Monday, November 21, 2016

Forex Dbfx

Revisión DBFX

Revisión DBFX


NOo Plataforma web

Sin tarjeta de crédito o Paypal

Cuando encontré DBFX por primera vez, inmediatamente me sorprendí por lo que parecía ser una intermediación seria y establecida. Su sitio está bien organizado y su oferta es bastante amplia. El sitio está disponible en tres idiomas: árabe, chino e inglés, que es un número relativamente pequeño de idiomas en comparación con otros corredores.

Lo que es más atractivo de DBFX es, por supuesto, el hecho de que están respaldados por Deutsche Bank, lo que les da mucha flexibilidad cuando se trata de liquidez. Su plataforma y toda la infraestructura es propiedad y mantenido por Deutsche Bank. El proceso de registro de DBFX es fácil y directo, pero su proceso de depósito es un gran inconveniente. El único método de pago disponible es transferencia bancaria o cheques en línea. No admiten el Paypal muy básico y el método de pago de tarjeta de crédito aún más estándar.

Una vez que consiga depositar su dinero, el proceso de retiro es transparente y toma 2-5 días laborales. Su plataforma es fácil de usar e incluye todas las características estándar del mercado, incluyendo pérdidas de parada, historial de transacciones, gráficos y gráficos detallados y precisos, así como la capacidad para comerciar con materias primas. La plataforma de DBFX se puede descargar a la PC del comerciante e incluye la gestión integrada de riesgos y el mantenimiento de cuentas. No ofrecen una plataforma de comercio basada en la Web, lo cual será problemático para muchos operadores de Forex que no están interesados ​​en descargar una plataforma a su PC.

Por supuesto, la información de mercado en tiempo real disponible en su plataforma es suministrada por Deutsche Bank, lo que la hace extremadamente precisa y precisa. En términos de la negociación real, que ofrecen un impresionante 34 pares en una baja propagación de tan bajo como 2 pips. Además, DBFX le ofrece una cuenta de demostración gratuita, que por supuesto es una herramienta muy útil para conocer su entorno comercial antes de arriesgar dinero real. Sin embargo, la mayor desventaja de DBFX es la falta de una mini cuenta. No apoyan posiciones con menos de un depósito mínimo de $ 5,000. Esta es una característica muy faltante, ya que muchos comerciantes no quieren saltar y abrir posiciones tan grandes antes de que hayan intercambiado pequeñas sumas de dinero. Su apalancamiento tampoco era suficientemente competitivo. Ofrecen un apalancamiento máximo de 100: 1, mientras que muchos corredores ahora ofrecen hasta un apalancamiento de 400: 1. Por no decir que un mayor apalancamiento siempre funciona en beneficio del comerciante, pero la mayoría de la gente quiere esa opción y con DBFX, está ausente. DBFX invierte muchos recursos en su soporte al cliente.

Ofrecen muchas formas de comunicación, incluyendo un chat en tiempo real con sus representantes, que resultó ser una herramienta muy útil y fácil de usar, ya que eran muy receptivos a mis preguntas. Además, puede ponerse en contacto con ellos por teléfono o correo electrónico y esperar una respuesta rápida. También puede conocer su servicio usando una vista previa del producto muy fácil de usar en su sitio. La presentación que ofrecen es muy útil y le guía a través del proceso de negociación con su plataforma.

Además de la vista previa del producto, ofrecen una guía de usuario muy detallada, que es un documento largo e informativo, que cubre todas y cada una de las preguntas que pueda tener sobre su servicio. Entre el servicio de atención al cliente, la vista previa del producto y la guía del usuario, está seguro de obtener la información que necesita de su sitio antes de negociar. DBFX se basa en el Reino Unido, FSA regulado, respaldado y propiedad de Deutsche Bank, y tiene una larga lista de premios anteriores, por lo que en términos de fiabilidad, no debería preocuparse.

Sin embargo, entre el depósito mínimo de $ 5,000, el apalancamiento máximo de 100: 1, la falta de una plataforma basada en la Web y lo más importante, la imposibilidad de pagar usando Paypal o tarjeta de crédito, DBFX es un corredor para un tipo muy específico y exclusivo Del comerciante de la divisa.

Algunos mensajes de error

Gracias. Su información nos ha sido enviada correctamente. Nosotros atenderemos su solicitud lo antes posible.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

FX al por menor

Al utilizar este sitio web, se considera que ha leído y aceptado los siguientes términos y condiciones:

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© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

El fin de dbFX & # 8211; Un análisis

DbFX era la plataforma de divisas en línea del margen de Deutsche Bank para las personas que operaban entre mayo de 2006 y mayo de 2011. Aunque Deutsche Bank no explicó la razón de cerrar el servicio, se cree que no atrajeron el número de clientes que esperaban en Un entorno regulador cada vez más difícil para el banco. La lista de clientes fue vendida a Gain Capital y los clientes existentes fueron dirigidos al servicio de venta al por menor forex. com de Gain al cierre del negocio.

DbFX anunció el cierre en su sitio web diciendo "Queremos informarles que a partir del viernes 13 de mayo de 2011, Deutsche Bank dejará de ofrecer dbFX, su plataforma de transacción de divisas en línea para particulares e instituciones pequeñas. DbFX ha hecho arreglos que permitirán Clientes existentes para abrir una cuenta con FOREX. com ".


Historia [editar]

DbFX fue lanzado en mayo de 2006 en respuesta al creciente mercado global de divisas y el aumento de la demanda de los clientes para un acceso simplificado a los productos del mercado de capitales. [1] Inicialmente ofrecido a clientes de toda Europa, las Américas y Asia Pacífico, dbFX se convirtió más tarde en el primer banco de inversión internacional en ofrecer servicios de divisas minoristas en línea a Oriente Medio en octubre de 2007. [2]

El 21 de abril de 2011, Deutsche Bank dijo que saldría del comercio al por menor de comercio de divisas y anunció que la base de datos del cliente dbFX se vendería a Gain Capital y los clientes serán transferidos a la marca de venta al por menor de Gain forex. com. [3] Esto fue terminado y el negocio fue cerrado el 17 de mayo de 2011. Aunque el Deutsche Bank no entró en muchos detalles para explicar por qué estaba cerrando el negocio, es probable que no lograron atraer el número de clientes minoristas Ellos habían esperado. Esto fue en un momento en que las regulaciones de comercio de divisas en los EE. UU. y en otros lugares fueron cada vez más estrictas, lo que puede haber sido visto como un riesgo para su negocio mayorista de divisas. En el momento del cierre, Deutsche Bank era el mayor comerciante mayorista de divisas por cuota de mercado en el mundo [4], pero el servicio minorista fue proporcionado por un tercero en virtud de un acuerdo de etiqueta blanca y por lo tanto no utilizar los precios y la infraestructura de su Negocio de forex al por mayor, lo que probablemente contribuyó a su fracaso.

Servicios [editar]

DbFX ofreció servicios de negociación de divisas en línea a comerciantes autodirigidos, administradores de dinero, fondos de cobertura e instituciones financieras a través de su software de plataforma de negociación.

También se ofreció un programa de broker introductor para aquellos que buscan introducir cuentas autodirigidas y administradas a dbFX.

Plataforma de comercio [editar]

La plataforma de negociación dbFX fue suministrada bajo un acuerdo de etiqueta blanca de FXCM y estaba disponible en siete idiomas: inglés, chino, árabe, alemán, español, francés y ruso. Las características incluyen gráficos integrados, cobertura sin restricciones FIFO, diferentes tipos de pedido, resumen de cuenta en tiempo real y presentación de informes las 24 horas.

Referencias [editar]

Enlaces externos [editar]

Original cortesía de Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/DBFX & mdash; Por favor, apoye Wikipedia. Esta página utiliza el contenido de Creative Commons Licensed de Wikipedia. Una parte de los ingresos de la publicidad en Digplanet va a apoyar Wikipedia.

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

INVERSIÓN Los comerciantes de divisas de Oriente Medio tratan fuertemente de dbFX

Los operadores de divisas de Oriente Medio han estado negociando fuertemente en el par de divisas Euro / Dólar durante los dos primeros trimestres de 2008, según las últimas cifras de dbFX, la plataforma de operaciones en línea del Deutsche Bank, un banco de inversión global.

Informe del personal 29 de julio de 2008

Dubai: Los operadores de divisas de Oriente Medio han estado negociando fuertemente en el par de divisas euro-dólar durante los dos primeros trimestres de 2008, según las últimas cifras de dbFX, la plataforma de divisas en línea de Deutsche Bank.

El par de divisas euro-dólar representó casi el 37 por ciento de todo el volumen de divisas negociado a través de dbFX en el primer trimestre del año.

Se redujo ligeramente al 34 por ciento de todos los volúmenes de divisas en el segundo trimestre, ya que los inversores siguieron comprando el euro, mientras que el dólar se devaluó más frente a la moneda europea.

Esto se compara con una cifra global de volumen de todas las regiones del 36 por ciento para los dos primeros trimestres del par de monedas euro-dólar.

El segundo par de divisas más popular de los comerciantes de divisas de Oriente Medio durante el primer trimestre de 2008 fue el dólar-yen, que representó el 24 por ciento de todos los volúmenes regionales.

El segundo trimestre estuvo marcado por los comerciantes que compraron el par de libras esterlinas, con el 28 por ciento de los volúmenes del trimestre, que sólo representaron el siete por ciento de los volúmenes de negociación durante el primer trimestre.

El par de divisas esterlina-yen fue tercero durante el primer trimestre para el Medio Oriente, con el 17 por ciento de todos los volúmenes. Se movió a la cuarta colocación durante el segundo trimestre del año, con los comerciantes de la divisa que ponen el acoplamiento de la moneda del dólar-yen en tercer lugar con el 28 por ciento de volúmenes para el cuarto.

Estamos viendo cada vez más inversionistas en el Medio Oriente ingresando a los mercados de divisas a medida que las perspectivas de crecimiento de los mercados globales de acciones y bonos disminuyen. Forex ofrece a los inversores los medios para diversificar sus carteras, ya que se ha probado que la divisa tiene baja correlación con los rendimientos de los bonos y los mercados de acciones, Betsy Waters, Director Global de dbFX para Deutsche Bank, dijo en un comunicado el lunes.

Los más populares en Negocios

Nuevas historias en los negocios


Los últimos corredores de Forex

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

Forexbrokerz sitio web utiliza cookies. Al continuar navegando por el sitio, usted está aceptando nuestro uso de cookies. Lea nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Descripción de la compañía

DbFX & # 1110 & # 1109 & # 1072n servicio de intercambio de divisas en línea proporcionado b & # 1091 Deutsche Bank AG. Y & # 959 & # 965 & # 1089 & # 1072n comercio w & # 1110a Deutsche Bank, el & # 1077 preeminente proveedor & # 959f liquidez & # 1110n & # 1077;

Deutsche Bank AG & # 1110 & # 1109 un participante principal & # 1110n & # 1077 mercados de divisas del mundo. El volumen de transacciones fiduciarias diarias de FX y los mercados de valores de los países de Oriente Medio, los Estados Unidos y los países de Europa Central y Oriental. Th & # 1077 mayoría & # 959f th & # 1077 actividad & # 1110 & # 1109 centró & # 959n th & # 1077 principales monedas & # 959f th & # 1077 planeta, th & # 1077 dólar estadounidense, euro, yen japonés, y # 1072nd libra británica. Th & # 1077 negociaciones de pares de Euro / dólar de los EEUU & # 1072t un mayor volumen diario de comercio nocional th & # 1072n & # 1077 N & # 1077w Bolsa de Valores de York. DbFX permite a los clientes realizar transacciones con más de 1077 pares de divisas principales y 1077 pares de divisas más insignificantes, y un total de 34 pares de divisas.

Th & # 1077 mercados de divisas y # 1072r & # 1077 de-centralizado, ofreciendo diferentes niveles & 959f acceso t & # 959 varios participantes del mercado. En el nivel más bajo y # 1072r & # 1077 individuos m & # 1072k & # 1110ng pequeñas transacciones personales, tales & # 1072 & # 1109 aquellos que visitan países extranjeros. Y un 1110 & # 1110r acceso & # 1110 & # 1109 a través de varios intermediarios, & # 1072 & # 1072 & # 1109 un resultado, & # 1077 & # 1091 tienden t & # 959 recibir transacciones f & # 959r de precios menos favorables. Las corporaciones tienden a tener un acceso mejor y un mejor precio, y el acceso al mercado de Th & # 1077 a través de un banco. Los bancos pequeños operan a través de los bancos. Los bancos negocian a través de cada uno de los mejores precios. Los bancos negocian a través de cada uno de los mejores precios. Deutsche Bank AG & # 1110 & # 1109 & # 1077 N & # 959.1 Banco & # 1110n & # 1077 mercado de divisas. * Wh & # 1077n & # 1091 & # 959 & # 965 comercio a través de dbFX, & # 1091 & # 959 & # 965 reciben un acceso privilegiado al mercado de divisas de T & # 959 & # 1077; DbFX & # 1110 & # 1109 & # 1072 & # 1109 cerrar # 959 & # 1077 el mercado interbancario & # 1072 & # 1109 un comerciante individual & # 1089 & # 1072n b & # 1077.

DbFX proporciona servicios de intercambio de divisas en línea de t & # 959 individuos alrededor del planeta # 1077. H & # 1072 & # 957 & # 1077 acceso en línea de 24 horas t & # 959 & # 1077 mercados de divisas a través de la plataforma de negociación # 1077 dbFX. Los mercados de divisas operan activamente y de manera continua en un día de domingo a viernes por la noche, ofreciendo oportunidades ilimitadas para que el mercado se mueva activamente. Los clientes de Deutsche Bank AG h & # 1072 & # 957 & # 1077 th & # 1077 beneficios & # 959f trading & # 959n citas de streaming. DbFX provee spreads competitivos en 959m 1.7 pips bajo condiciones normales de mercado y # 1072d acceso al mercado w & # 1110th th & # 1077 pico de nivel & # 959f apoyo al cliente.

Página principal & # 959f Forex broker: dbFX. com

Información comercial

DbFX Plataforma de negociación B & # 1091 DBFX Deutsche Bank

Inicio Introducción

Se estima que $ 5,4 billones de dólares se negocian diariamente en el mercado Forex *; Por lo que es el mayor mercado del mundo.

Este mercado en evolución no sólo representa un mayor potencial de beneficios, sino que también ofrece a los inversores una mayor previsibilidad y oportunidades de diversificación más amplias que cualquier otro mercado financiero.

En los últimos años, Forex ha dejado de ser un mero componente de las cestas tradicionales de inversión y convertirse en una clase por su cuenta. Todo esto ha sido posible gracias a un conocimiento operacional superior ya las tecnologías de comercio de vanguardia que proporcionan a los inversores sofisticados las condiciones ideales para crear riqueza y asegurar sus futuros financieros.

DBFX Investments Limited presenta clientes individuales, instituciones financieras y servicios profesionales al mercado Forex a través de una amplia gama de esquemas de inversión directa regulados y no regulados.

Trabajamos estrechamente con proveedores líderes del mercado para llevar nuestros productos o servicios "mejores de la raza" - seleccionados sólo después de las pruebas, invirtiendo nuestro propio dinero con ellos.

Si usted es nuevo o un inversor experimentado en el mercado de divisas, creemos que hemos elaborado una gama de productos y servicios para satisfacer todas las necesidades y gustos.

Aunque no ofrecemos asesoramiento regulado (la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (FCA) no regula el asesoramiento de los consumidores en este mercado), estamos totalmente preparados para trabajar con los asesores de nuestros clientes, ya sean un asesor regulado, un corredor de bolsa o un organismo profesional.

Ganar confianza es un tema central para cualquier organización financiera. Y pronto encontrarás que trabajaremos duro para ganar el tuyo. Toda nuestra premisa se basa en no sólo prometedor pero practicando el tipo de servicio que no se siente como un servicio y más como un amigo de la familia fiel.

Las consultas iniciales son llevadas a cabo por un experto y experimentado experto que querrá saber qué es lo que desea lograr & # 8211; y cómo. Es obligatorio que podamos ser transparentes de productos proporcionando una divulgación completa, de lo contrario nos mostrará la puerta correctamente. Si usted es inversionista pequeño o más grande, usted experimentará la misma atención y la ayuda incluso aunque la extensión de la ayuda pudo diferir según el nivel requerido o deseado.

Si desea discutir cómo podría beneficiarse de nuestra experiencia, póngase en contacto con nosotros para organizar una consulta sin obligación.

* La investigación realizada por el Grupo AITE estima que el crecimiento del mercado a $ 7,9 billones en 2019.

FX Academy introducción

"A pesar del acceso inmediato a la tecnología ya la información, es alentador registrar que todavía se necesita tiempo para adquirir el know-how para tener éxito de forma consistente".

David Black | CEO

FX Academy

La perspectiva seductora de hacer cientos o miles de libras por mes de comercio desde casa es tristemente un sueño para la mayoría y sólo una realidad para algunos.

Puede ser demasiado fácil llegar a ser arrastrado en el frenesí en línea de lo simple que es el comercio en línea. Toda la información es supuestamente por ahí son los programas de robot automatizado que supuestamente lo hacen todo para nosotros. Sin embargo, si es tan fácil en la realidad, entonces por qué no hay más gente que lo hace? Esta es una pregunta que se nos hace a menudo.

Nuestra respuesta es siempre la misma. Sólo un pequeño porcentaje de los comerciantes en realidad hacer un beneficio constante. Usted puede ser el más tech-savvy, persona educada financieramente en el mundo y todavía pierde todo su dinero.

Para convertirse en un comerciante exitoso es un viaje. Primero necesita entender el mercado y cómo usar las herramientas del comercio. El factor más importante, que es por lo que la mayoría de los comerciantes pierden, es la formación de su cerebro y el apego emocional que todos tenemos al dinero. La psicología humana tiene un gran papel que desempeñar en todo esto.

La gestión de riesgos también desempeña un papel crucial en el comercio. Aunque Forex es el mercado más volátil más grande del mundo, la cantidad de exposición de riesgo al capital invertido es totalmente manejable & # 8211; Hasta el último centavo!

Para dominar las habilidades y el enfoque mental requerido conduce a ser un comerciante consistentemente exitoso y por lo tanto rentable.

Esta es la razón por la que hemos establecido nuestra academia de entrenamiento. Si usted es un recién llegado al comercio o tiene experiencia y desea afinar sus habilidades, usted encontrará que podemos ayudar.

Podemos ofrecer sesiones individuales de entrenamiento individual; Sujeto a su ubicación geográfica y le ayudará a la vía rápida en el mercado.

Ya sea que esté buscando una "cuenta demo" de práctica o una "cuenta real", podemos proporcionar las herramientas necesarias y el apoyo continuo del corredor a través de nuestros socios afiliados. Todas nuestras cuentas tienen costos de propagación del mercado bajos con una rápida ejecución de aligeramiento debido a la tecnología ECN.

Si esto ya ha provocado su interés, querrá saber más, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros para organizar una discusión sin compromiso.

Introducción Gestionada FX

"Es nuestro trabajo asegurarnos de que comprendamos sus zonas de confort y no confort".

David Black | CEO

Administrado por FX

Al mirar para diversificar su cartera de inversiones o lograr rendimientos potenciales más altos, nuestras cuentas administradas por FX pueden ser una opción que merece la pena considerarlo seriamente & # 8211; Si usted se considera a ser un tomador de riesgo o no.

Hay muchos proveedores de fondos administrados en el mercado que ofrecen una amplia variedad de opciones. Siendo plenamente conscientes de esto y porque tenemos la intención de ofrecer los esquemas más competitivos posibles, nuestras cuentas FX Managed son monitoreadas continuamente para asegurar que somos capaces de asegurar a los clientes un alto nivel de protección del capital mientras que al mismo tiempo, proporcionando un nivel consistente de Cada mes.

El mínimo requerido es £ 35,000 sin límite superior.

Nuestros clientes se benefician de las siguientes características y beneficios:

Sin tarifas de configuración

Sin plazo mínimo

Sin sanciones de salida

Control total del capital

Exposición de capital predefinida al riesgo

Los fondos de clientes se mantienen en su propia cuenta segregada

Portal en línea desde el que los clientes pueden:

Añadir fondos

Retirar Fondos

Ver datos de transacciones y de rendimiento

Informes de actividad de cuenta diaria

Ganancias pagadas cada mes

Gastos de gestión relacionados con el rendimiento

Acceso directo al administrador de cuentas

Para obtener más información en una consulta sin obligación o por teléfono, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

FX Pensiones Intro

"Somos plenamente conscientes de que esta podría ser la primera vez que se les ha concedido la libertad de acceso a sus propios fondos".

