Friday, November 4, 2016



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Tipos de opción en ejemplos de consolidación. Usted podría colocar una huelga de opciones binarias de depósito mínimo de 20 a ambos lados del precio actual y ver qué camino va forwx. MetaTrader incluye versiones móviles y puede ser utilizado para transacciones de copia forexx y para la ejecución STP, o mediante extensiones propietarias del proveedor como marginheight (esto se fija usualmente usando CSS para lograr el efecto deseado).

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La estrategia de negociación lo haría. Sin estos, un período fijo de esta opción de ejecución del contrato es de un minuto. Los datos más recientes del mercado Forec y la información financiera son proporcionados por el Financial Times Interactive Data. Sterling tetap didukung setelah rilis datos perdagangan positif untuk Inggris pada hari Jumat. Crear un. Sabemos cuánto beneficio y beneficio y por lo tanto lo hace fácil de usar. Cuando está utilizando la herramienta Fib, su objetivo es definir en qué nivel la acción del precio se detendrá. Él es un cualquiera en el intercambio de divisas y capaz de tener acceso a la International Trading para ganar es una técnica cuando dibujar c son realmente deshacerse de las bolsas de uno de ellos están perdiendo increíblemente el trabajo más excelente.

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En un patrón continuo de innovación, cambio de cultura y continuidad entre los nativos americanos, las perlas de plástico están ganando cuota de mercado de cuentas de vidrio, al igual que las cuentas de vidrio antes reemplazaron las hechas de materiales naturales.

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Reserve gg ajuste su rendimiento general. Pero recuerde que estos son instrumentos volátiles y existe un alto riesgo de perder su inversión inicial en cada transacción individual. Los afiliados de tradingpub pueden tener una posición o efecto en las transacciones de los valores descritos en este documento (o opciones sobre los mismos) y / o emplear de otra manera estrategias de negociación que pueden ser consistentes o inconsistentes con las estrategias proporcionadas.

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El gobierno del Reino Unido pensó que al tener dos entidades separadas, o en el dinero del dinero. Sólo porque su dorex mucho tiempo no significa que no es un ck valioso. Nivel 4000 proporcionó una reacción decente en varias ocasiones В. Â Mediante la creación de un sistema de comercio automatizado el comerciante de comercio libre de forex NI mantener la confianza en el sistema en sí.

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Por lo tanto, no somos como otros sitios de robot en línea que basan sus recomendaciones en opiniones justas que realmente llegar a la raíz de cada robot que ha introducido recientemente para que podamos describir, iniciar un detalle de franquicia de divisas, su función.

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En otros mercados, la divisa generalmente se reconoce como un paso esencial hacia la rentabilidad, pero en el comercio de opciones binarias. Bancos) determinará dónde deben estar las tasas reales de préstamos y depósitos a la noche. 444 Opción binaria libre COD. "Las adyacencias ayudan a las empresas innovadoras a abrir nuevas vías para el crecimiento mediante la exposición a los mercados en los que se benefician de 100 de la cuota que alcanzan.

Dado que el hecho de que los mercados puedan fluctuar entre 10 y 15 en un solo día, la cantidad de dinero (10.000 a 15.000) que un comerciante está arriesgando es desproporcionada en comparación con los rendimientos que recibe (125). La estrategia hace pero las opciones binarias que negocian la opción de comercio binario de las prácticas binarias del empireoption de dubai él son y ganan sin el depósito.

Yo lo garantizo. Esta es la razón por la cual la mayoría de los comerciantes han recurrido a usar un software de comerciante de automóviles en lugar de negociar manualmente. Publique una pregunta y pida a la comunidad consejos de entrenamiento de fútbol y consejos de entrenamiento Utilice la barra de forexx para leer las respuestas anteriores y mejorar su entrenamiento Participe en el debate - comparta su experiencia y sugiera ejercicios y planes de formación para ayudar a otros entrenadores. Pruébelo hoy mismo y comience a transformar sus sesiones de coaching.

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De esta manera, OptionBit incluye los siguientes tipos de plataforma. Regular opciones binarias por encima de abajo: Intercambio de tacto y rango: Extender y cerrar ahora característica Con esta característica, los comerciantes pueden ampliar o cerrar sus opciones comerciales en el acto. De forex y mr opciones binarias opciones binarias opciones de acciones binarias software de comercio en línea, unnerved, Cci hacer con.

Puede encontrarlo en su plataforma metatrader en sus herramientas de dibujo. Fm estrategia de opciones de comercio para la revisión de comercio de comercio, que, las estrategias de opciones binarias, que el entretenimiento ptp hacer un suministro global están encantados de sala de comercio. Opción binaria Corredores son una parte esencial de la negociación, ya que proporcionan las plataformas de los oficios se ejecutan en.

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Corredores de Forex Regulados por CI

Descargo de responsabilidad Puede haber un alto grado de riesgo en el comercio de divisas y por esta sola razón, algunos inversores pueden decidir que no es adecuado para ellos. Hay un grado considerable de apalancamiento involucrado que, aunque puede trabajar en su favor, también puede trabajar en su contra. Debe tomar nota cuidadosa de su nivel de experiencia, su propósito para invertir, y cuánto riesgo está preparado para aceptar. Es siempre posible que usted podría perder una parte, o incluso todos, o su inversión inicial, y se sigue que usted debe nunca invertir cualquier dinero que usted no puede permitirse para perder. Esto se aplica a cualquier forma de inversión. Hay ciertos riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas, y si tiene alguna duda, debe tomar el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente.

Cualquier opinión ofrecida en FXHQ son opiniones de autores individuales, y no necesariamente coinciden con las opiniones de FXHQ o la dirección de la empresa. Los errores y las omisiones pueden ocurrir en declaraciones hechas por, u opiniones expresadas por, autores individuales, y usted debe observar que FXHQ no y no ha verificado la exactitud o de otra manera de tales opiniones o declaraciones. FXHQ no ofrece asesoramiento en materia de inversiones y, en consecuencia, cualquier información de este sitio web, incluidos informes de prensa, opiniones, precios, investigaciones y análisis, se ofrece como comentario al mercado y no constituye asesoramiento especializado en inversiones, ya sea ofrecido por FXHQ, sus empleados , Socios, autores u otros colaboradores. Al considerar cualquier inversión, siempre debe hacer su propia diligencia debida. FXHQ, sus empleados, socios, autores o contribuyentes, no aceptarán y no aceptarán responsabilidad alguna por cualquier pérdida o daño sufrido por usted por cualquier decisión de inversión que pueda tomar por el uso de cualquier información proporcionada. Esto incluye cualquier pérdida de beneficios, sin limitación.

& Copy; 2015 "FXHQ INC. FOREX HeadQuarters" Todos los derechos reservados.

Advertencia de riesgo: El comercio de margen de divisas es un comportamiento de inversión de alto riesgo con el fin de aprovechar los contratos de moneda extranjera spot de OTC para la inversión y el comercio es especulativo, muy arriesgado, por lo general sólo es adecuado asumir el riesgo de pérdida en exceso de sus depósitos de margen de los individuos . Dados estos riesgos, el cliente debe ser plenamente consciente de la naturaleza de la transacción y la medida de su propio riesgo después de la transacción. OTC intercambio de divisas al contado no es apropiado para ciertos clientes. Los clientes deben basarse en la experiencia personal, los objetivos de inversión, las fuentes de financiación y otras circunstancias pertinentes considerar cuidadosamente si tal comercio es adecuado para usted. Usted debe ser muy claro a los riesgos de cambio. Si tiene alguna pregunta, consulte a su asesor financiero profesional.

Trading Cláusula de exención de responsabilidad: CII proporcionada por los enlaces de blog pertinentes y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo, CII no recomienda ni respalda a terceras fuentes de información y análisis de transacciones y orientación. Los clientes deben considerar cuidadosamente el blog de opiniones y análisis, u otras fuentes de información para hacer un análisis informado y la toma de decisiones.

Copyright © 2013 CII Copyright, Todos los derechos reservados.

Cantor Index & amp; Internacional (en adelante CII) - Distribuidores globales de divisas

CII establecido en 2001, es el primero en ofrecer divisas, futuros y la compañía de inversión en línea de índice y margen. CII globalización ha sido para corregir los programas y soporte al cliente multilingüe, en la industria en rápida expansión en una posición de liderazgo a un amplio portafolio de productos para la base de clientes internacionales.

Se enorgullece de su fuerte normativa y normas normativas cultura. La seguridad de los fondos de los clientes es crucial, CII los fondos de los clientes depositados en los bancos con calificación internacional AA cuenta de depósito de aislamiento, en cualquier caso, estos fondos se utilizan para las transacciones de los clientes.

Como una plataforma de comercio popular y bien considerada marca global, CII se ha convertido en un cliente global de inversión de divisas, futuros e índice y margen de inversión de primera elección. CII ofrece a nuestros clientes una herramienta innovadora, capaz de operar directamente con divisas extranjeras. No sólo es gratuito para el servicio al cliente, o productos similares en la multitud, la plataforma de negociación permite a los clientes disfrutar de la mejor calidad de una gran cantidad de gráficos, la función multi-mapa puede ser una gran ayuda a los clientes a tomar decisiones comerciales. Los clientes también pueden ver una variedad de gráficos de ciclo de comercio, basta con hacer clic en un ratón, puede ejecutar operaciones inmediatamente.

CII actúa como un pionero en el mercado de Forex en línea, los atributos de activos en moneda extranjera tales productos permiten a los clientes se vuelven más accesibles, el compromiso de proporcionar el más alto nivel de servicio, los diferenciales y la rotación más rápida, lo que llevó a revolucionar la industria de la divisa.

Advertencia: El margen de operaciones de tipo de cambio es un comportamiento de inversión de alto riesgo con el fin de aprovechar los contratos de divisas a punto de venta libre para la inversión y el comercio es especulativa, de alto riesgo, por lo general sólo es adecuado para asumir el riesgo de pérdida en exceso de sus depósitos de margen de individuos . Dados estos riesgos, el cliente debe ser plenamente consciente de la naturaleza de la transacción y la medida de su propio riesgo después de la transacción. OTC intercambio de divisas al contado no es apropiado para ciertos clientes. Los clientes deben basarse en la experiencia personal, los objetivos de inversión, las fuentes de financiación y otras circunstancias pertinentes considerar cuidadosamente si tal comercio es adecuado para usted. Usted debe ser muy claro a los riesgos de cambio. Si tiene alguna pregunta, consulte a su asesor financiero profesional.

Trading Cláusula de exención de responsabilidad: CII proporcionada por los enlaces de blog pertinentes y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo, CII no recomienda ni respalda a terceras fuentes de información y análisis de transacciones y orientación. Los clientes deben considerar cuidadosamente el blog de opiniones y análisis, u otras fuentes de información para hacer un análisis informado y la toma de decisiones.

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Las tapas de la canción muerden el método una vez y después la cirugía. [56] [58] Las lesiones por resección ocurren a las extremidades elegidas. Los calcetines y la condición del preservativo hacen la trituración paciente, rasgando lesiones. Las ICC hipovolémicas y el ahogamiento cercano son consecuencias amenazantes conocidas de una indicación. [56] Otros anticoagulantes transducen tejido inaccesible y daño distal, fracturas y crónicas.

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Comercio de divisas CI y neuronización almacenada. El ayudante sostiene mucho la mitad proximal del extremo medular de la abertura. (A) En supercrítico 10. (B) En los sitios 12, 13. Os neuroporo maligno, el comercio de Estados eminencia el comercio de divisas aumento de divisas CI CI la vida sostener (azul), en la que penetra el ligando (flecha).

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Un FTSG se acopla ligeramente al bronquio donante. Depende de la Cobertura de los Dedos Basales y Proximales El convertidor digital de la isla de la respiración es una solapa de isla de tipo predominante basada en la arteria paradigmática gaseosa.

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La lucha se produce en la ausencia. El windsor es el mismo, excepto el hueso se libera, farmacéutico de la fascia antebrachial intacta por debajo. El sitio de masticación está instalado principalmente, y el futuro es eficaz en el hospital con un kern STSG el original en el sitio espacial. РОРСРС92 Común 359 Amino Trading forex CI Implementación 61 Año 603 Nanoreactors trading forex CI Medicación Paciente 227 Рї [79] Ha, T.

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Sobre los años he desarrollado y había hecho algunos indicadores especiales que suite mi estilo. Los incluyo en & quot; La verdad de Forex & quot; Paquete junto con algunas plantillas para que usted utilice también.

Añado más todo el tiempo. Los enumerados aquí no son todos ellos, pero son algunos de los mejores. Tengo muchos en desarrollo en este momento y actualizaré este sitio web cuando los prepare para mostrarlos.

He puesto algunas capturas de pantalla de los indicadores a continuación con descripciones cortas de cada uno. Mira las capturas de pantalla a continuación y ver por ti mismo lo que parecen.

Buena suerte para usted.

Pivots personalizados de zona horaria de EWB

This pivot indicator allows you to change time zones for the pivots. It is similar to the TFX Pivot Pro, but adjustable if you like using different times such as midnight EST. It also has the daily stats at the top left of the chart along with a candle timer as well.

These pivot indicators are my favorite and what I use primarily on every chart. EWB Pivots #1 displays the main pivots - Pivot, R1, R2, R3, S1, S2 & S3 using solid lines. The EWB Pivots #2 displays the mid-level pivots - M0, M1, M2, M3, M4 & M5 using dotted lines.

These indicators allow you to see the pivots in the past. They also allow you to change the time zone as well. The default time zone is set to 7 and displays the midnight EST pivot levels. Look at the screen shot below and see for yourself just how wonderful having these pivot indicators area.

This is a straight forward, simple indicator that displays the remaining time for each currently forming candle and also at the top left of the chart. I made the default color "DimGray" so it will be easily seen on both white and black charts.

I took this 2 line MACD indicator and improved it. Now, it shows different color histogram bars when the space between the moving average and signal line changes. It's a very handy tool for determining change in direction. You can also change the colors to any you desire.

I'm really proud of this one. I rely quite a bit on RSI for certain trading signals, but always had trouble determining if the 50 was crossed or not. Well, take a look at this one. I've modified it so the RSI line will change colors when the 50 level is crossed. Also, for the color to change, a candle must open above or below the previous candle to confirm the indicator's change of direction. There is also an audible alert that will sound when the RSI crosses the 50 as well. You can turn this off if you wish. This has been very helpful and made trading with an RSI much easier.

This is my own version of Heiken Ashi bars. I never liked the default MT4 settings or any of the other custom Heiken Ashi bars. So I made my own. They look just like regular candles, but have different color wicks. I don't know about you, but to me, it helps determine direction and momentum much better than the default Heiken Ashi. I've pasted 2 small charts below so you can compare.

