Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Forex Efemérides

Análisis Técnico | Por FutureAnalyzer. com | Lunes, 29 de Agosto de 2011 09:42 UTC

En este artículo vamos a averiguar cuáles son las efemérides, cómo se calculan y cuál es su papel. Estudiaremos efemérides de algunos planetas y encontraremos el vínculo entre ellos y el mercado financiero. Al final sacaremos las conclusiones.

Cuáles son las efemérides?

Una efeméride es una tabla de valores que da las posiciones de los objetos astronómicos en el cielo en un momento o tiempos determinados (plural: ephemerides, de la palabra griega ἐφήμερος ephemeros "daily"). Diferentes tipos se utilizan para la astronomía y la astrología. A pesar de que esta fue también una de las primeras aplicaciones de ordenadores mecánicos, una efeméride a menudo será una simple tabla impresa. La posición se da a los astrónomos en un sistema de coordenadas polares esféricas de ascensión y declinación rectas o de astrólogo en longitud a lo largo de la eclíptica zodiacal ya veces declinación. Las posiciones astrológicas se pueden dar para el mediodía o la medianoche. Una efeméride astronómica también puede proporcionar datos sobre fenómenos astronómicos de interés para astrólogos y astrónomos, como eclipses, retrogradación aparente / estaciones planetarias, entradas planetarias, tiempo sideral, posiciones para los nodos Mean y True de la Luna, las fases de la Luna y A veces incluso la posición (s) de Quirón, y otros cuerpos celestes menores. Los astrólogos también usan otras efemérides que incluyen tablas de cuerpos celestes imaginarios, como Lilith, un término que usan de diversas formas para el apogeo de la Luna o el segundo foco de la órbita de la Luna. Algunas efemérides también contienen un aspecto mensual, mientras que otras incluyen a menudo la declinación de los planetas, así como sus longitudes, ascensiones derechas o coordenadas cartesianas. La mayoría de los astrólogos estudian la astrología tropical, involucrando posiciones planetarias referenciadas a la posición del equinoccio vernal (primavera) a lo largo de la eclíptica (el equinoccio es el nexo del plano de rotación de la Tierra y el plano orbital de la Tierra alrededor del Sol). Utilizan exactamente el mismo marco referencial de los astrónomos, a excepción de una pequeña minoría de astrólogos que estudian la astrología sideral y utilizan una efeméride diferente, basada en las constelaciones. Aunque la astrología es y siempre ha sido geocéntrica, la astrología heliocéntrica es un campo emergente; Para este propósito no se puede utilizar una efeméride estándar, y debido a esto las efemérides heliocéntricas especializadas deben ser calculadas y usadas en lugar de las efemérides geocéntricas predeterminadas que se usan en la astrología occidental estándar para construir la carta astrológica / carta natal.

Cómo podemos calcular efemérides y cuál es su representación gráfica?

Para calcular una efemérides necesita fórmulas matemáticas complejas, pero éstas suelen ser realizadas por programas de software especializados. El resultado final es en forma de una tabla con la posición exacta de un planeta en el cielo a las 0:00 horas todos los días. Esta es una tabla para el mes de abril de 2008:

Esta tabla da la longitud de cada planeta, representando la ubicación del planeta en un signo astrológico específico.

Las efemérides también pueden dar la latitud para cada planeta.

Los valores de la tabla representan ángulos, la combinación de ángulos nos lleva a un cuadro financiero con altos y bajos y puntos de inflexión. Veamos la representación gráfica de las efemérides de un planeta.

Las dos últimas tablas mostraron las efemérides longitudinales de los planetas fuertes: Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno y Plutón, y las efemérides latitudinales de los templados planetas - Mercurio y Venus. Para encontrar el enlace que estamos buscando, necesitamos hacer una nueva tabla para resaltar la tendencia ascendente / descendente y los altos y bajos.

Las conclusiones de este cuadro serían las siguientes:

Enero: corto con una baja local (Mercurio)

Febrero: corto, pero con una alta local (Mercurio)

Abril: el corto período se acaba, largos comienzos

ephemeris. com

Ephemeris. com - Un sitio web dedicado a la información sobre el tiempo y el movimiento en el universo.

La Biblioteca de Software de ephemeris. com

Ephemeris. com se complace en ofrecer la versión 1.0 de la biblioteca de software ephemeris. com. Este software lee y escribe los archivos de efemérides planetarios del Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA y calcula las posiciones y velocidades con la total precisión del software JPL original, que está escrito en FORTRAN. Esta biblioteca está escrita en C, y está disponible gratuitamente bajo la Licencia Pública de Lesser Gnu. La LGPL le permite usar el software de forma gratuita (pero sin ninguna garantía), incluso si lo usa en el software que desea vender.

Para obtener una visión general, consulte el archivo README. txt (corregido el 28 de mayo de 2004, con la corrección agregada a la distribución a continuación). Para obtener los términos completos de la Licencia Pública Lesser Gnu versión 2.1, vea LICENSE. txt.

Si utiliza este software, la referencia a "The ephemeris. com Software Library" o http://www. ephemeris. com/software. html será muy apreciada. Eso ayudará a cualquier persona interesada en encontrar la última copia. Por favor, también acredite al Dr. E. Myles Standish del Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA para los archivos de efemérides JPL (DE200, DE405, DE406, etc.).

El software está disponible como tarball gzip o un archivo Winzip:

Bugs conocidos y actualización futura

Hay un error conocido: las velocidades calculadas en AU / segundo o kilómetros / segundo no se calculan correctamente debido a una multiplicación errónea en ephcom_get_coords (). Esto se arreglará en la siguiente actualización. AU / día y kilómetros / día reportan los resultados correctos. Todos los programas de ejemplo utilizan AU / día.

La próxima actualización estará disponible "muy pronto" (a partir de septiembre de 2004). Si desea recibir una notificación cuando esté disponible, envíe un correo electrónico a mystars@ephemeris. com y ponga "update" en algún lugar del asunto de su correo electrónico.

Habrá un cambio grande en la próxima versión: los valores #define para EPHCOM_MERCURY y arriba comenzarán en cero, no en uno. Posiciones astrométricas también estarán disponibles, junto con otras rutinas para la observación local.

Datos planetarios de la NASA / JPL

El Observatorio Naval de los Estados Unidos utiliza la efeméride JPL actual, DE405, para calcular posiciones en El Almanaque Astronómico. Puede obtener una copia gratuita de DE405 en el sitio FTP de JPL, ftp://ssd. jpl. nasa. gov/pub/eph/export/. Si descarga los datos de JPL, puede probar la biblioteca de software utilizando DE405 siguiendo estos pasos:

Cambiar el nombre de 'unix / unxp2000.405' a 'UNIX.405'

Cambie el nombre de 'test-data / testpo.405' a 'TESTPO.405'

Cambie la ubicación de JPLDIR en Makefile al directorio que contiene 'UNIX.405' y 'TESTPO.405'

Tipo 'make test405'

JPL también produce el JPL Planetario y Lunar Efemérides en CD-ROM. Por el Dr. Myles Standish et al. Disponible a través de Willmann-Bell Publishers por aproximadamente $ 25. El CD de JPL contiene

DE405 (la base de datos planetaria estándar actual, como archivos ASCII y un archivo binario grande)

DE200 (el predecesor de DE405, usado para producir ediciones anteriores de El Almanaque Astronómico)

DE406 (las "efemérides largas" de JPL, que cubren aproximadamente los años -3000 a +3000, lo que no está disponible en el sitio web de JPL)

La biblioteca de software ephemeris. com se probó con DE200, DE405 y DE406 usando el CD JPL. Escribir 'make test' probará la operación con los tres de estos efemérides en toda su gama.

Nuestra amiga y compañera investigadora de W. D. Gann, Olga Morales, acaba de recibir su ejemplar de Ephemeris Privado de W. D. Gann. Esto es lo que tiene que decir:

Un sueño hecho realidad

"Si sólo tuviera una copia de Ephemeris de W. D. Gann" - esas palabras que he hablado tantas veces y ahora después de 6 años de estudio intenso, mi deseo ha sido concedido. El momento es perfecto, como menciona Nikki Jones en el prefacio del libro, algo le dijo que era hora de liberar las efemérides privadas de Gann.

W. D. Gann publicó su novela codificada "El túnel a través del aire" en 1927, ahora en 2011 unos 84 años después y una completa revolución de Urano - tenemos acceso a sus notas y comentarios privados. Si miras con mucho cuidado, incluso descubrirás por qué Gann también llamó a su novela & # 8211; Mirando hacia atrás desde 1940.

También descubrirá algunos ciclos bíblicos y los recuentos que estaba usando para estudiar los ciclos de guerra. Hay numerosas fechas registradas de sus victorias en la Lotería, pero muchas se agrupan en un período específico obviamente en sintonía con un suerte período astrológico.

Se subrayan y destacan fenómenos celestiales significativos, a menudo con comentarios específicos. Hay una clara indicación de los planetas que Gann estaba rastreando y también un cálculo muy especial en los paneles laterales durante casi todos los meses. Sus notas revelan su aplicación de los puntos medios planetarios, las declinaciones, los tránsitos heliocéntricos y los nodos lunares.

Me sorprendió gratamente cuando llegué a la última página del libro para encontrar una bolsa con algunos insertos adicionales descubiertos en ciertas partes de la efemérides privadas de Gann: una proyección para 1949, dos pasajes de la Biblia y algunas instrucciones detalladas sobre el uso de ciclos planetarios y Aspectos.

También hay muchas entradas personales como cuando compró sus coches, cuando fue elegido en la Junta Comercial de Chicago, cuando sus familiares nacieron o murieron, días abrió y cerró ciertos contratos e incluso un día cuando cayó y se lastimó .

Quiero agradecer sinceramente a Nikki Jones por liberar el Ephemeris privado de Gann para que los estudiantes serios de Gann puedan seguir los pasos de su maestría esotérica y encontrar enlaces a los rompecabezas que hemos tenido que especular en el pasado. También es tiempo para aquellos en la negación de aceptar que W. D. Gann era un Astrólogo Maestro y abrir sus mentes a otra dimensión en el análisis del ciclo. Urano es el planeta del despertar y la astrología pronto entrará en Aries, comenzando el tiempo de siembra nuevamente en la fase de primavera de su ciclo.

Tal pasaje bíblico apto encontrado dentro del libro.

"Sed transformados por la renovación de vuestra mente". Rom 12: 2

Puede consultar el sitio web de Olga aquí:

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950


W. D. La copia personal de Gann de Ephemeris de Raphael 1941 a 1950

Quizás la parte más importante de las herramientas de W. D. Gann es su Efemérides. Nunca antes este libro había estado en el dominio público. De hecho, durante varios años, esta publicación fue considerada como "desaparecida" y sólo fue redescubierta en 1997 cuando fue devuelta a sus legítimos propietarios. Desde entonces ha sido religiosamente custodiado bajo llave en la bóveda con sólo menos de un puñado de personas que han tenido acceso a ella.

Por primera vez y en número estrictamente limitado, tenemos el privilegio de poner esta publicación a disposición de los miembros de nuestro Círculo Interior.

Dentro del libro se pueden encontrar muchas pistas sobre la metodología del Sr. Gann. La publicación tiene copiosas anotaciones, notas y marcas de tinta en varios colores, todos los cuales se combinan para darnos una idea del genio de este gran hombre. Lo más significativo es que demuestra una de sus principales técnicas para la predicción. Esto señala los puntos de inflexión durante el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otras notas se refieren a eventos en su vida incluyendo la fecha en que fue elegido para el CBOT.

También se sabe que él predijo con éxito números de lotería en varias ocasiones y esto también se puede obtener de este conjunto de tablas planetarias.

Si bien la publicación en sí se basa en posiciones geocéntricas planetarias, el Sr. Gann también anotan sincronizaciones heliocéntricas significativas. Muchas otras gemas se encuentran dentro.

Esta es una necesidad absoluta para los estudiantes serios de la obra de W. D. Gann. Es posible ver cómo utilizó estas técnicas de tiempo para llevar a cabo muchos de sus oficios bien documentados.

Podrás aprender a través del maestro. Usando sus anotaciones, usted será capaz de estudiar los mercados pasados ​​y determinar lo que es importante para su propio comercio y previsión. Tenga en cuenta que debe saber cómo usar un Ephemeris - no se incluyen lecciones en este momento.

W. D. Gann utilizó el Ephemeris para su propio estudio a través de su vida. No es algo que estudió desde el principio y se rindió: usó este Efeméride durante toda su vida.

En la década de 1950, cuando el Sr. Gann tuvo estos volúmenes individuales de rebote en conjuntos de 5 y 10 años, los bordes se cortaron para hacer el libro uniforme. Esto desafortunadamente cortó 1/4 de pulgada de algunas de las notas de W. D. Hemos dejado márgenes adicionales en nuestra reimpresión para permitirle "rellenar los espacios en blanco". Consulte la imagen incluida para ver uno de los bordes recortados.

Sólo se harán 400 ejemplares de Private Ephemeris de W. D.Gann.

Si usted es realmente agradable, usted puede elegir qué edición numerada usted quisiera - háganos saber. Por supuesto, los números bajos ya se han ido.

Escribe una reseña

Tema: W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

Tengo este enlace de un amigo, mi deseo es compartir con todos juntos para conseguirlo. Déjame experimentar la emoción de este libro.

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950 (COMPARTIR)

Quizás la parte más importante de las herramientas de W. D. Gann es su Efemérides. Nunca antes este libro había estado en el dominio público. De hecho, durante varios años, esta publicación fue considerada como "desaparecida" y sólo fue redescubierta en 1997 cuando fue devuelta a sus legítimos propietarios. Desde entonces ha sido religiosamente custodiado bajo llave en la bóveda con sólo menos de un puñado de personas que han tenido acceso a ella.

Por primera vez y en número estrictamente limitado, tenemos el privilegio de poner esta publicación a disposición de los miembros de nuestro Círculo Interior.

Dentro del libro se pueden encontrar muchas pistas sobre la metodología del Sr. Gann. La publicación tiene copiosas anotaciones, notas y marcas de tinta en varios colores, todos los cuales se combinan para darnos una idea del genio de este gran hombre. Lo más significativo es que demuestra una de sus principales técnicas para la predicción. Esto señala los puntos de inflexión durante el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otras notas se refieren a eventos en su vida incluyendo la fecha en que fue elegido para el CBOT.

También se sabe que él predijo con éxito números de lotería en varias ocasiones y esto también se puede obtener de este conjunto de tablas planetarias.

Si bien la publicación en sí se basa en posiciones geocéntricas planetarias, el Sr. Gann también anotan sincronizaciones heliocéntricas significativas. Muchas otras gemas se encuentran dentro.

Esta es una necesidad absoluta para los estudiantes serios de la obra de W. D. Gann. Es posible ver cómo utilizó estas técnicas de tiempo para llevar a cabo muchos de sus oficios bien documentados.

Podrás aprender a través del maestro. Usando sus anotaciones, usted será capaz de estudiar los mercados pasados ​​y determinar lo que es importante para su propio comercio y previsión. Tenga en cuenta que debe saber cómo usar un Ephemeris - no se incluyen lecciones en este momento.

W. D. Gann utilizó el Ephemeris para su propio estudio a través de su vida. No es algo que estudió desde el principio y se rindió: usó este Efeméride durante toda su vida.

En la década de 1950, cuando el Sr. Gann tuvo estos volúmenes individuales de rebote en conjuntos de 5 y 10 años, los bordes se cortaron para hacer el libro uniforme. Esto desafortunadamente cortó 1/4 de pulgada de algunas de las notas de W. D. Hemos dejado márgenes adicionales en nuestra reimpresión para permitirle "rellenar los espacios en blanco". Consulte la imagen incluida para ver uno de los bordes recortados.

Tenga en cuenta que $ 28.80 del precio de Gann's Personal Ephemeris irá a registrar su copia. Dada la naturaleza del contenido de esta publicación, se requiere un acuerdo legal para comprarlo. Por favor, considere el contenido con mucho cuidado, ya que vamos a hacer cumplir todos los derechos de autor de una manera muy estricta.

Sólo se harán 400 ejemplares de Private Ephemeris de W. D.Gann.

Si usted es realmente agradable, usted puede elegir qué edición numerada usted quisiera - háganos saber. Por supuesto, los números bajos ya se han ido.

Descripción del producto

W. D. La copia personal de Gann de Ephemeris de Raphael 1941 a 1950

Quizás la parte más importante de las herramientas de W. D. Gann es su Efemérides. Nunca antes este libro había estado en el dominio público. De hecho, durante varios años, esta publicación fue considerada como "desaparecida" y sólo fue redescubierta en 1997 cuando fue devuelta a sus legítimos propietarios. Desde entonces ha sido religiosamente custodiado bajo llave en la bóveda con sólo menos de un puñado de personas que han tenido acceso a ella.

Por primera vez y en número estrictamente limitado, tenemos el privilegio de poner esta publicación a disposición de los miembros de nuestro Círculo Interior.

Dentro del libro se pueden encontrar muchas pistas sobre la metodología del Sr. Gann. La publicación tiene copiosas anotaciones, notas y marcas de tinta en varios colores, todos los cuales se combinan para darnos una idea del genio de este gran hombre. Lo más significativo es que demuestra una de sus principales técnicas para la predicción. Esto señala los puntos de inflexión durante el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otras notas se refieren a eventos en su vida incluyendo la fecha en que fue elegido para el CBOT.

También se sabe que él predijo con éxito números de lotería en varias ocasiones y esto también se puede obtener de este conjunto de tablas planetarias.

Si bien la publicación en sí se basa en posiciones geocéntricas planetarias, el Sr. Gann también anotan sincronizaciones heliocéntricas significativas. Muchas otras gemas se encuentran dentro.

Esta es una necesidad absoluta para los estudiantes serios de la obra de W. D. Gann. Es posible ver cómo utilizó estas técnicas de tiempo para llevar a cabo muchos de sus oficios bien documentados.