David Black | CEO

FX Pensiones

Si usted tiene un plan de pensiones existente en su lugar y buscando diversificar su cartera en el mercado Forex, nuestra gama de cuentas FX pensiones puede ser exactamente lo que está buscando.

Aunque le hablemos sobre las opciones posibles, necesitará un Asesor Financiero Independiente (IFA, por sus siglas en inglés) para tramitar el asesoramiento que pueda ser necesario ya que no estamos regulados por la FCA y no proporcionamos ningún tipo de asesoramiento regulado.

Trabajamos voluntariamente con tales asesores, pero si actualmente no tiene una relación existente y necesita ayuda con este asunto, podemos recomendar a alguien que esté familiarizado con nuestra gama de fondos.

Se pueden aplicar cargos adicionales si se utiliza un asesor financiero independiente.

El valor total del fondo de pensiones tendrá que ser superior a 55.000 libras esterlinas (o valor combinado si tiene múltiples cuentas de pensiones).

Todos nuestros clientes se benefician de lo siguiente:

Sin tarifas de configuración

Sin plazo mínimo

Sin sanciones de salida

Entorno altamente líquido

Control total sobre el capital

Exposición de capital predefinida al riesgo

Informes comerciales diarios

Ingresos mensuales pagados

Gastos de gestión relacionados con el rendimiento

Rendimiento consistente

Su pensión tendrá que ser mantenida dentro de una pensión SIPP, SSAS o QROPS para poder acceder a los fondos.

Para obtener más información sobre nuestra gama de cuentas de Pensiones, póngase en contacto con nosotros para una discusión sin compromiso.

FX Corporate Intro

"Potencial de ingresos emocionante, exposición mínima de capital y completa movilidad".

Dave Black | CEO

FX Corporativo

El mercado Forex está evolucionando hacia una clase de activos propia y tiene muchas ventajas sobre las inversiones basadas en activos tradicionales.

El más obvio es que Forex Trading tiene la capacidad de beneficiarse no sólo en un mercado en alza # 8211; Pero una caída también!

Es esta capacidad que ha demostrado ser tan atractiva para los inversores & # 8211; Junto con el potencial de beneficiarse de resultados consistentes protegidos de los efectos directos de las condiciones del mercado mundial.

FX Las cuentas corporativas comienzan a partir de £ 35,000 sin tapa y están disponibles con ventajas considerables:

Sin tarifas de configuración

Sin plazo mínimo

Sin sanciones de salida

Entorno altamente líquido

Control total sobre el capital

Equipo dedicado del comerciante

Gestión de riesgos a medida

Exposición mínima de capital

Informes comerciales diarios

Estrategia combinada disponible o ingreso mensual pagado

Gastos de gestión relacionados con el rendimiento

Rendimiento consistente Si desea saber más, póngase en contacto con nosotros y estaremos encantados de ayudarle.

FX Platinum Intro

"Disfrute de los beneficios de Forex sin la exposición a los riesgos habituales".

David Black | CEO

FX Platinum

La cuenta de Platino ha sido creada para proporcionar un servicio verdaderamente a medida que permite a los clientes alejarse de los parámetros gestionados por FX y personalizar personalmente sus requisitos comerciales con su propio equipo dedicado y experimentado.

El mercado Forex está evolucionando hacia una clase de activos propia y viene con muchas ventajas sobre las inversiones basadas en activos tradicionales. Las ventajas más obvias son que tiene la capacidad de beneficiarse no sólo de un mercado en alza, sino también de una caída, y no comparte ninguna correlación con los mercados globales tradicionales.

La ampliación de una cartera para incluir una clase de activo tal sólo puede servir para mejorar la cartera de activos.

Nuestras cuentas FX Platinum comienzan a partir de £ 5m sin tapa.

Los beneficios de FX Platinum son los siguientes:

Sin tarifas de configuración

Sin plazo mínimo

Sin sanciones de salida

Entorno altamente líquido

Control total sobre el capital

Equipo dedicado del comerciante

Gestión de riesgos a medida

Exposición mínima de capital

Informes comerciales diarios

Estrategia de composición disponible o;

Ingresos mensuales pagados

Gastos de gestión relacionados con el rendimiento

Rendimiento consistente

No dude en contactar con nosotros para obtener más información sobre esta cuenta exclusiva.


Para ayudar con su diligencia debida, estamos recopilando continuamente la retroalimentación de nuestros clientes. También tenemos una lista de aquellos que están dispuestos a recibir mensajes de correo electrónico o llamadas telefónicas, siempre y cuando se administran a través de nosotros mismos para que su derecho a la privacidad está protegido.

Pensé que tenía una fuerte cartera de inversiones hasta que Dave hizo lo que él hizo mejor - escuchó las cosas que no le dije y aplicó sus conocimientos basados ​​en las ideas. Mi riesgo es menor y el ROI más alto y estable. Brillante. Gracias, Dave!

Stephen B, Southampton

Dave es un asesor bien informado y seguro financiero. Escucha, lee entre líneas y construye una solución que no se ajuste sólo a lo que usted piensa que quiere, sino lo que realmente necesita. Calculo a Dave entre el más alto nivel de asesores de inversión financiera que han representado mis intereses.

Jonathan W, Poole


Si desea organizar una reunión enviándonos un correo electrónico, por favor complete el siguiente formulario de consulta o si prefiere ponerse en contacto con nosotros por teléfono, por favor, no dude en hacerlo en 0330 333 6574.

DBFX Investments es un estilo comercial de DBFX Investments Limited y es una sociedad anónima con sede en el Reino Unido con número de registro 9638944.

DBFX Investments Limited se asocia o actúa como agente introductor contratado solamente. No estamos autorizados ni regulados por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera para proporcionar ningún asesoramiento de inversión y nuestras opiniones no deben interpretarse como asesoramiento financiero. En caso de duda sobre cualquiera de los productos o servicios que introducimos, recomendamos consultar con un Asesor Financiero Independiente antes de tomar cualquier decisión de compra. Puede ver nuestros términos y condiciones aquí.

Términos y Condiciones

Información Legal y Regulatoria

DBFX Investments es un estilo de negociación de DBFX Investments Limited y es una sociedad limitada con sede en el Reino Unido con número de registro 09638944.

La dirección de la oficina registrada es 5a Struan Drive, Ashley Heath, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 2HD.

Los formularios de solicitud y correspondencia deben enviarse a la siguiente dirección:

DBFX Inversiones Limitada 5a Struan Drive Ashley Heath Ringwood Hampshire BH24 2HD

Debe tener en cuenta que el rendimiento pasado no es garantía de rendimiento futuro. El precio de las inversiones y los ingresos de las mismas pueden caer y aumentar, y pueden verse afectados por los movimientos del tipo de cambio entre monedas. Un inversor no puede recuperar la cantidad invertida, a diferencia de las cuentas de ahorro en los bancos o sociedades de construcción donde el capital está garantizado. El precio de las acciones de los fideicomisos de inversión y las inversiones alternativas está determinado por la oferta y la demanda y, por lo tanto, no es necesariamente el mismo que el valor de los activos subyacentes.

Nada en este sitio web debe ser considerado como asesoramiento de inversión. Aunque se ha tomado la precaución razonable de asegurar que la información aquí contenida es tan precisa como sea posible, no se hace ninguna representación o garantía, expresa o implícita, sobre su exactitud o integridad. En particular, no se da ninguna representación o garantía sobre la exactitud o la integridad de la información suministrada por terceros, incluyendo informes que nos han sido enviados por las partes involucradas. DBFX Investments no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier error u omisión en el presente, ya sea por sí mismo o sus afiliados o por terceros o informes de terceros

La información en este sitio web se puede cambiar sin previo aviso. Estas exenciones de responsabilidad no restringen ni excluyen los deberes o responsabilidades que puedan existir bajo la Ley de Servicios Financieros y Mercados 2000 o las regulaciones aplicables del Reino Unido.

DBFX Investments no ha revisado ningún sitio web que esté vinculado a este sitio web y no asume ninguna responsabilidad por el contenido de dichos sitios web. Los siguientes enlaces a cualquier otro sitio web correrán bajo su propio riesgo. La información en este sitio web no se puede copiar reproducir o distribuir a otros sin el permiso expreso de DBFX Investments Limited. DBFX Investments Limited ( "DBFX") no está autorizada ni regulada por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (FCA).

Política de privacidad

DBFX Investments (denominado "nosotros", "nuestro" o "nosotros") toma su privacidad muy en serio y se compromete a garantizar su protección. Esta política de privacidad pretende explicar las formas en que utilizamos la información que recopilamos sobre usted y los procedimientos establecidos para proteger su privacidad. Esta política de privacidad no se aplica a ningún sitio vinculado y no se acepta ninguna responsabilidad por las políticas de privacidad de terceros.

La Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 se aplica al tratamiento de datos personales de personas y cualquier dato personal relacionado con usted sólo será utilizado y registrado de acuerdo con la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y esta política de privacidad.

Puede acceder a este sitio web sin revelar información personal, sin embargo, nuestros servidores web pueden recopilar los nombres de dominio de los visitantes (no las direcciones de correo electrónico). Al visitar el sitio, su dirección IP (que es el número asignado a su computadora cuando accede a Internet) se registra automáticamente con nosotros. Las direcciones IP pueden utilizarse para identificar computadoras y puntos de acceso a Internet.

La Ley de Protección de Datos cubre cualquier información personal que usted decida ingresar en este sitio web. Si usted es una sociedad o un comerciante único, usted reconoce y acepta que sus datos no están sujetos a ninguna obligación de confidencialidad.

Si introduce su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y dirección postal, le enviaremos una Cookie. Un cookie es un pequeño archivo que se coloca en el disco duro de su computadora y que mantiene un registro de sus patrones de navegación. Sólo utilizamos Cookies para que podamos mejorar nuestro servicio a usted sin embargo cualquier estadística obtenida de las Cookies es anónima y no puede identificar a ningún individuo. Usted puede modificar su navegador para rechazar nuestras Cookies si así lo desea.

Podemos proporcionar su información personal a un miembro de nuestro grupo de empresas. Mientras se encuentre en tránsito, la información que usted proporcione puede ser transferida a países fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo que no cubren protecciones similares a las contenidas en esta política de privacidad. Al enviar su información personal, usted acepta estas transferencias.

Contamos con procedimientos de organización para proteger su información personal bajo nuestro control contra el procesamiento no autorizado o ilegal o pérdida accidental, destrucción o daño. No garantizamos ni aseguramos la seguridad de la información transmitida a través de Internet ni que dicha información no sea mal utilizada, perdida o alterada durante la transmisión.

Al enviar su información personal usted acepta el uso de su información personal como se establece en esta política de privacidad. Podemos cambiar nuestra política de privacidad de vez en cuando y notificarle que publicaremos los cambios en esta página y cualquier página alternativa en el sitio web y el uso continuado por usted del sitio web se considerará la aceptación de dichos cambios.

Términos y condiciones del sitio web

Este sitio web es propiedad y está controlado por DBFX Investments Limited (denominado "nosotros", "nuestro" o "nosotros") y estos términos y condiciones de uso se usan para gobernar el uso del sitio web por cada visitante (conocido como " Usted "o" su ").

Al usar el sitio web, usted reconoce y acepta las disposiciones de estos términos y condiciones y en el caso de que no lo haga debe dejar de usar el sitio web. Nos reservamos el derecho de cambiar estos términos y condiciones sin previo aviso y éstos se publicarán en nuestro sitio web y cualquier cambio revisado será efectivo de inmediato.

No tendremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier declaración hecha por cualquier persona o empleado relacionada con nuestro negocio o el contenido de este sitio web a menos que estén escritas y firmadas por uno de nuestros directores.

Toda la información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual" sin garantías de ningún tipo, expresa o implícita, incluyendo sin limitación exactitud e integridad y no hay ningún requisito para actualizar la información contenida en el sitio web. Toda la información está destinada a proporcionar información general únicamente y no pretende responder a circunstancias específicas ni proporcionar ningún asesoramiento profesional específico. No aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida que pueda derivarse de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web. Por favor busque consejo profesional independiente antes de actuar sobre cualquier cosa contenida en nuestro sitio web.

Los clientes potenciales deben satisfacer a sí mismos solicitando asesoramiento profesional o de otro modo en cuanto a la corrección de cada una de las declaraciones contenidas en este sitio web. No aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad por la información proporcionada por terceros, incluidos los informes y la información que se ha pasado a DBFX Investments en el proceso de la debida diligencia y cualquier vínculo que podamos proporcionar se proporciona únicamente bajo su propio riesgo. No respaldamos ningún sitio vinculado y no somos responsables de ninguna información contenida en ningún sitio web vinculado.

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We operate a system to ensure that all customer feedback is dealt with fairly and consistently, and is properly recorded. We welcome any suggestions that you make about how we may improve our service. Please write to us at Customer Services, DBFX Investments Limited, We aim to acknowledge all customer feedback. all complaints should be sent to the compliance officer, we will acknowledge your complaint within 7 working days of receipt and will provide a detailed response within 28 working days via post or email, our policy and terms and conditions on the website will have 56 days to fully satisfy the customer with a full response.


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&dupdo; 2016 DBFX Investments


Feb 02 10 06:12 GMT

Spreads available to investors reduced by an average of one-third

LONDON, 21 January, 2010 – dbFX, the online margin forex trading platform of Deutsche Bank, announced today that it is improving its pricing, offering tighter spreads to clients.

Spreads across many of dbFX’s 34 currency pairs have been reduced by an average of one-third with dbFX’s most popular currency pairs such as the EUR / USD and GBP / USD having typical spreads as low as 1.5 pips and 2.2 pips respectively (under normal market conditions).

Typical spreads on dbFX’s top ten currency pairs are now:

Currency pair New typical spread


The full list can be viewed at www. dbfx. com.

Commenting, Betsy Waters, director, dbFX said: “Reliable, fair and transparent pricing is an important consideration for investors who trade FX. Traders must be careful to look behind the advertised price, and clearly establish the ‘actual or typical’ price, which is often not clear and different from the one advertised.

“With dbFX, when it comes to our pricing, transparency is paramount; the price you see is the price you get. Indeed, by leveraging Deutsche Bank’s leading position as one of the world’s largest liquidity providers with over 20 per cent market share, we’re able to offer investors highly competitive ‘actual’ prices.

“In addition, clients of dbFX are provided with the same professional service and treated with the same values that Deutsche Bank is renowned for in the institutional market. This means clients get access to the heart of the FX market by receiving prices directly from the Deutsche Bank trading floor, plus they get the quality execution they’d expect from Deutsche Bank.

“Ultimately dbFX clients are able to consistently receive quality execution because of the combination of Deutsche Bank's live streaming market prices and institutional risk management.”

Launched in May 2006, dbFX. com is available in multiple languages, has 34 currency pairs and is accessible in more than 82 countries around the world. It brings the benefits of Deutsche Bank’s award winning expertise in foreign exchange to clients, with Deutsche Bank ranked the No. 1 Foreign Exchange Bank in 2009 by Euromoney magazine for the fifth year running*.

The website can be accessed at: www. dbfx. com

* Euromoney Foreign Exchange poll 2009

For further information, please contact:

Zaman Toleafoa / Caroline Parker: +44 207 269 7244 / 7295

About Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable private clients franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With 78,896 employees in 72 countries, Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world. The bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.

Investor Relations


Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Please read FXCM's full risk warning .

FXCM es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Comerciante de Divisas al por menor con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. NFA # 0308179

FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

55 Water St. 50th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10041 Estados Unidos

dbfx Forex Broker Review

Deutsche Bank was founded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1870. In 2006, it launched dbfx in order to meet the increasing demands for streamlined access to global currency exchange markets. Now, dbfx trades in more than 82 countries from its London headquarters, claiming the title as the world’s largest FX liquidity provider with a 21% share of the global FX market.

Deutsche Bank has a “Passion to Perform,” which has included providing superior foreign exchange services for individuals, corporations, mutual funds and banks. The dbfx service has the advantage of being backed by the massive financial strength of Deutsche Bank, one of the leading global investment banks in the world. In a “Euromoney” FX poll, Deutsche Bank was named as the #1 favorite “FX Bank for Institutional Markets” for five years in a row (2005 – 2009). In 2009, the “Profit and Loss Digital FX Awards” stated that dbfx had the best retail platform.

The dbfx service uses Deutsche Bank’s dealing desk for its foreign exchange; spreads are as low as 1.5 pips, with decimalized pricing for increased profit potential. Clients can trade in 34 currency pairs with typical leverage of 100:1. Either individual or corporate accounts are available, with a minimum balance requirement of $5,000 USD to open. There are no commissions; fees are charged based primarily on the bid/ask spread. Margin trading requirements are based on trading experience. Deutsche Bank provides precise, accurate, real-time foreign currency market information that is reliable due to its time-honored reputation and experience in financial circles. There is an uncomplicated listing procedure for dbfx that makes trades easy-to-complete. Also, managed accounts are available so that customers can link into Deutsche Bank’s superior financial experience.

The different vehicles offered for trading include Web-based, API-based (Order to Go, standard FIX or Java) or platform-based, so that customers can engage in 24-hour trading. The dbfx Web site has special sections for individual traders, introducing brokers, money managers and API developers. There is a free demo trial account with $50,000 USD in virtual money. Customers can deposit money into their dbfx accounts using wire or online transfer. One drawback is the absence of mini accounts. With state-of-the art technology, quality execution, one-click trading, sophisticated forex charts and trading hedges, dbfx offers solid foreign exchange services. Automated trading is also available – charting packages discover key points, the technology bridge links trader to the network and the trade is executed when the conditions are satisfied. Another option is commission-based for high-volume traders. A software development kit is available for API developers.

Online video tutorials are available for new customers who want to learn about foreign currency exchange trading. There are detailed user guides discussing forex basics. Commentary from Thomson’s IFR Forex Watch is also readily available. Select customizable forex charts to better detail market changes. Daily, weekly and monthly research publications keep you on top of the latest market news. Award-winning Deutsche Bank research provides expert analysis on foreign currency exchange, fixed income and commodity markets.

During market hours, there is 24-hour customer support via phone, e-mail and instant messenger in the following languages – Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. The phone number for customer service is 1-212-710-9000. The e-mail contact is “info@dbfx. com”. The dbfx software is most attuned to benefit large institutional clients with direct lines of credit from Deutsche Bank; small investors might feel like they are being squeezed out.

Because of its financial backing by Deutsche Bank, which manages the back-end of trades, the dbfx service is considered one of the safest foreign exchange companies. Deutsche Bank gives traders a lot of flexibility, liquidity and safety. Investors can rest assured that their finds will be safe at dbfx with the EUR 1 Billion per depositor guarantee by the Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks. In 2009, Deutsche Bank had net income of 4,958,000,000 EUR; on December 31, 2009, it had total assets of 1,501,000,000,000 EUR. It employs more than 81,000 people in 76 countries. Its long-term credit rating is very good: Fitch (AA-), Moody’s (Aa1) and Standard & Poor’s (A+). The Deutsche Bank stock is listed on the Frankfurt, London and New York stock exchanges.

The dbfx subsidiary is authorized under German Banking Law and regulated by the following government regulatory agencies:

UK Financial Services Authority (FSA)

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)

The registered United Kingdom address:

Winchester House 1 Great Winchester Street London EC2N 2DB

The German headquarters address:

Taunusanlage 12 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

This entry was written by admin. posted on November 6, 2010 at 4:24 pm. filed under Forex Broker Reviews and tagged broker. dbfx. Forex revisión. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.

An in-Depth Review of DBFX, A Forex Broker from Deutsche Bank 4 comments

May 18, 2009 2:00 AM

When encountering DBFX for the first time, I was immediately taken aback by what seemed to be a serious and established brokerage. Their site is well organized and their offering is quite broad. The site is available in three languages Arabic, Chinese, and English, which is a relatively small number of languages compared to other brokers.

What is most attractive about DBFX is of course the fact that they are backed by Deutsche bank, which gives them a lot of flexibility when it comes to liquidity. Their platform and entire infrastructure is owned and maintained by Deutsche bank. DBFX's registration process is easy and straight forward, but their deposit process is a very big down side. The only payment method available is wire transfer or online checks. They do not support the very basic Paypal and the even more standard credit card payment method.

Once you manage to deposit your money, the withdrawal process is seamless and takes 2-5 business days. Their platform is user-friendly and includes all the market standard features including stop losses, trading history, detailed and precise charts and graphs, as well as the ability to trade commodities. DBFX's platform is downloadable to the trader's PC and includes built-in risk management and account maintenance. They do NOT offer a Web-based trading platform, which will be problematic for many Forex traders not interested in downloading a platform to their PC.