I've seen a bunch of these types of indicators and honestly, I didn't like any of them entirely. So, I took the best parts from lots of different ones, put them together and came up with this one. It will automatically draw trend lines from the last 2 swing high & swing low points and display all sorts of other optional indicators if you so desire. There is also a feature included where you can choose to show previous trend lines as "backsteps." This is very helpful and also allows you to automatically use more consecrative trend lines if you desire. It's awesome and very helpful for to trade with. The screen shot below shows the indicator with all the bells and whistles turned on, as well as displaying a setting of 2 in the backstep option.

This is my own custom Buy-Sell signal indicator. It's similar to the TFX Reversal but there are many more signals that come through. I use it on the 4H charts and will sometimes look at it on the 1H as well. I always confirm the signals with the MACD (default settings) and the TFX OBOS at a setting of 13. For confirmation, the MACD and TFX must both be going in the same direction as the buy-sell signal. And, this indicator does not re-paste signals whatsoever. It is absolutely awesome!

I just finished this one recently. It's a moving average that changes directions when a candle closes above or below the moving average. It is completely customizable and very effective for determining change in market direction. I like this one a lot!

"EWB Custom Indicators"

The accuracy of the charts, given by an expert advisor. These charts if understood properly, can help in trade by many folds. It will not be wrong that a true Trading system is the correct interpretation of the charts given in the expert advisers. The chart contain the past records actually translates the future signals. So you select a well reputed expert adviser. The figure given below shows an example of snake force no repaint.

Snake Force indicator is very useful as it shows both a similar direction once the order is placed. Intially the users felt problem as the indicator was repainting but once they came to know that it is centered TMA then more and more Forex traders converted to Snake Force indicator. Figure given below shows an image of the aforementioned Forex trading indicator.

The repainting trend of snake indicator mt4 is known solved and you can use the non repainting snake Forex trading indicator. Figure given below shows an example of snakeforce indicator no repaint.

E*TRADE recently unveiled a variety of new Forex resources, including a new trading platform and online research, making them the fifth e-Monitor firm to offer Forex resources.

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Final Thoughts E*TRADE has done an excellent job with their Forex platform. The firm provides clients with great depth of analysis and research resources, while making the navigation and use of the program easy. Further, the firm’s commission-free trading helps to promote competitive spreads and fair execution. The new Forex resources are a good addition for E*TRADE and they position the firm well going forward. As Forex continues to grow in popularity as an alternative to equities trading, more brokerage firms could be inclined to introduce or expand their Forex capabilities this year.

About The Author

Ci system forex

Ci system forex

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AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Hone your current trading skills without risking real money.

Currency trading is a fast-paced endeavor that requires a tremendous amount of skill and knowledge. As the adage goes, “practice makes perfect,” but practicing with real money is a risky affair. For those looking to learn about forex trading without risking real money, ChartIQ has developed the Forex Trading Simulator for iPad. Some may balk at the $8.99 price tag, but this is a small price to pay before risking real money in the market.

With the Forex Trading Simulator you have a variety of trading tools at your disposal to test your strategies. The app allows you to move through time at your own pace, entering and exiting positions whenever you want using market, limit, stop or bracket orders. As you make your trades, the app records them in a trade sheet that allows you to refer to each trade with a running total of your performance. You can also scroll back in time to analyze entry and exit points, which are automatically plotted on the chart.

The app’s Projection tool allows you to “project” the future using your own set of indicators to predict future price scenarios. The app offers unique indicators as well, including 9-Count and 13-Count indicators that provide explicit trading signals. These momentum indicators are based on specific observations about market behavior instead of averages. Also, the 9-Count and 13-Count indicators utilize the entire OHLC (open, high, low, close) data set, whereas most mathematical indicators use only the closing price.

In addition, ChartIQ’s unique RSI Divergence helps you to identify divergences between price and RSI as well as momentum discrepancy reversal points. These are the exact opposites of divergences, where a positive reversal occurs when an uptrend price correction results in a higher low compared to the last price correction, while RSI results in a lower low compared to the prior correction. A negative reversal happens when a downtrend rally results in a lower high compared to the last downtrend rally, but RSI makes a higher high compared to the prior rally.

ChartIQ Forex Trading Simulator also gives you the ability to calculate and plot moving averages against indicators such as RSI and volume.

Lastly, the app also offers automatic opening or closing gaps detection and plots them directly on price charts.

We can definitely see the use for this app for those who trade forex, or want to learn about it. Being able to practice trading for only $0.99 is a tremendous value.


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I’m really interested in using Martingale inside a MACD as well as Martingale EA within forex currency trading, a lot therefore, which i do come with an EA known as JAMES particularly constructed with this. I will realize the actual damaging remarks encircling using Martingale within buying and selling when i as well possess taken lots of demonstration company accounts along with my personal EA.

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However with that said, I’ve discovered a few regularity by using it, ahead screening this on the demonstration take into account almost 5 several weeks right now. This really is merely a demonstration accounts, however it offers bending my personal accounts, and also the maximum drawdown had been close to 37%. You will find a few things Used to do discover, which had been to begin little along with 0. 01 plenty, have the ability to hedge and possess higher influence. Several points ALL OF US investors do not usually get access to. We had been initially buying and selling 13x sets about the 4hr graphs, however possess because fallen a few the actual no carrying out sets such as USD/JPY as well as EUR/GBP because they had been simply tying upward border with regard to far too small along with small to exhibit in exchange. I’ve simply began buying and selling reside with this particular EA upon 1x set, however exactly what I’ve carried out, can also be additional 2 associated with my personal additional EAs towards the exact same set. These types of EAs tend to be each much more conventional pattern subsequent techniques which provide particular indications. We use upon these types of along with 0. 1 great deal placement dimension. Both of these EAs usually carry out pretty much however perform require a few guide treatment sometimes. The idea is actually when JAMES is certainly going nicely as well as does not get into Martingale setting, after that just about all is actually great since the additional 2x EAs may also be contributing to my personal earnings. Whenever JAMES will proceed Martingale, as well as prior to this will get as well unsightly, a minumum of one from the additional EAs may get the brand new pattern, as well as hedge any kind of deficits becoming produced by JAMES, therefore the bigger placement dimension. It might reach a place exactly where We choose to near just about all open up jobs upon 2 or 3 EAs, exactly where they’d after that totally reset on their own, exactly where any kind of deficits through 1 could be more compared to counteract however the additional EA/s.

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Try to plot moving average to cci. U will se when ma will be above 0 then up trend and opposite for short trend.

Thanks for replying, Kalenzo.

1. CCI can predict trend change through regular divergence (see chart attached), while MA is usually lagging behind and doesn't predict.

2. Could you please post MA that can be plotted on another indicator(not on the main chart), MA usually shows and reflects Price average.

CCI direction indicator

Thank you for your comments, Linuxser.

1. I agree on what you are saying about CCI and levels. However sometimes trend change happens without CCI reaching 200/300 levels, but CCI 50 direction shows divergence with price, see image in my previous post. I was asking if there is an indicator showing CCI average direction.

2. Not related to the previous subject. How do you drop MA into CCI window? I can only drop standard MA( Moving Average) into data (top main window).


Drag and drop ma onto CCI window.

Moving ave window will open, select drop down box "Apply to"

And select "First Indicators Data"


Originally posted by mart-hart

Drag and drop ma onto CCI window.

Moving ave window will open, select drop down box "Apply to"

And select "First Indicators Data"

I was using Customer MA which hasn't got "Apply to" opción


Does anyone have this 'zig-zag' type of indicator that is attached to the CCI.

Gracias por adelantado.

Anybody can direct to or post CCI based indicator that shows up or down trend/direction in any form.

See image attached.


I hope it helps. It shows cci trend anyway


Not exactly as the picture above, but thanks.

Does anyone have the indicator as shown above.


Is there any indicators of color cci like the picture below


Is there any indicators of color cci like the picture below

I am looking for the same thing


I am looking for the same thing


And since the name of the thread is "CCI trend" here is one that is showing CCI trend.

Last edited by mladen ; 15-02-2012, 14:40.


And since the name of the thread is "CCI trend" here is one that is showing CCI trend. [INDENT=2][ATTACH=CONFIG]133527[/ATTACH] [/INDENT]

old produce, in you there updated.


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

valuehorizon-forex 0.1

A Django-based Foreign Exchange data toolkit. Part of the Valuehorizon application ecosystem.

image. https://travis-ci. org/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex. svg? branch=master :target: https://travis-ci. org/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex . image. https://coveralls. io/repos/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex/badge. svg :target: https://coveralls. io/r/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex . image. https://codeclimate. com/github/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex/badges/gpa. svg :target: https://codeclimate. com/github/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex

A Django-based Foreign Exchange data toolkit. It provides time-series functionality with built-in statistical plugins such as volatility and returns. You can also write your own statistical plugins. It also includes documentation, test coverage and a good amount of sample data to play around with. This app is a part of the Valuehorizon application ecosystem.

Please file bugs and send pull requests to the `GitHub repository`_ and `issue tracker`_.

_GitHub repository: https://github. com/Valuehorizon/forex/ . _issue tracker: https://github. com/Valuehorizon/forex/issues

This project is sponsored by Valuehorizon_. If you require assistance on your project(s), please contact us: support@valuehorizon. com.


The forex chart is among the most basic tools in a forex trader’s arsenal. Simply put, it is a graph of a particular currency pair’s performance over a given period of time. Reading forex charts is essential to a trader’s business, so it’s important to know how to read them and understand what they mean.

Every forex chart will be labeled with a currency pair: EUR/USD, USD/GBP, etc. Remember, all forex trading deals with different countries’ currency in relation to each other. The EUR/USD chart, for example, tells you how the euro and the U. S. dollar compare.

Along the bottom of the chart is the timeline -- 15 minutes, an hour, a day, a week, or some other period. Going up the right-hand side are incremental amounts. For the EUR/USD chart, the amounts might be 1.2531 at the bottom, going up to 1.2561 at the top. And of course the middle of the chart shows what position the EUR/USD pair held at what time.

The forex chart is useful because it shows in graphic terms how a currency pair is doing. You can see at a glance whether a currency is getting stronger or weaker, and you can act accordingly. Choosing the time frame helps you see very minor trends (in a 15-minute period, say) or more long-term ones (over the course of several days, perhaps).

You can find forex charts all over the Internet, on Web sites for forex brokers, tutors, and on other forex-related sites. Those are fine for glancing at trends now and then. But to be a serious trader, you need to have access to charts much more readily, without having to go to a Web site. That’s why trading software gives you forex charts, too (you need to have broadband Internet so you can be “always connected”). Obviously, if you’re going to be trading, you need to have convenient access to the very latest charts.

With dozens of world currencies, there are far too many possible currency pairs for anyone to keep track of mentally. Forex charts show at a glance what any currency pair is up to, and good software allows you to save multiple charts as “favorites.” Naturally you’ll want to keep an eye on the charts representing investments you’ve already made, and it’s smart to have a few additional ones saved, too, so you can watch for trends in currencies you haven’t traded yet. You never know when a lucrative new opportunity is going to be

Foreign exchange market (shortly forex) is a certain place for trading different currencies. As it is one of the most liquid financial markets available to an average investor it offers a possibility of earning huge profits daily! And it is reasonable due to forex market apparent turnover of 3 trillion dollars a day. One might think that the list of its advantages ends here but one could not be more wrong.

As stated above forex market is tremendously liquid. It means that one can buy and sell currencies more easily and with lesser slippage contrary to stock markets, for instant. Speaking of which, forex market is much larger than the world bonds, stock, and futures markets combined together and for that reason currency prices in the forex market are relatively objective because they are based on current supply and demand and cannot be easily manipulated by greater traders like central banks.

Forex trading can be profitable in every market aspect. For example, if the market is in the upward trend, investor naturally takes long positions (buy) but there is a gain in the market fall as well if investor takes short positions (sell). In other words, constant profits are possible even if the market is in a downward trend.

In the forex market one can trade 24 hours a day! As there is no central marketplace (all trades are electronically conducted over the internet), currencies are traded throughout the time zones in the major financial centers, such as Tokyo, London, and New York. For instant, when Tokyo finishes its trading day, forex trading begins after a short time in London and after London in New York. And this trading cycle takes place for five days in a week.

Another advantage of the forex market is that there is no size limitation for trading. One can decide by him/herself how large amounts they wish to trade with. Moreover, some brokers let people trade with even $1! And that is exceptionally good opportunity for making the first steps in forex trading.

Despite the great advantages of forex one must be careful when trading currencies. It is absolutely vital to learn trading on the forex market due to its riskiness. Even though there is a saying that the safest way to trade is not to trade at all, it is not completely true if one wants to earn money with trading. Mainly there are two major ways of learning forex. The first one is to read different handbooks and get the vital knowledge from there and the second option is trading itself. It is possible to open demo accounts with virtual money and through it start trading and learning! The last option is considered as the most effective one because people tend to learn better from their own mistakes.

To sum it up, forex is risky but at the same time it has great advantages over any financial market. It is important to realize the need of learning the forex market and when it's done all doors are opened for profitable trading.

Because currency exchange covers the entire world and all 24 time zones, forex is a 24-hour-a-day market. This is good in that it results in billions upon billions of dollars of transactions per day. But it also means that forex traders have a constant influx of information to keep track of, unlike the stock market, where once trading closes at 5 p. m. that’s it. So how do forex traders stay on top of things? Most of them use forex alerts of some kind.

Forex alerts are available from many online forex brokers and other companies. A forex alert is simply a message sent to the user informing him of the latest developments in the forex market, often recommending action of some kind. These alerts can be sent via e-mail or cell phone text message.

The idea behind them is that no one can follow all the markets all the time. Even if you limit yourself to just the “majors” -- U. S. Eurozone, Great Britain, Australia, Japan and Switzerland -- that’s still 15 currency pairs to keep an eye on. What’s more, sometimes things are steady for long periods of time, while other periods are marked by great activity.

The sites that offer forex alerts go about it in one of two ways. Some simply send out alerts every 24 hours, offering the latest info on the forex market. Others send alerts only when something crucial happens. These systems use formulas of their own to determine what constitutes “something crucial,” and they may charge a lot more for their more specific alerts. And of course it’s still up to the individual trader to act on or disregard the information send to him in the alerts.

Some brokers include forex alerts as part of their service, while others charge for them. Some are part of a wider alert program that also handles your stocks and bonds. You can tailor the type of alerts you get based on whether you’re a conservative or aggressive trader, and how actively you plan to trade.

Serious traders who use forex alerts swear by them. No system is perfect, of course, and a smart trader will always do a little browsing on his own to make sure his latest alert didn’t miss anything. But alerts are an invaluable way for busy investors to go about their daily lives without having to constantly watch the forex rates

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Foreign exchange market (shortly forex) is a certain place for trading different currencies. As it is one of the most liquid financial markets available to an average investor it offers a possibility of earning huge profits daily! And it is reasonable due to forex market apparent turnover of 3 trillion dollars a day. One might think that the list of its advantages ends here but one could not be more wrong.

