Sunday, November 13, 2016

Forex Doble Top

doble arriba

Una garantía con un precio que depende o deriva de uno o más activos subyacentes.

Un asesor de política económica que promueve políticas monetarias que implican el mantenimiento de tasas de interés bajas, creyendo que.

Activos altamente líquidos mantenidos por instituciones financieras para cumplir con obligaciones a corto plazo. Coeficiente de cobertura de Liquidez.

La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

Cómo operar la tapa doble EURJPY

La Doble Top es patrón de precio bajista que consta de dos picos con una depresión entre formar una M-forma.

La altura de la parte superior doble en pips se utiliza para proyectar la distancia de una ruptura bajista.

EURJPY ha formado un doble patrón de precio superior en el gráfico de tiempo diario.

Los patrones gráficos, como la parte superior doble de la divisa, son señales de advertencia de que la tendencia actual está a punto de revertirse. En la parte superior doble, una oleada alcista forma el primer pico. A continuación hay una caída de la toma de beneficios que termina en un nivel de apoyo. A medida que el precio rebotes de este nivel, los cazadores de gangas y otros compradores vuelven a saltar al mercado anticipándose a un nuevo alza.

Sin embargo, cuando el precio vuelve al área general del último pico, el impulso de compra comienza a evaporarse. Las luchas de precios con la vieja alta y los comerciantes empiezan a deshacerse de sus posiciones. El fracaso de Price de hacer una nueva alta de los vendedores bajistas de las chispas venir en masa para conducir precios más bajos.

Aprenda Forex & ndash; Diagrama doble superior

Como podemos ver en el diagrama Forex Double Top, la firma M-formación ilustra los osos tomando el control de la acción del precio. Sin embargo, la meta para los vendedores es conducir el precio debajo del neckline. Esto confirmaría que este patrón es, de hecho, una doble tapa. Es en ese círculo rojo que los operadores de Forex buscará entrar en corto.

Recuerdas aquellos cazadores de gangas que tuvieron mucho tiempo antes? Bueno, ahora esas paradas se encuentran por debajo de este escote. Las paradas que protegen las posiciones largas se convierten en órdenes de venta en el mercado cuando el precio las toca. Este empate a través del escote crea la aceleración que los vendedores están buscando. Por lo general, la altura de la parte superior de la divisa doble se puede proyectar desde el escote para determinar un objetivo de precio.

Aprenda Forex & ndash; EURJPY Diario Gráfico Doble Top

(Creado con los gráficos de Marketscope 2.0 de FXCM)

Ejemplo en tiempo real: EURJPY Daily Chart

Ahora que usted ha visto un libro de texto doble top gráfico, vamos a mirar la configuración comercial actual. En el gráfico diario de EURJPY vemos un fuerte rally de 660 pip que terminó en 3/7 en 143.77. A continuación, una caída del 50% en las ganancias tomó el precio al nivel de 139.93 antes de que los cazadores de gangas saltaran a bordo para subir a nuevos máximos. Sin embargo, el avance de EURJPY se estancó en 4/2 apenas tímido de la vieja alta. El precio comenzó a caer de nuevo al neckline encontrado en la región 140.00. Aunque no es una tapa doble de libro de texto, se puede otorgar cierto margen de maniobra al comparar los picos.

EURJPY tiene una línea de tendencia en el área de 140.00. Los números redondos pueden ser áreas de apoyo formidables. En este caso, nos gustaría ver el precio de ruptura y cerrar por debajo de la zona de 140,00 y el escote. Puede pagar para esperar la acción del precio para confirmar el patrón superior doble. Si nuestro precio no es golpeado, entonces tendremos que buscar otro comercio ya que nuestros criterios de entrada no fue alcanzado.

A veces, después de una ruptura, el precio vuelve a volver a probar el punto de ruptura. Esta sería una entrada favorable ya que la parada podría colocarse por encima de la última oscilación alta. Una vez más la clave es no saltar temprano, pero esperar a una confirmación convincente.

La altura de este modelo EURJPY Double top es de aproximadamente 382 pips. De esto podemos proyectar un objetivo de 135.81. Sin embargo, hay un poco de apoyo en círculo en el gráfico en 136,20 que podría ser lo suficientemente fuerte como para elevar los precios. En suma, la tapa de la divisa doble debe ser visto con mucha sospecha hasta que se muestre la confirmación. Una vez que el precio se cierra por debajo del soporte, el movimiento hacia abajo puede ser gratificante.

--- Escrito por Gregory McLeod Trading Instructor

Te gustaría mejorar con Price Action. Por favor, siéntase libre de tomar nuestro curso de 15 minutos sobre el tema. Primero se le pedirá que firme el libro de visitas. Que es completamente libre; Y luego se reunirá con la lección basada en video a través de Brainshark.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Cómo negociar topes dobles y dobles fondos

- Los patrones de los precios máximos de la divisa generalmente ocurren después de una tendencia alcista e ilustran el agotamiento del comprador

- Los patrones de la parte inferior doble de la divisa ocurren generalmente después de una tendencia bajista y reflejan el agotamiento del vendedor

- Los objetivos y las paradas del beneficio se pueden colocar fácilmente en estos patrones

Forex doble tapas son muy populares entre los comerciantes, ya que significan una exitosa prueba y el rechazo de precios de un nuevo récord. Encontrado en una tendencia alcista, el patrón de la tapa doble de la divisa consiste en un funcionamiento para arriba en precio a una nueva alta y después seguido por un pullback y entonces un retest de esa nueva alta anterior. Por lo general, el rally siguiente se detiene en o cerca del precio exacto de la anterior alta. En algunos casos, una baja ligeramente inferior se hace como los compradores se quedan sin fuerza.

Aprenda Forex: Modelo de doble precio superior

(Creado con los gráficos de Marketscope 2.0 de FXCM)

Observe en el ejemplo anterior, la tendencia alcista hace una nueva alta y luego retrocede a un nivel de soporte. Los traders de Forex reconocerán la letra & ldquo; M & rdquo; Forma formado por el patrón superior doble de la divisa. A medida que los toros retoman el control del mercado y compran la caída en el precio, empujan el precio hacia arriba en dirección a la antigua alta. Incapaz de empujar el precio de nuevo por encima de la antigua alta, los compradores renunciar y los precios comienzan a caer de nuevo a apoyar.

Los comerciantes deben esperar a que el precio se cierre por debajo del nivel anterior de soporte para confirmar que el patrón es realmente un forex doble top. Entrar corto con una parada por encima de la anterior alta y un objetivo de ganancia igual a dos veces la distancia de parada es una forma sólida de negociar este patrón fiable.

Por otro lado, el patrón de gráfico de doble fondo de forex se encuentra al final de una tendencia a la baja y se asemeja a la letra "W". El precio cae a un nuevo mínimo y luego se recupera ligeramente más alto antes de volver al nuevo mínimo. Incapaz de empujar el precio a un nuevo bajo más bajo para continuar la tendencia bajista, los vendedores dan para arriba y el precio rebota agudamente de esta área.

Aprenda Forex: Modelo de doble precio superior

El retest del punto bajo anterior y el rebote posterior confirman que éste era un nivel muy fuerte de la ayuda. Los compradores tienen confianza en el comercio del par de divisas mucho tiempo porque las probabilidades de inversión de precios es ahora mucho menos. Los comerciantes agresivos pueden colocar órdenes de compra en espera en o cerca de la baja anterior con el fin de capturar un movimiento temprano más temprano. Mientras que los comerciantes más conservadores esperarán un cierre por encima de una línea de tendencia para confirmar el patrón.

El doble fondo puede ser un patrón de movimiento rápido por lo que los comerciantes querrán ver el rally de precios después de unos pocos bares. Después de entrar mucho tiempo en el mercado, los comerciantes pondrán una parada protectora unos pocos pips por debajo del mínimo más bajo del patrón y un límite igual al doble del tamaño de la parada.

Muy pocos patrones ilustran claramente las inversiones en la dirección del mercado como la parte superior doble de la divisa y los patrones de la parte inferior doble de la divisa. Es importante utilizar siempre una parada protectora al negociar y esperar la confirmación del patrón para filtrar y reducir el número de fallos de patrón que pueden ocurrir.

--- Escrito por Gregory McLeod, correo electrónico gmcleod@dailyfx. com. Sígueme en Twitter @gregmcleodtradr.

Esta pieza le proporcionó las reglas de entrada y salida para el comercio de doble fondo de forex y tapas dobles forex. Aprenda cómo incorporar la divergencia MACD con estos patrones para aumentar la confiabilidad. Firme nuestro libro de visitas para acceder a un breve tutorial gratuito de 20 minutos sobre este y otros indicadores esenciales.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Estrategia doble superior y doble fondo

Descripción de la estrategia

La formación máxima doble (o patrón) se considera que es uno de los patrones de inversión más comunes en el mercado. Aparece cuando una tendencia alcanza un nivel de resistencia fuerte, haciendo dos máximos sucesivos aproximadamente al mismo nivel. En teoría, la tendencia ha cambiado después de que la tasa de divisas haya pasado el nivel mínimo entre estos dos máximos.

Tenga en cuenta que el modelo Double Top se parece a la letra M . Como resultado de una tendencia ascendente, los precios alcanzan primero el nuevo máximo (punto A) y esto normalmente significa que el volumen de comercio aumenta. Los precios vuelven entonces desde el máximo y alcanzan el nivel de soporte (punto B), momento en el que el volumen continúa disminuyendo. Otro aumento de precio alcanzará un punto muy cercano al máximo anterior para que esté aproximadamente al mismo nivel. De una forma u otra, no hay una ruptura considerable (punto C).

Si los precios, una vez más, alcanzan el nivel del mínimo anterior (punto B) y se rompen a este nivel, se realiza el modelo y se rompe la tendencia. La probabilidad de predicción del modelo aumenta si el desglose ocurre en volúmenes crecientes. Antes de ese momento todos los movimientos deben ser asumidos como un período de consolidación intermedia. Sería prematuro asumir el reverso de una tendencia antes de que realmente ocurriera. Puede ser simplemente una fase horizontal de consolidación después de la cual la tendencia anterior seguirá desarrollándose una vez más. Cuando hay una combinación ideal de circunstancias, ambos máximos del modelo Double Top deben situarse en el mismo nivel.

A menudo sucede que después de la ruptura y un corto movimiento hacia abajo el proceso vuelve a la línea de apoyo de ruptura y empuja fuera de ella, pero esta vez desde abajo. Se esperaría entonces que una tendencia descendente completa y una corrección fuerte se desarrollaría. Con el fin de determinar los objetivos de mercado (donde se trasladará a después del desglose del nivel de soporte clave) es necesario medir la distancia entre el mínimo central y la línea de soporte. Esta misma distancia debe medirse desde abajo del punto de ruptura.

Esto se considera la manera de determinar el objetivo optimista. El objetivo pesimista se determina un poco diferente. La línea de resistencia se dibuja en dos tapas y la segunda línea, paralela a la primera, se dibuja a través del mínimo. La distancia entre estas líneas se mide hasta el punto de ruptura, el nivel del mínimo intermedio, como se muestra en la imagen inferior.

El nivel creado nos da el objetivo "pesimista" del movimiento de precios. El modelo de doble fondo, que a veces se llama el modelo de doble base, se parece a un W y es una imagen especular del modelo de doble top. Todas las reglas para el comercio y el análisis son exactamente iguales pero reflejadas.

Los métodos de medición para los modelos de doble fondo son absolutamente idénticos. La única diferencia es que la altura del modelo (anchura del corredor) se mide en la dirección opuesta.

Indicador doble superior e inferior

Doble Indicador de Pantalla Superior e Inferior

Patrones de Gráficos & # 8211; Parte 2.

Patrones de gráfico para un cambio de dirección

Cuando el precio cambia de dirección sólo puede hacerlo de cuatro maneras diferentes y son muy fáciles de leer. Vamos a echar un vistazo a ellos en profundidad y los tendrá todos dominados en ningún momento. Hay un tema de un doble toque & # 8217; Con todos estos patrones como pronto lo descubrirás. Esto demuestra que existe un flujo de pedidos a los precios en cuestión.

Las explicaciones dadas a continuación sobre los oficios que proporcionan estos patrones tendrán más sentido para usted una vez que haya completado todas las lecciones aquí en ElectroFX. Trate de no preocuparse demasiado acerca de los detalles de la ejecución del comercio en sí en esta parte del curso. Su foco principal debe estar en los patrones mismos y entender cómo y porqué son las únicas maneras que el mercado puede dar vuelta. Todo tiene que ser introducido una pieza a la vez.

Las tapas dobles y las fundas dobles & # 8211; Doble Taps

Un punto de precio reacciona, es devuelto a, y reacciona de nuevo dentro de unos cuantos pips.

En el caso de la presión bajista, los vendedores están tratando de recuperar el control. Una ola de venta se produce y luego la siguiente ola de compra vuelve al mismo precio y la venta comienza una vez más. Hay un par de opciones disponibles cuando se negocia este cambio de dirección, puede ser parte de ese 2do toque en sí y el comercio de la ola hacia abajo desde la parte superior, o puede cambiar el patrón en su conjunto, una vez que confirma la parte superior doble mediante la creación de un Baja baja

En el caso de la presión alcista, los compradores están tratando de recuperar el control. Se produce una ola de compra y luego la siguiente ola de ventas vuelve al mismo precio y la compra comienza una vez más. Hay un par de opciones disponibles cuando se cambia este cambio de dirección, puede ser parte de ese 2do toque en sí y el comercio de la ola desde el fondo, o puede cambiar el patrón en su conjunto, una vez que confirma el doble fondo mediante la creación de una mayor alto.

Lo que está haciendo aquí es anticipar el cambio de dirección. La reacción inicial que se produjo desde el # 1 en las imágenes anteriores muestra que un punto de precio está activo, una vez que el precio vuelve allí, usted querrá ser parte de la próxima ola que se origina en el # 2 de la imagen. Alternativamente, las líneas horizontales coloreadas representan la línea del cuello del patrón y usted podría negociar la rotura de para entrar. ¡Usted podría también negociar ambos!

Cabeza y Hombros & # 8211; Split Taps Doble

Similar a las tapas dobles y fondos en su concepto de doble toque, pero hay un pico en el camino, la cabeza.

En el caso de la presión bajista, los vendedores están tratando de recuperar el control. Una ola de venta se produce y luego la siguiente ola de compra es débil permitiendo a los vendedores a empezar de nuevo a un nivel más bajo. Esta línea baja se alinea perfectamente con otra alta sólo 2 picos atrás. Hay un par de opciones disponibles al negociar este cambio de dirección, puede ser parte de esa última ola hacia abajo en la imagen, o puede intercambiar la ruptura del patrón en sí, ya que confirma la baja más alta mediante la creación de un menor bajo.

En el caso de la presión alcista, los compradores están tratando de recuperar el control. Una ola de compra ocurre y entonces la siguiente ola de venta es débil que permite a los compradores comenzar otra vez en un más bajo bajo. Esta línea más alta se alinea perfectamente con otra baja sólo 2 picos atrás. Hay un par de opciones disponibles al negociar este cambio de dirección, puede ser parte de la última ola en la imagen, o puede cambiar la ruptura del patrón en sí, ya que confirma el más alto de baja mediante la creación de una mayor alta.

Una vez más, lo que está haciendo aquí es anticipar el cambio de dirección. El doble toque en este patrón se divide en el centro por el pico que se extiende más hacia fuera, pero el ponche 1-2 sigue siendo. Los # 1 & # 8217; s y los # 2 & # 8217; s de la imagen anterior se denominan los & # 8216; hombros & # 8217; Y el pico en el centro de ellos se llama la cabeza & # 8217 ;. Así es como obtiene su nombre, pero pensando en ellos como griferia dobles funcionará también. Como el precio reacciona de nuevo en el # 2 & # 8217; s, usted querrá ser parte de la ola de color que sigue. Alternativamente, las líneas horizontales coloreadas representan la línea del cuello del patrón y la rotura de él se puede utilizar para entrar. ¡Usted podría también negociar ambos!

La línea del cuello se presentará casi horizontal o ligeramente inclinada, cuando es inclinada siempre será más potente si la pendiente está hacia la dirección que usted está mirando al comercio. Cuando se inclina en la dirección correcta se puede cambiar la ruptura de la baja, o alta, en lugar de la línea del cuello. Debido a la estructura de este patrón si la pendiente se oponía a la dirección que quería el comercio, tendría una mayor baja seguido por una menor de alta para una venta, o un menor seguido de un mayor bajo para una compra. Cualquiera de esas situaciones debe negociarse con precaución o dejarse solo.

Los Fantasmas & # 8211; Split Taps Doble

Similar a la cabeza y los hombros, pero en lugar de los hombros es más como manos en el aire, y similar a las copas dobles y fondos, pero con un pico, o la cabeza, en el camino de nuevo.

En el caso de la presión bajista, los vendedores están tratando de recuperar el control. La última ola de venta en la imagen de arriba es la que usted querría ser parte de, o puede utilizar la ruptura de la anterior baja para el comercio en sí mismo el patrón, ya que crea una menor baja. La mejor manera de mirar este patrón es ignorar la cabeza y tratarla como si fuera una tapa doble. El pico medio es sólo un fallido primer intento de girar desde el punto de precio del más alto en esa imagen.

En el caso de la presión alcista, los compradores están tratando de recuperar el control. La última ola de compra en esa imagen es la que usted querría ser parte de, o puede utilizar la ruptura de la anterior alta para el comercio el patrón en sí, ya que crea una mayor alta. La mejor manera de ver este patrón es ignorar la cabeza y tratarla como si fuera un doble fondo. El pico medio es sólo un primer intento fallido de girar desde el punto de precio del mínimo más bajo en esa imagen.

Una vez más, lo que está haciendo aquí es anticipar el cambio de dirección. El doble toque en este patrón está separado por un pico similar en concepto a lo que acaba de ver con la cabeza y los hombros. El golpe de 1-2 del doble toque permanece y el fantasma de nombre es simplemente un poco de diversión porque se asemeja a una interpretación infantil de un fantasma con las manos en el aire, o tal vez no es y sólo estamos Loco aquí en ElectroFX. Los # 1 & # 8217; s y los # 2 & # 8217; s en la imagen aclaran el doble toque anteriormente mencionado y usted querrá ser parte de esa última ola de color que comenzó en el # 2 & # 8217; s. Alternativamente, las líneas de color horizontales representan la ruptura del patrón en sí y también pueden usarse como un disparador. ¡Usted podría también negociar ambos!

La línea del cuello se presentará completamente horizontal o ligeramente inclinada, cuando está inclinada se recomienda encarecidamente que sólo acepte una pendiente que está hacia la dirección que está buscando para el comercio. Si se inclina en la dirección correcta, puede cambiar la ruptura de la baja, o alta, en lugar de la línea del cuello. Si la pendiente está en contra de la dirección de su comercio, entonces, debido a la estructura de este patrón, tendrá un mayor nivel seguido de una alta más alta para una venta, o un menor seguido de un menor bajo para una compra. Cualquiera de esas situaciones debe negociarse con extrema precaución o dejarse sola.

La curva de 3 puntos & # 8211; Tapa doble acodada

El patrón más simple de todos ellos se guarda para el final. Requiere una comprensión de las capas del mercado para encontrarla doble toque así que un pedacito minúsculo de la complejidad se agrega. Las capas de mercado se explicarán en una lección posterior, pero esto servirá como una buena introducción a ellos.

En el caso de la presión bajista, los vendedores están tratando de recuperar el control. Una ola de venta se produce y luego la siguiente ola de compra es débil permitiendo a los vendedores a empezar de nuevo a un nivel más bajo. Hay un par de opciones disponibles cuando se negocia este cambio de dirección, puede utilizar la resistencia de una capa de mercado inferior para ser parte de esa baja más alta, o puede cambiar el patrón en sí, ya que confirma su menor alta mediante la creación de una menor baja.

En el caso de la presión alcista, los compradores están tratando de recuperar el control. Una ola de compra ocurre y entonces la siguiente ola de venta es débil que permite a los compradores comenzar otra vez en un más bajo bajo. Hay un par de opciones disponibles al negociar este cambio de dirección, puede utilizar el apoyo de una capa de mercado inferior para ser parte de ese nivel más bajo, o puede cambiar el patrón en sí, ya que confirma su más alta baja mediante la creación de una mayor alta.

Cuando se anticipa el cambio de dirección con este patrón lo está haciendo sin un doble toque visible. El toque doble es un tema por una razón y con este patrón no habrá excepción, pero tendrá que mirar más de cerca. Si te imaginas que todos estos patrones están sucediendo en diferentes capas y de una magnitud diferente, entonces debes tener una idea aproximada de lo que son las capas. Vamos a poner eso en una imagen para aclarar.

Ahora usted debe entender el golpe 1-2 del doble toque. Este patrón puede requerir que usted pueda leer el mercado en capas múltiples pero es un patrón muy de gran alcance. No hay ninguna duda real con este patrón que lo convierte en un movimiento muy decisivo. Como el precio reacciona en el # 2 & # 8217; s en esa imagen que usted querrá ser parte de la onda de color que sigue. Alternativamente, las líneas de color horizontales son también un gran punto de activación para el comercio. ¡Usted podría también negociar ambos!

Este patrón es como una cabeza y hombros que sólo tiene un hombro cuando se piensa en ello, o es el patrón que verá ante un fantasma. Entre los cuatro patrones diferentes en esta página podrá prepararse para cada escenario de un cambio de dirección que pueda ocurrir.

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Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Doble patrón superior: Forex Chart Pattern

El patrón superior doble se considera una formación gráfica de precios que precede a la inversión de tendencia existente. Se forma típicamente en una tendencia alcista y se espera que sea seguida por una gota en precios, mientras que cuanto más tarda para que el patrón sea formado más confiable es.


El patrón se caracteriza por dos líneas horizontales paralelas que representan niveles de soporte y resistencia que conectan respectivamente dos máximos locales más recientes del precio y un bajo, manteniendo un cierto grupo de fluctuaciones de precios dentro. El precio se invierte dos veces en los niveles de resistencia bajo la consideración del inversor, el activo es caro allí.

Interpretación de Double Top

En caso de que el precio de mercado infrinja el nivel mínimo o nivel de soporte del patrón (más cierto desvío es posible), se considera que la formación está completa y puede interpretarse como un cambio en la dirección de la tendencia hacia abajo sirviendo como señal de venta.

Precio objetivo

Después de la formación de doble patrón superior se cree que el precio cae al menos a su nivel objetivo, calculado de la siguiente manera:

T - nivel objetivo;

S - nivel de apoyo (nivel local reciente bajo);

H - altura del patrón (distancia entre el soporte y los niveles de resistencia).

Puede ver el objeto gráfico en el cuadro de precios descargando uno de los terminales de comercio ofrecidos por IFC Markets.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

Por qué los mercados de IFC?

Doble patrón superior

Por Raúl Canessa C.

La identificación de patrones de gráficos buenos y valiosos ayudará a un comerciante para obtener grandes beneficios dentro de cualquier mercado financiero, incluyendo Forex. Cuando se trata de patrones de gráficos, usted podría encontrar un montón de patrones que se discuten e incluso libros electrónicos que describen la estrategia exitosa. Bueno, no todos trabajan en la realidad. Aquí, usted puede encontrar una gran cantidad de información sobre el patrón de reversión doble superior que le ayuda a dominar su negocio comercial y merecen un flujo de efectivo lucrativo en el mercado de divisas.

Doble Descripcion

La Doble Tapa es patrón de la carta de alta confiabilidad que se produce en los mercados alcistas y precede a un cambio en la tendencia de alcista a bajista. Generalmente, la tapa doble comenzará con un aumento en precio y exhibirá gradualmente una gota. Se incrementará aún más en el precio dentro del nivel similar de la subida original, y hacer una caída más.

Este gráfico patrones es bastante similar al alfabeto 'M', donde hay un ascenso, inmersión, subida y de nuevo una inmersión. Es esencial marcar la tendencia inicial del patrón que tiene que ser formulada sobre una base a largo plazo. La desventaja ocurrirá más lejos y se describe como abrevadero. Básicamente, la desventaja estará en un límite del 10 - el 20% y persistirá con una subida y un descenso insignificantes hasta la 2da altura en la subida de los precios. Este aumento será más o menos el mismo cuando se compara con el pico inicial. Además, el volumen de las demandas probablemente será menor cuando se compara con el suministro durante la próxima bajada. Esta formación es lo opuesto al patrón Double Bottom.

El patrón exacto de la parte superior doble se mantendrá en el siguiente método:

La tendencia anterior

El primer pico

el canal

El segundo pico

La declinación desde el 2º pico

El patrón gráfico se verá muy simple y directo, sin embargo, mientras que se extienden las técnicas de apuestas que necesita para asegurarse de que usted no saltar en ella muy pronto. Asegúrese de que usted no hace doble tops que son engañosas, como debe ser por lo menos un mes entre los picos.

Ejemplo de patrón doble superior

doble arriba

Advertencia de riesgo Hay un alto nivel de riesgo involucrado al negociar productos apalancados como Forex / CFDs. Usted no debe arriesgarse más de lo que puede permitirse perder, es posible que usted puede perder más que toda su inversión. No debe negociar o invertir a menos que entienda completamente la verdadera extensión de su exposición al riesgo de pérdida. Cuando el comercio o la inversión, siempre debe tener en cuenta el nivel de su experiencia. Los servicios de comercio de copias implican riesgos adicionales para su inversión debido a la naturaleza de dichos productos. Si los riesgos involucrados no parecen claros para usted, por favor solicite un asesoramiento independiente a un especialista externo.