Podrás aprender a través del maestro. Usando sus anotaciones, usted será capaz de estudiar los mercados pasados ​​y determinar lo que es importante para su propio comercio y previsión. Tenga en cuenta que debe saber cómo usar un Ephemeris - no se incluyen lecciones en este momento.

W. D. Gann utilizó el Ephemeris para su propio estudio a través de su vida. No es algo que estudió desde el principio y se rindió: usó este Efeméride durante toda su vida.

En la década de 1950, cuando el Sr. Gann tuvo estos volúmenes individuales de rebote en conjuntos de 5 y 10 años, los bordes se cortaron para hacer el libro uniforme. Esto desafortunadamente cortó 1/4 de pulgada de algunas de las notas de W. D. Hemos dejado márgenes adicionales en nuestra reimpresión para permitirle "rellenar los espacios en blanco". Consulte la imagen incluida para ver uno de los bordes recortados.

Tenga en cuenta que $ 28.80 del precio de Gann's Personal Ephemeris irá a registrar su copia. Dada la naturaleza del contenido de esta publicación, se requiere un acuerdo legal para comprarlo. Por favor, considere el contenido con mucho cuidado, ya que vamos a hacer cumplir todos los derechos de autor de una manera muy estricta.

Sólo se harán 400 ejemplares de Private Ephemeris de W. D.Gann.

Si usted es realmente agradable, usted puede elegir qué edición numerada usted quisiera - háganos saber. Por supuesto, los números bajos ya se han ido.


W. D. Gann & # 8217; s Ephemeris Privado 1941-1950

Descripción del producto

La copia personal de Gann de Raphael de los Efemérides de 1941 a 1950

Quizás la parte más importante de las herramientas de W. D. Gann es su Efemérides. Nunca antes este libro había estado en el dominio público. De hecho, durante varios años, esta publicación fue considerada como & # 82201; faltante & # 8221; Y sólo fue redescubierta en 1997 cuando fue devuelta a sus dueños legítimos. Desde entonces ha sido religiosamente custodiado bajo llave en la bóveda con sólo menos de un puñado de personas que han tenido acceso a ella.

Por primera vez y en número estrictamente limitado, tenemos el privilegio de poner esta publicación a disposición de los miembros de nuestro Círculo Interior.

Dentro del libro se pueden encontrar muchas pistas sobre la metodología del Sr. Gann. La publicación tiene copiosas anotaciones, notas y marcas de tinta en varios colores, todos los cuales se combinan para darnos una idea del genio de este gran hombre. Lo más significativo es que demuestra una de sus principales técnicas para la predicción. Esto señala puntos de inflexión durante el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otras notas se refieren a eventos en su vida incluyendo la fecha en que fue elegido para el CBOT.

También se sabe que él predijo con éxito números de lotería en varias ocasiones y esto también se puede obtener de este conjunto de tablas planetarias.

Si bien la publicación en sí se basa en posiciones geocéntricas planetarias, el Sr. Gann también anotan sincronizaciones heliocéntricas significativas. Muchas otras gemas se encuentran dentro.

Esta es una necesidad absoluta para los estudiantes serios de la obra de W. D. Gann. Es posible ver cómo utilizó estas técnicas de tiempo para llevar a cabo muchos de sus oficios bien documentados.

Podrás aprender a través del maestro. Usando sus anotaciones, usted será capaz de estudiar los mercados pasados ​​y determinar lo que es importante para su propio comercio y previsión. Tenga en cuenta que debe saber cómo usar un Ephemeris - no se incluyen lecciones en este momento.

W. D. Gann utilizó el Ephemeris para su propio estudio a través de su vida. No es algo que estudió desde el principio y se rindió: usó este Efeméride durante toda su vida.

En la década de 1950, cuando el Sr. Gann tuvo estos volúmenes individuales de rebote en conjuntos de 5 y 10 años, los bordes se cortaron para hacer el libro uniforme. Esto desafortunadamente cortó 1/4 de pulgada de algunas de las notas de W. D. Hemos dejado márgenes adicionales en nuestra reimpresión para permitirle completar los espacios en blanco & # 8221 ;. Consulte la imagen incluida para ver uno de los bordes recortados.

Tenga en cuenta que $ 28.80 del precio de Gann's Personal Ephemeris irá a registrar su copia. Dada la naturaleza del contenido de esta publicación, se requiere un acuerdo legal para comprarlo. Por favor, considere el contenido con mucho cuidado, ya que vamos a hacer cumplir todos los derechos de autor de una manera muy estricta.

Solo se harán 400 ejemplares de Ephemeris Privado de W. D.Gann.

Si usted es realmente agradable, usted puede elegir qué edición numerada usted quisiera - háganos saber. Por supuesto, los números bajos ya se han ido.

Tengo este enlace de un amigo, mi deseo es compartir con todos juntos para conseguirlo. Déjame experimentar la emoción de este libro.

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950 (COMPARTIR)

Tal vez la parte más importante de las herramientas de W. D. Gann es su Efemérides. Nunca antes este libro había estado en el dominio público. De hecho, durante varios años, esta publicación fue considerada como & # 147; faltante & # 148; Y sólo fue redescubierta en 1997 cuando fue devuelta a sus legítimos propietarios. Desde entonces ha sido religiosamente custodiado bajo llave en la bóveda con sólo menos de un puñado de personas que han tenido acceso a ella.

Por primera vez y en número estrictamente limitado, tenemos el privilegio de poner esta publicación a disposición de los miembros de nuestro Círculo Interior.

Dentro del libro se pueden encontrar muchas pistas sobre la metodología del Sr. Gann. La publicación tiene copiosas anotaciones, notas y marcas de tinta en varios colores, todos los cuales se combinan para darnos una idea del genio de este gran hombre. Lo más significativo es que demuestra una de sus principales técnicas para la predicción. Esto señala los puntos de inflexión durante el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otras notas se refieren a eventos en su vida incluyendo la fecha en que fue elegido para el CBOT.

También se sabe que él predijo con éxito números de lotería en varias ocasiones y esto también se puede obtener de este conjunto de tablas planetarias.

Si bien la publicación en sí se basa en posiciones geocéntricas planetarias, el Sr. Gann también anotan sincronizaciones heliocéntricas significativas. Muchas otras gemas se encuentran dentro.

Esta es una necesidad absoluta para los estudiantes serios de la obra de W. D. Gann. Es posible ver cómo utilizó estas técnicas de tiempo para llevar a cabo muchos de sus oficios bien documentados.

Podrás aprender a través del maestro. Usando sus anotaciones, usted será capaz de estudiar los mercados pasados ​​y determinar lo que es importante para su propio comercio y previsión. Tenga en cuenta que debe saber cómo usar un Ephemeris - no se incluyen lecciones en este momento.

W. D. Gann utilizó el Ephemeris para su propio estudio a través de su vida. No es algo que estudió desde el principio y se rindió: usó este Efeméride durante toda su vida.

En la década de 1950, cuando el Sr. Gann tuvo estos volúmenes individuales de rebote en conjuntos de 5 y 10 años, los bordes se cortaron para hacer el libro uniforme. Esto desafortunadamente cortó 1/4 de pulgada de algunas de las notas de W. D. Hemos dejado márgenes adicionales en nuestra reimpresión para permitirle completar los espacios en blanco & # 148 ;. Consulte la imagen incluida para ver uno de los bordes recortados.

Tenga en cuenta que $ 28.80 del precio de Gann's Personal Ephemeris irá a registrar su copia. Dada la naturaleza del contenido de esta publicación, se requiere un acuerdo legal para comprarlo. Por favor, considere el contenido con mucho cuidado, ya que vamos a hacer cumplir todos los derechos de autor de una manera muy estricta.

Sólo se harán 400 ejemplares de Ephemeris Privado de W. D.Gann.

Si usted es realmente agradable, usted puede elegir qué edición numerada usted quisiera - háganos saber. Por supuesto, los números bajos ya se han ido.

Tema: W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

Tengo este enlace de un amigo, mi deseo es compartir con todos juntos para conseguirlo. Déjame experimentar la emoción de este libro.

W. D. Gann's Private Ephemeris 1941-1950 (COMPARTIR)

Quizás la parte más importante de las herramientas de W. D. Gann es su Efemérides. Nunca antes este libro había estado en el dominio público. De hecho, durante varios años, esta publicación fue considerada como "desaparecida" y sólo fue redescubierta en 1997 cuando fue devuelta a sus legítimos propietarios. Desde entonces ha sido religiosamente custodiado bajo llave en la bóveda con sólo menos de un puñado de personas que han tenido acceso a ella.

Por primera vez y en número estrictamente limitado, tenemos el privilegio de poner esta publicación a disposición de los miembros de nuestro Círculo Interior.

Dentro del libro se pueden encontrar muchas pistas sobre la metodología del Sr. Gann. La publicación tiene copiosas anotaciones, notas y marcas de tinta en varios colores, todos los cuales se combinan para darnos una idea del genio de este gran hombre. Lo más significativo es que demuestra una de sus principales técnicas para la predicción. Esto señala los puntos de inflexión durante el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Otras notas se refieren a eventos en su vida incluyendo la fecha en que fue elegido para el CBOT.

También se sabe que él predijo con éxito números de lotería en varias ocasiones y esto también se puede obtener de este conjunto de tablas planetarias.

Si bien la publicación en sí se basa en posiciones geocéntricas planetarias, el Sr. Gann también anotan sincronizaciones heliocéntricas significativas. Muchas otras gemas se encuentran dentro.

Esta es una necesidad absoluta para los estudiantes serios de la obra de W. D. Gann. Es posible ver cómo utilizó estas técnicas de tiempo para llevar a cabo muchos de sus oficios bien documentados.

Podrás aprender a través del maestro. Usando sus anotaciones, usted será capaz de estudiar los mercados pasados ​​y determinar lo que es importante para su propio comercio y previsión. Tenga en cuenta que debe saber cómo usar un Ephemeris - no se incluyen lecciones en este momento.

W. D. Gann utilizó el Ephemeris para su propio estudio a través de su vida. No es algo que estudió desde el principio y se rindió: usó este Efeméride durante toda su vida.

En la década de 1950, cuando el Sr. Gann tuvo estos volúmenes individuales de rebote en conjuntos de 5 y 10 años, los bordes se cortaron para hacer el libro uniforme. Esto desafortunadamente cortó 1/4 de pulgada de algunas de las notas de W. D. Hemos dejado márgenes adicionales en nuestra reimpresión para permitirle "rellenar los espacios en blanco". Consulte la imagen incluida para ver uno de los bordes recortados.

Tenga en cuenta que $ 28.80 del precio de Gann's Personal Ephemeris irá a registrar su copia. Dada la naturaleza del contenido de esta publicación, se requiere un acuerdo legal para comprarlo. Por favor, considere el contenido con mucho cuidado, ya que vamos a hacer cumplir todos los derechos de autor de una manera muy estricta.

Sólo se harán 400 ejemplares de Private Ephemeris de W. D.Gann.

Si usted es realmente agradable, usted puede elegir qué edición numerada usted quisiera - háganos saber. Por supuesto, los números bajos ya se han ido.

Indicador Astro en MT4

Finalmente, pude cumplir con el indicador ASTRO en MT4 (fuera del foro ruso).

Nota: Los mayores deben confirmar si las fechas son correctas o no.

Aquí hay algunos gráficos NATAL de base para NIFTY & amp; NSE que puede ser útil para aquellos en la astología:

NSE comenzó el 3 de julio de 1990 @ 9:55 AM BOMBAY INDIA

Nifty 50 Index comenzó con un valor base de 1000 el 3 de noviembre de 1995

Los indicadores estarán en mi próxima actualización.

Necesita a alguien con buen conocimiento ASTRO para proporcionar información sobre los ciclos de LUNA / MERCURIO en NIFTY.

De: Niladri Jana a las 03:13 PM - Jan 11, 2012

Utilicé "My Star World" para crear las dos cartas NATAL anteriores. Descarga completa a través de 4Shared.

Compile el archivo "astro_swiss" bajo include first, seguido por astro_func & amp; hora.

A continuación, compile los indicadores principales AstroIndicator4.mq4 & amp; AstroIndicator_Retrograde. mq4

Nota: Habrá mensajes de advertencia del compilador, simplemente ignórelos. La importación de DLL debe.

Discusión (traducido en inglés): http://tinyurl. com/6rwkl7j (esto se basa en Ephemeris suizo)

Otro Indicador: http://marketnaturalcycle. com/bonus. rar (de Bumasoft llamado Aspectarian y Daily Aspectarian)

Libro sobre armónicos planetarios & amp; Mercado:


De: Niladri Jana a las 16:05 - 11 ene 2012

Esto es genial para principiantes para leer: http://gann. su/book/eng/ Earik Beann - Técnicas de un Astrotrader. pdf

De Froex-TSD por SIMBA:

Indicador Astro: He estado jugando con ellos y básicamente podemos publicar varios en la misma carta. Los ajustes son para BODY

0. Sol 1. Luna 2. Mercurio 3. Venus 4. Marte 5. Júpiter 6. Saturno. 7. Urano 8. Neptuno.

Compruebe las efemérides de astroswiss en el archivo de inclusión y verá que puede comparar cualquier par de planetas y la mayoría de los cuerpos celestes "usualmente usados"

Por lo tanto, la primera manera de usar el astroindicador es solo trazar un solo planeta y ver si se puede correlacionar visualmente con los tops y fondos de cualquier par (lo más probable es que no, pero es útil hacer el ejercicio, planeta por planeta)

La segunda forma de usarlo es trazar un planeta frente a otro. BODY = 2 AND BODY2 = 4 Es Mercurio vs Marte, haga clic en los 360 grados como verdadero, todos los demás falsos .. y ver la primera foto (HAGA CLIC EN ELLA y se abrirá en una nueva ventana con gran detalle), si usted acaba de añadir Niveles en 0,360 y 180 verá las conjunciones (0,360 grados de distancia) y las oposiciones (180 grados de distancia) entre Mercurio y Marte. En la imagen se puede ver una oposición muy clara entre Mercurio y Marte (lo señalé con la forma dorada) y sus efectos en EURUSD. ARRIBA. Así que el siguiente paso sería comprobar tantas oposiciones para ver si hay alguna consistencia en el efecto o no (probablemente no, pero puede haber en las conjunciones). Puede utilizar el nivel 120 para Trinos, 90 y 270 para cuadrados.

Una tercera manera de usarlo es trazar un planeta vs otro y usar la distancia. Ver segunda ventana de indicador de mi segunda foto, Aqua uno es diferencia en la distancia entre Marte-Mercurio y el Dorado es la diferencia entre Júpiter-Saturno. Interesante no son ellos. Parecen ciclos dentro de ciclos. Ruedas con ruedas. Ellos no marcan la dirección, por lo general se utilizan para comprobar si hay alguna correlación entre los puntos de distancia más cercana y más lejos y CITs - Cambiar en la tendencia, cualquier dirección - en el mercado. Ambas son configuraciones importantes comúnmente usadas en astrofinanzas. Aún más interesante, en esta segunda foto, es el Trígono (120 grados de separación) Júpiter-Saturno y su efecto sobre el EURUSD. I marked it with an Aqua square.

You could use speed too, for example difference in speed between Mercury and Mars is one of the Bayer rules(second one I believe ). the problem is that there is something wrong with the code and it doesn`t allow for speed comparisons, it returns a blank indicator window..When I compiled the 2 indicators I got several warnings and no errors, so probably looking in deep at the code will solve this problem.

Play with this indicator and you will see several interesting possibilities. most of them will be just spurious asociations, but there are a few that may have statistical validity(In theory Bayer rules were created to be tested and they passed the test. I plan to test a few of them, but first we would need a generous programmer that can clean the indicator code.)

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Astrology software, horoscopes, readings and ephemeris for western, financial and vedic astrology (jyotish)

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Posts tagged Hans Hannula – WorkSheets of Finding Astrocycles with an Ephemeris

An additional writer that appeared to be the enthusiast associated with Gann’s concepts within buying and selling is actually Hans Hannula. Their publications within buying and selling tend to be meant for those who have the specific understanding or even curiosity about buying and selling by using it romantic relationship upon astrophysics, eclipses along with other astronomical buying and selling. Check out their publications such as ‘Market Astrophysics and Chaos’, ‘Trading the Overflight’, ‘ Trading the eclipses’ as well as ‘Ganns Greatest Secret’.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

He or she dependent their tradings about the moon’s stages. He or she stated that we now have fifty eight consecutive several weeks within the dark with regard to their S&P advisory. You will find absolutely no tales although of the declare because there might be twelve associated with methods we are able to help to make the actual amounts appear advantageous compared to which associated with what’s actual.

We think it is humorous once they connect the actual stage from the celestial satellite using the marketplace. My personal crazy speculate will be how the reference to the actual stages from the celestial satellite might alter the actual conduct associated with guy and perhaps that may additionally alter man’s choices within selling or buying on the market. I simply don’t possess any kind of hints perhaps when i can’t discover medical answers however. However for their own enthusiastic follower’s issue tend to be, they’re staying with this because not really every thing could be described through Technology.

WD GANN & The Astrological Ephemeris

Despite Mr. Gann’s declaration that ‘Astrology fails’, it’s well known that he himself kept, consulted and acted on information contained within his Raphael’s Ephemeris which was his constant companion!

He left many notes in the margins of that ephemeris showing that he actively used it for many years.

A page from WD Gann’s private ephemeris with notations

So, that leaves us with a dilemma:

Was Gann trying to throw readers off-track by stating that Astrology didn’t work?

Or. was Gann giving us information of a more valuable kind with his statement?

The very year that WD Gann gave that interview (1919) he was also a member of the Astrological Society (since 1914) whose members included almost every prominent astrologer in the United States, so, there’s some kind of disconnect here.

My explanation, derived from my work on Gann’s papers and rediscovered hidden formulas, is that Gann found the raw data gathered by Astrology in an Ephemeris to be most useful.

Much like a database before the age of computers, Gann could carry this about and apply his formulae to the data and dates contained within it.

