Friday, November 18, 2016

Forex 123

Estás en el mercado Forex por primera vez?

Por qué trabajar en Forex es tan favorable

En qué depende el éxito en el mercado Forex?

Comienzo de la negociación

Principales definiciones

Principales definiciones

Sistema de aumento de volumen

Una de las propiedades más interesantes del mercado Forex es una identidad técnica de ingresos de $ 10 al día y $ 1000 al día. En tales volúmenes usted tiene liquidez idéntica y una oportunidad de ganancias. Sin embargo, lamentablemente todo no es tan simple. Hay un problema psicológico.

Se sabe que prácticamente cualquier persona puede pasar sobre una tabla que se encuentra sobre la tierra. Pero un porcentaje muy pequeño de personas puede pasar un tablero que se encuentra entre dos rascacielos a la altura de cien metros. Lo mismo es Forex. Para ganar $ 1 de $ 10 puede casi todo el mundo, pero para ganar $ 10 000 de $ 100 000 no todos.

Uno de los sistemas de entrenamiento más eficaces - aumento gradual de los lotes comercializados. En el siguiente paso le proporcionaremos el pequeño depósito. Intentarás cambiar la suma mínima que no tengas miedo de perder. Y en el comercio exitoso para aumentar su lote gradualmente.

Si empezó a perder dinero, significa que alcanzó esa altura en la que tiene miedo, es decir, tiene que reducir la suma (por ejemplo, cobrar parte del dinero) y seguir negociando con la suma más pequeña.

Comienzo del comercio propio

Le pedimos que entre en su cuenta - allí usted verá el depósito inicial. Sobre el cual usted podrá negociar. En la inversión exitosa, levante mucho sin problemas y el éxito está en la tienda.

Usted aprendió todo y recibió la cuenta con la pequeña suma por la cual puede comerciar - o recargar y canjear el dinero que usted considera aceptado como la primera etapa.

Para entrar en una oficina privada

Busque ayuda profesional, no pierda su tiempo haciéndolo solo. Encontrar un mentor que le puede enseñar los entresijos y también lo que debe ser consciente de. Si el comercio era tan fácil todo el mundo sería el comercio y hacer dinero, hay mucho más al comercio que sólo ganar dinero. La clave estará buscando un mentor que sea real y no haga caso de las falsificaciones por ahí, haga su debida diligencia cuidadosamente.

Hay tantos indicadores de fantasía para la venta a precios ridículos. Ignorar la comercialización detrás de estos indicadores mágicos llamados, que son siempre rezagados, las señales son finales o algunos de ellos reimprimir sobre las señales anteriores dadas, que se han recalculado después del hecho. La lógica común detrás de ignorar estos indicadores es, si los indicadores trabajados realmente que la persona que los vende no tendrían que venderlo y podrían apenas negociar apagado de él y hacer el dinero. Obviamente, el indicador no funciona como se anuncia.

Este blog es para principiantes


Mensajes recientes


Este es un blog personal del sitio web, que refleja las opiniones de su autor. Se pretende que sea un diario personal de comercio privado y conocimientos sobre la experiencia del autor y las metodologías de comercio. No es una producción del empleador del autor o su negocio, ni está afiliado con ningún corredor / distribuidor de la divisa. Las declaraciones en este sitio no representan las opiniones o políticas de nadie más que el autor y / o autores invitados invitados. La información de este sitio se proporciona únicamente para propósitos de discusión y registro, y no son recomendaciones de inversión o comerciales. Bajo ninguna circunstancia esta información representa una recomendación para comprar o vender valores o cualquier otro instrumento financiero. Esta información no debe interpretarse como una oferta de venta o una solicitud o una oferta para comprar las monedas aquí mencionadas. La información fáctica de este informe se ha obtenido de fuentes que se creen confiables, pero no es necesariamente todo incluido y no está garantizado en cuanto a la exactitud, y no debe interpretarse como representación. El riesgo de comercio de divisas puede ser sustancial. Cada inversor debe considerar si se trata de una inversión adecuada. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Se supone que todas las imágenes de este sitio están en el dominio público. Por favor, avísenos si este no es el caso para la eliminación.

Etiquetas: indicador forex 123

Utilizando el sistema fundamental creado perfecta 1-2-3 diseños de sistemas de Forex tienden a ser probado junto con puntos de color rojo en lo que respecta a los puntos bajistas, así como azules con respecto a alcista. Diseños alterados tienden a ser pasado por alto y nunca se esbozó en absoluto tener una configuración fundamental.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Hacia el establecimiento fundamental Ahora incluimos áreas de mercado. La flecha de color rojo se inclina hacia el primer candelabro para acercarse por debajo (2). Este particular implica que el actual ha tienden a ser lo suficientemente poderoso para conducir el costo más bajo, así como cerca de debajo de que grado de coste anterior (2) en la que los toros finales demostrado su propia potencia. En este momento quién es exitoso, los toros reales o incluso el actual tiene? El grado de costo exactamente donde la flecha de color rojo es en realidad impresa ahora obtiene información útil con respecto a la curiosidad a largo plazo la promoción. El área de mercado después de que es sin duda una sección de largo plazo la promoción de la curiosidad.

Hacemos este particular con una forma rectangular verde claro que maneja la flecha de color rojo real, así como se extiende a largo plazo. El actual ha tenido éxito desde que el costo tan pronto como antes de que puedan tener en cuenta ese costo. El actual puede querer considerar convertirse en poderoso de que el costo una vez más al mercado mucho más abundancia con el fin de proteger sus propios trabajos breves. Los toros reales incluso tener en cuenta que estos fueron superados en qué grado y puede conducir tanto como volver a probar la eficacia de la actual tiene. Cuando los toros dejan la batalla, así que muy fácilmente después de que el costo puede disminuir a un lado, así rápido y realmente no puede volver a la zona de mercado que fascinante. Si es así, no tendremos la entrada de la industria que esté bien a mi lado.

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Yo esta es Kirk con para 26 extras restauración calma sólo 12 le dan una pequeña instrucción por los primeros días de comercio He estado aquí tal vez usted ha estado aquí el lugar que voy a estar compartiendo con todos nosotros Necesidad de darse cuenta de que hey allí es un punto cuando estábamos equivocados cuando salen no es mejor para usted bien o mal a las cuestiones se utiliza el comercio antes de que el mercado quiere, pero para que se metan en un comercio va corto su enganchado en el Idea que usted acaba de realmente nos convenció con la marca de mercado va a girar eventualmente y sigue subiendo y usted acaba de determinar que va a girar y volver a bajar por lo que stayin.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Quédate adentro y muy pronto te encuentras realmente es una mala situación ahora esta raza de la lista no es para mostrarte para la cena que ella salga para darte el consejo que negocia aparte de si estás en salir déjeme darle ejemplo chistoso Este es un pequeño artículo hoy Puedo ser cruzado como un jubilado estaba conduciendo la autopista su teléfono celular sonó contestando escuchó la voz de su esposa urgentemente advirtiéndole herrmann Acabo de oír en las noticias que hay un coche va el Camino equivocado en la carretera interestatal 77. Por favor, tenga cuidado min hecker dijo que no sólo un coche de sus cientos no se pillan en la dirección equivocada contra el mercado de revocación pullover y va en la dirección correcta espero que esto ayudará A usted y aligerar su día un poco para ver cómo puede tomar su formación al siguiente nivel seguro y vaya a nuestra característica estratégica jumpstart y visita a la sala de operaciones puede hacer esto haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo o la discordia de nuestro sitio web en para más D secretos punto com y luego llenar su nombre no hay información a continuación, ir a comprobar que su correo electrónico para su nombre de usuario / contraseña a continuación, volver en un registro y usted verá donde se construye un ir a ver los vídeos JumpStart Y / o suscríbase a nuestra próxima sala de operaciones para que nos veamos y gracias por.

Enlace de vídeo original

Etiqueta: indicador de flecha forex 123

Utilizando el sistema fundamental creado perfecta 1-2-3 diseños de sistemas de Forex tienden a ser probado junto con puntos de color rojo en lo que respecta a los puntos bajistas, así como azules con respecto a alcista. Diseños alterados tienden a ser pasado por alto y nunca se esbozó en absoluto tener una configuración fundamental.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Hacia el establecimiento fundamental Ahora incluimos áreas de mercado. La flecha de color rojo se inclina hacia el primer candelabro para acercarse por debajo (2). Este particular implica que el actual ha tienden a ser lo suficientemente poderoso para conducir el costo más bajo, así como cerca de debajo de que grado de costo anterior (2) en la que los toros finales demostrado su propio poder. En este momento quién es exitoso, los toros reales o incluso el actual tiene? El grado de costo exactamente donde la flecha de color rojo es en realidad impresa ahora obtiene información útil con respecto a la curiosidad a largo plazo la promoción. El área de mercado después de que es sin duda una sección de largo plazo la promoción de la curiosidad.

Hacemos este particular con una forma rectangular verde claro que maneja la flecha de color rojo real, así como se extiende a largo plazo. El actual ha tenido éxito desde que el costo tan pronto como antes de que puedan tener en cuenta ese costo. El actual puede querer considerar convertirse en poderoso de que el costo una vez más al mercado mucho más abundancia con el fin de proteger sus propios trabajos breves. Los toros reales incluso tener en cuenta que estos fueron superados en qué grado y puede conducir tanto como volver a probar la eficacia de la actual tiene. Cuando los toros dejan la batalla, así que muy fácilmente después de que el costo puede disminuir a un lado, así rápido y realmente no puede volver a la zona de mercado que fascinante. Si es así, no tendremos la entrada de la industria que esté bien a mi lado.