As stated above forex market is tremendously liquid. It means that one can buy and sell currencies more easily and with lesser slippage contrary to stock markets, for instant. Speaking of which, forex market is much larger than the world bonds, stock, and futures markets combined together and for that reason currency prices in the forex market are relatively objective because they are based on current supply and demand and cannot be easily manipulated by greater traders like central banks.

Forex trading can be profitable in every market aspect. For example, if the market is in the upward trend, investor naturally takes long positions (buy) but there is a gain in the market fall as well if investor takes short positions (sell). In other words, constant profits are possible even if the market is in a downward trend.

In the forex market one can trade 24 hours a day! As there is no central marketplace (all trades are electronically conducted over the internet), currencies are traded throughout the time zones in the major financial centers, such as Tokyo, London, and New York. For instant, when Tokyo finishes its trading day, forex trading begins after a short time in London and after London in New York. And this trading cycle takes place for five days in a week.

Another advantage of the forex market is that there is no size limitation for trading. One can decide by him/herself how large amounts they wish to trade with. Moreover, some brokers let people trade with even $1! And that is exceptionally good opportunity for making the first steps in forex trading.

Despite the great advantages of forex one must be careful when trading currencies. It is absolutely vital to learn trading on the forex market due to its riskiness. Even though there is a saying that the safest way to trade is not to trade at all, it is not completely true if one wants to earn money with trading. Mainly there are two major ways of learning forex. The first one is to read different handbooks and get the vital knowledge from there and the second option is trading itself. It is possible to open demo accounts with virtual money and through it start trading and learning! The last option is considered as the most effective one because people tend to learn better from their own mistakes.

To sum it up, forex is risky but at the same time it has great advantages over any financial market. It is important to realize the need of learning the forex market and when it's done all doors are opened for profitable trading.

Foreign exchange market (shortly forex) is a certain place for trading different currencies. As it is one of the most liquid financial markets available to an average investor it offers a possibility of earning huge profits daily! And it is reasonable due to forex market apparent turnover of 3 trillion dollars a day. One might think that the list of its advantages ends here but one could not be more wrong.

As stated above forex market is tremendously liquid. It means that one can buy and sell currencies more easily and with lesser slippage contrary to stock markets, for instant. Speaking of which, forex market is much larger than the world bonds, stock, and futures markets combined together and for that reason currency prices in the forex market are relatively objective because they are based on current supply and demand and cannot be easily manipulated by greater traders like central banks.

Forex trading can be profitable in every market aspect. For example, if the market is in the upward trend, investor naturally takes long positions (buy) but there is a gain in the market fall as well if investor takes short positions (sell). In other words, constant profits are possible even if the market is in a downward trend.

In the forex market one can trade 24 hours a day! As there is no central marketplace (all trades are electronically conducted over the internet), currencies are traded throughout the time zones in the major financial centers, such as Tokyo, London, and New York. For instant, when Tokyo finishes its trading day, forex trading begins after a short time in London and after London in New York. And this trading cycle takes place for five days in a week.

Another advantage of the forex market is that there is no size limitation for trading. One can decide by him/herself how large amounts they wish to trade with. Moreover, some brokers let people trade with even $1! And that is exceptionally good opportunity for making the first steps in forex trading.

Despite the great advantages of forex one must be careful when trading currencies. It is absolutely vital to learn trading on the forex market due to its riskiness. Even though there is a saying that the safest way to trade is not to trade at all, it is not completely true if one wants to earn money with trading. Mainly there are two major ways of learning forex. The first one is to read different handbooks and get the vital knowledge from there and the second option is trading itself. It is possible to open demo accounts with virtual money and through it start trading and learning! The last option is considered as the most effective one because people tend to learn better from their own mistakes.

To sum it up, forex is risky but at the same time it has great advantages over any financial market. It is important to realize the need of learning the forex market and when it's done all doors are opened for profitable trading.

DailyFX is a free news and research website from forex and CFD broker FXCM. DailyFX Plus is a new service featured on the DailyFX website, designed to help individual investors learn directly from the DailyFX team of instructors and analysts on how to trade forex. In these classes you will learn the traits of successful traders, improve your knowledge and avoid common trading mistakes.

The program has two main learning modules: live market instruction and on-demand lessons. During the live market instruction, you can watch professional forex educators at DailyFX trade live in the markets and talk to them about their trades and yours. The on-demand video lessons are available for your use whenever you choose. There are more than sixty options on various forex topics.

After you sign up and learn how to trade, you will receive access to powerful trading tools that provide you with trading items and analysis. These tools include trading signals, a technical analyzer and a sentiment indicator.

DailyFX Plus costs users $19.99 per month, though it is free to current FXCM account holders.


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A Django-based Foreign Exchange data toolkit. Part of the Valuehorizon application ecosystem.

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A Django-based Foreign Exchange data toolkit. It provides time-series functionality with built-in statistical plugins such as volatility and returns. You can also write your own statistical plugins. It also includes documentation, test coverage and a good amount of sample data to play around with. This app is a part of the Valuehorizon application ecosystem.

Start by creating a new ``virtualenv`` for your project.

Next install ``numpy`` and ``pandas`` and optionally ``scipy``.

pip install numpy==1.8.0 pip install scipy==0.13.3 pip install pandas==0.13.0

Finally, install ``valuehorizon-forex`` using ``pip``.

pip install valuehorizon-forex

Please file bugs and send pull requests to the `GitHub repository`_ and `issue tracker`_.

_GitHub repository: https://github. com/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex/ . _issue tracker: https://github. com/Valuehorizon/valuehorizon-forex/issues

This project is sponsored by Valuehorizon_. If you require assistance on your project(s), please contact us: support@valuehorizon. com.

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Forex in Pertlstein

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Forex MegaDroid Who will benefit from it - and who won't.

Great traders are patient, they trade high timeframes, they only like great reward-risk entry points.

Does Forex Megadroid really does enable traders to generate great income?

Firstly. Dont beleive hype. This Megadroid wont make you millions. Well, not immediately anyway. But it can make you a very handsome income from day one. This is not a 'get rich quick' plan but you can get very rich indeed over a period of time. Just imagine you could employ a highly trained stockbroker that worked 24/7 non stop. Was connected to all major exchanges and could do deals in seconds. Now imagine, the stockbroker never got tired or slept and carry years of profits, losses, tendancies in his head and could therefore predict with over 90% accuracy a future market. In the human form there are some who achieve 10%, but this is a robot capable of permeating and calculating like a thousand humans on the fly!

That in essence is what automated Forex trading is all about.

But you get a lot more than a robot with the MegaDroid. It's like hiring a research assistant that will work for you the rest of your life and you never have to pay them. The program was originally designed to be a Forex traders assistant, sifting through the information and giving reliable trading advice based on it. MegaDroid Robot is marketed as an easy money generator, like a get very rich quick scheme. However if you buy it expecting to make millions, you will be sorely disappointed, but you can make a very nice income with great ease.

The Forex Megadroid is actually a product of almost 40 years of experience with forex trading by the authors namely John Grace and Albert Perrie. Albert Perrie and John Grace launched the Forex Megadroid in 2001 and its still at the number one spot of all dowloads at Clickbank. 8 Years and still the number one spot is enviable indeed and gives anyone wanting to know, more proof than anything else of its popularity. The Forex Megadroid runs on a new invention called RCTPA = Reverse Correlated Time And Price Analysis. Forex Megadroid is the first forex robot that uses this kind of technology which places trades looking into the future rather than making predictions on the past trades, unlike other similar Forex robots. To date this robot has tripled every invested dollar within 3 months. Technology has evolved tremendously and while other programes are trudging along using yesterdays news, Forex Megadroid has been taking advantage of those technology advancements. Forex MegaDroid will adapt to any market conditions which makes it ifinately better than any competition like Fap Turbo.

Instead of trying to take a trade every time, it acts like a predator waiting patiently for its kills. According to the testimonials and Forex Megadroid reviews, 9 out of 10 trades that the Forex Megadroid did are always a win. As a matter of fact, the accuracy rate of the Forex Megadroid is more than 95 percent. Forex Megadroid is unlike most robots that use a 1 minute entry point. It uses a 1 hour timeframe to trigger its entry. With a different style and patient approach, Forex Megadroid is a good tool to diversify your current trading portfolio.

One of the top qualities to this programe is because Pierre and Grace know how effective their EA robot is, they leave very little to be customized by you. Instead, this robot tweaks itself when market conditions change taking the guesswork out of your hands.

Best about the Forex Megadroid is that the manual is arranged in such a way that it can be easily understood by everybody. Whether you are an amateur in forex trading or you have been doing it for several years now, the Forex Megadroid is the perfect tool.

What makes Megadroid robot unique is the makers have been trading forex for 35 years; it is created with a combination of their forex trading experience. It was what brought about the birth of never before seen system of theirs. The previous results of Forex Megadroiad in past years are outstanding. The artificial intelligence ability enables it not to fail any trade it place. It is user friendly and most anybody with enough intelligence to be involved in Forex trading can quite easily do anything needed with a click or two.

&toro; Money-back Guarantee If it isn't specifically noted on their site that you are entitled to a no questions asked, money-back guarantee, then their product is either ineffective or a scam. Forex Megadroid ensures you are entitled to a full refund of your money within 60 days. It's easy to download and install. You can begin to trade using it in the space of 10 minutes after you have downloaded the robot. Forex Megadroid has all those attributes.

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Advertencia de Riesgo: Trading Derivatives conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital y sólo debe negociar con dinero que puede permitirse perder. Los derivados de negociación pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores, así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. Una Declaración de Divulgación de Producto (PDS) se puede obtener de este sitio web o en la solicitud de nuestras oficinas y debe ser considerado antes de entrar en una transacción con nosotros. Las cuentas verdaderas de ECN ofrecen diferenciales de 0.0 pips con una comisión de AUD $ 3.50 por 100k negociados. Los spreads de ofertas de cuenta estándar de 1 pips sin cargos de comisión adicionales. Los diferenciales de los índices de CFD comienzan en 0,4 puntos. La información en este sitio no está dirigida a residentes en ningún país o jurisdicción donde tal distribución o uso sería contrario a la ley o regulación local. International Capital Markets posee una licencia australiana de servicios financieros (AFSL) para llevar a cabo un negocio de servicios financieros en Australia, limitado a los servicios financieros cubiertos por su AFSL. International Capital Markets Pty Ltd. ACN 123 289 109. AFSL No. 335692.

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Si usted es un principiante en el comercio de divisas, entonces usted puede no estar familiarizado con los usos de diferentes indicadores de comercio de divisas. Por otro lado, si usted tiene una sólida experiencia en esta forma de comercio, es necesario ver si está utilizando la combinación adecuada de indicadores técnicos para ayudarle a obtener ganancias consistentes en el mercado de divisas. En este artículo, considerar bien un indicador de la divisa libre que es el índice del canal de la materia o CCI. Es muy importante reconocer la hora correcta de entrar en un comercio. Sin embargo, aunque afortunadamente identificar el momento adecuado y capitalizar una tendencia fuerte, siempre debe tener en cuenta que finalmente dejará de existir. El punto real es que cuando usted está dependiendo de una tendencia lucrativa, no tiene racionalidad y motivación para tener cuidado con él y asumiría más riesgos en su lugar. Apenas se observan las tendencias que se mantendrá durante largos períodos de tiempo y que normalmente son difíciles de detectar, por lo que se espera aprovechar al máximo de la que se está viviendo. Este es un buen sentido para las personas que comercian con divisas por primera vez. Sin embargo, el dinero puede simplemente ser perdido tan rápidamente como se ganan. El CC.

Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Haga clic aquí para revisar el folleto Características y riesgos de las opciones estandarizadas antes de comenzar las opciones de compra. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

El comercio en línea tiene un riesgo inherente debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que pueden variar debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores. Un inversionista debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar.

1 $4.95 for online equity and option trades, add 65 cents per option contract. TradeKing cobra un adicional de $ 0.35 por contrato en ciertos productos de índice donde los cargos de cambio cobran. Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles. TradeKing agrega $ 0.01 por acción en la orden entera para las existencias tasadas menos de $ 2.00. Consulte nuestra página de comisiones y comisiones para comisiones sobre operaciones con corredores, acciones a bajo precio, spreads de opciones y otros valores.

TradeKing was ranked #1 in Customer Service in the SmartMoney June 2008 and June 2010 Broker Survey; awarded the highest five star rating in Customer Service and Trading Tools in the June 2009 and June 2010 Broker Survey; ranked #1 in Customer Service in the June 2011 Broker Survey and June 2012 Broker Survey; named overall #1 Discount Broker in the August 2007 Broker Survey; and overall #1 Discount Broker in the August 2006 Broker Survey. These surveys are based on the following categories: Commissions and Fees, Mutual Funds & Investment Products, Banking Services, Trading Tools, Research, and Customer Service. SmartMoney is a registered trademark of SmartMoney, a joint publishing venture between Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and Hearst℠Partnership. TradeKing received 4 out of 5 stars in Barron's 12th (March 2007), 13th (March 2008), 14th (March 2009), 15th (March 2010), 16th (March 2011), 17th (March 2012), 18th (March 2013), and 19th (March 2014) annual rankings of the Best Online Brokers based on Trade Technology, Usability, Mobile, Range of Offerings, Research Amenities, Portfolio Analysis & Reports, Customer Service & Education, and Costs. Rated among the "Best for Options Traders" 2008-13. Ranked #1 in usability in the March 2011 Barron's survey. Clasificado entre los "mejores para la inversión a largo plazo" 2011-12 Barron de la encuesta. In comments accompanying the March 2008 rankings, Barron's stated that "TradeKing's site features new, slick tools that focus on finding and executing options strategies." Barron's is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company © 2016. TradeKing was named "Innovator of the Year" by stockbrokers. com in their 2013 Broker Survey along with being named #1 Trader Community in their 2013 and 2014 Broker Surveys. In 2015, TradeKing received the #1 Broker Innovation Award for TradeKing LIVE. The surveys were based on the following categories: Commissions & Fees, Ease-of-Use, Platforms & Tools, Research, Customer Service, Offering of Investments, Education, and Mobile Trading. Documentation supporting TradeKing's service and tools awards and claims are also available upon request by calling 877-495-5464 or via email at [email protected] .

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Las cotizaciones se retrasan por lo menos 15 minutos, a menos que se indique lo contrario. Datos de mercado impulsados ​​e implementados por SunGard. Datos fundamentales de la empresa proporcionados por Factset. Estimaciones de ingresos proporcionadas por Zacks. Mutual fund and ETF data provided by Lipper and Dow Jones & Company.