But, Gann applied that data in a certain way that was quite unlike the methodology used by even the best astrologers of his day.

I’ve proven this over and over again to my satisfaction using the hidden formulas within his most cryptic book, ‘Tunnel Thru The Air’ and other sources.

I’m considering publishing a course that contains my decodings of that amazing book in the near future. Please write me if you’re interested in that subject. & # 8211; Jorge

Alcyone Astronomical Software - ephemeris software, astronomical tables, solar eclipse calculator

Sky Guide is an astronomy app for sophisticated star enthusiasts and hobby astronomers who value well-founded and precise astronomical illustrations and data.

The basic app function displays a detailed and scalable celestial map with celestial objects (limit magnitude up to 6.3) that are visible with the naked eye or smaller telescopes. The place and time of observation as well as the direction of view can be manually configured by the user or automatically with the so-called “Live mode” (i. e. GPS, real-time and compass-guided).

Detailed additional information is available for every celestial object (fixed star, deep sky object, planet, moon, sun, meteorite shower). The information of the Bright Star Catalog and the Washington Double Star Catalog is made available for fixed stars. Additionally, users can add notes and links for every object.

The powerful search function makes it possible to align the map to a specific celestial object or guide the observer – in „live mode“ – to an object in the starry sky with specific notices. Searches can be performed according to the traditional name of an object, the catalog designation or the constellation. Moreover, the app makes it easy to identify celestial objects by aligning the device to the object in “Live mode”.

The functionality of the app is complemented by a number of astronomical tools and data.

Alcyone Ephemeris 4.3 is an accurate and fast astronomical ephemeris calculator covering the period 3000 BC to AD 3000. It calculates heliocentric, geocentric, and topocentric positions of the Sun (Earth), planets, 18 natural satellites, and small bodies (minor planets and comets) in ecliptical, equatorial, and horizontal coordinates, with optional corrections for parallax and refraction; rectangular coordinates, velocity, apparent diameter, magnitude, phase, lunar libration, orbital elements, differences for all of these, and more.

In addition Alcyone Ephemeris offers a wealth of functionality: star chart generation, 3D-visualization of heliocentric and planetocentric orbits, plotting ephemeris data (as a function of time or in a parametric plot), searching for specific values, data export (Excel, HTML, XML, Text), scripting to write programs for more complex computations, and printing. Access to the complete Bright Star Catalogue, a calendar conversion tool, and an astronomical event calculator are available.

The ephemeris calculation is based upon Steve Moshier's analytical ephemeris using trigonometric expansions for the earth and planets and the lunar ephemeris ELP2000-85 of Chapront-Touzй and Chapront for the moon, both adjusted to Jet Propulsion Laboratory's DE404 (see www. moshier. net ). There are further adjustments in Alcyone Ephemeris, some optional, to JPL's more recent DE406, the most accurate long-term ephemeris.

Alcyone Lunar Calculator (ALC) provides detailed astronomical information on the Moon. It calculates accurate geocentric or topocentric positional and physical ephemerides, times and circumstances of lunar events (e. g. lunar phases, perigee, apogee, passages through the nodes, first and last lunar visibility, occultations, eclipses), orbital parameters and more covering the time period AD 1200 to AD 2100.

Lunar topographic information are available by use of a high-resolution interactive image map based on images taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC). In addition ALC offers graphical capabilities for data visualization in different kinds of printable and exportable 2D - and 3D-diagrams and projections (e. g. 3D-orbit diagram, libration diagram, visibility diagram, elevation maps).

The ephemeris calculation is based upon Steve Moshier's analytical ephemeris using trigonometric expansions for the earth and planets and the lunar ephemeris ELP2000-85 of Chapront-Touzй and Chapront for the moon, both adjusted to Jet Propulsion Laboratory's DE404 (see www. moshier. net ).

Alcyone Astronomical Tables 3.0 is a collection of astronomical data in electronic form. It provides detailed information on various astronomical phenomena (conjunctions with the Sun, planetary conjunctions, oppositions, stations, greatest eleongations, lunar phases, equinoxes and solstices, passages of aphelia and perihelia (apogee and perigee), transits, solar and lunar eclipses (including local circumstances) covering the period 3000 BC (2000 BC) to AD 3000. Alcyone Astrononomical Tables offers additional functionality as printing, chart generation, data export (Excel, HTML, ASCII, CSV), searching for specific values, and time range specification. The calculation (except eclipses) is based upon Steve Moshier's analytical ephemeris using trigonometric expansions for the earth and planets and the lunar ephemeris ELP2000-85 of Chapront-Touzй and Chapront for the moon, both adjusted to Jet Propulsion Laboratory's DE404 (see www. moshier. net ).

All eclipse predictions were performed by Fred Espenak and Jean Meeus (NASA's GSFC). As data are pre-calculated and saved in a database, all calculations are very fast. Alcyone Astrononomical Tables can be used as a 'stand-alone program' and/or as an addition to Alcyone Ephemeris .

Alcyone Eclipse Calculator (AEC) calculates the local circumstances of all solar and lunar eclipses that occur(ed) in the time range between -1999 (2000 B. C) and AD 3000. The local circumstances are presented as eclipse maps and tables for a list of locations (see screenshots ). Locations can be selected from an extendable location database with more than 2000 entries. In addition reports of local circumstances of successive solar or lunar eclipses at a specified location can be generated (see example ).

Exporting maps for import into graphics applications is available as well as printing maps and tables (see example ). Different world maps and maps of all continents are included. For the calculation of "historical" eclipses nine different formulas for the determination of D T (TD-UT) are provided.

Alcyone Solar Eclipse Calculator can be used as a 'stand-alone application' or as an addition to Alcyone Ephemeris .

The calculation of the local circumstances of solar eclipses is based upon the data from the Five Millenium Canon of Solar Eclipses -1999 to 3000 (Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC) with Besselian Elements provided by Jean Meuus. The calculation of the local circumstances of lunar eclipses is based upon the data from the Five Millenium Canon of Lunar Eclipses -1999 to 3000 (Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC).

Planetary, Lunar, and Stellar Visibility (successor to Planet's Visibility 2.0) presents a 3-color diagram that shows when a planet, a star, the moon or the sun is visible during any year from 3000 BC to AD 6000 at any location on the earth. The vertical axis marks the months of the year, the horizontal axis marks the hours of the day. The three colors create a contour map effect and show whether the body is under the horizon (black) and invisible, above the horizon with the sun (light color) and invisible, above the horizon without the sun (shaded color) and so possibly visible. The times of sunrise and sunset and when the sun reaches specified altitudes above or below the horizon can be shown as curves on the diagrams. By moving the mouse over the diagram, the date and time along with the object's altitude, azimuth, and magnitude, or the phase of the moon, are displayed. In addition, Planetary, Lunar, and Stellar Visibility computes and tabulates the dates of visibility phenomena: for planets and stars first and last visibility, acronychal rising and cosmical setting; for the moon first and last visibility, and the tables provide much supplementary information. These phenomena are very useful for historical purposes. Since the computation of visibility phenomena is complex and uncertain, alternate methods are provided and parameters can be altered by the user to find what appear to be the best results. There are also diagrams of solar and lunar eclipses, of the rotation, inclination, illumination, and apparent size of the bodies, and of Jupiter's satellites. The settings for the computations may be saved, the graphics may be saved, pasted into documents, and printed, and the tables for visibility phenomena may be accumulated, edited, printed, and saved as. rtf files or HTML files to be pasted into documents and printed. Full documentation is provided. Planetary, Lunar, and Stellar Visibility is freeware and runs under Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, and Vista.

Tag: Hans Hannula – WorkSheets of Finding Astrocycles with an Ephemeris

Tim Bost’s brand new guide, Mercury, Money and the Markets: Profitable Planetary Cycles for Short-Term Astro-Trading, requires all of us heavy to the weeds associated with astrological marketplace evaluation. Therefore heavy, actually, which i ‘m enticed in order to phone this the new world, with regard to sticking with Bost’s astro evaluation route is much like hacking a person’s method via thick plant life. This isn’t to express which Bost’s guide is actually hard in order to read–he requires discomfort in order to action all of us with the denseness along with writing which describes as well as enlightens.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Bost’s main planetary sign with regard to marketplace evaluation, because their name indicates, is actually Mercury. He or she additionally utilizes the actual asteroids as well as trans-Neptune physiques thoroughly, as well as midpoints–especially midpoints aspected through Mercury–rather compared to Ptolemy’s traditional main elements. He or she allows us to realize that he’s discovered through the years which much less traditional elements clarify much more when compared to a conjunctions, sextiles, semi-squares, squares as well as oppositions. He or she additionally information he offers discovered numerous occasions when a good astrological reading through signifies 1 marketplace proceed and also the marketplace can make an additional proceed. He or she eliminates over-simplifying as well as handles the actual difficulties associated with astrology inside a step-by-step method which enlightens each beginners along with other astrologers. It is obvious through their cautious text associated with astrological information because affects, not really complete dictates, he offers probed this particular topic just like a deep-sea diver discovering places other people possess prevented.

Since the name indicates, Bost is exclusive amongst marketplace astrologers with regard to their large dependence upon Mercury, it’s series and also the elements in order to midpoints this can make from any kind of provided second. He or she actually features a cross-indexed 201 12 months Mercury ephemeris, not really discovered elsewhere. Exactly what he’s to express regarding Mercury channels, retrogrades as well as ahead actions is actually by itself really worth the buying price of this particular guide.

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I have this link from a friend, my desire is to share with everyone together to get it. Let me experience the thrill of this book.

W. D. Gann’s Private Ephemeris 1941-1950 (SHARING)

Perhaps the most important part of W. D. Gann’s tools is his Ephemeris. Never before has this book been in the public domain. In fact, for several years, this publication was deemed to be “missing” and was only rediscovered in 1997 when it was returned to its rightful owners. Since then it has been religiously guarded under lock and key in the vault with only less than a handful of people having had access to it.

For the first time ever and in strictly limited numbers we are privileged to make this publication available to members of our Inner Circle.

Within the book many clues to Mr. Gann’s methodology can be found. The publication has copious annotations, notes and ink markings in various colors-all of which combine to give us an insight into the genius of this great man. Most significantly he demonstrates one of his major timing techniques for prediction. This pinpoints turning points during the course of the Second World War. Other notes refer to events in his life including the date he was elected to the CBOT.

It is also known that he successfully predicted lottery numbers on several occasions and this too can be gleaned from this set of planetary tables.

Whilst the publication itself is based on geocentric planetary positions, Mr. Gann also annotates significant heliocentric timings alongside. Many other gems are to be found within.

This is an absolute must for serious students of the work of W. D. Gann. It is possible to see how he used these timing techniques to carry out many of his well-documented trades.

You will be able to learn through the master. Using his notations, you will be able to study past markets and determine what is important to your own trading and forecasting. Note that you must know how to use an Ephemeris - no lessons are included at this time.

W. D. Gann used the Ephemeris for his own study throughout his life. It is not something he studied early on and gave up-he used this Ephemeris throughout his life.

In the 1950’s, when Mr. Gann had these individual volumes rebound in 5 and 10 year sets, the edges were cut to make the book uniform. This unfortunately cut off 1/4 inch of some of W. D.’s notes. We have left extra margins in our reprinting to allow you to “fill in the blanks”. See the included picture to view one of the trimmed edges.

Please note that $28.80 of the price of Gann’s Personal Ephemeris will go to registering your copy. Given the nature of the content of this publication, a legal agreement is required to purchase this. Please consider the content very carefully as we will be enforcing all copyrights in a very strict manner.

Only 400 copies of W. D.Gann’s Private Ephemeris will ever be made.

If you are really nice, you may choose which numbered edition you would like-let us know. Of course, low numbers are already gone.

Privacy Policy: Please find the link on registration page for the details of our policies about security of your information and no spamming.

Legal Disclaimer and Risk Disclosure : ForexAbode. com is an information site on the foreign exchange (Forex trading) market. Our analysis and forecasts only reflects our views and any suggestion and forex trading analysis/advice given on this website is based on our experience and views of the Forex market and does not constitute an investment advice. We will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information anywhere on this site by us or any other member of our Forex Forum and Forex Blog. Currently we update currency analysis for eur/usd, usd/jpy, eur/jpy, gbp/jpy, gbp/usd, aud/jpy, aud/usd and usd/chf. Please treat these only as our views and not as an investment advice.

Copyright y copia; 2013



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This Month's Declinations

How to read the Declinations Graph:

What Is Declination?

Planets travel in a 360 degree circle around the Sun, but they do not constantly stay at the same latitude. In fact, they are always moving up or down. These "ups and downs" are measured as the distance between a planet's current position and the earth's equator (as projected into the sky). This measurement is known as declination.

This graph shows you the declinations for each planet for the period of one month.

A good example to see this is the moon, since you will see a whole cycle of the moon each 28 days. In the example above, you can see when it makes its maximum up and down, and when it hits the center each month.

How Do I Use The Declination Graph?

The Declination Graph is another way of looking at aspects. To use this graph, just find the planet(s) you are interested in and look at their positions in the graph. When you see planets that are at the same degree (either up or down), they are said to be Parallel. If they are at the same degree but one above and the other below the middle line (celestial equator), that is called a Contra Parallel. These aspects are similar to the conjunction and the opposition aspect.

Parallels exist when there is a conjunction. The meaning will be determined by the planets involved and the houses and signs that they are in. But when two planets are conjunct and parallel, that means they share the same celestial latitude as well as degree.

Contra-Parallel exist when there is an opposition; like the Parallel, it will depend on the planets and their house positions. When two planets are opposed and parallel, that means they share the same celestial latitude, as well as opposing degrees.

There is a special time when the planet is at Zero. This is when they are neither up or down from the celestial equator (the middle line in the graph). This is a time when the planet is going to be strong and the principles of that planet will be emphasized.

Upcoming Months:

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What are the ephemerides and how do they help us

In this article we will find out what the ephemerides are, how are they calculated and what their role is. We will study some planets’ ephemerides and find the link between them and the financial market. At the end we will draw the conclusions.

What are the ephemerides?

An ephemeris (plural: ephemerides; from the Greek word [] ephemeros “daily”) is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time or times. Different kinds are used for astronomy and astrology. Even though this was also one of the first applications of mechanical computers, an ephemeris will still often be a simple printed table.

The position is given to astronomers in a spherical polar coordinate system of right ascension and declination or to astrologer in longitude along the zodiacal ecliptic, and sometimes declination. Astrological positions may be given for either noon or midnight.

An astronomical ephemeris may also provide data on astronomical phenomena of interest to astrologers and astronomers such as eclipses, apparent retrogradation/planetary stations, planetary ingresses, sidereal time, positions for the Mean and True nodes of the moon, the phases of the Moon, and sometimes even the position(s) of Chiron, and other minor celestial bodies. Astrologers also use other ephemerides that include tables of imaginary celestial bodies, such as Lilith, a term they use variously for the apogee of the Moon or the second focus of the Moon’s orbit. Some ephemerides also contain a monthly aspectarian, while others often include the declination of the planets as well as their longitudes, right ascensions or Cartesian coordinates.

The majority of astrologers study tropical astrology, involving planetary positions referenced to the vernal (spring) equinox position along the ecliptic (the equinox being the nexus of Earth’s rotational plane and Earth’s orbital plane around the Sun). They use exactly the same referential frame of the astronomers, except for a small minority of astrologers who study sidereal astrology and use a different ephemeris, based on the constellations.

Though astrology is and always has been geocentric, heliocentric astrology is an emerging field; for this purpose a standard ephemeris cannot be utilized, and because of this specialized heliocentric ephemerides must be calculated and used instead of the default geocentric ephemerides that are used in standard Western astrology to construct the astrological chart/natal chart.

How can we calculate ephemerides and what is their graphic representation?

In order to calculate an ephemeris you need complex mathematical formulas, but these are usually done by specialized software programs. The final result is in the form of a table with the exact position of a planet on the sky at 0:00 hours every day.

This is a table for the month of April 2008:

This table gives the longitude for each planet, representing the location of the planet in a specific astrological sign.

The ephemerides can also give the latitude for each planet.

The values in the table represent angles, the combination of angles leading us to a financial chart with highs and lows and turning points. Let us see the graphic representation of the ephemerides of a planet.

The relation between the ephemerides and financial indicators’ charts

The last two tables showed the longitudinal ephemerides of the strong planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and the latitudinal ephemerides of the weak planets – Mercury and Venus. To find the link we are looking for, we need to make a new table to highlight the ascending/declining trend and the Highs and Lows.

The conclusions for this table would be as follows:

- January: short with a local Low (Mercury)

- February: short, but with a local High (Mercury)

- April: the short period is ending, long starts

- May: long with two important Highs

- June: long is at the end, short starts

- July: equally long and short, neutral trend

- August: long with two important Highs

- September: long ends and has an important High, short begins

- October: strong short (both Jupiter and Saturn indicate short)

- November: short continuing

- December: short ending

Let us also see the graphic representation of 2008, the image of the previous table.


The longitudinal and latitudinal path of the planets given by the ephemerides is in a strong correlation with financial markets evolution

The planets indicate the overall up/down slope of the monthly trend, they don’t forecast the trend by the minute.

Of all the planets, Jupiter and Saturn influence people the most, their energies being the strongest. This is why the financial chart follows closely the path of these planets.

Usually, the stronger planets forecast more important Highs and Lows than the weaker planets do. Mercury, Venus and the Moon generate minor fluctuations, representing local Highs an Lows

We have showed only the analysis for the year 2008 because it is the most interesting and recent year, but we have also studied many past years. Anyone interested can do the same and we are opened to dialogues on this topic.

By showing you this study we are not trying to convince you that astrology is perfect. We just want to highlight the fact that there are correct ways of predicting the local High and Low and the reversal points. These kinds of studies helped us along the years build our trading system, the system we are basing our analysis and forecasts on.

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amazing, isn't it?

and I will make a series of trades below so that everyone could take a look on how simple wdgannlive 's strategy does work.

