Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Forex Bnz

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Usted puede preguntarse si este sistema no funciona por qué alguien se molestaría en escribir una reseña sobre él? Permítanme primero darles información de fondo. Incluso no soy un comerciante muy avanzado en el comercio de divisas que a tiempo parcial y ver el éxito constante después de mucho tiempo de lucha. Así que mi opinión es la siguiente: no hay ningún sistema en el comercio de divisas que funcione. Suena polémico? La única cosa que puede trabajar ellos es usted. Si no está creciendo su cuenta de forma consistente, entonces usted necesita trabajar en sí mismo para hacer que los sistemas de comercio de trabajo para usted. En mi opinión, el éxito en forex depende enormemente de mis sistemas de creencias sobre el dinero, el éxito y mi vida en general. A lo largo de mi viaje como un comerciante he descubierto que es mi sistema de creencias me hizo fracasar consistentemente en el principio y luego convertirse en yo-yo tipo de comerciante. Cuando construí mi cuenta de manera significativa, entonces pensando que todo lo hecho drenado la cuenta completamente. La palabra clave para el éxito en el comercio para mí es la coherencia. Incluso si usted está promediando 5 pips al día que va a construir su cuenta en un largo plazo. Pero si usted hace 200 pips un día y perder 2001 pip otro día, entonces con este tipo de comercio que están condenados a volar tu cuenta tarde o temprano. Tú.

RBNZ le dará a NZD otro empujón pronto & # 8211; BNZ

NZD / USD fue primero golpeado por la Reserva Federal y su hawkishness, y luego por el Banco de la Reserva de Nueva Zelanda y su dovish.

El equipo de BNZ evalúa que el RBNZ podría dar otro empujón a la NZD muy pronto y explica:

Aquí está su opinión, cortesía de eFXnews:

Lo siguiente es la reacción del Banco de Nueva Zelanda (BNZ) a la decisión de la política RBNZ de hoy.

Reiteramos que nuestro propio perfil de tasas de interés sigue siendo altamente dependiente de que el NZD caiga y caiga muy agresivamente. Seguimos siendo de la opinión que éste será el catalizador eventual para que el RBNZ tire del disparador. No es sorprendente que la RBNZ reiterara hoy la opinión de que cree que el NZD es "injustificado e insostenible" y que se espera que se modere en los próximos años.

De hecho, con respecto a la moneda, no nos sorprendería si la RBNZ aprovechara la oportunidad para darle a la moneda otro empujón en algún momento dado que el ambiente está maduro para que la intervención sea eficaz dada la combinación de la declaración de RBNZ de hoy y la declaración de la Fed , Que ya había visto el NZD caer un centavo.

El RBNZ ahora se ha fijado un obstáculo muy alto de hecho antes de que contemple levantar tipos de interés otra vez. Esto significa que será mucho más tarde que pronto antes de que se convenza de actuar. Y cuanto más tarde se vuelve más probable que la economía de Nueva Zelanda se encuentre bien en su fase de desaceleración esperada, por lo que las tasas menos probables tendrán que aumentarse en absoluto.

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sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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NZD se depreciará este año & # 8211; BNZ

Jason Wong, estratega de divisas en BNZ, señala que el viernes, el NZD salió de la estrecha gama 0.6550-0.6750 que había estado operando durante la mayor parte de febrero a la parte superior, pero no por mucho tiempo.

"La fuerte actividad estadounidense y los datos de inflación de la noche del viernes fueron un amable recordatorio de por qué seguimos pensando que el NZD se depreciará este año. Los débiles datos de confianza de la empresa y de expectativas de inflación de esta mañana se han añadido ligeramente al tono más débil de la NZD.

La inflación estadounidense está en alza y el deflactor preferido de la Fed en el core PCE está mostrando una ganancia anual del 1,7%, cerca del objetivo del 2%. El mensaje de la Fed ha sido bastante claro - que está tratando de ajustar gradualmente la política monetaria en los próximos años. Sin embargo, el mercado se ha vuelto más complaciente a lo largo de este año hasta el momento, valorando la posibilidad de cualquier endurecimiento en 2016. Los datos de la inflación estadounidense dan la impresión de que el endurecimiento de la política estadounidense este año sigue siendo "vivo". No tomaría mucho por 1-2 tensiones este año para ser tasado detrás en la curva, y esto sería negativo para el NZD.

Mientras tanto, el riesgo para la política monetaria de Nueva Zelanda se ha movido en la dirección opuesta. La semana pasada resaltamos el mínimo récord en las expectativas de inflación de Nueva Zelanda en relación al objetivo. La perspectiva de que el RBNZ cumpla su objetivo de inflación sigue siendo una perspectiva más lejana. Las tasas de Nueva Zelanda se han movido hacia abajo en previsión de nuevos recortes de tasas, pero la NZD ha sido sorprendentemente resistente en febrero. El NZD también ha permanecido resistente a la dinámica más débil de la moneda asiática de las últimas semanas. Hemos anotado previamente la buena relación entre el NZD y el índice de moneda de ADXY.

También observamos de cerca el índice semanal de precios de las materias primas NZ de la CBA en términos de USD y que cayó por séptima semana consecutiva hasta el 19 de febrero. Todo esto indica un riesgo a la baja para el NZD cuando los fundamentos vuelven a enfocarse. Las estimaciones actuales del valor razonable son USD0.63 y AUD0.88. "

Jason Wong, estratega de divisas en BNZ, señala que el viernes, el NZD salió de la estrecha gama 0.6550-0.6750 que había estado operando durante la mayor parte de febrero a la parte superior, pero no por mucho tiempo.

(Noticias de Mercado proporcionadas por FXstreet)

Mensaje de navegación

NZD: Se estableció en un rango de negociación - BNZ


Noticias Forex

Sin comentarios

Jason Wong, Estratega de Moneda de BNZ, señala que después de una fuerte caída a principios de año, el NZD se ha establecido en un rango de negociación.

"El ascenso reciente en el apetito por el riesgo y el yuan más fuerte - que ambos han apoyado al NZD - podrían resultar ser factores temporales.

El balance de los riesgos ha estado avanzando hacia una mayor debilidad de la NZD, pero más tarde en el año, en lugar de antes. Buscamos los diferenciales de tipos NZ-globales para estrechar aún más, los precios de los productos básicos blandos continuarán y sospechamos que el sentimiento negativo hacia China volverá. Todos estos factores serían NZD-negativos.

Las acciones de otros bancos centrales globales como el BoJ y el BCE han servido para bajar los tipos de interés mundiales. Sin embargo, el impacto global en el NZD ha sido mitigado en la medida en que el RBNZ se ha unido al partido, con una sorpresa de alivio este mes. Más RBNZ alivio parece probable en los próximos meses. De hecho, si el RBNZ es serio sobre el cumplimiento de su meta de inflación, entonces tendrá que tomar la tasa de efectivo por debajo del 2%. Esto debería mantener una presión a la baja sobre los diferenciales de tipos NZ-globales, y es NZD-negativo. "

Jason Wong, Estratega de Moneda de BNZ, señala que después de una fuerte caída a principios de año, el NZD se ha establecido en un rango de negociación.

(Noticias de Mercado proporcionadas por FXstreet)



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BNZ reduce previsión de precios de leche en Nueva Zelanda

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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BNZ en riesgo a la economía neozelandesa

Desde una nota de investigación del BNZ (Bank of New Zealand) sobre el descubrimiento de la mosca de la fruta en el centro de Auckland

Sí, en serio, una mosca. Y, sí, en serio, esto es potencialmente un gran riesgo.

Esto es lo que el BNZ dice:

En la saga de la mosca de la fruta de Queensland, comenzó con un solo varón que fue descubierto el 16 de febrero en Gray Lynn, Auckland central.

Posteriormente, se ha encontrado una pequeña población aislada de la mosca. Se esperan más en los próximos días.

Esta es la cuarta vez que la mosca de la fruta de Queensland se ha encontrado en NZ desde 2012. En todos los casos anteriores una sola mosca fue la única detección y no se encontraron poblaciones en la zona.

Según el Ministerio de Industria Primaria (MPI), la mosca de la fruta de Queensland es una de las plagas más dañinas de la mosca de la fruta, ya que infesta más de 100 especies de frutas y hortalizas.

Los anfitriones incluyen cultivos comerciales tales como aguacate, cítricos, feijoa, uva, pimienta, caqui, fruta de la pipa, y fruta de piedra. Si se estableciera esta mosca, tendría graves consecuencias para la industria hortícola de Nueva Zelanda, y más allá.

La horticultura por sí sola representa alrededor del 7% al 8% de las exportaciones de mercancías de Nueva Zelanda. Por lo tanto, mientras que un riesgo aparentemente tan pequeño como la mosca de la fruta en sí, debe ser tomado en serio para los impactos que podría tener, como un peor de los casos.

MPI dice que está seguro de erradicar con éxito esta población dada los recursos y la experiencia a su disposición. Con el brote actualmente localizado (en un área central de la ciudad) y contenido, no ha habido ningún impacto discernible en el mercado financiero hasta la fecha. Pero monitorearemos los eventos muy de cerca.

Nota. A veces hay un poco de confusión, el Banco de Nueva Zelanda (BNZ) no es el Banco de Reserva de Nueva Zelanda (RBNZ). BNZ es un banco comercial. El RBNZ es el banco central de Nueva Zelanda.

Obtenga moscas largas y periódicos enrollados

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Noticias Forex


NZD: Tendencia de depreciación para continuar "NAB / BNZ

FXStreet (Delhi) "sugiere que los factores clave del NZD siguen siendo negativos con menor apetito por el riesgo, la caída de los precios de los productos básicos, la reducción de los diferenciales de tipos NZ-US y una dinámica de la moneda asiática más débil.

ŒEl NZD comenzó el año con una nota muy débil y esperamos una mayor depreciación a lo largo del año. En nuestro marco de modelado, los principales impulsores apuntan a un NZD más débil este año. El apetito por el riesgo se ha evaporado, con mercados de renta variable más bajos, márgenes de crédito más amplios y mayor volatilidad del mercado. Este tipo de ambiente suele ser negativo para el Kiwi.

Nuestras previsiones muestran que el tipo de cambio NZD / USD cayó hacia la marca de 60 centavos de dólar en la primera mitad. Un movimiento hacia los 50 altos no puede ser descartado, pero sospechamos que la moneda no mantendría ese nivel por mucho tiempo.

El NZD todavía se proyecta para declinar en todas las cruces este año, incluso contra el AUD. Es probable que la economía de Nueva Zelanda tenga un rendimiento inferior al de la economía australiana durante el próximo año. La tasa de desempleo de NZ está en una tendencia al alza, mientras que Australia ™ está en una tendencia a la baja. Con la inflación subrayando el punto medio del RBNZ ™, hay una mayor probabilidad de que el RBNZ entregue más recortes de tarifas este año, que el RBA.

Vemos que el AUD / NZD cotiza hasta 1,12 este año, por debajo de nuestra proyección anterior de 1,17, pero hemos notado el riesgo de sobrepasar nuestro objetivo de fin de año.

A otras noticias

EUR / JPY terminó la semana con una ganancia de 75 pips. El par llegó al fondo el martes en 124.67, pero luego se recuperó y terminó

Los analistas de Scotiabank explicaron que los comentarios constructivos de los funcionarios de la Fed sobre la perspectiva económica estadounidense están ayudando a apuntalar el USD.

"Funcionarios aparecen

Los analistas de Brown Brothers Harriman explicaron que la libra esterlina es la más débil de las principales monedas.

"La combinación de los temores Brexit, la preocupación de que el Tory P

Noticias por categoría

Todos los derechos reservados. 2012 - 2016 & copia;

TenkoFX Limited 55 Southern Foreshore, Belice, C. A.

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Cómo lograr la diversificación de divisas para un menor riesgo y mejores rentabilidades, ya sea a través de la negociación segura, conservadora de divisas o la inversión de divisas diversificada de ingresos. El secreto para la planificación de la jubilación Gran Made Easy: Si usted está recibiendo un seguro, alto dividendo en moneda que está aumentando, entonces usted no tiene que preocuparse por los mercados volátiles o las bajas tasas de interés que matará a sus ahorros y pensiones. Su fuente de soluciones.

Etiquetado con BNZ

Perspectiva Técnica: Tendencia alcista a mediano plazo, bajista a corto plazo

& # 8211; Perspectiva Fundamental 1: Tres grandes conductores del mercado probable esta semana los eventos del calendario superior para monitorear

& # 8211; Fundamental Outlook 2: Los mejores eventos del calendario para ver

Los asuntos de salud mantienen el post de esta semana corto.

Imagen Técnica: Mediano plazo alcista, bajista a corto plazo

Examinamos el cuadro técnico primero por una serie de razones, entre ellas:

Gráfico No mientas: titulares dramáticos y temas de noticias dominantes no necesariamente se mueven los mercados. La acción del precio es crítica para entender qué eventos y desarrollos son y no están dirigiendo los mercados. No hay nada como la acción de precio plana o sin tendencia que le diga que descuentos titulares dramáticos aparentemente - o para hacerle pensar acerca de por qué un riesgo dado no está siendo tasado en

Las gráficas también mueven mercados: Los indicadores de soporte, resistencia e impulso también mueven los mercados, especialmente en ausencia de sorpresas de noticias de primer nivel e informes económicos. Por ejemplo, cuanto más fuerte es un soporte o nivel de resistencia dado, más probable es que una tendencia se detenga en ese punto. Del mismo modo, una ruptura confirmada por encima de la resistencia clave hace que los operadores mucho más receptivos a las noticias positivas que proporciona una excusa para el comercio en esa dirección.

Los índices son buenos barómetros globales. Su habitual correlación positiva con otros activos de riesgo, y la correlación negativa con los activos de refugio seguro, los convierte en buenos barómetros globales de lo que hacen las diferentes clases de activos.

Apetito general de riesgo Mediano plazo por gráficos semanales de los principales índices bursátiles mundiales

Gráficos Semanales De Grandes Índices Globales May 26 2013 & # 8211; Presente: Con EMA de 10 semanas / 200 días en rojo: COLUMNA IZQUIERDA DE ARRIBA A FONDO: S & P 500, DJ 30, FTSE 100, MEDIO: CAC 40, DJ EUR 50, DAX 30, DERECHO: HANG SENG, MSCI TAIWAN, NIKKEI 225

Key para S & amp; P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Gráfico semanal: 10 semanas EMA azul oscuro, 20 SEMANA EMA amarillo, 50 SEMANA EMA rojo, 100 SEMANA EMA azul claro, 200 SEMANA EMA violeta, DOBLE BOLLINGER BANDAS. Normal 2 Desviaciones estándar Verde, 1 Desviación estándar Naranja.

Puntos clave

Índices estadounidenses: El retroceso menor de la semana pasada los lleva al extremo inferior de sus zonas de compra de bandas dobles Bollinger®, lo que significa que están al borde de perder el impulso alcista a medio plazo. Las tendencias ascendentes son obviamente todavía bastante sólidas, así que en este punto no hay nada más que una corrección normal dentro de una tendencia alcista a largo plazo. Aunque como se observa a continuación con las tablas diarias, el deterioro a corto plazo pone las probabilidades en favor de la desventaja de la próxima semana, desde una perspectiva puramente técnica. Dicho esto, con tantos eventos de nivel superior que podrían mover los mercados, la dirección de las próximas semanas para los índices en general depende en gran medida de los resultados de estos eventos.

Índices europeos: La retirada de la semana pasada los devolvió a su zona doble de banda neutral de Bollinger®, lo que sugiere niveles de negociación planos en las próximas semanas. De lo contrario, se aplicarán los mismos comentarios.

Índices Asiáticos: Una bolsa mixta, en su mayoría después de los EE. UU. y la UE inferior. Hubo algunas excepciones basadas en las condiciones del mercado local. Nikkei de Japón subió la debilidad de Yen (debido a la fuerza de USD) que se considera como favorable de este índice exportador-pesado. Así también fue Shanghai, que subió como cifras de inflación baja alzó esperanzas de estímulo.

Appetite general del riesgo Corto plazo por los gráficos diarios de los principales índices bursátiles mundiales

Key para S & amp; P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Diario Gráfico: 10 Día EMA Azul Oscuro, 20 Día EMA Amarillo, 50 Día EMA Rojo, 100 Día EMA Azul Claro, 200 Día EMA Violeta, DOBLE BOLLINGER BANDAS. Normal 2 Desviaciones estándar Verde, 1 Desviación estándar Naranja.

Puntos clave de los gráficos diarios

EE. UU.: El gráfico diario del S & amp; P 500 es revelador, así que me concentraré en eso. El aplanamiento del S & amp; P 500 desde mediados de agosto significó que incluso una semana de retroceso ha llevado el índice a su zona de venta doble Bollinger banda, lo que sugiere que las probabilidades favorecen mayores desventajas esta semana. Observe cómo la EMA de 10 días se está acercando a cruzar por debajo de la EMA de 20 días, lo cual apoyaría la tesis de impulso descendente. Mark Chandler señala aquí que el promedio móvil de 5 días se debe cruzar por debajo del MA de 20 días, y que ha sido una señal confiable de cambios de tendencia en los últimos meses.

El siguiente nivel de soporte principal es alrededor de los 50 días EMA en 1970, luego en los 100 días EMA alrededor de 1950. Una ruptura decisiva por debajo de que abre el camino para una prueba hasta el final de 1900.

Perspectivas Fundamentales 1: Principales Inversores Potenciales del Mercado para Vigilar esta Semana

Son los eventos con más potencial para moverse la mayoría de los mercados de activos son la reunión de la Fed, el lanzamiento de TLTRO del BCE y el referéndum escocés, así que nos centraremos en ellos.

Miércoles 17 de octubre Declaración de tarifas del FOMC, pronósticos, conferencia de prensa

La gran pregunta es, obviamente, si la combinación de estos eventos va a cambiar la alimentación o moderar las crecientes expectativas de un cambio brusco en la política que trae aumentos de tasas antes. Vemos esas expectativas reflejadas en el reciente salto en los rendimientos del Tesoro estadounidense. Por ejemplo, la nota a 10 años cayó por debajo del 2,35% a fines de agosto y llegó a 2,60% al cierre de la semana pasada.

Hay algunas maneras en que esto podría suceder. Por ejemplo:

La Fed ha afirmado durante mucho tiempo que incluso después de la QE termina, planea mantener las tasas constantes durante un "tiempo considerable". Dejar este fraseo, o reemplazarlo con algo que implique un período más corto de tasas constantes enviaría una señal clara de que la Fed está recibiendo Más hawkish.

Yellen suena más halagüeño en la conferencia de prensa. Por ejemplo, ella es más optimista en la economía de los EEUU, particularmente en el empleo. Alternativamente, podría hacer una admisión categórica de que las tasas podrían aumentar antes de lo previsto (por supuesto, con la calificación normal de que los datos de los EE. UU. siguen mejorando).

Otro tipo de aclaración sobre cuándo se deben aumentar las tasas no se extiende más allá del consenso actual de mediados de 2015.

Como la última reunión de la Fed del trimestre, incluye pronósticos actualizados sobre empleo, tasas de interés e inflación. Estos pronósticos proporcionan otra forma de que el sentimiento del mercado pueda moverse, sobre todo si los comentarios de la conferencia de prensa de Yellen sobre ellos reflejan un creciente optimismo o su habitual y opaca cautela. Una mejora alcista a estas previsiones favorecería el sentimiento alcista de USD, siempre y cuando Yellen no los minimice en la rueda de prensa.

Por el contrario, hacer lo contrario de cualquiera de los tres movimientos anteriores, o incluso simplemente ambiguo, comentarios no comprometidos, debe enviar el USD hacia abajo y el EURUSD más alto.

Teniendo en cuenta la tendencia de Yellen a errar en el lado dovish, las probabilidades favorecen este escenario y, por tanto, un rebote EURUSD a raíz de la reunión de la Fed. Jeff Gundlach dijo en su última transmisión por internet que está casi seguro de que Yellen quiere mantener las tasas bajas durante un período prolongado, porque los salarios reales de los siete deciles inferiores de los asalariados han caído desde 2007-14.

Vea aquí para más detalles.

Incluso si la Fed se siente más agresiva, es probable que sea extremadamente cuidadoso evitar los mercados impactantes en algo remotamente parecido a otro selloff en los activos de riesgo y el pico de la tasa como vimos en el año pasado "berrinches". Por lo tanto, cualquier cambio hawkish debe ser sutil y Acompañado de un hincapié en que el calendario real de la primera subida de las tasas no ha cambiado, o es sólo de menor importancia, y en todo caso depende en última instancia de los datos económicos de EE. UU. siguen mejorando. La pregunta es, los mercados tomarán esa formulación al valor nominal?

Riesgo calculado ofrece un muestreo y un resumen de las opiniones aquí.

Un resultado agresivo presionaría a las acciones y otros activos de riesgo y las monedas más bajas, y probablemente alimentaría la tendencia alcista en el USD y por lo menos las tasas de interés de Estados Unidos.

Jueves 18 de septiembre ECT TLTRO Operación

Mientras tanto, a medida que la Fed tiende a endurecerse, el BCE está comenzando a activar uno de sus grandes nuevos movimientos de flexibilización, la Operación de Refinanciación de Largo Plazo Orientada (TLTRO). Al igual que el LTRO anterior, la idea es proporcionar préstamos a bajo costo a los bancos de la UE con la esperanza de que pasan las tasas bajas a las empresas y los hogares y estimular el gasto y un aumento de la inflación hacia las tasas normales, . La diferencia con esta nueva versión es que viene con condiciones para asegurar mejor que los fondos son realmente prestados en la economía real como se pensaba originalmente.

El punto central del reciente recorte de tasas del BCE fue preparar el camino para una fuerte demanda de su programa TLTRO, dejando claro a los bancos que las tasas son ahora tan bajas como van, por lo que los bancos no deben esperar tasas más bajas, Del BCE ahora y reenviar ese dinero rápidamente. La idea es ofrecer a los bancos préstamos baratos con la condición de que utilicen los fondos para nuevos préstamos y también pasen los bajos costos de endeudamiento, impulsando la expansión económica y los precios más altos.

Por lo tanto, cuanto mayor sea la demanda, mejor para la economía de la UE y menor será la probabilidad de que se produzca una mayor relajación en un futuro próximo. Así, irónicamente, este programa, aparentemente EUR-dilutivo, podría impulsar el EUR, ya que los operadores anticipan menos flexibilización en el futuro y tal vez un programa de ABS más pequeño.

Aunque hay otros informes económicos la próxima semana que podrían mover el par, los dos eventos anteriores son los grandes, ya que la política del banco central sigue siendo el principal impulsor de los mercados de activos en todo el mundo

18 de septiembre Referéndum de Independencia de Escocia

Mientras las encuestas permanezcan cercanas, los mercados en general, y en particular los índices del Reino Unido y la libra esterlina, estarán bajo cierta presión.

El daño económico sería alto tanto para Escocia como para lo que queda del Reino Unido, por lo que la mayoría espera que el referéndum fracase y vea un rebote en las acciones del Reino Unido y especialmente en la libra esterlina.

Aunque un voto de "sí" probablemente traería el resultado opuesto, la votación está todavía demasiado cerca de llamar, ya que las cuestiones de independencia nacional y el orgullo pueden anular los intereses económicos. Felix Salmon tiene un buen post aquí explicando por qué los escoceses bien podrían aceptar el daño económico y votar a favor de la independencia.

La amenaza de la independencia escocesa se ve, de alguna manera, como un riesgo para otros movimientos de sucesión europeos como el de Cataluña en España, por lo que también se podría esperar que los mercados en general, en particular en Europa.

Esperamos un no voto, y posterior rebote en la libra esterlina. La pregunta es si el EUR o el USD sufre más de esa demanda repentina para el GBP.

Observamos que podríamos ver la mayor volatilidad de esta semana en los mercados de divisas, ya que todos los eventos anteriores deberían influir directamente en al menos una moneda importante. Los eventos de la Fed y del BCE obviamente son enormes tanto para el USD como para el EUR. Recuerde, un fortalecimiento en uno de estos casi siempre trae un debilitamiento en el otro, así que los cambios de política del BCE y de la Fed suelen ser igualmente significativos tanto para el EUR como para el USD, como si ambos fueran controlados mutuamente por ambos bancos centrales.

Si bien hay mucho más que cubrir, estoy un poco en el clima, y ​​por lo tanto cortará este corto aquí, concluyendo con un resumen de otros eventos que vale la pena monitorear esta semana.

