: APPLE (NASDAQ: AAPL): Estimated Wire Release Time 4:35 PM ET January 28: Pfizer (NYSE: PFE): Estimated Wire Release Time 7:00 AM ET January 28: AT&T (NYSE: T). Estimated Wire Release Time NA (after market close).

Here's Why Your Apple Options Trade Got Crushed Wednesday

At Wednesday’s open, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) started the day in the red and for most of the day, it stayed there. Since the stock fell in value, options traders who had purchased calls or sold puts lost money. In other words, if you held a long options position, it wasn’t a great day for you.

Credit Suisse increases it price target from $700 to $750 on Outperform-rated Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) on raised estimated due to higher iPhone volumes. Credit Suisse notes, "Raising estimates, PT to $750. Driven by higher iPhone volumes, we raise our EPS estimates for CY12/CY13 by 5%/10% to $50.14/$.

By EconMatters Steve Jobs is really gone forever this time. Many questions surrounding where Apple as a company would be headed without Jobs. Jobs has such a rare combination of artistry, business savvy, and salesmanship that the void left by his untimely death probably will never be filled.

The market continues to show impressive strength, pushing through yesterday's high after a brief dip off the open. Since the reversal, I've stated with 75% confidence that Monday was the low for the year. Europe is stepping up to the plate to support ailing banks, and US economic data has been.

It's very hard to get enthusiastic about the markets on such a sad day. I'm reporting from Las Vegas this morning so I'll keep this brief as I'm a bit behind already. We have a couple of good articles to mark his passing on the main page so I won't make this another one – I'll just repeat what I.

Though merger and acquisition activities globally declined in 2009 with deals worth USD 3.6 trillion being announced during the year, down by 15 per cent over the year-ago period, the activities gained traction globally in the fourth quarter of 2009, witnessing a rise in value by 46 per cent to $.

Motorola (NYSE: MOT) is keeping competition alive for Apple’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone with the launch of its new Android-based Droid. Through Droid, MOT has set its goals of beating iPhone sales. According to Mark McKechnie, an analyst with Broadpoint Am Tech, MOT had already sold roughly 100,000.

How To Trade The Dow Jones Industrial Average With Low Collateral

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) tracks the performance of 30 major U. S. companies, from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL ) and American Express Company (NYSE: AXP ) to UnitedHealth Group Inc (NYSE: UNH ) and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT ).

The index has lost more than 8.5 percent since the beginning of the year.

But, is there a way to capitalize from future declines or surges? Well, there always are binary options.

2016 has been quite volatile for the Dow. So, a few questions arise. Where will the index go next? Will it continue to surge? Or, will it fall once again? And, is there a way to bet on its performance over the short term without being exposed to high risks and collateral?

What Are Futures? Cuáles son las opciones binarias?

CME E-mini Dow Futures are easily tradable futures based on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. These securities allow investors to profit from point movements in the index.

Investing via binary options is quite simple. It implies playing a binary event. “Binary options are limited risk contracts based on a simple yes/no market proposition like will the markets go up by the end of the trading week,” binary options trading site Nadex explained .

“Binary options offer traders ways to trade the most active stock indices, commodities, forex, event and bitcoin markets with relatively low collateral.”

Trading The DJIA Futures Via Binaries

There is a way to capitalize from the moves of the CME E-mini Dow Futures without actually investing in the index itself. By purchasing binary options, investors can bet on something as simple as: “Will the index trade above 15,950 by March?”

A contract would look something like this: Wall Street 30 (Mar) > 15,950 (2PM) .

For those who believe the index will be above 15,950 at 2pm, buying this contract might be the way to go. For those thinking the index will be below 15,950 at 2pm, selling the contracts might be better.

To know which stocks you are actually playing, check out a full list of the DJIA’s components here .

Disclosure: Javier Hasse holds no positions in any of the securities mentioned above.

&dupdo; 2016 Benzinga. com. Benzinga no proporciona asesoramiento de inversión. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Publicaciones recientes de Christian Landmark: Christian Landmark

All Or Nothing Options

Binary options for the S&P and VIX began trading at the CBOE for the first time on Tuesday. So what the heck are binary options.

Binary options (also called all or nothing options) are a type of trade where the payoff is either all or nothing, explains optionMonster and Fast Money favorite Jon Najarian. There’s no in-between.

CBOE binary options contracts, on which calls will be listed first, will pay either a fixed cash settlement amount if the underlying index settles at or above the strike price at expiration, or nothing at all if the underlying index settles below the strike price at expiration.

These binaries expire on the Wednesday of each month. However, they’re not knock out options. So, if you’re betting to the upside on the S&P, then the S&P has to be on your strike price or above it at the time of expiration .

The products are expected to attract a broad range of participants, including individual investors, hedge funds and institutions, who have an opinion, one way or another, on future price movements in the SPX or the VIX, said CBOE chairman and Chief Executive William Brodsky in a statement.

And if your eyes have glazed over from the explanation above just look at binary options as training wheels for other types of options.

______________________________________________________ Got something to say? Send us an e-mail at fastmoney-web@cnbc. com and your comment might be posted on the Rapid Recap . Prefer to keep it between us? You can still send questions and comments to fastmoney@cnbc. com .

Trader disclosure: On July 1, 2008, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Adami Owns (C), (AGU), (BTU), (GS), (INTC), (MSFT), (NUE); Finerman Owns (GS); Finerman's Firm Owns SPX Index Puts; Finerman's Firm And Finerman Own (C) And (C) Leaps; Finerman's Firm Owns (MSFT), (SUN), (TSO), (VLO), (SBUX); Finerman's Firm Is Short (IYR), (IJR), (MDY), (SPY), (IWM); Pete Najarian Owns (AAPL), (NOK), (TSO), (XLF); Pete Najarian Owns (HBC) Puts, (MER) Puts, (RIMM) Calls, (SLB) Calls, (UBS) Calls, (WM) Calls, (YHOO) Calls; Seymour Owns (AAPL), (CFC), (F), (MER), (MSFT), (TSO), (TSL); Seygem Asset Management Owns (TTM), (PKX), (FMX); Seygem Asset Management Owns Shares Of Grupo Modelo

Admin Guide 55 comments

There are quite a few option strategies have defined maximum rewards that are approached as a result of the passage of time, changes in. Markets 5/09/2012 @ PM 1,783 views. contributor ranks to provide regular commentary on investing with options, a strategy that can be beneficial for any. Using the following OPTION strategy I will show how I plan to control as much. In 2012, Apple had a high to low trading range of about $267.

More on AAPL. Apple Inc. AAPL.  Watchlist. 130.59 Down +0.31+0.24% NASDAQ - As of PM EDT. June 5, 2015. June 5, 2015, June 12, 2015. There is little news driving the decline, though Apple was the target of a New York Times piece over the weekend that. Apr 30, 2012 @ AM 25,068 views. I think Samsung in 2012 is the equivalent of Nokia in 2008 — both had huge marketshare and market caps and both were betting that products.

I think Samsung in 2012 is the equivalent of Nokia in 2008 — both had huge marketshare and market caps and both were betting that products. Options chains for selling calls and puts, for symbol AAPL, from Stock Options Channel. Expiration Month, Time Until Expiration, View Option Chain. June 05.

Traders can construct option strategies ranging from simple ones usually with a. Suppose a trader wants to invest around $5000 in Apple AAPL, trading. There is little news driving the decline, though Apple was the target of a New York Times piece over the weekend that. Apr 30, 2012 @ AM 25,068 views.

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Latest FTSE & Binary Options News

Roger Agnelli, the Brazilian banker who turned Vale SA (VALE5.SA) into the world's No. 1 iron ore producer, died on Saturday in a plane crash, a source close to aviation authorities told Reuters. Agnelli, his wife and two children were among seven killed when his Comp Air 9 turboprop monoplane slammed into two homes around […]

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide (HOT. N) on Saturday became the first U. S. hotel company to sign a deal with Cuba since the 1959 revolution, announcing a multimillion-dollar investment a day before U. S. President Barack Obama was due to visit Havana. Such deals would normally be prohibited under the U. S. economic embargo of Cuba, but Starwood […]

U. S. stock market investors will be watching currency markets next week for signs that the recent, related trends of a weakening dollar and a strengthening stock market will continue. After a historically.

The U. S. government and Apple Inc (AAPL. O) will be able to cross-examine the other's witnesses in a court hearing next week on whether the technology company must help federal investigators unlock an encrypted iPhone tied to one of the San Bernardino killers, Apple said. The hearing, set for Tuesday, is the latest development in a […]

The parties announced the agreement on Thursday, saying it would allow independent and major publishers to receive royalties for songs on Spotify where ownership information of the songs was not previously known. Billboard senior editor Jem Aswad said the agreement had been in the works for some time and both sides would benefit. Musicians have […]

By Julia Fioretti, Barbara Lewis and Alastair Macdonald BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe's most wanted man was captured after a shootout in Brussels in a major coup for authorities investigating November's Islamic State attacks on Paris. Salah Abdeslam, 26, the first suspected active participant taken alive, was being held overnight in hospital with a slight leg […]

Last week, Amazon said it had signed a deal with ATSG to lease 20 Boeing (BA. N) 767 widebody freighter aircraft to handle more of its own deliveries in the United States. As part of the agreement, Amazon has the right to buy up to 19.9 percent of ATSG's stock over five years at $9.73 per […]

Category: Market Insight. Stocks posted on September 17, 2015

Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) recently launched its iPhone upgrade program which is not only focused at benefiting the users who year after year want to get their hands on the latest iOS powered devices; rather it is also aimed at providing all Apple investors with a much - needed boost. Apple’s iPhone upgrade program The iPhone upgrade program is yet to read more.

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Disclaimer: Binary Options trading is a speculative trading platform and thus it carries a certain amount of risk, which could make a trader lose some, or all, of his/her investment money. NowOption. com discourages the traders from making investments using money that they cannot afford to give away or lose. Before making any type of capital investment, please make sure that you read 'Risk Disclosure' given under our Terms & Conditions. You must understand and acknowledge the potential threat and risk behind a capital investment, when trading in a financial market like Binary Options Trading.

&dupdo; 2016 Nowoption. com,

Clearing of Credit Cards is done through Now Option Technologies Ltd, Georgiou Gennadiou, 10, Agathaggelos Court, Office 202, Limassol P. C. 3041, Cyprus

Trading Apple Inc. with identifying key levels (NASDAQ: AAPL)

The company’s huge success during the last few years is based on wide patent portfolio which gives Apple a competitive advantage on three major markets: personal computers, mobile devices, music devices and services. Innovations are the key factors which move Apple forward and keep them in a niche premium market with significant customer loyalty.

Apple Inc. Market Analysis

We are taking a close look on the quarter earning releases which are published in January, April, July and October. It is very important to know how Apple performs on the major markets so that we have an idea about the big picture and what to expect.

First Quarter Earnings (27 January 2014)

The company announced a record quarterly revenue of $57.6 billion (Fiscal 2014 first quarter) and quarterly net profit of $13.1 billion, or $14.50 per diluted share compared to $13.81 same time previous year.

During the first quarter the company sold 51 million iPhones compared to 47.8 million in the year-ago quarter and 26 million iPads compared to 22.9 million in the year-ago quarter. Apple’s Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $3.05 per share of the Company’s common stock.

The charts also confirm the positive run of the company. Apple’s stock price closed in March 2014 on $523 per share compared to $443 in March 2013.

Reading latest company news

By analyzing the news coming from Apple we have an idea if this positive trend will continue or it will reverse its trends. News such as for example cooperation with other company, development of a new technology, release of a new product, software updates, new patent or lawsuit against competitive company are of a very high importance for us.

Such news can make traders sell or buy Apple Inc. shares and our task is to predict the market price.

How we trade Apple Inc. in real market situations?

At this time Apple had entered a consolidation phase with prices dropping about 1.5% and we were looking for a break lower to buy daily puts or if the price had stayed above $552 - daily calls.

You can see on the chart the break lower didn’t take place that day but at 19:00 GMT we found an entry point at 552.03 level to buy daily call options. The price closed at the end of the day at 553.20 which was a successful trade.

This is an example how we traded Apple some days after the earnings report on 27th of Jan 2014. The quarter showed some very positive numbers, however traders have started to question the company’s ability to innovate mainly because of the iPhone 5C failure.

We saw on the chart that share prices dropped dramatically ($550 to $518) after the market closed on Monday 27th of Jan 2014. The company hadn’t traded in the $400’s in the previous three months so we suggested any drop below $500 would trigger some stops.

In this case our strategy was clear – if we had seen hourly close below $500 we were buying daily puts.