1st Trade: Sell Euro (at market price 1.2753) till 8th June 2nd Trade: Buy Gold (at market price 1207.8) till 8th June

From the Famous W. D. Gann Interview: The Ticker and Investment Digest (Ticker and Investment Digest, Volume 5, Number 2, December, 1909, page 54.)

"I soon began to note the periodical recurrence of the rise and fall in stocks and commodities. This led me to conclude that natural law was the basis of market movements. I then decided to devote ten years of my life to the study of natural law as applicable to the speculative markets and to devote my best energies toward making speculation a profitable profession. After exhaustive researches and investigations of the known sciences, I discovered that the law of vibration enabled me to accurately determine the exact points at which stocks or commodities should rise and fall within a given time."

"The working out of this law determines the cause and predicts the effect long before the street is aware of either. Most speculators can testify to the fact that it is looking at the effect and ignoring the cause that has produced their losses."

Last edited by wdgannlive; May 28, 2010 at 5:37pm.

mate, as has been shown time & time again, with the correct money management and approach to risk management, flipping a coin "works"

I can't remember how many times I've had to post Market Wizard Tom Bassos findings here during my tenure:


I was doing a seminar with Tom Basso (see his sections in Chapters 3 and 5) in 1991. Tom was explaining that the most important part of his system was his exits and his position-sizing algorithms. As a result, one member of the audience remarked, “From what you are saying it sounds like you could make money consistently with a random entry as long as you have good exits and size your positions intelligently.”

Tom responded that he probably could. He promptly returned to his office and tested his own system of exits and posltlon sizing with a “coin flip” - type entry. In other words, his system simulated trading four different markets and he was always in the market, either long or short, based upon a random signal. As soon as he got an exit signal, he’d reenter the market again based upon the random signal. Tom’s results showed that he made money consistently, even using $100 per contract for slippage and commissions.

Corroborated by fellow market wizard Lindas research:

(Scroll all the way down)

Trading ain't rocket science like I keep saying.

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Swing operations involve identifying circumstances to access large profits in a period of time timid. It is pandering to identify meters sketches, and then into the arms fine and precise moment to intervene. Swing traders are investors who made imports swing and seek embroidered turning schemes: ephemeris levels and a necklace that will accelerate its pace or change of posture. Technical grafologías is an important part of the tools exploited in shopping swing.

The key is to devise a wealth of drawings and technical indexes shy payment to interpret the position of the market. To produce to identify a position in the main there are two guys riots in the market: in charges, and internally of a line. An unknown market will remain inside of an order you have petulant including buyers and traders to enforce a breakdown of the roster or breakout.

There are two fixes a swing trader to benefit from a market that moves inside of orders. The first is to deliver every time the legend approaches the maximum cost of the office and get when approaching the minimum boldness of charge. The second appearance is place a system operating by upward momentum maximum order and catering system below minimum daring. In the second environment, the trader is anticipating that the charge be broken. To act to identify a position in a market of positions, the organization is also simple: a trader must identify the parameters of devotion, and then achieve the best embroidery realizable subscription.

At times, you see that the market goes up more each sequence; you knew however did not intervene and missed the aim; seduction is then harass the market by buying at a higher step. The best practice in this episode would have been just urge another line begins. A possess invoice course, the lines do not last forever. Eventually it dissipates growth and tessitura market becomes a market order, or even may become completely.

Appointed managing swing trading requires that you identify the changes in the position according to these they occur. This means that you may be asking attentive to the expressive meters. A good technical explanations and the deposit will swing Chuck, so if you are interested in this kind of trading we recommend storing more about technical dissection.

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What does trading? For those who do not know this company, we will try to unravel in a few voices, extremely briefly, what the management. Trade is to obtain financial or dispatch a latent asset in the financial market in order to acquire a reflective performance.

To put it point blank: buy little with the goal of delivering more expensive, or transfer in the first place in order to poach over low value then. You can meet future influences alluded deposits, premiums and heraldic disciplines. When we do what entries in the Forex market or market weapons, and always in a familiar letter to another. For example, the euro against the dollar (Eurusd), or the pound against the dollar (Gbpusd).

From the absence of the constitution to limit the flow merit of a currency relative to other cards. So always whisper Twins weapons. We can make an import of the stage, where our streets are open or normally close on the same path or long period, with loans that can reach well by terms weeks or months. Since many years, through the process of technology news Internet-based, now through a broker toilet which provides passage to the deposits and tablada any anyone with savings, a computer and a connection to the Internet can cause you treat .

However, this ease of approach to the stipulation does not mean that the store is a simple influence. Ensure consistency in our results for the period subsequent circumstance is much more tiring than it seems at first. Achieving this depends on our breath, review, dedication, matter and especially to prowl at the precise loophole avoiding the abundance of “nymph” we will find.

In the forex market without at least some reasonable accommodation without essential when you trade: The Capital Management. That the whole space and apexes understand jargon. The worst thing is that all these people are fed largely by a strong marketing as you make them bet only need to “gain a few pip’s to be successful in this market.” That is false or debatable off enormously. Analyze it mathematically: We have a young trader (without serious as lush preparation) who thinks he should just “rip 10 pip’s the market.” That is their interest is 10 pip’s and originally even risking 10 pips’s (the high loss plaza where their losing lock).

On completion the risk: benefit ratio is 1: 1 and this fact is supported by intervention stunted reason they “could” strive with huge leverage and huge question apart. We will be greatly gargantuan with this young trader and imagine that you have a procedure that has a probability of 50% for and 50% against. Suppose further that starts at a rate of $ 10,000 (the amount my dear friend is indistinct). Now acceptably, if we had a flag of 20 transactions where the trader loses continuously in the first 10 and appetite continuously in 10 second then at the end of the flow glimpse trader apparently would be pure. “Apparently”. If you made a succession trading know what I mean. Here I am not taking into sum delegation, spred, the sleeplessness, etc. charged by brokers to make their habit of soaring effect. Whereby the final flow apart that history will always flow. In second site known to any beginner has the ability and permission subject to settle so great leverage. Also inquire as grains pip’s with large number of sets is suicidal and more if anyone is operating lacks knowledge and experience. What you end up doing the new trader is looking exaggerate shedding the same interest. Ie, a system deriesgo: benefited 2: 1 which goes against a cash effective capital. What sense does it involve more than what is craving? Yet you. Amazingly copious traders will operate in this way.

Then, if the trader continues to maintain a method that has a probability of 50% to 50% active against the end of the notification the trader will only end with many more negative and cumulative losses. What happens friends is unnatural inside of then damaging virtuous entities when you trade, which is the ambition anchor collections instantly (and get to separate the emitted use) and elsewhere to respect not to lose so quickly and ignore pirarse Import denial that this is doing double, triple or even quadruple discounts. I’m sure he must have gone on for some time. All this without cracking playing against inexperienced little experience, figure, suspicion, etc. Factors that eventually make their chances to run effective trading are escazas.

Paragraphs claimed to be behind a large detached as if we get trapped proceedings against 50% a privilege. Do you know. Por qué? Just because it is incomprehensible locate tactics to have such a good rate of return. The universality of organizations stuck in the web of profitability ratios are unlikely and would be sufficient for you. You will make a rainy Backtesting to “these strategies” for that pearl for you. Derecha. Many people hang logistics in the net or if any demonstrated by a prudent period. The most abundant are moth-eaten methods that ultimately only help you. Part of a vicious cycle of test and permanent error. Is a real and conclusive fact that the universality of inexperienced surgeons enter the forex systems or operations of gross time: in other words trading in proscenium and schemes in small end styling many everyday purchases and corner apexes pip’s market Beach entangle more. I demanded: if this facet able to make out that so great is the symbol of losers? Why the other hand, I caught negotiate the payment is not discussed flow naturally be sucked into end product of high market volatility of this market? Do not forget my dear friend and friend to the forex market is extremely flyer.

The effect of a press for a surgeon ignorant term can be fatal. Are abundant opportunities in a reference which is good for a legend however the pair ends up making a fuss contrary is published. Then the surgeon perishable decaminado period ends and thinking that the market is against him. Which it is not effective but is doing trading in inappropriate context for a novice. Following the stereotype imagine a more “real” system where the odds are 60% against and 40% to privilege. The numbers speak for themselves, stubborn surgeon time and risk more likely to win by trading become null. Do I pretend demonize operative goose decade? No, that’s not my goal. Simply elucidate factors which is conclusive reliability and strict theory yet: People who are just learning cause trading must excel learning to intervene in the understandable lapse (intervene in sets of 4 hours or trips) because it is easier to understand it and manage it. The alloy allows enough time with technical interpretations without suspicion it is essential that the best forex hodgepodge when acquisitions are made. A chance that a trader is sufficiently skilled and able to discern the market, process flow and overall well know your monitor their tracks; then only then could enroll speculate narrow span where much skill and ability is needed.

Operate the short period is for traders with experience and not a romp as some think. If not, please answer you. Right, because so many people lost in the blind time is verily the fact intervene in almost all fresh traders? Respect other guises much different attendant working in some good-natured puns are unresolved surgeons in the period, but agglomerate at this “stage” should have exercised much and fit great skill and judgment in all areas of trading. Something that a novice surgeon does not have to start and will cost you much time to generate. Hence my recommendation to run the trading summary inductive where the surgeon is burning stages and avoiding meaningless losses. I know, that profuse enter this world of forex seduced by how fast you can fill in yields and the intelligible resulting market flags, as well as various conveniences on other financial courts, but what prevents explain is that any he is learning the forex trading should learn formally, and that trading is studied as if outside at a new occupation, otherwise you. friend will only be wasting your money will surely much courage it took to get. Think but all would magnates.

If you feel affable establishing an outline and following the long-term imports also trading in longer payment summons, may find attractive and perhaps a profitable investment. Naturalness in large measure establishing leveraged teach implies that it is feasible to obtain large profits in a small time signal. The placements in long trading involves imports to day operations and refers to all the shadow or even remain open for multiple trips.

Trading long period seems to swing imports subject in which you identify tessitura, however differs in that it requires a deeper understanding of what happens in the market agreement. No point to locate the flush of a break (or breakout) in particular, but to keep a sympathy prostitution. You will have to assimilate and follow an opinion aa exception arises statement invalidates note. At the same time, you need have enough to tolerate some temporary security frustrations.

Psychologically speaking Square long period is essential to have. One time you can run suspect abandon its operation and the latch. There is also the danger that further open positions of a period to another, can happen drastic changes in the market while you sleep. Although the seats do not require long day of competition resulting from operations intradays it is important to maintain a mole on the market. Note Some parameters and have a clear scene of how the mood of the delay amount flag develops.

For example, if you are in a long time operation involving the Australian dollar, and the Australia Bureau of Statistics publishes a report job to the best manager, the Australian dollar should climb. Otherwise, the market may be communicating to you shortly. The square could also be lucrative and entrepreneurship resume chaste, although dissection was wrong and should examine together placement.

The crucial subject in the streets long period is knowing just when to bet his orders. If you are anticipating a break in employment (breakout), inheritance is better to ambush your order to play safe outside the ladder, on the contrary could be hurt by what is called a false break, that is, the pair leaves the ladder on which had been operating, then only for a short time, and then return to the same. On the other site, it is important to bequeath spend a little time for its acquisition work. Close acquisition thanks to intraday gesture is a frustrating knack for such acquisitions.

How keep the care? Frustrations ceilings (high loss) on purchases are cardinal long period, even though they are the terminals to blow collections (take profits). Best jiffy purpose is to learn a formerly arrived on import. The metal unique opportunity move more than 4 cents without recoil, and a gain of 2 cents acts can be considered as highly good. Secure ends authentic in their imports; if you reach your goal not hesitate to seal the acquisition and ensure their profits. A note economize more than other types of imports, long positions amendments space used as the pumping of purchase. Some traders like to tackle with poor posture and increase when it becomes profitable.

Others like to appear with a big attitude and slowly away sales. A common menstruation never fight among traders is more than 10% of its volume in a single import. Never take the forex as a start. It is very hazardous as trading only guided by their feelings and throws. If acquisitions do not go as you want, rebuild its composure taking potential acquisitions granjerías in rarer.

This document is intended for all those who are just starting Traders in Trading globe. The Trading seems very simple, but extremely difficult to walk and itinerary can be long. If you are not proportionately prepared, the inhabitants make trading in various places, gold, looking for familiarity, random juxtaposition, etc. Traders apexes but they find the true meaning of it. We can gather the gleanings Trading is an intellectual executors overflowing influence so that we can have success.

There are three pillars (in rank order) to be successful in trading, if you acquire these three types, your chances of trading success are huge. 1 to 1 Trading psychology proper management of the coherent 2-shedding. 3-1 well organized Trading. A fixed Trading psychology is based specifically on the examination of impressions, our sentimentality have a direct effect on our total capital. Because we can save the best tactic Trading, although we are disappointed, heavy bill complexed him suffer. The pipiolos believe that success rested Trading is bound Trading good organization, and that’s a big mistake. Technical knowledge and tactical Trading are things you can get with a little practice buffet and then traces care is what differentiates consistent winning trader in surplus Traders period.

The Trading is a task, if no matter who studied carreas 4 or 5 years, to be engineers, recorders, architects, etc. why we believe that practicing on a demo pearl two months are now adapted to run Trading? This in a asaz common mistake, I have laid dozens of estates, to act Trading must be nurtured and trained to commit adequate care of our impressions. In my more than six years of skill in trading, I learned dozens of Traders, all of them doctors, engineers, economists, leaders, and almost all of them failed in the Trading, by multiple allegations they did not learn to control their feelings, Trading is a struggle against oneself, against our county fears, our weaknesses, all comes out in the Trading journey time, if we do not learn to master them happy to the fetus.

When I started the Globe Forex, I met a young man almost my same permanence, was independent electrician at that time, I endorse that when I met him I did not think he had rigged skills to overcome the planet Trading. What I saw in front of him was sensational, was a congenital consistent winner, although he did not know some technical knowledge and cardinal Trading organization was not the panacea of ​​logistics, he managed to get leases constantly controlled their tracks an unreal fashion, when closing the losing imports and should not hurry to seal the winners, if lost or gained in a purchase not to crack in juice or mood, just trying to come good Trading, was disciplined in their operations.

This more name be wrong with him, now he lives in Australia, manages a very important book has heterogeneous investments and profits in that country. Emotional care is the main arsenal that a successful trader has, greed and anxiety lead to a Trader to certain ruin, we must benefit thinking of opportunity to use smell as a consultant, if you want to be a consistent winner within You must instill emotional examination and make it yours. The second pillar of Trading, treasury risk is rigged, I will set a stereotype: Let’s throw a coin charm for a few seconds will experience one of the paradoxes of nature: the unexpected summary.

We do not know what the reflowed, though eventually we will know what will happen with great accuracy. As Alexander Elder says the symmetrical output is the most influential tool for Traders. A good possibility numeral help us to maintain a suitable direction of the danger, this convenience comes from a system that grant maximum earnings degenerations. If we operate with a positive numeral certainty and judicious Trading system we market our privilege and not against us. The first objective of a living case management, is survival, the second objective is obviously endless pocket expenses when.

I’ll tell you a semblance, when I started trading, I was hard enough losing my shopping incomunicar as much Traders always put evasive and gave him more margin purchases with the term of not getting shameless, also made the mistake to fasten the winning trades quickly, mentally notify the relief was winning and hurry to complete my operations even when my trading style do not dictate to me. All these representative Traders errors, the base could win the skill and self-knowledge of myself. Make trading is a fight against yourself, but you know yourself correctly, but know your passions and vivacidades in the Trading, then you can not be a consistent winner in space.

How much wear? The union Traders do not risk more than 2% in each import and manage a similar performance: danger of 2: 1, 3: 1 or 4: 1, herein lies much a successful Trader, as is the maximum profit in correlation to setback, mature will be our chances of getting at the time. Finally we reached the third pillar of Trading Trading A good strategy, I would say it is the last link that a trader must hold if the 2 front acceptably Trading pillars are the most important, the latter is automatic.

All the knowledge and technical training have to pour in acquiring a good logistics Trading. On the web, in the Forex forums you. You can hit an appreciable stroke of logistics Trading, some of them quite unhappy, others little more complex, I recommend to all people who are new to the Trading, learn all the core knowledge indicative, etc. And review all organizations reach their past, conduct backtesting and confront the sincerity of these tactics, because front suppose if this or that is good or bad, we must try once. Soak all, learn all you can and then decide what type of surgeon wants to be in that edge of period wants ajetrearse, at that time you. Will be able to settle what tactic Trading will be or to devise their own logistics Trading. Remember that your success or generated on the Cosmos Trading depends only on you.

Intraday acquisitions refer to market reach and emanate many sequences at one time. This tactic can be profitable and requires quite fast in the meantime you can spawn in practice in any jiffy. Traders making purchases in the same term (intraday) try to collect a large numeral of narrow profits by exploiting the daily volatility of the forex market. These intraday investors entering and leaving the market many estates during the same trip. There is little danger in intraday sick purchases because they involve attitudes barraganas only for a small period of time. However one of the aggravating circumstances in this type of organization is that the revenue obtained in each of these imports are relatively limited.

Such traders generally do not have an assessment in training on the latent position of a particular currency. Only they know that there is volatility and can exploit. Intradays strategies in grades pre pedestal The key for intraday trading is to identify an apparently lying market, a market that is looking for interim management and ranges. In invalidity of newsletters or major spills, a few obituaries generally fluctuate in a job of 10-30 pips.

This type of traders that imports made inside the same path is not interested in notions. When an episode occurs suddenly and it affects a flag post he was negotiating is invalidated. Thus, this type of traders, not maintain a critical aligned on the supervision of honors, is scheduled to be fixed when silent during these operations take effect PERIQUETES notions. Strategies pad intradays in episodes scheduled On the other hand, there are traders who import into the term however they want to learn from the chronicles. The largest and most profitable hassles in inscriptions are attached with references and economic stories. Each maturity, the different published financial statements, such as the ministry numbers, the torrent and taverns by beocio among others. These numbers often determine the leadership of honors during that term.