Perspectiva Fundamental 2: Eventos Top del Calendario Para Vigilar Esta Semana

Más allá de los mencionados anteriormente, aquí están los eventos programados más probables que podrían mover la mayoría de los mercados de activos

Estados Unidos: índice Empire State Mfg, tasa de utilización de capacidad, producción industrial

UE: Informe de sentimiento ZEW alemán, informe UE ZEW

US: PPI, TIC compras a largo plazo

EE. UU.: CPI, FOMC Reunión, declaración de tarifas, pronósticos, conferencia de prensa

UE: Lanzamiento de la operación TLTRO del BCE

US: Permisos de construcción, semanalmente nuevos reclamos por desempleo, discurso de Fed Chair Yellen, Philly Fed mfg index

Reino Unido: voto de la independencia escocesa

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Después de los dramas de la semana pasada, aquí están las lecciones y los movimientos de mercado probables a tener en cuenta para la mayoría de los mercados globales

Perspectiva Técnica: Neutral a Corto Plazo EE. UU. y Asia, Neutral / alcista para Europa, a medio plazo alcista Las 3 Regiones

Perspectiva Fundamental 1: Lecciones de las últimas noticias sobre el estado del rally mundial de acciones, los nuevos movimientos de estímulo del BCE, informes de empleos en Estados Unidos y más

Perspectivas Fundamentales 2: Posibles impulsores del mercado para esta semana y más allá, y cómo la PMI de la UE se movió a mercados múltiples

& # 8212; Preguntas más importantes & amp; Qué mirar para contestarlos


Examinamos el cuadro técnico primero por una serie de razones, entre ellas:

Gráfico No mientas: titulares dramáticos y temas de noticias dominantes no necesariamente se mueven los mercados. La acción del precio es crítica para entender qué eventos y desarrollos son y no están dirigiendo los mercados. No hay nada como una acción de precio plana o sin tendencia que le diga que descuentos titulares dramáticamente espectaculares - o para hacerle pensar acerca de por qué un riesgo dado no está siendo tasado en

Las gráficas también mueven mercados: Los indicadores de soporte, resistencia e impulso también mueven los mercados, especialmente en ausencia de sorpresas de noticias de primer nivel e informes económicos. Por ejemplo, cuanto más fuerte es un soporte o nivel de resistencia dado, más probable es que una tendencia se detenga en ese punto. Del mismo modo, una ruptura confirmada por encima de la resistencia clave hace que los operadores mucho más receptivos a las noticias positivas que proporciona una excusa para el comercio en esa dirección.

Apetito general de riesgo Mediano plazo por gráficos semanales de los principales índices bursátiles mundiales

Gráficos Semanales de los Índices Mundiales de Gran Cap. 19 Mayo 2013 hasta el 5 de Agosto de 2014: Con 10 Semana / 200 Día EMA en Rojo: COLUMNA IZQUIERDA DE ALTA A LA PARTE INFERIOR: S & P 500, DJ 30, FTSE 100, MIDDLE: CAC 40, DJ EUR 50 , DAX 30, DERECHA: HANG SENG, MSCI TAIWAN, NIKKEI 225

Key para S & amp; P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Gráfico semanal: 10 semanas EMA azul oscuro, 20 SEMANA EMA amarillo, 50 SEMANA EMA rojo, 100 SEMANA EMA azul claro, 200 SEMANA EMA violeta, DOBLE BOLLINGER BANDAS. Normal 2 Desviaciones estándar Verde, 1 Desviación estándar Naranja.

Puntos clave y lecciones Gráficas semanales: alcista alcista

Dado que el calendario económico de esta semana es muy ligero en los eventos de Estados Unidos y la UE, factores técnicos como los niveles de soporte / resistencia y el impulso tienen una mayor probabilidad de influir en el movimiento de precios en los principales índices mundiales

Los índices europeos cierran la brecha de rendimiento en las nuevas noticias del estímulo del BCE

Impulsados ​​por el anuncio sorpresivo de un nuevo estímulo procedente del BCE, los índices europeos se han re-unido a sus homólogos estadounidenses y europeos en la zona de compra de banda doble Bollinger®, como se muestra en una muestra de los gráficos a continuación. Eso sugiere que las probabilidades favorecen más al alza.

Key para S & amp; P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Diario gráfico: 10 días EMA azul oscuro, 20 días EMA amarillo, 50 días EMA rojo, 100 días EMA azul claro, 200 días EMA violeta, DOBLE BOLLINGER BANDAS. Normal 2 Desviaciones estándar Verde, 1 Desviación estándar Naranja.

Claro, la economía de la UE huele como un sistema de alcantarillado abierto, y está cargada con una zona monetaria disfuncional que ha demostrado ser incapaz de reformar (ver detalles de su fracasado acuerdo bancario aquí y aquí por sólo un ejemplo). Sí, todo el asunto relacionado con las sanciones de Ucrania podría eventualmente producir otro freno significativo en una economía ya débil. Y qué? La gran lección de los últimos años es que a menos que haya una amenaza inminente para la economía global, no se necesita una economía especialmente sana para que las acciones aumenten. La combinación de dinero abundante y tasas suprimidas obliga a los inversionistas a ingresar en acciones. No durará para siempre, pero lo que hace.

En resumen, con la mayoría de los índices líderes continuando mostrando un impulso ascendente, las probabilidades favorecen más al alza en el mediano plazo. En cuanto al apoyo y resistencia a corto plazo, tenga en cuenta que el calendario económico es ligero esta semana, por lo que los inversores no deben esperar que su índice y mercado relevante se muevan mucho más allá de los máximos y mínimos de las semanas anteriores.

Por ejemplo, al ver el gráfico diario de S & amp; P, nos sorprendería ver que el S & amp; P 500 cierre la semana por encima de 2020 o por debajo de 1990. Los lectores que se centran en Europa o Asia deberían aplicar un razonamiento similar para pronosticar el probable Rango comercial en estas regiones esta semana.

Puntos clave y lecciones Gráficas diarias: Neutral a corto plazo EE. UU. y Asia, Neutral / alcista para Europa

Key para S & amp; P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Diario gráfico: 10 días EMA azul oscuro, 20 días EMA amarillo, 50 días EMA rojo, 100 días EMA azul claro, 200 días EMA violeta, DOBLE BOLLINGER BANDAS. Normal 2 Desviaciones estándar Verde, 1 Desviación estándar Naranja.

Puntos claves y lecciones - Diarios

US & # 8211; Neutral Near Term Outlook: Los mercados estadounidenses están en la frontera de su doble zona de compra de banda Bollinger® y zona neutral, y han estado en un rango de comercio muy estrecho en las últimas semanas a pesar de los grandes eventos de la semana pasada del BCE y EE. UU. . Así, el sesgo a corto plazo es neutro. La misma previsión se aplica al Nikkei ya otros índices asiáticos para los que se pronuncia como un proxy decente.

Europa - Perspectivas Alcistas / Neutras a Cercano plazo: Como se muestra arriba, el DJ Eurostoxx50, un indicador adecuado de los principales índices europeos, está firmemente en su doble zona de compra de Bollinger®, dándole suficiente impulso ascendente a corto plazo para poner las probabilidades a favor de Continuó el alza en la semana por delante. El sentimiento sobre el tamaño del programa de ABS todavía no anunciado (el último gran desconocido sobre el nuevo estímulo del BCE se mueve), y por lo tanto cualquier cosa que lo influya, debería ser el motor clave para las acciones europeas en un futuro próximo.

Imagen fundamental

Aquí hay un resumen de las lecciones y los eventos de mercado más probable mover a tener en cuenta para esta semana y más allá.

Lo último en el toro contra. Debate del oso

Como se ha observado ampliamente, la continua resistencia de las reservas mundiales ha cobrado un peaje en el número de análisis bajistas que se están produciendo en estos días. De lo que sale, típicamente apuntan a factores que han existido durante gran parte del rally y por lo tanto no han sido decisivos (el rendimiento económico no justifica los máximos de todos los tiempos, los riesgos de cola variados, etc.

En el lado alcista, lo más convincente que leí la semana pasada fue un resumen de una perspectiva de Morgan Stanley. Los destaques incluyen.

Los pagos de intereses muy bajos sobre la carga de la deuda y la dinámica de la deuda de los hogares sugieren un importante cojín que protege a los consumidores en un entorno de tasas de interés en aumento.

En particular, muchas empresas han refinanciado agresivamente a tasas más bajas y empujado hacia fuera las fechas de vencimiento de la deuda, dándoles cojines adicionales para los próximos años.

Los inventarios y los gastos de capital no parecen exagerados.

La hubris de la administración corporativa y otras métricas corporativas de sobrecalentamiento permanecen silenciadas.

Varios indicadores económicos amplios en los Estados Unidos apenas han alcanzado niveles expansivos "normales" y están lejos de parecer insostenibles.

The report makes the usual, justified nods to tail risks of trouble from slowing in Europe, China, and Japan, as well as these regions’ own debt burdens.

See here for further details.

ECB Meeting: When Top Tier Events Surprise In Direction Of Established Trends

The ECB was expected to ease eventually, maybe even talk in general terms about coming measures. It was not generally expected to actually announce a rate cut as well as new plans for additional easing.

The results were what one might expect when we get that rare combination of a high-potential market moving event actually providing a major surprise, AND that surprise feeds a multi-month ongoing trend.

As I discuss in my book. except for very short term trading and day trading, fundamentals usually drive trends. However there are certain situations in which the technical picture actually influences how markets react to fundamental data.

One of the ways in which technical analysis (study of price action) overlaps with fundamental analysis (study of supply and demand factors) is when there is an established trend, because it gives investors a bias to heed news that confirms the trend and to ignore or react less to news that contradicts the trend.

There were many important lessons and ramifications from the ECB’s rate cut and new stimulus measures. The big surprise was in the timing. Most investors expected more stimulus steps, but not yet, as the TLTRO program hasn’t had time to make its influence felt.

Partial List Of Lessons From The ECB Meeting

By cutting interest rates and also preannouncing ABS purchases earlier than expected, we conclude:

It’s grown so worried about the outlook for inflation and growth that they believe they can’t afford to wait until the new 4 year loans are rolled out later this month. As we’ve noted in recent weeks, at Jackson Hole Draghi admitted that he no longer saw deflation as a temporary problem. What’s changed since then? Continued bad EU economic data, and growing risk from economic sanctions stemming from Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Thus even though the full effects of the TLTRO won’t be felt until November or December, clearly the ECB no longer thinks that the TLTRO will be enough to revive the deteriorating EU economy. Remember that the central bank has been criticized for months in much of the European financial press for doing too little too late in the past and once again being too slow to react to the mounting evidence of the EU’s economic stalling. The ECB no doubt sees the better US economic performance and is coming around to the Fed’s preference for erring on the side of more stimulus rather than less, especially with deflation concerns replacing inflation concerns, even for the inflation-phobic Germans.

There were many more lessons and ramifications, most of them relevant to virtually all investors regardless of their focus.

See our Weekly EURUSD Outlook for details, as well as for background information and a summary of the new steps.

US Jobs Report Miss

As we predicted last week, the combined impact of the NFP and unemployment reports were minimal, at most, it provided an excuse for a modest counter move higher that still leaves the pair sharply lower on the week. Why did these reports fail to move the pair up much, despite the theoretical weakening of the USD because weaker employment reports should delay USD-supportive Fed tightening? The short answer is, that the jobs report changes nothing in the Fed’s policy and thus in perceptions of the value of the USD.

First, while the headline NFP figure missed (142,000 new jobs in August, versus an expected 230,000), there was some good news too.

–The unemployment rate dropped to 6.1% from 6.2%, per the latest release from the BLS, and was in-line with expectations.

–Wage growth was also in-line with expectations, with wages growing 2.1% year-over-year, and 0.2% month-over-month.

–The average number of weekly hours worked held steady at 34.5 hours.

-The July jobs report was also revised modestly higher, to 212,000 from 209,000

–The “U-6” unemployment rate, which includes those marginally in the labor force or those employed part time for economic reasons, fell to 12% from 12.2% in July.

Second, Fed Chairperson Yellen has long made clear that Fed policy moves with longer term data trends, not the somewhat erratic single monthly data points. The Fed is already skeptical about the health of the US job market even with the recent string of overall good data, so this month’s NFP miss merely confirms that view.

With US data continuing to show improvement, only a smashing beat of forecasts could have aroused speculation that the Fed might view US unemployment as improved enough to warrant faster, greater tightening.

In sum, the reports didn’t pack enough of a negative surprise to change sentiment about the pace of Fed tightening. Meanwhile, the ECB is indeed accelerating its easing, so the USD continues to look better relative to the EUR.

See below for lessons on this.

Lessons From The US Jobs Reports

Friday’s very modest EURUSD bounce, plus the gains logged in most leading global indexes, both reflect a consensus that the reports didn’t change anyone’s perceptions about US growth.

The NFP miss was just one month’s data and NFP data can be “noisy” with outlier monthly data not uncommon. Most of Wall Street does not believe the report influenced the Fed’s likely timing of its first rate hike in Q2 2015 .

There were some positives: the unemployment rate fell to 6.1% from 6.2%, wage growth was in-line with expectations, growing 2.1% year-over-year and 0.2% month-over-month.

There is no significant data showing slowing labor demand. For example, the jobs component of last week’s ISM services PMI survey is rising and approaching multi-decade highs.

Via Scott Grannis here

Market Mover & Lesson: Weak EU PMIs Drive EUR Down, USD Up, Thus USDJPY and Japan Stocks Up

Here’s a classic illustration of the importance of inter-market analysis. The EURUSD fell due to yet another batch of poor EU PMI reports, thus strengthening the USD. That boost in USD demand often boosts the USD versus its other key counterparts, like the JPY. Sure enough the USDJPY spiked, That weakness in the JPY boosted Japanese stocks for their biggest weekly gain, as a cheaper Yen helps the all-important Japanese export sector. True, a planned cabinet reshuffle by PM Abe was also seen as supportive of higher stock prices, as it was seen as giving a boost to further pro-spending and growth reforms within the overall Abenomics program.

Lesson: Why US Stocks And USD Can Rise Together

Stocks are risk assets the rise with market optimism and fall with pessimism. The USD is still regarded as more of a safe haven currency, meaning it tends to rise in times of fear.

Thus the two usually move in opposite directions.

However, when the good news that boosts stocks also raises the chances of tighter fed policy (which in theory reduces or will reduce the supply of US dollars vs. demand and also raise US rates, which further feeds USD demand), then both stocks and the dollar can and do tend to rise together.

Ukraine Continues To Show Only Short Term Influence

News of escalations and de-escalations continue to have influence. As Russia appears intent on escalating, the bearish escalation pressure is more long lasting because that is the long term Russian policy for now. However signs of calming have tended to produce rallies until those signs are shown false.

Top Calendar Events To Watch

Again, it’s a relatively light calendar, but here are the things most likely to move most global asset markets (we omit events with only regional or national impact).

China: Trade balance

China: CPI, PPI y/y

US: Weekly new unemployment claims. Relevant only to the extent that it influences the 4 week moving average and longer term trends for this metric, because the Fed is looking at these longer term trends rather than weekly or monthly data.

EU: Ecofin meetings

US: Retail sales m/m, preliminary UoM consumer sentiment, business inventories (remember, much of the recent GDP beat was attributed to inventory buildup, so we want to see if inventories are getting sold or setting up to become a drag on the next GDP reading as payback.

Saturday: China industrial production y/y, fixed asset investment ytd/y

Biggest Questions & What To Watch To Answer Them

What will be the size and scope of the ECB’s coming ABS purchases, and how much of the coming details will already be priced in before the ECB reveals the details?

Will we get any major surprises from the top market moving events of the above calendar?

Will the coming round of economic sanctions between Russia and the West start to actually impact the global economy?

Will US retail sales and UoM consumer sentiment continue to the upbeat trend in US data?

Is there any real chance the October 17 th FOMC meeting will reveal anything new?

To be added to Cliff’s email distribution list, just click here , and leave your name, email address, and request to be on the mailing list for alerts of future posts. For information on a free intro to currencies video course based on my award winning book , see here .


How bullish and bearish forces align for stock indexes, forex and other global markets, both technical and fundamental outlooks, likely top market movers. Despite all the headlines, neither economic data nor the Russian invasion of Ukraine moved markets. Here’s what did.

–Technical Outlook: European stocks rise, close gap with US, Asia, despite miserable data, Russian invasion of Ukraine. Guess Why?

–Fundamental Outlook: The only market driver that really matters, how long the bull market can last, why, and what to monitor.

–The Key Questions: What to ask for the coming week and beyond.

The following is a partial summary of the conclusions from the fxempire. com weekly analysts’ meeting in which we cover outlooks for the major pairs for the coming week and beyond.

Technical Picture

We look at the technical picture first for a number of reasons, including:

Chart Don’t Lie: Dramatic headlines and dominant news themes don’t necessarily move markets. Price action is critical for understanding what events and developments are and are not actually driving markets. There’s nothing like flat or trendless price action to tell you to discount seemingly dramatic headlines – or to get you thinking about why a given risk is not being priced in

Charts Also Move Markets: Support, resistance, and momentum indicators also move markets, especially in the absence of surprises from top tier news and economic reports. For example, the stronger a given support or resistance level, the more likely a trend is to pause at that point. Similarly, a confirmed break above key resistance makes traders much more receptive to positive news that provides an excuse to trade in that direction.

Overall Risk Appetite Medium Term Per Weekly Charts Of Leading Global Stock Indexes

Weekly Charts Of Large Cap Global Indexes May 12 2013 To August 29 2014: With 10 Week/200 Day EMA In Red: LEFT COLUMN TOP TO BOTTOM: S&P 500, DJ 30, FTSE 100, MIDDLE: CAC 40, DJ EUR 50, DAX 30, RIGHT: HANG SENG, MSCI TAIWAN, NIKKEI 225

Key For S&P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Weekly Chart: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS. Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

Key Points & Lessons

European Indexes Closing Performance Gap On Rising Stimulus Hopes

For Europe, the week brought more evidence of deterioration in both economic data and the Ukraine crisis. Nonetheless, European stocks made their third straight weekly advance. As a result they

Broke or are close to breaking their 2 month old downtrend lines.

Moved firmly into their double Bollinger® band neutral zones, signaling a bottoming is in as momentum is now firmly neutral rather than negative.

Closed the performance gap with Asia and the US

So if everything is getting worse why did European stocks rise? For the same reason they’ve advanced in other regions in the face of sustained periods of bad fundamentals. It’s another week of the “bad news equals good news trade.” For those somehow still unfamiliar with this phenomenon, it means that because bad news implies more central bank stimulus is coming, stocks rise because that new cash injection into markets is expected to prop up stock prices.

The bad news equals good news trade needs to things to work:

Consistently bad economic data showing stagnant or declining growth. Comprobar.

Investors interpret central bank comments to mean that they will add new stimulus programs if things don’t turn around soon, or that such programs are already in the pipeline and that it’s just a matter of weeks before they’re announced. Check, ever since Draghi’s impromptu Jackson Hole comments in which he admitted that deflation was not merely temporary but rather a longer term problem.

Daily Charts / Short Term Coming Weeks

Key For S&P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Daily Chart June 9 2014 to August 29 2014: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS. Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

Key Points & Lessons The Daily Charts

For the US and Europe, the big gains came early in the week on rising hopes for new ECB stimulus, fueled by ECB President Draghi’s remarks that deflationary forces were proving more persistent than previously thought.

For the rest of the week, global stocks stayed in flat, tight trading ranges.

The big lesson here is that speculation on ECB easing was the big market mover, overriding data as well as news of Russia’s increasingly overt invasion of Ukraine.

This is a key lesson because:

On Saturday Reuters reported that ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure had reinforced new ECB easing expectations, saying the bank was prepared to further boost funding to banks in order to encourage lending.

This alone could give global indexes, particularly European ones, a boost early in the week.

It also puts added focus on Thursday’s ECB meeting and press conference. Although most analysts don’t expect the ECB to announce new measures yet, this event would still be the likely venue for the ECB to feed or dampen stimulus speculation.

Germany has usually been the chief opponent of new stimulus, but a string of bad German data last week has raised suspicions that German leaders will become more receptive to it as their own economy shows signs of weakening. In particular, we saw

A steep decline in German retail sales

An increase in unemployment

A deterioration in consumer, business and investor confidence

Together all of these indicate fading momentum in the Eurozone’s largest economy. The cause isn’t the Russian/Ukraine conflict, because even if there were material sanctions in effect, Russian exports represent only 1% of German GDP.

Instead, the problem for Germany and most of the EU is restrictive fiscal policy, that is, not enough spending. Low inflation is remains a problem but Friday’s increase in core CPI growth could give Mario Draghi enough reason to leave monetary policy unchanged at this week’s ECB event. With the first TLTRO program expected in September, (and old LTRO loan repayments minimizing any net addition of liquidity until November or December), the central bank would probably prefer to see how the new TLTRO works before increasing stimulus further.

However, that doesn’t mean the ECB won’t try some “verbal stimulus” by raising expectations for some kind of new asset purchases. Por ejemplo:

-The ECB could announce ABS purchases, with the actual dates and details to follow later.

-It could lower its GDP and inflation forecasts, both of which are due out next week.

-It can simply continue with more of its usual statements of concern about EU stagnation and its willingness to do more to help, though there is cause to wonder if its ammunition is running low.

—Interest rates are already near zero

—QE’s benefits, beyond inflating asset prices, remain unclear from the experiences of the US and Japan

—Encouraging lending helps only if there is actual demand for loans. That in turn requires optimism about the future. Business need to believe expansion is coming, and households need to have confidence in that their incomes will be stable and growing. However GDP continues to stagnate and most member states need to cut spending (another GDP drag) if they’re to keep up with EU mandated debt/GDP reductions. In other words, the ECB alone cannot do enough to make up for a lack of economic reforms in the EU.

Fundamental Picture: Lessons & Top Market Drivers For This Week

Everything that has real influence over global asset prices and rates these days falls into one of three categories:

Economic data from the US, Europe, or China (ok, occasionally Japan or the UK).

Speculation about changes in policy, and ultimately, benchmark interest rates, from one of their central banks.

Geopolitical tensions, with the Russia/Ukraine conflict the only one seen as having potential to really hurt the global economy, mostly through the damage it does to the already shaky EU. Mideast turmoil hasn’t affected energy prices and the “China versus all of its neighbors” tensions remain on slow simmer, so both remain irrelevant for investors.

The Lesson: Central Bank Policy Sentiment Overriding, Data, Ukraine Crisis Implications

Looking at last week’s price action in global equities, one big screaming lesson stands out that everyone needs to learn. Speculation on major central bank policy changes, particularly from the ECB, Fed, and PBoC, (and thus key data most likely to influence them) is overriding all else.

Last week’s data should have global indexes, at very least in Europe. Ditto Russia’s now overt direct invasion of Ukraine. Yet the only thing that moved most global indexes was rising speculation of new ECB easing.

This isn’t so surprising. Last week’s data merely confirmed and supported the current outlook for the major economies. New economic sanctions against Russia appear to be coming, but the West remains vague on both their timing and extent. So markets have reason to doubt if and when these will materially impact anything.

Why This Matters So Much

It follows from the above that the big scheduled events for this week are those that tell us the most about policy changes from the central banks of the biggest economies. That means the scheduled events with the most market moving potential are:

Thursday’s ECB meeting, rate statement and press conference. As noted above, while we don’t expect new policy to be announced, at least not in any meaningful detail, it’s quite possible that the ECB will want to at offer something that suggests it’s taking an active role in solving the mess that EU leaders have failed to resolve. The ECB meeting has the most market moving potential of any event on the calendar, because its policy is in flux. It will ease further, the only question is when and how. That means a big surprise here could move markets more because it could change expectations about ECB policy, EU liquidity, the Euro, interest rates, etc. the most.

The Fed continues to see too much slack in the labor market to allow for any material tightening beyond a minor rate increase sometime in the coming year, so the US August job reports have the most potential of any other calendar event to influence speculation on the pace and scope of Fed tightening. Unless this one really surprises and the ECB meeting does not, this has a bit less market moving potential because Fed tightening is happening more slowly than ECB easing. Therefore no matter what the result from the jobs reports, it’s less likely that these will move expectations on policy changes as much as a surprise from the ECB meeting. Also, the ECB meeting will produce comments directly from the ECB itself, whereas the US jobs reports not as telling as a direct communication from the Fed itself.

Note that as always, reports earlier in the week that serve as leading indicators for the Friday official jobs reports could also be short term market movers if they surprise up or down. Chief among these are:

The ISM manufacturing and non-manufacturing PMI surveys, particularly their jobs components. Services are the biggest employers by far, so the non-manufacturing PMI Thursday is more important

The ADP non-farms payrolls report, a privately compiled version of the official report. ADP changed its methodology back in October 2012 in an effort to make the ADP report better predict the actual official BLS version. The ADP version continues to be a good indicator of general direction, but less effective in predicting the actual result. See here for details. Still, positive or negative surprises have been influential in the past, at least for the two days between the ADP report and official NFP release.