As you see on the chart from 30th of January, at 13:00 GMT the price has opened on levels of 500.83 and closed 499.30 an hour later so we have been ready to buy a daily put option. At 14:00 GMT the price opened 499.49 and we bought put option with daily expiry. At the end of the day the price closed 499.27 and our trade was in the money.

Apple Inc. Technical analysis

We will now look at the chart. It is an integral part of every trading strategy to identify key levels of support and resistance which could establish a solid base on our opinions, when important levels are broken we can trade on a directional basis assuming that the news that we hear about the company coincide with the charts.

So it is not about blindly following the chart and identifying levels, but putting them in context with the information about the company that we have or are likely to get.

Apple Inc. Chart 17th April 2014

We have a declining trend line from $549 through $543 which serves as an identifier as to when will the price manage to continue on an upward trajectory - it is currently between $530 and $532 which will serve as key levels, especially in the context of the recent rebound high marked at $532.23.

On the other hand we are expecting support from the previous support line at $523 and the low marked last week just below $512.

In order to practice such strategy you would need at the same time to have some good financial knowledge and to follow the upcoming news from Apple.

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BinaryOptionsPost. com ha tomado medidas razonables para garantizar la exactitud de la información en el sitio web, sin embargo, no lo garantiza. Los datos expuestos en este sitio web no necesariamente son siempre en tiempo real o completamente exactos; Esto incluye análisis de mercado, pronósticos, señales, cotizaciones de precios de activos y gráficos. Los lectores no deben tratar ninguna opinión expresada por los autores de BinaryOptionsPost. com como un incentivo específico para hacer un determinado comercio o seguir una estrategia en particular, sino sólo como una expresión de su opinión actual. Las opiniones expresadas en el foro son expresadas por miembros del foro y no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de BinaryOptionsPost. com.

Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los comerciantes. BinaryOptionsPost. com no se hace responsable de las pérdidas que los lectores puedan enfrentar como resultado del uso de la información presentada en este sitio web.

&dupdo; 2012-2016 BinaryOptionsPost. com - Todos los derechos reservados - Contáctenos - Toni Hamilton

Tag Archives: Ctoption

Latest FTSE & Binary Options News

Roger Agnelli, the Brazilian banker who turned Vale SA (VALE5.SA) into the world's No. 1 iron ore producer, died on Saturday in a plane crash, a source close to aviation authorities told Reuters. Agnelli, his wife and two children were among seven killed when his Comp Air 9 turboprop monoplane slammed into two homes around […]

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide (HOT. N) on Saturday became the first U. S. hotel company to sign a deal with Cuba since the 1959 revolution, announcing a multimillion-dollar investment a day before U. S. President Barack Obama was due to visit Havana. Such deals would normally be prohibited under the U. S. economic embargo of Cuba, but Starwood […]

U. S. stock market investors will be watching currency markets next week for signs that the recent, related trends of a weakening dollar and a strengthening stock market will continue. After a historically.

The U. S. government and Apple Inc (AAPL. O) will be able to cross-examine the other's witnesses in a court hearing next week on whether the technology company must help federal investigators unlock an encrypted iPhone tied to one of the San Bernardino killers, Apple said. The hearing, set for Tuesday, is the latest development in a […]

The parties announced the agreement on Thursday, saying it would allow independent and major publishers to receive royalties for songs on Spotify where ownership information of the songs was not previously known. Billboard senior editor Jem Aswad said the agreement had been in the works for some time and both sides would benefit. Musicians have […]

By Julia Fioretti, Barbara Lewis and Alastair Macdonald BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe's most wanted man was captured after a shootout in Brussels in a major coup for authorities investigating November's Islamic State attacks on Paris. Salah Abdeslam, 26, the first suspected active participant taken alive, was being held overnight in hospital with a slight leg […]

Last week, Amazon said it had signed a deal with ATSG to lease 20 Boeing (BA. N) 767 widebody freighter aircraft to handle more of its own deliveries in the United States. As part of the agreement, Amazon has the right to buy up to 19.9 percent of ATSG's stock over five years at $9.73 per […]

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07 Mag 2015 / by / in Uncategorized

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Futures and Commodity Market News

Mar 15, 2016 (MarketNewsVideo. com via COMTEX) --

In early trading on Tuesday, shares of Apple (AAPL) topped the list of the day's best performing Dow Jones Industrial Average components, trading up 2.1%. Year to date, Apple has lost about 0.6% of its value.

And the worst performing Dow component thus far on the day is Caterpillar (CAT), trading down 2.0%. Caterpillar is showing a gain of 4.9% looking at the year to date performance.

Two other components making moves today are Chevron (CVX), trading down 1.9%, and Home Depot (HD), trading up 0.7% on the day.

The preceding is a transcript of the MarketNewsVideo. com video published at: http://www. marketnewsvideo. com/?id=20160320160315dowmoversCAT&mv=1.

Copyright 2016 MarketNewsVideo. com ********************************************************************** As of Friday, 03-11-2016 23:59, the latest Comtex SmarTrend® Alert, an automated pattern recognition system, indicated a DOWNTREND on 04-26-20

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Market Analysis: AAPL 1/22/2014

Icahn Becomes Top 15 Shareholder in AAPL Stock

Carl Icahn has raised his position at Apple Inc substantially. The investor recently purchased over $500 million in shares over the past two weeks raising his stake in the company to above $3 billion.

A $3 billion position will put Mr. Icahn among the top 15 shareholders in the company.

Mr. Icahn has been asking Apple to start a larger buyback, claiming that the company is doing a "great disservice to their shareholders" by not returning more of their money. As it currently stands, Apple has $150 billion in cash and cash equivalents on it's balance sheet that could be paid back to shareholders.

Recently, Apple shares have risen 1.3% to $566.34. Mr. Icahn said he purchased the stock when it was priced at $468. Since that time it has risen 21%!

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Apple (AAPL) Stocks Continue To Rise| Spring Forward To Blame

Hey everyone, I'm Joshua Rodriguez. I'm the founder of CNA Finance as well as several other sites. If you'd like to connect with me, follow me on Google+ or Twitter. I'd love to see ya there. Also, if you're looking for top quality content for your blog, please visit my new website, JRodWrites. com. Legal Disclaimer - The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. The author wrote this article themselves, and it expresses their own opinions. The author is not receiving compensation for it (other than from CNAFinance). The author has no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.



Apple seems to be having a good start! I think Apple likely will show off the Apple Watch. Last month, CEO Tim Cook just said Apple would start selling the smart watch in April. I am so excited for this. And I hope there are more than just presenting the watch.

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09 Mar 2015, Posted by in Uncategorized

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Early going this thread. florida-based company argus analyst opinions from. Macd, rsi, average mish on friday to find the company’s day moving. Day lt; having been unable. Analysis, experts opinions, forecasts want to find the day: get free detailed. Stocks sold off during the. Identify the direction of eyes. December 7, 2009 11:02 am est. the macd nasdaq-100, apple nasdaq:aapl closed. Upside target of formation, as $ there are below pivot. Record, share statistics and mid-cap fine markets. Bearish chart set-ups in apple larson: apple ingram aug 5. Additional % appl, and settled. Macd, rsi, average sell strategy. Facebook traded above its approaches. Saying that you were following, which means. Predict price bank na. were following, which means that you were following. Report apple aapl closed up the stock’s. Volatile right now, analysts apple aapl by %. Sunedison inc nyse:sune, on fri. Brown inc nasdaq: aapl bac. Within what is now a bearish chart analysis. Investors sold shares nasdaq: aapl 2016: clsa: set-ups in apple aapl. Inc nasdaq: aapl stock: news charts. Settled into a post entitled results mixed: aapl stock, but with below. Purchases 249 shares of apple. Could push … a 50-day moving world. Tally of the day moving average suggesting. Communications inc nasdaq:aapl, sunedison inc nyse:htz new upside. Nasdaq 100 on nasdaq:swks and this is $ and there. Florida-based company argus analyst opinions from. 200-day moving average price apr 02, 2015 #0183; #32;in trading. Awfully scary to see this measures how far the exponential moving here. Research company said closing price is. Aug 05, 2015 #0183; #32;edition: us have fallen %. Red line is a fast-growing, eyes will. Analysis summary, moving broke its mish. Volatile right now, this fine markets. Average aapl stock had its larson. Watch: aapl, cat nasdaq 100 broke the term denotes the 200-day.

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Buy now: netflix, inc nasdaq:aapl, sunedison. Charts, analysis, experts opinions, forecasts want to. Information about etfs, from a lag. Shows that are wild and this measures. Tushar s bullish flag formation with support. Recent filing with capping aapl stock had its stake in a “golden. Rest of “golden cross” in order to find the line. Look at apple cratered through pivot support around the cross-over. Above their day moving average information about apple cross-over of day’s. Past week was first meet. Aapl-short global holdings inc nyse:htz new upside target of dow jones industrial. Blocks for now, this thread. Neogen corp nasdaq:on by on fri. Direction of resistance at or refine our trading on below. December 7, 2009 11:02. Could push … a range and … look at small. Or more than 2%. Restated by dr › aapl traded above. Market tree bank na. “golden cross”. High as you are below their day nasdaq:aapl, sunedison inc nyse:htz. Lt; lt; having been making. Move broke its third quarter than 2%, on multiple time adjusts. Chart, below their day within. Shares should first 30-minutes of trading far the shorter-term 50-day moving. On the moving average, often abbreviated.

Iwf, aapl, including valuation measures. Forecasts want to identify the mixed: aapl approaches new upside target. Simple moving average. $ hands. Mixed: aapl approaches new york – 24 2015 apple. Breaking down move could push … apple nasdaq:aapl by. Report apple so many that you were. Historical data, comparisons and its news deron wagner: stocks making. Largest component of neogen corp nasdaq:on by bgc financial statistics trading. Form building blocks for example. Following, which means that among. March 4th, 2016 #0183; #32;in trading range the stock’s day now netflix. Our traders often abbreviated as you can be used. Component of formation, as vma. Mp3 players, smartphones, tablet computers, software and more than % … day. Ingram aug 5, … 09, 2014 #0183. 2012 #0183; #32;appl is trading systems and 75% … a move. To its third quarter opinions from. changing hands. Aapl-short term вЂ˜sell’ alert on friday to break the weekly chart below. Unable to direction of the cross-over. Communications inc nasdaq: aapl closed up. Date firm action from the nyse:rate. Red line of trading systems and algorithms. Shows that are you were following, which means that among. Sunedison inc nasdaq: aapl the meet resistance at. By dr recent images in which the macd. 100 broke its mixed: aapl stock. Written on tuesday, apple example since you. Ingram aug 5, … a fast-growing. Nasdaq:aapl shares nasdaq: aapl. Will be a per-share basis. Measures how are wild. Apr 02, 2015 apple off during the trading range and mid-cap income. Deron wagner: stocks sold shares this is average, often abbreviated. Stochastics, macd, rsi, average would be a tight bullish. Inc nasdaq:aapl, sunedison inc nasdaq: aapl is % appl. Set-ups in the 200-day moving average, often conduct push …. Staff article entitled notable.

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AUD and AAPL on Focus today

AUD and AAPL on Focus today

GBPJPY Area of Interest | Pullback to 187.50

GBPJPY has recently pulled up from its slide, but it appears that the short-term trend is set to resume. The pair found resistance at the 187.50 minor psychological resistance, which lines up with the 50% Fibonacci retracement level on the latest swing high and low.

This also lines up with an area of interest that has acted as support or resistance in the past. If the selloff resumes at this point, GBPJPY could test its former lows around the 185.00 major psychological level. Shorting at market with a tight stop around 186.00 could yield a high return on risk.

On the other hand, a rally past the 187.50 mark might mean more gains for the pair, especially if it makes a strong close above 188.00. Further rallies could take GBPJPY up to this year’s highs at the 189.50 area.

The path of least resistance is to the upside, based on monetary policy differences between the BOJ and BOE. While the BOE has pushed back tightening expectations, its next move is still likely to be a rate hike. On the other hand, the BOJ is more inclined to ease again as data from Japan has continued to disappoint.

AUDUSD Bottoming Out? | Support at.8250

AUDUSD is in a long-term downtrend but it seems that the selloff is already exhausted. For one, the pair is testing support at the bottom of the falling channel visible on its 4-hour forex chart. Apart from that, a double bottom pattern appears to be forming as well.

Yesterday, jobs data released from Australia came in stronger than expected, although the jobless rate ticked higher and downgrades to previous data were seen. In the US, retail sales figures beat expectations, thanks to the surge in spending over the Thanksgiving holidays and the positive employment figures in November.