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Comercio de divisas extranjeras de la semana, 7 de febrero de 2015: Bandera de divisas

Ejemplo de cambio de moneda extranjera de la semana: Bandera de oso de la parte superior de la divisa en USDCAD gráfico de 5 minutos

La carta de velas USDCAD Forex de 5 minutos tuvo un fuerte repunte, pero no logró superar el máximo anterior. Esto atrapó toros en la compra de alta y lleva a esperar a corto.

El gráfico de 5 minutos Forex USDCAD vela el jueves tuvo un fuerte, 7 bar rally que comenzó a las 5:50 a. m. PST, y que contenía 6 barras de tendencia alcista con cierra por encima de sus puntos medios. Sin embargo, formó una tapa doble con la baja anterior anterior y el mercado cayó para un movimiento medido abajo. Este es un ejemplo de una bandera de oso de la parte superior doble de la divisa.

Es natural mirar un fuerte rally y asumir que las probabilidades favorecen una segunda pierna después de cualquier retroceso. Sin embargo, hasta que hay una ruptura por encima de la anterior baja de alta, el mercado sigue en una tendencia de oso. Debido a eso, es peligroso comprar un pullback con órdenes de límite. En cambio, los comerciantes que buscan la retirada para formar una baja más alta y luego una segunda pierna arriba debe esperar para ver una barra de señal de compra creíble y luego comprar en un lugar de parada 1 pip por encima de esa barra de señal. Los toros nunca obtuvieron su señal de compra. En cambio, el mercado cayó por debajo del escote de la tapa doble y alcanzó un movimiento medido hacia abajo.

La forma correcta de negociar un rally como este es abordarlo con sospecha. Las tapas dobles nunca son perfectas, y este es un ejemplo. Los osos que vieron que el fuerte rally comenzaría a cortocircuitarlo una vez que alcanzó la mitad superior de la anterior pierna de oso. Colocan paradas protectoras por encima de la parte superior de la pierna del oso.

La mayoría de los comerciantes deben entrar con órdenes de stop. Un oso podría vender con una orden de stop para ir a corto en un pip por debajo de la barra de tendencia de oso que se formó en la parte superior de la reunión de 7 bares. Su parada de protección está por encima de la barra de señal de venta, o sólo un poco más alto, por encima de la más baja a las 5:05 a. m. Esta es una baja probabilidad de corto. Sin embargo, el riesgo es pequeño y la recompensa es grande por lo que la Ecuación de Trader apoya el corto.

Muchos comerciantes prefieren esperar para los oficios de mayor probabilidad. Una opción sería vender el cierre de la barra de la tendencia del oso grande que formó 5 barras más adelante. En ese punto, los osos tenían 6 barras abajo, con 5 siendo barras del oso con los cierres cerca de sus bajos. Esto es suficiente presión de venta para borrar el rally anterior, dado que el mercado estaba en una tendencia de oso.

Si un comerciante corto aquí, su parada sería por encima de la parte superior de esta pierna hacia abajo. Las probabilidades eran que un rally de aquí fallaría y el mercado probaría abajo a este nivel otra vez antes de romperse encima de la tapa de la pierna del oso. Si el mercado se rompió a la baja, los osos sólo cabría hacia abajo para el movimiento medido. Esto es lo que pasó. Si en lugar de ello se recuperó, muchos osos habrían añadido a sus pantalones cortos durante el rally o como falló y volvió a caer. Si el rally era fuerte, muchos simplemente saldrían en el punto medio de sus dos entradas y abandonarían el comercio. Si el rally era mínimo, algún oso saldría todo o parte en su primera entrada, y mantendría el resto para un swing hacia abajo.

Otros osos esperaban a corto hasta después de la ruptura por debajo del escote de la tapa doble. Esto tiene la mayor probabilidad de éxito, pero como es el caso con todos los oficios de alta probabilidad, el riesgo es más (la parada sigue por encima de la parte superior de la pierna del oso, o por lo menos por encima de la altura de la barra de ruptura) Es menos utilidad restante.

Los comerciantes de Swing buscarían una razón para tomar ganancias alrededor de la meta de movimiento medida. Puesto que había un clímax de la venta abajo al blanco, la mayoría de los osos verían esto como regalo y sacarían una pip encima de la alta de la barra de la inversión.

Los toros agresivos verían esto como una tendencia agotada del oso con ningunos toros dejados que tienen que vender de sus largos. Un oso grande tarde en una tendencia del oso es a menudo una brecha del agotamiento. Donde el hueco es el espacio entre el cierre de la barra y el punto bajo de la barra anterior. El mercado, por lo tanto, tuvo que ir más alto para encontrar los comerciantes dispuestos a vender. Bulls compró 1 pip por encima de la pequeña barra de inversión en el bajo, en busca de TBTL diez barras dos piernas hasta el promedio móvil y el rango de comercio ajustado. Vieron que el rango de comercio ajustado tarde en una tendencia alcista como la bandera de oso final probable.

Los comerciantes pueden ver el final del día Emini bar-por-bar informe de acción de precio al registrarse de forma gratuita en BrooksPriceAction. com. Hablo de la acción detallada de los precios de Emini en tiempo real durante todo el día en la sala comercial de BrooksPriceAction. com. Y una prueba gratuita de 2 días está disponible.

Cuando menciono el tiempo, es USA Pacific Standard Time (la sesión del día Emini abre a las 6:30 am PST, y cierra a las 1:15 pm PST). Puede leer información de fondo sobre los informes de mercado intradía en la página Actualización del mercado intradiario.

Acerca de Al Brooks

Al Brooks es un comerciante de día de acción de precio profesional a tiempo completo que entiende lo que un comerciante pasa a través de lograr su objetivo de hacer dinero, y él es un fuerte defensor de los comerciantes individuales. Al le enseña cómo el comercio en línea como un profesional con su mejor precio de venta acción libros de comercio. Los videos Brooks Trading Course, ya través de los muchos artículos en este sitio web. Puede ponerse en contacto con Al aquí.


Hablando de forex, creo que en el gráfico semanal EURUSD podemos esperar una pierna más hacia abajo porque teníamos 3 empuja hacia arriba y ahora está bajo MA. Pero cuando miro las cartas mensuales creo que podemos esperar 2 piernas para arriba. Puede comentar los gráficos semanales y mensuales de EURUSD y cómo están conectados?

Gracias de antemano, Murat

Gracias por este Al! Sabes cuánto amamos y apreciamos tu análisis de los mercados fx también. Cualquier posibilidad de oír sus pensamientos sobre los actuales cuadros más altos de tiempo de petróleo y el euro bastante por favor ?!

Brooks Trading Curso

Su ventaja para hacer dinero de comercio

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Actualización de fin de semana de Emini: 26 de marzo de 2016: Aprenda a intercambiar un canal

Actualización del mercado intradiario: 24 de marzo de 2016

Actualización del mercado intradiario: 23 de marzo de 2016 Aprenda a cambiar un patrón de velas

Actualización del mercado intradiario: 22 de marzo de 2016 Aprenda a negociar el final de un clímax de compra

Comentarios Recientes

Jerome yeoumans en la actualización de fin de semana de Emini: 26 de marzo de 2016: Aprenda a intercambiar un canal

Scott Goddard en la actualización del BTC 2016

Charles en la actualización del mercado intradiario: 23 de marzo de 2016 Aprenda cómo negociar un patrón de velas de topping

Charles en la actualización del mercado intradiario: 23 de marzo de 2016 Aprenda cómo negociar un patrón de velas de topping

Al Brooks en la actualización del mercado intradiario: 23 de marzo de 2016 Aprenda a cambiar un patrón de velas

Charles en la actualización del mercado intradiario: 23 de marzo de 2016 Aprenda cómo negociar un patrón de velas de topping

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Forex double top pattern in trading

Double top or bottom patterns are very common in currencies charts. When patterns are completed they can suggest reliable signals for a trader. However, despite appearance almost every trading day, it is not so easy to recognise and take trading decisions. It requires to understand double top and bottoms advantages and disadvantages, only then decisions can be taken in real trading situation.

There are basically two ways to trade double tops and double bottoms:

once double bottom or double top is identified – wait for further pattern confirmation;

forestall the situation and take decisions immediately once pattern is formed;

Double Top

Double top consists of two high peaks where they are seperated by valley, it is also common that two peaks can be found at the same price level. Double top pattern offers a signal for a trader about possible trend reversal. Such pattern is formed in upside trend, but trading rules needs to be followed if situation is good enough for trading.

Forex double top and bottom patterns

Identifying double top pattern

Upside trend must be established and the first peak should be the highest point in trend;

When first peak is formed, then prices are declined to lower ground;

Possible resistance appearance after previous high which can be still valid when the second peak is formed;

Usually the second peak is lower than first peak, however it is possible to have second peak higher than first peak or at the same level;

When second peak is formed, bears again decline a price. After such action, you can visually imagine the letter "M", this will help you out to identify double top patterns;

Trading example

When double top support (lower ground) is broken, usually support becomes resistance and resistance is tested before declining prices to further lows. Such action can offer an end to upside trend. However, while support barrier is not broken, the trend is still looking up.

Forex double top pattern

Lets take a look at GBPUSD chart above. When this pattern started to form, there was no support level and resistance level. Once first peak (Top 1) is formed, there was a strong bearish movement downside. First peak holds now resistance level. Then a small hill was formed which created support barrier. Bulls extended previous movement towards resistance barrier, however formed below resistance and didn't manage to climb over this barrier. Second peak (Top 2) was formed once bears dragged prices downside towards support level. Once these actions are completed, we can notice "M" letter or double top pattern. When bears managed to breakout at support level, their extended their rally further downside. However, this is the situation where support barrier didn't become resistance barrier. Later you can notice that bulls managed to get closer to 1.5903 level, but that wasn't enough to recover their strength which lead bears to initiate downside trend.

At this situation there were possibilities to enter a trade at second peak by selling with stop loss above resistance, and one more sell opportunity once breakout is initiated at support barrier (stop loss can be used above 1.5903, the previous support level).

This is just basics to get base understanding about double top pattern.

How do you trade double tops and bottoms in the Forex market? Some of the widely used indicators in the Forex market are trend lines, support and resistance, Fibonacci re-tracement, and Bollinger bands, but apart from that there are many other strategies that are used by the traders who like playing it safe. Moreover, Cup-and-handle […]

How do you trade double tops and bottoms in the Forex market?

Some of the widely used indicators in the Forex market are trend lines, support and resistance, Fibonacci re-tracement, and Bollinger bands, but apart from that there are many other strategies that are used by the traders who like playing it safe. Moreover, Cup-and-handle pattern, head-and-shoulder pattern, Double Tops and Double Bottom pattern are the strategies used mainly to forecast and ‘confirm’ the next movement in the market.

The idea that price movement in the market is random and could go anywhere, is not true because the technical analyses are solely based on the past behavior or patterns of the price. Prices tend to respect their previous ‘levels’ they made in terms of highs and lows, so determining double tops and double bottoms isn’t that difficult as it may sound. Whether you are trading on hourly charts or daily chart, you could easily sketch a horizontal line on the tops or lows that the pair has made in the past.

Double Top Example

The following chart is an example of a double top pattern that was formed by Eur/Usd near 1.3275, from where it bounced back and made a bearish move of more than 100 points till 1.3150.

Forex Double Top

Wise traders do not rely and trade based on any single indication; in fact they ‘confirm’ their analysis by following other indicators as well. Double tops or double bottoms strategy works very well most of the times, and is also used as a complementary indicator for ‘head-and-shoulders’ pattern.

Similarly, this chart shows the double bottoms pattern formed by Eur/Usd at the psychological level of 1.3000, after which the pair rallied more than 150 points and tested the level of 1.3190.

Forex Double Bottom

Apart from giving a clear indication of the next move in the market, this pattern allows the traders to set their stop loss tightly. For instance, if they are trading this double bottom chart, then they could set their stop loss just below 1.3000 level at somewhere around 1.2985 and could go long on the pair with heavy lots. Traders who prefer playing safe and avoid risk often open multiple lots separately once the price starts moving in their favorable direction, rather than opening a huge lot initially at once.

The phenomenon of strong support or resistance allows a trader to ‘predict’ the level at which the price would bounce back either from support or resistance, hence making it easier for him to set his take profit limit at that level too if they are already in the market.

Moreover, pending orders are also set based on double tops or double bottoms pattern, where anticipatory traders set their entry limit by assuming that the price would bounce back from a particular support or resistance. The following chart shows how a trader could set its ‘buy’ entry positions at the support level area of 1.5500.

GBP Forex Bottom

Forex Double Top Chart Pattern

The double top is considered to be a major reversal chart pattern after a strong up trending market. The trading pattern is formed by two tops that are almost similar in height with a neckline (temporary low) in between. The pattern is confirmed on a sustained break of the neckline.

Forex Double Top Chart Pattern Example ( GBP/USD 4 Hour Chart )

Forex Double Top Trading Ideas

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the neckline (breaking temporary support).

Aggressive forex traders: sell in the vicinity of the second top. Look for bearish reversal candlestick patterns to enter a low risk – high reward trade with stop loss placed above the second top.

Wait….before You proceed onto reading the entire post on this ” High Winning Probability Forex Strategy “….

Let me play a little forex game with You here.

Looking at the forex chart below….do You have any idea how I :

1) Shorted at that point …

2) Exited Lot 1 at that location .

3) And then exited Lot 2 at the later location ?

For a ( Massive ) total profits of 975 Pips gained … * smile *

Double Top Trendline Forex Strategy

So how did You fare ?

Manage to analyze how I grab those pips using just the patterns and price actions that’s presented on the above illustration ?

If You do….then let me congrats You….as You’re also on the way to be a very good and competent price actions trader in no time..

( Or perhaps You are already one….* smile * )

However….for those who do not have a single clue about how I nailed those massive 975 pips using these patterns .

Then You should really read the entire post as I would be sharing the step by step explanations on :

2) Why I decide to enter at that Price to short…

3) How I plan my 2 lots exit strategy..

This is definitely one of the most accurate strategy one can use to trade the forex market …

And the best thing is that it only involves simple ” Patterns Formation & Trendline Bounce “…combined with little Price Actions .

( No technical indicators at all ….as You can also see. )

You know something here…

Ever since I started this forex blog sharing tips and trading strategies…

Many fellow traders from all over the world have been sending me emails asking basically any kind of Forex questions…

One of the most common is this question ( and it is also one that I consider the most critical too ) :

“….What are the steps that I consider before actually entering into any position that get me high winning success and consistent profits each month. & # 8220;

Of course….different traders would phrase in different version of their own words but generally…..they carry the same intention…

They wish to know my ” entire decision making process ” before committing into any position… ( whether Buy or Sell trades )

Logically….if YOU CAN ALSO see what a successful trader sees each time before he trades…

You would also be getting ” almost ” the same results ( or at least close results to him/her )….right ?

So upon knowing what these readers would like to know very much….

I really want to share as much as possible through this forex blog… in order to help You guys succeed .

Fact is……since I cannot transfer my entire brain to all of You guys…..( technology not so advance yet I am sure….LOL )

That’s why the more feasible way is to start this section in my forex blog which I called it ” Forex Case Studies “….

Here I will be sharing each different LIVE trades I have traded…

And include all the ” Whys….Hows….”

…..basically all the essential considerations You can also include - In order to enhance the winning probability each time You choose to trade…

If You don’t know this FACT about forex trading yet…..then it’s time to change Your mindset once for all…

& # 8221; Forex trading is none other than a game of probability……”

“….If You can WIN MORE than You Lose ( and repeat the process )…. You will make Profits each month consistently “…..

Bear this fact in mind….

….and You could really go far and achieve the kind of success You desire with forex trading too…

Alright….so much for the above sharing…

Let’s dive into step by step explanations on the trade which I nailed 975 pips profits …..shall we ?

Step By Step Explanations For Forex Strategy

The GBP ( pound) has been very weak for the month of September as the economic data and GDP have been rather disappointing…..

I am taking into account this fact and simply scan all the GBP crosses for trading opportunities to confirm my BEARISH BIAS…

The common GBP crosses I would scan are namely. Gbp/Jpy….Gbp/Chf…..Gbp/Cad…..Gbp/Usd….Gbp/Nzd

And without much effort….I noticed these patterns on the GBP/CHF ….on the daily time frame …

Forex Double Top Trendline Strategy

The set - up You saw above is considered one of the ( most ) reliable ” Bearish ” technical set up …

Because it combined 2 patterns formation here namely :

The price bounced off the trendline for the 3rd time…

And it could be a good trading opportunity for me…

However….due to the current support at that period…

I would need to wait for the price to break that support first ( provided it breaks ) …… before I could enter and SHORT this pair Gbp/Chf.

Patience is really the key factor here if You want to trade a ” Good & Profitable ” set up..

I personally waited for about 3 days before the price broke the previous support and enter the ” zone ” I wanted……

Forex Double Top Trendline Strategy

Once the price entered the ” zone ” that I wanted ….( which is breaking the previous support )

I shorted this pair Gbp/Chf with 2 separate lots .

2 separate lots are very essential as it enables me to exit partial lot at certain pre-determined Profit target…

And allow the 2nd lot to ride the down trend for max pips …

For all my strategies viewing from the daily time frame ( just like this one )….

I would normally enter using this 2 lots strategy….as there are ” always ” lots of pips to be grabbed from the market.

And of course….using a stop loss that would give You a ” Good risk/reward” ratio is mandatory for such big move and profit target.

This explains why most of the set - ups that I choose to enter are mostly those that would ” move massively”..

Since for this strategy, I am not using any technical indicators….not even ” moving averages “….

Then how do I planned my profit target 1 and 2 ?

This is what I am planning to share next ….

How Do I Planned For My Profit Target #1 and # 2 ?

It is a well known fact that price in the forex market tend to stall at a particular support or resistance points previously .

That is why a ” double top or double bottom ” is formed in the market….

So taking advantage of this fact…

I planned both my profit target points with reference to previous support that has formed in this Gbp/Chf.

Forex Double Top Trendline Strategy

As You can also see from the chart above…

The Take Profit ( TP 1 ) is set at price 1.67930

….which is slightly above the 1st ( previous ) support point…

The Take Profit ( TP2 ) is set at price 1.63200

& # 8230 ;. Again….also set above the 2nd ( previous ) support point..

( Note. I would never aim exactly at the low of the previous support… that is not realistic. I would rather aim slightly higher as the price is more likely to reach. Being ” Consecutive ” is the keyword here…..)

Maybe at this point….You want to ask me this question too :

“…Hey Aaron…. how do You know whether the price would move to Your Take Profits #1 and #2 or not…? & # 8220;

My answer. & # 8221; I really don’t know… nobody can predict exactly what would happen next in the forex market ….”

Only when the price actually moves….then the truth would be out…..agree ?

That is why I am using the previous support as a profit targets to aim for….

With these facts :

2) Descending Trendline ( Bounce for 3rd time )

3) GBP is weak for this period fundamentally..

I am willing to ride on this ” down trend “ sentiment….

But just like any other things we do in life….

We need some backup plan for contingency….in case the worst happen…

For this case…. I would at least ” secure ” the profits…….or at least reduce the risk further…

That explains why I enter with 2 separate lots for this trade….

Because I intend to ride for massive pips …( if it happens )….

And using just 1 lot is definitely much too risky…

But by using 2 separate lots…. I can exit partial first after the first target …

Then I can shift my 2nd lot stop loss accordingly to reduce risk…..while still riding the wave…..* smile *

It is indeed very essential if You’re also planning to ride such massive pips in future …..

OK….so how did this trade progress…?

The 1st Profit Target was hit on the 3rd day of trading at Price 1.67930

( 251 Pips Profits …..and the stop loss for 2nd lot shifted to Break-even then … )

Subsequently….the 2nd Profit Target was hit after 1 week + of trading at Price 1.63200

Forex Double Top Trendline Strategy

Total pips nailed for this trade is = 251 + 724 = 975 Pips !

Definitely can be considered ” MASSIVE Trend ” riding for this case…..agree ?

Here’s the earning screen shot for Profit Target #1 ( 251 Pips ) to share :

( Click to enlarge )

Forex Double Top Trendline Strategy Earnings

251 Pips gained for this 1st lot is equivalent to Profits Usd $ 2405.39 ( trading 1 standard lot )

And here’s the earnings screen shot for Profit Target #2 ( 724 Pips ) to share :

( click to enlarge )

Forex Double Top Trendline Strategy Earnings

724 Pips gained for this 2nd lot netted me Usd $6948.34 in profits ….( 1 standard lot )

Notice for this earnings screen shot….the Stop Loss ( SL ) has been shifted to the Price 1.66440…

This is already ” locking in 400 pips ” if You can do the simple math too…

Aiming for ” massive pips ” is definitely good and very profitable..

But it is also vital that You lock in the pips accordingly as the trade continues to go Your direction and Profits still growing…

Just like for this 2nd lot ….

As the pips keep accumulating….it would be really stupid if I did not “ trail ” along as it progress ….

Imagine seeing ALL 700+ pips gained reversing and turning against You ……ended up losing all those valuable pips…

That’s equivalent to banging “A HARD Wall big time ” to me……

Do You agree that can be really detrimental & negative both to one’s confidence and morale.

Well fortunately… can be avoided at all cost…

For this trade….all I have to do is lock in those pips ( profits ) accordingly…..

….while at the same time giving some ” breathing space ” for the trade to develop without getting hit unnecessarily..

There’s really no fix formula to how much You should lock it…

Just depends on how much You have accumulated …

AND….how many of those pips….You want to secure….that’s all…

Remember…in any trading game….nothing is certain….nothing is guarantee…

So it is our duty to protect and secure the pips we have accumulated…

If the trade go against You…..nobody would feel sorry for You…..

The market would not feel guilty too just because it has reversed on Your position causing You to lose all the 700+ pips You have gained earlier…! ( Arghhh….)

Ride the Pips……Lock in…..& Lock in MORE……that’s the key. * smile *

Alright…..up till this point…

That’s pretty much all I would like to share with You about this ” High Probability Forex Strategy ” using just :

2) Descending Trendline Bounce

3) Fundamentally weak GBP

4) Support and resistance to plan for profit targets…

Which means once You can trade using these elements from the market…

You do not need to rely on those ” lagging textbook technical indicators ” anymore too……if You want..

Enough of seeing those situation when You’re always too late to enter into a trend because You’re waiting for those technical indicators to show You the signals to enter …..right !

That’s NOT the way to trade the forex market…..for sure!

I have been through the frustrating phase too…..always LATE on buying or selling into a position because those lagging indicators are simply lagging in nature..

The moment I learn about trading solely using ” P rice Actions + Patterns Formation “….

My monthly trading results complete changed !……. And for the better …..No joke !

It makes me trade really confidently too ….. without having to worry about being late on my entry point ….

YES…..even with merely price actions + patterns formation….I can spot good trading opportunity for such ” massive trend ” too…

You have gone through all the illustrations and my entire ” decision making process ” above ……

And now You Know…..* smile *

The key to achieve such MASSIVE Pips… to be abled to lock in those pips….and even more pips as the trade progress…

And of course….. must be dare to see the entire trade through……and ride on the major trend that prevails .

Thanks for reading this far…..

Hope this is a valuable learning experience to You so far…..

Good luck in Your trading and happy riding the next MASSIVE Trend too !

Technical Analysis Reports

NZDUSD could be in for more declines, as a double top pattern can be seen on its 1-hour time frame. Price failed in its last two attempts to break past the .6550 minor psychological mark and is currently testing the neckline around .6440.

A break below this support zone could push NZDUSD lower by an additional 100 pips or more, taking price down to the .6340-.6350 levels. However, the 100 SMA is above the longer-term 200 SMA, indicating that the path of least resistance is to the upside.

In addition, both RSI and stochastic are moving out of the oversold area, indicating a potential pickup in buying pressure. In that case, price could make another test of the resistance at .6500.

NZDUSD Fundamental Factors

Earlier today, the RBNZ decided to keep interest rates on hold at 2.50% as expected, but Governor Graeme Wheeler reiterated that they are keeping the door open for additional easing measures. Around this time, Fonterra announced downgrades in its milk price and payout forecasts, acknowledging the challenging global conditions and imbalance in supply and demand.

Prior to this, the FOMC also decided to keep monetary policy unchanged for the time being. Fed officials noted that they are closely monitoring the developments in the global economy and removed the reference on balanced risks to their outlook, confirming that they are concerned about the slowdown in China and the drop in oil prices.

US durable goods orders and initial jobless claims are up for release next and strong results could reassure dollar traders that the US economy can stay resilient. As for the Kiwi, commodity price trends and market sentiment could drive its price action.

To contact the reporter of the story: Samuel Rae at samuel@forexminute. com

Double Bottom

Estás aquí. Forex Learning Center > Level MEDIUM > Chart Patterns

The double bottom is an bullish pattern with a W shape. Two bottoms will succeed, reflecting an important support (below in green). This marks a reversal will. This pattern may also be in WV. We will speak about a triple bottom.

For the double bottom below, the area of support will allow the price to rebound twice. The first one will determine the neck line (here in red), evidenced by the highest between the two bottoms. Thereafter, the price will get back to the support. The magnitude of the two bottoms is normally the same (as in the case below), but it may happen that the first bottom is lower than the first. This configuration reinforces the validity of the figure because it reflects a breathlessness of the selling movement. A second rebound will then occur, but it is the breaking of the neck line that will validate the bullish reversal

Once the neck line broken, it may happen that the price get back to it (this line becomes support), then increased again. The potential of increase is determined by the difference between the beginning support and the neck line (represented by black arrows).

Here are some statistics about the double bottom :

- In 70% of cases, there is a bullish reversal - In 67% of cases, the target of the pattern is reached once the neckline broken - In 59% of cases, a pullback occur - In 97% of cases, there is a pursuit of the movement once the neckline broken

They are different types of double bottom that are differentiated according two criteria:

- The shape of the bottom: The bottom can be V-shaped (known as Adam bottom) or U-shaped (this is called Eve Bottom).