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Herramienta 1-2-3 de Here & acutes. Yo, deseo, puede beneficiar a una persona. Sólo par de frases en relación con NEXGEN, así como el Sr. Novak (propietario). Examinamos su propio programa de software, los indicadores, así como las técnicas de pareja TS de años atrás, así como nos había emocionado cuando yo había sido nuevo en el negocio de compra y venta. Ellos tienen algunos indicadores atractivos como BBMACD, contornos de T3, TREND BANDS & # 8230 ;. Sin embargo por el precio de compra de 10 000 dólares.

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Yo posiblemente no podría realmente pasar que y así que descubrí casi todos los duplicados aquí con respecto a mt4 de forma gratuita, así como hemos creado un número de ellos en mi propio con respecto a Pro en tiempo real. También tienen algunas películas fascinantes en relación con la resistencia de frenado de resistencia, así como también observamos este particular 1, dos, 3 configurar, aunque no sólo sobre todo exactamente lo que estas personas entrenan en cuanto a frenado asociado con una etapa pocos se mantiene cierto. Mercado es en realidad muy complicado, así como difícil, puede hacer efectivo utilizando indicadores individuales, sin embargo, también puede arrojar, por lo tanto, la etapa no está dentro de los indicadores, está luchando con su personal, luchando con respecto a sí mismo - disciplina, hacia la avaricia, preocupación & # 8230; Registros ciegos. Venta de TS (y e-señal también) los indicadores con respecto a 10 000 dólares es en realidad los grandes negocios, la razón por la que él o ella no está comprando y vendiendo juntos. Podría ser mucho más rápido para crear efectivo comprar y vender las técnicas de los individuos & # 8230;

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123 Patrones V1 utiliza ZigZag que viene con MT4. Para saber esto utilice una carta lúcida, agregue ZigZag solamente, después dirija a cualquier vela y aspecto detrás en tiempo. Qué unidad de área los últimos 3 puntos creados por ZigZag? Etiquete esos puntos uno dos tres. Una vez que el valor continúa desde el propósito tres para viajar después del propósito dos, entonces tenemos una oportunidad. Algunas personas deciden este 1-2-3-break. Idealmente el movimiento del propósito uno al propósito dos debe ser muchos pips que el movimiento del propósito dos de nuevo al propósito tres. En palabras diferentes propósito tres está en algún lugar dentro del medio entre el propósito uno y un par de. Yo digo & # 8216; ideal & # 8217; Como resultado de esa alineación sugiere poderosamente que uno a dos puede ser un movimiento de impulso (con la tendencia) y un par de a tres es un movimiento de retroceso (contra la tendencia). Esto proporciona una prueba de la dirección de la tendencia.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Estoy a punto de comenzar sencillo y construir capas por capa. Esto puede permitir a los lectores averiguar los conceptos de inspiración que entraron en este indicador. En el último post mostré que una cosa tan sencilla como simplemente dejar caer ZigZag en la carta puede ofrecerle un montón de conocimiento. Creo que es vital para realmente hacer esto. Insertar manualmente las etiquetas de texto de dos a tres en una tabla que sólo tiene ZigZag. Usted puede obtener un dolor mejorado lo que la persona está haciendo un intento de tratar de hacer. Observe los lugares donde los patrones se superponen o es agotador para informar la distinción entre patrones optimistas y pesimistas.

Para una configuración básica tendemos a mantener ZigZag en el gráfico y superposición 123Patterns v1 en prime. Alteramos la configuración del indicador desactivando ShowAllLines ShowAllBreaks y ShowTargets. ZigZag tenía una profundidad predeterminada de doce por lo tanto, tendemos a establecer nuestro indicador a un ZigZagDepth similar = 12. Actualmente somos capaces de ver (en prime de ZigZag) los puntos azules, puntos rojos, y romper flechas como abajo. Tendemos a tener incluso 2 clases de 123 patrones. En primer lugar, esos patrones donde tres está idealmente establecido entre uno y un par de. En segundo lugar, esos patrones dondequiera que se encuentre tres en el otro lado. Algunos dirían que esta segunda clase rompe el patrón y, por tanto, ya no es un sonido.

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Nuevos artículos de Forex:

Sería un suicidio financiero para invertir en cualquier acuerdo de Forex sin conocer los conceptos básicos sobre cómo empezar a operar en los mercados de divisas. En pocas palabras, Forex también significa divisas. Lee mas

Hubo un momento en que el comercio de Forex sólo estaba disponible para los grandes bancos o personas que tienen suficiente dinero para el capital inicial. Ahora, los inversores más pequeños pueden participar en el comercio de divisas por tan bajo como $ 200 con la ayuda de Margin Trading. Lee mas

Para aquellos que son nuevos en el mundo del comercio de divisas, es absolutamente importante saber cómo seleccionar un corredor de Forex. El corredor de Forex equivocado puede tirar su dinero por el desagüe más rápido que un parpadeo de un ojo. A continuación se presentan las cosas más básicas que debe buscar en un corredor de Forex. Lee mas

El comercio en el mercado de divisas puede tener sus ventajas, pero va ciegamente en este tipo de inversiones sin conocer los riesgos de negociar en el mercado de divisas es muy claramente pidiendo una catástrofe que suceda. Lee mas

Una de las muchas ventajas de Forex Online Learning es que va a pagar en el largo plazo. Hay un gran número de empresas que ofrecen cursos en línea sobre el comercio de Forex, y no hay razón para que usted no darles una oportunidad. Lee mas

Hay varias ventajas de Forex Trading sobre el comercio de valores. En primer lugar, el comercio de Forex sucede las 24 horas del día, en comparación con el día de la semana, las empresas sólo horas de bolsa. Lee mas

No hay un centro de compensación o ubicación comercial para el comercio de divisas, que sucede continuamente en diferentes partes del mundo, como el sol se pone en Asia y sus bancos cerrar, el comercio comienza en los EE. UU.

De hecho, en realidad lo hago, más o menos. Es un gran diseño, sin embargo el desarrollo del patrón de pivote 123 intradía en él propio no es suficiente, hay mucho más cosas para ser considerado como. Te observamos que estás comprando y vendiendo en el gráfico intradía de 30 minutos. I & # 8217; m mientras que utiliza 5m 123 patrón de pivote intradía dentro de los gráficos. Me encanta este diseño en particular, ya que incluye probablemente el tipo más fácil de TA allí (donde puede ser el Alto / Bajo con respecto a anteriores Highs / Lows). En una evaluación más cercana, es similar con el fin de diseños adicionales fáciles, como doble fondo / superior y así sucesivamente. Junto con este tipo de patrones / configuraciones fáciles yo personalmente uso S / R-líneas (hago uso de líneas pivote, it & # 8217; s increíble exactamente con qué frecuencia son substancial hacia la pip, sobre cable / swissy / Yenes de todos modos, no la industria Eur / Usd, parece como un conjunto infinitamente más errático / no técnico para mí).

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

También hay otras actividades que yo personalmente uso porque S / R, como ayer / hoy en día Alto / Bajo o incluso niveles de precios aparentes, tales como cantidades circulares. Por lo tanto, junto con S / R, mi admisión personal es mucho más cerca de la etapa 1 o incluso 3, en lugar de la segunda etapa desde el diseño indica. Eso es exactamente donde voy a la ubicación de un buen cesar y también tienen un buen tamaño de posición adecuadamente mayor. Cada vez que este tipo de diseño, junto con una admisión factible evoluciona, no obstante, hay mucho más cosas en qué pensar: exactamente donde realizar todos nosotros se quedan en este momento cuando se trata de la selección típica todos los días del conjunto real? Puede haber el patrón de los conjuntos contrastantes de la industria del conjunto (en el caso de que estoy pensando en una buena admisión dentro del swissy, puede haber el patrón dentro de Eur / Chf o incluso Eur / Usd que aparece hacia mi idea personal)? Exactamente qué período del tiempo del día podría ser (a veces del tiempo del día el grande es realmente mucho más likly que la variedad generalmente así como viceversa, el timeaxis intraday verdadero es realmente tan esencial puesto que el eje del coste). Tienden a ser grandes números que golpean los teatros este mismo día? Etcétera..

Consultas populares:

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Estrategias con respecto a Forex puede ayudarle junto con la compra y venta y proporcionar una mejor señal de la persona con respecto a cada vez que una buena compra o compra de mercado debe ser realizado! En el caso de que usted está buscando una estrategia de frase extendida junto con grandes posibilidades de éxito MACD estrategia fácil es perfecto para una persona. Estrategia muy simple que usted comprenderá junto con simplemente la comprensión fundamental. Ofrece gran peligro o resultado de incentivo, así como Keltner Funnel Estrategia obtendrá verdaderamente mayor precio exitoso.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Esta excelente estrategia excelente de Birmingham en realidad es entre la estrategia muy lucrativo. No hace uso de ningún tipo de Indicaciones. Esta estrategia en particular es en realidad la mayoría del período lucrativo tener un alto precio exitoso. Es fácil examinar la Estrategia real mediante el desplazamiento en segundo plano, así como a mano dibujando sobre los contornos del gráfico para determinar exactamente cómo funciona. La estrategia del club del número del Pin con respecto a Forex proporciona una manera muy buena asociada con saber tan bien como entrenando a los técnicos reales asociados con la industria de la divisa. Dentro de su declaración, la compra real y diseños de venta tienden a ser modelado en función de un diseño particular asociado con la mirada. Esto es realmente cuando se compara con el candelero utilizando la estrategia de llegar a ser extremadamente relevante en conjuntos principales, así como plazos más largos. Symphonie Matrix Strategy es una estrategia sencilla para novatos donde Patrón, Sensación, Emoción y Grave interactúan para crear una estrategia exitosa. Cada vez que el lugar que a la vista que recibe un programa muy eficaz para principiantes, así como avanzado. Scalping a 15 minutos es extremadamente popular compra y venta de estrategia con sistemas Scalping estrategia que podría tener buena volver dentro de ofertas. ¡Se intercambió junto con un logro excelente!