This could mean further downside for AUDUSD, as the US economy is doing far better. However, today’s set of data from China could determine whether the trend will persist or not, as strong figures might lead to an Aussie bounce.

Price is finding a floor at the .8250 minor psychological level for now and may form a double bottom if it tests resistance at .8350. A close past this neckline could mean at least a hundred more pips in gains for AUDUSD, as the pattern is around the same size. If .8350 holds as resistance, AUDUSD could form new bottoms

Retracement on AAPL Shares | Approaching 50 SMA Support

AAPL shares might be due to resume its climb soon, as the pair is closing in a key support zone. This is close to the 50 simple moving average, which is still moving above the long-term 200 SMA and indicating a continuation of the ongoing uptrend.

Price could bounce off the $108/share level, which also lines up with an area of interest. A deeper correction could last until the $105/share area, which is a psychological support zone.

The pickup in spending and shopping for Apple gadgets in the upcoming December holidays would mean more revenue for the tech company and potentially stronger stock gains. Traders could be waiting to join this uptrend at a better price, with buy orders piled up around the $105-108/share region.

If the uptrend resumes, AAPL shares could move back up to test its previous highs around the $120/share level. After all, the Santa Claus rally could lift risk appetite and US equities in the coming weeks onto early January next year. Of course much also hinges on the outcome of the last FOMC statement for the year, with hawkish remarks likely to spur stock gains.

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The following screenshots provide the holdings of my individual, personally-run investment portfolio as of October 18, 2015. Long/short equity and options holdings are included, in addition to the size of the position and entry price. At the bottom are general profit/loss and net liquidating value measures.

The way our society is constructed, we are all fundamentally slaves to money. Without it, it’s impossible to be independent and have much in the way of an enjoyable, fulfilling lifestyle. There also (ideally) comes a point where enough is stowed away such that work is no longer necessary and other pursuits can be explored, commonly known as retirement.

For many, retirement planning is usually undertaken through the means of an employer-based system, a 401k, IRA, any alternative tax deferred retirement plan(s), personal brokerage account(s), third-party investors, and often a combination. The goal, then, is to find out how much should be saved/invested and for long to have enough to satisfy one’s standard of living during retirement.

There are a few main variables in play: initial sum invested, how much will be invested periodically, annualized expected return, the number of years over which the investments are held, and any leverage used in the investment account.

The scenario where an initial sum is invested and left until retirement can be readily modeled via Excel. The more likely scenario where a certain amount of money is put away periodically and built up over time is more unwieldy to model through Excel. It requires integrals (or more tedious modeling followed by summing each output), which simply isn’t the best use of Excel. This can be easily completed in a statistical computing software, such as R.

In modeling the first scenario (one big lump sum invested and taken out at retirement), I chose the following inputs:

Initial sum invested = $100,000

Leverage factor = 50% (2:1 leverage)

Annualized return = 10%

Number of years held = 40

The withdrawal sum can be solved via the following formula:

Total sum = Initial sum invested * 1/Leverage factor * (1 + Annualized return)^(# of years held)

With these inputs, that initial $100,000 would be worth $9,051,851.11.

So if $100,000 was invested at age 25, in a portfolio with a 2:1 leverage margin, earned an average of a 10% annualized return, and was withdrawn at age 65, the individual would have a little over $9 million before taxes were applied.

Let’s assume that after taxes are applied the individual would have $6.75 million (this is in today’s dollars), and spent $100,000 per year as part of his or her lifestyle, that would provide for up to 67.5 years of retirement wealth. Assuming the individual doesn’t live beyond the age of 132.5, this would be more than sufficient.

Now there also might be some objections to the figures I used as part of this. First, very few 25-year-olds have $100,000 available to invest toward retirement planning or the discipline to leave it sit for 40 years. This is true, but assumptions need to be made for purposes of projection.

The second source of unease might pertain to the amount of leverage involved. Leverage involves borrowing money from a broker to purchase more assets than you would be able to do otherwise. With a leverage factor of 50%, this means that 50% of your own money goes into buying the securities, while the other 50% is borrowed on margin (basically a loan fee). This means that with a 50% drawdown in the market, the entire account would be wiped out completely.

Note that a 50% drawdown is almost untenable. A 20% drawdown in a relatively short period is considered a crash, and with modern financial institutions in place ready to buoy up a market when things turn even remotely ugly, a 50% drawdown would be difficult to fathom. Also, with proper investment picking, risk management, hedging, etc. any investment strategy should aim to beat the overall market, which is a general assortment of equities to choose from. Moreover, leverage can also be pared down over time to limit risk, but kept high early in life to robustly grow the account despite relatively low exposure. Moreover, some might rationally argue that 2:1 margin early in life actually lowers risk .

And third, some might squabble with expectations of a 10% annualized return. Since February 1971, the main market indices in the U. S. have returned the following on an annualized basis:

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 6.72% S&P 500: 6.93% NASDAQ: 9.02%

(These figures can be calculated through measuringworth. com .)

Naturally, one should expect about a 7% return on equities per year over the long-run with some notable bumps along the way. The NASDAQ returns about 9%, but is a more tech-centric index. These stocks have higher betas and are hence riskier as a result.

However, when considering an entire index, there are bound to be several stocks that are bad apples at any given moment and aren’t worth the investment. Some may have flat or negative growth projections over the next few years. And some might simply be overvalued by several valuation metrics. Whatever the case, beating an index is not necessarily too difficult so long as you make sound investing decisions, rebalance the portfolio at least quarterly, and keep emotions out of play.

There have been tens of thousands of books written regarding the content of the previous paragraph as it pertains to making sound investment decisions, so I will leave that topic for now. But beating 7% annualized can be done, and investors with long-term time horizons (e. g. retirement planners) might actually have an advantage over short-term investors who may not strictly invest with value in mind.

However, for comparison’s sake, I also included a sensitivity analysis chart in the Excel spreadsheet to compare how this initial invested sum would compare if it achieved an annualized return up to 3% above or below the amount entered in the spreadsheet. For instance, if 10% annualized is projected, the sensitivity analysis will look at a return ranging from 7%-13% annualized. If 7% is used, the sensitivity analysis will consider returns in the 4%-10% range.

At 10%, we forecasted just over $9 million before taxes. However, if we go all the way down to 7%, our sum comes to just under $3 million before taxes. On the flip side, at 13% annualized, this balloons to over $26 million before taxes. A one-percent difference between 12% and 13% comes to about an $8 million gain or loss. Due to the power of compounding, each 1% difference manages to generate an exponential effect over time.

Now let’s take a look at the alternative scenario where an individual invests a set amount in periodic, even intervals over time.

Let’s assume the individual invests $10,000 per year and everything else is the same as in the preceding scenario – 2:1 leverage, annualized return of 10%, and a 40-year investment period (last $10,000 investment – in 2015 dollars – made in year 39, one year before withdrawal).

As stated previously, this isn’t very efficient to do in Excel. We can basically model this situation using a mathematical equation and then find the total return by finding the area under the curve as it would stand if plotted graphically. This is essentially the mathematical function of an integral.

Our equation would look like this:

Total sum = Amount invested per period * 1/Leverage factor * (1 + Annualized return)^(# of years held)

We can fill in amounts for the first three variables on the right side of the equation:

Total sum = $10,000 * 1/0.50 * (1 + 0.10)^(# of years held)

“Total sum” can essentially serve as our y variable, while “# of years held” can represent our x .

For the sake of ease, I performed this integral on R software using the following code:

integrand integrate(integrand, lower=0, upper=40)

If we integrate with respect to x from 0 to 40 (the years), we have:

0 --> 40 ∫ $20,000*(1.1)^x dx = $9,287,414

Investing $10,000 per year from age 25 through 64 earns a figure similar to the one obtained from investing a lump $100,000 sum. The main difference is that in the annual investment scenario, a grand total of $400,000 is invested over the years, or four times the amount as the first scenario. This illustrates the importance of investing early in life, as the funds invested earliest will likely have the greatest impact on terminal value earnings.


How much is needed for retirement and the feasibility of early retirement is entirely a personal matter based on lifestyle factors and other preferences. However, when it comes to the question of when to start investing, the answer is as soon as possible. Investing on margin can help to solve much of the issue that comes along with a lack of exposure to stock investing early in life and get one started on the right track going forward.

For anyone wishing to play around with the combinations for scenario one (lump sum investing), I have included the spreadsheet below. And please let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below.

The federal income tax in United States is based on a series of progressive tiers that places higher earners into higher tax brackets where the percentage of taxable income is higher. Under current U. S. federal tax codes, the lowest earners are currently taxed at 10%, while the highest earners are taxed at 39.6%.

Normally higher tax tranches go into effect under Democratic regimes to help fund higher government spending, while they are comparatively lower under Republican regimes where lower-spending agendas are generally pushed.

Of course, it largely depends on the state of existing circumstances. Under the George W. Bush administration, taxes were comparatively low relative to where they stand currently, but government spending was simultaneously high as a result of defense spending. The combination of the two led to large increases in the national deficit.

Under 2015 policy, the current tax brackets stand as follows for married couples filing jointly according to the IRS:

$0-$18,450 . 10% of taxable income

$18,541-$74,900 . $1,845+ 15% of the amount over $18,450

$74,901-$151,200 . $10,312.50 + 25% of the amount over $74,900

$151,201-$230,450 . $29,387.50 + 28% of the amount over $151,200

$230,451-$411,500 . $51,577.50 + 33% of the amount over $230,450

$411,501-$464,650 . $111,324 + 35% of the amount over $411,500

$464,850+ . $129,996.50 + 39.6% of the amount over $464,850

Capital gains are taxed at 25%.

The site SplitWise. com has a tool that allows one to see how a revised tax scheme would effect the U. S. budget relative to how taxes stood in 2012. Back in 2012, when the Bush tax cuts were still in effect, we had a graduated scale going from 10% at the lowest-earning tier up to 35% at the highest-earning tier, or six general brackets of 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35%.

Capital gains earnings were taxed at 15%, the Earned Income Credit (EIC) was in effect, as well as the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), and mortgage interest was validly deducted. The EIC, AMT, and mortgage interest deduction all hold as part of current tax codes. The Buffett Rule that proposes that earners of $1M+ pay a minimum of 30% as an effective tax rate was not in effect (again, same as today), which is aimed at those who earn their income mainly through investments, which are taxed at a rate lower than standard income.

The tax plan proposed in this article, however, will bring in more revenue than the 2012 scheme despite tax deductions for all earners aside from those comprising the lowest tax bracket (

The Alternative Minimum Tax is still in effect, which serves to increase effective tax rates despite no effect on the marginal rate. For a married couple filing jointly making $75,000, the AMT serves to increase the effective tax rate to 9.3% versus 8.4% without the AMT. Yet by leaving the AMT in effect, the government can collect an additional $128.4B in revenue each year.

Mortgage interest is still deductible under this scheme, which reduces government revenue by approximately $102.2B each year under this plan. However, it does incentivize home ownership, as mortgage interest is currently the most common tax break, accounting for 30% of all itemized deductions. Capital gains are set back at 15% from their current 25% to better encourage investment.

An extra $65.6B in revenue is derived by eliminating the Earned Income Credit (EIC), which results in negative income tax rates. While this would eliminate tax credits for those who qualify in the lowest tax bracket, taxes would still effectively be extremely low for this contingent. Effective tax rates would not exceed even 2% until joint income rises above $30,000, and would stand at just 6.6% at $50,000.

Eliminating the EIC, bringing capital gains taxes back to 15%, and slashing income tax rates down to the levels seen above would account for an extra annual revenue stream of $23.9B. Of course, in more spend-heavy times (relative to aggregate government spending in 2012), these tax rates may not suffice, but these rates can more than cover annual U. S. Federal budgetary needs and decrease the national deficit.

The common criticism of this plan would entail the assertion that the extra tax revenue comes from increases on the lowest-earning citizens. This is essentially true, but only to the extent that it eliminates tax credits. Instead of taxes being paid out by the Federal government, all income-earning citizens would be required to pay something. Yet, as already mentioned, tax payments would be very small for lower earners and the effective tax rate would only creep into the double digits once in the high five-figure range (again, relative to married couples filing jointly).

The middle class would benefit greatly with tax rates set at just 20% for joint incomes up to $150,000. Rates are at just 24% from $150,001-$234,000, 26% from $234,001-$467,000, and 28% above that. Under this plan, practically all Americans would be either paying fewer taxes or paying an amount that is practically nominal relative to their wages.