See below for other calendar events that could influence most global asset markets. Events that would influence a narrow range of assets or only regional indexes are omitted, so this summary would not be suitable for those dealing with currencies or bonds which tend to be more influenced by country or region specific news. For example, we omit most Bank of Japan or England events, although these would be of importance to investors in JPY or GBP currency pairs or those bond markets.

How Much Longer Will The Bull Market In Equities Last?

The short answer, obviously, is that few see signs that it will end any time soon, except for the perma-bears. That said, by definition, crashes are unanticipated by almost everyone.

Here’s a brief roundup of the week’s latest on the topic that I found useful


The most compelling piece on the bullish side was Cullen Roche’s summary of David Rosenberg’s bullish forecast here. mostly because not only does Rosenberg focus on data that isn’t as likely to be distorted by the prevailing unique levels of central bank intervention and low rates (unlike analyses based on historical valuation metrics), he’s also a converted bear. That willingness to admit fault and stick to what the data tells him earns credibility.

Deutche Bank economist Torsten Slok argues that the stocks shouldn’t fall because stocks don’t fall unless there’s a recession, and the normal causes of a recession aren’t present. Éstas incluyen:

Bursting bubbles in capex (as in 2000) or consumption (2007-8) or when monetary policy is too tight, that is, well above its neutral level of about 3.75% on the US 10 year treasury note. He notes, similar to what we’ve said in the past, that with the Fed planning on a very gradual rate of increase, that could take about 5 years.

See here for further details.

Our Take: No Big Selloffs While Rates Low And No Imminent Contagion Risk

We disagree with Slok’s assumption that stocks necessarily rise and fall with recessions, however the rest of his argument makes sense. As we’ve said all along, global stocks have continued to rise despite poor economic data. The key constants of the post March 2009 lows have been:

Stimulus that keeps rates so low that yield seekers are pushed into equities

Lack of a contagion threat

Agree or not, that HAS been the reality of the bull market. The only material pullbacks occurred when one of these was in doubt (EU crisis, taper tantrums, etc.).


Given the long bull market, supported by continued low rates from central banks and no contagion threats, recent bearish arguments are variations on:

Valuations are high by historical standards. True, but ultra-low rates make today less analogous given that investors have few options for yield, so investors are accepting higher valuations

The rally is getting old by historical standards. Again, true, but it’s far from record setting and while the conditions that created the rally remain it’s hard to accept that there’s a time limit on the bull market as long as the twin pillars of low rates and no contagion threats remain in place

SocGen’s Albert Edwards is arguing that with the end of QE, that will bring the end of the low rates that fund corporate stock buybacks, which he contends are a major prop of stock prices.

Below he shows the correlation between corporate borrowing and stock buybacks. The unstated implication is that the buybacks began at the same time as the bull market, which in turn suggests they’re a key component of it.

Via Business Insider here

Below he shows the proportion of stock purchases from corporate buybacks, shown by the purple bars.

Via Business Insider here

Edwards then asserts that the end of US QE, combined with an anticipated slowing of corporate profits, will end the buybacks and so cut demand, and prices, for stocks.

My problems with this thesis include:

The end of QE doesn’t necessarily bring a material spike in interest rates, particularly when the Bank of Japan and ECB are moving towards further easing. That added liquidity should to some degree compensate for whatever effects come from planned tightening by the Fed and Bank of England .

A Big Long Term Question: Net Effect of Divergent Central Bank Policies

Echoing many analysts, Citi’s top economist Willem Buiter is forecasting that a big policy divergence among some of the world’s leading central banks. In essence, he predicts:

The economies of the EU and Japan, both burdened with low growth and inflation, will cause their central banks to start “major” new QE programs in late 2014 or early 2015.

Meanwhile, the slow but steady recoveries in the US and UK will bring their central banks to begin some kind of gradual tightening at some point in 2015. Indeed the latest meeting minutes of both the Fed (two weeks ago) and BoE (last week) suggest show signs that these two banks are edging towards tightening.

This has significant implications for many kinds of global markets.

The most obvious effects are being seen, and will continue to be most obvious, in currency markets. Currencies trade in pairs, so literally, everything is relative. That is, even minor but persistent differences in economic performance can create significant long term trends as long as the relative differences continue and continue to give one currency a higher benchmark interest rate than the other.

That rate difference would also be quickly seen in bond markets, as bonds from nations in tightening modes yield more and attract more demand. It’s in the bond markets where the really interesting effects and questions come. Here are just a few:

What’s The Net Effect?

First, will falling rates in the EU and Japan offset the effects of rising rates in the UK and US for global growth, stocks, and emerging market assets?

Remember how in early 2014 emerging market assets and currencies were hit hard by the mere hint of coming Fed rate hikes? These would have cut demand and prices for emerging market currencies, stocks and bonds because they would lose some of their yield advantage over US assets. It also forced their bond yields and borrowing costs up, which in turn hurt their growth prospects.

Will US And UK Tightening Undermine Easing Policies For The ECB and BoJ?

An equally significant question is whether rising rates in the US and UK, or at least the expectation of them, will force global rates higher and undo the very easing that the EU and Japan are trying to accomplish? Remember, bonds operate in a global market.

If investors can get higher returns on US and UK bonds from both currency appreciation (currencies rise as their benchmark rates rise) AND higher bond yields, why would they buy EU and Japanese bonds? They wouldn’t, not until EU and Japanese bond prices fell and thus their yields rose enough to compete with bonds of the US and UK.

Sure, for a while the ECB and BoJ and just keep buying up their own bonds to keep their bond prices and yields stable. However even if we assume that the ECB would ultimately be allowed to do that (we do, see here for details) along with Japan, that’s not a sustainable policy, as such unrestrained money creation (let’s avoid technical definitions of money printing) risks creating a Weimar-like hyperinflation.

Theoretically if the US and UK hike slowly enough, with some kind of policy coordination with the ECB and BoJ, maybe they could avoid that mess. Frankly I lack the background and analytical skills to even attempt an answer.

I haven’t even considered the impact of Chinese central bank policy, which could easily revert to easing mode despite intentions to move towards tightening.

Do you have any thoughts, dear readers?

Top Calendar Events To Watch

Other than the above mentioned events, here’s a quick rundown of other potential market movers.

China: Manufacturing PMI (official data focused on big state owned firms), HSBC final manufacturing PMI (privately compiled, focused on smaller privately owned firms). Both are relevant for the EURUSD because China’s status as leading global growth engine means top tier reports like these influence overall risk appetite, with which the EURUSD usually moves (albeit not recently given ECB easing, bad EU data, and Russian tensions, all of which are undermining the EUR more than other assets).

EU: Italian manufacturing PMI

US: most markets closed for Labor Day

US: ISM manufacturing PMI (its labor component is seen as a leading indicator of the big monthly US jobs reports on Friday)

China: Non-manufacturing PMI, HSBC services PMI

EU: Spain, Italy, EU services PMI survey, EU retail PMI survey,

US: factory orders, Beige book

EU: German factory orders, ECB rate statement and press conference (will it indicate new easing is coming?)

US: Trade balance, weekly new jobless claims, ISM non-manufacturing PMI (its jobs component is an even bigger leading indicator of the Friday monthly jobs reports than the mfg. PMI as services are a bigger employer)

EU German industrial production

US: NFP jobs report, unemployment rate, avg hourly earnings

Biggest Questions

Will Russia escalate? If so, will the West continue to delay imposing meaningful sanctions and thus allow markets to largely ignore the conflict?

Will the ECB September 4 meeting indicate new EUR dilutive easing coming sooner than expected?

Will key EU and US top tier data continue with the “US outperforming the EU” theme, and if so, will that raise expectations for faster ECB easing and/or Fed tightening? Again, it’s changes in sentiment on central bank policy direction that move global stocks in general, and the EURUSD in particular, more than anything else these days. Also, Fed policy is no longer viewed as being on automatic pilot after the last FOMC meeting minutes for July suggested that the timing of the first rate hike is under discussion.

Will Friday’s US jobs report feed expectations for faster Fed tightening? If so, will US bond rates remain low anyway as safe haven demand keeps rates low.

If indeed there is a coming divergence in central bank policies, with the Fed and BoE tightening while the ECB and BoJ are easing, what will be the net effect on global interest rates and markets?

Can the ECB, with its limited tools, continue to keep the EU crisis in hibernation, even as so many member states that are too big to bail out run unsustainably high debt levels that are likely to grow worse, as we discussed recently here ?

To be added to Cliff’s email distribution list, just click here , and leave your name, email address, and request to be on the mailing list for alerts of future posts. For information on a free intro to currencies video course based on my award winning book , see here .


Top market movers and lessons for the prior and coming week and beyond – special focus on existential decisions EU must soon face

–Technical Outlook: European indexes diverge from those of US, Asia, reflecting Europe’s underperformance

–Fundamental Outlook: They key drivers continue to dominate, Ukraine and weekly data playing secondary role as markets rally despite Ukraine and mixed data

–Longer Term Fundamental Threats: EU existential threats demand existential decisions

The following is a partial summary of the conclusions from the fxempire. com weekly analysts’ meeting in which we cover outlooks for the major pairs for the coming week and beyond.

We look at the technical picture first for a number of reasons, including:

Chart Don’t Lie: Dramatic headlines and dominant news themes don’t necessarily move markets. Price action is critical for understanding what events and developments are and are not actually driving markets. There’s nothing like flat or trendless price action to tell you to discount seemingly dramatic headlines – or to get you thinking about why a given risk is not being priced in

Charts Also Move Markets: Support, resistance, and momentum indicators also move markets, especially in the absence of surprises from top tier news and economic reports. For example, the stronger a given support or resistance level, the more likely a trend is to pause at that point. Similarly, a confirmed break above key resistance makes traders much more receptive to positive news that provides an excuse to trade in that direction.

Overall Risk Appetite Medium Term Per Weekly Charts Of Leading Global Stock Indexes

Weekly Charts Of Large Cap Global Indexes May 5 2013 To Present, With 10 Week/200 Day EMA In Red: LEFT COLUMN TOP TO BOTTOM: S&P 500, DJ 30, FTSE 100, MIDDLE: CAC 40, DJ EUR 50, DAX 30, RIGHT: HANG SENG, MSCI TAIWAN, NIKKEI 225

Key For S&P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Weekly Chart: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS. Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

Regional Momentum Divergence Continues

Overall, US and Asian stocks not only remain in their medium term and long term uptrends, last week they also regained their upward momentum as they closed the week within their double Bollinger® band buy zones. thus putting the odds in favor of further net gains in the weeks ahead. Note that these trends remain positive (with indexes at nor near all-time highs in the US) even though US data reflects only modest recovery in the US and both China and Japan have seen slowing growth .

In contrast, European stocks remain in a medium term downtrend even with their modest weekly gains. On the bright side, that bounce got them out of their double Bollinger® band sell zones. and into their double Bollinger® band neutral zones. The change is significant, as it puts the odds in favor of more flat, range trading rather than more material declines in the weeks ahead.

Fundamental Picture – Top Market Drivers For Global Stocks, Other Risk Assets

What Drove Markets Last Week?

So what was behind the rebound?

Perhaps the better question is, why shouldn’t they have rebounded?

We repeat once again that the rally that began in March 2009, and which has continued virtually uninterrupted since September 2011, has rested on the assumption of continued low rates and ultra-accommodative central banks, and lack of any material fear factor lack the EU crisis.

There were no major obvious explanations for why every one of our representative sample of global indexes closed the week higher. Attempted explanations are just week-specific variations of the above drivers. Specifically:

Rates To Stay Low: Regional data themes remain unchanged. The US continues to recover slowly, allowing guarded optimism without imminent threat of rising rates. Asia is a mixed bag, and Europe continues to deteriorate (more on that below, as well as in our weekly EURUSD outlook ), but that brings hope of more ECB stimulus. Overall, globally there is nothing to suggest rising rates any time soon.

No Big Scares: Yes, Russia’s soft “humanitarian” invasion of Ukraine is an escalation that suggests another round of sanctions, but these have yet to do any material damage. Moreover, markets appear skeptical that the West is ready to make deep sacrifices for Ukraine. Other areas of geopolitical tensions remain even less of a threat The EU crisis remains in hibernation.

In short, the weeks’ price action was just part of the normal “noise” of gyrations within the overall US, Asian, and European risk asset trends.

Coming Week Likely Top Market Movers To Watch

Continued Ukraine escalation. The Ukraine crisis remains the most likely source of volatility and packs the most potential for driving markets up or down in the near term. It has the potential to be a long term drag for Europe, as the escalation in tensions that began in June is mirrored in our sample European indexes.

Top economic calendar events highlighted below. It’s a typical late month calendar that’s light on top tier events with potential to move markets. As mentioned in earlier posts, EU data is more important at this stage because the ECB’s policy is still in flux, with more easing a matter of when, not if.

As the past week’s bounce illustrates, as long as markets remain convinced that central banks remain accommodative and there are no big scare events, global markets can rise even when growth is weak and the Ukraine escalates.

Although in the near term the story is “more of the same,” there were nonetheless some important lessons to be learned from the past week.

Top Calendar Events To Watch

Top tier events with the most market moving potential are shown in boldface

EU: German Ifo business climate

US: flash services PMI, new home sales

US: Durable goods m/m . S&P/Case Shiller composite 20 HPI y/y, CB consumer confidence

Wednesday: No likely market moving reports scheduled

EU: German . Spain preliminary CPI m/m, Italy 10 year bond auction

US: Preliminary GDP q/q, weekly new jobless claims, pending home sales m/m

EU: German retail sales, EU PI flash estimate y/y

US: Core PCE price index m/m, personal spending, income, m/m, Chicago PMI, revised UoM consumer sentiment

Other Lessons: EU – The End Is Near? Existential Threats Mean Existential Decisions

With EU stock indexes badly underperforming those of the US and Asia, EU economic data varying between weak growth and deep recession, and the EUR looking terrible from all angles, (details here ), it’s no surprise that many are again focused on the EU’s depressing state and what can be done about it.

Here we’ll focus on just two existential threats that were in focus this week, and their immediate solutions and broader implications for the EU.

Existential Threat #1: Unsustainable Debt Loads That Could Destroy The EU

Low bond yields for the EU’s periphery indicated that the crisis remains in hibernation

Back in January of this year I argued here that the EU would ultimately have to choose between its own economic collapse and accepting massive money printing to fund a US or even Japanese style central bank stimulus program.

The past week saw an outpouring of articles concluding the same, from far more credible writers than yours truly.

Their common theme is that the time has come to upgrade the ECB to a fully empowered central bank that can create money and provide the kind of massive stimulus needed to prevent unsustainable debt levels from crushing national economies that are too big to bail or fail, and thus threaten to drag the rest of the EU down with them. See our special report here for details and implications

Existential Threat #2: Undercapitalized Banks Present Systemic Risk To EU, Global Banking

As we’ve written about repeatedly in the past (see here. here. and here ) the EU banking union pact is too underfunded and slow to deploy to provide any likely practical help, or credibility, for the stability of EU banking.

ECB stress tests results are due out October 17 th and could rock markets in a number of ways, regardless of whether the tests are rigorous or another low-standard public relations exercise like the prior two tests.

The New York Times came out last week with a report on how there’s a growing group of analysts that believe the coming ECB stress tests will be rigorous and thus reveal that EZ banks will need additional cash. Using the “Texas Ratio,” a metric developed to evaluate Texas banks during the Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s, a variety of analysts and investment firms using this metric have concluded that far too many EU banks are undercapitalized relative to the size of their estimated bad loans. See here for details.

Here too, the common theme among analysts is that the ECB needs to be ready to either recapitalize banks that can be salvaged, or close those that can’t, yet avoid inflicting so much private sector losses that markets panic, as well as imposing politically unacceptable burdens on taxpayers.

Again, see our special report here for details and implications.

Biggest Questions & What To Watch To Answer Them

Will Russia continue escalating its Ukraine invasion?

Will data continue to show the US economy pulling away from the EU? If so, is that improvement enough to justify rising expectations about the scope and pace of Fed tightening?

Will the above mentioned calls for an ECB that can create money and fund as much stimulus and bank rescues as needed to heal the EU gain widespread traction? Will Germany abandon its opposition to a ‘soft money’ Euro as deflation presents a greater threat than deflation?

To be added to Cliff’s email distribution list, just click here , and leave your name, email address, and request to be on the mailing list for alerts of future posts. For information on a free intro to currencies video course based on my award winning book , see here .


How bullish and bearish forces align for stock indexes, forex and other global markets, both technical and fundamental outlooks, likely top market movers.

–Technical Outlook: European indexes diverging from US and Asia, but no material signs of market reversal, only correction

–Fundamental Outlook, Market Movers: Ukraine events most dominant, followed by EU data as ECB likely to move alter policy before the Fed or other leading central banks

–Fundamental Outlook, Lessons: Data gap between US and Europe, fundamental challenges for each region

The following is a partial summary of the conclusions from the fxempire. com weekly analysts’ meeting in which we cover outlooks for the major pairs for the coming week and beyond.

Technical Picture: Europe Continues To Diverge From US And Asia

We look at the technical picture first for a number of reasons, including:

Chart Don’t Lie: Dramatic headlines and dominant news themes don’t necessarily move markets. Price action is critical for understanding what events and developments are and are not actually driving markets. There’s nothing like flat or trendless price action to tell you to discount seemingly dramatic headlines – or to get you thinking about why a given risk is not being priced in

Charts Also Move Markets: Support, resistance, and momentum indicators also move markets, especially in the absence of surprises from top tier news and economic reports. For example, the stronger a given support or resistance level, the more likely a trend is to pause at that point. Similarly, a confirmed break above key resistance makes traders much more receptive to positive news that provides an excuse to trade in that direction.

Overall Risk Appetite Medium Term Per Weekly Charts Of Leading Global Stock Indexes

Weekly Charts Of Large Cap Global Indexes With 10 Week/200 Day EMA In Red: LEFT COLUMN TOP TO BOTTOM: S&P 500, DJ 30, FTSE 100, MIDDLE: CAC 40, DJ EUR 50, DAX 30, RIGHT: HANG SENG, MSCI TAIWAN, NIKKEI 225

Key For S&P 500, DJ EUR 50, Nikkei 225 Weekly Chart: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS. Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

Key Points

US and Asian stocks remain in their medium term and long term uptrend, although their dip into the upper half of their double Bollinger® band neutral zones suggests a neutral outlook in the weeks ahead.

In contrast, European stocks are in at minimum a medium term downtrend, and they remain stuck in their double Bollinger® band sell zones. suggesting more downside ahead. Indeed, despite this week’s modest gains for our sample European indexes, they’ve logged another weak of lower highs and lower lows, and also closed in the lower end of the week’s trading range.

Weekly DJ Eurostoxx50 Index, April 28 2013 To Present

Key: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS. Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

That said, note for perspective that even Europe remains in a long term uptrend since mid-2012, as illustrated below with the weekly DJ Eurostoxx50 index.

Weekly DJ Eurostoxx50 Index, May 2010 To Present

Key: 10 Week EMA Dark Blue, 20 WEEK EMA Yellow, 50 WEEK EMA Red, 100 WEEK EMA Light Blue, 200 WEEK EMA Violet, DOUBLE BOLLINGER BANDS. Normal 2 Standard Deviations Green, 1 Standard Deviation Orange.

In sum, even in Europe, the technical picture is one of a bull market correction rather than the start of a longer term bear market.

Fundamental Picture 1: Likely Market Movers To Watch

As always, we evaluate potential market movers by their potential to influence the two things driving most global markets since the start of the sustained recovery in risk assets that began in mid - 2012.

-The belief in continued supportive central bank policy that keeps rates low and supports risk asset prices. In other words, all data is viewed from the perspective of whether or not it alters expectations for central bank policy. It hasn’t, so the weekly economic calendar events haven’t been influential on price action.

-The absence of any perceived threat to global markets since ECB President Draghi convinced markets that the ECB could and would prevent further contagion threats from the EU. The flaws in the EZ have not been fixed, so we can only say that the while the crisis is far from over, it remains in hibernation.

If you keep the above two market drivers in mind, the trends in recent years make sense. Last week’s price action is illustrative. Por ejemplo:

& # 8212; Last week’s US and EU data last week was poor, but it didn’t prevent a modest bounce last week in our sample leading global indexes shown above. Economic reports continue to paint the same picture, modest growth in the US and Asia, and stagnation or recession in Europe.

–In contrast, fears of economic damage from escalating fighting and economic sanctions has noticeably moved global indexes and other risk assets in recent weeks.

In sum, with economic data failing to provide any surprises big enough to alter perceptions about major central bank behavior, like the pace and rate of Fed tightening or ECB easing, the market has been moving more with Ukraine-related events than anything else. Europe is far more exposed to this crisis than the Americas or Asia, so it’s not surprising that European indexes have performed noticeably worse in recent months. That said, note that neither the pace or extent of even European index declines suggest any deep concern.

So with the above in mind, what events next week have the potential to move global markets?

Ukraine Crisis Escalation Would Dominate Markets

Two weeks ago global stocks reversed their short term downtrend on the belief that Russia was pulling back from further aggression. The past week’s modest rally was stopped by news that Russia was openly sending both men and equipment. On Saturday both Reuters and FT. com reported that Russian separatist forces are receiving an influx of soldiers and equipment, including armored troop carriers and tanks.

These confirm earlier reports from Ukraine that its forces had engaged Russian armored forces.

If in fact Russia is openly stepping up increased support for the separatists, that fact alone will dominate markets and undermine the influence of scheduled calendar events.

If Ukraine Calms, EU Data Could Dominate

Given current growth trends, it’s much more likely that the ECB eases before the Fed tightens.

For example, the past two weeks have shown that the EU’s top two economies, France and Germany, have stopped growing, (Germany actually contracted), so there’s real weakness in the very core economies. Meanwhile, 2 weeks ago #3 Italy printed its second straight negative GDP figure and is now officially in recession yet again, and deflation remains a threat.

Thus EU data has more potential to move global markets because it is more likely to change ECB policy. Certainly this seems to be what bond markets are thinking, as they suggest growing odds of some kind of new ECB easing. For example, German bond yields have continued to fall. We don’t think that’s purely a flight to safety move, as bond yields have been falling for far less credit worthy nations, like Belgium, Italy, and Spain.

Indeed, note how Spanish yields have been falling at about the same pace as Germany’s.

The EU events with the most potential to fuel higher expectations for further ECB action are:

Thursday’s batch of manufacturing and services PMI reports

Friday’s speech by ECB President Draghi, though this comes late in the day after European markets have mostly closed, so the impact of any surprises might not be felt until the following week.

Other Top Economic Calendar Events To Watch

US: Building permits, CPI, housing starts

US: FOMC meeting minutes

China: HSBC flash mfg PMI

EU: French, German, EU flash mfg and services PMIs

US: Weekly new jobless claims, existing home sales, Philly fed mfg index

All: Day 1 of 3 of Jackson hold symposium (has been a venue for major Fed announcements, none anticipated, however.

US: Fed Chair Yellen Speaks

EU; ECB President Draghi Speaks

All Day 2 of 3 of Jackson Hole symposium

All Day 3 of 3 of Jackson Hole symposium

Fundamental Picture 2: Lessons For The Coming Week And Beyond

Divergence Between US, European Growth Reflected In Markets

The divergence in trends between US and European markets ultimately continue to reflect the regional difference in growth and earnings.

EU’s Stark Choice Remains: Integrate or Disintegrate

This is hardly a brilliant insight, but worth remembering. Why the divergence? We’ve said for years that the EU is going nowhere as long as it is burdened by a dysfunctional currency union that is doing the EZ far more harm than good. Cullen Roche of paragcap. com weighed in with a summary of his similar position this week in his post Three Reasons Europe is Struggling .

Data Gap Between US And Europe Persists

Meanwhile the US continues its slow and rather uneven recovery.

Additional positives (via Jeff Miller here ) from US data last week include:

Earnings season showed overall earnings growth of 9.6% y/y. (Ed Yardeni ). Worth noting is that despite positive overall earnings for Q2 2014, the average % price change that day was -0.7%

Tax revenues are up (via Scott Grannis. Taxes Don’t Lie .)

The big negatives for the US last were:

Retail sales badly missed forecasts, a problems given that consumer spending accounts for 70% of GDP.

Mortgage applications continue to fall despite continued low rates

Stagnant Wage Growth Dooms US To Slow Growth?