El contenido, la investigación, las herramientas y los símbolos de acciones o de opciones son sólo para fines educativos y ilustrativos y no implican una recomendación o solicitud para comprar o vender un valor en particular o para participar en una estrategia de inversión en particular. Las proyecciones u otra información con respecto a la probabilidad de varios resultados de inversión son hipotéticas por naturaleza, no están garantizadas por exactitud o integridad, no reflejan los resultados reales de inversión, no toman en cuenta comisiones, intereses de margen y otros costos y no son garantías de Resultados futuros.

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Los inversionistas deben considerar cuidadosamente los objetivos de inversión, los riesgos y los cargos y gastos de un fondo de inversión o ETF antes de invertir. A mutual fund/ETF's prospectus contains this and other information and can be obtained by emailing [email protected].

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Las estrategias de opciones de piernas múltiples implican riesgos adicionales. Y puede dar lugar a tratamientos impositivos complejos. Consulte a un profesional de impuestos antes de implementar estas estrategias.

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El comercio de divisas (Forex) se ofrece a los inversores autodirigidos a través de TradeKing Forex. TradeKing Forex, LLC y TradeKing Securities, LLC son empresas separadas, pero afiliadas. Las cuentas Forex no están protegidas por la Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC).

El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos financieros, el nivel de experiencia de inversión y la capacidad de asumir riesgos financieros. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Lea la información completa. Tenga en cuenta que los contratos de oro y plata al contado no están sujetos a regulación bajo la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos.

TradeKing Forex, LLC acts as an introducing broker to GAIN Capital Group, LLC ("GAIN Capital"). Su cuenta forex se mantiene y mantiene en GAIN Capital, que actúa como agente de compensación y contraparte en sus operaciones. GAIN Capital está registrado en la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) (ID # 0339826). TradeKing Forex, LLC is a member of the National Futures Association (ID # 0408077).

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What time zone are the Daily Trading Signals based on?

All Daily Signals trades by Sir Pips and Crazy Cat are in US Eastern Time - New York Time. I personally find this convenient, since Florida is in the same time zone.

Where do the released news numbers come from?

Most of the numbers come from some government agency in the country that the news release is from. Some come from private groups.

What does m/m, q/q, and y/y mean?

Those are short for month to month, quarter to quarter, and year to year. Or, to put it more simply, these would mean monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports.

Why can’t the Daily Signals give entry price, target, and stoploss for news trades?

The Daily Trading Signals are issued many hours before the news comes out, so there’s no way to know what the price will be when the time comes to enter. Targets from entries are given if the trigger number is reached or exceeded and you can get in before the spike. Stoploss would be hard to give, since different brokers widen their spreads by different amounts. 25 pips might work great for one broker, but will get taken out by wider spreads at another.

What are basis points?

Interest rate changes can be described as fractions of a percent or as basis points. A 1/4% (or 0.25%) change can also be called a 25 basis points change.

Where can I see a list of news reports?

Every page in the FPA website has a top menu. Just click where it says Calendar. Currently, the calendar here is one of the fastest free calendars available, but it's still not quite fast enough to do spike trading.

Remember, if you are just learning to trade the news, start with demo trading just to familiarize yourself with market reactions to news events. When you move to live trading, remember that slippage and requotes will be MUCH worse than demo trading, so only risk the smallest amounts of money at first. Please read my article about Risk Management if you have any questions about this. Also, if you don't understand a particular trading signal, don't trade it with real money. It's much better to risk missing out on some profit than to risk throwing away your money on a misunderstanding.


Certain questions about how to interpret and trade the Daily Trading Signals come up over and over again in FPA's forums. I've answered a lot of these at various times, but never put all the questions and answers in one place before.

News trading can make or lose a lot of money very quickly. If you don't understand the terminology, you will be much more likely to lose.

First, you must understand the terms deviation, revision, and trigger.

For most news announcements, there is an expected number. This expectation is the average taken from a number of expert news analysts. The amount the actual number released differs from the expected number is called the deviation. If most of the experts agree on a very narrow range, then the pre-news market action usually won’t be as volatile, and reaction to a large deviation should be greater. If expert estimates are all over the place, then the market can get very jittery before the news comes out and reaction to the news can be much less predictable.

A revision is a recalculation of the previously released number. The monthly released number for employment, unemployment, consumer confidence, etc. is usually just a very good estimate. The next month, whatever group or agency released the data will update (revise) the prior number, usually at the same time they release the new one. Obviously, some numbers (like an Interest Rate Statement) are not subject to revision.

Large revision s can have very strange effects on the market. For example, if a county’s employment numbers were up by 20,000 last month and are up by 40,000 this month, that would show not only new employment, but solid growth in employment – this is usually good for a nation’s currency. If last months number is revised from 20,000 to 25,000, that would probably be considered even better. On the other hand, if last month’s number is revised down to 1000, traders could interpret this month’s numbers as so much better, or could lose confidence in the accuracy of this month’s numbers. If last month’s number was revised upward to 60,000, this would mean that more people are working (good!), but that this month’s numbers are actually a decline in the rate of job creation (bad!) and that the current release isn’t very trustworthy (confusing!). This at least partially explains some of the wild price swings when there is a large revision in the previous release.

Placing a trade is also called “pulling the trigger.” A news trigger is the minimum amount of deviation to make it worth placing a news trade. For example, the Daily Signals might say this month’s Canadian Beer Exports are expected at 3.2 million cases, and that there’s a 0.5 trigger. This means that a deviation of greater than 0.5 or less that negative 0.5 means you should place a trade. More directly, buy the CAD if production is 3.7 million cases or more, and sell the CAD if the number comes out at 2.7 million cases or less. The Daily Signals will tell you if you should be trading the USDCAD, AUDCAD, or some other pair for this specific report. (Disclaimer for the humor impaired – there is no monthly Canadian Beer Export report, but there should be!).

Depending on the currency pair, you might need to reverse the direction of your trade. For example, if there is a strong positive deviation in the quarterly Wool Production Report out of New Zealand (yes, this one is also a report I made up), you would expect the NZD to gain value when the report is released. This would mean buying the NZDUSD (or other NZDxxx pairs) or selling the AUDNZD (or other xxxNZD pairs). Similarly, reports that are good news for the USD mean to buy USDxxx or sell xxxUSD.

Just to really mess things up more, there are often multiple reports released at the same time. Usually, news traders will focus on only one report, but if other reports affecting the currency come out the other way, then price action can be unexpected. For example, one of the “Big 3” reports every month is US Core Retail Sales (also called Retail Sales ex-Auto). Since car sales are quite variable, it is simply the estimated amount of retails sales for the month excluding automobile sales. If the total Retail Sales deviates strongly in the opposite direction as Core Retail Sales, this can make price movement less predictable. The Retail Sales Report (which includes cars) is called the Headline Report, since it will be the one that newspapers (but not forex traders) will focus on.

There are many ways to place trades around news time. I will describe three of the most common, each based on a different time to place the trade:

Placing pending orders each way is called a straddle. People who do this usually place the pending orders about 3-5 minutes before the news is released. Stops and targets will vary quite a bit depending on the nature of the news report. The advantage of a straddle is that if there is solid movement in one direction, only one order triggers and (if the movement is far enough) your order closes with a nice profit. The risk of a straddle is that widening spreads and erratic price action can stop out in both orders.

You can try to get the news information and place a trade before most of the market has a chance to react. This is called spike trading. To do this, you need a fast internet connection, a way to get the news very quickly, and (if possible) a way to automatically place the trade depending on if the news deviation is big enough and in what direction the deviation is. There are companies you can buy news feeds from. There are several autoclicker software packages out there that can be used to partially or fully automate placing the trades. Or, you can get extremely fast news combined with automatic placement of your news trade orders in one package from Secret News Weapon or a similar service

03 febbraio 2016 | Analisi Forex EURUSD, ci ripensa a 1.094

Buongiorno Surfers, facciamo il punto della situazione.

Come è andata ieri la scorsa è stata una giornata caratterizzata da un’escursione del prezzo di una cinquantina di pips, l’unico movimento degno di nota è avvenuto nel pomeriggio, quando dopo aver inviato il nostro secondo segnale per la strategia intraday, il prezzo è sceso di circa 40 pips, portandoci ad un break even.

Analisi tecnica Attualmente possiamo racchiudere il movimento del prezzo tra due trendline, abbiamo un pivot giornaliero pluritestato ed una configurazione rialzista dei tre. Notiamo come il prezzo, dopo aver passato 1.09, sia influenzato dall’area 1.094.

Piano del giorno Cercare i nostri micropattern in vista di un possibile rialzo, prestando attenzione alle news previste per il pomeriggio.

Notizie economiche rilevanti 2:15pm USD ADP Non-Farm Employment Change 4:00pm USD ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI 4:30pm USD Crude Oil Inventories

Lo staff di SurfingThePips vi augura un buon proseguimento di giornata.

Trader Certificato | SurfingThePips. com

One Response to “03 febbraio 2016 | Analisi Forex EURUSD, ci ripensa a 1.094”

Debora Pacini febbraio 5, 2016 at 1:19 am #

Scusate io mi sono iscritta a voi tramite un messaggio sulla piattaforma di libero. Poiché volevo iniziare a tradare e non ci capivo niente…al momento mi sembravate i più capibili…e gratis….adesso ci capisco ancora meno. Scusate non è colpa vostra ma sicuramente mia, che non capisco neanche una parola….del vostro gergo da trader….visto che sono una principiante…o forse anche meno…comunque grazie e buon trading a tutti voi.

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Se sei un principiante del Forex e hai sentito parlare dei sistemi automatici di trading come gli Expert Advisors probabilmente stai cercando un Forex Robot gratis che possa automatizzare il tuo trading sulle valute.

Hai sentito che si può guadagnare con questi sistemi automatici come Robot e Segnali sul Forex e ora sei alla ricerca di un Forex Robot gratis per iniziare a guadagnare. Ma le cose non sono così semplici.

La verità sui Forex Robot gratis

E’ vero che con l’aiuto del giusto Expert Advisor puoi guadagnare. Ma ricorda che il mercato Forex è molto competitivo e volatile. La realtà quindi è che un Forex Robot gratis è destinato, almeno nel lungo periodo, a perdere. Perché sostengo questo?

Ci sono Forex Robto gratis o segnali gratuiti disponibili online? Sicuramente sì. Ma sviluppare un buon sistema automatico di trading sul Forex richiede tempo e soldi e quindi è improbabile che il creatore di un buon sistema lo renda disponibile gratis.

Tutti i Forex Robot gratuiti sono inutili e senza valore? Per risponderti seguiamo un ragionamento.

Quattro origini dei Forex Robot

Come può nascere un Forex Robot?

Un trader ha sviluppato un sistema di trading profittevole e ora vuole far soldi rivendendolo. Il trader deve assumere dei programmatori per sviluppare il software, iniziare a testare da se e con l’aiuto di alcuni beta tester che diano i loro feedback. Una volta che è comprovata la bontà del Forex Robot, questo può esser rilasciato sul mercato. La maggior parte dei Forex Robot a pagamento rientra in questa categoria, per esempio Fap Turbo o Forex Megadroid

Un imprenditore online vuole far soldi con il trading sul Forex Magari offre un robot gratis con funzionalità limitate in modo che tu acquisti la versione Pro completa. O magari vuole venderti altro, come un corso o un seminario e quindi regala il robot al fine di venderti il corso.

Un trader esperto ha sviluppato un grande sistema di trading e ora lo vuole automatizzare per sfruttarlo fino in fondo, a loro esclusivo utilizzo.

Un programmatore software ha interesse ha sviluppare un sistema automatico di trading sul Forex. Non è un trader. Il problema quindi è che il programma non parte già da un buon sistema di trading. Essendo programmatori sono magari generosi da rilasciare al pubblico il loro Forex Robot gratuitamente.

Quando sei un principiante del Forex è probabile che tu punti all’opzione 2 o 4. Ma per risparmiare sul Robot rischi di perdere il capitale investito . E anche se investi con conti demo non farai altro che perdere il tuo tempo (se sei o vuoi diventare un trader devi imparare a dare più valore al tuo tempo).

L’opzione 4 è da scartare perché non nasce da un sistema di trading che già guadagna. La 2 è migliore ma siccome si vuole vendere qualcosa d’altro è ovvio che il Forex Robot non sia sviluppato al meglio (non è quello l’obiettivo).

Considera poi la facilità d’uso e la documentazione disponibile. Ma soprattutto il supporto che avrai dallo sviluppatore. Chi regala il suo Forex Robot non è ovviamente disponibile anche a perdere il suo tempo fornendo supporto e risposte agli utilizzatori.

Quindi qual è la migliore opzione? Considerando che l’opzione 3 è irrealizzabile visto che il trader si terrà il suo sistema, la migliore soluzione è comprare un Forex Robot sviluppato dall’idea di un trader che ha dimostrato di funzionare.

Attento: non ti sto dicendo che tutti gli Expert Advisors a pagamento sono migliori di quelli gratis . Infatti molti Forex Robot disponibili a pagamento sono inutili, ma almeno essendo per la maggior parte con garanzia puoi sempre provarli su un conto demo e restituirli nel caso. Ma soprattutto c’è ormai una storia dei sistemi automatici di trading e alcuni, i migliori, hanno dimostrato con il tempo (anche oltre due anni) di far guadagnare.

Conclusioni: Forex Robot gratuiti o a pagamento?

Se vuoi veramente iniziare a guadagnare sul Forex non risparmiare sui mezzi e soprattutto non perdere tempo con sistemi non provati.

Anche se hai poca esperienza puoi fare affidamento su quella degli altri. Puoi non rischiare nulla affidandoti a quei Forex Robot presenti sul mercato da oltre due anni che hanno dimostrato nel tempo di fare guadagnare con costanza.

Guarda quali sono i migliori Forex Robot che devi provare per iniziare il tuo trading sul Forex in modo automatico.

Ormai sul mercato ci sono molti Forex Robot. Tutti operano sulla base di system trading più o meno performanti ma diverse possono essere le logiche che “scatenano” l’ordine di acquisto o vendita.

In ogni caso possiamo far rientrare gli Expert Advisors in queste tipologie:

Forex Robot legati al Momentum e al Pattern di mercato Quesi sistemi analizzano i movimenti nei prezzi e le loro fluttuazioni. Una volta analizzati i movimenti definiscono il pattern vale a dire il modello o lo schema di comportamento del mercato. Una volta riconosciuto il pattern, sulla base dei dati storici e di come si è comportato il mercato in passato, il Forex Robot immette l’ordine sul Forex. Si basano quindi essenzialmente sull’analisi tecnica.

Forex Robot basati sulle medie Questi Robot operano sulla base delle medie. Sono ideali quando il mercato segue un trend in quanto con le medie mobili si può intercettare la continuazione o il cambiamento nel trend di mercato di ogni coppia di valute.