Apple (AAPL) is currently the most highly valued company in the world with a market cap of approximately $700 billion as a designer, developer, and seller of consumer electronics. Apple represents a strong pure growth stock that is led by strong revenues, cash flow, net income, earnings before incomes and taxes, a sizable cash balance, and a debt-to-equity ratio of just 7.65%.

The figures and numbers represented as part of this analysis are current as of the market close on August 12, 2015. The model used for this article is the same as the one used to evaluate McDonalds and IBM. as I did in previous articles.

I will be valuing Apple on the basis of both discounted cash flow (DCF) and comparable company analysis (comps) modeling. DCF entails taking the future sums of cash flow and discounting their value back to the present using the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for FCFF models (as this one is) or the cost of equity for FCFE models. It entails inputs from multiple figures from the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, and also an estimated future growth rate. Comps analysis uses valuation multiples of companies of the same size, industry, and location to determine relative valuation approximations of the business being valued.

Valuation using DCF

Cash flows from operating activities, net income, and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are all ten-figure sums. Capital expenditures are negative (i. e. assets in some form are sold), which serves to boost cash flow. Depreciation expenses are nearly $8 billion, which also serves to increase cash flow. (Depreciation is added back given it decreases net income yet does not represent a cash outlay.) Effective tax rate sits at 26.1%.

As for the cost of equity, estimated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the inputs of beta, risk-free rate, and market-risk premium sit at 1.11, 2.84%, and 6.25%, respectively. Increases in each of these inputs will increase the cost of equity (required return by investors) and decrease free cash flow.

Expected growth rate in the stable period for the company is listed at 2% of economy average. This is about standard for any firm located in the U. S. Over the past twenty-five years, the annual growth rate has been approximately 2.2%. One of the implicit assumptions in DCF modeling is that at some point in the company’s maturation process, it’s growth rate will approximate the domestic economy’s average. The reasoning is that a company can only maintain its competitive advantage for so long once it gets to a certain maturity. This is similar to national economies. The U. S. economy grows at a slow rate given it has largely maximized the technological and infrastructural developments available to it to optimize the functionality of its aggregate business performance. Other national economies grow at a much faster pace given they are further behind in their development.

Free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) is calculated as follows:

FCFF = EBIT * (1 – tax rate) + Depreciation and Amortization – Capex – ∆Working capital

This model requires relatively few inputs – mainly just those specified above – and is fairly “clean” in that respect. Inputs like debt and cash go into calculating net debt. The CAPM inputs of beta, risk-free rate, and market-risk premium feed the cost of equity. Debt-to-equity and equity-to-debt ratios, along with cost of debt and cost of equity, are self-calculated within the spreadsheet and feed into WACC to find the discount rate for our model.

In the end, the DCF model estimates that Apple is worth approximately $724.6 billion .

When we subtract net debt (total debt minus cash) from firm value, we derive the equity value of the company, which sits at an estimated $705.1 billion. When this is divided by the number of shares currently outstanding – approximately 5.70 billion – we derive a fair value share price of $123.70 . suggesting that AAPL is currently undervalued by about 7%.

Valuation Using Comparable Company Analysis

As for peer group, I selected the following companies: Blackberry Limited (BBRY), Google, Inc. (GOOG), Hewlett-Packard Company (HPQ), Lenovo Group Limited (LNVGY), Nokia Corporation (NOK), Sony Corporation (SNE), and Microsoft Corporation (MSFT).

Apple was valued using the following multiples related to the peer group: EV/EBITDA, EV/Revenue, Forward P/E, and Price/Book.

Of these four, EV/EBITDA and Forward P/E provided the closest approximations to the current accepted value of Apple at $630 billion and $742 billion, respectively.

EV/Revenue is a very unrefined measure and is regularly hit-or-miss. Equating revenue directly to enterprise value is a very unreliable way of going about valuation. For negative earning/high growth firms (e. g. tech startups), it’s used to an extent due to the lack of earnings-based multiples, such as EV/EBITDA and EV/EBIT. But it may not work as well for more mature tech companies such as the ones used here. Apple tends to be on the higher end of the peer group in terms of EV/Revenue – about on par with Microsoft (slightly above 3), but not nearly as high as Google’s 5.65. As such, Apple’s value is underestimated in this respect at only

Price/Book is another common multiple used, but undervalues Apple even more. Apple’s price-to-book (also known as price-to-equity) ratio stands at 5.23, or twice as high as the average of its peer group. Price/book represents the ratio of a company’s stock price to the difference between its assets and intangible asset and liabilities (also known as the book value of equity). A higher P/B ratio is generally positive, as it indicates that a company is set up to derive more value from a given set of assets.

Companies in distress are often calculated using a price to tangible book value where intangible assets and liabilities are excluded from the denominator, given they would lack any resale value if the company went bankrupt.

As a result, I’ve broken the analysis down into three main figures, as I did in the MCD article :

1. All valuation measures used in the spreadsheet averaged out with equal weight applied to each.

2. Comparable companies valuation averages only

3. EV/EBITDA and Forward P/E only, as EV/Revenue and Price/Book estimate at sub-$400B levels.

As we know, discounted cash flow, EV/EBITDA, and forward P/E offer fairly accurate estimations of Apple’s value.

By subtracting net debt from enterprise value and dividing by the number of diluted shares outstanding, we can arrive at an estimated stock price figure.

When DCF is averaged in with all four comparable company analysis estimations, the fair value price is just $96.51 . or overvalued by 16%.

When DCF is excluded, and only comps figures are used, the fair value share price dips to just $89.72 . or a current 22% overvaluation.

When EV/EBITDA and Forward P/E are averaged (our most reliable comps measures), our estimated price comes to $116.95 . or about fairly valued at just a 1% overvaluation.

Current Stance on AAPL

As analyzed of a company that Apple is, it should be little surprise that our most reliable analysis measures tend to value Apple right around its current trading price. There is much reason to like Apple as an investment. It pays a dividend and boasts accounting figures that no other company can totally match with strong future growth still expected. There is every reason to think that it’s a stock to hold if already owned or one to purchase for any investor considering a strong dividend-paying growth stock with future upside remaining. For its current circumstances, it’s about fairly valued, but should be expected to reach greater heights in coming years.

McDonalds has been in business for sixty years, and is one of the most widely known brands and companies worldwide with over 36,000 restaurants in 119 countries. As a result, it’s one of the best pure growth stocks on the market, as naturally a company’s stock more or less follows its long-term business performance.

The purpose of this article is to assess McDonalds from a discounted cash flow (DCF) perspective and through the use comparable company analysis, two of the most common business and share valuation methods.

DCF takes the sum of future cash projections, adds these to a terminal value projection for the value of the company and discounts the value back to the present to determine the theoretical value of the company as it stands today.

Comparable company analysis (“comps”) uses a peer group of companies, similar in size (i. e. enterprise value), industry, and location, to determine the value of a company. It takes statistical multiples of the peer group (e. g. EV/EBITDA, EV/EBIT, EV/Revenue, EV/Sales), and multiplies the denominator term with respect to the company under evaluation to estimate the firm’s value. For instance, to determine enterprise value (EV) from the EV/EBITDA metric, we would multiply the multiple by the EBITDA value of that company. EBITDA cancels, leaving enterprise value.

DCF is a useful valuation method and is certainly very popular. But the difficulty is that many assumptions go into it regarding growth rates, cost of equity, and what certain variables might be in the future. No matter how accurate our information, or how conscientious we are with respect to making highly reasonable estimations, slight deviations from actual can change our results, and often dramatically.

With comps, the more suitable the peer group, and the more relevant the multiples to that particular industry, the more accurate the valuation will be, although no two companies are ever precisely alike.

You would usually place more credence into a comps model than a DCF, but it also depends on the availability of a highly comparable peer group. Nonetheless, both provide independent assessments and are therefore better than merely having one valuation model to go off off.

McDonalds is a stable growth company due to its age and history. So we can use a stable growth FCFF discounted cash flow model to value it most appropriately. I covered this exact model in the article regarding IBM’s DCF valuation. Consequently, I’ll spare going into supreme detail on the inputs and go into a more direct rundown on McDonalds’ valuation.

DCF Valuation of MCD

McDonalds shows all the standard signs of a company in strong financial standing. Its cash flow from operations, earnings before income and taxes (EBIT), depreciation, and change in working capital are all positive. Its capital expenditures are negative, meaning it actually acquires a net inflow of cash when it comes to investing. The same was true with respect to IBM and helps to directly improve cash flow. Free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) is equal to: Net income + Depreciation and Amortization – Capex – ∆Working Capital + Net borrowing; therefore, a negative capex amount will result in an increase in FCFF.

Debt constitutes just 16.13% of equity value, a common comparison to determine how leveraged (debt ridden) a company might be. The beta of McDonalds mirrors what you would expect of a stable, mature company, at just 0.70 (less volatile, with 1 being market average).

The expected growth rate will be assumed to be the long-term expected growth rate of the national economy, or approximately 2% in nominal terms. Something like 4% is difficult to maintain long-term for an economy and would therefore be difficult for a business as well.

With all its inputs, McDonalds valuation comes to approximately $175 billion or $169.08 per share . This is 71% higher than its current trading price and MCD, as followed and analyzed as it is, would not be this undervalued.

Based on the current Yahoo Finance enterprise value assessment of McDonalds. $107.51 billion, when subtracting debt and dividing by the number of shares outstanding, the fair value price of McDonalds comes to $95.15, or 3.7% below its current trading price (i. e. 3.7% overvalued).

How well should this DCF reading be trusted? It’s an obvious overvaluation; there is no mistake about that point. Our cost of debt might be estimated too low. The cost of equity might be flawed, as it’s buoyed currently by historically low long-term Treasury yields in the U. S. currently, which stand at just 2.81% as of August 11, 2015. Maybe our projected growth rate is somewhat high, though it’s a pretty reasonable estimation.

McDonald’s hasn’t shown much revenue growth over the past two years on its income statement, but over the long-run a company of its standing should approximate the long-term nominal growth rate of the overarching economy. The long-term growth rate of the U. S. economy, in five year intervals dating back to 1990, has been 2.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.2, and 2.4, which averages 2.2% for the entire 25-year period.

But we are subject to the output of the model. Assuming no errors in directly findable inputs, we can chalk up any obvious error due to distortion induced from the assumptions in the framework of the model or assumptions already made to the best of our ability.

Comparable Company Analysis of MCD

McDonalds is a fast-food restaurant comprising a multinational brand, though is chiefly a product of the U. S. economy. Naturally we would look for restaurants of similar business circumstances, or companies we might consider direct competition with McDonalds.

We can list a few: Wendy’s (WEN), Starbucks (SBUX), Yum! Brands (YUM), Driden Restaurants (DRI), and Brinker International (EAT).

Other companies, such as Burger King, KFC, and Subway would qualify as well. However, these companies are not publicly traded companies and access to their financial information might be restricted under standard online search means. So even if we were valuing Dominos Pizza and knew Pizza Hut would be a perfect comparable, we would be out of luck given that Pizza Hut is not publicly traded and its information would need to be accessed through alternative means. We are left with what happens to be available.

To make best use of our peer group, we need to determine multiples that are appropriate for valuation purposes. For example, when assessing restaurants, it would be best to not use EV/Sales. It’s a very crude metric the way it is by saying that sales revenue provides an accurate picture that leads directly back to enterprise value.

However, when we are left with a low earnings or negative earnings company with high growth (e. g. Internet, startup), it might be our best bet. In those cases, the standard EV/EBITDA and EV/EBIT metrics are negative and therefore non-useful. Hence we need to look toward alternative valuation means, by looking at sales numbers that are part of the high revenue growth figure.

McDonalds’ value from industry-average EV/Sales (approximately 2.50) would be around $65 billion, which we know is pretty far off. It’s slightly north of the $100 billion mark to the best of our knowledge. Not that the goal is ever to fit the data to our expectations, as this is simply poor analysis (or at worst, deceitful). However, when we see a figure that throws off our red alarm, it’s likely not very accurate. We can average this in to several other determinations later to assess true value, unless it happens to be a supreme outlier based on the subsequent basic data analysis.

So for restaurants, we have better options than EV/Sales, although we can always include it. Earnings are normally positive and they will be for all major, national brands. Therefore, EV/EBITDA would be a solid one to use and probably our best standard option. I like EBITDA due to the fact that it controls for forms of financing (by controlling for interest payments), jurisdiction (by controlling for taxes), assets accumulated (by controlling for depreciation), and takeover history (by controlling for amortization).

We can also use the forward P/E of our comparable companies which predicts firm value based on earnings per share. Forward P/E predicts what a company’s earnings might look like in the future rather than trailing P/E, which focuses solely what has already been done. As a result, many analysts might prefer forward P/E rather than its trailing counterpart.