- The level of the second bottom: The second bottom may be higher, at the same or lower than the first bottom.

Here are some different characteristics of double bottom :

Double bottom type

As you can see, there is not much difference between each one. The target is reached the same number of times on each type of double bottom . In contrast, the percentage of pullback depends on the pattern. This is important and we'll see why.

- In case of pullback, the upward movement will be less important once the target of the pattern reached

- More the two bottoms are close, more the % of success of the pattern is important

- More the bearish movement who preceded the formation of the double bottom is important, more the upward movement at the breakout of the neckline will be powerful.

The classic strategy: Entry: Take a long position at the breakout of the neckline Stop: The stop is placed below the neckline Target: Theoretical target of the pattern Advantage: The percentage to succeed is important Disadvantage: Pullbacks exceed the neckline in many cases. Thus, a stop too close can be reached stupidly. To remedy this, it is possible to wait for the pullback onthe neckline to take a stand. This allows a better set of your stop.

The aggressive strategy: Entry: Take a long position after the second bottom Stop: The stop is placed below the lowest bottom Target: Theoretical target of the pattern Advantage: The ratio profit/risk is high, indeed, the stop is close Disadvantage: The percentage of a losing trade is more important because the pattern is not confirmed yet.

Chart patterns are at the basis of technical analysis. They are distinguished into three categories: Reversal Patterns – Continuation Patterns – Neutral Patterns. Chart patterns are formed on the charts of historical data of different pairs. They appear on all timeframes.

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BEWARE . FOREX is a market made volatile by the leverage which is offered to you. Consequently, a risk of important financial losses is always present. Tribuforex provides his internauts some trade ideas and analysis, but will not be responsible in case of losses. The main goal of www. forex-tribe. com is to offer a tool allowing traders to share forex between them.

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These formations both represent trend reversal opportunities.

Double Top

The Double Top formation, also known as a ”M-shape” pattern, is bearish in nature. It usually forms after prices have been in an uptrend, thus, providing traders with the opportunity to sell.

On the 4-hour chart of USD/JPY above we can see that price action has reached two peaks, which are separated by a bottom. A so called ”neckline” can also be observed, which represents the bottom part of the formation.

For a pattern to be a real Double Top, the initial price needs to enter this formation from below the price level of the bottom (trough), while the exit needs to be on the breakout below the low price of the trough. Or, the neckline needs to be broken.

The two peaks need to be identical or within 5 percent of each other’s price level. The second peak may appear to be slightly higher than the first at times.

The retracement down after the first peak is preferable to show the same number of candles as the move to the second peak, but however, it is not 100% necessary.

The pattern is usually confirmed, when price action demonstrates a close below the low price of the bottom.

The pattern usually fails, when price action demonstrates a close above the second peak.

This pattern may form over two to seven weeks. The longer the period, however, the less reliable it becomes. Patterns, which show the best performance, usually include rounded peaks.

Let us look back at the chart and explain what may have happened. Long-positioned traders may have tried to breach a resistance level (as shown at A), but failed, because of short-positioned players moving in. Then, another attempt has been made by the long-positioned traders, but it failed to push prices to fresh highs, because a massive selling pressure has been encountered once again (as shown at B). It may have become evident that buyers will not be able to breach this strong resistance level, thus, prices took a turn downwards, with more sellers opening positions.

How to trade a Double Top?

A common way to trade a Double Top formation is to spot its ”neckline”. In case the price breaches it, traders may enter into a short position. A protective stop may be placed above the two peaks. If the pattern fails (prices continue to move above the second peak), losses will be limited.

In order to estimate the profit target. traders may take the height of the actual formation (the distance between the neckline and the highest of the two peaks) and place it down from the neckline. The 4-hour chart of USD/JPY below visualizes our short entry, our protective stop and our profit target when trading a Double Top.

Double Bottom

The Double Bottom formation, also known as a ”W-shape” pattern, is bullish in nature. It usually forms after prices have been in a decreasing trend, thus, providing traders with the opportunity to buy.

On the 4-hour chart of EUR/USD above we can see that price action has reached two bottoms (troughs), which are separated by a peak. A neckline can again be observed, which represents the upper (top) part of the formation.

For a pattern to be a real Double Bottom, the initial price needs to enter this formation from above the price level of the peak, while the exit needs to be on the breakout above the high price of the peak. Or, again the neckline needs to be breached.

The two bottoms need to be identical or within 5 percent of each other’s price level. The second bottom may appear to be slightly lower than the first at times.

The retracement up after the first bottom is preferable to show the same number of candles as the move to the second bottom, but however, it is not 100% necessary.

The pattern is usually confirmed, when price action demonstrates a close above the high price of the peak.

The pattern usually fails, when price action demonstrates a close below the second bottom.

The longer the period of formation, the less reliable this pattern becomes. Formations, which show the best performance, usually include rounded bottoms.

Let us look back at the chart. Long-positioned traders may have entered into trades at a support level and have obstructed the attempt by short-positioned traders to force the price down to even lower levels (as shown at A). Another attempt has been made by the short-positioned players to achieve this, but it failed, because a strong support has been encountered once again (as shown at B). It may have become evident that sellers will not be able to breach this solid support level, thus, prices took a turn upwards, with more buyers opening positions.

How to trade a Double Bottom?

A common way to trade a Double Bottom formation is to spot its ”neckline”. In case the price breaches it, traders may enter into a long position. A protective stop may be placed below the two bottoms. If the pattern fails (prices continue to move below the second bottom), losses will be limited.

In order to estimate the profit target, traders may take the height of the actual formation (the distance between the neckline and the lowest of the two bottoms) and place it up from the neckline. The 4-hour chart of EUR/USD below visualizes our long entry, our protective stop and our profit target when trading a Double Bottom.

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Los mejores reembolsos de Forex. Aprenda a operar con divisas: Forex (FX) Currency Trading & # 8211; Double Top

A double top is a reversal pattern that is formed after there is an extended move up. The “tops” are peaks which are formed when the price hits a certain level that can’t be broken.

After hitting this level, the price will bounce off it slightly, but then return back to test the level again. If the price bounces off of that level again, then you have a DOUBLE top!

Notice how the second top was not able to break the high of the first top. This is a strong sign that a reversal is going to occur because it is telling us that the buying pressure is just about finished.

With the double top, we would place our entry order below the neckline because we are anticipating a reversal of the uptrend.

Looking at the chart you can see that the price breaks the neckline and makes a nice move down. Remember that double tops are a trend reversal formation so you’ll want to look for these after there is a strong uptrend.

You’ll also notice that the drop is approximately the same height as the double top formation. Keep that in mind because that’ll be useful in setting profit targets.

Double Bottom

The double bottom is also a trend reversal formation, but this time we are looking to go long instead of short. These formations occur after extended downtrends when two valleys or “bottoms” have been formed.

You can see from the chart above that after the previous downtrend, the price formed two valleys because it wasn’t able to go below a certain level.

Notice how the second bottom wasn’t able to significantly break the first bottom. This is a sign that the selling pressure is about finished, and that a reversal is about to occur.

The price broke the neckline and made a nice move up.

See how the price jumped by almost the same height as that of the double bottom formation?

Remember, just like double tops, double bottoms are also trend reversal formations. You’ll want to look for these after a strong downtrend.

USD/JPY: Double Top; AUD/USD: Consolidation Within A Triangle – SocGen

Dollar/yen and Aussie/USD both see interesting technical patterns.

The team at SocGen examines:

Aquí está su opinión, cortesía de eFXnews:

USD/JPY is forming a probable double top and is testing the confirmation level near 122, notes SocGen.

“It’s noteworthy that the pair has also breached a steeper daily upward channel within which the recovery from October evolved. A break below 122 will lead to a correction towards 120.20, the projected target for the aforementioned pattern and even towards 118.20, the monthly channel limit.

Multi decadal trend resistance at 126 remains a key level, which decides if another leg of up move occurs,” SocGen projects.

Turning to AUD/USD, SocGen notes that it appears to be consolidating within a pattern similar to triangle .

“It has given a break above a descending trend line suggesting possibility of further rebound towards 0.7350, triangle limit.

However, the rebound should be corrective in nature and daily channel limit at 0.7500. also April lows remains a key resistance and should cap any upside,” SocGen adds.

Para más transacciones FX de los principales bancos, inscríbase en eFXplus

By signing up to eFXplus via the link above, you are directly supporting Forex Crunch.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

Double top

©2016 All rights reserved. Terms of use: By viewing and/or using the information within this site you agree that this is general education material and you will not hold ForexBeginning. com responsible for loss or damages resulting from the content provided here by ForexBeginning. com. Forex, futures, options, and trading in general have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a HIGH LEVEL OF RISK, and may not be suitable for all investors. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos con el fin de invertir en los mercados de divisas, futuros y opciones. Do NOT trade with money you cannot afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell futures, currencies, options or any other financial instruments. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. The past performance of any trading system or methodology does not necessarily indicate future results.

USD/JPY: Double Top; AUD/USD: Consolidation Within A Triangle – SocGen

Dollar/yen and Aussie/USD both see interesting technical patterns.

The team at SocGen examines:

Aquí está su opinión, cortesía de eFXnews:

USD/JPY is forming a probable double top and is testing the confirmation level near 122, notes SocGen.

“It’s noteworthy that the pair has also breached a steeper daily upward channel within which the recovery from October evolved. A break below 122 will lead to a correction towards 120.20, the projected target for the aforementioned pattern and even towards 118.20, the monthly channel limit.

Multi decadal trend resistance at 126 remains a key level, which decides if another leg of up move occurs,” SocGen projects.

Turning to AUD/USD, SocGen notes that it appears to be consolidating within a pattern similar to triangle .

“It has given a break above a descending trend line suggesting possibility of further rebound towards 0.7350, triangle limit.

However, the rebound should be corrective in nature and daily channel limit at 0.7500. also April lows remains a key resistance and should cap any upside,” SocGen adds.

Para más transacciones FX de los principales bancos, inscríbase en eFXplus

By signing up to eFXplus via the link above, you are directly supporting Forex Crunch.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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USDCAD Forms Double Top

Laino Group número de registro 21973 IBC 2014. Advertencia de riesgo: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de productos apalancados puede implicar un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

Por favor, como PaxForex sitio en su red favorita y obtener acceso a la página gratuita de registro de la cuenta de bonificación!

Forex 1 min AUS USD scalping a double top

More at www. exacttrading. com.

Free Price Action trading webinars – sign up here or drop me a mail at paul @ exacttrading. com for more information about my training packages and trading advice courses and webinars

Becoming an expert Price Action Forex trader takes some skill and a lot of understanding on the Forex markets. Fortunately the necessary expertise can be acquired by the study of chart patterns and daily trading activity on any of the major currency pairs.

As I live in Europe and the time zone works for me, I like many thousands of other traders follow the EURO/USD every day and I create two daily videos for my clients outlining where I see the trading opportunities each day.

Understanding Price Action comes from watching and reviewing past price action over many time zones. Only by knowing what has happened in the past in certain situations can we hope to be right about future price points and objectives.

My own personal experience, has taught me that stabbing in the dark, at a price target months in the future and thousands of pips away, is more than likely to end in tears, of course occasionally just like a broken clock that is right twice a day you will hit the jackpot but in between time are likely to face problematic trading conditions.

The attached video sis just one of hundreds of videos from exacttrading. com which you will find on You Tube. These are education Forex price action trading informational videos and describe how you can scalp the forex markets as well as trend trade them. As a reversal trader my ultimate objective is to join the trend as the market reverses right at the end of the previous trend thereby maximizing my chance of success.

Please come past to my site or drop me a mail at paul @ exacttrading. com for more information about my training packages and trading advice courses and webinars

EURNZD Double Top

Laino Group número de registro 21973 IBC 2014. Advertencia de riesgo: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de productos apalancados puede implicar un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

Por favor, como PaxForex sitio en su red favorita y obtener acceso a la página gratuita de registro de la cuenta de bonificación!

NZDUSD Short-term Double Top (Jan 28, 2016)

January 28, 2016

NZDUSD could be in for more declines, as a double top pattern can be seen on its 1-hour time frame. Price failed in its last two attempts to break past the .6550 minor psychological mark and is currently testing the neckline around .6440.

A break below this support zone could push NZDUSD lower by an additional 100 pips or more, taking price down to the .6340-.6350 levels. However, the 100 SMA is above the longer-term 200 SMA, indicating that the path of least resistance is to the upside.

In addition, both RSI and stochastic are moving out of the oversold area, indicating a potential pickup in buying pressure. In that case, price could make another test of the resistance at .6500.

Earlier today, the RBNZ decided to keep interest rates on hold at 2.50% as expected, but Governor Graeme Wheeler reiterated that they are keeping the door open for additional easing measures. Around this time, Fonterra announced downgrades in its milk price and payout forecasts, acknowledging the challenging global conditions and imbalance in supply and demand.

Prior to this, the FOMC also decided to keep monetary policy unchanged for the time being. Fed officials noted that they are closely monitoring the developments in the global economy and removed the reference on balanced risks to their outlook, confirming that they are concerned about the slowdown in China and the drop in oil prices.

US durable goods orders and initial jobless claims are up for release next and strong results could reassure dollar traders that the US economy can stay resilient. As for the Kiwi, commodity price trends and market sentiment could drive its price action.

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Ideas Forex Trading

January 28, 2016

Kate has been a technical analysis covering forex for many years. She our daily forex outlook and works in the New York office of Forex. Today

Forex double top strategy

Regards, Pretorian1 Hello, Have one question. It usually forms after prices have been in a decreasing trend, thus, providing traders with the opportunity to buy. I'm not using any strict or "mechanical" rules. Ignored That's the life of a trader Activities in the house for those going to school and work or appointment will naturally wake me up forex double top strategy the morning, and I use the opportunity for my breakfast and to review what the market is doing, especially when I have a trade in play. Double Tops are identified by two consecutive peaks of similar or almost height with a moderate pull back in between neckline.

Forex double top strategy - Bad Company

An experienced trader once said, "if you see the trend after it formed, you probably never benefited from the move. I wonder what the indicator is. MODERATORS Trading Pennies for Dollars Professional Trader Models and Bottles Financial Astrologer Professional Trader Option time review worksheets been demo trading trading a double tops and double bottoms strategy on the 4H time frame for about a month and a half. So this is why i've asked about it. It has similar formation but inverse formula like double top. They are reversal patterns meaning a double botom as in picture Forex double top strategy and 2 is valid when a candle closes above resistence. The two peaks highs or resistance forex double top strategy are at approximately the same price level. I then imaparare opzioni binarie forum energy houston for a new candle to open few pips below that candle to ensure I had momentum behind the move. In order to estimate the profit target, traders may take the height of the actual formation the distance between the neckline and the lowest of the two bottoms and place it up from the neckline. Price never did so on these examples. I am just contributing my own style of trading in case it benefits one trader and to make myself accountable to a group of like minded traders. Now I understand you I don't call that a pullback - the move against the dominant trend is the pullback and resumption of the trend is the rally. After successfully breakout this forex double top strategy gives bullish signal. What does a Double Top Formation look like? It is best online brokers commissions bearish reversal signal. I have no set rules, I just have guiding rules for setup and structure - the rest is left to the discretion and experience forex double top strategy each trader. Forex Factory does not support this browser. In other words, you're already planning on taking profit where conventional wisdom says you should be entering. Generally Forex double top strategy have asked about this "pattern" or "setup" also call it erfahrung mit anyoption scampi shrimp you want, i mean a specific set of rules to open a trade because it wasn't your first time when you posted entry like this. I then waited for forex double top strategy new candle to open few pips below that candle to ensure I had momentum behind the move. It is the traders that can anticipate price action and read the hands and emotions of other traders that benefits from moves before they complete. So it requires to wait for breakout of the neckline. I've kept a trading journal forex double top strategy while it has helped a bit I still feel like I'm missing something. It must suits all your features: your mind, your emotions, your feeling of comfort and your general satisfaction. It's rather style, way of trading than any mechanical setups or patterns. Let us look back at the chart and explain what may have happened.

Descargas populares:

Double Top

View a more detailed Double Top Chart Pattern Video. The Double Top technical analysis charting pattern is a common and highly effective price reversal pattern.

The chart below of Altria (MO) stock illustrates the Double Top reversal pattern:

Double Top Formation Components

First High: Bulls push prices upwards making new highs; however, these new highs are short lived and prices retreat.

Second High: Prices don't retreat for long because bulls make another run, making a similar high. Nevertheless, this is bearish, because bulls were unable to push prices higher; bears held their ground at the previous high level. The bears push prices back to support (Confirmation line); this is a pivotal moment - either bulls will make another push higher or bears will take control and push prices even lower, more than likely taking over for good.

Double Top Potential Sell Signal

A potential sell signal is given when price closes below the confirmation line .

Note that traders expect a significant increase in volume to accompany the confirmation line break; if there is very little volume when price pierces the confirmation line, then the move downward is suspect. Small volume usually means weak support of price movement (see: Volume ).

Another similar chart pattern is the Head & Shoulders Pattern (see: Head & Shoulders ). The opposite of the Double Top is the bullish Double Bottom (see: Double Bottom ).

La información anterior es sólo para fines informativos y de entretenimiento y no constituye asesoramiento comercial o una solicitud de compra o venta de acciones, opciones, futuros, productos básicos o productos de divisas. El desempeño pasado no es necesariamente una indicación del desempeño futuro. El comercio es inherentemente arriesgado. OnlineTradingConcepts. com shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of or the inability to use, the materials and information provided by this site. See full disclaimer .

Forex chart pattern trading on double top and double bottom

Double Top: Double Top is very the most common chart pattern in Forex market. It is used as a reversal pattern. This pattern is very profitable and its success rate is high. This pattern is named for its formation with two double top on the upward market. It is a bearish reversal signal. It occurs in the upward market. There are two parts in this chart pattern, these are 2 tops and Neckline.

How it forms: >> First it creates higher high in the upward market and it can act as resistance level. >> Then it falls from higher high for few pips. >> Again price moves to the same high as like first top. >> It can’t break that level and falls again to the support at neckline. >> A neckline should be drawn from the low of the top.

How to Trade on this pattern Neckline acts as a support line. So it requires to wait for breakout of the neckline. After successfully breakout this pattern gives bearish signal. From the retest of the neckline, sell entry can be taken. Stop loss will be some pips above higher high. Target should be at least 1:1 risk ratio. Target can be set equal to the distance from neckline to the higher high.

Triple Top Triple top is same as double top but difference is only that in this pattern it creates 3 tops. Everything is same as double top and need to follow same rules for taking entry.

Double Bottom Double Bottom chart pattern gives a bullish reversal signal which occurs in the downward market. It has similar formation but inverse formula like double top. There are also two parts in this pattern, these are 2 bottoms and Neckline.

How it forms >> At first it creates lower low in the downward market and it can act as support level. >> Then it returns from lower low for few pips. >> Again price falls to previous low as like first bottom. >> It can’t break that support level and again starts to raise to the resistance at neckline. >> A neckline should be drawn from the high of the bottom.

How to Trade on this pattern: Neckline acts as a resistance line in double bottoms. So it requires to wait for breakout of the neckline. After successfully breakout this pattern gives bullish signal. From the retest of the neckline, buy entry can be taken.

Stop loss will be some pips below the lower low. Target should be at least 1:1 risk ratio. Target can be set equal to the distance from neckline to lower low.

Triple Bottom . Triple Bottom is same as double bottom but difference is only that in this pattern it creates 3 bottoms. Everything is same as double bottom and need to follow same rules for taking entry.

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Bitcoin Fenced by Double Top and Double Bottom

By Fx_Livermore on Oct 8, 2015 11:42:20 GMT

Bitcoin traded mostly flat today, with some bearish bias. We kept skirting on the $240 figure all day. We already had two bounces here, once at $239.76, then at $240.25. Prices are again at this level, quoted at $240.37 dollars per coin right now.

In the past three days we’ve seen bigger declines on the Chinese bitcoin exchanges. On OKCoin’s CNY site, one BTC is selling for 1,564 yuan ($245.71 dollars). This is almost 50 Yuan below the high made two days ago at 1,610. In percentage terms this is 3%, compared to only 1.9% on BTC-E for example.

Futures have retraces as well, with the largest losses in the longer-dated contract. The nearer October 9th contract (expiring tomorrow) is quoted at $244.71, $7.20 or 2.8% below the highs. The longer-dated December 25th contract is trading at $249.62. $8.12 dollars or 3.1 percent below the October 6th highs. This may be a prelude of things to come. We wrote yesterday that if the priced-in gains fail to materialize in the next week or so, the Dec25 contract will be the most susceptible to losses. This is because the contract is currently trading at a $5 dollars premium over current spot prices.

The important levels on BTC-E start at the $245 dollars resistance. This is now a double top formation. The first top was reached on September 8th at $245.80 and the second two days ago at $245.05. This level corresponds to around $248 dollars on OKCoin but keep in mind that here prices already broke the September highs, so no double top formation here. Thus a better breakout point, for both BTC-E and OKCoin, would be the $250 round figure. A decisive break above here should start a new BTC rally. On the lower end a clean move below the $224 double bottom may re-start the downtrend.

Get our free guide to bitcoin trading here .

Forex Double Bottom Chart Pattern

The double bottom is the opposite of the double top and is considered to be a major reversal chart pattern after a strong down trending market. The trading pattern is formed by two bottoms that are almost similar in height with a neckline (temporary high) in between. The pattern is confirmed on a sustained break of the neckline.

Forex Double Bottom Chart Pattern Example ( NZD/USD 1 Hour Chart )

Forex Double Bottom Trading Ideas

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the neckline (breaking temporary resistance).

Aggressive forex traders: buy in the vicinity of the second bottom. Look for bullish reversal candlestick patterns to enter a low risk – high reward trade.

Tip: In case you have missed the double bottom price breakout – After the sustained break, a small retracement back to the neckline is very common.

Experiencing Trade 2.

Executing the Double Top Trade

With your understanding of all pieces of the puzzle and how they fit together, we will now take a look at the double top sell example from start to finish. All of the pieces of the puzzle now come together and help you execute this trade intelligently. Most of your skills will be needed before you even get into the trade so we will look at before, during, and after screenshots of the trade to better understand where everything goes.

Before You Enter the Trade

So let’s live through the double top trade. You have understood from the market structure what type of trade you are expecting, you have decided at what location that type of trade would make sense, and you now see an entry trigger at that location so you can take action. All of those details have been covered in this course and now we just need to look at the process of preparing for the trade. What do you know? and what can you do with that information?

In the above screenshot this trade has not yet triggered but you know what your entry price will be. You also know what your stop loss price will be and so therefore you know your risk. In this example the risk on the trade if you were to take it is 125 pips. When it comes to the take profit the next 2 obstacles in the trades path are obvious, due to the nature of this type of trade you could expect the lower low but it would be safer not to. The momentum behind that trade is completely horizontal so no momentum lines have been placed. For the sake of this example we will play it safe and shoot for a slightly higher low ignoring all the spikes that created obstacle 1. So now we know the reward on the trade which in this example is 200 pips. That gives you a risk:reward of just over 1:1½ which is very acceptable.

Placing a Safety Net

You now have a trade that is setting up at a good location with good structure behind it, you have an entry trigger that has presented itself, and the risk:reward makes the trade worth it. At this stage that you see in the screenshot below your stop loss price has more than one use. Since you have not yet entered the trade then if price came up and passed your stop loss your trade would be cancelled, after all, your chosen location would be broken at that point. If price heads down however and triggers your entry price then the stop loss will be as the name suggests. There is also a safety net that can be decided upon at this juncture.

Obstacle 1 has been used as a take profit but there are several indecision candles that create its resistance box. It would be shame to almost make it to your take profit then have the trade turn around and head to your stop loss, so this is a great place to move your stop loss to +1 pip or better. Here at ElectroFX we call this a lock profit trigger and it has been marked in the above screenshot. This lock profit area is a great place for you to receive an email so that you can come to the chart and see ‘how’ price arrived to it. Based on how price has arrived you will be able to decide if you want to move your stop loss to +1 pip, move your stop loss to lock in more profit that just the +1, or even just take profit there.

After You Have Entered the Trade

Now that the trade has entered and price has made it to your lock profit trigger you can asses how price got there. In the case of this double top trade it was quite one directional but on the way down you can clearly make out a slight hesitation at those two red indecision candles. This ‘pullback and go’ style area is a great place to put your stop loss instead of just moving it to +1 pip. If price comes were to break that area, things may very well be shifting the wrong way.

Keeping in mind that you are already at +150 pips at this juncture, and you only risked 125 pips, if price had displayed a hard time getting there you would have the option to exit. With this trade though price made a nice relatively direct run as it approaches take profit, it has also just broken the lows of those two red indecision candles so there appears to be nothing to worry about. It should be clear sailing down to your decided take profit.

Trade Complete – Wait for the Next

In this next screenshot price has made it to your take profit. A technically sound trade that was executed intelligently with maximum probability in your favor every step of the way. Even though this trade had a duration of 5 days, it could have been executed safely from start to finish with just a few minutes of your time using the ElectroFX. com’s VIP tools. These tools will execute, manage, and email you at the important decisive moments. just one of the many benefits of VIP membership. Leer más aquí.

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Double Top Pattern in Forex Trading

What is the Double Top Pattern?

The Double Top pattern, a bearish reversal pattern. usually consists of two roughly equal consecutive peaks separated by a moderate trough. The double top chart pattern, although there are exceptions, generally marks a change in the current bullish trend, and may reverse it to a bearish one. It is confirmed by a break of the support, which also called the neckline.

The double top pattern consists of different parts:

Prior Trend: The double top pattern must have a prior up-trend that is at least two months old.