Consultas populares:

Forex estrategia de negociación # 4 (Simple 1-2-3 oscilaciones)

Enviado por Michael el 3 de marzo de 2009 - 13:02.

Como se mencionó aquí, "stop loss es siempre por debajo (tendencia alcista) / arriba (tendencia bajista) punto 3". Muchos para el objetivo de beneficio se recomienda "cálculo para utilizar el mínimo más bajo y el más alto del punto 2 y 3". Las estrategias de Forex recomiendan concentrarse en RRR 1: 3 (Riesgo / Reward / Ratio) y superior. Usando ambas reglas arriba, no podemos nunca alcanzar RRR 1: 3 o aún más alto. Sería RRR 1: 1 y ese método es muy arriesgado.

Que tengas un buen día Michael

Enviado por Usuario el 4 de marzo de 2009 - 17:49.

Me parece que una proporción 1: 3 riesgo / recompensa también depende de la probabilidad de éxito. Si un desglose sólo ocurre el 50% del tiempo, entonces usted está correcto que el riesgo / recompensa es 1: 1. Si un método demuestra una probabilidad del 75% de éxito, y su beneficio objetivo = stop loss, presentaría una proporción 1: 3 riesgo / recompensa. Estoy pensando en esto incorrectamente?

Enviado por Usuario el 6 de marzo de 2009 - 06:16.

Pérdida de parada fija está por debajo (tendencia alcista) / arriba (tendencia bajista) punto 3. El punto de cálculo 2 - punto 3 es (por ejemplo) 50 pips. Entonces se arriesga 50 pips para ganar 50 pips, significa RRR 1: 1. El "RRR" no calcula la probabilidad de éxito en%.

Enviado por Abbey Crown el 10 de marzo de 2009 - 11:20.

Hola Edwards, Por favor, necesito u para aclarar esta pregunta? Sobre esta estrategia. 1. Cómo puedo saber el punto más alto o más bajo para el punto 1. Debería usar i. e MACD crossover cruzando hacia abajo cuando por encima de 0 para el punto más alto 1 para una entrada de venta o lo que u sugieren? Pregunta 2. Qué pasa si la barra de precios se cierra muy lejos por debajo o por encima del punto 2. Es aconsejable entrar en el punto de orientación comercial 3. Gracias. Abadía de la Corona

Enviado por Edward Revy el 15 de marzo de 2009 - 12:41.

1. Use el indicador de fractales. Esa es la manera más fácil. Lo puedes encontrar en la plataforma MT4.

2. Si el precio se cierra lejos del punto 2, es arriesgado entrar en el punto de focalización 3. Así, para no perder nunca una buena ruptura, combine este método con el sistema de ruptura simple. Exactamente como se describe aquí, puede tomar 1 hora (o cualquier otro marco de tiempo más alto) gráfico en el que se identificará 123 configuración, a continuación, como el precio se acerca a la línea de ruptura, se cambia a 5 min y esperar hasta 5 La línea de ruptura, y la primera vela de 5 minutos se cierra. Tan pronto como se cierra, se entra en un comercio.

Enviado por Abbey crown el 20 de marzo de 2009 - 11:25.

Si parece 123 patrones v6 indicador terriblemente riguroso de wid sistema de vuelo, puede realizar dos BB disparó dentro del programa, uno montado en el primer gráfico y conjuntamente el ordinal alcanza mezcla de energía. Apoyó al creador de la energía, que es la mezcla de BB disparó más lejos como MACD. La explicación sería ver el movimiento del mercado como un ímpetu del mercado.

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Es su llamada para crear el uso del indicador de 123 patrones v6 o tal vez no extremadamente, pero es posible que lo necesite gracias a su objetivo. Para arrancar experimentará victimización su atmósfera, posiblemente diez en lugar de veinte y observará sin embargo útil el signo particular es verdad. Usted tiene que descubrir el tiro particular del BB relacionado con tres TF están en contrato, que es un admittance legítimo junto con el ímpetu poderoso así como a su trayectoria. Sitio web tres relacionados con cinco.

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Si parece 123 patrones v6 indicador terriblemente riguroso de wid sistema de vuelo, puede realizar dos BB disparó dentro del programa, uno montado en el primer gráfico y conjuntamente el ordinal alcanza mezcla de energía. Apoyó al creador de la energía, que es la mezcla de BB disparó más lejos como MACD. La explicación sería ver el movimiento del mercado como un ímpetu del mercado.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Es su llamada para crear el uso del indicador de 123 patrones v6 o tal vez no extremadamente, pero es posible que lo necesite gracias a su objetivo. Para arrancar experimentará victimización su atmósfera, posiblemente diez en lugar de veinte y observará sin embargo útil el signo particular es verdad. Usted tiene que descubrir el tiro particular del BB relacionado con tres TF están en contrato, que es un admittance legítimo junto con el ímpetu poderoso así como a su trayectoria. Sitio web tres relacionados con cinco.

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Archivo de la etiqueta: forex 123 backtest

BACKTESTING puede ser el procedimiento para seleccionar la técnica de compra y venta en ciclos anteriores. En lugar de utilizar un método con respecto al calendario por delante, que podría considerar muchos años, el inversor puede realizar la simulación asociada a su compra y venta de la técnica sobre la información anterior adecuada para poder evaluar la utilidad real de it & # 8217; s .

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La mayoría de los métodos de análisis técnico tienden a ser examinados con esta estrategia en particular. Siempre que retroceda el concepto, los resultados logrados tienden a ser extremadamente determinado por las acciones reales del período de tiempo examinado. El backtesting del concepto presume que lo que sucede anteriormente puede ocurrir más adelante, cuya presunción puede causar posibles peligros para esa técnica. Por ejemplo, el estado que necesita para comprobar un método en línea con la idea de que IPOs Web ofuscar el mercado entero. Debe haber sido para probar esta táctica a lo largo del crecimiento puntocom muchos años en el pasado debido 90s, la técnica real podría eclipsar el mercado considerablemente. Sin embargo, el uso de la misma técnica después de la burbuja abierta podría conducir a resultados deprimentes. Debido a que a menudo escuchará: el desempeño general pasado no siempre garantiza los retornos a largo plazo & # 8221 ;.

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ex. Si usted ganó $ 300, su dinero es $ 100. Y luego no pueden retirarse, pero obtendrán $ 100 en su acc real, pero su estado crediticio.

Y entonces usted debe negociar sus $ 100, si usted hace el beneficio que usted puede retiro.

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Sin embargo, existe la posibilidad de retirar efectivo

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Que desperdicio. No puedes retirarlo.

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No se puede retirar debe hacer un comercio de depósitos con él y después de que usted puede tomar (nb de comercio * 3) de su beneficio que el bono es el último tiempo

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FBS Inc AttachmentsJan 3 (hace 6 días) Proceda en su Área Privada → FBS. com - trading account registration 303183 & # 8230;

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A FBS por favor responde m

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Es una mentira GRANDE. no se registre

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Hola hago 307 dólares, pero no me dan un solo dólar fuck el FBS

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Después de hacer ganancias de rebote que se llevará a ellos y debe deposite su propio dinero y el comercio de los lotes necesarios (beneficio / 3 = lotes necesarios para darle los beneficios obtenidos de la rebote. Por lo que el comercio de 7 días, entonces usted necesita para el comercio Con deposite esta es una estafa de biggggg y desperdicio de tiempo scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam he hecho ganancias de 800 $ pero puedo retirarme hasta hacer deposite y comercializar 270 lotes.

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El patrón 123 es el tema de la publicación. Espero que hayas oído hablar de este patrón técnico o leído en algún lugar de la red. He estado mencionándolo en mis publicaciones muy a menudo y quiero discutirlo con más detalle hoy. This technical structure can be found in large, medium and daily trends, usually at the end of them and it is a sign that the trend is about to end. To tell the truth you can find it also in small time frames, but those are not that significant as long time frames. It is a reversal pattern. One thing you will notice with all possible patterns and indicators is that they best work on long term time frames: monthly, weekly and daily charts. Some traders use this reversal formation and trade it without any other indicators on monthly and weekly charts. Daily charts, hourly charts and of course minute charts require more filters in order for you to trade the pattern.

When you finish the post read my other articles too and watch a video:

Structure of the pattern

Formation in silver (reversal in an uptrend)

Let us study an example with the pattern both in the uptrend and the downtrend in silver commodity. Silver has been in an uptrend since the end of 2008 collapse in the markets. When markets picked up, silver was probably the strongest of all commodities. However, after rallying for quite a long time it finally exhausted itself and in the days of April 25 th through 29 th (2011) it formed a reversal pattern and collapsed. So, number 1 was the top of the price (49.78), number 2 was the bottom of the corrective rally down and number 3 was one more attempt to take previous high (unsuccessful one). After that silver went through number two and a downtrend started.

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Structure in silver (reversal in a downtrend)

After a few weeks silver finished its downtrend by forming 123 pattern in the days of May 12 th through 23 rd (2011) and started going up again. So number 1 in this case was the bottom of the price, number 2 was the corrective rally upwards and number 3 was an attempt to take previous low of 32.31 (unsuccessful one).

Speed of development of the patterns and the pace of trends that follow them

In both situations the price reversal happened very fast. The top was formed in 4 days and the bottom in approximately 2 weeks. It is a general rule that tops are formed faster and downtrend is much faster and more dramatic than an uptrend, while bottoms are formed more slowly and then uptrends develop slowly as accumulation increases with time. When 123 is formed at the top and prices starts going down fear rules in the market. This could be the reason why downtrends are so dramatic. Optimism takes time to develop and that could be the reason why prices do not go that fast in uptrends. It is sometimes said that what bulls have built in 3 months, bears destroy in 1 month. Looking at present markets you can change the ratio and say that what bulls have built during 10 months, bears destroy in 1 month. So, have this in mind when you trade these patterns. A lot of great and famous traders made their fortunes in downtrends.