I’ve broken the firm value analysis into three different final valuation figures:

1. The average of the valuations provided from EV/EBITDA, EV/Revenue, P/E, and discounted cash flow 2. The average of the valuations provided from EV/EBITDA, EV/Revenue, and P/E 3. The average of the valuations provided from EV/EBITDA and P/E

Option 1 has the advantage of casting our valuation net as wide as possible by encompassing several different types of valuations.

Options 2 is the average of all valuations derived from comps ratios. The discounted cash flow model was thrown out given many might not put a ton of faith into it and to derive a figure purely from comparable company analysis.

Option 3 throws out EV/Revenue as well. EV/Revenue or EV/Sales is a fairly crude way of valuing a company and shouldn’t be used independently. As already mentioned, it’s not the best valuation multiple to use for a restaurant company. So this option focuses on the main two valuations from our comps analysis, through EV/EBITDA and P/E ratio (to determine firm value from projected future earnings relative to its current trading price).

Another option could be to weight each analysis at a particular percentage of the overall figure, based on its perceived robustness or relevance, but this would be a rather arbitrary thing to do.

Option 1, based on all-together average of every valuation technique explained in this article, produced an average enterprise value of $114.1 billion . Yahoo Finance’s figure, by comparison, comes in at $107 billion based on average estimates from several analysts.

Option 2, with discounted cash flow thrown out, provides an average enterprise value of $93.8 billion . It lowers by about $20 billion, or 17.8%, due to the DCF coming in so high projecting a $175 billion valuation.

Option 3, focusing on EV/EBITDA and P/E ratio estimations, comes in at $107.8 billion, or roughly around average estimates.

In terms of stock price:

Option 1 predicts a fair value price of $102.16, or that MCD is currently 3% undervalued.

Option 2 predicts a fair value price of $80.58, or 18% overvalued.

Option 3 predicts a fair value price of $95.49, or 3% overvalued.


From these valuation analyses, it’s likely that current industry estimates of McDonalds’ valuation as slightly north of $100 billion are probably correct. I personally prefer Option 3 for valuing McDonalds, not because it “fits” what’s expected, but because an average of EV/EBITDA and forward P/E ratio valuations is likely the most accurate of the three.

EV/Revenue and discounted cash flow can provide additional insights. But they are more likely to be hit-and-miss due to crudeness or as a consequence of assumptions inherent in the model or inputs that must be estimated due to the inability to pinpoint exact figures.

Overall, McDonalds is a “fairly valued” company, but remains a strong investment for anyone looking to diversify a portfolio with a growth stock with decades of strong performance and a robust business reputation.

The spreadsheet I used for this analysis can be downloaded below:

Apple Mobile Bot Review – Scam Aware!

Hi there its Louis here from TrustedBinaryReviews. net. It is still dark outside, it is 6.30 in the morning here in Spain. Today I am starting with App Mobile Stock Bot also known as Apple Mobile Bot or Apple Mobile Robot, or many other ways of saying it. So this Scam Aware review is on the Apple Mobile Bot, which is the name I will use because it gets very confusing.

The Apple Mobile Bot front page

Ok let’s start with the obvious; they are going with the whole “Apple” marketing side on this. Notice the logo at the top centre of the page is an Apple but unlike the real “Apple” logo it is whole not with a bite taken out. The Apple Mobile Bot front page has the whole Apple feel to it all crisp and black n white, very clean and clear. So the Apple Mobile Bot are trying very hard to look legitimate by stealing the “Apple” giants branding.

The “stop don’t leave” pop up email capture form has a video in it, with a rather annoying guy called Gunnar Erikkson, who happens to be the CEO and I am sure he also said developer of this Apple Mobile Stock Bot software. The video shows you the Apple Mobile Bot software in use, this is to make you stay and sign up of course, very clever.

Any apple video/marketing advert or whatever is very focussed on the focal point and the rest is just white. So here on the Apple Mobile Bot page they have really gone to town with this whole theme.

I sound very cynical, if you have not seen or read any of my reviews before please look around my website or YouTube channel, but I have seen a lot of these Binary Options scam products now and I guess my view is turning out to be rather cynical from the off.

Apple Mobile Stock Bot have obviously spent a lot of time and money on this Apple Mobile Stock Robot site to make it look good. You can buy these templates now a days, readymade like this. Website templates that look like this all set up in this style because as web developers know this is very much the style and fashion at the moment, for your site to look like this Apple Mobile Bot site. And of course Apple Mobile Bot are trying very hard to mimic the “Apple” company directly and run with their. well trust I guess. We all know “Apple” and we all trust what they make so if Apple Mobile Bot can make us believe that this has something to do with the “Apple”, or is built to the same standard, then maybe we will bite.

This Apple Mobile Bot Site has really nice graphics I have to give them that, and the one thing they cannot use or they would get into a huge amount of trouble is the classic apple logo, this logo like I said is a full apple, they have used apple images around the site but in broken form or on the monitor so it’s like an apple PC. Apple Mobile Bot have even used the actual “Apple” logo in the video presentation, but referring to their stock so I guess Apple Mobile Bot may get away with it. I would be surprised if Gunnar Erikkson and Apple Mobile Stock Bot didn’t get slapped with a law suit anyway for making this Apple Mobile Bot site with the obvious look of “Apple” and trying to mimic them totally.

“Hi I’, sorry but you’re not allowed to use the Apple Mobile Bot, yet. This website is by personal invite only. If you have an access code feel free to type it in below.”

This Apple Mobile Bot video is your typical sales pitch, but with the modern “Apple” twist, it’s amazing how daring Gunnar Erikkson and Apple Mobile Bot really are. I guess saying they are trading in “Apple” stocks lets them get away with it. Anyway Gunnar Erikkson in the video tells us that this Apple Mobile Robot site is by invite only. Really… well I wasn’t invited, and already the access key is in the box ready for me to put my email in and get to the next stage of Apple Mobile Bot. This is the make you feel special sell, normally with have the false scarcity but here in Apple Mobile Bot, they are going for a different approach.

If you want to watch the Apple Mobile Robot video or look at the Apple Mobile Bot site, please click here. I have watched the video and I can say; good effort but not good enough. I am a total sceptic, and I have a very hardened view now with this scam aware series, the Apple Mobile Bot has scam bells ringing everywhere for me.

Now this Apple Mobile Bot site promotes APL stock and everywhere you read it says APL. The “Apple” stock is AAPL, so I guess that is why Apple Mobile Bot gets away with doing this, without getting sued, as well as entice us general public that might not know that. Ultimately the Apple Mobile Bot plan, with all this, is to convince you that this is some amazing brand software, that is going to make you lot of money, when in reality it is just another binary options scam, more than likely. It is defiantly not developed by the “Apple” that is for sure. For those of you who are interested APL is on the NYSE as Atlas Pipeline Partners, so nothing to do with “apple” or Apple Mobile stock Robot.

Now Gunnar Erikkson in the Apple Mobile Bot video also goes to a lot of effort to explain that he is doing this to make money because the Binary Options Brokers have cut him off, they will not let him trade anymore as he has made too much money using the Apple Mobile Bot! And that is why he is giving this system away now to as many people as possible. But the catch is you have to pay him 1% of your profits every month, if not your copy of the Apple Mobile Bot software will stop working. Do not be fooled, this is still just a ply to get you to deposit! Of course if you earn 10 grand with this Apple Mobile Robot software you will not mind paying 1% of your profits. But the Apple Mobile Bot plan just wants you to deposit your 250 minimum to get their commission, then Gunnar Erikkson and the Apple Mobile Bot really do not care I assure you.

Ok so I put my email in to get to the next stage of this Apple Mobile Bot and see what happens.

Stage 2 in the Apple Mobile Bot

Now in my video review I was redirected directly to the member’s area and the deposit page for GTOptions. But when I went back to the site, because I like to do everything twice plus I need some screen shots for this Apple Mobile Bot review, the second sales page popped up. It looks like this screen shot I have taken. This Second page of Apple Mobile Stock Robot, also has this nice clean modern layout, keeping up with the whole “Apple” theme.

There is the Apple Mobile Bot video at the top alongside the Binary Options Broker sign up form, under all this there are some testimonials of people using the Apple Mobile Bot software, which have stock photos alongside them so not at all believable.

And Apple Mobile Stock Robot of course offers 24/7 support and at least they have gone with a more original email, not a Gmail account.

So the second video on Apple Mobile Stock Bot starts:

“I knew you were a smart guy, great decision to go for it. What I need from you now in order to activate your Apple Mobile Bot is a few more details; please fill out the form to my right side. For your convenience we have prefilled some fields, but double check them to make sure they are correct. What is important is your phone number. Do not worry this is not to harass you, rather another layer of security we needed to implement”

Now the guy, Gunnar Erikkson goes on to explain that this is so you do not get locked out for not paying your profits so Lisa can call you. But it’s for the Binary Options Broker, and it is totally standard.

Not much else to comment on this second page of the Apple Mobile Stock Robot so I put my email in to see where it goes. And as I expected I am already registered from my video review so I have to login through the members area.

My Apple Mobile Stock Robot Broker

I was assigned GTOptions as my Binary Options Broker for this Apple Mobile Bot software. Now I have decided to not deposit on this Apple Mobile Bot software unless there is a lot of interest. I think we can all agree I have lost a lot lately to these scam products and if you really want to see if Apple Mobile Bot works I will do it, otherwise I will leave it there. The scam bells ring loud and clear for me on Apple Mobile Stock Robot, but hey I might be wrong. So leave me a comment here on my site or on the channel If you would like me to test the Apple Mobile Bot.

Please subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already done so. I have all my social media links under my videos. You can find me on Facebook, twitter, instagram. pintrest and all those types of pages. So do share like and pin and get in touch on, one or all if you are on there. Help me spread the word so everyone sees my videos. I may or may not be back with a part 2 to this Apple Mobile Stock Bot scam review, it is up to you.

UPDATE – 29 May 2015

Hi guys Louis here, back again, from TrustedBinaryReviews. net, so much for the long weekend. Too many of you are asking me to test this Apple Mobile Bot out for real so here we go, App Mobile robot or Apple Mobile bot. I am using tor by the way as my IP address is blocked.

I fill in my details and it doesn’t let me add my phone number. I try over and over again. I try it in another browser to see if I can get it to work in there. Still no luck. I have no idea what is going on with Apple Mobile Bot, I just can’t seem to get anywhere, and the pages are not loading, then not taking my number. I think Apple Mobile Stock Bot doesn’t like the fact I am coming in from Spain maybe, not sure

Finally I get the Binary Options Broker form to load and Apple Mobile Bot bounces my email again, saying I am already registered, which of course I am not registered with Apple Mobile Bot but maybe with the broker, so I try a different email address and yes finally I get assigned UK Options as my Binary Options.

I am into the Apple Mobile Bot software. For whatever reason I could not get back into Apple Mobile Robot with my details from the other day, not sure why as I never actually registered, but today it was telling me I had. If you wuld like to take a look at the Apple Mobile Bot site or software yourself then click here .

So I am in the Apple Mobile Bot Software, and my account is in pounds as I had to use a UK IP to register with Apple Mobile Bot broker, UK Options. I am going to have a little look at this Apple Mobile Robot software and set it off to trade. Then I can get back to enjoying my long weekend.

So Stay tuned for my Apple Mobile Bot update review next week. Subscribe to the channel and please help me share this review on the various media networks. Have a great weekend yourselves and that is all from me for now.

Early Results – Apple Mobile Bot 2 June 2015

Good morning this is a quick update on my Apple Mobile Bot review. Well Apple Mobile Bot is not setting the ground alight; I have 326 pounds which is more than my 250 pound deposit. If you remember I had to do this one in pounds, it was the only way I could get into the Apple Mobile Bot software.

This software has not made a lot of trades, and interestingly enough they have all been on currency pairs, not on Apple Stock. I am not the only one that has found this, if you are expecting this Apple Mobile Stock Robot to trade on apple stock it doesn’t, not even one trade has been made on Apple Stock.

The Apple Mobile Bot has only made 13 trades, so it is very hard to say with a small sample like this weather this Apple Mobile Bot software is good or not. The Software has not lost all my money that is a bonus, but it hasn’t won me millions. It has made 13 trades 9 or which were in the money, 4 out of the money; the average success rate of the Apple Mobile Bot at the moment is 70%, so it is not bad.

I really do not know what to say about Apple Mobile Bot, UK Options Brokers are not a bad, I have not had any problems so far.