First peak: The up-trend reaches the first peak, a fairly normal move by any standard, and the trend is not being threatened yet.

Trough: The forex trend is resisted, and declines 10 to 20%, thus forming a trough. Volume drop is insignificant, and the curved trend line signifies a tepid demand.

Second peak: The trend gathers momentum again, and advances, although with low volume, to meet resistance from the first high point. The two peaks, usually within 3% of each other, are separated by 1-3 months.

Decline from peak: The volume spikes sharply, and the trend line declines rapidly from the second peak.

Support break: If the accelerated descent is able to break through the support lying at the lowest point between two peaks, the double top pattern is considered complete.

Support turned resistance: The broken support becomes a new resistance, which is tested a few times with a reaction rally. This offers a second chance to initiate a short or exit a position.

Price target: In order to calculate the price target, after you identified the double top pattern, subtract the distance between support break and peak from the support break.

Important characteristics of the double top pattern: The double tops peaks should at least be separated by a month. During the trough in between the peaks, the trend line should decline at least 10%. The trough should not have trouble moving back up, thus indicating a weakening demand. The support must be broken in a convincing manner, and the break should hold for 3 days, before considering the double top pattern valid.

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How Should a Forex Trader Take Advantage of Double Tops & Double Bottoms

After learning about the basics of technical analysis and multi time frame analysis the next obvious step for a trader to learn is to learn to look at the chart patterns in the Forex. Technical traders look chart patterns for on historical price charts to help them identify the current supply and demand forces, and how prices may be affected as a result of it. Double tops and double bottoms are the most frequently seen reversal patterns which are widely observed and followed by the Forex market participants. Of course, sometimes these patterns are part of bigger patterns like Butterfly, Bat, Head and Shoulders and Triangle .

Before you go ahead and read the rest of the article, you can take a look at the below articles to have an idea:

We get to hear the terms “double tops” and “double bottoms” all the time if we are trading currencies and stocks. or are around people who are doing so. Tapas Dobles & amp; Double Bottoms are some of the most common chart reversal patterns in the currency market. There are many Forex traders who prefer to use technical analysis to make trading decisions. Through this article on technical analysis, let us discuss the uses of and implications of the double top/bottom chart pattern.

A double top is a price reversal formed after there is an extended upward move. The “tops” are thus the peaks it achieves when the price hits a level which cannot be broken. After hitting this level, the price will bounce off it a little bit, but then return to test the level again. If the price bounces off of that level again, then you have a DOUBLE top on hand! Likewise in the double bottoms formations, we go long instead of short. These formations occur after extended downtrends when two valleys or “bottoms” have been formed.

The M or W patterns (representing double top or bottom respectively) make an appearance regularly on every chart, whether it’s a 15-minute chart or weekly. Let us dig a little deeper and learn to identify these patterns and use them to our advantage by striking profitable trades in Forex.

Sometimes back a student wanted to know number of candlesticks between the first and second top and bottom to qualify for a valid signal. My opening remarks to this question were candlestick charts were interpreted more for being an art than science. As a result of this there was no fixed hard and fast number of candlesticks that needed to occur between the two tops or bottoms. The bigger the number of candles between the two, the better. The more valid and reliable the pattern will be. Of course, this cannot be applied to all conditions and cases.

Forex traders should remember that the process or pattern that needs to occur for a valid trading signal is that the price action should touch support for a bottom or resistance for a top and then trade away from that level for a certain length of time and then again come back and test that same level and abide by it. However, the exact time period or number of candles remains a point of discussion.

A good rule of thumb regarding how to identify the two tops or bottoms is that price action when building the double top pattern forms a capital letter “M”. In a double bottom pattern the reverse or the capital letter “W” pattern will be followed. To wind it up, let me tell you that a textbook double top pattern will take place at a new high on the chart while a textbook double bottom pattern will take place a new low. Read this and compare the similarity of Butterfly and Bat Patterns with Double Tops and Bottoms: Butterfly and Bat Patterns in Forex Market

Let us discuss some practical situations to get a better understanding of these chart reversal patterns. For example, what steps should one take if prices break past the First Resistance Level. See, after the first peak is formed and prices are able to break through the resistance level on the second rally attempt strongly, this means that the double top formation has failed. In this situation the traders are not encouraged to enter into a short position.

Let us now look at the opposite, which is true for double bottoms. What is the reasoning for double tops?

The first peak will reflect that it is not possible for prices to manage a break through at a particular resistance level. But you will notice that there will be buyers in the market who will be attempting to push prices back up again. Once the market achieves its second peak, it shows that the buyers are not strong enough to push prices further up, wearing them out and thus allowing the sellers to continue pushing prices further down. The reverse is true for double bottoms.

Then there is Triple Top – Triple Bottom price reversal pattern besides the first two discussed above. We will discuss the remaining two in short for basic understanding and by way of covering all the various price reversal patterns.

In the typical triple top formation each one head is approximately the same size. A line of resistance can be drawn connecting the three tops. Then a neckline should be drawn connecting the support levels. Coming to the third head – after the third head, price falls below the neckline. There is a possibility that the market rebounds for a short attempt at breaking back past the neckline to be followed by a new beginning of another downward trend. For all of these kinds of patterns, a trader will be under constant pressure to identify them just as they are shown in their theoretical forms.

Coming to the last one – Rounded Tops/ Rounded Bottoms. The rounded top formation come into being when the market slowly and steadily shifts from a bullish to bearish while in the case of a rounded bottom, it works from bearish to bullish. The prices as a result take on a bowl shaped pattern as the market slowly and in its normal course changes from an upward to a downward trend.

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

Double Top Pattern

The double top pattern is one of the most common technical patterns used by Forex traders. It is a reversal pattern that forms after an extended move up.

Just as the name implies, this price action pattern is formed by two “tops” which form at a key resistance level. The idea that the market was rejected from this level not once, but twice, is an indication that the level is likely to hold.

In this lesson we’ll discuss the dynamics of the double top pattern by studying a real-life example. You will also learn the confirmation signal to look for and learn the best way to trade this type of technical pattern.

Here is a quick video to get you started.

double top pattern

The Characteristics of a Double Top Pattern

Before we can learn how to trade a double top, we first need to know how to properly identify the double top as a chart pattern. So let’s look at the characteristics of the pattern using the illustration below.

As you can see from the illustration above, the market has made an extended move up but was quickly rejected by heavy resistance (first top). The market then pulled back to support and subsequently retested the same resistance level (second top). Once again the market was rejected from this level.

One common misconception is that the double top pattern is confirmed once the second top forms. In reality a double top is only confirmed once the market breaks back below the support level (neckline) .

Notice in the illustration above that the market is now trading back below the neckline. This confirms the double top pattern and signals the first part of the breakout.

Note: Only a close below the neckline confirms a break. So if you are trading on the daily time frame, you would need to see a daily close below the neckline support level.

The Double Top Pattern in Action

Now that we understand the dynamics and characteristics of a double top, let’s look at a real-life example.

Here we have a double top that formed on the EURUSD daily chart. Notice that we have a well-defined neckline support level as well as a nice “M” pattern formed by the two tops.

At what point was this double top confirmed? Care to wager a guess?

If you guessed the daily close circled above, great job!

Because this double top pattern is best seen on the daily chart, we would need to wait for a daily close below neckline support. So as soon as the circled candle closed, we had a confirmed double top pattern.

How to Trade a Double Top

Up to this point we have discussed the dynamics behind the double top pattern as well as its characteristics. We have also learned how to confirm a double top breakout.

Now let’s find out how to profit from these setups. The first thing we need to know is that the initial breakout is not what produces the trade setup. What we are looking for is a retest of the neckline as new resistance.

Here’s an illustration:

Notice in the illustration above how the market retests the neckline as new resistance. This is where we now have an opportunity to short the market.

Let’s look at our EURUSD double top pattern to identify where we could have gone short.

In this scenario we would have waited for the market to break the neckline and then retest the level as new resistance. Upon retesting this level we could look for bearish price action on a lower time frame to confirm that the level is likely to hold.

Notice how the EURUSD currency pair sold off heavily immediately after retesting the neckline.

How to Identify a Potential Target for a Double Top Pattern

First things first – we always want to use price action to identify potential targets for any chart pattern. Whether it’s a wedge break or a double top pattern. The best and most effective way of finding a profit target is to use simple price action levels.

That said, there is another way to estimate the potential move of a market after a double top has been confirmed. It’s called a “measured move” and the concept is extremely simple.

To find the measured move objective, you take the distance from the double top resistance to the neckline and project the same distance from the neckline to a lower, future point in the market.

Here is an example from the EURUSD double top.

The distance from the double top resistance level to the neckline in this case is 270 pips. Therefore we would measure an additional 270 pips beyond the neckline to find a possible target.

Note: In this case the market sold off further, but you will often find that the measured move objective is a fairly accurate measurement of where to close out a short position.


We have covered a lot in this lesson so let’s recap the most important points.

The double top is a reversal pattern which typically occurs after an extended move up. It signals that the market is unable to break through a key resistance level.

There are three parts to a double top.

A double top is only confirmed once the market closes back below neckline support. The trade setup is formed when the market retests the neckline as new resistance.

A measured move objective can be used to find a potential profit target. To find this you simply take the distance from the double top resistance level to the neckline and extend that same distance beyond the neckline to a future, lower point in the market.

To learn more about a reversal pattern that occurs at a swing low, be sure to read the lesson on the double bottom pattern .

Your Turn

I hope this lesson has shed some light on how to properly identify a double top pattern, what confirms a double top breakout as well as how to trade this technical pattern.

Do you use double tops as part of your overall trading strategy? Leave your comment or question below.

Justin Bennett is a full-time Forex trader and Owner of Daily Price Action. His Forex trading career began in 2007 and has followed a path similar to many traders. He tried nearly every indicator known to man for the first 3 years with little success. It wasn't until he started using raw price action in 2010 that he became consistently profitable. Since that time, he has been developing strategies and techniques that can be easily duplicated by other traders. Justin can also be found on Google+. Twitter and Facebook

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HI. I am beginning to test a system or strategy using double tops and bottoms and pivot points. My question is what qualifies as a significant run up or down before the top or bottom? Is there a specific amount of candles or a specific time on the daily chart or the hourly chart?

http://dailypriceaction. com/ Justin Bennett

Not sure I understand the question.

De acuerdo. A double top occurs after an uptrend and a double bottom after a downtrend. How long does that up/down trend have to be in order to validate the top or bottom. I know sometimes the “streak” up or down can be not much longer than the potential first leg of the top or bottom. Am I making any sense?

http://dailypriceaction. com/ Justin Bennett

The leg up or down needs to be at least twice the distance to that of the distance from the neckline to the high/low.

But more than that the pattern needs to be obvious.

That is what I needed to know. I stay away from patterns that aren’t clear to me. I have my monitors set up in my living room and sometimes I bring my charts up and sit on my sofa from across the room to look at PA and see what, if anything jumps out at me. I gives me a good perspective when I have been studying a good bit and need a break or If I am unsure of a pattern.

About Justin Bennett Justin Bennett is a full-time Forex trader and Founder of Daily Price Action. His Forex trading career began in 2007 while working as an Engineer. He began enjoying consistent profits in 2010 after discovering the power of price action and has since trained more than 500 traders from 37 countries.

Zona de Video Forex

Forex Double Top/Bottom Pattern

March 1, 2013 at 17:39 by K. Prabhu

This video discusses about Double tops and double bottoms in Forex trading with examples. These are high probability trade setups. With a double top pattern, the market works its way up, comes down and sometimes takes a while to get back to the second top. Usually the second top is the area is a great place to look for entering trades. For a double bottom or top, usually 30 minutes to an hour apart for the tops or bottoms is better. We place our stops below the low for a double bottom and above the high for a double top pattern. The triple tops tend not to work, especially when it cannot break the previous low and third time it hits the high usually there is no more selling at that level and breaks out at that level.

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Forex Tips Double Top

Double Top merupakan pola pembalik (revesal patters), top atau puncak di bentuk dari pergerakan harga yang mencoba menembus sustu titik, tetapi tidak berhasil sehingga harga kembali turun. Selanjutnya, harga mencoba naik lagi tetapi tetap tidak berhasil dan akhirnya berbalik menjadi trend turun

Pada saat bertemu dengan Double Top maka kita harus membuat alalt bantu yang kita sebut “neckline” yang di buat dengan menghubungkan harga terendah setelah terjadi puncak yang pertama, rekomendasinya. Anda dapat meletakkan posisi sell sedikit lebih rendah di bawah garis “neckline”

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Gampangkan, jadi kalau ketemu kondisi double top seperti di atas jangan ragu2 untuk lakukan open sell, mantap deh hasilnya…ikuti terus forex expert tips dari SFG

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Technical Analysis Reports

EURUSD has been able to weather the market selloff pretty well in the past week, holding steady just above the 1.0850 minor psychological level even while other dollar pairs are plummeting. However, a short-term drop might be in the cards as a double top can be seen on the 1-hour time frame.

The pair has failed in its last two attempts to break past the 1.0950 minor psychological mark and has found support at the 1.0800 neckline. A break below this level could confirm that a selloff is underway, possibly taking EURUSD back to the previous lows at 1.0700 or much lower.

The 100 SMA is still below the 200 SMA on the 1-hour chart but looks prime for an upward crossover, which means that another bounce could be possible. In that case, price could still make another test of the 1.0950 resistance or possibly break above it. Stochastic is moving up from the oversold area, hinting that buyers are taking control of price action.

EURUSD Fundamental Factors

Event risks for this trade setup include the US retail sales and PPi reports due later on in the week. Last week’s jobs data turned out mostly stronger than expected, although wage growth was absent. Nonetheless, the December consumer spending report could be lifted by holiday shopping and might beat expectations.

As for the euro, economic data has been mixed lately. but the shared currency has drawn support from funds flowing out of China and into the European markets. There are no major reports due from the euro zone today, as the next catalyst might be the ECB minutes due on Thursday.

Risk sentiment could still play a key role in price action moving forward, particularly the behavior of Asian financial markets. Another weak performance out of China could spur more declines in global equities, leading traders to buy up the safe-haven US dollar.

To contact the reporter of the story: Samuel Rae at samuel@forexminute. com

Zona de Video Forex

Double Top and Bottom Trading Strategy

June 24, 2013 at 16:41 by K. Prabhu

The double maximum formation or pattern is considered to be one of the most widespread reversal patterns on the market. It appears when a trend meets a strong resistance level making two successive maximums at about the same level. In theory the trend has changed after the currency’s rate has passed the minimum level between these two maxima. Note that the Double top model resembles the letter ‘M’. As the result of an asending trend, prices first reach the new maximum (point A) and this normally means that the volume of trade increases. Prices then retrace from the maximum and reach the support level (point B) at which point the volume continues to decrease. Another pricee boost will reach a point very close to the previous maximum so that it is at approximately the same level. One way or another there is no considerable breakout (point C). If price once again reached the level of the previous minimum (point B) and were to breakout at this level, the model is then realized and the trend is broken. The models prediction probability increases if the breakout occurs on increasing volumes. Inorder to determine market targets it is neccessary to meaasure the distance between central minimum and support line. The Double bottom model is sometimes called Double foundation model and looks like ‘W’ and is a mirror image of Double top model. All the rules are trading and analysis are exactly the same but mirrored. Measurement methods for the double bottom models are absolutely identical.

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Zona de Video Forex

Forex Trading — Class #20 — Double Top and Bottom

December 11, 2012 at 12:23 by K. Prabhu

This is part 20 of the series. In this video you will learn about Double top and bottom pattern. A Double top is a reversal chart pattern which is defined by a chart where a financial instrument makes a run upto a particular level, then drops back from that level, then makes a second run at that level and then finally drops back off again. A Double bottom is a reversal chart pattern which is defined by a chart where a financial instrument makes a run down to a particular level, then rises back from that level, then makes a second run at that level and then finally rises back up again.

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Forex Trade Signal Based on Forex Double Top Or Bottom Formation Forex Trader System

To describe double top or we can use a term used in technical analysis to showing the rise or of a price, a drop, another rise to the same level as the original rise, and finally another drop.

Double bottom would be a charting pattern used in technical analysis. It describes the drop of a price, a rebound, another drop to the same or similar area as the original drop, and finally another rebound. Most technical analysts believe that the advance off of the first bottom should be 10-20 percent. The second bottom should form within 3-4 percent of the previous low, and volume on the ensuing advance should increase.

Double tops and bottoms are one of a difficult price patterns to trade. There are few important things to remember if you would place your trade signal based on such formation.

The absence of precise borders in such formations does not allow to trade signals based on planning in advance. It appears to be quite difficult to see clear trade signals about when to enter the market at the certain level and it also is difficult to attach a stop loss strategy when placing such trade signal.

These formation s become clearer when the market already formed a pattern but it is too late to take an advantage of it and place trade signal based on double top or bottom formation. The main aspect which makes trade signals based on above pattern even more difficult is the fact that they are usually meet other technical levels. Double tops and bottoms are normally placed on very similar levels as Fibonacci retracement levels or support and resistance areas.

As we already know the support and resistance areas tend to attract the price and become a significant base for constructing your trade signal. Near such levels we can observe the price trend swing or its continuation. Trading Forex trade signals near to this level always carries significant amount of risk as there are a major turning point of the price trend.

Double tops and bottoms are the most difficult to recognize as in most of the cases they would suggest the price trend change and the pattern would not be recognize until the price is back to the same level as before. Only then we can actually consider placing Forex trade signal based on double top or bottom. Such a behavior would not be clearly visible on the chart until is almost fully formed. In most cases it could be too late to trade such signal. Even after fully formed double top or bottom, the Forex signal given by the formation could be the false one and the price could very quickly break through possible second top or bottom. It this case such signal is not valid and the price follows its trend and will create another technical level in the nearest future.

You never know where the market will go next and you should not forget this. Keeping this in mind, pay special attention while placing your trade Forex signals based on double top or bottom price formations.

Tapas dobles y fondos dobles

December 23, 2015

Double tops and double bottoms are some of the most popular price reversal patterns in the Forex market. They show up frequently on 15-minute charts to weekly time frames. Let us define these patterns and see how we can use them.

Double tops

Double top is a reversal pattern that is formed on the top of an uptrend. This reversal pattern is formed when the price reaches some strong resistance level and is unable to break this level. After the first try, the price rolls down, but soon it comes again to test this level. If the price pulls back from the resistance level for the second time, then a double top is formed. Es tan simple como eso.

After a strong upward movement, you will notice in the chart two peaks or tops, which is a reversal pattern. Please note that when making a second upward movement, the price is not able to break through the level of the first peak. This is a strong signal of a trend reversal, because the chart indicates that buying pressure eased. If we would decide to open a short position, we would have placed an order to sell below the intermediate support line, because the breakdown of this line shows a trend reversal.

Generally, between the peaks, there must be at least 6 candles, to visually look like two peaks or lows rather than just two or three adjacent candles. But at the same time keep in mind that if the second peak is far from the first one, such a structure is not a pattern at all, it’s just a coincidence. A correction is possible, but not a reversal.

If you learn the aspect of double tops, you will know in advance where the price will go in such situations. After the breakdown of the intermediate support line, there is a trend reversal and the price begins to decline rapidly. You should remember that double top is a trend reversal pattern, so, in order to find a model, you need to find a strong upward trend.

Double Bottoms

Double bottom of a Forex trend is also a pattern of trend reversal, but when we notice this on the chart, we should buy instead of selling. These reversal candlestick patterns occur when the market is bearish, and we notice a downtrend during which there are formed two bottoms. After a formed downtrend, the price forms two bases, because it stumbled upon some strong support. It has the same principle with the double top. In fact, the double bottom is a mirror image of a double top, and you also have to look for it when the market has a strong downtrend.

Double bottom trading principles

According to the classic trading rules, the transaction entry should be carried out after the intermediate support line confirmation.

Take-profit is equal to the distance from the minimum to the temporary maximum.

The stop-loss is established under the last low, or it can be set using the Fibonacci retracement levels from the recent low.

The same can be said about double tops, but at this time in upward trends.

Double top caps USD/CAD

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We continue the series of articles on best known chart patterns in financial markets. Last time I wrote on head and shoulders (don’t forget to read that one). May I remind you that these patterns are usually placed under two categories: continuation and reversal. It would be best for us to look at reversal category first and then go on to continuation patterns. So, let’s talk about double top today.

It is a bearish reversal pattern that is often found at the end of a bullish trend and when validated it often results in a big downtrend. This technical structure consists of two peaks that are relatively equal in terms of place they form.

So, firstly, there has to be a bullish move before the pattern forms. At some point price reaches important resistance level and starts going down rapidly. After some time price reaches important support level; which entices bullish traders to step in and continue buying. Price rallies back to previous top and fails to break it convincingly. In most situations this top will be slightly lower than the first one, in other situations price can break previous top by some 3-15 pips and then a sharp reversal will take place. When that happens we can be sure that the second top is in place.

Price will start falling again till previous support level where it stopped and rallied to form the second top. It may linger there for a while, but double top pattern is really validated when price breaks lower through that support and continues going down.

How do you trade it?

One of the best ways to trade the pattern is to place a sell stop order below the first support level where price came and then rallied to form the second peak. You may wait for the level to be hit second time, retrace a little and then if it starts coming down again, place a sell stop order below the support with a stop loss order above the most recent resistance. When the support is broken, pattern is validated and you should be in the game of selling.

Where to take profit?

We need to have a minimum target. You can do that by calculating the distance from the peak to the support and adding it to the breakout level. If the distance is 500 pips, this is the distance you expect price to go from breakout level downwards.

As the picture is worth a thousand words I have attached a weekly chart of eur/usd with a double top pattern. When it was confirmed after support was broken price went down more than 3000 pips before reversing. The minimum target for the move was measured to be 750 pips. You could have taken that easily and many more had you traded with a few positions.

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NZDJPY Double Top Forex Reversal Signal – Aug 20, 2014

posted by Samuel Rae on August 20, 2014 at 4:02 am

NZDJPY has been showing a long-term forex reversal signal as a double top pattern has formed on its daily time frame. Price has yet to break below the pattern’s neckline before confirming any downtrend though.

At the moment, NZDJPY is a few pips away from the neckline support at the 86.00 major psychological level. A candle close below this area could be a sign that the forex reversal is already playing out. From there, the longer-term selloff might last by as much as 300 pips, which is the same height as the chart pattern.

This could take NZDJPY down to the 83.50 levels or lower, depending on how strong the forex reversal is. Bear in mind that the Kiwi has made a forex reversal from its rallies after the RBNZ announced that they would pause from their rate hikes to assess the impact on the New Zealand economy so far. Data has been weak lately, with producer prices coming in weaker than expected at both input and output levels. After that, inflation expectations for the quarter were revised down from 2.4% to 2.2%.

As for the Japanese yen, data from Japan has also been weak but policymakers have refused to admit that further easing is necessary. The yen could stay supported should they maintain their stance, although weakness in Q3 figures might lead to a shift in tone. For now, risk sentiment is also in favor of the lower-yielding Japanese yen.

Should a bounce take place and show that the forex reversal is less likely to happen, price could head back to the top of the range near the 89.50 minor psychological mark or until the 90.00 major resistance. If the rally turns at this point, a triple top could form, which is still a valid forex reversal pattern.

Double Top pattern in EUR/USD chart signaling Retracement

EUR/USD recent uptrend has pushed the currency pair up to 1.3175 since the multi-month low of 1.204 that printed in July. Technical analysis now implies a likely retracement that is regarded as a correction drop in currency trading. The double top pattern printed in the 30-min forex chart is a sign that Euro might as well be heading south the following weeks. I suppose quite a few forex traders will be trading out today taking their profits. I myself, having missed the party, tried to short the currency and buy 65 thousand dollars at 1.3110 yesterday but unfortunately I was stopped out at that specific double top pattern, before taking advantage of the predicted short-term decline.

I was expecting the EUR/USD uptrend to meet resistance at 1.30 mark. Unexpectedly the currency pair traded close to 1.32 before signaling a pullback during yesterday’s trading session. When I shorted EUR/USD at 1.3110, I set my stop loss at 1.3130 unwilling to risk more than a hundred dollars in this trade. The doji candlestick in the daily chart is now a great reversal candlestick, which will most likely be accompanied by today’s falling candlestick to complete a strong bearish pattern according to technical analysis.

Should I have set my stop loss at the previous high of 1.3180? That would mean risking 70 pips instead of 20, which would lead me to trade 4 times less money, in order to keep my risk amount at the same level. In that instance, I would also need to set a profit target much lower to compensate the increased threshold of me being wrong and maintain a sound reward-to-risk ratio. A retracement back to 1.2750 seems very possible and 360 pips would be a huge win but what if EUR/USD decline stops at the round number of 1.30? The profit would be 110 pips and while it would still be a profitable trade, I’d rather have a 5.5-1 RR ratio than a 1.5-1.

The double top pattern found at the 30-min forex chart is a great technical indicator for traders to better define their entry point, instead of looking at the daily chart. The much more detailed 30-min chart hid a reliable reversal pattern inside the doji candlestick of the daily chart that is highly expected to predict the future retracement of EUR/USD. Have you been active in currency trading lately? Let me know what you think of the chart analysis in the comments below.

Jim entered the financial world by trading sports and now invests in US stock markets and forex, trying to buy low and sell high. Connect with Jim: StockTwits | TradingView

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GBPAUD Double Top (Sept 17, 2015)

GBPAUD might be done with its long-term uptrend, as a reversal pattern can be seen on its 1-hour and 4-hour charts.

A double top formation has materialized after price failed in its last two attempts to break above the 2.2100 major psychological resistance.

The pair is currently testing the neckline of the formation around the 2.1500 levels, with a breakdown likely to spur a selloff. The chart pattern is around 600 pips tall so the resulting downtrend could last by at least the same number of pips, taking GBPAUD down to the 2.0900 mark.