Economic notes are hard to guess, yet but with good observation and nose for the market opportunities you can achieve a great utility. Identify a line in the market is a great way of dealing with economic background. Often, a logo can be more indolent to a widespread poster that was not expected, that one yes is waiting. A sum commit important thing here is bound to smell the money that is intended to trade. Before announcements, honors can be around a key technical and psychological momentum. In other incidents, a currency can now be matched by a great enthusiasm strong move and reside without release.

Economic notes can trigger a change in the arrangement even. Good logistics of intraday trading which is unintelligible to venture into practice is to run faster with economic background. These are published at the same time for everyone in the market. But even so, there are traders who use sketches called “black coffin” who read drafts of economics and purchases run momentarily. Interpret economic numbers is another flirtation. After the economic numbers published, sums not cause the expected peak power consumption or automatic transfer. For risk drinking it, to regrow flag value, it crosses boundaries, exaggerating the event. At that time, the trader has time to review the shows.

Economic points are imperfect maybe the market has over-reacted? You have a split second to risk principiar what type of import. When operating in forex, you begin to accept what rates are the most important. As a network, issues the order, amount of effort and contributions are most influencing the market. There are different logistics for intraday trading. No matter if you are exploiting market volatility or operating with noticiasy mishaps, learn how to explain the economic issues and improve the results of their intraday purchases.

Pips A pip is equivalent to a tick or set in the works, futures or other souks. It is an abbreviation for percentage interest point (in Briton) and is the smallest to speculate on forex-man section. The pip is always the symbol to the right of any forex trading in securities. Embedded prestige personal pip depends on the flagship operation. The euro is calculated to four decimal individuals, so each pip equals 1/100 centavos. The yen, ups and downs, is calculated to two decimal places, so a pip is a dime. This is not to suggest that each pip has a value of 1/100 cents – to appreciate this, we need crimped two periods piece and leverage. Lots Shoals and other traders operating solvency weapons into wedges.

A standard piece amounts to 100,000 (100K) units of the motto of the acquisition, while a mini game is 10,000 (10 K). How are you Please figures would make trading prohibitive for the average surgeon, backpack agents introduced a reverie nominated leverage (leverage). Leverage Leverage (leverage) allows you to control more capital in an acquisition than you have deposited in your sum. Here is where lies the real splendor of forex trading, however it must be cautious, because the leverage is many opportunities an array of double limit.

This can work to the benefit or against you. With a leverage of 100: 1, you need 1 unit of the slogan to control 100 units in the market. Thus, only 100 areas need to control one mini segment (10 K) on the market, or 1000 units to control 1 Standard piece (100 K). With a leverage of 200: 1, 50 areas need to control one mini game and 500 individuals to control 1 Standard set.

The gain therefore is a doer result of multiplying their leverage by the figure and bundle the pieces of the transactions, the number of bonds in cost to their rhythmic pips profit. Devaluations, thus, are calculated in the same vein, when the value varies in the opposite guise. In the unhappiest example, if you eating one piece mini inscriptions pair Eur / usd, capital increase or decrease their relationship on $ 1 per roll in pips. If you are drinking one standard game, then your table increase or decrease $ 10 with each pip bustle or the amount.

Limit transactions Preserve is the figure on bail due to continue its open spaces. Unlike the activities and raw subjects, no claim for additional reserve in forex (when a wrinkle agent requires you to deposit additional frustrations kernels to fill open positions in event pulse rapid and unexpected values); this may be fine as perverse success. On the one hand, their enumeration is protected from the amount originally lived frustrations deposited, as all open locations will close automatically if your list falls below the limit requirements due. Moreover, all open positions will be automatically closed if your list falls below the requirements necessary curb.

Therefore, it is always advisable to shelter a procession of curb how much you need to take every open position, addiction and the total margin required by all hogaño open locations. For this, the widget to verify purchases made by the entourage of these amounts for you, automatically circumstances. In the above example, if you set the transaction 1 mini Eur / usd for 1.50 with a leverage of 100: 1, you will need $ 150 of your treasure table as a benefit to have that open stance.

If the value moves in his ailment in 1 pip, you will need $ 151. And if the value moves in his condition in 10 pips, you will need $ 160. If, however, you usually eating 1 piece of Eur / usd for 1.50 with a leverage of 100: 1, you will need $ 1,500 to shelter their scale and coast to shelter the open position. If the cost is moved to his own hurt in 1 pip, you will need $ 1510. And if the amount moves to undermine you by 10 pips, you will need $ 1600.

Mensajes recientes

W. D. Gann’s Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

W. D. Gann’s Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

W. D. Gann’s Private Ephemeris 1941-1950

W. D. Gann’s Personal Copy of Raphael’s Ephemeris 1941 to 1950

Perhaps the most important part of W. D. Gann’s tools is his Ephemeris. Never before has this book been in the public domain. In fact, for several years, this publication was deemed to be “missing” and was only rediscovered in 1997 when it was returned to its rightful owners. Since then it has been religiously guarded under lock and key in the vault with only less than a handful of people having had access to it.

For the first time ever and in strictly limited numbers we are privileged to make this publication available to members of our Inner Circle.

Within the book many clues to Mr. Gann’s methodology can be found. The publication has copious annotations, notes and ink markings in various colors-all of which combine to give us an insight into the genius of this great man. Most significantly he demonstrates one of his major timing techniques for prediction. This pinpoints turning points during the course of the Second World War. Other notes refer to events in his life including the date he was elected to the CBOT.

It is also known that he successfully predicted lottery numbers on several occasions and this too can be gleaned from this set of planetary tables.

Whilst the publication itself is based on geocentric planetary positions, Mr. Gann also annotates significant heliocentric timings alongside. Many other gems are to be found within.

This is an absolute must for serious students of the work of W. D. Gann. It is possible to see how he used these timing techniques to carry out many of his well-documented trades.

You will be able to learn through the master. Using his notations, you will be able to study past markets and determine what is important to your own trading and forecasting. Note that you must know how to use an Ephemeris - no lessons are included at this time.

W. D. Gann used the Ephemeris for his own study throughout his life. It is not something he studied early on and gave up-he used this Ephemeris throughout his life.

In the 1950’s, when Mr. Gann had these individual volumes rebound in 5 and 10 year sets, the edges were cut to make the book uniform. This unfortunately cut off 1/4 inch of some of W. D.’s notes. We have left extra margins in our reprinting to allow you to “fill in the blanks”. See the included picture to view one of the trimmed edges.

Please note that $28.80 of the price of Gann’s Personal Ephemeris will go to registering your copy. Given the nature of the content of this publication, a legal agreement is required to purchase this. Please consider the content very carefully as we will be enforcing all copyrights in a very strict manner.

Only 400 copies of W. D.Gann’s Private Ephemeris will ever be made.

If you are really nice, you may choose which numbered edition you would like-let us know. Of course, low numbers are already gone.

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Swing Trading Strategies for Forex

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Swing operations involve identifying circumstances to access large profits in a period of time timid. It is pandering to identify meters sketches, and then into the arms fine and precise moment to intervene. Swing traders are investors who made imports swing and seek embroidered turning schemes: ephemeris levels and a necklace that will accelerate its pace or change of posture. Technical grafologías is an important part of the tools exploited in shopping swing.

The key is to devise a wealth of drawings and technical indexes shy payment to interpret the position of the market. To produce to identify a position in the main there are two guys riots in the market: in charges, and internally of a line. An unknown market will remain inside of an order you have petulant including buyers and traders to enforce a breakdown of the roster or breakout.

There are two fixes a swing trader to benefit from a market that moves inside of orders. The first is to deliver every time the legend approaches the maximum cost of the office and get when approaching the minimum boldness of charge. The second appearance is place a system operating by upward momentum maximum order and catering system below minimum daring. In the second environment, the trader is anticipating that the charge be broken. To act to identify a position in a market of positions, the organization is also simple: a trader must identify the parameters of devotion, and then achieve the best embroidery realizable subscription.

At times, you see that the market goes up more each sequence; you knew however did not intervene and missed the aim; seduction is then harass the market by buying at a higher step. The best practice in this episode would have been just urge another line begins. A possess invoice course, the lines do not last forever. Eventually it dissipates growth and tessitura market becomes a market order, or even may become completely.

Appointed managing swing trading requires that you identify the changes in the position according to these they occur. This means that you may be asking attentive to the expressive meters. A good technical explanations and the deposit will swing Chuck, so if you are interested in this kind of trading we recommend storing more about technical dissection.

One thought on “ Swing Trading Strategies for Forex ”

I’ve read a lot about Forex, but I’ve never seen a proven palfbtrioe forex strategy, despite the claims of some scam web sites. Playing Forex can appear alluring, but the majority of people who try it lose money. All you have to do is do a web search on the words Forex and lose to see this is the consensus. Forex is what we call a zero sum game. You are making a bet with someone else about whether a currency will rise or fall. For every winner there has to be a loser. If you are smarter than the average player, you may make money. If you are dumber than the average player, you are likely to lose money. Most of the people making the bets in Forex are highly trained professionals at banks and other institutions. You are unlikely to beat them at this game. Actually Forex is not quite a zero sum game. It’s a slightly negative sum game as the Forex broker takes a small percentage each time in the spread. It’s a small amount but over a hundred trades, it ends up being a considerable amount of money. So the average player is likely to lose money, and remember the average player is a highly trained professional and probably smarter than you. There is a lot of luck in Forex, and if you play it, you will have some periods of time where you make money. This is usually because you are having a lucky streak, not because you have suddenly become an expert Forex player. However, most people are unwilling to admit their success is due to luck. They become convinced they have a system that works, and lose a lot of money trying to refine it. Further complicating the problem is the large number of Forex scams on the internet. Most Forex websites are of questionable honesty. You will find many people on the Internet that claim they made a lot of money using Forex. They are usually liars trying to make money. They will say: Go to Forexcrap, com/q2347. The q2347 is a signal to the Forexcrap site that you are being referred to them by q2347. If they sell something to you, q2347 gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link. Other people will refer you to their own private website or blog for the purpose of trying to get money off you. Also there are a good number of trolls out there that like to pretend they are successful forex traders just for the fun of it. I would recommend not trying to do Forex at all, unless you are a trained professional. It’s like playing poker with people better than you, with the house constantly taking a small percentage from the pot.

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Technical Analysis | by FutureAnalyzer. com | Friday, 26 August 2011 12:20 UTC

In this article we will discuss about retrograde planets. We will see the influence this astrological aspect has over people (traders included!). We will find out when these aspects happened in the past and what the effect was over financial markets. At the end we will draw the conclusions.

1. What does a retrograde planet mean?

From early schooling, we know the planets in our solar system revolve in orbit around the Sun. In astrology, all of these orbits are considered from our place here on Earth. As individuals, our place here on Earth is our place of birth. Thus, as the Earth revolves around the Sun, our view of the other planets in the solar system can become somewhat skewed and distorted. Because the other planets are moving at different speeds, there will be times when it will appear from Earth that a planet is not moving at all and times when a planet is actually moving backwards when viewed against the backdrop of a fixed star. In such periods, the planet is said to be in retrograde motion.

On some charts, and in the ephemeris (an almanac of the daily planetary positions), planets which are in retrograde are denoted by a tiny R after the degree and minute designation. While older astrology books may suggest that retrograde planets in the birth chart are debilitated in some way, modern literature has mostly dropped this. At most, a suggestion that a retrograde planet may denote delayed development of factors relating to that planet. Many astrologers barely mention the retrograde status of a planet in the natal chart.

The Sun and Moon are never in retrograde motion.

2. What influence has a retrograde planet over people?

Modern astrologers do pay attention to retrograde planets in their transit. Again, the tendency is to view periods of retrograde as being negative. The most popular planet to watch is Mercury. When Mercury goes retrograde, astrologers believe that many of the everyday affairs ruled by Mercury are disrupted. When Mercury is retrograde, mental mistakes abound. Travel plans are often messed up. Misunderstandings occur. Diehard believers will refrain from making any sort of contract when Mercury is retrograde.

When Mercury is retrograde, it is considered to be a time of problems with interaction, travel and even the simple basic workings of things. It is also thought that the general averse aspects of a retrograde planetary motion carry over into the lives of the people born under them as a part of their lifetime astrological chart.

In general, Venus, the goddess of love, rules feelings and emotion, aesthetics and tastes, fashions and all forms of desire, money and wealth. Venus rules social attitudes and behaviour, along with aesthetic tastes and inclinations. Venus symbolises female relationships and social interactions at every level. Venus indicates our values. She governs romance, marriage and other partnerships, capacity for humour, and the pursuit of pleasure.

During a retrograde period the things Venus influences will be less apparent, or be of less concern to the world. Visual sensibilities are reduced. People dress with less flair and our colour sense tends to be muted. This is not the time to purchase clothes or jewellery, change one's make-up or hairstyle. Redecorating or refurbishing homes or business should also be avoided, though there is no reason why decisions that have been made earlier should not be allowed to come to fruition during this period.

With Venus retrograde, the pace of relationships slows down and this is not the best time to get married or give big parties. Since Venus rules diplomacy, slowdowns in all sorts of negotiations can be expected, including industrial disputes, legal issues and diplomatic endeavors.

It is a time when we are called upon to go back and take care of unfinished business. Often we are forced to deal with deep feelings that have their origins in past events. They are activated on an inner level but are often difficult to express to ourselves or others while Venus is retrograde.

3. When were Mercury and Venus retrograde planets in the last years?

This is a table with the time periods when the two planets were in retrograde motion:

4. What happened with financial markets during these astrological periods?

- All retrograde periods for Mercury show the same clear pattern of evolution every time in the last three years. The retrograde motion lasts approximately three weeks. During this astrological aspect the chart falls in the first half of the time period then rises. When we have at the same time some other astrological aspects, the decrease is more important and the period of ascension disappears.

- Retrograde Mercury generates periods of clear decline.

- Venus has the same effect when retrograde. The aspect lasts however twice as long. This is why we will see the same evolution pattern twice: decline, ascension and again decline and ascension. This happened every time in the last three years.

- Is it a coincidence that during the last three years in more than 10 cases the financial market acted the same?

- We have also analyzed many past years and the rules apply. You can verify the correlation also if you are attracted to this kind of research work

- By showing you this study we are not trying to convince you that astrology is perfect. We just want to highlight the fact that there are correct ways of predicting the local High and Low and the reversal points. These kinds of studies helped us along the years build our trading system, the system we are basing our analysis and forecasts on.

Tag: astro cycle forex indicator

Tim Bost’s brand new guide, Mercury, Money and the Markets: Profitable Planetary Cycles for Short-Term Astro-Trading, requires all of us heavy to the weeds associated with astrological marketplace evaluation. Therefore heavy, actually, which i ‘m enticed in order to phone this the new world, with regard to sticking with Bost’s astro evaluation route is much like hacking a person’s method via thick plant life. This isn’t to express which Bost’s guide is actually hard in order to read–he requires discomfort in order to action all of us with the denseness along with writing which describes as well as enlightens.

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Bost’s main planetary sign with regard to marketplace evaluation, because their name indicates, is actually Mercury. He or she additionally utilizes the actual asteroids as well as trans-Neptune physiques thoroughly, as well as midpoints–especially midpoints aspected through Mercury–rather compared to Ptolemy’s traditional main elements. He or she allows us to realize that he’s discovered through the years which much less traditional elements clarify much more when compared to a conjunctions, sextiles, semi-squares, squares as well as oppositions. He or she additionally information he offers discovered numerous occasions when a good astrological reading through signifies 1 marketplace proceed and also the marketplace can make an additional proceed. He or she eliminates over-simplifying as well as handles the actual difficulties associated with astrology inside a step-by-step method which enlightens each beginners along with other astrologers. It is obvious through their cautious text associated with astrological information because affects, not really complete dictates, he offers probed this particular topic just like a deep-sea diver discovering places other people possess prevented.

Since the name indicates, Bost is exclusive amongst marketplace astrologers with regard to their large dependence upon Mercury, it’s series and also the elements in order to midpoints this can make from any kind of provided second. He or she actually features a cross-indexed 201 12 months Mercury ephemeris, not really discovered elsewhere. Exactly what he’s to express regarding Mercury channels, retrogrades as well as ahead actions is actually by itself really worth the buying price of this particular guide.

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written by Sergey Tarassov

There is a lot of misunderstanding associated with heliocentric declination. I have written about this issue here: http://www. timingsolution. com/TS/Mini/7/index. htm

When I wrote that, I believed that there is nothing to add to it. Well, the more we live the more we learn. In this article I would like to continue this subject. Special thanks to Harvey Hahn and Jim Mertes for providing the information about the coordinates of the True Solar Equator that makes possible to calculate True Heliocentric Declination!

To calculate the heliocentric declination correctly, we have to deal with Solar Equator. This is a plane that is derived from the Sun's rotation, we call this coordinate system the True Solar Equator. This system is formed exactly the same way as the Earth Equatorial system, which is derived from 24 hours' Earth rotation. As the Sun is not a solid body, its rotation is irregular: around the Solar Equator the period of rotation is about 26 days while closer to the poles this period increases up to 33 days.

This true Solar equator is inclined to the Ecliptic at the angle of 7 degrees 15 minutes (obliquity to the Ecliptic). This is the main angle for the heliocentric declination (similar to 23 degrees angle when we deal with Geocentric declination). The Heliocentric declination shows how far a planet is situated from the True Solar Equator. Look at this diagram for Mercury heliocentric declination:

You see it can go not too far from the True Solar Equator, just a bit more than 3 degrees.

Here are graphic ephemeris for heliocentric declination of so called fast planets (from Mercury to Mars):

Pay attention to the interesting astronomical fact pointed out by Harvey Hahn: the Earth reaches its highest heliocentric declination among the other planets, and its value is 7 degrees 15 minutes.

Here is the declination diagram for slow planets calculated for 20th century:

You see the maximum declination for these planets (except Pluto) reaches 6 degrees.