As Europe’s fundamental economic challenge is its flawed currency union, America’s is lack of income growth. The story is not new, but there were some excellent articles out last week on this.

Doug Short’s Five Decades of Middle Class Wages details how US incomes have fared over the past decades (before taxes) once we factor in inflation and declining hours per week. This chart sums it up.

If about 70% of US GDP is based on consumer spending, and consumer incomes have been flat for over a decade, and have declined since the 70s, what does that tell us about future growth and prosperity. Granted, the overall economy can grow even if household incomes are falling, as long as there is enough population growth. For (a simple) example, a thousand people earning and spending $100 should produce the same GDP as 100 people earning and spending $1000.

For additional details see:

Weak Job Market Means Falling Returns On Higher Education

The University of Arizona released an update earlier this year on its study of a freshmen cohort group — dating back to 2007. More than half the participants — mostly graduates — reported relying on financial support from family to meet current financial demands. Nearly half of those respondents were employed full-time. In fact, as the chart above shows, only 49 percent of participants reported having full-time jobs after two years of graduation.

Rising Car Prices And Falling Incomes Bring Longer Term Car Loans

Per Experian Automotive, the average auto loan term hit a new record of sixty-six months during the first-quarter. The average loan for a new vehicle of $27,612 was also a record high.

Falling Home Ownership Rates Despite Record Low Mortgage Rates

Source: US Census Bureau

Per Bankrate. com, 67% of Americans don’t have enough savings to cover 6 months of expenses, and 50% don’t have enough savings to cover 3 months of expenses. Even households with $75,000 or more in annual incomes, only about 46% have enough savings to cover six months of expenses.

Falling Household Wealth

Net worth at the 50th percentile (median) totaled $56,335 in 2013, down 36 percent from $87,992 in 2003, according to a recent report from the Russell Sage Foundation To be added to Cliff’s email distribution list, just click here , and leave your name, email address, and request to be on the mailing list for alerts of future posts. For information on a free intro to currencies video course based on my award winning book , see here .


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Computerworld New Zealand

By David Watson (Unknown Publication) 04 April, 2004 22:00

The Bank of New Zealand won’t be directly affected by recommendations that its parent, National Australia Bank, reassess its IT systems in wake of the sacking of four NAB traders. However, it will be involved in a broader review of the company’s culture.

The traders racked up and hid $A360 million in losses on currency options.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (Apra) has instructed the bank to take a look at how Horizon, its currency options trading system, was implemented. It also urges it to “re-assess whether the timeframe for implementation of system upgrades, including development of better system upgrades, should be accelerated”.

Horizon, designed by Sydney-based software maker Triaxia, isn’t in use at the BNZ and NAB spokesman Brandon Phillips says the issues regarding the forex system are related mainly to Australia and the UK.

“The impact of them on the BNZ is non-existent, except in that the BNZ is part of our group and any broader culture change will be addressed across the group.”

NAB released the Apra report last month following the publication of an internally commissioned report by PricewaterhouseCoopers earlier this year.

The PwC report also looked into the role Horizon — and its testing and implementation by the bank — may have played in the currency trading scandal.

It believed the rogue traders used a window in Horizon that enabled them to conceal the illegal trades, which they had been making since September 2001.

The Apra report says “NAB has not provided documentation regarding the extent of user acceptance testing undertaken upon the implementation of the Horizon system and upgrades to the pricing models used for [it]”.

NAB executives have pledged to change the bank’s culture and governance to ensure the trading episode isn’t repeated.

"We look forward to bringing additional applications to the people of New Zealand in the future."

Following the announcement, here’s everything you need to know…

New app targets one million Android smartphone users around the country at launch, with plans in place to eventually hit iOS market.

Both BNZ and Mint Wireless will receive a proportion of the monthly transaction fees from users of the solution

First local bank to incorporate the secure two factor authentication into mobile

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NZD: Settled into a trading range – BNZ

Sunday, March 20th, 2016

Jason Wong, Currency Strategist at BNZ, notes that after a sharp fall earlier in the year, the NZD has settled into a trading range.

“The recent lift in risk appetite and stronger Yuan – both of which have supported the NZD – could well prove to be temporary factors.

The balance of risks has been moving towards further NZD weakness, but later in the year, rather than earlier. We look for NZ-global rate spreads to narrow further, soft commodity pricing to continue and we suspect negative sentiment towards China will return. All these factors would be NZD-negative.

Dovish actions from other global central banks such as the BoJ and ECB have served to drive global interest rates lower. However, the overall impact on the NZD has been mitigated to the extent that the RBNZ has joined the party, with a surprise easing this month. Further RBNZ easing looks likely over coming months. Indeed, if the RBNZ is serious about meeting its inflation target, then it will need to take the cash rate below 2%. This should keep downward pressure on NZ-global rate spreads, and is NZD-negative.” For more information, read our latest forex news . Written by FXStreet. com

TEN Ideas for the Week Ahead Free Newsletter

NZD/USD Look To Re-Enter Strategic Short – BNZ

BNZ look To re-enter a strategic short position on NZD/USD. In a note to clients they report “NZD has bounced back admirably from cyclical lows hit after the RBNZ dropped its tightening bias. But the medium-term outlook is still negative, even with recent strong gains in dairy prices at auctions. We would consider rallies toward 0.76 as opportunities to enter strategic short positions, targeting 0.70″.

They also note “we feel that levels above 0.7550 offer attractive risk-reward for a strategic NZD/USD short, on the premise that the mega-rally in the USD continues to grind higher. We would set a wide stop, 0.77 or higher, as is prudent in volatile markets such as these”.

Sell NZD/USD at 0.7550, stop >0.7700 with a profit target of 0.7000.

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An opportunity to do good things

Best way to avoid daily trips to grab a muffin or bikkie every day - do a baking mission on Sunday afternoon and fill up your lunch bag for the week ahead.

Filipo, Financial Literacy Specialist.

Every Sunday, I sit down and give myself an hour to go over mine and my partner's spending for the week - it keeps us honest and on track against the budget.

Andrew, Strategy Manager, Pricing and Insights.

Every Thursday night, my friends are often out having drinks and takeaways - so I've taken up pottery. I've replaced all my plates and mugs and made some pretty stunning bowls and vases for gifts.

Polly - Online Community Associate.

Each payday I allocate my pay towards savings, bills and spending money - this helps me reach my goals faster.

Victoria - Talent Acquisition.

I'm all about people, I'm a very strong people person.

Eva, Assistant Store Manager.

There's a massive amount of talent at BNZ and you're judged on what you've done or how you're doing it; not how long you've been doing it.

Martin, Head of Sales & Service.

My 12 year old daughter has been learning about financial literacy, and has bought herself a piggy bank divided into three sections being Save/Spend/Donate - she divides her pocket money evenly across the three.

Through YouMoney, I can set up automatic transfers into designated accounts such as "Lunches", "Food", "Bills", "Savings", "Rent" etc. Once all these transfers have gone through, I then know how much disposable income I have for the next 2 weeks

Hugh, Internal Audit.

Every January I lock in an amount to increase my long term savings by. Then it's just keeping the focus on it and being aware of where the money goes.

Yvonne, Milford Store.

Every morning I prepare a packed lunch for my children. Recently I started to do the same for myself and instead of spending $10 per day on lunch, I now spend zero. Reckon I save $200 per month.

BNZ News

2013 winner of the inaugural Women's Empowerment Principles Benchmarking for.

BNZ – NZD Cross Analysis

NZD/AUD: The collapse in NZD in the past month, combined with some paring RBA easing expectations, saw the cross test 2014-lows around 0.9060. A eye-raising jump in Australia’s unemployment rate helped to alleviate the downward pressure. In addition, the RBA sounded a touch more cautious on growth in its latest set of forecasts. This should weigh on AUD, and make it more vulnerable to the expected further USD rally. We continue to favour a return toward 0.93, which is where we see the cross broadly settling over the next year.

NZD/GBP: The GBP’s strong 2014 rally looks to have run out of steam since early July. Previously unambiguously hawkish rhetoric from BoE officials, combined with a blistering pace of economy data, has given way to much more balanced commentary as the data have softened somewhat. We expect market exuberance around GBP to remain capped, allowing NZD/GBP to find its footing around the 0.50 mark, which remains our end-Sept target.

NZD/EUR: The EUR continues its seemingly inexorable slide, as deteriorating economic data bolsters the case for the ECB to take further monetary action. Of course, the crisis in Ukraine, on the euro-zone’s eastern border, has been a tailwind for this decline. Investors are concerned that sanctions will hurt significant bilateral trade flows. ECB President Draghi noted that the Bank is working hard to prepare for asset-backed security purchases, should it become necessary to provide more stimulus. We are cautious on Europe’s deterioration, but remain comfortable with our year-end target of 0.61.

NZD/JPY: After a brief spurt higher in late July, USD/JPY has settled back into its well-worn range around ¥102. We still believe that JPY will weaken into year-end, especially with BoJ officials recently sounding less confident about the pace of the Japanese economy. Certainly progress has stalled in terms of achieving the BoJ’s 2% inflation target. While the cross has fallen faster than we anticipated in the year to date, we do not expect it to progress much further south. Our year-end target remains 86.00.

The information and analysis provided here has been produced by the financial institution and does not reflect the opinion of Forextell or its associates. Forextell has reproduced the information without alteration or verification and does not represent that this material is accurate, current, or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Forextell and its associates accept no responsibility to maintain the information or to supply any corrections, updates or releases concerning the information. By accessing this site, readers expressly acknowledge and agree that the information provided by us and our third party providers is on an “as is” basis, and used at their sole risk. Reproduction or redistribution of this information is not permitted.

About Milan Cutkovic

Milan Cutkovic is a FX trader based in Zürich, Switzerland. He has been actively trading the markets since the age of fourteen and his trading strategy is primarily based on technical analysis. Milan has joined the AxiSelect prop trading programme in December 2013 and has been managing an account for the company, as well as his personal account. Aside from trading, Milan has been writing commentary and reports about the foreign exchange market on a daily basis, as well as educational articles. He is a contributing editor for the FX portal Forextell and the official AxiTrader blog and his reports have been published on leading FX sites such as FXStreet.

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Buying foreign currency

The ASB rate for Euro in this article is the sell rate listed on their website. It looked way too good to me. Their buy rate is 0.5615 (notes) 0.5435 (cheques). For low fx fees I'd strongly recommend NZForex http://www. nzforex. co. nz /. I don't think the bank can beat their rates and there is no fee at all above a certain amount (eg no fees above 5000 Euros or 3000 GBP etc, see http://www. nzforex. co. nz/information/fees-and-fee-free-thresholds. asp ). It saved us about 25K in fees on a large transfer a few years ago (which represented about 5% of the sum transferred). Just made a smallish transfer from Euros into NZ$ last week and saved a few hundred $ in fee compared with what the banks would have charged us. Also, it only takes a few days for the money to be on your account whereas if taking a cheque in a foreign currency to the bank it's up to 6 weeks during which the money isn't available to you or earning interest. You can use their tool for an instant quote then book a deal if the result suits you to confirm the transaction (need to register with them first for that).

by MatH | Thu, 30/06/2011 - 14:27

Being a young kiwi earning pounds in London, a new company TransferWise offers an interesting alternative to the banks. It's essentially P2P in idea so your request to exchange is met on the other currency by someone wanting to also exchange the inverse way. I can only send GBP to NZD at this stage but the company is expanding and might be something to consider in the future if your circumstances are correct. Fees are very low and rates are closer to corporate than usual bank buy rates.

by Nayan | Thu, 26/11/2015 - 18:26

Home / General / BNZ: short NZD/USD position at 0.6610, targeting 0.6200, with a tight stop at 0.6700

BNZ: short NZD/USD position at 0.6610, targeting 0.6200, with a tight stop at 0.6700

From the FXWW Chatroom – Looking across the G10 FX space, it is clear the broader USD has found some support in recent days. We remain constructive on the USD heading into 2016, and decidedly so against NZD. Our end-of-year NZD/USD target of 0.62 offers a 6% gain from current levels. We’ve long suggested that levels above 0.66 on NZD/USD are attractive for strategic short positions, but stood back through October’s run up. Heading into tonight’s US non-farm payrolls report, with survey data suggesting a strong outturn, we enter a short position at 0.6610, with a target of 0.6200.

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09 October, AtoZForex. com, Amsterdam — The September 16-17 meeting minutes have revealed that the Fed was anxious about signs of a global economic slowdown but did not actually think this had “materially altered” the future economic outlook.

Now, with the Fed’s decision to hold on rates at, it has surprised much of the market, as well as urging a pick up in risk appetite. In relation to this matter, the recent rally of NZDUSD marks the remarkable turn of events in the risk sentiment.

Especially with the disappointing US data, such as the non-farm payrolls, has prompted the anticipations for the Fed to delay the rate hikes for a while longer. Having this in mind, it is no wonder that investors have been downbeat and taken a “glass half full” approach.

NZD up through 0.67 and higher?

The Bank of New Zealand, commonly abbreviated as BNZ, clarifies that the delayed Fed hikes has also prompted: “ EM FX, AUD higher, and NZD up through 0.67 . Equities, commodities, and emerging market currencies are all sharply higher from late-September levels. As we’ve discussed before, the return of RORO (risk-on, risk-off) behaviour is particularly salient for NZD.”

So how does the BNZ plays the NZD rally? Commenting further on the NZD, BNZ advice on NZD rally the following: “If sentiment remains positive, NZD could remain at these levels, or even push higher than 0.67. Yet, we’d be sellers. The balance of risks, on interest rates and volatility, strongly suggest a return toward 0.60. ” Think we missed something? Let us know down in the comments section.

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Bnz foreign exchange rates, commodity futures trading corporation.

Rates are shown for information purposes only and are updated on business days only. All rates listed are foreign units to one NZ Dollar NZ$1 Fees and commission apply

Bnz foreign exchange rates: Exchange rates. International help and support. Small Print. Rates are shown for information purposes only and are updated on business days only. All rates listed are foreign units to one NZ Dollar NZ$1. Rates subject to change without notice. Fees and commissions apply in addition to the amount calculated.

commodity futures trading corporation: An opportunity to do good things. It's our goal to inspire positive change in New Zealand by helping more people to be good with money. And we want to lead by example. Bnz foreign exchange rates-reliance money stock trading. Такого раздела не существует. © 1996 — 2015 "ПО Октябрь". New Zealand foreign exchange research.

Stockport homes rent payment online: The BNZ Weekly Overview is sent out each Thursday night to over 28,000 subscribers. The publication covers the latest data on the NZ economy, the housing market.

Deja una respuesta

I’m renting a place here in Fremantle for 3-4 months, and my first rental payment is due.

I dutifully (ok a few days late as we had not sorted out dates) send a Telegraphic Transfer request via BNZ’s internet banking email system. This is something I do quite a lot, with the last one being the deposit and bond for this place on the 12th of last month.

I get an email back:

I’m in Perth right now, and so to get a NetGuard card would require 3-5 business days (and there are only 4 this week in NZ) PLUS the time taken to get the card to me in Australia. Moreover, I’m guessing that BNZ won’t send or allow you to send this stupid card internationally (try couriering credit cards).

So the alternative to to use the handy ‘branch locator’, which I do:

That’s right. No BNZ in Perth, and no BNZ in Australia. This seems crazy to me – BNZ is a huge bank, and there are hundreds of thousands of Kiwis in Australia, including out here in Perth. (Mining pays well these days) So maybe I’m just going about it the wrong way. So – another approach:

But that gets me this:

So I try bnz. com instead:

Not that useful. Así que # 8230; why should I trust my money to a bank that can’t even own its own domains?

Why should I trust my money to a bank that requires me to carry around a card for online security?

What happens if I lose my wallet with credit card and stupid online card? & # 8211; yup, I’d be locked out. I looked back, and sure enough on my last TT request there was the following in the confirmation email:

“Lance, I would like to take this opportunity to advise that from 1 October all TTs will require you to have logged into Internet Banking using NetGuard before we will complete your request.”

Sadly it was beneath the fold (line 26) of the confirmation email, which I browsed quickly just to make sure the payment went through. So the first time I saw this was today. Yes – perhaps I should read my emails completely.

Banks have you locked in

They say that banks have 4 opportunities in life to get you to switch to them: At birth/christening, when you are about 10 or so (pocket money), when you leave home/start university (student loans), and when you get a mortgage.

They also say (ok I’ve observed through consulting) that losing banking customers is actually really difficult to do. You really have to go out of your way to annoy them, or lose serious credibility, before customers will leave. For me BNZ has provided great personal service at the various branches in Wellington, but has failed, and failed consistently with its IT – online and back end.

BNZ has failed with their Credit Card product

& # 8211; My credit card limit is a trivial % of my annual income, despite repeated requests for (mostly granted) increases. & # 8211; My BNZ credit card bounced my Perth motorcycle purchase transaction, while my infrequently used Amex worked just fine – Indeed it’s not the first time or even second I’ve failed to buy a motorcycle with a BNZ credit card, and succeeded with Amex. & # 8211; I received more than one offer to ‘upgrade’ my Mastercard to a visa with identical features and higher cost.

BNZ has lousy Customer Service

& # 8211; BNZ’s after hours (and it is always after hours from home here) help desk is completely unable to help me, which is sad because I recall being able to speak to a very helpful night banker, who made magic happen, from the UK when buying a motorcycle back in 1996. What has happened? & # 8211; The products offered to me (usually in a TT email) are completely irrelevant to my situation.

Don’t talk to me about use BNZ for money Transfers

& # 8211; I cannot send an international transfer without recourse to email. & # 8211; I now cannot send international transfers at all. & # 8211; It takes a day for transfers to go from from my BNZ check account to my BNZ credit card account – It takes a day for transfers to go from my BNZ account to another BNZ account – It takes a day for transfers to go from my BNZ account to any other NZ based account – I’m charged $25 for a NZ to Australia TT transfer

NONE of this is acceptable in this era.

But the big question is can any other bank offer better? I’m going to look around, but do let me know if your experiences elsewhere are better.


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Forex - NZD/USD: Kiwi underperforms, needs more incentives

Wellington - There was less action observed on the kiwi than on its Australian counterpart on the back of the tragedy in Brussels.

As the news on the attacks came out, European currencies weakened, the yen strengthened, equities fell and bond yields dipped. The UK pound was the weakest currency, down 1.2% to around $1.42, as investors thought the risk of Britain leaving the EU increased as those in favor of Brexit argue that an open migration policy leaves Britain vulnerable to attack.

The kiwi has significantly underperformed the aussie and traded down 0.28% to $0.6732, having traded in a tight 50 pip range over the past day. On the cross, AUD/NZD was up 0.28% to NZ$1.1306 after it hit NZ$1.1329 - its highest since September 15 - earlier in the session.

Jason Wong from BNZ Markets pointed out on Wednesday that with Australian commodity prices continuing to outperform New Zealand commodities, the move higher in AUD/NZD has strong economic fundamental support and is expected to continue over coming weeks/months.

It is unlikely that today's session will bring any wider moves for the NZD/USD. Looking into the afternoon US session, the Federal Reserve's James Bullard will deliver a speech but traders will have to wait for data in the latter part of the week, with US durable goods and Q4 GDP due.

Source: WBP Online

BNZ: Short NZD/USD at 0.7584

We re-enter a strategic short NZD/USD position at 0.7584

Our initial target is 0.7217, and then 0.70. Stop at 0.7714

This will be a USD-driven trade, with a focus on the 19 March FOMC decision

We re-enter a strategic short position at current spot (0.7584), with an initial target of 0.7217, and with an eye to our year-end target of 0.70. We set our stop at 0.7714.

This trade was flagged in our Global FX Strategist of Monday 23 February. Having missed our opportunity to get short above 0.7600 on Thursday, we used this morning’s post-PBOC rate cut pop higher to set our position. In the near-term we note, that AUD and NZD tend to quickly fade these knee-jerk moves after PBOC rate actions, on the basis that a weaker CNY leads Asian currencies lower, and thus AUD and (to a lesser extent) NZD. Later this morning, our BNZ colleagues forecast NZ’s Q4 2014 Terms of Trade to fall by a chunky 3.4% q/q, though this will likely mark the cyclical bottom in the series.

But this is a longer-view trade, and will primarily be driven by the USD side of the equation. We did not see anything nefariously dovish in Fed Chair Yellen’s semi-annual testimony last week. The only thing that is clear is that the FOMC has given itself more flexibility than before. If US data begins to positive surprise once more, the market will quickly jump back on to the ‘buy USD’ bandwagon. To that end, this Friday’s release of the US labour market reports will be important. But the make-or-break for this trade will likely come out of the FOMC decision on 19 March, where we may well see the key word ‘patient’ dropped, signalling a rate hike at any meeting thereafter.

About Milan Cutkovic

Milan Cutkovic is a FX trader based in Zürich, Switzerland. He has been actively trading the markets since the age of fourteen and his trading strategy is primarily based on technical analysis. Milan has joined the AxiSelect prop trading programme in December 2013 and has been managing an account for the company, as well as his personal account. Aside from trading, Milan has been writing commentary and reports about the foreign exchange market on a daily basis, as well as educational articles. He is a contributing editor for the FX portal Forextell and the official AxiTrader blog and his reports have been published on leading FX sites such as FXStreet.

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BNZ Daily FX Wrap & Estrategia

It’s been a v-shaped 24 hours for the NZD. After starting the week around 0.7550, the NZD/USD briefly slipped to around 0.7500 overnight before recovering again.

The NZD took yesterday’s stronger NZ inflation data pretty much in its stride. June quarter CPI increased 1.1% (compared to the market’s 1.0% expectation), taking annual inflation to 1.5%. The bigger story, in our view, is that inflation undercurrents are northward inclined which, combined with a number of increased government charges, will send CPI inflation to 5.0% by mid next year.

Still, the focus for the NZD remains firmly offshore. And with the USD starting the week on the front foot, the NZD/USD was forced lower yesterday afternoon. In his Friday address, Fed chairman Bernanke failed to deliver the “all guns blazing” approach to quantitative easing (QE) markets had hoped for, encouraging a mild bout of profit-taking on short USD positions. The NZD/USD was knocked from 0.7550 to 0.7500 accordingly.

However, the dip in NZD/USD again proved short-lived. Overnight, sentiment towards the USD was soured not only by soft US industrial production figures (-0.2%m/m vs. +0.2% expected), but comments from the Fed’s Lockhart that “I am leaning in favour of additional monetary stimulus.” As the USD reversed its earlier gains, NZD/USD was catapulted back above 0.7570 amid solid buying from leveraged and model accounts.

We noted yesterday that pull-backs in the NZD/USD are expected to be limited to around 0.7450 this week. Sure, the USD is starting to look oversold and the risk of markets being disappointed on the size of Fed QE is growing. But lofty NZ commodity prices (watch for Fonterra’s milk price auction on Wednesday) and buoyant risk appetite should ensure buyers will be found on dips.

According to our short-term valuation model, “fair-value” in the NZD/USD is seen between 0.7350 and 0.7550. Keep an eye out for today’s RBA board minutes at 1:30pm.

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Mortgage Rates Newsletter

Shoeshine: BNZ baulks at brokers' free lunch

Friday 30th April 2004

This week's "war of words" between Bank of New Zealand and Mike Pero Mortgages might seem like a storm in a teacup but underlying the spat are issues that are exercising the entire financial services industry.

The fuss was sparked by a print and television advertising campaign in which BNZ claimed to be able to offer mortgage borrowers a "great" rate because it had cut out brokers.

The campaign hit a huge nerve with Mike Pero because it started just as he was about to kick off a national roadshow promoting his company's initial public offering and NZX listing.

He immediately accused BNZ of "a very cynical smear campaign and attempt to undermine Mike Pero Mortgages' share offering."

BNZ said it wasn't even aware Mike Pero Mortgages was floating when the advertising campaign was decided on. The start date was set as the first anniversary of the decision, on May 2, 2003, to stop using mortgage brokers to distribute its products.

The campaign also provoked a response from the Mortgage Brokers Association, which speculated that it was prompted by BNZ feeling it was "missing out on reasonable volume" because of its dismissal of brokers ­ who, the association said, now arrange 30% of new loans.

That claim flies in the face of another broadside from Pero, who reckoned BNZ, in its last year using brokers, only wrote 2% of broker business.

One interesting wrinkle is that BNZ's parent, National Australia Bank, is one of Australia's most enthusiastic supporters of the broker channel.

BNZ's stance demonstrates if nothing else that BNZ's management doesn't always have to march to the tune dictated by Sydney.

And its decision doesn't put it conspicuously out of step with the worldwide trend, even if some brokers would like to give the impression it does.