On the other hand, a bounce off the neckline support could spur another test of the resistance at the previous highs, possibly creating a triple top formation. Stronger buying pressure could lead to a break above the 2.2100 mark, signaling a continuation of the uptrend.

Data from the UK economy came in mixed, as the August jobs report showed that 1.2K jobs were lost during the month versus expectations of a 5.1K increase. Still, the unemployment rate fell from 5.6% back to the record low of 5.5% while the average earnings index indicated a faster pace of wage growth at 2.9% for the three-month period ending in July.

Prior to this, the UK CPI readings came in line with expectations, with the headline figure showing a flat reading and the core version of the report showing a decline from 1.2% to 1.0%. In Australia, the RBA minutes showed that the central bank thought that current monetary policy was appropriate but expressed concerns about the slowdown in China and the downturn in commodities.

The UK retail sales report is up for release today and this could be a catalyst for either a break or a bounce. Consumer spending is expected to tick up by 0.2% but analysts are hoping to see an upside surprise due to the steady pickup in wages for the past months. Nonetheless, a disappointing read could spur more losses for the pair and allow it to complete the double top breakdown.

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Forex Double Bottom Chart Pattern

Double Bottom formations are reversal patterns and often seen to be among the most common (together with double top formations) patterns for currency trading. Double Bottoms are identified by two consecutive lows of similar (or almost) height with a moderate pull back up in between (neckline peak).

The double bottom can be a major reversal pattern (if found on a daily chart or bigger timeframe) that can be formed after an extended downtrend. This pattern is confirmed when the currency pair price breaks from (it's second bottom) below through the neckline, the most likely price direction is now UP.

What does a Double Bottom Formation look like?

A double bottom formation is a distinct chart pattern characterized by a rally to a new low (bottom1 or support1) followed by a moderate pull back up(10 -20%) to the neckline (resistance level) and a second rally to test a new low ( bottom1 or support2) again.

The two lows (bottoms or support levels) are at approximately the same price level. What follows is a pull back up to above the neck line (resistance).

How to trade this pattern?

Go long above the Neck Line (resistance level) when the currency pair price breaks from (it's second bottom) below, the most likely price direction is now UP. Place your stop couple of pips below the second bottom price!

Your target must be at least twice the distance from it's second bottom break to the neckline.

Example: If the second bottom is at 1.2100 and the neckline is at 1.2150, your target level must be at least 100 pips when trading the break out!

GBP/USD 1 Hour Double Bottom reversal chart pattern

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Double Top Chart Pattern


A double top occurs when prices form two distinct peaks on a chart. A double top is only complete, however, when prices decline below the lowest low - the "valley floor" - of the pattern.

The double top is a reversal pattern of an upward trend in a stock's price. The double top marks an uptrend in the process of becoming a downtrend.

Sometimes called an "M" formation because of the pattern it creates on the chart, the double top is one of the most frequently seen and common of the patterns. Because they seem to be so easy to identify, the double top should be approached with caution by the investor.

According to Schabacker, the double top is a "much misunderstood formation." Many investors assume that, because the double top is such a common pattern, it is consistently reliable. Este no es el caso. Schabacker estimates that probably not more than a third of them signal reversal and that most patterns which an investor might call a double top are not in fact that formation.2 Bulkowski estimates the double top has a failure rate of 65%. If an investor waits for the breakout, however, the failure rate declines to 17%.

The double top is a pattern, therefore, that requires close study for correct identification.

What does a double top look like?

As illustrated below, a double top consists of two well-defined, sharp peaks at approximately the same price level. A double top occurs when prices are in an uptrend. Prices rise to a resistance level, retreat, return to the resistance level again before declining. The two tops should be distinct and sharp. The pattern is complete when prices decline below the lowest low in the formation. The lowest low is called the confirmation point.

Analysts vary in their specific definitions of a double top. According to some, after the first top is formed, a reaction of at least 10% should follow. That decline is measured from high to low.

According to Edwards and Magee, there should be at least a 15% decline between the two tops, on diminishing activity. The second rally back to the previous high (plus or minus 3%) should be on lower volume than the first. Other analysts maintain that the decline registered between the two tops should be at least 20% and the peaks should be spaced at least a month apart.

There are a few points of agreement, however. Investors should ensure that the pattern is in fact comprised of two distinct tops and that they should appear near the same price level. Tops should have a significant amount of time between them - ranging from a few weeks to a year. Investors should not confuse a consolidation pattern with a double top. Finally, it is crucial to the completion of the reversal pattern that prices close below the confirmation point.

Why is this pattern important?

According to Murphy, the double top is one of the most frequently seen and most easily recognized. However, analysts agree that this can be a difficult pattern to correctly identify. Investors must pay close attention to the volume during the formation of the pattern, the amount of decline between the two peaks, and the time the pattern takes to develop on the chart.

A double top often forms in active markets, experiencing heavy trading. A stock's price heads up rapidly on high volume. Demand falls off and price falls, often remaining in a trough for weeks or months. A second run-up in the price occurs taking the price back up to the level achieved by the first top. This time volume is heavy but not as heavy as during the first run-up. Stock prices fall back a second time, unable to pierce the resistance level. These two sharp advances with relatively heavy volume have exhausted the buying power in the stock. Without that power behind it, the stock reverses its upward movement and falls into a downward trend.

Is volume important in a double top?

Investors should pay close attention to volume when analyzing a double top.

Generally, volume in a double top is usually higher on the left top than the right. Volume tends to be downward as the pattern forms. Volume does, however, pick up as the pattern hits its peaks. Volume increases again when the pattern completes, breaking through the confirmation point.

Monitoring volume is a key aspect of determining whether or not a double top is valid. Schabacker insists that the volume rule must be applied quite strictly in the case of a double top. The first top must be made with noticeably high volume. The second top must also experience high volume but it need not achieve the level of the first top. In fact, Schabacker points out that the second top is often made on only a slight increase over the average volume during the interval between the tops. Bulkowski explains that volume does not need to be high on the breakout. When a breakout occurs with high volume, however, prices tend to decline further.

Elaine Yager, Director of Technical Analysis at Investec Ernst and Company in New York and a member of Recognia's Board of Advisors, notes that the right-hand side of the pattern is the area to watch most closely. She watches for diminishing volume until the confirmation point at which point the volume should increase. However, Yager notes that this pattern is often traded with or without the volume increase on the right hand peak.

What are the details that I should pay attention to in the double top?

1. Uptrend Preceding Stock Chart

As mentioned previously, the double top is a reversal formation. It begins with prices in an uptrend. Analysts focus on specific characteristics of that uptrend when searching for a valid double top. The trend upwards should be fairly long and healthy. Bulkowski maintains that an investor will want to see prices trending up over the short to intermediate term - approximately 3 to 6 months. Further, he states that "the price trend should not be a retrace in an extended decline but generally has a stair-step appearance. Schabacker confirms this approach, explaining that if the stock has been in a long, healthy uptrend, the double top is more likely to develop into a reversal. If the uptrend is short, the double top may not hold and the uptrend will continue.

2. Time between Tops

Analysts pay close attention to the "size" of the pattern - the duration of the interval between the two tops. Generally, the longer the time between the two tops, the more important the pattern as a good reversal. Schabacker warns investors off of a pattern where only a few days intervene between the two peaks. Analysts suggest that investors should look for patterns where at least one month elapses between the peaks. It is not unusual for a few months to pass between the dates of the two tops. Murphy mentions that these patterns can span several years.

On the other hand, Yager notes that patterns that are too long may be unmanageable, and she looks for tighter, shorter patterns. Yager believes that shorter patterns are viable as long as you can see the volume in the right top forming.

3. Decline from First Top

According to Schabacker, this element is even more significant to the validity of a double top than volume. He argues the decline in price that occurs between the two peaks should be consequential, amounting to approximately 20% of the price. In fact, he states that it could even be more than that but should not be much less. Other analysts are not so definite or demanding concerning the price decline. For some, including Yager, a decline of at least 10% is adequate. All agree, however, that the deeper the trough between the two tops, the better the performance of the pattern. 4. Volume As mentioned previously, volume tends to be heaviest during the first peak, lighter on the second. It is common to see volume pick up again at the time of breakout.

5. Decisive Breakout

According to Murphy, the technical odds usually favor the continuation of the present trend. This means that it is perfectly normal market action for prices on an uptrend to peak at a resistance level a couple of times, retreat, and then resume that uptrend. It is a challenge for the analyst to determine whether the decline from a peak is the indication of the development of a valid double top or simply a temporary setback in the progression of a continuing uptrend. Analysts, therefore, advise cautious investors to wait for the price to fall back and break through the confirmation point before relying on the validity of the pattern. Many experts maintain that an investor should wait for a decisive breakout, confirmed by high volume. Others, like Bulkowski, are not so reliant on high volume at the time of breakout but do agree that the higher the volume at the time of breakout, the further the decline in prices that the pattern will register.

6. Pullback after Breakout

A pullback after the breakout is usual for a double top. Bulkowski argues that the higher the volume on the breakout, the higher the likelihood of a pullback. "When everyone sells their shares soon after a breakout, what is left is an unbalance of buying demand (since the sellers have all sold), so the price rises and pulls back to the confirmation point."

How can I trade this pattern?

Begin by calculating the target price -- the minimum expected price move. The double top is measured in a way similar to that for the head and shoulders top.

Calculate the height of the pattern by subtracting the lowest low from the highest high in the formation. Then, subtract the height of the pattern from the lowest low. In other words, an investor can expect the price to move downwards at least the distance from the breakout point less the height of the pattern.

For example, assume the lowest low of the double top is 230 and the highest high is 260. The height of the pattern equals 30 (260 - 230 = 30). The minimum target price is 200 (230 - 30 = 200). Given the sometimes weak performance of the double top, Bulkowski suggests dividing the height in half before subtracting from the breakout point. In the above example, this would mean a target price of 215 (230 - 15 = 215).

Murphy cautions the term "double top" is greatly overused in the markets. Most of the patterns referred to as double tops are, in fact, something else. Because of this, Murphy advises investors to make their investment decisions only after prices have broken through the confirmation point, completing the reversal pattern. Watching the volume throughout the development of the pattern can help determine whether the pattern is a valid double top.

Edwards and Magee explain that patterns where the tops are close together in time are likely not valid double tops but are, in fact, a consolidation area.

Generally, analysts like to see deep troughs between the two peaks. Bulkowski advocates a valley that is at least 15% lower than the peaks.

Because so many double tops pullback after breaking through the confirmation point, it is often possible to wait for the pullback to place a trade and then watch prices decline for a second time.

Are there variations in the pattern that I should know about?

1. Two Peaks at Different Levels

Sometimes the two peaks comprising a double top are not at exactly the same price level. This does not necessarily render the pattern invalid. Murphy points out that investors should be less concerned if the second peak does not hit the high of the first peak. If the second peak is higher than the first, however, investors should show caution because the pattern may be in the process of resuming its uptrend. Analysts advise that if the second peak exceeds the first by more than 3%, the pattern may not be a double top. Similarly, if the second peak stays higher than the first peak by more than a couple of days, then the pattern may not be a true double top.

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Daily Forex Reports | by Kate Curtis | Thursday, 28 January 2016 06:08 UTC

NZDUSD could be in for more declines, as a double top pattern can be seen on its 1-hour time frame. Price failed in its last two attempts to break past the .6550 minor psychological mark and is currently testing the neckline around .6440.

A break below this support zone could push NZDUSD lower by an additional 100 pips or more, taking price down to the .6340-.6350 levels. However, the 100 SMA is above the longer-term 200 SMA, indicating that the path of least resistance is to the upside.

In addition, both RSI and stochastic are moving out of the oversold area, indicating a potential pickup in buying pressure. In that case, price could make another test of the resistance at .6500.

Earlier today, the RBNZ decided to keep interest rates on hold at 2.50% as expected, but Governor Graeme Wheeler reiterated that they are keeping the door open for additional easing measures. Around this time, Fonterra announced downgrades in its milk price and payout forecasts, acknowledging the challenging global conditions and imbalance in supply and demand.

Prior to this, the FOMC also decided to keep monetary policy unchanged for the time being. Fed officials noted that they are closely monitoring the developments in the global economy and removed the reference on balanced risks to their outlook, confirming that they are concerned about the slowdown in China and the drop in oil prices.

US durable goods orders and initial jobless claims are up for release next and strong results could reassure dollar traders that the US economy can stay resilient. As for the Kiwi, commodity price trends and market sentiment could drive its price action.

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Double Top Bearish Reversal

Double Top formation is a distinct chart pattern characterized by a rally to a new high followed by a moderate pullback and a second rally to test the new high. As the stock rallies to make the second peak (top) sellers overwhelm buyers and the stock price collapses. Several weeks later the stock moves to test prior support levels.

There can be variations, but the classic double top marks at least an intermediate change, if not long-term change, in trend from bullish to bearish. Many potential double tops can form along the way up, but until key support is broken, a reversal cannot be confirmed.

The technical target for double tops is derived by subtracting the point difference between the top#1 and the reaction low from the breakout level. After the second top has been created, the breakout level is the reaction low. No double top formation is complete until the stock falls through this level.

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The peaks should be separated by about a month. If the peaks are too close, they could just represent normal resistance rather than a lasting change in the supply/demand picture. Ensure that the low between the peaks declines at least 10%. Declines less than 10% may not be indicative of a significant increase in selling pressure.

If the trough drags on a bit and has trouble moving back up, demand could be drying up. When the security does advance, look for a contraction in volume as a further indication of weakening demand.

Avoid jumping the gun. Wait for support to be broken in a convincing manner, and usually with an expansion of volume. A price or time filter can be applied to differentiate between valid and false support breaks.

Prior Trend: With any reversal pattern, there must be an existing trend to reverse. In the case of the double top, a significant uptrend of several months should be in place.

First Peak: The first peak should mark the highest point of the current trend. As such, the first peak is fairly normal and the uptrend is not in jeopardy (or in question) at this time.

Trough: After the first peak, a decline takes place that typically ranges from 10 to 20%. Volume on the decline from the first peak is usually inconsequential. The lows are sometimes rounded or drawn out a bit, which can be a sign of tepid demand.

Second Peak: The advance off the lows usually occurs with low volume and meets resistance from the previous high. Resistance from the previous high should be expected. Even after meeting resistance, only the possibility of a double top exists. The pattern still needs to be confirmed. The time period between peaks can vary from a few weeks to many months, with the norm being 1-3 months. While exact peaks are preferable, there is some leeway. Usually a peak within 3% of the previous high is adequate.

Decline from Peak: The subsequent decline from the second peak should witness an expansion in volume and/or an accelerated descent, perhaps marked with a gap or two. Such a decline shows that the forces of demand are weaker than supply and a support test is imminent.

Support Break: Even after trading down to support, the double top and trend reversal are still not complete. Breaking support from the lowest point between the peaks completes the double top. This too should occur with an increase in volume and/or an accelerated descent.

Support Turned Resistance: Broken support becomes potential resistance and there is sometimes a test of this newfound resistance level with a reaction rally. Such a test can offer a second chance to exit a position or initiate a short.

Price Target: The distance from support break to peak can be subtracted from the support break for a price target. This would infer that the bigger the formation is, the larger the potential decline.

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In today’s tutorial we will look at a common chart formation in forex trading that helps to predict the price movement – double top and double bottom patterns.

A double top forms when the price reaches a level that cannot be broken. As soon as the price reaches that point it meets the resistance, it bounces back like a ping pong ball to the level of support, but then goes back to the unbreakable level once again. Now, at this stage you still don’t have a double top. To have double top formation the price has to bounce off that level for the second time and there you have it - two “hills” of price movement.

The line which connects to two tops is a resistance level. Another line is a support level and it is drawn based on the point from which the price goes back up for the second time. Double top pattern is considered over when the price drops under the support line.

Double top formation doesn’t form within seconds, or even minutes. In forex trading it may take weeks if not months for the formation to take place.

Double top pattern is actually the most common one in forex trading. It appears often enough to disagree with those who claim that the price movements are a random and unpredictable. The price frequently stops at the top points and therefore can hardly be considered random.

As you probably have already guessed, double top pattern has a twin – the upside down copy – and it is referred to in forex trading as double bottom.

A double bottom forms when the price drops, then rebounds, and drops for the second time to the equal or almost equal level as the first drop and finishes of by another rebound.

What should a forex trader do when these formation appear?

In case of the double top, it would be wise to place the trading orders below the neckline since according to the nature of the pattern there will be a turnaround of the uptrend.

In case of the double bottom, the general trading perception is to place trading orders above the neckline.

A double top is a reversal forex chart pattern which is considered to be reliable among many forex traders. The formation is created when there is an extended price move upwards. The main features of double top are the two peaks (or in other words “tops”) which are located almost equally at the same height.

Double Top

The Double Top and its counterpart, Double Bottom. seem to be the simplest formations. Both consist of three reversal points; Double Top comprises two peaks of nearly the same size and a bottom between them, hence the name of the pattern. The line running through the tops is the resistance line which should be nearly horizontal.

Being clearly reversal patterns, Double Tops appear in the uptrend and reverse it to the downside as price breaks through the support line (the one running through the bottom, parallel to resistance). Premature breakouts in Double Tops are seen quite often. Performance-wise, among the Double Tops, the ones with rounded peaks seem to be the most desirable to find.

Double Tops develop rather quickly: it takes only several weeks for them to be completed, otherwise their performance might be impaired. Volume usually trends downward and this is considered more favorable than uptrending or erratic volume.

La volatilidad del mercado, el volumen y la disponibilidad del sistema pueden retrasar el acceso a la cuenta y las ejecuciones comerciales.

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Last edited by iscuba11 ; 30-08-2006, 17:53.


Double-bottom, Double-top alert?

Is there any available indicator out there to identify double bottom and double top patterns and alert user?

If not, I am thinking to create one, but I can't think of the algorithm


I am not sure but look at the following threads:


Hola; I am very new to FX trading, though i have suffered some big loss; I observed that the senior member have been very helpful.

To all the senior members i am saying thank you and God bless.


Re: How do I check for a double top or double bottom

Double top indicator (by Alexander Gettinger)

The indicator finds single and double tops and bottoms. In the indicator parameters are specified: - minimum height/depth, - the maximum distance between the tops/bottoms (for twin tops/bottoms), - the minimum number of bars after the top/bottom.


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Double Top and Double Bottom Chart Patterns

Posted by Bigtrader on March 1, 2013

Double top chart patterns

Double top chart patterns (together with double bottom patterns) are one of the most common and loved chart patterns among forex traders.

They are reversal patterns that often appear following an extended up trend. The tops are the highest points that are formed when price is repulsed by a resistance level that cannot be broken.

After failing to break this level, price will bounce off it moderately, but then goes back to test the level once more.

A double top chart pattern is formed when price bounces off that level once more; that is “two tops”. The support level that price tests before forming the second peak is called the neckline.

Double top chart patterns can be spotted on charts of all time frames. However, they tend to provide a more powerful trading signal when they appear on longer time frames such as daily charts, particularly after a strong upward move.

We usually confirm the formation of this chart pattern when we see price falling from the second peak and going down below the neckline. If this takes place, then we usually expect price to move further downwards.

As it is illustrated in the diagram above, a double top chart pattern is typified by a move to a new high followed by a slight pull back to the neckline or support level and then a second move to the second high.

Note how the second top did not manage to break the high of the first top. This is a convincing indication that a reversal is about to take place, as it informs us that the bulls are starting to give up the fight to their counterparts, the bears.

It is of essence to note that the second high is nearly equal to the first high. And, it may stand out to be a major resistance level.

When the second peak is a bearish candlestick reversal pattern, it can give you more reasons for entering a trade.

How is the double top pattern traded in forex?

Enter short (sell) position below the neckline when the price of the currency pair breaks from its second peak and goes below the neckline.

You should place your stop loss order some distance above the second peak. We have experienced that in some instances, price usually pulls back after breaking the neckline. Therefore, you may wait to enter a short position at little higher level, when price pulls back upwards a little.

You should set your take profit level at approximately the same height as the double top formation. For example, if the distance between the neckline to the level of the two peaks is 120 pips, your profit target should be 120 pips downwards, or more.

The diagram below adds weight to the above explanation.

Double bottom chart patterns

Double bottom chart patterns, just like double top, are trend reversal patterns and are among the widely used in spotting profitable trade opportunities in the forex market.

These patterns usually appear after strong downtrends when two consecutive valleys or bottoms of same or nearly the same height have been formed.

The bottoms are the lowest points that have been formed when price is unable to break the support level.

Double bottom chart patterns are usually seen on charts of all time frames. Nonetheless, they tend to give more indications of trend reversal when they are spotted on longer time frames such as daily charts, mostly after an extended downtrend.

To confirm the validity of this pattern, we usually wait for price to go up from the second bottom and go over the neckline. If this occurs, then we often expect price to move further upwards.

As the above diagram clearly demonstrates, a double bottom chart pattern is characterized by a move to a new low followed by a moderate pull back to the neckline or resistance level and then a second move to the second low.

Notice that the second bottom lacked enough strength to break the low of the first bottom. Thus, this is compelling signal that a trend reversal is about to occur, as it informs us that the bearish pressure is waning.

It is also worth mentioning that the second low is almost equal to the first low and it may prove to be a major support level.

When the second bottom is a bullish candlestick reversal pattern, it can give you more reasons for entering a trade.

How is the double bottom pattern traded in forex?

Enter long (buy) position beyond the neckline when the price of the currency pair moves from its second bottom and goes above the neckline.

You should place your stop loss order some distance below the second bottom. Experience has taught has that price often pulls back after breaking the neckline. As such, you may wait to enter a long position at little lower level, when price pulls back backwards a little.

You should go for a profit target that is nearly the same as the height of the double bottom chart pattern. For instance, if the distance between the neckline to the level of the two bottoms is 120 pips, your profit target should be 120 pips upwards, or more.

The diagram below adds weight to the above explanation.

Double top and double bottom chart patterns are easy to spot when trading forex. And, knowing how to trade them effectively is a profitable strategy that you can add to your trader’s toolbox.

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Double Top and Double Bottom Pattern

Double tops and double bottom chart patterns are perhaps the best and easiest of Reversal chart patterns to get accustomed to trading with price action. These two chart patterns are indicative of a reversal and are also visually easy to identify. In this article, we will explain the concepts of double tops and double bottoms and also how to trade them effectively.

What are double tops and double bottoms?

A double top pattern is formed when price tries to rally and fails to break a previous resistance level and a double bottom pattern is formed when price drops but fails to break a previous support level. These chart patterns are very reliable chart patterns and can be traded in isolation. However, traders should bear in mind that there are many instances when a double top or a double bottom pattern can fail. The reliability however ensures that the trading approach using double tops and double bottoms offers a very low risk, high reward ratio.

Identifying Double tops and Double bottoms

The following chart illustrates how a double top or a double bottom pattern visually looks like.

Figure 1: Double Top and Double Bottom Pattern

In order to trade the double top or double bottom patterns, the following rules must be kept in mind.

Double Top Pattern

Price rallies to previous resistance level but fails to break any higher

Sell on break of previous support or on retest

Target is the measure of distance between the top and the bottom, projected from the break out

The chart below gives an illustration of the double top pattern and the projected moves based on the distance of the prior intermediary support.

Double Bottom Pattern

Price drops to find support and tries to attempt for the second time to break below the established support

When price fails to break the support, buy on the break of the intermediate resistance level formed

Target is the measured distance between the support and resistance, projected from the break out price.

Figure 3 illustrates how to trade the double bottom pattern based on the projected price from the intermediary resistance level from previously established support level.

Figure 3: Double Bottom Pattern

Trading the Double Top and Double Bottom patterns

The following sections illustrate how to trade the double top or double bottom patterns. Note that most traders tend to use the candlestick or bar charts. The problem is that the highs and lows can be a bit misleading. Therefore, a closing line chart is best suited to find double top and double bottom patterns. Although the patterns may not be that common, trading a double top or double bottom pattern using the line chart offers more probability of success.

Figure 4: Double Top Pattern Example

In Figure 4, we have a classic example of a double top pattern identified with a line chart . Here, we can see a sharp reversal from the previously established resistance level. When price breaks the intermediate support formed, a short position is taken, with the price objective being the measured distance between the intermediate support and the main resistance level.

Figure 5 shows the above same pattern but with candlestick chart . Notice how confusing it is to properly identify this same double top pattern formed by the line chart?

Figure 5: Confusing Double Top Pattern in Candlestick charts

In the next chart below, we can see how a double bottom pattern is formed, identified with the line chart. After a break of the intermediary resistance level, we take long position, targeting the measured distance between the established support level to the intermediary resistance level and projected from the break out level.

Figure 6: Double Bottom Pattern Example

The double top and double bottom patterns are two reliable chart patterns that can form either towards an exhausted trend or within a consolidation price range. Stops are usually left to the trader’s discretion. An aggressive approach of trading the double tops and double bottoms is to place a buy or sell order at the intermediate support or resistance level or to wait for a pullback, which may or may not happen depending on the strength of the trend.

The double top and double bottom patterns can be traded with trend lines as well, as shown in the chart below.

Figure 7: Double Top Pattern with trend lines

Here we notice how a double top pattern was formed within the two trend lines. While we already get the minimum target of the downside move, an earlier entry could have been taken when the second trend line was broken along with the most immediate support level shown on the chart. This trade would have given a very low risk, high reward trade opportunity.

While double top and double bottom patterns are not 100% reliable, the fact that they can combined with other price action trading ensures that they offer a low risk, high reward trade set ups thus ensuring that the losses are well covered by the winners.

Forex Reversal patterns: Head and Shoulders etc.