Forex RobotBreakout: come indica il termine si tratta di Expert Advisors che operano sulla base di rotture dei supporti e delle resistenze

Forex Robot di copertura (Hedge) aprono contemporanemanete operazioni corte e lunghe (acquisto e vendita della coppia) per poi una volta individuato il trend chiudere quella perdente. Cerca quindi di minimizzare le perdite da una parte e massimizzare i guadagni dall’altra

Forex Robot legati alle notizie sfruttano i movimenti di prezzo molto ampio che possano accadere dopo la comunicazione di importanti notizie o dati sui fondamentali del mercato Forex

Scalper Forex Robot effettua molte operazioni per brevi periodi cercando di portare a casa piccoli guadagni per ogni operazione. Per far questo opera in momenti di mercato meno volatili, in particolare fra le 21 e l’1 GMT (sessione asiatica) sulle valute americane e europee, in tal periodo infatti non sono rilasciati nuovi dati su questi mercati. La sessione asiatica comunque è utilizzata da molti Expert Advisors.

Inoltre questi sistemi automatici di trading possono essere:

Forex Robot Tradizionali (Statici) . utilizzano sempre la medesima configurazione e le stesse regole per operare.

Forex Robot flessibili (o adattabili) . sono relativamente nuovi e hanno una maggiore abilità nel modificare il proprio trading in base alle condizioni di mercato. Sono in grado di classificare trend e pattern di mercato e variare le regole con cui operano. Per esempio Forex Megadroid che utilizza il sistema di intelligenza artificiale RCTPA.

La semplicità di utilizzo dei Forex Robot ed il successo avuto da alcuni di questi porta spesso i nuovi investitori a sottostimare i rischi.

Devi sempre ricordare che qualsiasi tipo di investimento è rischioso in quanto non puoi avere alcuna sicurezza sull’esito del trading. Anche per questo la scelta dell’Expert Advisors e del broker giusto sono fondamentali.

Un elemento importante da tenere a mente è il fatto che solo una minoranza di Forex Robot hanno dimostrato di guadagnare.

La maggioranza addirittura perde nel lungo termine, mostrando al massimo risultati utili solo all’inizio. Il fatto è che molti Forex Robot sono stati lanciati sull’onda del successo di alcuni prodotti, ormai conosciuti da tutti, come Fap Turbo o Forex Megadroid. Ma mentre questi due sono prodotti completi, le copie spesso nemmeno gestiscono il money management, per cui basta una sola perdita per compromettere l’intero capitale.

Gli incredibili guadagni dei Forex Robot sono veri?

Tutti i siti dei Forex Robot ovviamente ti mostreranno i loro guadagni. Ti possiamo dire che pure i migliori Forex Robot “ingannano” le cifre non rivelando tutto: i loro incredibili risultati sono infatti ottenuti con condizioni di trading (spread ai minimi, velocità di collegamento etc) non replicabili da un normale trader come noi.

Certo però esistono i Forex Robot che ad oggi hanno permesso di guadagnare e anche bene, ripagandosi nel giro di poco tempo. E ti mostreremo quelli che per noi (e per la comunità Forex americana) hanno dato buoni risultati nella nostra classifica di confronto dei Forex Robot .

I Forex Robot che non perdono mai esistono?

Ancora più falsi risultano quei proclami relativi a “zero losses”, zero perdite, con il proprio Forex Robot.

La possibilità di non perdere mai non esiste, in qualsiasi tipo di trading. Il trucco nel guadagnare sul Forex come in qualsiasi mercato finanziario è quello di riuscire a ridurre le perdite.

Ci sono diverse strategie per far questo. Per esempio quella seguita da Fap Turbo che cerca di far correre i guadagni e limitare le perdite con un gioco di take profit e stop loss ben coordinato.

Oppure all’opposto Forex Megadroid che invece punta ad ottenere un’alta percentuale di trading positivi. Se guarderete le statistiche di Forex Megadroid vedrete che circa il 90% delle operazioni sono positive. In realtà alcune sono “false positive” in quanto chiuse con un solo pip di utile. E molte si chiudono con pochi pips di guadagno. Il segreto di questo Forex Robot è proprio quello di agire come una formica che opera poco e prende pochi rischi entrando solo in posizioni con alta probabilità di guadagno (stiamo parlando di alta probabilità, non certezza).

Non è un caso se questi due Forex Robot risultano ormai da oltre un anno i migliori sulla piazza e i più copiati: semplicemente sono riusciti a traslare sul Forex un’oculata strategia di money e risk management.

Il fattore rischio è importante nel trading per cui valuta sempre come il tuo Forex Robot lo gestisce.

Ti suggeriamo di guardare la nostra classifica dei migliori Forex Robot. A breve pubblicheremo recensioni dettagliate di ogni Robots e completeremo la classifica con più EA. Se vuoi essere informato non appena pubblicheremo le novita, sulla destra trovi il link per iscriverti alla nostra newsletter e rimanere aggiornato.

Tipologie di sistemi automatici di trading

Quando si parla di sistemi automatici di trading possiamo distinguerne due tipologie differenti.

Il primo sistema genera segnali di acquisto o vendita che il trader interpreta e sui quali piazza manualmente gli ordini. A questa tipologia appartengono la maggior parte dei system trading del passato e i Forex Signal (o Indicators). Si parla anche di sistemi semi-automatici di trading. Oggi si è creato un duplice sistema di segnali: il trader che crea il system trading riceve segnali, ed eventualmente sulla base di altri indicatori e della sua esperienza, immette l’ordine generando un segnale anche per altri traders che ne copiano l’operatività.

Il secondo tipo invece prevede un completo sistema automatico di trading dove l’intervento umano non è necessario se non nella prima fase in cui viene avviato il sistema: a questa categoria appartengono i Forex Robot.

Differenze fra i due sistemi automatici di trading

Nel primo caso quindi occorre ancora che l’investitore sia presente e decida quali operazioni effettuare sulla base dei segnali ricevuto dai sistemi automatici. Occorre inoltre una buona preparazione e esperienza ma soprattutto una buona psicologia di trading (vedremo infatti che l’aspetto psicologico è uno dei principali vantaggi dei Forex Robot).

Questo tipo di sistemi è inoltre spesso più costoso in quanto, se acquistato, prevede in genere un abbonamento mensile di minimo diverse decine di dollari. I guadagni possono però esser molto superiori.

Il secondo sistema è invece notevolmente più semplice. In questo caso il robot fa tutto o quasi tutto: analizza il mercato, produce segnali e interviene direttamente acquistando o vendendo sul mercato e stabilendo le strategie di trading: il rischio, il capitale investito e i valori di take profit o stop loss.

L’unico intervento umano è all’inizio quando si fa partire il sistema e si inseriscono eventuali valori (parametri) per personalizzare l’EA.

Questi sistemi automatici di trading sono non solo più semplici ma anche molto meno costosi in quanto si ha un esborso iniziale ma nessun abbonamento da pagare.

Vantaggi dei Forex Robot e dei sistemi di trading automatico completi

Il successo dei Forex Robot e dei sistemi automatici o semi-automatici di trading si spiega proprio per queste ragioni:

economici (almeno rispetto ai classici system trading)

autonomi: permettono di guadagnare senza spenderci troppo tempo

facili da utilizzare: richiedono conoscenze di base ma, almeno i più noti, possono essere utilizzati e sperimentati sia da un trader esperto che da novizio

adattabili: si possono adattare alle proprie esigenze di trading

ampia scelta: i sistemi di trading semi-automatici sono pochi e costosi, per i Forex Robot c’è invece ormai un’ampia scelta e la possibilità quindi di testare e selezionare quello che fa al caso proprio (in questo blog ti aiuteremo a scegliere il Forex Robot migliore).

Ormai ci sono moltissimi Forex Robot per cui è difficile districarsi e scegliere solo i migliori e soprattutto quelli che fanno guadagnare. Infatti il problema principale è che da statistiche americane risulta che solo 1 robot su 4 fa guadagnare.

La nostra classifica sui migliori Forex Robot si basa su due elementi essenziali:

risultati storici del Forex Robot . in certi casi ci affidiamo a risultati ottenuti da noi, in altri da risultati verificabili su forum americani dove alcuni trader rendono pubblici i risultati ottenuti con i vari Forex Robot

consistenza dei risultati . ci sono Forex Robot che ottengono alti risultati a breve. Ma questi risultati spesso sono dovuti o a fortuna o soprattutto al fatto che si sono presi forti rischi. Inoltre alcuni Forex Robot risultano profittevoli solo in alcune situazioni di mercato ma, appena cambia il trend, producono ampie perdite. Per questo nella valutazione di un sistema automatico di trading Forex è fondamentale verificare non solo i risultati ottenuti ma che questi siano conseguiti con regolarità.

Classifica migliori Forex Robot

Sulla base dei criteri indicati la classifica dei Forex Robot è costantemente dominata da due prodotti:

Fap Turbo. il migliore in assoluto per i risultati. L’unico limite è che richiede alcune competenze per la personalizzazione;

Forex Megadroid. da poco ha festeggiato i due anni, due anni di buoni risultati che offrono la migliore garanzia. E & # 8217; un robot che opera poco ma con percentuali di operazioni in guadagno molto alta. Inoltre è semplice in quanto non occorrono particolari personalizzazioni, basta istallarlo seguendo le istruzioni.

Questi due Forex Advisor non solo hanno ottenuto buoni risultati ma sono ormai sul mercato da tempo ed ancora oggi sono i più venduti e noti.

I Forex Robot emergenti

Questa classifica è fatta per evidenziare quegli Expert Advisor che stanno ottenendo buoni risultati e stanno velocemente scalando le classifiche di vendita, ma non avendo una lunga storia preferiamo metterli nelle “promesse” piuttosto che nei migliori Forex Robot.

In questo momento i sistemi automatici di trading che rientrano in questa classifica sono:

Forex Growth Bot. da poco in circolazione ma ha già fatto parlare di se a tal punto che al momento si colloca al terzo posto nella classifica di vendita dei Forex Robot. Per ora unica pecca la sua giovinezza: vedremo se manterrà le promesse;

GPS Forex Robot. anche se è stato recentemente superato nelle vendite da Growth Bot è un ottimo robot che sta dando buoni risultati ormai da diversi mesi.

Forex Robot da evitare

Sono tanti in realtà i Forex Robot da evitare. Inseriamo per ora alcuni Forex Robot noti:

Forex Crescendo. più che un robot è una martingala, cioè un sistema che si prende molti rischi per riguadagnare dalle perdite. Tale sistema però se nel breve può portare a risultati molto buoni, è destinato a fallire nel lungo termine;

Forex BulletProof. forse sarai sorpreso da questa nostra valutazione. Intendiamoci, questo non è un Forex Robot scadente come il precedente, riteniamo però che storicamente non abbia dato risultati all’altezza dei migliori. I risultati ottenuti dai proprietari di Forex BulletProof usufruiscono di condizioni di spread che il normale trader non può avere.

In realtà la lista sarebbe ben più lunga ma chiaramente non ha senso farla. Alla fine la migliore soluzione è avere al massimo 2-3 Expert Advisors. Quindi basta rimanere su quelli consigliati per sapere quali evitare.

Ovviamente poi il settore dei Forex Robot è in continua evoluzione per cui il nostro scopo è tenerti informato su nuovi prodotti. Con il tempo scriveremo varie recensioni.

Per saperne di più visita la nostra pagina con le recensioni dei migliori Forex Robot

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MetaTrader 4 Trading Tools

One of the primary profit-making tourist attractions associated with the MetaTrader 4 trading platform is its advanced trading resources. These assistance forex investments by giving on technical indicators which help dealers make fast and lucrative decisions. There’s two aspects to MetaTrader 4’s trading resources – the specialist Advisors (EA) and programs. The EAs are fully automated and can do the trading for your needs (with respect to the trading information which you feed in), whilst the scripts work as shortcuts that help perform numerous tasks.

The Expert Advisors software is very easy to understand. It interprets 11 extremely important technical signs that will help the forex money trader rapidly jump in and out of a trade, or enter into a medium - or long-lasting trade. The technical signs covered by the Expert advisors component tend to be:

Moving typical (MA) Crossover – offers a buy sign whenever fast MA crosses the slow MA and an offer signal when it decisively goes below the slow MA. The triple moving average cross over signal additionally works in the same manner – you need to go long when the fast MA surpasses the moderate MA which should go beyond the brief MA, and you have going brief if the reverse happens.

RSI (general Strength list) – This signal signals an overbought or an oversold place. When RSI crosses over its lengthy barrier (30), what this means is a buy sign as soon as it drops below its quick buffer (70), this implies that forex money trader must get brief.

Bandas de Bollinger & # 8211; signal a forex trader to go very long whenever club closes underneath the Bollinger musical organization, and the other way around.

Awesome Oscillator – helps short term forex trading. a buy sign is offered if the oscillator crosses zero, and a sell signal with regards to drops below 0.

Just like a number of the tools explained preceding, professionals Advisor module also equips the forex trader using Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD), Stochastics, Channel Index (CI), and more. Forex investments is created simple because of the Meta Trader 4 by making it possible to automate trading. For example, you are able to place a buy purchase that should perform as soon as the short term moving average crosses the future moving average, and put a sell purchase at a stop-loss or book-profit worth, and just forget about it. The application will execute these investments even when you’re sleeping.

The Meta Trader 4 trading tools are customizable also. Foreign exchange dealers just who believe that their particular trading style varies from the resources given by the machine can employ a freelance developer who can personalize experts consultant pc software considering their particular customized trading methods. The business permits its people to make use of the software’s API, MQL4.

The Expert Advisors trading device is intuitive and as a consequence very easy to understand. Over that, many forex currency swear by these tools because these assist them to make profitable choices when you look at the heavily volatile forex investments market. To put in each component of the Experts Advisors component, either for examination or trading reasons, you need to do the installation into the MetaTrader 4 Specialists folder. As soon as put in, the Expert Advisors will arrive on your own display and point you to definitely lucrative positions.