We should also remember that markets change and sometimes they develop ugly ranges of 6 months or more and only then a new trend begins. If you looked at gbp/jpy daily chart you would see that we have a lot of swings up and down and no real long trends in the pair for about a year.

How to trade it

I believe you must know the answer by now. If you have it at the end of an uptrend, you place a sell stop below the point two of the pattern and when it is broken you go down together with the market till it exhausts itself (or another 123 pattern is formed at the bottom). If you have it at the end of a downtrend, you place a buy stop above the point two of the pattern and when it is broken you go up together with the market till it exhausts itself (or another 123 pattern is formed at the top).

Exit rules can be trickier than those for entering the pattern. If you do not want to use any indicators I would say you should use only long term charts: monthly and weekly (monthly would be more advisable) and search for those patterns on large time frames. In that case you would be a true investor who invests only long term. However, your capital would be much safer. Of course, be sure that you do not invest more than you can afford to lose.

Trading on monthly charts enables you to trade all possible securities: forex, stocks and commodities. So, you will have more opportunities to trade than you had following just one market.

If you want to trade the pattern on smaller time frames, you should use 123 pattern as part of your other trading system and never alone, for you will have a lot of bad signals by following the system on smaller time frames.

How I use the structure for day trading

I like the pattern as it helps me to day trade. I firstly determine the direction the market is in. If it is a swing up I wait for counter trend rally down so that I could add on dips. When the rally does come I open 1 hour chart of the security I am watch and wait for 123 to develop on the chart. Then I follow the same rules for entry I described you above.

You can in the example below that gbp/usd is in short term swing upwards with higher highs and higher lows. It means you need to wait for counter trend rally to enter your position in the direction of the trend. You see it forming on one hour chart during Asian session and a nice breakout off the pattern during London session. You place the stop below the low of the pattern and take your profits at the previous high.

Good luck in trading 123 patterns.

You are at blog: Trend

Trading financial markets carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. All information on the blog is of educational nature and cannot be considered as advice, recommendation or signals to trade in any financial markets.

El actual 20 EMA se puede utilizar a través de la mayoría de los establecimientos, las instituciones bancarias, el dinero, así como los niños grandes incluidos en su propia compra y venta. A few utilize it using the mix associated with an additional MUM or even MAs like a System. La mayoría de los hombres pequeños (nosotros) hacen uso de la EMA 20 en cierto tipo o incluso más dentro de nuestra compra y venta. Algunos inversionistas expertos hacen uso del costo, así como 20 EMA porque su propia técnica a través de la compra de un cerca de los 20 EMA real, así como la promoción de un detallado por debajo de los 20 EMA real (no hacer esto en su propia casa, informó Por los usuarios, ya que los expertos también hacen uso de sistemas de filtro para evitar que los "whipsaws" así como los movimientos "falsos").

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En cierta medida, utilizando el actual 20 EMA obtiene, como los retrocesos Fibonacci, la predicción satisfactoria personal. La utilización de la EMA actual no es como una forma de tipo, sin embargo, entre los recursos para ayudar a todos nosotros dentro de nuestro procedimiento de producción de elección. De ninguna manera se suministrará dentro de la lejanía y no se estudiará porque "la palabra final".

Piense en los 20 EMA reales porque el equilibrio, o incluso la colección de la cantidad total que es el punto donde los compradores, así como los minoristas de acuerdo con el costo. Tenga en cuenta que estamos lidiando con el poder cada uno desde el mercado y son los inversores. El poder busca USUALMENTE la estabilidad con la ruta asociada con la oposición mínima. En caso de que no se han llevado a cabo en la actualidad, es necesario investigar un gran número de gráficos (diarios, así como hasta) utilizando el 20 EMA, así como 50 EMA promedio de cambio, así como tener en cuenta una serie de cosas: Pendiente de los promedios La mezcla real de los promedios Costo de acuerdo con los promedios reales.

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Rich Hopkins sales@tag-mate. com

I am totally indebted to you for your help and education for my trading. I love the way you present your articles concisely but with all the required data and real examples to help illustrate your teachings. Luckily your document is stored in a folder with plastic sleeves for me to refer to, otherwise there would be no print left by now. I feel so excited and privileged to have learnt so much from you already, it’s no wonder that you are so respected by traders. I take great comfort from your replies and added knowledge. It’s like you are “virtually” holding my trading hand in guidance, and I respect that so much. Over the coming months I will continue to look for Divergence Trades (I call them Sunil Setups) and 123 patterns. And I am more than happy to keep annoying you with my charts. Good or bad, we never stop learning. One thing I have noticed lately though, is since I have adapted your strategy; my frequency of losing trades has diminished quite substantially. I think it’s a combination of your strategy working in principle, combined with my learning to “wait for the right setup”, and if in doubt, “stay out”, sit on my hands and observe from the passenger’s seat. Then just keep looking for the next trade that I can be the chief pilot for again! Angela Osmond amochoc@tpg. com. au

An outstanding interview, Sunil! As always, you presented the information that traders need to understand with your trademark clarity of thought and organization. This is an article that I will print and re-read to remind myself of the wisdom it contains. I love that your own voice comes through so clearly in your words. Thank you for sharing this!" Carolyn Robinson Della Mea

Sunil has helped me tremendously. I attended many of his online webinars when I had the opportunity. He earned my utmost respect and appreciation for his mastery and skill as a teacher and I felt affection for the person that I felt him to be through his "voice".

“Hi Sunil, I was lucky enough to attend your FX Harmonic Workshop this last weekend and I just wanted to say thank-you for a fantastic event. I have seen many people try to explain Harmonic patterns but your style, examples and explanations beat everyone else hands-down. It was a truly illuminating event and I now understand Harmonic patterns far better than I ever did. You and Martin delivered some fantastic advice to the attendees which will help them improve enormously as traders. Anyone with an interest in Harmonic Patterns needs to attend your course!”

Paul Wallace Prop FX Trader Kaizen Wealth Management

I am enjoying your material very much. Thank you and please add me to your email list. You are really an excellent teacher and have unique insights. I had not thought it was possible to use indicators and you really opened my eyes on the RSI. Muy útil.

Gracias. Avraham Apatow rapatow@yahoo. com

Sunil. while by no means am I an inexperienced trader. I certainly am well aware that my own risk tolerance. and just general level of comfort. Personally. I have learned a great deal from you. and you are one of the finest technical analysts I know. But even more so. you have edified my thoughts about risk management and seeing the overall picture of what it is like to be a successful trader. I know I will achieve whatever it is that needs to be achieved. the money is irrelevant to me at this point. It will come when it is supposed to come. I cannot and will not force the issue. My trading process is no different than my process of learning music and fine art 30 year ago when I was 10 years old. and I feel this self-discipline of classical and jazz music. painting and art history. has simply continued to grow with becoming a trader. I am of the firm and sincere belief that the act of trading is of one looking in the mirror. it really is me against myself. I can analyze. prophesize. talk. opinionate. and everything else. but it really is a very solitary act. De nuevo. para mi. just like painting and composing. My overall point here is you. as an educator. have reaffirmed these traits within me. and it is in this way that I am indeed grateful. You truly are a "trader's" Comerciante. Please accept my apology for rambling about. but I simply needed to let you know the goodness I see in you. which really has absolutely nothing to do with trading. and everything to do with you as a person. Sincerely and with best regards. your friend.

Sunil, I just wanted to say Thank You. It has been a pleasure and such a great honor to be a part of your teaching Fibonacci techniques. Your explanations and reasons have really helped me understand much more about Price Action.

Your calmness and focus are perhaps what set you apart from the crowd. You are what you preach, Discipline.

It took me several times watching your webinar to get the concept of the 1 2 3 pattern. Once I tried it a few times it began to make sense. I am what they call a “Newbie” and I only trade on a Demo account for now. Using your 1 2 3 pattern along with Fib Extension as given me hope that someday I will be able to trade a Live account and not get totally blown out of the water.

Taking part in the training by Forex Trader Pro has been one of the luckiest things I have done. Not only have they introduced me to Price Action but because of their course I’ve been fortunate to meet you. The scariest thing about this whole course is that now I am getting a glimpse of just how much I don’t know. I have so much to learn and discipline is right up there at the top.

I didn’t mean to ramble on and on. I really did just want to say “Thank You”.

I Owe You A Beer, (IOYAB)

Ken Krekel Louisville, KY. Estados Unidos

“I've know Sunil for many years and worked with him on many occasions. He is in my experience quite possibly one of the most knowledgeable and capable teachers and employers of Harmonic Trading Strategies in the world. Allied to his approachable demeanor and willingness to go the extra mile for his clients he is an immensely strong individual to have in your network. I would have no hesitation in recommending Sunil and his work to any interested party.”

Paul Wallace, Trader & Performance Coach Tradingbeleifs paulwallace@tradingbeliefs. com www. tradingbeliefs. com

Sunil, Just wanted to drop a thank you note. I was wandering around aimlessly in the wild world of Forex trading; System hopping, overtrading and searching for the non-existent “holy grail” would define my “style”. In other words, I was just another pig getting slaughtered by the pros. That was until I came across your webinars. I was really fascinated by the way you have simplified the Fibonacci series and Harmonic patterns. Although I was aware of the Fibs, I was only using them like any other amateur trader would. It didn’t take me long to convince myself to sign up for your mentoring program. And I am really glad to have done so.

To the point, precise and simple is how I’d describe your style of teaching. It has helped me build my confidence and I am not overwhelmed by the chart noise anymore as I look at charts in a whole new different way now. I know exactly where my entries and exits are. I would strongly recommend your program to anyone out there who is looking to become a profitable Forex trader.