Reversal patterns

A number of reversal patterns is distinguished in Forex. Head and Shoulders, Double top, Double bottom, Triple top, Triple bottom, Diamond.

Head and Shoulders

This is a classical reversal pattern of technical analysis. which is formed following to a long upward trend. The model is considered to be fair reliable and is often formed. But despite above-mentioned, many beginning traders do not manage to take profit using this graphic pattern. The reason is that positions are opened prior to forming this model.

Let's figure out the structure of the figure and its formation on the chart of trading terminal. The model consists from three subsequent price extreme points, the middle one is higher than others (head), and the rest two are below the middle one and are roughly equal (shoulders). All three uphills are supported by the neck line.

It is seldom when ideal structure is on the chart and more often we will face below image:

Building rules and trading alerts :

Head and Shoulders graphic pattern is formed at the end of bullish trend, therefore, it is important to identify the tendency beforehand. By no means should you look for this pattern in flat movement.

To draw neck line, you need to wait until 1 and 2 points are formed. Only after we will drawn the support and wait for the break up to happen. It is important to account for the incline angle of the neck. It is desirable to have incline into bearish side and the more abrupt it is, the stronger pattern is.

Break up of neck line shall be confident. Rather often but not always the price can return and test the neck line (retest), which will then perform as resistance line.

Minimal objective for the profit – is the distance between neck and head laid down from break up point.

Head and Shoulders Bottom

This reversal pattern of technical analysis is formed after a long downward trend. It is totally opposite to Head and Shoulders figure. We will not focus it much, will just show its structure and chart look.

Double top

This graphical reversal pattern emerges at the end of bullish trend, when the price faces resistance and makes two subsequent maximum points almost on the same level. In terms of structure it looks as follows:

Rules for building and trading alerts :

Double top pattern emerges at the end of bullish trend. Originally the price faces a strong resistance level (point 1), then it bounces off a little and again resistance is tested. If resistance is broken up, trend will move higher. But if the next time the price is not able to beat the same level, we will get the second peak (point 2). If the price comes down to support again and break down takes place, we can definitely see that the figure is formed.

Breaking support level is the selling alert.

Oftentimes prices retest resistance level, where traders also can find selling alerts for a more beneficial price.

Minimal objective of profit is to measure distance from resistance line to the supportive line and lay it down to breaking point.

Doble fondo

Graphical reversal pattern emerging at the end of bearish trend, when the price meets a strong support and makes two subsequent lowest points almost on the same level. Double bottom has the same principles of building and trading alerts, but they work in opposite directions.

Triple top

This is a bearish reversal graphical pattern consisting from three almost equal maximum points situated on the same level. This figure is more seldom and represents something middle between Head and Shoulder (three extreme points) and Double Top patterns (equal highest points). In terms of structure it looks as follows:

All principles of building and trading alerts are the same as Head and Shoulders pattern has :

Triple top pattern emerges at the end of bullish trend, therefore it is important to identify the tendency beforehand. Do not trade it in flat movement.

The support must be present at least twice.

Selling signal occurs after support is surely broken up. It is rather often but not always when the price gets back and perform retest.

Minimal objective for the profit is the distance laid down from break up point.

Triple bottom

This is a reversal bullish graphical pattern consisting from three almost equal minumum points situated on the same level. It is easy to guess that it is a reverse Triple Top and is traded in a quite the opposite way.


It is a rare graphical reversal model, which emerges basically on the tops of bullish trend. Diamond consists of two other figures of technical analysis: the first part of the figure represents widening triangle and the second one is symmetrical triangle.

The figure is very much alike the rhomb in appearance. Structure of the pattern shows very well how the price amplitude increases and then it fades. Further this accumulation gives distribution: break up of the price.

Aggressive signal – the price breaks up narrowing triangle and leaves borders of the model.

Minimal objective for the profit is the distance equal to height of the figure laid down from break up point.

Conservative – the price leaves borders of the model and breaks supportive line. In this case, m nimal objective for the profit is the distance laid down from supportive line.


In conclusion we will remind the main rule of trading with reversal patterns and all graph patterns of technical analysis – you for sure need to wait for the final formation of figure.

Confirmation of forming is the confident break up of pattern towards one of the sides.

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Thread: Double Bottoms Double Tops Pattern

Double Bottoms Double Tops Pattern

In my search for a double tops/double bottoms pattern (MT4 indicator), all I have found is a metastock script. Any one can please help in converting this metastock to an MT4 indicator?

Double Tops PK:=Zig(C,10,%)<Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1)>Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-2); TR:=Zig(C,10,%)>Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1)<Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-2); PK1:=PeakBars(1,C,10); PK2:=PeakBars(2,C,10); (ValueWhen(1,PK, Ref(C,-1)) / ValueWhen(2,PK, Ref(C,-1))>.96 AND ValueWhen(1,PK, Ref(C,-1)) / ValueWhen(2,PK, Ref(C,-1)) < 1.04) AND PK2-PK1>=10 AND Cross(ValueWhen(1,TR, Ref(C,-1)),C)

Double Bottoms PK:=Zig(C,10,%)<Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1)>Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-2); TR:=Zig(C,10,%)>Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-1)<Ref(Zig(C,10,%),-2); TR1:=TroughBars(1,C,10); TR2:=TroughBars(2,C,10); (ValueWhen(1,TR, Ref(C,-1))/ ValueWhen(2,TR, Ref(C,-1))>.96 AND ValueWhen(1,TR, Ref(C,-1)) / ValueWhen(2,TR, Ref(C,-1)) < 1.04) AND TR2-TR1>=10 AND Cross(C, ValueWhen(1,PK, Ref(C,-1)))

Gracias por adelantado,

Administrator Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 7,003

What is double bottoms, double tops for you.

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 28

What is double bottoms, double tops for you ?

Wow funyou, I am impressed by your quality of service. Thanks for taking the time to elabore the subject.

Here is the descrition of the metastock script and it is exactly what I am looking after:

Title: Double Tops and Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski Description: In the February 1998 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine, Thomas Bulkowski discusses the use of Double Bottoms as a means offinding profitable trades. In MetaStock for Windows, you can find both Double Tops and Double Bottomswith these formulas. There is a caveat however. In the article, Mr. Bulkowski utilizesthe High-Low range in finding Double Bottoms. These formulas use only the close value, so a few of the lower pricedissues will not produce signals in MetaStock. Overall, however, these formulas produce most of the major signalshe discusses.

Administrator Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 7,003

Wow funyou, I am impressed by your quality of service. Thanks for taking the time to elabore the subject.

Here is the descrition of the metastock script and it is exactly what I am looking after:

Title: Double Tops and Double Bottoms by Thomas Bulkowski Description: In the February 1998 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine, Thomas Bulkowski discusses the use of Double Bottoms as a means offinding profitable trades. In MetaStock for Windows, you can find both Double Tops and Double Bottomswith these formulas. There is a caveat however. In the article, Mr. Bulkowski utilizesthe High-Low range in finding Double Bottoms. These formulas use only the close value, so a few of the lower pricedissues will not produce signals in MetaStock. Overall, however, these formulas produce most of the major signalshe discusses.

Ok I don't understand the idea. Maybe it is about two equal close values forming a same High or a same Low.

Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 28

Ok I don't understand the idea. Maybe it is about two equal close values forming a same High or a same Low.

any chance to convert the metastock code I bieleve the metastock functions used can be converted.

Double top

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AUD/JPY forming a double top

Un gran interés se centrará en torno al AUD / JPY cuando se inicie el comercio esta semana. El AUD, que se ha recuperado significativamente frente a la mayoría de las monedas, está comenzando a mostrar signos de debilidad, especialmente frente al JPY, como se ilustra en el gráfico de abajo, que ha formado una doble cima. In contrast, the JPY has shown signs of strength in currency markets, as that country begins to return to some form of normality following the tsunami and nuclear disaster. This combination of strengthening JPY and weakening AUD could lead to high volatility in the cross currency.

When the AUD/JPY broke below 86 at Friday’s close, it had penetrated the Double Top Pattern trough. A lot of traders moved in at this point, we at FX Strategy will be monitoring closely when trading resumes and any downward movement in the rate we will be jumping in.

Upon entering the trade, the profit target might be around 84.5 cents. Looking at the daily chart there are not many resistance points, so it’s possible it could fall quickly.

The chart also shows how difficult it is to trade with Bollinger Bands. Many traders who use Bollinger Bands exclusively as a trading technique would be going long at this point as the price as hit the lower band. However, since it coincides with a double top formation it is a very risky move. We believe Bollinger Bands should only be used to confirm a technical analysis pattern. In this case the Bollinger Bands confirm that the price is 2 standard deviations below the average price over the period.

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Published on 8th of May 2011

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Double Top Pattern

The Double Top Pattern is a very strong bearish signal that shows that the market’s buyers have pushed prices to new highs twice, yet failed to continue the uptrend. The psychology of the pattern is that buyers will find that they simply do not have the strength to continue the uptrend, and that they suddenly find themselves losing money. Since they have to sell the pair back in order to cover their long positions only adds to the power of this technical pattern.

The pattern itself starts with a long uptrend, followed by a fall in the pair as sellers come in to offer resistance. A little later, the fall weakens, and the buyers come back in force. However, when they push prices back up to the previous highs, they find they cannot continue the uptrend.

The pattern often means that the trend is changing. The buyers who were once in control are quickly finding themselves unable to bid the pair up. Not only has this happened, but many of them will get caught in the fall up as their positions are suddenly worth much less, and eventually losing money. When that happens, those traders will exit their positions, and as mentioned above, have to sell in order to do so. This of course, means more selling pressure, which means the pattern continues to the downside.

How to Trade the Double Top Pattern

The pattern looks like a large “M”, and is one of the most powerful trend change signals you can see. A prudent trader will wait until the center of the pattern is broken below. In other words, the “valley” in the middle of the “M”. Take a look at the chart below to see the double top represented by the two red circles, and the point in which the sell signal is activated represented by the blue circle.

As a general rule, the larger the previous uptrend, the larger the move will be to the downside. When these patterns form on larger timeframes, the pattern can be lethal if used properly as it can lead to weeks and weeks if not months or years of a trending move.

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En FX Strategy ofrecemos todas las estrategias de trading fx necesarias para convertirse en un operador de FX exitoso. Nuestra información sobre la estrategia fx incluye un profundo análisis técnico sobre el estado actual del mercado de FX. Los miembros de nuestra comunidad recibirán un informe FX gratis todos los días para ayudarle a identificar transacciones rentables.

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Formations Double Top and Double Bottom

These formations, after of the formations Shoulder-Head-Shoulder, occur more frequently. They are highly reliable formations and indicate a change in trend. The Double Top patterns by the figure that they draw are identified with a M and a W for Double Bottom patterns.

These formations are characterized by the creation of two maximums or minimums of a similar height and shape to obtain the target equals the patterns of S-H-S

This pattern appears at the end of uptrends and involves the creation of two maximums made by the price, which will function as a resistance. In Figure A-3-1 shows the maximum A and C have similar heights, the point B is the minimum that separates the maximums and is the Neckline or support, which when is broken complete the formation. The goal to achieve (line X) is measured from the maximums A and C to the minimum B, then there is projected just later that the Neckeline or support is broken.

In Graph A-3-1 shows the prices of the pair GBP/USD in timing of 4 hours, in this one shows how the price makes the maximums A and C of equal value, becoming a strong resistance this level, when the price break your minimum B at point D, the price drops to achieve the objective of price.

This pattern is an accurate reflection of Double Top patterns and all the beginning of this one is applied of reversed form. Example: The pattern W is formed in downtrends and its formation is the creation of two minima of a similar decline (Figure A-3-2).

In Graph A-3-2 shows the prices of the pair GBP/USD in timing of 4 hours, this one shows how the price makes the minimums A and C of equal value when the price exceeds its maximum B at point D, the price makes pullback. Note how the level the maximum B becomes a resistance to a support.

How To Profit From Double Tops And Double Bottoms

Tabla de contenido

Double tops and double bottoms are reversal patterns that occur after a long movement upwards or downwards. Have a look at this chart of a double top being formed.

Chart goes here.

As you can see in this chart, the price moved strongly up, and then hit an upper level. It reversed somewhat, and then climbed back up again in order to test the level. That level could not be broken, so a further reversal took place, forming two peaks. The second top could not break the high of the first top. This is a strong indication that a reversal is going to take place, because the buying pressure is exhausted.

When a double top occurs, the place to enter a trade is just below the neckline, because a reversal of the uptrend is the most likely thing to occur.

Chart goes here.

As you can readily see, the price broke through the neckline and made a strong downward movement. Very nice! You can also see that the drop is about the same length as the formation of the double top. This is useful information, because we can use it to set profit targets and exit points.

Now let’s talk about double bottoms. You’re ahead of us here, aren’t you? If you are thinking that a double bottom is the opposite of a double top, you can go to the top of the class, and you won’t have to do any homework tonight.

Chart goes here.

As you can see here, there was an extended downtrend which hit a bottom, then bounced back up a little, then tested the bottom again, but was unable to break it. What we are expecting is that the reversal will take place, giving us two bottoms, or valleys, which is, indeed, what has happened. The selling pressure is about finished, and we expect the trend to reverse so that we will go long. We place our buy order just above the neckline.

Chart goes here.

The price broke the neckline, and there was a nice upward move. Notice that the price increased by about the same height as the double bottom.

So that is double tops and double bottoms explained. Keep an eye out for these after a strong uptrend or downtrend.

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How to Trade Double Tops and Double Bottoms

How to Trade Double Tops and Double Bottoms

A double top pertains to a reversal pattern formed after having a long move up. The “tops” are points that are made when the price reach a specific degree that cannot be damaged.

After reaching this point, the price will bound off it marginally; however, it will return to test the point again. In addition, if the price rebounds off with similar level, is the moment that a DOUBLE top is attained.

Double tops are very common among the traders as they indicate a successful examination and price elimination from a current new high. The double top pattern contains a run up in the price towards a new high this is followed by withdrawal and then a reexamine the preceding new high. In some cases, the point that ends at, or near the similar price of the preceding high. A marginally lower low is viewed as buyers that run out of asset.

The uptrend creates a new high and then pullback to a support level. The traders will identify the “M” shape that is formed by the double top form. As bulls take the market control and buy the slope in price, it pushes the price back up near the old high. Incapable to push the price back on top of the old high, commonly the buyers surrender and prices starts to fall back to upkeep.

Traders must then pause for the price to close underneath the preceding level of support in order to verify if the pattern is truly a double top. Engaging short with a break above the preceding high and a revenue target that is equal to twice the distance stop is a concrete method of trading, as this is a reliable outline.

On the other hand, the double bottom pattern can be located at the tale of a downtrend and presents the letter “W”. The price drops to a different low and then demonstrate slightly higher prior to returning in the new low. Inability to push price into a new lower low to sustain the downtrend, the sellers withdraw and price rebounds sharply in this area.

The re-examination of the former low point and the succeeding rebound verifies that this is a very good level of support. The buyers have assurance in trading the exchange pair long since the odds of price withdrawing is now lesser. Aggressive traders can be situated waiting to buy orders near or at the earlier low in order to catch an initial move higher. While the common reaction of the conservative traders is to wait for a closer above the trend line in order to verify the pattern.

The double bottom can be the fastest moving pattern therefore the traders would want to check the price rally succeeding a few bars. After the long entering into the market, the traders will create a defensive stop in a few pips lower than bottom low of the pattern and will limit and equal that is twice the scope of the stop.

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Trading in forex with method

The perfect trading

Often insist on the fact that the trading both simplicity and clarity. Even more if done professionally, serious, profitable. After the initial phase of “knowledge accumulation”, simplification, the selection tools and the “cleansing” of the chart are steps required for the establishment and development of a profitable trading activity.

I’m one of those traders who fail ever to work surrounded by lines and dozens of indicators, each of which provides a contrasting, returning an overview definitely confused.

look at this chart of the pair EUR/CAD :

The double top

I am a trader who considers the price as the most important indicator. Prices, and the results of tests on key levels .

In this case, the market is in a bullish trend since August, which can be interpreted as a whole down retracement that is seen on the left side of the chart. The price comes in 1.2990 area/1.3000, a static level important and heard repeatedly throughout the 2012: right there forms a double top .

First of all, price analysis . a few basic elements, and simply and unequivocally identifiable. You all know what is a trend . what is a retracement (the earliest subjects of any course of trading), and how to trace important levels. That must be a few, visible to all, visible in a matter of seconds. (a tip for those who suffer from the presence of “code” and struggle to understand what’s really important to trace level: use the line chart greatly simplifies their lives ).

Double top is a graphical configuration is also simple identification, in which the market’s going to hear for two times the same price level, without being able to overcome it. The reversal is most effective when placed on top of a bullish move, as in this case.

How often do I get to seek potential timeframe of confirmations and trading opportunities, in this case in the short direction. And just about the highest known two items to me very familiar, simple, clear. And that much I love trading …

First, on double top level I look a penetration attempt, a kind of false break failed. Not only that: in return, price forms a “shooting star “(green), which is a clear bullish reversal candle with a small body and long tail “bearish”. Excellent confirmation.

Another confirmation: what is the only indicator mounted on this chart? The stochastic . which many of you know. Parameters: 10 6 3 . that experience led me to believe the best. Using the stochastic to find divergences. Divergence is a “different” between price and indicator, which are two different things. The indication is that something could change, and use as a “filter”, confirming or otherwise of my idea of trading. This course in order to maximize the chances of success (I am a trader and a trader works “playing” with the odds). In this case, the 30 and 31 October the price continues to rise, forming the highest growing, while the stochastic DOES NOT eventually fall into the highest growing too: in the case of reversing bearish divergence .

An important level heard by the market. A graphical configuration inversion. A false break with indent (I’ll discuss later how and why I prefer to operate on market weakness rather than on breakage). A reversal candlestick pattern. The confirmation of a stochastic divergence in favor of my idea short. I have everything my way is to enter the market, starting from the “resulting” level test which I singled out: the market does what he wants, but the odds are on my side.

Trade planning is also very simple, linear, and rational: stop loss at 1.3030, over the top, which is where my idea short would be “denied” by the market and I wouldn’t just accept it.

Only the minimum target . We are in the presence of a double maximum “improper”, or better than a double-a level test. The pattern “ double top ” is active and confirmed only at the break of the neckline (turning point), which is the statically in blue. The pattern is then only potentially outstanding, and the neckline is the only possible target of a financial operation of type short.

Optimization of trade . after a candlestick pattern as the “shooting star” highlighted, a brief retracement on static level “falsely broken” is extremely likely. This allows me to enter a market risk-return ratio certainly improved.

The consideration of risk-return ratio is the last step in my process of planning of the trade, but not the least important. On the contrary: I’m a trader, and I know that despite the merits of my arguments at the time of “click” the mouse is the marketplace to decide for me. This means that the times in which the market respects the “task” that I assigned to the form, I want to earn enough to cover subsequent loss, inevitably and inexorably will come.

The risk-return ratio is the ratio of how much I earn if successful, and how much risk of losing the alternative hypothesis. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never considered a single trade where that relationship is at least more than 1 . In this case, with a stop loss of less than 50 pips, I 180 potential target points. RR ratio exceeding 3.

I feel absolutely fundamental this element, an integral part of the management of capital and risk. In this way I have no need for “reason”, and neither do most of the time: also available with 50% loss my trading is profitable.

So here’s the summary process is methodical, the reasoning that leads me to a trade. In Summary:

1) A rational method . simple, done some rules and confirmations on the behaviour of the price to determine the most probable of the Directorates;

2) defining the trading area . stop loss. target, optimizing entry point;

3) definition of trade management and money management to calculate the size (in my case the risk per trade is never greater than 1%);

4) coherence of the operation with the need to satisfy a performance ratio-risk to me.

The outcome of the trade and other educational/operational insights in my next article.

Good Trading everyone!

Forex Swing Trading Strategy #7:(Double Bottom Swing Trading System)

The Double Bottom Swing Trading System is based on a very popular chart pattern called the double bottom. It is the opposite of double top chart pattern .

This chart pattern is considered as a bullish reversal chart pattern. The double bottom chart is made up of two bottoms that are roughly equal with a peak in-between.


There should be an existing downtrend

Price finds support and this stops the downtrend move and price will rally to a new high forming a resistance point (the peak).

The next stage is that sellers get in and push down the price but

When Price reaches the previous low (bottom), price finds support and rallies back up.

These two bottoms (or lows) now form a strong resistance level.

The double bottom pattern is confirmed when price breaks out above the resistance level it faced on its prior move up.


Trading the double bottom forex chart pattern is really simple and there are two ways to trade it (similar to the double top forex trading system) and here they are:

The Aggressive Entry or

The Conservative Entry

Here Are the Rules of The Aggressive Trade Entry:

Once the second bottom is formed, what you do is watch for a bullish reversal candlestick formation.

Place a buy stop order just 3-5 pips above the high of the bullish reversal candlestick pattern.

Place your stop loss at a few pips below the low of the bullish reversal candlestick formation anywhere from 5-10 pips or you can place it just place it a little bit outside of both the 1st bottom and the 2nd bottom, anywhere from 5-20 pips.

For your take profit target, you can use the peak as your take profit target level

Ok, here are the rules of the Conservative Trade Entry:

Wait for price to break above the peak. Make sure the candlestick that breaks the peak must close above it.

Then place a buy stop order 3-5 pips above that breakout candlestick’s high.

Place your stop loss anywhere from 3-10 pips above just below the peak or just a few pips (3-5 pips minimum) under the low of the breakout candlestick.

For you take profit target, calculate the distance in pips between the peak and the 1st bottom (or the second bottom…whichever you prefer) and use that number to project your take profit target price level.


Based simply on price action so you don’t need other forex indicators to confirm your trade entry.

the double bottoms pattern is really easy to spot

high probability success trading can be achieved using bullish reversal candlesticks for trade entry confirmation.

low risk trade entries can be achieved with this forex trading system-very good Risk:Reward ratio


as usual, not all patterns are 100% accurate-sometimes there won’t be a double bottom chart pattern, price will just break through the support level (so no double bottom)

how far the distances apart from the first bottom to the 2nd bottom formation is also a factor in how the market responds to the double bottom chart formation pattern-if its too far apart, it won’t be noticed, if its too close together, that is also an issue because it may be deemed insignificant.

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US Dollar Index – double top

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Double Top Pattern: Forex Chart Pattern

The double top pattern is considered a graphical price formation which precedes existing trend reversal. It is typically formed in an uptrend and is expected to be followed by a drop in prices, while the longer it takes for the pattern to be formed the more reliable it is.


The pattern is characterized by two parallel horizontal lines representing support and resistance levels which respectively connect two most recent local highs of the price and a low, holding a certain bunch of price fluctuations within. The price reverses twice at resistance levels under investor consideration the asset is overpriced there.

Interpretation of Double Top

In case the market price violates the pattern’s minimum or support level (plus certain deviation is possible), the formation is considered to be completed and can be interpreted as change in direction of the trend downwards serving as a sell signal.

Target price

Following double top pattern formation the price is generally believed to drop at least to its target level, calculated as follows:

T – target level;

S – support level (recent local low);

H – pattern’s height (distance between support and resistance levels).

You can see the graphical object on the price chart by downloading one of the trading terminals offered by IFC Markets.

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Double Bottom

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I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

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I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

I have just entered a short trade on the GBP\JPY, on a descending triangle chart pattern. La razón es simple: este patrón es un patrón bajista que en el 73% de los casos indica una reversión bajista.

Por otra parte, el precio ha roto hacia abajo la línea de la tendencia de la ayuda y ha realizado 2 retiradas exactas para probar el nivel de debajo. I have entered the trade on the 2nd pullback and there is high chance price will continue downwards.

From a long-term point of view we can also see that GBP\JPY and USD\JPY are in a big Double Top pattern so this is another sign of bearish trend, which confirms this signal further.

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GREAT Stuff.

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Daily Outlook: Good morning PipHutters! Markets have been thin (but not without action!) as many retail traders are slow to trickle back from the holidays, but we expect more and more traders to return this week. Monday's signal was for a sell around 1.34 - if you took it yesterday you could potentially have made 140+ pips. We did not because markets are still thin, but there was a nice 1h shooting star at 13:00 yesterday that just pierced 1.3400 before closing below (a failure) that immediately preceded the 100 pip drop down to 1.3300 territory.

The price is currently around 1.3280 and we are looking for more USD strength today underneath resistance levels at 1.3300 and 1.3350 (where our stop will be). We see a bit of a double top on the EUR/USD chart with the first top peaking around 1.3420 on December 31st, the right top peaking yesterday around the same level and the neckline for the whole formation at 1.3250 - with a sustained break below opening up further losses down to 1.3180 and 1.3100. The right top also had the nice 1h extinction candle discussed above, further confirming the weakness of the pair in our minds.

Fundamentally the recent release of the FOMC minutes didn't reveal any major changes (we can't remember the last time they did!) and as usual it was the picking over of the fine details that provided any real substance: they finally acknowledged that some of the recent US economic data was improving but, in a show of the frailty of the recovery made no changes to their plan to buy $600 billion of bonds in the coming months. This bond purchase program, or QE2, should provide dollar weakness in the form of inflation in the long-term but we are looking for further Euro weakness on soverign debt news and general market risk-aversion before any significant USD inflation occurs.

As always PRO users have access to CandlePRO signals throughout the day, and have access to analysis/trading ideas for 4 other major pairs! Take the PRO tour here

Trading Idea: An aggressive short would be on a southern break of 1.3250 with targets at 1.3230, 1.3205, 1.3180 and 1.3150 for 100 pips and further room to run down to 1.3080.

If a pullback is more your style (a bit more conservative but we recommend waiting for candlestick confirmation nonetheless) then 1.3300 or 1.3330 should provide good support levels to get short at with the same targets as the trade above.

Join the Discussion!