Kiwibank, for example, doesn't use brokers and has said it would like to see them accepting lower commissions before it will consider starting.

In the US, according to Ross Butler, the chairman of broker Mortgage Link, some fairly large banks distribute entirely through their own channels.

In the end the debate, as in the financial planning and investment industry, is about costs and where they fall.

BNZ and Kiwibank argue that whether a mortgage is sold through a broker or through the banks' own channels, there is a cost that will always end up being borne by the consumer.

Mortgage Link's Butler agrees. Irrespective of which way a client deals with a bank, he says, there is a range of costs and charges that the client inevitably bears.

The implication is that brokers should not advertise their services as being "free." Mortgage Link recently decided not to use the word in its advertising. "Clients these days are smart enough to know that nothing is free," Butler says.

Pero thinks not. His company, he pointed out, could match the "broker-free" rate advertised by BNZ.

Brokers, he argues, offer the lender the means to market their products and take on new business without incurring additional marketing and staff costs, so it's a "win-win-win" situación.

Butler partly agrees with that line, but says it's still very useful to brokers to have a strong, recognised brand to sell. And someone has to bear the expense of all that brand marketing.

The Mortgage Industry Association of Australia has submitted to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission draft advertising guidelines for its broker members.

The guidelines warn brokers to be careful about using a variety of terms, "free" among them.

"Although the service is "free" in that the customer isn't paying the broker any money, there may be a connotation to some customers that no cost is attached to it at all," says the association's chief executive, Phil Naylor.

"But the customer will be paying fees to the bank, which ultimately funds the loan."

Another factor in BNZ's decision to cut out brokers was increasing costs as higher up-front and trailing commissions were expected or demanded, a tendency of which Kiwibank also complains.

Until now these have been absorbed by the banks. Some have charged the client a fee, which it would pass back to the broker.

But if no fees are charged to the client, the costs have to go on to the margin built into home loan rates, particularly for fixed rate mortgages.

And some brokers' propensity for "churning" business in an effort to generate more up-front commissions, BNZ argues, adds time costs and inconvenience for customers.

Questions about how brokers contribute to the expense of offering the products they sell, and about how they are paid, are also being asked in the wider financial services industry.

There are those among insurance companies, which not only generate products such as unit trusts and insurance policies but spend big sums promoting their brands, who feel brokers "free-ride" on insurers' expense lines and should be made to generate their revenue by charging investors fees rather than relying on commission from product providers.

And like some banks, they complain of brokers' incentive to churn business to generate more upfront commissions.

None of this should give anyone the impression Shoeshine has a beef with mortgage brokers. He has twice used Approved Mortgages and got a service for which he would have been happy to pay a fee.

He also suspects Joe Blow public couldn't care less whether intermediaries call themselves "free" or not. In the long run, those who provide their customers with good service will prosper, and those that don't will find themselves with no business.

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USD/JPY Consolidates Around 114.50

'The JPY was the victim of improved risk sentiment, its ‘safe haven' appeal fading.' - BNZ (based on WBP Online)

With demand for less riskier assets, namely the Yen, lower, the US Dollar was able to post significant gains against it on Monday. Daily and weekly technical studies keep insisting that the given pair is likely to resume its bearish momentum rather sooner than later. The monthly S2 and the weekly PP form the nearest support cluster just under 114.00, but if bears manage to push the USD/JPY lower, this level will doubtfully hold. At the same time, the closest area to stop USD-buying is located above the 117.00 major level, more than 200-pips away from the spot price.

Although more traders (64%) have a positive outlook towards the Buck (previously 48%), the share of buy orders slid from 59 to 51%.

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Weaker New Zealand Dollar Exchange Rates In Top Forecasts As RBNZ To Cut In 2016

The New Zealand dollar rates are predicted to slump in 2016, so say latest BNZ forecasts that the RBNZ will cut interest rates this year.

The New Zealand Dollar has slumped deeper into negative territory against the Pound To Euro 5-Day Exchange Rate Forecast: UK CPI To Provoke Volatility?" href="http://www. exchangerates. org. uk/news/14720/gbp-to-eur-forecast-pound-to-euro-exchange-rate-forecasts. html">Euro. Pound Sterling and the Australian Dollar after US news printed better-than-expected.

US Advance Retail Sales continued to grow at a 0.2% level, rather than slowing to 0.1% as predicted, which has strengthened the US Dollar and weakened the NZD exchange rate against EUR, GBP and AUD.

Before we continue with the news, here are some live FX rates for your reference;

On Saturday the Pound to New Zealand Dollar exchange rate (GBP/NZD) converts at 2.115

The new zealand dollar conversion rate (against pound) is quoted at 0.473 GBP/NZD.

Today finds the new zealand dollar to euro spot exchange rate priced at 0.599.

The NZD to AUD exchange rate converts at 0.89 today.

NB: the forex rates mentioned above, revised as of 26th Mar 2016, are inter-bank prices that will require a margin from your bank. Foreign exchange brokers can save up to 5% on international payments in comparison to the banks.

Earlier: NZD is soft today despite weak USD ahead of important US data, allowing GBP to extend gains made thanks to correctional trading after yesterday’s massive declines.

The likelihood of a rate cut by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) that would weaken New Zealand Dollar complex (NZD ) during the course of 2016 is currently at 60%, according to the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ ):

"‘The market continues to price further easing from the RBA and RBNZ. This is unsurprising given global uncertainty, and that market participants see [RBNZ as one] of few, who have further capacity to cut rates."

BNZ points out that "Around 30bps of RBNZ cuts are currently priced. This can also be read as the market applying a 60% chance to 50bps of cuts by year-end."

However, their analysts do not believe that a rate cut will be inspired by persistently low inflation readings:

"Rather we keep an eye on downside risks to global growth, weakness in the domestic dairy sector and the stubbornly resilient NZ TWI, as potential catalysts for a cut this year."

Euro to NZ Dollar (EUR/NZD) Exchange Rate Bullish

The Euro to NZ dollar spot exchange rate is once again bullish as investors flee from stocks, with the German Dax index down -2.1% and the French CAC 40 dropping -3%.

Key Eurozone news is out tomorrow which will likely decide whether the Euro keeps hold of today’s gains or whether it loses them again once the markets calm down.

According to the Bank of Merrill Lynch "Also on Friday, Eurozone GDP growth is expected to come in at 0.3% quarter-over-quarter and 1.5% year-over-year (YoY) in the fourth quarter. Industrial production should decline slightly, to 1.6% YoY, in December from 1.8% YoY."

Sliding stocks once again signal a lack of risk appetite, although the Australian Dollar (AUD) is managing to escape mostly unharmed.

Although the current climate is not inspiring risk, investors seem to be returning to the Australian Dollar despite an earlier bout of weakness.

The AUD/NZD exchange rate appreciation could be thanks to the Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, who failed to give a strong assurance yesterday that the Federal Reserve would continue hiking rates.

Goldman Sach’s new recession study puts the current chance of an Australian recession at 13%, which is far lower than the long-term 23% average.

GBP/NZD Exchange Rate News; Bank of Merrill Lynch Believe ‘Brexit’ Vote will be Close

There have been lots of predictions regarding the final result of the upcoming ‘Brexit’ referendum, currently expected to take place in June this year, with the Bank of Merrill Lynch predicting that:

‘Even though “Brexit” remains a remote possibility in our base case, there is a strong prospect that the vote would be very close.’

According to BofAML, the four main risks to investors in the event of a ‘Brexit will be a weaker Pound Sterling and:

‘Slower U. K. gross domestic product growth; higher bond yields and risk premia; and elevated regulatory, political and market uncertainty.’

GBP Makes Bullish Advances on AUD Thanks to Correctional Trading

The UK’s construction sector data has printed positively, strengthening GBP against AUD despite failing to meet forecasts.

The fact that sector activity grew rather than shrank again as it did in November has helped GBP continue its advance against AUD.

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BNZ ожидает, что EUR/USD будет торговаться в области 1.2160-1.2400

Реакция USD на заявления главы ФРС Бена Бернанке оказалась довольно спонтанной. Сначала доллар вырос, так как никаких намёков на расширение программы стимулирования в ближайшем будущем не было сделано. Однако в ходе конференции Бернанке отметил, что ФРС готова к действиям в случае необходимости, что даёт основания считать, что QE всё же может иметь место.

Валютный стратег BNZ Майк Джонс поясняет: "Читая между строк, мы понимаем, что Бернанке допускает расширение программы стимулирования, в случае если темпы экономического роста продолжат замедляться. ФРС может объявить о дополнительных мерах смягчения уже на августовском или сентябрьском заседании, если экономические отчёты продолжат демонстрировать неутешительную картину. Совершенно очевидно, что инфляция не станет препятствием на пути к введению нетрадиционных мер. Ключевым событием станет релиз предварительных данных по ВВП США за 2 квартал, который запланирован на 27 июля. Если результат разочарует инвесторов, рынки начнут закладывать в цены QE3, и как следствие, доллар снизится".

Однако, что касается ближайшего будущего, Джонс полагает, что пара EUR/USD будет торговаться в диапазоне 1.2160-1.2400.

BNZ pulls plug on brokers

Bank of New Zealand, the country's third-largest bank, has cut mortgage brokers out of its distribution mix, saying it can give borrowers better service through its own branch network.

BNZ this week launched an aggressive print and television campaign advertising its mortgage products as having "broker-free" Tasas de interés

The print version reads: "We've cut out brokers to give you this great rate."

The BNZ campaign doesn't come at a good time for Mike Pero Mortgages, which plans to raise between $7 million and $10 million through a share issue and list on the New Zealand Exchange this month.

The company has a database of 50,000 past clients and has since 1990 handled more than $5 billion of mortgages.

BNZ communications manager Owen Gill said the decision on brokers had been taken a year ago "but in the last few weeks we've decided to put some emphasis on it."

One reason the bank had cut out brokers was that it felt it could provide better service dealing with customers directly.

There were also some "specials" ­ Global Plus loyalty points, for example ­ that were not available through brokers.

Another reason was the fees broker charged.

"We think the cost has to be borne somewhere in the chain if you're using brokers. Where it falls is open to debate."

Mortgage brokers advertise their services as free to the customer but banks say the costs end up being reflected in the rates they are able to offer customers.

Kiwibank has never sold its mortgage products through brokers.

Chief executive Sam Knowles has said he believes there needs to be more transparency around the way mortgage brokers operate.

The bank had not ruled out using brokers but would have to find some that were prepared to work for lower commissions than are current in the industry.

"There is a cost, and if that is incurred by the bank it will ultimately be reflected in rates," communications manager Bruce Thompson said.

An ANZ Bank spokeswoman said the bank had no plans to review its dealings with brokers. Other banks could not be reached for comment by press time.

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FOREX-Euro slightly weaker in early trading against dollar

(Adds quotes, additional details, updates prices)

By David Gaffen

n">Nov 15 The euro was slightly weaker against the yen and dollar as foreign exchange markets reopened globally on Sunday following the attacks in Paris that left more than 100 people dead.

The euro was lately buying $1.0738; it hit a high of $1.0778 after trading opened. The attacks occurred Friday evening, but by that time most forex trading had waned, and the effect was a modest rally in the euro that strategists attributed to the unwind of speculative positions.

The dollar, meanwhile, saw modest gains against the Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar; the Aussie fell to $0.7110, down 0.2 percent, and the kiwi dropped 0.3 percent to $0.6524.

"Currencies are slightly weaker from their closing levels on Friday, which is the response you'd expect given that we expect investors to be relatively defensive in terms of risk sentiment early this week," said Raiko Shareef, strategist at BNZ.

"It's been a relatively modest reaction in currency markets, but in the direction that you would expect."

The euro traded at 131.40 against the yen, slightly lower than 131.50 on Friday. The dollar edged lower against the yen, to 122.33 from 122.62 on Friday. (Reporting By Charlotte Greenfield and David Gaffen; Editing by Christian Plumb)

NZD to keep struggling against the US dollar in 2016 – BNZ

NZD to keep struggling against the US dollar in 2016 – BNZ

FXStreet (Delhi) – Raiko Shareef, Currency Strategist at BNZ, suggests that the bearishness remains intact, and we remain short NZD/USD from 0.6610 heading into December’s Fed events. Key Quotes“We’ve tweaked the timing with regard to the bottom for NZD/USD, which we still mark at 0.60, to lSee Original Article

NZD/USD: lapping up softer dollar – ANZ

FXStreet (Guatemala) – Analysts at ANZ explained that the USD sold off yesterday as markets digested the potential for a weak manufacturing print. Key Quotes:”This eventuated with the ISM printing at levels not seen since 2009. However, the slowdown in the manufacturing sector is likely to be offsetSee Original Article

FOREX-Dollar takes breather after downbeat data, euro fragile ahead of ECB

& # 8230; * Dollar nurses losses after slump in U. S. ISM manufacturing. * Euro above $1.06 but investors wary ahead of ECB meeting. * Aussie refreshes See Original Article

US NFP increase more than enough to offset the growth in the labour force – Danske Bank

FXStreet (Delhi) – Research Team at Danske Bank, suggests that the US Nonfarm payrolls have increased by over 200,000 per month on average so far this year, more than enough to offset the growth in the labour force. Key Quotes“This is also the main reason the unemployment rate declined from 5.7 iSee Original Article

Mensaje de navegación

BNZ grabs more agribusiness lending, upbeat on rural sector

LATEST . Bank of New Zealand, the local unit of National Australia Bank [ASX: NAB ], continued to grab more market share of agribusiness lending and is upbeat on the prospects for the rural sector.

The lender made a concerted effort to build its capability in rural lending three years ago and continued to lift market share of agri lending in the six months ended March 31, with 22.2 percent of the market, up from 21.7 percent a year earlier, and 19.2 percent in 2010.

Chief executive Andrew Thorburn, who will become chief executive at the NAB group later this year, told BusinessDesk agribusiness is "an important focus for us" after the lender's decision to boost capability three years ago, with asset quality "improving significantly."

Growth in business lending and lower impairment charges on distressed loans underpinned a 3.4 percent increase in BNZ's first-half cash earnings to $400 million.

Incoming CEO Anthony Healy, who's currently head of business banking, said Canterbury has driven the lender's growth in agribusiness, which is partly on the strength of the dairy sector. Forestry was very strong, with BNZ the biggest lender to the sector, and benefiting from Chinese demand for logs, and viticulture has been recovering from a "tough five or six years."

While the bank has seen credit growth in the sector, some farmers have been using high dairy prices to strengthen their balance sheets by "paying down debt," Healy said.

In November, the Reserve Bank said high levels of agriculture debt, heavily concentrated in the dairy sector, were a threat to the financial system's stability, and vulnerable to a drop in commodity prices and a rise in interest rates, both of which have happened since then. The bank will release its six-monthly financial stability report next week.

BNZ lost market share in mortgage lending, with 15.8 percent as at March 31 from 16.2 percent a year earlier. Thorburn said the six-month period was unusual in that it included the introduction of the Reserve Bank's restrictions on low-equity lending, and the start of a higher interest rate cycle.

The bank has the lowest share of high loan-to-value ratio mortgage books, with 13.8 percent of home loans at 80 percent or more.

BNZ increased gross loans 5.2 percent to $62.5 billion as at March 31 from a year earlier. The bank had customer deposits of $41.7 billion as at March 31 from $37.1 billion a year earlier, claiming 19 percent of market share for retail deposits.

EARLIER . BNZ first-half earnings rise 3.4% as charges on bad debts decline, business lending grows

Bank of New Zealand, the local unit of National Australia Bank [ASX: NAB ], lifted first-half cash earnings 3.4 percent as it faced smaller charges on bad debt, while business lending underpinned a small gain in interest income.

BNZ's cash earnings rose to $400 million in the six months ended March 31 from $387 million a year earlier, Australian parent NAB said in a statement. Impairment charges dropped 27 percent to $41 million, bolstering gains from a 1.4 percent increase in underlying profit to $594 million. The bank shrank expenses 1.3 percent in the half, and reduced staff numbers 3.1 percent to 4,719 full-time equivalents.

Statutory net profit, which includes movements in the value of financial instruments and incorporates wholesale operations reported in NAB's Australian banking unit, rose to $393 million from $298 million.

The lender lifted net operating income 1.3 percent to $994 million, led by increased business lending volumes, which offset muted home loan borrowing after Reserve Bank-imposed restrictions on low-equity mortgages stifled demand.

"Good growth in business lending, tight management of costs and lower loan losses were the main contributors," NAB said in its commentary. "Asset quality indicators improved over the period."

The New Zealand unit contributed about 12 percent to Melbourne-based NAB's group cash earnings of A$3.15 billion in the half, up from A$2.9 billion a year earlier. Australia's third-biggest mortgage lender increased first-half operating income 2.6 percent to A$9.49 billion, even as net interest margins shrank 9 basis points to 1.94 percent.

BNZ increased gross loans 5.2 percent to $62.5 billion as at March 31 from a year earlier. It lost market share in housing lending, with 15.8 percent from 16 percent six months earlier, citing increased competition. The lender's share of agribusiness lending edged up to 22.2 percent while business lending was 22.2 percent. Net interest margins shrank 6 basis points to 2.34 percent.

The bank had customer deposits of $41.7 billion as at March 31 from $37.1 billion a year earlier, claiming 19 percent of market share for retail deposits.

NAB declared an interim dividend of 99 Australian cents per share, up from 93 cents a year earlier.

The ASX-listed shares fell 0.8 percent to A$33.84 yesterday, and have decreased 2.8 percent this year.

BNZ first NZ bank to launch Android app

BNZ says it has become the first New Zealand bank to launch an Android internet banking app.

The Android application allows identical functionality to BNZ’s iPhone app launched in July, allowing users to make transfers to other BNZ accounts, same day payments and view 30 day transaction history, among other features.

BNZ said it was the first New Zealand bank to launch an internet banking app designed specifically for Android users, and one of the first banks in Australasia to build a native Android internet banking app.

Head of BNZ online Rogan Clarke said the launch of an iPhone-only app had neglected a large proportion of its customer base using Android smart devices, and that an Android-specific app was something the bank had been contemplating.

BNZ’s website saw 1313% growth in visits from Android devices in the 12 months to June 2011, with about 10,000 visits over one month, the bank said.

Globally, more than 100 million Android powered devices were in use according to Google’s blog in May. with Google vice president of engineering Andy Rubin tweeting in June that 500,000 were activated daily.

Mr Clarke said the app had been in development for about eight weeks, with the first live transaction performed yesterday.

He said there had been initial issues with security involving malware on the Android marketplace but that BNZ was now confident the application’s security wrapping was the same as that of other apps on offer.

This security wrapping includes a two-step authentication process involving a username and password, and a Netcard, a physical card with a battleship-type code set-up, or a “something you know, something you have” approach, Mr Clarke said.

The bank also has a service manager who monitors the app online and would alert Google if fake BNZ apps were found, he said.

Fake internet banking apps had occurred in the Australian market, Mr Clarke said.

The app runs on Android version 2.1 and higher, and works well on both tablets and phones, the bank said.

BNZ project manager www, mobile and online Paul Bartlett said the bank was working on building other features for the app including being able to view account details such as credit card interest rates and next repayments.

60,000 logins in 4 weeks on using iPhone app

39% of BNZ mobile banking users in Auckland, 17% in Wellington, 13% in Canterbury, 6.8% in Waikato, 5.7% in Otago

40% of BNZ mobile banking users are between 27 and 39 years old, 32% between 18 and 26 years old, 20% between 40 and 55 years old and 3% between 56 and 63 years old.

500,000 Android devices activated globally daily, 100 million activated Android devices, 200,000 Android apps available, free and paid.

1313% growth in Android visits to bnz. co. nz in 12 months

NZD: Little prospect of an RBNZ Cut Next Week - BNZ

NZD: Little prospect of an RBNZ Cut Next Week - BNZ

01 Maret 2016 4:31 AM

Kymberly Martin, Senior Market Strategist at BNZ . sees little prospect of an RBNZ cut next week . though believe risks of a cut in the year ahead have risen.

“Continued dairy weakness combined with a resilient NZ TWI, global uncertainties and recent declines in NZ inflation expectations add weight to calls for a cut. By contrast, continued solidity in growth, housing and net migration indicators, suggests the current OCR may be sufficiently stimulatory. More time is needed to tell where the balance lies.

We think market pricing of a 25% probability of a cut next week is too high. But pricing is not sufficiently high that the Bank might feel compelled to cut for fear of an aggressive rebound in the currency if not delivered.

We still think that the market could price in up to 50bps of RBNZ rate cuts (even if not delivered), in coming weeks/months, from around 38bps currently. This could see NZ 2-year swap trade down toward its mid-2012 lows below 2.35%. At that time the OCR was at 2.50% and the market priced around 45bps of OCR cuts for the year ahead (though ultimately not delivered).”

Kymberly Martin, Senior Market Strategist at BNZ, sees little prospect of an RBNZ cut next week, though believe risks of a cut in the year ahead have risen.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

Новости Форекс Онлайн

Каждый, кто торгует на рынке Форекс, знает, что стоимость той или иной валюты зависит от множества факторов. Так, например, цена валюты зависит от макроэкономического положения страны, которой принадлежит эта денежная единица. Поэтому, чтобы трейдинг приносил прибыль, нужно постоянно просматривать экономические новости, а также уметь быстро разбираться в отчетах регуляторов.

Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».

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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.

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Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00

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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00

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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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NZD: Siap Untuk Diperdagangkan Dalam Kisaran - BNZ

Forexindo - Jason Wong, Ahli Strategi Mata Uang di BNZ, mencatat bahwa setelah jatuh tajam pada awal tahun, NZD telah menetap dalam perdagangan kisaran.

"Kenaikan terbaru dalam minat risiko dan penguatan Yuan - yang keduanya telah mendukung NZD - baik bisa membuktikan menjadi faktor temporer.

Keseimbangan risiko telah bergerak ke arah semakin melemahnya NZD, tapi di akhir tahun ini, bukan di awal. Kami melihat spread tingkat NZ-global akan semakin menyempit, harga komoditas terus menurun dan kami menduga sentimen negatif terhadap Cina akan kembali. Semua faktor ini akan NZD-negatif.

Tindakan dovish dari bank sentral global lainnya seperti BoJ dan ECB telah berperan untuk mendorong suku bunga global yang lebih rendah. Namun, dampak keseluruhan pada NZD telah menurun sampai RBNZ bergabung dengan kelompok ini, dengan kejutan pelonggaran bulan ini. RBNZ sepertinya akan melakukan pelonggaran tambahan dalam beberapa bulan mendatang. Memang, jika RBNZ serius memenuhi target inflasi, maka akan perlu untuk membawa tingkat kas di bawah 2%. Ini akan terus menekan turun spread tingkat NZ-global, dan NZD-negatif."

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Morning Forex Fundamental - Action Forex 11/20/2012 Irish TimesMorning Forex FundamentalAction ForexThe amount of cash Swiss commercial banks hold with nation's central bank rose slightly in the week to November 16, a sign that investors are getting less anxious over Eurozone's financial woes. Sight deposits of domestic banks jumped 0.4% to 292.700. Spanish Bad Loans rose to 10.7 percent of Bank PortfoliosOANDA Forex (blog)all 101 news articles »

MREITs Still Under Pressure - Forex Pros 11/20/2012 MREITs Still Under PressureForex ProsOf course back in September after this post on mREITs, we got numerous e-mails arguing that these are still superb investments that provide stable income and one should not be concerned about the leverage. Perhaps, but September. All CFDs (stocks. and more »

A. M. Mejor. Affirms Ratings of BNZ Life Insurance Limited

A. M. Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and the issuer credit rating of “a” of BNZ Life Insurance Limited (BNZ Life) (New Zealand). The outlook for both ratings remains stable.

The rating affirmations reflect BNZ Life’s favorable risk-adjusted capitalization and track record of consistently strong operating performance.

BNZ Life has a track record of strong and consistent operating results, reflected by a five-year average return on premium in excess of 30 percent. As an affiliated company of Bank of New Zealand Limited, BNZ Life has advantages over traditional insurers with regard to distribution costs.

BNZ Life is well-positioned at its current rating level. BNZ Life’s ratings could be downgraded if risk-adjusted capitalization falls below the company’s forecast provided to A. M. Best, as a result of higher-than-expected dividend payouts or a material deterioration in operating performance.

Ratings are communicated to rated entities prior to publication, and unless stated otherwise, the ratings were not amended subsequent to that communication.

This press release relates to rating(s) that have been published on A. M. Best’s website. For all rating information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see A. M. Best’s Recent Rating Activity web page.

A. M. Best is the world’s oldest and most authoritative insurance rating and information source. For more information, visit www. ambest. com.