Time will tell, but I have a feeling that I may have turned a corner as far as my trading business goes if the trades I have taken during and after your mentorship program are any indication. Thank you for taking me on board your personal mentorship program in spite of your busy schedule. I really appreciate it.

Warm regards, Srini Duggirala duggirala@gmail. com 314/494-2688

PS: Yes, I was using the proper MM rules and scaling techniques you taught me on the two trades I was in last week.

"Since becoming a student of Sunil's, I have brought real discipline to my trading based upon the 3Ms. I manage my position sizes and risk:reward far better now, so that I risk less than 1% of my account on any trade plus trading Harmonic Patterns has taken all the stress out of Forex trading for me - as it works across all time frames so you can adapt it to suit your lifestyle. Plus with Sunil, you get to learn both Top Down analysis and Support and Resistance on top of the Harmonics and other Secret Forex Strategies that he teaches. I have learnt to really plan my trades and then trade my plans, taking profits at pre-determined points, this takes out all the emotion from trading. Sunil is an excellent and patient teacher/mentor who has brought structure and polish to my trading, such that I am consistently making several thousand pips each and every month by trading his strategies and methods - if you want to become a consistently profitable Forex Trader then I highly recommend you attend one of Sunil's workshops and start on your road to Forex success."

-Martin W, Plymouth UK

Sunil, In lieu of a couple of 6-packs, I thought I'd drop a line to tell you how much I benefitted from your talk this morning. I complained a bit to Ryan at Options University regarding the paucity of useful information contained in one of the presentations. Yours stood out overall but especially when contrasted with that particular one. In any case, in both relative and absolute terms, your presentation was tops and I thank you for it. I also purchased your special offer - which is probably even better than a 6-pack!

Kindest regards, Ron Nelson Albuquerque, NM

Good stuff today. I like the way you simplify your analysis of the market. I am learning the discipline of your approach better by the week. Especially to not force trades because they are not in or at important levels/resistance. last week I got pinged a few times going against the trend believing the market would turn. now I realize what the heck if it does as I already have nice profits from the downside move. How you explained the CAD was exactly what I needed to hear. no trade yet. Gracias.

Sunil, I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am you accepted me in your room. I realize that all the $$ I spent before on education was wasted, as all I learned from these people was total garbage. The hard thing for me right now is trying to forget the teachings. I also know you said you would send me the templates later on, but I see where I am going to have problems as I will not know how to properly use them. Attending your room I will continue doing, as I do hope to further what I can learn until I am able to do the mentoring with you. Really is neat finally finding someone who actually knows how to trade, and why certain things happen in the market. Silent I will be for a while as I absorb what you go over. Thank you again, and have a great weekend.

Eric Lue Young. elueyoung@hotmail. com

I want to stay for as long as possible. Am just able to see my way clear to trade and am heartbroken over the possibility of not being able to communicate with you anymore. Just use my current payment to extend me into next month. I highly respect your integrity and you are bar none, the best teacher and analyst there is. It is an honor to be your student - Paula pstnut@ca. rr. com

I would highly recommend Sunil Mangwani as a Master Professor in teaching Forex Technical Analysis. His approach to teaching and utilizing Fibonacci in Forex Trading will take you to a much higher level of knowledge. Your learning curve will be shortened dramatically, especially if you are lucky enough to study with Sunil at the beginning of your “search for the Holy Grail”. Even if you have been searching for awhile, spend time with Sunil. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn. Treat your time with Sunil as a college course – take notes; type them up; practice by back testing; practice real time; ask questions; &erio; keep practicing. Sunil did more to increase my level of knowledge than any other mentor I have worked with. He made me a “Fibonacci Princess”. 

Charla Shelbyville IL

That was an amazing seminar on triangles I am very comfortable with all of the things I have learned from you and how much I have learned in such a short time. That USDJPY example today showed me many of the common mistakes I continue to make in my trading. I would have jumped all over that head fake break down if I had been able to identify the triangle in the first place. I am very comfortable with your approach and your kindness and consideration to your listeners. Sorry I have troubled you so much but, I really believe you are a fine teacher and I want to learn more and I feel that the money to subscribe will prove to be a valuable investment.

Thanks, Steve Greenjack Richmond VA

It has been a pleasure listening to you on fxstreet. You have a lovely simple manner in the way you explain. I am not a new trader, however a newbie to fibs/elliot/wolf wave etc. Melinda Kee Italy

I appreciate your professionalism and talent in FOREX. Respectfully, Frank Zaminski

Have listened through few random experts presentations here, there are so many talking without useful info given. Unlike this one. The author is genuine and without hype shares valuable info in a simple and effective way. Muchas gracias. Keep it up! Sonya | 06/11/2008 at 18:27

Sunil: I hope you and your family are well. I would like to share a few thoughts with you and if, at some point in the future and at your leisure, you wish to respond I will appreciate your thinking on what I am expressing. When I entered the forex market I did it through a friend. He explained the market to me and offered to manage an account for me through a professional trader. That lost most of the money in that account in a short period of time. I then took a revenge mentality toward the market with the idea that if the professionals could lose money that fast; I would do just as well to trade the remainder myself. So, I took the account over and continued to lose money. So I tried to educate myself, as you say on your website, through books and some classes. I tried it and continued to do poorly and became even worse as an over-trader. While the financial toll was great, the psychological toll was probably greater. I was swimming with the sharks and being eaten quickly. Still, I felt there was something about this market that I could learn and benefit from. I am grateful for fxstreet because my trial subscriptions lead me to hearing your webinar. It is clear to me that you will not be offering a "trade of the day" with rules I cannot understand. You are offering a reasonable, logical understanding of the market and a true trading system. I can tell you, I have already saved much more than the $80 fee in just these first few days because of the trades I did not enter. And, I really feel that you offer very high probability trading opportunities. What I am getting to is this: I will not be buying any more books or experimenting with other trial websites or paying for any more subscriptions for any other systems. I am confident that I have found a teacher and system that fits my life and personality and, in addition, insists on good money management. I also accept full responsibility for any trade I make and will never blame anyone or any system for mistakes that I make, should things not work for me. And, for the valuable things you teach, I will keep them to myself or refer people to you so they too can learn the system from the person that developed it. I truly thank you very much and feel that I have truly come across a person, in you, that can help me change my life for the better.

Respectfully, Steve Greenjack

I have a deep interest in the fibonacci ratios and chart patterns. Watching your videos from fx instructor on youtube was like watching a true master at work, and it will be a privilege to learn from you. I have been doing extensive research and due diligence on your self and I am impressed with the results .

Regards Marco Dean

I attended your webinar on Monday and really enjoyed it; I have been trading forex for 3 months now and am trying to learn all I can. Thank you so much for the webinar! Katrina Ruiz-Welch. katrinarw@mindspring. com

I admire ur professionalism and applaud ur achievements. Edet Thomas. ema4ddy@yahoo. com

The Harmonic patterns applied to FX trading is fascinating - thanks Sunil for the webinar - I will enjoy learning how to apply your teachings. Sybil Burman. sburman@bigpond. net. au

Very good and clear explanations I have ever received from a forex coach so far James Nguyen Phuc. james_phuc28@yahoo. com

I happened to your website from a video you recorded on fxstreet. I'm a new trader. I had never used Fibanocci's before and after hearing your lecture and seeing your pdf's I thought I'd give it a try. I loaded MetaTrader and found how to set the Fib's. and after loosing several times in the market before (mainly using indicators) I just focused on the Fib's. I made two win's last night in the Eur/Usd market. It wasn't amazing money, because I was only investing .1 and .05 of a mini lot. But it totally works. I started using Fib's on past climbs and falls and I can see how it relates. It's pretty amazing. I just wanted to say thanks for the all the work on your website to help other people, like myself. Brian Warner

Hi Sunil Just read your 'market observations' article in FX trade journal - nothing short of excellent! Do you have this in a word doc or pdf version you could email me for my own personal reference? With kind regards, Stewart Jones stewart. jones@llidiard. co. uk

Hi Sunil Thank you for taking time to write to me. I was very pleased to meet you in Barcelona and look forward to your guidance in my trading. I am looking forward to meeting you in London upon your next visit here. Please do drop me a note or phone me your availability when in London. I will be waiting anxiously! I have today signed up to your trading room and have transferred the monthly fee via PayPal. Please do let me know once you have received the subscription. I have a lot of confidence in your teaching and consider meeting a fine person like you as a blessing. I think this is why I came to Barcelona! Espero escuchar de usted. With best wishes and kind regards Mehboob Merchant

"Think. And You Shall Be!" mebsmerchant@hotmail. com

Sunil, thank you so much. I have looked at a couple of the recording. Stunning. This is what has been missing. I know for you it’s old hat but for newbie’s this is pure gold. It is hard to take in everything in a live session, but with the ability to go over and over you see all the little things your mind was not able to ask at the time of the live session, plus when in doubt just review the video. Hooray for you

Once again Thank You Norman Ford

Sunil i am from iran and i saw your course and i want to told you thank you very very much. Hamid Karamati hamid1@ymail. com

Thank you for excellent presentations Maarten S m342s@btinternet. com

Hi Sunnil could you please supply me with the pdf or word document on best times to trade. Many Thanks in advance. Your seminar came to an abrupt halt. I throughly enjoyed it until that time. Trevor Matthew tlmaffiliates@yahoo. com

Mr. Sunil. I really like your post s@ youtube. 0014169187189 Manish Bhandari night_king@hotmail. com