@piphut Mark, your the bomb. Thanks for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated.

EURUSD’s rise from 1.3055 extended further to as high as 1.3433 level. As long as 1.3250 support holds, one more rise to test 1.3497 resistance is still possible, a break above this level will indicate that the longer term downtrend from 1.4281 (Nov 4, 2010 high) had completed at 1.2969 already, then further rally could be seen to 1.3700 area. However, below 1.3250 will suggest that a cycle top had been formed at 1.3433 on 4-hour chart, then the following downward move could bring price to 1.3000 area.

I am riding this baby all the way down!!



Gm all Gm @Mark hpw are you from last year!!

I’m doing well sahara, how about yourself?

yes as y said in daily signal with SS in hourly was a nice entry then we ” start” the year with pips;;; after snow we have sun (hmmmm no holidays. )

Good morning Mark,

When you said: “then 1.3300 or 1.3330 should provide good SUPPORT levels to get short at with the same targets as the trade above.”

I think you meant “provide good RESISTANCE levels”

Thanks so much for this wonderful website.

Inverted thinking I believe is required, but regardless, we get the picture.


Mark, A Good Hard Work..Thanxs 2 U & Wish u a Happy New Year !

ron b

Happy New year Mark. Good luck with implementing your growing services. As usual looks like a good call today, starting the new year with a bang :)

1142 GMT [Dow Jones] AUD/USD has stabilized during the European session after falling below parity in Asia Wednesday. Citi says that move came as the retracement in commodities and worries about the economic impact of the Queensland floods weighed. AUD/USD now trades at 1.0003, the bank says there is chatter of stops around 0.9980.

I shorted that (aud/usd) at 1.0137 resistance yesterday Tuesday and took profit at 1.0008 today of about 130ish pips – rising trend support. Will be ineteresting to see what happens.

Hi Mark and everyone on the site, hope you all had a great Chrstmas and New Year! Thanks again for your site and daily signals. As some of you may be aware I’m still fairly new to forex, sometimes I trade live and sometimes demo. On Monday I took a long position on eur/usd to 1.3390, capturing roughly 85-90pips, I had a pending order to sell at 1.3390 and I targeted 1.3270 where I took profit of 120pips (if I was near a computer when this took the tp I may have continued to trade down to 1.3209 but I was not). I had drawm my s/r lines before I read your signal and came to a similar conclusion.

Do many of you on here set pending orders based on Marks signals and then leave it be and continue your other work / activities? What can you say about this, good bad, tips / ideas on doing this? Thanks, have a great day!


Hiya Mark and all you great folk at Piphut. I know I am late but still I wish you all a pip filled new year. Just be careful out there! All The best, Gryffn

To Mark and his Mrs., To the Bold and the Beautiful, To the Near and the Dear Ones, To the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, And, to all my Friends here in Piphut:

“Wishing you all the Very Best for 2011, in Good Health and Happiness…. & # 8221;

Just got home from a small vacation, enjoyed it….

Will watch the FX market, but will probably only start trading by next week.

Tomorrow its Three Kings Day…Germany (And some more Euro Countries are closed then, in fact most major companies and institutes are only starting by next week Monday). Also Russia (Where you’ll find many Big Guys in the FX world) are celebrating New Year later, wont be much in the Market either! So…Lets see :-)

Good luck to you all, and… watch Thy back’s and Thy Wallet’s….

@johnny happy new year my friend

Double Tops Chart Pattern

Double top chart pattern is a reversal pattern that happens when the trend of a currency pair moves up in an extended movement. The two peaks or tops of the chart, which is where the name is derived, are formed when the price touches a resistance level which is not able to be broken.

In descriptive form, this pattern is formed after price hits the level and bounces slightly off the resistance level, and subsequently moves back to the same level. When the price happens to bounce off this same level, a double top chart pattern is formed. If the price continues to move past this level, then it is not a double top chart pattern.

The chart above illustrates a typical double top chart pattern with two tops forming after a strong movement upwards. As illustrated, the second movement towards the resistance level shown from the first top formed, but unable to break it. Afterwhich, it goes back down. What this means is the buying sentiments are weakening and about to end. This is a very good indication that a reversal is about to happen with a double top chart pattern.

How to trade double top chart pattern

To enter trade with double top chart pattern, place a buy entry order slightly below the neckline as indicated in the illustration. Treat the neckline as a support level where it will be broken and continue downwards. This is an anticipation and NOT a sure downward movement. Remember to have your money management in place and stop loss set.

As illustrated in the above image, the price indeed continued to move downwards after breaking through the neckline. Bear in mind that this is after a strong up trend, with two tests of the resistance. If there isn’t any strong up trend, there is a low chance that this is a double top chart pattern and a high chance of consolidation.

Another point to note is the amount of movement the price has made. The height from the neckline to the double tops, are approximately the height of the drop from the neckline. This is where a trader should set a take profit target.

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Forex Trade Signal Based on Forex Double Top or Bottom Formation

To describe double top or we can use a term used in technical analysis to showing the rise or of a price, a drop, another rise to the same level as the original rise, and finally another drop. Double bottom would be a charting pattern used in technical analysis. It describes the drop of a price, a rebound, another drop to the same or similar area as the original drop, and finally another rebound. Most technical analysts believe that the advance off of the first bottom should be 10-20 percent. The second bottom should form within 3-4 percent of the previous low, and volume on the ensuing advance should increase.

Double tops and bottoms are one of a difficult price patterns to trade. There are few important things to remember if you would place your trade forex signal based on such formation.

The absence of precise borders in such formations does not allow to trade signals based on planning in advance. It appears to be quite difficult to see clear trade signals about when to enter the market at the certain level and it also is difficult to attach a stop loss strategy when placing such trade signal.

These formation s become clearer when the market already formed a pattern but it is too late to take an advantage of it and place trade signal based on double top or bottom formation. The main aspect which makes trade signals based on above pattern even more difficult is the fact that they are usually meet other technical levels. Double tops and bottoms are normally placed on very similar levels as Fibonacci retracement levels or support and resistance areas.

As we already know the support and resistance areas tend to attract the price and become a significant base for constructing your trade signal. Near such levels we can observe the price trend swing or its continuation. Trading forex trade signals near to this level always carries significant amount of risk as there are a major turning point of the price trend.

Double tops and bottoms are the most difficult to recognize as in most of the cases they would suggest the price trend change and the pattern would not be recognize until the price is back to the same level as before. Only then we can actually consider placing forex trade signal based on double top or bottom. Such a behavior would not be clearly visible on the chart until is almost fully formed. In most cases it could be too late to trade such signal. Even after fully formed double top or bottom, the forex signal given by the formation could be the false one and the price could very quickly break through possible second top or bottom. It this case such signal is not valid and the price follows its trend and will create another technical level in the nearest future.

You never know where the market will go next and you should not forget this. Keeping this in mind, pay special attention while placing your trade forex signals based on double top or bottom price formations.

How to trade double bottom and double top

Every trader will at some point try and expand his/her knowledge from old fashion indicators to something more exciting. I would bet the farm that somewhere along the way they will come across the dark art of chart patterns. It is said that the practitioners of this art see strange formations on their charts. Some of these formations may resemble head and shoulders, while others may appear to be pennants, triangles or even bearish or bullish wedges.

Does it sound mysterious?

The idea behind these patterns is that if you see a formation of a particular pattern on your chart, you can then predict what is going to happen next and trade it. Sounds simple, doesnt it? Realmente es.

The most basic chart patterns are:

These are what we call trend reversal formations meaning that if you spot them after a strong move you can expect the price to reverse.

What is Double Top

The Double Top is a pattern that is formed when there is an extended move up. The tops’ are basically peaks which get formed when the price hits the level that it can’t break. This usually means that buyers are losing interest.

When the price hits the top and finds resistance . it will bounce back to a level of support from where it will try and break the resistance again. If the resistance holds, it is known as the double top.

How to trade Double Top

The way to trade this is to wait for the price to get back to the level where it found support and break through that level. This means that sellers are getting stronger and the trend is reversed. Dont be impatient, wait for the support level to be broken before entering the trade, otherwise things may not end up as you would wish.

Have a look at the image below, explaining what we’ve just discussed above.

What is Double Bottom

Double Bottom is just as easy as the double top. It occurs after a long downtrend. Sellers start slowly losing interest and when the price reflects this fact it will find resistance. It will bounce back off that resistance to a support level from where it will try to break the resistance again. If the resistance is strong enough and can’t be broken the price will once again bounce off it, forming something that resembles two valleys, also known as bottoms. This would be an indication that the trend is being reversed and that you should get ready to go long, or in other words buy. With the double bottom you should wait for the price to break the level of resistance, also known as neckline, before you enter into the trade.

Have a look at the chart below.

Now that we have demystified two chart formations, Im sure you are saying to yourself how simple it was. You are right. My only advise for you is to be careful and always use another indicator to confirm your trade entries. My personal suggestion is to use volume when available. You would be looking for an increase in volume as the price approaches the support (neckline) and is about to break through it. Increase in volume would mean a strong move and would confirm the trend reversal.

Log in to your account or join The Forex Championship and practise trading double bottom and double top without putting yourself or your assets at risk.

Vladimir Petropoljac is an experienced trader, financial and investment consultant and an author of Rallied! The Alternative Guide to Becoming a Trader, currently living on a sunny island in the middle of Mediterranean Malta.

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3.7 Double-Top Chart Pattern

A double top is an important reversal pattern that usually forms when either an uptrend is about to exhaust itself or a big consolidation in the trend is on the cards. It signifies the fear of further upward gains and is made up of two distinctive price peaks which are more or less at the same price level..

Formation of a Double-Top

The following picture shows the formation of double tops:

As you can see, the pattern is formed by prices rising to a peak, falling on meeting resistance, again making an attempt to rise past the earlier peak, failing and then going into a significant decline. This forms two well-defined and distinctive peaks (or ‘tops’), hence the name of the pattern.

The second, failed offensive by bulls to take out the earlier top is a clear indication that their firepower is on the wane, and a strong signal that a reversal is imminent.

An imaginary line drawn through the trough between the two peaks is called the ‘neckline’. The pattern is confirmed when prices fall through the neckline.

How to Trade Double-Top Pattern?

One may trade this pattern by going short just below the neckline. The price may be expected to decline from the neckline by the same distance as that of the double-tops' height above it.

You can place a stop-loss order around 75% of the distance between the neckline and the second peak. Stop-loss order level would also depend on the height of the peaks and the momentum of the drop. If the downward momentum is strong then the stop-loss can be narrower.

Please note that, unlike the chart above, many times there will be some pull-backs after the price breaks below the neckline and hence it may be a good idea to wait for some time to short-sell at slightly higher price.

The first profit target would be at least equal to the distance from the neck-line to the level of the double tops as indicated in the above Forex chart.

How to decide stop-loss level while trading with double tops?

Many times a double-top pattern may extend to a triple-top. Considering this the safest stop-loss order is slightly above the level of the tops. However, this makes the risk-reward worse than 1:1 and hence should be avoided. As mentioned above that keeping the stop-less at 75% distance of neckline to the peaks would result in a risk-reward ratio of 1:1.33. There are always exceptions when we can go for a worse risk/reward ratio more safely. Please refer the following chart:

The above Forex chart is a classical example of consecutive double tops . After the first double-top pattern completion the price action continued downwards. On the downside a double bottom formation took place and the then the currency pair formed another double-top pattern. The important point to be observed is that the subsequent peaks were at a lower level than the previous peaks. This fact indicated that the market is not ready to retest the previous levels. In such case we can safely put the stop-loss slightly above the double tops for better chances of meeting the profit target without hitting the stop-loss level first.

Forex Chart Patterns | Technical Analysis Patterns

Trading chart patterns are one of the technical analysis methods. intended to define market turns and trends. With the help of a chart pattern it becomes easier to notice conditions where the market tends to break out. Due to those graphical formations it becomes possible to see whether the price is likely to continue its direction or go reverse.

An accurate analysis, no matter it is a forex analysis or analysis of any other market, implies usage of various tools, such as indicators. In the wide number of Forex chart patterns it becomes quite difficult to highlight any of them that are used more often by traders. However, the value and importance of these tools cannot be neglected, because they sometimes may help to see the biggest moves in the markets.

Thus, chart patterns do clue traders in on what may happen in the market and serve as a basis for developing trading strategies and deciding when to buy or sell an asset.

If you look at the chart with a strongly pronounced trend you can see places where the price has consolidated during its movements forming the same type of figures. These formations are trend continuation patterns which are often used by traders for making decisions. Trend continuation patterns are formed during the pause in the current market trends, and mark rather the movement continuation than its reversal. By contrast with the model of trend reversal. the figures are often formed at shorter time intervals.

Trend Reversal Patterns represent geometric models on the charts of currency rates which are formed after the price level has reached its maximum value in the current trend. These patterns serve to indicate that the ongoing trend is about to change the course and their recognition helps to identify the end of the trend and the beginning of a new movement. A notable feature of the recognition of these models is that the trader is informed not only about the imminent change in the trend, but also the possible value of price movement.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

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Por qué los mercados de IFC?

Thu, Nov 25, 2010

Double tops and double bottoms appear frequently in nearly every market and time frame and are great indicators of a potential trend reversal.

I like this type of patterns as it offers a logical entry and exit point and often reaches the price objective quickly. As the name implies this pattern consists of two peaks of roughly equal height for the double top formation and two troughs of roughly equal depth for the double bottom formation .

Double tops are sometimes called ”M’s” and double bottoms ”W’s”, as the pattern resembles each of these letters. Both are reversal patterns and the stronger the preceding trend the more important the reversal when it happens. My research indicated that double tops tend to be shorter in duration and the break down more pronounced. Double bottoms on the other hand tend to be longer in duration and the price action tends to be in a smaller range.

In the first example of a double top (see chart) a trend preceded the formation. The trend met resistance at point A and then declined to point B. From point B a new attempt at the resistance line was made and failed, this is the set up. The next and most important part of the pattern is that it breaks the neckline and closes below the neckline.

It is important that the neckline is broken on a closing basis as up until this point the market might merely be in consolidation. Once the neckline is broken you now have two choices. You can enter the market straight away or wait to see if the market returns to the neckline and test the newly formed resistance. I like to enter the market on a break and add to my position if the market does return to the neckline.

So now we have a break in the neckline and enter the market. Depending on the distance between B and C you can either place your stop loss order somewhere between B and C or above C if its not to expensive.

Now that the stop loss is in place, we need a target. The best way to project a price objective for this pattern is to measure the distance between B the neckline that has just been broken and C the previous resistance. As an example we will assume B was 85 and C was 115. If you subtract B from C you get 30. Now take 30 from the original neckline of 85 and your target is 55. The same rules apply to the double bottom only in the opposite direction. You simply add the difference between B and C to find your price objective.

In the example of the double bottom on the daily cash Euro/Dollar (see last chart), B was .9197 and C was .8843. If you subtract C from B you get .0354. Add this to the break of the neckline of .9197 and you get a target of .9551, which was easily reached.

In this example there was no pullback.

Forex Trading Alert: GBP/USD - Double Top or Further Rally?

Forex Trading Alert originally published on Apr 10, 2014, 2:32 PM

Earlier today, the greenback moved higher against the British pound after better-than-expected jobless claims data, which showed that the number of people filing for initial jobless benefits in the week ending April 4 declined to an almost seven year low. Will this drop in British currency trigger a bigger correction? What is the technical picture of cable? We invite you to read our today's Forex Trading Alert.

In our opinion, the following forex trading positions are justified - summary:

EUR/USD: none

GBP/USD: short (stop-loss order: 1.6855)

USD/JPY: none

USD/CAD: none

USD/CHF: none

AUD/USD: none


Looking at weekly chart, we see that EUR/USD bouced off the lower border of the rising trend channel (marked with brown) and came back above the long-term declining resistance line - at least for now. As a reminder, invalidation of the breakdown is a strong bullish signal that suggests further improvement. Despite these positive circumstances, the common currency remains below the 2014 high and the rising resistance line (marked with red), which succesfully stopped growth in the previous month.

However, if we take a look at the Euro Index - which is based on slightly different prices, we get a very different picture. We have discussed this chart in today's Gold & Silver Trading Alert:

The situation is clearer today, as the 2013 highs have been surpassed. Now it seems likely that the rally will be stopped by the declining long-term resistance line, just like it was the case about a month ago.

We will be looking for confirmations along the way, but at this time our best guess is that the Euro Index will rally to the 139 level or close to it (a move to the March high is not out of the question) (. ).

What does the above mean? That the breakout from the first chart is not confirmed and the breakout above the long-term resistance line is not really significant just yet. Moreover, even if we focus on the first chart alone, we have to note that the previous "breakout" was seen in March and it was followed by its quick invalidation and visible declins. We could very well be seeing a similar pattern shortly.

Are there any important short-term resistance levels which could stop buyers before reaching the annual high? Let's take a look at the daily chart.

In our last Forex Trading Alert, we wrote the following:

(. ) taking into account the current position of the indicators (buy signals remain in place), it seems that we may see further improvement in the coming day (or days). If this is the case, the next upside target for the buyers will be the upper line of the declining trend channel (currently around 1.3843).

As you see on the above chart, the buyers not only pushed EUR/USD above the this resistance line, but also above the resistance level based on the March 24 high and the 70.7% Fibonacci retracement. From this perspective, we see that the exchange rate reached the resistance zone created by the 76.4% and 78.6% Fibonacci retracements (around 1.3896-1.3900). If it is broken, we may see further improvement and an increase to the previously-broken green resistance line, which currently almost intersects the 2014 high. However, if this resistance area encourages sellers to act, we may see a pullback in the coming days and the first downside target will be the upper line of the declining trend channel (which serves as support at the moment).

Since there were only daily rallies in the past 4 days, it seems that a correction here is more likely. This correction can - and likely will - translate into a reversal on the long-term chart and quite possibly lead to greater declines.

Very short-term outlook: mixed Short-term outlook: bearish MT outlook: bearish LT outlook: bearish

Trading position: In our opinion no positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective. We are not opening short positions just yet, because of the divergence on the long-term charts, however we will quite likely open it once we see some kind of confirmation.


On the daily chart, we see that the situation has improved significantly as GBP/USD broke above the resistance zone created by the 76.4% and 78.6% Fibonacci retracements (based on the recent entire decline). This positive event triggered further improvement and the exchange rate reached the 2014 high earlier today. If this strong resistance level holds, we will likely see a bearish double top pattern. In this case, the initial downside target will be the medium-term rising green line (currently around 1.6676). If it is broken, we may see a drop to the lower border of the orange rising trend channel (around 1.6550), which corresponds to the April low. Nevertheless, if the buyers do not give up and push the pair above the 2014 high, we may see an increase to the upper line of the trend channel (around 1.6962) or even to the 2009 high (around 1.7040). Please note that the current position of the indicators suggests that correction is just around the corner (the RSI declined from the level of 70, while the CCI and Stochastic Oscillator are overbought).

Very short-term outlook: mixed Short-term outlook: bearish MT outlook: bearish LT outlook: mixed

Trading position (short-term): In our opinion short positions (full) are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment with stop-loss order at 1.6855. Please note that if GBP/USD breaks above the 2014 high (and stop-loss order works), we'll consider opening short positions around the 2009 high.


On the daily chart, we see that USD/JPY extended losses and (very temporarily - at least at the moment when these word are written) broke below the lower green support line. Therefore, what we wrote in our previous Forex Trading Alert is still up-to-date.

(. ) if this support is broken, we will likely see a drop to the March 14 low or even to the February low. Please note that sell signals remain in place, supporting sellers.

Very short-term outlook: bearish Short-term outlook: mixed with bearish bias MT outlook: bullish LT outlook: bearish

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): In our opinion no positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment.


Quoting our last Forex Trading Alert:

(. ) the exchange rate reached its first downside target - the Feb.19 low (1.0909). (. ) if it is broken, the next target for the sellers will be the horizontal red support line created by the May 2010 high (around 1,0850).

As you see on the above chart, the sellers realized their bearish scenario as USD/CAD declined to the red support line yesterday. If this strong support holds and encourages buyers to act, we may see a corrective upswing to the previously-broken green support line (around 1.1009). Please note that this scenario is reinforced by the current position of the indicators (the RSI bounced off the level of 30, while the CCI and Stochastic Oscillator are close to generating buy signals).

Very short-term outlook: mixed with bullish bias Short-term outlook: mixed MT outlook: bullish LT outlook: bearish

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): In our opinion no positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment.

On Tuesday, we wrote the following:

(. ) USD/CHF also extended declines and reached the first downside target - the 50% Fibonacci retracement (based on the recent increase). (. ) if it is broken, we will likely see a drop to the next Fibonacci retracement (around 0.8794) or even to the lower line of the blue rising trend channel (currently around 0.8781). Please note that the current position of the indicators still favors sellers.

From today's point of view, we see that the sellers not only realized this scenario, but also pushed the exchange rate below the lower border of the blue rising trend channel, which is a bearish signal that suggests further deterioration. In this case, the nearest support is the declining brown line (which is also the upper line of the declining trend channel). Taking into account the current position of the indicators (the RSI approached the level of 30, while the CCI and Stochastic Oscillator are oversold), it seems that this line may pause declines in the near future). However, if it is broken, we will see a test of the strength of the March low.

Very short-term outlook: bearish Short-term outlook: bearish MT outlook: bearish LT outlook: bearish

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): In our opinion no positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment.

Quoting our last Forex Trading Alert:

(. ) we may see an increase to the next upside target (after a breakout above the upper line of the rising trend channel) around 0.9407. However, we should keep in mind that the RSI and CCI are overbought, which may trigger a pullback in the coming day (or days).

As you see on the daily chart, the buyers not only realized this scenario, but also pushed AUD/USD to the resistance zone created by the 70.7% Fibonacci retracement (based on the entire Oct.-Jan. decline). Taking this fact into account, we should consider two scenarios. On one hand, if this resistance area holds, we may see a pullback in the coming days. In this case, the downside target for the sellers will be the previously-broken upper line of the trend channel. However, if the resistance zone is broken, we will likely see an increase to around 0.9510, where the price target for the reverse head and shoulders pattern is (we wrote about this formation in our Forex Trading Alert posted on March 26). Looking at the current position of the indicators, we see that they are overbought, which suggests that correction is just around the corner.

Very short-term outlook: bullish Short-term outlook: bullish MT outlook: bearish LT outlook: bearish

Trading position (short-term; our opinion): In our opinion no positions are justified from the risk/reward perspective at the moment.

EUR/JPY Double Tops

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Double Top Pattern - Simple and Elegant Candlestick Reversal Pattern

A double top is a bearish reversal candlestick pattern. It is easier to spot and also appears frequently.

It is also a slight variation of head and shoulders pattern and triple top pattern. The only main difference is that it only has two peaks while other two bears three peaks.


Consider an uptrend with each successive higher highs and higher lows.

In the above figure, the market sets the highest point at A on increased volume. The price then dips to point B which is expected as a reaction.

Consider the swing B-C-D.

The market attempts to set new high point as expected for the uptrend to be maintained. However, the market stalls at point C at about the same resistance level as the previous peak.

Also the volume has declined raising a yellow flag of caution.

Next consider the swing C-D-E.

The price then dips and violates the uptrend. When the price falls below the support line represented by the dotted line B-E, then the formation of double top pattern is complete.

Volume generally increases as the price fall below the support level.

Finally consider the swing D-E-F.

The bulls make one final attempt to drag prices to set new high but the selling pressure at around the previous support turned now resistance level at point E is just too great.

By this time bears are in full control and drags the price lower. Thus the downtrend commences henceforth.


Volume plays a significant role in carving this elegant double top pattern. Volume reflects direct buying and selling interestes between bulls and bears.

In general, volume should increase in the direction of the trend.

Reflecting on the role played by volume in carving the double top pattern above, volume should increase on the breaking of the support line along the swing C-D.

Next it should decline on the return move along swing D-E. Then finally, it should again expand along swing E-F.

Forex technical analysis: EURUSD slows at double top, but bulls still control

Those are the 100 and 200 bar MAs on the 5 minute chart, and what I see is:

Traders lining up against the 100 bar MA twice in yesterday's trade (blue circles 1 and 2),

Then I see a BREAK below the 100 bar MA today. This is bearish but the road map says "now get to the 200 bar MA (green line in the chart above) and see if you can get below it",

Then I see traders lining up against the 200 bar MA, not just once but twice (green circles) and a BREAK back above the 100 bar MA

Then I see traders lining up against the prior high at 1.1294 (red circles - Double top),

Finally, I see traders lining up against the 100 bar MA (blue circle 3) and that is where we are at on our trading road map

At each of the colored circles, traders leaned against those levels and defined and limited their risk.

We trade between support at the 100 bar moving average and resistance against the double top.

The range for the day is 66 pips. It is Friday. We have a (as Mike would say) a wobbly stock market and no US economic data. Although the European equity markets are under similar pressure to the US equities, the trade seems to be get out of all. The trade for the first part of the year was for international traders (i. e. dollar based traders), outside of Europe to buy European stocks and hedge currency exposures by selling the EUR. Now that trade is being reversed (?). That is my best guess at least for the dynamics of the flows. Having the Dax move down >15% from the high is not all that great for EU economic confidence.

The road says look for the next breaks.

Trade what you see.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

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Oct 20, 2015 … & # 8230; Trading The Double Top and Triple Top Reversal Chart Patterns · Trading The Head … How to Perfectly Calibrate Your Forex Position Size.

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Double Top formations are reversal patterns and often seen to be among the most common (together with double bottom formations) patterns for currency trading.