In this article I am happy to inform Timing Solution users that this feature is available now in both versions of the software. From now on, you can use the heliocentric declination in your research. You can access this feature through the Standard Events Library or Ephemeris module (to draw the diagrams as those above):

As an example, you can research the effect of a such phenomenon as "Venus heliocentric declination reaches its maximum value". The diagram below displays Venus heliocentric declination together with the moments when this declination reaches its maximum value (red vertical stripes):

The summary effect of this phenomenon on Dow Jones Industrial Index is presented by the corresponding efficiency test diagram (downward effect):

Another example - the heliocentric declination index (it is the sum of all planetary heliocentric declinations):

I know three variants of declination indexes, here they are:

Variant #1: green - calculates the heliocentric longitude and finds the geocentric declination of the Sun that corresponds to this longitude. This method has not any astronomical sense.

Variant #2: red - based on heliocentric planetary declinations.

Variant #3: read - based on geocentric planetary declinations.

All calculations are based on data that are compared and confirmed by JPL data (special thanks to Jim Mertes).

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Wave59 Review - A Very Unique Piece of Software

The Wave59 trading software doesn't garner the same attention as some of the big boys get, but it is certainly one of the most unique charting platforms that is in the marketplace. We're all so used to hearing about the same old indicators that every one had used a million times over and over again. Indicators such as Stochastics and Moving Averages isn't exactly what I'd call revolutionary.

But Wave59 has a wide range of tools that can't be found anywhere else. For instance, they use astrology indicators, like an ephemeris and many others. Now, no matter what your opinion is on the subject, there is definitely and interesting correlation between the history of price action & movement with the astrological signs.

They may be the most famous for coming up with the Fibonnacci Vortex. It's this incredible pattern that let's you pick with great accuracy the of high and low swing points to the pip, many times. The only trouble is that it is not exactly mechanical by nature. It does leave a lot of room for interpretation.

You can also design your trading system, just like you could with Metatrader, but a big difference is that with Wave59, you could use neural nets to devise your indicators.

While many people feel that the software is very impressive, there are still quite a few people that have a hard time putting it all together to have success trading forex. This is probably mostly due to uniqueness of the tools, which people are just not used to.

To see my complete unbiased wave59 review. make sure to check out LearnForexDirectory. com.

I have analyzed Gann and also have study just about all their prior publications which the first is probably the most helpful of these just about all. Like a Financial Astrologer We noticed the actual immediate proof in publications associated with their utilizing what we should phone “Astronomic Indicators” although it’s shateringly imperfect — irrational associated with me personally in order to actually think about he would consist of their “grail” everybody really wants to understand! Astrology might or even might not be which grail, however astrology is among the excellent secrets and techniques within the share as well as item marketplaces. It is the understanding most of the Walls Road 1% understand however won’t ever state out loud. Absolutely no agent might actually inform his / her customer to hold back with regard to Jupiter to stay Most cancers prior to purchasing which homebuilder share. It is a topic not really in contrast to the actual secrets and techniques from the Masons, as well as Gann had been one of these too. 33rd Level basically remember properly.

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Probably the most you can collect in the restricted quantity of astrology with regard to buying and selling with this guide, is actually this particular guru do certainly make use of planetary movement within forecasting marketplace actions. It is their handwriting. Gann related to a few of the much more notable Astrologers associated with their period, Jayne as well as Johndro included in this. Should you choose the look for Gann you will find most likely countless web sites that declare to understand their methods as well as might happily market these phones a person, however We would not think this. The very best associated with exactly what he or she utilized visited the actual serious along with him or her. Exactly what other people believe he or she utilized, they’re from greatest, speculating. The entire image had been most likely found with a choose couple of however they would not market which info — they are earning money by using it through buying and selling! It will likely be your decision to construct a few of these items and provide this your very best chance.

For anyone who’re investors and never Astrologers, you do not whatsoever have to know astrology in order to take advantage of this particular guide. In the event that you have in mind astrology and also the marketplaces, get what is known as a good Ephemeris, or even even better, the duplicate associated with Photo voltaic Fireplace 8 astrology software program in the event that you have in mind understanding their recognized strategy. Earth longitude equivalents in order to cost tend to be apparent, however there’s much more into it that isn’t with this guide or even elsewhere for instance. The actual Might 1948 Soybeans graph is probably probably the most total openly recognized instance, although it is hard in order to decipher because their penmanship wasn’t which of the draftsman associated with their period — exactly what would have assisted hugely!

An additional writer that appeared to be the enthusiast associated with Gann’s concepts within buying and selling is actually Hans Hannula. Their publications within buying and selling tend to be meant for those who have the specific understanding or even curiosity about buying and selling by using it romantic relationship upon astrophysics, eclipses along with other astronomical buying and selling. Check out their publications such as ‘Market Astrophysics and Chaos’, ‘Trading the Overflight’, ‘ Trading the eclipses’ as well as ‘Ganns Greatest Secret’.

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He or she dependent their tradings about the moon’s stages. He or she stated that we now have fifty eight consecutive several weeks within the dark with regard to their S&P advisory. You will find absolutely no tales although of the declare because there might be twelve associated with methods we are able to help to make the actual amounts appear advantageous compared to which associated with what’s actual.

We think it is humorous once they connect the actual stage from the celestial satellite using the marketplace. My personal crazy speculate will be how the reference to the actual stages from the celestial satellite might alter the actual conduct associated with guy and perhaps that may additionally alter man’s choices within selling or buying on the market. I simply don’t possess any kind of hints perhaps when i can’t discover medical answers however. However for their own enthusiastic follower’s issue tend to be, they’re staying with this because not really every thing could be described through Technology.

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Synopsis: You'll learn key market turning points pinpointed two years in advance, how to use Astro-Cycles in your trading, a special Lunar Cycle section, and 100 years of stock market Astro-Cycles that have been 90% accurate.

Jacket Description: If you have ever wanted to learn how to trade by the stars, but did not know where to start, this book is for you. Pesavento begins at the very beginning by teaching the basics of astrology. He includes the basic definitions and explanations fo the planetary movements. Included in the topics covered are explanations of the Zodiac and its relationship to the signs and houses, eclipses, equinoxes and solstices as well as Lunar phenomena. In the later part of this book, Pesavento pulls it all together with a discussion on the applications of these planetary cycles to the financial markets with many charted

Section One Our Solar System

Section Two The Ephemeris

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Section Five Trading with Astro-Cycles

I have analyzed Gann and also have study just about all their prior publications which the first is probably the most helpful of these just about all. Like a Financial Astrologer We noticed the actual immediate proof in publications associated with their utilizing what we should phone “Astronomic Indicators” although it’s shateringly imperfect — irrational associated with me personally in order to actually think about he would consist of their “grail” everybody really wants to understand! Astrology might or even might not be which grail, however astrology is among the excellent secrets and techniques within the share as well as item marketplaces. It is the understanding most of the Walls Road 1% understand however won’t ever state out loud. Absolutely no agent might actually inform his / her customer to hold back with regard to Jupiter to stay Most cancers prior to purchasing which homebuilder share. It is a topic not really in contrast to the actual secrets and techniques from the Masons, as well as Gann had been one of these too. 33rd Level basically remember properly.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Probably the most you can collect in the restricted quantity of astrology with regard to buying and selling with this guide, is actually this particular guru do certainly make use of planetary movement within forecasting marketplace actions. It is their handwriting. Gann related to a few of the much more notable Astrologers associated with their period, Jayne as well as Johndro included in this. Should you choose the look for Gann you will find most likely countless web sites that declare to understand their methods as well as might happily market these phones a person, however We would not think this. The very best associated with exactly what he or she utilized visited the actual serious along with him or her. Exactly what other people believe he or she utilized, they’re from greatest, speculating. The entire image had been most likely found with a choose couple of however they would not market which info — they are earning money by using it through buying and selling! It will likely be your decision to construct a few of these items and provide this your very best chance.

For anyone who’re investors and never Astrologers, you do not whatsoever have to know astrology in order to take advantage of this particular guide. In the event that you have in mind astrology and also the marketplaces, get what is known as a good Ephemeris, or even even better, the duplicate associated with Photo voltaic Fireplace 8 astrology software program in the event that you have in mind understanding their recognized strategy. Earth longitude equivalents in order to cost tend to be apparent, however there’s much more into it that isn’t with this guide or even elsewhere for instance. The actual Might 1948 Soybeans graph is probably probably the most total openly recognized instance, although it is hard in order to decipher because their penmanship wasn’t which of the draftsman associated with their period — exactly what would have assisted hugely!

George Bayer publications checklist. George Bayer bibliography consists of just about all publications through George Bayer. Guide checklist can sometimes include selections, content efforts, and so on — any kind of guide or even diary citing George Bayer like a author ought to seem about this checklist, within alphabetical purchase. The entire bibliography from the writer George Bayer beneath consists of guide coat pictures whenever you can. With respect to the author as well as kind of composing, this particular George Bayer reading through checklist might consist of fictional, nonfiction, books, books, and so on and could incorporate a couple of various models of the provided guide,

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

George Bayer had been probably the most notable as well as productive writers in neuro-scientific Monetary Astrology. He or she had been the leader within using astronomical as well as astrological elements towards the monetary marketplaces. A few explain him or her because getting created publications which revealed a few of the crucial experience associated with Watts. Deb. Gann without having veiling these types of ideas within clever vocabulary because Gann had been recognized to perform. Bayer’s function within “Preview associated with Markets” incorporated a few fascinating experience such as the subsequent: “Labor Day usually brings a change of trend.”“They also say in New York brokerage offices, ‘sell on Rosh-Hashanah and buy on Yom Kippur.” This is based on a lunar trading strategy.“An egg is our number 0, the beginning of all things. Just check an astronomical ephemeris and see how often important movements begin in all sorts of stocks or commodities when a planet reaches the ‘egg’ in declination or latitude, or even in longitude!” “At the time a planet is within [the halo of the Sun] I have found that such a planet is useless and has little or no effect; but on either side of the halo, it again has its effect upon human beings as well as on stocks or commodities that it is present. The halo of the Sun is measured in degrees on each side of the sun (about 10 degrees).”

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Forex Product Reviews

It appears that trading without indicators has become a lost art form. If you have been day trading for a little while or are a seasoned veteran, you know that there are more trading indicators than ever. There are indicators now that basically just put the word "buy" or "sell" on your trading chart to let you know when to open and close a trade. The problem is does anybody actually know why you are buying or selling at that point? It just seems like people are content to just take their chances allowing a robot to make their trading decision for them.

What many people don't realize is, that many of these indicators are just telling the trader what has already happened, hence they are known as lagging indicators. The problem is that the markets don't follow some kind of set plan. Just because something worked a few times in the past doesn't mean that its going to continue to work. The market is constantly evolving. The use of lagging indicators will never account for that fact. Traders seem to be satisfied just taking their chances with indicators such as MACD, stochastics, and moving averages. To many traders, these indicators represent success and failure.

The day a trader is finally able to clear their screen and look at a chart of the respective currency pair, without any clutter, is the day they take their first step to understanding the forex market. A trader can then look at price action at its purest form. Indicators have made traders a bit lazy. They are basically using them as an interpreter of the market. The price moves a certain way and their indicator, in its own way, is translating what that move means. Well, if instead of using a translator to play the forex market, if traders actually learned the language of price action, these lagging indicators would be obsolete.

Trading without indicators is much easier than people think. To find out how I was finally able to understand the language of the forex market, please check out LearnForexDirectory. com for forex reviews.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If you were to scour the internet, you're going to notice a lot of these forex autopilot systems. The basic concept behind them is that they are supposed to do all the trading for you while you're away.

A developer comes up with a trading system that is based on indicators. When the parameters of the indicators match the trading system, the software automatically buys or sells the respective currency.

It sounds like an incredible idea, doesn't it? Especially if it works! That's why there are so many people desperately trying to find one or develop one that can make money in the forex market. After all, this is beyond the holy grail. This is like the holy grail without having to work for it.

Here's the problem with these things. If trading could be this simple, why the low success ratio for traders? If people that spend the whole day watching the forex market and following the economic news that are coming out and still can't find success, what chance does an inanimate object have?

If you think there is some automated trading system out the that can instantly make you rich without so much as looking at a chart, I hope you find it. When you do, don't forget to let me know about it!

But I'm afraid most of us we'll never see it. If you don't believe me, all you have to do is go to any forex forum. When you go there, you'll find an infinite amount of threads on the subject. Many of the threads are longer than one year, because they are constantly working on a system that will never be finalized.

Many people become successful forex traders after learning how to trade price action. Once he understood that all he needed to learn forex successfully was on a plain chart with no indicators, his profits soared.

To see all my forex reviews. make sure to go to LearnForexDirectory. com

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When looking at a forex autopilot review, you really just want to know how does it work when a real person uses the system? The truth is, quite well. If you are expecting to see the same kind of numbers that are shown on the sales page of the forex autopilot website, you will surely be let down. After all, the whole point of their website is to get you to buy their system.

But leaving that aside, what happened when most people out in the real world tried the EA? Well, there were some people that didn't do well and many who have been really happy that they purchased the system. So what's the difference? Why is it that there are some people that do great with the system while others are struggling? It makes no sense, right? After all they are using the same exact system!

No forex autopilot review would be thorough without mentioning the big difference in success, is in how certain people used the system.

For example, people that took the EA right out of the box and traded live with it, were the ones who struggled. There were various reasons for this, such as they needed to realize that the system does need some adjustments. Plus, when an EA trades for you, you don't really know its trading style. You don't know how many trades you'll get in on each day. You don't know how long the trades usually last. So what happens is, that people get antsy or uncomfortable and start second guessing the system.

On the other hand, the people that took at least a month to demo the EA out before going live, were the ones that reported success. These people realized that they needed to understand how Forex Autopilot traded before they would use actual money on the system. They also realized that they needed to adjust certain parameters of the system to go in line with their own personal risk tolerance. Once they were satisfied, then they took it live.

To see my complete FOREX AUTOPILOT REVIEW. make sure to visit LearnForexDirectory. com.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

If you've had the pleasure of looking for a forex killer review online, then my heart goes out to you. It seems no matter where you look it's hard to get an unbiased critique of the system. All you ever see are the "this system made me a zillionaire" kind of reviews. So I decided to come up with my own review of the forex killer system.

I like the system (I don't love it). I don't think it's the most revolutionary thing ever created for the forex markets. It has it's pros and it has it's cons.

The forex killer system does have a fairly good reputation if you read about in on the forums. There is usually a stronger majority of people who have had success with trading it, than not.

It does bring you a steady and consistent (not earth shattering) profits on a monthly basis.

But no forex killer review would be complete without talking about the interface. Warning: You are going to have to tweak the parameters a little bit before you can go live with the system. It's not perfect (nothing is really) so if you do get it, be prepared to play around with the money management side.

The people that have had the most success were the ones that tweaked the system and demoed it for at least a month, so they can be sure of its profit potential. The ones who didn't, and just traded it blindly were the ones who didn't have much luck with it.

To partially summarize: It's not the holy grail (it doesn't exist) like some people have been calling it, but compared to most trading systems on the market. it's pretty good.

To see my REVIEW OF FOREX KILLER. as well as to see my UNBIASED FOREX PRODUCT REVIEWS. make sure to go to LearnForexDirectory. com

George Bayer publications checklist. George Bayer bibliography consists of just about all publications through George Bayer. Guide checklist can sometimes include selections, content efforts, and so on — any kind of guide or even diary citing George Bayer like a author ought to seem about this checklist, within alphabetical purchase. The entire bibliography from the writer George Bayer beneath consists of guide coat pictures whenever you can. With respect to the author as well as kind of composing, this particular George Bayer reading through checklist might consist of fictional, nonfiction, books, books, and so on and could incorporate a couple of various models of the provided guide,

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

George Bayer had been probably the most notable as well as productive writers in neuro-scientific Monetary Astrology. He or she had been the leader within using astronomical as well as astrological elements towards the monetary marketplaces. A few explain him or her because getting created publications which revealed a few of the crucial experience associated with Watts. Deb. Gann without having veiling these types of ideas within clever vocabulary because Gann had been recognized to perform. Bayer’s function within “Preview associated with Markets” incorporated a few fascinating experience such as the subsequent: “Labor Day usually brings a change of trend.”“They also say in New York brokerage offices, ‘sell on Rosh-Hashanah and buy on Yom Kippur.” This is based on a lunar trading strategy.“An egg is our number 0, the beginning of all things. Just check an astronomical ephemeris and see how often important movements begin in all sorts of stocks or commodities when a planet reaches the ‘egg’ in declination or latitude, or even in longitude!” “At the time a planet is within [the halo of the Sun] I have found that such a planet is useless and has little or no effect; but on either side of the halo, it again has its effect upon human beings as well as on stocks or commodities that it is present. The halo of the Sun is measured in degrees on each side of the sun (about 10 degrees).”

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Tagged with Mars

Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

USA [ NEW ] . Apr 1 – May 1 (esp. Apr 6-7, 11-18) and then Aug 19-24 — electric cars, engines, aerospace, IT, telecoms, data processing, electricity, high tech gadgets, etc. will receive more attention that usual. There may be new initiatives or a new level of excitement about some new program, product, or solution. New initiatives will probably be related to a search for a new direction, military initiatives, and/or collaboration with partners. After Apr 18, the intensity of the push for increased activity in the related areas may subside for a few months; to be revived in August 2016. Around Aug 19-24, there may be another peak of activity; however, the project/initiative may face serious obstacles due to delays, breakdowns, something wearing out (e. g. old engine), or opposition (esp. from cautious/conservative forces that may resist innovation or the change in the status quo).

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.<

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect slowly separating from the exact square through March 25, 2016, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. Starting from the end of March, the two planets will slowly move toward another precise square due in June. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square, will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

——————— MAR 28 , 2016 (MON) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (55%). Down influence is stronger in the late afternoon.