Howdy Sunil, I just want to extend to you my deep appreciation for the clear logic and thinking processes you presented to us in the class a few hours ago. You inspired me to get engaged with the various training information you offer on your website and the other site you contribute to fxstreet. com. Great material and for the first time since I started this program 2 weeks ago, I have confidence I will become proficient in the Forex market. I’m still awake and learning (6 AM my time). Regards, Henry Chidgey hchidgey@earthlink. net

Hi Sunil, Milka is here, Thank you very much for introducing us this kind of priceless knowledge! Are there some books or online resources of yours where I could find this what you presented tonight? My written lenguage (English) is not that good, but I can better if I read How we find your trading room? Too much Q, thank you very, very much Milka djuricnebojsa@hotmail. com

Hi Sunil, I am part of the OU Forex Trader group. I have been enjoying your technical expertise (although I am still on a learning curve) and I am interested in the fib classes that you mentioned (in the OU training class) plus gaining access to your live trading room, details would be appreciated. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us… Bryan Herbes

I know you must get a ton of emails, this is just a follow-up concerning the details on your live trading room. EXCELLENT job on the Fib classes!! Best regards, Bryan DropIt2Us@cox. net

Sigan con el buen trabajo. Ken Grohs kengrohs@onthenet. com. au

Hi Sanil – I’m interested in knowing about your private trading room. I’m in OUForex and listening to you at the moment. I really like your approach and attitude. Thanks so much. Carol Straquadine cstraq@windstream. net

Hello Sunil, I want to take this opportunity to say how great your sessions at OUFX are - very clear and concise, and thoroughly explained. You knowledge on fibs and divergence is fantastic - I got nuances I had never heard of before. I love the KISS principle, and have settled on using pretty much what you use for trading - price action with candles, support, resistance. fibs, trendline and channels. Best, Tanya M tdmacintosh29@hotmail. com

Your webinar through FXSTREET was worth waking up at 4 AM local time to attend. David Kachuck Oracle Certified Professional DBA MS Access Certified Expert dk0146@yahoo. com

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Forex Trading

Five Fibonacci Tricks

by Alan Farley HardRightEdge. com

Fibonacci jumped into the technical mainstream late in the bull market. Futures traders had it all to themselves until real-time software ported it over to the equity markets. Its popularity exploded as retail traders experimented with its arcane math and discovered its many virtues.

Fibonacci ratios describe the interaction between trend and countertrend markets -- 38%, 50% and 62% retracements form the primary pullback levels. Apply these percentages after a trend in either direction to predict the extent of the countertrend swing. Stretch a grid over the most obvious up or down wave, and see how percentages cross key price levels.

Convergence between pattern and retracement can point to excellent trading opportunities. Keep in mind that retracements work poorly in a vacuum. Always examine highs, lows and moving averages to confirm the importance of a specific level.

Discord between retracement and the underlying pattern generates noise instead of profit. Move on to a new chart when nothing lines up correctly. This divergence generates most of the whipsaw in a price chart. Alternatively, strong phasing between Fibonacci and pattern exposes highly predictive reversals at narrow price levels.

Let's look at five tricks to improve your Fibonacci skills. Add these twists and turns to your toolbox and apply them to your next trade. I promise they'll serve you very well in the years ahead.

First Rise/First Failure

First Rise/First Failure marks the first 100% retracement of a trend within your time frame of interest. It provides an early reversal warning after a new high or low. The 100% retracement violates the major price direction and terminates the trend it corrects. From this level, the old trend can reestablish itself if it breaks through the old 38% level. More often, traders will use that level to enter low-risk positions against the old trend.

Parabolic movement tends to occur between the 0%-to-38% and 62%-to-100% Fibonacci levels in all trends. This tendency offers a great tool for finding the big moves when looking for trades. Watch for congestion to form at the 38% or 62% level. Then use a simple breakout or breakdown strategy when price moves past it. The next thrust can be dramatic, with price moving like a magnet back to an old high or low. Of course, the strategy only works when you can find these levels in advance.

Continuation Gap Extensions

You can often target the exact price a rally or selloff will end at by using the continuation gap as a Fibonacci extension tool. Identify the gap by its location at the dead center of a vertical price wave. Then start a Fib grid at the beginning of the trend and extend it so the gap sits under the 50% retracement level. The grid extension points to the terminating price for the rally or selloff.

Find an active stock and start a grid from the high (or low) of a session's last hour. Stretch the grid to the opposite end of the next morning's first hour low (or high). This defines a specific price wave traders can use to uncover intraday reversals, breakouts and breakdowns. The overnight grid also offers a way to trade morning gaps. The gap will often stretch across a key retracement level and target low-risk entry on a pullback.

Many traders can't figure out where to start a Fib grid. Here's a trick to help you place it where it'll do the most good. The absolute high or low in a price wave isn't the best starting point for a grid most of the time. Instead, look for a small double bottom or double top within the congestion where the trend began. Swing one end of the grid over this second high (or low), instead of the first. This will capture a specific Elliott Wave that conforms to the trend you're trying to trade.

Fibonacci Trading

L eonardo Pisano, better known by his nickname, Fibonacci, was an Italian mathematician born in Pisa in the 12th century. He is known to have discovered the Fibonacci numbers. said to be based upon observations of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt. Fibonacci Numbers are a sequence of numbers where each successive number is the sum of the two previous numbers.

p. ej. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.

It is the ratio of the Fibonacci sequence that is significant, rather than the actual numbers in the sequence. The quotient of the adjacent terms in the series possesses an amazing proportion, roughly 1.618, or its inverse 0.618. This proportion is known by many names: the golden ratio. the golden mean, PHI, and the divine proportion. The dimensional properties that adhere to the ratio of 1.618 occur repeatedly in nature. Examples are as various as mollusk shells and the shapes of gallaxies containing billions of stars.

When used in technical analysis. the golden ratio is most often translated into three percentages: – 38.2%, 50%, and 61.8%. However, other multiples can be used, such as 23.6%, 161.8%, 423%, and so on. The Fibonacci sequence is applied to finance in several ways: retracements. arcs. fans. and time zones.

Introduction to Forex Trading

T he 1971 abandonment of the Bretton Woods Accord and the subsequent unwinding of the regime of universal fixed exchange rates gave rise to the foreign exchange market as we know it today.

Forex refers to the foreign exchange market, where brokerage firms and banks are connected over an electronic network that allows them to convert the currencies of countries around the globe. The forex market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. The daily dollar volume of currencies traded in the currency market exceeds $1.4 trillion, many times larger than the combined volume of all U. S. equity markets.

While the foreign exchange market is often seen to be dominated by government central banks and commercial and investment banks, trading on the currency exchanges has become increasingly accessible to private investors through technological innovations such as the internet. The most commonly traded currencies are the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. The FX market runs 24-hour hours a day, 5 days a week with continuous access to global dealers. Trading is not centralized on an exchange. as with the stock and futures markets. Transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network.

Foreign Exchange es la compra simultánea de una moneda y la venta de otra. Currencies are traded in pairs . for example Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar/Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). For example, you would execute a trade when you expect the currency you are buying to increase relative to the one you are selling. If the currency you are buying increases in value, you must sell the other currency to close the position and take a profit. The first currency in the pair is called the base currency and the second is called the counter or quote currency. Usually the US currency is the base currency and quotes are given in $1 USD per counter currency, e. g. USD / JPY. The exceptions are the British Pound, the Euro and the Australian Dollar.

Suatu sistem diperlukan untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal dalam trading. Sistem ini haruslah dibuat sesederhana mungkin sehingga dapat digunakan secara konsisten oleh pemakainya. Dari riset saya menemukan sistem trading yang terbilang simple dan mudah diaplikasikan. Sistem ini dibahas dalam suatu forum trading di internet dan mungkin dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk membuat sistem trading yang sesuai dengan karakter trading para pembaca.

Sistem ini mengambil teknik 123 yang sudah lama diterapkan di pasar keuangan. Teknik 123 semacam teknik yang menghitung gelombang pergerakan harga untuk memprediksi kemungkinan arah pergerakan selanjutnya. Dan teknik ini digunakan untuk mencari kemungkinan pembalikan tren (trend reversal) .

Mungkin yang akan menjadi pertanyaan anda bagaimana cara menentukan titik 1, 2, dan 3. Pada saat pergerakan harga sedang trending kemudian harga mengalami koreksi yang dalam, titik awal koreksi itu kita jadikan titik 1. Sedangkan ujung dari level koreksi yaitu level dimana harga mengalami konsolidasi merupakan titik 2. Sementara titik 3 kita pilih kondisi pergerakan harga yang memenuhi kriteria retracement Fibonacci 61.8% dari titik 1 dan 2 atau lebih namun tidak melewati titik 1.

Lalu level masuk kita letakkan saat harga melewati titik 2 dengan menempatkan level stop loss di bawah titik 3 untuk posisi beli atau di atas titik 3 untuk posisi jual. Atau bila pergerakan harga sangat fluktuaktif, kita bisa menempatkan level stop loss di bawah/ atas titik 1. Kemudian jarak pips antara titik 2 dan 3 kita jadikan besaran target profit. Cukup mudah bukan? Dan kita tidak perlu menggunakan indikator teknikal lainnya.

Kita ambil contoh pergerakan 15 menit GBP/USD pada tanggal 13 Desember 2010. Pada pukul 15.20 WIB harga berada di level 1.5793 kemudian harga berangsur turun hingga mulai koreksi di level 1.5718 pada pukul 17.15 WIB. Level ini kita jadikan titik 1.

Titik 2 kita peroleh pada pukul 19.15 WIB di 1.5765 dimana pergerakan koreksi mulai tertahan. Lalu kita menggunakan Fibonacci retracement untuk mengukur kemungkinan titik 3 berada. Dengan pengukuran retracement 61.8% antara titik 1 dan 2, kita peroleh titik 3 kira-kira di level 1.5736. Dan harga ternyata melebihi level tersebut namun tidak melampaui titik 1. Titik 3 tersebut valid.