Double Top. View a more detailed Double Top Chart Pattern Video. The Double Top technical analysis charting pattern is a common and highly effective price reversal …

Flags are a simple chart pattern to spot and trade, offering a low risk trade setup, … In The Forex Market For Trade Triggers · Trading The Double Top and Triple …

May 12, 2010 … Double bottoms – The principle of this pattern is the same as the … Head-and - shoulders top reversal – This classic trend reversal … forex yess!

Feb 8, 2015 … On a longer-term chart, this pattern might seem insignificant, but the four-hour chart is clearly showing a double top formation that gives a …

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At the top end, the series of storms could double the current snowpack in the Sierra … New research shows this drought-deluge-drought pattern in California may intensify with climate change, and as the state warms …

What is a ‘Double Top’ A double top is a term used in technical analysis to describe the rise of a stock, a drop, another rise to the same level as the original rise …

In these patterns, we use the wicks to determine the signal. & # 8230; For a double top I will use the bodies of the candle in the first extent reached by price, and if price …

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Feb 17, 2016 … Here’s how to trade the pattern – entry, stop loss and target. & # 8230; Trading The Double Top and Triple Top Reversal Chart Patterns · Missed a Breakout Trade? & # 8230; Strategy · Trading the Bullish Head & Shoulders Patte…

May 30, 2010 … In this candlestick pattern tutorial, we will be going through the double top and double bottom chart pattern. The double top/bottom is also …

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The Double Top pattern consists of two consecutive peaks resembling the letter " M". The Double Top marks a long uptrend that is preparing to become a …

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Site Notice - Parts of the site will be down this weekend as we do some feature upgrades and site maintenance. Most of the site will remain up and running, we just wanted to give you a heads up :)

Recap: Our long was triggered and then the candle closed below our entry price (false break) for a 30 pip loss.

Trading Idea: It's been a choppy week with the markets still sorting out the Greek situation. It appears a double-top is in place just under 1.3500, a bearish technical signal, that should provide further pressure on the pair.

We are tracking a falling trend resistance but, because it is Friday (higher volatility on lower volume), we will not be trading today. In general we are bearish and would be looking for reasons to sell if we were in the markets today.

* * * PipHut PRO * * *

Join the Discussion!

Morning @all. Wishing everyone a successful friday and an enjoyable weekend. let’s finish with a fizz. I’m very unsure about Euro today so will probably stay with GBP/US/. Long at 15915. GL to you all and happy pipping.


GM to all, thanks for the new signals. Wish all a good day.


Thanks @piphut for the daily. Double top it is. Back to 1.3 and lower!


1,3250 will be not easy to crack, Could be some rebound, but that will be only a better price to short. Just my view..

@Luxma Fx

@ran, hello my friend, nice to see you, nice drop as you said, I think that last comment yesterday to you I was mentioned that 3285 :-) but ok, selling high and buying low that is what we are looking always, my long was again closed with 5 pip as mentioned and now bought again from 3210 with same history but no more hope for return only if we will see a closing over 3222 then ok I will buy another lot @3235 and same targets. wish you GL and happy day

@Luxma Fx

@ran, good to have you on board again, happy I am not alone again, however I think I will stay to my Long now and no more 5 pips game, and this time looking for getting to higher level then a short maybe from 3285 let’s see, Gl to us,

P. S, am I correct, when you are here Johnny not showing and when he is here you are not?


Maybe so, I havent seen him much other than that long day fighting bears vs bulls before that big drop

@Luxma Fx

I know @ran, but we are only here reporting and making comments and no one can predict 100% this Market, only big brothers knows that, the only issue is when I know that is a falling down then not be able to accept it or other side, look our friend @Kobe, I am saying weeks he is right with short targets down 1.3000 but I am trading daily or better said hourly so he is right but maybe not for this hour or day but drop or bounce always my daily bread and take it very nicely


Its forex afterall, we cant make the right decision everytime….sometimes its hard to see other way, but end of day we all want the same thing. This week good for us, maybe next week not so much…im always open to all sides/comments/suggestions etc and offcourse value yours highly :)


March 2, 2012 at 20:44

@ran, already landed and waiting to get my room here, try to puzzle some idea for my week-end, got your message and as before late reply. appreciate your comment and wish you all the best this week-end, hope we will be able to make each other happy every day trading. best of luck and Cheers


@luxma, very good … I will begin my weekend in 45 minutes –

I think if price can pull back and rest over 1,3271…maybe the trip north will continue back trying next week to reach its target at 1.3586… If not we pay around 1,3130 a visit

@Luxma Fx

ok the fight for 3222 if going over then next target will be 3255, if not back again to 3200s

Double Top

A double top is a bearish reversal pattern that typically occurs after an extended upward movement in price. Prices reverse once, moving downwards to the confirmation level followed by an upward movement in price. Prices reverse again at the second peak, and completion of the pattern occurs when prices break through the confirmation line.

Measuring the move: Measure the distance between the price at the peak of the pattern and the price at the lowest low of the pattern. This difference is then added to the confirmation line after the break out, what this means is that an upward price movement from the breakout point plus the height of the pattern can be expected.

Trading the pattern: The confirmation level in a double top is the price at the bottom of the two peaks. Draw a horizontal price line through that price level and if price closes under that level, it is a signal for bearish entry.

Estrategias Forex Estrategia Forex, Estrategia simple, Estrategia Forex Trading, Forex Scalping

Estrategia de Forex «SaRa» se basa en las reglas clásicas de soporte comercial y los niveles de resistencia, y la compleja estrategia de cálculo no requiere, y para determinar los niveles por sí mismos pueden utilizar la pantalla auxiliar (se puede descargar al final de la estrategia) . La estrategia utiliza una de las principales reglas de comercio en [& hellip;]

Hoy consideramos la estrategia de Three Black Crows & 187 ;, está diseñado para determinar el punto de reversión de la tendencia al alza para la venta Para el comercio recomiendo elegir una opción de IQ de corredor & gt; (Activar su bono del 100% ahora!) Es imprescindible: Tener una fuerte tendencia alcista de varias velas hacia arriba. Educación 3 velas en una fila [& hellip;]

Estrategia de Forex & # 171; Entropy & # 187; Se basa en un indicador muy interesante, denominado entropía matemática, y este indicador se indica con bastante exactitud en el momento de la ganancia de una tendencia (presente en un momento dado en el mercado), lo que permite obtener una mayor proporción de probabilidad para lograr beneficios En la entrada al mercado. La estrategia [& hellip;]

Hoy nos fijamos en la Estrategia de Pin Bar # 187 ;, se basa en el acercamiento al nivel de precio de soporte o resistencia y rebote de él con la formación de una vela con una cola larga. Para el comercio recomiendo elegir una opción de IQ de Broker & gt; (Active su bono del 100% ahora!) Anteriormente este sitio [& hellip;]

Estrategia de Forex «VIDYA» es bastante simple de usar, pero la eficiencia de la misma no cae, vale la pena señalar que los mejores beneficios que muestra una tendencia y de lado puede dar reducción, pero la reducción es muy rápidamente cubierto en el momento de La tendencia activa. Para el comercio recomiendo elegir uno [& hellip;]

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Tagged with double top

Pola grafik double top dan double bottom, ketika kita belajar pola pola klasik maka dua pola ini akan sering kita jumpai dalam setiap time frame pergerakan harga. karena itu wajib hukumnya untuk memahami dengan baik kedua pola ini.

Double Top merupakan pola dua puncak dimana harga bergerak naik hinga level tertentu kemudian memantul, selanjutnya harga mencoba bergerak naik kembali mendekati level sebelumnya tidak sanggup menembus dan hanya berbalik arah.

Analisa Teknikal atau Analisis Teknis telah menjadi sangat populer akhir-akhir ini, banyak orang percaya bahwa histori data dari harga merupakan indikasi yang kuat untuk menganalisa pergerakan harga ke depan karena pergerakan harga yang selalu berulang.

“Analisis Teknis adalah studi tentang perilaku pasar yang digambarkan melalui grafik, untuk memprediksi kecenderungan (tren) harga di masa mendatang.” ( John J. Murphy)

Trader yang menggunakan analisis teknis percaya bahwa harga bergerak tidak secara acak sehingga pergerakan harga dapat diprediksi baik tren maupun polannya. Contoh gambar pergerakan harga yang membentuk pola tren pada mata uang EURUSD periode September 2010

Pergerakan harga EURUSD membentuk tren naik, dan beberapa kali pergerakan harga mengalami pantulan di level supportnya.

“ Setelah saya belajar selama bertahun-tahun, semakin kompleks dan banyak input dalam trading plan dapat menyebabkan kebingungan, frustasi, dan mengurangi kemenangan.” ( Jim Wyckoff )

“ Simple adalah mudah dan lebih baik .” ( Stewart Taylor )

Saat ini banyak sekali Indikator Teknis yang dibuat untuk membantu para trader untuk menganalisa pergerakan harga. Seperti MA atau Moving Average untuk mengetahui tren dan psikologi harga, MACD untuk melihat momentum pergerakan harga, RSI untuk mengetahi overbought atau oversold dan lain-lain.

Namun banyak Indikator Teknis yang dipakai, tidak menjamin para trader memprediksi pergerakan harga dengan benar, alih-alih mendapat profit yang besar yang ada malah kebingungan ketika mengeksekusi harga karena indikator yang dipakai saling berlawanan memberi sinyal beli atau jual. Seguir leyendo & rarr;

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Double Top

What is a Double Top?

In Technical Analysis. a double top is a bearish reversal chart pattern that is found at the end of an uptrend. At the end of an uptrend, the price makes two consecutive peaks with highs that are just about equal and a trough in between. It generally resembles a price action similar to “M.” A breakdown occurs when the price moves below the recent trough. Here, a price target is usually set by projecting the depth of the trough from the point of breakout.

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Trading Patterns - How to Trade Double Top-Bottom

One of the most important knowledge every trader needs to have is the trading chart patterns. The most of the experienced market practitioners argue that the price analysis is the most important. Looking at the price chart analysis you can make chart patterns analysis, candlestick analysis . price projections, support and resistance analysis, trend analysis, wave analysis and many other types. At this article we are going to look at the Double Top-Bottom price chart pattern and how these pattern can influence decision and in consequence our profit and loss.

Double Top Reversal

One of the most popular trading patterns is the Double Top reversal pattern which is formed after an uptrend has come to its end. Prices at the top of the up trend start to move in a range formation and they produce two consecutive tops and a bottom. The tops are approximately at the same height. Below we can see a recently created Double Top pattern at the EURJPY price chart.

As we can see at the chart the Peak A represents the highest point of the rising trend, followed by a decline to the bottom where the support is created. After that prices run up to as high as previous top or approximately reach the previous top generating the second top. At that point prices find a resistance level where the bears accumulate greater power than bulls, moreover, at this stage the most of traders could wrongly believe that the up trend will continue. However, prices levels off towards the bottom and the pattern is completed by prices falling below the support.

Price projections could be made by taking the difference between the top and the bottom prices and extending this difference below support. In the case of the EURJPY in the chart the difference is 1.68 therefore the price projection is at 137.26. The support at 138.94 minus the difference of 1.68.

Double Bottom Reversal

That is the same pattern like the Double Top but at the opposite way. Two consecutive bottoms are formed with a top in between. This pattern is followed after a downtrend and reverses the general trend in the price chart to up trend. To be completed prices need to rise above the resistance created by the top.

We can see a Double Bottom price pattern at the below chart. Bottom B is not at exact the same level like the Bottom A, nevertheless they are roughly at the same level. After the completion of the Double Bottom we can see that prices provided gains to those who traded the Double Bottom price chart trading pattern.

What is obvious with both the real examples we used here for Double Top and Double Bottom is that the price projection was not achieved. We should keep in mind that in reality nothing goes according to theory. There are cases were prices achieve and overpass price projections, we should be careful and not base our decisions only on one trading pattern. Nonetheless Double Top and Double Bottom chart patterns provide strong and valuable information and in the most of the cases provide successful trading opportunities which then need to be managed successfully.

Tip: Wait for second candlestick to confirm direction of the trend after the completion of the pattern or set a percentage price move of 3-5% below bottom in case of Double Top or above top in case of Double Bottom.

© Fidelis Capital Markets

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Double Top and Double Bottom Chart Pattern

Adam Hewison, president of www. ino. com shares his favorite chart pattern setups. He says he's been trading double tops and double bottoms for thirty years with a 90% accuracy rate.

Don't know if Adam realizes that these chart patterns along with his double the range for "take profit targets" has long been promoted by WD Gann many years ago.

Take a look at the two chart patterns below, they have been extracted from Adam's Market Club's Traders Whiteboard.

The below chart patterns of the double top and double bottom are entitled "2 Money Making Chart Setups".

If you want to view these video's and the other in the series of seven, they are available free of charge at http://club. ino. com

Notice that both chart patterns, the double top and double bottom are exactly the same, only in reverse.

Also notice that the level from the 'pivot point' to the end of the price level is simply added in the the opposite direction to obtain the 'profit target'. Watch this video (lesson 2) and the other six FREE lessons in the whiteboard series here.

More FREE lessons from other educators

If you would like more FREE lessons from other high quality educators click here.

For ex-competition trading systems go here.

Double Top/Bottom

Doble Top/Bottom pattern occurs when we’re facing a new trend or a correction coming. It often forms before breaking trendlines or any other important levels. Finding two Highs or two Lows at the same level very often means that the buying/selling potential is running out and a new side of the market is getting stronger. See some examples below.

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How to trade double bottom and double top

Every trader will at some point try and expand his/her knowledge from old fashion indicators to something more exciting. I would bet the farm that somewhere along the way they will come across the dark art of chart patterns. It is said that the practitioners of this art see strange formations on their charts. Some of these formations may resemble head and shoulders, while others may appear to be pennants, triangles or even bearish or bullish wedges.

Does it sound mysterious?

The idea behind these patterns is that if you see a formation of a particular pattern on your chart, you can then predict what is going to happen next and trade it. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Realmente es.

The most basic chart patterns are:

These are what we call trend reversal formations meaning that if you spot them after a strong move you can expect the price to reverse.

What is Double Top

The Double Top is a pattern that is formed when there is an extended move up. The ‘tops’ are basically peaks which get formed when the price hits the level that it can’t break. This usually means that buyers are losing interest.

When the price hits the top and finds resistance . it will bounce back to a level of support from where it will try and break the resistance again. If the resistance holds, it is known as the double top.

How to trade Double Top

The way to trade this is to wait for the price to get back to the level where it found support and break through that level. This means that sellers are getting stronger and the trend is reversed. Don’t be impatient, wait for the support level to be broken before entering the trade, otherwise things may not end up as you would wish.

Have a look at the image below, explaining what we’ve just discussed above.

What is Double Bottom

Double Bottom is just as easy as the double top. It occurs after a long downtrend. Sellers start slowly losing interest and when the price reflects this fact it will find resistance. It will bounce back off that resistance to a support level from where it will try to break the resistance again. If the resistance is strong enough and can’t be broken the price will once again bounce off it, forming something that resembles two valleys, also known as bottoms. This would be an indication that the trend is being reversed and that you should get ready to go long, or in other words buy. With the double bottom you should wait for the price to break the level of resistance, also known as neckline, before you enter into the trade.

Have a look at the chart below.

Now that we have demystified two chart formations, I’m sure you are saying to yourself how simple it was. You are right. My only advise for you is to be careful and always use another indicator to confirm your trade entries. My personal suggestion is to use volume when available. You would be looking for an increase in volume as the price approaches the support (neckline) and is about to break through it. Increase in volume would mean a strong move and would confirm the trend reversal.

Log in to your account or join The Forex Championship and practise trading double bottom and double top without putting yourself or your assets at risk.

Vladimir Petropoljac is an experienced trader, financial and investment consultant and an author of Rallied! The Alternative Guide to Becoming a Trader, currently living on a sunny island in the middle of Mediterranean – Malta.

Forex: EUR/USD Keeps Above 1.3300, Is 1.3400 A Double Top?

After sliding over 100 pips throughout the day, the EUR/USD managed to halt its decline at the 1.3280 zone and trimmed intraday losses as risk sentiment improved and U. S. stocks turned positive during the American afternoon. The EUR/USD finished the week above the 1.3300 level, 65 pips down on the day, and just 30 pips below weekly opening price.

Is the EUR/USD developing a double top. "The figure has its neckline around this week low 1.3256, that converges with the 38.2% retracement of its latest daily run," comments FXstreet. com Chief Analyst Valeria Bednarik. "While the price is 100 pips away from the level, a break below it will point to a 150 pips run lower, targeting then the 1.3100 area. In the short term, increasing bearish pressure will surge if the pair losses 1.3320, towards the mentioned 1.3250/60 price zone."

Earlier in the day, the unexpected fall in U. S. consumer sentiment and earnings below expectations in Intel Corp. (NASDAQ:INTC ) weighed on sentiment. The greenback, measured by the U. S. Dollar Index, is well into positive ground, although retracing from early tops in the proximity of 80.30.

The U. S. stock market closed Friday mixed. The S&P 500 and Dow posted great numbers, but the Nasdaq posted losses. The DJIA and the S&P turned higher in the last hour of the session to close at their highest levels since December 10, 2007. All three major averages turned in their third-straight weekly gains.

The Crisis Is Over

On currencies again, the technical failure at 1.3400 has sent EUR/USD back below the 1.3300 psychological level and opened the way for a retest of the 1.3250 area, which represents this week's lows and the neckline of a double top formed by January 14/18 highs.

A weekly close above the 1.3300 level "and a push above 1.3350 refocuses on 1.34," said Fan Yang, analyst at FXTimes. "A break above 1.3405 should revive the bullish outlook that has been the bias at least since November 2012, with the 2012 high of 1.3485 in sight."

Ulrich Leuchtmann, analyst at Commerzbank, comments that most sectors of the market share the same positive underlying sentiment to that which has long characterized the FX market: "the crisis is over."

"This reduces the event risks for FX," he explains. "Even though the euro is unable to benefit from that alone, a creeping USD weakness will probably continue to support EUR/USD."

On the other side, Nomura Strategist Saeed Amen has taken a look at EUR/USD from a purely technical perspective. Looking at a daily chart, Amen notes that spot is up on the week, but regardless, he has flipped to a bearish view. He notes that spot repeatedly tried to break 1.3400 and to close above the upper Bollinger band. However, combined with those failures, a downward tick in RSI (14) is suggestive that a short-term high is likely to have been reached.

In this line, "failing to once again advance past 1.3400, EUR/USD has turned and moved lower towards 1.3300 support," points out FXstreet. com analyst Richard Lee. "A further decline through the figure would prompt an extension towards 1.3165 support in the near term ."

The Experts, Banks & Independents' Forecast Poll expects the EUR/USD at the higher range of 1.33. Forecast average for next week, the euro against the U. S. dollar is in the higher range of 1.3300, with weekly and monthly targets around 1.3360.

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How to Trade the Double Bottom Pattern

The Double Bottom is one of the most frequent and accurate reversal chart patterns. It appears in virtually any stock, commodity and Forex pair and signals the beginnings of uptrends in any timeframe. After reading this article you will be able to identify and trade this chart pattern for immense profits.

The Double Bottom is a chart formation that signals the end of a bearish trend. It is identical to the Double Top but looks exactly opposite: it consists of two local price bottoms with a local peak that defines the neckline.

The pattern is confirmed when price breaks through the neckline.

The reliability of the Double Bottom is very high, about 74%, which makes it a very consistent pattern.

There are several methods to trade this pattern:

Aggressive Method: aggressive traders would enter a long trade right when the 2nd bottom is beginning to form. The idea of this trading technique is to enter early, capturing all the profits up to the neckline and entering well before the crowd.

If price breaks the neckline we continue to ride the profits with very low risk and very high reward. The disadvantage of this trading technique is that it is less accurate, and not all patterns end up as a double bottom. Price may hit the neckline and bounce back down, creating a triple bottom.

In the aggressive method the stop loss should be right below the lowest of the two bottoms. Note that this trading technique is not recommended for beginners and can result in losses for the unexperienced traders.

Classical Method: The classical method consists of two entry points. First, we enter a long trade when price breaks the neckline upwards. This is a reliable way of trading the Double Bottom pattern that any beginner can and should trade. Stop loss is usually placed below the neckline.

The 2nd method is to enter the trade when price pulls back to the neckline, after breaking it, as if to test its validity.

This is the most reliable way of trading this pattern and it can reach 90% win rate. The disadvantage of that is that price only pulls back in 33% of the patterns, so if you restrict yourself to trading only pullbacks you will miss out on 66% of the breakouts and profits.

This is one of the most accurate trading techniques of this pattern, and we highly recommend entering these trades. They usually offer high rewards with very accurate entry point and low risk.

Profit Target: The profit target is calculated by adding the pattern size (between neckline and the 1st bottom) to the neckline.

In conclusion, this chart pattern is very accurate and well-worth the effort of identifying and trading it.

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Double Top Pattern: Forex Chart Pattern

The double top pattern is considered a graphical price formation which precedes existing trend reversal. It is typically formed in an uptrend and is expected to be followed by a drop in prices, while the longer it takes for the pattern to be formed the more reliable it is.


The pattern is characterized by two parallel horizontal lines representing support and resistance levels which respectively connect two most recent local highs of the price and a low, holding a certain bunch of price fluctuations within. The price reverses twice at resistance levels under investor consideration the asset is overpriced there.

Interpretation of Double Top

In case the market price violates the pattern’s minimum or support level (plus certain deviation is possible), the formation is considered to be completed and can be interpreted as change in direction of the trend downwards serving as a sell signal.

Target price

Following double top pattern formation the price is generally believed to drop at least to its target level, calculated as follows:

T – target level;

S – support level (recent local low);

H – pattern’s height (distance between support and resistance levels).

You can see the graphical object on the price chart by downloading one of the trading terminals offered by IFC Markets.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

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Double Top Trade (A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing) vs Moolah Naked Price Action Trade

You really have to be careful of wolves hiding in sheep's clothing when trading Forex. In today's lesson I cover or uncover (if you will) a wolf in sheep's clothing. I mean hiding in plain sight preying on little unsuspected Forex Traders.

Fortunately if you've learned the Fundamental Principles of Naked Price Action Trading you wouldn't be such an easy prey as you're Brokers and the Market Makers would love for you to be.

In the video I show you why Naked Price Action Trading can be your Savior for such a really bad Trade setup.

Don't get me wrong, It's a beautiful and classic Forex Double Top Set-up but not a trade that a Naked Price Action Trader should take and in my video I explain why.

It’s been a tough grind here as of late, with such low volume trading leaving so many asset correlations stuck in the mud. Traders looking for the usual “signals” in one asset class with hopes of “putting it all together” have been pushed around and pulled back and forth – left struggling to “find an answer” within the continued “day-to-day chop”.

A tough market to navigate with Central Bankers hiding behind every corner, and with such low volume it would appear that on many days…..the market just seems to be sitting there – doing nothing.

Oil looks to be heading lower here and USD appears tired now sitting at its near term “double top” ( as seen via $dxy ).

Gold’s pullback appears to be resolving itself – sputtering out at a pretty solid area of support around 1292.00, while U. S Equities ( as well EU equities and Japan ) look weak, tired and exhausted.

Does anyone else expect that next weeks “U. S GDP report” will disappoint? And that perhaps markets are “finally considering” things aren’t nearly as rosy as the U. S Media continues to suggest?

It would have to have been “some kind of amazing quarter” ( the past 90 days only ) for the report to make up for the incredible ” -2.9 % loss in growth” reported in the first quarter now wouldn’t it?

Stars would clearly align with USD moving lower, gold moving higher and “global equities” finally taking a break after the SP 500 has made it nearly 800 days straight without a meaningful correction.

Food for thought moving into next week. Perhaps you’ll want to take a peak at your computer / trade account a little more regularly.

Have a good weekend everyone. Enjoy the sun!

Double bottoms pattern in forex trading

Double bottom pattern article is a continuation from Forex double top pattern. Overtime while charts data is moving towards, there are similar situations that occur over and over again. Those trading situations can be analysed with known and already prepared analysis. Preparation makes trading easier.

When the same behaviour movements appear in trading charts, traders can act based on similarity comparing to past forex market movements. Such actions rises a probability of executing a better trade. That is why similarities are called patterns, patterns introduces as to certain rules how to trade particular pattern.

Double bottom pattern in trading

We are going to investigate couple of examples below about double bottom trading situations. Take a look at first example, the USDCHF chart above. You can notice, that market formed two bottoms with a small hill in the middle. Once first bottom developed, the first support level was active. At this point no resistance barrier is created yet. When bulls pulled up their strength, resistance barrier appeared. Resistance price level kept bulls from rising their strength, this action initiated bearish movement downside. Such movement gave even more strength to resistance barrier.

Bears movement managed to break first support level, however they didn't run far away from first support. Bears still created lower level support (second support line).

When second bottom is formed, bulls managed to overcome three previous bearish candles. The second bullish candle did break resistance level. Taking all bullish and bearish movements during formation of double bottom pattern, pattern showed bullish signal to go up. Sudden bulls recovery back to resistance barrier showed strong strength This movement formed second bottom aswell, which was the last element to form double bottom pattern.

Double bottom pattern in forex

Lets take a look at another example above. This is very similar situation to the previous discussed example. First and second bottoms were formed, even thought a hill in the middle was not created visually nicely, but it still can be treated as a hill between two bottoms. Despite erratic movements after second bottom (long needle candle), bulls managed to recover back to resistance. Once resistance break is confirmed, bulls continued their recovery to higher level.

Not valid double bottom pattern

Another example shows same situation, however even visually you can notice that this double bottom pattern is not valid. Between first and second bottom, there was not a hill but consolidation. This pattern wouldn't be treated as trade-able situation, better to wait for next forex market patterns.

All these examples showed just double bottom pattern. You can add candlestick strategy to market patterns, it would provide even more reliable signals for trading currencies. ¡Buena suerte!

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