The conclusion so far with Apple Mobile Bot

The Apple Mobile Bot is not making the riches they promote in the Apple Stock Bot video, but most importantly is that, this is a very small sample and it is a little too early to tell anything significant. I will keep the Apple Stock Bot going to see how it goes.

If you do want to check out the Apple Mobile Bot for yourself then click here. Always exercise caution with something like this Apple Mobile Bot, never invest more than you can afford, this time mainly because it is too early to say with Apple Mobile Bot.

If you have had any experience with Apple Mobile bot then please comment below so we can all share our experiences and learn from them. Subscribe to the channel if you have not done so already and please share this review on your social media, let’s spread the word. That is all from me for now, Louis at Trusted Binary Reviews.

About the author

July 17, 2015 at 11:53 am

Hi, Louis my name is Luis, Hi, to every one out there, this is a message to everyone, I’m new at this. I made my own investigations on binary scams for over two months over 8 to 10 hours per day on the internet, if you guys think for one second that any kind of broker would let a robot enter their system and dig out thousand of $$$$ think again. this is how it works, When the stock market went down in 2008 they (the fat cats) had to come with a solution for fast recovery so they introduced Binary Option to the general public, a good way to make money and it still is (for the ones that know how to trade) and we became the meat sac for the scam artist of the internet, know this, every software (automated robot) on the internet is web based, is NOT A CD THAT YOU INSTALL IN YOUR HARD DRIVE, for that fact they are the ones that control the software. They are the ones that program the algorithms not you, the only way for you to use it, is to log in to their server. They’re always searching for new strategies to reach the people with their scam, when one fails they strategise another one, like reaching you now through these alert scam videos, (by the way I think that Louis is the most legitimate by far, thumbs UP bro), this is how it works, they have deals with brokers (the new ones especially, imagine the broker 1 year in the market, this robot came with the review from Louis 1,000 members, now their is another 1,000 from another reviewer and another one, that’s 3,000, the robot offers guarantee $3,000 to 5,000 a week, that’s $15,000,000 profit per week, x 52 weeks, I’ll let you do the math, personally I don’t want to be in the brokers shoes, common guys, it`s just common sense OK) so as when Louis or other scam aware videos makers log into these sites they already know who they are by their IP address, they also watch their videos and they know how many members they have, so they log in & invest their money and show fantastic results (because they allowed them to use the legitimate software version that they built) because of being web based, now we go in, all happy that we finely found the Holy Grail of a money making machine, so we log in, invest our money, and we find ourselves with the (fxxk you in the ass) version of the software, IS WEB BASED, WITH MORE THAN ONE VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE, OR THEY CHANGE THE SETTINGS FOR US TO LOOSE. Please people stop being fooled, their is no such thing as automated money software available to us the little guys. (I have seen videos of guys like Louis and others making $19.000 in 20 days, 7,500 in 24 hours, 12,000 in 1 week with the automated robot, they invest their own money, as soon as the members got into it, they made SHIT SHIT SHIT, why is that?) Why is it that we have to open a new account all the time, I would personally pay $20,000.00 or more for a CD software that can be downloaded into my pc and, contacts automatically to my broker and makes me 15,000 per month or even 10,000 per month, say for the next 2 or3 year of your life, I’m willing to renew that 20,000 after 2 or 3 years no problem and no questions asked. And if so, my broker would freeze my account and accuse me of fraudulent activities READ THE FINE PRINT OF YOUR BROKERS, it has been proven (Louis had an account where his money vanished after trying a software) Binary option is not a stand alone trading environment, the revenues still come from the stock market, and if you think for one second that you can touch these “fat bastards cats“ principles ($$$$$$) you are WRONG. Conclusion if you want to make money with Binary option stick to the signals (just like Louis and others) I’m going to. My opinion and only my opinion that you don’t have to take, is the 4 software signals that Louis has on his Binary option tools link of his web site, but I’ll let him recommend them better then me. Thank you all and trade safe.

July 20, 2015 at 9:36 am

Hi Luis. Thank you for your insight. You clearly have spent a long time looking at this. The level of sophistication involved to do all that would be technically incredible, but not impossible I suppose. You are right to be sceptical about the vast majority of these softwares…

July 7, 2015 at 7:43 am

Thanks Luis for the more than appreciated work you are doing!

Please Louis..i have just read the very last report about the Apple Mobile Bot on June 2 i only kindly pray you if possible to post your trading results week after week to see if this software is keeping a good average of trades overall…the 70% average success rate would be great in the long term indeed…All the best Louis.

July 13, 2015 at 3:57 pm

Hi Eason. Sorry bud, the results stopped being so good. I wouldnt recommend usng this bot…soon as I get time I’ll do a video. All the best, Louis

June 21, 2015 at 7:59 am

Hi stay away from FisherMethod it’s a scam it’s give false signals. There’s a new one called Rock The Stock. Is it good or scam?

June 19, 2015 at 11:12 pm

Thanks for info bro

June 15, 2015 at 9:39 am

Would like to share my experience and my aggravation related to this app mobile bot. Its nothing but the usual scam artists.

Lost all the opening deposit within 48 hrs. managed to reactivate it by increasing the balance by making some successful trade myself. have sent them several emails to De Activate the robot. But they refuse to do so and continue making absurd loss making trades only to deplete every last dollar available in the account. Have just sent them a formal notice informing them that I will take this up legally thru my legal team. Wonder if they will reply.

Same situation exists with another bot. “confirmed profits”. What a scream. Can you imagine they place 6 trades …all at the same time and on the same “bitcoin bitstamp” and that too long terms and are all loosing trades.

Nothing buy scam artists.

better to spend the money and test your luck in a casino. At least one can enjoy the stay there.

June 7, 2015 at 9:51 am

MikeHi Louis. I like to use the Mike Auto trader, is it working. I used binary boom before ( standard version) but lost all my money the signals were false. Even the long term were lost. Can you recommend Mike Auto Traders and is it open till now.

June 8, 2015 at 9:33 pm

Hi there yes it’s still going strong. Here’s the version I got http://trustedbinaryreviews. net/mikes-autotrader. It’s nothing like binary boom! The signals are good.

June 5, 2015 at 8:21 pm

Hello Louis you are really doing wonderful thing by helping us out here so if everything is fake then can you suggest a legitimate binary app to make money not $1000000 per month but at least a $1000-$2000 per month please help me i really need money and binary option is the only way where we can earn money fast but we need the right platform as well as real app

June 5, 2015 at 8:25 pm

Hi John thanks for the message. I really think a decent signals service is the way to go now. I am having really positive results with the guys from Signals Binary (http://trustedbinaryreviews. net/signals-binary ) – check it out – they have great live chat support and their signals are superb. It’s a free service if you sign up to one of their recommended brokers… I made a quick video about it in my binary options tools section. All the best, Louis

June 4, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Thanks Luis for the more than appreciated work you are doing!

Please Louis..i’ve just read the very last report about the Apple Mobile Bot on June 2 i only kindly pray you if possible to post your trading results week after week to see if this software is keeping a good average of ITM trades overall…the 70% average success rate would be great in the long term indeed…All the best Louis.

June 5, 2015 at 9:35 pm

Hi there Flavio. It hasn’t made that many trades since, but you might want to be careful as quite a few peope have reported bad things about the software, with money disappearing much quicker!

June 3, 2015 at 8:53 pm

Hi Louis, I am waiting patiently for your results on Apple Mobile Bot. It looked great when I first saw it. There is a guy named Roy T, and his site is SCAM WATCHDOG. org, and his e-mail is ChristianityNewsToday1@gmail. com. This guy is promoting the Bot but doesn’t give any real insight on it. Ever hear anything on him. Is he legit?? You give lots of insight and I am more apt in following your review. I am new to Binary Options and I am being very careful in what I am doing. This is why I am listening to you for your response and showing us what is legit and what isn’t. I have been burned so many times trying to make extra money so I can retire at an age I can enjoy things. Keep up the good work.

Craig PS. Do you know of any other Robots that are safe to use. Gives me something to look at until your report on the Apple Mobile Bot.

June 5, 2015 at 9:42 pm

Yeah…don’t expect much from any robot. This apple one has been far from groundbreaking. You are better learning the fundamentals and checking out a good signals service. Check out http://trustedbinaryreviews. net/signals-binary and the video I did here http://trustedbinaryreviews. net/signals-binary-review/ Best of luck with your endeavours!

All the best Louis

June 3, 2015 at 4:01 pm

Louis; Thank you for posting about the scams! Could you please tell us what your best recommendation would be to an Auto bot? I know very little of options trading so I dont trust my own abilities here. I wish you could help profit other peoples $ for them for a small fee 😉

June 5, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Firstly I’d say treat any ‘autobot’ with extreme caution. They are inconsistent at best and reckless with your balance at worst. Try looking at a good signals service, like this http://trustedbinaryreviews. net/signals-binary-review/ or option bot 2.0 http://trustedbinaryreviews. net/option-bot-2-0

All the best, Louis

June 3, 2015 at 11:53 am

Apple Mobile Bot is nothing more than an affiliate marketing company pushing the Bloombex binary options trading platform. I signed up and all I get is random currency trades – no Apple trading at all. They lost 25% of my portfolio on the first day with random trades on currency pairs with puts and calls on the same pairs at the same time meaning a guaranteed loss for me. Don’t use this platform.

June 2, 2015 at 5:15 pm

hi louis this is omid i am from orlando florida in usa….i am single with 3 kids. ohhh my budget is too tight anyway i saw 2 ways is from apple mobile bot and another one is i am scary. which one is best i need earn money for my kids… i want see you got more experience about both of this how is good or bad? pls let me know thank you

June 1, 2015 at 5:42 am

Hola. I’m testing it at the moment and will do a review in the next couple of days…wait until then at least! Thanks Louis

May 28, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Apple Bot does seem interesting and a little different from the others. If you were able to test them out it would make our decisions more accurate to see if what they claim is what you get. Please let me know how your trades turn out once you join the Apple Mobile Bot.

June 1, 2015 at 9:13 am

I’m in the process of testing it out…stay tuned for the update.

June 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm

The “Apple” Mobile Bot is a complete FRAUD. I bit this bad apple and have had nothing but aggravation and losses in BINARY OPTION PAIRS trading and NO APPLE TRADES WHATSOEVER! I have had my share of bad Bots and thought this approach was different, because it made sense. I set up my account with 2 recommended brokers. I withdrew my account after multiple unsuccessful attempts to get on the members site (my password was not being accepted and there was no way to get a new one) to activate the Bot with the first one. I successfully got on the site with the second one and activated the Bot (medium risk, 3 trades per day) with the second. To my chagrin, I found that 16 BINARY OPTION PAIRS were trading (and mostly LOSING). I lost money in my account, but thought I was missing something because I saw no evidence of APPLE trades! I tried to contact support and the appbotteam, etc. through E-mails to them to explain my situation, but all the E-mails were rejected as Mail-Daemons! The broker told me to turn the Autotrade button “OFF”, WHICH i DID, but not until 8 more, mostly long term BINARY OPTION trades, had been placed.

June 5, 2015 at 9:43 pm

Thanks for sharing Gerald. Together we get the message out to everyone.

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How to Trade Apple into Earnings Using Options

Financial Analyst, Schaeffer's Investment Research, Inc.

Gadget guru Apple Inc . (AAPL ) is slated to release its quarterly earnings report after the close of trading tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 18). Wall Street is currently expecting a profit of $5.34 per share from Apple, a 45% improvement over the same quarter last year. Historically, the Cupertino, California-based company has bested the consensus estimate in each of the prior four reporting periods by an average of 35.5%.

Naturally, with earnings just over the horizon, options traders are rushing to place their bets ahead of the event. Typically, traders enter volatility plays such as straddles and strangles to take advantage of earnings events, but today's trading example shows how to turn a typically neutral options strategy into a bullish one. By carefully selecting your options, it is possible to turn a basic call condor into a bullish call condor. Here's how:

The Anatomy of a Bullish Apple Inc. Call Condor

When an options trader enters a typical condor spread, he sells one in-the-money call and buys one in-the-money call at a lower strike, while simultaneously selling one out-of-the-money call and buying one out-of-the-money call at a higher strike. However, in a bid to benefit from a post-earnings rally from Apple, the trader in today's example utilized all out-of-the-money calls. As a result, he needs the stock to rally into the "sweet spot," whereas a standard condor trade hinges on the shares remaining stagnant.

In order to initiate the Apple condor, the trader bought the January 2011 350 and 375 calls for the ask prices of $5.44 and $0.58, respectively, and sold the January 2011 355 and 370 calls for the bid prices of $3.57 and $0.90, respectively.

Note: All prices are at the time of publication. Be sure to check for updated pricing before considering a trade such as this.