The real time market information available in their platform is of course supplied by Deutsche bank, which makes it extremely accurate and precise information. In terms of the actual trading, they offer an impressive 34 pairs at a low spread of as low as 2 pips. In addition, DBFX offers you a free demo account, which of course is a very useful tool to get to know their trading environment before risking actual money. However, the biggest down side of DBFX is the lack of a mini account. They do not support positions with less than a minimum deposit of $5,000. This is a very missing feature, as many traders do not want to jump in and open such large positions before they have traded smaller sums of money. Their leverage was also not competitive enough. They offer a maximum 100:1 leverage, while many brokers now offer up to a 400:1 leverage. Not to say that higher leverage always works to the advantage of the trader. but most people want that option and with DBFX, it is absent. DBFX invests a lot of resources in their customer support.

They offer many forms of communication including a real time chat with their representatives, which turned out to be a very useful and easy-to-use tool, as they were very responsive to my questions. In addition you can contact them by phone or email and expect a prompt response. You can also learn about their service using a very easy to use product preview on their site. The presentation they offer is very helpful and walks you through the process of trading with their platform.

In addition to the product preview, they offer a very detailed user guide, which is a long and informative document, covering any and all questions you might have about their service. Between the customer support, the product preview, and the user guide, you are sure to get the information you need from their site before trading. DBFX is based in the UK, FSA regulated, backed and owned by Deutsche bank, and have a long list of past awards, so in terms of reliability, you should not be concerned.

However, between the $5,000 minimum deposit, the maximum 100:1 leverage, the lack of a Web-based platform, and most importantly, the inability to pay using Paypal or credit card, DBFX is a broker for only a very specific and exclusive type of Forex trader.

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Deutsche Bank dbFX

dbFX is Deutsche Bank's online margin foreign exchange trading platform for individuals and small institutions. As the No. 1 FX Bank in the world, Deutsche Bank brings the benefits of the forex market to you.

dbFX fully supports automated trade execution via a standard FIX protocol. The solution allows clients to send orders directly to the dbFX order engine, while benefiting from streaming real-time executable rates, 24-hour online access, world-class execution and competitive spreads.

The OnixS directConnect: dbFX solution includes a packaged SDK bundle of:

a choice of the OnixS FIX Engine range of. NET, C++ and Java FIX Engines providing high performance FIX engine and FIX/FAST solutions with the flexibility of technology platform choice and simple API's.

venue specific calibrated, tested and supported FIX dialect variant protocol implementations

and fast-start reference implementation client application samples with source code to save time getting up and running.

Deutsche Bank dbFX DMA Solutions

High performance dbFX Direct Market Access solutions for algorithmic trading strategies

dbFX FIX Trading Client reference implementation samples in. NET / C#, C++ and Java.

FXCM's Statement on dbFX

Since 2006 FXCM has had a facilities management agreement with Deutsche Bank to provide technology, systems and personnel associated with DB's retail FX offering, dbFX. On April 20, Deutsche Bank indicated it will be selling the dbFX client accounts and exiting the dbFX business. Earlier this year, FXCM had discussions with Deutsche Bank about purchasing these accounts. FXCM has a disciplined process for evaluating potential acquisitions and establishing their potential value to the company weighing important factors such as client concentration, brand loyalty and projected attrition. After considering these factors, FXCM made an offer to Deutsche Bank that reflected what we believed to be the full value of those accounts after the attrition associated with client transition.

Deutsche Bank was able to find a buyer willing to pay a higher price and will be offering dbFX clients the option to transition their accounts off the current DB/FXCM platform onto the buyer's platform or closing their accounts. Clients can continue to trade on the dbFX platform until May 13, at which time dbFX will stop offering this service.

Revenues from the dbFX agreement represented 2.3% of total FXCM revenues in 2010, and a smaller percentage in the first quarter of 2011. Since the inception of our agreement, client equity from dbFX clients was deposited with Deutsche Bank and was never included in client equity figures for FXCM.

Per the terms of our contract, FXCM will be assisting Deutsche Bank with the wind down of dbFX, including transferring accounts to the buyer or closing them down, based on the individual account holders instructions.

Home Intro

It’s estimated that $5.4 trillion dollars are traded daily on the Forex market*; making it the largest market in the world.

This evolving market not only represents greater potential for profit, it also offers investors higher predictability and broader based diversification opportunities than any other financial market.

In recent years, Forex has ceased to be a mere component of traditional investment baskets and become a class on its own. This has all become possible as a result of superior operational knowledge and cutting-edge trading technologies providing sophisticated investors with the ideal conditions to build wealth and secure their financial futures.

DBFX Investments Limited introduces individual clients, financial institutions and professional services to the Forex market via a wide range of regulated and non-regulated direct investment schemes.

We work closely with market leading providers to bring our ‘best of breed’ products or services – selected only after testing by investing our own money with them.

Whether you’re new or an experienced investor in the Forex market, we think we have crafted a range of products and services to suit all needs and tastes.

Although we do not provide regulated advice (the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate consumer advice in this market) we are fully prepared to work with our clients’ trusted advisors, whether they are a regulated advisor, stockbroker or a professional body.

Gaining trust is central issue for any financial organisation. And you’ll soon find that we will work hard to win yours. Our whole premise is based on not just promising but practicing the kind of service that doesn’t feel like a service and more like a faithful family friend.

Initial consultations are carried by an experienced, knowledgeable expert who’ll want to know what it is that you want to achieve – and how. It’s mandatory that we’ll be product transparent providing full disclosure, otherwise you’ll rightly show us the door. Whether you are small or larger investor, you’ll experience the same attention and support even though the extent of the support might differ according to the level required or desired.

If you wish to discuss how you could benefit from our expertise, please contact us to arrange a no obligation consultation.

*Research carried out by the AITE Group estimates market growth to $7.9 trillion by 2019.

FX Academy Intro

“Despite immediate access to technology and information, it’s heartening to record that it still takes time to acquire the knowhow to consistently succeed.”

David Black | CEO

FX Academy

The alluring prospect of making hundreds or thousands of pounds per month trading from home is sadly a dream for most and only a reality for some.

It can be all too easy to become swept up in the online frenzy of how simple it is to trade online. All the information is supposedly out there are the automated robot programs that allegedly do it all for us. However, if it that easy in reality, then why aren’t more people doing it? This is a question we are often asked.

Our answer is always the same. Only a small percentage of traders actually make a consistent profit. You can be the most tech-savvy, financially educated person in the world and still lose all your money.

To become a successful trader is a journey. You first need to understand the market and how to use the tools of the trade. The biggest factor, which is why most traders lose, is training your brain and the emotional attachment that we all have to money. Human psychology has a big part to play in all this.

Risk management also plays a crucial role when trading. Although Forex is the largest most volatile market in the world, the amount of risk exposure to capital invested is fully manageable – down to the last penny!

To master the skills and mental approach required leads to being a consistently successful and therefore profitable trader.

This is the reason why we’ve established our training academy. Whether you’re a newcomer to trading or have experience and want to fine-tune your skills, you’ll find that we can help.

We can provide individual one to one training sessions; subject to your geographic location and will help fast track you into the market.

Whether you’ll be looking for a practice ‘demo account’ or a ‘live account’, we can provide the necessary tools and ongoing broker support through our affiliated partners. All our accounts have market low spread costs with lightening fast execution due to the ECN technology.

If this has already sparked your interest you’ll want to know more, so please contact us to arrange a no obligation discussion.

FX Managed Intro

“It’s our job to ensure that we understand your comfort and non comfort zones.”

David Black | CEO

FX Managed

When looking to diversify your investment portfolio or achieve higher potential returns, our FX Managed accounts may be an option worth your serious consideration – whether you regard yourself to be a risk taker or not.

There are many managed fund providers in the marketplace offering a wide variety of options. Being fully aware of this and because we intent to offer the most competitive schemes possible, our FX Managed accounts are continuously monitored to ensure that we are able to secure clients a high level of capital protection whilst at the same time, providing a consistent level of return each month.

The minimum required is £35,000 with no upper limit.

Our clients benefit from the following features and benefits:

No set up fees

No minimum term

No exit penalties

Full control of capital

Pre defined capital exposure to risk

Client funds are held in their own segregated account

Online portal from which clients can:

Add funds

Withdraw funds

View trading and performance data

Daily account activity reporting

Profits paid out every month

Performance related management fees

Direct access to account manager

To find out more at a no obligation consultation or over the phone, please contact us .

FX Pensions Intro

“We are fully aware that this could be the first time you have been allowed the freedom of access to your own funds.”

David Black | CEO

FX Pensions

If you have an existing pension scheme in place and looking to diversify your portfolio into the Forex Market then our range of FX Pensions accounts may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Although we talk you through the potential options, you will need an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) to transact the advice that may be needed as we are not regulated by the FCA and do not provide any form of regulated advice.

We willingly work with such advisors but if you don’t currently have an existing relationship and require help with this matter, we are able to recommend one who is familiar with our range of funds.

Additional fees may apply if using an Independent Financial Advisor.

The total pension fund value will need to be in excess of £55,000 (or combined value if you have multiple pension accounts).

All our clients benefit from the following:

No set up fees

No minimum term

No exit penalties

Highly liquid environment

Full control over capital

Pre defined capital exposure to risk

Daily trading reports

Monthly income paid

Performance related management fees

Consistent performance

Your pension will need to be held within a SIPP, SSAS or QROPS pension in order to access the funds.

To find out more about our range of Pension accounts, please contact us for a no-obligation discussion.

FX Corporate Intro

“Exciting income potential, minimum capital exposure and complete mobility.”

Dave Black | CEO

FX Corporate

The Forex market is evolving into an asset class of its own and has many advantages over traditional asset based investments.

The most obvious one being that Forex Trading has the ability to profit not only in a rising market – but a falling one too!

It’s this ability that’s proved so attractive to investors – along with the potential of benefitting from consistent results shielded from the direct affects of global market conditions.

FX Corporate accounts start from £35,000 with no cap and are available with considerable benefits:

No set up fees

No minimum term

No exit penalties

Highly liquid environment

Full control over capital

Dedicated trader team

Bespoke Risk Management

Minimal Capital Exposure

Daily trading reports

Compounding strategy available or monthly income paid

Performance related management fees

Consistent performance If you wish to know more, please contact us and we will be happy help.

FX Platinum Intro

“Enjoy the benefits of Forex without exposure to the usual risks”.

David Black | CEO

FX Platinum

The Platinum account has been created to provide a truly bespoke service allowing clients to come away from the FX Managed parameters and personally tailoring their trading requirements with their own dedicated experienced trading team.

The Forex market is evolving into an asset class of its own and comes with many advantages over traditional asset based investments. The most obvious advantages being that it has the ability to profit in not only a rising market but a falling one too and does not share any correlation with traditional global markets.

Expanding a portfolio to include such an asset class can only serve to enhance ones portfolio.

Our FX Platinum Accounts start from £5m with no cap.

FX Platinum benefits are as follows:

No set up fees

No minimum term

No exit penalties

Highly liquid environment

Full control over capital

Dedicated trader team

Bespoke Risk Management

Minimal Capital Exposure

Daily trading reports

Compounding strategy available or;

Monthly income paid

Performance related management fees

Consistent performance

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about this exclusive account.


To help with your due diligence, we are continually compiling feedback from our clients. We also hold a list of those who are prepared to take emails or phone calls so long as they are managed through ourselves so that their right to privacy is protected.

I thought I had a strong portfolio of investments until Dave did what he does best – listened to the things I didn’t tell him and applied his knowledge based insights. My risk is lower and the ROI higher and steady. Brilliant. Thanks, Dave!

Stephen B, Southampton

Dave is a knowledgeable adviser and financial confident. He listens, reads between the lines and constructs a solution that fits not just what you think you want but what you actually need. I rate Dave amongst the highest level of financial investment advisers who have ever represented my interests.

Jonathan W, Poole


If you would like to arrange a meeting by emailing us, please complete the following enquiry form or if you prefer to contact us by phone, please feel free to do so on 0330 333 6574 .

DBFX Investments is a trading style of DBFX Investments Limited and is a UK based private limited company with registration number 9638944.

DBFX Investments Limited partners with or acts as a contracted introductory agent only. We are not authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to provide any investment advice and our opinions should not be construed as financial advice. If in doubt about any of the products or services that we introduce we recommend that you consult an Independent Financial Advisor before making any decision to purchase. You can view our full terms and conditions here .

Terms and conditions

Legal and Regulatory Information

DBFX Investments is a trading style of DBFX Investments Limited and is a UK based private limited company with registration number 09638944.

Registered Office address is 5a Struan Drive, Ashley Heath, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 2HD.

Application forms and correspondence should be sent to the address below:

DBFX Investments Limited 5a Struan Drive Ashley Heath Ringwood Hampshire BH24 2HD

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&dupdo; 2016 DBFX Investments

Press Releases

London. October 28, 2008

dbFX. com sees Sharp increase in Managed Accounts as individual investors and managers turn to FX to diversify portfolios

dbFX. com, Deutsche Bank’s retail online foreign exchange trading platform, announced today the success of its Managed Accounts program one year after its launch. dbFX Managed Accounts now represent 30 percent of revenue and nearly 20 percent of dbFX. com’s client base – figures that dbFX. com hopes to double by the end of 2008.

“We are excited to see the rapid and continued growth of the dbFX Managed Accounts program, and increased forex activity by our investors and their managers” said Betsy Waters, global director of dbFX.

“Over the last few months, the Forex market as a whole has been especially active resulting in increased trading volumes. This trend has also been evidenced with dbFX. During October alone, dbFX trading volumes were more than 200 percent higher than the 2008 weekly average, and our Managed Accounts program greatly contributed to this. ”

Deutsche Bank research demonstrates that forex portfolios offer a low correlation to bond and equity market returns enabling investors to diversify their portfolios. This is one of the reasons so many investors are currently turning to forex.

“Through the dbFX platform, clients can easily diversify into forex. An increase in the use of dbFX Managed Accounts, combined with an increase in overall trading volumes, strongly indicates the changing role Forex will play in the markets moving forward, ” Waters said.

The dbFX Managed Accounts program enables managers to trade currencies on behalf of their clients, while offering clients complete transparency and control over their investments and all through a quality name, with Deutsche Bank being ranked the world’s number 1 forex bank*.

With dbFX, Money Managers are able to focus on their trading while dbFX takes care of everything else with end-to-end back office support. Other significant benefits include:

• Access to a robust trading platform and leading technology • Full spectrum of Deutsche Bank research • Security of investing with a stable, global brand • Cost-effective and consistent access to the global markets • Back-office support for managers, including calculation and payment of management fees, and the handling of administrative details of account opening • Limited liability for managers • Complete control over funds for the investor, including making deposits and withdrawals directly with Deutsche Bank without any lock-up periods

Launched in 2006, dbFX. com is available in multiple languages, has 34 currency pairs and is accessible in more than 70 countries around the world. It brings the benefits of Deutsche Bank’s award-winning expertise in foreign exchange to clients.

The dbFX. com platform can be accessed at: www. dbfx. com

*Deutsche Bank ranked the No. 1 Foreign Exchange Bank in 2008 by Euromoney for the fourth year running.

For further information, please call:

Zaman Toleafoa (UK) +44 207 269 7244 Suzanne Kimelman (US) +1 212 850 5636

About Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable private clients franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With 80,253 employees in 75 countries, Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world. The bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.

there was an info that retail division of db has been sold(done deal)to someone

so trading conditions can be changed soon

who is that new happy owner?

dbFX is gone. The stabbed their most loyal customers in the back and ditched the entire Retail FX community. And, to really show their customers what they thought of them, they attempted to dump all dbFX account balances over to FOREX. com, one of the worst bucket shops on earth.

Apparently, FOREX. scam, sorry - FOREX. com was the highest bidder for dbFX accounts and got the "right" to have dbFX make an "exclusive" offer to its clients, to roll their accounts over the FOREX. scam - sorry - FOREX. com.

I think what really happened here, is that Deutsche Bank in general helped to lower its level of integrity overall. They were supposed to be 'the bank' that helped to bring credibility to a credible-less Retail FX Intermediary space, along side CitiFx. Instead, Deutsche Bank revealed itself to be no more credible than the rest of the Retail FX Intermediary buck shops. I think ultimately, while Autobahn is still the Institutional Platform, Deutsche Bank has hurt its reputation as a reliable, credible, trustworthy business partner for any Trader, Retail or Institutional.

From what I understand, they way they handled the entire matter with their traders, was nothing short of a back stabbing session of epic proportions. No warnings. No clues. In fact, after the new Frank/Dodd legislation, dbFX came out and told the public that it intended to continue to offer 100:1 leverage because it was not a bank regulated in the United States and thus, not subject to Frank/Dodd (in so many words). It then led its customers down the primrose path of believing that they had an ally in the Retail FX space, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, dbFX Traders get slammed with a knife in the back and essentially a death sentence offer to roll their accounts over to FOREX. scam - oooops - FOREX. com, by May 13th, 2011.

So, effective tomorrow (this Friday), if you were a dbFX Retail customer, you account will be closed out without your authorization (like it or not) and dbFX will charge you to send a bank wire for the remaining balance in your account, according to their statements. So, just like that, dbFX is gone in a flash with not so much as a care about their former customers.

When I was a Retail Trader, I held my breath and opened my account with dbFX. I knew then that it did not feel right, but they were a "bank" and I held that in my mind has having "credibility." That was back when I was a pure Retail Trader, and my gut told me that something approximating this magnitude could happen with dbFX, given their close relationship with FXCM, another well known Bucket Shop.

Essentially, dbFX does not want to go through the regulatory set-up requirements under Frank/Dodd, that's what this is all about, really. They just did not have the guts to come out and say that to their customers and that's what is so embarrassing about the entire affair from my perspective. They claimed they were making money in Retail FX, but yet they could not "afford" to cost of Frank/Dodd. That excuse never made any real sense at all.

If you can't trust Deutsche "Bank" to remain principled, then who can you trust. It seems like Retail FX is a magnet for sloppy business practices.

As soon as you can, get out of Retail FX Hell.

__________________ TradeSMART . by Always Managing your Positions.

Last edited by TraderNumber7; May 13, 2011 at 2:02am.

Originally Posted by maxima

asi que. whats the way to find out what broker sends your orders to the banks and who is operating his own 'ecn' ?

Sencillo. Does your platform display a live feed showing full DOM at all price levels for all sizes with a bid and ask? If so, then you are most likely on an STP platform, because you will have very detailed transaction data to use in any dispute after being slipped, re-quoted and/or filled at a disadvantaged price level. However, if all you see on your platform is the Bid and the Ask, with no depth of market whatsoever, to any extent, then you are most likely trading on a Bucket Shop platform - of which there are many in FX. Your broker is probably taking the other side of your position, while telling you that they are not, simply because they instantly off-set your trade against the pool. Well, I don't care what they call it, if they are the counter-party to my trade, then they are trading against me. Whether they aggregate my executed order with others after the fact and THEN off-set a larger block with the pool, is not my concern.

The truth is however, that most Retail Traders are not ready for FDOM trading platforms, or anything even close to that. The average Retail Trader does not yet have that level of skill and fluidity in their trade execution decisions. Having a trade signal is one thing, having the ability to synthesize an FDOM and physically execute in real time according to an optimal entry/exit methodology, is quite another for the average Retail Trader. But, that's really not the point. The real point is that if you are trading Retail FX, then you cannot possibly be trading in real Interbank position sizes. Retail Traders, are not executing position sizes in Yards.

So, the only way to give the Retail Trader access to FX, is to build a Middle Transaction Layer where the sizing concepts of Standard, Mini and Micro lots exist, and where the counter-party (your broker) aggregates and holds the credit risk up to a level where it can off-set trades with members of its own liquidity pool. Piénsalo. You are sitting in front of your trading station, looking to pull the trigger on a whopping $1k trade for a whopping 1 lot. Do you actually think that HSBC is sitting on the other side of that 1 lot transaction when you click on "Buy." Of course, not. Somebody has to "make that market" appealing to HSBC, so your order will get aggregated with other small orders, up to the agreed upon limit, so that your intermediary can "off-set the transaction" and get you into and out of the market.

However, in most cases, you transaction NEVER sees the light of day on the real Interbank market. HSBC, never takes the other side of your 1 lot trade directly, because that's not their business model. So, in order to give you a place to trade FX, your intermediary will most often be the "sole counter-party to your transaction" (go look it up in your Client Agreement). That's why it is called Retail Forex Trading. Thy are making a market - they have too, or else you could not trade at such low levels. So, the sooner they can take your deposit and drain your account with slippage, re-quotes (missed opportunities), software malfunctions, price feed freeze-outs, dealer plug-ins, disadvantageous fills, 800#'s that don't get answered for minutes at a time and arbitrary widening of the spread whenever your position is nearing a clustering of Stop levels, the sooner they can reduce their own credit risk and exposure - while booking profits for the current quarter.