Copyright y copia; 2016 by A. M. Best Company, Inc. and/or its affiliates. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

© Business Wire 2016

RBNZ tetes Bias pengetatan – BNZ

RBNZ telah menetapkan rintangan yang sangat tinggi sebelum merenungkan menaikkan suku bunga lagi, catatan Stephen Toplis, Kepala Riset BNZ.

“RBNZ memiliki, untuk semua maksud dan tujuan, mengatakan sedang ditahan di masa mendatang. Yang penting, ia telah menghilangkan frase” beberapa pengetatan kebijakan lebih lanjut akan diperlukan untuk menjaga inflasi rata-rata waktu dekat 2 persen target yang mid-point dan memastikan bahwa ekspansi ekonomi dapat dipertahankan “. Ini telah mencukupi dengan” A periode penilaian tetap sesuai sebelum mempertimbangkan penyesuaian kebijakan lebih lanjut “.

“Kami pikir ini diterjemahkan ke dalam komitmen yang sangat kuat untuk tidak menaikkan suku bunga lagi kecuali ada tanda-tanda jelas bahwa inflasi akan pergi melalui titik tengah dari band sasaran. Jika seseorang mengambil ini secara harfiah maka RBNZ yang baik tidak akan mendaki lagi sampai 2016 atau, pada kenyataannya, sama sekali. & # 8221;

“Kami benar-benar terkejut oleh bagaimana santai RBNZ adalah tentang tekanan inflasi ke depan, sesuai kita mendorong kembali kenaikan suku bunga pertama kami sampai Desember 2015 dan menurunkan puncak dalam siklus tingkat kami menjadi 4,25% (dari 4,5%). Dengan demikian, kita juga mengakui bahwa risiko terhadap proyeksi ini downside. & # 8221;

“Mungkin komentar yang paling penting bahwa Bank dibuat hari ini adalah bahwa” Pertumbuhan output diperkirakan akan moderat selama tahun-tahun mendatang, menuju tingkat yang lebih berkelanjutan “. Hal ini tidak hanya mencerminkan pandangan kami bahwa pertumbuhan PDB dekat memuncak (meskipun itu akan tetap kuat selama dua tahun atau) tetapi juga menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa RBNZ telah meningkatkan pandangannya ke mana tingkat pertumbuhan potensial Selandia Baru adalah. Oleh karena itu, hal itu akan kurang inflasi dari tingkat pertumbuhan yang sama daripada itu sebelumnya, membutuhkan, di mengubah, profil tingkat bunga yang lebih rendah. & # 8221;

“Kami tegaskan bahwa profil tingkat bunga kita sendiri masih sangat tergantung pada NZD jatuh dan jatuh cukup agresif. Kami tetap berpandangan bahwa ini akan menjadi katalis akhirnya untuk RBNZ untuk menarik pelatuk. Tidak mengherankan RBNZ hari ini menegaskan kembali pandangan bahwa percaya NZD untuk menjadi “dibenarkan dan tidak berkelanjutan” dan bahwa hal itu diperkirakan akan moderat selama tahun-tahun mendatang. & # 8221;

“Kami tidak akan terkejut jika RBNZ mengambil kesempatan untuk memberikan mata uang dorongan lain dalam waktu dekat mengingat bahwa lingkungan sudah matang untuk intervensi efektif mengingat kombinasi pernyataan RBNZ hari ini dan pernyataan Fed, yang sudah melihat NZD jatuh sen. & # 8220;

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PERINGATAN RESIKO. Perdagangan / trading valuta asing atau forex mempunyai tingkat keuntungan dan resiko yang relatif tinggi, investor tidak boleh mengabaikan segala kemungkinan atas keuntungan dan resiko yang dapat terjadi. Sebelum memtuuskan untuk berdagang, inversor harus hati-hati mempertimbangkan tujuan inverasia, tingkat pengalaman, dan resiko. Kemungkinan inversor dapat kehilangan sebagian atau seluruh inverosi awal, olear karena itu inversor tidak peru menginvestasikan dana yang tidak mampu de tanggung jika terjadi kehilangan dana tersebut. Apabila Investor memiliki keraguan untuk memulai perdagangan, lebih baik mencari lembaga edukasi / pelatihan yang menguasai bidang ini.

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Global Banking News-April 12, 2013--Central bank of New Zealand says deposit insurance could increase risk(C)2013 ENPublishing - http://www.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand today announced that Heartland Building Society has been registered as a bank in New Zealand, stated, the central bank.

An Entrust customer of six years, Bank of New Zealand now leverages the Entrust IdentityGuard authentication framework and software development kit (SDK) to deploy soft-token authentication in their line of mobile applications.

the leading provider of indispensable communications solutions to financial services firms, today announced that Bank of New Zealand has successfully upgraded all of their New Zealand trading floors with IPC IQMX Enterprise solutions.

uk Global Banking News - 15 March 2013 Fitch ratings has affirmed the ratings of major New Zealand banks, including Australia and New Zealand bank(NZE: ANZ), ASB Bank Limited, Bank of New Zealand Limited and Westpac New Zealand Limited.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand earthquake, in which 181 people died.

Reserve Bank of New Zealand governor Alan Bollard (in 2000) show these can be considerable.

12, the 5/29 low, for short-term support, and the high-yielding currency may continue to push higher over the near-term as investors speculate the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to put a floor on the interest rate.

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Moody's: New Zealand covered Bond Performance Stable in Q4 2015

Moody's says that the performance of New Zealand's covered bond programmes was stable during Q4 2015.

The stable performance was supported by New Zealand's stable Aaa sovereign rating, the strong and stable financial profiles of the issuers, and the stable credit quality of the cover pool assets, which mainly comprised residential mortgage loans.

The Covered Bond Anchor Points -- counterparty risk assessments -- for all New Zealand covered bond issuers are Aa2(cr) with a stable outlook.

The credit quality of the cover pool assets was stable. The average collateral score improved to 5.3% in Q4 2015 from 6.0% in Q3 2015, partially due to a more granular assessment of the cover pool assets, based on loan-by-loan data.

The weighted average current loan-to-value ratios (LTVs) of the residential mortgage loans in the cover pools ranged between 46.5% and 57.4%.

The programmes' average minimum over-collateralization (OC) level commensurate with a Aaa rating decreased to 2.0% from 2.4% in Q3 2015 for the five major issuers in the New Zealand covered bond market -- ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (ANZ NZ, Aa2(cr), Aa3/P-1, stable), ASB Bank Limited (ASB, Aa2(cr), Aa3/P-1, stable), Bank of New Zealand (BNZ, Aa2 (cr), Aa3/P-1, stable), Kiwibank Limited (Kiwibank, Aa2(cr), Aa3/P-1, stable), and Westpac New Zealand Limited (Westpac NZ, Aa2(cr), Aa3/P-1, stable).

Average committed OC levels fell slightly to 16.9% from 17.0% in Q3 2015, and higher than necessary for maintaining current ratings, with a simple average buffer of 14.9 percentage points.

The strong credit quality of all New Zealand covered bond programmes will continue in 2016, owing to the strong and stable financial standing of issuers and the strong and stable sovereign credit quality of New Zealand.

In Q4 2015, NZD2.4 billion in New Zealand covered bonds were issued.

The amount of outstanding New Zealand covered bonds as of the end of Q4 2015 was NZD15.1 billion.

Published: 2016-03-22 15:23:00

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These types of trades can be tempting especially when the 4 H Chart offers 100 Pips. But what I find is that targets of less than 100 Pips or 100 Pips exactly tend to be associated with weak setups and signals. So even though the 4 H had strong Bearish Signals, the Signal on the Daily Chart was weak. This usually leads to volatility and reversals on the lower time frames.

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China says economy improving, capital outflows cooling

Sunday, March 20th, 2016

By Kevin Yao BEIJING (Reuters) – China's economy is showing signs of improvement while capital outflows from the country are moderating, top Chinese officials said on Sunday, seeking to shore up fragile investor confidence after recent market volatility. Chinese leaders have repeatedly tried to reassure jittery financial markets and China's major trading partners that Beijing is able to manage the slowing economy, following a slide in the country's stock market and depreciation of the yuan. Recent data, until early March, including fixed-asset investment and employment, showed that the economy is improving, Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli told a high-level economic forum.

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Want to talk business? So do we.

Want to talk business? So do we.

Hi @Yvonne and thanks for asking. I run a small business based in the rural Manuwatu. I recently bought my business banking back to BNZ and I'd like to say your "Mymoney for business" is truly the best value business account out there. I recall you previously used to charge 50 cents to add/modify a payee in internet banking. I previously thought this was a bit expensive considering it's free at most other banks, but I note you appear to have done away with this charge making your account even better value.

I have no complaints at all about paying $5 per month for a business account, so there isn't much I can offer in terms of ways for you to improve the value further, except I ask BNZ to look at the forex fees on Visa debit and Visa/Mastercard credit cards. From memory, Kiwibank is 1.85% and yourselves sit (I think) around the 2.5% mark.

I think there could be some possibilities around bundling personal and business accounts and flat rate monthly charges. How about charging a little more per month and doing away with all the other charges? These could include: direct debit loads, other bank ATM, unauthorised O/D, Debit Visa replacement, cheque book. Your accounts are pretty good but I know there are a few fees which can still arise. Maybe even a gold package with no FX fees on Visa debit (like NAB offered some years back).

One minor moan I do have is being pushed life insurance (and similar) by the BNZ, but when I ask for a free month's trial of business internet banking, am told "we can't do that". To be honest I'd feel a lot more amenable listening to the bank's sales spiel if I got some slack with something I was interested in.

I note the context of your post appears to be more business in general but I'm thinking along the lines of what could the bank help with?

Re: Want to talk business? So do we.

Further to my last post, I have done a Google and notice that NAB has a new product called "NAB Gold" which falls under private banking (1).

This is not the product I was referring to. The new product seems to have a whole bunch of insurances included which are normally offered on premium credit cards, but in this case are offered with a gold coloured Visa debit card.

The original NAB Gold was available under regular (not private) banking, costs $10 per month and came with a bunch of really good stuff I have never seen a NZ bank offer like no FX charges on Visa transactions and free overseas ATM. The $10 per month fee was waived if $5,000+ per month was deposited into the account.

I'd certainly be willing to pay $10 per month to have an account like that but unfortunately this account was discontinued around the time I switched from ANZ (Australia) to NAB. I think BNZ should look at offering a premium option and I have offered some suggestions above how this could look.

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If you aren't using it for business, he.

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Keep in mind these are the views of fellow BNZ Community users, and not BNZ.

Membre depuis Nov 19, 2014 136 messages Duane Shepherd (DRFXTRADING) Mar 10 at 05:14

This Sharp Reversal on the USD JPY yesterday would have taken my Stop Loss had I traded it..

It was a tempting setup but there were some important reasons that caused this reversal and led me to avoid this one

These types of trades can be tempting especially when the 4 H Chart offers 100 Pips. But what I find is that targets of less than 100 Pips or 100 Pips exactly tend to be associated with weak setups and signals. So even though the 4 H had strong Bearish Signals, the Signal on the Daily Chart was weak. This usually leads to volatility and reversals on the lower time frames.

As you can see, the last Bearish Candle was fairly weak compared to those that normally lead to strong moves such as those that led to the strong downtrend on the left hand side of the chart.

Key is to always keep an eye on the Daily Chart despite how strong the signals on the 4 H Chart maybe.

Trade Less, Earn More

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

NZ Forex Brokers Helping People In Online Forex Trading With Calculated Risks

By Ryan Jessica

On February 18, 2012

Billions of dollars are floating in the foreign currency exchange market these days and it helps people in gaining profits in significant amounts. There are people who involve themselves in the forex trading systems so that there will be a lot of profits. But the foreign currency market is not always profitable because the fluctuations are quite high and people need to have a clear understanding of what they are doing.

In general, foreign exchange market doesn’t have any particular area from which the operations can be done. These are done entirely through the online systems or better known as FX brokers or trading platforms. These online websites serve as the platforms where the customers can access their accounts and therefore the role of FX brokers is quite important.

As in other parts of the world, the system of NZ forex brokers is also important for the functioning of different portals and the smooth operations of forex trading systems. Brokers are important because, first of all, they provide a platform for people to invest in different currency pairs as per their choices. People are required to open an account for their trading through which they can also keep an eye on the different changes that are occurring in their chosen pair of currencies.

Forex trading NZ is gradually picking up these days because it is giving good returns to the investors. People are coming out into the forex market in more numbers as they get the services of the NZ forex brokers where different facilities are also provided to help in the trading. People are interested in this particular field of investment because it helps them in achieving profits. But this is not quite easy if people are trying to work out the investments on their own.

To have a better return, the FX brokers are to be looked up to. In these portals, people get to have a number of analysis and advices regarding the online forex trading. By being conversant with the different factors affecting the forex market, people will be in a better position to predict the changes in the foreign currency values. This allows them to invest in the forex trading systems in a better way, so that the profits are more.

Millions of people are presently working on the forex trading online, not only in New Zealand but throughout the world. During the course of investment, there is also the facility to take a mock trial in forex market. By having these practice sessions, people will be in a better situation to carry out the process and this allows them to keep profits from maximum number of investments.

Although losses are a part and parcel of the investments, there will be a better return, if the trading platforms are forthcoming in providing benefits to their customers. To this end, nowadays, people are going for the signals and robots that are being added to the platforms. By such forex trading systems, people are able to make a better analysis of the different factors and this helps them in going into the forex trading NZ with greater confidence and risk taking attitude.

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На азиатской сессии в четверг пара доллар США/японская иена продолжала укрепляться благодаря покупкам импортеров для расчетов по коммерческим сделкам и институциональными инвесторами перед окончанием финансового года.

Пара достигала 112,85, а около 04.50 по Гринвичу стабилизировалась в районе 112,78. Вечером среды в Нью-Йорке она торговалась по 112,38.

Ранее на этой неделе доллар получил поддержку со стороны ряда оптимистичных заявлений руководителей ФРС, которые возродили предположения о повышении процентных ставок в США. В среду президент Федерального резервного банка Филадельфии Джеймс Буллард сказал, что повышение ставок в апреле по-прежнему возможно.

Тем не менее, пара не смогла испытать на прочность более высокие уровни, так как многие инвесторы не захотели делать крупных ставок, а закрывали текущие позиции в преддверии Пасхи.

"Доллар сохраняет силу, хотя и не получает поддержки со стороны фондового рынка Японии, сказал Марито Уэда из FX Prime b GMO. & Ndash; Но инвесторам сложно продвинуть его".

К середине дня индекс Nikkei Stock Average понизился на 0,4%.

"Хотя склонность доллара к снижению ощущается сильнее, чем ожидалось, пара вряд ли понизится за 110, но и выше 113 ей будет подняться трудно, - сказал Уэда. & Ndash; Поэтому инвесторы ждут новых ориентиров".

Пара евро/доллар США торговалась по 1,1170 против 1,1179 вечером среды, а евро/иена – по 125,94 против 125,63.

Индекс доллара WSJ, который отражает стоимость доллара США против корзины из других валют, вырос на 0,16%, до 87,93.

Австралийский доллар резко снизился в ходе торгов в Азии в четверг на фоне укрепления доллара США после ряда сигналов о том, что ФРС может вскоре повысить ставки.

По состоянию на 05.00 по Гринвичу пара австралийский доллар/доллар США торговалась по 0,7498 против 0,7622 в то же время в среду.

Доллар США укрепился после того, как президент ФРС-Сент-Луис Джеймс Буллард заявил, что апрельское повышение процентных ставок в США вполне вероятно, однако усомнился в эффективности политики "ориентиров", используемой Федеральной резервной системой.

В интервью Bloomberg Television Буллард сообщил, что "возможны аргументы в пользу повышения ключевой процентной ставки в апреле" при условии, что экономические данные по-прежнему будут соответствовать прогнозам центрального банка и не произойдет никаких неожиданностей.

"Мы собираемся реагировать на поступающие данные", чтобы выстроить денежно-кредитную политику, способную обеспечить достижение целевого уровня инфляции в 2% и восстановление экономики, сказал он.

Данные в период с декабря по март соответствовали ожиданиям ФРС, отметил Буллард, поэтому "повышение ставок в марте могло быть вполне оправданным шагом".

"Мы не стали этого делать (повышать ставки), поэтому теперь можем рассмотреть вероятность ужесточения денежно-кредитной политики в апреле, в зависимости от поступающих данных", - сказал президент ФРС-Сент-Луис.

Рост австралийского доллара, возможно, пока выдохся, сказал Роб Ренни, глава подразделения валютной стратегии в Westpac.

Препятствие на уровне 0,7600 доллара США “сейчас достаточно далеко”, заметил он.

“Мы прошли длинный путь за короткий период времени (+11% с января), и недавно пара достигла 8-месячного максимума 0,7680”, - добавил он.

Тем не менее, дальнейшее количественное смягчение со стороны ЕЦБ может поддерживать австралийский доллар.

В четверг новозеландский доллар снизился против доллара США . но отвоевал потерянные позиции против австралийского доллара.

Валютный стратег-аналитик BNZ Джейсон Вонг отметил, что на этой неделе доллар США поддержали оптимистичные заявления представителей Федеральной резервной системы, последним из которых стало заявление президента ФРС-Сент-Луис Джеймса Булларда.

"Этим утром Буллард дал интервью, в котором заявил о том, что следует рассмотреть возможность повышения ключевой процентной ставки в следующем месяце при условии выхода очередных сильных данных по занятости. Но буквально на прошлой неделе этот же самый человек не проголосовал за повышение ставки", - сказал Вонг.

В начале торгов в четверг пара новозеландский доллар/доллар США упала до 0,6685. "Это возвращает новозеландский доллар обратно к середине торгового диапазона, наблюдавшегося с начала февраля", - отметил Вонг.

По состоянию на 03.00 по Гринвичу пара торговалась по 0,6698 против 0,6741 в 02.30 по Гринвичу в среду.

После снижения против австралийского доллара в среду новозеландский доллар в четверг отвоевал потерянные позиции. По состоянию на 03.00 по Гринвичу пара новозеландский доллар/австралийский доллар торговалась по 0,8923 против 0,8836 в 02.30 по Гринвичу в среду.

"Пара новозеландский доллар/австралийский доллар снова торгуется выше отметки 0,8900 после падения до 0,8823 вчера вечером", - отметил Вонг. "Это, вероятно, было вызвано фиксацией прибыли по австралийскому доллару, а также падением цен на сырье", - добавил он.

Согласно опубликованным в четверг данным, положительное сальдо внешней торговли товарами Новой Зеландии в феврале составило 339 млн новозеландских долларов, хотя рынки прогнозировали, что положительное сальдо составит 90 млн новозеландских долларов.

По словам экономиста ASB Натана Пенни, эти данные никак не повлияли на прогноз ASB относительно изменения процентной ставки. "Мы ожидаем, что Резервный банк Новой Зеландии снизит официальную процентную ставку в июне и августе", - сказал он.

Экономист BNZ Крэйг Эберт отметил, что данные по внешней торговле включали реэкспорт нефтебуровой платформы, стоимостью в районе 267 млн новозеландских долларов. "Это стало причиной того, что экспорт товаров, составивший 4,25 млрд новозеландских долларов, превысил прогнозы, составлявшие 4,00 млрд новозеландских долларов. Поэтому в феврале положительное сальдо, в свою очередь, оказалось на уровне 339 млн новозеландских долларов, а не 90 млн новозеландских долларов, как ожидали рынки.", - сказал Эберт.

По его словам, если не учитывать реэкспорт нефтебуровой платформы, данные в целом совпали с ожиданиями. "Таким образом, данные были хорошими, а не отличными", - отметил Эберт.

Он добавил, что данные по внешней торговли подкрепляют мнение BNZ о том, что темпы роста ВВП Новой Зеландии, наблюдавшиеся в конце прошлого года, сохраняются в начале 2016 года.

В четверг китайский юань закрылся с понижением против доллара США после того, как Народный банк Китая установил более низкий срединный курс национальной валюты.

Пара доллар/юань закрылась по 6,5145 против уровня закрытия среды, составившего 6,4969.

Народный банк Китая установил срединный курс на уровне 6,5150 против 6,4936 в среду.

NZ data - January net migration: +6130 (prior +5510)

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On the other hand, unless you are a bank or substantial money related foundation, you will oblige the administrations of a dealer to have the capacity to exchange monetary standards. Fortunately, with an increment in the interest for FX Trading, there is a relating increment in the quantity of Forex specialists in the business. Be that as it may, with such a large number of representatives to browse, the issue confronting most potential Forex merchants is not how to exchange however how to choose a dependable intermediary to start exchanging with.

Sadly, not all representatives in the business are the same. You will need to discover a suitable facilitate that indulges your particular needs as a broker. What’s more, for a fact, this could be end up being the precarious part as not all specialists offer the same administrations or have the same charges and strategies. Slight contrasts in charges, for example, the pip spread will have a substantial effect on your benefits’ main concern. Truly, in the event that you wish to bring home the bacon as a Forex dealer, you have to concentrate on the businesses and not need to stress over faulty specialists. Subsequently, picking a dependable Forex cash exchanging agent ought to be one of the top needs you have to do before you even begin exchanging.

Not at all like stock merchants, coin exchanging dealers don’t charge an expense or commission, rather they have their bonus from the effect in the pip spread of the money pair when you exchange. Not at all like other budgetary markets, the coin business sector is not exchanged through a focal trade; the estimation of this spread is accordingly dictated by the representative you are utilizing. Most Forex representatives distribute live or postponed costs on their sites with the goal that dealers can hope to measure up spread contrasts and a few intermediaries even offer a variable pip spread.

Lamentably, numerous specialists out there are alluded to as “basin shops”. They don’t have your best enthusiasm for psyche and some have been known to change the spreads around further bolstering their good fortune. The main thing here is still to search for FX specialists with settled and low pip spreads paying little respect to how the business moves. Nz online trading

Best Forex broker online for those accomplished in this diversion, will clearly give careful consideration to this inquiry as they will as of now be effective in their own Fx specialty. Then again, those beginning, searching for the best forex intermediary ought to consider unheard of options when approaching this inquiry. Having the best forex specialist won’t the only one certification you achievement.

The vast majority seeking this inquiry term will be home business forex merchants, searching for an exceptionally appraised representative, or specialist organization with which to support them with their exchanging. In any case, in the event that you are beginning you ought to consider going hand in hand with your Forex representative with the accompanying instruments. Live exchanging. Accepting one-on-one preparation with an Account Service Manager via telephone or with an online talk framework will demonstrate important.

Feature Guides. Went with a basic manual for clarify specialized systems, exchanging tips, Fx glossary, graph perusing and money related pointers – these ought to address the peruse at eye level in a reasonable and straightforward way. Exchange Controller. Presently a fundamental are preparing apparatus. These will disclose how to open, alter and close open arrangements alongside how to utilize your Trade Controller and deal with your SMS cautions.

Have an inside viewer. Interesting to FX with just a couple of frameworks this visual exchanging instrument will issue you continuous patterns and exchanges of what others are exchanging. The most prevalent and productive cash sets and the total structure of these arrangements. These instruments basically are your best forex merchant. Clearly you will need to redesign your forex representative later on, however by utilizing the right framework you will find that these dealers will frequently work on the same stage which you’ve picked. Easy Forex is precisely this instrument. It gives your very own group individual MT4 Expert Advisors and a mechanized electronic exchanging framework with a large group of apparatuses no other Forex computerized programming bundle will coordinate. Nz online trading

Forex dealers don’t as a rule gain the tight FX spreads utilizing this system, most lose increases when they fence customer positions. This spread is useful in repaying the business sector producer from the time of your exchange to when the intermediary’s net presentation is supported. The Forex specialist’s net introduction when supported could be a completely diverse quality. Forex trading Nz

Since more individuals have been picking up benefit out of the forex market, more individuals are beginning to attempt their hands on it also. Consequently, the individuals who are wishing to make a profession out of this field ought to encompass themselves with apparatuses that they may use to guide their exchanges. The individuals who are as yet starting to take in the ropes of the forex business, for instance, will increase much advantage from utilizing a forex practice account.

A forex practice record will help you pick up all the preparation that you require keeping in mind the end goal to succeed in the forex market, without really putting your cash hanging in the balance. Truth be told, having a long time of involvement in the business will work for your profit. For this reasons, you ought to doubtlessly consider setting up a demo record you could call your own.

As a rule, a forex demo record will give you a chance to exchange virtual cash. This implies that you can keep your accounts in place while you are still during the time spent taking in the essential of exchanging outside coinage. Trust it or not, you will have the capacity to test out your speculation arrangements and your exchanging procedures without needing to place your genuine cash hanging in the balance.