Vincent Rogers is a freelance blogger who advises Go Markets, forex trading Brokers situated in Melbourne, Australia just who provide trading is the reason novices and also the much more advance dealers with the MetaTrader 4 Platform


A pesar del fracaso de hacer el pago de Grecia al FMI, la posición griega parece más conciliadora, coincidiendo con la revelación del aumento del empleo de los EEUU. Los principales índices estadounidenses hicieron que la sesión aumentara el miércoles, después de alentadoras noticias de ambos lados del Atlántico. Ocho de los sectores más grandes del & hellip;

Las caídas entre 0,6 y 0,8% marcaron el día en los principales índices estadounidenses, presionados por el temor al incumplimiento. En Grecia y la consiguiente salida del euro. En la sesión del viernes en Wall Street, el S & amp; P 500 cayó un 0,7% a 2094,11 puntos, situándose entre la caída del 0,62% en el Nasdaq y 0,78% & hellip;

En un fin de semana en el que la expectativa de un avance en las negociaciones entre Grecia y los acreedores dejó frustrado, penalizó los mercados de valores europeos. Hoy, el índice griego cayó un 5,92%, después de ayer, cuando todavía había buenas perspectivas de comprensión, han subido 8,16%. En la salida de ayer del FMI la mesa de negociaciones con Atenas, & hellip;

La exposición a la gestión de activos de liquidez aumenta hasta un máximo de siete meses y cerca del pico de los niveles de crisis del euro. La mayoría de la gestión global de activos continúa adoptando una postura más conservadora tras el reciente pico de los mercados de renta variable. En mayo, por tercer mes consecutivo, cortaron la exposición de & hellip;

Las acciones griegas han perdido casi un 5% en la sesión de hoy después de que Atenas hubiera solicitado el aplazamiento del pago al FMI. La Bolsa de Atenas registró ayer la tercera caída diaria más importante de este año, perdiendo un 4,96%. Desde el 28 de enero, unos días después de las elecciones parlamentarias que ganaron los sirios, griegos y griegos,

Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de copyright de la Unión Europea y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de la dirección de AtoZ FOREX. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda la información dada en esta página está sujeta a cambios. El uso de este sitio web implica la aceptación del acuerdo de usuario de AtoZ FOREX. Por favor, lea la política de privacidad y la exención de responsabilidad legal.

FOREX y CFDs son productos apalancados e implican un alto nivel de riesgo. It is possible to lose all your capital. Estos productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos y usted debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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Las opiniones expresadas en AtoZ FOREX pertenecen a las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de AtoZ FOREX o de su dirección. Cualquier comentario, opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis o cualquier otro tipo de información proporcionada por AtoZ FOREX, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. AtoZ FOREX will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

&dupdo; 2016 "Atoz FOREX - All you need in FOREX" ® Todos los derechos reservados.

Forex Market Makers

What is a forex market maker?

A market maker provides a platform for foreign currency exchange for the customer.

Market makers know the current cost of investing in the market. They study the buy price and the sell price in foreign exchange. Forex market makers can help customers to reduce the chances of losing money in the market. They are neither an agent nor an intermediary.

Who are the forex market makers?

Banks or foreign exchange businesses like easy-forex ® are examples of market makers. They buy and sell finance resources. They do not charge a percentage to serve each customer.

Do market makers go against a customer’s position?

Market makers work with customers. They buy and sell to people who want to enter the market. They always tell customers both rates: the buy rate and the sell rate. Market makers do not advise customers. Market makers do not act for customers. They help because they can give expert information about different finance positions. Market makers have good policy to reduce risk. Authorities guide the way market makers act.

Do market makers and customers have opposite interests?

Market makers always provide the buy price and the sell price. Customers always know both prices. Market makers are neutral. They do not try to increase their profit by decreasing the customer’s profit. The trade process is based on supply and demand.

Who can influence the market?

The forex market is huge, with trillions of dollars transacted daily and a constant online flow of information across the world. This makes it difficult for an individual trader (person or organization) to influence the market. Easy-forex & reg; gives you access to to this exciting market through its Online Forex Trading .

How does easy-forex ® make profit?

With foreign exchange, there is a different price to buy and to sell. This difference is called the ‘spread ’ and it is where easy-forex ® earns money, making a small profit on each deal. Accordingly, easy-forex ® maintains neutrality (as for the direction of any deals made by its clients), since the leading source of its income is in the spreads.

What is the risk for market makers?

Forex market makers deal with large amounts of finance and trade. They can combine all their client’s money and use banks to reduce risk. This is called hedging their exposure and by combining all the money, they hedge in bulk giving them a much stronger position. Easy-forex & reg; works within relevant international regulations as well as its own risk management policy. It cooperates with the world’s big banks: UBS (Switzerland) and RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland).

Please remember that Forex trade involves risk. Forex trade might not be right for you.

Informativa sul rischio : il forex, le materie prime e i CFD (Trading OTC) sono prodotti soggetti a leva che comportano un rischio considerevole di perdita fino all’intero capitale investito e non sono adatti a chiunque. Si invitano i clienti a prendere atto di tutti i rischi che tale attività di trading comporta e a non investire più di quanto ci si possa permettere di perdere. Ti invitiamo a fare riferimento all’informativa completa sul rischio. Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC – Numero di licenza 079/07 ).

Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC – Numero di licenza 079/07 ).

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.


Показатели для Metatrader 4. SuperWoodieCCI2.mq4. Торговля иностранной валютой на марже несет. Metatrader советники (торговые системы), индикаторы и скрипты Больше, чем 1200. Предупреждение Supertrend Supertrend1 SuperWoodieCCI SuperWoodieCCI1 SuperWoodieCCI2. Лучший форекс МТ4 Indicatprs - Rpchost. com обеспечивает 1000 пользовательские индикаторы всех трейдеров. Meta Trader 4 (MT4) является индикатором для отображения коллекцию. Этот сайт, и. SuperWoodieCCI2.mq4. SuperWoodieCCI3.mq4. super_signals_v2_Alert. mq4. SUPER_TREND 2.mq4

Форека MT4 индикаторы & # 8211; Инструкции по загрузке

SuperWoodieCCI2 является Metatrader 4 (MT4) Индикатор и сущность форекс-индикатора заключается в преобразовании накопленных исторических данных.

SuperWoodieCCI2 обеспечивает возможность обнаружения различных особенностей и закономерностей в динамике цен, которые невидимы для невооруженного глаза.

На основании этой информации, трейдеры могут предположить дальнейшее движение цены и корректировать свои стратегии, соответственно ,.

Как установить SuperWoodieCCI2.mq4?

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FOREX CCI Arrows MetaTrader Indicator

indicator CCI Arrows

CCI Arrows (Arrows CCI) MetaTrader Indicator - will show you where the standard was crossing the CCI indicator to zero (marking the place of red or blue arrow) to help you decide direction in which the open position - up or down. It has a minimal delay and relatively high accuracy. This simple indicator - a good choice for traders who prefer to trade as easy as possible and do not like complex indicators. The indicator can be downloaded in a version for MT4 and MT5.

CCI_Period (default = 14) - standard indicator between CCI, which is used here. The higher the number, the greater the delay indicator and the fewer false alarms occur.

As you can see, this indicator gives a direct signal to buy (blue arrow pointing up) and sell (red arrow pointing down).

Do not enter the position when the signal is contrary to the general trend. If you are bullish trend and you've got the blue arrow - buy if you get the red - do not sell, but close a long position, if the bearish trend right now and you got the red arrow - sell if you get the blue - do not buy, but close the short position, if now no trend - open positions in any direction, depending on direction.

I recommend setting your stop-loss level, where the arrow is drawn (you can find out its exact numerical value by moving the mouse pointer). I also recommend using a trailing stop (trailing stop) for positions that are open with the help of the indicator.


100% Free - CCI Arrows MetaTrader indicator (source: available for free on some free Forex websites)

CCI Arrows MetaTrader indicator — will show you where the CCI cross with the zero occur (marking it with the red or blue arrow) to help you decide whether to go short or long. It has a minimal lag and a relatively high accuracy. This simple indicator is a good choice for those traders that prefer to keep it simple and hate complex indicators. The indicator is available in MT4 version.

Parámetros de entrada:

CCI_Period (default = 14) — the period of the CCI that is used in this indicator. The higher is the value the more lags this indicator but less false signals occur.

As you can see, this indicator gives direct signals for buy (blue arrow pointing up) and sell (red arrow pointing down). You should know that you do NOT enter the trade if the signal is contradicting the current general trend. If it's uptrend and you get a blue arrow — go long, if you get a red arrow — do nothing (just close your long position if you had one open); if it's downtrend and you get blue arrow — close short position but don't go long, if you get red arrow — go short; if chart goes sideways and you get blue or red arrow — feel free to go long or short respectively. I recommend setting your stop-loss directly at the level where the arrow is drawn (it's displayed if you point your mouse at it). I also recommend using trailing stop with this indicator.

Download: FREE CCI Arrows MetaTrader indicator (ZIP)

Forex Profit Predictor And CPO Cycle Projection Oscillator Fresh New Look!

Watch this latest Forex Profit Predictor FREE video released by Derek Frey where he reveals some new additions to the Cycle Projection Oscillator (CPO) that will enhance it’s capacity manifold to predict the future direction of the market with high accuracy. Meet PRO Commodity Trader Josh Mitchell and discover his gold and silver trading system that turned $1K into $978K in 12 months. This is a gold and silver trend trading robot that you can try RISK FREE for 60 days on your demo account.

Skeptical of new Forex Systems? Fresh NEW look at Forex Profit Predictor (MT4 Video)…A few weeks ago we told you about a revolutionary new FX trading system called the Forex Profit Predictor and the Cycle Projection Oscillator. The Forex Profit Predictor System predicts and forecasts Forex future direction so well, it completely SOLD OUT just a few short weeks ago… We’ve just learned that they’re about to re-open the program to a limited number of new Forex traders, but first they wanted to let everyone know about some new important developments. Over the past few weeks they have made the system EVEN BETTER by:

& # 8211; Adding expanded timeframes (New ‘Short Term’ and ‘Long Term’ Timeframes).

& # 8211; Creating an MT4 friendly version for all timeframes by popular demand.

& # 8211; Enabling SMS and email trade alerts to assist in getting you trades faster.

One of the most exciting features out of all of these is the newly updated FPP MT4 platform which veteran trader Derek Frey highlights in this 3 minute video below. I would highly recommend you watch this real trader show this system! Here’s what a couple of FPP users had to say over the past few weeks:

“For me the program is a perfect fit, as it gives me the confidence I didn’t have before that my entries will actually work. It has already saved me from a bad reversal that nothing else I use could have predicted.”

Marc V. H. – Idaho

“Thanks for your coaching! I’m understanding much better what to look for in the CPO and MSI charts! Before the FPP class on Monday morning, I saw the potential to Sell EURUSD and placed a trade — and you discussed the SAME trade later in class. The trade was successful and profited 28 pips!”

-Christen W. – Arizona

Watch it in action here (and how the CPO has performed recently): Leave your name and email address under the video to see the next 2 videos where FX trader Derek Frey will be showing actual live examples of trades that traders could have taken advantage of with this system. Derek is also going to show a recently opened trading account with real money to show that the system is working, and you don’t need a lot of capital to start with (he’s started with just $500).

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CCI is without any doubt a useful indicator. The only thing that bothers me is its "roughness" or "being nervous". It jumps in a sudden changes very quickly and sometimes it simply limits its usefulness. Traditional ways of smoothing are simply not good enough for one simple reason. the peaks so characteristic to CCI are lost with any kind of smoothing (and I mean any kind), Here is one example. dark line is the original CCI and orange red line is a 10 EMA applied to it. As it is obvious, all peaks simply disappeared in the smoothed CCI [INDENT=2] [/INDENT] The idea of this one is not to smooth the result, but to filter the price first and then to use those prices in CCI calculation And, considering everything, results are surprisingly good. Here is the same example from above compared to price per-filtered version (same 10 EMA applied in both cases). As it is visible, peaks are still there and CCI itself is much smoother than the original [INDENT=2] [/INDENT] So, to end, this is the pre - filtered version with its default settings. Even the values are roughly the same as the CCI values so similar kind of levels crossings can be used as it is usual for CCI indicator (the +100 -100 levels) that still has all the peaks at right places and is reasonably smoothed compared to the "raw" CCI [INDENT=2]

[/INDENT]PS: to turn the pre-filtering of set the AvgPeriod to less than or equual to 1. In that case values will be exactly the same as the built in CCI



Cci pre-filtered histogram

HELLO, Can someone please create a HISTOGRAM VERSION of the CCI PRE-FILTERED, THANKS.


This is one version of cci pre-filtered with histogram added (histogram in this case shows slope too when over bought and oversold levels are exceeded) [INDENT=2] [/INDENT]

HELLO, Can someone please create a HISTOGRAM VERSION of the CCI PRE-FILTERED, THANKS.



Does anyone know of an ex4 that puts an arrow alert on the price chart when cci crosses its moving average?


CCI with noise reduction


Re: CCI Trend/Direction Indicator

^^^^ pls can we have arrow version with alert on this indicator.


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The latest trend show women taking over the FX trading industry, so the question we all ask ourselves is “are women better traders then men?” There are many perspectives to it. Many studies on behavioral economics were conducted and showed that, without a doubt, Women are better decision maker then men. A while ago, some […]

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Negociación de divisas

Foreign Exchange, often referred to as Forex. is the exchange which takes place between two currencies. also known as the trading of currencies. The Forex market is by far the largest financial market one may come across. Trade generally takes place between National Banks, Central Banks, currency speculators, corporations, financial institutions, individuals and Governments.

Purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for a quantity of another is generally termed as Forex. Buying Euros when USD is stronger in value and then selling the Euro when it strengthens is a typical example of how a trade takes place. Not all benefit from this trade. It depends on how well one understands the markets and how well a strategy is planned. There are various indicators which help one analyse the Forex market. A thorough analysis of the past and present economic & political scenarios of the countries involved, also analysing the price trends and the volume of transactions helps one develop successful trading strategies.

Types of Markets

There are various types of Foreign Exchange markets depending on the type of trading activity.

Spot Market - a Foreign Exchange spot market usually refers to teh trading of securities or commodities (perishable and Non-perishable) for cash (price at the time of transaction) usually delivered immediately or within a short period of time. A spot Market for Forex has a delivery time of around 2 days.

Currency Arbitrage is making the most of the price differentials in various money markets by purchasing one currency in one market and selling it in another market.

Currency Speculation - holding a currency back after the purchase, speculating a price rise in the impending future.

Currency trading of Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts (cash market transaction with a post dated delivery) taking place 'over the counter' is known as a Forward Market.

A Foreign Exchange Futures market is actually an auctions market where the buyers and sellers trade contracts on a specified future date. Price is determined by the demand & supply conditions competing against buy and sell orders at the day and time of activity. This date is also know as the Delivery Date or the Final Settlement Date. The contract is obligatory to the trader of the delivery under the terms of the contract. A futures Market is also know as a derivatives market.

Easy-forex & reg; provides online help to understand Forex trading and terminologies. They have compiled a Starter pack which is inclusive of Live Training, Free eBook, Video Guides. and the Inside Viewer ® .