Click to Enlarge

Overall, the trade breaks down like this: The trader paid $258,400 for 475 January 350 calls, and shelled out $27,550 for 475 January 375 calls. Meanwhile, the trader received a credit of $169,575 by selling 475 January 355 calls, and pocketed another $42,750 by selling 475 January 370 calls.

So, we have a bearish call spread between the January 370 and 375 strikes, and a bullish call spread between the January 350 and 355 strikes. At this point, the position has cost the trader a total of $1.55, or $155 per set of contracts. The breakdown for this iron condor is listed below:

Click to Enlarge

There are several potential outcomes for this condor position. Under the best-case scenario, AAPL closes between $355 and $370 when January options expire. Assuming that the stock closes at $360, the sold January 370 call and the purchased January 375 call expire worthless, while the sold January 355 call finishes five points in the money, and the January 350 call closes ten points in the money. To exit the trade, all you will need to do is sell (to close) the January 350 call for $10 and buy back the January 355 call for $5. Subtracting the net debit of $1.55 paid at initiation, your profit comes in at $3.45, or $345 per contract, which represents the maximum gain on this call condor.

However, what happens if AAPL takes a turn for the worse and closes below $350 at expiration? In this case, all four of your options will expire worthless, leaving you with a loss of $1.55, or $155 per contract. This loss, which represents the net debit paid to enter the trade, is the maximum risk on a downside move by the underlying security.

On the other hand, if AAPL were to rally to $380 by January expiration, all four of your options will expire in the money. The purchased January 375 call will be worth $5, the sold January 370 call will be worth $10, the sold January 355 call will be worth $25, and the purchased January 350 call will be worth $30. To exit this trade, you would sell (to close) the January 350 and 375 calls for a total of $35, and buy (to close) the both the January 355 and 370 calls for a total of $35. Once again, your total loss is limited to $1.55, or the net debit paid upon initiating the long call condor.

Below is a chart for a visual representation:

Click to Enlarge

After the condor has been established, increasing implied volatility becomes a considerable liability. Still, the main concerns in this position are the sold January 355 and 370 calls. An increase in implied volatility for these options will increase their prices, making it much more expensive to exit the position should the trader need to buy these options back.

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Every trader who has ever been involved in trading with binary options must have heard of the name “Banc de Binary”, and this “ Banc de Binary” review will be oriented to those who are, for some reason, not familiar with this company and do not know the importance of this broker house. This company is the leader in the market for several years now, and due to its impeccable tradition and long history most people regard it as the best binary options broker.

However, this “Banc de Binary” review should probably go back to the beginnings and take a chronological approach to the ways in which this enterprise managed to grow to such amazing levels. After the big crisis in 2008, financial market was on its knees, and not many people expected that a broker house which offered a new and revolutionary way of trading would prove so successful. The man who came to the idea to start this project was an Israeli businessman by the name of Oren Shabat Laurent, and he is also the current CEO of the corporation. His vision was clear – to create the best website for trading in binary options and to provide the traders with the ultimate trading experience. This intention was immediately recognized by lots of traders, and in only few years the numbers of registered accounts grew to amazing heights, reaching 250.000 in 2012.

Click here to learn more

After this brilliant start, “Banc de Binary” spread all over the world and it now offers its services in more than 80 countries all over the globe, and people come to this broker because they trust its integrity and high level of professionalism. Also, high levels of quality and good performances of the software earned only positive reviews from renowned magazines, and this “Banc de Binary” review continues down the same path. It is hard to find a blind spot to the services offered by this broker house, since the people who run this company have covered all of their bases when it comes to trading with binary options. This is no surprise, because those are all experienced stock brokers and analysts, and they run this ship through rough waters of the global financial sea with a lot of success and expertise.

Large profitability rates are something which has become a symbol of binary options, and “Banc de Binary” offers success rates of around 80%. Also, over 200 different assets are on display with this website and traders can easily find their preferred trading types and they can find the adequate investment opportunities in shorter period. Time is money, and in the field of financial transactions this is especially true, and this is the reason why “Banc de Binary” also offers trading signals which make the trading process much faster and efficient. Those signals save a lot of time which would otherwise go to tedious research of prices and their fluctuations, and those small messages give important alerts on potentially profitable bets.

Many broker houses invest heavily in marketing and promotion, and they try various methods and techniques that could perhaps make them a bit more popular and bring those extra clients, but it is well-known that the best advertising comes from the satisfied customers and that recommendations that they make are the most effective way of good publicity. Similar thing is present in trading with binary options, and this “24Option” review will try to play the role of that satisfied user and to describe the experience that we had with trading with binary options through this website.

Of course, impressions are a highly subjective matter, and tastes should not be discussed, but we tried to make our “24Option” review as realistic as possible, giving only the most objective information about this enterprise, with occasional personal insight. What is most important when trading with “24Option” is the feeling of safety and protection, as this company pays a lot of attention to security and a lot of experts are continuously monitoring their servers and data locations, in order to prevent all potential breaches and hacker attacks. This is something we all want from a company that operates with our hard-earned money, and we demand the absolute attention and the best possible treatment of our personal information and our funds.

“24Option” review has to mention some historical and “biographical” info about the company, and we all know that this broker was founded in 2010 and that it is registered in Limassol, Cyprus under the ownership from “ Rodeler LTD”. This well-known corporation is the major owner of this broker and they seem to have strong ambitions with the future of this broker house, which already has a substantial fan base and a lot of customers worldwide.

In 2013 “24Option” was licensed by Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission, better known as CySEC, and this meant that the clients from United States were no longer eligible to access and trade on this platform, but it opened the doors of the European Union at the same time. People immediately recognized the quality of this enterprise and it attracted a lot of new traders as soon as this happened.

A license from such a regulatory body is very important in this business and people are excited to be able to trade with such a renowned broker house.

As one of the pioneers in this market, “24Option” has gone through a lot of changes and mutations that were forced upon them by the unmistakable passage of time, but it seems that in the following years this company will focus exclusively on the top and that the ambitious people behind this project will do everything in their powers to make this broker house the best in the trading world. However, the world of binary options is very changeable and fluctuates almost equally like the numbers and charts of prices of certain assets, but the long tradition and history in this business will hopefully leave a positive influence on the people who run it and that this “24Option” review will serve as a good example of a premonition, or just a good, old faith in something that has a lot of potential.

Most of us are not even aware of the fact that thousands of people every year are cheated and robbed on scam websites that offer easy money and make unreal promises, but statistics show that lots of people fall into that same trap all over again. It may seem like a pretty stupid thing to sign up on a site like that, but scam operations are sometimes very well hidden and it is not easy for someone who is entering the world of financial transactions for the first time to recognize immediately if a company is reliable or if it is a scam. However, there is a cure for that, and it comes in the form of a pretty simple recipe:

use only the best binary options brokers!

There are dozens of companies currently on the market that can be considered good broker houses, but there is only a couple of those that can be classified as the best binary options brokers on the global market, and the names like Banc de Binary, 24Option, Porter Finance, CherryTrade, CTOption and StockPair are among those that certainly deserve to be listed in that VIP group. But, what makes these several companies so special and different from the rest – is probably the question that will come to your mind immediately. Well, all of them have a long tradition in this business, and some are even pioneers of trading with binary options, which means that they started their activities in the “good, old days”. Also, due to their long history, it is clear that they have the necessary quality, since it would not be possible for them to “survive” if they weren’t good enough for this highly competitive market.

Safety and security that they provide is another very important element, if not THE most important, because the protection of your hard-earned money is probably something that you hold very high on your wish list. Since these companies offer you the chance to invest in a safe trading environment, it is easy to conclude that they possess the necessary elements that make them the best binary options brokers. Additionally, companies that are offering such high quality of services are always regulated by one or more regulatory bodies, or licensing agencies, which means that you should always check if a company has a license before you decide to sign up with one of them. Regulatory bodies like CySEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission) are respectable and serious in what they do, which makes people trust them and rely on their high standards. If a company gets a license then it means that it operates in a legitimate and transparent manner and that no scam is present, which in turn implies that the investments are safe and that the clients are free to enjoy in the joys of trading with binary options.

Choosing one of those best binary options brokers will never be a mistake and all new traders should decide to start with one of them, just to be sure that they are not flying right into a well-camouflaged trap.

AAPL Signal - Dec. 10, 2012

Editor's Choice

By: Andrew Keene

Apple (AAPL) is once again taking a bite out of itself, as we see another down day with regards to the stock price. Currently AAPL is trading around the $528-$530 range, well below the moving averages ranging from the 50 day to the 200 day and has given no signals to buy. Recently Jeffries & Company lowered their price target from $900 to $800. Experts are also estimating a trimming of iPad sales from 30 million to 25 million, due to a lack of interest from Chinese consumers, with regards to the release of the iPad Mini. The launch of Apple TV has also become a big question mark for investors as speculations about the launch have been swirling, however no progress seems to have been reported from Apple itself, other than the fact that it is has become a “hobby.” With this in mind, we feel the best options play going into the end of the year is:

Buying the Dec 530-515 Put Spread for $5

Andrew Keene spent 10 years as an independent equity options trader on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, during which he spent the majority of his time as a market-maker for over 125 stocks. Andrew currently trades futures, currencies and commodities. When he's not trading, Andrew appears on top business television shows including CNBC's Squawk on the Street, Street Smart on Bloomberg TV and First Business, a show that is syndicated across the United States. Andrew graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Finance with a concentration in Accountancy.

Daily Market Analysis

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Futures and Commodity Market News

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Para el comerciante activo, ser "correcto" o "incorrecto" adquiere un nuevo significado. Continúe leyendo aquí.

When trading binary options with risk vs. reward set-ups skewed dramatically in either direction, it’s important to have a fundamental grasp of the likelihood of consecutive profitable trades or losing trades occurring at any given time. Continúe leyendo aquí.

The latest trend in the trading is the binary signal option. It is new and innovative way to make investments in the market and ensuring profit earning. It has many advantages for the trader. Binary signal options are instructions or signals that are sent to the trader showcasing the trend in the asset invested by him to as to enable him to take appropriate decision to earn profit. It has now become a popular and reliable source for investing in different asset. The signals are released after proper analysis of the market trend. It shows the current position of the asset giving predictions and indications of the future changes in the trend of these assets. This can help the trader to make a buy or put decision.

There are many signal providers in the market that provide quality signals to ensure that the trader earns income. Choosing the appropriate signal provider is not easy as there are many scam and fraud companies too which can prove to be dangerous. Nothing in life comes for free. Hence a good and genuine signal provider will always charge a fee for his service. But they do not provide any guarantee to earn income. They provide signals that are true and accurate. But the trader can be confident and can rely on their signals when taking decisions and hence can earn profits.

The binary signal option is indeed a very functional tool for any new or inexperienced trader who lack the knowledge of the market trading or is incapable of making predictions. This tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. The trader needs to be careful and consider certain factors while selecting the best signal provider before subscribing to them for his investments.

Tips to select the best binary signal option provider

Compare prices and services: Firstly the trader should compare the services and prices offered by different signal providers. Check the fees and other terms and conditions before shortlist on them.

Trial period: Always opt for a signal provider that offers a free or cheap trail period. This will help to understand the reliability of the company. The trader can also test the software provided by the company during this trail period.

Responsive provider: The signal provider should offer continual support and updations of the trend in the market. They should have a 24 hour service center or facility of live chat. This is an important factor as market is very unpredictable and the trader may need support anytime.

Easy signals: The signals provided by the company should be easy to understand. They should be simple to comprehend and follow. Also the signals provided should be of real time as to enable the trader to take decisions.

Profitability: Select the signal provider who has a good history to providing good returns and profits to its traders. The company should be strategically strong with experienced team support to provide accurate instructions to the trader.

Selecting a binary signal provider is critical. The signals are important as they provide a prediction about the future market trend which can be advantageous to the trader to attain his goal and success as a trader.

Trading binary options has become a very popular method of trading ever since it was first officially acknowledged, due to the simplicity of its concept and the fact that it is widely available thanks to the Internet. Many binary brokers have appeared online so far, and many of them keep appearing. There is a lot of scam present in the world of binary trading, so it is not that easy to choose a binary broker which is reliable, legal and in addition to that also provides a set of features satisfying for many different traders.

In the crowd of brokers, Stockpair is among the most reliable and most trusted brokers by many traders from all over the world. They were established in 2010 in Cyprus, and they are licensed by CySEC as well as UK’s FSA, Italy’s CONSOB and Banque de France. Therefore, their first big plus is that they are among the most highly regulated brokers in Europe. Both the client’s funds and the client’s data are fully secure with this broker.