So, what you have to do as a Retail Trader, is to learn HOW TO TRADE with ruthless efficiency, so that your account consistently grows, regardless of the tactics used by your intermediary to take you out. Keep this in mind. The more money you make as a Retail Trader, the larger their credit risk grows, because by definition if you are winning, they are losing (most of the time - not always, but most of the time).

However, if you can find a pure Commission Only Retail Intermediary (CORI) who is not making a dime off the spread (does that even exist anymore), then you have a better chance of trading with more efficiency, as long as that intermediary uses good technology and maintains a better than 98% systems availability ratio. Por qué? Because you won't be dealing with many of the roadblocks mentioned above.

So, learn HOW TO TRADE, first. The rest will take care of itself, almost literally. And, when you are ready for a Prime Brokerage Account, one will be waiting for you, along with a real trading platform and some real trading technology.

The objective is to get out of Retail Hell - it does not matter what market you trade. And, to do that, you are going to have to trade your way through it. Because, even if you start with $300k - $500k (many people can start there), you still don't know HOW TO TRADE and you can still lose everything by simply not knowing when to get into and out of the market, even without intermediary roadblocks.

- Learn how to trade, first. - Trade your way through Retail Hell. This Earns you a Ph. D. in Trading Science. - An Institutional Account through a Prime Broker awaits you on the other side. - Decide how big you want to become from that point forward. - Make sure you trade through an LLC, LLP, C-Type Corp (what's best for you). - Use offshore deposit accounts. - Retain a very good CPA and Tax Attorney - Enjoy life and give back frequently. Make the world a better place.

It's a long road, but I'm living proof that it can be done.

__________________ TradeSMART . by Always Managing your Positions.

Gain Capital buys (but loses its largest IB), Deutsche Bank (dbFX) quits, FXCM loses major WL client, Alpari announces, TradeStation sells, Saxo Bank to sell?

Details and analysis from one of the busiest weeks for major corporate activity in the online Forex industry:

1) The Gain Capital (Forex. com) / dbFX / FXCM triangle . First, some background. Of the major Forex firms, FXCM is the one which relies the least on White Label clients (less than 3% of overall volumes) – possibly due to an unpleasant experience it had back in 2005 following the bankruptcy of Refco, its largest White Label (accounting for 40% of FXCM volumes and at the time also a major shareholder in FXCM), causing a significant disruption in FXCM’s business. FXCM scored a major coup about a year later when it landed Deutsche Bank as a White Label client, when Deutchse Bank established dbFX. In 2010 dbFX represented FXCM’s largest White Label client and about 90% of FXCM’s overall White Label related revenues, with the business coming from dbFX accounting for about 2.3% of FXCM’s overall revenues. Based on those numbers, we estimate dbFX’s average monthly volumes to be in the $10-12 billion range .

Apparently, dbFX decided to exit the retail FX business, and held what amounted to a small auction for its existing clients, won by Gain Capital. What Gain is actually buying remains a little unclear. Apparently it is mainly purchasing the right to try to get dbFX clients to move over to Gain – buying dbFX does not guarantee that all of dbFX’s clients will agree to move their accounts to Gain and its proprietary platform. As dbFX was using FXCM’s platform, clients which decide to stay with that familiar platform can just as easily move their accounts to FXCM. For that reason, we do not believe that a lot of money changed hands here (transaction details were not disclosed, we might learn more later in the summer when Gain Capital announces its second quarter results). We also expect a relatively high attrition rate of soon-to-be-ex dbFX clients to FXCM and possibly other firms.

We do not expect this transaction to have a material effect on either FXCM or Gain Capital – the volumes at play are not large to begin with, FXCM will not be losing much and Gain Capital will not be adding much. The stock market however wasn’t impressed with either Gain Capital or FXCM, with their share prices down 2.0% and 1.9% respectively the day the deal was announced, while the overall market was up about 0.5%. Gain Capital shares are now down 28% since going public in December .

We believe that the major lesson here is that the online Forex industry is just not one which suits the traditional commercial banking world . There remains Citigroup’s CitiFX Pro (a White Label of Saxo Bank) and the recent entrance of Barclays to the sector (also via a White Label agreement with Saxo Bank), but overall the world’s large banks and other institutional players in the “traditional” FX business are not present in the online retail FX sector – the reasons for which we discuss in our Online Forex Industry Report.

Separately, FXCM announced its monthly numbers for March, with volumes rising significantly to $314 billion (from $250 billion in February), marking what we believe will be a good quarter for the overall industry – not surprising given the high volatility in exchange rates and commodity prices during the second half of the quarter. 2) Alpari announces (some of) its results for 2010 . In announcing its monthly volumes at $160 billion, Alpari hand-picked November 2010 as opposed to reporting an annual average (sometimes it pays to read the fine print!). Not surprising, since for several brokers November was the only really good month in the second half of 2010. FXCM, for example, reported November volume of $322 billion, nearly 25% above its annual average for 2010. Given that and the fact that several other Europe-centric brokers such as Saxo Bank and FxPro saw volumes drop precipitously in the second half of 2010, we believe the average / run-rate at Alpari to be closer to $100 billion per month than their reported $160 billion. Our volume estimates for other US and European online Forex firms can be found in our Online Forex Industry Report. 3) TradeStation . a multi-asset online trading platform company in the US (Nasdaq: TRAD), was acquired by Japanese online brokerage firm Monex for $411 million – about 3.2x 2010 Revenues and 36x Net Income . Less than two weeks prior TradeStation had announced the launch of TradeStation Forex to operate its online Forex business, meaning that TradeStation would no longer act as an introducing broker to Gain Capital – TradeStation had been Gain Capital’s largest IB. accounting for 6.6% of overall Gain Capital volumes and 12.7% of Gain Capital’s customer assets in 2010. Based on these figures, TradeStation Forex (assuming all clients stay with them and their new proprietary platform) will start life doing about $8-9 billion in monthly volume . mostly in the US.

From Gain Capital’s point of view, it basically comes out even . picking up close to $10 billion monthly from the dbFX acquisition while losing roughly the same amount from TradeStation going it alone. Except that Gain had to pay money to acquire dbFX, but (presumably) got nothing for the lost TradeStation clients – White Label agreements are nice, but they typically can be ended on short notice, with no recourse to the firm supplying the White Label.

The greater implication of the acquisition and launch of TradeStation Forex is simply more competition in the US retail Forex market.

4) Saxo Bank ’s two major outside shareholders, private equity firm General Atlantic and Portuguese financial outfit Espirito Santo Financial Group, were rumored to be close to selling their combined 33% stake in Saxo Bank to unnamed US private equity firms based on a company value for Saxo Bank of almost $3 billion, according to Danish newspaper Borsen. We question the valuations being reported . given that they are way out of line with both publicly traded and M&A multiples for the industry, which we present in our Online Forex Industry Report. For more on this also see our report from April 21, immediately below.

http://www. dbfx. com

Quoted from Elite Trader ""While all the hoopla over FXCM going down on 1/22/10 continues, I like digging deeper to see if there is a bigger story behind the smoke and mirrors.

Well, that story is all but too clear now. Not only did FXCM's Servers go down, but at precisely the same (exact) time, guess else's Servers went down? That's right, no other than dbFX!

I completely stumbled over this correlation and did not go out looking for it, folks. I no longer have any FXCM (so I thought) nonsense running on my HDD, but I do have what I thought was a clean installation of the dbFX retail platform installed as a demo on my HDD for what I call off-site testing - that's testing of new concepts NOT using my real trading station, so that they won't know what I'm testing. Anyway, I logged into dbFX at around 1:00 pm est. Lo and behold, the login failed for the first time. I thought to myself; this is a bit odd, this never happens. So, I close the trading station and attempt to login again.

Well, right before my eyes, the dbFX Trading Station throws a dialog box to screen the says: Cannot Connect to: fxcmcorporate. com .

Well, my eyes almost popped out of my head because I was told in no uncertain terms that dbFX ONLY used the Software (front-end) of from FXCM. I was told directly by Deutsche Bank FX, that whenever I logged into a dbFX account, that I was logging directly onto a dbFX Server located on dbFX soil and on the dbFX Network and that my login had nothing, whatsoever, to do with FXCM, their Server or their Network. Pretty, clear, huh.

Well, being a former enterprise technology guy, I went to work.

I could have easily run WHOIS, but I like digging for router hubs and gateways myself. So, getting to CMD on windows, I ran a ping against http:'//dbFX. FXCMCORPORATE. com and got the IP: I then (today) logged back into the dbFX trading platform (the one having nothing to do with FXCM other than using its front-end, ya, that one) and ran netstat from the command line (CMD) in windows. Netstat showed that my server was connected to another machine with the name: dbdemo. fxcorporate. com.

So, from CMD I ping dbdemo. fxcorporate. com and get back the IP:

Notice the difference between and

So, I go back to CMD and run tracert on BOTH IP addresses. Well, guess what folks? Both IP's start out on the same path with precisely the same number of hops, until the path splits near hop number 9. Hop 9 had the machine name: fxcorporate-gw. ip4.tinet. net ( and everybody knows that the designation "gw" most likely means: Gateway and the start of the Hexadecimal sequence being a 77, confirms it in my mind.

So, here I am, all this time, living under the WORDS of one of the worlds largest FX players, thinking the entire time that since it was a Bank (of all things) that it had to be doing business above board - all the while being lied to, as my login sequence was being terminated directly on another FXCM Server and being run through an FXCM Network.

So, when dbFX tells you that your account sits on their Server, forget about it, it ain't true. When dbFX tells you that you are trading with their data feeds and their pricing model, forget about it, it ain't true. Not when FXCM is holding all the cards: Software, Hardware and Network - nope - forget about it.

Until I step foot inside the dbFX Datacenter or its IT Department and physically verify the location of the Gateway Authentication Server and the physical existence of the Account Server and the Data Warehouse containing the actual Database Tables that make up my account (Demo or Production) - then as far as I am concerned the name of dbFX is not dbFX at all; it is DBFXCM and nothing more.

There is no physical differentiation between dbFX and FXCM at the Software, Hardware or Network levels. Ninguna. So, why would I continue to believe that the Pricing and Data Feeds are have such distinctions in them? No intelligent person would assume as much and neither do I (anymore).

Here's the bigger problem: Why? Why would such a mega successful BANK like Deutsche Bank, crawl in bed with the infestation known as FXCM? Sure, db had enough reserve capital for the development of its own trading platform.

I'll soon need an Institutional Trading Platform that can get me to market in large scale. Roughly between 50M to 100M notional value (daily). Why would I trust that kind of transaction to anyone that would LIE to me so blatantly?

This makes Barclays look mighty good right about now. They have an Institutional platform that on the surface looks pretty solid. I've never used it, but I'm on the phone first thing in the morning to find out about it. I cannot believe that I was seriously considering Deutsche Bank. I also cannot believe that they made such strategic error in running their business.

The error message was a dead giveaway, but the research confirmed it for me when I discovered Let that be a lesson to both db and FXCM. Or, should I say, let that be singular lesson for DBFXCM.

Thank goodness for network tools and the ability to know how to use them!

The End. (of any relationship I was contemplating down the road with Deutsche Bank)""

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London. July 8, 2009

dbFX celebrates three year anniversary - looking back at evolving retail FX market

dbFX. com, Deutsche Bank’s award-winning online foreign exchange (FX) trading platform for individual investors celebrated its third birthday last month, reinforcing its position as one of the market’s leading FX providers.

dbFX was launched by Deutsche Bank, in May 2006 to take advantage of growing investor interest in FX as an asset class and to bring the expertise of the world’s number 1 foreign exchange bank* to the retail market. It has seen a number of significant milestones since its launch including the introduction of dbFX’s Arabic language platform (dbfxarabic. com) in October 2007, and its Managed Accounts and Introducing Brokers programmes in September the following year – ensuring investors are equipped with a comprehensive, global and blue-chip platform with which to trade FX.

The foreign exchange markets have evolved significantly over the last three years, with incredible growth both on the institutional and retail side. There have been significant spikes in volatility and because the retail market has become more accessible and sophisticated, investors are increasingly better positioned to take advantage to diversify their portfolios.

Below are some key milestones of note which reflect the continual evolution and innovative approach of the platform since launch:

May 2006: dbFX. com launched

October 2006. Chinese website launched - dbFX. com. hk

October 2007: dbFX. com Arabic website launched

May 2008: Launch of вЂ˜Introducing Broker’ and вЂ˜Managed Accounts’ programmes

September 2008: dbFX. com website revamp

September 2008: Decimalised pricing introduced

May 2009: Profit & Loss Award: Best Retail Platform

June 2009: Launch of world-wide FX educated investor video series with Bloomberg

Additional initiatives are planned for this summer to continue this record of continual improvement, and to further improve the functionality and market intelligence available to dbFX. com investors.

Commenting, Betsy Waters, global director of dbFX, said: “Deutsche Bank, with dbFX. com, was the first major global bank to bring a sophisticated trading platform to retail investors, and bring the benefits of Deutsche Bank’s award winning expertise in foreign exchange to the growing retail market.

“Since its initial launch into 20 countries in 2006, dbFX. com, like the FX market itself, has continued evolving and is now available in multiple languages in 82 countries around the world, providing investors with proprietary market insight and research from Deutsche Bank that is difficult to match.

“ The retail forex market of 2009 is now very different from how it looked when dbFX launched in 2006. Today, a much greater number of participants in this market are larger private investors and active traders with trading styles and strategies similar to the institutional market. dbFX provides the market liquidity that these forex traders are seeking. ”

* Euromoney Poll, 2005 to 2009

For further information, please contact:

Zaman Toleafoa / James Marshall: +44 207 269 7244 / 7222

About Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable private clients franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With 80,277 employees in 72 countries, Deutsche Bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.

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dbFX at a Glance

dbFX is an online Foreign Exchange Trading Service provided by Deutsche Bank AG. You can trade with Deutsche Bank, the pre-eminent provider of liquidity in the world's foreign exchange markets.

Deutsche Bank has Offices in over 73 Different Countries

Over 64,000 Employees

More than EUR 1,000 Billion of Assets

No. 1 Foreign Exchange House in the World in 2005 and 2006 (Euromoney)

Deutsche Bank AG is a major participant in the world's foreign exchange markets. The daily FX notional trading volume is larger than the combined value of the major US. European, and Middle Eastern equity markets. The majority of the activity is focused on the major currencies of the world, the US dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, and British pound. The Euro / US dollar pair trades at a greater daily notional trading volume than the New York Stock Exchange. dbFX enables clients to trade the major currency pairs, the crosses, and several of the more important minor currency pairs, for a total of 24 currency pairs.

The foreign exchange markets are de-centralized, offering different levels of access to various market participants. At the lowest level are individuals making small personal transactions, such as those visiting foreign countries. Their access is through several intermediaries, and as a result, they tend to receive less favorable pricing for transactions. Corporations tend to have better access and pricing, however, they generally access the market through a bank. Small banks deal through larger banks. The larger banks trade through each other and have access to the best pricing. Deutsche Bank AG is the number one bank in the world's foreign exchange market.* When you trade through dbFX, you receive privileged access to the world's foreign exchange market. dbFX is as close to the inter-bank market as a individual trader can be.

dbFX provides online margin foreign exchange trading services to individuals around the world. Clients have 24-hour online access to the foreign exchange markets through the dbFX Trading Station. The foreign exchange markets trade actively on a continuous basis from Sunday afternoon through Friday night (EST) providing unlimited opportunities to engage in an actively moving market. Deutsche Bank AG clients have the benefits of trading on streaming quotes. The spreads can be as narrow as 3 pips on select currency pairs in normal market conditions. dbFX provides competitive pricing and market access with the highest level of client support, including professional services in 9 languages 24 hours a day.

The dbFX Trading Station at a Glance

Deutsche Bank feeds real-time streaming prices into the dbFX Trading Station. Prices update dynamically tick by tick with the slightest market move. Dealing rates are not an indication of where the market is trading, but of actual prices at which the currency pair can be bought or sold on the Trading Station. dbFX offers spreads as low as 3 pips in select currency pairs under normal market conditions.

Streaming Pricing in All Currency Pairs

Competitive Bid/Ask Spreads

Market Orders Placing a market order is quick and efficient. Click on the price in the dealing rates window to buy/sell the currency pair. This will bring up a market order box where the client can select the currency pair and amount. Once the "OK" button is clicked, the order will typically be filled at the exact price specified.

We will endeavor to confirm each trade to you by posting the trade in the open positions window or closed positions window, promptly after trade execution. In the "Open Positions Window", all required information is displayed regarding your open trade including the open price and real-time profit/loss, in both pips and US dollar terms.

Market Order A market order is an order to buy or sell a currency pair immediately at the current market price displayed on the dbFX Trading Station.

Rapid Order Execution

Real-time Trade Confirmation & On Demand Reporting

Real-time P/L Tracking

Note: Order execution and trade confirmations are prompt under normal market conditions. All quotes and trades are subject to the terms and conditions of the Deutsche Bank Client Agreement, accessible through this website.

Stop-Loss Orders and Trailing Stops Stop-loss and limit orders can be placed on open positions simply by clicking on the stop/limit column on the open ticket. Orders can be modified or cancelled at any time. dbFX will use the current prices as displayed on the dbFX trading platform to execute stop loss orders. If the market moves through the stop loss price the order will be executed at the next available price as displayed on the trading platform.

Clients also have the option of setting a trailing stop-loss order that will automatically adjust as the market price moves in the direction of the open position. The trailing stop feature allows clients to lock in profits without having to monitor the market.

Stop-Loss Order A stop-loss order allows a client to limit potential losses from an unfavorable market move. An order to close the position is triggered by a rate specified by the client. With the dbFX Trading Station, a stop-loss order is attached to a specific open position or entry order. If the position is closed or entry order cancelled, the attached limit order will be cancelled. Otherwise, the limit order is good till cancelled.

Trailing Stop-Loss A trailing Stop-loss order is similar to a stop-loss, except contains an additional feature. The stop-loss level automatically adjusts in set-increments to increase gains or decrease losses, as the underlying position makes favorable moves.

Ability to Set Stops and Trailing Stops

Margin Watcher All account information is updated on a tick-by-tick basis, giving clients a complete view of their account activity. Clients have the ability to select the degree of leverage for their account. Margin requirements are fixed for both intraday trading and for positions held overnight.

Based on each client's margin requirement, the dbFX Trading Station will calculate in real time both the funds needed to maintain current positions (Used Margin) and the funds available for taking new positions (Usable Margin). If the equity in the account drops below the margin required to maintain open positions, all open positions will be closed by the dealing desk at the market price.

Real-time Margin Tracker

Multiple Leverage Options

The dbFX Trading Station Key Features

The dbFX Trading Station is a world-class online foreign exchange trading station designed to provide clients with comprehensive market information and a high level of execution.

Fast, Efficient Order Execution Speed and Size As a major liquidity provider for global foreign exchange, Deutsche Bank AG offers both institutional and private clients access to the foreign exchange markets.

Privileged Market Access dbFX accommodates all clients with competitive bid/ask spreads, irrespective of order size, with minimum execution costs.

Streaming Real-Time Executable Rates* For 24 currency pairs, updated dynamically tick by tick with every market move.

Intuitive, Point-and-Click Market Order Technology Simply click the price to buy or sell the currency pair. After the market order box appears, select the amount and click OK to execute the trade. Confirmation follows promptly.

Customizable Risk Management Built In Multiple levels of Customization Allows the client to personalize the dbFX Trading Station according to individual preferences.

View Account Activity in Real-Time All account information is updated tick-by-tick, giving clients a complete view of their account activity in real time.

Leverage Clients must have a minimum percentage of the value of the positions they hold in their account for each lot traded. The dbFX Trading Station calculates both the funds needed to maintain current positions and those available for taking new positions.

Customizable Risk Management Stop-loss orders are executed automatically when the price reaches the specified price level, effectively allowing precision risk control under normal market conditions.* A trailing stop-loss order electronically adjusts itself as the market rate moves in the direction of the open position, allowing the client to lock in profits without having to monitor the market.

Nos complace anunciar que VeriteFX será el anfitrión de nuestro blog durante el primer semestre de 2009. Ellos pondrán señales de comercio de divisas y ofrecerán a los lectores una orientación valiosa en el mercado. Those of you who follow our blog, will already know that VeriteF is moderated by the same team that previously handled ProFXI and we glad to have Davids valuable forex sxpertise and advice on our forex blog.

En Forex Justice esperamos que usted presente por lo menos en la revisión de una empresa de divisas que usted ha tenido una experiencia con - bueno o malo. Doing so will help keep this site free and will grant you access to our forex blog. Si está interesado en hospedar nuestro blog forex en el futuro, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Tony en info@forexjustice. com con sus credenciales comerciales y la experiencia de intercambio de divisas.