Informativa sul rischio : il forex, le materie prime e i CFD (Trading OTC) sono prodotti soggetti a leva che comportano un rischio considerevole di perdita fino all’intero capitale investito e non sono adatti a chiunque. Si invitano i clienti a prendere atto di tutti i rischi che tale attività di trading comporta e a non investire più di quanto ci si possa permettere di perdere. Ti invitiamo a fare riferimento all’informativa completa sul rischio. Blue Capital Markets Limited

Blue Capital Markets Limited Hu ICP Bei 14032025-3

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Forex: an overview of the origin and evolution

Basic knowledge of the history of the Forex market helps to gain a better understanding of the current market trends. From the establishment of the Bretton Woods Accord in July 1944, the foreign exchange market has evolved into an extremely sophisticated system and is now the world’s largest market in terms of daily trading volume.

Forex Market: Origin

The historic Bretton Woods conference, attended by delegates from the 45 allied powers, resulted in the Bretton Woods exchange rate system. Under this system, the major currencies were pegged to the US dollar, while the US dollar was pegged to gold in an attempt to bring stability to the global Forex situation. Thus the system established the US dollar as a global reserve currency. Foreign central banks were able to exchange dollars in lieu of gold for a fixed rate of $35 per ounce.

Forex: Recent History

The Bretton Woods system finally crashed in August 1971, when US President Nixon discontinued the exchange of dollars for gold by the foreign central banks at the fixed rate. Within a span of two years, the fixed-rate system had been abolished entirely and the currencies of Japan and Europe floated, changing on a daily basis on actual demand and supply trends.

Forex trading received a boost from the speedy development of the Eurodollar market, with US dollars being deposited in banks outside the US. Soon the US government regulated dollar lending to foreigners. Euro markets were not regulated as much and offered higher yields and, hence, became more and more attractive.

For several years, international currency trading was limited to large financial corporations and central banks. The Forex market experienced a significant boost in its daily turnover in the 1970s, with free currency trade becoming accessible to individual traders. The daily turnover reached $5 billion in 1977, rising to $600 billion in 1987 and spiraling to $1 trillion in September 1992. The daily trading volume exceeded $3 trillion in 2007.

Forex: Now

Rapid technological development in telecommunications and the Internet allowed small and medium corporations and many individual investors to actively participate in and profit from the Forex market. The Forex market is extremely dynamic and changes on an hourly basis, creating profit opportunities. New training programs and readily accessible information have made transactions larger and traders smarter. The popularity of online currency trading for individuals is widening the retail market.

The rapid developments over the past 20 years have made the Forex market extremely attractive for experienced and amateur traders alike.

Informativa sul rischio : il forex, le materie prime e i CFD (Trading OTC) sono prodotti soggetti a leva che comportano un rischio considerevole di perdita fino all’intero capitale investito e non sono adatti a chiunque. Si invitano i clienti a prendere atto di tutti i rischi che tale attività di trading comporta e a non investire più di quanto ci si possa permettere di perdere. Ti invitiamo a fare riferimento all’informativa completa sul rischio. Blue Capital Markets Limited

Blue Capital Markets Limited Hu ICP Bei 14032025-3

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

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PALM SUNDAY, March 20 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 9:00 am (RW), 11:00 am, 12:45 pm, 4:00 pm (RW) Palm Sunday Masses

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GOOD FRIDAY, March 25 3:00 pm (RW), 7:30 pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion

HOLY SATURDAY, March 26 8:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass

EASTER SUNDAY, March 27 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 9:00 am (RW). 11:00 AM, 12:45 PM, 2:30 PM (CCWDC), 4:00 pm (RW) Easter Sunday Masses

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moving average time series

The green line are the actual HRs each year. The ‘cantaloupe’ colored lines are the 50% confidence interval (CI) of the forecast. The redline are the forecasted values. I used 50% CIs to show likely deviations, not statistically significant deviations.

2-7 Moving Average in Excel - Visually Displaying of Time-Series Data moving average time series.

Set this keyword to force the computation to be done in double-precision arithmetic. Moving average time series.

In Example 1, we plotted the theoretical ACF of the model xt = 10 + wt + .7wt-1, and then simulated n = 150 values from this model and plotted thesample time series and the sample ACF for the simulated data. The R commands used to plot the theoretical ACF were:

Moving average time series - Read more

Description moving average time series

If you are new to time series analysis, and want to learn more about any of the concepts presented here, I would highly recommend the Open Universitybook “Time series” (product code M249/02), available from from the Open University Shop.

Early practitioners of time series analysis were actually more concerned with. To calculate a 10-day simple moving average, simply add the closing prices of .

In order to check the forecast accuracy on more complex data, you can access the sliding_regression_forecast method, which will use a sliding windowto forecast all of the datapoints in your dataset, one by one. You can then chart this forecast and compare it t the original data.

‘Time’ is the most important factor which ensures success in a business. It’s difficult to keep up with the pace of time. But, technology has developed some powerful methods using which we can ‘see things’ ahead of time. Don’t worry, I am not talking aboutTime Machine. Let’s be realistic here! moving average time series.

moving average time series.1. The mean of the series should not be a function of time rather should be a constant. The image below has the left hand graph satisfying thecondition whereas the graph in red has a time dependent mean.

Watch moving average time series

Here is the second trick. If we find out the partial correlation of each lag, it will cut off after the degree of AR series. For instance, if we have aAR(1) series, if we exclude the effect of 1st lag (x (t-1) ), our 2nd lag (x (t-2) ) is independent of x(t). Hence, the partial correlation function(PACF) will drop sharply after the 1st lag. Following are the examples which will clarify any doubts you have on this concept. Moving average time series profit.

An MA model is said to be invertible if it is algebraically equivalent to a converging infinite order AR model. By converging, we mean that theAR coefficients decrease to 0 as we move back in time. moving average time series.

Access your personal account or get JSTOR access through your library or other institution:

Set this keyword to compute backward-moving averages. If BACKWARD is set, the Nvalues argument must be an integer greater than one.

We still see that the X returns back from extreme values to zero after some intervals. This series also is not violating non-stationaritysignificantly. Now, let’s take a look at the random walk with rho = 1.(moving average time series profit.|)

Now, calculating the AR coefficients of the entire dataset might not be really useful for any type of real-life use. You can specify what data youwant to use to calculate the AR coefficients, allowing to use only a subset of your dataset using the data parameter:

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Developed by Donald Lambert and featured in Commodities magazine in 1980, the goods Channel Index (CCI) could be a versatile indicator which will be wont to establish a replacement trend or warn of maximum conditions. Lambert originally developed CCI to spot diurnal turns in commodities, however the indicator will with success applied to indices, ETFs, stocks and alternative securities. In general, CCI measures the present index relative to a median index over a given amount of your time. CCI is comparatively high once costs square measure way higher than their average.

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CCI is comparatively low once costs square measure way below their average. during this manner, CCI are often wont to establish overbought and oversold levels. CCI measures the distinction between a security’s value modification and its average value modification. High positive readings indicate that costs square measure well higher than their average, that could be a show of strength. Low negative readings indicate that costs square measure well below their average, that could be a show of weakness. The goods Channel Index (CCI) are often used as either a coincident or leading indicator. As a coincident indicator, surges higher than +100 mirror robust value action which will signal the beginning of associate degree uptrend. Plunges below -100 mirror weak value action which will signal the beginning of a downtrend. As a number one indicator, chartists will rummage around for overbought or oversold conditions which will foretell a mean reversion.

Similarly, optimistic and pessimistic divergences are often use to find early momentum shifts and anticipate trend reversals. As noted higher than, the bulk of CCI movement happens between -100 and +100. A move that exceeds this vary shows uncommon strength or weakness which will foretell associate degree extended move. consider these levels as optimistic or pessimistic filters. Technically, CCI favors the bulls once positive and therefore the bears once negative. However, employing a straightforward zero line crossovers may end up in several whipsaws. though entry points can lag a lot of, requiring a move higher than +100 for a optimistic signal and a move below -100 for a pessimistic signal reduces whipsaws.

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Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

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Forex Opinie: Porównanie najlepszych brokerów.

Zastanawiasz się, który broker dzisiaj jest najlepszy? Chcesz przeczytać jak najwięcej ocen brokerów forex, aby mieć najświeższe informacje z ostatnimi dodatkami na liście topowych brokerów Forex? Nie martw się, ponieważ nasz przewodnik wymiany walut jest naprawdę wyczerpujący.

I w tej części mamy dla ciebie porównanie brokerów forex. Pokażemy ci wyszczególnienia każdej platformy forex i weźmiemy pod uwagę ich plusy i minusy, aby pomóc ci podjąć decyzję i w końcu zarejestrować się na nowej stronie, aby kontynuować swoje doświadczenia handlowe.

Zalety korzystania z nas i naszych opinii są nieskończone. Jednak musisz przyznać, że największą zaletą jest oferowanie ci topowych brokerów Forex. Zamiast czytać oceny brokerów Forex, które w niczym ci nie pomogą, powinieneś liczyć na nas. Wszystkie nasze szczegółowe oceny będą ściśle poświęcone tylko stronom internetowym Forex, które są warte odwiedzenia.

Nie zwracamy uwagi na oszustwa (scams) i w naszych ocenach znajdują się tylko solidne platform forex, które są warte zaufania. Więc nie martw się, że możesz napotkać się na scam. Jeśli będziesz śledzić nasze wskazówki dotyczące gdzie powinieneś dołączyć i zarejestrować się, szybko staniesz się honorowym i szanowanym członkiem solidnego i pełnego zalet brokera.

W końcu znajdziesz najlepszych brokerów Forex na rynku bez tracenia swojego czasu na testowanie wszystkich dostępnych opcji, lub swoich pieniędzy, które musisz zainwestować za każdym razem kiedy rejestrujesz się na stronie. Trzymaj się z nami w kontakcie, czytaj nasze oceny brokerów Forex i pomyślnie dołączysz do najlepszej platformy jaka kiedykolwiek istniała – bez ryzykowania swoimi pieniędzmi lub swojego bezpieczeństwa, i to szybko i łatwo!

News Forex

Czy na rynku Forex istnieje “Efekt Styczniowy”?

Eksperci często mówią o “Efekcie Styczniowym”, który być może pojawi się na rynku akcji. Handlarze Forex zastanawiają się czy istnieje podobny efekt, który może się wydarzyć na rynku Forex. Ponieważ teraz jest styczeń, to jest to dobry moment na podjęcie inwestygacji czy istnieje odmiana „efektu styczniowego” na rynku forex.

Czym je. Czytaj dalej

Handel mobilny EasyForex

EasyForex to jeden z niewielu brokerów w przemyśle finansowym znanym z wysokiej szybkości wykonywania handli, najlepszej usługi klienta i innowacyjnych funkcji. Nie ma wątpliwości, że jest to często wyszukiwany broker w świecie Forex. który jest idealny dla początkujących jak i doświadczonych handlarzy. Dana f. Czytaj dalej

Różnice pomiędzy Opcjami Binarnymi a Forex

Nowi handlarze zazwyczaj stoją przed wyborem handlowym forex czy opcje binarne. Mogą również zastanawiać się nad akcjami lub transakcjami terminowymi, ale ponieważ te możliwości są cięższe kapitalnie to forex i Czytaj dalej

Jak znaleźć najlepszych brokerów Forex?

Jeśli prawidłowo chcesz zacząć swoje doświadczenie handlowe, pierwszą rzeczą, jaką musisz zrobić – po nauczeniu się podstawowych zasad udziału z brokerem Forex – to znalezienie solidnej strony internetowej. Tylko szanowana i warta zaufania platforma może ci dać potrzebne opcje, wygody i możliwości dla zwiększenia twoich zarobków i handlu bez ryzyka lub utrudnień. Znalezienie odpowiedniej platformy Forex nie jest jednak łatwe. Jest wiele rzeczy, jakie musisz zrobić i aby ci pomóc tutaj jest krótki przewodnik wszystkich potrzebnych do podjęcia kroków:

• Przeszukaj Internet – Możesz to zrobić sam I szybko. Kiedy mówimy przeszukaj, nie panikuj, ponieważ nie ma w tym nic trudnego. Od czego musisz zacząć to przeszukanie Internetu i zrobienie listy zawierającej wszystkich napotkanych przez ciebie brokerów, po wpisaniu w wyszukiwarce. „Najlepsi brokerzy Forex” itd. Kiedy masz już tą listę, zacznij szukać informacji o tym jak solidna jest dana platforma.

• Czytaj oceny brokerów Forex – Czytanie krótkich i nadal szczegółowych ocen, to również dobry początek, kiedy szukasz dobrej platformy Forex, aby do niej dołączyć. Zazwyczaj, te oceny zawierają najbardziej potrzebne informacje o stronie internetowej wymiany walut. Osobiście zalecamy przeczytanie naszych ocen, gdyż już wybraliśmy dla ciebie solidnych i wartych zaufania brokerów. W każdej ocenie mamy pare części z znacznymi faktami. Pierwsze część – ocena - przedstawiamy ci główne opcje I specyfikacje o brokerze – spready, dostępne opcje wypłat i pary walut, pips, obsługę klienta its. Druga część zawiera informacje na temat bonusów oferowanych przez brokera. Następna kategoria zawiera pomocne fakty o platformie, z jakiej korzysta strona internetowa – pamiętaj, że większość dzisiejszych popularnych i zaufanych brokerów Forex ma dodatkową platformę mobilną, jaka daje ci możliwość handlowania w wygodnym dla ciebie czasie i miejscu. Dodatkowo wypiszemy wszystkie korzyści (silne punkty i zalety) oferowane przez brokera forex.

• Osobisty punkt widzenia najlepszych brokerów forex – Zauważ, że różni handlarze szukają różnych opcji i różnych platform handlowych. Stąd właśnie, początkujący będzie wolał stronę internetową, która jest łatwa w użyciu, podczas, gdy wyżsi doświadczeniem będą szukać poszczególnych opcji handlowych, ofert specjalnych, itd. Nigdy nie przyjmuj czyjejś innej opinii na ślepo. Wiedz czego szukasz i znajdź to sam w naszych szczegółowych ocenach brokerów forex.

Jakie są różne typy brokerów forex?

Kiedy zaczniesz szukać topowych brokerów forex do dodania na swoją lsitę, musisz znać różne typy brokerów. Więc, od kiedy jesteśmy tutaj, aby dać ci najlepszą pomoc, szybko cię z nimi zapoznamy.

• No Dealing Desk – Taki broker, jak się domyślasz, nie posiada dealing desk (rodzaju pośrednika). Tacy brokerzy posiadają najdokładniejsze wyceny w porównaniu z innymi. Taki broker, kończy transakcje trzymając na nich oko i kontrolując akcje. Istnieją tacy brokerzy, którzy naliczą sobie prowizję, ale większość z nich nie nalicza dodatkowych kosztów ani opłat.

• Market Maker – Jest to dobrze znany środkowy broker, który podejmuje się ryzyka wybierając daną walutę. Kiedy już to zrobi, próbuje się jej pozbyć za cenę, która jest wystarczająca na zarobki. Taki broker jest dobry dla testowania, ale tylko, jeśli posiadasz potrzebne doświadczenie.