Having a demo record is additionally a decent approach to test out all the abilities that you have gained from the distinctive forex assets that you have used to take in the ropes of the forex exchange. As it would turn out, there is no better approach to discover how compelling your strategies are other than in a reenacted forex environment. You would have the capacity to do exchanges as though you were truly exchanging the field, without needing to manage diverse dangers of losing your venture. Forex trading Nz

There is most likely apprentices will have much to pick up from setting up their own particular forex demo accounts. In return for a little measure of cash, one eventual ready to test out the diverse strategies that he plans to use on the genuine exchanges. Through them, merchants will have the capacity to figure out which exchanging systems to clutch and discover which ones they are in an ideal situation without. Nz online trading

Pacific Financial Derivatives Ltd.

PO Box 10041, Dominion Road,

Auckland 1446, New Zealand

Business Phone: +64 9 6320121/142/100

Pacific Financial Derivatives ltd. is the best online Forex broker firm. As we all know that Forex trading has become so much popular in today’s world. Forex Trade of FX which is also known as Foreign Exchange is the larget financial market of the world. The average amount of transaction is around 4 trillion US Dollars a day which is a very huge number. In Foreign Exchange Currencies are being trade with the help of some broker firm or by individuals. The normal trade which used to be done in the FX is known by Spot Trade means while making the purchase or selling of any country currencies settlement has been done on the spot. We also know it by the name of Cash Trade. Pacific Financial Derivatives Ltd which is also known as PFD is the best online forex brokers a firm situated in New Zealand and experts in Forex Trading New Zealand which is also known as FX Trading Nz . The company use funds of clients safely and provide FX leverage up to 300:1. Doing Quality trade and best utilization of money is the main motto for them. Proper details have been mention on thier website so that if any one is looking for investment but want himself to be satisfied then he can easily get all the details form the website. With the help of PFD one can Trade FX’S and CFDs in a single account and for this they can get all the require help from the organisation. Client can get proper control and support for their investment here. In FX Trade NZ trade are made electronically. In Forex Trade Bid and Ask terms are used to denote prices. Bid price is the price on which anyone use to sell currency and Ask price is the price on which anyone use to buy currency. Difference between Ask Price and bid Price used to be referred as Spread.

PFD provides a good number of quality services to client. Like In PFD you can get yourself registered with the help of demo account and see how it works. You can download the set up from the website which is very user-friendly. Also an Individual can Sign UP and start the procedure although it online sign up is available for individuals. A proper step has been given on the website so that individual should not face any difficulties during sign up. For the companies who are looking to start trade through PFD needs to go through paper mode applications. Fluctuation are very common in Forex market so to make sure that invested money is safe it is very important to trade through trusted and authorised companies who can provide you the best Trade Services. Here you can choose a leverage ratio as well. PFD is a member of Financial Service Provider Register, FSP 28944 and Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR Scheme), New Zealand which also makes ogranisation a trusted one. PFD also provides you proper details on their website so that you can make comparison between this company and other major brokers. Making the payment for your trade account is also very easy with PFD as they provides a good number of payment methods through which individual or company can made the payment for the first time or for the top up. Before making the payment proper precautions are also been given on the website so that so that there should be no issues after making the payment. If you want to withdraw the amount then also it is very easy as you just need to fill a form given on the website of PFD.

Pacific Financial derivatives ltd. Which is also known as PFD is a one of the leading companies in New Zealand which helpls people in online trading through Forex trade market. They are the best Forex online brokers to do trade in FX Trading NZ (Forex Trading New Zealand).Forex trade market is world’s fastest growing market in the world where all transactions used to be done by phone or electronic medium. Here in Forex Trade which is also known as FX currencies are used to be trade means if a person sitting in US who has dollars and want to to trading from the people of UK who have pounds then he used to make the payment which is equilivent to Pound according to the purchase through forex trade. Theirs are a good number of companies who help people in doing trade through forex trade out of which Pacific Financial Derivatives ltd. Is the best one. The company was authorized as an introducing authorized broker with the NZ Futures. PFD offers high quality brokerage services. PFD provides a regular support of 24 hours to his clients which starts from 10 am according to New Zealand to 10 am again according to New Zealand timings although timings may very according to other countries. It makes the company best in the market as people who are investing their money can get proper responses at any time apart from weekend. The Prices which are used in FX market are basically affected by international trade and flows however up to some level it is also affected by economic conditions like inflation. Company used to take care of all the changes which are going on in the market during trade so that they can give best services to their clients at best prices. Once can also become Introducing broker or IB to and give reference clients to the company but he should have proper authorisation to do the same. To become an Introducing broker company or people have to sign up with the company either online or through an application form mentions on their website.

Pacific Financial Derivatives are trusted brokers who have very transparent policies. It is a New Zealand registered Company which is controlled by Japanese Investors. On their website all the details are clearly mention so that before making an investment through the company anyone can get all the details related to the company online itself. If investors have any doubts then there is a team of experienced professionals who are always ready to give instant solutions. You can open an online account through PFD for which all the guidelines has been given on the website. Anyone who is willing to start trade with the help of company can download the set up which is available in PDF format on the website. PFD provides Forex and CFD solutions to its clients across the globe. As FX trade in pairs so accordingly PFD offers a good number of pairs for trade. Company offers pairs in PFDTRADER(MT4) of which details are available on website. If anyone is looking for the demo trading accounts then also he can do the same with the help of PFDT trader. While investing money everyone want to make sure that his money is safe and will get profit on his investment for which they requires a trusted organisation which can help in utilizing their money at right place and in right manner So. PFD is the best option for them.

PO Box 10041, Dominion Road,

Auckland 1446, New Zealand

Business Phone: +64 9 6320121/142/100

Online Trading has become very popular in these days specially Forex trading New Zealand which also known as FX trading NZ has become the largest market in the world. Here two countries used to make trading of the currency according to their requirements. It used to be open for the whole day so that trading can be done at any time. People use to purchase the products by giving the currency according to the other countries currency. For example people sitting in U. S want to purchase product from the France then Now in U. S dollar is the currency which is being used and Euro in France so in this case people sitting in the U. S have to pay according to the EURO to the person from which he is purchasing the product. Which can be done by Foreign Exchange which is also known as FX? Currency used to be trade in pairs like EUR/USD which is the most popular pair in FX trade. Some of the other important pairs are USD/JPY (Dollar/Japanese Yarn), GBP/USD (British Pound/dollar) or USD/CHF (dollar/swill franc).

Foreign trade have average daily turnover of 4 trillion US Dollars which is a big amount. People used to hire broker to do trade on their behalf and they use to give him commission accordingly. Here one more benefit is for the people who used to hire brokers for the as Brokers offers a important facility to people which is called forex leverage through which people can make trade with more amount then they have in their account. This helps brokers to get better commission as if the trade has been done on a large amount then accordingly the fees will be higher.

Two type of price terms are used in FX trade. One is ask price and 2nd is bid price. The price on which you can buy a currency is called Ask price and the price on which you can sell a currency is called bid price. Basically there are 3 kinds of markets in the FX trade market which are Spot, forwards and future markets. Basically when people speak about the FX market then it means that they are speaking about the spot market only. In spot market people used to purchase and sold currencies according to the current price where in the forwards and future market they deals in contracts on a specific price per unit with future settlement date. It also helps you to make money as well according to currency trade you can purchase the currency of other country when it has a comparatively less value and then sell it when it has higher value. You just need to have good knowledge of this market and have to be patience to earn money through FX trading . In this currencies used to be representing by currency rate on which currencies used to be trade. PIP is an important term in FX trade which stands for “percentage in point “which is the smallest increment of trade. The most common PIP which is available is 0.0001.As we all know that in this market trade is not done by any central market so possibilities are much hire that rates of brokers are not exactly same at the same time. As it runs 24 hours a day so investors can quickly work on the currency fluctuations whenever it occurs. Making money is not that much easy so while making the currency trade one needs to make sure that he should have proper knowledge of the FX Trading Nz market and also he needs to take care of fluctuations and should take the decision accordingly. During fluctuations he needs to make sure that he is taking the right decision so that money should not be waited but he should purchase or sold the currencies at the right time.

Are you looking for a best forex broker online? There is FX Trading NZ that excels in best in class and highly reliable brokerage services and solutions. You can get various large trading platforms with them in order to trade in spot metals, CFDs, spot foreign exchange, spot oil, commodities and many others. Also, you can deal small as well as large market participants located all across the globe. They have an excellent blend of advanced trading technology and execution of trading in a hassle free manner. Apart from that, they provide an exceptional customer service. They are available 24/7 to redress issues and grievances of customers with the help of highly experienced professionals of trading.

Best forex broker online caters all the needs of every individual customer in terms of high end performance. They establish a personal approach towards each client for better delivery of trading and forex services. They basically trade in the products that are stable extensively in the market. Since, FX Trading NZ has turned into a powerhouse of innovative and customized financial services, more and more investors coming internationally, approach them for investing and other financial purposes. Moreover, you are strongly recommended to trade with best forex broker online as they proffer many additional advantages as:

Client’s funds are safe and isolated completely.

Pricing is market driven as well as most competitive.

There is complete transparency acquired when it comes to execution of quality ensured trading.

Hence, feel free to contact them.

PO Box 10041, Dominion Road,

Auckland 1446, New Zealand

Business Phone: +64 9 6320121/142/100

Pacific Financial Derivates (PFD) NZ Forex Broker Review

©2016 All rights reserved. Terms of use: By viewing and/or using the information within this site you agree that this is general education material and you will not hold ForexBeginning. com responsible for loss or damages resulting from the content provided here by ForexBeginning. com. Forex, futures, options, and trading in general have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a HIGH LEVEL OF RISK, and may not be suitable for all investors. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos con el fin de invertir en los mercados de divisas, futuros y opciones. Do NOT trade with money you cannot afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell futures, currencies, options or any other financial instruments. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. The past performance of any trading system or methodology does not necessarily indicate future results.

New Zealand Dollar

New Zealand Dollar Binary Option Trading News

Kiwi Gains against Euro Overnight

February 5, 2013 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

EUR/NZD Forex Pair

Following data published regarding the Eurozone’s debt crisis, forex traders’ concern regarding the situation led the kiwi to soar versus the euro. The European single currency dropped from a two-year high against the USD. The NZD jumped to 62.59 euro cents, up from 62.03 euro cents at 17:00 yesterday in Wellington. The local currency was trading at 84.46 US cents, an increase from 84.55 cents.

News was released that Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy accepted a bribery for his resignation, and Silvio Berlusconi closed the gap on Pier Luigi Bersani. The euro took a bearish turn after this media report. Meanwhile, local New Zealand traders anxiously await important scheduled economic events including labour cost data today and key jobs data on Thursday.

Binary options economists explain that it was not unexpected that the kiwi would advance, as the euro has been overvalued. The labour cost figures today will give insight regarding wage inflation and will perhaps give clues as to what could be expected from Thursday’s employment data. The NZD will most likely trade in the range of 84.25 to 84.60 US cents today.

The New Zealand economy is predicted to stay strong amid the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s difficult monetary policies as well as the global fiscal conditions which continue to support the kiwi.

AUD/NZD Forex Pair

During yesterday’s trading session, the kiwi dipped from 81.10 Australian cents to 80.88 Australian cents. The 81.10 level was its highest in 2 years. Binary option traders will be focusing on the Reserve Bank of Australia’s meeting today in which they will review interest rates. The bank is forecasted to maintain the cash rate as it is at present, at 3 per cent, or 50 basis points more than the official cash rate of New Zealand. However, it is possible that the central bank will indicate the time at which a future rate cut may be in the coming months.

Yesterday the New Zealand dollar slid from 78.40 yen to 77.95 yen, and from 53.85 British pence to 53.56 British pence. The trade-weighted index did not change much, staying at 76.15.

NZD/USD Forex Pair

There is a possibility that the NZD/USD forex binary option will fall slightly in the near future. For the meantime, however, the currency pair will probably continue to surge.

Friday’s trading session saw the highest level in 5 and a half years for the NZD index. This was mostly as a result of the kiwi’s increasing bullishness versus the greenback and the Aussie. Forex consultants claim that the NZD/USD is overvalued, unlike the AUD/NZD. The strong kiwi is putting downward pressure on the export-oriented New Zealand economy.

Binary options traders should make a point to follow the news closely, as there are several important financial events coming up which will influence their trading choices. Some of these events include today’s labor cost data and Thursday’s employment data. It remains to be seen if the New Zealand dollar will continue its bullish performance against the euro.

High New Zealand Dollar Forex rates Hurt Local Businesses

January 28, 2013 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

NZD in Binary Options Trading

Today is a regional holiday in New Zealand, Anniversary Day. Binary options traders have several important financial events to follow this week, namely the nonfarm payroll release on Friday and the FOMC meeting. This week’s OCR by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand put downward pressure on the kiwi. Binary options investors should make sure to watch out for the RBNZ meeting this Thursday. New Zealand’s central bank will most likely maintain the current official cash rate of 2.50 per cent. The services index drop from November to December did not change the economic growth outlook, but it did display a local economic slump.

The EUR/NZD jumped 0.24% to the 1.6093 level, and the NZD/JPY forex binary option tumbled 0.04% to the 76.16 level.

NZD/USD Forex Pair

The NZD/USD currency pair was boosted last week on strong Chinese and U. S. economic data. The forex pair was volatile last week, but closed the week’s session just below the 0.8370 level. The NZD/USD has mostly been remaining around the 0.8400 level since the start of the New Year. The HSBC announced last week that the China Flash PMI advanced to 51.9 in December, the highest point in twenty-four months, up from November’s 51.5 level. This had a great effect on the kiwi, as New Zealand’s second largest trading partner is China.

Although there was a public holiday today in Auckland, the kiwi still declined versus the greenback during today’s Asian trading session. The NZD/USD forex binary option slid 0.26% to 0.8362 on Monday. The forex pair will most likely find support at 0.8353, which was the lowest level on Friday, and resistance will most likely be at Thursday’s highest level of 0.8445.

Binary options experts predict that the NZD/USD might be in for some bearish behaviour ahead. This is as New Zealand political parties such as Labor, New Zealand First, Mana and Green are meant to hold hearings and discuss the strong kiwi, which is hurting New Zealand’s exporters.

The above-mentioned political parties maintain that due to the strong dollar, New Zealand’s manufacturing sector has cut 40,000 jobs. Economies which rely on export struggle when their local currencies surge too high, as they in turn profit less. Therefore, some New Zealand politicians mentioned that they would prefer the NZD/USD currency pair to fall to the 75 price level, which has not been reached since 2012’s second quarter. The strength of the kiwi poses a real threat to some businesses. Although the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has been concentrating more on inflation, perhaps the bank will support the manufacturing executives and take needed measures to weaken the NZD.

AUD/NZD Forex Pair

Friday night saw a substantial advance of the NZD/AUD pair, which reached its highest point since October of last year. Since today is the Australia Day holiday, trading is expected to be quieter for the Aussie prior to tomorrow’s release of the NAB business survey.

People who are serious about becoming successful binary options traders should make it a point to follow the mentioned financial events closely this week.

Kiwi to Gain off RBA Meeting

January 23, 2013 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Binary options trading appeals to many, because the average Joe can trade the exciting new financial instrument. There is no need to be a millionaire, but you do have the chance of becoming a millionaire! There’s also no need to be a financial expert, but you can become one by trading and learning the markets, or you can use the help of your broker’s financial experts who will give you guidance and teach you how to analyse the markets.

We suggest you keep it simple; Start out by sticking to one or two currency pairs. Choose your local currency so that it will be easier for you to follow. Try trading the AUD/NZD or NZD/USD forex binary options, for example. As you become more experienced, you will feel more comfortable moving on to other forex pairs.

As you gain confidence with time, you will be able to determine which type of trading suits you better; whether you enjoy the rush of 60 Second options, or whether you prefer to execute long-term trades. One of the great things about trading binary options is that you have so many different possibilities at your fingertips.

An important piece of advice that we can offer you without hesitation is that you must stay informed of market news. You have come to the right place to begin with. Here you can read the news about the New Zealand dollar. By doing this, you will have a better idea of which direction the currency will move in, and you will know whether to select Call or Put options for your various binary option trades.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

This afternoon, Auckland time, the kiwi was climbing. Binary options analysts anticipated that it would gain further later in the day. The NZD jumped to US$0.8409, which was an increase from yesterday’s US$0.8360.

It seems as though the Reserve Bank of Australia will decide to cut rates at the next meeting it holds, which will mean good news for the New Zealand dollar.

AUD/NZD Forex Pair

Australian CPI figures are set to be released today. Binary options economists predict that the core measure of inflation will rise. If so, then the Aussie will most likely advance this afternoon, and the kiwi will probably advance right along with it.

NZD/USD Forex Pair

The greenback gained overnight, but there was not much news to support the kiwi. The NZD/USD binary option was staying at the 84 price level.

Important Upcoming Events

In order to stay ahead of the game and benefit from binary options trading, it is crucial to keep an eye on market events. Tomorrow there will be important data released from China regarding the HSBC PMI. Traders will be concentrating on U. S. lawmakers, since the debt ceiling will most likely be raised. Although a recovery for the current U. S. financial situation is in the works, traders are still concerned. Keep a look out for important events this week in order to make trades based on knowledgeable predictions rather than blind guesses.

NZD/USD Starts the New Year off High

January 1, 2013 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Many exciting opportunities are at hand as we ring in the New Year. It is customary to look over the past year of one’s life and contemplate what was accomplished and mistakes that were made, to notice where there is room for improvement and what goals can be set for the New Year. This can be applied to binary options trading as well. It is no less important, because investing can be a big part of your life and can have an effect on other areas of your life as well. Just as is it is crucial to be aware of how you behave in situations such as relationships or work, it is also critical to be aware of how you behave when trading binary options.

Therefore, we suggest you to take some time to review your last trading year. What kind of trades did you make? Which assets did you choose to trade on? Which factors led you to make those choices? What profits did you make? How might you improve?

There are many different ways to go about trading. You might be more comfortable with fundamental analysis, for example, rather than technical analysis, or vice versa. Some strategies might suit you more than others. You may prefer particular charts when predicting market trends. Your preferences may work for you, but it can’t hurt to reevaluate your methods. That way can you be sure that you are working to your full potential and that you are not missing out on an alternative method that might work even better for you. This is the best time to set trading goals for yourself to start the New Year off well.

One thing that every binary options analyst will agree on is that it is necessary to be up-to-date on the news. Current events, whether political, economic or financial, significantly affect the markets, and having knowledge of the market news will help you make informed trading decisions. In this section of our website we provide you with the latest news regarding the New Zealand dollar. Make sure to check this section every week so that you will be able to keep an eye on the performance of the NZD.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The NZD/USD forex binary options ended the year on a high note, with an increase of 44 pips, bringing the currency pair to the trading level of 0.8242. The forex pair was supported by positive news from China; the Chinese PMI reported higher than forecast at 51.50, which is stronger than it has been in months. New Zealand relies heavily on its trade with China. The USD has been very volatile, prior to the budget deal and in reaction to public comments and press. It remains to be seen whether the New Zealand dollar will rise or fall once the market reopens on Wednesday, following the New Year’s holiday. Get ready to open your trades as soon as the market opens.

We would like to wish all of our readers a happy, healthy New Year, full of successful trading!

Kiwi Gains against Yen Following Japanese Election

December 18, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

In order to become a successful binary options trader, you will need to do a bit of research before executing your trades. Don’t worry – you don’t need to rush to your local library to take out any books. You simply need to keep yourself updated on current economic events. To know whether a particular binary option requires a “Call” or a “Put”, you will need to be able to predict what direction the price of the option will move in. And to do that, you will need to follow the performance of the specific asset you are trading on. Keep reading for news regarding the New Zealand dollar. We also suggest that you trade on a platform which provides you with daily, weekly and monthly market news.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The Japanese elections were held on December 16 th. Promising further monetary stimulus, Japan’s leading opposition party regained its power. This led the New Zealand dollar to rise versus the Japanese yen. The Reserve Bank of Australia reduced interest rates recently, which resulted in a booming AUD. The NZD/JPY binary option reached its highest point in four years against its Japanese counterpart, as traders expected the Bank of Japan to become increasingly pressured to expand policy easing very soon. The kiwi bought 70.91 yen.

The Reserve Bank of Australia mentioned fears regarding the global growth outlook. However, there were no clues provided as to whether there would be a policy ease again next year. The New Zealand Central Bank, on the other hand, has announced that with inflationary pressures abounding, it will most likely call for an increase.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is pushing to find better solutions to beat deflation. In response to the pressure coming from Shinzo Abe, the Bank of Japan will ease monetary policy as soon as this week. They are also meant to adopt a 2 percent inflation target by January.

The kiwi advanced by 0.3 percent to 70.88 yen. The NZD/USD forex binary option dropped 0.2 percent, hitting 84.50 U. S. cents. Towards the end of last week’s trading session, however, the NZD nearly reached a 15-month high of $0.8477. The NZD climbed a whopping 6.3 percent this year. This was in fact the largest increase of currencies from the 10 developed nations, monitored by the Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Indexes. The AUD, in contrast, only jumped 0.5 percent. The USD dipped 3.1 percent, and the yen dropped 12 percent.

There seems to be some progress made in regards to discussions about the looming U. S. fiscal cliff. This helped bring risk-appetite to the markets. Binary options analysts advise that United States, the world’s largest economy, may fall into recession due to going over the fiscal cliff. This news has supported the AUD/USD forex pair, which hit $1.0542.

The New Zealand government announced that a budget surplus in 2014/15 would be lower than forecasted, at $66 million. Binary option traders anticipate an increase in the kiwi’s bullishness. However, not all traders are feeling confident enough to buy into the kiwi. Binary options economists predict that the kiwi may tumble towards the $0.8360 level if the gross domestic product data on Thursday will be weaker than forecasted.

Kiwi Reaches 5-Week High against Aussie Currency Peer

December 11, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

In this section, we will discuss the current events surrounding the New Zealand dollar. As we always suggest to our readers, you should make it a point to stay focused on your own national currency, as this will be the easiest one for you to follow. Read up on global economic events as well and familiarize yourself with the performance of the kiwi’s currency peers as well, but become an expert on your domestic currency.

We make it easy for you by providing you with weekly news about the NZD. Do not stop there, however; Make sure that you choose a binary options trading platform wisely, like ones seen here. How do you do this? It’s simple: Select a platform that offers you the best features, is user-friendly, and provides you with market news. It’s best if your binary options broker provides you with daily, weekly and monthly market news. This will help you stay up-to-date and it will give you the ability to make informed trading decisions to increase your chances of earning high returns. Keep reading for news regarding the kiwi.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The NZD hit the 83.55 level, its highest since September 28th, and then subsequently gained 0.1 per cent, bringing it to 83.54 U. S. cents. The kiwi’s value did not change much in respect to the yen, hitting 68.77 yen. The AUD dropped to NZ$1.2535, which was the lowest point since November 5 th. It then jumped slightly to NZ$1.2548, which was 0.1 per cent lower than its value at the close of the trading session yesterday.

Based on economic data which was recently published by New Zealand, it seems as though the Reserve Bank of New Zealand will keep interest rates as they are at present and maintain its neutral bias.

According to the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand, housing prices have advanced by 7.3 per cent in November from the previous year. Electronic cards transactions climbed 0.5 per cent from October, when it had gained 0.4 per cent. Core spending rose 1 per cent, which was the most significant advance in seven months.

New Zealand’s two-year swap rate signifies what traders expect the interest rate to be. It remained virtually the same, at 2.713 per cent.

Economists at the Bank of New Zealand expect that the Fed will announce another plan for asset-purchase, which would keep the greenback low and give support to the kiwi and the aussie.

It is likely that the Federal Reserve may further monetary stimulus beginning today. If this would indeed take effect, it would probably cripple the greenback. As traders have been expecting this to happen, many nations’ currencies have been climbing against the USD.

Following a rise in New Zealand housing prices last month, the kiwi was at its strongest point in five weeks versus its Australian counterpart. Housing prices are at their fastest annual pace in five years. Card spending has jumped as well.

After business confidence in Australia dipped to its lowest point since 2009, the aussie fell against all of its 16 main currency peers.

Kiwi Rises against Greenback, Falls against Aussie

December 4, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

We here at binaryoptions. co. nz realize that people choose to trade binary options for two main reasons: It’s easy to do, and you can gain high returns. A mistake that many binary options traders make, however, is in thinking that trading binary options is so easy that they don’t need to do any research about the industry or the markets. That is not the right way to go about trading. Which is why, by checking out our site and by reading this article, you’re already one step ahead – it shows us that you’re serious, as you are doing the extra work to make sure you will become a successful trader. In this regard, you have already actively increased your chances of earning substantial profits, even before placing any trades.