Setelah kita dapatkan titik 123, kita menunggu harga menembus ke atas titik 2 untuk dijadikan level masuk beli (di kisaran level 1.5767 - entry point) dengan level stop loss beberapa pips di bawah titik 3 (di kisaran level 1.5716 - SL1) atau di bawah titik 1 dan besaran target profit disamakan dengan jarak antara titik 2 dan 3 dan didapat di level 1.5814 - TP1. Kita bisa menerapkan risk management dengan membuka 2 lot. Lot pertama kita keluarkan saat TP1 tercapai. Kemudian SL1 kita naikan ke sl2, sehingga untuk lot ke-2 ini kita bebas resiko. Lalu lot kedua kita keluarkan di tp2. Sistem ini sangat cocok di sesi perdagangan yang volatilitas harganya besar yaitu mulai dari sesi perdagangan Eropa dan Amerika.

Learn the Basics of Forex Swaps

Swap is essentially a term that is mostly used in Foreign exchange trading as well as it represents real-time purchase and also profession of similar amounts of a solitary currency for another with unique worth days. It can be well referred to as an interest rate swaps in various currencies. In straightforward words, we could claim that a Forex swap is a contract between two different events to trade series of capital for a particular time period. Unlike other future contracts and also standardized choices, swaps are not the exchange traded instruments. Forex swaps permits sums of specific money to be used in order to fund costs designated in a different currency without having any financial risk.

It is a trusted and reliable cash money management tool for company that has assets as well as responsibilities denominated in various cash. Below, the broker switch one money for another currency at a pre-fixed foreign exchange rate and agree to exchange the currencies back again on a future (much) date at a rate agreed upon at the inception of the swap. In a lot of cases, moneys are originally swapped at the place rate and also the future cost is determined by changing the area rate by the forward factors for the length of time the swap transaction runs for. Start trading binary options at www. binaryoptionscenter. org and make some handsome money.

Foreign exchange swaps have in fact been used to raise global currencies, both for financial organizations and their customers, containing exporters and importers, in addition to institutional sponsors that desire to hedge their placements. They are likewise typically made use of for speculative trading, typically by incorporating 2 countering place with different preliminary maturities. Forex swaps are much more fluid at terms much shorter than one year; nonetheless, purchases with longer maturities have really been enhancing in recent years.

The fundamental estimation of swap includes the rate of interest as well as the difference in price of the picked moneys for the particular amount of swap period. From this broker gets both the borrowing and also borrowing rate. The procedure does not finish here. Afterwards, the next step is to swap the expenses that are either subtracted or added from the actual cost. Foreign exchange Swaps primarily manages the swap of money to an additional for the same rate of interest. It is additionally referred as a Forex exchange purchase.

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123 strategy using renko chart

123 strategy using renko chart

I just found this strategy from internet a few days ago and i want to test it. In this thread i will show you how this strategy works. I'm using renko chart, if you dont know about renko chart and how to instal it, then you must googling to know about it. Point 1. This is the bottom Point 2. This is correction Point 3. This is retest, but not go beyond point 1 Place order buy in the breakout of the number 2 point on the pattern, or we can buy a few pips before breakout. This is my first order on EUR/USD KOKPPOs. jpg I already got more than 20 pips, then i moved my stop loss on SL+1 pip

This trading strategy is being popular day in day out, i first heard about the renko in the 2006, i did not no put much interest then, but this chart explanation and representation on the renko is unique if i must say. But my question is that, in the moving of the stop loss 1 pips towards the side of the take profits, what if the market moves in a whipsaw towards the side that you are still losing in the market, i am saying this if the trader choose to use a higher spread instruments for this renko trading strategy?

Nowadays i have seen many many people trading on renko charts and making thousand of dollars everyday and this is really good. I would like to ask one question from your pic. WHat time frame is it? Is it 2min or what? and what is the size of the renko bar. 5 pips. 10 pips or more? Thank you in advance :)

I ever tried renko chart because looks like a wave technique. I have used various from 3 weeks to see the advantages and disadvantages of renko chart. But I need additional information such as pattern trend or pattern candle to see accurately. In my opinion renko chart is good but had to use the trend to more clearly.

i always used renco if situation market sideways for scalp and get profit 30-150 pips for five digits..sometimes renco gift you false signal and sometimes gift good signal. i always discipline this system and used money management for my psycology and will you have survive in the forex jungle

This trading strategy is being popular day in day out, i first heard about the renko in the 2006, i did not no put much interest then, but this chart explanation and representation on the renko is unique if i must say. But my question is that, in the moving of the stop loss 1 pips towards the side of the take profits, what if the market moves in a whipsaw towards the side that you are still losing in the market, i am saying this if the trader choose to use a higher spread instruments for this renko trading strategy?

If we move our stop loss on SL+1 then we will not get loss, we still get profit only 1 pips if the price move in opposite direction. So, nothing to lose. we still can get profit. It really save because we always follow the trend

Nowadays i have seen many many people trading on renko charts and making thousand of dollars everyday and this is really good. I would like to ask one question from your pic. WHat time frame is it? Is it 2min or what? and what is the size of the renko bar. 5 pips. 10 pips or more? Thank you in advance :)

well, we use EA to make renko chart, so there are no timeframe, we just have one timeframe, it is M2

I ever tried renko chart because looks like a wave technique. I have used various from 3 weeks to see the advantages and disadvantages of renko chart. But I need additional information such as pattern trend or pattern candle to see accurately. In my opinion renko chart is good but had to use the trend to more clearly.

sí. i think we will see the trend more clearly than if we use other chart such as candlestick or bar chart

i always used renco if situation market sideways for scalp and get profit 30-150 pips for five digits..sometimes renco gift you false signal and sometimes gift good signal. i always discipline this system and used money management for my psycology and will you have survive in the forex jungle

Yeah, it is very important. Always use money management in every trade to save our account

As i knew renko chart strategy use EA to receive history data then produce a signal. The function is just like a bollinger bands, renko chart also have three bands to see overbought or oversold condition. And candlestick colour to read trend and read signal. I used this system long time ago and a bit forget for the details.

The actual Forex Candle Predictor may be the planet’s the majority of precise predictor with regard to Metatrader, within telling a person the actual path of the extremely following candlestick. So far as I am conscious, absolutely nothing may complement the actual Forex Candle Predictor, when it comes to it’s capability to regularly choose the following instant candlestick path, by having an typical strike price associated with 75%. Created for the actual M5, M15 as well as M30 timeframes, upon almost any foreign currency set.

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Not every the actual deals tend to be “perfect” while you pointed out. I’m not really declaring this particular will get 100% forecasts proper each time (obviously! ). Nevertheless, most of all of them tend to be just right. Make sure you notice this particular line provided you are feeling is essential in order to evaluate exactly how precise the actual Forex Candle Predictor is really, on the reside accounts. The purpose of the actual Forex Candle Predictor would be to forecast that method the following candlestick will near. That is this. Regarding how you can make use of the Forex Candle Predictor, it is as much as the actual investor. We do not supply any kind of particular techniques how to make use of this, I simply supply the real Predictor. Basically, this can be a device that merely notifies the actual investor by which path the following candlestick will near; the actual investor may use which info for his or her advantage by any means these people select.

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Ultimate Alerts & Arrows Mq4 could be a terribly handy very little indicator which can show associate degree arrow every time the CCI crosses the zero line, the arrow indicator can draw associate degree arrows within the given direction of the cross while not the requirement of golf stroke the Ultimate Alerts & Arrows Mq4 on the chart. As most of you will already understand, many professional traders can swear by the CCI indicator since it’s one among the good indicators that comes within the default Meta trader Package. The CCI is extremely alert to worth changes and lags slightly but the RSI. The Ultimate Alerts & Arrows Mq4 is sweet to see the market state of affairs to understand whether or not we tend to area unit in pessimistic or optimistic condition. It may be used for future trend on higher time frames or for day trading on lower time frames. This indicator are going to be useful for those traders preferring to stay it merely and abstain from agglomeration their charts with several indicator windows.

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It additionally relieve the eyes from the good strain of looking the CCI crosses in person and let the indicator bed for you. The Indicator parameter is that the default CCI amount that is that the length the CCI can return in history, the longer=the sander however a lot of lag. Ultimate Alerts & Arrows Mq4fourteen is that the default setting and its quite correct intrinsically. As you’ll see, the indicator is extremely merely and doesn’t cluster your charts. you’ll opt for the color of the arrows supported your own feeling. However, though this indicator may be superb for trade entries, it’s suggested to not take trades which fits against the established trend, whether or not future or short term.

You’ll use completely different ways to measure the trend and therefore the hottest methodology is to seem for the trend on higher time frames, then take trades solely within the direction of this higher trend from a shorter time frame. for instance, if we’ve got associate degree Up trend on H1 and H4, we tend to solely take long (buy) trades from a shorter time frame, for instance M5 or M15. Taking counter trend trades may be risky, however, there area unit traders WHO area unit specialists in counter trend commercialism. So, this half is entirely on the traders facet as per his feeling.

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Free bonus of $123 USD from FBS broker

Por Raúl Canessa C.

The Forex and CFD broker FBS offers for 2016 a promotion without a time limit for new and existing customers, consisting of a $123 bonus for traders who open an account with this company. This bonus is awarded for a limited time (seven days), and the profits obtained through the transactions in which the bonus money is used can be retained without restriction. However, the bonus money itself can not be withdrawn.

-Period of validity of the promotion : For now this offer has no deadline and is valid throughout 2016, however FBS may change the terms or cancel the promotion at any time.

Generall terms of the offer

It is a promotion for all customers of FBS (new and existing).

It requires no prior deposit by the trader.

To access this bonus, the trader has to open an account "Bonus 123" on the website of FBS.