Mar 28 – Apr 01 — the mood may be cautious overall, so any up moves/rallies may be somewhat subdued. Concerns about immigration, government workers, governments’ expenses, healthcare, and the need to take care of those who can’t take good care of themselves (e. g. sick, disabled, refugees, animals [pets, livestock], elderly, etc.). There may be concerns about the ability to extend support to all the needy or about the government(s) overspending on such programs. Concerns may arise due to immigration, foreign initiatives, foreign travel, or higher education. Alternatively, overspending on such programs may lead to restrictions related to immigration, foreign travel, foreign connections, or higher education.

USA . In the morning — increased probability of brief stressful news about mining, recycling, or nuclear-power-related businesses; investments; taxes; international connections/agreements; or important leaders (e. g. their travel plans or speeches). In the late afternoon — increased probability of concerns about banks and financial organizations. The source of tensions both am and pm will be some domestic issue, including land ownership, real-estate, homeland security, banks’ savings, farming, and food production.

China . Increased news about the banks, investments, stock market, and entertainment industry. Possibility of some agreements or discussions (e. g. to purchase a business in the entertainment industry or to facilitate data exchange that affects stock market functioning).

MAR 29 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (60-65%).

Mar 29-30 — the value of or profits from products/services/businesses related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, or chemicals may receive greater attention than usual.

USA . Increased focus on oil, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, water (e. g. floods or excessive precipitation may affect travel), chemicals, contagious diseases, religion, navy, beverages, etc. The value of related products may be questioned and may possibly go down. Alternatively, it may be discovered that they are undervalued leading to a price adjustment. Also, increased focus on military (e. g. expenses, quality of the equipment, and alliances). The news may be somewhat stressful — for ex. something is over-budget, some allies are not cooperating, or the equipment is in worse shape than expected.

China . Mar 29-30 — Increased probability of positive news about the country’s status on the world arena and/or being a leader in some way. An agreement may be signed, esp. about military cooperation, mining, recycling, or nuclear power. The value of pharmaceutical products/services/businesses may increase or there may be news about increased profits or expansion.

MAR 30 , 2016 (WED) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55-60%).

Mar 29-30 — increased focus on aerospace, IT, telecoms, data processing, electricity, electric cars, high tech gadgets, etc. There may be increased news with focus on new initiatives, discoveries, surprises, agreements, and military activities (e. g. new campaign, new agreement, new airplane, new high tech gadget, discussions about fast data exchange to support military, etc.). Innovations or cool new tech toys introduced at this time should prove to be exciting and successful.

MAR 31 , 2016 (TH) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

USA . Mar 29-30 — Increased probability of positive news about military initiatives, international agreements/alliances, electric cars, engines, racing, stock market, and entertainment industry (e. g. casinos or movie industry).

APR 01 , 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%).

USA . Increased focus on land ownership, real-estate, homeland security, banks’ savings, farming, and food production. The value of or profits from related businesses may increase or there may be positive news about a development that facilitates growth in these areas.

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Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect slowly separating from the exact square through March 25, 2016, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. Starting from the end of March, the two planets will slowly move toward another precise square due in June. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square, will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26). ———————

MAR 21 , 2016 (MON) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%).

USA . March 21-22 — Increased probability of positive news about taxes, loans, rates, international connections (incl. travel and religious activities), higher education, and justice system. Por ejemplo, laws and rulings put in place or upheld at this time are beneficial for the country’s wellbeing, international travel arrangements proceed smoother than usual, profit from intentional connections increases, communication (esp. about retail sales, cars, or airlines) helps to clarify tax rules, etc.

MAR 22 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium mixed influence; market may possibly go up (55%).

USA . March 22-23 — Concerns about the workforce, healthcare, international partners, and participation in multi-country organizations. There may be an emotional need to act to protect itself (feeling attacked or perceiving some entity’s behavior as too aggressive), or, some news about the real-estate or farming result in concerns about workforce, food safety, or healthcare. Concerns about healthcare may also be related to air-borne virus/disease; it may be related to farming or food manufacturing/sales. Also, increased probability of fires or accidents due to drought and wind.

MAR 23 , 2016 (WED) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (60%).

March 23-25 — Increased news and focus on military-related initiatives (esp. in aerospace), products, weapons, businesses, and leaders. A military leader (esp. representing aerospace or IT specialist) may give a speech that will attract more attention than usual. Increased news about drought, wind, and fires or accidents.

MAR 24 , 2016 (TH) . Very strong mixed influence; market may possibly go down (65-70%). Increased market volatility. The trading volume or the swings will likely be greater than usual. A possibility for an up move is there as well (or a see-saw pattern). There may be both increased selling (on concerns about decreased profits or some shortages/limitations) and increased buying (on exaggerated optimism about dips). The primary driving force behind this hyper activity will be related to oil, chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, water (e. g. beverages, transport over water, flood, bad weather, etc.), navy, music, and movies (incl. equipment for producing music, videos, or photographs, and businesses that produce or sell films). Another likely driver will be news about the Chinese stock market or China’s initiatives.

USA . March 24-25 — Increased focus on international relationships or discussions about various agreements. There is a possibility for misunderstandings or missing important details in the agreements (probably due to excessive optimism). Discussions/agreements will likely be center around homeland security, real-estate, farming, food production, and banks’ accumulated savings (savings stored as a secure base, as real-estate investments, or protected in vaults rather than used in circulation or for risky investments).

China . March 24-25 — Concerns about the stock market, new aggressive reform initiatives (financial or IT) related to the stock market, new military initiatives (esp. related to aerospace or IT), or new vision for success on the world arena (esp. through adopting a more assertive stance or fostering improvements in technology and aerospace). Stock market concerns may stem from an aggressive move related to financial organizations — for ex. extra funding to support the market. Alternatively, some IT initiative (likely related to banking or finance as well, such as e-currency) may disrupt smooth market functioning (e. g. through disrupting data connections or electric supply).

MAR 25 , 2016 (FR) . Strong influence; market may possibly go up (55%). There could be a reversal from March 24 and/or morning of March 25 to the afternoon of March 25. The morning may still see a down move or concerns, but the market may reverse to up in the afternoon on subsiding concerns.

China . Increased tensions with international partners; probably due to differences in opinions (esp. about financial initiatives or entities). ———————————-

A glance ahead (in case you are planning your vacation 😉):

The week of Aug 22, 2016 — as mentioned in the OIL overview above, this week looks tense. There will likely be increased activity related to oil, chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, water (e. g. beverages, transport over water, flood, bad weather, etc.), navy, music, and movies (incl. equipment for producing music, videos, or photographs, and businesses that produce or sell films). There may be shortages or limitations may be imposed on production or distribution.

Also, concerns may surface about a disease of some sort, infestation, pollution, poisoning, etc. This may be related to some accident (esp. during international/long-distance transportation), shortages/poverty, or immigration. In general, immigration-related issues will be vigorously discussed. Some limitation may be imposed under pressure from rising anger and/or will involve military support (e. g. to protect a place from the floods). Violent clashes over immigration issues are likely.

The tensions will likely bring the market down, esp. on Aug 22-25.

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Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect slowly separating from the exact square through March 25, 2016, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. Starting from the end of March, the two planets will slowly move toward another precise square due in June. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square, will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

MAR 14, 2016 (MON) . Very strong influence; market may possibly go down (55-60%). The down influence is stronger in the early mooring, and, stronger globally than for the US. Regardless of the direction, the size of the move will probably be greater than usual.

Busy news day with focus on oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, navy, and immigration or foreign agreements. The nature of the news may be that there is conflict between expansion and contraction — while there may be optimism about improvement and expansion of businesses related to oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc. there will also be some mood-dampening events (or some limitations/restrictions/delays) introduced by international developments. For ex, some international agreements or laws create an obstacle, international partners refuse to cooperate, there are delays in transportation (esp. by water or air), and this creates concerns about the value of oil, chemicals, etc.

USA . Increased probability of positive news about investments, taxes, insurance companies, workforce, and participation in international organizations (e. g. the value of businesses or products increased or it became easier for business to earn money). The source of positive news could be related to oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc. and transportation/communication industries, as well as retail sales.

MAR 15, 2016 (TUE) . Strong influence; market may possibly go up (55-60%). Likely, a reversal day (from down on Mon to up on Tue). Focus on oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, navy, and immigration or foreign agreements will remain, but the mood may be more optimistic compared to Mon.

USA . Mar 15-16 — Increased probability of positive news about the country’s wellbeing, expansion, optimism about future, and collaboration with partners. The source of positive news could be related to oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc. and transportation/communication industries, as well as retail sales.

China . Mar 15-16 — Increased focus on stock market, aerospace programs/initiatives, and developments that highlight the country’s unique path or approach to the future. Possibly, increased value of or investments in businesses related to aerospace, telecoms, IT, high tech, and anything that’s cutting edge and futuristic. Por ejemplo, cash is poured into some program to reduce stock market volatility or to improve data processing speed.

MAR 16, 2016 (WED) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

MAR 17, 2016 (TH) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (55-60%). The down influence is stronger for the US than globally.

USA . Increased concerns about oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, navy, and transportation/communication businesses (incl. airplanes), as well as retail sales. The source of trouble will probably be unclear communications, overlooked detail, problems with transportation, or angry disagreements with partners. There may also be territorial disputes, concerns about safety [of the borders, travel, or transportation], real estate sales, and food supply/safety.

MAR 18, 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (55-60%). The down influence is stronger in the late afternoon, and, stronger for the US than globally.

Mar 19-20: Over the weekend, there may be developments related to oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, and navy that will impact the value of the related products or businesses. The effect of these events may fade, however, by the time markets open in the US on Mon (the 21st).

USA . Minor disagreements with partners about future goals, values, agreements, communication, travel, or transportation (possibly related to oil, chemicals, navy, etc.). The value the country puts on the related products or programs (e. g. sales or transportation of oil, developing navy bases, shipping goods via water, sales of pharmaceuticals, etc.) may be at odds with the previously communicated vision and/or with its partners’ expectations.

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Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.<

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect now slowly separating from the exact square, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

——————— MAR 07 , 2016 (MON) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

USA . Increased probability of positive news about the workforce and/or participation in international organizations. The source of the news could be communication/transportation industries or reaching an agreement of some sort.

China . Increased probability of positive news about the stock market, entertainment industry, and/or the country’s unique vision for its future. The source of the news could be communication/transportation industries (esp. telecoms and aerospace-related) or reaching an agreement of some sort. Alternatively, the country will articulate its preferred course of action in one of the areas above (e. g. how it intends to develop its aerospace initiatives). The emphasis will be on the unique, independent, and original approach.

MAR 08 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%). The up influence is stronger in the morning.

USA . Increased probability of positive news about the country’s vision and goals for its future and partnerships. The source of the news could be communication/transportation industries or reaching an agreement of some sort. The focus will likely be on international connections and expansion. Retail sales, immigration, and higher education issues will receive more attention than usual as well.

USA . Mar 8-9 — Increased likelihood of greater than usual moves in the price of gold and silver. Additionally, there may be discussions about the value of something that can be used as money (to buy/sell goods) [bitcoin?] or any other monetization policies. Increased focus on retail sales, transportation, and/or information exchange — the value of related businesses may increase or they may receive funding (e. g. through loans and investments).

MAR 09 , 2016 (WED) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (55%). This may be a reversal day (probably from up on Tue to down on Wed). Regardless of the exact direction, it will probably be different from Tue.

Mar 8-9 (esp. the 9th) — Increased focus in the news on oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, water, navy, beverages, poisons, pollution, alcohol, drugs, music, movies, etc. Possibility of discussions and agreements related to these areas. Also, increased possibility of flooding or discussions of shipping oil over water or via underwater pipes.

MAR 10 , 2016 (TH) . Strong influence; market may possibly go down (60-65%). This may be a reversal day (bottom of a V pattern), with the market going up the next day.

MAR 11 , 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55%). Increased possibility of an important announcement about some leader (company or person) in the oil, music, movie, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc. industry early in the morning. The news may be related to their health/status or the areas above (e. g. their connection to pharmaceuticals or drugs).

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Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7. Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump. With the Neptune/Saturn aspect now slowly separating from the exact square, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

FEB 29, 2016 (MON) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (55%). The down influence is stronger in the early morning.

China . Feb 29-Mar 1 — Increased probability of mildly negative news about the country’s status in the world and/or its authority on some issue (esp. related to investments, loans, credit, taxes, and power generation). This may be due to some project related to energy, IT, telecom, on-line sales, social media, or aero-space not working as well as expected or not getting an acceptance from other countries. China’s desire for a unique/modern/independent approach to electricity supply, aero-space, IT, social media, etc. projects may not receive support/investments from other countries (especially big power-players).

MAR 01, 2016 (TUE) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (55%).

China . Mar 1-2 — Increased probability of negative news about souring relationships with partners, debt, loans, financial manipulations, country’s status on the international arena, or [decreased] profits (esp. from investments, join ventures, nuclear-power-related businesses, and/or recycling businesses). Some issue may lead to disagreements with the partners and/or countries perceived to be “big players” internationally. China may feel pressured by the partners to do something that would decrease its future profits (esp. from energy-generating businesses, IT, telecom, on-line sales, social media, or aero-space). Alternatively, China may adopt some new/unique policy in an attempt to improve its finances, but its partners will feel this new policy is manipulative.

MAR 02, 2016 (WED) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%). Increased probability of positive news related to energy companies, IT, telecoms, social media, and aero-space. These areas may report profits or increased value (e. g. of products or companies).

USA . Increased possibility of mildly positive news about international connections, higher education, investments, loans, debt, and long-distance transportation or travel.

USA . Mar 2-3 (esp. the 3rd) — increased possibility of positive news about debt, loans, taxes, insurance, investments, as well as retail sales and transportation/communication businesses. In particular, cars and on-line sales, may receive greater attention than usual. There may also be increased focus on silver and gold, as well as any monetary-policy-related issues.

MAR 03, 2016 (TH) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (60-65%).

Mar 3-4 — Possibility of upsetting news about cars, esp. electric, and transportation-related accidents (incl. airplanes). There may also be increased news about military-related contracts, esp. about vehicles, transportation, and airplanes — some contract may be signed after intense discussions and possibly against someone’s vocal opposition.

China . Increased probability of stressful news about profits, especially from overseas (export or join partnerships with foreign partners) and real-estate or food sales. Possibly, this will relate to some import/export imbalance. There may be shortage or decrease of cash or profits. Alternatively, the country may make a somewhat unique and independent move that will upset foreign connections — e. g. pursue own financial interests despite potential decrease in profits from join ventures with foreign partners. The area where China may pursue such interests will likely be related to energy, IT, telecoms, on-line sales, social media, or aero-space.

MAR 04, 2016 (FR) . Very strong influence; market may possibly go down (65-70%). The down influence will intensify toward the end of the day. Looks like a stressful day. Increased probability of accidents, protests, military activities, etc. Arguments and disagreements likely — not the best day for negotiations. Themes of people being unhappy with their government, seeking independence, and clashes over immigration issues will probably dominate.

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Tagged with money

Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

USA [ NEW ] . Apr 1 – May 1 (esp. Apr 6-7, 11-18) and then Aug 19-24 — electric cars, engines, aerospace, IT, telecoms, data processing, electricity, high tech gadgets, etc. will receive more attention that usual. There may be new initiatives or a new level of excitement about some new program, product, or solution. New initiatives will probably be related to a search for a new direction, military initiatives, and/or collaboration with partners. After Apr 18, the intensity of the push for increased activity in the related areas may subside for a few months; to be revived in August 2016. Around Aug 19-24, there may be another peak of activity; however, the project/initiative may face serious obstacles due to delays, breakdowns, something wearing out (e. g. old engine), or opposition (esp. from cautious/conservative forces that may resist innovation or the change in the status quo).

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.<

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect slowly separating from the exact square through March 25, 2016, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. Starting from the end of March, the two planets will slowly move toward another precise square due in June. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square, will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

——————— MAR 28 , 2016 (MON) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (55%). Down influence is stronger in the late afternoon.

Mar 28 – Apr 01 — the mood may be cautious overall, so any up moves/rallies may be somewhat subdued. Concerns about immigration, government workers, governments’ expenses, healthcare, and the need to take care of those who can’t take good care of themselves (e. g. sick, disabled, refugees, animals [pets, livestock], elderly, etc.). There may be concerns about the ability to extend support to all the needy or about the government(s) overspending on such programs. Concerns may arise due to immigration, foreign initiatives, foreign travel, or higher education. Alternatively, overspending on such programs may lead to restrictions related to immigration, foreign travel, foreign connections, or higher education.

USA . In the morning — increased probability of brief stressful news about mining, recycling, or nuclear-power-related businesses; investments; taxes; international connections/agreements; or important leaders (e. g. their travel plans or speeches). In the late afternoon — increased probability of concerns about banks and financial organizations. The source of tensions both am and pm will be some domestic issue, including land ownership, real-estate, homeland security, banks’ savings, farming, and food production.

China . Increased news about the banks, investments, stock market, and entertainment industry. Possibility of some agreements or discussions (e. g. to purchase a business in the entertainment industry or to facilitate data exchange that affects stock market functioning).

MAR 29 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (60-65%).

Mar 29-30 — the value of or profits from products/services/businesses related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, or chemicals may receive greater attention than usual.

USA . Increased focus on oil, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, water (e. g. floods or excessive precipitation may affect travel), chemicals, contagious diseases, religion, navy, beverages, etc. The value of related products may be questioned and may possibly go down. Alternatively, it may be discovered that they are undervalued leading to a price adjustment. Also, increased focus on military (e. g. expenses, quality of the equipment, and alliances). The news may be somewhat stressful — for ex. something is over-budget, some allies are not cooperating, or the equipment is in worse shape than expected.

China . Mar 29-30 — Increased probability of positive news about the country’s status on the world arena and/or being a leader in some way. An agreement may be signed, esp. about military cooperation, mining, recycling, or nuclear power. The value of pharmaceutical products/services/businesses may increase or there may be news about increased profits or expansion.

MAR 30 , 2016 (WED) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55-60%).