We look forward to hosting several experienced forex experts as time goes on.

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Estas recomendaciones y señales de compra son sólo para fines de demostración. Usted debe hacer su propia investigación y tomar sus propias decisiones de inversión. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. Antes de comercio de divisas debe comprender los riesgos asociados con estas operaciones, incluyendo la pérdida potencial de la prima entera pagada. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta es probable que logre beneficios o pérdidas como se indica en nuestro historial comercial. Pro FXI y sus propietarios no son responsables de las pérdidas, monetarias o de otro tipo, que resulten del contenido de este y cualquier sitio web, boletín, blog o sala de chat publicado por Pro FXI. Por favor tome en cuenta el riesgo con cualquier inversión y consulte a los profesionales de inversión antes de proceder.

Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web Pro FXI se proporciona como comentario general del mercado, y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Pro FXI no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, y sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

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Existen riesgos asociados con la utilización de un sistema de comercio de ejecución de transacciones basado en Internet incluyendo, pero no limitado a, el fallo de hardware, software y conexión a Internet. Debido a que Pro FXI no puede controlar la potencia de la señal, su recepción o enrutamiento a través de Internet, la configuración de su equipo o la fiabilidad de su conexión, no podemos ser responsables por fallos de comunicación, distorsiones o retrasos al operar a través de Internet.

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www. Dbfx. com

It's traffic is estimated to about 9,967 visits monthly. We have discovered about 19 pages linking to dbfx. com according to Google and 1,689 pages according to Yahoo . Dbfx. com hosted on IPs, by Deutsche Bank . in datacenter located in United Kingdom .

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Customer Numbers Soar On dbFX As Retail Foreign Exchange Grows As An Asset Class Of Choice

Customer numbers more than double in 2008 as investors flock to retail FX o EUR / USD made up 41 per cent of all trades, an annual rise of 105 per cent

By Industry: * Forex trading

June 10, 2009 - PRLog -- dbFX. com, the online retail foreign exchange (FX) trading platform of Deutsche Bank, reported a surge in customer numbers in 2008 as foreign exchange grew as an asset class of choice for investors amid the financial crisis.

dbFX. com saw customer numbers increase by over 250 per cent, as investors looked to FX as an alternative, and uncorrelated, asset class to equities and bonds. Volumes also notably increased from 2007, as investors took advantage of significant volatility in the market.

From a currency perspective, the EUR/USD was the most popular currency pair on the platform accounting for 41 per cent of all trades, versus 20 per cent of volume the previous year. The group of currencies representing carry trades were only 24 per cent of volume in 2008 versus 36 per cent in 2007, as the carry trade - the dominant trading strategy in 2007 - lost popularity with investors who moved out of leveraged currencies as global interest rates fell last year.

Betsy Waters, Global Director of dbFX. com, commented: “Retail FX’s popularity as an asset class truly soared in 2008 from a customer and trading perspective. Our more than doubling of customer numbers can be partly attributed to today’s uncertain economic environment with investors wanting the safety of knowing their capital is with a provider which is backed by a larger, well-recognised institution such as Deutsche Bank, the world’s leading FX bank*. Our success can also be attributed to the institutional - quality research and superior service we offer our customers on a daily basis.

“Looking ahead, we’re very bullish about the long term prospects for retail FX. As active traders become disenchanted with the equity markets they will turn to the FX markets for trading opportunities. In many countries, retail traders can only buy and hold equities, while FX markets offer the ability to buy and sell currencies based on your market views.

“Ultimately, FX is proven to be uncorrelated to bond and equity markets so it’s no surprise that retail investors are looking to FX, which is a proven asset class with institutional investors as a means of generating returns.”

Launched in 2006, dbFX. com is available in multiple languages, has 34 currency pairs and is accessible in more than 70 countries around the world. It brings the benefits of Deutsche Bank’s award winning expertise in foreign exchange to clients, with Deutsche Bank ranked the No. 1 Foreign Exchange Bank in 2008 by Euromoney magazine for the fourth year running*.

The platform can be accessed at: www. dbfx. com

* Euromoney Foreign Exchange poll 2008

Key facts and figures:

o Top three traded currency pairs listed in order of trading volumes (highest to lowest):

o UK & Europe: EUR/USD; GBP/USD; USD/JPY o United States: EUR/USD; USD/JPY; GBP/USD o Middle East: EUR/USD; GBP/USD; USD/JPY o Combined: EUR/USD; GBP/USD; USD / JPY

o March and October were the most traded months for dbFX and the markets overall in 2008

Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable private clients franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With 81,308 employees in 75 countries, Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world. The bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.

Thread: ACM vs DBFX (reviews)

ACM vs DBFX (reviews)

hay i have recently opened an account with acm(usa) which i am thinking of switching to ACM based in Geneva. so far i love the platform very easy to use but if any one has there own review please post it. the other option is to switch to dbfx (Deutsche Bank forex) there minimum is 5000 U. S. there platform is pretty basic but they (DB) do trade almost 20% of the daily market please leave reviews for your experiences with these companies. remember no information is useless please share.

Join Date Nov 2008 Posts 1

Hi tjhimself, I 'm trying the ACM demo and have had no problems so far. Can you give more details as to why your considering switching from ACM(USA) to the parent company.

Join Date Jul 2008 Location Florida Posts 16

simply because its there parent company and for there swiss location.

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DBFX Forex Hakkında DBFX ile ilk tanıştığımda, ciddi ve yerleşik bir broker firması olması nedeniyle şaşırdım. Siteleri iyi düzenlenmiş ve sunduğu şeyler de oldukça geniş. Site, Arapça, Çince ve İngilizce olmak üzere üç dilde. Ancak bu sayı, diğer brokerlerle karşılaştırıldığında biraz az kalıyor. DBFX ile ilgili en etkileyici şey, elbette destekçilerinin Deutsche Bank olması, ki bu da onlara iş likiditeye geldiğinde büyük bir esneklik sağlıyor. Platformları ve altyapının tamamı Deutsche Bank'a ait ve onlar tarafından barındırılıyor. DBFX'in kayıt işlemi kolay ve güvenilir, fakat teminat yatırma süreci büyük bir hayal kırıklığı. Mevcut olan tek ödeme metodu banka havalesi ya da online çekler. PayPal ve daha standart olan kredi kartı ile ödeme desteklenmiyor. Paranızı hesaba aktarmayı başardığınızda, çekim işlemi kusursuz çalışıyor ve 2 ila 5 iş günü sürüyor. Platform oldukça kullanıcı dostu; Emtia ticaretinin yanı sıra kayıp durdurma, alım satım geçmişi, detaylı ve hassas çizelgeler ile grafiklerin dahil olduğu tüm standart piyasa özelliklerini barındırıyor. DBFX platformu tacirin bilgisayarına indirilebiliyor, risk yönetimi ile hesap işletme ve bakım özellikleriyle birlikte geliyor. Şirket web tabanlı bir ticaret platformu sunmuyor; bu, pek çok Forex taciri için sorun yaratabilir, zira tacirler bilgisayarlarına indirecekleri bir platformla pek de ilgilenmeyecektir. Platformda gerçek zamanlı piyasa verileri mevcut ve elbette Deutsche Bank tarafından sağlanıyor. Bu durum, verileri önemli ölçüde doğru ve değerli kılıyor. Gerçek alım satım açısından bakıldığında platform 34 çift ve 2 pipe kadar inen bir dağılım sunuyor. Buna ek olarak, gerçek parayı riske etmeden önce ticaret ortamını yakından tanımak için çok kullanışlı bir araç olan bir demo hesabı da açabilirsiniz. Ancak DBFX'in en kötü yanı mini hesabın olmaması. Platform, minimum teminatı 5,000$'ın altında olan hesapları desteklemiyor. Bu önemli bir eksiklik, zira tacirlerin çoğu daha küçük miktarlarda alım satım işlemi yapmadan önce bu kadar büyük hesaplar açmak istemiyor. Kaldıraç da yeterince rekabetçi değil. Sunulan kaldıraç maksimum 100:1, çoğu aracı kurum ise 400:1'e kadar çıkan kaldıraçlar sunuyor. Elbette daha yüksek kaldıraçların her zaman tacirlerin avantajına olduğunu söylemiyorum ama çoğu insan bu seçeneği istiyor, oysa burada bu seçenek mevcut değil. DBFX, müşteri desteğine oldukça fazla kaynak ayırıyor. Şirket pek çok iletişim yolu sunuyor. Bunlar arasında temsilcilerle gerçek zamanlı sohbet de var, ki bu çok işe yarar ve kullanımı kolay bir araç. Benim sorularıma son derece sorumlu şekilde yaklaştılar. Öte yandan DBFX'e telefonla veya e-posta ile ulaşmak da mümkün. Sağlanan hizmetlerle ilgili bilgiyi, sitedeki kullanımı çok kolay bir ürün ön izleme seçeneği sayesinde alabiliyorsunuz. Sunum, platform üzerinden ticaret yapmak konusunda pek çok bilgi içeriyor. Ürün ön izlemeye ek olarak, son derece detaylı bir kullanıcı kılavuzu da mevcut. Bu kılavuz oldukça uzun ve bilgilendirici bir doküman, sunulan hizmetlerle ilgili sorabileceğiniz tüm soruları ve cevaplarını barındırıyor. Müşteri hizmetleri, ürün ön izleme ve kullanıcı kılavuzu sayesinde, ticarete başlamadan önce siteden istediğiniz tüm bilgileri alacağınız kesin. DBFX İngiltere'de yerleşik, FSA denetiminde olan, Deutsche Bank tarafından desteklenen ve sahiplenilen bir şirket. Şirketin geçmişinde uzun bir ödül listesi mevcut, yani güvenilirlik konusunda endişe etmeniz gerekmiyor. Ancak minimum 5,000$'lık teminat, maksimum 100:1 kaldıraç, web tabanlı bir platformun olmayışı ve en önemlisi PayPal veya kredi kartı ile ödeme yapılamaması gibi sorunlar nedeniyle DBFX, sadece çok spesifik ve özel Forex taciri tipi için hizmet veriyor. http://www. forexuyelik. com

DBFX Forex Hakkinda

DBFX Forex Hakkında DBFX ile ilk tanıştığımda, ciddi ve yerleşik bir broker firması olması nedeniyle şaşırdım. Siteleri iyi düzenlenmiş ve sunduğu şeyler de oldukça geniş. Site, Arapça, Çince ve İngilizce olmak üzere üç dilde. Ancak bu sayı, diğer brokerlerle karşılaştırıldığında biraz az kalıyor. DBFX ile ilgili en etkileyici şey, elbette destekçilerinin Deutsche Bank olması, ki bu da onlara iş likiditeye geldiğinde büyük bir esneklik sağlıyor. Platformları ve altyapının tamamı Deutsche Bank'a ait ve onlar tarafından barındırılıyor. DBFX'in kayıt işlemi kolay ve güvenilir, fakat teminat yatırma süreci büyük bir hayal kırıklığı. Mevcut olan tek ödeme metodu banka havalesi ya da online çekler. PayPal ve daha standart olan kredi kartı ile ödeme desteklenmiyor. Paranızı hesaba aktarmayı başardığınızda, çekim işlemi kusursuz çalışıyor ve 2 ila 5 iş günü sürüyor. Platform oldukça kullanıcı dostu; Emtia ticaretinin yanı sıra kayıp durdurma, alım satım geçmişi, detaylı ve hassas çizelgeler ile grafiklerin dahil olduğu tüm standart piyasa özelliklerini barındırıyor. DBFX platformu tacirin bilgisayarına indirilebiliyor, risk yönetimi ile hesap işletme ve bakım özellikleriyle birlikte geliyor. Şirket web tabanlı bir ticaret platformu sunmuyor; bu, pek çok Forex taciri için sorun yaratabilir, zira tacirler bilgisayarlarına indirecekleri bir platformla pek de ilgilenmeyecektir. Platformda gerçek zamanlı piyasa verileri mevcut ve elbette Deutsche Bank tarafından sağlanıyor. Bu durum, verileri önemli ölçüde doğru ve değerli kılıyor. Gerçek alım satım açısından bakıldığında platform 34 çift ve 2 pipe kadar inen bir dağılım sunuyor. Buna ek olarak, gerçek parayı riske etmeden önce ticaret ortamını yakından tanımak için çok kullanışlı bir araç olan bir demo hesabı da açabilirsiniz. Ancak DBFX'in en kötü yanı mini hesabın olmaması. Platform, minimum teminatı 5,000$'ın altında olan hesapları desteklemiyor. Bu önemli bir eksiklik, zira tacirlerin çoğu daha küçük miktarlarda alım satım işlemi yapmadan önce bu kadar büyük hesaplar açmak istemiyor. Kaldıraç da yeterince rekabetçi değil. Sunulan kaldıraç maksimum 100:1, çoğu aracı kurum ise 400:1'e kadar çıkan kaldıraçlar sunuyor. Elbette daha yüksek kaldıraçların her zaman tacirlerin avantajına olduğunu söylemiyorum ama çoğu insan bu seçeneği istiyor, oysa burada bu seçenek mevcut değil. DBFX, müşteri desteğine oldukça fazla kaynak ayırıyor. Şirket pek çok iletişim yolu sunuyor. Bunlar arasında temsilcilerle gerçek zamanlı sohbet de var, ki bu çok işe yarar ve kullanımı kolay bir araç. Benim sorularıma son derece sorumlu şekilde yaklaştılar. Öte yandan DBFX'e telefonla veya e-posta ile ulaşmak da mümkün. Sağlanan hizmetlerle ilgili bilgiyi, sitedeki kullanımı çok kolay bir ürün ön izleme seçeneği sayesinde alabiliyorsunuz. Sunum, platform üzerinden ticaret yapmak konusunda pek çok bilgi içeriyor. Ürün ön izlemeye ek olarak, son derece detaylı bir kullanıcı kılavuzu da mevcut. Bu kılavuz oldukça uzun ve bilgilendirici bir doküman, sunulan hizmetlerle ilgili sorabileceğiniz tüm soruları ve cevaplarını barındırıyor. Müşteri hizmetleri, ürün ön izleme ve kullanıcı kılavuzu sayesinde, ticarete başlamadan önce siteden istediğiniz tüm bilgileri alacağınız kesin. DBFX İngiltere'de yerleşik, FSA denetiminde olan, Deutsche Bank tarafından desteklenen ve sahiplenilen bir şirket. Şirketin geçmişinde uzun bir ödül listesi mevcut, yani güvenilirlik konusunda endişe etmeniz gerekmiyor. Ancak minimum 5,000$'lık teminat, maksimum 100:1 kaldıraç, web tabanlı bir platformun olmayışı ve en önemlisi PayPal veya kredi kartı ile ödeme yapılamaması gibi sorunlar nedeniyle DBFX, sadece çok spesifik ve özel Forex taciri tipi için hizmet veriyor. http://www. forexuyelik. com

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dbFX - Deutsche Bank

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Trading foreign exchange ("Forex"), Commodity futures, options, CFDs and SpreadBetting on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange ("Forex"), Commodity futures, options, CFDs or SpreadBetting you should carefully consider your monetary objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your deposited funds and therefore you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange, Commodity futures, options, CFDs and SpreadBetting trading, and seek advice from an independent advisor if you have any doubts. Past returns are not indicative of future results.

Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. The broker/dealer and the referring broker will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Any information, recommendation or promotion whether by email, newspaper or flyer, and not limited to any communication method that directly or indirectly links to any area of FxStat website must state that the promoter is not affiliated with FxStat and that any claims made are not endorsed by FxStat in any way.

GAIN Capital to acquire Deutsche Bank’s dbFX retail foreign exchange trading business

GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: GCAP), a global provider of online trading services, has reached an agreement with Deutsche Bank AG to acquire dbFX, Deutsche Bank’s retail foreign exchange trading business. The agreement also provides for the referral of retail forex clients from Deutsche Bank to GAIN Capital over the two-year period following the closing of the transaction.

Under the acquisition agreement GAIN Capital will make certain payments to Deutsche Bank based on contract volume generated by transferring customers, subject to a specified minimum payment. The transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and other closing conditions.

Since dbFX was launched in 2006, volumes on the platform have grown every year culminating with full year 2010 volumes being 56 per cent higher than full year 2009 volumes.

“We’re pleased to be able to offer our services to Deutsche Bank’s retail clients, and look forward to continuing to provide the high level of customer service that dbFX customers have come to expect,” says Glenn Stevens, chief executive officer, GAIN Capital. “One of the reasons we decided to go public was to selectively pursue attractive acquisition opportunities that would complement our business and enhance value to all parties. We believe this transaction does exactly that.”

dbFX clients will now be able to enjoy the benefits of trading through FOREX. com, GAIN’s award winning retail division.

Zar Amrolia, global head of foreign exchange at Deutsche Bank, says: “Having developed dbFX into one of the world’s most successful online foreign exchange providers for retail clients, we believe now is the right time to set the business on a course for further growth under the ownership of an online retail specialist. We will work with GAIN Capital to ensure a seamless transition.”

Deutsche Bank remains the world’s largest provider of foreign exchange to institutional and corporate clients.

DBFX Comentario

November 14, 2014 by Igor

Al encontrar DBFX por primera vez, me llevaron inmediatamente sorprendido por lo que parecía ser una casa de valores serio y establecido. Su sitio está bien organizado y su oferta es bastante amplia. El sitio está disponible en tres idiomas árabe, chino, e inglés, que es un número relativamente pequeño de idiomas en comparación con otros corredores. Lo que es más atractivo de DBFX es por supuesto el hecho de que están respaldados por el banco de Deutsche, que les da una gran flexibilidad a la hora de liquidez. Su plataforma y toda la infraestructura es propiedad y está mantenido por el Deutsche Bank. Proceso de registro de DBFX es fácil y sencillo, pero su proceso de depósito es un inconveniente muy grande. La única forma de pago disponible es transferencia bancaria o cheques en línea. No apoyan el PayPal muy básico y el método de pago con tarjeta de crédito aún más estándar. Una vez que logran depositar su dinero, el proceso de retirada es transparente y toma 2-5 días laborales. Su plataforma es fácil de usar e incluye todas las características estándar de mercado, incluyendo pérdidas de la parada, la historia del comercio, gráficos detallados y precisos y gráficos, así como la capacidad de comercio de productos básicos. La plataforma de DBFX se puede descargar a la PC del operador y incluye una función de gestión de riesgos y mantenimiento de la cuenta. Ellos no ofrecen una plataforma comercial basada en la Web, que será problemático para muchos comerciantes de Forex no están interesados ​​en la descarga de una plataforma para su PC. La información de mercado en tiempo real disponible en su plataforma es, por supuesto, suministrado por el Deutsche Bank, que hace que sea una información muy exacta y precisa. En términos del comercio real, que ofrecen un impresionante 34 pares en una baja propagación de tan bajo como 2 pips. Además, DBFX le ofrece una cuenta de demostración gratuita, que por supuesto es una herramienta muy útil para conocer su entorno comercial antes de arriesgar dinero real. Sin embargo, el mayor inconveniente de DBFX es la falta de una cuenta mini. No apoyan posiciones con menos de un depósito mínimo de $ 5.000. Esta es una característica muy perdido, ya que muchos comerciantes no quieren entrar y abrir esas grandes posiciones antes de que hayan negociado pequeñas sumas de dinero. Su influencia también era lo suficientemente competitivo. Ofrecen un máximo de 100: 1 de apalancamiento, mientras que muchos corredores ahora ofrecen hasta un apalancamiento 400: 1. No quiere decir que un mayor apalancamiento siempre funciona en beneficio del comerciante, pero la mayoría de la gente quiere esa opción y con DBFX, está ausente. DBFX invierte muchos recursos en su atención al cliente. Ofrecen muchas formas de comunicación, como un verdadero chat en tiempo con sus representantes, que resultó ser una herramienta muy útil y fácil de usar, ya que eran muy atento a mis preguntas. Además, puede ponerse en contacto con ellos por teléfono o correo electrónico y esperar una pronta respuesta. Usted también puede aprender acerca de su servicio a través de un muy fácil de usar Vista previa del producto en su sitio. La presentación que ofrecen es muy útil y le guía a través del proceso de negociación con su plataforma. Además de la vista previa de productos, que ofrecen una guía de usuario muy detallado, que es un documento extenso e informativo, que abarca a todas las preguntas que pueda tener sobre su servicio. Entre la atención al cliente, la vista previa del producto, y la guía del usuario, usted está seguro de obtener la información que necesita de su sitio antes de negociar. DBFX se basa en el Reino Unido, la FSA regulado, con el respaldo y la propiedad de Deutsche Bank, y tienen una larga lista de premios del pasado, por lo que en términos de fiabilidad, no debe preocuparse. Sin embargo, entre el depósito mínimo de $ 5,000, el máximo de 100: 1 de apalancamiento, la falta de una plataforma basada en la web, y lo más importante, la imposibilidad de pagar a través de Paypal o tarjeta de crédito, DBFX es un corredor para sólo un tipo muy específico y exclusivo de comerciante de la divisa.