Once the account is opened, the client receives a bonus $123 in Bonus 123 account in the Personal Area.

For a period of 7 days, the client can trade using the bonus money. In 7 calendar days, the account balance is reduced to zero, the bonus is withdrawn, and the benefit is added to the "Bonus 123" section of the customer Personal Area.

Then the bonus account becomes an Unlimited account .

On the first day of each month, the trader has the possibility to withdraw part of the earnings obtained with bonus funds according to monthly trading volume. The formula to determine the amount the client can withdraw is: Amount of the benefits to withdraw each month = Number of lots traded in the previous month * 3.

For example, a trading volume of 50 standard lots means a total of $150 on revenues available for withdraw.

Other current promotions of FBS includes:

A 100% bonus for every deposit made by customers of FBS.

A promotion of Forex cash rebates that allows customers to earn extra income from their trades up to $15 per lot traded in the market.

You can learn more about this promotion and open a "123 Account" to access the 123 bonus of FBS, by entering the company website through the following link:

Easy Forex For Beginners

Forex comes from Foreign Exchange and it is a global market for trading currencies. All international banks trade in this market, as well as businesses and private investors. Forex is a decentralized market, which means there’s no globally imposed exchange rate for any currency.

Forex currencies are traded in pairs. You use one currency to buy another one. Forex is a very volatile market, so you can either make a fortune or lose a lot of money in just a few seconds. Any major news event with international impact may affect exchange rates in a way that’s impossible to predict.

If you want to trade Forex, one way to deal with it is to find a broker. Since your money will be in his hands, choosing a good broker is crucial for your success with your currencies trading. If you want to learn and trade by yourself, there are online trading platforms which you can use. Easy Forex is one of them.

Advantages of Easy Forex

- It allows you to use 100% of your funds, without any other collateral

- The minimum initial deposit is $25. This is great for beginners, because it is wiser to start small and scale only after you learn the tricks of the trade. Forex trading is a risky activity, no matter how experienced you may be. However, when you are just learning it, you’ll probably risk more than an experienced player.

- Leverage ratio: 1:50, 1:100, 1:200. Depending on certain factors, your account may qualify for tailor-made leverage ratios.

- All main currencies can be traded via the Easy Forex platform. This is great, because sometimes you might have more opportunities of making profits when trading pairs other than the typical EUR/USD or GBP/USD.

- Fixed spreads. Depending on your account type, your benefits and spreads may vary. You can study them all and choose the trading account that works best for you.

- The trading platform is online. This enables you to trade at any time, from anywhere, without having to install any software on the computer.

- The Inside Viewer feature allows you to see trends and trades in real time. This feature is based on what the other users of the platform are trading.

- The SMS Alert service is extremely useful to keep you updated with the latest market news. This can save you money, because you’ll be able to react to events almost instantly.

- Easy Forex offers a continuous news feed provided by Reuters, to keep you informed 24/7 on international events.

- There are a few more helpful features such as an interest rates table, financial indicators, cross currency rates, live Forex videos and news, fractional pips and fixed spreads.

Apart from the Web trading, you can benefit from Easy Forex on Mobile, which is an application especially designed to allow you to trade right from your smartphone.

Even if opening a trading account is as easy as paying $25, you need to understand the risks of Forex trading and take all measures to minimize losses. Briefly, you should probably trade only those amounts which you can afford to lose, in case things go wrong.

Tag Archives: 123 reversal macd

The Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Oscillator is actually unique since it includes impetus as well as pattern in a single indicator. This excellent mixture of pattern as well as impetus could be put on every day, every week or even month-to-month graphs. The conventional environment with regard to MACD may be the distinction between your 12 as well as 26-period EMAs. Chartists searching for much more awareness might get one of these smaller short-term shifting typical along with a lengthier long-term shifting typical. MACD(5, thirty-five, 5) is actually much more delicate compared to MACD(12, twenty six, 9) as well as may be much better suited to every week graphs. Chartists searching for much less awareness might think about widening the actual shifting averages. The much less delicate MACD may nevertheless oscillate above/below absolutely no, however the centerLine crossovers as well as signal Line crossovers is going to be much less regular.

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The actual MACD isn’t especially great for determining overbought as well as oversold amounts. Despite the fact that you’ll be able to determine amounts which are in the past overbought or even oversold, the actual MACD doesn’t have any kind of top or even reduce limitations in order to hole it’s motion. Throughout razor-sharp techniques, the actual MACD may still over-extend past it’s historic extreme conditions. Lastly, keep in mind that the actual MACD Line is actually determined while using real distinction in between 2 shifting averages. What this means is MACD ideals tend to be determined by the buying price of the actual fundamental protection. The actual MACD ideals for any $20 shares might vary from -1. 5 to at least one. 5, as the MACD ideals for any $100 might vary from -10 in order to +10. It’s not feasible in order to evaluate MACD ideals with regard to several investments along with different costs. If you wish to evaluate impetus blood pressure measurements, you need to use the actual Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO), rather than the MACD.

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Свечной анализ NZD/USD на 23 октября 2012-10-23

Daily Смотреть полное изображение Новозеландский доллар против доллара США не смог закрепиться над коррекционным уровнем Фибо 76,4% - 0,8230. Была образована около этого уровня медвежья свечная формация «Харами», которая обозначила продолжение падения котировок, но в целом в последнее время многие свечи открываются и закрываются примерно на одних уровнях, поэтому и движение слабое и свечные формации не все влияют на рынок. Сейчас цена может попробовать продолжить падение котировок в направлении уровня коррекции 61,8% - 0,8082. Закрепление котировок над уровнем Фибо 76,4% позволит рассчитывать на рост курса в направлении уровня коррекции 100,0% - 0,8469. 4h Смотреть полное изображение После образования бычьей свечной формации «Поглощение» котировки вернулись к коррекционному уровню Фибо 38,2% - 0,8187, закрепиться над ним не сумели. Поэтому после образования медвежьей свечной формации «Повешенный» выполнили разворот в пользу доллара США и могут упасть к коррекционному уровню Фибо 50,0% - 0,8135. Закрепление курса под этим уровнем позволит рассчитывать на продолжение падения в направлении уровня Фибо 61,8% - 0,8083. Закрепление курса над уровнем 38,2% даст паре возможность начать рост к уровню коррекции 23,6% - 0,8251.

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.

Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!

Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados ​​en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.

Socialización aleatoria en el foro Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos sobre temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.

Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.

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Forex Forum – Introducción. Forex market is high-yield and risky mean of taking profit by operations with the currency rates. Instruments of work at Forex market in many ways determine the result of currency trading made by Forex market participants – brokers’ clients. Every Forex broker offers its own terminal, however the most part of brokers and traders concur in choosing MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals. This forum is created for those who prefer the terminal of MetaTrader series in trading on Forex.

Forex Forum – trade discussion. Forex market forecasts, independent opinions of novice traders and experts of the currency market – all this you will find at the Forex-forum of trades discussion. Solid experience of work on Forex is preferable, but all comers including Forex-newbies may come and share their opinion as well. Mutual help and dialog – the main goal of communication at Forex-forum, devoted to trading.

Forex Forum – dialog with brokers and traders (about brokers). If you have negative or positive experience of work with Forex broker – share it at Forex Forum, related to the questions of Forex service quality. You can leave a comment about your broker telling about advantages or drawbacks of work at Forex with it. The aggregate traders’ reviews of brokers constitute a rating. In this rating you can see the leaders and outsiders of the Forex services market.

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We appreciate your choice of Forex forum as a platform for communication.

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After the bonus deactivation, “Bonus 123” account becomes a “Micro” account.

Example: You got the bonus at 15:20 on April 13. Bonus will be deactivated at 00:00 on the night of April 20-21;


Posts tagged forex automated trading

This is Kirk with the forestry secrets mister. Do we want to talk a lot about like an automated trading system sir be profitable well at certain times it can be so we are not experts on automated trading system is going by history as to what we’ve seen and heard from hundreds over the people so basically the way we understand that the automated system generally is programmed to do certain things on the market does certain things sofa Marcus going sideways then its program to do certain things and when it’s trending up or down it’s probably need a different over automated system to do something else truck marked a few areas works basically going sideways in a minute to jumped out start doing to other things no I don’t know about the basic programming behind all the indicators and they may be a little more brought the whole time showing I’m trying to illustrate the concept of when the the market does change you can see it came down here the maybe there would be no automated system to work in this area but at some point it would stop working because the up market actually changes from what it was doing before and you can see the different changes words trending sideways training up sideways up and down and that makes it difficult for the program to work.

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So there, we seem traders that have tried to use a couple different types have automated system hands with head wash the charts almost as much not even more than if they’re actually trade in real time so they know when to change the system that they think might be working and whether it’s trending are not and then there’s a chance they might be wrong that it has nicely made the change so the bottom line is we’ve never really seen when mean an automated trading system work for long periods of time yes we’ve seen people make a lot of money sure prayer time but we haven’t heard them making money for long free time for recruiters were until would suggest that you just learn how to trade using indicators and signals and then you have a better idea of what the marks actually doing and you’ll have a real grasp on what can be made in the market nosing it happens is the if you get a the automated trading system that does work a little bit then the yet thousands people use the same system in it put some trades all at the same time same point then the brokers can fill a large orders but they all have the 100 loaves bread or 100 positions that can be filled then some bad luck in the field in.

The system doesn’t work properly or the banks in the brokers the will start losing money mill find a way to shut those systems down so the best thing is to do is to learn 0 to traders that’s our opinion on automated trading systems so if you do find one that works there probably is not being the sole publicly his pro being kept a very close so that they can continue to do to make it work for them so if you’re lucky enough to find one then the let us know so we can be on the secret but don’t share with everyone else hope you get the point from what I just shared with you and we’ll talk to another time

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