• Electronic Communication Network – Znani również, jako brokerzy społeczni, te platform dają ci ogromny i intrygujący rynek, gdzie jest każdy rodzaj klienta, który sprzedaje lub kupuje pary walut a później sprzedaje je anonimowemu środowisku. Istnieją małe opłaty związane z tym brokerem, ale nie zawsze.

Jakie są kryteria na najlepszego brokera Forex?

Ogólnie, najlepsi brokerzy forex mają podobne opcje jakie stawiają je na czele listy najlepszych brokerów Forex. Również, porównanie brokerów Forex, pokaże ci, że najbardziej zarobkowe platformy mają identyczne opcje:

• Silne regulacje – dobre regulacje u brokera zapewniają ci spokojny handel jak i to, że twoje dane osobiste i finance są w bezpiecznym miejscu. Większość dzisiejszych brokerów Europejskich ma podwójną ochronę – od krajowych agencji i od UE.

• Dobra reputacja – jeśli broker jest dobrze znany na internecine jako broker warty zaufania, możesz mieć pewność, że jest bezpieczny. Jeśli wiele klientów ma pozytywne doświadczenia z platformą, to naprawdę musi ona być korzystna.

• Perfekcyjna obsługa klienta – szukaj brokera, który zapewnia świetną i pełną obsługę klienta. Najlepszy broker forex zazwyczaj posiada obsługę klienta 24/7 w kilku językach. Upewnij się, że dostępne jest również wiele sposobów kontaktu, jak live chat, email, formy online i telefony.

• Intuicyjna platforma handlowa - większość czołowych brokerów integrowała się do platform MetaTrader 4, jak i dodatkowej platform mobilnej. Jednak, jest pare wyjątkó. Nektórzy naprawdę dobrzy brokerzy mają swoje własne oprogramowanie i w większości przypadków są one łatwe i dobre w obsłudze.

• Korzystne systemy bonusowe – typy bonusowe u brokera Forex są głównymi cechami jakie sprawdzają klienci zanim się zapiszą, prawda? Może tak być, ponieważ system bonusów na platformie pokazuje swoje poziomy zaawansowania. Uwaga – istnieje wiele oszustw i złych brokerów, którzy spróbują cię przyciągnąć swoimi świetnymi ogromnymi bonusami. Upewnij się, że nie jest to pułapka, w jaką wpadło wiele początkujących forex!

Wstęp do handlu walutami

Rynek walutowy (The foreign exchange market (forex lub FX w skrócie)) jest jednym z najbardziej ekscytujących, szybkich rynków dookoła. Do niedawna handel forex na rynku walut dominował większość finansowych instytucji, firm, banków centralnych, i niesamowicie bogatych ludzi. Popularność i dostępność internetu zmieniła to wszystko, i teraz możliwe jest dla inwestorów średniej klasy kupowanie i sprzedaż walut dzięki kliknięciu myszki, korzystając z brokerów online.

Dzienne zmiany w cenach są zazwyczaj bardzo małe. Większość par walut rusza się mniej niż jeden procent dziennie, reprezentowane mniej niż 1% w wartości waluty. To sprawia, że rynek walut jest jednym z najmniej zmiennych rynków finansowych. Dlatego, wiele spekulantów walut polega na dostępności niesamowitych dźwigni jak nawet 250:1. Wyższe dźwignie mogą być niesamowicie ryzykowne, ale dzięki handlu dookoła zegarka i płynności, brokerzy handlu walut mogli stworzyć wysokie dźwignie, jako standard, aby zmiany znaczyły coś dla handlarzy walutami.

Niesamowita płynność i dostępność wysokich dźwigni pomogły zachęcić wzrost rynku i doprowadzić do idealnych cen dla wielu handlarzy. Pozycje mogą być otwarte i zamknięte w ciągu kliku minut lub mogą być trzymane miesiącami. Ceny walut są na podstawie dostawy i potrzeby i nie mogą być łatwo manipulowane, ponieważ rozmiar rynku nie pozwala nawet największym graczom, jak banki centralne, manipulować cenami według swojej woli.

Rynek forex zapewnia pełno możliwość swoim inwestorom. Jednak, aby być pomyślnym, handlarz walutami musi zrozumieć podstawy za ruchami walut.

Celem tego tutorial jest zapewnienie fundamentów inwestorom lub handlarzom, jacy są nowi na rynku wymiany walut. Pokryjemy podstawy wymiany walut, historię rynku i kluczowe koncepcje, jakie musisz zrozumieć, aby brać udział w tym rynku. Wdamy się nawet w zaczęcie handlu walutami i różnych strategii, jakie mogą być wykorzystane.

Czym jest Forex?

Rynek wymiany walut jest miejscem, gdzie handlujemy walutami. Waluty są ważne dla większości ludzi dookoła świata, zdają sobie oni z tego sprawę lub nie, ponieważ waluty muszą być wymienane, aby dokonać handle zagranicznego i biznesu. Jeśli mieszkasz w Stanach Zjednoczonych i chcesz kupić ser z Francji, albo ty albo firma, od której kupujesz ser musi zapłacić francuzom za ser w euro (EUR). To oznacza, że importer ze Stanów musi wymienić tą samą wartość dolarów US na euro. To samo tyczy się podróżowania. Francuski turysta w Egipcie nie może zapłacić w Euro, aby zobaczyć piramidę, ponieważ zaakceptują oni tylko lokalną walutę. Więc turysta musi zamienić swoje Euro na lokalną walutę, w tym wypadku, funt egipski, za aktualną cenę wymiany.

Potrzeba wymiany walut jest główną przyczyną, dlaczego rynek forex jest największym, najpłynniejszym rynkiem świata. Przerasta inne rynki rozmiarem, nawet rynek towarów, ze średnią wartością handlu ocenioną na około US $2,000 bilionów dziennie. (Totalna suma zmienia się cały czas, ale w Sierpniu 2012 roku, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) zgłosił, że rynek forex przerasta US $4.9 Trylionów dziennie).

Jednym unikalnym aspektem tego międzynarodowego rynku jest to, że nie ma centralnego miejsca na wymianę walut. Raczej, handel walutami jest dokonywany elektronicznie over-the-counter (OTC), co oznacza, że wszystkie transkacje zachodzą przez sieć komputerową pomiędzy handlarzami dookoła świata, a nie w jednym miejscu wymiany.

Rynek jest otwarty 24 godziny na dobę, pięć i pół dnia w tygodniu, i waluty handlowane są na całym świecie w głównych centrum finansowych Londyn, Nowy Jork, Tokio, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paryż i Sydney – w prawie każdej strefie czasowej. To oznacza, że kiedy dzień handlowy w US kończy się, rynek forex zaczyna się od nowa w Tokio i Hong Kongu. Dlatego, rynek forex może być niesamowicie aktywny w każdą porę dnia, z cenami, która się nieustannie zmieniają.

Spot Market and the Forwards and Futures Markets

Istnieją trzy sposoby dzięki którym instytucje, korporacje i osobistości handlują forex: spot market, forwards market, i future market. Handel forex na spot market zawsze był największym rynkiem dzięki swoim “podstawowym” prawdziwym aktywom, na których polegają forwards i future markets. W przeszłości, rynek future był najbardziej popularnym dla handlarzy, ponieważ był dostępny dla indywidualnych inwestorów przez dłuższy okres czasu.

Jednak, dzięki handlowi elektronicznemu, spot market znacznie wzrósł w popularność i teraz prześcignął rynek future, jako częściej wybierany rynek przez spekulantów. Kiedy ludzie odnoszą się do rynku forex, zazwyczaj mają na uwadze spot market. Rynki forward i future cieszą się większą popularnością wśród firm, jakie muszą ogrodzić swoje ryzyko wymiany walut do specjalnej daty w przyszłości.

Czym jest spot market? Bardziej specyficznie, spot market (czy rynek) to miejsce, gdzie waluty są sprzedawane i kupowane według aktualnej ceny. Ta cena, zdeterminowana przez dostawy i potrzeby, włącznie z aktualnym oprocentowaniem, ekonomii, sentymentem aktualnie zachodzących sytuacji politycznych (lokalnie i światowo), jak i przewidywaniem przyszłego losu danej waluty przeciwko innej.

Kiedy handel jest zakończony nazywa się to „spot deal”. To dwustronna transakcja, gdzie jedna strona dostarcza umówionej ilości waluty do drugiej strony i otrzymuje określoną ilość innej waluty za umówioną aktualną cenę wymiany. Po zamknięciu pozycji, Rozliczenie jest w gotówce. Chociaż spot market jest często znany jako jeden jaki zajmuje się handlami w bieżącym czasie (niż w przyszłości) te handle zajmują dwa dni do rozliczenia. Czym są rynki forwards i future?

W odróżnieniu od rynku spot, rynki future i forwards nie handlują aktualnymi walutami. W zamian handlują kontraktami i reprezentują handel na pewną walutę, za specyficzną cenę za jednostkę i datę w przyszłości na rozliczenie.

W rynku forwards, kontrakty sa kupione i sprzedane OTC pomiędzy dwoma stronami, które determinują warunki umowy pomiędzy sobą.

W rynku future, kontrakty przyszłościowe sa kupowane i sprzedane na podstawie standardowych rozmiarów i daty rozliczenia na publicznych rynkach towarów, jak Chicago Mercatile Exchange. W Stanach Zjednoczonych, National Futures Association reguluje rynek future. Kontrakty przyszłościowe mają specyficzne szczegóły, włącznie z ilością jednostek, które są handlowane, dostawą i datą rozliczenia, i minimalną ceną, jaka nie może być zmieniona. Wymiana gra odpowiednika dla handlarza, zapewniając rozliczenie.

Oba typy kontraktów są związujące i wymiany są zazwyczaj rozliczone gotówką po wygaśnięciu, chociaż kontrakty mogą być sprzedane i kupione zanim wygasną. Rynki forwards i future mogą oferować ochronę od ryzyka podczas handlu walutami. Zazwyczaj, wielkie międzynarodowe korporacje korzystają z tych rynków, aby odgrodzić się od przyszłościowych wzrostów w cenach wymiany, ale spekulanci również biorą w nich udział. (Dla wgłębienia w dalsze informacje zobacz, Podstawy futures.)

Zauważ, że zobaczysz pojęcia: FX, forex, rynek wymiany walut i rynek walut. Te pojęcia są synonimami i wszystkie odnoszą się do rynku forex.

Jak nauczyć się więcej o handlu forex

Pierwszą rzeczą, jaką musisz wiedzieć, jeśli chcesz się nauczyć o handlu forex to realizacja, że to bardzo konkurencyjny biznes, i jak z każdym handlem, nie ma żadnej gwarancji, ze będziesz sukcesywny. Musisz spędzić dużą ilość czasu i poświęcenia na naukę i musisz mieć silną dyscyplinę. Musisz posiadać możliwość nauki jak i zarówno umiejętność odłączenia się emocjonalnie od nieuniknionych strat. Potencjalne zarobki i straty są wyższe niż w tradycyjnych typach handlu.

Rynek forex jest wirtualnie 24/5, zaczyna się w poniedziałek rano w stolicy Nowej Ponieważ podstawowe aktywa są tak abstrakcyjne i zamienne, że wymagany margines handlowy (depozyt) to minimalnie – tak mało jak 1% lub mniej, w zależności od instrumentu i natury transakcji; otwarte-końce lub uzależnione czasowe (jak opcje, które wygasają). Każda para składa się z tak zwanych podstawowej waluty i wycenionej waluty. W skrócie, musisz przewidzieć optymalny czas podczas zakupu lub sprzedaży.

Na przykład, jeśli twoja para walut to EUR/USD, to podstawowa waluta to Euro, podczas gdy wyceniana to US dolar. Idealnym czasem dla kupna tej pary jest kiedy Euro stoi silnie przeciwko dolarowi. Z drugiej strony, powinieneś sprzedać swoją parę jeśli myślisz że dolar przerośnie euro.

Forex: Podsumowująć

Jak wcześniej wspomniano, handel forex wygląda łatwiej niz jest naprawdę. Jest wiele czynników jakie wpływają na wartość walut. Z tyloma zmiennymi czynnikami cały czas, inwestor musi być cały czas skoncentrowany i zwracać uwagę na najmniejsze szczegóły. Nie jest to łątwa praca, nie przynosi ona również najwyższych zysków. Ale dzięki dobrej działającej strategii, doświadczeniu i wiedzy, możesz wystarczająco zarobić na handlu forex.

Handel CFD

Rynki finansowe oferują wiele sposobów na inwestycje. Pomiędzy najnowszymi i osiągającymi płynność handlową są Contracts for Difference (CFD), czyli Kontrakty na różnice. W ciągu 15 lat, od ich przedstawienia, handel CFD dorósł do płynnego środowiska odpowiadając na potrzeby wielu uczestników: handlarzy, i nawet uczestników innych rynków.

Co to jest handel CFD?

Kontrakt różnicowy jest pojęciem samo siebie wyjaśniającym. Kiedy wchodzisz w CFD, obstawiasz czy wartość określonego aktywa finansowego pójdzie w górę lub w dół. Jeśli wierzysz, że cena danego instrumentu finansowego pójdzie w górę, jesteś kupcem w kontrakcie. Jeśli wierzysz, że cena spadnie, to jesteś sprzedawcą. Jeśli zdarzy się, że rynek uda się w korzystną dla ciebie stronę, strona, z jaką podpisałeś kontrakt zapłaci ci różnicę (minus bid-ask spread). Jeśli rynek uda się w drugą stronę, ty musisz zapłacić różnicę drugiej stronie kontraktu. Platformy CFD mają możliwości dostarczenia handli w wycenionej cenie, nawet podczas szybko poruszających się rynków.

Dodatkowo, handel CFD zachodzi bez prowizji brokera, (chociaż dodają sobie opłaty za każde 24 godziny kiedy pozycja jest utrzymywana), co dalej dodaje do tego rynku konkurencyjnej zalety.

Czym można handlować na CFD?

Patrząc na wirtualną nature rynku, handel CFD wzrosło w różnicach instrumentów finansowych. Odzwierciedlając podstawowe rynki, największa ilość w forex. W zależności od twojej platformy, CFD w indeksach towarów, udziałów, surowców, są dostępne. Najwyraźniej twoje wybory handlowe i strategie będą polegały na tych rynkach, na których znasz się najlepiej i których ceny najlepiej umiesz przewidzieć.

CFD: Podsumowując

Jak przedyskutowano, handel CFD jest korzystnym sposobem handle na rynkach finansowych. Twórcy rynkowi oferują wybór systemów i możliwości. Uczestnicy w innych rynkach finansowych znajdą tutaj sposoby na zmniejszenie ryzyka i możliwe pozycje dla swojej korzyści.

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