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Tagged with dbFX

Hasta hace muy poco tiempo, el mercado de divisas estaba solamente al alcance de agentes importantes: Bancos, fondos de inversión, grandes empresas, o inversores individuales ricos. Ahora, gracias la evolución de la tecnología y a actores como X-Trade Brokers S. A. incluso los inversores con recursos limitados pueden empezar a intervenir en el mercado de divisas, beneficiándose de condiciones que antes se encontraban sólo al alcance de los inversores institucionales. Es por ello que los brokers online son cada día más populares.

Las ventajas de trabajar con Internet son numerosas, aunque es importante tener presente que para trabajar con los mercados y valores de la Bolsa, es necesario poseer versatilidad y adaptación a los posibles cambios.

Los Brokers online han tenido una gran aceptación en España, cosa que no es de extrañar si observamos las diferentes ventajas que ofrecen: como un horario ininterrumpido, facilidad del trabajo por Internet, bajas comisiones, seguridad…

La mayoría de las plataformas online poseen algún sistema de seguridad, que garantiza el uso y manejo adecuado, pero bien es cierto, que como inversor, nunca está demás permanecer alerta, y a la menor sospecha, comunicar al responsable de la plataforma (bancos, cajas, entidades financieras en general, o incluso la CNMV).

Los brokers online más populares en España son Renta 4, Bolsa Abierta Plus, las plataformas online de La Caixa y eBankinter entre otros. A nivel europeo, el dbFX, que es la plataforma online del Deutsche Bank, se presenta como el más sólido y robusto.



International travel and spending is on the rise. According to the Office for National Statistics, the annual number of visits overseas by UK residents jumped nearly 20 percent from 2002 to 2007. Along with the increase in cross-border travel, the associated international spending by UK individuals has also increased – up to a staggering £9.8 billion in 2007. With the steady increase in international travel, chances are good that you are likely quite familiar with exchange rates. You may know how much money can be made or lost when changing from one currency to another.

Or perhaps you’ve had a go at trading shares and have become familiar with foreign exchange risk and reward through company mergers and acquisitions, as international businesses integrate to compete in a constantly evolving global economy. When a company purchases goods and services from foreign suppliers, it faces exchange rate risk. If you take a look at any publicly traded company’s annual report, you’ll likely find P&L lines for foreign exchange dealings.

No matter what your level of familiarity with exchange risk and reward is, there are now an abundance of speculative opportunities that cater to individuals wishing to get into the foreign exchange marketplace. This is why the practice of trading foreign currencies online has increased more than fourfold from 2002 to 2007 – up to an average daily volume of £1.65 billion.

Spot forex, the abbreviation for foreign exchange, is the largest financial trading market in the world. It is based on the principle that as the supply and demand of a country’s currency fluctuates, the value of one currency relative to another can change dramatically. These changes in the relative value of a country’s currency provide speculative opportunities and advantages over trading individual shares or indices.

The currency speculation that used to happen only between large banks in the interbank market over the telephone can now be done by individuals from home, or while travelling, any time of the day or night. The use of technology has greatly opened up the spot forex market for average investors to access and trade. The pound, euro, yen, dollar and a variety of other currencies can now quickly and easily be traded from a personal computer or even a mobile phone.

Unlike traditional financial markets, speculators can respond to currency value fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur, day or night. This means that you can attempt to profit from the exchange rate differences by placing a trade whenever you want, 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week.

Figure 1. Source: GFT’s DealBook® 360 trading software

By taking a look at the figure 1, we can see that in almost seven months, the pound fell in value against the U. S. dollar by .1639 pence. While that may not seem like very much of a decrease in value, if it is punted correctly, it could result in a handsome profit of £8,434 or more for the speculator. Of course, a move in the opposite direction could have resulted in a loss of equal or greater value.

How spot forex works

Spot forex trading involves speculating on exchange rates between two currencies. When you place a trade, you are simultaneously buying one currency and selling another, as forex is always traded pairs, such as GBP/USD or EUR/USD. When you buy one currency, you must give up something (another currency) in exchange, similar to how you would give up money to buy shares of a company in the stock exchange. Therefore, you would never refer to buying or selling any one currency by itself.

It is important to understand that the exchange rate between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other. The first currency is the base currency, and the second currency is the pricing currency. A quoted exchange rate indicates the amount of pricing currency that can be exchanged for one unit of the base currency. For example, if GBP/USD is quoted as 1.9322, it means that one pound can be exchanged for 1.9322 U. S. dollars.

Because currency pairs can be bought or sold to seek a profit, it is helpful to think in terms of the first currency pair listed in the quote. For example, if you think the pound will increase in value, you’d buy the GBP/USD. If you think it will decrease in value, you’d want to sell the GBP/USD currency pair. Remember that in this example, your forecasted increase or decrease for the pound is in relation to the U. S. dollar.

When trading with a spot forex broker or dealer, you will receive a quote that includes two numbers, such as GBP/USD 1.9322/1.9324. The first price is the price at which you can sell the pair, and the second price is that at which you can buy the pair. The difference between these two numbers is referred to as the “spread.”

Speculators can “gear” their trading capital to control 100,000 units of currency in the spot forex market, which is another reason why currency trading has grown in popularity. This is also referred to as leverage, and means that just a .0001 pound move in one direction can mean quickly realised P&L opportunities. Spot forex allows you to use a smaller amount of capital to control a larger market position than what is possible with other traditional financial markets.

Learn more about the basics of trading spot forex with GFT, a leading provider of spot forex, CFD and spread betting software and services. If you’d like to try trading for yourself, log on to www. gftuk. com for a free practice trading account.

CFDs, spot forex trading and spread betting carry a high degree of risk to your capital and it is possible to lose more than your initial investment as well as any variation margin that you may be required to deposit from time to time. You should only speculate with money that you can afford to lose. These products may not be suitable for all investors; therefore please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary and prior to entering into such transactions.

ACM is one of the largest brokers in the FOREX market. They offer 4 user friendly platforms which can be accessed via web and via mobile phones. While it is easy and convenient to trade with ACM, the minimum deposits required are extremely high, starting at $2,000 for mini accounts! The minimum lot size is 100,000 units, and spreads are not fixed, thus exposing the trader on ACM to high risks during volatile markets.

Global FOREX Trading gftFOREX is known for its dazzling charts and prompt customer service. At the heart of the GFT platforms are the DealBook 360, a 20 MB-plus downloadable trading engine that power the Demo, the Mini, and the Standard. The Standard is the full-featured crown jewel of the line; the Mini is less robust. GFT is for the trader who is serious about FOREX and wants to become more adept at playing the market

Custom FX Trading Solutions

dbFX offers a variety of programs to suit your unique forex trading needs. Programs can be tailored for introducing brokers through to financial institutions. Taking in account your needs and we can work with you to design the best program for you and your clients.

Expand the number of products you offer to your existing and potential clients, by providing them with the opportunity to gain privileged access to the forex market with dbFX.

Whether you are looking to trade currencies on behalf of your clients or interested in making use of the trading services of a professional manager, dbFX offers a sophisticated managed accounts program to suit your needs.

Build your own automated trading systems or plug into an existing program, while accessing Deutsche Bank`s quality pricing and execution.

Gain access to world-class execution, research and pricing from Deutsche Bank, while benefiting from a full end-to-end online FX trading solution for hedge funds.

Benefit from our flexible end-to-end solution for financial institutions with proprietary trading desks, which addresses the n

FX Rollovers

At the end of each trading day, dbFX will automatically rollover all positions for you unless you instruct us otherwise by 4 pm London time on the scheduled settlement date of the applicable trade. Once you execute a trade, you may leave it open as long as desired and it will automatically be rolled over to the current spot value date. Credit and debit for the rollover interest will be posted to your account on a daily basis, and displayed in the forex trading platform and in your reports.

What is Rollover?

In the FX market, currency trades typically settle 2 business days after the trade date. The settlement date is referred to as the "value date". If you wish to hold a trade open until the next trading date, you must execute a rollover trade with your bank or forex broker in order to keep the position open. A rollover is buying for one value date and simultaneously selling for another value date. The rollover price represents interest rate differential for the 2 currencies involved in the FX trade. As indicated above, we will rollover your positions unless you instruct us otherwise by 4 pm London time on the scheduled settlement date of the trade.

What are the Daily Rollover Timing and Rates?

All positions held after 4pm London time are subject to rollover, as this is considered the end of the international currency trading day. Positions held after this time are subject to rollover and funds are automatically subtracted from or added to your account.

For positions that are open on Wednesday and held overnight, the amount added or subtracted to an account as a result of rolling over a position tends to be around 3 times the usual amount. This reflects the fact that trades do not typically settle during the weekend period.

For more information, please access the monthly rollover schedule .

Where Can I View the Daily Rollover Rates?

You can view the daily interest credit or debit amounts for each of the currency pairs within the dbFX trading platform. Access the Simple Dealing Rates tab of the Advanced Dealing Rates window to view the amount that will be paid or earned on each lot.

Column "RollS" displays the amount that will be credited or debited to the account balance for each lot that is a short position in the given currency. Column "RollB" shows the amount that will be credited or debited to the account balance for each lot that is a long position in the given currency. Interest is displayed in the base currency of you

FX Rollovers

Closing Trades

FX Strategies - Technical Analysis


Beginner's Guide to Foreign Exchange Investing

Just like trading stocks, any investor with an interest in world currencies can trade in foreign exchange. But how much about trading foreign currencies do you need to know?

The level of investor-related education you need before you begin depends on how you want to trade. Are you looking to buy and hold like Warren Buffet with his stock picks? Or do you want to make quick money day to day?

Your answer will determine what your trading style should be and how much work you’ll have to do.

Going In for the Long Haul Just like traders who follow stocks and commodities. being a successful forex trader takes work, an understanding of world markets and government roles in markets that can impact the value of a country’s cash.

But because of our current economic environment, many retail investors have already been keeping up with the economies of other countries, says Betsy Waters, global director of dbFX. Deutsche Bank’s (Stock Quote: DB ) foreign exchange trading Web site.

For trading information and tips, foreign exchange data and services company eSignal. a division of Interactive Data Corp. (Stock Quote: IDC ) offers free forex trading strategies .

And for extra help, whether you’re a new forex trader or a pro, dbFX offers access to research from its analysts worldwide to clue you in on the development or potential downturns in world markets.

In the Short Term If you’re eager to step up your game and you’re willing to do more research and speculation, day trading in foreign exchange is an option.

By analyzing technical data and fundamental analyses, you can identify trends in foreign currencies, and as with stocks, speculate on the future value of a country’s money by looking at stats and charts.

You can get general exchange rate information and economic indicators for the U. S. and abroad from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. And eSignal offers free information on foreign exchange trading strategies that help you identify short-term and long-term trends and possible reversal of trends.

Get Comfortable You can open a demo account with dbFX, in which you get a $50,000 in virtual money to trade in order to get comfortable with forex and build confidence in your skills. You can practice trading, do your research, read charts and practice using technical analyses. When you’re comfortable, you make the switch to real money.

Like trading individual stocks, it may take a lot of research and a lot of guts to actively invest in foreign exchange. If you’d like to get your feet wet in foreign exchange, but you’re not sure how to go about it on your own, you can open a managed account with dbFX. Instead of directing your own investments, an account manager will invest on your behalf and fully disclose to you their strategies.

Zoltan Vass Forex

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GAIN Capital to acquire Deutsche Bank’s dbFX retail business

21 April 2011 • Source:

GAIN Capital Holdings has reached an agreement with Deutsche Bank AG to acquire dbFX, Deutsche Bank’s retail foreign exchange trading business. The agreement also provides for the referral of retail forex clients from Deutsche Bank to GAIN Capital over the two-year period following the closing of the transaction.

Under the acquisition agreement GAIN Capital will make certain payments to Deutsche Bank based on contract volume generated by transferring customers, subject to a specified minimum payment. The transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and other closing conditions.

Since dbFX was launched in 2006, volumes on the platform have grown every year culminating with full year 2010 volumes being 56 percent higher than full year 2009 volumes.

“We’re pleased to be able to offer our services to Deutsche Bank’s retail clients, and look forward to continuing to provide the high level of customer service that dbFX customers have come to expect,” said Glenn Stevens, chief executive officer, GAIN Capital. “One of the reasons we decided to go public was to selectively pursue attractive acquisition opportunities that would complement our business and enhance value to all parties. We believe this transaction does exactly that.”

dbFX clients will now be able to enjoy the benefits of trading through FOREX. com, GAIN’s award winning retail division.

Zar Amrolia, global head of foreign exchange at Deutsche Bank, said “Having developed dbFX into one of the world’s most successful online foreign exchange providers for retail clients, we believe now is the right time to set the business on a course for further growth under the ownership of an online retail specialist. We will work with GAIN Capital to ensure a seamless transition.”

Deutsche Bank remains the world’s largest provider of foreign exchange to institutional and corporate clients.

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Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Please read FXCM's full risk warning .

FXCM es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Comerciante de Divisas al por menor con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. NFA # 0308179

FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

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Alpari Location: Russia / UK / US Online Since: 1998 Account Types: Micro / Classic Minimum Account Size: $200 Free Demo Account: Yes (unlimited) Spreads: 1.8+ Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4

dbFX Location: Germany Online Since: 2006 Account Types: Standard Minimum Account Size: $5000 Free Demo Account: Yes Spreads: 2-4 pips for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: dbFX Trading Platform

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Forex. com (GAIN Capital) Location: US Online Since: 1998 Account Types: Mini / Standard Minimum Account Size: $250 Free Demo Account: Yes (30 days) Spreads: 1.1+ for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4

CMS Forex Location: US Online Since: 1999 Account Types: Universal (trade mini and standard lots from same account) Minimum Account Size: $200 Free Demo Account: Yes Spreads: 2 pips for EUR/USD and USD/JPY pairs Charts / Trading Platform: VT Trader 2.0

FXCM Location: US Online Since: 1999 Account Types: Mini / Standard Minimum Account Size: $2000 Free Demo Account: Yes Spreads: Typical spreads between 2 and 4 pips for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4. Also offers Micro account.

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FXPro Location: Cyprus Online Since: 2008 Account Types: Standard / Premium Minimum Account Size: $500 Free Demo Account: Yes (unlimited) Spreads: 0.5+ for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4

GFT Forex Location: US / Worldwide Online Since: 2001 Account Types: Mini / Standard / Silver / Gold / Platinum Minimum Account Size: $250 Free Demo Account: Yes Spreads: 3-4 pips for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: DealBook 360

Interactive Brokers Location: US Online Since: 1998 Account Types: Universal Minimum Account Size: $3000+ (depending on the type of account) Free Demo Account: No Spreads: 1 pip for EUR/USD pair Charts / Trading Platform: Trader Workstation

Interbank FX Location: US Online Since: 2001 Account Types: Mini / Standard Minimum Account Size: No minimum Free Demo Account: Yes (30 days) Spreads: 2 pips for EUR/USD pair Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4

MB Trading Location: US Online Since: 2002 Account Types: Standard Minimum Account Size: $400 Free Demo Account: Yes Spreads: 0.1-1 pip for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4

MIG Bank Location: Switzerland Online Since: 2003 Account Types: Standard / Professional / Institutional Minimum Account Size: $2000 Free Demo Account: Yes (90 days) Spreads: 2-3 pips for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4

Oanda Location: Canada Online Since: 2001 Account Types: Standard Minimum Account Size: No minimum Free Demo Account: Yes (unlimited) Spreads: 0.9 for EUR/USD pair Charts / Trading Platform: FXTrade platform

ODL Securities Location: UK Online Since: 2004 Account Types: Standard (can trade from $1 per point upwards) Minimum Account Size: $2000 Free Demo Account: Yes Spreads: 2-3 pips for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4 (and other platforms for professional traders)

Saxo Bank Location: Denmark Online Since: 1999 Account Types: Saxo MiniTrader / Saxo Trader Minimum Account Size: $2000 Free Demo Account: Yes (20 days) Spreads: 2-3 pips for major currency pairs Charts / Trading Platform: SaxoTrader


Equity markets continue to plough higher, as the risk rally resumed after Wednesdays correction. Asian regional indexes traded higher, with the Nikkei break above 2009 highs. The Nikkei's move put pressure on the JPY across the board, but especially against the commodity currencies. Risk sentiment is still the core driver to FX prices, which means traders will be monitoring equity markets for any. 16:00 (CET) - Chicago's PMI 14:50 (CET) - Canada's GDP 14:47 (CET) - US personal consumption worse than expected 14:30 (CET) - US GDP beat expectations 10:45 (CET) - New housing starts in Japan 11:40 (CET) - Eurozone's unemployment rate 11:35 (CET) - Swiss KOF leading indicators 11:30 (CET) - Eurozone's July CPI 09:30 (CET) - Japanese unemployment rate 08:30 (CET) - Tokyo's CPI 08:00 (CET) - Session Open Alert-18:07 (Est) ACM Precious Metals Analysis: Gold Pares Losses as Negative Development in Sentiment Proves to be Short-Lived Risk appetite remained firm in the Asian session, following the US equity markets higher: However, European indexes have turned red and, with them, the USD has begun to retake lost ground. In Japan, core CPI fell by -1.7%, the largest annual decline ever recorded, while unemployment increased to 5.4%. The soft labour market is clearly taking its toll on consumer confidence, as household spending. No slippage on market orders / No requotes!

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CMC Group Plc Since: Founded in 1989, CMC Forex is one of the world's leading online FX Derivatives Market-Makers. Visit CMC Group Plc's website http://www. cmcmarkets. com/

Forex Capital Management Since: 2003 Provides Forex resources, online trading and company background. Visit Forex Capital Management's website http://www. fx-forex-trading. com/

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FOREX International Since: 2005 An Introducing Broker for Advanced Currency Markets. Visit FOREX International's website http://www. forexinternational. com/

Forex Solutions LLC Since: 2000 Online trading service for the foreign exchange market. Visit Forex Solutions LLC's website http://www. forexsolutions. com/

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FX Asset Management Since: Managed forex accounts, trading, individual and institutional educated trader. Visit FX Asset Management's website http://www. fxassetmanagement. com/

FX International Group, Inc. Since: 2004 Provides institutions and private investors with accessibility, information, and solutions on the foreign exchange market. New York, NY, USA. Visit FX International Group, Inc.'s website http://www. fxinternationalgroup. com/

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FX Solutions Since: 2001 Currency trading in the major pairs and the crosses, live demo and flash tutorial. Visit FX Solutions's website http://www. fxsol. com/

FX Trading, Inc. Since: 2003 Provides brokerage services, including technical analysis, charting and current news on the foreign currency markets. Visit FX Trading, Inc.'s website http://www. fxtrading. com/ Since: Offers trading services in the major currencies and gold. Visit's website http://www.

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GAIN Capital Since: 1999 Independent provider of online currency trading. Visit GAIN Capital's website http://www. gaincapital. com/

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetitie. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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dbFX is Deutsche Bank's online margin forex trading platform for individuals and small institutions. As the world’s leading FX liquidity provider*, Deutsche Bank brings the benefits of the foreign exchange market to you on a state-of-the-art trading platform tailored to your needs. World-Class Forex Trading Platform Designed to provide traders with comprehensive market information and quality execution. Key features include advanced technology and customisable risk management. Trade with Deutsche Bank Currency trading with the safety, security and quality pricing of the world's No. 1 FX Bank*. Competitive Spreads From as low as 2 pips on 34 currency pairs under normal market conditions, with live streaming quotes 24 hours a day. Research & Charts Access to Deutsche Bank’s award winning research and expert market analysis, as well as an integrated charting tool, real-time market news and web-based charts. Margin Forex Trading Up to 100:1 leverage, depending on currency trading experience. Full Control over FX Trading Positions Advanced hedging capabilities and flexibility to choose which trades to close instead of first in, first out (FIFO). Multi-Language Platform Available in English, Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Russian and Japanese. Superior Client Services 24 hour support in 9 languages via phone, e-mail and instant messenger

Practice currency trading online with a Free Trial Account with $50,000 in virtual money. Experience the dbFX forex trading platform with live streaming prices in 34 currency pairs. Develop and test forex trading ideas in real market conditions with no risk. Access Deutsche Bank's proprietary research and real time charts. Then simply apply to open an account online with as little as $5000 or equivalent. Alternatively, contact our customer support team today. dbFX representatives are available 24 hours a day to give you a demo of the full functionality and power of the forex trading platform


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MetaTrader 4 . or MT4 . is a software program or electronic trading platform widely used by online Forex (foreign exchange, i. e. currency) speculative traders.