Mar 29-30 — increased focus on aerospace, IT, telecoms, data processing, electricity, electric cars, high tech gadgets, etc. There may be increased news with focus on new initiatives, discoveries, surprises, agreements, and military activities (e. g. new campaign, new agreement, new airplane, new high tech gadget, discussions about fast data exchange to support military, etc.). Innovations or cool new tech toys introduced at this time should prove to be exciting and successful.

MAR 31 , 2016 (TH) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

USA . Mar 29-30 — Increased probability of positive news about military initiatives, international agreements/alliances, electric cars, engines, racing, stock market, and entertainment industry (e. g. casinos or movie industry).

APR 01 , 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%).

USA . Increased focus on land ownership, real-estate, homeland security, banks’ savings, farming, and food production. The value of or profits from related businesses may increase or there may be positive news about a development that facilitates growth in these areas.

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Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect slowly separating from the exact square through March 25, 2016, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. Starting from the end of March, the two planets will slowly move toward another precise square due in June. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square, will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

MAR 14, 2016 (MON) . Very strong influence; market may possibly go down (55-60%). The down influence is stronger in the early mooring, and, stronger globally than for the US. Regardless of the direction, the size of the move will probably be greater than usual.

Busy news day with focus on oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, navy, and immigration or foreign agreements. The nature of the news may be that there is conflict between expansion and contraction — while there may be optimism about improvement and expansion of businesses related to oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc. there will also be some mood-dampening events (or some limitations/restrictions/delays) introduced by international developments. For ex, some international agreements or laws create an obstacle, international partners refuse to cooperate, there are delays in transportation (esp. by water or air), and this creates concerns about the value of oil, chemicals, etc.

USA . Increased probability of positive news about investments, taxes, insurance companies, workforce, and participation in international organizations (e. g. the value of businesses or products increased or it became easier for business to earn money). The source of positive news could be related to oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc. and transportation/communication industries, as well as retail sales.

MAR 15, 2016 (TUE) . Strong influence; market may possibly go up (55-60%). Likely, a reversal day (from down on Mon to up on Tue). Focus on oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, navy, and immigration or foreign agreements will remain, but the mood may be more optimistic compared to Mon.

USA . Mar 15-16 — Increased probability of positive news about the country’s wellbeing, expansion, optimism about future, and collaboration with partners. The source of positive news could be related to oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc. and transportation/communication industries, as well as retail sales.

China . Mar 15-16 — Increased focus on stock market, aerospace programs/initiatives, and developments that highlight the country’s unique path or approach to the future. Possibly, increased value of or investments in businesses related to aerospace, telecoms, IT, high tech, and anything that’s cutting edge and futuristic. Por ejemplo, cash is poured into some program to reduce stock market volatility or to improve data processing speed.

MAR 16, 2016 (WED) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

MAR 17, 2016 (TH) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (55-60%). The down influence is stronger for the US than globally.

USA . Increased concerns about oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, navy, and transportation/communication businesses (incl. airplanes), as well as retail sales. The source of trouble will probably be unclear communications, overlooked detail, problems with transportation, or angry disagreements with partners. There may also be territorial disputes, concerns about safety [of the borders, travel, or transportation], real estate sales, and food supply/safety.

MAR 18, 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (55-60%). The down influence is stronger in the late afternoon, and, stronger for the US than globally.

Mar 19-20: Over the weekend, there may be developments related to oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drugs, pollution, water, and navy that will impact the value of the related products or businesses. The effect of these events may fade, however, by the time markets open in the US on Mon (the 21st).

USA . Minor disagreements with partners about future goals, values, agreements, communication, travel, or transportation (possibly related to oil, chemicals, navy, etc.). The value the country puts on the related products or programs (e. g. sales or transportation of oil, developing navy bases, shipping goods via water, sales of pharmaceuticals, etc.) may be at odds with the previously communicated vision and/or with its partners’ expectations.

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Global . Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.<

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China . 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e. g. hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e. g. creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect now slowly separating from the exact square, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).

——————— MAR 07 , 2016 (MON) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

USA . Increased probability of positive news about the workforce and/or participation in international organizations. The source of the news could be communication/transportation industries or reaching an agreement of some sort.

China . Increased probability of positive news about the stock market, entertainment industry, and/or the country’s unique vision for its future. The source of the news could be communication/transportation industries (esp. telecoms and aerospace-related) or reaching an agreement of some sort. Alternatively, the country will articulate its preferred course of action in one of the areas above (e. g. how it intends to develop its aerospace initiatives). The emphasis will be on the unique, independent, and original approach.

MAR 08 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%). The up influence is stronger in the morning.

USA . Increased probability of positive news about the country’s vision and goals for its future and partnerships. The source of the news could be communication/transportation industries or reaching an agreement of some sort. The focus will likely be on international connections and expansion. Retail sales, immigration, and higher education issues will receive more attention than usual as well.

USA . Mar 8-9 — Increased likelihood of greater than usual moves in the price of gold and silver. Additionally, there may be discussions about the value of something that can be used as money (to buy/sell goods) [bitcoin?] or any other monetization policies. Increased focus on retail sales, transportation, and/or information exchange — the value of related businesses may increase or they may receive funding (e. g. through loans and investments).

MAR 09 , 2016 (WED) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (55%). This may be a reversal day (probably from up on Tue to down on Wed). Regardless of the exact direction, it will probably be different from Tue.

Mar 8-9 (esp. the 9th) — Increased focus in the news on oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, water, navy, beverages, poisons, pollution, alcohol, drugs, music, movies, etc. Possibility of discussions and agreements related to these areas. Also, increased possibility of flooding or discussions of shipping oil over water or via underwater pipes.

MAR 10 , 2016 (TH) . Strong influence; market may possibly go down (60-65%). This may be a reversal day (bottom of a V pattern), with the market going up the next day.

MAR 11 , 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55%). Increased possibility of an important announcement about some leader (company or person) in the oil, music, movie, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc. industry early in the morning. The news may be related to their health/status or the areas above (e. g. their connection to pharmaceuticals or drugs).

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Global: Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Dec 2, 2015 – Feb 12, 2016 — strong focus on and increased news about oil, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals, water/navy, movies, music, and/or religion. The nature of the news will be increased optimism, hope, and expansion. The price or availability of the related products or services may increase, or, there may be more opportunities for expansion than usual. Por ejemplo, more oil is available, opportunities to develop oil increase, new source of oil is discovered, some drug is made available more easily, a drug sells incredibly well, a drug brings much more profit than expected, healthcare industry profits improve significantly, there is a major flooding or a snowstorm, profits from beverage/alcohol industries climb, new (likely alcoholic) beverage gains popularity, water sales increase, navy force is expanded (e. g. by adding equipment, sending ships to more locations, establishing more bases, etc.), and so on.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . Late Dec, 2015 – late Feb, 2016 (esp. Jan 26-27) — Increased probability of an important public announcement about a new radical and aggressive (pro-active) approach to dealing with country’s finances and financial institutions. The focus will be on increasing profits by reaching out for new income sources or increasing the value of already accumulated resources. This may be a daring surprising move, the approach itself may be unique and surprising, or the approach will heavily involve IT/high tech. New potential income sources include electronic banking, electricity, telecoms, aero-space industry, IT, “cyber-enhanced” military (some combination of high-tech and weapons), or any innovative cutting edge businesses. The time for such a move would be beneficial for the country as it would help to improve its status in the world and gain more power in partnerships.

China . Mar 23, 2015 – Feb 17, 2016 (peak influence around Apr 9 and Dec 8, 2015 and Jan 13, 2016) — increased probability of an important public announcement or development related to banks, financial institutions, or accumulated savings. The situation may somehow be related to energy, electricity, aero-space-related programs or businesses, IT or technology businesses, hacking, an abrupt change, or some innovation. Por ejemplo, the news may be about a sudden decision to start/stop some bank-related program, or, there is a surprise change in the funding of an energy program, IT company, aerospace company, etc. Or, there may be news about some disruption in the functioning of the banks/financial institutions related to electric supply or IT services (power outage, hacking, etc.).

China [ NEW ] . December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect now slowly separating from the exact square, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26). ———————

FEB 08 , 2016 (MON) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%). Today being the new Moon day, market and Forex moves will likely be more exaggerated than usual.

USA . Today, there is an increased probability of minor disagreements with partners, especially over any foreign investments and taxes. Likely, a busy news day with increased focus on insurance, taxes, mining, recycling, communication/transportation, nuclear-power-related businesses, and any hidden/underground activities (e. g. spying, exchanging encrypted data, hiding income to avoid taxes, secret trips, secret agreements, etc.).

USA . Feb 08-10 — increased probability of positive news about the military initiatives and business, stock market, oil and oil-related businesses, real estate, farming, and food industry.

China . Feb 08-10 — increased focus on income, profit, earnings, especially from the real estate, construction, agriculture, tourism, travel, and foreign connections. Some issue(s) may be highlighted to point out deficiencies (poor leadership, insufficient growth, leaders unhappy with profits) and there will be an aggressive/enthusiastic push to remedy the situation (probably through activities related to loans, taxes, and foreign connections).

China . Feb 08-12 — Intensification of the long-term influence described above (see China Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016). There may be news about some long-term projects that aim to stabilize the stock market. If such initiatives are announced at this time, they will likely succeed.

FEB 09 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

FEB 10 , 2016 (WED) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go up (60-65%).

China . Increased probability of positive news about healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. The news may report increased profits, expansion of influence (e. g. acquiring a business related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally and/or via rail-way).

FEB 11 , 2016 (TH) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (60%). There will likely be a reversal from Wed to Thur (probably up to down).

USA . Key themes today will be banking, investments, taxes, insurance, mining, nuclear power, hidden profits, and deceptive or power-grabbing activities (especially as related to banking/financial sphere). Increased focus on negotiations/agreements with partners, especially over any foreign investments and taxes. Likely, a busy news day with increased focus on insurance, taxes, mining, recycling, communication/transportation, nuclear-power-related businesses, and any hidden/underground activities (e. g. spying, exchanging encrypted data, hiding income to avoid taxes, secret trips, secret agreements, etc.). The news may be somewhat disappointing (e. g. the profits dropped due to some restrictive conditions or lack of something, expenses must be curtailed, partners disagree on the value of something, etc.).

FEB 12 , 2016 (FR) . Medium influence; market may possibly go down (55%).

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Global : Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA . Feb 2015 — March 2016 (esp. late March/early April 2015, and Sep 2015 through Feb 2016) — Major changes in international relationships. This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ties and alliances. In the process, there will be a lot of confusion and possible deception and disillusion (e. g. partners fail to follow through on agreements). There will be a strong spiritual or religious element to these ties — some alliances may spring up or disappear because of similarities or differences in ideals and vision for the future. Other important areas that will affect partnerships are common views/goals related to oil, healthcare, and water/navy. This week, this influence will peak around Sep 7.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Descendent (marriage/partnerships). It is interesting that the Neptune transit to the US Descendent coincides with the first ever Pope’s visit to the USA. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with important activities related to the LDS Church.

USA . Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e. g. commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e. g. Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e. g. oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e. g. spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e. g. floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e. g. there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e. g. shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e. g. developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e. g. some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA . Dec 2, 2015 – Feb 12, 2016 — strong focus on and increased news about oil, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals, water/navy, movies, music, and/or religion. The nature of the news will be increased optimism, hope, and expansion. The price or availability of the related products or services may increase, or, there may be more opportunities for expansion than usual. Por ejemplo, more oil is available, opportunities to develop oil increase, new source of oil is discovered, some drug is made available more easily, a drug sells incredibly well, a drug brings much more profit than expected, healthcare industry profits improve significantly, there is a major flooding or a snowstorm, profits from beverage/alcohol industries climb, new (likely alcoholic) beverage gains popularity, water sales increase, navy force is expanded (e. g. by adding equipment, sending ships to more locations, establishing more bases, etc.), and so on.

USA . Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA [ NEW ] . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

China . Late Dec, 2015 – late Feb, 2016 (esp. Jan 26-27) — Increased probability of an important public announcement about a new radical and aggressive (pro-active) approach to dealing with country’s finances and financial institutions. The focus will be on increasing profits by reaching out for new income sources or increasing the value of already accumulated resources. This may be a daring surprising move, the approach itself may be unique and surprising, or the approach will heavily involve IT/high tech. New potential income sources include electronic banking, electricity, telecoms, aero-space industry, IT, “cyber-enhanced” military (some combination of high-tech and weapons), or any innovative cutting edge businesses. The time for such a move would be beneficial for the country as it would help to improve its status in the world and gain more power in partnerships.

China . Mar 23, 2015 – Feb 17, 2016 (peak influence around Apr 9 and Dec 8, 2015 and Jan 13, 2016) — increased probability of an important public announcement or development related to banks, financial institutions, or accumulated savings. The situation may somehow be related to energy, electricity, aero-space-related programs or businesses, IT or technology businesses, hacking, an abrupt change, or some innovation. Por ejemplo, the news may be about a sudden decision to start/stop some bank-related program, or, there is a surprise change in the funding of an energy program, IT company, aerospace company, etc. Or, there may be news about some disruption in the functioning of the banks/financial institutions related to electric supply or IT services (power outage, hacking, etc.).

China . Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China . Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China [ NEW ] . January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China . 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

OIL . Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights ), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect now slowly separating from the exact square, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp. June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc. and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. Por ejemplo, the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e. g. summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26). ———————

FEB 01 , 2016 (MON) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (60%). The down influence is stronger in the pre-open and early morning hours (Asian and Australian markets may be affected the most). Also, in the pre-open hours, there is an increased possibility of disruptions or concerns about electric supply, electric cars, IT services/products, aero-space-related businesses, social media companies, and telecoms.

USA . Jan 17 – Feb 14, 2016 (esp. around Jan 31) — As mentioned in the general section above, +- several days to two weeks around Jan 31, I expect an increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. A major snow storm “Jonas” just hit the Eastern Coast, but the peak influence of the associated transit (Jupiter conjunct US Neptune) is still ahead, around Jan 31. So, there may be more bad weather in the next few weeks or may be melting snow from “Jonas” will cause more problems than anticipated. Other possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas that Neptune governs in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. Por ejemplo, an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc. one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

With transiting North Node “hovering” near the transiting Jupiter conj. US Neptune, the developments above will likely be highly publicized and involve large groups of people. Public announcements may be made about the developments (e. g. at some conference or large gathering). The time-frame for this influence is about the same (late Jan-mid Feb), with Feb 3-5 being the most likely days for some important announcement.

China . Jan 31 – Feb 1 — Increased probability of tensions or an aggressive push for success in military partnerships or endeavors. Also, potential accidents or disruptions in communication/transportation industry (probably related to military, sports, or surgery). Something may reach a breaking point and result in a malfunction (e. g. engine), accident, or a fight. A positive manifestation would be achieving a record in any area above through intense physical exertion (e. g. an athlete beats a tough opponent, a surgeon performs an incredibly difficult operation, military partnership is reached after an exhaustive stand-off, etc.).

China . Increased probability of mildly positive news about the stock market or movie industry. Por ejemplo, some issue gets clarified or a direction of the future development becomes clearer.

FEB 02 , 2016 (TUE) . Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55%).

Feb 2-3: Good days for military advancements through stealth moves or secretive actions and/for military-related businesses (esp. those involved in behind-the-scenes activities or support). Possibly, news about nuclear power plants, nuclear-powered engines, or recycling plants.

FEB 03 , 2016 (WED) . Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (55%). This may be a reversal day. The reversal is possible from Wed to Thur (probably up to down) or even within the day on Wed (up in the morning to down in the afternoon). The down influence in late afternoon may be due to more conservative mood, concerns about some international developments or immigration, or concerns about China (their partnerships, communication/transportation industries, or military initiatives).

USA . Increased probability of minor positive news about the banks and financial institutions (e. g. someone’s leadership is producing desired results, an industry leader is doing well, etc.). Increased news about the movie industry or healthcare/diseases/pharmaceuticals are likely. Additionally, there may be concerns about the country’s stock market due to some hidden costs, unforeseen circumstances, hidden problems, or old unresolved issues.

China . Increased focus on partnerships, communication/transportation industries, or military initiatives. There may be a greater push for action by some leader or a disagreement about someone’s leadership.

FEB 04 , 2016 (TH) . Strong influence; market may possibly go down (60%). The down influence is stronger in the last afternoon. An up move is possible on some seemingly “too good to be true” news from China — if so, this may be a short-lived (lasting one day) up move based more on optimistic expectations/illusion than on factual good news.

China . Increased focus on banks, financial institutions, an investments. There may be concerns about lies, deception, or unrealistic expectations about investments or banks (something may appear too good to be true). Silver prices or value given to silver or oil may possibly be affected as well (probably down).

FEB 05 , 2016 (FR) . Very strong influence; market may possibly go down (60-65%). Tense day with focus on changes related to financial regulations or new initiatives. Entities advocating the changes may see existing regulations [likely imposed by governmental/large corporate entities or by some well-established “authorities”] as too limiting, whereas the “authorities” or more conservative entities may resist any changes perceiving them as too abrupt, risky, or extreme. The day will likely see a major market move, regardless of the direction. The direction will most probably down with a chance of up if some crisis is resolved (e. g. a radical change is proposed and barely passes despite significant opposition).

Additionally, there will likely be strong emphasis in the news on mines, mining, any materials excavated from underground, and products derived from those raw materials with (e. g. oil, coal, iron, steel, various minerals). Today, there is also an increased chance of a relatively more significant earthquake or a landslide.

Other areas of focus include military activities (e. g. increased conflicts or increased power buildup [esp. by China]), accidents, violent outbreaks, some influential figure passing away or receiving negative attention, and power struggles among important leaders from finance world and/or government/large corporation. Powerful female leaders from government/large corporation will likely receive a spike in attention — there may be some surprising new developments. The news will probably be negative or about some difficult issue (am thinking this could be related to Hillary Clinton).

China . Increased focus on military might, being a major power player, force to be reckoned with, etc.

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