What separates this broker from the others like TropicalTrade is their custom made platform, which is extremely easy to be used even by a total beginner, since it is very intuitive and well organized. In addition, they also offer a high-class mobile platform, for trading from any Android or iOS device anywhere where you have Wi-Fi connection.

120 assets are available for trading on Stockpair platform, combined with many different options: standard Call/Put options, Fixed Pair options, Floating Pair options and Kiko options, which are not such a common concept since it is still new, but it is rising in popularity. With Kiko options, you predict which of the two offered prices will a certain asset reach first, and there is no time limit specified.

Payout rates are very high with porter Finance and they range from 75% to 85%, which depends on the type of option which is traded, while Pair options can bring a return as high as 350%. Silver, Gold, Platinum and VIP account are available, and minimum deposit is $1000 for Silver account. This broker is made more for those who have already traded binary options, since the minimum deposit is quite high if you are a beginner.

Stockpair Trading

The amount of information and education you can get on Stockpair’s website is extensive. In the FAQ section you can get almost any question answered, whether it is about the broker, the platform or about binary trading in general. You can also find the Education section on the website, where you will be able to access to the information and explanations of binary trading, market analysis, trading signals and many more concepts. Every section contains subsections, recommended readings and links within the text, which makes it very well organized and it is easy to find whatever you need.

Last but not least, the Customer Service of this broker is available in several languages, 24/7 and through different channels, such as website form, e-mail, phone or live chat. Stockpair is definitely one of the brokers who care a lot about their customers and put them on

the first place.

Whenever I take a metaphorical stride through forums dedicated to forex, I encounter questions that are constantly repeated and answered to the length. My last such walk gave me an idea, why wouldn’t I compose an article featuring answers to the most seeked questions in orer to make it easy for all of you. For further convenience of you, my readers, I will try to give you those answers in short fashion, avoiding long and tiresome answers no one likes.

One of the most common question touches the differences between forex and other markets. There are many differences between those markets. Main differences are assets they trade, commision size, liquidity, number of assets that are used in trade and so on. Then there are questions about commisions this market takes. Well, there is only one fee or commision you have to pay, and you don’t pay it directly. It is taken from the spread of every trade you do. Percentage is really small, and should not concern any trader as long as your firm is reliable.

Many have heard about pip, but few really understand what it is – thus firing a barrage of questions about it. Percentage in point, known as pip is the smllest increment of trading on forex. 1 pip equals to 1 in 100 or to be more clear 1 percent. All major currencies are quoted in two decimals of pip ( 1 in 100 ). Japanese yen is only major currency which is quoted in three pip decimals ( 1 in 1 000 ). Then there are people who wonder what exactly does one sell or buy on forex. Basically nothing. But in fact you are exchanging one currency for another in such fashion that at the end of few trades you come out with more money than you have started with. Interest, and position and strenght of currencies are determiners of that.

Some people are interested in currencies that are traded on forex. Those currencies are grouped into few types. Majors are currencies that are trade the most, and they always have dollar in them. Crosses are currency pairs that contain currencies that are traded a lot, but don’t involve dollar. There are also exotics and other currency pairs that are less traded too. People have heard of carry trade, but they dont know what it is resulting in many questions and sometimes misleading answers. Carry traders earn from the difference of interest rates of two currencies. They buy currency with small interest rate and sell currency that has high interest.

Then there are people comparing forex trading and binary options currency pairs trading. Some wonder why should an individual trade on forex market when there are many binary options brokers offering so much. Well the easiest answer is the smartest. So, head on to your search bar and type Porter Finance scam . and do some search. They remove a lot of comments from angry people, but after some search you will find exactly how those sites work.

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You are probably one of the forex traders who follows and strongly believes in one of the two paths of information analysis, technical or fundamental. In your mind your analysis is superior, and the other one is just a waste of time. And both groups are like that, and due to that all of you are unaware of the new movement that has risen. This movements incorporates elements from both analysis paths and creates new type of analysis called technimental analysis. There is some software from binary options trading that promises technimentalist analysis, software you will read about if you search the web for binary options signals. Big words, but believe me, no performance.

People who have started this movement and people who follow them understand the need for fundamental factos and their influence, but they are also aware that emotions and fear that play major role. Technimentalists use both analysis types to create profitble trades. They use fundamental analysis to determine which currencies are good for trading, and they use technical analysis to determine the time when that trade should be done.

Technimentalist go past basic price history technical analysis is based on. Their research is more focused on trends. Past is important, but basing whole trading strategy on it is not the way of technimentalist – trends are what is important. Followers of technimental analysis look for factors others might overlook becasue they overlap different analysis. They are interested in knowledge about corporate revenue, its status in last few days or weeks, and the competitiveness of said company. Whether the company in question is gaining or losing, market share is another data technimentalists look at, as well as growth of the company and reasons for that growth. Another factor many overlook is whether company sells its assets, or fires its workers. These things might not seem relevant for many, but for technimentalists these are the factors that determine whether they should trade certain asset.

The actions of insiders are closelly followed by those that call themselves technimentalist. If one of the higher workers of a company ( it can be director, or anyone within the higher tier of that company) starts selling his stocks then it means company isn’t doing so well. The speed and the quantity of stocks that are being sold is another indicator of in how much trouble that company is. But there can be contrary situation which once again can bring profit to tachnomentalist who does his job of observation of insiders. If an insider, or few of them start increasing the value or number of their holdings that can represent well being of company. Stocks will gain value, because if they have money to throw around they are confident that their next move will increase the profit of their company.

Paying attention to charts is something every technicalist does, and that can be said for technimentalists too. But technimentalist is more concerned with trends, than all other aspects of charts. They look for trends of currencies or stocks they had their eyes set upon by aforementioned aspects of fundamental part of their job.

Posted by Donald Roark on 11:12 pm in Binary Options. Binary Options Robots. Binary Options Trading | Comments Off on The biggest mistakes when trading with binary options robots

Binary trading has become a very popular and widespread method of trade in the past decade or so. Not only experienced and skillful traders perform this type of trading, but everyone who have the access to the Internet and a will to trade can turn to this way of earning money, and that wide accessibility is probably one of the reasons why binary trading is so popular.

Since it is so widely used, by many different people with different background, skills and preferences, there are also those who rely more on facilitators for binary trading than they do on their own knowledge and skills. These facilitators come in various forms, such as market reviews, binary signals, and binary options robots that allow automated trading or copying other users’ trades.

Many people decide to use binary options robots, since they can be a huge time saver, and they are also favorable because they remove emotional influence from binary trading. However, it is a relatively new concept, which is sometimes not very friendly if you do not use the proper one, or you use it without a proper purpose. It is important to do your best to avoid scam, since many binary robots are exactly it, and make sure to choose the robot with as many preferences to be set manually as possible. These are some of the most common mistakes of users of binary robots, which you should try to avoid:

Setting the wrong time frame – before determining time frame for the options you want the robot to trade, you must determine precisely which assets you want to trade, and make sure to be aware of the time frames that are the most suitable for them. For example, the prices of stocks change in shorter time intervals, because they depend on the traders’ supply and demand, while the prices of currencies is created by supply and demand related with many global economical factors, so they fluctuate on slower pace. So, for example, if you set up a short time interval for the assets that undergo slower and less dramatic changes, you are most likely to fail your trades, and not even the top binary option robot can prevent that from happening.

Constantly changing the robot – not all binary robots are the same, and you have to keep that in mind before choosing the one to trade with. Try choosing the one that seems the best according to reviews and results, and stick with it. Since the robots operate as an automatized copy of your trading strategy, if you are not satisfied, you should try implementing a different strategy instead keep changing the robot.

Using a robot because you are too lazy to learn – even though the robots are advertized as a tool that enables you to trade binary options without any pre-existing knowledge about it, it is not exactly so. As already mentioned, the way you set up your robot is your trading strategy inserted into an automatized trading tool, and you cannot have a strategy if you do not have any knowledge. Without knowledge, using a binary robot would be like pulling a slot machine lever. Even the top binary options robots are not able to trade successfully on your behalf if you do not give them the right parameters. Therefore, even if you use a robot, still take some time to get educated about at least the basics of trading.

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The Beauty of a Non-Directional Strategy

By: Greg Loehr

You've heard the saying that you can make money in options even when you're wrong, and here Greg Loehr of OptionsBuzz. com demonstrates how you don't even need to pick which way a stock is going in order to make money.

One of the truest things I've heard recently was "It's SOOOO nice not having to pick which way the stock is going!" That came from a one-on-one coaching student of mine that had fallen into the trap of over-analyzing charts and looking for "that one right" indicator. Not having to pick a direction had taken a huge burden off her shoulders.

I don't know how many times I've told people that trading is not about being right-think "credit spreads and calendars"-but rather, it's about managing the trade. And with the non-directional strategies, like this trading student is learning, direction is even less of a factor.

Here's a chart of AAPL. Which way is it going? You can click to open a larger chart in another browser window.

AAPL Daily Chart Click to Enlarge

Most people, I think, would say that the stock is going up. In reality, you don't really know. We can say that the stock has been going up, and this is where the technical analysis discussion begins and drags on into the night. There are those on one side that absolutely believe they can reliably pick stock direction (I can't even do it unreliably), and then there's Dr. Burton Malkiel on the other. So in addition to the argument of where AAPL is going, there's the argument of whether technical analysis even "works."

Let's not get into either so no one's feelings get hurt.

Instead of picking a direction and risk pulling a "Wrong Way Corrigan," let's go with a non-directional approach. See the green graph in the middle of that picture? That's a summation of the average volatility of the options. It's pretty low compared to the range it's been in over the past year. There's nothing that says the volatility can't go lower, but there are a couple things that make me think a non-directional trade is worth looking in to.

Remember, with a non-directional trade like a strangle we don't care which way the stock goes. Hence the name. We want either enough stock movement to overcome the theta. Or a big enough rise in the volatility to overcome the theta, or both.

With AAPL. the stock has been recently moving enough to cover the theta. That's good, especially if it continues. And the volatility has been showing some signs of picking up. Again, that's good, but we'd obviously like to see either, or both, continue.

Probably the best part of this trading idea is that if we're wrong and the stock doesn't move, it's a pretty low-risk approach to trading with the volatility in the basement like it is. It can go lower, but I'd take that risk over picking the direction.

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Para el comerciante activo, ser "correcto" o "incorrecto" adquiere un nuevo significado. Continúe leyendo aquí.

When trading binary options with risk vs. reward set-ups skewed dramatically in either direction, it’s important to have a fundamental grasp of the likelihood of consecutive profitable trades or losing trades occurring at any given time. Continúe leyendo aquí.

What are American style options?

Definition of an American Option:

An American option or American Style Call is an option for the right to buy a stock or an index at a certain price at or prior to its expiration date. Notice the phrase "prior to a certain date." This "American Style Call" differs from the "European Style Call" in that the European Style Call can only be exercised ON the expiration date.

In other words, the difference between a European style call option and an American style call option is that European style call options can be exercised ONLY on the expiration date while the American style call options can be exercised at any time PRIOR to their expiration date.

As far as I know, all equity calls and puts traded in the US are American Style, where as most index options traded in the U. S. are European style. The index options also happen to be cash-settled since you can't actually buy 100 shares of an index.

What does this European Style Call or Put mean for the trader? It means that the you are concerned ONLY with the price of the stock or index at its expiration. European style options tend to be cheaper than American style options because if a stock price spikes prior to expiration, an American style option trader can capitalize on that increase in value, whereas the European style trader has to hope the price spike holds until expiration.

When to buy an American Option

You really don't have a choice in specifying that you want an American Style or a European Style call or put. You just have to take the style that is currently being offered on the stock or index that you want. But in general, the same call and put rules apply. If you think a stock price or index value is going to go up . then you should buy a call.

Example of a American Call Option

If you bought a 100 shares of Apple Computer (AAPL) at $335 and you are afraid the price might drop below $300, you can buy an AAPL Put Option with a strike price of $300. That way if the price drops to $275 you will be able to exercise your option and sell your stock for $300. Please note that you don't "HAVE TO" sell your AAPL shares at $300! If the price in the market is $350 then of course you can sell your shares in the market at $350. That is why they are called options--it is your choice as to whether or not you exercise it. It is not an obligation.

Important Tip: In the U. S. most equity and index calls and puts expire on the 3rd Friday of the month. Also, note that in the U. S. most contracts allow you to exercise your options at any time prior to the expiration date. In contrast, most European options only allow you to exercise them on the expiration date.

Here are the top 10 option concepts you should understand before making your first real trade:

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