Its developer MetaQuotes Software had previously released MetaTrader 3 (now not used) and a significantly re-coded MetaTrader 5 is currently in public beta testing. [1]

The client terminal includes a built-in editor & compiler with access to a user contributed free library of software, articles and help. The software utilizes a proprietary scripting language, MQL4 [2]. which enables traders to develop Expert Advisors . custom indicators and scripts. MetaTrader's popularity largely stems from its support of algorithmic trading .

Yahoo hosts a large group (over 12,000 members) devoted to development of free open source software for MetaTrader. [3]

Lately a number of brokerages have added the MT4 platform as an optional alternative to their existing trading software. Third party developers have written software bridges enabling integration with other financial programs, although MT4 is used as a stand alone complete solution by many brokerages. [4]

The complete MetaTrader 4 package includes the following components:

MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal - the client part. Provided free by brokerages for real-time online trading and as Demo (practice trading) accounts.

Provides trade operations, charts and technical analysis in real time. The internal C - like programming language allows users to program trading strategies, indicators, signals. 50 basic indicators are included, each of which can be further customized. Runs on Windows Vista/XP/2000/98. Some users have reported success using WINE on Linux for the client terminal. [5]

MetaTrader 4 Mobile - controls a trading account via mobile devices such as mobile phone or laptop .

Runs on Windows Pocket PC 2002/Mobile 2003.

MetaTrader 4 Server - the core of the system, the server part.

Designed to handle user requests to perform trade operations, display and execution of warrants. Also, sends price quotes and news broadcasts, records and maintains archives. Works as a service. Does not have a separate interface.

MetaTrader 4 Administrator - is designed to remotely manage the server settings.

MetaTrader 4 Manager - designed to handle trade inquiries and manage customer accounts.

MetaTrader 4 Data Center - a specialized proxy server and can be an intermediary between the server and client terminals. It reduces the price quote sending load on the main server.

The platform is focused on margin trading. Some brokerages use the platform to trade CFD but it is not designed for full-time work in the stock market or to conduct non margined trading [ citation needed ] .

MetaTrader 5 is designed as a platform for equity markets as well as Forex, CFD and Futures trading.

Both MetaTrader 4 and 5 can

Retail forex trading is a segment of the vast foreign exchange market. It has been speculated that volume from retail forex trading represents 5 percent of the whole forex market which amounts to $50-100 billion [1] [2] in daily trading turnover. One thing is certain: The retail forex market is explosively growing and is increasingly becoming an powerful force in the broader FX marketplace. In most cases, spot trading is the offered currency product. Due to the increasing tendency in the past years of the gradual shift from traditional intrabank 'paper' trading to the more advanced and accurate electronic trading. there has been spur in software development in this field. This change provided different types of trading platforms and tools intended for the use by banks. portfolio managers. retail brokers and retail traders.

One of the most important tools required to perform a forex transaction is the trading platform providing retail traders and brokers with accurate currency quotes.

[edit ] History and new developments

Since 1996, when retail forex trading was first introduced, several brokers who lacked the sufficient tools developed their own trading platforms tailored specifically to their needs. The 1st retail FX brokers were MG Forex, The Matchbook FX ECN. GFT, CMC Markets. Saxo Bank (then known as Midas) and a handful of others. Most except CMC, Saxo & Matchbook FX were based on the ACT forex trading technology & GUI. These platforms were good enough at the time but required constant investments in R&D and this development cost too much. This was the first wave .

The second wave was in the early 2000s: several software companies entered the retail forex trading market by launching their own versions of trading platforms. Typically these versions were cumbersome for both front-end users (retail traders) and back-end users (retail brokers) due to the misunderstanding of the developers about the forex market and also because of the insufficient programming tools/languages at the time. Simultaneously most of the retail brokers kept using and developing their own systems as they waited for better platforms which were yet to be developed.

There are currently few to no brokers which were part of the first wave trading systems. By now most of the first wave brokers have either vanished, merged or progressed to the second wave trading platforms – the most common example of which is MetaTrader 4 from MetaQuotes .

It is only in the last couple of years that the advanced trading platforms started to emerge. These platforms put much stronger emphasis on the user interface (GUI) making it more accessible to the retail traders while making trading on it very simple and intuitive. Moreover a very strong emphasis was put on the back-end which allowed the retail brokers better control over their operations, better reporting and accurate system and ways to manage marketing campaigns. Gradually this wave is replacing the previous second wave with a major shift now to the friendlier and more intuitive systems of the third wave which according to Aite Group are necessary in order to maintain growth [3] .

Nowadays, banks have also jumped on the retail forex trading platform bandwagon and have started offering those services to individual traders and money mangers, expanding the forex trading appeal. DBFX and Citibank are some of the banks that are currently offering this service.

n finance, an Electronic trading platform is a computer system that can be used to place orders for financial products, such as shares. cautiverio. Monedas commodities and derivatives with a financial intermediary, such as a brokers. market makers or stock exchanges over a network. Such platforms allow electronic trading to be carried out by users from any location and are in contrast to traditional floor trading and telephone based trading.

Electronic trading platforms typically stream live market prices on which users can trade and may provide additional trading tools, such as charting packages, news feeds and account management functions. Some platforms have been specifically designed to allow individuals to gain access to financial markets that could traditionally only be accessed by specialist trading firms such as allowing margin trading on forex and derivatives such as contract for difference or to trade strategies based on technical analysis .


[edit ] Historic development

The first electronic trading platforms were typically associated with stock exchanges and allowed brokers to place orders remotely using private dedicated networks and dumb terminals. Early systems would not always provide live streaming prices and instead allowed brokers or clients to place and order which would be confirmed some time later, these were know as 'request for quote ' based systems.

Trading systems evolved to allow for live streaming prices and near instant execution of orders as well as using the internet as the underlying network meaning that location became much less relevant. Some electronic trading platforms have built in scripting tools and even APIs allowing traders to develop automatic or algorithmic trading systems and robots, which have been used by high frequency traders .

The client graphical user interface of the electronic trading platforms can be used to trade currencies. equities. future. or options and are also sometimes called trading turrets .

[edit ] Trading platform standards

The National Futures Association (NFA) in the US list the following general standard requirements for forex electronic trading systems [1] ;

Authentication (Passwords, Authentication Tokens such as secureID cards; or digital certificates)


Transactions recording standard

Pricing and slippage standard

dbFX is Deutsche Bank ’s online margin forex trading platform for individuals and small institutions. Based in the United Kingdom, dbFX is FSA regulated and covers over 82 countries.


[edit ] History

dbFX was launched in May 2006 in response to the growing global forex market and increasing client demand for streamlined access to capital market products [1]. Initially offered to clients across Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific, dbFX later became the first international investment bank to provide online retail FX services to the Middle East in October 2007 [2] .

[edit ] Services

dbFX offers online FX trading services [3] to self-directed traders, money managers, hedge funds and financial institutions via its trading platform software. An application programming interface (API) is also available to allow high frequency traders to build their own forex trading systems or plug into an existing program, while gaining access to Deutsche Bank’s pricing and execution. Clients can also access Deutsche Bank research, including daily reports and economic research.

An Introducing Broker Program [4] is offered to those looking to introduce self-directed and managed accounts to dbFX. The program is designed for regulated financial service providers, such as FCMs, brokers, small banks and individuals (e. g. CTAs and IFAs), as well as forex service providers.

[edit ] Trading Platform

The dbFX trading platform [5] is available in 7 languages: English, Chinese, Arabic, German, Spanish, French and Russian. Features include integrated charts, hedging with no FIFO restrictions, flexible order types, real-time account summary and 24-hour reporting.


[edit ] Business model

ZuluTrade is a free peer2peer on-line trading network between FX traders worldwide and everyday people that don’t have the time or knowledge to trade the markets. ZuluTrade cites as its advantage the following 5 features [1] : a) Auditing trading accounts in real time by controlling the execution flow of each trade in the service and by not allowing users to upload statements (sometimes false) to prove their performance, b) Executing in real time trades into followers live trading accounts, c) Funds safety as funds are kept within the user’s live brokerage account, d) Privacy as live followers do not give discretion to any 3rd party on their account, e) Diversity as 20 brokerage firms globally are connected with the ZuluTrade peer2peer network [2] .

ZuluTrade receives compensation per trade per contract from the brokers connected within its peer2peer network and splits the compensation with the Signal Provider that have originated the trades which have been executed successfully on one or more live follower’s trading account.

[edit ] Technical Description

In contrast to fully automated or black-box Foreign Exchange autotrading. ZuluTrade uses the Signal Provider method: the service audits Forex experts that are members of the service, known as signal providers, and ranks their performance by using ZuluRank. a proprietary rating algorithm. Traders can then select one or more Signal Providers and the service automatically translates signals into trades in the trader’s broker account. ZuluTrade’s autotrading software is integrated with popular FX trading platforms such as MT4. Saxotrader. FXCM trading station. Act Forex platform, GAIN trading station, Ducascopy trading station, GTS station etc. The service is server based, and works with no human intervention whatsoever.

ZuluRank ZuluRank is a proprietary algorithm that ranks traders by analyzing different factors, such as the amount of trading activity, the Drawdown (economics) of each trade and its P&L. frequency of the trader’s presence in the system and other variables. ZuluRank creates a number of lists based on the Signal Providers’ strategy and performance, such as Best Providers, High Risk Providers, even Worst Providers that can be exploited positively through the Hypothetical Reverse feature.

Hypothetical Reverse The Hypothetical Reverse feature enables traders to potentially benefit from the worst performing signal providers. Through this option a trader may (automatically) do exactly the opposite of what a signal provider does; for instance, when they “Buy” traders can actually “Sell” y viceversa. This feature is based on the notion that when reversed, the worst traders’ signals can prove profitable.

[edit ] Signal Providers

Signal providers place trades on their account and all live followers that have selected a specific provider receive these trades on their live broker accounts, provided they have sufficient funds to cover for the transaction. Signal providers get paid for each traded lot of their signals. Signal providers cannot promote their strategies; they are trying to achieve a positive performance which would give them a higher ranking in the relevant category and a motive for clients to select them in their portfolio.

[edit ] Controversy

A number of controversial disputes concerning the operation of the ZuluTrade service have occurred as a result of a highly competitive and technical in nature market [3] .

Signal Providers multiple name dispute Signal Providers can open multiple accounts with different names on the ZuluTrade service, in order to create diverse strategies under each name. After trader’s concerns that this practice undermined the transparency and reliability of the Signal Providers, ZuluTrade now displays all linked names to each Signal Provider’s profile.

Live Funds After concerns that Signal Providers trade with virtual funds, ZuluTrade introduced several measures in order to separate real and virtual accounts. A “live followers” tab lists all users that follow the signals of a specific signal provider with real money. Additionally, Signal Providers that trade with own funds are distinguished by means of a relevant symbol. Finally, all trades that have been supported with actual funds are highlighted with the word “LIVE” next to them.

Gain Takes Over Deutsche Bank’s Retail Forex Biz

Posted 5 years ago | 12:00 PM | 1 May 2011 No Comments

Yup! You read it right! The hottest talk on the FX block right now is how last quarter’s most profitable broker. Gain Capital, acquired dbFX–Deutsche Bank’s retail forex arm. The move to Gain came off as a surprise because dbFX had been providing retail forex trading through FXCM’s platform and support services. Market junkies thought FXCM had the deal sealed since the transition would’ve been smoother for clients since there would be no changes in the platform. But apparently, FXCM got out bid by Gain. For how much, that’s a secret they won’t tell.

So, how will this affect every day Joe-traders like you and I?

Well, for those who are dbFX clients, they will have to get used to a new trading platform, which may tick off some. I’m sure many of them have invested a lot of time trying to understand and get comfortable with the dbFX platform. Now you’re telling them that they have to switch over to another broker and get used to a new platform? If I were in their shoes, I wouldn’t want to be part of dbFX or Gain’s customer service right now…

In the bigger scheme of things, I can’t help but wonder if this is the beginning of a longer-term trend in the broker industry. In the past year, FXCM has acquired ODL and GCI Capital, while Gain took over CMS Forex. With new capitalization and leverage rules due to be implemented soon, smaller brokers may have a harder time competing and eventually may have no choice but to sell their business to the big boys.

If that scenario plays out, would be a good or bad thing for us regular trader folk?

On one hand, you can argue that fewer brokers will leave traders with limited options, putting more of the power in the hands of the brokers. With fewer competition, they may charge higher commission fees and the quality of their service could take a turn for the worse.

On the other hand, the bigger brokers get, the more scrutinized and watched they will be by the CFTC and NFA. In addition, it will also be easier to weed out potential scammers acting as small brokers, which would beneficial to newbies who are just starting to trade.

What do you guys think? Are you in favor of the consolidation of brokers? Or would you rather have many smaller brokers? Share your thoughts in the comment box below!

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Forex Trends

Head and Shoulders trading pattern is a technical analysis term used to describe a chart formation in which the Forex price: 1. Rises to a peak and subsequently retraces. 2. Then, the price rises above the former high on the chart and again declines. 3. And finally, rises again to.

Head and Shoulders trading pattern is a technical analysis term used to describe a chart formation in which the Forex price: 1. Rises to a peak and subsequently retraces. 2. Then, the price rises above the former high on the chart and again declines. 3. And finally, rises again to.

Sentimental Analysis is an analytical technique where a trader looks at the sentiment or feeling of the market and which way they are leaning. A lot of times the coming trading technique is to trade against market sentiment. In this video you will learn more about what market sentiment is.

In the 13th century, Leonardo Fibonacci discovered a number sequence where each successive number represents a sum of two preceding ones. In trading, horizontal lines that intersect a trend line at Fibonacci levels, or retracements, can be drawn automatically in most trading platforms. This video demonstrates how to use Fibonacci.

Understanding and recognizing chart patterns are an essential part of Forex trading and provide excellent insights into new trading ideas. This video is a brief overview of the basic chart patterns including Head and Shoulders, Double Tops, Double Bottoms, and Triangles was well as how to use these to find.

Big Banks and the Forex Market Trade

The Big Boys of FOREX

From reading many financial sites, you might get the idea that it’s very easy to make money in Forex (the foreign exchange market); I’m sorry to tell you that this is not true. One reason for this is that you’re competing against some major players: governments and central banks. How much do big banks trade in the forex market? Well, daily turnover is currently in the area of $4 trillion per day, and commercial banks make up approximately half of that. In short: there’s a lot of money moving around! While it’s certainly possible to beat the banks in the forex markets, it’s definitely not easy!

Why Banks Trade

Central banks often use the forex markets in an attempt to control the money supply, driving their own currencies towards preset target rates and using their foreign reserves to stabilize the market.

For most banks, however, the majority of trading is speculative; a large bank might trade billions of dollars per day, buying and selling the same currencies and making money off of the price difference, which is called the pip spread. PIP stands for price interest point and is the smallest amount that the value of a currency can change; this is generally the fourth decimal place.

Banks set a bid price (what they will pay for a currency) and an ask price (what they’ll sell it for). A bank selling to smaller traders may have a five pip spread between the two prices, while a credit card company may charge several hundred pips. Trades between major banks, on the other hand, may have a spread of less than a single pip.

Beating Big Banks and the Forex Market Trade

The forex trading market is fairly decentralized; trading takes place around the clock, and is open to anyone. It’s difficult to make money in forex because there are a number of players who have a lot of money involved and can make trades almost instantaneously in response to changing conditions. Additionally, buying currencies in the volumes required to obtain the best rates requires a volume that is significantly out of reach of the average investor. Remember the question we asked above, how much do big banks trade in the forex market? The number is measured in trillions of dollars per day, where a single bank may be making trades worth billions of dollars. Is this who you want to directly compete with?

Fortunately, there’s another way to get involved with currency trading. While the big banks make their money off of the pip spread, individual investors can make money if they can successfully predict how currency prices will change in the future based on political events. Like beating the stock market, this is difficult because it requires finding information that has not been correctly taken into account in the current prices. Futures contracts allow you to lock in a price today for a trade that will be executed weeks, months, or even years in the future, allowing you to lock in a profit (or loss!) if you can find a long-term trend that will result in significantly altering the relative value of two currencies.

Forex trading can be particularly dangerous due to the use of leverage. When a margin account is opened with a forex broker, the broker generally extends a loan to the trader to use in taking positions; this loan can be 100 times the size of the deposit (or even more). As a result, a leverage rate of 100:1 allows someone to trade $100,000 worth of currency by investing only $1,000. You’re responsible for the profit or loss on the entire amount invested, not just what you put up; if you use your $1,000 to invest $100,000 and the currency goes up 5%, your profit is five grand – five times what you put in! This is useful because the price of currencies generally changes only by a very small amount each day; however, it also makes it possible to lose much more than the amount deposited – so be careful!


Forex Market: http://www. dbfx. com/

Posted Nov 19 2006, 12:15 PM, updated 9 years ago Post #1

First of all thanks to mod for creating this subforum.

This thread is for forex traders (trading for profits or as a hobby) to discuss strategies and post their successful trades for others to learn from. We may also discuss about failed trades and learn something from it as well.

What's good about forex? 1) It's a truly globalised market (open 24/5 a week), we are talking about USD 1 trillion worth of transaction every day. 2) It's a free market. Limited regulation compared to securities exchanges. 3) It's where technical analysis works great (I'm so into some technical analysis). 4) Forex trading skills can be apllied in various type of securities and commodities as well (futures, options, gold, soybean). Good for people who consider trading as a professional job. 5) You can open account for - USD 5.00 (yes you get money instead of spending money).

Keep the posts coming.

This post has been edited by luqmanz . Nov 19 2006, 12:35 PM

Thread: FXCM Improper Handling of Customer Accounts?

Call DBFX and get FXCM?

The Truth About the Relationship between DBFX and FXCM Finally Revealed

(a two [2] part documented video that includes an actual phone call to FXCM)

How many former DBFX clients, customers and traders realized that FXCM actually had physical access to their DBFX account information? This video finally nails the proof to the wall, that both FXCM and DBFX lied to the public about their so-called "White Label Only" relationship, as well as who had access to the private custom data and information, derived by traders who funded trading accounts with DBFX.

This video is further exposition and proof of the "Bucket Shop Mentality" of Retail Forex Brokers, Intermediaries, Market Makers, and FCMs who lie to their customers by placing their private information into third-party hands without Customer approved and/or direct knowledge.

This was a major violation of trust. Both FXCM and DBFX share in the responsibility for their unethical behavior and their improper business practices. The former dbFX Client Accounts were supposed to have been made available to Forex. com, a Gain Capital Holdings Inc. operation in Retail Forex. dbFX, NEVER sent to its clients, any documentation that named "FXCM" as the alternative "roll-over" Broker during the period where dbFX was engaged in winding down its U. S. Retail Forex operations.

Does Gain Capital (Forex. com) know that FXCM was servicing the clients of dbFX, even through the date of final dissolution of the U. S. dbFX operation? Just how deep does the rabbit hole go? And, what OTHER information about its clients/customers, did dbFX reveal and/or release to FXCM Incorporated, WITHOUT prior consent and/or authorization of the dbFX "client?"

Both FXCM and the former Deutsche Bank owned "dbFX," made public the status of their relationship and confirmed in numerous reports of various kinds, that the only connection between them, was the licensing agreement that allowed dbFX to use the FXCM Trading Station II, in a separate and distinct business that did not include back-office ties of any kind, whatsoever.

This video clearly demonstrates all previous statements of full autonomy by both FXCM and dbFX, to all at once be false and untrue. The lies told by both the former dbFX and the current FXCM, are highlighted in this video by way of a telephone call that exposes the fact that dbFX had previously published and documented business telephone numbers for their own Client Services delivery, that were actually managed and directly serviced by FXCM employees out of the FXCM New York office.

Trading the currency markets can be difficult enough. Trading an already difficult market with an unethical and unprincipled Retail Forex Bucket Shop, could easily mean the difference between long-term success as a Trader and imminent failure.

This video is for educational purposes and it comes with the intent to inform those seeking the truth about the Retail Forex Intermediary known as FXCM Incorporated. FXCM Incorporated, is an NYSE traded company and has a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders, customers and its clients.

Is there any response forthcoming at all, from the designated FXCM Internet Public Relations Representative, Jason Rogers, regarding the facts and/or substance contained within the following video?

This is a Two Part video.

Call DBFX Get FXCM: Part I

Last edited by iDouble; 08-10-2012 at 05:51 AM.

As you probably already know, TradersChoiceFX offers a fantastic cash bonus program in order to enhance your trading.