Another way to help your chances is by staying in your comfort zone, or, in this case, trading on your own domestic currency. Much like the advice offered to writers, “Write what you know,” we’re offering you this advice: Trade what you know. As a New Zealander, it will most likely be more convenient for you to stay up to date on the events surrounding your own currency which you are directly affected by every day.

Keep reading to find out the latest news regarding the New Zealand dollar. Be sure to stay informed of the current market events before you place any trades.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates to 3 per cent, down 25 basis points. Following this cut, the NZD climbed against the USD, but dropped against the AUD today. After trading at the US82.11c level this morning, the kiwi subsequently jumped to US82.21c. From a morning hit of 78.74 Australian cents, the NZD subsequently dipped to A78.69c. The New Zealand currency slid down from 73.33 to 73.30 on the Trade Weighted Index against its main currency peers.

Economists explain that the Aussie was able to soar due to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s rate cuts, which were completely expected by the market. The announcement arrived after official data illustrated that Australian building approvals decreased much more than had been expected in October, falling a 7.6% following the previous month’s 9.5% climb. Financial analysts had predicted that October would see a 2% fall regarding building approvals.

There are many important financial events coming up which binary options traders should look out for. Some of the upcoming events include data releases of Spanish employment figures, PMI numbers from the United Kingdom, as well as Australian employment figures and the New Zealand cash rate announcement which will be on Thursday. Most New Zealand traders are eagerly awaiting Thursday.

The Kiwi traded at 67.53 Japanese yen, which was higher than its earlier value of 67.49 yen. The NZD was at 62.94 euro cents, which was lower than its earlier level of 63.88. The New Zealand currency advanced from 51 pence this morning to 51.06 pence. Economists predict that it will trade between US82.50c and US82.50c overnight, with a bias towards the downside.

The Kiwi Drops against the Greenback Today

November 20, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Binary options are quickly becoming the most popular financial instruments to trade today. There are several reasons for this, one reason being that the risk is lower than other forms of financial trading and the returns can be high. People also like trading binary options because both the execution of the trades and the results are speedy. The trading is done easily online, so you can even trade while you’re in your pajamas at home!

As exciting as binary options can be, the thrill comes from the prospect of making quick money. That’s where we come in – to offer some advice regarding selecting a proper binary options broker, to ensure that it is more likely for you to gain substantial profits.

When choosing which binary options platform to trade with, it is important to check that the platform is straightforward and user-friendly. For beginner traders, you should also make sure that the broker provides you with an e-book, in order to familiarize yourself with the binary options industry. Don’t forget to choose a binary options website that provides you with market news as well. A news section is a crucial feature you should look for, as being informed of the latest economic news will help you trade successfully. Stay up-to-date on financial current events, and your chances of gaining higher profits will increase. Become an expert on the New Zealand dollar in particular, since this is your domestic currency. Keep reading for news regarding the performance of the kiwi.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

There was low risk-appetite after ratings agency Moody’s downgraded France, and growth outlook regarding the Eurozone’s 2 nd largest economy is falling. Since Standard & Poor’s cut France’s credit rating in January, markets were not shocked by Moody’s cut.

Traders had been waiting for a Eurozone finance ministers’ meeting later today. The meeting was in Brussels, and the topic of discussion was Greece’s financial situation, in particular whether Greece will be able to receive its next instalment of bailout funds.

Meanwhile, the Reserve Bank of Australia implied that it might further cut interest rates next month, claiming that further easing might be called for.

Another important event scheduled for Tuesday is the US’s release of official data regarding building permits and housing starts. Additionally, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was scheduled to speak at an event in New York.

Following France’s credit rating being cut by ratings agency Moody’s, the NZD slid against the USD today. The NZD/USD binary option hit 0.8171 during late Asian trade, and then subsequently tumbled 0.32%, consolidating at 0.8173.

The NZD fell against the Aussie today; the AUD/NZD forex pair jumped 0.24% to 1.2725, a comeback from its overnight losses.

Some information to keep in mind while placing your trades today is the following: Australian shares climbed 0.6% today; Asian stocks are soaring for the third day in a row; Hong Kong is up 0.8%; Japanese shares increased slightly by 0.06%.

The Kiwi Slid against the Greenback Today After a Tight Session of Binary Options Trades

November 13, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Trading binary options is a unique activity in that it suits beginner and experienced traders alike. People with no knowledge of the financial world and who are not accustomed to trading can easily learn how to trade binary options, unlike some other financial trading instruments. Advanced traders can also enjoy trading, because they can use their knowledge of the markets to help them and there is always room to learn new strategies. It is important for both new and old traders to have guidance from an expert financial adviser. You should definitely make sure to choose a platform that provides you with a professional account manager to teach you if you need teaching, and to discuss strategies with you for your various specific trades.

The binary options industry offers four different asset types to choose from; Forex, stocks, commodities and indices. No matter which asset you would like to choose, you should read up on what is currently occurring in the markets, and you should keep informed of global economic news. In particular, you should consider concentrating on your own region’s economy and domestic currency performance, as it is always easier to keep a closer eye on what is happening right next to you. Keep reading to find out news that directly affects the New Zealand dollar today.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The NZD/USD currency pair performed bearishly last week, dropping from 0.8307 to 0.8120. This morning the NZD was at 73.22 on the Trade Weighted Index against its leading currency peers, and later today it jumped to 73.30. Tomorrow at 10:45 AM New Zealand time there will be important New Zealand data released regarding retail spending. This event is important for binary options traders since the outcome will influence whether a rate cut will be likely to occur after recent weak employment data. Overnight markets will focus on the consumer price index data which will be published from the UK, as well as on German economic data.

During a tight trading session today, the kiwi fell against the USD. The NZD hit US81.87c earlier today and subsequently dipped to US81.65c. The greenback is continuing with its bullish behavior against most of its currency peers as markets have lost their risk-appetite and are gearing more towards safe havens, namely the USD and JPY. Since it was a bank holiday on Monday, there was not a heavy trading volume yesterday in the US. The kiwi found support due to positive economic data from China. Economists predict that the kiwi will trade overnight between US81.90c and US80.90c, leaning more to the downside.

For the last couple of days, the AUD/NZD forex binary option has been staying around the 1.2750 level. At the close of Monday’s trading session, the currency pair remained basically the same at 1.2750 after fluctuating between 1.2735 and 1.2780. The NZD traded earlier today at 78.36 Australian cents, followed by a later hit of A78.43c.

NZD Climbs after RBA Announcement to Maintain Current Interest Rates

November 6, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

This week is an important one for New Zealanders looking to trade their domestic currency, as the Reserve Bank of Australia has made its decision today regarding interest rates. The RBA announced that interest rates will not be cut and will rather stay unchanged at 3.25%, unlike binary options traders’ predictions that the rate would be cut to 3.00%. After this news, the kiwi jumped late Tuesday. The NZD is not expected to go far beyond its current range, however, ahead of the upcoming US presidential elections.

As always, we strongly recommend our readers to keep a look out for important financial events, so as to be fully updated and increase your chances of gaining high returns on your binary options trades. When choosing your binary options broker, go for one that provides you with a detailed financial calendar of events, as well as daily, weekly and monthly market news. Make sure that the financial calendar is extensive and explains a bit about each event as well, so that you will understand what you are looking at.

Furthermore, as many of our readers live in New Zealand or Australia, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with market news regarding the NZD and the AUD in particular, as it will be easier for you to keep up with events surrounding your own national currency.

Keep reading below for news regarding the NZD.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

Binary options economists explain that the RBA’s decision disappointed traders who anticipated a cut, and a cut is not predicted in the near future. Although the NZD has risen following this news, it will most likely be capped, as there are many other factors at play, including crucial market events. These events include the US. Presidential election, of course, as well as China’s Party Congress and meetings of the Bank of England and the European Central Bank. Regarding the US election, there is a chance that the vote may be prolonged, which would cause a problem for the various markets.

On Tuesday at 04:23 GMT the kiwi was buying at the US$0.8268 level, up from the US$0.8258 level late Monday. The NZD/USD hit the 0.8275 level during European morning trade, which was the forex binary option’s highest point since November 2.

Yesterday’s positive Chinese data helped support the NZD, and New Zealanders anticipate further data from China depicting strong results. The nearing US election is making binary options investors less willing to take risks. Another event which will prove influential to the markets is Greece’s parliamentary vote on Wednesday regarding new austerity measures necessary for Athens to continue receiving international aid.

The AUD/NZD forex binary option has jumped a bit today, as traders have been selling the kiwi and buying the Aussie. The Reserve Bank of Australia rate allowed the Aussie to further distance itself from the kiwi’s 1.2530 support zone. Today the NZD was buying at 0.7928 AUD, down from late Monday’s 0.7971 on late Monday.

The Kiwi Rises Amidst Hurricane Sandy

October 30, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Although the U. S. stock market is currently closed due to Hurricane Sandy, binary options traders still have other asset types to trade on today. Aside from European or Asian stocks, or commodities, they can trade forex binary options, more specifically the NZD. It is a very exciting time for forex trading, as the market is especially volatile today and can bring great opportunity. That works out well for our readers, as most of you are New Zealanders who are probably the most informed on current events in your own country and therefore more likely to wish to trade on your own currency.

In this section, we provide you with market news regarding New Zealand and the NZD, to help you stay up-to-date and able to make educated decisions when executing your binary options trades. In addition to reading the news here, it is important that you choose to trade with a binary options broker who provides you with their own market news, as the more knowledgeable you are of the market, the better your chances of successful trading are. It is advisable that your binary options broker include a detailed financial calendar of events as well.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The kiwi climbed against the USD today, while traders were distracted by Hurricane Sandy roaring along the east coast of the U. S. Binary options economists claim that the NZD is very stable today, in contrast to the AUD.

Binary options experts advise that if the BOJ does not take decisive easing action to combat the JPY’s strength, the kiwi may stop rising against the JPY. However, the pair is likely to climb again after not much time, as a result of weakened Japanese economic growth.

Traders currently anticipate the statement about potential easing from the Bank of Japan today, and they await the end of the U. S. storm. Other influential scheduled events include a decision regarding Greece’s budget extension, as well as payrolls and ISM manufacturing data from the U. S. later this week.

The kiwi did not wake up on the right side of the bed on Monday, as binary options traders showed a lack of risk appetite. Some binary options economists deemed the NZD/USD forex binary option pair as virtually untradeable yesterday, as it was not a very mobile day for the currency pair. They claimed that if it would close at 0.83 at the end of the day, the forex pair will be a more interesting trade.

This morning saw a hit of 81.87 U. S. cents for the NZD/USD, and a subsequent rise to the 81.97 level. Economists predict that the kiwi will trade between 81.70 US cents and 82.50 overnight.

The AUD/NZD stayed at almost the same level for the week yesterday, back to the same level it was at a month ago. This morning the NZD/AUD traded at 79.24 Australian cents, and subsequently hit 79.30.

Keep all of this information in mind while making your binary options trading decisions today.

Traders Await RBZD Review after Kiwi’s Tumble Last Week

October 24, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Binary option trading is arguably the easiest form of financial trading around. We’re here to make it even simpler for you. That’s why we provide you with weekly market news, including important data and events that are happening in the market at large and especially in New Zealand and Australia specifically. We mainly focus on New Zealand and Australia, as our readers are usually the most up-to-date with current events in these regions and prefer to trade their own currencies. It is extremely important to remain informed of market news, as the news will affect the binary options trades that you make and the knowledge will greatly increase your chances of gaining high profits and becoming a successful trader. A piece of advice from us is to make sure that your binary options broker has daily, weekly and monthly market news on their trading website as well, since this will be a great help to you while trading.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The NZD performed weakly last week, so much so that New Zealand inflation slumped to the lowest points in the last 13 years. Markets priced in a higher chance of an interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, which led the kiwi to tumble.

The new Governor Wheeler of the RBZD is scheduled for his first Official Cash Rate review. Although everyone in New Zealand seems to be waiting for this review, binary options economists do not anticipate a change. We are mainly waiting for the statement to find out how the RBZD is coping with the bearish global market, the stable NZD, and slower inflation indicators and domestic growth, all while credit growth and reheating prices are increasing.

It is most likely that things will go smoothly and that the NZD will jump. However, it is still important to keep a look out for certain events this week, such as official quarterly Gross Domestic Progress data which indicates change in the inflation-adjusted value of all goods and services produced by the economy.

The trading session on Monday saw little movement for the NZD/USD forex binary option pair, which was hovering just above the 0.81508 level. As a result, it is probably best to avoid NZD/USD trades right now, as we do not see much change for it in the near future. It seems as though the pair will rise after it forms a base, however. There is not much point trading this pair until it breaks above the 0.8225 level.

Monday saw optimistic market sentiment after the results of Spanish regional elections which showed support for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s austerity policies.

On Tuesday, the kiwi was lower against the USD, but traders continue to hope for Spain’s official bailout request. The NZD/USD forex currency pair hit the day’s low point of 0.8159 during European morning trade, and then fell 0.24% and consolidated at 0.8157.

The AUD/NZD forex binary option pair seems to be continuing bullishly. The market consolidated after breaking above 200-SMA (Simple Moving Average) and remained above the 1.26 level. Although the bullish momentum seems to be calming down, binary options economists do expect a bullish continuation this week.

New Zealand Dollar Gains on Positive Growth Data

September 20, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

Binary options trading can be very profitable when executed in the correct way. Traders are advised to research binary options brokers before trading on a specific platform. Each binary options broker offers different features and benefits. Make sure to check out our updated reviews of brokers recommended for New Zealand traders. We rate each platform based on user friendliness, selection of assets and expiry times, level of customer service and more. In addition to these considerations, it is important to find a broker who provides resources such as market news or a binary options guide. In this section, we provide the latest economic news for New Zealand and the NZD currency so you can become a knowledgeable and successful trader.

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The New Zealand dollar gained 40 pips earlier today, reaching the .8303 level after positive domestic economic news. Data has shown that New Zealand growth has doubled its forecasted numbers for the second quarter. Below you will find the latest updates on the NZD/USD and AUD/NZD binary forex pairs to help advise you in this week’s binary options trading.

Last week, this binary forex pair was bullish in reaction to the weakened U. S dollar. The USD might weaken even further on potential Federal Reserve action. The pair reached the .8220 level, its highest in five months.

The USD declined by .4% after the Bank of Japan announced their monetary easing program yesterday. Today, the U. S dollar started off the trading session on a strong note.

The NZD/USD pair is slightly bearish, currently trading at .8300 and hovering between the .80 and .82 levels with little action. The market is searching for support around .82. The pair has climbed quickly in the past few days, so this resting period is not out of the ordinary. However, any sudden action could shake this vulnerable pair. The currency option is forecasted at the .8200 level for the end of the year.

The AUD/NZD currency pair declined significantly in the past week, hitting a 2 month low.

The Aussie is trading at 1.0388 today, a decline of .8%. This fall occurred after weak Chinese manufacturing data, as China is Australia’s largest export market. The Kiwi is currently trading higher than the Aussie and today the forex pair erased all of its previous gains.

Look out for today’s data releases in Australia, including the Financial Stability Review from the Reserve Bank of Australia and the CB Leading Index data from the Conference Board.

Today’s Financial Events

Many binary options brokers provide a financial calendar in order to help traders keep track of important economic events and market indicators. Today’s important financial events for New Zealand include the Visitor Arrivals data release, which measures the strength of the tourism industry. Tourism accounts for an important portion of New Zealand’s GDP. Also look out for the release of Credit Card Spending data from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand today. This data will provide a picture of consumer confidence and level of financial security among New Zealanders.

NZD Rises on Weak USD

September 13, 2012 – New Zealand Binary Options Trading News

NZD in Binary Options Trading

The New Zealand dollar is a popular currency among binary options traders and forex traders alike. Many investors enjoy trading the AUD/NZD and AUD/USD forex pairs among a larger selection of assets in binary options trading. It is recommended to find a binary options broker who offers updated daily market news and lists important financial events in order to help you make the most educated decisions about how to trade these specific forex pairs.

Many New Zealand traders prefer binary options brokers who offer the New Zealand dollar as a trading currency because they are more knowledgeable about New Zealand economic news. For example, there is positive market sentiment regarding the Kiwi today following yesterday’s optimism in the Euro Zone. Many binary options traders will be placing Put actions on the NZD/USD forex pair in today’s trades. Read more news about today’s global financial events and specifically about the New Zealand economy below.

NZD/USD Forex Pair Bullish

The NZD/USD pair is currently trading at .8220, having been affected by today’s weak U. S dollar ahead of the FOMC meeting. The FOMC is expected to release details about the updated policy statement. This level, the highest in 5 months, is mostly unchanged from

the end of yesterday’s trading session. Keep on the lookout to see if this bullish trend continues.

AUD/NZD Forex Pair Declines

Earlier in the week, the AUD/NZD binary options currency pair fell to a 2 month low and was hovering between the 1.2756 and 1.2781 levels. Today, this forex pair has not changed significantly, standing between 1.2740 and 1.2785 levels.

Today’s Financial Events

The NZD is strong today based on the combination of the weakened USD, positive Euro

Zone sentiment and optimism from China. The Chinese Premier made it clear yesterday that they will meet their economic goals for 2012, instilling confidence that they will continue trading with New Zealand. New Zealand’s economy is dependent upon trade with China.

New Zealand’s current interest rates are at a record low and the government has made a statement that this level may continue through the middle of the year 2013. The official cash rate now stands at 2.5%.

There are important data reports being released from New Zealand today, including the

interest rate decision, RBNZ rate statement and the RBNZ monetary policy statement. Look out for the results of these announcements and how they will affect New Zealand’s economy before you place your binary options trades. For more details about these events, feel free to check out the financial calendar. Here you can see the specific GMT time the report will be released, which organization is responsible for the release and what that event means for you as a binary options trader.

Always make sure to check out New Zealand news regarding the New Zealand Dollar and current economic affairs. Many binary options brokers send daily or weekly market news updates straight to their registered traders by email. Other binary brokers post financial news on their site or blog. This is an important consideration when choosing the right binary options broker for you, as market events will directly affect your trades.

Trading NZD/USD with binary options

NZD Business New Zealand Manufacturing Index – This is a survey of manufacturers that asks the respondents to rate the relative level of business conditions such as employment, prices and inventories. The result will determine the strength of the New Zealand Dollar over the next 2 trading days. Therefore, start opening your NZD positions as soon as possible.

NZD/USD prices fell hard on Friday, as was predicted. Binary options allows simplified currency trading and prices falling breaking Thursday’s low’s was a strong signal and this pair fell hard as a result. The 0.81 support line was well below and it looks like we are going to continue to test it at this point. At the same time there would appear to be plenty of support in that price range. Because of this, do not expect to place put options this pair at this point. Actually call options on this pair would be the smart move, but only if you see the right support levels. If not, wait and look for a daily close below the lower 0.80 and start placing your put options.

The New Zealand dollar can expect a rather light week in terms of trading indicators so technical fundamentals will play a bigger role.

Recently released reports of manufacturing sales in New Zealand were published on Tuesday as was a rather large number in comparison to other recent updates. New Zealand as a whole can expect to enjoy another quarter of economic growth in volume of manufactures sales after experiencing 0.7% and 0.9% growth previously.

The overseas trade index which came out on Thursday is an indicator that has proven extremely recevant for New Zealand. This number correlates directly with purchase power. In the previous two quarters this number was positive totaling a rise of 11.6% in that period. We can expect to see another quarter of growth however this time a bit most modestly at around 2.2% to 2.8%.

NZD/USD Technical Analysis

The New Zealand dollar traded against the US Dollar last week at a recent low of 0.0.7963 before recovering. After a struggling with the 0.8000 line, Friday’s move sent it temporarily below 0.84, before closing just above 0.84 peaking around 0.8500 .

The NZD/USD pair is now trading somewhat stubbornly at around 0.8400 and should peak this week at around 0.8600 once again. Anything below 0.8400 should be a warning sign for traders and if this pairs price starts to dip below 0.8300 it should be watched closely.

Below, 0.8200, that was a swing low in mid-July and also held NZD/USD in February is the next support line. Lower, 0.7100 has historicly worked as support back in September of last year and was a pivotal line in July. The final line for now is the year-to-date high of 0.8651.

Looking up, 0.8533 capped the pair during August and serves as the next resistance line if 0.84 is cleared. This is followed by the 0.8334 region, which capped the pair when it traded higher.

I would keep one finger on the pulse of this currency as time moves on and certainly would expect it to continue to dip after Fridays trading.

NZ dollar weakens as data once again shows no growth in U. S. job market

The value of the New Zealand Dollar fell more than two thirds of a cent against the USD after pivotal August non-farm payrolls reports shows that U. S. economic growth is little to none. This news prompted investors to abandon high risk high reward assets in favor of government bonds and the classic trader safe haven, Gold.

This recent drop of the New Zealand dollar first brought trading to 84.30 against the US Dollar, as it later fell even further to 72.67 on the influence of major trading partner’s currencies.

The uncertainty of global equities and their markets moving forward after this month’s non-farm payroll reports shifted markets in to full “risk-off” on Friday just after the newly released employment data showed that the prediction of 60,000 made by a Bloomberg poll was well off its mark.

This negative swing saw risk sensitive currencies such as the kiwi and Australian dollar’s fall as investors ran for the so called “safe haven assets.

“It was a rough close to last week for global markets and hence the New Zealand dollar. The cap on the New Zealand dollar should continue to be lowered in the early part of this week given the developments on the US employment front.” said Alex Sinton, one of the senior dealers at ANZ New Zealand

In recent weeks and months the New Zealand dollar traded against the AUD at high at 79.49 up from an already high 79.38. The NZD fell even harder all the way from 59.64 against the Euro last week to a low of 52.15.

The fears that have developed over Europe’s debt crisis strengthened with news of the Italian finance minister Giulio Tremoti confirming that his country’s pledge to keeping good on the newly passed austerity package after the European central bank stepped in and pressured the right wing government for action.

Keep close eyes on the New Zealand dollar this week as it should trade against the US Dollar between 84.20 and 85.00 with the strong possibility of prices slipping further.

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ASIC cancels AFSL license of China-focused retail forex broker NZ Global

A just released announcement from the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) sees the Australian financial service licence (AFSL) of LSG Group Pty Ltd. formerly known as NZ Global Financial Trading Pty Ltd, Easy Capital Global Pty Ltd and AIFA Global Pty Ltd (ACN 154 582 242) (LSG) canceled. The cancellation of the AFSL has been effective since September 30th, 2015.

LSG held AFSL 418008 with authorizations to provide financial product advice, deal in a financial product and make a market in derivatives products to retail and wholesale clients.

LSG ran two websites – www. nzgft. com. au (Australian website) and www. nzgft. com (Chinese website).

Following a hearing, the ASIC Delegate found that LSG Group Pty Ltd…

Had repeatedly failed to comply with the conditions on its licence and financial services laws, including failing to lodge financial statements, auditors reports, significant breach reports, and to notify ASIC of changes of control of the licensee or lodge a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) in use notice. Breaches of licence obligations and financial services laws occurred over an extended period between 2013, 2014 and 2015 under both the current and former ownership and management of LSG. Remedial action was taken only after ASIC intervened and notably in each case, such action was not immediate and often took many months to occur.

Made misleading or deceptive representations on its Australian website and its Financial Services Guide and PDS concerning products it offered, including a “ Guaranteed Capital with Bonus Scheme Plan ” and a “ Cash Dividend Plan “.

Made misleading or deceptive representations on its Chinese website including:

An announcement and further statement promoting the “ Guaranteed Capital with Bonus Scheme ” Plan.

A promotion titled “ Win Double Profit for Expert Advisors Real Account. Expert Advisors masters can get $1 million US dollar “.

Failed to do all things necessary to conduct financial services in an efficient, honest and fair manner in relation to a deposit of US$100,000 received from an overseas client.

ASIC has the power to suspend or cancel an AFSL where the licensee fails to comply with the condition on its licence or breaches a financial services law.

“Licensees will not be absolved of their obligations, including those relating to previous or ongoing breaches by a change in control or ownership. Any prospective new owners and managers should ensure they conduct adequate due diligence before acquiring a licence and assume responsibility of the licensees obligations,” commented ASIC Commissioner Mr. Greg Tanzer.

“It is vital that AFSL holders comply with their reporting requirements to ensure that creditors and investors who use financial reports, have the proper information to make informed decisions.” & # 8211; ASIC Commissioner Greg Tanzer.

Investors can check if a company or individual is licensed by searching ASICs professional registers .

For more information on this case, see the official release by clicking here .

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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.

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Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00

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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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