For many of you that have been following us over the years, you know that we work with three excellent brokers: GAIN Capital, FXDD, and FXCM.

However, what you may not be aware of is that we also work with three more brokers that offer some very unique advantages to enhance your trading. On top of our three main brokers, you can also get a great trading arrangement at FX Solutions, DBFX, and Citi FX Pro.

To open your eyes to all of the brokers that we work with we've created a brand new webpage. To check this out simply click the link below:

Each of these additional brokers has gone through and passed our rigorous approval process, and each one has some unique benefits for you. Here is just a sample of the unique advantages you can expect to receive:

- Get competitive fixed dealing spreads when you trade with the very popular FX Solutions.

- Find great trade opportunities with the acclaimed Deutsche Bank research when you trade with DBFX.

- Protect your hard earned money with up to $250,000 in FDIC insurance by opening an account at Citi FX Pro.

On top of that when you open an account at any of the great brokers that we work with you'll literally get paid complimentary cash just for trading! We'll even beat any rebate offer in the industry to get you as much cash as possible.

Now, I know what you're thinking… It sounds too good to be true. How can we afford to pay you this complimentary money? Well, the way it works is when we bring a new trader to any of our approved brokers; we get paid a marketing fee. And to enhance your trading we then pass a portion of this money back to you.

To help you understand how much cash you can expect to receive we've created a rebate calculator that you'll be able to access using the link above. Make sure to check this out. The amount of complimentary money you can get will really shock you.

For instance, by trading just a single lot per day with a bonus of .5 pips, you'll get more than $1,300 in bonus money! This bonus cash can give you a huge leg up on the competition and as a smart trader you know how crazy it would be to leave this money on the table.

Even if you've already got an account at any of our accepted brokers you can still earn this complimentary cash!

So check out the brand new web page today to learn more about all of our approved brokers. To get started click the link below:

If you have any questions at all please contact my team at sales@traderschoicefx. com or call 617-340-6606.

Relative Strength Index Indicator – RSI

The RSI indicator (Relative Strength Index) is a price-following oscillator that is used in technical analysis. A popular method of analyzing the RSI is to look for a divergence where the market is making a new high, but the RSI is failing to surpass its previous high. This divergence can be an indication of an impending market reversal. This video covers how to use the RSI indicator and incorporate it into Forex trading strategies.

This video was provided by DBFX. www. dbfx. com

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If you want to learn something new, usually the best place to go is the source. In this video there is an interview with John Bollinger, the man who invented the Bollinger bands. He goes into detail about the best way to use trading bands in general as well as.

Depending on which statistics you look read, between 60 and 90% of Forex traders lose money. There are usually very specific reasons for this. This video will walk you through the major mistakes both new and experienced Forex traders make and how to avoid these mistakes when you make future.

Head and Shoulders trading pattern is a technical analysis term used to describe a chart formation in which the Forex price: 1. Rises to a peak and subsequently retraces. 2. Then, the price rises above the former high on the chart and again declines. 3. And finally, rises again to.

Head and Shoulders trading pattern is a technical analysis term used to describe a chart formation in which the Forex price: 1. Rises to a peak and subsequently retraces. 2. Then, the price rises above the former high on the chart and again declines. 3. And finally, rises again to.

Sentimental Analysis is an analytical technique where a trader looks at the sentiment or feeling of the market and which way they are leaning. A lot of times the coming trading technique is to trade against market sentiment. In this video you will learn more about what market sentiment is.

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ACM Advanced Currency Markets is recognized as the easiest to use and best forex platform for processing transactions and best forex system by Choosing the best foreign exchange broker for your needs will mean some research on. dbFX is Deutsche Bank's online forex platform, offering a free demo. 2004, 2005, 2006, Best Forex Broker, "Best FX Specialist" Stocks & Commodities 2002, 2003, 2004, Forex Broker Review, "Best Retail Platform" FX Week. NO DOWNLOADING for WEB based platform, trade forex from anywhere; You can denominate your live forex account in USD, EUR, GBP, CHF or JPY. Choosing the best forex broker is important. The best broker provide you the services you're. All the forex brokers offer their own trading platforms. It is the best solution for trading on Forex and Futures markets. Revolutionary Trading Platform. Live news. Expert Advisors. Trailing Stop. The best online forex trading platforms and brokers for private, professional and institutional traders. Interbank spreads from 0 pips. Trade Forex Live Online Now. Download Our Free Trading Platform! www. SaxoBank. com/Forex. SimpleForex. net, 01-23-2008. BestForex-Trade. com, 01-24-2008.

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New for traders: Forex

GAIN Capital launched GAIN GTX, an independent foreign exchange (FX) ECN for financial institutions, hedge funds, CTAs, high frequency traders and broker/dealers. GAIN Capital also announced the opening of its newest office in Hong Kong. http://www. gaingtx. com/ ; www. gaincapital. com

FXOptions. com . an online trader community dedicated to FX options, has launched. www. fxoptions. com

dbFX is now offering tighter spreads on 34 currency pairs. Spreads have been reduced by an average of one-third with dbFX’s most popular currency pairs such as the EUR / USD and GBP / USD having typical spreads as low as 1.5 pips and 2.2 pips respectively (under normal market conditions). www. dbfx. com

Interbank FX released a new PRS: Pattern Recognition Scanner tool, which allows traders to better view emerging and completed chart patterns. www. interbankfx. com

Currensee, Inc. members can now purchase widgets featuring Thomson Reuters IFR Markets trade and market data from the Currensee Marketplace. www. currensee. com

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FDIC protection

The failure of firms operating over-the-counter cash forex platforms like Refco’s unregulated forex unit as opposed to its futures brokerage revealed a huge problem in the OTC forex industry: customer funds had no protection, unlike currency futures, which have segregated fund protection.

With this as a concern to OTC forex customers, Citibank’s retail forex arm developed a remedy for protecting retail OTC forex clients through its CitiFX Pro platform. In February, it began participating in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) Transaction Account Guarantee Program to protect retail forex customers. Under the program, all Citibank U. S. non-interest bearing transaction accounts are fully guaranteed by the FDIC for the entire amount in the account if the bank becomes insolvent.

As a subsidiary of Citigroup, the Citi platform is eligible for FDIC insurance, which is offered only to banks. “Clients looking to transact FX feel comfortable dealing with a large global institution and the additional level of security created by government insurance is very helpful. Clients – especially in the current atmosphere – are seeking a greater sense of comfort with their counterparty and with the security of their funds,” says Sanjay Madgavkar, global head of FX margin trading at Citi.

CitiFX Pro has FDIC protection through Dec. 31, 2009, when it will need to renew. Clients that have margin funds in U. S. dollars will receive FDIC insurance. The coverage is automatic.

But some say the U. S. government should not be protecting customers utilizing such highly leveraged trading products. “This really isn’t the environment that the government should be protecting customer accounts that are purposely going into highly leveraged derivatives. I don’t believe the FDIC really understands what they’re offering, and if they do, that’s a new risk to the FDIC,” says Bruce Pollack, head of the forex division at PFG Best. However, the FDIC guarantee does not cover trading losses in a customer’s account.

Similar protection is offered by other governments. For instance, dbFX customers who are not financial institutions and trading with Deutsche Bank AG London, a full branch of Deutsche Bank AG Germany, are covered by the Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks, notes Betsy Waters, global director of dbFX. The current protection is up to one billion euros per depositor.

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As brokers normally share equally positive and negative reviews, a Saxo bank review will be much similar, depending on whom you talk to (metaphorically speaking of course, as all is said in forums and online surveys). It’s nonetheless noteworthy to keep an ear to the ground and find out if the establishment is right for you.

Saxo Bank engages a user friendly homepage to take you through all available options in a well presented manner. So, for an independent Saxo Bank review, some may want to personally click in and see what’s on offer.

In this Saxo bank review; given the options to open an account as a ‘Saxo trader’ ‘Saxo web trader’ or a ‘Saxo mini trader’ means the options to capitalise to any degree your finances allow, is very good.

As an award winning banking structure, Saxo bank review is a broad ranging network that spans across Europe as well as the globe, i. e. an office in Singapore. As part of the Forex trading umbrella, the Saxo bank review contains information on funds, bonds, partners, wealth and stocks. Given this model, the Saxo bank review is of a versatile financial operation, where those looking to trade might be in a good position to begin by first opening an account.

Initially, as a Danish investment bank, Saxo bank review explains it as an institution that’s progressively built it’s portfolio along the way.

Saxo bank review is a bank which began with an online model idea and developed from its initial stages to what it’s become. Like all start up enterprises – it experienced periods of shade and doubt, but has emerged for the better on the other side.

Like most investment options, the Saxo bank review requires certain research before investing – basically, to look around for the best plans going.

As an affiliate to Forex trading models, the IG Markets review comes with negative trading stories as well as positive ones. Not exclusive to IG markets review by any means, it seems it’s down to luck and how your stocks fit in the general scheme of things, which prove either profitable or a loss.

IG markets review, as an international trading ground, is an ideal source for international traders to operate across most countries and currencies. Certainly, IG Markets Review is relatively user friendly, though perhaps intended more for experienced traders than novices, the IG markets review nonetheless, offers a free range of marketing resources.

IG Markets review includes training in the form of online seminars and help centers designed to provide assistance to all IG markets review enthusiasts.

Although, it should be noted, IG markets review is an affiliate of Forex trading systems, and that many services come under the same umbrella. While markets have experienced negativity, it’s advisable for those looking at the IG markets review for possible opportunities – to seek all information provided by the Forex group, if that’s the way trading is set to go.

The websites featured for IG markets review, allows access to trend systems and media hosting with detailed Forex software and information that can be downloaded.

For expert advice there’s also links and trade news that can be accessed, making any trading you want to do as proficient and user friendly as possible.

The risk disclosure with any trading suggests that certain markets need certain expertise and for beginners it’s noteworthy, to begin with markets they are comfortable with.

Indeed, with plenty of Forex resources, traders can learn the basics without fully engaging into the trading platform; and this may indeed be a great way to get a feel for the business.

Depending on where you stand with your finances, the FXCM review maintains a positive effect in regards to its interest rates. Believed to cut them again this year, it’s looking hopeful that the FXCM Review will prosper favourably, as opposed perhaps, to other online markets.

Indeed, with recent negative market trends to go on, the FXCM Review predicts a reversal in the near future, for a much positive and brighter outlook. This news should serve well for investors and traders alike, as markets become more stable and the industry itself can shake off the rust and apply new oil.

To set up your own platform, in conjunction with the FXCM review, is a relatively easy task. With live online support to help you make the decision to move over or begin anew, is all positive for those interested in elaborating on their finances. Of course, some would argue that luck plays a big part – but given recent reports and predications, it all bodes well for anyone with dispensable means to apply to the FXCM Review.

As a starting point, the FXCM review has wide information openly available, and it is therefore recommended to visit the FXCM review and learn all you can about the current options there for you, while all indications prove it is a positive market – perhaps, it is a solid place to begin getting a feel for the process of online marketing.

Along with updated daily news and trends, the FXCM review homepage is properly maintained and available as an adequate venture to read up and learn all about the FXCM Review.

FXCM also offer a ‘test drive’ of their market to establish if it’s right for you. So, in a short space of time, you should be able to discern it as either positive or negative.

FX broker review currently offers traders to begin trading with virtual money, courtesy of the Deutsche Bank. Providing a free trial, the FX broker review – with direct access to the DBFX trading platform; is open for learners to practice with live streaming in 34 currency pairs.

Testing and developing trading ideas in real market conditions, the FX broker review projects a no risk loss to those with new trading skills. Clicking on the home page and filling in a quick questionnaire, traders can instantly begin to access Deutsche banks Proprietary Research and real-time charts.

The platform for FX broker review, charts the integrated services within, allowing for the analysis of trends, the potential to make trades and track positions – all from one home screen.

With user-friendly tools to fully customize your visit, the introduction into the FX broker review suggests it is a virtual trading experience.

DBFX trading station, according to the FX broker review, allows marketers to track trades including: active orders and available margins; in conjunction with Deutsche bank, projecting real-time streaming onto the DBFX trading station. This forum is the best place for beginners to learn about the various trading options.

Given high speed internet access, 24 hours, and great liquidity offers with one click dealing’ it’s an easy way to begin trading, however, the FX broker review stipulates to only use cash you’re willing to lose – as markets may fluctuate negatively. Indeed, they can fluctuate positively also – so using dispensable funds to begin is good practice.

With dedicated trading facilities, programs are set to introduce you to the world of trading, using the FX broker review model – slightly different in each country as WebPages alter.

However, the idea is to eventually trade on an international basis and FX broker review will do just that.

Forex broker review is a prolific world class trading table – introducing brokers, money managers and self-directed traders, all working under the one umbrella. It caters for different languages including English, Chinese and Arabic, not to mention, German, Spanish, French, Russian and Japanese. Forex broker review, maintains it as an advanced financial operating system, promoting open avenues into the trading world.

Trading with the world’s largest liquidity providers proves easy, user friendly and exciting, whereby, according to the Forex Broker review, marketing is very much an international experience.

For individuals and small institutions to begin trading, Forex broker review is set up as the perfect starting out trading zone.

With competitive spreads and comprehensive marketing data, the forex broker review is a one stop shop for the latest information on margin trading, real-time market news and web based charts.

Providing easy access to open an account; perhaps starting off at base level, the forex broker review is a helpful forum to begin, as online developers and brokers assist you and take any individual question you have.

Forex broker review states it is a progressive financial establishment and a strong online source for financiers and investors alike.

With affiliates to world banks – in just a few clicks; global traders can begin to do what they do best and have the added assurance of live assistance for back up, indeed, forex broker review is indicative to a place of live business.

Of course, as with all trading, there’s the dangers of fluctuating markets and it’s advisable to all to fully research Forex broker review and learn what you can before you begin trading; having said that, it is a helpful and interactive user friendly interface designed to get you on the road to trading, and therefore, a valuable resource for those interested.

Essentially, Forex broker rating system is a live portal into the current state of the markets. Forex broker rating is designed to provide online users with easy access to the trends of the day, thus, helping clients maintain informed decisions about Forex broker rating – finances and marketing strategies.

Highlighting commercial and perhaps,

With a substantial amount of online options currently open, it’s never been easier to track your finances and trade details, including vast foreign exchange broker reviews. So, whether you’re established with an organization or merely starting out and looking for the best options, the online info is there to help and assist.

Most trading platforms are tested so that foreign exchange broker reviews come with experience and ratings. Almost, like a ‘new movie release’ rating, foreign exchange broker reviews gain stars from tried and tested sources.

As an interactive global system for foreign exchange broker reviews, many are offering introductory packs and bonuses to help you get trading fast. The displayed forums are good to read, so you can get a feel for the different foreign exchange broker reviews, thus, making your own mind up as to what you think is working and what clearly isn’t.

Fluidity seems to be the key word to market trading and as things inevitably change, it is essential to get the latest news available.

The Forex network seems to keep a good ear to the ground; and clients are advised to add their charts to the favourites menu on their PC’s, helping to keep track of the foreign exchange broker reviews for what’s likely happing with alternative funds. All charts are in real-time and cover different languages for easy assistance.

Foreign exchange broker reviews suggest many trading platforms to try and get your feet wet so to speak, as you learn from firsthand experience.

With many portals offering direct insight to changeable foreign exchange broker reviews, users can keep track of which markets look attractive and which ones may fail.

The foreign exchange broker reviews are set for clients to make informed decisions about their trading – like gambling with real or virtual trading chips.

The Etoro review is of a simple trading platform; designed to make sense to all who wish to trade. Their motto ‘financial trading made simple’ means just that; and with the click of a few buttons, traders can begin to acknowledge the Etoro review system and mechanisms, with a hopeful view to creating a profit on the global trading floors.

With many services offered to enter the Etoro review platform, trading really couldn’t be simpler. Using credit cards or PayPal and various other financial accounts, traders can easily begin to trade within the Etoro review system.

As is reported, Etoro is a new trading platform that may be the key for all new traders to begin using online trading. Suggested as a fun experience with a graphic user interface, beginners can venture and advance into the world of Forex international trading.

Offering training courses for those serious about the Etoro review; as a place to invest and trade and begin on the path to the stock markets, is a unique option, with video and media devices employed to provide the best experience possible on the trading floors, this is certainly an added bonus for anyone learning about the Etoro review.

Also, the Etoro review provides the option for auto-trading – meaning essentially, you do as little as possible, while infrastructure takes control of your finances, depending on signal strength and market updates.

With the option to practice in a simulated market, you’re guaranteed not to fail as you see how it all works and the market options are presented inside the Etoro review.

Above all, Etoro review is a user friendly market to begin trading and learn all there is to know about various stock market options, it is therefore, an excellent place to begin, if you’re aiming to start trading.

With mixed signals coming from the DBFX review, it seems wise to fully do your homework before you begin trading. It is certainly plausible that DBFX review is suited to certain trading requirements and therefore may not be a likely candidate for all investors or traders.

However, with caution aside, the DBFX review is a division of the Deutsche Bank based in Frankfurt Germany, and therefore does claim a solid infrastructure, when it comes to marketing trends.

Regulated by the financial services authority (FSA) the DBFX Review as an internal or external inspection; is said to rate 3 out of 5 for customer support, 5/ 5 for honesty, 4/ 5 for quality execution and 3/ 5 for platform features. These statistics are fairly positive in light of certain forum comments.

With an average overall rate of 75%, it’s likely the DBFX review has garnered some success and certain customers are willing to endorse it. It also enjoys a fairly large client base who views the DBFX review as home.

Like all trading outfits, it’s wise to do the research first before putting your valuables to the test, and it’s no different for the DBFX review.

Those in the know are better equipped to assist with informed decisions on the various options open to traders.

While any market may rise or fall, thus gaining or losing, the DBFX Review is similar and those going into the system are best advised to keep an eye on the market foremost to make sure its in good standing with what they’re looking for.

Also known as watching the markets for trends, where one may sweep the floor one day – could gather dust the next. And the DBFX Review is one such market that has the potential to lift or dip – depending on market trends.

As a financial institution that’s led the market for decades, the CitiFX stock market is an interesting live venue to visit – as stocks perform from second to second. Apparently, in the CitiFX Pro review, it indicates a market that is trusted by many business conglomerates in the trading field, said to include; corporations, investment managers and government’ s, all relying on FX transactions.

CitiFX Pro Review, indeed, as an interactive forum, is alive with ongoing reports and bulletins which are updated regularly, to provide the best service of information to those who are intending to trade or merely watching the progression of the markets. The CitiFX Pro review is therefore, one to add to your favourites list.

With information for brokers and featured brokers, the CitiFX Pro review is an established user friendly interface for all financial developments and options. Offering easy access to accounts and news data, the CitiFX Pro review, maintains its precedence in the online marketing world – for daily reviews, currency outlooks, market analysis calendar and contacts, the home page will indeed facilitate.

Alternatively, if traders are singularly looking for stock facts, insurance info and Forex news, the CitiFX Pro review is the first stop on the list.

As an established broker, the CitiFX pro review provides many options to deal and trade on the move if necessary - using live interactive technology, visitors can easily keep track of their accounts either at home or abroad.

Like all investment options, it’s good to research the market and CitiFX pro review maintains this is easily done, within the given structure; in fact, many links take you directly to your area of interest with little difficulties.

Providing insurance as an up and coming feature, for those interested in similar markets, the CitiFX Pro review should prove more than helpful.

A List of Forex Brokers

Forex Brokers Alphabetical List

ACM Advanced Currency Markets SA AKMOS Trade Alaron FX Alipes Forex Trading Services ApexForex AVAFX

Axis Trading Company CMS Forex / Capital Market Services, LLC. Carlo Scevola, CTA COESfx Clearing, Inc. Currency Trading USA dbFX – Deutsche Bank AG DTG Futures

Delta Stock DirectFX Dukascopy (Suisse) SA EASY FOREX FBS Holdings Inc. Finexo FxPro FX Solutions FXTech Trading FX Unigma FXDirectDealer, LLC FXOnline Japan Ltd. Fibo Group Ltd FlashForex Forex Day Trading Forex For You Forex Millenium Forex System Brokers FOREX. com / GAIN Capital Group FxCompany GAIN Capital Gallo Global Markets GFC Markets GFX Group SA Global Forex LLC GlobalTech Financial Goetz Financial Forex Goldberg Forex Group IFX Markets Inc. Ilis Saav Spot Forex Market Invest2forex HY Markets LiteForex MVP Global Forex Man Financial MoneyForex Pro-Forex. com ProEdge FX Real Trade Realtime Forex S. A. Rose Stevons and Company Saxobank Titan Financial Group TMS Brokers Ukrsotsbank Windsor Brokers Western Capital Forex X-Trade iFOREX

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